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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16221105

Plasma Sheathe Edition

Previous - >>16218956

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Anonymous No. 16221111

First for reminder that the hinge problem has been solved for over 40 years.

Anonymous No. 16221112

Post the Webm version

Anonymous No. 16221116

Mars base camp is just a better architecture

Sorry not sorry

Anonymous No. 16221118

Can we just take a moment to depreciate the image in the OP? The biggest thing in spaceflight in decades just happened and the best image this absolute basement dwelling perma-online neckbeard could come up with is a photograph of a ferroid rocket disintegrating.

Anonymous No. 16221120


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Anonymous No. 16221122

See you space cowboy...

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Anonymous No. 16221123

Cancel MSR

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Anonymous No. 16221125


Anonymous No. 16221126

90 year old legend still flying is amazing, hope he's alive.

Anonymous No. 16221128

slightly problematic kek

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Anonymous No. 16221130

What a way to go. Those guys were a different breed.

Anonymous No. 16221134

Could be worse

Anonymous No. 16221139

the virgin aluminum shittle vs the chad steel belly flop tank

Anonymous No. 16221157

Is starliner still leaking? Have the leaks increased?

Anonymous No. 16221160

looks like nasa already had a video prepped for when he eventually died

Anonymous No. 16221165
If BO is really doing an aerospike, I cant decide if they are smart or retarded

Anonymous No. 16221167

Damn NASA, the body is still warm

Anonymous No. 16221175

the body flap was the silliest part of the shuttle orbiter. Cute little guy!
Lorefags will remember when Atlantis and Challenger swapped body flaps ;)

Anonymous No. 16221182

Compared to how my father went, I'd take that.

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death watch.png

Anonymous No. 16221186

Updated my death watch/tonteen chart for the OGs. This particular image probably has a few inaccuracies. Lovell will bury them all I reckon. At last check there's 12-ish guys alive.

It was honestly stupid and selfish of Anders to be flying at that age, even though he'd lived his life. Celebrity pilots flying in some private capacity, even if they're trained, tend to get into trouble: Kobe, James Horner, etc. Even taking into account Anders' background, he should have just been the nice grandpa sitting at home. Going out in an accidental blaze of glory in a flight that you didn't have to do just inconveniences a bunch of emergency workers who have better things to do. People shouldn't be able to operate heavy machinery past 85, the woman who clipped my car through her own inattention two years ago was 84.

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Anonymous No. 16221191

Is there any way to stop the atmosphere producing all these NOx compounds? They look so orange and anaesthetic.

Anonymous No. 16221193

Quadruple the nitrosphere

Anonymous No. 16221194

The guy was a cowboy, you think he'd rather've died in a hospital bed?

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Anonymous No. 16221195

We’re going to hit 270 successful Falcon landings in a row very soon. 1 in 270 chance of failure was the guidelines for commercial crew. Does this mean Falcon landings could theoretically be man rated?

Anonymous No. 16221196

Language changes. Now "boomer" means anyone older than yourself, and "zoomer" means anyone younger.
"Millennial" means "faggot"

Anonymous No. 16221199

Do we know for a fact those are some sort of NOx compounds? My guess would have been carbon compounds of some description going by the color.

Anonymous No. 16221202

Here you go anon

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Anonymous No. 16221205

looks like they’re testing a HUD of some sort for Artemis EVAs
reminds me of Halo CE Marines

Anonymous No. 16221206

Didn't need those tiles anyway

Anonymous No. 16221209

>according to Kerr, black holes have a relatively peaceful region near the core not unlike the eye of a hurricane
>it's also possible to exit a black hole by using the ring structure that lies on the inner border of the peaceful region
black hole colonies when?

Anonymous No. 16221211


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Von Braun hauler.jpg

Anonymous No. 16221212

Awaiting with interest the Starliner decision.
I suppose Butch & Suni could take Dragon back down...?

I would be happy if, when Starliner most likely gets retired early, the Dragon fleet gets upped from 4, to something like 6.

Anonymous No. 16221220

Someone should draw flap-chan with a missing limb and her intestines hanging out but screaming out in defiance and determination.

Anonymous No. 16221224

What do you mean, it’s docked and last I checked they considered the leaks a non-issue

Anonymous No. 16221225

has it actually been floated that they might not take it down or did you make that up?

Anonymous No. 16221227

Yessss. In a sense it's kind of a shame that we'll probably never see a clean view of that, not only are they unlikely to ever have a flap fail that way again, the thing that made it hard to see is the the same thing that was so impressive to see. But on the other hand, there's a kind of sympathetic pathos to it as it stands, the flap in ruins, the camera straining to capture meaning out of the distortion it sees through a dirtied and broken lens. And then the flap flaring to life, the glow of its effort as it pushes its broken frame against the air shedding the light that finally gives the camera a handhold against the darkness.

Anonymous No. 16221229

Maybe telling Maui of all islands that you want to build something there when the local aquarium has an exhibit detailing the 50 years the military used a nearby island as target practice, against near continuous opposition from the locals, is not the greatest plan

Anonymous No. 16221230

black hole where

Anonymous No. 16221234

Just slaughter the remainder

Anonymous No. 16221235

what a great way to put it
I mean honestly, why would we need a telescope on earth? Just wait 5 years and launch a Starship with a lens

Anonymous No. 16221245

good job on not having an autistic spergout about the anime thread
you're retarded, you can fit ~700 for a point to point trip and ~80 for a week

Anonymous No. 16221246

it was almost poetic how the camera survived JUST ENOUGH to show the flap with remaining life, and help verify a successful flip and burn

Anonymous No. 16221248


Anonymous No. 16221255

It's still insane to me that we all got to watch a flight surface half disintegrate then still perform with like a third missing. Is this real life?

Anonymous No. 16221258

I off-handedly read that mission control is still considering whether re-entry is safe.

Maybe I should have added an "if" clause. Didn't intend to imply anything either way.
"If Starliner re-entry gets scrubbed, could they..."

Anonymous No. 16221259

As >>16221194 I'd kill to be instantly annihilated doing what I love and I vow not to die in a h*spital

Anonymous No. 16221260

I cannot make fun of you because half the shit I say on /sfg/ is from sources I half-pay attention to as I scroll past it lol

Anonymous No. 16221270

Shows why Elon doesn't care about patenting hardware. The software needed for the rocket to adapt to its new aerodynamic profile in a couple seconds and stick the landing... I can't even imagine. Compare that to the Atlas card from 1996 fucking up and causing a scrub the other day

Anonymous No. 16221272

kek thanks.

To halfway answer my own question, according to this guy, the next intended crew rotation is in August.
So if Starliner was deemed unfit for re-entry, they would have to plot the tradeoffs of various CoA to cover a ~2 month span.

Anonymous No. 16221279

even so i bet you could give any other company in the world detailed specs for every single piece of starship, hardware and software both, and they wouldn't be able to replicate IFT-4 inside of 10 years.

Anonymous No. 16221280

Wait holy shit when dearmoon news broke I [exaggeratingly] said MSR was probably a higher priority for SX than a private Moon flyby. Turns out they really did bid Starship for MSR!

Anonymous No. 16221287

I'm really enjoying how they bid Starship for everything. It just works. Moon base? Gateway? New ISS? Is there anything in the solar system it can't do?

Anonymous No. 16221288

They'd be foolish not to. Even if they aren't selected, there's a good chance they make it there before any other awarded contractor. Making NASA look retarded by comparison

Anonymous No. 16221290


Anonymous No. 16221294

This is like something you would expect to see in a sci-fi movie during a climactic moment.

Anonymous No. 16221297

I mean, of course they did, they get more money for something they're already doing, NASA gets a a vastly more capable system already in development for dirt cheap compared to the competitors, it's a classic win win. It'd be stupid not to at least try.

Anonymous No. 16221303

Lit up by raptors in the dark of night, adrift in the Indian Ocean

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Anonymous No. 16221304

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Anonymous No. 16221308

So let it be war
From the skies of Terra, to the galactic rim

Anonymous No. 16221318

The current design has grown on me desu

Anonymous No. 16221319

You could make a collage of IFTs now

Anonymous No. 16221320

ITS was so kino

Anonymous No. 16221322


Anonymous No. 16221325

SpaceX beat my IFT-4 launch date prediction by 16 days. Revising my model, I am now predicting August 15 for IFT-5

Anonymous No. 16221326

thats too long anon, please.

Anonymous No. 16221328

imagine trying to land that in ksp. this will never work. we need big fat legs.

Anonymous No. 16221330

If no FAA investigation occurs, and SpaceX doesn't revise the license too much, and fixing the remaining heat shield issues doesn't increase development time, and they don't actually attempt to catch the booster next flight, it could be quicker. a launch in 70 days is still 2 weeks faster than IFT-3 to IFT-4

Anonymous No. 16221332

when has any /sfg/ prediction about a spacex launch ever been too pessimistic?

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Anonymous No. 16221333


Anonymous No. 16221335

I've done it before on mega-drilling missions before I started building wide

The key is having RCS on the middle and the center of mass at the bottom, just like HLS.

Slopes greater than 8-10 degrees and you're fucked though, no landing leg is going to have enough friction to keep you upright. I should try it some time with KAS's harpoons

Anonymous No. 16221336

>Quantum, which describes itself as a space infrastructure company, was founded in 2021 by entrepreneur Kam Ghaffarian, who also founded Intuitive Machines and Axiom Space
wtf why make multiple companies in the same industry?

Anonymous No. 16221338

Space VCs are like bitcoiners, only their to the moon is literal

Anonymous No. 16221339

After IFT-1 we all thought it wouldnt be until January this year for another because twittertards told us muh foundations and we believed them like idiots.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16221340

What the fuck nationalities are these bitches?

Anonymous No. 16221341

Fuck off to your board already tourist scum

Anonymous No. 16221343

if mexico annexed boca chica, elon would launch in a month.

Anonymous No. 16221344

I'm hoping they'll use a separate lander module in the final design, landing that thing's fat ass on an even surface seems like a recipe for disaster

Anonymous No. 16221346

Cartels control Mexico, if anyone was annexing anything it would be them and I dont think they would much care for druglords sniffing around Starbase with guns pal.

Anonymous No. 16221349

the point is the faa and environmental groups slow spacex down.

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Anonymous No. 16221355

Anonymous No. 16221357

Youre a retard tourist that has no clue what your talking about. We've already discussed like 5 times at this point that the majority of an empty Starships weight is concentrated at the BOTTOM where the ENGINES AND FUEL ARE. They are not going to fucking tip and there are also adjustable legs, obviously dont know shit so why dont you fuck off back to your board.
FAA has been very good with SpaceX, SpaceX leads investigations to fixing what they were already planning to do, FAA just doublecheck their work and gives them the official okay once they finish everything they already planned to do anyways. Conflating FAA with environmental groups is utter garbage that completely ignores the very close relationship that SpaceX obviously has with the FAA, exemplefied by how close license release and launch day was, with launch day being announced way before then. They dont weigh them down anymore than they have to and saying otherwise is disingenuous.

Anonymous No. 16221361

Also not even mentioning that PUBLICLY Elon/SpaceX has said that the FAA are trying their best and infact need MORE funding so that they can get licenses out faster as they dont have enough people. They testified about this at a congressional hearing seen here. Clearly FAA are trying their best even in a dismal situation funding wise.

Anonymous No. 16221363

Oops forgot to link hearing hold on

Anonymous No. 16221367

faa is antiquated and holding back humanity. government bureaucracy that is out of their league.

Anonymous No. 16221368

So many tourist newfags that need to gtfo. Spoonfeeding even the most basic info we've discussed to death here that has been consensus and common knowledge for months. /sfg/ is always the worst the few days after a Starship launch.

Anonymous No. 16221369

Yeah you need to go all the way back to >>>/pol/. Obvious where your type comes from, nobody wants you faggots here or anywhere on this site for that matter.

Anonymous No. 16221373

then you should take a break for a few days. you seem stressed. starship needs legs. sorry.

Anonymous No. 16221375

are you seriously defending the faa? what a faggot.

Anonymous No. 16221379

... And in this frame, we find an exhibit of "autistic rage"...

Anonymous No. 16221383


Anonymous No. 16221385


Anonymous No. 16221387

We need to add more to the atmosphere. If we add more atmosphere, the rockets will just float up and we can save shit tons of fuel

Anonymous No. 16221388

I would love to visit a government building such as FAA headquarters and

Anonymous No. 16221390

Yeah I'm sure the government beauracrats are working flat out LOL

Anonymous No. 16221397

im wondering now if this is either excellent trolling or this guy works for the faa this is a personal attack.

Anonymous No. 16221398

Hey you seem really knowledgeable, can you tell me what a space plane is?

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planefag victory.png

Anonymous No. 16221400

of course, it's the official manned craft of /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16221402

more like 3 years ago

Anonymous No. 16221403

How would starship MSR work? I thought starship can't return from mars without some way to refuel it on mars.

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Anonymous No. 16221407

maybe something like red dragon where it launches the return rocket out of the payload bay

Anonymous No. 16221411

It wouldn't be as efficient as ISRU, but you could always just fly multiple starships to Mars, one for MSR and the rest as fuel depots, and refuel the MSR starship before it lands on Mars and after it launches on it. You could either leave the fuel depot ship in a high graveyard orbit, or just figure out how many tankers you need to get MSR + all the tankers back to Earth.
The ability to launch enormous ships that can refuel in space changes the paradigm in ways that not many people are thinking about yet. All sorts of things that would have been ludicrously inefficient from an economic perspective become simpler with high mass and volume to orbit for cheap.

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Anonymous No. 16221416

Yes? This is why "lurk moar newfag" is a thing.

Anonymous No. 16221417

What's the minimum payload you can get for Mars surface & return, with no refuelling? Surely you can do it with like a typical 50kg payload, with traditional mass autism.

Anonymous No. 16221418

It cant, elon just need more public money for starship, just like he did with HLS, but hey hes going to build a entire city on mars with his money LMAO

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Anonymous No. 16221429

Guys im a space nerd but if you think about, /spaceflight/ makes no sense, whats the point of sending plobes or humans beyond LEO? From what we know until now , the whole universe just sucks except planet earth, literally the flour under your feet are more interesting than any part of the solar system, why you want colonies on mars or the moon when theyre inert deserts because of the radiation and nothing else? And exoplanets? Too far away and intellestelar travel is impossible. There arent aliens either, probably they dont even exist and if they do, theyre too far away to cantact to them. I know were all very passionate about the space, but If you use your logic, were just wasting time and money for nothing valuable

Anonymous No. 16221433

Ok stay here then with the niggers and pajeets. Bye.

Anonymous No. 16221434

F, King

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Anonymous No. 16221437

you can't fight pitched space battles on earth, duh

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Not Thunderfoot.png

Anonymous No. 16221440

Just found a picture of this anon.

Anonymous No. 16221441

>random nonsarcastic pajeet hate
way to out yourself newfag. ISRU is respected here for the work theyve done so far starting from nothing, but you wouldnt know what that even is. also just because youre retarded doesnt mean the other anon isnt b4 you strawman me.

Anonymous No. 16221443

kek. i have yet to see him actually support spaceflight in any way, even oldspace.

Anonymous No. 16221444

i can smell you from here stinky

Anonymous No. 16221445


Anonymous No. 16221446

ISRO im retarded holy shit how did i miss that

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booster landing.webm

Anonymous No. 16221447

kek. good one

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Anonymous No. 16221450

also just checking in with /sfg/ regulars, you all saw that Vast news right? actually massive that they got that partnership with ESA, furthering my claim that Vast will be the dominant CSS company.

Anonymous No. 16221453

Install a toilet street shitter

Anonymous No. 16221455

You need to lurk more

Anonymous No. 16221460

Spaceflight is just a job program, if you think it like that makes sense why it exists

Anonymous No. 16221464

Aren they sending nigs to moon with artemis tho? And indians are about to have their own manned space capsule

Anonymous No. 16221466

So far it has been. But SpaceX has finally gained profit via Starlink and satellites are already imperative to the global system. Though a majority of it is a job program (NASA, good chunk of oldspace, etc) some of it is actually meaningful work to maintain our current high quality of life.

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Anonymous No. 16221469

Shhh dont tell him hes gonna start have another tantrum again because people disagree with him.

Anonymous No. 16221471


Anonymous No. 16221473

Nigs will get naturally selected out and so will poojeets

Anonymous No. 16221479

They are inert deserts now, they wont be like that forever

Anonymous No. 16221480

Seem in a good position but I would say its still too early to tell

Anonymous No. 16221483

SpaceX literally is what it is thanks to NASA , they gave them the money to build falcon, falcon heavy, crew dragon and now starship, theyre part of the job program also. Yeah maybe they can get some real money by starlink, but that shows there is not a real market beyond LEO

Anonymous No. 16221485
>We plan to move older Starships close to the fence, so people can take pics with them if they want

Anonymous No. 16221486

Boca Chica rocket garden going to mog the Kennedy one soon

Anonymous No. 16221487
>Government helps, but technology advances primarily via technology entrepreneurs

Anonymous No. 16221488

Has NASA given more money to spacex than boeing? Was NASA buying something from either company?

Anonymous No. 16221493

I will be going there later this summer this is perfect for me

Anonymous No. 16221494

Are we talking in total or Dragon vs Shartliner?

Anonymous No. 16221498

And the rocket's red glare, fragments sparkling in air,
Gave proof through the flight that the flap was still there.

Anonymous No. 16221499

They didn't "give" SpaceX money, they purchased launch vehicles, which is what they got, at a much lower cost and on a faster time frame than the other retards.

Anonymous No. 16221503

Reddit behavior

Anonymous No. 16221510


Anonymous No. 16221511

Inert deserts call to the white man

Anonymous No. 16221512

based, space is gay

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Anonymous No. 16221515

As they always have.

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we were kings and....jpg

Anonymous No. 16221532

We will make Mosesbots erect pyramids on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16221544
>In 2024, the reusability model is vastly improved, and many analysts believe that the possibility that the full cost of each Falcon 9 launch —– including workforce for transport, refurbishment, assembly and operations, depreciation and amortization on facilities (launch sites, factories, test benches) and reusable items (fairings and boosters) — is currently positioned below $30 million. While some analysts make implicit assumptions that the full cost of Falcon 9 could be as low as $20 million per launch, Eurospace prefers to stay with the more conservative assumption of $28 million per launch.

posted here yesterday but not really discussed

Anonymous No. 16221548

That's a /biz/ word for "you can use our logo on your page"
MoUs are basically business friend requests. They don't confer any legal obligations and they don't come with any money attached. It's more a recognition that Thales Alenia (which would sell out US IP in a heartbeat to China if Vast was dumb enough to give them any) would sure like to license-build another station if the ESA somehow came up with the money for it. They won't.

Anonymous No. 16221549

>full of horseshit
I'll pasd

Anonymous No. 16221554

not just opinion, its an analysis that shows Falcon 9 internal costs for SpaceX have to be under 30 mil due to a number of factors (the Eurospace analysts themselves assume its 28 mil)

>The most probable and logical assumption then is that by achieving reusability, fast turnaround and especially the very high cadence (thanks to the huge “demand” created by Starlink), SpaceX has unlocked a new economic model for space launch. This also means that SpaceX clearly has margins to undercut the competition while still making a profit on each launch (including the Transporter and Bandwagon mission and their relatively low fill ratio).

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Anonymous No. 16221555

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Anonymous No. 16221561

though there are some peculiar arguments at the end

I've seen this guys posts on X previously and has this EDS vibe, but in the very least he was very skeptical about Starlink a few years ago
I guess it makes sense in the context that nothing like it has been achieved, but still

Anonymous No. 16221562

Yeah, not reading the claptrap posted by someone who puts "demand" in snarky passive aggressive quotes like that. The demand for starlink service is real, people want it and are buying it. Therefore the demand for Falcon 9 launches is real.

Anonymous No. 16221564

Anonymous No. 16221566

It looks like someone complaining that SpaceX is not making space access as cheap as Elon claims he wants to do, but then goes in a different direction. It heavily implies that because SpaceX never lowered its prices, it is in effect funding its other lines of business on Falcon 9's margins because literally no one else on earth has costs that low. And thus anyone using Falcon 9s are subsidizing SpaceX's R&D (and Starlink deployment) because no one has a competitive alternative. It's literally a repeat of the "accidental monopoly" article with more numbers.

This dude is so green with envy it's insane.

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Anonymous No. 16221567

>I have heard from reliable sources that it is now as low as $15-17 million

Anonymous No. 16221568

They're spewing horseshit. Just watch enough interviews of Gwynne and Elon and you'd know the marginal cost of a F9 launch is 15 million (plainly stated) and the number of reflights required to recoup manufacturing costs is 3. Enough with this European cope

Anonymous No. 16221569

>Seething that maybe SpaceX is profiting off of decades of hard work while everyone was telling them they are retarded
>meanwhile mic contractors selling $8000 toilet seats

Calling falcon launches "very expensive" is bullshit when they are cheaper than the competition, they are under no obligation to lower prices just because this EDS retard wants to have a melty.

Anonymous No. 16221570

People only think they want Starlink because Elon has tricked them as usual. Fibre connection is good enough for anyone.

Anonymous No. 16221572

Lmao I didnt know he was pulling this shit that long ago

Anonymous No. 16221574

>the 300th falcon 9 landing video below his shitty EDS tantrum

Thunderfaggot absolutely mogged lmao

Anonymous No. 16221577

>it is in effect funding its other lines of business on Falcon 9's margins because literally no one else on earth has costs that low. And thus anyone using Falcon 9s are subsidizing SpaceX's R&D (and Starlink deployment) because no one has a competitive alternative.

I mean this is definitely true to an extent. But so what? Using profits from your business to fund the same businesses R&D bad?

Anonymous No. 16221579

Profits that wouldn't exist if someone else had similar costs and wanted to undercut SpaceX. I think that guy is wildly optimistic about what would happen if SpaceX got a legitimate competitor. They would benefit just as much as SpaceX does if their price was the same.

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Anonymous No. 16221584


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Anonymous No. 16221585


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Anonymous No. 16221588

chopsticks and QD-arm mostly unharmed

Anonymous No. 16221590

What caused the flap illumination many kilometers before raptor relight? Maybe a fire flaring up lower on the ship?

Anonymous No. 16221591

>in one article it's, falcon 9 launches are too cheap and competition can't compete
>in another it's, falcon 9 launches are too expensive

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Anonymous No. 16221592

tank farm is fine, except some horizontal tanks have lost some cladding

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Anonymous No. 16221594


Anonymous No. 16221595

looks like dust to me?

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Anonymous No. 16221596

tower 2 foundation progress

Anonymous No. 16221598

10 years of F9 recovery, and no one else has even tried

Anonymous No. 16221600

its these small ones >>16221594

Anonymous No. 16221601

are you braindead?

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Anonymous No. 16221604


just paraphrasing the video, can you expound upon your comment?

Anonymous No. 16221605

>noooo the Falcon 9 is really expensive and Elon is just taking tax money to subsidise his ludicrous vanity projects
>noooo the Falcon 9 is really cheap and Elon is just taking profits to subsidise his ludicrous vanity projects

Just strap them all under the orbital launch mount desu desu senpai

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Anonymous No. 16221607


Anonymous No. 16221609

>Private land

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Anonymous No. 16221619

Blue Origin have a patent on an aerospike for New Glenn upper stage, kind of gives Stoke vibes

Anonymous No. 16221620

We wiwll buiwld a gweat dython thwarm awound ouw staw

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Anonymous No. 16221622


Anonymous No. 16221623

Stoke is run by ex-BO guys. Bezos should sue them into oblivion

Anonymous No. 16221625

>32 air lighted engines
Jesus christ how horrifying

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Anonymous No. 16221628

By 'man rated landings' do you mean a reusable flight profile, or literally landing a booster with a crewed pod on top? If the latter, why the fuck would you do that? even 1/1000 crash chance is more risky than splashing at sea in just the reentry pod.

Anonymous No. 16221637

Falcon is already about the limit for an expendable rocket developed into a reusable one while still transportable on US highways. That means everyone else seeking a technically better rocket is constrained to shipment by sea (Ariane, ULA, Blue Origin, Stoke, China), rail (Russia, China), self transporting spaceplanes (Radian), or build-where-you-launch (Starship, Neutron). All of these options are either diameter/length limiting, slow as shit, murderously capital intensive, or some combination thereof. I think we'll see Neutron, New Glenn, and whatever Stoke's vehicle is called attempt reuse in the next few years, and maybe China will promote from PowerPoint rockets to bending metal.

Anonymous No. 16221645

Iirc stoke has 30 chambers and only 1 engine. Body Odergin could be a similar setup

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IFT4 KSP.jpg

Anonymous No. 16221646

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Anonymous No. 16221654

The Aquila is such a goofy 80s rocket design. It's basically Astra before proonted Inconel regeneratively cooled kerolox engines and modern computer networks were possible.
>LOX/HTPB hybrid first and second stages
>solid third stage
>N2O/HTPB hybrid fourth stage
>hybrid stages use oxidizer based TVC
>third stage uses strontium perchlorate of all things for TVC
>Intel 386 running some bespoke OS for GNC, using RS-422 wiring

Anonymous No. 16221662

Can't wait for the crying when the moonship test will fall to the side and everyone blames Musk for polluting the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16221664

May i screencap this post?

Anonymous No. 16221665

Go ahead friend! It's all yours :)

Anonymous No. 16221666

Thank you.

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16221668

It's all Barkon's? What kind of jibbery is this? GET OUT

Anonymous No. 16221670

ESA is a joke, it's just one of many European grifts where connected people give each other taxpayer money and pat each other on the backs about how important they are. See also: CERN.

Anonymous No. 16221672

How did they solve it?

Anonymous No. 16221673

>They're using their profits to fund new development? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
commies are insane. that's how literally every single business (that isn't in a death spiral) works.

Anonymous No. 16221674

It always weirds me out when small companies like this get legitimized by big players before they've ever accomplished anything

Anonymous No. 16221677

>is there any way to stop the atmosphere
There is. You know what it is.

Anonymous No. 16221678

By cancelling the program

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Anonymous No. 16221682

More hybrid rocket papers. This PDF/video is the Peregrine paraffin/N2O sounding rocket with the meme startup sound.

Anonymous No. 16221683

Yeah ESA does jackshit all year with the only exception that some times they send a scientific satellite or smth like that.
And even in those cases they need the assistance of other agencies because they are too lazy to make their own stuff, wich is truly a waste of potential because it's not like they lack the funds or the manpower to get things done.

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Anonymous No. 16221685

This paper is a general overview of hybrids and why N2O might be more performant than LOX in some cases.

Anonymous No. 16221690

The software just runs an adaptive control loop. It looks at some inputs, multiplies some matrices, gets some outputs and chucks them at the actuators.

The real reason this happened is because starship is a massive stainless steel tube rather than some miligram-optimized bucket of aluminium. The actuator survived in a good enough state to remain within the control authority limits of the controller and the stability limits of the system, i.e. the flap didn't come off, it stayed controllable and it had enough surface area to still work with some adjustment to the control weights.

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Anonymous No. 16221696

Thinking about what in retrospect NASA should have done instead of the space shuttle.

IMO the big problem with the shuttle was trying to do everything with one vehicle: medium/heavy lift, orbital laboratory, crew transport ect.

I think NASA should have focused instead on a large re-usable booster design, that could be used for medium/heavy lift with an expendable second stage a bit like a larger falcon 9, maybe with optional solids for extra large payloads.

To start with this could be paired with a capsule for crew missions, but later they could develop a more reusable orbiter potentially to replace the entire second stage, or just the capsule for smaller payloads or crew missions.
The orbiter would be designed from the get-go to fly unmanned and would use a podded crew module for manned missions, which could be jettisoned for better abort capability.

The booster would likely have to be flyback rather than VTVL, but that would be fine IMO, the bigger challenge would probably be the engine and fuel, ideally methalox, which was proposed even back then, but otherwise Kerolox would be workable.

This way you would have the optional heavy lift capability and the high cadence, lower cost smaller payload and crew capability.
You would probably lose the orbital lab capability of the shuttle, but with a better heavy lift rocket you can instead operate a large station with Skylab like modules for orbital science.

Anonymous No. 16221698

You talk like the outcome wasn't surprising but I know you're a goddamn liar if you weren't amazed to see that flap still working. Even Elon himself was.

Anonymous No. 16221706

It's still easier and cheaper to build it on Earth and new technology allows you to overcome atmospheric distortion.

Anonymous No. 16221715

Get a new fucking microphone, jesus christ.

Anonymous No. 16221727

>intellestelar travel is impossible
Why would it be? Just go fast for 100 years

Anonymous No. 16221734

Dont interact with that moron. Interstellar travel is absolutely possible even within known physics. There are pleny of high % light speed concepts out there that could get us to planets 10's of lightyears out in a human lifespan. Even if we didn't have those generation ships are a thing and people will use them if they have no other option.

This isnt even accounting for high technology and exotic physics drives like those seen in uap. If that stuff is even remotely legit then Interstellar travel is easy and we have nothing to worry about.

Anonymous No. 16221737

>NASA should've built Starship
We got the next Werner von Braun over here

Anonymous No. 16221747

Yeah I'm not even expecting any ground breaking high energy physics, I bet as soon as we figure out the sweet spot for a closed loop habitat we send one to Epsilon Eridani. Maybe a closer shitty red dwarf if the habitat fags don't care about planet surfaces or solar storms. You just need to design the right religion and the people that are born and die in the middle of the trip will be proud rather than resentful to have exclusively lived in a lonely machine

Anonymous No. 16221752

I could do it if you gave me a chart of locations that were flat enough

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Anonymous No. 16221753

threw together a quick edit of the reentry. im not
normally the creative type but that damn flap inspired me

Anonymous No. 16221755

It wouldn't be starship, it would be more like new Glenn, with the potential to later be upgraded into a fully re-usable system.

The point is mainly that NASA should have focused on making a re-usable booster instead of a reusable orbiter.

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Anonymous No. 16221756

It's obviously not legit lol, please be less credulous.

Anonymous No. 16221757

Holy Rocket Mecca

Anonymous No. 16221759

thank you for capitalizing his name correctly

Anonymous No. 16221760

I didn't even realize that's what he was referring to.
>If magic is slightly real it would be easy
Good thing we don't need magic, just time. Humans have undertaken centuries long endeavors before, and we'll do it again

Anonymous No. 16221761

I spelled it wrong
Unfortunately it turns out government space could never do anything good. I still can't believe the reason we haven't had progress in half a century is because essentially a large DMV office has been running the show

Anonymous No. 16221763

'h' is a fake shill letter, I don't believe in it

Anonymous No. 16221765

I hope he never does.

Anonymous No. 16221766

It is good to know that you are all-knowing and are aware of all facets of physics, including things humanity hasn't even discovered yet.

The tech behind uap has at least a theoretical basis (mhd, warp drives, and others), and it's not entirely implausible that some (very) small portion of the phenomenon represents real structured craft. You should be open to this possibility rather than dismiss it out of hand, not very science of you anon.

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Anonymous No. 16221770

It's easier to understand the trajectory of spaceflight if you come to understand Apollo as an aberration, that was only possible because of a coincidental political situation.

You have the combination of intense cold war competition and the political desire to create a big jobs programme for the American south so that the civil rights era Democrats could hold on to southern states.
Wernher Von Braun was just as skilled a political navigator as he was a rocket program manager; somehow he managed to sell his rocket ideas to both the German government and the American government.

Anonymous No. 16221772

all hail flap

Anonymous No. 16221774

>somehow he managed to sell his rocket ideas to both the German government and the American government.
this. he was quite a character to have survived the SS, selling them his ideas about winning the war through rocketry, and then make it big in the US doing the same. All he wanted to do in life was put things in space and he made it happen.

Anonymous No. 16221775

Sad that he died quite young

Anonymous No. 16221776

>still no flight 5
America is finished.

Anonymous No. 16221778

That's what I'm saying, as soon as he stopped being a driving force it was a downward trajectory. Moon, LEO, nothing.

Anonymous No. 16221780

China is so strong.

Anonymous No. 16221782

thunderf00t said it would crumple flat on reentry. why did he lied to me ;/

Anonymous No. 16221784

mmm, hydrazine

Anonymous No. 16221785

he's love spacex im sure

Anonymous No. 16221786

He was 90 anon, he probably just fell asleep.

Anonymous No. 16221790

that nigga would be bouncing ideas off elon all day, but sadly starship would end up as a spaceplane with massive wings and toxic hypergolic fuel as a result

Anonymous No. 16221791

its totally his idea for direct ascent that they plan for staship to the moon.

Anonymous No. 16221800

he came way too close to not dying if that was a suicide attempt

Anonymous No. 16221804

but he was also obsessed with spaceplanes. the first shuttle fanatic

Anonymous No. 16221806

Europeans crying about SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16221807

That's because he went to his grave thinking Mars had a 0.1 bar atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16221809

Him, Musk and others are a living proof of great man theory.

Anonymous No. 16221810

>wake up
>clear watching starlink
a good morning

Anonymous No. 16221811

he hed see cherman autism. it serfed him vell

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Anonymous No. 16221814

Am I wrong in thinking that if they had set up the OLM to the opposite of the tank farms, it would reduce the risk greatly to the tank farms?

Moving it south side of the tower (from the picture) would mean when in failure, there's much greater chance of the debris falling to the south side of the tower where there's no infrastructure

Anonymous No. 16221819

It would. Starbase construction was a clusterfuck with tons of improvisation.

Anonymous No. 16221828

If they try IFT-5 catch and OLM is damaged, thats another excuse to switch to a newer robust OLM base and move it southwards.

Similarly, I hope the 2nd tower has the ship pointing towards the empty undeveloped area so there's lot less risk to the rest of the tank farms/infrastructures

Anonymous No. 16221829


Anonymous No. 16221832

ISS live withi starliner crew

Anonymous No. 16221838

>wake up on ISS
>momentarily forget where you are
>get lost floating from section to section
Imagine the panic

Anonymous No. 16221840

Showing off the vehicle like this is kino

Anonymous No. 16221846

Is that is? That was only 13 minutes and they barely went anywhere

Anonymous No. 16221848

Well stoke is also going for it. So it's at least a design that can convince more than just BO.

Anonymous No. 16221852

I say retire the ISS and make a new one, it wasn't even supposed to stay aroound for all of this time in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 16221853
>Virgin Galactic Launches Crewed Galactic 07 Mission

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Anonymous No. 16221856

FRESH COPE DROP: Starship only worked because of AI

Anonymous No. 16221857

Stoke has a trad capsule design though. no fucking clue what BO is thinking with that thing.

Anonymous No. 16221863

Expected that one. It's totally not the hard work of the people who wrote scientific papers on propulsive landing and adjustments required or anything, it must have been "AI".

Anonymous No. 16221864

Nobody cares about this random trannt. If it isnt CSS, Lightningl3g, ESGHound or Spacegay5 dont post it

Anonymous No. 16221865

Anon, who cares? Why do you keep posting what dumb assholes bitch about? Why should any anon itt read those people's statements, why should anybody here care?

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goto space to avo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16221867

>just wasting time and money for nothing valuable

Anonymous No. 16221868

>If it isnt CSS, Lightningl3g, ESGHound or Spacegay5 dont post it
Don't post those fags either, I do not care what they have to say and I would never see their names again if anon stopped posting their twitter noise here.

Anonymous No. 16221870

>can't even figure out how to use his laptop's webcam but feels qualified to lecture people about complex engineering
I can't stand people like this.

Anonymous No. 16221871

That AI rant is 100% retarded and should be entirely disregarded

Anonymous No. 16221873

For fuck's sake literally stop giving this petty good for nothing e-celebs attention, i guarantee you they will disappear along with their frustrated defeatism.

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Anonymous No. 16221876

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Anonymous No. 16221877

it is known

Anonymous No. 16221879

The world is full of people that cannot be helped.

Anonymous No. 16221885

I was amazed, yes. But my point is that the hardware is what did it, the software is pretty straightforward. So long as it sees a response from its inputs and can damp any adverse oscillations, an adaptive controller can adapt. The hard part is having a flap that can still be functional enough after burning through to be usable.

Anonymous No. 16221890

>Starlink slicing off more and more of the yearly $100bil telecom market
They're actually going to self fund a Mars city aren't they

Anonymous No. 16221892

9/10 OP. Image is a bit low res

Anonymous No. 16221895

what am I looking at?

Anonymous No. 16221896

>/spaceflight/ makes no sense
If you get it you get it. If you don't, your descendants will starve under the kessler bomb blockade with the rest of the dirtsniffers. Spaceflight is ontologically necessary.

Anonymous No. 16221898

Apollo 8 astronaut plowing his plane into the surf, in a failed loop. He was 90 years old, died on impact just yesterday.

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Anonymous No. 16221905

Don't take his name in vain

Anonymous No. 16221906

Best guess is methane venting catching fire.

Anonymous No. 16221910

it's not nox the raptor engine just burn dirty.

Anonymous No. 16221912

titanium fire

Anonymous No. 16221914

sounds like a basic logic controller at its heart. Entry level mechatronics really should become part of the mandatory curriculum by now

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Anonymous No. 16221926

6 minutes for suborbital plane

Anonymous No. 16221927

>try to talk to 'educated' normie about spacex
>they've objectively achieved something revolutionary
>"reeee Elon Musk reeeee"
>tfw one of the greatest technological achievements in human history is just the Chud Rocket to normies

Anonymous No. 16221928

you're a bigot if you don't understand how versatile and adaptive even a simple PID controller is

Anonymous No. 16221930

What's different about their upcoming delta class ship

Anonymous No. 16221933

My friend is like this. EDS is real.

Anonymous No. 16221934

idk, bigger I guess?

Anonymous No. 16221935
>I didn't realise @elonmusk had @Copperfield involved in Flight 4.

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Anonymous No. 16221938

final flight of this design, haven't released much about the new design t:NSF faggots

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gay ass nigga.jpg

Anonymous No. 16221939

>For the first time, we have raised the Intersex Progress Pride Flag at a NASA center to commemorate #PrideMonth

Anonymous No. 16221941

Cult idol

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Bruce Pennington ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16221949

Anonymous No. 16221955

And just wait NASA put BLM, LGBT and Feminist flag with Artemis LMAO

God I hope China gets to the moon first

Anonymous No. 16221961

So instead of wishing for America to right the ship and abandon the globohomo culture, you just want to throw in the towel and wish for communist chinks to beat us back at our own game?

Anonymous No. 16221964

that dog looks offended

Anonymous No. 16221966

hello, reddit

Anonymous No. 16221973

because lying is literally his job, he's getting paid to do it

Anonymous No. 16221977

Why are you listening to a chemist on anything rocket related other than fuel?

Anonymous No. 16221978

>So instead of wishing for America to right the ship and abandon the globohomo culture

Not happening, americans have the faggotry and degeneracy in their blood

Anonymous No. 16221981

VTVL simply wasn't feasible with the technology of the day, it's much easier now that we have infinitely restartable engines and extreme precision guidance computers

Anonymous No. 16221990


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Anonymous No. 16221991

Super heavy landing footage

Anonymous No. 16221993


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Anonymous No. 16221994

not really sure either of these are true. frau im mond depicted a direct ascent lunar lander in 1929 so that can safely be chalked up as oberth's idea. von braun was certainly expecting that spaceplanes would be the logical choice for manned spacecraft but he wasn't the first (sanger) or the most ardent (mueller, schriever) advocate for them by any stretch.

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big G.jpg

Anonymous No. 16221997

So much better than the shittle it's unreal

Anonymous No. 16222000


Anonymous No. 16222001

>argument by video game
I'm going to need to you to kill yourself immediately

Anonymous No. 16222002

holy fuck the kino!

Anonymous No. 16222003

If it had legs it would have landed, not sure if it slowed down enough for tower

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Anonymous No. 16222004
>“If you're not adding things back in at least 10% of the time, you're clearly not deleting enough.” - Elon

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16222005


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Anonymous No. 16222006


Anonymous No. 16222007

I wanna see someone draw Starship-chan as an inkling girl from Sploon, because squids.
Preferably the original agent 3 lmao

Anonymous No. 16222009

Why did they cut it out right at the end? I wanted to see it tip over.

Anonymous No. 16222011

wish they would have shown the full landing, all from the boat

Anonymous No. 16222012

Maybe it shaked that floating thing too much

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Anonymous No. 16222013

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xdownloader cDBKo....webm

Anonymous No. 16222014


Anonymous No. 16222015

that's on the trailing edge, why would it matter?

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orbital repair ba....jpg

Anonymous No. 16222016

Anonymous No. 16222017

we don't want the chinese discovering the secrets of how to tip rockets over on the pad

Anonymous No. 16222018

This flight was the “FH Demo” of starship. Though I say that a bit preemptively. Future flights will probably be even more crazy

Anonymous No. 16222019

A modified cargo Starship could just launch a red dragon capsule assembly to deorbit, land on Mars, take the sample, then send the mini-rocket to GTFO and burn back to Earth.

Anonymous No. 16222020

One of the raptor definitely committed sudoku there

Anonymous No. 16222021

It was visible on the stream already

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Anonymous No. 16222023

Anonymous No. 16222026

did not need it. I wouldn't be surprised if they could lose 2 or maybe (probably not) even 3

Anonymous No. 16222028

I thought it was about the whole section that is black instead of steel (the black perhaps being some ablative heatshield material

Anonymous No. 16222029

They turned off replies because it was almost entirely negative

Anonymous No. 16222030

I don't think it can lose middle ones

Anonymous No. 16222032

That is where the burn through first occurred. If you go back and watch the footage, you can see plasma filtering through the gap it had burned into the flaps. They probably added this back to all of the flaps, but couldn't get a shot of the trailing ones.

Anonymous No. 16222033

not that anyone here cares about atmospheric flight but virgin galactic is flying right now

Anonymous No. 16222036

wrong and gay
go get tortured to death in North Korea, government lover

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Anonymous No. 16222037


Anonymous No. 16222040

It wasn't a middle one. When they do the landing, the outer ring lights up first and then turns off again. That raptor which exploded is one of the outer ring ones. It might have even been the one that shutdown prematurely.

Anonymous No. 16222042

>Starship Flight 5
>booster comes in over Starbase
>its on fire just like here
>but it gets successfully caught by the tower arms first try
>but its on fire

wat SpaceX do?

Anonymous No. 16222046

It's because you are a retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 16222051

how the hell am i supposed to get excited about some baby rollercoaster right now after what i witnessed a few days ago.

fuck, i hate the IFT curse, everything else becomes boring by comparison.

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Anonymous No. 16222052


Anonymous No. 16222053

for reall

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Anonymous No. 16222054


Anonymous No. 16222055

well VG launches have always been pretty boring, they don't have a livestream for instance

Anonymous No. 16222056

Not to be negative, but you're right, I kinda don't. In fact "Virgin Galactic" sort of pisses me off, because that's a GREAT name. It's a real pity that it's been applied to something so prosaic as high-altitude ballistics.

Anonymous No. 16222057

They have the deluge and water hoses. The deluge actually fires as it comes back in. We saw it do this during the flight if you watched the NSF stream. They timed the tower to work the arms with the landing and fire the deluge.

Anonymous No. 16222058

thats not anywhere near the tower idiots

Anonymous No. 16222060

>VG launches have always been pretty boring
there WAS that one time...

Anonymous No. 16222061


Anonymous No. 16222062

Go back to plebbit, faggot.
Oh, but sportsball and Tee-Vee are good?

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Anonymous No. 16222064

In case you think I am bullshitting you. On Estronauts stream at around 10:17:50 you can suddenly see the plasma blow through the gap.

Anonymous No. 16222065

and unfortunately that is the only hose spacex has or is capable of building. guess no hosing down the booster for them

Anonymous No. 16222067

Lunar Gateway will be the new anchor around NASA's neck, don't worry

Anonymous No. 16222068

I would've loved to see Big Gemini in action, fucking (((Jews)))

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Anonymous No. 16222069


Anonymous No. 16222072

Estronaut was just recasting the spacex stream dum dum

Anonymous No. 16222073

Yeah, but I don't know what the time is on that. I remember seeing this during this replay and knew where to scrub to in the timeline.

Anonymous No. 16222074

Are they actually going to attempt a tower catch on the next flight??

Anonymous No. 16222075

NASA could have accomplished that if it was five people in a small office tasked with approving payments to SpaceX, while wasting uncounted billions of dollars less in taxpayer money.

Anonymous No. 16222076

yeah, sure, maybe

Anonymous No. 16222077

Perhaps. Elon said yes, but he is changeable. They denied the tower going through the motions during the flight.

Anonymous No. 16222078

seems likely

Anonymous No. 16222080

I don't see why not, I can't really picture it doing more damage to the launch pad and tower than IFT1

Anonymous No. 16222081


Anonymous No. 16222083

all I have is ikamusume

Anonymous No. 16222087

The real danger isn't landing on the pad or the tower, it's landing on the tank farm. The tower has a backup in progress, landing on the pad might do fuck all for actual damage, the tank farm is another story and it's right next door.

Anonymous No. 16222088

How do these schizos even come up with this shit haha

Anonymous No. 16222089

I don’t want to be a whataboutism fag but I do wonder how much damage it would do if it utterly failed and just smashed into the tower. Not that I doubt that SpaceX could build an entire new launch site in like a month or two if need be

Anonymous No. 16222090

It's a bit of both. SpaceX still fights tooth and nail for subsidy money against Blorigin and Boing!™ when it comes to bigger projects like HLS, but a lot of the revenue just came from launching NASA and JPL payloads into orbit.
Unsurprisingly, a reusable first-stage booster ends up being quite helpful in saving shekels.

Anonymous No. 16222091

Will human beings ever colonize Europe?

Anonymous No. 16222094

yeah, acting like you can guarantee the tower won't get heavily damaged when you're dealing with a 200t+ hunk of metal flying around at supersonic speeds is a lack of imagination

Anonymous No. 16222095


Anonymous No. 16222096

Just to be clear: Raptors keep dying an hero on these test flights because they are, supposedly, “old engines” not concurrent with more advanced Raptors with better durability, right?

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crude edit.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222097

It's gonna be fucking wild to see

Anonymous No. 16222098

Natural monopolies are allowed under anti-trust laws. Additionally, it's been 9 years since SpaceX landed their first Falcon booster, and 12 years since SpaceX began grasshopper tests to work towards partial reusability. Nearly a decade is enough of a timeframe that the argument of not offering a competing product in the aerospace market is no longer tenable. The argument being made by this person is that a car can move 100x the freight of a horse and therefore the moving company using cars should be audited and its financials be publicly disclosed.

Which is purely a fox and grapes scenario. Falcon already reduced $/kg from 4 digit thousands to single digit thousands. SpaceX intends to reduce cost from 4 digits to 3 digits, doesn't mean they are required to reduce it to 3 digits without a viable mechanism to ensure their business continuity and long term strategic goals, because someone else somewhere else is unhappy at the lack of all the OTHER PLAYERS refusing to compete in the market.

That's pure fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16222100

this fotograph is doctored

Anonymous No. 16222101

Is there a recording of this anywhere? I don't see it in their launch specific stream, 5 minute video of flight 4, or spaceflight update

Anonymous No. 16222102

No one except spacex knows.

Anonymous No. 16222103

holy smokes

Anonymous No. 16222105

If it lines up right I still think the first attempt is just going to sheer off the gridfins and come straight down, the chopsticks will probably be fine but the OLM could be busted up.

Anonymous No. 16222106

>hanging on by a literal thread
>still has enough motor control to land
what an absolute beast

Anonymous No. 16222107

Something on the ship was definitely on fire. Honestly a good thing, because it provided enough light for the world to see how utterly the deck was stacked against the Starship and it STILL crowned the king.

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Anonymous No. 16222108

C'mon, this raggedy squissy needs money.

Anonymous No. 16222109

In theory the super heavy booster should be easier to land since unlike F9 it is capable of hovering, although ideally it will do very little hovering since is very expensive in fuel (pure gravity loss).

Anonymous No. 16222110

They would like to. Whether it'll actually happen is anyone's guess.

Anonymous No. 16222111

Stoke is made up of ex-Blue guys, so no surprise there's similarity. Bezos I believe even visited Stoke for a chat at one point.

Anonymous No. 16222113

It was posted in the sticky for the mission, so I don't have it. Not the SFG thread that was also stickied, but the mod one. Also Marcus showed the tower arms doing their thing at 7:50 of his latest video but neglected the deluge.

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Anonymous No. 16222114

kind of a strange location. i expected it to be billowing out closer to the root of the flap

Anonymous No. 16222115

So did they have tracking for starship reentry?

Anonymous No. 16222117

You are correct for once

Anonymous No. 16222118

Is this a real photo?

Anonymous No. 16222119

is that even a burnthrough? I thought it was just a weird pocket of glowing plasma that formed in a low-pressure section

Anonymous No. 16222120

Depends on how expandable the tower is and how much grief is scattering all that water tower over Boca Chica. Maybe the cost of the booster is high enough that you still want to try even if they didn't demonstrate hover and station keeping now.

Anonymous No. 16222124

It's got chonky connectors that go in the arm, it ain't gonna land on the gridfins.

Anonymous No. 16222125

would booster without fuel even do that much damage

Anonymous No. 16222127

>I thought it was just a weird pocket of glowing plasma that formed in a low-pressure section
is that something that can even happen?

Anonymous No. 16222129

anon, I think there are literally zero people on earth who can answer that question with any degree of certainty

Anonymous No. 16222130

Someone else got it for me:

I put it catbox so you can actually hear the deluge, otherwise it is difficultish to see on a smartphone. Someone else can make a webm if they want.

Anonymous No. 16222131

Starlink aims to capture 2-3% of the global ISP market + private and public sector contracts. Combined, there's a potential to reach $100-150Bn/yr annual revenues. Which would put its market cap in the $2-3Tn range (as that's roughly the revenue of Nvidia/Apple respectively). People don't realize that SpaceX as a company, despite all its accomplished, in terms of its business potential and long term value, is basically only on the second of the four Falcon 1 flights and the $1.2Bn Commercial Resupply Contract (CRS) that NASA gives, the "big money printer", has not yet turned on. By the time SpaceX and/or Starlink reaches this $100-150Bn/yr, I would reasonably expect that there'll be anywhere from 500-1000 people on Mars. It's going to take another 15-20 years for Starlink to fully stretch its legs.

The more interesting thing though, is that SpaceX via Starlink will essentially become the next NASA, in the sense that they'll be uniquely positioned to act as a research cash pool for universities and private sector companies and startups looking for grant funding to build the next thing to assist or accelerate offworld activities in fields of: manufacturing, medicine, physics, engineering, astronomy, agriculture, and the list goes on. I would even expect that SpaceX would maintain their open near-no-patent model through this funding mechanism. Where any discovery that pushes the needle forward would be pulled in under a SpaceX consortium umbrella in terms of primary IP ownership, but would be released for use and application to the public under a GPL-2 or MIT type license agreement or something.

Anonymous No. 16222134

What would you do if you had a child but it grew up to be an Earther?

Anonymous No. 16222135

Super oxygen rich landing burn. But incredible footage all around.

Anonymous No. 16222136

i'd put it in the bone stretcher until it's learned it's lesson.

Anonymous No. 16222138

starlink will have complete monopoly of aviation and marine internet telecommunicatinos

Anonymous No. 16222139

Anonymous No. 16222140

definitely looks to me like a tile catching the airstream rather than burnthrough. That location is nowhere near the hinge and is directly on a tile.

Anonymous No. 16222143

I think what happened here was that one of the edge tiles cracked and a piece of it got sheared off. This led to asymmetric airflow and the hot gases vectored downwards towards the flap hinges instead of up and around the ship's curves. Over time, this led to the metal in the area getting heated until it failed and the rest is as we know.

Anonymous No. 16222145

jsut giessing but the air probably caught that tile because the nose was pitched more down than was nominal due to the front flaps disintegrating

Anonymous No. 16222146

>SpaceX still fights tooth and nail for subsidy money against Blorigin and Boing!™ when it comes to bigger projects like HLS

not that anon, but again, it's not a subsidy. NASA is a customer paying spacex to design and build a new vehicle. They bid the lowest and had the most impressive offering.

Anonymous No. 16222147

Space is only for the rich.

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Anonymous No. 16222150

Here is the deluge going off at the same time the booster was landing. It's hard to see, but like I said, very easy to hear in the catbox.

Anonymous No. 16222151

Seems plausible, someone ask elon

Anonymous No. 16222154

Thanks, funny though I don't see the deluge in marcus's video., I don't see the chopsticks moving in the deluge stream, and it doesn't seem to be that synced to landing burn. did they stagger the two tests slightly?

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Anonymous No. 16222155


Anonymous No. 16222157

I think so.

Anonymous No. 16222159

I like how we randomly went from nothing ever happening to arguably one of the busiest/most extensive months in spaceflight history

Anonymous No. 16222162

Fuck off cunt, didn't ask for hour opinion

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Anonymous No. 16222163

Exactly at the edge of the tiles

Anonymous No. 16222164

no, its a speculative reconstruction based on the video by a fan

Anonymous No. 16222169

What's the video?

Anonymous No. 16222170

I can only imagine the cope from Thunderfoot et al
>well they already demoed precise landing on IFT-4 so another precise landing just in another location is nothing special

Anonymous No. 16222172

They should have been granted more land, its a shame that they had to improvise around some arbitrary border

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Anonymous No. 16222175

I think the answer is no. Based on the SuperHeavy landing burn, more work needs to be done to ensure the burn is clean and engines don't commit suicide. We know from the footage that one of the engines shit the bed on relight, and from the footage further down in the thread from the gulf, the entire plume is bright orange. There's just enough methane in the mix for it to generate thrust, but not enough that the plume is clean. So I would suspect that they'll do another 1-2 flights until they can get the landing burn fuel mix addressed, and in the interim work primarily on Starship to validate: engine relight for controlled reentry as that will unlock another block of NASA HLS milestone payment.

I expect that they will try and catch the booster with IFT6. One of the other issues they have to address is that the booster on return deviated by 6 kilometers. This is what 6km looks like relative to the OLM. So they have to with the next flight have the booster come down within a few hundred meters of the virtual launch mount not 6,000 meters radius of it. I know Elon is very optimistic to try, but I expect that Gwynne and others will talk him down from it and defer at least another 1-2 test flights. Especially as the FAA has given them a blank check for additional launches as the current flight did not appear to violate any of the clause conditions that would trigger a new investigation. Thus, it's in their best interest to do additional flights and data collection that doesn't risk the launch mount until there's more confidence to the approach and catch attempt.

Anonymous No. 16222176

I'm so excited for the future, bros

Anonymous No. 16222178

FAA still hasn't said whether or not there will be an investigation.
>But the license
I'm aware, but they also said they haven't determined if there will be one according to... I think Berger maybe?

Anonymous No. 16222179

Imagine by some freak miscalculation booster slams into Starfactory, straight down the middle

SpaceX would probably have it looking like nothing ever happened there by 3 months or so

Anonymous No. 16222180

the ship was 6 km off, not the booster

Anonymous No. 16222182

Meshed video

Anonymous No. 16222184

>the booster on return deviated by 6 kilometers
It was the ship, NOT the booster. That means you are a nigger and your argument is invalid. Next flight is catching the booster, as that is the only part that has not been tested.

Anonymous No. 16222185

I don't see how anyone crying about markup can be mad at spacex for saving them money, but not mad at everyone else for sitting on their ass. Falcon 9 landed its first booster in 2015 and there is no sign of a partially reusable competitor despite all the time that has passed to make one. It looks like starship will be fully reusable before one exists too.

Anonymous No. 16222188


Anonymous No. 16222189

Nah, there's two test satellites of Kuiper in orbit. By the time Starlink reaches full deployment, there will be 3000 Kuiper satellites, a few hundred OneWeb satellites, whatever swarm that RocketLab is implying they'll follow up on, and whatever equivalent the Chinese are intending to deploy given that they're heavily copying the flatpack design of SpaceX in that department TOO. But excluding them, there's essentially 3 other networks that the make will be closer to how the GPU market is today: 88% SpaceX (Nvidia), ~10% Amazon (Kuiper/AMD), and then 1%/1% between RocketLab & OneWeb. 88% is an insane market position to hold, but if the first reusable booster from a competing aerospace company takes 20 years to make to market and a solid 5-7 years after you're yeeting your Gen3 network via your Gen3 super heavy launch system, it's not your fault you're so god damn good.

Someone else lacking vision isn't your problem.

Anonymous No. 16222190


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OLT 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222191

Where exactly is the 2nd launch mount gonna be, red or green cirlce, anyone know?

Because if its green that would be fucking incredible, you'd be able to see the stacc from all the way back at the production site I think

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Anonymous No. 16222193


Anonymous No. 16222194

I am not sure people with anatomical anomalies necessarily identify with the LGBT movement. Also that flag is getting so many things tacked on as to be a caricature of itself. Is it time for a rebrand?

Anonymous No. 16222195

>By the time Starlink reaches full deployment, there will be 3000 Kuiper satellites, a few hundred OneWeb satellites
lmao, that's not happening

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Anonymous No. 16222196

Right here according to RGV.

Anonymous No. 16222199

Maybe not to the tower. At least not structurally. Tank farm could cause some havoc.

Anonymous No. 16222200

piss circle I think

Anonymous No. 16222201

it lit a cigar

Anonymous No. 16222202

>Where exactly is the 2nd launch mount gonna be, red or green cirlce, anyone know?

Probably between the two circles, closer to the green though. The pad is placed at the corner, check out the other OLT

Anonymous No. 16222203


Anonymous No. 16222206

if you look at the picture in this post >>16221596
you can clearly see that it will be in the red circle

Anonymous No. 16222207

wtff when did they build that???

Anonymous No. 16222208

Yesterday overnight

Anonymous No. 16222209


Anonymous No. 16222210

Looking at this picture. I'm honestly impressed to the degree of signal quality we got from Starship throughout the entire plasma wake and ascent and landing given the material that protects and blocks the Starlink antenna. Elon said the tiles are about the size of a dinner plate. 2 tiles = roughly the size of a Starlink antenna. So going by those measurements, the ship is housing probably around 16 antenna and the remainder of the space is taken up by supporting hardware and probably power delivery. I wouldn't be surprised if SpaceX has contracted Tesla to build them a custom 4680 powerpack seeing as to how they already use a Model 3 powerpack and model 3 motors for the SuperHeavy grid fin actuation and all other electrical systems and services.

Anonymous No. 16222211

I fucked up, >>16222202 is right

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Anonymous No. 16222214

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Anonymous No. 16222215

>What's different about their upcoming delta class ship
Not quite as ridiculously more expensive to fly than what they're charging a few boomers to ride it?

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Anonymous No. 16222216

Remember this nothingburger?

Anonymous No. 16222217

the only sex ive ever had was with your mom last night.

Anonymous No. 16222220

Fail wouldve been better if you got the GET with that

Anonymous No. 16222223


Anonymous No. 16222224

SpaceX will win

Anonymous No. 16222227

one job

Anonymous No. 16222228

Gotcha. Ultimately though, I think the other elements still need to be addressed. A very oxygen rich burn as I understand it runs much hotter than a proper fuel balance, and we sort of know this from Blue Origin's BE-4s which ran very oxygen rich in their formative years and they kept committing suicide because the turbo pumps couldn't handle it. So it's a big risk to bring a booster down and try and make it hover for the tower to catch it, while running a fuel mixture that has an increased risk of engine destruction WHILE hovering over mission critical launch infrastructure

Anonymous No. 16222229


Anonymous No. 16222230

how many fucking times are you gonna post this

Anonymous No. 16222231

You think Kuiper won't have 3,000 satellites in orbit by 2040?

Anonymous No. 16222233

It's always been there, but cloaked.

Anonymous No. 16222235

>It had been a wonderful evening, and what I needed now to give it the perfect ending was a bit of the old Werner Von.

Anonymous No. 16222237

ULA and Boeing and NASA is that way sir

Anonymous No. 16222238

he's got a point

Anonymous No. 16222240

Sar, please understood. It was honest mistake sar.

Anonymous No. 16222241

I have a theory that the lengthier the critical spiel about Starship is, the more unlikely it is to be correct
(didn't read btw)

Anonymous No. 16222245

That's a buoy.

Can't read if you don't know how. As expected anon. I hope one day the letters make sense to you. I'll pray for you.

Anonymous No. 16222249

Do Muskrats really think they gonna catch the booster next flight? LMAO, I mean, as a spx hater I wish they do it tho, its gonna be so funny when the whole launch pad explodes. 6 months to fix it + 6 month bc of FAA license lol

Anonymous No. 16222250

it's too skinny

Anonymous No. 16222251

There's no way this is real

Anonymous No. 16222252

this doesnt look like a cope post though, its just speculation

Anonymous No. 16222253

BO/Amazon don't have expertise in neither large scale manufacturing, nor in anything satellite related. And BO is ran by bureaucrats. They will just figure it makes no sense financially and can the project.

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Anonymous No. 16222254

Nice, so just about where the old suborbital pad B was

Anonymous No. 16222256

>BO/Amazon don't have expertise in neither large scale manufacturing, nor in anything satellite related
this is cope, they will by the time they have 20 satellites built

Anonymous No. 16222257

i remember that Von Braun was not a fan of the LOR method in the beginning, but once he was shown the details he switched over to it almost instantly. he knew a good idea when he saw it and didn't seem too proud to change his mind.

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Anonymous No. 16222258

Hell yeah bitches

Anonymous No. 16222260

So... 2040?

Anonymous No. 16222262

>building 20 sats somehow magically scale to 3000

Anonymous No. 16222263

in terms of visibility I mean not position

Anonymous No. 16222267

yeah. if you're not 100% retarded (90% retarded is not 100% retarded) and you know you want 3k sats, you build a few test articles and then you build a production line. by 20 they should have a production line. maybe it'll get the kinks worked out at sat 2k, but it will exist well before that.

Anonymous No. 16222271

they switched camera views right before touch down, I wanted to see how stable the virtual tower landing looked

Anonymous No. 16222272

What do you suspect the mission objectives for IFT-5 will be?

>Starship comes down in one piece this time.
>Booster's engines don't minecraft on relight
>Relight test in orbit.
>Tentative catch with possibility to abort into Gulf if they aren't feeling it

Anonymous No. 16222273


Anonymous No. 16222276


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view from command....jpg

Anonymous No. 16222277
Starliner Tour
Starliner Tour

Anonymous No. 16222283

Are you retarded? Were you dropped on your head as child? Do you not fucking understand how long away 2040 is?

Anonymous No. 16222284

Flight 5 when
Flight 5 when
Flight 5 when
Flight 5 when
Flight 5 when

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elon musk a clock....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16222288


Anonymous No. 16222293

Why did they send a ghoul to the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16222294

I have to wonder if they'll keep the hotstaging ring on, not jettison it and then engage the landing burn a bit higher up and then use up all the fuel until it reaches a specific height relative to where the tower is and have it hover. Then let it just fall the rest into the ocean and let the disintegration by impact handle the cleanup.

Given how successful the landing burn was this time around AND the fact that based on the telemtry, there appeared to be enough fuel for another 3-5 seconds of additional burn time left AND the fact that the booster was only around 90-95% topped off at launch. I think they have the fuel margins to not jettison the ring. It may actually be valuable with IFT5 to try and land the booster with the ring still locked to the booster. We do know that the last time it failed because the clamp mechanism failed, and that's because there's only 3 mechanisms on the booster and 3 to the ship. While it may add a bit more mass, it'll be interesting to see if they add a 4th one to keep the ring attached to the booster but keep 3 to maintain the ship's attachment to the ring on ascent + gravity forcing it down anyway.

Anonymous No. 16222297

3 to 5 weeks

Anonymous No. 16222298

arent these views of the aft flap, not the forward flap?

Anonymous No. 16222304

one job anon

Anonymous No. 16222306

>proper buttons and switches
soul. shame there's a boeing capsule around it

Anonymous No. 16222308

I thought the same thing when he posted it yesterday but didn't say anything, its the obvious pun

Anonymous No. 16222312

August 15th

Anonymous No. 16222317

>"Big G"
I wish this existed just for that.

Anonymous No. 16222323

awful syncing, too stupid to use the vapour cone to sync

Anonymous No. 16222335

what the hell is wrong with you retards? why are you obsessed with dumb shit like this? how do you faggots not understand that there are legit mentally ill people who can write shit like this and post it to the internet, and then there are trolls who post this shit to bait retards like you and other dumbasses ITT?
have you people ever heard of the nettiquete? there is a rule that says "DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS".

Anonymous No. 16222338

Why Starliner is NOT SAFE to Return Astronauts from the ISS!

Anonymous No. 16222346

summarize the video for me in 5 lines of greentext or less

Anonymous No. 16222347

This + two weeks

Anonymous No. 16222354

This seems about right. I really hope they go for a full orbit on IFT-6 just to shut up people

Anonymous No. 16222359

Why stop at 1 orbit? I'd think they'd want to keep it up there for at least a day or two to start characterization of boilloff properties

Anonymous No. 16222362

>5 lines of greentext or less

Anonymous No. 16222369

IIRC their operating model is selling Direct to Cell access to carriers who turn it on for their customer devices. The ones getting fucked are the dedicated GEO satphone companies like Iridium.

Anonymous No. 16222372

>Starship booster makes soft landing in water, next landing will be caught by the tower arms

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space junk ring d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16222374

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Starship IFT 4 Bo....webm

Anonymous No. 16222375


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Anonymous No. 16222376


I guess the data was good and the meeting went well

Anonymous No. 16222377

PID controllers are AI, they have tunable parameters
>t. Engineer

Anonymous No. 16222378

Not a bad idea, I was just thinking they’d start small

Anonymous No. 16222379

the spacex stream, the pic was shown in the RGV flyover briefly

Anonymous No. 16222382

holy SHIT

Anonymous No. 16222384

Looks like I'm going to South Padre for this one

Anonymous No. 16222385

Ship recovery when?

Anonymous No. 16222389

December 9th

Anonymous No. 16222392

they aint closing quick enough. nigga finna waste 500m/s delta v just keeping in the air fr.

Anonymous No. 16222401

Melon said two successful simulated landings of the ship before an attempted capture. flight 4 was too far off target so presumably IFT-7 at the earliest if IFT5 and 6 go well

Anonymous No. 16222410

Why don’t they just land the ship with legs?

Anonymous No. 16222413

delta isn't and will never be real

Anonymous No. 16222416

Legs heavy

Anonymous No. 16222417

They'll have to eventually for the moon and Mars, but standard cargo/tanker versions that return to base will be caught to save mass.

Anonymous No. 16222418
Our black hole has already been colonized. Now what?

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Anonymous No. 16222422


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Anonymous No. 16222426




Anonymous No. 16222427


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Anonymous No. 16222428

>Anton brainlet king

Anonymous No. 16222429

oh you converted it too lol
didn't see

Anonymous No. 16222430

in v2 the ring is going to be integrated, so I doubt they are going to keep it on
its too massive, easier to jettison it than modify the landing tanks of the current v1 starships

Anonymous No. 16222434

welcome to the thread. consider reading it first next time

Anonymous No. 16222435

Put him in a 500G training centrifuge. If he wants to be an earther, he's gonna have to MOG the earthers.

Anonymous No. 16222437

the webm wasn't posted before and the twatter post is from 3 hours ago.

Anonymous No. 16222438

only one thing to do. launch a righteous crusade to subjugate the evil colonizers and place them under the benevolent heel of the rules-based world order.

Anonymous No. 16222440

see >>16222014
read harder faggot

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Anonymous No. 16222461
>Missing from the list of contract winners was Boeing, which has pushed the use of NASA's super-expensive Space Launch System to do the Mars Sample Return mission with a single launch. Boeing, of course, builds most of the SLS rocket. Most other sample return concepts require multiple launches.
>Alongside the seven industry contracts, NASA centers, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at Johns Hopkins University will also produce studies on how to complete the Mars Sample Return mission more affordablely.

lmao Boeing suggested the use of SLS

Anonymous No. 16222464

why are you Earthers deeply hypocritical?

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Anonymous No. 16222466

Anonymous No. 16222470

Does anyone know how people within NASA personally feel about old/new space? I'm genuinely surprised they didn't award SLS here. I know Bridenstine was basically lying to congress while pushing money to SpaceX but how does the permanent staff feel?

Anonymous No. 16222472

Ok fellas, which webm do I download?

Anonymous No. 16222475

the optimized one

Anonymous No. 16222477

Whichever has the best quality

Anonymous No. 16222479

Knees weak

Anonymous No. 16222482

Holy fuck lets goooo

Anonymous No. 16222483

all. leave no stone unturned

Anonymous No. 16222484

>Booster landing was on target, ship landing was several km off due to flap damage, but both were soft landings

Anonymous No. 16222485

man, there's some guy over on /pol/ absolutely seething in his musk derangement syndrome

Anonymous No. 16222487

The scientists are cooming. Much more experiments pr. dollar, huge ass telescopes. No mass autism whatsoever

Anonymous No. 16222489

Elon's spaghetti

Anonymous No. 16222490

this thread i mean

Anonymous No. 16222491

When its fins aren't melting like wax in fire during reentry.

Anonymous No. 16222492


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Anonymous No. 16222493

Why is no one talking about this?

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Anonymous No. 16222494


Anonymous No. 16222495


Anonymous No. 16222496


Anonymous No. 16222499

>booster landing was on target

oh fuck they're really going for it next aren't they

Anonymous No. 16222501

I have a feeling JPL are kinda split on it. It will kill their glorious robotics eventually.

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Anonymous No. 16222503

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Anonymous No. 16222504

Anonymous No. 16222506

spacefags in the future: why didn't they catch rockets with tower arms before? it's such an obvious solution. we're our ancestors retards?

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Anonymous No. 16222507



Anonymous No. 16222508

They'll retool and build equipment for manned missions. They'll probably also enjoy the huge freedom from not having such tight mass constraints.

Anonymous No. 16222509

catch arms are doomed to failure. they need to just go back to transpiration cooling instead.

Anonymous No. 16222511

close, they will be wondering why we werent thinking of SMART recovery for high energy stages..

Anonymous No. 16222512

>Celebrity pilots flying in some private capacity, even if they're trained, tend to get into trouble: Kobe, [...]
Kobe Bryant wasn't the one flying the helicopter, though.

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Anonymous No. 16222516

Percy found some cool roggs

Anonymous No. 16222518

that's obviously a witch

Anonymous No. 16222519

those are some cool roggs. good job percy!

Anonymous No. 16222520

is that ice?

Anonymous No. 16222522

Iridium is low earth orbit, not GEOSat

Anonymous No. 16222525

Thanks, this is really optimized

Anonymous No. 16222528

I've seen some powerpoint slide of a chinese design that uses 4 towers with wires between them to catch the rocket. I think that has real promise if anyone ever decides to take it a step beyond paper

Anonymous No. 16222529

Needs to be in a RealPlayer window for the full effect

Anonymous No. 16222534

Thoughts on this >>16222310 and >>16221839

Anonymous No. 16222537

This guy sounds bitter like that Thunderwhatever was about starship yesterday.

>Its the modern N1


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William Kenneth H....jpg

Anonymous No. 16222538

fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16222541

Will Starship be ready to make the 2026 launch window?

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Anonymous No. 16222543

removed the faggy watermark

Anonymous No. 16222545

yes but they won't decide to fly anything as they will be focusing on starlink, comercial, and artemis

Anonymous No. 16222547

i love those cacti. spent some good times with them for company. they are bros.

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w k Hartmann 2298....jpg

Anonymous No. 16222548

Based Hartmann appreciator

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Anonymous No. 16222552

>everyone forgets the original stainless steel rocket

I wonder if centaur will ever fly on a starship? GSE would be a pain, but it should fit in there once they figure out a cargo door.

Anonymous No. 16222561

if a crew mission went bad and starship had to ditch in the ocean, what would that be like for the crew? How fast does it fall over?

Anonymous No. 16222564

>/pol/ is right again

Anonymous No. 16222566

Well a bit off topic but here goes

your bitrate is shit

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Anonymous No. 16222569

Cool video with good narration about the vacuumorph:

Anonymous No. 16222570

very nice, straight in my rogg folder.

Anonymous No. 16222572

Starship-Centuar has been prophecied

Anonymous No. 16222574

look newfag /pol/ tourist. none of us like you. none of us are going to bite at your bait. please just leave now and stop shitting up the thread

Anonymous No. 16222575

I'm glad you're too incompetent to do cross-board links correctly.

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Anonymous No. 16222578


Anonymous No. 16222579

They look tasty, is percy gonna send them back on starship when it lands to pick up the samples?

Anonymous No. 16222581

Horrendous bait, I am entitled to better bait than this.

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Anonymous No. 16222582


Anonymous No. 16222584

Starship is failure, 3 out of 4 launches have resulted in explosions and total loss of the spacecraft. Even the one "success" did not involve the recovery of the first stage boosters, which is supposed to the only thing useful about the program. The orbiter is sitting at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
During the entire 30 year history of the space shuttle program, including all test flights, including the invention of SRBs, only 2 out of 100+ launches ended in that extent of failure. 98% of all boosters and orbiters were recovered and reused. If you'd get Elon's ball sack out of your mouth for 5 seconds you'd realize that the U.S. space program died in 2011 and that China stepped in to fill the void. Their cooperation with European and Russian space programs has their space station on pace to overtake the size and functionality of the ISS by the end of the decade with so far 0 failed missions. The Mars500 project was leaps and bounds above anything private US corporations are involved in, including that autistic grifter you worship.
And don't even get me started on Ain't Going nearly blowing up the ISS 2 days ago.

Anonymous No. 16222586

meant for >>16222584
sorry about that, I clicked the wrong post.

Anonymous No. 16222589

he is right

Anonymous No. 16222592

I think this might've been written by a commie.
It's tough when private corps inevitably do it better than the government, so sometimes they need to de-stress like this.

Anonymous No. 16222594

Chink shill spotted, go make some more fake waterfalls

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vacuumorph pn.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222596


Anonymous No. 16222600

>"CHINK SHILL!!!" 60 IQ burger cope
As predicted
How many SRBs and Long Marches combined exploded in the entire history of the US or Chinese nationalized space programs (2). Or how many GNSS constellations OR space stations SpaceX has built (0). Or the recovery rate of "fully reusable" falcon second stage boosters (0.00%).
Musk is a con man passing off run of the mill com satellites as a "Mars colonization program" and collecting billions in tax dollars for it, US space programs have been a joke for over a decade, China is doing all the meaningful space exploration now, and you're a retarded faggots.

Anonymous No. 16222601

they can't breed

Anonymous No. 16222606

boring bait
check current upmass to orbit by organization.

Anonymous No. 16222619

trolling tip: don't make repeated posts begging everyone to read your /pol/ thread before assuming the persona

Anonymous No. 16222624

all 100+ launches ditched in the ocean lmao

Anonymous No. 16222627

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Anonymous No. 16222628
>Ship it

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British Aerospace....jpg

Anonymous No. 16222629

Anonymous No. 16222630

Can we deploy Gigalinks now?

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Anonymous No. 16222632

Anonymous No. 16222635

Virgin landed, no one gives a fuck

Speaking of bait, the retarded double thread that stayed one week last time might be useful as a decoy, so that /pol/tards and tourists don't shit up the real one

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Anonymous No. 16222643

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Anonymous No. 16222648
>Work has already begun for flight 5 and with the recent booster landing video I’m more confident than ever that we might actually see a catch attempt on the next flight!
>That’s something incredible to look forward to!

Anonymous No. 16222651

They'll test in orbit refilling on launching a small starlink constellation around Mars, screenshot this

Anonymous No. 16222653

I WILL breed her and ensure space remains sustainably populated with my progeny.

Anonymous No. 16222659

If I was born as one of these things I'd immediately decompress whatever ship or station they had me slaving over and then steer it into whatever will cause Kessler syndrome the worst. Which is probably a good reason to never do that

Anonymous No. 16222662

one more suborbital test flight to confirm engine relight works and then they start doing orbital. may as well do starlinks on the first but it's possible they won't
I watched it happen and only cared enough to mention it once. /sfg/ stopped giving a fuck before they even made their second flight

Anonymous No. 16222668

they need to have the doors working

Anonymous No. 16222672

>I watched it happen and only cared enough to mention it once. /sfg/ stopped giving a fuck before they even made their second flight
Yeah, I wasn't criticizing. It's a dead-end anyway

Anonymous No. 16222686

New Handmer content:

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Rama simps.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222692

What if you were a helpful spess monke?

Anonymous No. 16222698

Uplift them a little more until they're a wisecracking client race

Anonymous No. 16222700


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dredd apes j.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222705

bad idea

Anonymous No. 16222713

I don’t know why but I’m very attracted to “Xeno” shit

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Anonymous No. 16222715

>retarded subhuman /pol/mutt spamming his garbage here
Genuinely fuck off

Anonymous No. 16222717

How may I convert myself from a /sfg/ browsing NEET to a Elon-like billionaire?

Anonymous No. 16222718

apartheid emerald mine

Anonymous No. 16222719

Wtf nitter works now??

Anonymous No. 16222720

get a job hippie

Anonymous No. 16222723

Just a few instances using non-guest accounts. It's on life support.

Anonymous No. 16222726

find something you're really good at and keep starting startups in that field until one of them makes it.

Anonymous No. 16222732

Did Elon have any failed startups? And how did he know who to hire?

Anonymous No. 16222743

I don't and that's not a relevant date anyway because Starlink will have already captured the market before then, they don't need the whole constellation. The only way for Kuiper to get non-government customers would be to undercut Starlink but then SpaceX can just lower prices because they have much much better margins.
Kuiper will get government contracts for redundancy and will be useful internally for Amazon but it won't be able to compete with Starlink. (They might be able to force them to cut prices)

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Anonymous No. 16222744

Anonymous No. 16222745

you're putting the cart before the horse. If you don't even have a business idea you're just doing mental masterbation

Anonymous No. 16222751

Greater than 50% chance. Its now on a list of possible outcomes.

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Anonymous No. 16222758

Anonymous No. 16222763

I know a guy who did one of those "find myself" trips

They work, but you're basically saying poor people are too dumb to self-actualize

Anonymous No. 16222766

Good positions, lets hope. Also if they can also move the current OLM in the same orientation/direction, it would make my heart a lot less heavier

Anonymous No. 16222768

that's not dog, you retard
it's a penis

Anonymous No. 16222769

spoonfeed me business ideas

Anonymous No. 16222772

Poor people are mostly dumb yes.

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04. Skorpio.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222774

What's the consensus on the clip of the booster landing. To me it looks like it was oscillating the entire time. Plus they didn't show the landing view from the boat which implies the landing wasn't as smooth as it needs to be for an arm catchment.

Anonymous No. 16222775

solarcity failed but he got tesla to purhase it at a massive loss

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Anonymous No. 16222780

Anonymous No. 16222786

god he's such a basedboy. i hope scamx fails and the failed con 9 charade comes crashing down.

Anonymous No. 16222789

The fins on the booster were absolutely shitting when it was coming down, thought they were going to get ripped off, they are going to need to upgrade the motors bigly or maybe make the fins smaller.

Anonymous No. 16222792

>88.8 km, 55.2 mi altitude

Not spaceflight. Try making a thread on /n/?

Anonymous No. 16222799

true. I am extremely skeptical that the booster doesnt take aero damage which means it can't be reused. i was around for all the early f9 landing attempts and the gridfins never shook as wildly as that. That was nuts.

Anonymous No. 16222802

>the retarded double thread that stayed one week last time might be useful as a decoy
okay but how do I tell the difference between the real one and the fake one

Anonymous No. 16222803

Why do they still have to do so much work on the launch pad after every launch. Shit is worse than SLS

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Anonymous No. 16222814

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Anonymous No. 16222816

Anonymous No. 16222818

it can fly vertically just like a rocket

Anonymous No. 16222819

Did you watch the uncropped version? it was filmed from a buoy and the footage wasn't stabilized

Anonymous No. 16222821

I'm surprised they're so eager to risk bombing their entire launch site. If they had the towers coming online soon at Cape, it'd be one thing, but this is all they have for at least 1 year.

Anonymous No. 16222822

Yeah but it still looks like it's tilting left to right. It might be some weird video artefact not sure

Anonymous No. 16222823

no time for caution

Anonymous No. 16222824

I heard inside nasa it's very factional based on what project you're assigned to. For example, as you'd expect the SLS folks are very anti-newspace as it's the greatest threat to SLS and thus their jobs. On the other end of the spectrum are the interplanetary probe people who benefit from lower launch costs and higher payload capacity.
Back in the 2000's the oldspace faction was dominant in nasa, thus orien and SLS. Pushing commercial space was mostly a presidential goal. Nowadays newspace has been so successful that the oldspace folks have mostly been marginalized to their SLS ghetto.

Anonymous No. 16222826

Dumbass >>>/pol/470555227

Anonymous No. 16222828

In most places, VG is not actually classified as spaceflight because in the US space starts at a lower altitude than the rest of the world.
I think the curvature of whatever plastic was on the buoy combined with the bobbing distorted the booster and made it seem like it was oscillating a lot more than it was.

Anonymous No. 16222830

Impressive CGI

Anonymous No. 16222831

meanwhile in china

Anonymous No. 16222832

If you can't tell, you're the problem

Anonymous No. 16222834

is the foundation for the second tower done?

To catch the booster they dont need another OLM, they dont need another tank farm, just tower and sticks, not even plumbing or QD arm on the tower.

If this isn't going to take long to stack I wouldn't risk hitting the tank farm or even a mishap investigation even if it damages nothing. They still have plenty to do in orbit, like relight, door, and prop transfer. I don't think the tower catch is a big uncertainty that needs to be proven

Anonymous No. 16222835

Fuck off and go back

Anonymous No. 16222836

He really is a 2011 redditor

Anonymous No. 16222837

and that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 16222840

I'm bout the get filtered then.

Anonymous No. 16222844

2011 redditors and infinitely preferable to the current userbase of communist trannies.

Anonymous No. 16222847


Anonymous No. 16222848

>I don't think the tower catch is a big uncertainty that needs to be proven
I very much doubt that they have a major motivation other than "it's gonna look cool".

Anonymous No. 16222852

iterative hardware rich development nigger

Anonymous No. 16222859

irrelevant politics = bad
spaceflight discussion = good

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Anonymous No. 16222860

I am thrilled about Titan

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Anonymous No. 16222864

this is cool as fuck

Anonymous No. 16222875

your dad was thrilled..

Anonymous No. 16222878

well yeah, the great wall/10,000 li wall was almost all built in the 70s, atleast the bits tourists can walk on.
so the whole tourism scene in China is faker than a 3 dollar bill.

Anonymous No. 16222880

And they just let the fucking thing sink
No one is going to sail over there to check if it's still floating around?

Anonymous No. 16222881

I was researching whether or not I could make a high altitude airship that would hover over a city and let Starlink work with cities. It turned out to be a bad idea

Anonymous No. 16222889

Anon he has Asperger's

Anonymous No. 16222892

13 years apart, the user base ideology is very much different now

Anonymous No. 16222893

>/sfg/ is cheering for a failure of a rocket "test"
/g/ is laughing at you.

Anonymous No. 16222896

Weak bait

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titan ron miller ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16222903

keep pretending it's not a massive letdown to how it should have been

Anonymous No. 16222906

I wonder what depth its at? Someone oughta dive the wreck.

Anonymous No. 16222914

look newfag /g/ tourist. none of us like you. none of us are going to bite at your bait. please just leave now and stop shitting up the thread

Anonymous No. 16222918

>Planet* is super hazy as seen from orbit
>durr why is the atmosphere not clear when you're looking up from the surface???? duhhhh
*yes, planet

Anonymous No. 16222920

SpaceX rockets are Linux powered.

Anonymous No. 16222924

The launch pad, believe it or not, the launch pad, is ALSO in development just like the big fucking rocket lifting off from it! Imagine that? Turns out making a resilient launch pad for the worlds most powerful rocket ever made with no way to make a flame trench is pretty hard!

Anonymous No. 16222925

move fast, break things

Anonymous No. 16222929

I saw the /g/ thread before it was deleted, I wouldn't be publicly humiliating yourself by telling people you are from there. Get a normal masochism fetish

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Anonymous No. 16222931

>seething and coping

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Steve Dodd Titan 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222932

Yes a smog moon where you can't see its primary is sooo much better

Anonymous No. 16222934

Autism is really strong with him.

Anonymous No. 16222935

>I saw the /g/ thread before it was deleted
It was the best thread before the reddit janny got mad, truth bombs that you /sci/ fags can't handle at all.

Anonymous No. 16222936

when do the IFT tourists leave?

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shatner space.jpg

Anonymous No. 16222942

I'm leaving rn, sfg is boring

Anonymous No. 16222943


Flight 5 soon. Flight 6 soon flight 7 soon. It will be non stop IFT every month

Anonymous No. 16222947

at some point starship will get as boring as falcon and they won't bother to show up

Anonymous No. 16222956

Definitely. That was also around the era when The Oatmeal webcomic about Tesla blew up there and he became a reddit meme. Elon then donated 1 million dollars to a fundraiser started by the comic author to save his Wardenclyffe lab.

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Anonymous No. 16222959

this is more insane than landing any rocket

Anonymous No. 16222962

>software vs hardware
kek we'll see

Anonymous No. 16222963

That will take years and even then there are several high profile missions during that time. Polaris 3, hls test, hls launch, starlab launch, etc. More big profile launches will pop up soon as customers become more confident with starship and in progress projects start coming out of the woodwork. It wont get boring any time in the next 10 years, maybe more if they actually get to mars.

Anonymous No. 16222981

it will just get more exciting as time passes

Anonymous No. 16222986


Anonymous No. 16222988

terracotta army getting "discovered" in 1974 too

Anonymous No. 16222992

>To me it looks like it was oscillating the entire time.

360 cameras like on the buoys do that warping when in motion

Anonymous No. 16222995

AGI is coming, Nvidia is changing the world while you play with fucking soience rockets.

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Anonymous No. 16222997
>Will S29 withstand the intense re-entry of flight 4 next week?

S29 from the May 28

Anonymous No. 16223002

you should consider that your unquenchable thirst for negative attention is a result of neglect.
i advise you to seek some psychiatric help.

Anonymous No. 16223004
>Virgin Galactic Unity goes suborbital for the last time - Galactic 07 launch highlights

Anonymous No. 16223005

Glad to see sci is based and shitting on elon deniers. Now will you become gigabased and accept uap reality?

Anonymous No. 16223006

>AGI is coming

Anonymous No. 16223007

Is there a stabilized version somewhere?

Anonymous No. 16223009

elon doesnt so no.

Anonymous No. 16223010

AI still suffers under the tyranny of the rocket equation.

Anonymous No. 16223011

So are they actually flying another V1 ship in IFT5 despite the known flap burnthrough?

Anonymous No. 16223013

just accelerate at 1g (how perfect is that) for 1 year and you'll be at 99% c

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ayy chads & c....jpg

Anonymous No. 16223014

I stand with you anon
Elon is reddit in that respect, sadly

Anonymous No. 16223015

The scifi general is over on /lit/, we discuss space flight here

Anonymous No. 16223016

It's gonna be the last V1 ship, probably gonna try a quick fix to see if something simple works.

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Anonymous No. 16223019

>another thread of seething pajeets

Anonymous No. 16223024

elizondo and grusch and that whole gang is clearly a military intelligence op and they don't even make that much of an effort to hide it.

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ayy astronaut rev....jpg

Anonymous No. 16223025

> muh bluebeam
take meds

Anonymous No. 16223029

Ah yes, the weekend is upon us.

Anonymous No. 16223030

Shhhhh, it's ok. They only probe abductees. As long as you aren't one of those, you have nothing to worry about.

The most interesting thing that was found by Gary Nolan with his studt on experiencers was that the brains of abductees are literally, physically different. This change also appears to be genetic and a dominant trait which lines up eerily with the work of John Mack and co. Don't have the paper on me at the moment though.

No he's partially right. Those goons are trying to control the narrative or are grifters like Greer, I'm willing to bet that much.

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Titan surface.png

Anonymous No. 16223035


Anonymous No. 16223043


Anonymous No. 16223049

they all have intel backgrounds and they're all open about it - they seem to think this somehow increases their credibility. if they were exposing a real coverup then senators like rubio and rounds and schumer would be trying to throw them in jail, not boosting them.
if i had to guess what's going on, i think we're trying to gaslight the russians and chinese into believing we've developed some hypermaneuverable aircraft and we're clumsily trying to keep it a secret with a ufo cover story.

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Anonymous No. 16223050


Anonymous No. 16223051

How do AItards always manage to be the worst bunch of mongoloids around?

Anonymous No. 16223054

These AI images are a dead giveaway for a /pol/bot

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16223058

Still mad pajeets?

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Anonymous No. 16223059

>mick west

Anonymous No. 16223061

we know and that's why no one was responding to it. you triggered it again dumbass

Anonymous No. 16223068

Saturn wouldn't look like that though.
You wouldn't be able to see the rings from titan.

Anonymous No. 16223073

Oh you been there?

Anonymous No. 16223076

Is Blue Origin the Aperture Science of rocket launch companies?

Anonymous No. 16223078



Anonymous No. 16223079

>kind of gives Stoke vibes
well of course, that stoke guy is from BO and thought he could execute their reusable upper stage quicker than they could

Anonymous No. 16223206

Can we remove the smog?

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Anonymous No. 16223229

>optimized for VLC

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wow doge.png

Anonymous No. 16223270

>next landing will be caught by the tower arms
horry sheet
I was expecting at least two more splashes before they went for a tower landing. I mean at least F9 RTLS lands on an empty pad, no major loss if it fails.
I mean, a stack of Starlinks next launch maybe, but a tower landing?