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๐Ÿงต SpaceX Starship Test Flight 4

Anonymous No. 16224940

Thoughts on Thunderf00t's live reaction to starship's test flight 4?

Anonymous No. 16224954

Thread already exists >>16218126

Anonymous No. 16224979

Exactly. Totally inorganic ThunderCunt shilling on /sci/....they even posted the same thread on /pol/ the next day. Cringe.

Anonymous No. 16225146

Terminal EDS.

Anonymous No. 16225489


sage No. 16225507

he officialy lost his mind

Anonymous No. 16225521

lmao, this antimusk cuck gets what he deserves. elon is the best mind of our generation, and anyone saying otherwise is just a brainless npc.

Anonymous No. 16225533

he's transitioning

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Anonymous No. 16225570

>elon is the best mind of our generation

>mogs your meme genius
No takebacks, Elon, lol.

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Anonymous No. 16225584

>This board is now entirely overrun by tourist troll threads fighting over whether Starship or the Space Shuttles are more retarded

Anonymous No. 16225638

Altman is evil though.

Anonymous No. 16225652

Altman has no rockets, only gay computer nonsense of dubious utility.

Anonymous No. 16225667

>only gay computer nonsense
exactly, everything OpenAI has is proprietary AI software, all their hardware is designed by Nvidia. Open source is catching up already (see Meta's Llama3) and Google will soon surpass them with much more advanced models.

Anonymous No. 16225674

>Google will soon surpass them with much more advanced models.
I was with you until that claim. Google has a severe organizational disease. If they were capable of excelling in this field, they would have done so by now.

Anonymous No. 16225688

>If they were capable of excelling in this field, they would have done so by now.
Google literally invented the transformer architecture

Anonymous No. 16225696

Yes, so they had a head start on everybody and are still behind. They wouldn't be behind unless they were organizationally crippled. They don't need more time to catch up because they already had time and the first mover advantage and squandered both.

Anonymous No. 16225737

That's nice dear, but Gemini is the absolute best they could do and it's retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16225825

>Google will soon surpass them with much more advanced models.
lol. lmao, even.

Anonymous No. 16225935

Kek, this contrarian cunt. I swear if he does live trading I'll do the exact opposite this douche does.

Anonymous No. 16225978

kek. I keep forgetting that the MuskRats genuinely believe he's going to create an incel utopia on Mars for them.

Anonymous No. 16225989

Mars isn't happening sweaty, that's just a recruiting scheme and cover story. Elon Musk is going to build BRILLIANT PEBBLES.

Anonymous No. 16226169

mars? nope, no chance for Starship, but the moon? Hell yeah

Anonymous No. 16226189

*femcel utopia

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Anonymous No. 16226192

>nonsense of dubious utility.
I don't think coomer text is of dubious utility

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Anonymous No. 16226198

How well does the DoD pay you for posting here? Hackers and ASAT will push his shit in btw

Anonymous No. 16226689

>how well does the DoD pay you for posting here?

Anonymous No. 16226710

Say what you want about Elon Musk, but the man has been defrauding the US taxpayers, deceiving investors and pump&dumping the market in plain sight for a good 15 years, and still isn't in prison.
Takes a lot of talent to do that.

Anonymous No. 16226761

How exactly?

Anonymous No. 16226763

literally an hero!!

Anonymous No. 16226768

Providing goods and services for money.

Anonymous No. 16226790

What a monster!

Anonymous No. 16226794

Well Spacex full of moron when come to energy to fuel.

Anonymous No. 16226834

> Hydrogren News
who the fuck watches this shit?

Anonymous No. 16227112

>red hydrogen

Anonymous No. 16227290


Anonymous No. 16227300

The DoD would not pay me to spill the beans on their pebbles.

Anonymous No. 16227773


Anonymous No. 16227888

People who got bored and nothing else to do.

Anonymous No. 16227892

The description link to article with same topic

Anonymous No. 16228213

E-celeb Derangement Syndrome

Anonymous No. 16228903

how do you know this shit?

Anonymous No. 16229061

Elon Derangement Syndrome. One who loses the capacity for rational thought with regards to anything Elon Musk is involved with because they put hating Elon Musk first.

Anonymous No. 16229192

More purple hydrogen as fuel infrastructure created.


Anonymous No. 16229520

EDS is actually Ligma

Anonymous No. 16229530

Ligma Pebbles