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๐Ÿงต /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16232670

No Mishap Required Edition

Previous - >>16230475


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Anonymous No. 16232673

hey one of those lights arent on id get a new bulb or something

Anonymous No. 16232674

True dat, but FAA thinks its not an issue.

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Anonymous No. 16232676

Big update to LC-39A layout and how it will be structured.

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Anonymous No. 16232678
Official thing in OP btw, Sheetz says so.

Anonymous No. 16232682

why did you think we needed a 7th thread?

Anonymous No. 16232688

Need to continue with an official chain that follows procedures properly. Also using the other threads just gives the thread griefer what he wants, whats more is that if no thread differentiates itself to whatever future janny comes in to sweep up this mess then all of them will get deleted again so one must be made and be proper at that to group all serious posters on /sfg/.
Im also trying to make serious posts here with effort put in to inform /sfg/ and show everyone this thread is real in order to achieve that grouping of real posters.

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Anonymous No. 16232690

Also what the fuck is gonna happen to the next ship without the correct wing cutouts that Block 2 is supposed to have? Will it also just fucking melt or am I missing something there.

Anonymous No. 16232698

They're probably going to patch the TPS on the flaps for the rest of v1

Anonymous No. 16232699

fake thread

Anonymous No. 16232703

Ive provided a screenshot of page 10 at staging and am actively trying to foster spaceflight discussion. This is as real a thread as it can get.

Anonymous No. 16232704

nice try

Anonymous No. 16232712

maybe if you read the previous thread you would have seen that there was a staging at page 10 to the early stage thread, which is what we always do to avoid thread splitting. just because janny nuked threads to bring us back to page 9 doesn't mean we need another thread

Anonymous No. 16232715

why can't the janny just merge the threads? what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16232719

There was no screenshot included at that staging and Im not even sure that was page 10 anyways and it wasnt just you saying it plus it wasnt being used and pretty obvious youre the same person that made an early stage thread based on file name of >>16232245 >>16232048 >>16232272 all starting with GP prove you are a fraud.

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Anonymous No. 16232721


Anonymous No. 16232722

Great, now we just need to get FWS/EPA off their backs.

Anonymous No. 16232725

uhh bros why is one raptor down? I thought the Raptor was a solved problem????????????

Anonymous No. 16232727

Janny deleted the threads complaining about this mess but didnt delete the extra threads. Infact he cleaned out 30 threads or so but not the duplicates.

Anonymous No. 16232728

>which is what we always do to avoid thread splitting
fuck off newfag. This is exactly not what we do.

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Anonymous No. 16232731

That wasn't a new thread. Screen shot doesn't mean shit about how that thread was created.

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Anonymous No. 16232732

discuss all the discoveries made by JWST

Anonymous No. 16232733

its in the middle of the thread right now, this thread is fine

Anonymous No. 16232734

The Big Bang is a lie. Matter creation timestamps plus QI explain redshift.

Anonymous No. 16232738

>Matter creation timestamp

Anonymous No. 16232739

we have a thread for that too

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Anonymous No. 16232741

absolute state

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Anonymous No. 16232746
I never knew about Hera, is this based or cringe? Also any other planetary defense missions active or other cool and obscure probes I should know about? I mostly track roggets and commercial space stations

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Anonymous No. 16232749

Also have some Mars roggs

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Anonymous No. 16232750

LISA is an upcoming space based gravitational wave observatory made my ESA.

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apu esoteric know....png

Anonymous No. 16232754

There is not one single cosmic horizon, because there is not one creation date. Fluctuations in the quantum vacuum create new matter over time (and presumably new antimatter, that asymmetry is still an open question). The new matter can't "see" farther back than the moment of its creation and so redshift decreases over time as it can causally interact with more of the universe. Since under QI gravity is a gradient in Unruh scale light pressure this means old mass can still interact with new mass gravitationally as Unruh photons continue to bombard baryons at all times, but the new matter's redshift for *emitted* photons decreases over time. The CMB is emitted inward by the edge of the universe itself, an echo of *our* moment of creation, which may or may not be the same CMB seen by matter older than our solar system.

Anonymous No. 16232758

3 different sats in 3 different orbits?

Anonymous No. 16232759


Anonymous No. 16232760

Dedicated to gravitational waves is cool but I still dont get how they makes ripples, isnt gravity supposed to be instantaneous in transmission of its force since all particles have gravity that acts on all other things in the universe even to a quintillionth of a piconewton? Obviously inverse square law makes gravity practically nothing at long distances but its still technically acting even billions of lightyears away. So how does it make ripples that go out over time?

Anonymous No. 16232761


Anonymous No. 16232762

Not sure if next Einstein or Terrence Howard

Anonymous No. 16232764

gravity travels at the speed of light but I'm not sure how it makes the waves though.

Anonymous No. 16232766

Do you know why it travels at the speed of light? All these concepts are so abstract its amazing I even got my head around how everywhere is the center of the universe and spacetime at all

Anonymous No. 16232767

Not even Terrence Howard. It's just word salad. It's like something generated by GPT2.

Anonymous No. 16232771

why is it taking so long for them to construct another tower there? Test site will soon have a second one up and running

Anonymous No. 16232772

>gravity travels at the speed of light
It's better to say that changes in the geometry of spacetime propagate outward at the speed of light. Which answers the gravitational wave question. Matter tells space how to curve; sometimes matter can set the geometry of space into an oscillating state that can be detected (by a sufficiently sensitive detector) a long way away.

Anonymous No. 16232778

>everywhere is the center of the universe

Anonymous No. 16232782

>Do you know why it travels at the speed of light
"the speed of light" is just the speed at which information travels

Anonymous No. 16232783

why is photon the only particle that travels at the speed of light.?.

Anonymous No. 16232794

It has 0 mass. Mass needs infinite energy to go C

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Anonymous No. 16232796


I vote for this thread

Anonymous No. 16232802

direct democracy, just as Musk would have wanted.

Anonymous No. 16232803

Light travels at a certain speed, that speed being determined by the properties of the vacuum. We call it the "speed of light" because that's the speed โ€ฆof light. "Light propagates at the speed of light" is kind of tautological.

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Anonymous No. 16232806

how can vacuum have properties.

Anonymous No. 16232808

These guys explain it way better than I ever could and even have an analogy to make it easier to understand.
Ohhh shit I remember requesting that image be made, I think if was IFT-1 if I'm not mistaken since there was a Dawn of the Final Day Edition thread up before launch.

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Anonymous No. 16232813


Anonymous No. 16232817

Also because 'center' is a singular point, but technically everywhere is the center of the universe, there is no center of the universe since everywhere is the 'center' of the universe.
Fuck I still hate that the hawaiian zoophile made that and hid the little Starfox logo in there.

Anonymous No. 16232824

astroonomers get your own thread

Anonymous No. 16232825

We really should get an aerospace board.

Anonymous No. 16232831


Anonymous No. 16232832


Anonymous No. 16232839

The speed of light will be killed.

Anonymous No. 16232841

FTL travel will never exist and can never exist either way get bent.

Anonymous No. 16232846

Can't exist. FTL travel = causality violation, which is the best proof by contradiction I can think of.

Anonymous No. 16232851

alcubierre drive

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Anonymous No. 16232859

Total Schizo Death

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Anonymous No. 16232862

this is how you get moved to >>>/trash/ btw

Anonymous No. 16232867


The other guy who complained about jannies not doing their job got banned and his thread deleted

Anonymous No. 16232868

Its one retard and janny isnt doing his job either. Blame janny not us we cant delete his threads.

Anonymous No. 16232878

starliner update? will they really risk the lives of 2 astronauts to see how reliable those shitty thrusters are?

Anonymous No. 16232881

Hera is a nice addition, to find out what happened to the DART asteroid. I originally thought it was stupid they waited so long, Hera could have been close during the impact. After seeing the scale of the impact ejecta I guess it would have fucked Hera up badly.

Another obscure and cool probe is ESA's Comet Interceptor. A mission which will linger at L2 until a cool object is spotted and it will burn to intercept. Maybe an interstellar comet like the one with the stupid name.

Anonymous No. 16232883

I think they are going to try to depart on the 18th

Anonymous No. 16232884

Complain via the feedback form. I've had it work in the past.
That's probably the thread spammers' goal.

Any new news on Corpseliner's return flight date?

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Anonymous No. 16232890

Anonymous No. 16232898

deboonking the big bang rn

Anonymous No. 16232899

Total BS. McCulloch never asserts QI is anything but part of an expanding universe after a hot big bang.
>Since under QI gravity is a gradient in Unruh scale
Not even Mike is crazy enough to claim he can explain gravity from QI.

The latter.

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Anonymous No. 16232901

fuck off gatekeeper

Anonymous No. 16232904

>Complain via the feedback form.
Where can I file the form? Also fuck of bureaucrat

Anonymous No. 16232905

Mike does actually explain gravity from QI and the uncertainty principle and asserts space does not bend, which necessarily means the universe cannot grow.

Anonymous No. 16232906

That's the most pathetic samefagging I've ever seen.

Anonymous No. 16232916

Logically, the next flight is No Mishap Edition.

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Anonymous No. 16232917

Bottom of the home page, select moderation feedback in the drop down

Anonymous No. 16232919


Anonymous No. 16232923

you have no proof

Anonymous No. 16232928

why are you homos spamming the board with /sfg/ threads

Anonymous No. 16232930

Cause mod/jannies dont want to delete those threads and ban people for reporting them.

Anonymous No. 16232936

We arent. We have one newfag sperg that came here during IFT-4 and is trying to get us in hot water with janny for some reason. Janny is maliciously leaving these threads up also, he deleted 30 threads earlier as well as a thread telling him to delete the duplicate threads but didnt delete all the duplicates. The regular and proper /sfg/ users are trying to take up as little catty space as possible and staying here and baking new threads at page 10 but we cant ban and delete the spergs threads. Im sorry but the onus is on janny here, not the majority of /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16232947

His tweets, he dabs on bent space all the time. I think he actually published the Heisenberg derivation as a paper.

Anonymous No. 16232950

>arrive somewhere before light does

Anonymous No. 16232954

Jannies can't delete threads, only mods can.

Anonymous No. 16232955

The universe does not obey local realism. Causality is not immutable.

Anonymous No. 16232956

Get a mod on here then for fucks sake this is a situation deserving of one. Fucking tranitor cant do anything worth shit.

Anonymous No. 16232957

I wish to void excrement from the bowels through the anus onto the janny.

Anonymous No. 16232965

what is local realism and what are the everyday implication of the lack thereof?

Anonymous No. 16232967

Reminder a janny lurks this thread, during ift 4 he deleted an image to post the outcome of the flight.

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Anonymous No. 16232969

Here's a post from today actually.

Actions can have causes outside their light cone. NoFTLers in shambles.

Anonymous No. 16232970

Election is coming up and it's been obvious that the current administration is hampering space progress for political reasons. Got to tone it down for a bit.

Anonymous No. 16232977

What made the fag seethe and create threads?
The absolute state of the catalog

Anonymous No. 16232984

Probably some random drama in the IFT-4 thread that nobody but him paid attention to. People that sperg out this much usually are vindictive losers that will take the smallest infraction against them to the ends of the Earth. It only happened after IFT-4. Another alternative is that it is the same hawaiian zoophile from IFT-2 that did the same exact thing

Anonymous No. 16232994

multiple sfg threads, have we forgotten the past?

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pstd dog.gif

Anonymous No. 16233000


Anonymous No. 16233005

Could you clowns talk about spaceflight rather than about /sfg/, thanks.
Will the next SS launched have the same flap configuration?

Anonymous No. 16233012

NASAโ€™s Disaster Response Coordination System Launch Event

Anonymous No. 16233013

I would say yes, changing the configuration would be very time consuming
though who knows, maybe they do change it and the 4 other ships already built instead of waiting for v2

Anonymous No. 16233014

wait that guy who spent the whole of last weekend screaming about spacex is still at it? amazing lol he larped as gen x too

Anonymous No. 16233015

Nobody says SS Starship is already short enough stop trying to use these stupid acronyms
Yes only Block 2 will change

Anonymous No. 16233018

Oh my fucking god it is him isnt it? He argued for two 1000 post long threads of course its him.

Anonymous No. 16233020

they should call it something other than a "launch" event. I don't see any rockets going up

Anonymous No. 16233021

The paper derived Newtonian gravity, which as we all know is wrong. It is a classical limit. You cannot replace bent spacetime with classical gravitation.
Also as usual it makes precisely zero sense as without General Reality there is no expanding universe, and no horizon. The horizon radius that Mike needs in all his calculation.

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Anonymous No. 16233024

we need Jim back asap, this old stiff is putting me to sleep rn.

Anonymous No. 16233027

I like Phobos and Deimos, so I can't wait for MMX (Phobos orbiter/lander/sample return)
(hope it won't fail like the previous Phobos missions...)

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Anonymous No. 16233028

Anonymous No. 16233029

I remember reading that dark matter (if it exists) isn't evenly distributed so would that effect the speed of light?

Anonymous No. 16233033

Dark matter is obviously just antimatter which solves baryonic asymmetry.

Anonymous No. 16233035

>there are gigantic galactic clouds of antimatter in the voids between galaxies

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Anonymous No. 16233037
>Looks like another BE4 engine has just arrived at the a rocket Factory in Decatur. Thanks blueorigin. One more and weโ€™ll have all the engines needed for Vulcanโ€™s 2024 manifest.
If we're taking Wikipedia as an accurate source, that'd mean ULA currently has a stock of 11 BE-4 engines

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What's the d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16233038

What's the deal with the Bootes Void?

Anonymous No. 16233040

Your mum ate it all

Anonymous No. 16233044


Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer are sitting in their usual booth.

Jerry: What's the deal with the Bootes Void?

Elaine: Is that a new club downtown?

George: No, itโ€™s a giant empty region in space. Like the black hole of the universe.

Kramer: It's like Jerry's fridge on Sunday night. Nothing in it!

Jerry: Exactly! 330 million light-years and there's practically nothing there. Who misplaced a chunk of the universe?

Elaine: Maybe itโ€™s where all the socks go when they disappear from the dryer.

George: Or where my high school girlfriend went. One day she was there, next, poof! Gone.

Jerry: She probably found a better galaxy.

Kramer: What if there's something in the void, but it's invisible? Like cosmic ninjas.

Elaine: Cosmic ninjas? Now that's a show Iโ€™d watch.

Jerry: Relax, George. There's no cosmic ninjas.


Jerry is on stage, microphone in hand.

Jerry: So I was reading about the Bootes Void. This huge empty space in the universe. Did someone misplace it? Did it roll under the cosmic couch? Imagine the realtor's pitch: "A spacious void, perfect for those who love peace, quiet, and absolutely nothing else."

Audience laughs as the scene fades out.

Anonymous No. 16233050

It's a result of the pocket formed when galactic structures merge together and form nodules in a web. Similar to how a spider doesn't create an infinitely dense web but there's significant pockets between each node on it.

Anonymous No. 16233053

that's just a nebula

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Anonymous No. 16233054

Anonymous No. 16233060

Who asked for this

Anonymous No. 16233064

The lack of annihilation gamma rays says otherwise.

Anonymous No. 16233066

Nope. It has nothing to do with the speed of light.

Anonymous No. 16233068


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Anonymous No. 16233083

how does this actually help anyone?
you know what would really help humanity you may ask,
colonizing every planet and moon of the Solar system, building giant space stations where hundreds of millions will live and eventually building a Star Empire within a 20ly bubble.
I plan ahead in millennia while retarded nasa only cares about dumb planet side shit

Anonymous No. 16233092


Anonymous No. 16233096

>Actions can have causes outside their light cone.

Anonymous No. 16233097

it's the schizo that came back to watch ift4 and didn't leave.

Anonymous No. 16233098

I speak for all alien species when I say that whites should not spread the tiny hat and jogger menace through the cosmos.

Anonymous No. 16233100

lmao yeah that would make sense

Anonymous No. 16233103

I hope they wrap the entire fucking rocket in a copper pipe soil and send gases through said coil.

reminder that the universe is homogenous on the largest scales.

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Flap-chan refuses....webm

Anonymous No. 16233106

So where all the flaps melting or only the one?
one flap melting and still doing the flip is amazing, but if all were in similar state it's going in the surreal side of things.

Anonymous No. 16233111

This has actually been a pretty good thread minus the whole.... situation thats been going on. Quality discussion and sharing of space and spaceflight knowledge, proud of you bros for making the best out of this.

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Anonymous No. 16233116

Sadly, Big Jim went to the dark side.

Anonymous No. 16233117

An interstellar cloud of pure Nigronium

Anonymous No. 16233124

Aged like fine wine.

Anonymous No. 16233126

So the leaked training audio was from Polaris Dawn training.
The "Commander" is Jared Isaacman.
Interesting that NASA is so closely involved

Anonymous No. 16233129

>Aged like fine whine

Anonymous No. 16233135

His first vid about SLS vs Starship is the funniest one. He trashes a specific youtube channel for Elon fanboys for being overly optimistic and having no technical knowledge, and in the end they were far more correct about the present than he was.

Anonymous No. 16233137

According to Elon, only the one.

Anonymous No. 16233138

another leak? qrd?

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Anonymous No. 16233141

>concern trolling
I have never watched your faggy youtubers and never will

Anyway, what's your opinion on propellant depots?

Anonymous No. 16233143

No the one yesterday on the ISS channel

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Anonymous No. 16233151

Don't really want to watch these right now, can you make a list or at least some examples of things that aged well or not so well? Has he addressed any of it after the fact?

Depots are a spook. Now if you'd come with me behind this barn...

Anonymous No. 16233152

I wonder if radiators will be efficient enough, and suspect it may need a JWSTesque sun shield

Anonymous No. 16233156

>hurls sรธy boy style insults in the first 20 seconds
Even for fun I can't watch this

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16233158

>some bigot writes off my very legitimate raptor reliability concerns as trolling
fuck off

Anonymous No. 16233160

They took all the tiles off the current ship presumably to add a one-time extra slab of custom tiles covering the gap

Block 2 will get the new, swept flaps on the dorsal side. They have already been spotted by RGV

Anonymous No. 16233162

Not giving you ad revenue.
Summarize your points.

Anonymous No. 16233163

Are you 25% failure rate anon? Even if not you deserved a vicious mocking.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16233167

nice argument faggot

Anonymous No. 16233168

>Unironically earth imaging is one way to break into the market
That's because every satellite that makes money points at Earth. Every single one. I ask any of you to present me with a single counter example.

Anonymous No. 16233169

SS stands for Super Smooth

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16233170

not an argument. fuck yourself. You space cadets are faggots and yeah I can say that on here.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16233171

What argument is there to be made, you were openly lying about the failure rate of Raptors.

Anonymous No. 16233172

he obviously is

Anonymous No. 16233173

What argument is there to be made, you were openly lying about the failure rate of Raptors.

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Anonymous No. 16233175

elon sobbing
>bawww i shoulda made a fake aerospike engine for starship and done 12m diameters
too late, elon. this is the world you chose.

Anonymous No. 16233179

>12 m
everybody knows 16 m would be better

Anonymous No. 16233180

you misspelt 18m.

Anonymous No. 16233182

how dare you disrespect the supremacy of 24m

Anonymous No. 16233187

I'm partial to 1.27x10^7m diameter starship

Anonymous No. 16233188

Superheavy should be the shape of a ufo

Anonymous No. 16233192

With these bigger diameters we could get a few extra cubic kilometers of space on Starship

Anonymous No. 16233197

luv me some roggs

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Anonymous No. 16233198

Earther scum detected

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Anonymous No. 16233201

>chinese astronaut states that he couldn't see a chinese monument from space
>European Space Agency decide they need to Correct the Record (tm) and defend the reputation of the Chinese monument... from the Chinese
>get it wrong
What is the cause of this?

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Anonymous No. 16233203

picrel MSL gigapan:

Anonymous No. 16233204


Anonymous No. 16233208

Will probably need both desu, though you probably don't need to be as autistic about the shield as JWST

Anonymous No. 16233209

wow! dusty rocks and sand! never seen that before. we need a mars polar lander that doesn't crash

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Anonymous No. 16233211


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Anonymous No. 16233221

Anonymous No. 16233225

People like this need to be fed into industrial shredders and their gore used to feed birds.

Anonymous No. 16233229

>In all, only five total eggs within four individual nests (out of 22 eggs within nine nests) were found intact and still viable following the launch.
SEVENTEEN EGGS. how can muskrats think this is ok?!

Anonymous No. 16233230


Anonymous No. 16233235

They'll learn to build the nests further away as launch cadence increases

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Anonymous No. 16233238

A flame done charred my sister Nell. (with Elon on the Moon)
Her wings and beak began to swell. (and Elon's on the Moon)
I can't pay no veterinarian bill. (but Elon's on the Moon)
Ten years from now I'll be paying still. (while Elon's on the Moon)

Anonymous No. 16233244


Anonymous No. 16233252

Replace "on the Moon" with "off to Mars."

Anonymous No. 16233253

I meant to replace "sister" with "plover" too. I'll work on it for next time.

Anonymous No. 16233265

Nothing happened

Anonymous No. 16233271

Bros I bet the /pol/ sperg that was always talking about the juice is the same person as the thread splitter. Both tourists showed up after IFT-4 and both tourists speak the same and are the same (cancer).

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Anonymous No. 16233272

Anonymous No. 16233273


Anonymous No. 16233275


Anonymous No. 16233278
Starlink time again, weather might be an issue

Anonymous No. 16233281

Wait, no, it's now T-3:00:00. No need to get excited yet

Anonymous No. 16233285

I wasn't going to

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taylor us its over.jpg

Anonymous No. 16233295

Dead men can't EVA, ISS bodycount cover-up confirmed

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Anonymous No. 16233299

It's been a bit rainy in Florida this week

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laughing mission ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16233314


Anonymous No. 16233323

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Anonymous No. 16233328

>how can vacuum have properties

Anonymous No. 16233329

Bro I know you're the EDS tourist

Anonymous No. 16233331

>they don't know
Will BO get to orbit before the contract is up?

Anonymous No. 16233332

don't quote that schizo fraud here. You know this guy could hallucinate the sound of lightning from 300 miles away?

Anonymous No. 16233333

you guys seen that pickle thread that pops up when you search for sfg?

Anonymous No. 16233353

nice digits but NO, DONT MENTION IT

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Anonymous No. 16233356

Anonymous No. 16233362

>SpaceX in second place yet again
This has got to be absolutely tiresome. I dare the DoD to show their evaluations and explain how ULA beats out SpaceX. That said, I fully expect Tory to complain about not getting enough money for 26 launches once they get to like launch 5 of Vulkan.

Anonymous No. 16233365

Worse, Blue Origin will get more money in future because thats just how the old guards rolls.

They got $4B on NASA and SpaceX got $3B.

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Anonymous No. 16233368

I like this camera angle

Anonymous No. 16233372

It would make sense from a perspective of preventing a monopolyif they werent always awarding less to SpaceX even when SpaceX wasthe upstart small company

Anonymous No. 16233373

they were in second place for the NSSL-2 contracts awarded in 2020, when the air force was still assmad over spacex suing and winning over the first round of contracts. spacex is easily gonna win the majority of heavy lift contracts this time.

Anonymous No. 16233374

Gravity propagates at lightspeed because it is light.

Anonymous No. 16233375

That's all the dyson spheres.

Anonymous No. 16233377

I would love to see the day when SpaceX has enough cash on hand and work to do that they reply to an RFQ with, "No thanks, we're good."

Anonymous No. 16233379

The speed of light actually has nothing to do with light. It's the speed of causality. Light, being massless, just happens to travel at that speed (and it physically cannot travel faster without breaking cause-and-effect).
Because it has 0 mass. All massless particles travel at the speed of light.

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Anonymous No. 16233381

Bend the knee

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16233382

comparing backlog sizes for spacex vs. ULA

Anonymous No. 16233383

>olympics happens
>1st place gets bronze medal
>2nd place gets silver medal
>3rd place gets gold medal
>because uhh monopoly

Anonymous No. 16233384

We're halfway into the year. They're not gonna launch even half of that

Anonymous No. 16233385

probably from the multiple DPS hits

Anonymous No. 16233389

yeah i fucked up reading that and those are just missions awarded in 2023 that don't have a launch date yet.
now that i know what i'm looking at the total launches remaining on the current contract:
vulcan 25
atlas 1
falcon 9 16
falcon heavy 3

Anonymous No. 16233396

What's with all those struts inside? Extra mass just so they can transport it horizontally?

Anonymous No. 16233397

>Mogs starshit

How will muskrats cope when new gleen succeed in the first launch?

scope_man No. 16233398

Memes aside the ULA target market is basically this specific contract. They are arguably competitive here and here alone

Anonymous No. 16233399

NASA is correct to prop up other companies. Look what happend when theylet the entire space industry whittle away to one conglomerate in the Shittle era.

Anonymous No. 16233401

blue's going with square tankage

Anonymous No. 16233402

>Vulcan Centaur
Well there's your problem.

Anonymous No. 16233403

that's a fine philosophy. funny how nobody cared back when the industry was whittled away to ULA and nobody else 20 years ago.

Anonymous No. 16233404

Isn't this just something shaped like a rocket to test out adjacent systems? It's as flight capable as a statue

Anonymous No. 16233405

yeah damn thats a hot angle. shame they didnt have angles like this back when falcon 9 was as awesome as starship is today

Anonymous No. 16233407

state mandated monopoly
state mandated losers bracket

Why not just let free market decide?

Anonymous No. 16233410

the free market creates monopolies anon...
>but muh gobermint enforces monopolies!
thats because the monopoly arose in the first place. the monopoly would simply enforce itself withits own armed forces if the state vanished. No free market is stable, as soon as someone gets enough power they take it over. Feudalism is the natural result.

Anonymous No. 16233411

>Blue Origin
This is going to be awkward when the sale of ULA finally goes through

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Anonymous No. 16233415

yeah it's not like mockups are embarrassing in of themselves, it's just funny that it's the only hardware they have to show off after all these years

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Anonymous No. 16233418

I advocate triangluar tankage

Anonymous No. 16233419

There has never been a bad free market monopoly. Its always state mandated monopolies or state mandated losers brackets that are the cause of evil and suffering of our modern life

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Anonymous No. 16233421
>The vertical assembly of Starbase Tower 2 has begun!

Anonymous No. 16233422

reminds me of the time Musk had this talk in boca chica and there was a big mockup on starship behind him. They even put an American flag on it.

Anonymous No. 16233425

>says man who died decades before the first satellite

Anonymous No. 16233427

good thing the mockups they currently have are capable of soft water landings in the indian ocean

Anonymous No. 16233429

>SpaceX in second place yet again

The distribution of launches has not been announced.

Anonymous No. 16233431

fake news

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Anonymous No. 16233432


Anonymous No. 16233435

>be me
>born just in time to witness AI takeover
what are the chances

Anonymous No. 16233436

young monopolies are usually great, like SpaceX for example, but a monopoly has a tendancy to stick around even when it becomes rotten and kill any competitors. Google is an example, used to be amazing and now youre better off asking a homeless crack head, but its still the undispuited monopoly

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Anonymous No. 16233438

Anonymous No. 16233441

fake, fact checked: untrue

Anonymous No. 16233443

you know there's other countries' companies competing with your state mandated monopolies or whatever?

Anonymous No. 16233444

what's up with the artifacts? why does it look like that?

Anonymous No. 16233446

There are like a hundred different search engines you can use that aren't google, what are you hallucinating.

Anonymous No. 16233447

this is why normalfags who assume elon has to be a fraud because he says stupid shit sometimes are completely off the mark. tesla and edison would both say or do something stupider than elon's ever done multiple times every year.

Anonymous No. 16233448

its CGI, fake, international scam section (ISS)

Anonymous No. 16233452

holy fuck just call it tower 2

Anonymous No. 16233455

no no we have to be autistically precise

Anonymous No. 16233456

I hope they release pictures of spysats

Anonymous No. 16233457

Google rots and others are taking its place.

Anonymous No. 16233458

All three never really invented anything and were businessmen? That three phase asynchronous motor that you thought Tesla invented? It was actually first described by some Italian dude (everyone forgets his name) in a paper he openly published. Meanwhile Teslas patent was waiting for approval

Anonymous No. 16233459

It was taken from one of Maxar's observation satellites. They probably caught the station as a small part of a large frame

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Anonymous No. 16233460

Caught it with a telescope. Looks like shit but definitely not a plane.

Anonymous No. 16233461


Anonymous No. 16233465

Call it north tower.

Anonymous No. 16233466

Baloon wouldn't pass from west horizon to east horizon in less than a minute.

Anonymous No. 16233467

>All three never really invented anything
why would that matter? if you follow spaceflight for any length of time you gain an appreciation for how being the first to make an idea work is orders of magnitude harder and more important than being the first to come up with the idea. with that said, claiming that edison never really invented anything is egregious bullshit. he was the victim of patent trolling far more often than he benefitted from it.
he was the greatest inventor in american history and it's not even close.
>and were businessmen?
so you're saying they made inventions into something useful for public consumption?

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Anonymous No. 16233469

can't find a picture of that inflatable spysat when I need it

Anonymous No. 16233472

ultra fast high speed high altitude balloon

Anonymous No. 16233473

>so you're saying they made inventions into something useful for public consumption?
Tesla sure didn't. His Tesla transformer and Tesla turbine have no know uses.

Anonymous No. 16233474

I think a god damn satellite just burned up in front of my eyes looking west towards Warsaw here on the right bank, just a few minutes ago. Did anyone else see anything?

Anonymous No. 16233475

>fake rocket

Anonymous No. 16233476

Croatiafag here, saw nuttin

Anonymous No. 16233477

It was just the ISS self-destructing.

Anonymous No. 16233478


Anonymous No. 16233479

long overdue if I'm being QUITE honest

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Anonymous No. 16233483

Ah, must be Russian-Chinese coop.

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Anonymous No. 16233488

Also does anybody want some OC from my scope?

Anonymous No. 16233490

Obvious stop motion animation of round muffins on a black background.

Anonymous No. 16233493

nice. you should try calculating your longitude with those moons.

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Anonymous No. 16233496

muffins don't exist

Anonymous No. 16233497

cool if you really took that. I always thought about getting into astrophotography but I live in south florida and I'm only interested in expensive gear because of it's capabilities

Anonymous No. 16233499

Reminder that Galileo was based, but was also so autistic that the inquisition house arrest was pretty much warranted kek

Anonymous No. 16233500

how did I miss this kino post when half of what this gen does is repost twitter you fucks

I think we can do it. Progress is accelerating.

Starship offers a path to far greater payload to the Moon than is currently anticipated in the Artemis program.

A permanently crewed Moon base is possible.

Anonymous No. 16233505

This would have driven this general mad just 2 years ago. Back then it felt like Elon was tiptoeing around calling out Artemis and SLS directly

Anonymous No. 16233507


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Anonymous No. 16233511


Start with anything and grow up from that.

Venus. Would you rather solar system, our galaxy or other galaxies?

Anonymous No. 16233514

It was posted, and noted that "accelerating progress" is the cognitive bias at the root of "Elon time", e.g. he anticipates accelerating progress and makes overly optimistic predictions when linear progress happens instead.

Anonymous No. 16233517

Anon out here photographing tictacs

Uranus and Neptune
Settle the colour debate

Anonymous No. 16233520

Definitely our solar system and any other deep sky object. Basically I have a ZOOM obsession. I do regular photography. I bought a light pollution filter if I can get something with that then maybe I'll invest in some gear

Anonymous No. 16233521

can't post uranus on blue boards

Anonymous No. 16233522

correct, it's turquoise

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Anonymous No. 16233528

>Settle the colour debate
Unfortunately you have to callibrate the color balance of your camera. In this situation you do it using the known stars. But atmosphere can shit on your callibration. Here is a totally arbitrary Youranus

Anonymous No. 16233530

chinese hypersonic spy balloon
post mars

Anonymous No. 16233531

elon is a fucking idiot. just stop cleaning up after him when he throws the toy out the pram.

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Anonymous No. 16233533

I got you

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ozone hole.png

Anonymous No. 16233534

Oh oh, ozonebros, we're in trouble again!
>Large constellations of small satellites will significantly increase the number of objects orbiting the Earth. Satellites burn up at the end of service life during reentry, generating aluminum oxides as the main byproduct. These are known catalysts for chlorine activation that depletes ozone in the stratosphere. We present the first atomic-scale molecular dynamics simulation study to resolve the oxidation process of the satellite's aluminum structure during mesospheric reentry, and investigate the ozone depletion potential from aluminum oxides. We find that the demise of a typical 250-kg satellite can generate around 30 kg of aluminum oxide nanoparticles, which may endure for decades in the atmosphere. Aluminum oxide compounds generated by the entire population of satellites reentering the atmosphere in 2022 are estimated at around 17 metric tons. Reentry scenarios involving mega-constellations point to over 360 metric tons of aluminum oxide compounds per year, which can lead to significant ozone depletion.

Anonymous No. 16233535

>elon is so stupid, he made the most successful rocket organization in the entire planet.... entirely by LE ACCIDENT!

Anonymous No. 16233536

nice! you can really see the canali

Anonymous No. 16233537

do earth next

Anonymous No. 16233539

Tom Mueller made that and now hes off to doit again with impulse.

Anonymous No. 16233540

why didn't blue origin hire tom mueller? they were founded first, and had more money.

Anonymous No. 16233542

>All systems are looking good, weather is 40% favorable, and propellant load is about to begin for tonightโ€™s launch of 22 Starlink satellites from Florida

Anonymous No. 16233543

V'ger lives

Anonymous No. 16233546

This seems like as good a time as any to remind everyone:
>Feb 12, 2018
>Maybe that plan works out, but I will seriously eat my hat with a side of mustard if [Vulcan Centaur] flies a national security spacecraft before 2023

Six years later, the first national security launch for Vulcan Centaur is currently scheduled for no earlier than Q4 2024.

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Anonymous No. 16233547

A special image for a special (You)

Anonymous No. 16233549

Nonsense article.

~80,000 tons of meteoric materials enter Earth's atmosphere each year and have been for the last few billions of year every year.

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elon tintin13.jpg

Anonymous No. 16233551

I'm going to tell him to start calling the Moon Luna just to infuriate /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16233553

why would I be mad about that?

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Anonymous No. 16233554

Before or after, what's the difference?

Anonymous No. 16233563

anybody who complains will get rocks thrown at them

Anonymous No. 16233565

2nd tower being put up now.

Anonymous No. 16233567

sfg told me this was fake news

Anonymous No. 16233572

Lived longer than its chief scientist
RIP Ed Stone

Anonymous No. 16233573

I saw some yellow light moving downwards around 50 minutes past midnight.

Anonymous No. 16233576


Anonymous No. 16233577

>Standing down from tonightโ€™s Falcon 9 launch attempt due to weather, now targeting Friday, June 14

Lame. Launch it and push some envelopes

Anonymous No. 16233578

ARJGH! six days without an orbital launch, I'm going insane!

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Anonymous No. 16233579


Anonymous No. 16233580

rockets that can't handle a little bit of rain and wind are a perpetual embarrassment to the industry. this needs to be addressed.

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Anonymous No. 16233582

First series of starlink
(better luck next time)

Anonymous No. 16233587

Starship makes this problem obsolete by never launching

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Anonymous No. 16233588

Still got it

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orbit Skylab payl....jpg

Anonymous No. 16233590

Anonymous No. 16233596

what continent is that?

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Anonymous No. 16233601


Anonymous No. 16233602


Anonymous No. 16233605

Wrong its Bavaria

Anonymous No. 16233606

>too flimsy to support its own weight while on its side without stulling
And this thing is supposed to be reusable?

Anonymous No. 16233609

rockets don't fly sideways

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Anonymous No. 16233611

Pretty good actually. A good chunk of all the people there have ever been are alive right now.

Anonymous No. 16233613


Anonymous No. 16233616

Starship does

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Anonymous No. 16233620

>Be ayy lmao
>Survey the Sol system
>this primative shitbox is the biggest spacecraft in there

Anonymous No. 16233623

wait so wtf happens if that trend begins to nosedive downward? People โ€œcanโ€™t affordโ€ children, soon the global population is just a ton of old people and the young people get tired of having to pay for them, society will fall off in numbers all over the globe right? Iโ€™ve seen reports about the india / china population finally stagnating, and even the โ€œhotโ€ reproductive areas like Africa not being good enough to outpace everyone else like you and me growing old and dying

Anonymous No. 16233626

space is mostly sideways

Anonymous No. 16233630

its over for you people.

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Anonymous No. 16233631


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Ariane 3 rocket 1....jpg

Anonymous No. 16233639

Anonymous No. 16233642


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Hypervelocity Tet....jpg

Anonymous No. 16233643

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Anonymous No. 16233645


Anonymous No. 16233646

>according to the UN
they're political shills, they lie about everything.
your lame graph is completely fake

Anonymous No. 16233649

>elon is back on track to get 50 billion from tesla
100% of it better fucking go to mars

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Anonymous No. 16233652

We'll lean heavily in AI and robotics to make up for the man power shortage, thus hastening the AI take over.
At replacement rate right now, but will slip under soon
Completely fucked themselves demographically with the 1 child policy and in all likelihood have begun loosing population.
Contains the vast majority of positive birthrate countries now, but they are starting to fall.
>what will really happen
A long period of gradual decline coupled with economic stagnation and the end of any dreams of space colonization. Most of the technological advances in this period will likely be centered around the man power shortage, not space. No need for lebensraum if the population is shinking.

Anonymous No. 16233654

It will go to his ket addiction and you vill like it.

Anonymous No. 16233657

It's strange to me this is even a question. The agreement was risky for Musk and the payoff equally rewarding. The whole media circus around the thing is a joke.

Anonymous No. 16233658

1000-3000 humanoid robots in Tesla factory next year. Which is a good sign that it can be deployed on Mars/moon.

Currently they have deployed 2 in the factory to run autonomously

Anonymous No. 16233659

I would love to see your sourced counter evidence

Anonymous No. 16233662

>the end of any dreams of space colonization
You have exactly zero evidence supporting this

>No need for lebensraum if the population is shinking
Space colonization has never been out exporting excess population. The only people who think it ever has been are the kind of popsci rotted braindeads that have a hard time wandering into /sci/ under normal circumstances

Anonymous No. 16233664

Shut up Tesloid

Anonymous No. 16233665

The structure of society radically changes until it reaches something that actually allows the population to not shrink.
"Sustainability" is the hot thing that everyone's talking about, but the way the modern world is built and how it causes birthrates to drop is the peak of unsustainability.
What we have now is guaranteed to change, even if it has to be forced by decreasing populations causing the systems to break down.
Unsubstantiated doomerism on the same level as Kessler syndrome.

Anonymous No. 16233666

he wil purchase facebook next. no it wont got to space kek. reminder that over the same period where musk blew 40 billion on twitter, spacex was nibbling at scraps of a few hundred million here or there from the 3 billion TOTAL HLS award. Its like the fat cat vs the skinny guy meme

Anonymous No. 16233667

Bless Elon

Anonymous No. 16233668

Every. Single. Time.

Anonymous No. 16233671

Honestly, buying Youtube or funding a Twitter-associated competitor could be the best bet on that front, although I'd think it'd be more likely he'd strike out for overturning a completely different industry like civil aviation or nuclear power.

Anonymous No. 16233673

My thoughts exactly

Anonymous No. 16233674

No fucking way Google parts with Youtube. That's way too important for the propaganda machine.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16233677

Anonymous No. 16233679

Not the real color of Neptune. They literally deboonked this a month ago and they still present it as science. Also troons are not science.

Anonymous No. 16233681

It's also never turned a profit. The fact that streaming video on that scale is so hugely unprofitable is the only reason a competitor hasn't killed them off yet. Elon launching a service with a slightly more sustainable business model attached to twitter is the best chance anyone has ever had to kill youtube off.

Anonymous No. 16233683

None of these words are in the bible, this is why we need to defund scientists

Anonymous No. 16233685

>The next spacewalk at the International Space Station will be Monday, June 24, followed by another on Tuesday, July 2, after Thursday's spacewalk did not proceed due to a spacesuit discomfort issue. More..


Anonymous No. 16233686

Is there even anything in this piece of shit? Where the fuck are any of the external heat rejection radiators?
Why? You can always just make another rocket. It's not like Elon will be low on money after Starship starts launching Starlink.
What's the real color?

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Anonymous No. 16233688

Literally just Uranus. See if you can tell which is which newfag

Anonymous No. 16233691

the right is neptune digitally altered to look more like your asshole

Anonymous No. 16233692

Have you got any clue why Elon wants Starship to get to Uranus? What possible reason could there be?

Anonymous No. 16233696

I've talked about this in other threads, but as >>16233662 notes, the current model we have craters birthrates. If we take that model to mars, it will never be self sustained and will always rely on in migration from Earth. If there is an acute manpower shortage on Earth due to an invertered population triangle, the young, the bright, and the bold will have ample opportunity on Earth and may be less inclined to go be a tube cuck mars. In the long run, the looming manpower shortage (and climate disruption) may drive innovation like it did in Europe after the plauge or the American west during its settlement (see Turner Hypothesis), so we may be better equipped for space colonies in the 23rd or 24th century, but I think in the mean time we're heading for a bit I'd a dark age.

Anonymous No. 16233701

>If we take that model to mars, it will never be self sustained and will always rely on in migration from Earth.
New rule: we only send Mormons to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16233703

>If we take that model to mars
>If I brought my toaster into the bathtub with me, it would kill me
No shit. But that's not going to happen. If you thought about it at all it would be immediately, blindingly obvious how stupid that is to say. How the hell would we ever bring the same model to Mars when everything is going to be so different there?
>the young, the bright, and the bold will have ample opportunity on Earth and may be less inclined to go be a tube cuck mars.
False. If population shrinkage makes things so shitty on Earth then people will have even more reason to want to go somewhere else that doesn't have the same problems.

Anonymous No. 16233704

Birth rates are falling because degrowth governments want to stagnate the world and are pushing government policies and cultural trends that encourage this. Those same groups are suffering from an increasingly tenuous grip on political power. There is zero reason why a Mars colony would follow the same failing trends.

>I think in the mean time we're heading for a bit I'd a dark age
Before you commit to a position, look in a mirror and say it out loud. If it sounds like something only a complete retard would say, delete your post instead of clicking submit.

Anonymous No. 16233705

he's more likely to buy some companies that can help him turn Xitter into the "everything app" he was talking about

Anonymous No. 16233708

elon will buy iPod from Apple, and then he will buy Sanza Fuze, and then $GME stock

Anonymous No. 16233711

he will rename it the xpod or alternatively gigapod

Anonymous No. 16233712

Not spaceflight fuck off

Anonymous No. 16233715

I always thought buying reddit for an AI dataset was a good move, openAI recently scooped it though. Basically everytime you google "question + reddit" for hobby information, that proves how much information is there. Of course you also have to filter out the demented subreddits that just contain garbage, but its like twitter in that matter

Anonymous No. 16233716

I've actually thought about it a lot, and so have many other people. I beseech thee read nigga. The social dynamics of industrialized societies lower birthrates for many reasons. Any mars colony is going to have all those same social dynamics, but amplified. Everyone will have to work all the time, and live in close quarters. Maybe after a century or two of sustained migration from Earth, and after having carefully cultivated a native martian zeitgeist will similar views to what >>16233701 suggests, then maybe, assuming you have alleviated scarcity enough to be able to subsidize Martian homemaking, you could get to a positive birthrate.

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Anonymous No. 16233717

>SpaceX pitched Starship, Blue Origin pitched New Glenn, and ULA pitched Vulcan. More from Space Systems Commandโ€™s Assured Access To Space office:
>SpaceX pitched Starship

Starship has its first USSF contract?

Anonymous No. 16233721

>9 threads
Why this day-long sliding effort? Is deathliner doing its thing again?

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Anonymous No. 16233725

See >>16233716
>Degrowth government conspiracy
Lmao even Isreal is struggling with a positive birthrate outside of the Ultra Orthodox community, and all they do collect gibs and chimp out occasionally when someone tells them they should work. I don't think that's a viable model for a Martian colony. What's your theory for a sustainable, growth positive policy for a martian Colony? There have been others who have tried before on Earth, but they weren't long term solutions.

Anonymous No. 16233734

pay people to have children. $10k a year per child sounds like a good starting point.

Anonymous No. 16233736

That wouldn't offset much, anon.

Anonymous No. 16233739

there's been plenty of countries try that to no effect. singapore's been going north of $50k per child and still hasn't turned things around.
my take on the whole thing is that there's been only one policy in history proven to substantially raise birthrates from augustus to stalin and that's taxing bachelorhood. nobody's willing to do that because nobody actually thinks fertility is a serious problem and because it'd be an admission that the standard of living for wide swaths of society has declined in the last 50 years.

Anonymous No. 16233743

Concrete filled steel boxes from top to bottom now. Makes sense, given the retrofitting they had to do on tower 1 to deal with the concrete erosion.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16233745

End feminism and tax women for existing without rearing children.

Anonymous No. 16233746

not spaceflight but I think the issue is women now in the workforce don't want to give up their careers to have children.
10k per year per kid is not going to do much to change that

Anonymous No. 16233747

For the sake of civilization, women should not be in the work force. All it does is implode wages, force dual-incomes to realize previous generations' levels of economic well-being, and encourages people to do anything but have kids.

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tesla gigafactory.png

Anonymous No. 16233750

I unexpectedly drove by the gigafactory today.
It was the combination of the design style of the building and seeing signs for a "Tesla Road" that clued me in. Also being so fucking long gave me time to figure it out before I had already passed it.
It's fucking xbox heug lads.

Anonymous No. 16233753

>Autist doesn't understand when he's being made fun of
You must live a scary and confusing existence

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16233754

Anonymous No. 16233756

how do you accidentally drive all the way out there? too cheap to take the toll road to the airport?

Anonymous No. 16233758

Neptune is the one in the right?
I wish I could touch one of those planets.
I wonder if there are earth-like cores inside them.
They're pretty much infinite fuel depots.

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Anonymous No. 16233763


Anonymous No. 16233766

Literally just ban birth control and condoms. It's not like people will stop having sex on mars.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16233767

26F in Florida: iceball earth apocalypse
26F in North Dakota: tshirt and shorts weather

Anonymous No. 16233769
Holy shit
this is huge!

Anonymous No. 16233771

>1 hour video
give us the tl;dw

Anonymous No. 16233772

sus link not embedding like every other youtube link does

Anonymous No. 16233780

Vacuum cleaned clothes do work. Probably might take ~2-3 hours if not 4.

Anonymous No. 16233781


Anonymous No. 16233785

I love you, flap

Anonymous No. 16233788


Anonymous No. 16233791

what the fuck happened to this asshole's head?
he looks like he got stepped on as a baby--by an entire pack of niggers

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artemis vr traini....png

Anonymous No. 16233798

Anonymous No. 16233800


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artemis vr traini....png

Anonymous No. 16233802


Anonymous No. 16233806

does it also come with a full scale hls interior?

Anonymous No. 16233807

Gateway is pointless. Needs to be deleted. Fuck the jobs.

Anonymous No. 16233811

Can someone please post gore in all these threads?

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Anonymous No. 16233817

Kek angry boomer likes him

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Anonymous No. 16233823

Is this true? why does NASA refuse to stick clothes in an airlock to clean them?

Anonymous No. 16233824

Gateway ensures continuous access to the moon for decades

Not because it actually does anything itself, but because NASA can say "well we can't just abandon the moon station", and now they get guaranteed ongoing moon funding

Anonymous No. 16233833

Gosh I wish my asshole was that bleached

Anonymous No. 16233841

>taxing bachelorhood
That didn't work at all retard. How does taxing men solve woman killing babies. All you'll do is just make more NEETs. What kind of dumb boomer jew are you?

Anonymous No. 16233845

>Being this deep in /pol/
I think becoming an hero is the only answer for you at this point.

Anonymous No. 16233861

>everything I don't like is /pol/

Anonymous No. 16233864

Exactly. Pretty much to whole basis for gateways existence is to secure funding post iss deorbit because it will be a flag ship program with international partners that is politically hard to cancel. Thay fact that it is around to moon is a secondary perk

Anonymous No. 16233867

Cant air lock away air everytime they want to clean something

Anonymous No. 16233869

Go back.
>inb4 samefag

Anonymous No. 16233870

They could pump most of the airlock air into a temporary pressure vessel before opening the airlock. Minimal loss of air and a far more enjoyable ISS

Anonymous No. 16233875

don't they already keep the air from the airlocks and only lose trace amounts of air each airlock use? just bring up a can on each dragon.

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Anonymous No. 16233883

i need inspiration...what's your favorite mars colony concept?

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Anonymous No. 16233888

Shopping mall.

Anonymous No. 16233892

Living out of converted Starships so everyone uses an elevator to get up to their homes and can take off if they ever need to. Basically everyone lives out of mobile homes but your mobile home is a state of the art Starship.

Anonymous No. 16233894

Shouldn't the fact that there's no alien flying around tip you off that any kind of actual large scale intergalactic space travel is literally impossible? congrats you made it to mars. now what? onwards to the jupiter colony? impossible. since gas giants are a big no no should we move outside the solar system? oh yeah that's totally gonna happen

Anonymous No. 16233895

I love Mass Effect 3's Mars base. It is extremely cozy but also not cramped and full of dirt like proonted bases, and seems at least partially realistic

>living on a Starship forever
I love Starship but that fucking sucks. I would not want to go to Mars if that's all they can manage to come up with

Anonymous No. 16233897

and what are you expecting to live out of? giant glass geodesic domes because that's what 3d modelers with no sense of manufacturing feasibility like making pictures of?

Anonymous No. 16233899

Mars is worthless. It would be way easier to "terraform" the earth.
We cant even do this, why do we have the hubris to try to do it on mars. Wasted resources. The dangers to eradicate us from the earth are mostly the same that would wipe out the mars enclave.

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Anonymous No. 16233900

Martial battleground

Anonymous No. 16233901

Oh what you want to live in a fucking dirt hut forever with no view to look out of? Fuck that, I want to see the ground below me and have massive fucking vista. You can live in your shitty little dirt hut and tubes in the dark forever Ill be sitting in my private Starship looking down at you fucking moles from the my ship while I blast your home to rubble beneath me going up to Phobos.

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Anonymous No. 16233902


Anonymous No. 16233903

Based and realismpilled

Anonymous No. 16233907

Steel made from an on-site gigafactory. Look around you, there is iron everywhere

Anonymous No. 16233909

science-fiction goes here

grow up

Anonymous No. 16233913

>just fucking make the iron bro
>what do you mean you cant make mars rated habs out of random garbage iron i found on the ground
>shut the fuck up about shaping and alloying the metal that doesnt matter just make your huts out of sheet metal and give me my death trap habs now

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Anonymous No. 16233914


Anonymous No. 16233915

Why dont we build a dyson sphere around the Sun?

Anonymous No. 16233917

why don't you?

Anonymous No. 16233918

the glass domes look like they'll be great for earthlike parks and tourist destinations but not places most people will live

Anonymous No. 16233919

Thats retarded and impractical.

Anonymous No. 16233921

a containment sphere around the earth

Anonymous No. 16233922

how is it retarded when it's intelligent and ellevated?

Anonymous No. 16233924

The only thing thats elevated about this conversation is your stupidity with time

Anonymous No. 16233926

it's accelerating, not retarding

Anonymous No. 16233927

I'll create a logo.

Anonymous No. 16233928

Im gooning to Starship right now

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Anonymous No. 16233929

I liked the NatGeo one from the show they made

Anonymous No. 16233930

>retarded and impractical.
>implying colonizing mars isn't.

Anonymous No. 16233935

Prove it. I'm serious.

Anonymous No. 16233936

Colonizing Mars is practical and intelligent in comparison to making a Dyson sphere in this day and age, even in fucking millenia it will still be impractical because its a fucking half sphere of the sun. Why dont you just fucking make a Dyson swarm instead but noooo we need to have the popsci half shell because big = good.

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Anonymous No. 16233944

Anonymous No. 16233948

>just make the iron bro
Yes, you stupid fuck. If you don't think we have the technology to filter iron oxide dust out and away from other impurities in the year 2024 you have brain damage. I can do it right now for you with a fucking fridge magnet
>what do you mean you cant make mars rated habs out of random garbage iron i found on the ground
What are you even talking about?
>shut the fuck up about shaping and alloying the metal that doesnt matter just make your huts out of sheet metal and give me my death trap habs now
Obviously you need blast furnaces and a large amount of presses to prefab the building sections, nobody said it would happen right away
>death trap
You are literally crying and shilling for a proonted Tatooine mud-hut

>dirt hut
? Have you seen the concept art, that is not what it is at all. It is a huge network of connected above-ground and underground bunkers with blast-resistant polymer windows and by my guess some sort of steel-rebar concrete combination like SpaceX already does with many of their prefabbed buildings


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Anonymous No. 16233951

on the moon glass is gonna be so dirt cheap i could see them maybe happening

Anonymous No. 16233959

I'm a sucker for the domed city with huge transparent panels of ambiguous material.

Anonymous No. 16233961

Eventually, artificial canyons in optimized shapes for greatest input of light while minimizing exposure to radiation, and able to be covered over so the whole thing can eventually be pressurized.
You could even do built-in spaced bulkheads and cover/pressurize section by section.

Anonymous No. 16233962

Based on the renders, so is Elon

Anonymous No. 16233963

Damn that design actually looks pretty sick

Anonymous No. 16233968

Retarded and structurally impossible even with low gravity.

Anonymous No. 16233969

Natural canyons are plentiful. You can block the radiation by having a giant pool of water over your head at all times like an upside-down nuclear facility. Safe to say they will be producing a LOT of water in Mars

Anonymous No. 16233975

You would need to divide the ceiling into segmented panes separated by supports because any break would otherwise shatter the whole thing and be a bitch to repair

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Anonymous No. 16233976

Please tell me how shitting in low-G would feel

Anonymous No. 16233978

what did you eat?

Anonymous No. 16233982

Taco Bell Mars edition

Anonymous No. 16233995

bad enough that you'd fake hypobaric exposure in an attempt to get evacuated back to earth

Anonymous No. 16234014

Anonymous No. 16234016

>Rocket is little bit too big, for oysters

Anonymous No. 16234041

Natural canyons usually don't have the ideal combo of extremely steep walls, being fairly narrow, very deep, and with flat terrain around the top.
Even when they do, they're not going to have all those characteristics across large contiguous areas. Meanwhile, you could make a custom-designed network of canyons in areas of exposed bedrock, and eventually web across the whole bedrock plain.

Anonymous No. 16234054

maybe it's made up mostly of anti-neutrinos

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Anonymous No. 16234057

>6 gorillion dyson spheres

Anonymous No. 16234073

its a vacuum seal that sucks on your butt

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Anonymous No. 16234074

won't somebody stop this madman?

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Anonymous No. 16234082

What will Martian architectural style be like, bros? It's should be unified not just a random mishmash.

Anonymous No. 16234087

"I love Art Deco" - Elon Musk

Anonymous No. 16234088

AI garbage

Anonymous No. 16234101


Anonymous No. 16234167

Challenging conditions for space flight activates.

Anonymous No. 16234168

>byzantine architecture
Who made this shit?

Anonymous No. 16234206

we peaked in neolithic

Anonymous No. 16234212

some dude probably

Anonymous No. 16234236

Thats the hagia sophia you swine

Anonymous No. 16234238

Don't call her hag.

Anonymous No. 16234260

Yes I know. The minarets were build by Ottomans when they conquered Constantinople and turned that cathedral into a mosque

Anonymous No. 16234263

Alright, we are on page 9. What do we do when we're on page 10? Take over one of the splits or make yet another thread?

Anonymous No. 16234283

new thread

Anonymous No. 16234284

>It would be way easier to "terraform" the earth.
Thats what we're doing right now.

Anonymous No. 16234286

Googie was the last good architectural style.

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Anonymous No. 16234288

Make another one

Anonymous No. 16234293

"/live/" links don't embed

Anonymous No. 16234296

a general rule of just creating a new thread when it reaches page 10 might be a good idea to disincentivize early staging, apparently mods and jannies don't give a shit if there are dozens of /sfg/s anyway
so just create a thread at staging (though it has to be staged correctly i.e. no off-topic image or edition etc)

Anonymous No. 16234300

except there wouldn't be the suits (or at least not for long) because it's too easy to cover that over with a transparent ceiling

Anonymous No. 16234302

>inspired by artemis
>all the minifigs have yellow skin

Anonymous No. 16234305

I know

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saddam mole.jpg

Anonymous No. 16234309


Anonymous No. 16234310

I can't tell you about low-G but this guy can tell you about shitting in space:

tl;dr: without gravity you can store up five days worth of poop, then it comes out as a brick turd and you don't have gravity to help drop it

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Flying Saucers an....jpg

Anonymous No. 16234312

>the fact that there's no alien flying around
but there are

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Anonymous No. 16234315


Anonymous No. 16234319

humans are the first and we will kill, rape and extinguish all aliens who challenge us. We are the bad aliens from alien movies

Anonymous No. 16234321

isnt this just halo concept art?

Anonymous No. 16234333

making a new thread, be ready to hop

Anonymous No. 16234340


Anonymous No. 16234341

are you going to stage?

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Anonymous No. 16234342


Anonymous No. 16234345

So, where is it?

Anonymous No. 16234354

When were you expecting a thread?
One minute ago, flight

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Anonymous No. 16234356



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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16234368

Not actually page 10 and janny has deleted no threads its the early stage tourist DNI

Anonymous No. 16234370

is that you janny?

Anonymous No. 16234371

Im retarded my page didnt update sorry anon

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Anonymous No. 16234372

fuck off troll faggot

Anonymous No. 16234375

Im sorry anons Im retarded please continue to the real thread

Anonymous No. 16234517

Red bricks for a red mars

Anonymous No. 16234695

If you shit while on shrooms, it feels the same

Anonymous No. 16234733

>look at Rachel's media timeline
>2015 pic: normal, happy-looking attractive woman
>2019 + is a progression of dyed short hair, nose-rings, tattoos etc
those 4 years really broke people