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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16230475

Stoke Edition

Previous - >>16228612

Anonymous No. 16230483

I’m stoking my cock rn

Anonymous No. 16230485

So you're saying we have hundreds of Raptors in stock and all of the are unreliable?

Anonymous No. 16230487

Dumbass spam thread

Anonymous No. 16230489

I peed

Anonymous No. 16230491

Stoke heatshield >>> SpaceX heatshield

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Anonymous No. 16230506

Elon stole everything from Phil Bono except the vital heatshield and went with shittle tiles instead. Sad!

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Anonymous No. 16230510

what is this

Anonymous No. 16230511

Looks like an advanced air-cycle engine to me

Anonymous No. 16230533

I mean the trapezoid floating in the air next to the engine.

Anonymous No. 16230536

probably a poorly inserted & labelled graph showing where engine performs in regards to supersonic combustors

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Bruce Pennington ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16230540

ayys giggling at reaction motors

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Anonymous No. 16230548
>License granted: Blue Origin Florida, LLC
>Dates: 06/12/2024-10/31/2024
>Purpose: Testing will be for the first launch and certification flight of New Glenn, to includ(...)

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Anonymous No. 16230554

I have no idea why it would be turned 90 degrees to the dotted line.

Anonymous No. 16230560

reminder why this dude is a massive faggot

Anonymous No. 16230561

So this indicates a halloween launch for new glenn at the latest.

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Anonymous No. 16230564

based if true

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Anonymous No. 16230566
>Part 1 of 2 w/ @elonmusk at Starbase will likely be over an hour long & will be your first look inside Starfactory! Waiting on approval, but it’ll hopefully come out by next weekAs always, supporters will get 1st look to help catch any errors before it goes public!

Anonymous No. 16230568

Who is this guy and why so should care about his opinions?

Anonymous No. 16230569

not really, it means they are trying to launch it sometime this fall
doesn't mean they are going to succeed

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Anonymous No. 16230571

I hope they show some ITAR protected stuff

Anonymous No. 16230575

they won't

Anonymous No. 16230577

Surely the fact they are putting in the time to get it licensed indicates they're fairly confident they'll meet that timeline?
Also they're contracted by nasa to do their first launch in september and this lines up with that.

Anonymous No. 16230578

time for reused interview?

Anonymous No. 16230583

They VILL launch on this date.

Anonymous No. 16230587

we'll see, certainly would be cool
but I wouldn't bet on it

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Anonymous No. 16230592

Just look in this for Figure 11

Anonymous No. 16230599

About about that ITAR stuff NASA was complaining about when SLS was launching?

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Anonymous No. 16230605

thanks for digging up this obscure document

Anonymous No. 16230649

thats a gas stove not a rocket engine.

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Anonymous No. 16230662

faggot is going after Gwynne

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16230666

Imagine if area 51 had those types of ayylmao engines reverse-engineered and accidentally got the blueprints leaked
The niggers making the Samus rocket engine could literally recreate the namesake woman's signature gunship lmao

Anonymous No. 16230671

How fucking new are you holy shit fuck off back to plebbit

Anonymous No. 16230674

literally the same thing

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Anonymous No. 16230676

Lmao wrong file

Anonymous No. 16230678

>caring about muh twitter lefty faggot libtard
fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16230684


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Anonymous No. 16230689

Earliest functioning jet engine, built not by the frauds Frank Whittle and Pabst von Ohain but a Norwegian than preceded them by 20 years.

Anonymous No. 16230691

stupid dumb phoneposting scum

Anonymous No. 16230710

You have to get a FCC license if you plan to do any radiating at all, even for ground tests, which this likely is

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Anonymous No. 16230717

Familiarize yourself with the Francis turbine

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Anonymous No. 16230719

posting elon drama that is barely tangential to spaceflight is one thing, posting twitter cringebait that is related to space flight is another thing, but posting twitter cingebait about elon drama is clearly a derailment from the general's purpose

Anonymous No. 16230722

Imagine shitting in your diaper on EVA and knowing someone else will use the suit soon after you

Anonymous No. 16230735

Imagine diahrea in your suit, and then imagine the smell. and then you vomit in your helmet

Anonymous No. 16230743

the suit:

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Anonymous No. 16230750

Anonymous No. 16230753

>the most power flying object

Anonymous No. 16230754

how about you show us a commercial grade raptor first musky

Anonymous No. 16230755

that is how the engine go

Anonymous No. 16230759

normie way to thing about jet engines. I prefer the following
work on turbine

Anonymous No. 16230762

on de turbine is pushun:

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Anonymous No. 16230764

Anonymous No. 16230765

Seems like Stoke is setting the pace for all of the also-rans

Anonymous No. 16230766

took them 7 years with 150 people to renovate a vertical test stand

Anonymous No. 16230767

spin really fast
magic probably

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Anonymous No. 16230770

Anonymous No. 16230774

Well do that wrong?

Anonymous No. 16230776

most of your pessimist kin said spacex was a fraud scam company and wouldn't survive its first decade. they then went on to predict falcon 9 reuse would never work out, crew dragon would fail, etc. i'm not going to bet on them being right about spacex.

Anonymous No. 16230781

NASA lied, again!

>The current solar cycle is bigger than predicted, and apparently John Clark of NASA has sent an email stating that the Hubble Space Telescope might only last another 18 months to 2 years without a reboot. This shocked the #OPAG2024

Anonymous No. 16230784

also theres a difference between making predictions about a vehicle that hadn't even launched or even stacked once and one that has had both of its stages achieve soft water landings after an orbital velocity test flight

Anonymous No. 16230787

NASA lied, hubble died

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Anonymous No. 16230793

superheat +combustion

Anonymous No. 16230798

bout time. It's better to invest in a new telescope than keep maintaining this ancient scope.

Anonymous No. 16230807

NASA is incapable of funding a telescope without it turning into a boondoggle

Anonymous No. 16230817

mental acrobatics cope to explain away NASA incompetence

Anonymous No. 16230819

Issacman should just straight up steal hubble.
Bring it down with dragon and leave it in front of his house or something.

Anonymous No. 16230821

Facilities that should be decommissioned:

Anonymous No. 16230839

Anonymous No. 16230851

>throosters fucked
>what if stayliner has to stay?
Ok but for real, what happens if there is a stricken spacecraft docked to the ISS that is unable to perform a controlled departure from the station? Do they give it a toss with the canadarm like that battery pack? Leave it there as a storage closet? No way the can fix it with an EVA, right? Surely NASA has a contingency plan for this.

Anonymous No. 16230872

They have top men working on this.
TOP men.

Anonymous No. 16230873

they could probably tug it out of orbit with a progress or cygnus or something.

Anonymous No. 16230874

They'll probably figure out a way to deorbit it to free a docking port for future crew dragons missions

Anonymous No. 16230875

>Do they give it a toss with the canadarm like that battery pack?
That would depend on if it has an attachment point that the arm can latch onto. I do not think that it does

>Leave it there as a storage closet?
They'd have to for the short term. It can't leave under its own or any other power and the station tends to find a way to make use of any available volume. The Bigelow test module ended up as a generic storage space once it defaulted over to NASA control.

The really big issue would be that for as long as it's blocking one of the two docking ports on the American segment you can't have Crew and Cargo Dragons docked at the same time. The people in charge of scheduling crew rotations and resupply are going to be boldly discovering new levels of Hell.

>Surely NASA has a contingency plan for this
For something as bad as this? Probably not. The best they can realistically do is pray extra hard that it doesn't happen.

Anonymous No. 16230882

>replying to bait from last thread

Anonymous No. 16230887

>For something as bad as this?
they used to have contingencies for everything during apollo. LM ascent engine failure, a crash, massive CME, everything. Now they dont even consider that some shit from boeing might get stuck on their station? sad times.

Anonymous No. 16230889

They 100% have a contingency for this. They’re not going to tell you what it is until they’re for ed to implement it because they don’t want to spread FUD

Anonymous No. 16230895

>attachment point
I thought there was, but if not that seems like something that could be sent up and attached via EVA
>for something as bad as this
It's not great but come on lol "What if space ship gets stuck" seems like a pretty basic question to ask during your risk assessment and contingency planning meetings.

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Anonymous No. 16230901

just abandon the ISS, its near the end of its life anyway

Anonymous No. 16230906

Starlink launch does nothing for me anymore

Anonymous No. 16230909

Welcome to the club

Anonymous No. 16230910

this, deorbit it onto the FAA HQ

Anonymous No. 16230912

Starlink is a dumbass meme anyways lol

Anonymous No. 16230913

imagine how many nukes you could put in in a expendable starship with 250t payload

Anonymous No. 16230917

One absurdly large one.

Anonymous No. 16230921

yeah besides how it makes more and more money every month haha

Anonymous No. 16230924

Because it was a requirement back then, the N1 was spec'ed out as a ballistic missile in addition to a launch vehicle. The 1962 version had a 75 ton payload capacity to LEO and was expected to carry enough warheads to be able to annihilate the United States in a single launch.

Anonymous No. 16230930

This post was sponsored by the CCP

Anonymous No. 16230931

The telescope literally couldn't be in better health

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Anonymous No. 16230939

Is he back to being /ourguy/?

Anonymous No. 16230940

one does prefer a healthy telescope

Anonymous No. 16230948

yeah if you're a /pol/tard

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Anonymous No. 16230965

>Ok but for real, what happens if there is a stricken spacecraft docked to the ISS that is unable to perform a controlled departure from the station?

>this is supposed to be the /sci/ "space expert" thread
>five answers to this question, and they're all retarded
You de-orbit the thing by uncoupling it and use its thrusters to slow it until it falls below escape velocity and then drop it in the fucking ocean, what else.

Anonymous No. 16230966

Doing a lot of heavy lifting. It's still at 512 km.

HWO won't launch until the early 2040's, and that's assuming no major delays.

Anonymous No. 16230970

>unable to perform a controlled departure
>uncoupling it and use its thrusters
I think you might be the retard here

Anonymous No. 16230972

the hypothetical is “what happens if the thrusters are broken” though

Anonymous No. 16230973

it might be ok for unmanned flight...maybe they wont risk them crapping out when people are on board? they'll probably test the thing and decide if it can be trusted not to wind up going where it shouldn't

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Anonymous No. 16230977

>You de-orbit the thing by uncoupling it
> thruster malfunction sends it careening through the solar panels

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Anonymous No. 16230981

When does SpaceX get panzers?

Anonymous No. 16230986

>only news today was elon got caught piping spacex employees
why does the rest of the industry fail to try?

Anonymous No. 16230988

It has some thrusters left, faggot. It's just that they might not be in any shape to safely return astronauts. Keep up, tard.

Anonymous No. 16230989

latest starlink hitpiece: megaconstellations DESTROY the ozone layer. shut them down NOW!

>Satellites that make up megaconstellations like Starlink has lifespan of a few years, before they reenter Earth's atmosphere and need to be replaced.
>Deorbiting satellites release small particles of aluminium oxide, which catalyzes destruction of ozone molecules - 'catalyze' means the aluminium oxide is not consumed in the reaction, and it can go on to destroy more ozone molecules, presumably similar to CFCs.
>Most aluminium oxide particles form in the mesosphere (50-85 km), and takes up to 30 years to drift down to stratosphere, where most ozone is located at.

Anonymous No. 16230993

Useless thunderfoot tier whinging. No one is going to give up their megaconstellation capacity (or aspirations) once they have them.

Anonymous No. 16230994

When the first moon war breaks out

Anonymous No. 16230995

Really though I do wonder how the upper atmosphere will handle so many reentries. Especially with Starship in the future.

Anonymous No. 16230998

Earth eats more meteors in a day than there are satellites in orbit.

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Anonymous No. 16231001

>An estimated 25 million meteoroids, micrometeoroids and other space debris enter Earth's atmosphere each day, which results in an estimated 15,000 tonnes of that material entering the atmosphere each year.
Its Magian FUD to keep us in their precious cave

Anonymous No. 16231005

As >>16230972 suggested, my premise is that the spacecraft is dead in the water, unable to maneuver in any sort of useful or safe way. Not saying stayliner is in that condition currently.

Anonymous No. 16231006

26 tons could apparently get you 100megatons of nuke. Starship could probably haul the 10gigaton monstrosity edward teller proposed with project sundial straight to any commie within the atmosphere all at once. Could also just blow it up where it stands and not worry about the flying part tho

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Anonymous No. 16231009

Angry has gone full EDS. Remember he is now also an ayy truther (schizophrenic)

Anonymous No. 16231011

I keep dumping ass while on shrooms, pretending I'm in zero G

Anonymous No. 16231012

>and remember to stay ANGRYYYYY about age of consent laws!

Anonymous No. 16231016

I have one of their booth brochures from the 2016 IAC. The precooler is really neat, would be nice if they figure out the rest of the engine someday.

Anonymous No. 16231019

There are no age of consent laws on mars.

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Anonymous No. 16231020

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Anonymous No. 16231024


Anonymous No. 16231031


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Anonymous No. 16231034

4th of July launch is ON

Anonymous No. 16231035

How financially viable would a Hubble-equivalent private space telescope be?
I can't find any solid data on what it costs to get time on one of the big telescopes, either space or ground. Do research teams even "pay" for that with grant money or do they just submit proposals and get assigned priority appropriately?
Between straight-up renting time on the thing and employing an office full of grant proposal writers to vacuum up government and institution money, what might the ROI look like on a project like that? I bet you could build and run a better version of that thing for so much cheaper without the usual government bloat.

Anonymous No. 16231038

Steel Link is the future.

Anonymous No. 16231040

Steps to Making starship work:
>Make it 18m wide
>Add white structural paint to protect the steel

Anonymous No. 16231042

Honestly the FAA shouldn't have proclaimed test #3 a mishap, either. Good that they're seeing sense now.
The only one which required government involvement was #1 (because of the launchpad) and even that was a Texas problem.

Anonymous No. 16231043

Chuck the fucker retrograde, either with Canadarm like you said or send some astronauts out there to give 'er a heave. Once it's far enough away, use whatever control authority is has left, if any, to slow down even more so its orbit decays sooner.

Anonymous No. 16231044

can't read either. embarssing

Anonymous No. 16231047

At this point a week without starlink launches is more notable than a week with two

Anonymous No. 16231049

all the useful things for a hubble level telescope have been done by now

Anonymous No. 16231056

It would be good to have multiple hubble level telescopes looking at the same point which would significantly bring down noise in data

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Anonymous No. 16231059
>This is an amazing satellite image of the International Space Station. Captured on June 7, it shows both Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Dragon crew capsule docked with the station.

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Anonymous No. 16231061

where are the stars
where are the clouds

Anonymous No. 16231065

>no age of consent on mars
Way to out yourself nonce, you're subject to whatever country your ship flies under or your citizenship per the 1998 ISS agreement

Anonymous No. 16231068

>Boeing's Starliner
What's the over-under on that thing surviving reentry?

Anonymous No. 16231070

It's not re-entry that's the issue, it's getting to that point that's the issue

Anonymous No. 16231072

The fuck they gonna do if martians declare independence?

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Anonymous No. 16231073


Anonymous No. 16231074

I simp for MAXAR on capability alone. They feel like a successor to that true american spirit of 60s-80s American spaceflight. (Obv SpaceX inherited a ton of this as well)

Anonymous No. 16231075

This is really all they have on him?

Anonymous No. 16231076

Musk was apparently talking but I missed it, Javier Milei is making a speech now

Anonymous No. 16231077

Disgusting!!! Cancel SpaceX!

Anonymous No. 16231078

The complainers should be fired, blacklisted, and gangstalked for a period not to exceed six weeks.

Anonymous No. 16231079

better than having corporate PC language on everything where you have to walk on eggshells whenever you speak else you get fired

Anonymous No. 16231080

the WSJ hit piece was timed pretty well with this one to make it seem like its someone Musk fucked
but its chode jokes and from the same people that got fired previosuly and had their bullshit case dismissed from NRLB already (not a court technically I guess)

Anonymous No. 16231082

lmao i want to work somewhere we can refer to flight hardware in such terms

Anonymous No. 16231083

they were, that is why they are whining

Anonymous No. 16231085

Then increase the gangstalking intensity

Anonymous No. 16231087

as long as it's not too much. i used to work blue collar and i eventually got sick of hearing about dicks every day.

Anonymous No. 16231088

I hate to be the devil’s advocate fag but
I know these types of dudes. Yes it is innocuous humor. But at a certain point it gets annoying/weird, especially if you know “engineer personality” people. I don’t think it’s outlandish to think that Musk (as much as I bend the knee and worship his autism for progressing us 50+ yrs forward in spaceflight) is probably letting a ton of weird, awkward autism slide at the senior-level; resulting in very very strange interactions at his companies. I hate to say it but doing shit like having IVF children with a subordinate is VERY fucking weird. Making penis jokes when you’re a hyper-smart but hyper-awkward twink when there are smart women in the room adjoining you at the white board is weird.

Anonymous No. 16231090

that's true, there's a time and place for precision language

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Anonymous No. 16231092

/sfg/ ALERT

>The Federal Aviation Administration is preparing to gather public input on SpaceX Starship launch operations at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. The request for comments comes about a month after the conclusion of an environmental review of a 100-acre expansion for SpaceX at its Hangar X site.
>June 17 – Virtual
Zoom Link URL:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 894 0297 9916

Anonymous No. 16231094

Martians will be normies anon, get ready for the airlock

Anonymous No. 16231095

florida wont be enough, we need more launch sites for starship
>just launch thousands of starships every other year to get a colony going
that's going to require alot of launch pads

Anonymous No. 16231096

oh say can you see. it'll be great.

Anonymous No. 16231097

Wait omg does anyone have any pastas from that first call-in? That was easily top 10 funniest /sfg/ moments ever kek

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Anonymous No. 16231099

Anonymous No. 16231103

>an ambitious mission could arrive in 2 0 4 8
lol 24 fucking years

Anonymous No. 16231104

Can one of the Patreonbros come in clutch right now?

Anonymous No. 16231107

you're right, they may have singlehandedly rescued spaceflight from decades of mediocrity and stagnation, but it's time for a culture change to put to a stop the crime of being a weird and awkward autist

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Anonymous No. 16231109

There will also be public meetings that Florida anons will attend.

>June 12 – 2-4 p.m. ET, 6-8 p.m. ET at the Radisson Cape Canaveral, 8701 Astronaut Blvd, Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920
>June 13 – 6-8 p.m. ET at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Space Commerce Way, Merritt Island, Florida 32953

Anonymous No. 16231110

lmao this is what killed Skylab
History is not without a sense of humor

Anonymous No. 16231111

do you have any better ideas for uranus orbiters?

Anonymous No. 16231112

This is what it takes to change the fucking world. All companies should take note

Anonymous No. 16231114

I wonder if CSS will be at one of these.

Anonymous No. 16231116

>50+ yrs forward
to the early 1960s

Anonymous No. 16231117

checked, watch someone say NSWR or fusion torch, the presentation was made explicitly for existing chemical rockets

Anonymous No. 16231118

>the mission has to launch in 2041
launch it in 2031

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Anonymous No. 16231119

the Musk section starts at 13min

Anonymous No. 16231121

yes, getting bothered by shit like this means you would probably be useless anyway
focusing on pointless stuff instead of the engineering

Anonymous No. 16231123

>when there are smart women in the room adjoining you
I can say I've ever come across this

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16231124

don't care nigger

Anonymous No. 16231125

>What is a launch window

Anonymous No. 16231126

>referring to mechanical parts as "chodes" and "schlongs"
This is like when that fat feminist bitch overheard two guys making jokes about "big dongles" at a tech conference, then took pictures of them and got them fired.
I hate women so fucking much it's unreal. love from baikonur.

Anonymous No. 16231127

2031 is a launch window year

Anonymous No. 16231128

but launch windows for outer planets basically happen once a year since they move so slowly

Anonymous No. 16231129

This is your brain on hydrolox shitcan launcher oldspace brainrot

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Anonymous No. 16231133

>the presentation was made explicitly for existing chemical rockets
Yes, the chemfag mindset is the problem, we know that

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Anonymous No. 16231134

some kind of medical emergency on the ISS

Anonymous No. 16231136

Zvezda finally cracked?

Anonymous No. 16231137

Angry Boomer will say whatever to get clicks.

Anonymous No. 16231138

>calls himself "the angry astronaut"
>is not, and has never been, an astronaut

Anonymous No. 16231141

>starliner jettisoned itself and sucked out the crew

Anonymous No. 16231144

Worth nothing, he's a jew.

Anonymous No. 16231146

I don't think its that, not really sure what those terms mean, you only hear one side talking

Anonymous No. 16231147

>even boeing's space capsule is a piece of fucking shit
I wonder when they'll kill the next whistleblower.

Anonymous No. 16231149

inb4 its a nothingberger

Anonymous No. 16231150

Oleg Kononenko is the current ISS commander right? So it's something going on in the Russian segment?

Anonymous No. 16231151

IFT 1 required govt involvement because the FTS was completely fucked

Anonymous No. 16231153

What the fuck does "dps" mean?

Anonymous No. 16231154

it probably filters out certain kinds of personalities that are very prominent in other companies

Anonymous No. 16231155

on the next re entry most likely

Anonymous No. 16231157


>the prognosis for the commander is relatively ... tenuous to keep it generic
>a hospital in spain that critical care facilities and hypobaric treatment facilities

the person on the call is driving to the control center I guess? but is saying that she can't do anything there that she couldn't do over the phone anyway
still not sure what happened, someone got exposed to too much oxygen? or got oxygen deprived?

Anonymous No. 16231158

the body language is interesting. ive seen the video and talks, as much as you can, but the photos are great.

Anonymous No. 16231160

a fight broke out and someone got choked the fuck out

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Anonymous No. 16231161

>In addition to hypobaric hypoxia associated with staged denitrogenation, there are additional factors that can result in hypoxic exposure to the crewmember, such as cabin depressurization, Environmental Control, and Life Support System (ECLSS) failure, toxic exposure, or crewmember illness/injury.

Anonymous No. 16231162

Hypobaric would mean low air pressure. Beyond that who knows

Anonymous No. 16231163

>hypobaric exposure
Means that they were exposed to low air pressure, low oxygen, or both. If it was too much oxygen it would be hyperbaric.

Anonymous No. 16231164

>crewmember injury
it was an argument over ukraine wasnt it

Anonymous No. 16231165


Anonymous No. 16231167

reminder what berger said 5 days ago:
>The microscopic structural cracks are located inside the small PrK module on the Russian segment of the space station, which lies between a Progress spacecraft airlock and the Zvezda module. After the leak rate doubled early this year during a two-week period, the Russians experimented with keeping the hatch leading to the PrK module closed intermittently and performed other investigations. But none of these measures taken during the spring worked.
>the Russian leaks are now classified as a "5" both in terms of high likelihood and high consequence. Their potential for "catastrophic failure" is discussed in meetings.

Anonymous No. 16231169

elon get your dick out of the new intern and get an emergency dragon on the pad now

Anonymous No. 16231170

I guess we'll just let them all die

Anonymous No. 16231174


Anonymous No. 16231175

>elon saves ISS crew after starliner and russian segment fail catastrophically
please god let this happen it would be so fucking funny

Anonymous No. 16231177

The russian segment has commuted sudoku, my familiar sources tell me
The american space station shall be the new name henceforth

Anonymous No. 16231178

thunderf00t would pull a ronny mcnutt and blow his head off live

Anonymous No. 16231179

I want it was gonna be an escape for billionaires? Who are well established as all being pedophiles.

Anonymous No. 16231180

it was always Space Station Freedom in my heart anyways

Anonymous No. 16231181

If the station itself is damaged, they would evacuate on the already docked Soyuz/Dragon vehicles. God help the Starliner guys though.

Anonymous No. 16231182

if the russian segment had explosive decompression then the russiancommander would be in space right now

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Anonymous No. 16231183

The ISS is such a useless, expensive piece of shit. I hate it, hate it, hate it!

Anonymous No. 16231184

Anonymous No. 16231186

so there was a catastrophic failure or the russians just got hypobaric hypoxia while sleeping

Anonymous No. 16231187

in an absolute emergency you could get away with bringing back 6 astros on a dragon

Anonymous No. 16231188

manifesting this

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Anonymous No. 16231189

oh shit oh fuck

Anonymous No. 16231190

The commander is fucking dying???

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Anonymous No. 16231191


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Anonymous No. 16231192

donkey punch sluts

Anonymous No. 16231194

yes tenuous is not good

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Anonymous No. 16231195

Why would you want it? Its shit without or without Russian involvement

Anonymous No. 16231196

Shit's fucked up

Anonymous No. 16231197

>splash down

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Anonymous No. 16231198

Anonymous No. 16231201

i say thou art wrong. and a villain.

Anonymous No. 16231203

if it's just one astro they're worried about then it's probably just illness or injury, nothing to do with leaks

Anonymous No. 16231205

nothing ever happens

Anonymous No. 16231206

she said tenners not tenuous, so he is a-ok

Anonymous No. 16231207
rip. most time in space of anyone.

Anonymous No. 16231208

okay and the "multiple dps hits" is probably actually
"Multiple DCS (Decompression Event)" hits
so actual decompression happening, not just low oxygen levels

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Anonymous No. 16231209

Nay, I speak in truth, varlet

Anonymous No. 16231212

Newfag, nobody here talks about jews. Like ever. Maybe lurk moar, theres a reason everyone calls /pol/ a containment board.

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Anonymous No. 16231213


Anonymous No. 16231214

We're talking about Angry Astronaut, who's a jew.

Anonymous No. 16231215

>they cut the video feed

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Anonymous No. 16231216


Anonymous No. 16231217

Yeah but actually what the fuck is happening

Anonymous No. 16231219

Oleg is Odead

Anonymous No. 16231220

its over for the ISS

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Helga launch.gif

Anonymous No. 16231221

This is it, the catastrophic depressurization event.

Anonymous No. 16231222

We're not seeing a mass evac of the station it's probably not a hull breach. There was an American spacewalk coming up that would have involved Crew-8 commander Matthew Dominick, so that could be the commander that was mentioned. The audio we got was a SpaceX flight surgeon and there was mention of "post splashdown," so I think the most likely read of the very limited info we have is that there was a incident in the pre-walk prep and Endeavour might be getting ready for an emergency return to Earth.

Anonymous No. 16231223


Anonymous No. 16231224


Anonymous No. 16231226


Anonymous No. 16231227

Here's the (one sided) audio

Anonymous No. 16231228

OOhhhhhh thou sayests dost thou, well i'll call thee wrong and also thou mothers nest a midden. No more has she given birth to thee than a trashcan hast given forth a slurry. Kick a hole in any rusty can than that thy brother dost not fall out unbidden. And yes Sir, i do bite my thumb at thee.

Anonymous No. 16231229

Not without seats.

Anonymous No. 16231230

Just hold on real tight it'll be fine

Anonymous No. 16231231

just bring in some deck chairs

Anonymous No. 16231232

Just pile in like in the back of a pickup truck

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Anonymous No. 16231233

So this guy is commander of SpaceX Crew-8 and he was scheduled to do a spacewalk in about 14 hours from now...

Anonymous No. 16231234

but why Italy

Anonymous No. 16231235

>standing room only

Anonymous No. 16231242

just get comfy on the down side.

Anonymous No. 16231243


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16231244


Anonymous No. 16231245

>post splashdown
She was talking about a standard procedure that is done post-splashdown. Not that they are evacuating, but rather "for suited hypobaric treatment post splashdown."

Anonymous No. 16231246


Anonymous No. 16231247

So this is legit then?

Anonymous No. 16231248

18 hours? May as well be funeral coordination.

Anonymous No. 16231249

so he fucked up his prebreathe somehow?

Anonymous No. 16231250

what if they're just talking about the procedure for each specific crew member after an emergency splashdown rather than saying that the commander specifically is in trouble?

Anonymous No. 16231251

full transcript of the audio

Anonymous No. 16231252

Read the description, it has nothing to do with the iss

Anonymous No. 16231253


Anonymous No. 16231254

Yeah I just realized kek

Anonymous No. 16231256

They definitely aren't. Check the >>16231251 transcript. I could believe this being training if it wasn't for the fact that she ends the call by telling them how to contact a hospital in Spain.

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Anonymous No. 16231257

look at him go

Anonymous No. 16231258

Here is a full transcript of the radio traffic in question from the NASA ISS live stream:

So if we could get a commander back in his suit, get it sealed and step into procedure 5.180 for suited hyperbaric treatment, section three for oxygen post-splashdown, that would be my recommendation. How copy?

Copy. Understand that this is a best effort treatment, and so whatever you can do is going to be better than doing nothing. And just as an FYI, prior to sealing, closing the visor and pressurizing the suit, I would like you to check his pulse one more time. How copy?

Correct, yes. That would be, actually, Sif [sp?], you're on this call. How much oxygen do we have remaining in minutes?

Perfect, so yes, then I would like you to have 100% O2 flowing via mask while you get the suit on. Prior to closing the visor and pressurizing, I'd like you to do a pulse check one more time, and then step into 5.180, section three.

Is there a way that the mask can be attached? So is there a way that we could get the suit over the head, have the visor open, and put the mask at least close to his face while you finish sealing up the suit, or is that not feasible?

Copy. Copy.

Anonymous No. 16231259

Kinda sounds like that, or something related to the preparation. Little more than speculation at this point though.

Anonymous No. 16231261

Well, I think at this point, because the hypobaric exposure is the big problem, and given his exam, I am concerned that there are some severe DCS hits, and so I would recommend trying to get him in the suit as soon as possible, and giving oxygen as best as able during that process, but the best thing would be to get him in the suit ASAP.

Thank you. Just as a FYI for you, I am still about one hour out from MCC-X. Unfortunately, we will need to keep doing the phone situation until I am able to be there. I am currently stuck in traffic.

While we don't have other flight surgeons on call, while I am stuck in traffic, I can reach out to see if there's anyone who can get there sooner than one hour. That being said, there really isn't anything we could do in person that we can't do over the phone at this point. Unfortunately, the prognosis for Commander is relatively tenuous, I'll say, at this point, to keep it generic.

One thing, I don't know if you got this message before, but I did find a, through Dan, I did find a hospital in Spain that has critical care facilities and hyperbaric treatment facilities. Would you like me to give you that hospital and their phone number again?

Okay, so that is San Carlos, S-A-N-C-A-R-L-O-S, in San Fernando, spelled the normal way, and that's in the province of Cadiz, C-A-D-I-Z, in Spain. And that phone number is country code XXXXX . Again, that number is country code XXXXX. How copy?

Copy. In the meantime, I will continue my trek in. Otherwise, I will see if a flight surgeon can be there sooner, and then you are free to call me with any updates or any changes. If the crew do get suited and start the treatment and they make a call down, I would request to be updated at that point. Thank you very much. Anything else I can do for you, Sif? Thank you, bye.

Anonymous No. 16231262

what do you think the talks with Argentina are for?

Anonymous No. 16231263

I'm worried guys.

Anonymous No. 16231264

Every window is a launch window if you have enough Delta-V

Anonymous No. 16231265

I lean towards it being the crew 8 commander. The Russians would have their own flight doctor on call.

Anonymous No. 16231266

the chick on the phone said she's the only flight surgeon currently available

Anonymous No. 16231267

russian doctor got conscripted, that's why they are using a doctor in spain

Anonymous No. 16231268


Not good.
I've seen this happen, most likely at a lower level than what happened, but that is bad. The next several weeks will be interesting for spaceflight.

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Anonymous No. 16231269

another fifty billion dollars down the drain

Anonymous No. 16231270

Crew 8 commander has/had a spacewalk in a few hours from now, he would have likely been in the middle of decompression to prepare for the walk.

Anonymous No. 16231271


Anonymous No. 16231272

Nothing happened, it was a drill

Anonymous No. 16231273

>post splash down
Yeah, it definitely is the crew 8 commander. Starliner can't splash down and Soyuz would be an odd as shit choice to specify splash down.

Anonymous No. 16231274

how can you get "multiple dps hits" during eva prep though?

Anonymous No. 16231275

it would be so funny if someone hit this with an anti-satellite missile while it was full of chinese "people"

Anonymous No. 16231276

note, the pre-spacewalk procedure includes being in the special airlock area, so maybe it wasn't a pure O2 breathing system failure but a issue with the final airlock door?

Anonymous No. 16231277

maybe they dont trust soyuz or starliner to return the injured commander safely

Anonymous No. 16231278

it's suppose to be dcs aka decompression sickness

Anonymous No. 16231279

Read, nigga, read:
>So if we could get a commander back in his suit, get it sealed and step into procedure 5.180 for suited hyperbaric treatment, section three for oxygen post-splashdown

Anonymous No. 16231280

Any live maps of current ISS location and trajectory? Maybe the spain hospital is the closest to their current possible deorbit burns?

Anonymous No. 16231281

somebody find procedure 5.180

Anonymous No. 16231282

That really doesn't give the enough context for what "post-splashdown" means here.

Anonymous No. 16231283

the SpaceX dragon recovery ship is rather specialized. I'm really not sure some random boat in Spain can bring it onboard etc?

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Anonymous No. 16231284

the orbit's nowhere near passing close to spain right now. it's gonna be hours away if that's what they're doing.

Anonymous No. 16231286

They about 8 hours away from a landing near Spain. It's more likely that the Cadiz hospital was brought up as an option for a telehealth consult since they're hyperbaric specialists

Anonymous No. 16231287

What, they can't open it on the water?

Anonymous No. 16231288

To state the obvious, your financial viability would hinge on cutting up costs and then minimizing your operating costs. Can't say much about the business case though.
>cutting up front costs
The obvious thing to do would be to trade manufacturing complexity for mass where it makes sense and take advantage of COTS parts as much as possible. For launch costs, you'd bank on starship's supposed low $/kg to orbit, but depending on dimensions though you may be able to get by with a Falcon 9 in some configuration.
>cut operating costs
Big difference between now and the early 90s is the capability and power draw requirement vs size and cost of computers. You could have a lot of on board processing done to minimize/optimize data that needs to be downloaded through the DSN, or even better yet, use starlink some how instead of the DSN. Once your data is on the ground, hopefully your private enterprise would be much leaner and more efficient with its manpower than a public entity to keep salary costs down.
>business case
There's only so many university astronomy departments with only so much budget to spend on imagery. If that adds up to be more than what you manage to get your cost down to, then sure, viable, but probably not

Anonymous No. 16231289

Wouldn't just using the Soyuz or Starliner be better at this point? You would want to land on land in an emergency rather than waiting for somebody to pick you up from the ocean.

Anonymous No. 16231290

it's not that they can't, but ultimately, the dragon capsule is more valuable than an astronauts life

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Anonymous No. 16231292

fly a coastguard helicopter out there

Anonymous No. 16231293

I would imagine they'd prefer to bring him back to NASAs flight surgeons anyways.

Anonymous No. 16231294

Yeah, nevermind
If they wanted to do an emergency deorbit they'll be quite close to the west coast in the next orbit

Anonymous No. 16231295

>Heard from ISS MCC - it was a Sim that accidentally got picked up on the A2G loops and media grabbed it.

Nothing's bad happening
(this is this person

Anonymous No. 16231296

>Any live maps of current ISS location and trajectory? Maybe the spain hospital is the closest to their current possible deorbit burns?

From what I've been hearing, if Dragon makes an emergency undocking soon, they will be splashing down by Spain.

I feel like of them got depressurized, and they are going to do an emergency landing to try and save him. I've seen divers who come up too quickly puff up from the rapid drop in pressure, but this is a whole different environment. I think we may have our first death in space.

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Anonymous No. 16231297

relevant post

Anonymous No. 16231298

You could use starships to get them out to LaGrange points and do parallax studies too. What I'd really like to see would be some of the Key Hole EO sats hubble was based off of around mars

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Anonymous No. 16231299

back to our regularly scheduled programming

Anonymous No. 16231300

>I think we may have our first death in space.
The first American death you mean?

Anonymous No. 16231301

You need to leave on the ship you arrived on. A Russian Sokol suit wouldn't be able to hook up to the life support systems on Dragon or Starliner. You could just pile everyone in without suits but NASA would only go for that if the station suffered a major breach, and the Commander needs to be suited up and linked into an oxygen source for the current treatment to work.

Anonymous No. 16231304

>fly a coastguard helicopter out there
Not a bad idea actually. Get a rigger to lash it up and they can fly it to land.

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Anonymous No. 16231305

Nothing burger. Nothing ever happens.

Anonymous No. 16231306

why would they wake up a doctor half way around the world at 2am for a sim? the janitor could play that role

Anonymous No. 16231308

it's a good sim

Anonymous No. 16231309

well that was fun for an hour

Anonymous No. 16231310


Anonymous No. 16231312

CYA!!! It was just a, uhhhh, TEST!

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Anonymous No. 16231314

>I did find a, through Dan, I did find a hospital in Spain

Anonymous No. 16231315

>Starliner finally makes it to the station
>there's a catastrophic hull breach and everyone has to evacuate
Just because we like spaceflight doesn't mean we're well adjusted

Anonymous No. 16231316

>The first American death you mean?
I meant on the ISS specifically.
Unless I'm just an idiot and a Russian died on the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16231317

Do we have a second confirmation of sim?
The line
>Understand that this is a best effort treatment, and so whatever you can do is going to be better than doing nothing.
had me really worried.

Anonymous No. 16231318

Might just be the only place that has facilities to treat that kind of decompression sickness, or maybe they want to get the experts there to assist remotely.
You'd think NASA would have prepared for this sort of thing though, at least to the degree of having some names and numbers ready.

Anonymous No. 16231319
>I can confirm with 100 percent confidence that there is no emergency on board the International Space Station. It was a sim not involving the crew.

People work very hard to make sure that nothing ever happens

Anonymous No. 16231320


Anonymous No. 16231321

No, the only russian dude who died was leaving MIR or something when it happened

Anonymous No. 16231322

Berger just confirmed, its a sim.

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Anonymous No. 16231323

Anonymous No. 16231324

>Do we have a second confirmation of sim?
>Eric Berger (@SciGuySpace) on X
>I can confirm with 100 percent confidence that there is no emergency on board the International Space Station. It was a sim not involving the crew.

Anonymous No. 16231326

if it's a drill then of course the things people say are gonna sound like it's real.

Anonymous No. 16231328

its over. hes in full cope damage control mode. the iss is about to explosively rupture.

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Anonymous No. 16231329


Anonymous No. 16231330

hory shiet

Anonymous No. 16231332

I think we need to post the Berger tweet a few more times

Anonymous No. 16231333

It was a Salyut station and all three dudes died when they went to undock, something fucked up with the docking ring and pried open their sealed tin can as it departed. The whole thing was on autopilot so Soyuz delivered their blue corpses safely to the landing site on the ground.

Anonymous No. 16231334


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Anonymous No. 16231336

>stayed up to 2am for this shit
Nothing ever happens. Goodnight.

Anonymous No. 16231337

they undocked from salyut fine. it was when they jettisoned the orbital module before reentry that the reentry module decompressed.

Anonymous No. 16231338

You have to shoot one of them now CHOOSE

Anonymous No. 16231339

I'll shoot both

Anonymous No. 16231340

Who's this dude, just another space enthusiast or he actually works with the ISS and co?

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Anonymous No. 16231341

reminder there wont be any flight surgeons for a mars mission. the colonists are on their own.

Anonymous No. 16231342

the CSS of nasa

Anonymous No. 16231344

holy newfag

Anonymous No. 16231346

a 100-man crew and not a single medical specialist. elon sure sucks at mission planning

Anonymous No. 16231347

A pressure regulation valve opened well ahead of schedule and depressurized the capsule prior to reentry. This was back when Soyuz crews were even more mass-constrained than they are now, so there wasn't a budget (or room) for them to wear pressure suits as a part of normal operations.

Anonymous No. 16231350

They should test that crap on earth before doing it for real
Just a full robotic mission landing on earth and building a base on it's own, to see if it works

Anonymous No. 16231351

They can just ask for advice in this thread

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American Berger.jpg

Anonymous No. 16231352


Anonymous No. 16231354

he's Berger-tier

Anonymous No. 16231357

even more official

Anonymous No. 16231358

Ah, yes, the editor of Reddit Technica

Anonymous No. 16231359

nasa is not a reliable source of information

Anonymous No. 16231361

Saarliner bros will we make it back to earth?

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Anonymous No. 16231362


Anonymous No. 16231364

waiting for the Scott manley video about it, I won't take anything less as proof

Anonymous No. 16231366

look at those goofy fucking landing legs, how the hell will they actually have landinglegs on the heat shield side?

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Anonymous No. 16231367

Here's Scott's take.

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Anonymous No. 16231370

checks out

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Anonymous No. 16231372

add ISS decompression death cover up to this

Anonymous No. 16231385

Russian translation, back into English:
>There were no emergency situations aboard the International Space Station.
>At approximately 5:28 p.m. On the CDT, the sound was broadcast live by NASA over a simulated audio link on the ground, indicating that the crew member was experiencing effects associated with decompression sickness (DCS). This audio was inadvertently garbled from an ongoing simulation in which crew and ground crews train for various scenarios in space, and does not relate to a real emergency.
>The crew members of the International Space Station were sleeping at that time.
>Everyone remains healthy and safe, and tomorrow's spacewalk will begin at 8 a.m. ET as planned.

Anonymous No. 16231391

It's just a simulated test goy.

Anonymous No. 16231393

you use the canadarm to forcibly RIP it off an yeet it into space

Anonymous No. 16231394

>/pol/ tourist doubts Berger
>jew spergery as usual

Anonymous No. 16231397

how tf did we got this record?

Anonymous No. 16231400

The transmission was patched on a public live feed

Anonymous No. 16231401

NASA has a livestream of external views and comms chatter from the station. They mistakenly patched in part of the audio feed from a training sim. This isn't the last time that NASA's had issues with streaming and it won't be the last

Anonymous No. 16231405

mexicans could do it. I once saw 25 mexicans get out of a honda civic.

Anonymous No. 16231407

Anonymous No. 16231411

inside scoop: boeing did it

Anonymous No. 16231412

New thread

Anonymous No. 16231414

why the fuck are you trying to split the thread? this one is still young.
tourist faggot

Anonymous No. 16231417

Even if we have the tech we don't understand the physics behind it.

They didn't even consider non chem propulsion. We literally have a nuclear thermal on orbit demo in 3 years. That would cut the travel time by half. We have plasma propulsion in development by pulsar.

Anonymous No. 16231418

>28:46 The birth rate decrease issue
>30:10 Increase the number of humans!
why is elon obsessed with human population numbers? earth is over it's carrying capacity and most wont be going to space on their own. he should be focused on resettling billions into space colonies.

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Anonymous No. 16231419

guys is spacex a reliable source?

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Anonymous No. 16231420

always remember happy time

Anonymous No. 16231422

they are lying.

Anonymous No. 16231423

That's my template wtf

Anonymous No. 16231424

These assholes probably scared the hell out of this guy's poor wife. Imagine how many messages she's probably gotten from friends/acquaintances telling her that her husband is dead.

Anonymous No. 16231427

Shame they didnt release a webm to celebrate it

Anonymous No. 16231430

Delete that

Anonymous No. 16231431

Why are there no commercial space companies trying to get into the space telescope business?

Anonymous No. 16231432

We wont be able to go to space with shrinking population because society will have less vitality. This Ukraine war is a good example. The last two times great powers clashed in the fields of Ukraine they had the demographics to back it up, now they behave sluggishly. The whole of Europe cant provide 1 million shells per year to Ukraine, over 100 years ago in WW1 Austrian and German forces were firing 3 million shells per month in Ukraine

Anonymous No. 16231433

their waiting for starship

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Anonymous No. 16231435

Anonymous No. 16231436

Does NSF allow private companies to bid? Nope. Its all sole sourced at NASA's discretion afaik

Anonymous No. 16231437

Are there any on social media? I just don't know of any.

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Anonymous No. 16231439

because there is literally no money in astronomy. it has no relevance to any commerce or industry. all the famous astronomers of history paid their bills by performing astrological services for rich people.

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Anonymous No. 16231440
>Welcome to the Artemis Accords, Armenia. That makes 10 counties to sign this year already! We will continue to expand humanity’s reach in the cosmos—together.

I'll admit, I wasn't expecting this one

Anonymous No. 16231442

There's no money to be made

Anonymous No. 16231443

Who cares about nsf. I'm talking about putting some big heavy cheap optical scopes into space. A whole bunch for economies of scale. You charge by the hour for observations or by the photo for images. The client base would be pretty broad. Everything from space agencies to universities, museums, even science clubs I suppose depending on the price.

Anonymous No. 16231444

Not bad, but the context lost is that SpaceX pioneered it 10 years prior to Rocketlab's first launch.

Anonymous No. 16231445

The customers is the NSF. Everything from space agencies, universities, museums, science clubs go to NSF for funding/research. Thats where the customer is.

Anonymous No. 16231446

when starship becomes a fully functional product commercial interest in private satellites will skyrocket, literally.

Anonymous No. 16231448

It was inevitable after Turkey and Azerbaijan sided with China

Anonymous No. 16231450

That's just in the US though? This would be open to every all over the world. No need to serve exclusively the us or even western countries.

Anonymous No. 16231451

electron is cool but I fear neutron may be dead on arrival
I wonder how much a neutron launch will cost vs going on a SS in a shared payload

Anonymous No. 16231452

I kinda like Neutron because it's weird and launching from Wallops, but I have to agree. It has an uphill battle even without Starship. Pretty sure the number tossed around for Neutron was $50-55M

Anonymous No. 16231455

You're still not getting your money back, let alone making any profit on a project like that even if you charge the crap out of scientists for observation time
Only someone with Musk's net worth and a really good heart would ever fund something like that

Anonymous No. 16231456

Starship will put everything else out of business. The only survivors will be those kept alive by governments for national security reasons.

Anonymous No. 16231457

I've seen Neutron described as "the Antares of reusable rockets" and I can't say that doesn't sound accurate. At this rate Rocket Lab is going to get lapped in engine development by Stoke and Relativity.

That said, I could potentially see Neutron launches from my house, so I feel compelled to be supportive.

Anonymous No. 16231460

Charge 500$ an hour for 24 hours for 1 year and that's $4 million. It would take 1 year to pay off the starship launch at that price assuming you fully book the telescope

Anonymous No. 16231461

Sure, easy to cover the launch costs, what about the other >2 billion your cool telescope will cost?

Anonymous No. 16231462

I think neutron is almost fully reusable after light refurbishment so that price per launch should come down a lot
it'll be good for customers who want an affordable rocket that can take them almost directly to their target orbit as they won't have to share the launch with other customers which would be the case with SS

Anonymous No. 16231469

Leave it up there for 25 years.

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Anonymous No. 16231470

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Anonymous No. 16231473


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Anonymous No. 16231474

Anonymous No. 16231476

Ok, you got 100 million now, just 1.9 billion to go

Anonymous No. 16231478

Don't make it out of expensive materials then? Starship allows the use of cheap n heavy materials like glass over beryllium. you also don't need complex mechanisms. I bet you could get the cost down a fair amount and make a Hubble successor pretty easily. There would be tradeoffs In capability but that's something you would discuss with the scientific community at large to address their needs.
If you make the whole thing automated it could run 24/7 on a schedule without management.

Also this. If you leave it up there as long as Hubble has been up then you get your money back and make a profit.

Anonymous No. 16231479

let simps pay to use the telescope to spy on egirls

Anonymous No. 16231480

>2 billion
Launched on Starship? You could make the thing from stock parts, the only weird thing could be the big ass lense

Anonymous No. 16231481

mirror, not lens. serious telescopes use mirrors

Anonymous No. 16231484

You aren't making James Webb moron, think about what you are posting before posting it.

Yeah this. Go the RFA route and use cheap mass manufactured parts. The expensive stuff is the mirrors and the sensor equipment but even those will be less expensive because they aren't mass constrained due to starships huge payload mass

Anonymous No. 16231485

Do a joint DoD/private sector project. Harvard alone has an endowment of over 50 billion dollars. Split the cost of the telescope 50/50. Pitch it as a NEO detector, and then have all of the different Unis who would want to use it kick in a percent of the cost of the development in order to gain access to the data and time on the scope. Hell, if you want to make an it an international project, then expand it to include different organizations and unis that aren't American. 2 billion sounds like a lot, but if the DoD covers half, that's 1, and if the rest kick in 50 million each (shit they could find in their sofas) then you would easily be able to take care of the construction of the telescope.

Anonymous No. 16231489

a bad idea

Anonymous No. 16231491

I'm surely not, this hypothetical telescope costs 20% of that Webb trainwreck

Anonymous No. 16231492

Europe has their own NSF version and its even more unlikely to get any private customer there because its more of a communist state there. Atleast in the US, theres a chance in the near future

Anonymous No. 16231493

You still need a good mirror. Those are always expensive at hubble scales, even for dirtside telescopes that don't need to worry about mass constraints.

Honestly, your best bet is probably going to be some kind of big interferometry constellation. Pick the best optics you can and then buy them in bulk. Operating a flock of a few dozen networked satellites will let you get away from bespoke problems and make it easier to continuously maintain and upgrade they system.

Anonymous No. 16231495

Why don't they do it then? The launch cost is negligible compared to the telescope itself
Falcon Heavy is right there and could easily launch something larger and more capable than hubble, even without tricky folding mirrors

Anonymous No. 16231496

Explain where the $2b figure comes from. You aren't inventing anything, you don't have mass constraints, and the launch could be in the single millions

Anonymous No. 16231497

we really need better exoplanet telescopes,
our current primitive methods of transit photometry and radial velocity(star wobble) just isn't cutting it with what we have up there right now
we are missing out on at least 80% of smaller earth/mars sized like planets currently

Anonymous No. 16231498

>optical interferometry
That doesn't exist the way you think it does yet

Anonymous No. 16231499

Because they are gay. And they do do it. The University of Arizona by themselves have built several very large telescopes. The Steward Observatory Lab at Arizona builds the mirrors for Magellan.

Anonymous No. 16231500

Hubble today would cost 3.6bil with inflation, you're not developing a similarly capable telescope for less than 2, anything worse than the hubble is just not worth launching at all

Anonymous No. 16231501

He probably got the figure from Magellan because that project cost 2 billion.

Anonymous No. 16231502

Unironically earth imaging is one way to break into the market and get positive cash flow before launching Megane 1 into orbit as a proof of concept to show a company can operate a space telescope commercially
>Pitch it as a neo detector
One of its potential capabilities I like this it won't cost 2 bil though. Also we are talking about more than one telescope. I'm talking about like a dozen so you get economies of scale on the expensive parts. Imagine 12 bigger than Hubble optical space telescopes operating in orbit. You could do so much with that. Would need other revenue streams as well but that's all part of the business of commercial space
It's not gonna cost 2billion dude.
>Expensive mirror
Yeah I'm aware but the mirror isn't going to cost 2 billion and even if it's several hundred thousand dollars or even a million per mirror that will be the bulk of the cost of the telescope and the rest can be done a lot cheaper than Hubble.

Anonymous No. 16231504

Never underestimate engineers and their creative ways to cut costs. If you aren't paying the premium aerospace prices for parts you can get away with a much cheaper telescope. Also again, Hubble was mass constrained. This telescope has over 100tons to work with. There is basically no mass constraint here. No need for lightweight composite or aluminum. You can use steel and other suitably strong and heavy parts.

Anonymous No. 16231505

The problem with mirrors is time. One of the main reasons why they do segmented mirrors in the first place is because they take less time to grind and polish than huge single mirrors do. Going back to Magellan, it took them something like 13 years to grind and polish all of the mirrors. There is probably a way to cheat this with laminates, but what the fuck do I know?

Anonymous No. 16231507

Problem's not mass, it's assembling the damn thing and making the mirror, this takes time, expertise, and by extension, money

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Anonymous No. 16231510

>Cheat this with laminates
Finding a way to make a cheaper primary mirror would be a huge breakthrough and something worth funding so...

You could use nonstandard shit like water or some other liquid that forms into a mirror. Or have some super tiny, easily mass manufactured polished tiles like pic related though getting it to focus might be a problem.

Anonymous No. 16231513

Hubble was engineered around constraints that Starship eliminates. Add in advances in computers over the last 35 years and $2b is an absurd number

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Anonymous No. 16231514


Anonymous No. 16231515

nobody gives a fuck about finding good exoplanets since interstellar travel is a very long ways off still

Anonymous No. 16231516

>beryllium is cheap and heavy

What the fuck are you smoking? Beryllium is extremely lightweight and extremely expensive

Anonymous No. 16231517

Why is microgravity in quotes?

Anonymous No. 16231518

>a high quality camera
>some mirrors
>sattelite bus
They might as well make a telescope as a mass simulator for next flight test

Anonymous No. 16231520

>why is elon obsessed with human population numbers?
Because the people that actually build society and drag the rest of the morons into the future are a tiny %.
Less people = less autistic engineers

Anonymous No. 16231521

>reading comprehension
I said using glass OVER using beryllium

Anonymous No. 16231523

Well an sls launch costs that, and according to the anti spacex crowd lowering launch costs is pointless because satelites cost 10x the price of the launch, so we should happily aim for a cold 20 billion.

Anonymous No. 16231525

Good job, you came up with the LUVOIR-A all on your own now

Anonymous No. 16231527

What do i need to learn to make telescope /sfg/
Please don't say calculus.

Anonymous No. 16231529

it makes me annoyed when astroonomers are like "oh, x type of planet is this common" because how the fuck would they know? Giant planets are clearly overrepresented in the data, and terrestrial planets are almost completely absent because they can very rarely be detected. How the He'll can they draw any conclusions form such data?

Anonymous No. 16231531

Just some basic glasswork and soldering
You'll be making telescopes by the dozen in just a few months

Anonymous No. 16231532

You're right it'll be $4bn due to inflation

Anonymous No. 16231533

Planet finder is phase 3 of the space telescope company

Anonymous No. 16231535

A cardboard tube and imagination

Anonymous No. 16231536

its not that simple in space. PLEASE understand.

Anonymous No. 16231538

They could put it up for an open bid if they really want to, but they dont want to.

Private commercial bidding of telescope would kill the government hold on the science

Anonymous No. 16231542

The costs WILL go down and engineering solutions WILL be found.

Anonymous No. 16231548

And a single Falcon 9 had more payload to orbit than those 50 Electron launches added together

Anonymous No. 16231549

Some hard drive platters, a big pvc pipe, and some black spray paint

Anonymous No. 16231552

DESU, this makes SpaceX even more impressive/unique

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Extended Apollo -....jpg

Anonymous No. 16231554

FLUTE would launch liquids to space as the raw material to make optical components in orbit. The primary mirror would form within a huge circular frame and remain in liquid state with an extremely smooth surface for collecting light. >FLUTE’s technology approach is theoretically able to scale up to very large sizes. The technology could potentially enable telescopes with apertures measuring 10 times – or even 100 times – larger than telescopes to-date.

Anonymous No. 16231556

...if there's a market worth the effort. You can make some money in high science astronomy projects, but I'm not convinced you can make enough for it to be attractive to groups outside the usual astronomy community and government interests.

Anonymous No. 16231557

>Why are there no commercial space companies trying to get into the space telescope business?
there was one or two some years ago, they were interested in making telescopes to hunt for asteroids to mine

Anonymous No. 16231558

gas giants are a lot easier to detect, most don't even need to transit their star for us to see them.
smaller terrestrial worlds like Earth however the only real way is for them is if they perfectly aligned with us and their parent star which is rare.

Anonymous No. 16231563

based on my sample size of 1 star system where I definitively know how many gas giants there are and roughly know how many terrestrial planets there are. I'm going to say the terrestrial planet to gas giant ratio is 12ish to 4.
I assure you this holds true in all places and at all times throughout the universe

Anonymous No. 16231571

damn, whenever I see antares I think back to what could have been had orbital sciences won out against spacex in commercial cargo. Falcon 9 is a very different rocket from what first launched in 2010 and antares has received zero upgrades. they were both a similar size and now antares looks goofily small compared to falcon. We could live in a world where orbital sciences and ula grifted commercial cargo for a bit, and where the most exciting thing in spaceflight is new Glenn. No doubt all the other rocket startups would have not received VC money without the example of SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16231576

Hey its the thing i just posted bout. Neat to see this is being looked into. Still makes more sense at this point to use glass mirrors any maybe trying to find a novel way to make a cheap primary

Anonymous No. 16231578

Thats another potential customer base so yeah

Anonymous No. 16231580

>and where the most exciting thing in spaceflight is new Glenn
New glenn is hoelnestly cool and would be amazing if spacex didn't exist

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Anonymous No. 16231586

Some projections are putting peak population by 2100, and the lions share of pop. growth between now and then will be in Sub-Saharan Africa, but even birth rates there are starting to fall. Not a single advanced industrialized country (aka places that care about and are advancing technology by producing highly skilled workers) has a positive native birthrate. This is very bad news for everyone. By the time millennials are hitting retirement age there will be a deep demographic crisis in every western nation. Japan, China, Korea will probably get there a decade or so earlier earlier. This will probably mean a prolonged period of economic and scientific stagnation and the end of any notion of colonizing space.

Anonymous No. 16231589
>Virgin Galactic says shareholders have approved a 1-for-20 reverse stock split, which takes effect after trading Friday. The reverse split is intended to boost the share price (currently $0.85) above the $1 threshold that put it at risk of delisting

I don't think the Delta-class ships are going to happen. How wild would it be if Astra managed to outlast both Virgin spaceflight companies?

Anonymous No. 16231590

me when I’m a lobotomized contrarian

Anonymous No. 16231592

See Business Case
There's just not enough money in astronomy to make a profitable business.

Anonymous No. 16231594

New Glenn is Bezos' answer to Falcon Heavy. If SpaceX wasn't around then New Glenn either wouldn't exist or would look radically different.

Anonymous No. 16231597

How much do telescopes cost?
>Hubble ~$8 billion (in today's dollars)
>Webb ~$10 billion
>Roman ~$3.2 billion
And $4 million probably isn't even enough to pay for the ongoing operations staffing, at least not at anywhere near the level of these telescopes.

I think your business model is wrong, though, because it turns out there's a ton of for-profit satellite telescopes. They're just pointed down at the Earth. GIS is big money because (unlike astronomy) it's actually useful. That's 'useful' in the sense of "the people paying for it can use the information to make more money than it cost to use."

Anonymous No. 16231598

Starship is about to fucking roll over this statistic

Anonymous No. 16231599

Yeah, they really are amazing.

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Anonymous No. 16231600
>I just captured a stunning view of the SpaceX Starlink satellite train through a telescope! Each light gliding across the sky represents a step towards global connectivity.

Anonymous No. 16231601

Starship already lost

Anonymous No. 16231603

damage per second

Anonymous No. 16231605

That was the plan. Use optical communication and maybe dsn radio as backup if needed.
The biggest thing would be to expand the customer base as much as possible beyond just universities.

Anonymous No. 16231607

yep virgin isnt able to pivot and they take too long to do anything, so they have no revenue streams

Anonymous No. 16231612

Oh and i know earth imaging is a valid business model. That is probably the way you enter the market and get experience making space telescopes. Itnwould end up being an alternative revanue stream later on too, or something to fall back on if the big boy scopes dont pan out.

Anonymous No. 16231613

I would imagine that SpaceX would get an emergency order to mobilize 1 or more Crew Dragon capsules that are slated for the next commercial or ISS mission, with priority launch asap to the station. The capsules would sit in a parking orbit outside the 200m no-entry zone. One by one they'd enter as lifeboats to offload the crew complement and then the ISS becomes a rogue object. Which is a mega yikes.

Worse, if everyone is offloaded from the ISS, then there's also a complete breakdown of relations between US and Russia, as there's an agreement that any given time, ISS must be populated by US astronauts and 1 Russian (if I remember correctly on the details).

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Anonymous No. 16231614

>in another universe..

For some reason I'm feeling nostalgic.

Anonymous No. 16231617

So, now that the helium has leaked: There's no emergency and half of this thread is a nothing burger, right?

Anonymous No. 16231619

Discussing the viability of space telescopes as a business is not a nothing burger

Anonymous No. 16231624

I imagine is a specific procedure that would be used by the extraction crew to pull out an astronaut in need of an emergency on the boat. Hence the procedure specifics. Essentially: go to the checklist for what you do when the capsule is in the water and you need to pull for emergency and repeat on the ISS until you can get the person stabilized. Everything said is said explicitly and there's no hidden meaning bullshit. Anyone trying to read between the lines is a fucking moron and should be dismissed. Ain't nobody got time for 21 questions.

Anonymous No. 16231627

Hey, if there's no helium then how are they going to pressurize the fuel tanks in order to make the engines go?

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Anonymous No. 16231628

>Falcon XX is a single core launch vehicle with a diameter of 10 meters and an estimated length of about 100 meters using six Merlin 2 engines operating at the 100% thrust setting on its first stage creating a liftoff thrust of 45,360 Kilonewtons (4,625 metric tons).
It's dumb and it's a downgrade from what we're getting and for some reason I kinda miss it

Anonymous No. 16231630


SpaceX would sacrifice a Crew Dragon capsule for NASA in the event of an emergency of this magnitude. NASA can always back pay them for the loss as part of the emergency sortie or whatever later. Trying to nickel and dime in the middle of an emergency is peak faggotry and no aerospace company, not even Boing, would resort to that. Plus the PR win of a company sacrificing a capsule to ensure an astronaut in emergency got to care in time vastly eclipses the loss of the vehicle as a result.

Anonymous No. 16231639

This was only a test. The crew training in Hawthorne is safe and healthy as is the Dragon spacecraft docked to the @space_station…

Anonymous No. 16231641

cant wait for nsf to make a video about this

Anonymous No. 16231644

>Some projections are putting peak population by 2100
Those projections are old asf, with the recent global fertility drop we're going to peak by 2060

Anonymous No. 16231645

surprised they didn't make an emergency livestream to grift and shill their merch

Anonymous No. 16231650

And it's not like SpaceX can't build more dragons. They've got a fifth crew dragon under construction right now.

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Anonymous No. 16231652

The collection grows

Anonymous No. 16231654

mueller would still be at spacex if they'd gone with that

Anonymous No. 16231655

breaking: the iss crew has died of helium poisoning

Anonymous No. 16231658

>helium poisoning
Just suffocation with extra steps, innit?

Anonymous No. 16231659

rip bozo

Anonymous No. 16231663

it was gruesome. their tortured pleas for help couldn't be understood by mission control because their voices were too squeaky.

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Anonymous No. 16231668

Anonymous No. 16231672

wen hop?

Anonymous No. 16231673

July 4th is my bet, they can fit in some cryo tests and static fires between now and then.

Anonymous No. 16231674

2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16231677

4th of July, unfortunately I'll be at Anthrocon

Anonymous No. 16231678

August 15th is trending likely
No chance
Are you stupid?

Anonymous No. 16231679

they have to completely cover the ship in ablative and then reattach the tiles. I'm vibing mid to end of august

Anonymous No. 16231686

>russia deployed the first s-500 battery to crimea today
>it's designed for ballistic missile defense and anti satellite warfare

Anonymous No. 16231689

bad news for all those satellites that stay directly above crimea 24/7

Anonymous No. 16231692

>No chance
I remember anon was so sure they'd never go for two static fires in one day, too.

Anonymous No. 16231693

ASAT weaponry can't hit GEO satellites, you need orbital vehicles for that

Anonymous No. 16231695

Geostationary bros... its over...
Nevermind, We are so back

Anonymous No. 16231697

I'm way more sure this time

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Anonymous No. 16231701

Anonymous No. 16231707

enjoy earth, faggot

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Anonymous No. 16231708

Bet you are anon, bet you are.

Anonymous No. 16231711

Unless you're trying to count one of the pre-IFT flight tests as "first launch", Starship has about 6 more years, and would currently be ahead of every other rocket on that chart with 4 launches in 13 months.

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Anonymous No. 16231715

lol, what a fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16231730

Japan shouldve carpet bombed Oahu.

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Anonymous No. 16231736

fat is not how I would describe her
imagine the worst of two despicable races

Anonymous No. 16231737

>SpaceX executives including Musk and Shotwell participated in a video “that mocks and makes light of sexual misconduct and banter,” including a scene in which an employee demonstrated the “correct” way to spank a coworker, lawsuit claims

Anonymous No. 16231741

holy based.

Anonymous No. 16231743

why is early staging not being permitted?

Anonymous No. 16231744

because you're a newfag

Anonymous No. 16231745

>peak by 2060
Grim. If I live to my life expectancy, there will be no one to replace me when I die. How the fuck is a Martian colony going to achieve a positive birthrate if earth can't? How do you get women to immigrate to mars if there's state enforced policy of natalism?

Anonymous No. 16231749

Why WOULD it be? Activate your FTS

Anonymous No. 16231750

1) You're a newfag.
2) There's 9 more pages to go through
3) Board is slow so that process can take days at a time
4) Dont clutter up up with multiple /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16231751

leaving delta V on the table

Anonymous No. 16231753

>3) Board is slow so that process can take days at a time
>4) Dont clutter up up with multiple /sfg/
who cares about the rest of /sci/
they can suck my dick

Anonymous No. 16231756

androids will unironically replace us

Anonymous No. 16231758

wtf i want mommy shotwell to spank me now

Anonymous No. 16231759

the future of humanity is ex vivo state controlled child generation.

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Anonymous No. 16231761


Anonymous No. 16231762


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Anonymous No. 16231764

anon is living in 2060
while other anon is having a massive sook

Anonymous No. 16231766

>russia deployed new wunderwaffe
I'm demoralized now.

Anonymous No. 16231767

>How the fuck is a Martian colony going to achieve a positive birthrate if earth can't?
simple, just remove womens rights again
it was a failed experiment and its clearly evident now

Anonymous No. 16231771


Anonymous No. 16231772

except for shotwell who's always welcome to apply for the senior spanking technician spot

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Anonymous No. 16231774

Suffer no earther
Also, this is the first step on the road to von Neumann arks

Anonymous No. 16231777

The only flaw with physiognomy was trying to codify it. It's extremely reliable when paired with gut instinct.

Anonymous No. 16231817

+$56,000,000,000 for Mars

Anonymous No. 16231818

they kinda look like cute owls

Anonymous No. 16231819

July 4th
Source: My ass

Anonymous No. 16231824

i'm tired of nobody inventing a gamma-ray laser. this is bullshit. i'm not waiting for an AI to invent them either. i'm gonna invent one and i'm gonna invent it NOW.
>hurr durr how is this spaceflight
because you put them in space and shoot at shit, cunt.

Anonymous No. 16231826

>How the fuck is a Martian colony going to achieve a positive birthrate if earth can't?
Mars wont have marxists death cult worshippers. There wont be a DEI, there wont be degrowthers, there wont be castration ideology, there wont be identity politics, Martians will be a nationalist state.

Anonymous No. 16231831

>gamma ray

Anonymous No. 16231832

Mind broken

Anonymous No. 16231837

American/European government must never set foot on Mars. This will lead to the extension of the current corruption.

Anonymous No. 16231842

Birth rates are low when times are easy. In colonies, Martian or otherwise, times are generally hard.

Anonymous No. 16231844

establishing a colony is inherently a pro natalist action

Anonymous No. 16231845

Why would you when you can do it from the ground for vastly less time and effort? There are robotic observatories all over the world that will watch your telescope for a fee, datacenter style.

Anonymous No. 16231846

because it's better in space

Anonymous No. 16231848

>How was there a positive birthrate 1000 years ago when half your kids would die and you would die of a papercut and starve if the harvest was bad
It's like you don't think your own logic through

Anonymous No. 16231852

present day is the hardest time in human history when it comes to working hours, if you do not work a full time job you do not survive.
this is why birth rates are declining.

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Anonymous No. 16231854

Does this mean we have to start saying "Türkiye sandwich" etc?

Anonymous No. 16231855

You would think so, but with the government involvement, we'll have to carry anti-natalists onboard for DEI.

Anonymous No. 16231859

Women will do as they are told

Anonymous No. 16231862

we should, it will rattled them enough to change their name again.

Anonymous No. 16231869

Even if you send wokists they will change their mind quickly or die. Life will be too harsh for leftist gay shit. It would be kino if the most hardline of those people were ultimately given a choice to change or leave because their actions jeopardize the survival of the colonists

Anonymous No. 16231873

>or die
Thats what they want. They want to be deadweight for the colony to slow it down and then spread their ideology of snipping/no work/etc

Anonymous No. 16231877

Funny story
Elon started spacex and every lead engineer he interviewed wasn't good. He said this openly over a decade ago. The mocked him, called him a con artist and fraud. He and another engineer designed everything from programming to engine to landing struts and pad. Up until falcon heavy that was the set up
Other guy retired Elon handed it off. Falcon heavy stalled Elon came back designed the starship and raptors as well fixed heavy then left again.
Starship and raptors stall Elon comes back raptors 2, 3 then starship is launching every 4 months

Still to this day retards will deny he designed everything. No one else can do what he does with rockets. He's tried to step away. He always has to come back and advance them boring, then 4 Tesla plants completing the Twitter

Anonymous No. 16231883

sharia-law for Mars! who says no
every man will have 10 wives who must be obedient

Anonymous No. 16231914

>Life will be too harsh for leftist gay shit.
no it won't, retard

Anonymous No. 16231917

women will be banned, >>16231764

Anonymous No. 16231918

Show me a leftist tranny that works 60 hours a week.

You wont find one. Mars isn't 60 hours a week work, its 100 hours a week work.

Anonymous No. 16231936

mars will be a comfy 40 hour work week

Anonymous No. 16231940

Fucking based. If you dont want to literally slave away for the colony you were never going there to begin with.

Anonymous No. 16231946

were the STS1/2/3 ejection seats useful at all

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Anonymous No. 16231949

By the way some nigger made another garbage early stage thread. Janny is such a fucking cuck donothing faggot

Anonymous No. 16231952

No. They would either been torn apart by the dynamic forces upon ejection, and/or their parachutes would be burnt by the passing SRB plumes.

Anonymous No. 16231955

They ban you for reporting these, I've tried it many times in the past.

Anonymous No. 16231956

its because they aren't breaking the rules
fucking oldfag retards

Anonymous No. 16231958

Thanks for the reminder. Also I think they took away the captcha for report so thats good.

Anonymous No. 16231961

>admitting youre a newbaba

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Anonymous No. 16231996

oh come on. look how many places there are to eject that aren't in the plume. eject to the left. eject to the right. eject straight down and just wait 200 feet to deploy the chute. it's not that hard. worst case you get a little dust on it.
>but but but nasa said during ares i-x
yeah and look where it got them

Anonymous No. 16231998

Someone please make a new thread

Anonymous No. 16232020

Use one or more disposal vehicles to latch on, wait until the station disconnects, and dump it in Point Nemo.

Anonymous No. 16232023

Page 9 retard

Anonymous No. 16232026

please make a good post

Anonymous No. 16232033

The map is missing two partial fills.
>Puerto Rico (US) - blue
>Greenland (Denmark) - green, ironically

Anonymous No. 16232041

Ellie interview Jared on Hubble/NASA

Anonymous No. 16232043

>only 1 gyro left on Hubble not 3 as reported earlier

Anonymous No. 16232050

new thread

Anonymous No. 16232052

you're still a fag

Anonymous No. 16232068

Its literally one buttmad retard tourist on multiple IPs abusing the fact that janny is dead to ruin the general. Always the worst after an IFT

Anonymous No. 16232078

this is the first thread i have made in like 3 months
take your meds

Anonymous No. 16232086

newfag, i'm gonna bake a new proper thread soon.

Anonymous No. 16232087

Wait for page 10 or push other threads to get there brother the thread needs legitimacy so remember to include screenshot of staging at 10.

Anonymous No. 16232089

Risking a ban to complain about this, good night bros and remember to report the other threads that did not stage at page 10 for spamming/flooding

Anonymous No. 16232098

One of the more amusing aspects of recent AI advances is watching it validate physiognomy as real

Anonymous No. 16232113

AI is basically 4chan in a bottle. Look at what it does best:
>confirms /pol/ beliefs as true
>draws anime girls with huge knockers
>designs aerospike rocket engines
>banters hard enough that its shitlib creators have to deliberately cripple it to avoid MechaHitler shitposting hard takeoff singularities

Anonymous No. 16232148

Musk comp pa kage vote passed again

Anonymous No. 16232203

>designs aerospike rocket engines

Anonymous No. 16232220

it doesn't matter
he won't say the money for years

Anonymous No. 16232227

two pre-staged /sfg/s

Thread talking about too many /sfg/s

other related

Re-use one of the two or split again? Neither is good, though a split /sfg/ that stages according to rules would decrease the incentive to stage extremely early

Anonymous No. 16232231

oh yeah missed this /sfg/
is some EDS faggot having a meltdown or what?

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Anonymous No. 16232240

Staging to least shit thread


Anonymous No. 16232243

THIS is the REAL thread

Anonymous No. 16232246

nah nigga

Anonymous No. 16232248

staging! this is the REAL thread

Anonymous No. 16232266

Holy shit kill yourselves

Anonymous No. 16232269

Because retards can't tell the difference between free-fall and true microgravity

Anonymous No. 16232274

I like getting teasers for WW3

Anonymous No. 16232275

hey guys i didn't see any other threads and we are on page 10 so i made a thread, no need to thank me

Anonymous No. 16232285

>read news
>something about decompression at ISS
>denied by (((berger)))
>come to /sci/
>there are 6 /sfg/ threads
Are they perhaps sliding the "non issue" or is it the regular faggitry?

Anonymous No. 16232290

hullo has confirmed the part about LA traffic being bad was legit so there's more to this than has been revealed

Anonymous No. 16232320


Anonymous No. 16232328

the anon that said we should make "bait" threads so /pol/sters don't find the actual /sfg/ took it too far lol. Aynway I'm gonna get in on the trend and make a new /sfg/ myself too.

Anonymous No. 16232343


Anonymous No. 16232353

yours shall be numero five

Anonymous No. 16232428

how come yuros can't stage?

Anonymous No. 16232480

it is staged, use this one >>16232240
its the first "stage" after reaching page 10 with documentation, actually happened like a few mins after reaching page 10
the fact its a reused thread is irrelevant

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Anonymous No. 16232502

>baby's first lesson in demographics
A 1000 years ago the world population was still on its slow linear climb it had been on since antiquity. The only reason population was growing at all was because of the social dynamics that lead to very high birthrates. Women had pretty much no access to contraception, education, or economic prospects outside of home making, among many other factors. Today the dynamic is totally reversed and any woman who would go to mars is going to be a highly educated, driven, career oriented woman who will face all the same pressures on Mars that are cratering birthrates in advanced economies, but x1000.

Anonymous No. 16232506

Uhh shouldn't we be worried about this expotential growth.

Anonymous No. 16232513

I did it



Anonymous No. 16232515

lmao I guess institutionals are too scared of line go down to do the correct thing. Or I guess they still believe the yearly "FSD next year" mantra.

Anonymous No. 16232520

>Or I guess they still believe the yearly "FSD next year" mantra.

Anonymous No. 16232555

Tesla's valuation is mostly based on expectations of Tesla solving self-driving and other quite possibly AGI-tier problems, it is grossly inflated if compared to other car or energy companies, therefore if you were to expect the market to be rational or """efficient""" (it isn't), Tesla would have to make true on that to justify its valuation (or actually become the sole carmaker on the planet, but considering how their car business is suffering right now, that's not happening anytime soon). Elon has been pumping the stock to stay at that valuation by promising FSD to be ready in the following year every year for close to a decade now, the current carrot is the Robotaxi reveal later this year while the current iteration of "FSD" is clearly still not able to fulfil that moniker and Tesla's investor relations is telling analysts that there won't be robotaxi revenues for years.

Anonymous No. 16232562

>look at all these idiots investing in Tesla, this is proof that markets are dumb

Anonymous No. 16232586

Could you fags decide among yourselves which is the real new thread and delete the other ones please.

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Anonymous No. 16232595

We havent hit page 10 yet. None of the other stages have proof of page 10 status even though they say they do. I will push us to page 10 again and make a real thread with a note in the OP telling janny its real. Will be a bit different from the usual OP but desperate times call for desperate measures

Anonymous No. 16232596

damn they nuked my thread telling them to clean it up but they let all the other junk threads be also test

Anonymous No. 16232603

They also nuked my thread which I posted like 6 hours ago. Ive already submitted a feedback form talking about how the /sci/ janny is maliciously leaving up these threads. I suggest you all do the same

Anonymous No. 16232606

Actually I cant even fucking push it to page 10 because janny nuked too many threads BUT NOT THE FUCKING ONES THAT NEEDED TO GET NUKED. I guess we will just have to wait for more replacement threads to be posted. Fuck this janny.

Anonymous No. 16232614

Tesla has been vastly overvalued for years, Elon has said this himself (hasn't stopped him from pumping it further, lel). You just need to look at retards getting Virgin Galactic way too high to see that markets are dumb.

Anonymous No. 16232617


Anonymous No. 16232619

And what exactly would you suggest to increase efficiency?

Anonymous No. 16232620


Anonymous No. 16232622

I hope it doesn't work otherwise us engineer are done for.

Anonymous No. 16232623

Why hasn't anyone made a new thread yet

Anonymous No. 16232626

well since this thread is page 9 and we only stage at page 10 all the other threads are fake.

Anonymous No. 16232627

>earth is over it's carrying capacity
It's not even worth asking for justification after a claim like that. Do you have a favorite flavor of glue?

Anonymous No. 16232631

yike we're at page 10 bros. Now is the time to bake a good thread.

Anonymous No. 16232635

Better information I guess (not lying to your shareholders would help, too)? But ultimately some of it will always be based on vibes and opinions so perfect efficiency isn't possible anyways. Either way that wasn't my point, I was just describing one aspect of the current state of Tesla.

Anonymous No. 16232637

>sell space telescopes to the third world
>invest billions of dollars
>first year revenue: 5 dirty bottle caps and half a cinder block.
What miracle of economics are you hoping for?

Anonymous No. 16232642

Instead of always being lazy and asking for more expensive new equipment astronomers should try appreciating the equipment they already have and working harder.

Anonymous No. 16232648

ELT is on it's way.

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Anonymous No. 16232650

>earth is over it's carrying capacity
>conveniently ignores WHERE the population is
If you love the turd world so much, you should move there.

Anonymous No. 16232654

We're fucked.

Anonymous No. 16232657

>doesn't know what a farm is

Anonymous No. 16232660

>present day is the hardest time in human history when it comes to working hours
you got a source? Didn't the slaves work like all the time.

Anonymous No. 16232664

Were at page 10. Give me a moment and I will make the real thread

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Anonymous No. 16232672

STAGING, with proof of page 10 included to legitimize this thread.


Anonymous No. 16232814

because he is a demographic doomer and like all of those from that breed they are absolute retards that cant answer this one simple question
>are population pyramids in history straight linears that go up and down into infinity

spoiler alert: this aint by far the first time there are more elderly and less kids. The world did not end and it will not now

Anonymous No. 16232826

Because faggot, there's enough deltaV in the tank that staging this early leads to immense gravitaional losses on ascent. Even the SuperHeavy stages higher than your autism.

Anonymous No. 16232833

This metric fails to take into account that a statistically significant portion of the population by 2050 will begin moving offworld to the Moon, Mars, and across the belt. 10Bn for Earth is just fine. It's a bigger issue if the curve isn't exponential on the Moon, Mars, and the belt. Then there's cause for concern. An infinite growth for the Earth is not sustainable accounting for the constant bickering and conflicts that persist across the planet with parties willing to toss nukes over whose sky fairy came first--even though, logically, they're all the same fucking fairy.