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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16234355

Tower two coming along - edition

previous >>16232670

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Anonymous No. 16234359

Small Rockets
>Virgin Galactic won't be flying again anytime soon.
>Unpacking North Korea's advancements in rocketry.
>ABL signs deal with a new launch customer.
>UK launch company to expand footprint in Denmark.
>A new player in solid-fueled missiles.

Medium Rockets
>Stoke fires up its first booster engine.
>Ariane 6's first payloads encapsulated for flight.

Heavy Rockets
>Here's what NASA wants to see next from Starship.
>SpaceX wants to show NASA what Starship can do on Mars

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Anonymous No. 16234360
>Anduril, a defense contractor known for its use of robotics and artificial intelligence in military drones, has set its sights on becoming a major supplier of solid rocket motors to the Pentagon. The company last year acquired the startup Adranos, which invented a fuel called Alitec — a mixture of lithium and aluminum to power solid rocket motors used in tactical missiles and space launch vehicles.

Anonymous No. 16234364

That tower should be ready within a few months.

Anonymous No. 16234367

Gaht damn that bitch looks weird right now

Anonymous No. 16234388

It's been over 24 hours and there's still like 9 threads up.


Anonymous No. 16234390

Probably went on strike for higher pay. It's more of a shitshow than usual on other boards too.

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Anonymous No. 16234428

I hate how much she's just like my mom. Same sort of dress, hair, body, and nice tits. Even her personality seems like my mom. I couldn't even finish watching her video before I had to jerk off.

Anonymous No. 16234436

Disgusting freak consider offing yourself

Anonymous No. 16234453

If we double their pay will they clean up the threads?

Nothing ever happens No. 16234461

I wonder if he was thinking about plapping her the whole time

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Anonymous No. 16234470

lets triple it

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Anonymous No. 16234471

Uh, bros? What the fuck is this?

Anonymous No. 16234479

Is it the second stage coming home or something? This launched last month.

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Anonymous No. 16234480

>First batch of satellites for a reconnaissance satellite constellation built by SpaceX and Northrop Grumman for the National Reconnaissance Office to provide imaging and other reconnaissance capabilities.

looks like something happened to the satellite

Anonymous No. 16234487

Is Anduril tha SpaceX of MIC?

Anonymous No. 16234510

If they used a Northrop mount again, I am gonna laugh.

Anonymous No. 16234524


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Anonymous No. 16234525


Anonymous No. 16234532

This capsule is going to kill anyone they try putting inside it again.

Anonymous No. 16234534

Why shouldn't I buy Rocket Lab stock?

Anonymous No. 16234538

Neutrons not fully reusable and unlike new glenn can't be upgraded to be fully reusable, it DOA.

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Anonymous No. 16234540

CASC test fired the CZ-10 first stage propulsion section (with three out of seven YF-100K engines)

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Anonymous No. 16234545


Anonymous No. 16234550

So this is a test fire of the completed first stage of LM-10?
Any news on the other stages?

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Anonymous No. 16234551

cz-10 is long march 10 I guess
>The standard Long March 10 will be capable of lifting 70 tonnes into low Earth orbit (LEO) and 27 tonnes into trans-lunar injection trajectories.[5]

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Anonymous No. 16234565

oh noes stinky poopy
starliner MAX

Anonymous No. 16234567

It's not the complete first stage, because the first stage is supposed to have 7 engines

There have been engine test firings of the YF-100M and YF-75E engines. I have not heard anything about test firings of integrated second or third stages yet

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Anonymous No. 16234570
>Heres’s a big hint. #ULARocketShip

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16234574

According to several of the comments on Weibo, they used 3 engines was because the test platform can't handle more than that

Anonymous No. 16234579

Is it still going to have 7 engines?
This things been through so many design revisions I wouldn't put it past them to have changed it.

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Anonymous No. 16234582

CZ-10 launch pad and VAB construction work
Taken by Jilin-1, June 11

Anonymous No. 16234594

I am still betting on they have an engine out during the first launch.

Anonymous No. 16234598

Anyone else think it's weird that there are 20 and 30 somethings working at SpaceX right now who in like 40 years will have every STEM nerd worshipping the ground they walk on because "they were there"?

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Anonymous No. 16234599

Anonymous No. 16234600

According to comments on Weibo, they used 3 engines since the test platform can't handle more than that

Anonymous No. 16234601

wtf is relativity doing? I remember people used to post about them and their 3D printed rockets, but I've heard nothing for months

Anonymous No. 16234605

After the terran failed it's maiden flight they immediately retired it and started working on terran R.
Scheduled for flight in 2026 so don't expect anything anytime soon.

Anonymous No. 16234606


Anonymous No. 16234610

The first launch already happened you dummy.

Anonymous No. 16234611

In 40 years we'll either be in Mad Max or Elysium futures.

Anonymous No. 16234612

The thrust figures they gave in the same update - 2678 tons force - is coherent with 3*7 of the thrust figures they gave for each engine so yes.

Anonymous No. 16234616

The first real launch (never).

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Anonymous No. 16234618

You know what REALLY grinds my gears?? Falcon clones.

Anonymous No. 16234620

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery

Anonymous No. 16234622

why? falcon clones are going to be the second line behind starship clones for all launch providers world wide for the next 20 years.

Anonymous No. 16234625

American space flight progress is insulting and depressing but I hope that all the focus on defending Israel is worth it. Meanwhile China and even India is not just catching up but ahead of us.

The Boeing disaster was humiliating and I'm just glad they didn't kill anyone.

We lost the science and capability to do spcaeflight because American Jews demanded to rewrite history and science to remove anything that's slightly perceived as antisemitism. If I could explain the ginormous amount of resources and money that goes into shit like the Iron Dome (trillions in just cash) it would be insane.

Anonymous No. 16234627

What are you talking about? I've been waiting for them to fly their manned capsule for years now and I'm still waiting.

Anonymous No. 16234630

/pol/ is down the hall and to the left

Anonymous No. 16234632

weren't they supposed to do like 5 test flights of it this year? I remember they did like an abort test that I missed because they scrubbed and then launched anyway, but I haven't heard any other news

Anonymous No. 16234639

Probably not. Apollo was still cool even 40 years later because what came after Apollo was disappointing and lame in comparison. This time spaceflight progress isn't likely to to halt and revert; it's going to keep progressing. F9 and SS/SH probably aren't going to remain "the coolest thing" for long, just like the Redstone rocket didn't remain "the coolest thing" for long.

Anonymous No. 16234643

How likely is it that the real target date Xi has given for Chinese on the moon is October 2028?

There's a significant risk Artemis 3 will slip beyond 2028. Xi knows it would cause a political shock in the US if Chinese astronauts are walking on the moon while US astronauts remain grounded. It could have some effect the US election, and Xi could use his ability to order a landing either before or after the US election for leverage. US elections are usually quite close.

Anonymous No. 16234645

Honestly a big deal, breaking up the traditional contractors.

Anonymous No. 16234646

Next year, according to this article, and it's the most recent one that came up in a quick search. I swear /sfg/ was talking about this thing back when starhopper was the new hot shit.

Anonymous No. 16234652

Ready for Sputnik Crisis 2.0

Anonymous No. 16234654

>"Campaigning in 1960 on closing the "missile gap",[21] Eisenhower's successor, John F. Kennedy, promised to deploy 1,000 Minuteman missiles. That was many more ICBMs than the Soviets had at the time."

Anonymous No. 16234658

We were. It's been delayed for years.

Anonymous No. 16234661

I love the name. I love lotr

Anonymous No. 16234671

China seems to be doing very well its lunar program, I wonder how theses missions will be

I guess it would be something like artemis:

First mission: unmanned launch of capsule and lander

Second mission: manned launch of capsule and lander and docking in lunar orbit

Third mission: moon landing

Or they gonna make it like apollo so more missions?

Anonymous No. 16234677

>Repeat 'safe haven' testing
>Assess piloting using window
Butch is gonna have to bring her in manual.

Anonymous No. 16234678


Anonymous No. 16234689

Remember he said he could confirm with 100% accuracy that nothing happened on the ISS on 6/12/24

Anonymous No. 16234700

boeing stock's down 7% this week. things that make you go hmm...

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Anonymous No. 16234703

>based space bros enjoyer

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Anonymous No. 16234704


Anonymous No. 16234743

investors pre-emptively dumping

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Anonymous No. 16234762

Musk has threesomes with superstars, that girl is not even on his radar.

Anonymous No. 16234764

Even normie media here in eurostan is picking up on it.

Anonymous No. 16234765

musk literally never had sex

Anonymous No. 16234769

Yes, musk doesnt call it sex, he calls it breeding, just ask the 11 children he has.

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Anonymous No. 16234773


Anonymous No. 16234774

>just ask the 11 children he has
all through artificial insemination. no sex.

Anonymous No. 16234778

>spaceflight progress isn't likely to to halt and revert
very naive of you.
You know all the startups exist in the wake of SpaceX and NONE of them are profitable. SpaceX itself isnt even profitable. ULA is so pathetic because they are the only for profit launch complany, the space launch market is very small and almost all these startups will go bust in 20 years time. There was a similar explosion in space companies around apollo and they all went bust during the shuttle era. Even rockwell who made the damn shuttle.

Anonymous No. 16234782

profit doesn't mean anything

Anonymous No. 16234785

>SpaceX itself isnt even profitable
This is outdated, at the end of last year musk said starlink makes profit for spacex.
Why do you think everyones rushing to make constellations and rockets specialized for launching them?

Anonymous No. 16234791

Elon's manifesting of sucess even against the market is not usual. Most people are cynical and seek profit, once Musk is no longer around then if SpaceX is not profitable it will be trimmed until it becomes profitable. That means no more epic space ship development programs. Just starlink launches until the cosntellation is complete, then the winding down of Falcon to just a few flights a year to manitain the constellation.

Anonymous No. 16234792

I don't have a hot mom, what's it like having a hot mom? Do you actually jerk off to her?

Anonymous No. 16234794

The starlink program makes a profit by itself, so the paying customers minus the manufacture and launch of the sats is net cashflow positive, but SpaceX has a massive rocket development program which eats about 3 billion a year.

Anonymous No. 16234796

Jesus Christ Boeing, this isn't even funny any more, just sad

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16234799

>but SpaceX has a massive rocket development program which eats about 3 billion a year.
>well if you include all of their expenses, even the completely optional ones, and ignore that it's an investment which will pay itself off many times over in the future, then yeah SpaceX is a non-viable business
Fucking kill yourself you absolutely retarded disingenuous nigger kike.

Anonymous No. 16234800

>rocket development
Thats gonna disappear when the rocket is developed.
Not to mention starship will make starlink better and cheaper which will bring in more profit.

Anonymous No. 16234813

If this happens it will pretty much guarantee American Astronauts on Mars

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Anonymous No. 16234815


Anonymous No. 16234817

no chance. they don't have a lander. 2030 at the earliest.

Anonymous No. 16234826

no, mars mostly just has some fungus here and there

Anonymous No. 16234828

No shut up not spaceflight >>>/x/

Anonymous No. 16234830

Yes? This is possible

Anonymous No. 16234833

>claiming william wallace campbell, winner of the gold medal of the royal astronomical society, is /x/
for shame

Anonymous No. 16234838

Still would be useful for colonists. Maybe as a breakfast treat perhaps

Anonymous No. 16234839

>then the winding down of Falcon to just a few flights a year to manitain the constellation.
so they just want to leave money for other companies to take?

Anonymous No. 16234861

>newfag outing himself again
Go back

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Anonymous No. 16234864

I thought it was just space nazis.

Or have they moved into the asteroid belt by now?

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Anonymous No. 16234878

>noooooo you have to listen to and enjoy my schizophrenic ramblings about vegetables controlling mars!!!1!1!
>muh heckin wholesome chungus astroonomer is spaceflight stop questioning me!!
>everyone who doesnt like my nonsense is the thread splitting cock sucking newfag

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Anonymous No. 16234880


Anonymous No. 16234907

>seething this hard that you'll never come up with something half as brilliant and groundbreaking as the award-winning mars vegetable hivemind theory

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Anonymous No. 16234912

>y-you actually love the schizo n-nonsense rants!!

Anonymous No. 16234918
>Warp drives are exotic solutions of general relativity that offer novel means of transportation. In this study, we present a solution for a constant-velocity subluminal warp drive that satisfies all of the energy conditions. The solution involves combining a stable matter shell with a shift vector distribution that closely matches well-known warp drive solutions such as the Alcubierre metric. We generate the spacetime metric numerically, evaluate the energy conditions, and confirm that the shift vector distribution cannot be reduced to a coordinate transformation. This study demonstrates that classic warp drive spacetimes can be made to satisfy the energy conditions by adding a regular matter shell with a positive ADM mass.

Anonymous No. 16234921

WOWZA! TRL 0 hardware! call me back when any warp drive hits TRL 4

Anonymous No. 16234923

This ain't it, chief

Anonymous No. 16234931

What is your phone number?

Anonymous No. 16234933


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Anonymous No. 16234936

One job

Anonymous No. 16234942

this is literally an ad for their simulation software and i have no idea how it got published

Anonymous No. 16234950

i'm trying to find where to buy it, but i cant. only a github link with the source code

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Anonymous No. 16234954

Anonymous No. 16234960

Someone please add a Jewish pride stripe to the flag and watch this whole charade crumble

Anonymous No. 16234969

well maybe it's unfair for me to say it's an ad and i should've just called it shilling. but that was their second shill article they got published in that journal that month

Anonymous No. 16234970

ok? but im talking about spacex right now. And they will probably develop a new mega rocket after starship so long as musk is alive. starship is the minimum viable lifter for going to mars, nowhere near big enough to be ideal.

Anonymous No. 16234974

>not even unrealized gain, but un-unrealized gain
average /biz/tard

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Anonymous No. 16234975


Anonymous No. 16234981

What the fuck is your problem? If SpaceX cut back all development and stuck with F9 for 20 yeras they would be profitable now. But that ISNT the real world. In the real world they are not profitable due to their tremendous R&D budget. WTF are you so mad about?

Anonymous No. 16234990

See >>16234778
>>spaceflight progress isn't likely to to halt and revert
>very naive of you.
Only some retarded nigger would bring up SpaceX and their current profitability in this context as if it were some sort of gotcha.

Anonymous No. 16234991

Humanity will never acheive this level of technology and space development again

Anonymous No. 16234997

the level of technology that looks cool but doesn't actually work?

Anonymous No. 16235001

You are the retard buddy. It's fact that no space companies apart from ULA are profitable. That is to say, the dynamism and rapid development we are seeing is unsustainable without FOMO venture capital. Musk is incredible at generating FOMO to fund his ventures even when they never turn a profit, im not dissing him or SpaceX, but if SpaceX actually tried to run a balanced budget tomorrow they would have to scrap Starship. Fact.

Anonymous No. 16235003

kino is back on the menu boys

Anonymous No. 16235004

We are building warp drives now

Anonymous No. 16235007

I have used ai to strip her. I should probably delete those pictures

Anonymous No. 16235008

Rocket Lab is on a clear path to profitability by 2026

Anonymous No. 16235009

We live in 2024

Anonymous No. 16235010

No, you should "accidentally" let her find them. Is she a widow or divorced by any chance?

Anonymous No. 16235011

being stuck in development hell because you thought meme tankage looked good on paper is a great path to profitability

Anonymous No. 16235012

Post them here first

Anonymous No. 16235013

Growth is more important than profit

Anonymous No. 16235015

she's such a bimbo, those forehead lines are insane. I would vomit having sex with her

Anonymous No. 16235020

The good thing about Rocket Lab is they don't only build rockets, they manufacture space based components and products as well. That side of the business is doing really well and growing fast.

Anonymous No. 16235021

You wouldnt wanna have sex with me either then

Anonymous No. 16235025

wen we gaan?

Anonymous No. 16235026

August 15th

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Anonymous No. 16235030

well /sfg/ would you ride in it?

Anonymous No. 16235031

depends, how robust are the helium lines?

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Anonymous No. 16235033


Anonymous No. 16235034


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Anonymous No. 16235036

Looks overdesigned

Anonymous No. 16235039

This is unironically a great system and would work except for one key detail: astronaut can't remove himself from the foam after landing. The deorbit is anything but precise so it could possibly take hours for anybody to get to him.

Anonymous No. 16235043

>The deorbit is anything but precise so it could possibly take hours for anybody to get to him
or kill yourself by landing on the ground

Anonymous No. 16235045
>The Space Force has terminated its contract with RTX (formerly Raytheon) for development of the service’s new missile warning/tracking constellation in medium Earth orbit (MEO) due to cost and schedule overruns, as well as technical issues, a spokesperson for Space Systems Command told Breaking Defense today.

Get fucked oldspace.

Anonymous No. 16235047

Finally they cleansed it took them a good 24 hours baka. Anyway what effect if any does eating roadkill have on spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16235049

To be fair there is foam and the rest of the kit seems reasonably light. I'm willing to believe that you could survive landing on the ground in that thing, if the chute was decent.

Anonymous No. 16235050

less prone to leaking than Starliner. Yes I would ride it.

Anonymous No. 16235051

I wonder if their eyes have been opened and have chosen SpaceX instead?

Anonymous No. 16235052

Oldspace programs are obsolete now that BRILLIANT PEBBLES is well underway.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16235054

Do we know for sure how much or how little progress they've made on the lander?

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Anonymous No. 16235056

What retards don't get is that designs like this could flawlessly work. It's just that current space capsules are a sad state of affairs.

Anonymous No. 16235057

Do we know for sure how much or how little progress they've made on the lander? We know they have decided on a design for the manned lander, and that they've tested two subscale demonstrators Chang'e 5/6

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Anonymous No. 16235059

Maybe if it was something other than a balls-in-cones design

Anonymous No. 16235061

>2030 at the earliest.
same as Artemis 3

Anonymous No. 16235062

Don't worry, the balls don't touch.

Anonymous No. 16235068

Lotta extra dry mass when you're working hard to keep whose balls from touching

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16235082

I think I read somewhere that four test launches of CZ-10 were planned. I can't remember where though, or how authoritative that source was.

If that's the case, I think those launches would be
1. Unmanned test of CZ-10 as well as Mengzhou including a high energy return, similar to the first launch of SLS except with a fully functional capsule
2. Unmanned test of Lanyue
3 & 4: Unmanned full mission including docking, landing, ascent, docking and return to Earth

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Anonymous No. 16235090

>astronaut can't remove himself from the foam after landing
some gizmo that releases a foam dissolver once the static air pressure reaches about 1 bar is doable

Anonymous No. 16235095

>drench the astronaut in acetone
it could work

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Anonymous No. 16235099

This is not a good way to build fuel tanks

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Anonymous No. 16235110


Anonymous No. 16235112

Actually it is.

Anonymous No. 16235113

Not like they had a choice. They were only approved to start development in like mid 1965 so balls was the only options as they were the fastest to make.

Anonymous No. 16235115

Is it actually going to launch this time?

Anonymous No. 16235122

would be kind of retarded if the carbon fibre is what kills them

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Anonymous No. 16235123

It's not enough, we need W I D E

Anonymous No. 16235134

I'd go pure O2 and try to keep it between 3 and 4 bar. Also needs a piss lock

Anonymous No. 16235143

>forgot about oxygen toxicity
I'd probably need to go HeliOx instead

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Anonymous No. 16235148

Anonymous No. 16235152

is Kuiper going to be better than starlink in any metrics?

Anonymous No. 16235153

what are pisslocks im new

Anonymous No. 16235155

common bulkheads are gay

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Anonymous No. 16235157


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Anonymous No. 16235159

do we have a transcript of this brief conversation during Columbia's disaster? I think they were talking about calls coming in about ground video showing multiple pieces but idk

Anonymous No. 16235161

And we're going

Anonymous No. 16235165

Exactly what is sounds like

Anonymous No. 16235166

yay a starlink launch!

Anonymous No. 16235168

what 6 days of no launches does to an anon

Anonymous No. 16235170

Apparently the chinks faked documents and sold subpar titanium that ended up in boeing planes.
Most likely not, but how funny would it be if some of that also ended up in starliner.

Anonymous No. 16235172


Anonymous No. 16235173


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Anonymous No. 16235174

Anonymous No. 16235175

oh shit a launch abort!

Anonymous No. 16235176


Anonymous No. 16235177

Been a while since we had one of these

Anonymous No. 16235178

Forgot article.

Chinks tricked airbus too, probably more companies.

Anonymous No. 16235179

Think of an original name?

Anonymous No. 16235180

what in I SAY what in the fuck is goin on here

Anonymous No. 16235182


Anonymous No. 16235184

Wonder what went wrong.

Anonymous No. 16235185


Anonymous No. 16235186


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Anonymous No. 16235187


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Anonymous No. 16235189

smart frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16235193


Anonymous No. 16235200

>We know they have decided on a design for the manned lander
yeah, they decided on a design a year ago. historically landers always end up being the pacing item for this sort of thing because they require the most mass autism and the most redesigning. you're going to see unmanned LEO test flights of a lander well before they try putting boots in the regolith.
>they've tested two subscale demonstrators Chang'e 5/6
means next to nothing beyond that they have software that can handle navigation and rendezvous in low lunar orbit.

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Anonymous No. 16235208
Huh. I noticed that Christina Koch is documented as a ‘Payload Specialist’. NASA has not used that term since the Columbia disaster in Feb 2003 (it was first used twenty years earlier, in 1983...This also included a special military Payload Specialist position for a short while—USAF Manned Spaceflight Engineer)

Anonymous No. 16235228

Just be glad they don't have "X" in the name

Anonymous No. 16235234


Anonymous No. 16235239

>Soviet metallurgy good enough to make way better engines
>somehow can't make cylindrical pressure vessels

Anonymous No. 16235242

please understand

Anonymous No. 16235243

I could beat your ass

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U-2 pilot Powers ....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16235245

> breaking the rocket equation is le boring
if you're a nigger, sure

Anonymous No. 16235247


Anonymous No. 16235248


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Anonymous No. 16235249

But that’s exactly why they made the BALLS is because they were easy to make. That’s why so many soviet probes had BALLS on them

Anonymous No. 16235251

Go fuck yourself AI slop anal sucker

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Anonymous No. 16235253

Yeah she a cutie :)

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Anonymous No. 16235255

>AI slop
you are one dumb monkey lol

Anonymous No. 16235256

So was your mom. Your dad ruined her. I could bane you.

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Anonymous No. 16235257


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Anonymous No. 16235259

>According to insiders familiar with the deal, SpaceX recently reached an agreement with the Fish and Wildlife Service that would required the space giant to construct the first of many new goat towers in the Boca Chica coastal plain in an effort to reduce environmental impact on local fauna. Critics say its not enough, with many voicing...

Anonymous No. 16235261

The DoD figured it out recently

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Anonymous No. 16235262


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Anonymous No. 16235264
>Starlink Bastrop expansion. The highlighted areas show the what is currently undergoing groundwork. I was told the area next to the Starlink facility will be a separate and larger SpaceX facility. The highlighted area next to the Boring Bodega will be offices and Supercharges.

some kind of big expansion is going to happen near the starlink factory in bastrop texas

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Anonymous No. 16235266


Anonymous No. 16235269

Theres tons of construction and expansion going on 24/7 with Musk's companies. I'm sure hes a master at knowing the economic models of his companies better than anyone, but seeing all of them at once gives me slight worry about how much cap ex spending is going on

Anonymous No. 16235272

Boca chica was a backwater shithole forgotten by everybody in that state, most people who drove by didnt even know there was anything there.
No greenfag ever heard about it, but then a billionare decided to build his rocket factory&launch site there.
And now we have faggots from all over the US trying to end space exploration because of fucking beetles and fish.

Holly fuck i hate greenfags so fucking much.

Anonymous No. 16235274

Tower team mascot lol

Anonymous No. 16235278

How the fuck did that goat get up there?

Anonymous No. 16235279

it used photoshop to place itself there, goats are known to do this

Anonymous No. 16235282

Besides the unproven hypothesis of dark matter and few alternative theories of gravity where a considerably small amount of matter is required to produce the same gravitational field strength, nothing really appears plausible to exclude one or the other from the cosmic substratum. To explain the force field that binds galaxies and clusters together a new theory has been proposed with the intent to find a time-independent metric-tensor solution to the Einstein field equations. The heuristic approach demonstrated the stability of galaxies rotation through a flat stellar shell or a galactic rotational curve operating like an equipotential (isothermal) sphere shaped by massless topological defects created during the early universe. Astronomical observations and mathematical analysis supports this model comparing localized gravitational fields capable of flat rotation, i.e. Keplerian circular orbits at a constant speed for all radii.

Anonymous No. 16235286


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Anonymous No. 16235306


Anonymous No. 16235309

Anonymous No. 16235316

>implying starship isn't already a spaceplane

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Anonymous No. 16235318

In English, doc?

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Anonymous No. 16235335

reminder: if you shape your rocket like an airplane, maintenance between flights will be as cheap and as simple as it is on an airplane. if you shape your rocket like a rocket, it's going to be expensive and take forever. it's not that easy in rocketry.

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Anonymous No. 16235338


Anonymous No. 16235346

are old car batteries chucked from the ISS a space plane?

Anonymous No. 16235353

Better L/D than the shuttle.

Anonymous No. 16235356

How do they maek those car batteries deorbit? No way they can throw them fast enough to do that

Anonymous No. 16235357

they throw them in the dragon trunk don't they?

Anonymous No. 16235358

Why are englishmen so dumb lol

Anonymous No. 16235359

being irrelevant in an industry for living memory has a way of detaching you from reality

Anonymous No. 16235364

i saw them eject a pallet of batteries from the station using canadarm if i remember correctly

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Anonymous No. 16235366

Where's that Starship - Centaur schizo
OPAG is seriously thinking about it for the Uranus mission

Anonymous No. 16235370

hate to rain on any schizo's parade but it looks to me like it's talking about SLS-centaur OR starship, not starship-centaur

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Anonymous No. 16235400
>These were slides from the Outer Planets Analysis Group that met today. What you see is what you get. A Caveat - These are only notional. The Mission is still on the back burner due to budget constraints. It won't be activated NET the FY 2026 NASA Budget

Anonymous No. 16235410

>We are continuing to understand the capabilities of Starliner, or more specifically its lack thereof

Anonymous No. 16235411

Fuck you. I could piss on you.

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Anonymous No. 16235415

What are you gonna do, fly over here in a Boeing? 'Fraid you won't be going.

Anonymous No. 16235425

maybe this is for the higher orbital shell starlinks? remember starlink is supposed to have tens of thousands of satellites.

Anonymous No. 16235443

you'd imagine that alot of it is already costed or paid for by contracted launches, especially on the starlink/starshield side, spending is a lot more speculative on starship where the only current contract is the HLS stuff

Anonymous No. 16235446

Oh shit new outer planet mission? And an ice giant at that??? Fucking finally bros its been half a century but we will finally get that probe.

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Anonymous No. 16235447

>turn on nsf discussion video
>a fucking tranny on the panel
this is the last fucking straw

Anonymous No. 16235451

aerocapture at uranus? i would rather use swirling tongue capture

Anonymous No. 16235454

In 40 years, there'll be a sizable presence on the Moon and Mars assuming no major wars or biological threats that lead to major regressions. At point which, large scale mining efforts will be underway in the belt. The real struggle is between 2024 and 2040, everything after 2040 goes exponential. I wouldn't be surprised if by 2050, LUVOIR-B will have already launched and observing the universe for at least half a dozen years or more with potential captures of Alpha Centauri and/or Proxima Centauri planetary bodies. Which in turn will spur colony ship building towards the stars. We went from nothing to industrial revolution to splitting the atom in under 50 years. We went from splitting the atom to putting a man on the moon in half that time. We went from that to squeezing the compendium of human knowledge into a piece of manufactured glass in a similar amount of time and then went from that to developing AI models in half that time. Human progress is starting to see exponential growth in terms of discovery and applicability.

The next 12-15 years is a repeat of the progress curve as the last 2 sets of 12.5-15, before another big leap is likely to occur in half that time: 6-8 effective. The biggest limiting factor for acceleration of human progress over the next 40 years is accessibility to vast amounts of energy incredibly cheaply. Average cost of electricity is (,for%20highest%20electricity%20prices%20worldwide.) ~$0.14 for households and $0.12 for businesses per kWh. That's still much too expensive. When that gets to $0.07 for households and $0.06 for businesses, that's when the really interesting stuff will begin to happen, and when energy costs get down to $0.035 for households and $0.03 per kWh for businesses, the pace of discovery and innovation will dwarf the past 100 years of growth in a matter of 1-2 decades.

Anonymous No. 16235455

There's no such thing as "already paid for". Because if they didn't they'd have the extra lofty money. But I'm just saying Musks enemies might make the expansion costly. Giga Mexico was supposed to start this year, but due to negative political and media attacks on Tesla, the receptiveness/demand has gone down a bit. So I worry about Boring Company's expansion a bit. Not so much about Starlink or Starship.

Anonymous No. 16235458

I would have thought the last straw was when the tolerable old guard people left a few years back and they got replaced with a new generation of extra onions. It is kinda reassuring to see that they can still find new ways to become worse

Anonymous No. 16235459

>There's no such thing as "already paid for"
Depends on how you account for things, I have a $30m contract, that's $30m you can now borrow against as an asset, given how reliable Falcon launches have become it's pretty low risk

Anonymous No. 16235462

space is a volume, not a plane

Anonymous No. 16235474

Retards also think spacetime is a plane because thats how they represent it so simpletons can even just barely think they understand.

Anonymous No. 16235483

I love when they would have that sls boomer on to talk about all the boring sls stuff, and the soƴboys would feign interest

Anonymous No. 16235489

>most intelligent inkcel
Literally all you had to do was reverse image search it.
>Mural in Yekaterinburg Railway Station depicting the 1960 downing of Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane (Russia, 2002)

Anonymous No. 16235496

>due to negative political and media attacks on Tesla, the receptiveness/demand has gone down a bit
lol, lmao

>old guard people left a few years back
Chris and Chris are gone?

Anonymous No. 16235499

wiki says the first launch of long march 10 is anywhere between 2025 and 2027. if they only tested 3 out of 7 engines, are they anywhere close to launching next year?

Anonymous No. 16235502

2025 is wildly optimistic. 2027 is more reasonable, but they still have to build a launch pad for it

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Anonymous No. 16235506

Anonymous No. 16235509

>due to negative political and media attacks
are you a 5 year old? do you not know what a recession is?

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Anonymous No. 16235518

There is no evidence of Long March 10 being anything more than a paper rocket at this point. Also
>plaque says the model is 1:10 scale
lmao, did the chinese literally just steal the plaque graphics from something else?

Anonymous No. 16235524

>On June 12 and 13, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will host a series of public scoping meetings to inform the public and answer questions about SpaceX’s proposal to launch Starship from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A). There will also be a virtual meeting on June 17 for those unable to attend in person.

>June 12 – 2-4 p.m. ET, 6-8 p.m. ET at the Radisson Cape Canaveral, 8701 Astronaut Blvd, Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920
>June 13 – 6-8 p.m. ET at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Space Commerce Way, Merritt Island, Florida 32953

Were these meetings broadcast anywhere?

Anonymous No. 16235525

>bepi columbo
Isn't the next flyby months away, are they just meeting to get things ready for the next datasets?

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Anonymous No. 16235527

cannot wait until this little champ finally finds habitable earth like planets in the alpha centauri system and other nearby systems 10 parsecs

Anonymous No. 16235528

>steal the plaque graphics from something else?
hehe. reminds of that recent story of some chink rocket company stealing photos of the earth that were taken by the nips to use in their promo images

Anonymous No. 16235529

within 10 parsecs*

Anonymous No. 16235530

>long-term goal of having it perform a six-month docked mission at the space station
>their "long-term" goal is to be able to park it on the ISS for 6 months without killing anyone
lmao. it might genuinely be worse than I thought

Anonymous No. 16235536

Next flyby is on September 4.
It's their yearly Science Working Team meeting. Just wanted to post it here since Clear was present in the agenda.

Anonymous No. 16235537


Anonymous No. 16235540

How does she just keep winning

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Anonymous No. 16235547

>How do they maek those car batteries deorbit?
not my problem

Anonymous No. 16235557

I wish I was Elon and she was an attractive woman

Anonymous No. 16235560

>There is no evidence of Long March 10 being anything more than a paper rocket at this point.
There's video of them performing a three engine test firing in this very thread. >>16235148
Here's some satellite recon of the construction progress on the launch complex

Anonymous No. 16235568


Anonymous No. 16235595

There are no habitable planets anywhere within 10,000 ly

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Anonymous No. 16235597

No SpaceX but we got all this, imagine

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Anonymous No. 16235611

Shuttle-C is a great idea in principle but way too many of the drafts were just "STS but the shuttle is also disposable," which really kills any advantages the idea would have had.

Anonymous No. 16235617

They should have kept using Ares I-X as a light cargo carrier

Anonymous No. 16235619

They should have done literally anything but leave us dependent on Russia and ULA for a decade

Anonymous No. 16235624

Also, don't even think about ass-firsting it back to the ground. That looks silly and cheap like flash gordon

Anonymous No. 16235632

She really tried hard to catch his eye, to no avail

Anonymous No. 16235636

Anon in these permissive times there's no reason you couldn't hookup with your own mother

Anonymous No. 16235638

Counterfiet Titanium found in Boeing's jets

Anonymous No. 16235640

You actually shouldn't! A lot of people are against this but I think if you're into it you should go for it. Leave em out on your phone when you hop in the shower or something.

Hope you can nail her before she dies, that would be such a cute romance <3

Anonymous No. 16235641

They service them in third world countries and act shocked when counterfeits show up

Anonymous No. 16235643

Can piss locks work in zero g?

Anonymous No. 16235644


Anonymous No. 16235646

How would it kill it? The payload capacity would've been considerably increased

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Anonymous No. 16235651

x3 expendable RS-25s seem like a massive waste to launch a shitty probe to Jupiter or whatever, but here we are

Anonymous No. 16235662

Any plan that involves building a disposable space shuttle is not an economically viable plan

Anonymous No. 16235678

Okay so let's pretend we magically manage to make mars(and of course the moon) habitable for a significant amount of people. What happens next? Only a lunatic would think there's somewhere else we could feasibly go.

Anonymous No. 16235680

ceres and callisto are considered the next two, followed by ganymede

Anonymous No. 16235682

venus, in the sky and underground
mercury works too.
the rest are kind of shit

the only things left are asteroids/random moons

Anonymous No. 16235687

Jupiter system, Ceres and the belt

Anonymous No. 16235688

I’m a venusfag but this idea about underground bases within that gravity well for NO benefit is a meme that needs to die

Anonymous No. 16235692

its better than nothing

Anonymous No. 16235694

Alpha Centauri, baby

Anonymous No. 16235698

But it is viable, just talk to congress and spread the work around just right, and they'll fund anything

Anonymous No. 16235700

pointless. space travel would be justifiable if it could save us in a way earth could not(like the sun exploding) or if there were insanely valuable resources that would greatly offset the cost of the trips but nah, it's all a pointless vanity project.

Anonymous No. 16235703

the first crewed starship NEEDS to have livery that says


Anonymous No. 16235706

you should have died in africa

Anonymous No. 16235707

living is just a pointless vanity project
we can live wherever we want, eat a bag of dicks

Anonymous No. 16235708

There will never be a crewed starship, anon.

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35 raptors on boo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16235709

Anonymous No. 16235710

I am upset SLS did not have such a livery. They even managed to make the worm look boring by putting it in the most unimaginative spot :(

Anonymous No. 16235711

falcon 9 heavy may one day come about. SLS is real

Anonymous No. 16235713

spacex will install manual controls if the customer requests it

Anonymous No. 16235716

we're probably going to have manual controls eventually. if your commercial spaceship damages a commercial space station then you cant blame it on the algorithm. someone has to on the hook for damages, and it sure as hell isnt going to be the spaceship company. it's going to be the pilot. businesses need a fall guy.

Anonymous No. 16235717

with the advancements of AI won't we sooner have our consciousness transferred into a machine where we can simulate with 100% realism traveling anywhere?

Anonymous No. 16235718

>bombards your compute cluster from orbit
huh I guess space and the real world do matter

Anonymous No. 16235720

do you think spacex will sell/lease starships?

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Anonymous No. 16235723

they already do

Anonymous No. 16235724

~$1B a piece would be a nice selling price for bulk order of 10.

Anonymous No. 16235725

to private groups/individuals not big daddy gubment

Anonymous No. 16235727

Dismantle Mercury and turn it into a gargantuan statite. Part planet-scale PROCSIMA array, part habitat for a trillion people.
Use the array to blast the atmosphere off Venus and spin it faster. Use the array to melt Europa. Use the array to obliterate aliens.

Anonymous No. 16235728

just have them pull up an empty crew dragon...

Anonymous No. 16235729

if you have coin elon has wares

Anonymous No. 16235730

>if you have coin
fuck i knew i forgot something

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Anonymous No. 16235739


Anonymous No. 16235742

They can barely afford the capex and find the environmental approval and space for 9m let alone 18m, literal pie in the sky idea, literally impossible in reality

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Anonymous No. 16235743

lets just get to mars with the one we have, then we make bigger, k?

Anonymous No. 16235745

>Use the array to obliterate aliens.
You misspelled 'earthers', anon.

Anonymous No. 16235746

Will NASA and Roscosmos even have diplomatic relations after they turn the lights off on the ISS for the last time?

Anonymous No. 16235747

probably not.

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Anonymous No. 16235749

they've got margin to spare for the paint anyway. doubly so if block 2 ever happens. if we're gonna be stuck with a bullshit rocket they might as well make it look cool.

Anonymous No. 16235758

You vastly underestimate the back channels of the science world. If you want to get something to another country you ask a scientist, not a diplomat or a businessman, or even a journalist. They have bona fide reasons for interacting with international strangers and they do it CONSTANTLY

Anonymous No. 16235761

it's what made them such useful spies back when stalin wanted the bomb

Anonymous No. 16235782

SpaceX makes impossible into late. Also, all of your reasons why it's impossible are regulatory constraints, not physical.

Anonymous No. 16235783

We don't need 18m ship, it can't do anything than 9m can't do

Anonymous No. 16235787

Bad b8

Anonymous No. 16235818

Elon agrees with you. in fact 9m might be too big

Anonymous No. 16235831

This doesn't work btw

Anonymous No. 16235833

neither do you

Anonymous No. 16235859

What use is there for having Roscosmos as a partner at this stage?

Anonymous No. 16235863

they're gonna accidentally force everyone to abandon the ISS a few years early and free up some budget

Anonymous No. 16235865

However: it does

Anonymous No. 16235896

Leaving aside geopolitics, ideally the goal is to get all humanity involved in space exploration. It is not an accident that ESA, JAXA and CNSA all do different things. They are all advancing the goal of space exploration by all possible means and are naturally trying to avoid duplicating the efforts of another space agency (aside from, you know, not sharing rocket and instrument design). Russia could still be part of space exploration if they truly desired it. Their Venus probe for instance is still the only mission to that planet likely to launch in a decade

Anonymous No. 16235948

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Anonymous No. 16235961

did we discuss this already? axiom's first space station module is coming together. looks cramped as fuck though.

Anonymous No. 16235967

>me be
> know how to tig, mig, laser, and electrode well as well as numberous other skills
>flex on the other engineer in the office

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Anonymous No. 16235971

>CSS undergoing expansion
>gateway, vast-1, and axiom station under construction
>ISS commercial replacement competition is ongoing
its a golden age of space stations

Anonymous No. 16235975

at least something is on schedule (cough Artemis)

Anonymous No. 16235985

>turn the lights off on the ISS for the last time?
>for the last time?
Actually, do they ever actually turn the lights off on the ISS at all?

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Anonymous No. 16235988


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Anonymous No. 16235990

>burying the lede

Anonymous No. 16235997

>noo don't say chode

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Anonymous No. 16236000

In 2018 I thought the most unrealistic part of the movie Rampage was any private company having a space station, let alone one this big. But soon we will be able to have illegal biowarfare labs in orbit.

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Anonymous No. 16236004

just wait until the press gets ahold of this little gem Musky has been trying to bury for years, can you say CANCELLED

Anonymous No. 16236017

Anonymous No. 16236024

are there pics of the new tiles yet?

Anonymous No. 16236026

I haven't seen any

Anonymous No. 16236031

no way is that real! O to the MFG lmao!

Anonymous No. 16236034

holy shit. its been 2 weeks and they are still only a fraction of the way done. looks like it will really be 3 months til next flight.

Anonymous No. 16236040

there likely may be planets more habitable than ""mars"" and that's all that matters

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Anonymous No. 16236042


Anonymous No. 16236043


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Anonymous No. 16236046

I hate Austin leftists like you won't believe.

Anonymous No. 16236049

>in fact 9m might be too big
yes you are right lets go back to 5m diameter launcher and build even more cramped space stations modules & satellites like we have been doing for the past 50 years.

Anonymous No. 16236053

clean your fucking desk, Robert

Anonymous No. 16236076

mars needs more mass. crash mercury into it.

Anonymous No. 16236079

high gravity is overrated, 1/3 Earth gravity is enough.

Anonymous No. 16236081

its not about gravity, its about lebensraum

Anonymous No. 16236091

mars has more usable land than earth currently
and even if terraform fags get their way we can still easily build higher into the sky and lower into the ground on Mars compared to Earth

Anonymous No. 16236093

Maybe in the cabins they use as sleeping areas, but there'd be no point in switching the lights off if you get 16 sunsets a day

Anonymous No. 16236096

why would terraforming mean we can't build more on mars? It's literally our handiwork and we can do whatever the fuck we want with it. Unless mars starts growing muffins on its own I guess.

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Anonymous No. 16236103

I really wonder what mars cities may look like, the lower gravity certainly will help.

Anonymous No. 16236107

covid killed the skyscraper dream

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Anonymous No. 16236109

I've liked this design

Anonymous No. 16236113

these two can co-exist
not true, mars will eventually have a population of at least 1 billion.
every population center will have skyscraper demand by default.

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Anonymous No. 16236121
>A second leg has gone vertical. @NASASpaceflight

Anonymous No. 16236137

not enough for an atmosphere though. If Mars had 2x the mass of Earth is could support lifu

Anonymous No. 16236140

They will look like tunnels

Anonymous No. 16236145

mars just needs an artificial magnetosphere probably at L1, it would help retain an atmosphere we build and do a decent job to protect it from radiation.

Anonymous No. 16236147

me getting out of bed

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Underground oasis....jpg

Anonymous No. 16236148


Anonymous No. 16236151

after a magnetosphere is established, how many months until there is a good atmosphere?

Anonymous No. 16236153

reminder that if we dig tunnels on Mars deep enough, the pressure gets high enough to support liquid water

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Anonymous No. 16236156


Anonymous No. 16236159

>Battery/reactor/power source dies
It's over

Anonymous No. 16236161

>smash ammonia-heavy asteroids into it
>heat it with orbital mirrors
>greenhouse gas-producing factories

Anonymous No. 16236162

even it were to die we would have millions of years to replace it

Anonymous No. 16236165

>ammonia atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16236167

ammonia will break down into hydrogen and nitrogen almost immediately

Anonymous No. 16236169

how many asteroid do we need

Anonymous No. 16236172

no clue presumably heaps, but a combination of all current known methods will be needed.

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Anonymous No. 16236186

>Project scientist, also known as Mastermind, speaks passionately about Mio public relations activities at the BepiColombo International Science Team meeting

Anonymous No. 16236191

Dragonfly may be the most ambitious science mission NASA has ever attempted: sending a car-sized, nuclear-powered octocopter to explore the surface of a distant ocean world.

In a voyage straight out of science fiction, Dragonfly will deliver the most expansive suite of science instruments ever dispatched to another celestial body. Dragonfly will cover more than 50 miles of the organics-rich Titan surface, landing, collecting and returning results that could change our understanding of life in the universe.

Anonymous No. 16236196

Papers will be written comparing spaceflight cultural outreach between the East and West >>16235287

Anonymous No. 16236198

Nope, not what happened. The counterfeit metal made it's way into Boeing's own supply chain. Specifically, it was discovered and reported by Spirit, the company that actually makes the fuselages for Boeing and sometimes forgets to actually install the plug doors.

Anonymous No. 16236199

>NASA should be sold off to Boeing or GM.

Anonymous No. 16236200

War against e*rthers

Anonymous No. 16236203

>russian space program collapses with no funding and nothing to do
>russian rocket scientists all get hired by Iran and North Korea
isn't this the reason the ISS, aka Mir II, exists in the first place? The US giving welfare to the Russian space industry after the Soviet Union fell apart to keep that talent employed in Russia instead of going to other countries.

Anonymous No. 16236205

we're half way through the year and already passed the total number of launches in 2020

Anonymous No. 16236206

also same reason Saturn V exists

Anonymous No. 16236208

>that elon is so sexist, he even shaped all his rockets like phalluses to harass us women. like, UGH!!

Anonymous No. 16236211

I don't think we'll ever see less than 200 orbital launches per year ever again

Anonymous No. 16236213

cause terraforming would flood various parts of mars, meaning less land to build on.

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Anonymous No. 16236214

Yes. I was always so surprised at how open they were about their ulterior motives.

Anonymous No. 16236215

build on and under the water.

Anonymous No. 16236216

Reminder that Hawaii has the ideal climate

Anonymous No. 16236225

>""ideal climate""
>everybody has industrial strength air conditioning
hmm yes, this checks out

Anonymous No. 16236227

Can someone make ONE (1) Mars building that doesn't look like a termite mound? Fucking architects. Imagine being born on Mars and realizing some Earther faggot retired in a glass house in the woods decided you would live like a bug.

Anonymous No. 16236231

damn I thought Hawaii had 22 degrees Celsius (72 F) almost every day. How come it's that hot.

Anonymous No. 16236233

damn I thought Hawaii had 22 degrees Celsius (72 F) almost every day. How come it's that hot. Shouldn't the ocean keep the islands cool

Anonymous No. 16236234

It's a literal tropical island mate, how could you have expected anything else?

Anonymous No. 16236237

>The inner ape longs for the tree
Kvetch more surfie

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Anonymous No. 16236239

>Chinese literally just steal
You now remember the moon base render they released with the fucking space shuttle launching in the background

Anonymous No. 16236240

The ocean keeps Hawaii's temperature stable, it's 80F to 90F aka 26 C to 32 C all year around.
In other words, it's miserably hot without air conditioning, even in the winter.

Anonymous No. 16236242

if starship was soviet it would be a brutalist rectangle like this

Anonymous No. 16236243

>it's 80F to 90F aka 26 C to 32 C all year around.
sound like heaven to me.

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Anonymous No. 16236244


Anonymous No. 16236245

It's not like we don't already know how to make large interior spaces simulating the ideal forest rendered in stone. Fucking architects

Anonymous No. 16236246


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Anonymous No. 16236247

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 16236248

Maybe if you're some sort of tropical jungle monkey. My ancestors hunted mammoths on plains of ice, such a hot climate as Hawaii could never be ideal for me.

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Anonymous No. 16236249

>large interior spaces simulating the ideal forest rendered in stone
any examples?

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Anonymous No. 16236251

Even our ancestor found winter miserable and celebrated summer and water. And Hawaii is permanent summer.

Anonymous No. 16236255

The Garden

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Anonymous No. 16236257

>Can piss locks work in zero g?
Here's my concept for pneumatically actuated piss lock

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Anonymous No. 16236258

> mfw when starliner crew come back in a dragon capsule

Anonymous No. 16236261

Stealthship Block 5

Anonymous No. 16236264

Add a second valve and that's the actual Apollo piss hole

Anonymous No. 16236266

wait, can you simply use a vagina to seal against vacuum? it's only 1 bar of pressure, maybe less.

Anonymous No. 16236267

There will be sum succ

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Anonymous No. 16236269

A chink company has been caught supplying boeing (and airbus, and probably even more plane producers) with substandard titanium.
Very unlikely, but how funny would it be if some of that chinesium made it's way on starliner?

Anonymous No. 16236270

Yep it would unironically be radar stealthy

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chinese steel story.png

Anonymous No. 16236272

Today I will remind them

Anonymous No. 16236274

You just know that behind the scenes spaceX has been asked to prep a falcon9&dragon for this scenario.

Anonymous No. 16236275

>not craving the strength and certainty of steel
this is why spacex wins

Anonymous No. 16236278

and Boeing has been caught not doing basic quality control on cheap stuff they get from China

Anonymous No. 16236280

Know a guy who works for a company who suplies&places all kind of lighting for roads&public places.
They get all their lights&etc from china, but they also have at all times at least 5 guys there to check the factories that build the stuff to make sure the chinks arent cheating them.
But they also have to pay these guys a shitload of money because the chinks constantly try to bribe them.

Anonymous No. 16236281

How do I get empployed as a chink quality control specialist?

Anonymous No. 16236284

Learn chinese and refuse to haggle.

Anonymous No. 16236286

examples of refusing to haggle?

Anonymous No. 16236287

No they haven’t. Nasa would rather risk losing tow astronauts than risk it getting out that they don’t have complete trust in boeing.

Anonymous No. 16236288

>quality surveillance
I work for a large infrastructure firm that does this. We'll send guys to the mills in china or India to make sure they are following our QC scheme. Those guys generally tend to be subject matter experts in whatever field, with lots of industry experience.

Anonymous No. 16236290

They apparently try to drown you in chinese whores, that is one of their more popular tactics to soften you up before they pitch you a bribe.

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Anonymous No. 16236291

Found out who the spaceplane faggot is. Turns out hes a troon.

Anonymous No. 16236292

>browsing twitter

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Anonymous No. 16236293

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Anonymous No. 16236294

Hey nigger we all use it here for spaceflight news youre the only one thats new and thinks we dont. Get out of my fucking feedcl you hideous axe woundee

Anonymous No. 16236295

i would say it has become a self-propagating meme a long time ago

Anonymous No. 16236296

join the 41% twitter using faggot

Anonymous No. 16236297

whats the next mind virus that autists will fall for after the tranny trend dies down?

Anonymous No. 16236298

Twitter is the best source of spaceflight news.

Anonymous No. 16236299

its X now nigger

Anonymous No. 16236300

another ((man)) made horror that at this time is beyond my comprehension/imagination

Anonymous No. 16236302

>wants to be a girl
>doesn't shave, looks like a man
what is wrong with them?

Anonymous No. 16236303

>we all use it here
I don't, twatter has always been and shall always be gay. (you) keep shoving screencaps from it at my face but I'm still not signing up for shit.

Usernames are for homos.

Anonymous No. 16236304

also balding.

Anonymous No. 16236305

It is hes just that retarded /pol/ nigger tourist from IFT-4 thats been thread splitting and is still around.
>so new he uses double brackets and not triples
Ive never been to /pol/ but even I know that you are actually a retarded election and IFT tourist arent you?? You are absolute fucking newfag scum that needs to go back to your containment board, reddit, discord ALL OF IT

Anonymous No. 16236306

no, they started building the scaffolding on the 11th
I don't think its going to take more than a few weeks

Anonymous No. 16236307

>I'm still not signing up for shit.
based strong willed anon

Anonymous No. 16236308

>anybody I don't like is the threadsplitter
Been here since 2020 and I'm one of the strongest advocated here for strictly staging at page 10.

Anonymous No. 16236311

>yes I am definetly an /sfg/ regular and I DONT participate in ANY spaceflight news discussion whenever posted here.
Definetly an oldfag guys come on dont you believe him? So fucking new he thinks spaceflight news just falls out of the sky and shouldnt be from twitter. Hey nigger, if we posted CNBC instead you would complain about it being MSM. Fuck right off.
My apologies then but get up to speed on these common 4chan lingos then my friend.

Anonymous No. 16236313

Should have put X15 in top middle. Or at the very least space ship one. Unity doesn’t go to space.

Anonymous No. 16236314

Dilate you disgusting spaceplane tranny

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The future they d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16236316

i'm not that guy.

Anonymous No. 16236317
>Tough week dealing with production challenges and then a rare scrub at engine startup yesterday on 10-2. Unfortunately there is a real issue so we need to go inspect the hardware in detail on this vehicle. Rocket will get set to the side and we’ll pivot to SES as the rocket and payload are ready to rock. Painful, but safety and reliability are the priority.
>This will be the first week we’ve gone without a Falcon Launch in a long time. Unplanned downtime due to weather or unexpected issues happens, it’s how we respond that matters. The Launch business takes grit and when things go wrong, our true form comes to life.

Sounds like the scrub was a bit more serious than the last time something like this happened

Anonymous No. 16236320

How about we switch to discussing the ecological consequences of Spacecraft spewing ultracancerous hydrazine all over earth every time they do orbital adjustments?

Anonymous No. 16236321

Take it up with the chinese

Anonymous No. 16236324

A fart in the wind compared to coal burned ever minute all around the world.

Anonymous No. 16236325

You talk like a bitch

Anonymous No. 16236327

Yet you (a dirty Earther) expend fossil fuels to power a computer connection to type such nonsense. You are polluting your own planet and cyberspace

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16236328

you talk like a nigger

Anonymous No. 16236330

we dont say that word here

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Anonymous No. 16236331

tower base wall section getting installed

Anonymous No. 16236332

what word?

Anonymous No. 16236334

>wE dOnT sAy ThAt WoRd HeRe

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Anonymous No. 16236336

I'm from Norway. We get all our electricity from the best source.

Anonymous No. 16236337

Go back falling for the most obvious bait

Anonymous No. 16236338


Anonymous No. 16236343

Exactly. For generations Norway has been powered by green, sustainably mined concrete.

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Anonymous No. 16236349

A few weeks ago someone was asking about Atlas V storage. Tory just posted some pictures from inside ULA's Atlas storage at the Cape

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Anonymous No. 16236351


Anonymous No. 16236356

don't say this is from T*itter
I can't take it

Anonymous No. 16236360

atlas v heavy is real

Anonymous No. 16236363


It really should have been

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Anonymous No. 16236364
>The 4 corner columns of the Starbase Launch Tower 2 foundation level have been placed!

Anonymous No. 16236368

Turn asteroids into Big ass spin stations

Anonymous No. 16236370

Who owned Atlas rockets at the time, and why did they skip Atlas IV and Centaur IV? I just realized there's atlas 3 and atlas 5, but no "atlas 4"

Anonymous No. 16236372

I once had a book called Atlas: Story of a Missile, the author's name was "chapman" I think? Anyway I destroyed it when I was a dumb teen and regret it now decades later that I'm actually interested in the subject matter. I haven't been able to find a PDF of it though, it's an old book. I'd like to read it one day. Thank you for reading my blog

Anonymous No. 16236373

2 months to build the tower, 12 months to build the pad

Anonymous No. 16236374

don't need a pad for chopstick catch

Anonymous No. 16236387

Where I lived most of the year you could keep your windows open and you'd get a nice breeze. Although the climate regions on Hawaii varies a lot. From desert to temperate to jungle to highlands in a short drive.

Anonymous No. 16236389

12 months, why the fuck?
this would be like iteration 3 of the pad legs and iteration 2 of the deluge system
12 months sounds very unrealistic

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16236390

All of these Aug 15th predictions make me think that SpaceX can actually build a catch tower in 2 months especially if the rest is already prebuilt and being shipped as we speak

Anonymous No. 16236393

The Atlas was originally operated by General Dynamics, but they sold off their space systems division to Martin Marietta in 1994, shortly before MM merged with Lockheed who was building the Titan IV. The EELV competition also kicked off around that time and there was a lot of uncertainty if Lockheed-Martin's new vehicle would be an Atlas or a Titan; some materials from the time refer to it as the "Titan V." The Atlas name ended up winning out in the end, partly because Titan had a bad run of high profile RUDs in the early 90s. The Atlas family had to pass through the Atlas III as an intermediary step to give the new Russian engines a trial run, and that started its own development cycle under the name "Atlas IIAR," and the R designation also stuck around in some early Atlas V descriptions.

tl;dr, I don't really know. If you really wanted a definitive answer you'd need to dig into an autobiography of someone who was actually working at LM at the time, but given how fucked up and unclear everything is skipping a number doesn't seem that unusual. At least it's better than the labeling the poor Delta IV Medium ended up with.

Anonymous No. 16236397

Because you had a lucky spawn. For most countries nuclear is the best solution. Renewables are unreliable and a waste of space while coal is too dirty.

Anonymous No. 16236403

Has SpaceX gotten too big? Is it starting to feel the same bloat that Boeing has with quality control?

Anonymous No. 16236404

No stop FUDding

Anonymous No. 16236406

No, and also no

Anonymous No. 16236409

SpaceX should develop weather control hardware

Anonymous No. 16236416

is there a single good reason apart from lack of ambition why starship isnt an ssto?

Anonymous No. 16236418

and use it to make it always rain on the FAA

Anonymous No. 16236419

seven letters, starts with a p and ends with d

Anonymous No. 16236421

this picture is straight from Blame!

Anonymous No. 16236423

four out of the sixteen remaining Atlas V

Anonymous No. 16236425

space stations are a waste of time

Anonymous No. 16236426

looks like a level from the first Half Life

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Anonymous No. 16236428
>Starbase Weekly, Ep.120: What Happened to the Massey's Test Stand?

Anonymous No. 16236433

Reminds me of Children of a Dead Earth, using triangle hulls.

Anonymous No. 16236435

Oh yeah I forgot the titan iv was always exploding kek

Anonymous No. 16236446

Mexicans stole it

Anonymous No. 16236451

Titan's really bad run didn't start until 1998 which was well after the EELV competition was settled, but both of the Titans Lockheed tried launching in 1993 blew up and that wasn't a good look when you compared it with Atlas II's perfect operational record.

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Anonymous No. 16236456


Anonymous No. 16236457

Getting sued for shitposting.

Anonymous No. 16236458

...that's it?

Anonymous No. 16236459

Late July now
So 5 weeks?

Anonymous No. 16236463

late July, meaning mid-August, meaning August 15th, as predicted

Anonymous No. 16236465

They have collected all the greats

Anonymous No. 16236467

I will smash every beetle and gut every fish
all wildlife must die
total bird death
praise elon

Anonymous No. 16236468

Hungry hippi starship for orbital cleaning

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Anonymous No. 16236474


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Anonymous No. 16236476


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Anonymous No. 16236478


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Anonymous No. 16236479


Anonymous No. 16236480

>you insulted bill gates, therefore I'm entitled to your money
This is why you should never hire women.

Anonymous No. 16236483

wow, the real world is full of meanies!

Anonymous No. 16236484


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sdi Brilliant Peb....jpg

Anonymous No. 16236492

> put giant (kilometers across) balloon in LEO
> all the brilliant pebbles are gone in a month
gg no re

Anonymous No. 16236495


Anonymous No. 16236496

>mocking Ron Wyden's pp
>Can't get it up (to orbit)
How are these demeaning to "women and/or the LGBTQ+ community"? Are they calling Wyden and Bezos faggots?

Anonymous No. 16236497

for me, it's residential and commercial all underground with solar, agriculture and parkland on the surface
in that case it's better to have all the local transportation infrastructure in tunnels as well

Anonymous No. 16236500

>intercepts your launch vehicle
nothing personnel kid

Anonymous No. 16236504


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Étienne Léopold T....jpg

Anonymous No. 16236506

>In 1924, as Mars approached its closest opposition to Earth in two hundred years, Swiss astronomers mounted a heliograph in the Alps to flash signals to Mars. The U.S. Navy maintained radio silence for three days to listen to messages from the Martians

Anonymous No. 16236509

Reminder, there have been 2+ assassination attempts on Musk so far. Things will only get worse before they get better as politics heats up.

Anonymous No. 16236512

Intredasting. I speak Chinese and hate haggling and corruption.
If you're living in a big city in China and you're in decent shape you already have access to more pussy than anyone could ever fuck.

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Anonymous No. 16236513


Anonymous No. 16236514

I have been there
the place is a shithole

>absolutely abhorrent ideas
everything seems to be in order here

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Anonymous No. 16236517

Apparently they're going to be test firing the engines on Boeing's piece of shit starliner while it's still docked to the space station.... Can the astronauts just refuse to ride home in it? Sounds like a death trap

Anonymous No. 16236519

I love Elon so much it's unreal

Anonymous No. 16236520

I think demeaning lgbt and women is legal, why is the government policing speech?

Anonymous No. 16236522

Nauka kino coming

Anonymous No. 16236534

>say you're launching a satellite
>actually launch 50 tons of loose powdered sugar
The satellites will deorbit in a year

Anonymous No. 16236535

a shit show worse than Russian spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16236537

what would NASA do if they refuse? send cops to force them into the capsule at gunpoint? blockade food to the ISS until they relent? the most they could realistically do is threaten to permanently ground them, but even that would be a PR disaster for NASA.

Anonymous No. 16236539

Mars will need fanatics

Anonymous No. 16236542

>your sugar deorbits and makes the world smell like carmelly goodness
>a new batch of brilliant pebbles satellites are launched for a few million dollars by starship
>for your act of war against american hardware in LEO, all your future 'satellite launches" are intercepted during boost phase by the based pebbles
thanks to spacex, they'll be able to replentish the constellation faster than you can do anything about it

Anonymous No. 16236547

I am ready

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Anonymous No. 16236561
>Ship 30 has been mostly surrounded by scaffolding, to allow workers access to replace its heat shield with an additional ablative layer and stronger heat shield tiles on top of that.

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Anonymous No. 16236562

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Anonymous No. 16236563

Which starship is the first v2?

Anonymous No. 16236565

pooliner just shitting up the place

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Anonymous No. 16236568


Anonymous No. 16236572

Still zero footage of the auroras from space on May 11/12th

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Anonymous No. 16236573


Anonymous No. 16236576

Oh my god you can see it hemorrhaging green helium into the ozone layer its fucking over

Anonymous No. 16236578

why are they building it so weird?

Anonymous No. 16236580

did spacex ever get that patch of land behind the factory or is still mining seethe

Anonymous No. 16236581

Whoever is bringing this lawsuit should be fined heavily for wasting the court's time with this nonsense.

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Anonymous No. 16236582

because there is a patch of land that someone refuses to sell
in fact you can see two in the picture I think
the red boxes show the areas

Anonymous No. 16236585

amazing what spacex can accomplish in 1 month

Anonymous No. 16236586


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Anonymous No. 16236590


Anonymous No. 16236591

Reminds from that picture of shuttle with the concept art VS reality of it in a warehouse

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Anonymous No. 16236594

doesnt explain this retarded shit

Anonymous No. 16236595

that was one big transporter erecter

Anonymous No. 16236598

The owner should sue SpaceX, just look at the damage the waste runoff is doing to his land

Anonymous No. 16236599

The one on the right is an office building that appears to be constructed to maximize exterior window coverage

An interesting choice considering how close they are to frequent overpressure events

Anonymous No. 16236600


Anonymous No. 16236601

Why is only one small part of the factory higher cieldings, and what is the point of the weird point on the left side?

Anonymous No. 16236603

windows are free

Anonymous No. 16236607

Would be funny if the dude sells it to china or russia.

Anonymous No. 16236610

that would be so funny dude haha

Anonymous No. 16236612

I know right!!

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Anonymous No. 16236620

Has anyone read it yet?

Anonymous No. 16236623

I get that you've got the ADHD, but you don't need to build your ceilings to all be the same height if you don't need all of them that tall

Anonymous No. 16236628

No, but I will now that I'm aware of it and have an epub.

Anonymous No. 16236630

Tesla factories are bigger than this. This is embarrassing

Anonymous No. 16236633

everyone needs a car but only a small handful need rockets. this shouldn't shock you

Anonymous No. 16236634

You also don't need to build a factory that's bigger than your needs. Just accept your autism and learn to manage it in such a way that the rest of us don't need to notice you have it

Anonymous No. 16236637

after TED every single person left alive will need a rocket and no one will need cars

Anonymous No. 16236638

rockets will not be used for point to point travel on mars, and martians aren't going back to earth. why would the average martian need a rocket?

Anonymous No. 16236643


Anonymous No. 16236648

two more weeks

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Anonymous No. 16236652


Anonymous No. 16236653

I feel like you are making fun of me but instead I will focus on making you prove your point

Anonymous No. 16236655

August 15

Anonymous No. 16236656

Good news! You just did that for him.

Anonymous No. 16236658

Then he should apologize to me

Anonymous No. 16236660

How is the law in America, do you have to leave some access way to that stupid patch or could you just build the factory completely around that piece of land, lol use helicopter if you want to get there?

Anonymous No. 16236671

well you have a road here >>16236590

Anonymous No. 16236672

How physically demanding is it being an astronaut. I thought it was the best of the best in tip top shape who got the chance to go on missions. But then I see this 58 year old woman dance her way onto the station, and I started wondering.

Anonymous No. 16236674

I presume that TED will take place before the colonization of Mars
why wait?

Anonymous No. 16236677

To get into the corps is pretty hard. After that you're coasting.

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Anonymous No. 16236678

Anonymous No. 16236682

Next time please post the 4K youtube version instead of the hypercompressed shittyX version

Anonymous No. 16236685

It's complicated and depends on state law, circumstances, and the existence of agreements between the parties involved, among other things`. There's no general rule and even in specific cases you'd want to talk to an attorney who specializes in real estate.

Anonymous No. 16236690

>12 months, why the fuck?
>this would be like iteration 3 of the pad legs and iteration 2 of the deluge system
>12 months sounds very unrealistic

He's trolling you newfag

Anonymous No. 16236696

it's not a catch only tower
it took over a year for the concrete pad to set last time

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Anonymous No. 16236698

>Muh feelings

sage No. 16236700

the launch tower should be a tower crane so it can assemble itself

Anonymous No. 16236708


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Anonymous No. 16236720



Anonymous No. 16236721

The only newfag here is you. The current pad/mount began construction in July 2020. It wasn't effectively completed until shortly before Flight 1 in April 2023

Anonymous No. 16236752

It must be powered by some massive fissile stockpile with a very long half life. It has to be built like the pyramids and designed to stay put for millions of years. As long as cheap penny pinching democratic governments aren't financing it, it's doable

Anonymous No. 16236756

>stronger tiles
>ablative heatshield
I hope they got that backwards, unless the ablative part just just the backup in case they lose a tile.
I'd still be afraid the heat of reentry would cause the ablative stuff to expand and pop tiles off on accident.

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Anonymous No. 16236841

wait, what?

Anonymous No. 16236844

Those are heavy claims, do you have anything to back that up?

Anonymous No. 16237065

>unless the ablative part just just the backup in case they lose a tile

The ablative layer is backup.

Anonymous No. 16237178

subway system with all brutalist architecture

Anonymous No. 16237195

Calm down DC Metro architect

Anonymous No. 16237448

>What happens next?
Build up Mars as best we can. Then if Earth is ever temporarily destroyed with all the humans on it through a giant asteroid hit or something we can send some people from the Mars colony back to Earth a few years later and restart civilization.

Anonymous No. 16237454

Nukes can solve that problem.

Anonymous No. 16237455

puzzled, 31 points