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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16239590

New Full Ship Tiling Edition

Previous - >>16236717

Anonymous No. 16239595

NASA is retarded if they don't send them back in a Dragon capsule. Starliner is a shitty backup program, there is absolutely nothing about this "test" that would be improved by putting astronauts in a broken capsule. There is zero reason for them to be in it as it tries to make it through re-entry. It's broken, it doesn't work, and NASA again gains literally nothing by risking their lives to prove a point.

Anonymous No. 16239597

these tiles >>16239590 look the same what are you on about?

Anonymous No. 16239600

>NASA again gains literally nothing
They gained pleased senators if it works and only lose a few astronauts lives if it doesn't.
Easy decision for them.

Anonymous No. 16239602

they're twice as strong

Anonymous No. 16239604

given the number of manual overrides that had to happen to get it docked to the station, I wouldn't be surprised if they can't even safely undock it without humans on board.

Anonymous No. 16239607

When are they supposed to return anyway?

Anonymous No. 16239609

Talking of which, how come they didn't do a SUCCESSFUL unmanned test flight before putting spam in the can? They did one, screwed something up somewhere, couldn't reach the space station, but then they went straight for crewed flight. I don't understand rocketry.

Anonymous No. 16239610

Never, they are the next sacrifice to the gods of the void.

Anonymous No. 16239613

What the fuck does the look matter you absolute dunce

Anonymous No. 16239617

They reflew the unmanned certification flight after the first time had the RCS system flip out in orbit, and the second one went (relatively) better?

Anonymous No. 16239621

sounds like you understand rocketry just fine, it's the politics you're hung up on.

Anonymous No. 16239625

Oh. Wow, I'm retarded. I just looked it up and of course you're correct, there was a second uncrewed test flight that apparently went just fine. I take the L.

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Anonymous No. 16239628

OP didn't post the other photo

Anonymous No. 16239637

Backup silicon or whatever layer?

Anonymous No. 16239639

Easy mistake to make, 2/3 flights of this shitbird have had issues now that this one is leaking all of the helium. It actually makes me question how "just fine" the 2nd cert flight actually went, in retrospect.

Anonymous No. 16239646

The ablative layer

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Anonymous No. 16239648

ablative paint, most likely applied with a paint roller by the looks of it

Anonymous No. 16239651

This is pretty much right kek

Anonymous No. 16239652

A serious country would use eminent domain obtain and transfer the property of the holdout landholders and shutdown all the amateur photography and surveillance on national security grounds.

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lol paint.png

Anonymous No. 16239657

Yeah, the backup layer.

Pretty thick fucking paint if so.

Anonymous No. 16239659

A fascist country would use eminent domain obtain and transfer the property of the holdout landholders and shutdown all the amateur photography and surveillance on national security grounds.

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Anonymous No. 16239660

Happy BlackSpaceWeek /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16239661

hear me out, state space programs. texas on the moon 2027.

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Anonymous No. 16239663


Anonymous No. 16239666

nothing you can apply with a paint roller is robust enough to survive reentry

Anonymous No. 16239668

Isn't that a bit of tape or something?

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Anonymous No. 16239669

Anonymous No. 16239671

We need to legalize overland rocket flights NOW

Anonymous No. 16239672

t. chemistrylet

Anonymous No. 16239673

Nah, it's soft silicon. It's at least a cm thick or thereabouts.

Anonymous No. 16239678

how many tons did this add?

Anonymous No. 16239690

Why don't you break out the calculator?

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Anonymous No. 16239692

What's the surface area covered by the tiling on Starship? It also depends on what the ablative is actually made of. I've seen studies on silicon ablative give weights like 1.03g/cm3

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16239698

let's say half the surface is covered with a layer 1cm thick of 1g/cm^3 ablative and starship is a cylinder 9m diameter and 50m tall that works out to 1589 m^2 covered for 15 tons of ablative material.
that seems like kind of a lot on a vehicle that can already only take 40 tons to leo

Anonymous No. 16239701

ablative material is usually really lightweight since you want as little heat conductivity as possible, and the best way to do that is make it mostly empty space.
Still, the sheer amount probably means the mass isn't insignificant.

Anonymous No. 16239707

I'm fucking retarded and used the formula for volume of a cylinder. should be about 7.5 tons, not 15

Anonymous No. 16239721

A chaotic country would use engineers to plant mines and booby traps on holdout landholders and gun down all the amateur photography and surveillance on national security grounds and napalm the surrounding lands

Anonymous No. 16239726

You know theres no land in space?
Thus in space there are no landowners.
Gravity wells are pits of oppression.

Anonymous No. 16239732

Space stations will have land

Anonymous No. 16239733

>no landowners in space
Stations will have owners. In cases where the stations cannot support themselves economically, that will be whomever resupplies them (ala the ISS).
I'd prefer to have a large plot of land on a planetary body.

Anonymous No. 16239736

there will be voidowners. they own void much like landowners own land.

Anonymous No. 16239737

Space stations are not land.
>Stations will have owners.
Space stations are not land.

Anonymous No. 16239739

bad bait

Anonymous No. 16239744

I don't see how such a thing would be enforceable considering orbital dynamics.
You don't even know what land is.
>land comprises all naturally occurring resources as well as geographic land. Examples include particular geographical locations, mineral deposits, forests, fish stocks, atmospheric quality, geostationary orbits, and portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Supply of these resources is fixed.
Space stations neither natural or in fixed supply.

Anonymous No. 16239745

Backpack-portable Starlink is going to be neat. The department at the university where I work is planning to get one to keep on hand and send out with field expeditions.

Anonymous No. 16239746

They can be owned though, like you can own a ship.
I don't know what you're getting at.

Anonymous No. 16239750

>I don't see how such a thing would be enforceable considering orbital dynamics.
my ASAT shoots you down if you trespass into a low polar orbit around Ceres

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Anonymous No. 16239757

what if I'm on a hyperbolic trajectory, just passing through?

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Anonymous No. 16239761

Keep moving.

Anonymous No. 16239767

Seriously what the fuck does he mean by that
Heat capacity: Did they fucking invent a new miracle material or did they just make them thicker?
Impact/general deformation resistance: Usually for these materials that means you trade off heat capacity, also why, TUFI seems plenty resistant to impacts, doesn't seem necessary to strengthen it further

Anonymous No. 16239770

Imagine the smell inside that suit.

Anonymous No. 16239772

Anything can owned but most everything besides land isn't in fixed supply or natural.
It matters because land being lands means people compete over fixed supply thus perpetually driving up the price of land which absorbs any new wealth entering the system keeping everyone poor.
Look up georgism.

Anonymous No. 16239774

my guess is they learned some stuff from IFT3, and began ramping an adjusted material from what they learned. elon is absolute pro at being vague, so anyone's guess

Anonymous No. 16239780

Yeah, I know a little bit about georgism and I have a positive opinion of it.
Once we have interplanetary travel the amount of land is no longer in fixed supply though.

Anonymous No. 16239806

No you dont you faggot LARPer

Anonymous No. 16239811

you seem mad

Anonymous No. 16239817

hear me out, national space programs. texas on the moon 2027.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16239827

I don't remember exactly what Elon said but it's material strength, not resistance to heating

Anonymous No. 16239830

I don't remember exactly what Elon said but it's component strength, not resistance to heating

Anonymous No. 16239852

apollo 18 is free on youtube now if anyone is looking for a good movie to watch

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Anonymous No. 16239866

link it earther

Anonymous No. 16239876

>lazy space nerds

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Anonymous No. 16239887


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Anonymous No. 16239888

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country

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Anonymous No. 16239894

suck 4 u

Anonymous No. 16239897

>Once we have interplanetary travel the amount of land is no longer in fixed supply though.
Unless you mean by living in space rather than on planets/moons/asteroids then no, it is still fixed. Much more of it but you'd probably be surprised at how quickly it'll be filled up.

Anonymous No. 16239898

why do these orbital assembly mock-ups always have those cuck cages around the tanks and such? Is it required, or is it a case of “one guy rendered it in the 90s and everyone has since just copied him” or something

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Anonymous No. 16239901

I assume it comes from the old designs for space station freedom.
You can still see this in the truss on the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16239904

If for some reason starship orbital fuel transfer doesn't work, we can still use it as an omega shuttle to bring big fuel tanks up and build shit like this

Anonymous No. 16239958


Anonymous No. 16239968

my respect for musk has been steadily declining with aligning X to israel's interests

Anonymous No. 16239972

Sail the seven seas. Better quality than youtube too likely.

Anonymous No. 16239978

They need to increase their killcount

Anonymous No. 16239996

Get a grip, spastic.

Anonymous No. 16240003

incel energy.

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Anonymous No. 16240018
Vast starting to gain ground in the legal territory gaining connections. If they get some champions in congress they will further funding to the space industry and gain dominance over the space station market.

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Anonymous No. 16240019

Starbase about to get flooded


A Tropical Storm Watch means tropical storm-force winds are possible
somewhere within this area within the next 48 hours

Anonymous No. 16240024

Who exactly are you seething at?

Anonymous No. 16240025

By the time it's filled up, meme drives will make interstellar travel feasible

Anonymous No. 16240026

do you think starship superheavy will eventually be able to launch and land in a storm or do you think the fineness ratio will get just as ridiculous as falcon 9 so it can't deal with any shearing forces?

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Anonymous No. 16240031


Anonymous No. 16240038

Good for them, but ideologically disgusting.
I dream of watching Earther cities burn from orbit.

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Anonymous No. 16240042

Earth will be the system superpower, rustsuckers are deluded sticcs

Anonymous No. 16240043

Loonies will bombard e*rthers into submission.

Anonymous No. 16240046

Moon wizards don't need muscles to throw rocks

Anonymous No. 16240048

Thanks, this illustrates the point well, earth is maybe 1/4 of the solar systems entire solid surface area.

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Anonymous No. 16240051

>muh roggs
oh no! did I blow up your radiators? guess your little underground hab will cook you to death

Anonymous No. 16240058

Earth isn't filled up yet

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Anonymous No. 16240059

The entire Moon is a heat sink. The tunnel networks will be arbitrarily large.

Anonymous No. 16240060

And yet we already have severe problems with excessive land prices.

Anonymous No. 16240063

Ooops, I just dropped rocks on all the major population centers in India, flooding YOUR community with saar refugees.

Anonymous No. 16240064

Have they shown any hardware for their station yet?

Anonymous No. 16240066

Just some half-Vast plans.

Anonymous No. 16240067

Terraform the deserts then. Phoenix is currently uninhabitable without extensive life support, let's start there.

Anonymous No. 16240069

First thing Musk is going to send to the moon is a Boreing machine from the Boring Company.

Anonymous No. 16240070

That is a matter of ownership distribution.

Anonymous No. 16240071

no we don't, we have high housing prices

Anonymous No. 16240072

they have a test article for the pressure vessel, a test article for the hatch, and I think they've told us what COTS RCS thrusters they're going to use.

Anonymous No. 16240073

Guys this space stuff is too hard maybe everyone should just give up and take it easy on Earth instead.

Anonymous No. 16240076


Anonymous No. 16240085

You have little knowledge of what leads to high land prices.
Making more land is only a temporary fix at best and usually no fix at all.
What is ownership distribution fucked? Cause landowners disproportionally benefit from any land improvements that they had no hand in making and in fact every incentive to block, thus allowing them to purchase more land.
No, we have high land prices. If you add up all the labor and material costs and then add a typically profit margin, you'll still find housing in certain places are far more expensive than you'd naively expect. From where comes the extra cost? It's the land.

Anonymous No. 16240089

it's the location, not the land. That's not the same thing at all

Anonymous No. 16240095

No that is the land. The location is the land. Let me repost the economic definition of land.
>>land comprises all naturally occurring resources as well as geographic land. Examples include particular geographical locations, mineral deposits, forests, fish stocks, atmospheric quality, geostationary orbits, and portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Supply of these resources is fixed.
Literally in the definition says particular geographic locations.

Anonymous No. 16240110

>You have little knowledge of what leads to high land prices.
I don't care about that, I care about increasing the acreage of livable land on Earth, and Phoenix has to be terraformed in order to make it habitable by normal humans.

Anonymous No. 16240113

>I care about increasing the acreage of livable land on Earth
Why, when you have an entire solar system to colonize?

Anonymous No. 16240116

oh yes great idea, let's turn more of earth into suburban sprawl

Anonymous No. 16240117

Square meter made habitable per dollar is something like 1000 times more even on the worst parts of Earth.

Anonymous No. 16240122

Sounds like a skill issue

Anonymous No. 16240131

If suburbs are all you can think to turn deserts into then you will never terraform a damn thing.
Turn Phoenix into a rainforest, the Sahara too. Demolish Boston and reforest that area too, and Detroit.

Anonymous No. 16240144

Luna will be a strip mall and you WILL like it

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Anonymous No. 16240152

>Buy land, they're not making it anymore
wrong fag, turns out you can

Anonymous No. 16240157

It's not land if they can make more it of it numbnuts

Anonymous No. 16240159

Tell that to Hawaii

Anonymous No. 16240162

what does this even mean?

Anonymous No. 16240165

Hawaii doesn't make new land in an economic sense, merely convert one kind to another.
What part don't you understand?

Anonymous No. 16240169

It’s the land in the legal sense but it’s the location in practicality.

Anonymous No. 16240172

At one point there was no land at all

Anonymous No. 16240175

>merely convert one kind to another
Also called terraforming

Anonymous No. 16240179

By that thought process how would you explain people moving west to california, oregon, utah, etc.?
That wasn’t economic land until humans sculpted it to their benefit and use

Anonymous No. 16240183

> bound minds
None of this is spaceflight related

Anonymous No. 16240185

If you can't terraform Phoenix then you aren't ever going to terraform Mars.
You cannot get around this.

Anonymous No. 16240186

economic sense you mean
No it was economic land, must I post the definition again?
>land comprises all naturally occurring resources as well as geographic land. Examples include particular geographical locations, mineral deposits, forests, fish stocks, atmospheric quality, geostationary orbits, and portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Supply of these resources is fixed.
>land comprises all naturally occurring resources
Human development is not a requirement for it to be land.

Anonymous No. 16240193

This moment has the opportunity to sink NASA and Boeing together. They're going to need a tug stage to get that thing safely away from Station.

Anonymous No. 16240197

Some of it in the first stack ITT are also supposed to be lightweight tension structures.

Anonymous No. 16240201

Whoever said can't? Just because you can doesn't mean it's cost effective. Also in Phoenix you're working within the rules of the US, Arizona, Maricopa, and Phoenix. Mars isn't just a suburb between poorly built desert city number one and two, it's a new world. The forcing function is completely different

Anonymous No. 16240205

Let me know when you can turn Phoenix green and lower the average temperature by 30 degrees and we'll talk about making Mars livable.

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Anonymous No. 16240209


Anonymous No. 16240210

How dare the filthy FAA even utter Starship's divine name?

Anonymous No. 16240212

Boeing's vampiric shareholders demand a sacrificial offering.

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Anonymous No. 16240216

It's over.

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Anonymous No. 16240218


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Anonymous No. 16240219


Anonymous No. 16240240

>up to 44 launches per year
starship or spacex at KSC overall?

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Anonymous No. 16240241
>Rocket Lab USA, a global leader in launch services and space systems, today announced it has signed the largest Electron launch agreement in the Company’s history; a ten-launch deal with Japanese Earth observation company Synspective.
> Rocket Lab has been launching for Synspective since 2020 when the Company deployed the first satellite in Synspective’s synthetic aperture radar (SAR) constellation, which is designed to deliver imagery that can detect millimetre-level changes to the Earth’s surface from space. Since that first mission, Rocket Lab has been the sole launch provider for Synspective’s StriX constellation to date, successfully deploying four StriX satellites across four dedicated Electron launches. In addition to the 10 new dedicated launches signed today, another two launches for Synspective have already been booked and are scheduled for launch this year from Launch Complex 1 in New Zealand. The launches in the new deal will take place across 2025 – 2027.

Anonymous No. 16240242

another victory for newspace

Anonymous No. 16240252

Build a greenhouse with air conditioning. Done.

Anonymous No. 16240254

I wonder how many boosters are sitting downrange from KSC on the seabed, must be quite a few by now

Anonymous No. 16240257

It's nice to see Rocket Lab not being completely wiped out by an afterthought addition to someone else's business model. That said, ten Electron launches is "only" $75M at Rocket Lab's standard price, which is both a lot of money and not really all that much.

Anonymous No. 16240263

Agreed, SpaceX had to start like this though. I think in the long run they'll be able to scale like SpaceX too. Hopefully this will put them out there and get some momentum going.

Anonymous No. 16240267

SpaceX had no competition though (no, three hundred million boomer rockets are not competition). Everyone else is just too far behind even Falcon 9, let alone starship.

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Anonymous No. 16240271

~150 launch prob this year

Anonymous No. 16240274

>I think in the long run they'll be able to scale like SpaceX too
Only if there's a stream of customers. Which I think they want to start their own constellation or something for creating their own demand. But SpaceX is just leagues on its own.

Anonymous No. 16240277

that'd require ramping up their launch cadence by about 25% from where it's been this year so far. seems extremely difficult to do, especially since they seem to already be hitting diminishing returns. 150 launches in 2025 is definitely doable with falcon but i think they're reaching the limits of how far it can be pushed.

Anonymous No. 16240279

>Only if there's a stream of customers
There definitely will be, SpaceX absolutely has the ability to monopolize the space launch market and when that happens people will want options. Rocket Lab is the only player close enough to them to be that option. And to be clear Im rooting for both of them

Anonymous No. 16240290

That's like putting one dome on Mars and calling it "terraformed"

Anonymous No. 16240291

very impressive how they havent had a loss of mission with such a rapid cadence.

Anonymous No. 16240295

Firearms don't work on Mars (no oxygen for the gunpowder to combust)

Anonymous No. 16240298

It's meant to look "realistic" unlike the real-life Starship which looks like an absurd 1950s toy

Anonymous No. 16240304

>there is no such thing as powder based oxidisers

Anonymous No. 16240305

How do guns shoot underwater

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Spacex ad 1970 a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16240308

Anonymous No. 16240312

>starship landing on a droneship
umm can the current ASDSs handle that?

Anonymous No. 16240313

>SpaceX had to start like this though
Debatable, they got NASA money for Falcon 9 after four launches. There's very little money in launch so scaling up is extremely hard if you don't get external money to develop a larger rocket and all the VCs are also already balls deep in SpaceX or sexier pitches like Relativity. F9 cost "only" 400 million, but if you have to make that yourself it's not exactly easy.

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Anonymous No. 16240316

Anonymous No. 16240320

>earth base has a cybertruck

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Anonymous No. 16240321

>you will never have angel gf on the moon

Anonymous No. 16240323

Shut up nigger >>>/lit/sffg

Anonymous No. 16240325

>schizophrenia, mid-nineties edition

Anonymous No. 16240330

Just keep building domes.

Anonymous No. 16240333

I will

Anonymous No. 16240335

are grid fins going back to being 90 degrees apart in version 2, or is it a lazy render?

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Anonymous No. 16240352

>A number of studies have attempted to assess the medical risks for long-term space station habitation, but the results are inconclusive, as epidemiological data is lacking. It is, however, understood that longer periods in space increase the risk of serious problems. The closest estimates show an illness/injury rate of 1:3 per year, with 1% estimated to require emergency evacuation by means of a CRV. For an eight-person ISS crew, this results in an expected need for a CRV flight once every 4 to 12 years. These estimates have been partially corroborated by experiences on board the Soviet Union's Mir space station. In the 1980s, the Soviets had at least three incidents where cosmonauts had to be returned under urgent medical conditions

Anonymous No. 16240353

it's definitely a lazy render that shouldn't be examined too seriously

Anonymous No. 16240386

Skibidi toilet ohio sigma rizz

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Anonymous No. 16240387

I think about this a lot. It's a real shame it never happened

Anonymous No. 16240389

Unfortunately they still need to apply and wait for a loicense for IFT5 anyway since they are changing the profile

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Anonymous No. 16240402


Anonymous No. 16240419

Ugly as shit subhuman

Anonymous No. 16240420

>go to the moon with your girlfriend
>kill her
I don't see how this is unachievable

Anonymous No. 16240428

How many feet above seal level is Starbase? Surely Spacex has a robust hurricane preparedness plan and didn't just build everything willy nilly, r-right??

Anonymous No. 16240430

Why do I have to specify "HLS Starship"? HLS should be enough context. Blue Origin won the SLD contract; appendix P or whatever.
If I say "HLS" I am talking about Lunar Starship.

Anonymous No. 16240437

Unironically, any moon city is just going to be a web of connected shopping mall like structures

Anonymous No. 16240449

doesn't need to be thick. Intumescent paint is used for fireproofing steel structures. it looks like normal paint, but when exposed to heat it swells into a thick, insulating layer.

Anonymous No. 16240452

Literally go just go inside lmao.

Anonymous No. 16240456

I'm going to neurally synthesize with an AI in a research base on the moon so I think we're conceptually like halfway there.

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Anonymous No. 16240468
>A White House fact sheet says the US and India have succeeded in "securing a carrier for the first-ever joint effort between NASA and ISRO astronauts" at the ISS, but doesn't identify the carrier or when the mission would launch.
>The countries have also agreed on a Strategic Framework for Human Spaceflight Cooperation and to "work toward commencing" training of ISRO astronauts at the ISS. They will also explore opportunities for India to cooperate on the lunar Gateway,

Anonymous No. 16240469

No they aren't. They aren't changing the profile of the ship until at least IFT-10. The change you see is the Environment Review at the Cape. That's an entirely different matter and unrelated to Boca. All they are doing to the current Ships is modifications that don't change the flight profile. For perspective, the ring detachment didn't trigger a review and the new changes aren't either. They will need to get a new loicense with Ship 2 because of the new flaps and the added engines, and slightly taller overall height. I suspect we'll see them apply for a modification once they have the first Ship 2 built but who knows how far off that is because they first need to get Raptor 3 into production numbers; something that nobody on this earth knows when is going to happen.

Anonymous No. 16240470

>the carrier
It's SpaceX. If it was anyone else there would be a name. The ESA did the exact same shit with the EarthCARE launch.

Anonymous No. 16240471

Reddit mission

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Anonymous No. 16240477

Anonymous No. 16240480

oh my, naked flap

Anonymous No. 16240481

>up to 44 Starship launches a year
What will they be launching?
>one moon mission is 15 launches
>30 starlink launches maybe?
I know the new Starlab station plans to use one Starship. Any other large payloads?

Anonymous No. 16240482

>HLS Starship
Starship is the noun
HLS is qan adjective specifying which flavor of Starship

Anonymous No. 16240483

Not if they keep scrubbing

Anonymous No. 16240484

Does anyone have the reddit skylab image for this anon?

Anonymous No. 16240486

The answer is spin Habs.

Anonymous No. 16240487

I don't want dragon covered in shit. Make Boeing take them

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Anonymous No. 16240488

correct, I will have a dubiously murderous rabbit gf

Anonymous No. 16240489

This storm is sure to be a nothing burger, but a nice 6-10' surge could really fuck things over there

Anonymous No. 16240490

Why are moon bunnies so dangerous?

Anonymous No. 16240492

How long til neuralink can project your AI waifu into your vision?

Anonymous No. 16240494

they're a bit loony

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Anonymous No. 16240495

Fucking Lunarians.

Anonymous No. 16240497

You both WNGTS

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Anonymous No. 16240504

Change'e 6 spotted by LRO

Anonymous No. 16240505


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Anonymous No. 16240507

Anonymous No. 16240512

Anonymous No. 16240513

thumbnail looks like shittle is on a crossbow

Anonymous No. 16240516

Droneship is going to catch them with chopsticks? Imagine how much the tower will swing if the sea is not perfectly calm

Anonymous No. 16240518

>photos taken right before disaster

Anonymous No. 16240521

I don't think oil rigs move around all that much even in high seas

Anonymous No. 16240524

why am i only seeing this on /sfg/? nobody else is talking about it.

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Anonymous No. 16240526

You can't put the whole Mars in a jar

Anonymous No. 16240528

~$250 standard A4 paper sized dish. Probably consumes ~30-40watts of power and gets ~100Mbps speed. If they cut the monthly in half for this, shits gonna be selling like hot cakes

Anonymous No. 16240530

Same logic applies to Mars, but do you want it to forever?

Anonymous No. 16240532

How many of these stations will get cancelled?
>Lunar Gateway
>Axiom Station
>Orbital Reef
>Indian Station
>Vast Haven 1
>Sierra Space LIFE
I think Orbital Reef might be behind schedule and not needed by the time it’s viable.

Anonymous No. 16240533


Anonymous No. 16240534

what is reddit

Anonymous No. 16240536

>starlab 50/50

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Anonymous No. 16240539

>the iss flies over the red sea and israel
i wonder if they saw any of the action

Anonymous No. 16240540

I think they’ll get at least two segments up but I see why people are skeptical

Anonymous No. 16240541

gateway, axiom, and vast are guaranteed to survive, but only one of starlab and orbital reef will make it since it's a winner take all competition.

Anonymous No. 16240542

Pretty sure she's cute

Anonymous No. 16240544

Pretty sure youre black

Anonymous No. 16240549

See >>16240437
The atrium areas will be full of plants and full spectrum light. If I can spend my retirement years shuffling through that at 1/3rd G on the way to Mars Waffle House, I will.

Anonymous No. 16240554

>space retirement homes
I think this could be viable in the near/middle future. Separate rich old people from their money in return for low G on their achy joints. Null G would probably not go over very well with geriatrics, but low G might not be bad. Better mobility and less consequential falls. Plus, they don't go out much anyways and probably wouldn't mind soft, bland foods (zee bugz).

Anonymous No. 16240556

That's where you're wrong, fucko.
Bubble worlds soon.

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Anonymous No. 16240558

After conception/gestation and early childhood development, geriatrics it probably the most important thing to study the impacts of low G on

Anonymous No. 16240566

Donald Trump is so cool

Anonymous No. 16240567

And geriatric

Anonymous No. 16240569

Based and offtopic
Cringe and offtopic

Anonymous No. 16240573

After watching Trump's interview with Logan Paul, I've realized he's operating on an energy level so far above the average male I can't comprehend it. Inspirational, powerful

Anonymous No. 16240575

Low energy, sad

Anonymous No. 16240576

Blud has L rizz :skull;

Anonymous No. 16240578

This post >>16240558 is on topic, your TDS is not.

Anonymous No. 16240591

sabresat BTFO skylon holy shit
america wins again

Anonymous No. 16240597

are space stations more similar to a boat or trailer house?

Anonymous No. 16240604

SpaceX should rebrand as RocketX if they aren't going to build space stations.

Anonymous No. 16240607

They are you complete fucking moron the PDR is 2028 for CSS variant Starships.

Anonymous No. 16240611

> guaranteed to survive
Why tho? Isn't it just a scam like the others?

Anonymous No. 16240613

>putin arrived in north korea
>transfer of space technology to north korea is likely on the agenda
norks on mars soon

Anonymous No. 16240618

Ok this guy is baiting above with that shitty Vast message. Do not respond to concern trolling /sfg/ looks like the thread splitting tourist is still here subverting the peace

Anonymous No. 16240619

vast is backed by a billionaire, its similar to polaris dawn, though i think they should get into the manned missions game like axiom is. instead they're just leapfrogging straight into a space station.

Anonymous No. 16240622

It's a scam, but they are signing agreements with other scam organizations like ESA

Anonymous No. 16240624

with russian space capabilities backing him expect kim to announce a mission of landing thousands of debris-shaped probes on the Martian surface.

Anonymous No. 16240637

Still voting for Trump :)

Anonymous No. 16240640

Go ahead? When did I ever mention that. Do you think I'm >>16240569? Because I'm not.

Anonymous No. 16240648
New Eager droppee today: Is Elon Right?

Anonymous No. 16240650

interesting video about venus

Anonymous No. 16240652

>why is venus so hot
too many carbs gave it a thicc atmosphere
planets need to watch their carb intake

Anonymous No. 16240663

AI will terraform Venus, or else The Fermi Paradox will Great Filter

Anonymous No. 16240670

I'll save you some time:

Anonymous No. 16240682

Nice vulcanian haircut.

Anonymous No. 16240689

>CO2 denialism

Anonymous No. 16240696

The video says no, Elon was wrong

Anonymous No. 16240698

i think it's cute when boomers do these little powerpoint presentations. reminds me of my book reports growing up

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Anonymous No. 16240702

How do schizos always manage to find eachother?

Anonymous No. 16240717

What's with the shit stain?

Anonymous No. 16240728

>Russia gives nuclear-capable North Korea ICBMs just to fuck with China

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Anonymous No. 16240741

fuck off you risk-averse faggot.

Anonymous No. 16240747

how hard would it be for north korea to make a apollo light mission with just one person in a tiny capsule who just places a north korean flag on moon, makes a picture takes a rock and flies back? i guess they could put the cost a lot down by not having high saftey and comfort requirements as russia or usa.

Anonymous No. 16240755

you expect them to be able to handle deep space navigation when they can't even build a computer?

Anonymous No. 16240757

Was supposed to be today, delay to NET 22nd.

Anonymous No. 16240758

apollo didnt have computers

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Anonymous No. 16240760

yes they did, and more importantly they had a large american computer industry that knew how to build ad-hoc hardware to handle rendezvous in lunar orbit.

Anonymous No. 16240763

>forgets to mention the computer was programmed by a woman

Anonymous No. 16240765

a Black woman, not a white one

Anonymous No. 16240769

A lesbian woman, not a straight one.

Anonymous No. 16240784

Haven't been here for the last week any news on a new heatshiled design?

Anonymous No. 16240786

no because despite elon's claims that spacex is open source, they actually keep the important information a secret because they're afraid of competition

Anonymous No. 16240789

They also don't want to release footage from the internal cameras reeee

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Burnside Clapp zu....jpg

Anonymous No. 16240802

>The Pathfinder aircraft was designed to take off with its turbofan engines, and climb to approximately 6,000 m where it would rendezvous with a tanker aircraft. The tanker would transfer 59 metric tons of liquid oxygen to the Pathfinder. After disconnecting from the tanker, the spaceplane ignited its rocket engine and climbed to an altitude of 110 km and a speed of Mach 15. Now on a suborbital trajectory outside the atmosphere, Pathfinder would open its payload bay doors, and release the payload with a liquid rocket upper stage. An expendable solid propellant upper stage could deliver a 2100 kg payload to a 300 km 30 degree orbit. Meanwhile Pathfinder would close its payload bay doors and re-enter the atmosphere. After slowing down to subsonic speeds, the turbofan engines would be restarted and the aircraft flown to a landing field. It was estimated that the price per launch could profitably be set as low as $7 million, 3 to 4 times lower than the price using the Taurus expendable launch vehicle
>As a piloted aircraft, Pathfinder could be tested incrementally. Unlike expendable vehicles, which must be flight tested all at once on the first attempt, the Pathfinder could work up to an orbital delivery flight incrementally, biting off small additional chunks of risk on succeeding flights. The aircraft would be fully tested before the rocket engine was ever ignited. Dry hook-ups with the tanker would be demonstrated before Lox was transferred. Tanking with liquid nitrogen would be done to qualify the mechanisms before Lox was loaded, and so on throughout the flight test program
> Pathfinder used conventional airbreathing engines for takeoff and landing. These engines allowed the aircraft to be operated normally for ferrying itself. The rocketplane could even be flown to a satellite manufacturer's facility for satellite pickup. Liquid oxygen was only loaded in the air, significantly reducing launch site hazards.

Anonymous No. 16240812

You're an idiot

Anonymous No. 16240816

They're like neither cause both boats and campers have to be situated on land.

Anonymous No. 16240819

you fell for it

Anonymous No. 16240823

Mate I've met flatearthers irl that think rockets can't work in space because you need oxygen to burn.
If you think there aren't people dumb enough to think firearms need oxygen to fire then you need to touch grass.

Anonymous No. 16240824

pretty sure the flat Earth think Rockets don't work in space because they don't have atmosphere to push off of

Anonymous No. 16240825

>elon's claims that spacex is open source
Not patenting shit != "open source".

Anonymous No. 16240828

I don't know what to tell you man other than I met a flat earther in a bar who argued rockets can't work in space cause there no atmospheric oxygen to burn.

Anonymous No. 16240829

Reminder that we are beaming back gigabytes of data from Mars every week

Anonymous No. 16240834

All faked.

Anonymous No. 16240837

Are analog electronics like this considered rad-proof? If that's the case, reject silicone chips retvrn to magnetic wound coil computing.

Anonymous No. 16240840

The only reason we don't have a venus rover yet is because NASA is afraid of trying something slightly different. They could simply use the nuclear power source to power a heat pump which would cool the rover.

Anonymous No. 16240845

I don't think that would work.

Anonymous No. 16240847

explain your erroneous reasoning

Anonymous No. 16240850


Anonymous No. 16240851

if you have plutonium on the venusian surface then the pressure will make it spontaneously implode. i've seen it happen before.

Anonymous No. 16240854

>only removed 1/4 of the tiles
its over. NET 3 months til next launch.

Anonymous No. 16240856

where do you pump the heat to?
you are in a soup of super hot gas

Anonymous No. 16240857

>literal building tier scaffolding on something that's actually supposed to go to space
Yeah they're not gonna make it.

Anonymous No. 16240858

take it easy
somebody should bring their dekayukkuri to space with them

Anonymous No. 16240859

well you pump it to the outside, meaning the radiator will be even hotter than ambient Venus temperature. In turn the inside of the rover will be cooled adequately.

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Anonymous No. 16240862


Anonymous No. 16240863

Wouldn't that melt the radiator?

Anonymous No. 16240864

The Temperature on Venus is only 460 C. There's a lot of metal that could take a 100 degrees C more.

Anonymous No. 16240865

Wrong, video said Elon was right.

Anonymous No. 16240867

How many of them can you make effective radiators out of?

Anonymous No. 16240868

80 atmospheres of pressure and sulfuric acid is a bit of a bitch though.

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Anonymous No. 16240869


Anonymous No. 16240871

You were on Venus?

Anonymous No. 16240872

>thinks pressure is an issue
it sure wasn't an issue for the various russian balloon probes and all the other lander than landed on Venus. Really the only problem is temperature.

Anonymous No. 16240874

>it sure wasn't an issue
They all lasted so long, right? Nice of you to ignore the sulfuric acid bit.

Anonymous No. 16240875

>it sure wasn't an issue for the various russian balloon probes and all the other lander than landed on Venus.
lmao you have no idea how huge of an issue it was for them.

Anonymous No. 16240876

I suspect he just recently became aware of the Venera program.

Anonymous No. 16240878

been watching too much popsci? cheap mass manufactured c02 cartridges hold a pressure of 60 bar. And they have wall like 2mm thick. The probes aren't gonna implode on themselves due to pressure. but they will inevitably heat up in a few hours.

Anonymous No. 16240880

>The probes aren't gonna implode on themselves due to pressure
Do you have any idea how many venera probes imploded under the pressure?

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Anonymous No. 16240883

>cheap mass manufactured c02 cartridges hold a pressure of 60 bar
From the INSIDE. High pressure from the outside is a different story.

Anonymous No. 16240884

That picture is due to vacuum, but yes. A better example is Oceangate. That was a COPV vessel designed to hold pressure inside and the retards thought it'd work just as well with external pressure.

Anonymous No. 16240885

>That picture is due to vacuum
Smartest /sfg/ user.

Anonymous No. 16240887

Yes yes, pressure differentials. Trying to use fucking crayons for Mr. "High Pressure is No Big Deal" here.

Anonymous No. 16240889

Yep you watched too much popsci content about that submarine and now think 80 bars of outside pressure is some insurmountable issue.

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the equation.png

Anonymous No. 16240890

wtf I thought you just make it negative?? Is it not that easy in pressure vessels?

Anonymous No. 16240892

>Muh popsci
Like what you just watched about the Venera program without looking into how well the program went?

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Anonymous No. 16240900

i feel like he's talking to /sfg/

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Anonymous No. 16240903

I love three rockets though, Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Starship + Superheavy.

Anonymous No. 16240904

Maybe one day ULA will decide to design more than just one rocket, again and again and again.

Anonymous No. 16240908

You dont like Nova? For shame.

Anonymous No. 16240911

I don't like rockets designed by putting in extremely safe specs that worked in the past in excel and calling it a day.

Anonymous No. 16240913

but I like the Falcon Family, Starship, Electron, Neutron, and whatever Stoke's is called

Anonymous No. 16240915

>source my ass
Its fully fucking reusable anything with the reusable title is going for more dangerous specs any way you look it at tard. Not to mention that THEY HAD AND HOPPED A WORKING PROTOTYPE ITS NOT A POWERPOINT ROCKET

Anonymous No. 16240917

Tory is so right—I love Falcon 1, Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Starship!

Anonymous No. 16240919

Stoke's is Nova but the the RL shit is lame.

Anonymous No. 16240922

Polyamory is degenerate.

Anonymous No. 16240923

We were talking about Tory and ULA. There's more than one person besides you in this thread by the way.

Anonymous No. 16240925


Anonymous No. 16240926

Google the square cube law

Anonymous No. 16240946

fine, whatever, just don't make your pressure vessels cube-shaped

Anonymous No. 16240953

I hate politics and every politician
The US clearly gains nothing from this "cooperation"

Anonymous No. 16240956

If they don't change the profile how will they test landing and catching?

Anonymous No. 16240962

>dumb enough to think firearms need oxygen to fire
try making smokeless powder without oxygen, mr. smug

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go outside and ta....jpg

Anonymous No. 16240970

What exactly IS the benefit to uplifting other countries' space programs using our own?
Do we get something for it or what?

Anonymous No. 16240971

You could make a firearm with chlorine or fluorine as an oxidizer I’m sure

Anonymous No. 16240972

I guess Tony Burno isn't a true space enthusiast

Anonymous No. 16240974

I consneed

Anonymous No. 16240975

More stuff in orbit, more money entering your own private space agencies. Probably reliance on american launchers too.

Anonymous No. 16240978

Why would Tory even be on X? His company excels at a specific military contract and nothing else. Public outreach really shouldn't matter to him. There's just no hope of competition with SpaceX on that front.

Anonymous No. 16240990

They want even greater capability with next mars orbiter (NeMO) assuming it doesn’t get cancelled
They’re trying to tag it on to MSR though—which obviously has huge budgetary problems as it is. Maybe they can make a deal with private space companies (cough spacex) to get laser comms around Mars for cheap

Anonymous No. 16240991

Because tory is a human being who has interests he likes to share with the general public and not a soulless corporate automaton.

Anonymous No. 16241001

Yeah but it's the internet, he could just post as rocketfan61 and not have someone call him a welfare faggot every time he posts

Anonymous No. 16241002

He is also a CEO and probably likes both positive and negative attention.

Anonymous No. 16241005

Bigger global space market means that you don't have half the industry go bankrupt just because one country cancels a mission (example: Apollo)

Anonymous No. 16241010

I literally just shit in the toilet guys. It got me thinking. Does the vaccum seal on the space toilet feel good and does it make pooping easier?

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Anonymous No. 16241012

>Are analog electronics like this considered rad-proof?

Nope. If you are analyzing an analog signal from say, an accelerometer sensor, radiation can hit the wires between the sensor and the processor, giving a bit of energy to the wire and distorting the amplitude. There are ways to mitigate errors and spikes of energy through various means, but they are still susceptible.

Anonymous No. 16241027

why does antarctica have no snow on it in that picture?

Anonymous No. 16241045

Can you just ignore the problem with redundant sensors, voting computers, and RAID arrays?

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fluidic computer ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16241046

billion gate fluidic processors when?

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Anonymous No. 16241056

space flight general? More like space fantasy general lmfao. Star trek was a tv show guys. Fucking nerds.

Anonymous No. 16241059

incel vibes

Anonymous No. 16241061

imagine if russia spent all this money not on ukraine but on colonizing the moon

Anonymous No. 16241062

tranny vibes

Anonymous No. 16241071

Earth's oceans don't count as solid surface area.

Anonymous No. 16241073

Imagine if a chimp spent all his time not throwing his own shit but on practicing baseball.

Anonymous No. 16241074

But the ocean floor does.

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Anonymous No. 16241076

oops I mean space fraud general not space fantasy general. This place is good record of elon's frauds.

Anonymous No. 16241082

Been saying this since 2019!

Anonymous No. 16241087

He say's to the programme that was started with a bunch of Mexicans welding water towers, I'll give it a year before they start building a dedicated tiling scaffold for QA checks and maintenance in one of the high bays

Anonymous No. 16241094

we arent going to get orbital shipyards until after 2060 are we?

Anonymous No. 16241100

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16241102

At what point do you exclude surface area?
the ocean floor is high pressure enough in most places to require heavily reinforced habs with high material costs and the lack of sunlight makes solar power infeasible too.
Those are some pretty high barriers to self-sustaining habitation.

Anonymous No. 16241107

You do not exclude surface area because the only thing making something land is that it be natural and in fixed supply.
The ocean surface is natural and in fixed supply, the ocean floor is natural and of fixed supply. The surface of venus is natural and of fixed supply. A speck of dust in the asteroid belt is natural and of fixed supply.
All these things are land.

Anonymous No. 16241110

the surface of jupiter is natural and in fixed supply.
Your obsession with the legal definition of land (entirely artificial and created by a human) is driving you to absurdities.

Anonymous No. 16241111

If all you care about is natural and fixed supply why are you measuring it in terms of surface area and not volume or mass?

Anonymous No. 16241116

>the surface of jupiter
Jupiter has no surface, being a gas giant and all.
Also the definition of land I'm using economic, not legal. The legal definition of land is very different.
Nice quads.
I do not measure it in terms of surface area. I just pointed out that map as a useful gauge for how much less land there is in the solar system than you'd expect.

Anonymous No. 16241124

It does have a surface, actually.
The core of Jupiter is solid due to the high pressure.
Is that also land, or will you admit that the 'economic' definition is almost entirely useless in extremis?

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Anonymous No. 16241126

>abandons planetary chauvinism
>gets land area equal to hundreds of Earths

Anonymous No. 16241127

>The core of Jupiter is solid due to the high pressure.
I had heard that the core of jupiter is liquid metallic hydrogen.

Anonymous No. 16241131

Didn't mean to hit reply.
Anyways I see no reason to deny jupiter is land and see no absurdity in this. It's natural and in fixed supply, if we keep draining jupiter of it's atmosphere it'll eventually run out. It acts economically the same as any other land.

Anonymous No. 16241132

>be astronomy fag
>create definition of metal that includes everything except hydrogen and helium
>decide that actually hydrogen can be a metal too if it’s high enough pressure
why are they like this?

Anonymous No. 16241138

Make the pressure inside higher than pressure outside. Simple

Anonymous No. 16241142

Powerful fluidic computers would be extremely useful in early space colonisation, as they do not require a large industrial base, just a 3d printer. A 3d printer can be run on a rasberry pi, which has something like 4 billion transistors. How small can fluidic gates be made anyway?

Anonymous No. 16241147

that's just a layer, at the core is all the solid stuff that fell into Jupiter over the years and solid bits of the planetesimal that Jupiter started out as.

Anonymous No. 16241157

its over

>Florida residents raised concerns Monday night about the disruptive noise and possible infrastructure damage if Starship ramps up launches from Florida’s space coast.
>Residents of the Space Coast—already plugging their ears during frequent Falcon 9 launches—implored the FAA to study and mitigate sound levels that weekly Starship launches could impose on their community.
>“We need to come up with a mitigation plan to where we don’t destroy our beloved structures in the area in the name of progress in space exploration,” said Brad Whitmore, a resident of Cocoa Village, 20 miles from the launch site.
>The FAA will take more comments from the public on the draft before issuing its final decision, a process that could take up to a year.

Anonymous No. 16241159

Astronomers didn't create the definition of metal, blame chemists for that.

Anonymous No. 16241160

Seems like a reasonable enough ask. Just plant a bunch of tall trees or build a sound suppression wall or something around the whole space coast.

Anonymous No. 16241163

>Move next to the most famous rocket launch site in the world
>WTF rockets are launching!
I hope the FAA tells them to fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 16241165

Anyone remember the stabilo rocket from arca?

Anonymous No. 16241167

Propellant is stored in the balls

Anonymous No. 16241170

I never really paid attention to gypsy water heater thieves.

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Anonymous No. 16241173

>Billions must go deaf
Said "beloved structures" being your typical American suburban sprawl. NIMBY's knew what they were getting.

Anonymous No. 16241175

This is from before that.

Anonymous No. 16241176

then they will say that the view is being ruined

Anonymous No. 16241178

Boeing shambles teleconference.

Anonymous No. 16241181

Once we live in the void of space we won't have to deal with NIMBY's anymore.
Land is the problem.

Anonymous No. 16241182

>Starliner return now NET 26th
Short that shit instead of Tesla, CSS.

Anonymous No. 16241185

When was it supposed to come back?

Anonymous No. 16241187

mission is going so well it’s getting extended, just like dragon demo.
Boeing haters in shambles

Anonymous No. 16241188

june 14

Anonymous No. 16241192

They're gonna have to come back on a dragon.

Anonymous No. 16241193

anon, we already deal with space NIMBYs they're called NIMOs and they repeat 'kessler syndrome' incessantly.

Anonymous No. 16241195

>Discussing the five reaction control system (RCS) thrusters that failed during flight, Stich said they performed a hot fire test over the weekend and coming out of that, they "feel very confident" in their performance.

>They did not fire one of the thrusters that acted up during rendezvous (the one that was left off). It will remain off during the return trip.
It's all good boeing bros

Anonymous No. 16241197

>"feel very confident"
Not words you want to hear from a Boeing rep.

Anonymous No. 16241198

>they're called NIMOs
I thought they were called ground based astronomers?

Anonymous No. 16241199

Thats so hecking cool I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE UPVOTED!11

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starliner deathtr....jpg

Anonymous No. 16241200


Anonymous No. 16241201

>We saw leak rates going down
Yeah, that's a natural side effect of it draining out, retards.

Anonymous No. 16241202

That would have to be thousands of fully grown redwoods to have any effect

Anonymous No. 16241203

It was suppose to come back?

Anonymous No. 16241205

June 14th, then NET 22nd, now NET 26th.

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Anonymous No. 16241218

Anonymous No. 16241220

>issuing vague posts because he can't debunk my sound argument directly. By the way the square cube low works in favor of larger pressure vessels. So if those tiny c02 cartridges at 60 bar have no problems...

wait until you meet biologists. They consider birds dinosaurs and coconut palms are grasses.

Anonymous No. 16241221

Like how Nauka successfully stopped thrusting the station around due to running out of propellent.

Anonymous No. 16241223

Amazing how that works, isn't it?

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Anonymous No. 16241225

I guess Musk shouldn't have been so quick to sell off those oil rigs

Anonymous No. 16241229

Nice to see some positivecomments to my reply for once

Anonymous No. 16241232

Where did you get this image?????

Anonymous No. 16241240

Help I bought property near the busiest aerospace facility in history waaaaah why do I hear all these rocket noises??!1!?!!1!!one!

Anonymous No. 16241243

cool art style if it’s OC

Anonymous No. 16241244

>20 miles from the launch site.
WTF I doubt he would even hear the launch that far out, get fucking real

Anonymous No. 16241246

Nikola Tesla could hear lightning from 200 miles away.

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Anonymous No. 16241250

starbase has cost $3 billion to build so far

Anonymous No. 16241254

And Elon just got paid over $47bn from Tesla.
Who cares?

Anonymous No. 16241257

Already shaping up to be another SLS in price

Anonymous No. 16241258

It probably cost significantly more. As if they would spend this little on the biggest project they got going. They probably spend just $500B on engine alone.

Anonymous No. 16241260

$500 million*

Anonymous No. 16241262

Didn't sls cost over 20 billion before it's first flight?

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Anonymous No. 16241284


Anonymous No. 16241288

>shittle on the moon
Truly a dark era this was produced

Anonymous No. 16241290

>Stich says these additional issues that they're working through could shift the certification dates for Starliner before the full crew rotation mission (Starliner-1)
No shit, I doubt NASA will let them launch their leaky ass again

Anonymous No. 16241291

Guys, does this mean dream chaser has a chance?

Anonymous No. 16241292

>don’t destroy our beloved structures in the area in the name of progress in space exploration
I'd be willing to destroy a lot more than that

Anonymous No. 16241299

>self sustaining Mars city staffed with the best and brightest
>everyone left on Earth dies including you
Would you push the button?

Anonymous No. 16241304

>assuming button has godlike powers and is guaranteed to work
Holy shit yes please slam that fucking button IMMEDIATLY

Anonymous No. 16241306

Define best and brightest.

Anonymous No. 16241307

I watched a shuttle go up from Cocoa Beach, and I could feel it in my chest, I'm sure they could at least hear Starship from across the Intercoastal

Anonymous No. 16241311

What is the purpose of that insulated truss structure in the middle?

Anonymous No. 16241312

yes, promises to never boycott Israel

Anonymous No. 16241313

You know :)

Anonymous No. 16241320

God bless Elon, and SpaceX too!

Anonymous No. 16241327

aryan civilization? I will press the button.
They can repopulate Earth in their image.

Anonymous No. 16241333

you're just suicidal, aren't you.

Anonymous No. 16241340

Its over for fakeport boca chica, tropical storm incoming and no one told them. all the cranes are still up. no fucks given.

Anonymous No. 16241341


Anonymous No. 16241345

TS is a nothingburger and it isn't even hitting them head on.

Anonymous No. 16241361

He probably just knows he's one of the best and brightest.

Anonymous No. 16241377

Why dont you fuck off to /esg/ >>16228997 earther scum

Anonymous No. 16241387

The Starship should be bigger than that, since the inner ring of engines extends beyond the 9 meter tankage diameter.

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Anonymous No. 16241441

It's gonna be so cool when all that gets leveled by one super heavy launch

Anonymous No. 16241482

3B for entire starbase factory, and OLM, and tower, and all the utility infrastructures

Anonymous No. 16241485


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Anonymous No. 16241488

Could you make clay bricks just by adding water to Martian dirt? The chemical composition is similar. Is there some complicated reason why not?

Anonymous No. 16241490

Falcon 5, I still remember you...

Anonymous No. 16241493

Chemists aren't the ones calling carbon a metal. That's astronomers.

Anonymous No. 16241513

don't you need to cook bricks n shiet otherwise they will just crack

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Anonymous No. 16241518

thanks for letting me know didn't even know that general existed.

Anonymous No. 16241536

They'd still be shit because their shoulder joints are shit for throwing shit besides shit.

Anonymous No. 16241539

I eat shit for breakfast

Anonymous No. 16241553


Anonymous No. 16241555

Aw heck yea ^w^

Anonymous No. 16241565

Niggertroon alert

Anonymous No. 16241566

Generating heat would be the easiest part I imagine

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Anonymous No. 16241567

How do we stop releasing greenhouse gases

Anonymous No. 16241570

Why would we want to do that?

Anonymous No. 16241573

Burn more fuel

Anonymous No. 16241578

The single most impactful thing an individual can do to curb greenhouse emissions is kill as many people as possible and then themselves.

Anonymous No. 16241581
>we try to print the least amount of stuff possible
Proonters once and forever BTFO

Anonymous No. 16241582

I am not an expert but a pressure vessel spacecraft shouldn't "leak", let alone have MULTIPLE leaks... right? Like wtf this is so jank

Anonymous No. 16241584

The best way would be for everyone to simultaneously commit suicide.
The second best way would be to create a second Ghenghis Khan, who measurably decreased CO2 in the atmosphere by 0.1 parts per million by creating large areas of abandoned farmland which was reclaimed by the environment.
But I don't really see how this is spaceflight related.

Anonymous No. 16241585

Back in the 90's one of my relatives was having their first kid, and so they asked a nurse friend of theirs if they should get cloth diapers or regular diapers because they had heard cloth diapers were better for the environment since you don't toss them out, you just wash them, and the nurse without missing a beat said, "If you really want to save the environment you'll get an abortion and then kill yourselves." That story has stuck with me my entire life.

Anonymous No. 16241586

There's a ton of shit in this supercut, vast majority it spacex related

Anonymous No. 16241588

Just suppress the reproductive cycle. Make it a whole bureaucratic process to reenable reproductive functions. This is a fairly small infringement on liberty all things considered.

Anonymous No. 16241591

>This is a fairly small infringement on liberty all things considered.
Wrong and I'll kill anyone who tries this

Anonymous No. 16241592

For this application, Stirling cryocoolers are the highest-performance technology available, due to their ability to lift heat efficiently at very low temperatures. They are silent, vibration-free, can be scaled down to small sizes, and have very high reliability and low maintenance. As of 2009, cryocoolers were considered to be the only widely deployed commercially successful Stirling devices.

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Anonymous No. 16241596

Here's a picture of the ecowarrior himself so you can admire him.

Anonymous No. 16241599

You won't because it will be performed right after the circumcision you didn't kill anyone over

Anonymous No. 16241604


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Solar luminosity ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16241621

if you don't have a plan to deal with this then I don't want to hear about global warming

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Anonymous No. 16241622

>you didn't kill anyone over
Yes, of course.

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Anonymous No. 16241623
>Falcon 9 is vertical at SLC-40 ahead of today’s launch of the SES Satellites ASTRA 1P mission, which is now targeted for 8:23 p.m. ET due to elevated winds at the launch site. Teams are continuing to monitor weather, which is currently 55% favorable

I'm not the most optimistic about this

Anonymous No. 16241626

Would it kill them to hose down the boosters every once in a while? That’s embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 16241631

Do americans really forcibly mutilate their children in hospitals without being given the choice?

Anonymous No. 16241634


Anonymous No. 16241636

plant for the increasing luminosity? Will be cook bros?

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xdownloader X1nZr....webm

Anonymous No. 16241639

Anonymous No. 16241641

You mean go bomb an oil rig or a supertanker?
That's at least 10x higher impact, shooting the fuckers who insist on pumping it out of the ground

Anonymous No. 16241644

>Jeff Bezos breaks his silence about turmoil at The Washington Post

Anonymous No. 16241654

I'm guessing that the WP is losing money hand over fist and he wants to sell or something.

Anonymous No. 16241657

delayed a few hours, surprise, surprise

Anonymous No. 16241662

this dude is on crack

Anonymous No. 16241663

/sfg/ could crowdfund purchasing the washington post, and push space propoganda

Anonymous No. 16241669

CNN is a leftist propaganda media. it was really hard to find what exactly was the issue.

The main issue the "journos" aka propagandists at the post see with the new guy is he called them activists instead of journalists. Which is accurate. This triggered the marxist commie meltdown at the company it looks like and they're trying to attack him as much as possible before he roots himself in the company and clamps down the lid on marxism a little bit. I doubt there would be any real change unless Bezos himself digs in like Musk did and fire the activists.

Anonymous No. 16241670

Sooner or later SpaceX will have to build VAB at Starbase

Anonymous No. 16241677


Anonymous No. 16241679

There is no point or purpose to such a building with Starship.

Anonymous No. 16241681

They already did. They are building a second assembly tower already.

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Anonymous No. 16241682


Anonymous No. 16241685

i thought they stopped cleaning the boosters to inspect wells, yet this pic looks like they did?

Anonymous No. 16241687

training an AGI is going to cost more than 10% of current US electricity production and enviros may well end up being the biggest barrier

Anonymous No. 16241688

That's a vertical assembly facility rather than a vehicle assembly building: a VAB's singular purpose is vehicle stack (every stage together) and payload processing.

Anonymous No. 16241689

Maybe one at KSC eventually if there's enough payloads that require a clean room integration to justify it

Anonymous No. 16241690

*inspect welds

Anonymous No. 16241691

Theres zero reason why it cant be used as payload processing. Vehicle stacking itself takes place at the launch tower tho. So that function is moot.

Anonymous No. 16241697


Anonymous No. 16241701

Elon likes the boosters looking cooked. I guarantee you they would have cleaned at least the first few reused ones if he didn't specifically ban them from doing it. It's a striking reminder that this thing has been around the block.

Anonymous No. 16241702

stark reminder only SpaceX is able to reuse in 2024

Anonymous No. 16241707

Are you going to pay for the services?

Anonymous No. 16241708

They do need a payload processing facility, but it only needs to be as large as a stretched Starship.

Anonymous No. 16241710

Cleaning off the soot would get in the way of rapid reuse and the soot doesn't actually impede performance

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Anonymous No. 16241716

Anonymous No. 16241717


Anonymous No. 16241718
>SpaceX continues to target the end of the window for the launch of SES's Astra 1P satellite. Liftoff is currently set for 8:23 p.m. EDT (0023 UTC). Here at the Press Site, the sustained winds are at 22 mph and the most recent wind gust was 33 mph. Peak gusts this afternoon were close to 38 mph.

Anonymous No. 16241721

20 years of not launching to orbit

Anonymous No. 16241730

Soot on boosters is the new thing

Anonymous No. 16241732

They did clean the first few reused ones thoroughly, out of necessity. They still occasionally clean welds and suspicious looking areas for inspection, the one currently on the pad has the telltale tan lines

Anonymous No. 16241739

>They did clean the first few reused ones thoroughly
Looks like you are right. Memory playing tricks on me. I vividly remember seeing the first reuse and thinking it looked very dirty.

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Anonymous No. 16241753

Anonymous No. 16241755

Why should the pressure bother a rover? It's not an organism.
And the sulphuric acid is in the clouds.
The Venera landers failed because the heat killed the electronics.

Anonymous No. 16241758

squinting my eyes but I can't tell if that rocket is smiling or has tightly closed lips

Anonymous No. 16241759

My eyes accept what they're seeing but my mind finds the process of comprehension to be unpleasant

Anonymous No. 16241763

Retard. This is all political steering done to stop India from joining China/Russia/etc for ILRS and to stop India partnering with China/Russia

The gain for US is political leverage against all those countries

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Anonymous No. 16241768

India is already an Artemis Accords signatory. They signed on back in June of last year

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Anonymous No. 16241772

new Astro kino just dropped

Anonymous No. 16241778

Dogshit rendercucking, not real image you can tell by the background having visible stars.

Anonymous No. 16241779

>sulphuric acid is in the clouds
Venera 7 lost its' parachutes because of those clouds
>Pressure doesn't bother a rover
Venera 4 was lost because despite internal cooling keeping its' components below zero it was only rated for 25atm when the pressure at the surface is ~91atm

Anonymous No. 16241781

huh, I just realized that this ten day gap in orbital launches is the longest we've had since 2021! (two weeks between two crewed launches in April, one Soyuz and one Dragon).

Anonymous No. 16241784

Too bad so sad for enviros, they dont pay the bills anymore

Anonymous No. 16241786

Its lips are uncanny

Anonymous No. 16241791

Those are her teeth

Anonymous No. 16241794

An out of frame moon creates a lens flare and illuminates the Dragon perched atop the International Space Station.

Photo taken looking out Starliner’s window.

1/1.3 s exposure, 2000 ISO, f1.4, 24mm lens

Anonymous No. 16241798


Anonymous No. 16241801

They need a new license anyways because for now we're still in the one license per flight phase

Anonymous No. 16241803

And this crew is likely one of the reasons

Anonymous No. 16241807


Anonymous No. 16241809

who is in the right
who is in the wrong

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Anonymous No. 16241811
>SpaceX is aiming to thread the weather needle and launch SES's Astra 1P satellite in less than an hour. Liftoff from pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is set for 8:23 p.m. EDT (0023 UTC).
SFN stream's up. Weather is supposed to be improving but still looks pretty suspect.

Anonymous No. 16241812

Well what if it had been rated for 92 atmospheres?

Anonymous No. 16241815


Anonymous No. 16241820

Are y'all really still watching f9 missions

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cyber rotor.jpg

Anonymous No. 16241823

NASA wants to deploy Cyber Dragonfly for Saturn

Anonymous No. 16241826

Powered by AGI

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Anonymous No. 16241829

If they keep the current mission of not sending it to the lakes and we wait until 2034 or whatever to see some fucking roggs then I'm going to infiltrate their facility and destroy the drone.

Anonymous No. 16241831

I'm about to poo on the toilet, tips?

Anonymous No. 16241835

don't be afraid to take risks

Anonymous No. 16241841

The US needs India for ____

Anonymous No. 16241843

jump on the Discord, I have access to the government building it will be stored in

Anonymous No. 16241844

I don’t see you complaining about other sounding rocket manufacturers.

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Zubrin pyromania.jpg

Anonymous No. 16241846


Anonymous No. 16241847
>Propellant load is underway for Falcon 9’s launch of the SES Satellites ASTRA 1P mission from Florida. Teams are continuing to monitor winds

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Anonymous No. 16241849

Is the starliner failure really due to DEI?

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rosetta comet.jpg

Anonymous No. 16241851

Anonymous No. 16241852

>An out of frame moon creates a lens flare and illuminates the Dragon perched atop the International Space Station. Photo taken looking out Starliner’s window. 1/1.3 s exposure, 2000 ISO, f1.4, 24mm lens

Anonymous No. 16241853

QRD on this guy?

Anonymous No. 16241854

why not simply remove the residents?

Anonymous No. 16241855

They're going to die aren't they?

Anonymous No. 16241858

post it

Anonymous No. 16241859

No, but Boeing's DEI infestation and Starliner's issues both have the same root case: Boeing replacing their engineering-based management with an MBA-based one

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Anonymous No. 16241861

mfw when we're getting our 2nd starship launch while starliner is still standard in space.

Anonymous No. 16241863

this image is inaccurate
the shuttle has door guns

Anonymous No. 16241865

Propellant load is underway for Falcon 9’s launch of the @SES_Satellites
ASTRA 1P mission from Florida. Teams are continuing to monitor winds

Anonymous No. 16241867

Zubrin is such a loser, irrelevant sci Fi author who makes the same 3 takes over and over

Anonymous No. 16241869

Very real possibility. I mean what can they even do if it's stuck there? Tow it with a dragon and fuck it off into a different orbit? Lol lmao

Anonymous No. 16241870

Just like Felon Husk

Anonymous No. 16241873

kek, burned

Anonymous No. 16241874

you sound like he had sex with your mother or something

Anonymous No. 16241875

is /sfg/ raiding /esg/? because its really entertaining

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Anonymous No. 16241876

he's stuck it in a few moms

Anonymous No. 16241878

Thinking a bald star trek nerd is getting with anyone's mom

Anonymous No. 16241881

Twitter stream is up

Anonymous No. 16241883

he got yours clearly

Anonymous No. 16241886

lookit them clouds go mann

Anonymous No. 16241888

>Bald sniveling freak
Oh my god!!!! Our guy our guy!!!!

Anonymous No. 16241891

This, Zubin is our guy. Good chance the first country on Mars is named after him

Anonymous No. 16241894

fat sat

lose wait fatty

space diet

Anonymous No. 16241896

to today I learned zubrin was some anons step dad at one point haha

Anonymous No. 16241897

>lets see this launch
>t: 15:00


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Anonymous No. 16241898


Anonymous No. 16241899

That's IT. REMOVE the atmosphere... NOW.

Anonymous No. 16241901


Anonymous No. 16241904

fuck them clouds

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Anonymous No. 16241906

>Gradatim Gradociter

Anonymous No. 16241911

We're not completely out of launches yet
>As SpaceX continues to look for an opportunity within the overcast weather to launch SES's Astra 1P mission from Cape Canaveral tonight, they adjusted the liftoff time for the Starlink 9-1 mission. The new T-0 liftoff from Vandenberg Space Force Base is now 8:40 pm PDT (11:40 pm EDT, 0340 UTC).

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TRS- Skylab shuttle.jpg

Anonymous No. 16241913

Anonymous No. 16241914

Starliner has a 45-day hard limit. So unless they launch in the first week of July, this won't happen. As funny as it would be.

Anonymous No. 16241919

Crazy that /sfg/ has been the genesis for interplanetary racism. I will ride eternal, shiny and chrome as the person who coined "urf".

Anonymous No. 16241920

Those teeth are beautiful

Anonymous No. 16241923

Those are lips.

Anonymous No. 16241924

rockets don't have lips

Anonymous No. 16241926


Anonymous No. 16241927


Anonymous No. 16241930


Anonymous No. 16241931

>Artemis Accords
more like
>you will assimilate into our pro lgbt blm judaeo american new world order accords

Anonymous No. 16241935

>t. eternal earther

Anonymous No. 16241937

I will get into space through the private sector

Anonymous No. 16241938

You and what non-American commercial space program?

Anonymous No. 16241947

spaceX in year 2045

Anonymous No. 16241948

i don't think /sfg/ realizes how much of a scifi space opera the taiwan war is going to be. i can't wait.

Anonymous No. 16241949

you mean the China Vietnam war which will take the world by surprise

Anonymous No. 16241950

They are clearly teeth

Anonymous No. 16241951

spacex by then will be boeing 2.0

Anonymous No. 16241952

you mean the Finno-Korean Hyper War?

Anonymous No. 16241954

fuck up commiepoof

Anonymous No. 16241955

This is me samefagging btw

Anonymous No. 16241957

wet yourself again, bitch?

Anonymous No. 16241958

>This is me samefagging btw

Anonymous No. 16241959

why would you think so? I'd think it would be a bog-standard marine invasion, just much larger than anything attempted in the past.

Anonymous No. 16241960

unless the initial invasion attempt fails and it drags out for years and both sides have to pour trillions into gaining escalation dominance in LEO

Anonymous No. 16241963

>head of mars society, fierce proponent of human spaceflight and mars colonization
>author of multiple books (normies should read "the case for mars")
>Musk consulted with him before starting SpaceX
>proponent of Nuclear Salt Water Rockets (a method of propulsion too based for this world)
>his political agitation for a heavy lift rocket and designs for said rocket were bastardized and used to support the constellation program.
>proponent of a "mini-starship"
>notable for his pungent odor
>former commie

Anonymous No. 16241968

*proponent AND inventor of NSWR

Anonymous No. 16241973

>earther scum general

Anonymous No. 16241974

This is me samefagging btw

Anonymous No. 16241975

this is me

Anonymous No. 16241978


Anonymous No. 16241981

Primitive earthers don't deserve this knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16241984

elon's wasted so much time and effort on starlship that now spacex has forgotten how to launch a falcon 9. beginning of the end.

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Anonymous No. 16241995

I don't think it will ever become a shooting war. The cost of a potential war and the benefits of peace continue to rise.

Who do you imagine would pull the trigger? Certainly not Taipei! And the last thing Beijing wants is economic disturbances and the potential for a real global war that might unsettle the political structure of China itself.

There's even the possibility that some day a political solution might be reached.

Anonymous No. 16242003

Could have said more or less the same thing with russia and ukraine

Anonymous No. 16242010

I'll admit that I don't know why the Russians invaded Ukraine, or why every faggot on Earth wants to spend every last milliliter of Ukrainian blood to accomplish... the destruction of Ukraine?

But I am much better informed about China than about Russia.

Anonymous No. 16242012

i'm pretty sure they want american missiles getting stockpiled in taiwan even less than that. wars would never happen if everyone just looked at a cost-benefit analysis of the economics, which means that if you think nation-states pull the trigger primarily for economic reasons then you've got an undertheorized sense of history.

Anonymous No. 16242013

>I'll admit that I don't know why the Russians invaded Ukraine

To seize black sea territory, stop ethnic Russians getting fucked over and make sure America isn't sticking more bases, missiles and nukes directly on their border.

Anonymous No. 16242018

The current ruling class of the PRC lives very comfortably and it's my understanding that even internal politics is regulated largely on a cost-benefit analysis, with officials being promoted on the basis of the economic growth and political stability of the regions they govern.

Anonymous No. 16242032

Thats just surface level. The PRC ruling class isn't just sitting around aimlessly for these things. They are doing on on the basis of growing China's economy, military, political, cultural influences.

Right now, the game with Taiwan is that of pushing America away from the pacific corridor. They seek a secure passage between China and Pacific ocean. They dont have that. Taiwan island takeover is just another justification on top of Taiwan being part of the old civil war faction unification propaganda.

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Anonymous No. 16242046

>They seek a secure passage between China and Pacific ocean.
nearly the entire population of mainland China lives on or near the Pacific coast

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Anonymous No. 16242055

Anonymous No. 16242061

and right now the us has the ability to seal off traffic trying to enter the pacific from any point on the chinese coast thanks to control of japan/taiwan/philippines. lose any one of those and the suddenly the whole pacific is opened up to great power competiton.

Anonymous No. 16242064

But they dont cant leave without American guard posts thats why they're trapped right now. First island chains are all under American or allies control. Taiwan extends the large gap between Japan and Philippines and completes the chain.

Anonymous No. 16242068

>You mean go bomb an oil rig or a supertanker
Ahh yes because giant oil spills are completely harmless to the ecosystem. Thank God that oil won't get burned in an engine now

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Anonymous No. 16242073


Anonymous No. 16242078

China is just one country sized city

Anonymous No. 16242092
Take two

Weather is looking like it's only 30% go for ASTRA 1's next try tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16242098

Sounds kinda based!

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Anonymous No. 16242120

>All systems are looking good, weather is 90% favorable, and propellant load is about to begin for today’s launch of 20 Starlink satellites from California

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Anonymous No. 16242123

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Anonymous No. 16242130

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Anonymous No. 16242138


Anonymous No. 16242139

corporate gaslights

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Anonymous No. 16242142

Dont trust a snake

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Anonymous No. 16242143

Anonymous No. 16242144

Russia has dire need of toilets and washing machines

Anonymous No. 16242145

America can do that from fucking Hawaii you realize that right

Anonymous No. 16242148

and how do you propose stopping a chinese navy from blockading tokyo all the way from hawaii?

Anonymous No. 16242150

drive a cargo ship through the blockade
carrier strike group sinks entire chinese navy when they chimp out
I throw rocks at beijing from the moon

Anonymous No. 16242151

Did the countdown guy say "Go SpaceX, go Drago---Falcon!"

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Anonymous No. 16242152

Lying. Everyone in the business drops what they're doing to watch every starship launch

Anonymous No. 16242156

>dude just sink the enemy ships
naval warfare is literally so easy

Anonymous No. 16242157

I leave the unfathomable level of violence to your imagination but I assure you it is quite possible

Anonymous No. 16242169

It's fucked up how many people get crammed on board even a destroyer, and what the loss of life is if one sinks.

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Anonymous No. 16242173

Anonymous No. 16242175

>border chyna
>have border dispute with chyna
>have longstanding foreign policy stance of being unaligned, but history of colonial butthurt has caused you to mingle with anti-western blocs in the past
Involving India in the Artemis Program gives India a high profile prestige project to prove to the world they aren't just street shitting jeets, and gives the US a partner with capital to invest in the Artemis program as well an easy olive branch to India, with whom they would like to drive a wedge between the rest of the BRICS squad.

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Anonymous No. 16242178

clay isn't determined solely by chemical composition but also the size of the sediments. although martian soil probably has plenty of small, clay-like sediments that could be sifted out of it and make into bricks. this big issue is that brick and mortar is porous so it doesn't overcoming the biggest hurdle of building habitats on mars which is making the habitats airtight. at best the clay bricks could just be for structural support or for an external wall

cooking clay bricks isn't that hard, especially with modern technology

Anonymous No. 16242186

The whole anti-India stance US has is due to Nixon and we're still not fully patched yet. WTF.

Like seriously. Since GWBush, we've been trying to patch relations with India for a long time, but never fully comitting and allying with Pakistan from time to time to stop the full on repairing of relations

Anonymous No. 16242188

Poisoning the well I see

Anonymous No. 16242193


Anonymous No. 16242195

Not that it was a great choice or smart, but we felt we had to ally with Pakistan to get viable supply lines into Afghanistan. Airborne supply from a nearby allied nation was never an economical option and the other three land options were going east out of Iran, west through China, or south through infrastructure-deficient Russia. It's not an easy nation to get to.

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Anonymous No. 16242212

>bricks not airtight
A simple plastic liner is all you'd need, but the real key is just making your brick structure heavy and strong enough so that it has enough integrity in 1/3rd g to resist your 1 bar of pressure. Any brick structure that thick would have extremely minimal atmosphere loss due to porosity, and those pores would get plugged with frost anyways. The biggest issue to look out for would be cracking and spalling due to the ~200°f temperature differential between inside and outside.

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Anonymous No. 16242220

>needs plastic liner
>needs insulation
Two birds with one stone if you use the right spray foam. Bricks act as conductors byw

Anonymous No. 16242223


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Anonymous No. 16242224

Biggest hurdle facing mars brick mansonry would be a making a mortar that's workable at -150°f in essentially a vacuum

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Anonymous No. 16242249

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Anonymous No. 16242253

runny epoxy + regolith as filler = martian bog

viscosity needs to be tested at the temperature, but I don't see why it would not work
not only it does not care about vacuum, you are actually encouraged to put the resin in vacuum to get rid of bubbles when working with resin

Anonymous No. 16242257

>I got to his hotel room and he really did just show me rocket videos

Anonymous No. 16242259

This seems like a good idea. You normally wouldn't make plastic/dirt composite bricks but that could work well

Anonymous No. 16242265

literally me

Anonymous No. 16242278

Good night

Anonymous No. 16242281

Where are you getting epoxy on mars

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Anonymous No. 16242293

>starship starts launching so regularly it becomes as mundane as a falcon 9 drone ship landing

Anonymous No. 16242294

cute hat!

Anonymous No. 16242297

The true mark of success with revolutionary technology is its ubiquity and banality.

Anonymous No. 16242299

starship epoxy redacted

Anonymous No. 16242300

im still happy every time i watch a falcon9 landing

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ayo lemme hold a ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16242316


Anonymous No. 16242333

all the straits are surrounded by American allies and American bases - SK, Japan and Okinawa chain of Islands, Taiwan, Philippines and Vietnam (despite everything, they hate Chinese more than Americans)
you have like 300 km gaps that are covered by anti-ship missiles and airfields

Anonymous No. 16242353

cute, why didn't he stay with her?

Anonymous No. 16242356

Short term, import. A couple hundred tons of resin is enough for a fairly large structure, especially if you use sintered bricks and as main building material and only use it as a concreate/mortar/sealant
Long term, epoxy resin chemical plant should be a pretty high priority. If you can make fuel, you can make any hydrocarbon based plastic.

you could also use bioreactors and grow bacteria producing protein based binder, like albumin
I remember some study proposed blood albumin and that's really fucking stupid (unless you wish to take "blood and soil" slogan literally)

Anonymous No. 16242364

If you are sintering blocks you might as well just go ahead and sinter a continuous building, it would be structurally superior too.

Anonymous No. 16242365

when is the next starship flight bros?
I want to see more plasma tile deconstruction kino

Anonymous No. 16242368

>more plasma tile deconstruction kino
I think uninterrupted, unobstructed real time video from re-entry down to a vertical soft splashdown will be the most kino thing yet.

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Anonymous No. 16242370

Anonymous No. 16242377



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Anonymous No. 16242382


Anonymous No. 16242405

>I'll admit that I don't know why the Russians invaded Ukraine
The Russians are trying to prevent the ZOG in Kiev from being used by the (((West))) as a forward operating base against Putin/Russia in the same way the (((West))) conspired against Assad/Syria, the Russians saw this firsthand during their intervention in Syria which saved Assad and saved Syria from being annexed by Israel. Since the (((West))) took control of the Ukraine in 2014 and are in the process of transforming it into New Khazaria the Russians have realized they are now in the same position Syria was in prior to the (((West))) creating/funding/supplying ISIS and unleashing it on the Syrians. It was a pre-emptive strike so to speak.

Anonymous No. 16242406

>resist your 1 bar of pressure.
Mars standard will be half a bar about 40% O and 60% N

Anonymous No. 16242422

>kill people pumping oil
>no more oil pumped to burn
Simple as

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Anonymous No. 16242424

based elon
at least he has orbital rockets to show videos of

Anonymous No. 16242462


It's all about oil.
>Europe wants cheap oil and raw resources to power its industries, steadily begins aligning with russia instead of US for russias cheap oil
>US policy for the last couple of decades is to cut europe from russian oil by funding revolutions in various countries (including ukraine)
>Russia trying to be closer with europe to increase the competency of its military and support its economy, plan is to eventually replace US as "protector of Europe" (hegemon) and create a multipolar world.
>slavs caught in the middle, either sold on "russkiy mir" or on european gibs promised by the US.

Anonymous No. 16242474

very sad for bezos that he only has a rather small rocket that cannot get up (to orbit).

Anonymous No. 16242478

geopolitical prestige/sphere of influence games bullshit on one hand
the need to murder loot and rape on the other
the oil is in the ass

Anonymous No. 16242479

>40% O
Enjoy your daily catastrophic fires

Anonymous No. 16242480

terraformers in shambles after this one.

Anonymous No. 16242489

to continue, not only does ukraine have untapped oilfields, a lot of russian pipelines run through ukraine.
If russia hadn't invaded, ukraine would have acted as a middleman and billed russia for the privilege of transporting oil through it, making russian oil more expensive. Then the US would've destroyed nordstream later on. Ukraine would've then poured everything into tapping those oilfields.

The US trapped russia, and the russians decided they to head it off by invasion.

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Anonymous No. 16242651

Anonymous No. 16242823

>plan is to eventually replace US as "protector of Europe" (hegemon) and create a multipolar world
I think the Russians already tried that, but it didn't turn out very well. Something about a wall?

Anonymous No. 16242837

I love Elon so much it's unreal

Anonymous No. 16242866

>He's just like me fr fr
Based autist musk

Anonymous No. 16242884

Putin views the collapse of the SU as the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century. His administration has always been interested in clawing back both what was lost and what was almost gained.