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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16242376

India-US cooperation edition

previous >>16239590

Anonymous No. 16242378
>WASHINGTON — The governments of the United States and India announced June 17 they are moving ahead with cooperation on human spaceflight that would include flying an Indian astronaut to the International Space Station, although with few details on who would fly and when.
>The most likely scenario for flying an Indian astronaut to the ISS would be through a private astronaut mission, which would spend up to two weeks at the station. The next such mission is Axiom Space’s Ax-4, scheduled for late this year, although the company has not disclosed the crew for that mission or training plans.

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Anonymous No. 16242386
>During a news conference on Tuesday, the program manager for NASA's Commercial Crew Program, Steve Stich, said the four-day delay in the spacecraft's return would "give our team a little bit more time to look at the data, do some analysis, and make sure we're really ready to come home."

Anonymous No. 16242393

poo in space

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Anonymous No. 16242396

Musk speaking at some event soon apparently, didn't find a link to a livestream

Anonymous No. 16242403

Elon interviews are always the same unless the interviewer is some kind of autist who can get him to talk about the actual products.

Anonymous No. 16242407

Yeah I usually skip them now and just wait for some autist in here to scrape any new info into a greentext list. Really heard enough aeroplane analogies for several lifetimes by now.

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Anonymous No. 16242427

>order of magnitude
>holy grail of rocketry
>throwing away boeing 747
>rapid reusability

Anonymous No. 16242433

>stutter stutter make life interplanetary
Well, I guess normies need it spoonfed with the tiniest of spoons again and again.

Anonymous No. 16242435

1. You'll never achieve this feat successfully.
2. We only need this planet.
3. People who support space travel with rocketry are one of the most stupid.
4. Our world is in turmoil - the economy leads to no where and there are tyrants who want to enforce its ideology further.
5. Ignore this thread. It's a cess pit of the unintelligent.

Anonymous No. 16242439

>1. You'll never achieve this feat successfully.
Not with that attitude. Stay in your bucket, crab.

Anonymous No. 16242440

You really had me bro

I'll kiss your ass
I'll eat your fart

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Anonymous No. 16242449

Anonymous No. 16242465

why do they even bother with public commentary?

Anonymous No. 16242470

ISS is about to become a lot more smelly.

Anonymous No. 16242475

Imagine having to share a space station with poojeets. I can smell the average street shitter from 6ft away.

Anonymous No. 16242488

the real lesson to be learnt from malthus and his depopulation ideology is that he wasnt racist enough. he beleived the squalour and filth of india was due to overcrowding and not due to indians.

Anonymous No. 16242504

Those jumpsuits look stupid, it's like they ran out of blue material and figured nobody would notice if they used white to finish them.

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Anonymous No. 16242507

Kinda cute that they all think the Internet is Reddit.

Anonymous No. 16242509

it kind of is at this point.

Anonymous No. 16242510

thought the same. looks ridiculous

Anonymous No. 16242519

I thought there might have been some historical significance and they were mimicking some kind of ancient dress, but nope.
This is apparently the best of indian high fashion "technology", and is meant to symbolize being energetic.

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Anonymous No. 16242559
>Starship's New Launch Tower is Rising | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16242560

>June 15 photo
pls snap something newer if you want me to click on your video

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Anonymous No. 16242562


Anonymous No. 16242564

two different summaries of the talk that musk reposted or replied to, nothing (new) about SpaceX
>• Soon, there will be 20 billion ‘Generalised human robots’ that do work for us. There will be one for every person and more in industry.

Anonymous No. 16242567

Shut the fuck up about AI you stupid niggers not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16242580

somebody doesn't have situational awareness

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Anonymous No. 16242587

what could this material be? people keep saying some kind of silicone mat thing but has something like that been used as ablative heat shield material before?

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Anonymous No. 16242588


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Anonymous No. 16242589


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Anonymous No. 16242590


Anonymous No. 16242597

it's truck bed liner -t. knower

Anonymous No. 16242601

sure doesn't look very ablative whatever it is.

Anonymous No. 16242619

thats fair. some said the same thing about apollo 13

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Anonymous No. 16242631

Elon Mog

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Anonymous No. 16242641

Why are we not planning a mission to apophis? In april 2029 this asteroid will pass by as close as 40.000km from the earth! Its the perfect moment to test the first manned mission to a asteroid, its a shame no one proposed to do it, and we got no time to develop theses technologies in less than 5 years...

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Anonymous No. 16242648

we need to capture one

Anonymous No. 16242656

that didn't go so well for bruce willis. not recommended

Anonymous No. 16242658

>In april 2029 this asteroid will pass by as close as 40.000km from the earth!
Yeah, but at what relative velocity? Never mind, I asked my AI. It says 30 km per second. That's roughly 3 times faster than the fastest part of the Apollo missions. Hard to imagine how we'd haul up enough fuel to get up to that speed and then decelerate again at the end of the mission.

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Anonymous No. 16242659

OSIRIS REX is tasked with that next.
Official story: After dropping off a sample capsule, the spacecraft has a new mission to flyby and photograph asteroid Apophis.

My tinfoil theory: Apophis is on a collision course, NASA knows, OSIRIS will be used to impact Apophis in an attempted redirect so it misses us. They do not want us to know the danger we are in.

Anonymous No. 16242660


Melo No. 16242661

I don't think no is appropriate, you made me make a mistake, and it cost me. There's a lot not to forgive you for, if I'm gonna do that I'll require sense from you. Apparently this is ok. I'm just playing by the colors, doing what is lawful and beneficent for all.

Anonymous No. 16242665

SRBs. the technology already exists. its called the X-71

Anonymous No. 16242667

whats with all of these space companies going under or having layoffs? spacex is the only profitable company or what?

Anonymous No. 16242668

a lot of space companies only exist as VC scams
unfortunately it's impossible to tell which ones are real and which ones are fake, even for the guys making them

Anonymous No. 16242669

Spacex is the only one with reusability.
For some bizarre reason companies have up until now been extremely reluctant to develop reusable rockets. They are reaping the fruits of their inaction and now everyone is scrambling to develop reusable rockets before spacex puts them out of business.

Anonymous No. 16242678

The starship launch pad is going to be less reusable than the ship, isn't it

Anonymous No. 16242692

Looks that way. They really need to figure out the hold down clamp and QD arm shit.

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Anonymous No. 16242693

I still can't believe those fools actually sent Baba Yaga to the ISS

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Anonymous No. 16242696

Is there an advantage to having chinmaxxed astronauts?

Anonymous No. 16242701

I heard she brought an apple up with her, a shiny perfect apple to offer to a younger, prettier astronaut.

Anonymous No. 16242703

Anonymous No. 16242709

buy an ad

Anonymous No. 16242713

they are more stable during reentry

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Anonymous No. 16242720

Shriek and maniacal laughter could be heard from the airlock, as she departed on Broom-1.

Anonymous No. 16242722

Wicked Witch of the ISS

Anonymous No. 16242724


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Anonymous No. 16242725

I know it's overdone, but can someone explain the psychology of the people online that rabidly defend this thing? Is it just Musk seeth or what? I mean even assuming they suddenly cancel Starship, the falcon heavy can do 90% of SLS for 40x less dev cost and 20x less launch cost. If you actually like space and care where the limited budget goes you should fucking hate this thing

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Anonymous No. 16242727

Can confirm, the chin is for stability when dividing a fluid flow

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Anonymous No. 16242728


Anonymous No. 16242730

Only witchcraft can save this mission from going full Boing

Anonymous No. 16242731

all i can see it being is the sunk cost. for the luanches its done its obviously a success but how man is that over how long and for how much? i dont really understand it.

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Anonymous No. 16242734

And you can't throw a bucket of water over her cause it would damage the station. Acid blood xenomorph on Nostromo type situation.

Anonymous No. 16242735

exactly. the similarity of the profile is uncanny and must be one of those engineering-inspired-by-nature examples.

Anonymous No. 16242736

You can't drop a house on her either in zero-G

Anonymous No. 16242737

that's very rude, ageist and sexist
I would never say something like that to an astronaut of her calibre
also I don't want to get turned into a frog

Anonymous No. 16242739

i wonder if anyone ever pranked the rest of the crew by reenacting the chest bursting scene at dinner

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Anonymous No. 16242741

I'm sure she's a very nice and competent professional but the witch jokes are self-sustaining at this point and will continue.

Anonymous No. 16242742

>Is it just Musk seeth or what?
In a lot of cases, yes. There are a lot of NPC s that have been programed to respond negatively to anything Elon does. Beyond that there are a few oldspace gognards who can stand the fact that Elon is doing more for the causes they championed than they ever did.

Anonymous No. 16242745

its all just harmless jesting. ive no doubt she's extremely competent and has done more than i'll ever do.

Anonymous No. 16242747

>can someone explain the psychology of the people online that rabidly defend this thing? Is it just Musk seeth or what?
A not insubstantial number of people online who defend this thing are actually employed in some capacity by it's existence.
You can't make someone understand something if their job depends on them not understanding it.

Anonymous No. 16242748

>For some bizarre reason companies have up until now been extremely reluctant to develop reusable rockets
Companies have a deep distrust of their own hardware for some reason despite pouring more care than SpaceX ever does.
Countless anyerisms have probably been caused everytime an f9 gets laid out under a tarp outside for a few days only to get dragged out for it's 10th for 15th launch. Meanwhile everyone else's single use boosters are in clean rooms.

Companies cannot fathom this amount of faith in their own hardware and processes. Alot of it is just due to boomer caution with the traditional prime directive of a rocket launch being success for the client. There has been a huge waiting period for F9 rockets to just fall out the sky hench the delayed reaction for reusablity, but now since F9 is pushing near perfect reliability figures, oldpsace companies actually have to innovate

Anonymous No. 16242749

This juneteenth, I propose we terraform galveston to not look like a depressing piece of shit city

Anonymous No. 16242751

Thats a good explanation, thanks for adding to the discussion.

Anonymous No. 16242752

I don't think it's just sunk cost, look at the comments on the most popular video on the channel that this faggot >>16242703 posted. It's like they don't realize that NASA is run by bureaucrats and the contractors are run by accountants, they live in a world where these organizations maintain the legitimacy gained from engineering practices that haven't existed for 50 years.
I buy it. I saw someone comparing Boeing's leaky shit to Starship the other day. Musk has them defending Boeing of all things
What does this say for the future of NASA?

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Anonymous No. 16242754

Anonymous No. 16242756

>I don't think it's just sunk cost,
im sure you're right. theres a distinct opposition to private companies furthering spaceflight in some quarters.

Anonymous No. 16242758

>What does this say for the future of NASA?
Probably not much. This entire edifice was maintained by having no alternatives to compare to. Now that we know there are better options trying to deny it just makes you look foolish.
Even though nasa is run by boomers they're still currently doing all their new contracts on fixed price with commercial companies.

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Anonymous No. 16242759

Anonymous No. 16242763

its has some merit

Anonymous No. 16242768


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Anonymous No. 16242770

t. slave in the afterlife

Anonymous No. 16242772

A bulbous bow is a streamlined flaring or protruding bulb at the bow (or chin) of a spaceship, most effective just below the Kármán line. The flare or bulb modifies the way the plasma flows around the hull, reducing drag induced hot spots, and thus increasing stability, limiting heat transfer, enhancing maneuverability and reentry target range. Space vehicles with bulbous bows generally have twelve to fifteen percent better reentry performance than similar vessels without them. A bulbous bow also decreases the peak temperature of the forward part and hence reduces the ablative tile damage of the heat shield to a small degree. Vessels with high kinetic energy, which is proportional to mass and the square of the velocity, benefit from having a bulbous bow that is designed for hyper-sonic operating speed; this includes vessels with high mass or a high service speed, such as the Dream Chaser spaceplane developed by Sierra Space, and the Boeing Starliner.

Anonymous No. 16242775

alas poor Boeing, i knew him well

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Anonymous No. 16242778
>SSLV-D3 - the third and final developmental flight of SSLV, is scheduled to launch NET 10 July! After the successful completion of this mission, SSLV will become operational.

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Anonymous No. 16242779

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Anonymous No. 16242794

>It's probably a few cm's thick and considering it's the backup layer it's not supposed to be heavy duty.

Anonymous No. 16242796

>For some bizarre reason companies have up until now been extremely reluctant to develop reusable rockets

Before SpaceX came along the existing launch providers were incredibly risk adverse and had no incentive to make launches cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16242803

Yeah but the likes of rocketlab, firefly, ABL, relativity and astra did have incentive to make launches cheaper and they still dragged their feet for years on reusability.

Anonymous No. 16242807

>Here is the full conversation between Mark Read and Elon at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity today.

Anonymous No. 16242808

america continues to decline day by day. only revolution or invasion by a superior power can save us.

Anonymous No. 16242810

China can save them

Anonymous No. 16242812

Empires always decline like this, and they usually last a lot longer than you would've thought, so we have some time until things 'collapse'.
All the authorities have to do is stay out of the way of spaceflight for a little bit.

Anonymous No. 16242821

>american caesar takes over
>demands a return to manifest destiny
>sends colony ships out into space to colonize more land for his new empire

Anonymous No. 16242826

>the colonies are filled with americans
>they larp boston harbor
>now dozens of independent space colonies larping america
Truly a dark and disturbing future ahead of us.

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Anonymous No. 16242828

>>now dozens of independent space colonies larping america
That isn't dark and disturbing that's fucking radical and awesome.

Anonymous No. 16242830

>The reason they haven't been able to provide broadband to families that need it is they've added all kinds of woke DEI requirements for getting the fund including:
lmao of course

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Anonymous No. 16242831

>american caesar

Anonymous No. 16242832

>400 years from now
>all of the independent american colonies are corrupt empires
>the solar system devolves into space war 1
i was born too early

Anonymous No. 16242833

It's a bit funny that Musk got Tesla basedboys to hate diversity.

Anonymous No. 16242838

they not only hate diversity now, they hate biden and sometimes even democrats as a whole
not sure if the Biden admin and Democrat attacks have actually backfired in a major way (the twitter bubble might be misleading), so overall not really sure
a lot more people dislike Musk now but on the other hand a lot of people that follow what Musk does have started to dislike the things democrats do, though the latter might be just a coincidence
you would think people get sick of crime and decay at some point even if Musk doesn't point it out

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Anonymous No. 16242841
>Wet-dress rehearsal of Ariane6 launch delayed by a couple of days, now set for June 20. No effect on planned July 9 inaugural flight. Vehicle, on launch pad, to be filled with fuel; countdown proceeds to just before ignition. Then fuel is drained and results assessed.

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Anonymous No. 16242842

>50+ American colonies scattered around
>still unified by ties to Old America
>ratify system-wide constitution
>become the United States of Space

Anonymous No. 16242849

I don't know, people are jonesing for a dictator right now. It's a pretty common side effect of the sort of legal gridlock stagnation we're seeing. I just hope he likes space

Anonymous No. 16242851

Spacetime separation will be political separation
It will be like the 1700's. Unless you constantly are swapping out governors from the motherland, your colony will declare independence

Anonymous No. 16242854

maximum schadenfreud, considering their administration denied SpaceX their grant for providing the same service via Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16242855

Heaven is high and the emperor is far away.

Anonymous No. 16242864

i'm not sure starlink isn't better off in the long run for losing the contract and avoiding the same sort of DEI compliance issues facing every other infrastructure contractor for this administration

Anonymous No. 16242868

In the Americas you could make tools from local wood and stone to farm local crops. Not true anywhere else in the observable universe including Mars. Mars would need to be completely self sufficient plus be able to compete militarily. You can't cede from the US if your rocket factory and launch complex is in the US. That also incentivizes the US to prevent the off world export of certain key technologies that would allow for self sufficiency.

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Anonymous No. 16242872
>For a second day in a row, poor weather is causing SpaceX to stand down from a launch attempt of the Astra 1P satellite to geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) on behalf of one of its oldest customers: Luxembourg-based SES. The decision came after a weather-related launch scrub on Tuesday.
>“Dominant easterly flow will continue through the rest of this week as an easterly wave draws nearer,” the forecast stated. “Wind speeds will be in the 25-30mph range for a Wednesday night launch attempt, with gusts potentially reaching 35-40mph within any shower activity.”
>The 24-hour backup scenario on Thursday is slightly better with conditions forecast to be 40 percent favorable for a launch from Florida’s Space Coast. Liftoff winds become less of a concern, but meteorologists believe anvil clouds may play a prominent role.

Anonymous No. 16242874

>plus be able to compete militarily
They only need to compete militarily in the space domain, I think getting an army large enough to reconquer a rebellious colony across space and with several months to years of warning will be quite the challenge.
Space based nations will have an asymmetric advantage in this regard.

Anonymous No. 16242876


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Anonymous No. 16242877

Imagine being an Imperial Earth Marine sent to crush uppity rustsucker stick insects. Wouldn't need a weapon, just your robust 1-g physique lmao

Anonymous No. 16242878

colonies that aren't self sufficient are just research bases: there isn't a lot of point to them, and they should be avoided at all cost because they are destined to always be small expensive outposts.

Anonymous No. 16242885

More seriously I think just getting to rebellious colonies will be a major challenge, the trip takes months to years and the colony can fire unmanned interceptors at you the entire way while you can't really do the same.

Anonymous No. 16242886

why would you want to avoid them at all costs? we'd learn more from a research base on mars in 6 months than we've learned from all probes ever sent there combined.

Anonymous No. 16242888

unironically cargo culting oldspace before SpaceX proved the viability of reuse

Anonymous No. 16242889

A colony is a self sufficient research base and doesn't cause voters to occasionally chimp out over their wages being sent to Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16242891

its over

Anonymous No. 16242892

The 'caesar' moment already happened, and it was a lot more boring this time around:
Caesar represented the extreme weakening of the roman empire's powerful families which had held power since it's inception. The senate was against him, but he forced his way into power. This 'outsider gets in' moment is the beginning of the end for all empires, and is destined to repeat itself: the legitimacy of the ruling class is irrecoverably broken at it's foundations. The educated WASP political elites that established the US are no longer around, and have been supplanted for a while now, the spiral has already begun. Note that rome lasted a long time after caesar and even achieved its greatest heights under the imperial system. But the problems that system had started eventually crumbled the empire, and the byzantines under its self reinforcing inefficiencies in a death spiral of backstabbing and scheming (outsiders forcing their way in until all legitimacy was gone, right up until the end).

Anonymous No. 16242897

I hope life in space will allow trying different societies "So you want a hippy commune/anarcho-capitalist "society"/techno-monarchy? Well take this asteroid, don't bother the neighbors and gtfo."

Anonymous No. 16242900

As if anyone could stop a bunch of hippies or fascists from taking over some random asteroid.

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Anonymous No. 16242901

> da colonies will rebel! muh Bawstun tee pardy!
neuralink prevents this

Anonymous No. 16242902

That's the real reason for expansion into space, groups of people who do not want to live around other groups can have somewhere to fuck off to. Everyone's happy.

Anonymous No. 16242904

a common trope in scifi is a bunch of orbitals or small colonies with their own sometimes very wierd political systems

Anonymous No. 16242905

i don't think that sort of thing ever really happens. there are no live-and-let-live epochs in history, just epochs where it's too costly to monitor what everybody's up to. if people know that someone's turned vesta into space epstein island do you really think they're gonna shrug their shoulders and let it be?

Anonymous No. 16242909

I think theres quite a difference between a colony founded by and for pedos and one founded so a bunch of hippies could drop acid in peace.

Anonymous No. 16242914

I thought that bulge was for sonar

Anonymous No. 16242916

of course you do. you've got your own conception of what ought to be in the overton window, and everyone else has theirs. you're not going to start thinking that pedos are more tolerable than before just because they live in space. nobody else is going to change their minds on acid-dropping hippies or techno-monarchists just because they live in space either.

Anonymous No. 16242917

Neuralink can't really operate over interplanetary distances, even if you tried, the x second delay both ways is impossible to get around. Even if everyone had a neuralink, the networks would be per planetary body.

Anonymous No. 16242920

>superior power
Name one for as shit as the US is. It's the least shit of the major powers

Anonymous No. 16242921

I don't think it will really happen either, but not for that reason. Honestly, if rape-land doesn't try to invade other people it's not my problem. In fact it's more or less what happens right now on Earth, there's various conflicts (Sudan, Myanmar, etc.) where tens of thousands of people are killed every year and no one gives a fuck.

Anonymous No. 16242928

Last I'd heard Libya had open-air slave auctions since we destabilized it, nobody gives a fuck even though you'd think they would.
>we came, we saw, he died!

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Anonymous No. 16242930

When can we expect a drydock in orbit for starship? Loading/unloading customers/refueling/upgrades/repairs/etc

Anonymous No. 16242932

Boeing Saarliner will reenter unscrewed due to thruster issues. Good morning saar

Anonymous No. 16242933

good to hear, we've all been worried it was screwed

Anonymous No. 16242937

prime example is the Glitter Band in Alistair Reynolds' Revelation Space series

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Anonymous No. 16242940

Wasn't this inside one of the gaps in the heatshield on IFT-4? Wouldn't it mean it flew already and presumably they have data on how well it performs?

Anonymous No. 16242941

That was a thinner variant tile if memory serves.

Anonymous No. 16242947

Good assumption. If it was an ablative test on IFT-4, then they have good data.

Anonymous No. 16242951

I don't think people need to change their minds about acid dropping space hippies of weirdo techno monarchists.
The former are already persecuted only half heartedly and reluctantly. Theres entire wikis and subreddits dedicated to teaching you how to make it. There are no such things about how best to get away with kiddy diddling.
The latter aren't even taken seriously, little more than larpers. Certainly nothing that needs a military response.
Thats why I say they're quite different, not because I personally feel this way but because from what I can see thats how society feels about them.

Anonymous No. 16242953

We need these for in-orbit assembly of megaships.

Anonymous No. 16242958

Isn't it already in the "ocean" (space), so is it really dry?
This. It should be 100x bigger.

Anonymous No. 16242962

Space isn't filled with any fluids. Space is empty. Hence dry. If it was in the atmosphere, theres still air. This is in orbit without air.

Anonymous No. 16242964

Has in-vacuum manufacturing really been solved? Or are we going to see 2km pressurized bubbles so Earth standard equipment and methods will work

Anonymous No. 16242966

yeah that what I had in mind, but you have similar stuff in the Culture series and basically any big space opera (these colonies with weird customs might not really be live and let live though but happen to be that way due to other reasons as well)

Anonymous No. 16242971

I'm about one month away from submitting my resignation from my NASA job. oh well.

Anonymous No. 16242974

Post NASA mug

Anonymous No. 16242986

don't have one. I do have a lanyard

Anonymous No. 16242987

why're you going?

Anonymous No. 16242989

what's the issue, too much Biden?

Anonymous No. 16242990

If we're building 2km long ships, we'll have the tech to build the pressurized dock too

Anonymous No. 16242991

>2km pressurized bubbles
These are cool too, sure

Anonymous No. 16242996

Diversity inclusion white privilege propaganda required

Anonymous No. 16242997

Anon please answer any of these replies. I've heard rumors from inside of mass resignations. Please give non-personal details

Anonymous No. 16242998


Anonymous No. 16243000

Proof or GTFO

Anonymous No. 16243001

I think it's generally just cheaper and maybe faster to de-orbit starship and repair on the ground. If that's not feasible, it might be cheaper to just send up a replacement, since starship is supposed to be cheap and stations are so expensive to maintain.

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Anonymous No. 16243003

NUKECHADS, IT'S TIME! This bill is basically a love letter to Robert Zubrin and it passed Congress veto-proof.

Anonymous No. 16243005


Anonymous No. 16243006

Really? Out of all media outlets you chose this one?

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Anonymous No. 16243007

>I do have a lanyard
Yeah a rainbow one

Anonymous No. 16243009

can't wait for a hundred new reactor orders and 10 years from now 0 of them have broken ground

Anonymous No. 16243010


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Anonymous No. 16243011

It's honestly OK(uu) coverage this time and it's the first one I saw.

The NRC is the cause of those delays and the bill provides grounds to sue them if they try anyway.

Anonymous No. 16243013

Thanks bud

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Anonymous No. 16243015

We need deep purges

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Anonymous No. 16243017

Anonymous No. 16243019

You mean 3

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Anonymous No. 16243020

Anonymous No. 16243027

rooks the same

Anonymous No. 16243028


Anonymous No. 16243033

>people are jonesing for a dictator right now
Are they? Maybe a competent person to solve the problems, but a dictator?

Anonymous No. 16243036

the problems that need to be solved include political ones and competence would look indistinguishable from dictatorship to most people

Anonymous No. 16243041

It won't be a dictatorship if that person rules for 2 terms and then leaves.

Anonymous No. 16243042

Rome had a good idea of dictatorship.

Anonymous No. 16243044

at least at my nasa center, nah.

ok fine

somewhere not as stifling.

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Anonymous No. 16243052

I got this lanyard for helping with Artemis

Anonymous No. 16243055

It looks like they're halfway through putting on a labcoat

Anonymous No. 16243066

>I took part in rebuilding America's heavy launch capability and all I got was this lousy lanyard
At least they could've given you a shirt.

Anonymous No. 16243068

I have three shirts at least

Anonymous No. 16243069

I am, at least.
That's just sort of how they worked in the Roman Republic. Ol' Julius was an exception in being made dictator for life, the rest had limited terms and were appointed in specific times of crisis.

Anonymous No. 16243071

Think about what would need to change to end, say, lobbying. You'd need to bypass the house and senate and create laws that would crash the dinosaur companies (and therefore the entire S&P) so hard no one would ever vote for your party again. Overall the result for the country would be positive but it would be impossible to pull off within the bounds of the law, and there's no individual incentive

Anonymous No. 16243078

>Ol' Julius was an exception in being made dictator for life
And he still got a short term, alas
Oh good, you deserve at least three shirts anon.
Essentially criminals have to vote to prosecute and punish themselves, which they will never do because jail is uncomfortable. Maybe we could trick the entire political class into visiting an island then take the boats away so they're stuck out there, I bet 3/4 of them would take the bait without question as long as it was the right island.

Anonymous No. 16243079

what I deserve is higher pay lol

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Anonymous No. 16243083

Anonymous No. 16243087

I've heard the boomer leadership (who make well into the six figures and have a healthy real estate portfolio started in the 70s) are insisting on like a 0.4% yearly raise, as if NASA is a competitive employer with regards to absolutely anything since privatization

Anonymous No. 16243090

correct. there is eternal seethe here from management over the other local aerospace companies sucking away our good engineers because they pay better.

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Anonymous No. 16243092

Anonymous No. 16243095

Wait the flight 4 tour vid still isn't out? I thought I just missed it

Anonymous No. 16243097

>When can we expect
NET 2 weeks at a minimum. Seriously though, we're realistically 10 or 15 years from this

Anonymous No. 16243100

lel don’t we all wish for that

Anonymous No. 16243101

As someone benefiting from this brain drain, please don't fix this

Anonymous No. 16243102

The Presidency was explicitly modeled on the Roman dictatorship. The degree to which the President is NOT absolute dictator of the executive branch represents legislative overreach by the progressive movement over the past ~120 years to enshrine their policies and agents as the permanent government.

Anonymous No. 16243106

I'm in line to be a manager and I'm a idiot junior ""engineer"", there is like no 20-35yo cohort here it's all old farts

Anonymous No. 16243125

ehh, the degree to which the bureaucracy can thwart executive intent today is obviously stupid but the pre-civil service reform days when the president could hire and fire anyone for any reason were obviously stupid to everyone who lived through them too.

Anonymous No. 16243127

Same here, I was hired at 23 and I was the youngest guy in the office for the next ten years. Now I'm finally older than the postdocs, lol

Anonymous No. 16243133

Less stupid than now though.

Anonymous No. 16243135

literally all I do is smile and sound confident in the endless meetings. If you asked me to do any basic undergrad engineering calcs I would spill spaghetti everywhere. I charge 3 hr for looking at the Granger catalog for 3 minutes.

Anonymous No. 16243142

>there are no live-and-let-live epochs in history
>he says, while talking about the colonization of space

Anonymous No. 16243145

>your spacecraft must be a zillion percent safe with quadruple backup systems!
>yes I drove my car to work today, why?

Anonymous No. 16243146

even with all of those backup systems, spaceflight is still rather dangerous compared to even a car.

not a good comparison

Anonymous No. 16243151

that ITAR review took a while it seems like

Anonymous No. 16243157

Not to mention that we haven't had a President since the glowies hijacked the office in 1963

Anonymous No. 16243164


Anonymous No. 16243174

Come work for my space startup and I can offer you four (4) shirts, with options for a fifth after 2 years.

Anonymous No. 16243178


Anonymous No. 16243180

Correct, fuck cars those gay-ass deathtraps.
38,000 people died last year in auto accidents.

Anonymous No. 16243184

there's no other way to get anywhere

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Anonymous No. 16243190

Boeing didn't make my car.

Anonymous No. 16243195

Funfact: humans never traveled more than 10 miles from where they were born prior to the creation of the model T.

Anonymous No. 16243196

>t. American/Canadian

Anonymous No. 16243198

Do you have peer-reviewed studies to back up your claims?

Anonymous No. 16243199

I could see some retards believing this.

Anonymous No. 16243203

scientists don't want you to know this

Anonymous No. 16243206

You didnt do shit faggot you stole that image

Anonymous No. 16243209

'People' believe 1*1=2 because of that one nigger that went on JRE. 'People' also believe that the Earth is flat. 'People' can and will believe ANYTHING no matter what it is.

Anonymous No. 16243212

Ancestral memory, trust me bro

Anonymous No. 16243214

>"It came to me while I was communing with the mycelium on magic mushrooms"

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Anonymous No. 16243217


Anonymous No. 16243219

Blaming ITAR is nice, but this guy has a long history of hollow promises and failed delivery. His documentary material that has nothing to do with SpaceX or the government also takes FOREVER for him to get finished, the truth is likely hes a lazy dumb fuck who struggles with things like editing a video. His live broadcasts are equally inept, he sure spent a fortune on the "perfect" 4K gear and setup, but then he struggles like its a black man's journey through law school to make the goddamn thing work correctly when it matters. You cant be this goddamn slow when your content is something this fast paced, a hundred other you tubers will have already covered the material better by the time he gets anything out the door. Hopefully Musk buddies up with a more competent person to share the tech side of things with, or just becomes a tripfag here and can shitpost directly.

Anonymous No. 16243222

starting to get anxious and agitated again, we need ift-5 soon or else i'm going to go full /sfg/ doomer mode again

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Anonymous No. 16243224


Anonymous No. 16243225


Anonymous No. 16243231

You want them to make the most powerful rocket ever made in a month?
Unironically this is what mood stabilizers are for

Anonymous No. 16243232

All the flight data for all future Starship flights are stored within the Akashic records

Anonymous No. 16243236 isaac arthur hardest hit

Anonymous No. 16243237

>Victorian pseudoscience

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Anonymous No. 16243240

Anonymous No. 16243242

does estronaut think he's a university now?

Anonymous No. 16243244

read further nigga

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Anonymous No. 16243246

One day we'll all sail the luminiferous aether together, anon.

Anonymous No. 16243252

We don' much like readin' 'round these parts boah.

Anonymous No. 16243254

a highly educated university like estronaut should know how to highlight the exact phrase he wants to draw my attention to

Anonymous No. 16243264

>le *checks notes* hehe got him
you can tell he wrote that with a giant smug look on his face

Anonymous No. 16243268

fuck man, i wanna live in that world.
age of sail+spaceflight is just the coolest thing
i wish there were more settings with something like the etherium

Anonymous No. 16243278

Ships with no open top-deck are soul-crushing. Interplanetary ships should have big domes on top so you can go "outside" during long voyages.

Anonymous No. 16243284

Back to >>>/lit/sffg

Anonymous No. 16243285

Back to >>>/lgbt/

Anonymous No. 16243287

Back to >>>/x/ you schizophrenic

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Anonymous No. 16243290

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Anonymous No. 16243291

Solar propulsion is pretty close to the age of sail in mechanics and ship layout, and it turns out almost all the solid land in the solar system is contained on Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars. The only scifi tech needed for an age of space-sail is paraterraforming, and maybe an FTL or fusion-laser highway to get to the outer system or other stars.

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Anonymous No. 16243292

Destination Rebel, Wing Rebel: "Christ of the Andes is a Spaceplane"

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Anonymous No. 16243294

Also this, since I posted it just before the last thread was archived

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Anonymous No. 16243295

Reminder that the spaceplane fag is literally a troon

Anonymous No. 16243297

>in some years, all worlds will not know starts but their own because of the expansion of the universe.

Anonymous No. 16243298

gay acting but relevant

Anonymous No. 16243301

pretty sure the sails would needs to be at least 10x bigger than that

Anonymous No. 16243303

>I just hope he likes space
What are you talking about? He talks about space all the time

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Anonymous No. 16243307

or at the very least a big window

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Anonymous No. 16243309

>this guy has a long history of hollow promises and failed delivery. His documentary material that has nothing to do with SpaceX or the government al HERP DERP

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Anonymous No. 16243313


Anonymous No. 16243317

For something the weight of a shuttle? More like 100x the radius. Light pressure at Earth is measured in nanonewtons per square meter and these assholes were trying it on a Mars transfer.

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Picture 3.png

Anonymous No. 16243319

Would this be big enough for you?

Anonymous No. 16243323

Seems too draggy for LEO

Anonymous No. 16243328

RVac reboost from the included depot will handle that.

Anonymous No. 16243331

Google did the highlighting.

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Anonymous No. 16243333


Anonymous No. 16243334

>JAXA scientists stated on 9 July 2010 that the measured thrust force by the solar radiation pressure on IKAROS' 196 m2 sail is 1.12 millinewtons
>5.7uN per M2
>Worth 400m/s
>Working from the same ratio of weight to sail Starship requires a sail 6 football fields wide

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Anonymous No. 16243340


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Anonymous No. 16243343


Anonymous No. 16243347

what a retarded spacecraft?

Anonymous No. 16243348

can somebody calculate the hydrostatic pressure the bottom of the rocket would be subjected to when upright in the salt water? waterproofing it seems infeasible to me but I'm too lazy to do the needful arithmetic.

Anonymous No. 16243349

I want to go into the ball.

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Anonymous No. 16243350

You'll get your 250m x 250m solar sail and be thankful for it.

Anonymous No. 16243351

That’s a watercraft.

Anonymous No. 16243354

Why is that a question?
Where is your spacecraft design?

Anonymous No. 16243355

2050s probably, starship will change everything at a very fast rate.
once we can easily manufacture on the Moon/Mars the progress for space industry will 1000x overnight
expect space stations and Lunar/Martian colonies to develop really fast

Anonymous No. 16243357

What are the implications

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Anonymous No. 16243358

notice how fast they advanced in that show because they had a heavy lift rocket with a wide girth?
this is exactly why starship is our only hope right now for our world
people like thunderfoot are unironically committing treason against the human race

Anonymous No. 16243359


Anonymous No. 16243362

Sunita's Basilisk

Anonymous No. 16243365

Would installing permanent magnets in sensitive areas help with deflecting plasma? Like near the flap joint.

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Anonymous No. 16243370


Anonymous No. 16243371

section line drive will colonize the stars

Anonymous No. 16243372

thats from For all mankind right? loved the concept. but then again, i loved seeing the shuttle go into lunar orbit.

Anonymous No. 16243375

my spacecraft design is starship. i spoke with musk back in 2013 at mars society convention

Anonymous No. 16243391

I liked that they explained that in dialogue. I can't remember when, but at some point they talk about refueling the shuttles on-orbit so they have the propellant to reach the moon. Very smooth.

Anonymous No. 16243396

the early seasons were good for that, and the way they advanced the years with fake news footage and stuff. i think they got lazy the last series because there was none of that and the whole thing was some bullshit union dispute on mars. surprised they got a 5th season.

Anonymous No. 16243403
>SpaceX has officially started selling Starlink Mini.

long post about it

Anonymous No. 16243413

I thought they were selling cheaper base plans with the mini not charging extra for roaming packages

Anonymous No. 16243421

fuck you.

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Anonymous No. 16243422


Anonymous No. 16243424

if Apollo never happened would we have Gemini-rendezvous deniers or something slightly further down the line?

Anonymous No. 16243425

Maybe in the future

Anonymous No. 16243427

Laika was an alien

Anonymous No. 16243428

that fag does not represent all spaceplane fetishists

Anonymous No. 16243429

they don't believe that is real either regardless, the millions of people that deny Apollo also believe space is fake.

Anonymous No. 16243430

Gemini was always only a test program for Apollo.

Anonymous No. 16243431

I would be a seething russia moon landing truther trying to find evidence that the CCCP faked their landing

Anonymous No. 16243432

Maybe not directly but he is a very accurate living stereotype.

Anonymous No. 16243433

It'll be spinning so if you go outside you'll just see the universe whirling madly around. Best to stay inside at all times.

Anonymous No. 16243434

Would this be possible? Not like if this can go from launch in to space but could you modify a spacecraft in orbit to add this bubble? Would it be glass or some inflatible plastic and would the pressure difference fuck it over? Also how does a person live in this with the sun boiling them alive.

Anonymous No. 16243435

nice projection bro

Anonymous No. 16243438

Presumably the window is tinted

Anonymous No. 16243439

>Also how does a person live in this with the sun boiling them alive.

Air conditioning hookup from starship and an umbrella

Anonymous No. 16243440

>plain white walls
That looks stupid, like something from original star trek
It needs to be covered with all sorts of protruding bits of junk to look like a proper space facility

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Anonymous No. 16243441

Not my problem.Vx0gwd

Anonymous No. 16243442

Space maintenance facilities are always called "drydock", no one knows why. Presumably it's a reference to something from the pre-space era. The meaning is lost but the words remain.

Anonymous No. 16243444


Anonymous No. 16243445

>a common trope in scifi
ie guaranteed bullshit. Not once has sci-fi predicted anything with any sort of accuracy. The farther back you look the more outlandish the predictions become. The closest to reality is Nineteen-Eighty-Four and that's not even scifi.

Anonymous No. 16243447

>Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): from Polish Lewita ‘Levite’ + the Slavic noun suffix -an (see Levy).

Sometimes pattern recognition is a curse

Anonymous No. 16243448

take a break from the internet, the world isn't that doom and gloom.

Anonymous No. 16243449

all the people i know dont even know about ift4. on june 6th my coworkers were asking me, 'are there people on it?' when i said no they became disinterested. how can people so shortsighted. the greatest potential advancement in spaceflight since apollo and people absolutely positively don't care.

Anonymous No. 16243450

they are scared because once we leave Earth they'll have less control over us

Anonymous No. 16243453

lel normies at my work think Elon Musk is evil and that spaceX sucks because their rockets blow up all the time.

Anonymous No. 16243454

I maintain that "drydock" should exclusively refer to docks which can safely be serviced by crew that lack EVA suits.

Anonymous No. 16243456

EXACTLY. theyre so fucking dumb

Anonymous No. 16243457

>SpaceX is so stupid, their rockets always blow up
>Now Falcon 9, there's a rocket you can set your watch by

Anonymous No. 16243459

That's why you put the skydome on the axis of spin instead like the astrogation deck in

Anonymous No. 16243462

Anonymous No. 16243466


Anonymous No. 16243467

The article is gay, here's the study
It might be a real problem, though I'm sure SpaceX could think of some ways to mitigate it.

Anonymous No. 16243469

By being immersed in atmosphere and thermodynamics existing. What the fuck anon

Anonymous No. 16243473

>It might be a real problem
It isn't, there's something like 15000 tons of material entering the atmosphere every year
>I'm sure SpaceX could think of some ways to mitigate it.
Maybe some sort of futuristic rocket not made from aluminum where the second stage doesn't burn up

Anonymous No. 16243475

>>16243469 meant for>>16243434

Anonymous No. 16243483

it's not about the rocket you twat

Anonymous No. 16243488

Are you pretending to be retarded?

Anonymous No. 16243492

yes it is you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 16243497

>Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega-Constellations
fucking retard kys

Anonymous No. 16243499

>Starliner = Land Rover
>Dragon = Land Cruiser
Any questions?

Anonymous No. 16243506

Which is better to shit my pants in

Anonymous No. 16243526


I literally build spacecraft parts and most of my coworkers can't speak english. Of those that do, most of their concerns are about the tiktok they watched recently and hauntings.

Anonymous No. 16243544

Report them to ICE.

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Anonymous No. 16243554


Anonymous No. 16243557

What's more likely, that you genuinely observed a 1 in 110 million event, or that you observed a 1 in 2 event and something fucky happened between the sensor and saving the bits to memory?

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Anonymous No. 16243566

I laugh every time

Anonymous No. 16243569


Anonymous No. 16243580

>bulbous bow

Anonymous No. 16243584

I tell my coworkers and make them watch

Anonymous No. 16243598

>they asked if there was people on it
Fucking normies man. I got everyone to watch the Statliner launch at work and they watched that shitty stream with interest. I try to get everyone interested in IFT4 and no one even cares after I say there's not people on it.

Anonymous No. 16243599

Vacuum is dry, breathable atmosphere behaves like a fluid and is thus wet. Refute me if you can.

Anonymous No. 16243614

Nobody wants to argue the countless retarded things youve posted to this thread. Or talk to you at all. Go back tourist!

Anonymous No. 16243621

Hot Take: a Mars colony will necessarily have to be a Nudist colony as well. Textiles are for Earthers. On Mars, clothes are an unnecessary extravagance. Textiles are an entire system unto themselves that will demand scare resources. First off, they need to be cleaned constantly, which either takes machinery and/or manhours, and greatly burdens your water/watewater treatment system unless you have a supply chain and infrastructure set up for everyone to dry clean. Second, clothes wear out rather quick. You're not gonna use any of your agriculture capacity to grow cotton or raise sheep for wool, so you'd have to allocate a portion of your polymer production to texiles with the associated machine tooling. Shipping clothes from earth is just a waste of your mass fraction. Outside of PPE for different occupations and a few comfort items, there's no justifiable need for them. You'll all be living cheek by jowl in a climate controlled tube, so there will be little privacy to begin with. On top of that, clothes take up limited storage space and will be sheading lint (microplastics) all over your hab, which will need to be cleaned out of the airfilters and wastewater system constantly.
You either put up with all that to appease earther sensibilities about modesty, or you greet the last frontier with your cock out, ready to rock out.
>insecure fatties need not apply to the colonial administration for transfer

Anonymous No. 16243631

we had clothesposting a thread or two ago; it has been demonstrated that clothes can be 'washed' by leaving them in a vacuum or near vacuum environment. The volatiles that cause the stink are removed when you do this for an hour or two. Furthermore, clothes do not wear out quickly when only worn indoors, and as they are made of cloth and are low weight, they can easily be included on regular trade/cargo transports from earth

Anonymous No. 16243632


Anonymous No. 16243635

get a grip on yourself.

Anonymous No. 16243640

>New America
>Dark and disturbing
you mean fucking AWESOME

Anonymous No. 16243649

I'm gonna say it, Starship is never going to long-term go to mars, it's gonna deliver parts to LEO for a mega-ship that just goes between LEO an LMO (Low Martian Orbit, is that the right acronym?). Probably more fuel-efficient too

Anonymous No. 16243656

This is the worst baiter /sfg/ has seen yet.

Anonymous No. 16243661

this isn't even the worst baiter within the past 2 months
that stupid ESD/anti spacex guy from a few weeks back was worse

Anonymous No. 16243665

Without breakthrough technologies such as better electric thrusters or some other technology that can yield significant thrust with long operational lifetimes, this only starts making sense with nuclear engines.

Anonymous No. 16243670

A starlink deliver is the greatest potential advancement in spaceflight since apollo? LMAO Muskrats are so stupid, you didnt believe all that mars colony shit right? Right?

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Anonymous No. 16243671

Plasma Magnet

Anonymous No. 16243675

Atmosphere is a fluid. Any gas is a fluid. That doesn't mean it's wet, it just means you just don't know what the word "fluid" means.

Anonymous No. 16243678

"wet" means it can cling to a surface in the sense of "wetting".

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Anonymous No. 16243689

>IFT-5 might be delayed to after my semester start on Elon time
>Wont get to attend the best IFT to watch
Its ogre

Anonymous No. 16243704

if it's any consolation nobody's been able to see shit at the last two launches anyway

Anonymous No. 16243713

is anyone else sp00ky'd by how close Oumuamua passed by the Earth??

Anonymous No. 16243735

you betcha. if earth had struck a hydrogen iceberg head-on we would've been deader than the titanic.

Anonymous No. 16243741

Extremely. It's a travesty that a mission is not being seriously pursued to examine it up close.

Anonymous No. 16243765

there's no way to get to it and nobody would fund it

Anonymous No. 16243769

>the millions of people that deny Apollo also believe space is fake
you do know that like 98% of those people don't exist and the whole "flat earth" thing has become a psyop to discredit people who say "crazy" things like our government are a bunch of blackmailed pedos, right?

Anonymous No. 16243777

Berthing my spacecraft in a drydock (pressurised environment to allow workers to perform maintenance on it without suits) here

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Anonymous No. 16243782


Anonymous No. 16243785

Why do you call it "dry dock"? Air is a fluid.

Anonymous No. 16243787

only in a vacuum.

Anonymous No. 16243790


Anonymous No. 16243802

uh bros i thought you guys said shotwell was more rational than elon?
>“We have designed Starship to be as much like aircraft operations as we possibly can get it,” she said in the conference presentation. “We want to talk about dozens of launches a day, if not hundreds of launches a day.”
>“We want to talk about dozens of launches a day, if not hundreds of launches a day.”

Anonymous No. 16243803

how many launches a day do you want to talk about, anon? 1?

Anonymous No. 16243806

0.2 a day MAX

Anonymous No. 16243808

you can't launch 1/5 of a rocket. that's more irrational than you accuse shotwell of being.

Anonymous No. 16243818

This isn't anything new: they've been saying that they want to launch this system multiple times a day, every day, and that they want to build thousands of them.

Anonymous No. 16243825

More rational? More like more based.

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Anonymous No. 16243828
>The storm has arrived at Starbase.

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Anonymous No. 16243831

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Anonymous No. 16243832


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Anonymous No. 16243833


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Anonymous No. 16243835

Unironically yes. Dozens of rocket launches a day is too much for man.

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Anonymous No. 16243837


0.16 AU. *shrugs*

Anonymous No. 16243839

>rips a hole in the clouds and sends shockwaves through it

Pure, unfiltered kinography

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Anonymous No. 16243840


Anonymous No. 16243849

even the aliens know mars isn't worth their time

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Anonymous No. 16243851

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Anonymous No. 16243852

this has to be intentional?

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Anonymous No. 16243853

there is also an excerpt from an interview with brendan carr, a FCC commisioner

Anonymous No. 16243860

She needs to bear his children asap

Anonymous No. 16243861

What is the anticipated Tory redemption arc?

Anonymous No. 16243862

She's pretty hag looking even with all that makeup. Probably would bear retarded children if she hasn't already hit menopause.

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Anonymous No. 16243863


Anonymous No. 16243866

vulcan-orion replacing SLS. i still believe.

Anonymous No. 16243868

starlink mini is going to be a boon for the military. now you can get starlink access on the squad level.

Anonymous No. 16243869

gwynne has always been big on starship. she's a big E2E believer and thinks that we'll goto alpha centauri before the century is over.

Anonymous No. 16243870

That's not a dish, that's a mesh router.

Anonymous No. 16243872

i saw this making the rounds yesterday outside of spaceflight circles. lots of anger directed at elon, and absolutely zero attention given to other megaconstellations.

Anonymous No. 16243876

it looks like its both

Electronic Phased Array
>Field of View
110 °
Software Assisted Manual Orienting

Anonymous No. 16243883

but starlink's the only megaconstellation that doesn't just exist on paper

Anonymous No. 16243885

Starlink is at the moment the only constellation that actually exists.

Anonymous No. 16243890

No the universe is all probability and numbers and that was just a chance encounter
I’d be more scared to be a caveman on this earth when a red dwarf wandered through our solar system

Anonymous No. 16243917

There are 100,000 airplane flights per day. Nothing real will happen in space until launches per day is higher than 1

Anonymous No. 16243949

oneweb exists. they have around 600 satellites.

Anonymous No. 16243954

Where can I buy a oneweb subscription?

Anonymous No. 16243960

they dont have enough ground stations to activate their service

>Although all the satellites OneWeb needs for worldwide coverage are in position, ground segment delays are currently holding back global services.

Anonymous No. 16243966

oneweb more like one foot in the grave

Anonymous No. 16243968

Its been 6 months since this article has been published and it's still not fixed?

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Anonymous No. 16243973

>Virgin will launch 3 people for the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences (“IIAS”) in 2026
> * Kellie Gerardi, a bioastronautics researcher and IIAS Director of Human Spaceflight Operations from the U.S. Gerardi previously flew as a payload specialist on the ‘Galactic 05’ research mission.
> * Dr. Shawna Pandya, a physician, aquanaut, bioastronautics researcher, and Director of IIAS’s Space Medicine Group, from Canada.
> * Dr. Norah Patten, an aeronautical engineer and bioastronautics researcher from Ireland

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Anonymous No. 16243979

the inside of starship's nosecone

Anonymous No. 16243980

I’m sorry but… I really, truly could not give any less of a shit about this

Anonymous No. 16243981

plz understand we are professionals doing things right™ unlike spacex yuppies, our ground stations will be 0.1% more reliable

Anonymous No. 16243982

no idea thats the last i saw regarding it

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Anonymous No. 16243986


Anonymous No. 16243987

this is actually huge for drones
god if they were just a tad smaller it would be even more amazing

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Anonymous No. 16243989


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Anonymous No. 16243992


Anonymous No. 16243993

mommy shotwell spotted!

Anonymous No. 16243995

>artemis base camp
>there's nothing there

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Anonymous No. 16243996

Based and Barsoom pilled

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Anonymous No. 16244003

>she's a big E2E believer and thinks that we'll goto alpha centauri before the century is over.
so she's a crackpot

Anonymous No. 16244006

not really, I don't think she has talked about specific technologies, she is just very optimistic about technological development
crackpots tend to have some specific theories

Anonymous No. 16244007

You're not the only one who doesn't care, the rest of us are similarly disinterested.
Virgin Galactic will be bankrupt & gone before 2026, their larger prototype will NEVER fly.
"International Institute for Astronautical Sciences" sounds fake & gay anyway, they deserve to cling to a clear loser and sink together. Why not choose a competent company, instead of one in its final stages of death? A glance at the financials ensures these women will never get their minutes of microgravity, its just an investment scam at this point.

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Anonymous No. 16244008

eeeh a star takes hundreds of years to approach and depart, everyone would be born with it as a fixture in the sky and there's no written records for comparison. Grug wouldn't be scared

Anonymous No. 16244012

what are the chances that it was an actual ayy grand tour mission with a powerful telescope onboard getting good looks at as many planets as possible around multiple stars?
If so the ayys will be excited once they see earth. But their scientists will say the lights on the dark side are methane outgassing or something.

Anonymous No. 16244014

Pam melroy desperately trying to defend the political side of SLS while seeing the true beauty and power of Starbase, with raptors and starships everywhere

Anonymous No. 16244016

There’s been an unsurprising but funny trend of people retiring/leaving NASA recently and pretty much immediately saying “yeah SLS sucks ass and the future is with commercial partners aka SpaceX and hopefully Blue Origin soon”

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Anonymous No. 16244017
>The briefing starts at 3:30 p.m. ET today (June 20).

Anonymous No. 16244018

Enjoy your stained, dusty clothes

Anonymous No. 16244020

sls is the future though. starship literally cant do what sls can do. want a mission to europa without 10 grav assists? looks like you are using sls.

Anonymous No. 16244023

you’re confusing FH with a fully fueled Starship

Anonymous No. 16244024

SLS can't cost less than $4 billion a flight.

Anonymous No. 16244026

So no rebuttal?

Anonymous No. 16244027

Hmmm that’s great but I just dropped a $10 bil spot on my payload just trying to launch it—oh and your gay orange rocket shook my satellite to death thanks

Anonymous No. 16244029

there is a limited budget for science missions which means SLS is DOA
its as simple as that

Anonymous No. 16244031

>leaf flag
>It's a poojeet

Can't make this stuff up

Anonymous No. 16244033

I'm downcooming

Anonymous No. 16244035

Cleavage? Yes, women know you like to see it and leverage that to their advantage all the time.

Anonymous No. 16244036

It's so fucking huge bros. We are SO going.

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Anonymous No. 16244038

There are literally MILLIONS of systems with terrestrial planets in Goldilocks zones. Why would they specifically send one here, if they did not already know more about it beforehand?

Given the timescales, wouldn't it be better to just spray out probes everywhere, rather than Grand Tour-chain across multiple stars?

Anonymous No. 16244041

>fat and old - NASA
>young and slim - SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16244043

Is top right HLS lift prototype?

Anonymous No. 16244045

I choose the Italian

Anonymous No. 16244046

yeah, not the first time it has been shown, there was a video and pictures like a week or two ago when axiom did integration testing with their EVA suits with the HLS airlock

Anonymous No. 16244050

>mystery meat mutt
>cute wop

Not really much of a choice is it lets be real

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Anonymous No. 16244053

They always do things in threes.

Anonymous No. 16244071

because Earth is cool; you wouldn’t get it

Anonymous No. 16244073


Anonymous No. 16244074

Least delusional earther

Anonymous No. 16244075

From left to right: toilet witch combat specialist, gang rape coordinator, musical interlude choreographer, shitting orbit designator
This is what the United States gains from international cooperation!

Anonymous No. 16244077

Check out the etymology of Cincinnati

Anonymous No. 16244079

They should have tattooed a number on your arm instead

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Anonymous No. 16244081


Anonymous No. 16244083

Okay, interesting historical figure. Where are you going with this?

Anonymous No. 16244088

Nta but Cincinnatus is renowned for having had essentially absolute power, yet only exercised it for his term then retired to go farming rather than remain in politics/power indefinitely. He's the classic model of a "benign dictator", something that's unfortunately pretty rare.

Anonymous No. 16244089

>18% light speed
That's epsilon eridani in only 60 years, less than a lifetime. Is this possible with anything larger, like a habitat? Are there prohibitive g forces anywhere? Is there a similar orbit for deceleration upon arrival? We basically don't need to invent anything if all you need is to dive towards the sun from Jupiter to get to another solar system

Anonymous No. 16244090

Earth ≠ earther

Anonymous No. 16244091

>Are there prohibitive g forces anywhere?
That swing around the sun looks pretty intense, as does the extreme speed correction at Jupiter.

Anonymous No. 16244093

People who live on earth = earther

Anonymous No. 16244095

I already got that from his Wikipedia article. I was asking why did you bring him up.

Anonymous No. 16244096

But it takes place over a curve larger than the largest bodies in the system, can it really be that bad?

Anonymous No. 16244099

Thats not anywhere close to 18% light speed, light speed is 300000 km/s and lyra peaks at like 60 km/s

Anonymous No. 16244100

Has anyone ever tested feces as a propellant?

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Anonymous No. 16244101

Anonymous No. 16244102

Amazing starship could launch this in one go.

Anonymous No. 16244103

glad they include all the american units

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Pumpkin Launch Sy....gif

Anonymous No. 16244105

Do you know what nta means
Parker Solar Probe hit 120 miles per second when it swung around the sun, I don't know how to calculate g-forces but that seems pretty fast to me
But how many pumpkins can Gateway fit inside?

Anonymous No. 16244106

They're planning armadas of thousands of Starships with ~10 fueling flights each. Launching many times per day is a hard requirement.

Even launching 1,000 ships uniformly over the whole two year period would require 15 flights per day. To do it in a month will require hundreds of flights per day.

Anonymous No. 16244107

>Do you know what nta means
Oh, I missed that. Apologies.

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Anonymous No. 16244109

>starbase and kennedy getting hit at the same time
we need more spaceports, this is unacceptable, we cant be locked down by swirlyboys

Anonymous No. 16244110

Fug my math was off by 1000

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oh mama.jpg

Anonymous No. 16244114

Great Lakes Launch Complex when?
Providing semi-reliable launch cadence up to 4 months out of the year!

Anonymous No. 16244115

Gravity assists are always 0G
If you slingshot 99% speed of light 1 meter away from a black hole, it's still 0G (assuming your spaceship is a point mass)

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Anonymous No. 16244118


>That's epsilon eridani in only 60 years, less than a lifetime. Is this possible with anything larger, like a habitat? Are there prohibitive g forces anywhere? Is there a similar orbit for deceleration upon arrival?

Anonymous No. 16244120

I wonder what sort of mental gymnastics they would do to explain the thousand of of small objects in many different longterm unstable orbits and the cacophony of exotic EM signals

Anonymous No. 16244122

Right... If course it would be...
This might really be the most retarded post I ever made. Disregard. The sight of the probe being flung to Oumuamua got me too excited to think

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Anonymous No. 16244136

the news is racist as fuck

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Anonymous No. 16244137

Blessed repentant anon, you can have a Werner

Anonymous No. 16244138

Thanks for providing me the obvious definition

Anonymous No. 16244141

Maxar’s power and propulsion element for gateway carries more xenon mass than Electron booster’s dry mass

Anonymous No. 16244142

four melon to orbit rocket

Anonymous No. 16244144

No problem, anytime friend.

Anonymous No. 16244146

Ok? Spaceflight is all about minimizing dry mass and maximizing propellant mass.

Anonymous No. 16244148

t. oldspace engineer

Anonymous No. 16244154


Anonymous No. 16244156
>Here’s a BE-7 engine headed into vacuum cell testing in a simulated space-like environment at Air Force Research Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Base, CA. BE-7 generates 10,000 lbf of thrust and powers our Blue Moon MK1 and MK2 lunar landers.

Anonymous No. 16244157

1/3rd the mass of the ISS. We'd want to go bigger, not smaller.

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Anonymous No. 16244159


Anonymous No. 16244161

my internet just came back and I want to apologize beforehand for any decreases in post quality on sfg

Anonymous No. 16244162

>It won't be a dictatorship if that person rules for 2 terms and then leaves.
Cincinnatus is a counterexample. In fact the original ancient role was intended to be temporary in general.

Anonymous No. 16244163


Anonymous No. 16244165

>He's the classic model of a "benign dictator", something that's unfortunately pretty rare.

Anonymous No. 16244168

It's about blood and iron, or steel and methalox anyway

Anonymous No. 16244171

So who will make the first successful F9 clone and when?

Anonymous No. 16244172

2 examples in history is pretty rare anon

Anonymous No. 16244175

I'm predicting galactic energy will be the first.
The pallas 1 even uses kerolox, most other chinese companies are skipping that skip and going straight for methalox.

Anonymous No. 16244179

What's the fraction when starship is docked to it?

Anonymous No. 16244185

I’m just saying, that’s a shit load of xenon. The PPE is really the only exciting part of gateway lol. I love maxar

Anonymous No. 16244187

I’m unironically jealous this looks so comfy

Anonymous No. 16244190

one of the ministers that went with putin to north korea was the director of roscosmos, yury borisov. we're likely to see an improvement in north korean spaceflight over the rest of the decade.

Anonymous No. 16244200

have you ever watched Zeta Gundam

Anonymous No. 16244201

>Dr. Maximum Faggot
Can't make this stuff up

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16244202


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Anonymous No. 16244204


Anonymous No. 16244205

He looks nice. I'm sorry for making fun of his name

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Anonymous No. 16244206

rare reminder that radiotelescopes exist

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Umm Al-Aish Satel....jpg

Anonymous No. 16244209

womp womp

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Anonymous No. 16244216

first Nigerian in space will be on Bezos's dildo

>Space Exploration and Research Agency (SERA), a US for-profit company, has an initiative to increase flights for citizens of countries with little or no space footprint. Its first milestone was flying Brazil’s second-ever astronaut to space in June 2022. SERA’s next mission will fly six people to space on an upcoming Blue Origin New Shepard flight — and one seat is guaranteed to go to a Nigerian.

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Anonymous No. 16244219

I got to see the VLA once, but only in passing as I was hitchhiking and my ride didn't want to stop for more than a minute or so.

Anonymous No. 16244223

Why on earth does it have to be enclosed in space.

Anonymous No. 16244226

so people can work on it without EVA suits duh

Anonymous No. 16244228

Some Chinese company, maybe that weird ESA prototype (LOL not really), maybe RocketLab

Anonymous No. 16244231

Why though? Like if Nigeria wants to invest in aerospace industry more power to them, but how does an American company putting a token tourist on a space joyride help anyone?

Anonymous No. 16244232

>in space
>Bezos's dildo
Pick one.

Anonymous No. 16244235

pretty sure penisrocket hits the karman line

Anonymous No. 16244236

i couldnt figure out their business model from their website

Anonymous No. 16244238

cock shame

Anonymous No. 16244239

If it's not orbital, you're not in space. This is the equivalent of dipping your toe in the ocean and claiming you swam between continents.

Anonymous No. 16244240

You the anon who during the eclipse was claiming the APEP rockets didn’t count as spaceflight despite them going above the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16244242


Anonymous No. 16244243

what you're saying is that it doesn't count as being in the ocean unless you travel between continents
being in space is being in space
being in orbit is being in orbit

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Anonymous No. 16244245

Go launch a real rocket, Jeffrey.

Anonymous No. 16244247

That's objectively false. Not every suborbital flight passes the Karman line, but some do.

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elon musk a cockw....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16244248

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Anonymous No. 16244249

You guys know that New Glenn is going to reach orbit AND deploy a payload before Starship?

Anonymous No. 16244250

why do elon haters think about his cock so much?

Anonymous No. 16244257

I just like space so would not mind this. Probably not true though, in a way money can't fix. SpaceX has all the best engineers and the brain drain isn't likely to stop

Anonymous No. 16244264

I give it coinflip odds of the first and 80% odds of the second. NG probably will fly by its October deadline and Starship isn’t getting orbit on the next test so it mostly comes down to how long after flight 5 flight 6 happens and what they try to do on flight 6.

Anonymous No. 16244266

*Karen Line
Bezos demands to speak to the manager of space.

Anonymous No. 16244275

you do realize your comment is a massive blow again SpaceX recent Starship test flights?

Anonymous No. 16244276

He was wicked smaht and I think it’s pronounced “fajay” or something but kek yeah very unfortunate name

Anonymous No. 16244280

lol no

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Anonymous No. 16244283

Not even close

Anonymous No. 16244285

even that is misleading, the starship was very close to orbital speeds on both IFT-3 and 4
and could have gone orbital with a longer burn
the situation is not comparable

Anonymous No. 16244289

It's either orbital or it ain't. The Starship flights are categorically identically to the BO flights.

Anonymous No. 16244292

Based semantics anon

Anonymous No. 16244293

I think that's fair. They're both early prototypes that haven't really been in space during flight. I'm sure with them being so close to each other in development the race will be tight between the two.

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Anonymous No. 16244298

finally something the size of skylab

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boeing welding.webm

Anonymous No. 16244307


Anonymous No. 16244312

If you're going to argue semantics you need to do a good job of it. The sorites paradox is a few thousand years old and Philosophical Investigations was published 70 years ago.

If you think "it's either in orbit or it isn't" is sophisticated reasoning you would fail the breakfast question.

Anonymous No. 16244313

it's not that it could have gone orbital with a longer burn anon, it could have gone orbital with a different trajectory and the same burn

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Anonymous No. 16244314

actual image from the pedophile

Anonymous No. 16244316

Lol no. BO goes up and down, that's it. All Starship needed to do was add a little extra thrust, what does BO need to do that it hasn't demonstrated?

Anonymous No. 16244317

the only thing Starship needed to do was not loft as high and it would have made it to orbit
a more depressed trajectory would have entered orbit

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Anonymous No. 16244322

launch 50, will be the fastest a commercial rocket reaches 50 flights

Anonymous No. 16244334

There is none on Earth, and probably never will be. If you seek salvation from without, look to the skies and await the day the god-emperor of Mars returns in conquering glory.

Anonymous No. 16244344

This is why you retard shouldn't use "AI". If you had searched for 15 seconds, you would have found that the max velocity relatively to Earth will be ~7km/s (30km/s is the heliocentric one)

Anonymous No. 16244346

Starship achieved a horizontal velocity of more than 26000 km/h

New Shepard has no horizontal velocity.

To describe New Shepards hop as suborbital is dishonest at best

Anonymous No. 16244348

>launch 50, will be the fastest a commercial rocket reaches 50 flights

50 total, or 50 successes? I know they've had at least a couple failures in recent years.

Anonymous No. 16244353

A flight is a flight. I think they're counting the fuckups.

Anonymous No. 16244356

Assuming they don't have any more failures they'll hit 50 successes on their 54th launch

Anonymous No. 16244357

Hoping we get one cool explosion out of electron before it retires.

Anonymous No. 16244358

>the view clearing up as the droplets on the lens sublimate away

Anonymous No. 16244373

Why phenotype is that?

Anonymous No. 16244376

How much of a payload hit would strapping a chair with an air tank on the side of a falcon 9 be?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16244379

a crewed ship using an antimatter drive can just spray their shit and piss into their reaction chamber and it will interact with the antimatter and provide thrust beam just as well as any other "fuel" made of normal matter

Anonymous No. 16244381

a crewed ship using an antimatter drive can just spray their shit and piss into their reaction chamber and it will interact with the antimatter beam and provide thrust just as well as any other "fuel" made of normal matter

Anonymous No. 16244396

Like the booster? I think after a recent flight the boosters technically meet the success rate to be crew rated. I'd ride one.

Anonymous No. 16244398

Will the gubmint finally put Rods from God into orbit once Starship is ready to go?

Anonymous No. 16244400

Rods from god are a stupid concept and you’re stupid for wanting them.

Anonymous No. 16244401


Anonymous No. 16244404

I don't think any weapons systems benefit from being in orbit

Anonymous No. 16244405

Innaccurate, low yield per $, unwieldy, generally retarded. No.

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Anonymous No. 16244410

Anonymous No. 16244413

looks like it's falling back to Earth...

Anonymous No. 16244419

>Some turtles, especially those specialized in diving, are highly reliant on cloacal respiration during dives. They accomplish this by having a pair of accessory air bladders connected to the cloaca which can absorb oxygen from the water.

Anonymous No. 16244421

I want space fighters too btw

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Anonymous No. 16244426
>Starbase Flyover Review Episode 46

Anonymous No. 16244429

Space fighters are good, viable, and likely inevitable. IDK why you would conflate them with something as dumb as rods from god.

Anonymous No. 16244430

Its over. You need to take control of SpaceX and be the rational person.

Anonymous No. 16244432

So that parts/people dont fly out in the space in an accident. An enclosure is a protective barrier

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tucker sw 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 16244433

> muh stuh wuhrs

Anonymous No. 16244436

>Space fighters are good, viable, and likely inevitable

Anonymous No. 16244471

Starship v3 would carry 200 tons.

Anonymous No. 16244476

Non arguments

Anonymous No. 16244478

Mythbusters, unironically.

Anonymous No. 16244480

I swear to god I hope they launch this mission. That's the most Kerbal thing I've ever seen.

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Anonymous No. 16244481

Nothing after that pretend disinterest in competitor vehicle. Dude will take is snake money and retire before ULA completely collapses.

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Anonymous No. 16244486

Anonymous No. 16244492

Could you reframe the problem in terms of orbital mechanics? I don’t really understand any well except gravity wells

Anonymous No. 16244493

My guess is B since work is force times displacement

Anonymous No. 16244495

the impulse will change the speed the same amount wherever the rocket fires therefore it doesn't matter.

Anonymous No. 16244497

I really hope NASA pays attention to the sudden lowering of launch costs and mass constraints and starts mass producing missions like this. There's a serious chance of this one happening

Anonymous No. 16244498

B, it's an oberth swingby effect at perigee.

Anonymous No. 16244499

>200 tons
how many burgers is that?

Anonymous No. 16244502

correct answer but wrong explanation

Anonymous No. 16244505


Anonymous No. 16244506

About 2000. They're quite a large people.

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Anonymous No. 16244519

Will domesticated animals be able to drink on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16244524

>domesticated animals
>0 domesticated animals in webm

Anonymous No. 16244530


Anonymous No. 16244539

She also believes that FTL travel will eventually become a reality.

Anonymous No. 16244543

Cats are silly!

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Anonymous No. 16244545
The odds are not great, but we roll the dice anyway

Anonymous No. 16244556

Assuming no friction, anywhere in the lower hill
Assuming friction, a slow burn centered around C would be best

Anonymous No. 16244557

Hey what happened to that falcon that aborted during startup the other day? Have they flown it yet?

Anonymous No. 16244559

Nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16244563

By Conservation of Energy (assuming no frictional and air resistance losses) it shouldn't matter no?

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Anonymous No. 16244565


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Anonymous No. 16244566


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Anonymous No. 16244574

Anonymous No. 16244577

space sex

Anonymous No. 16244582

I fucked a bird

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Anonymous No. 16244584

SpaceX Astra 1P is live

Anonymous No. 16244587
>Thunderf00t's Embarrassing Starship Flight 4 Livestream

Anonymous No. 16244588

launching now

Anonymous No. 16244591

Conservation of energy accounts for the entire system, including the propellant. Since the expelled propellant at B will have less potential (and maybe kinetic, depending on the exhaust velocity and "fly-by" velocity) energy, it means the rocket will have more, so it's better to fire at B

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Anonymous No. 16244594

Anonymous No. 16244595

Oh, so that's why it can't launch

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16244600

How come neither IL-2 nor DCS have no competition?

Anonymous No. 16244605


Anonymous No. 16244619

Kate's comfy Falcon 9 ASMR rocket stream

Anonymous No. 16244620

I hate this song so much, songs with random recorded audio interspersed are the worst

Anonymous No. 16244621

they had a helium leak btw. whos laughing now anti boeing shills?

Anonymous No. 16244622

that's a big satellite

Anonymous No. 16244624

SES is in the business of operating big geostationary telecom satellites. Astra 1P also has to be pretty big because Falcon is only taking it to GTO; it'll have to circularize its orbit on its own

Anonymous No. 16244630

Gwynne is Queen.

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Anonymous No. 16244631
>Liftoff of the Astra 1P mission for SES on a Falcon 9 rocket, ending a period of 15 days without a launch from the Cape.

Two weeks without a launch from Florida is horrific and absurd

Anonymous No. 16244634

Used to be the norm

Anonymous No. 16244635

Snowstorms in "space," eh?

Anonymous No. 16244636


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Anonymous No. 16244638

Anonymous No. 16244640

As it should be.

Anonymous No. 16244643

best song playing right now

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Anonymous No. 16244645

where are the Wikipedia autists???

Anonymous No. 16244647

Helium is leaking.
SpaceX - Abort. That payload's expensive.
Boeing - Fuck it. Launch that crewed mother. Not our board on board.

Anonymous No. 16244650


Anonymous No. 16244651

Is it stuck?

Anonymous No. 16244653

>botches the satellite deployment
>celebrates LGBTQIWTFBBQ
>refuses to elaborate
>ends stream

Anonymous No. 16244654

The call went out for good deploy, probably lost the camera just before maybe?

Anonymous No. 16244655

No, it jiggled. The camera was running and showed no proof of deployment beyond that.

Anonymous No. 16244658

She sounded kinda drunk, why was she slurring, slow, and making mistakes?

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Anonymous No. 16244659

Red sprites off the coast of South Africa

Anonymous No. 16244660

They put some insulation just in front of the camera that hid the payload.

Anonymous No. 16244664

Hell yeah, as a kid this used to fascinate me. There wasn’t a lot of information about sprites or blue jets (etc) on the internet in like circa 2005 y’know?

Anonymous No. 16244666

funnily enough this was taken by the same astronaut who took recent the photos of Starliner with the aurora and dragon docked at the ISS

Anonymous No. 16244669

whoever laughs is laughing like a chipmunk

Anonymous No. 16244680

blonde moment

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HWO Engineering V....pdf

Anonymous No. 16244682

Update on the HWO

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16244684


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Anonymous No. 16244690

Their sim of what HWO would be able to do at 40LY is really cool

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Anonymous No. 16244691

There's a bunch in 40LY to look at

Anonymous No. 16244694

Cool. Would this be astronomy or planetary science? What is the difference

Anonymous No. 16244696

>the gay nigger telescope dedicated to the ayys is advancing
>the ayy meme gets a dedicated space observatory before even a single ice giant probe
i fucking hate nasa. waste of tax payer money just like dragonfly which wont even visit the lakes. cancel hwo and dragonfly

Anonymous No. 16244699

she's in estrus

Anonymous No. 16244701

Tranny detected back to >>>/lgbt/

Anonymous No. 16244702

Planetary science is a subfield of astronomy

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Anonymous No. 16244707

> red dwarf nigger stars
waste of time even bringing them up

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Anonymous No. 16244718


Anonymous No. 16244720

the reddit system itself

Anonymous No. 16244727

Fuck off Chang, it's not your space program.

Anonymous No. 16244734

People have been suggesting Pyron as a possibility.

Possible, but not clear if that was the same material, something different, or just paint.

Anonymous No. 16244737

50th launch in record time but no plans to refly their recovered boosters, Starship really is going to be the third rocket to be reused.

Anonymous No. 16244739

Are you are you counting Falcon heavy?

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obama soyence.jpg

Anonymous No. 16244742

No, I was thinking of that popsci scam system specifically. If its not brighter than K5 forget it.

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Anonymous No. 16244746

like on a comet

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Anonymous No. 16244757

Anonymous No. 16244763

love me a tidally locked planet myself, imagine how nice would be for it to be night time forever.
it would be a n33ts dream.

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orbital station t....jpg

Anonymous No. 16244768

they're not even properly tidally locked - every few millennia they face the other way which is even worse for habitability

Anonymous No. 16244769

those are shopped, I can tell by the pixels

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Anonymous No. 16244770


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Obama’ gay imagin....jpg

Anonymous No. 16244771

congratulations, you are smarter than a gay negro

Anonymous No. 16244773

>how much Gateway will weigh when fully assembled
approximately zero
(but it will have a lot of mass)

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Anonymous No. 16244776

at what point do they go wider surely they cannot just keep elongating it?

Anonymous No. 16244781

>Gliese 357
>Gliese 176
>GJ 3512
>Gliese 436
>Gliese 49
>AU Microscopii
>HD 260655
>Gliese 649
>L 98-59
>Gliese 486
>Gliese 686
>Gliese 849
>Gliese 433
>Gliese 784
>Gliese 555
>EQ Pegasi
>Gliese 581
>ADS 7251
>Gliese 625
>LTT 1445
>Gliese 880
>Gliese 393
>Gliese 514
>Proxima Centauri
>Wolf 359
>Lalande 21185
>Lacaille 9352
>GJ 1061
>YZ Ceti
>Luyten's Star
Every one of these is M-type or lower as has a candidate or confirmed exoplanet within 40LY, some of them near-earths in their respective habitable zones

Anonymous No. 16244783

pretty sure nearby K & G type stars also have many planets however because of their size relative to manlet M-type systems they are way harder to spot thus they are still undiscovered

Anonymous No. 16244784

starship v4 will fix that

Anonymous No. 16244785

none of them have atmospheres though.

Anonymous No. 16244786

Oh there are a bunch but red dwarfs are an easy starting point considering their abundance near us and the amount of exoplanets already confirmed

Anonymous No. 16244789

red dwarfs are uninhabitable though.

Anonymous No. 16244791

>Every one of these is M-type or lower as has a candidate or confirmed exoplanet
And they'll all turn out deader than disco. Why? Because M dwarfs kill worlds.

Anonymous No. 16244793

aside from a few bright spots like spacex, apparently much of the aerospace industry has collapsed? that would explain why i havent gotten a single interview.

Anonymous No. 16244804

everyday astronut saw the mexican slave cages didn't he?! bet they confiscated his camera and smashed the SD card and kick him off the premises, it would explain why we still haven't got the star base tour yet.

Anonymous No. 16244807

spacex is driving literally everybody else out of business.

Anonymous No. 16244822

or maybe you are just shit and not worth hiring.

Anonymous No. 16244826

Anonymous No. 16244827

>Ross 128 b
>Luyten b
>Gliese 667C c
>Wolf 1069 b
>Gliese 12 b
That's not an absolute, not all M-types are flare stars, some can be very inactive

Anonymous No. 16244835

fuck off to >>>/biz/

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Anonymous No. 16244836

>muh radiation
>muh little to no atmosphere
insectoids wouldn't give a crap about such conditions

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Anonymous No. 16244844


Anonymous No. 16244849

>Splash your rocket down at terminal velocity in salt water
No wonder it's not reusable. Reusability for electron was always a way to exit scam shareholders.

Anonymous No. 16244854

this is actually good news like who gives a shite about reusing electron at this point?

Anonymous No. 16244858

>who gives a shite about reusing electron at this point?
Peter Beck did

Anonymous No. 16244861

Peter Beck knows his days are numbered

Anonymous No. 16244864

tick tock

Anonymous No. 16244865

Right decision. It was dumb to chase reusability with small rockets

Anonymous No. 16244867

>The demand is less than Rocket Lab—and presumably other small launch vehicle developers—may have anticipated several years ago. In 2018, Beck told Ars he expected Electron to launch 50 times per year. Rocket Lab has since delivered on its promise to develop a reliable, relatively low-cost vehicle that it can fly when needed. But the satellites are not stacking up, waiting for a rocket.

>expected Electron to launch 50 times per year

What went wrong?

Anonymous No. 16244873

The fact that they're not trying to recover every booster they launch is a big sign that adding even the minimal weight of recovery gear eats too of Electron's payload capacity. Adding reusability to a rocket that can't lift at least a couple of tons expendably is a pipe dream.

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Anonymous No. 16244877

Anonymous No. 16244880

This is an artist's impression

Anonymous No. 16244881

duh, the camera would melt

Anonymous No. 16244886

This is probably the right call but it’s still funny to see.

Anonymous No. 16244887

>neuralink prevents this
Neuralink isn't mind control, it's an input device.

Anonymous No. 16244888

inputting productive vibes into worker skulls :)

Anonymous No. 16244891

it looks like a dude missing teeth when some engines are out

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Anonymous No. 16244899



Anonymous No. 16244900


Anonymous No. 16244946

yeah but you should try to gain that speed when you're moving fastest

Anonymous No. 16244958

Doing a slingshot maneuver doesn't create any g-force because you're in freefall the entire way.

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Alpha Centauri.jpg

Anonymous No. 16244993

>>Proxima Centauri
It's just right over there

Anonymous No. 16245010

>42 engines
Should save it for 12 meter boosters.