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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16244897

Shartliner Stranded Edition

Previous - >>16242376

Anonymous No. 16244906

Good job, sir.

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Anonymous No. 16244907

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Anonymous No. 16244909

you step away for a second kek

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Anonymous No. 16244912

>not the topical version

Anonymous No. 16244913


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Anonymous No. 16244914

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Anonymous No. 16244916

Anonymous No. 16244917

My bad. No thruster version?

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Anonymous No. 16244918


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Anonymous No. 16244919

Anonymous No. 16244920

Worst bait ever

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Anonymous No. 16244921

SLS is so pretty I wish it were a better rocket

Anonymous No. 16244922

>no 'space flight' in bait
awful show

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Anonymous No. 16244924

I would love this rocket if it could actually launch 4-6 times a year for its current budget

Anonymous No. 16244925

Its ugly, and I am a contrarian who wants to like it. But I can't. Every aspect of it is gay and uninspiring :P

Anonymous No. 16244931

didn't most of those CubeSats fail because their batteries were drained from the multiple launch scrubs?

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Anonymous No. 16244932

>colon p emoticon

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Anonymous No. 16244933

I just wish they'd kept the stripes

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Anonymous No. 16244934

Why did the big dumb booster concept fail?
It worked in pic related with spare shuttle engines

Anonymous No. 16244938

i just wish theyd kept the structural paint.

Anonymous No. 16244940

Some goober split threads btw. Its a CNN screenshot thread too. Everyone go mark it as 'spamming/flooding'.

Anonymous No. 16244941

It's off by 18 seconds. looks like an honest mistake to me

Anonymous No. 16244942

The big dumb booster was an attractive idea because it was supposed to be cheap. Shuttle engines aren't cheap because they weren't designed to be and there are hardly any spares anyway. Also that's science fiction.

Anonymous No. 16244945

I'm not trying to antagonize him but it still needs to be removed off the catalogue even if it is. We cant be shitting up the catty and thread OPs cant delete threads only jannies or mods or whatever can so we have to get them to do it. It also doesnt help /sfg/ to be split between multiple threads, discussion is better if concentrated in one thread.
Also even with 18 second difference I always keep a separate tab open and refresh it right before hitting the 'Post' button just in case things like this happen.

Anonymous No. 16244949

Then why does SLS look like a BDB and uses shuttle engines?

Anonymous No. 16244951

the disadvantages of both and the benefits of neither
AKA a classical governmental project

Anonymous No. 16244953

>inb4 Musk starts paying customers to launch on Starship

Anonymous No. 16244959

Congress paid for that piece of shit with my money

Anonymous No. 16244960

>David Willis

Anonymous No. 16244963

I still want to know what Beal thinks about SpaceX BDB-like stuff with the help of his old facilities. Some space journo should interview him

Anonymous No. 16244964

Is there 20 years of recycled air on the ISS? How often does the station get a full top off of new nitrogen and oxygen

Anonymous No. 16244967

Get this
No shit
They really (laughs)
They they they actually
Reuse - get this - the solid boosters
and (out of breath)
they (crying)
THROW AWAY the the the fucking hydrolox engines
no no no you don't get it
The thing is
These engines
that they throw away
Oh they must mass produce-

Anonymous No. 16244968

does it really matter if its only gonna launch 0.5-1 times per year?

Anonymous No. 16244972

>government agency gets government funding
Gigabrain thinking there anon

Anonymous No. 16244975

I thought they threw away both.

Anonymous No. 16244980

I makes me so mad that people think like this even though you're trolling

Anonymous No. 16244983

It looks cool but now that it's been proven that reusable, landable rockets work, non-reusable rockets are a wasteful dead end.
Especially when they are as ridiculously fucking expensive as the SLS.

Anonymous No. 16244991

Yeah when the engines are like 250m a piece it does matter

Anonymous No. 16244992

what're you gonna set your personal tiger team of superintelligent AI agents out to do first, /sfg/? i'm thinking that starting off on boring shit like materials and electronics probably needs to happen before you move onto the good stuff like engines.

Anonymous No. 16244997

Bioweapons lab that genetically designs a virus that kills Indians only with a 100% death rate. This is important for the future of space flight, despite what it will do to tesla's stock price

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Anonymous No. 16245000

In situ resource utilization is what almost all the focus should be on right now once we reach the Moon and Mars
there will be zero progress in /sfg/ without it

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Anonymous No. 16245004

that's not very nice. and India is a competitive spacefaring nation. maybe kill europeans. they can't seem to into space.

Anonymous No. 16245007

just trust me it's important. lots of enclosed spaces with recycled air in our future. just trust me

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Anonymous No. 16245011

Shieeet dem mayo monkeys finna go way up in a lil bit

Anonymous No. 16245013

This is unironically communism.

Anonymous No. 16245014

Nobody thinks that's a slur anon.

Anonymous No. 16245015

silence poo

Anonymous No. 16245017

>kill europeans. they can't seem to into space
honestly this, crazy how a continent that loves to talk so much smack about the US still have not sent a man into space on there own.

Anonymous No. 16245024

Shut up shitjeet

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Anonymous No. 16245027

that's what you get when politicians design your rocket

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Anonymous No. 16245031

sorry fags, I'm a hu-white American. but real recognize real and India is putting in the work. keep being racist on 4chan though, maybe it'll make your country better at spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16245032

He's right. In terms of spaceflight India is well ahead of Yurop

Anonymous No. 16245033

You have the hands of someone who's never worked a day in your life.

Anonymous No. 16245034

let us have a moment of silence for the 2 astronauts who will be riding the boeing to their deaths.

Anonymous No. 16245035

It's the fuckin military schizo cult of passion

Anonymous No. 16245036

low price is not low cost

Anonymous No. 16245038

they signed up for it

Anonymous No. 16245039

>muh gun
cringe, low IQ

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Anonymous No. 16245042

>month day year

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Anonymous No. 16245043

deal with it

Anonymous No. 16245044

Did they though? Arent they just on a list and NASA assigns their rides?

>ah sorry dude we know you were scheduled for the next crew dragon but we had to shuffle some things around and now you are on starliner

Just fuck my shit up

Anonymous No. 16245045

>simping for jeets

Honorary street shitter, hand in your gun and toilet. Also you'll be racist when you get 50k poojeets delivered into your neighbourhood.

Anonymous No. 16245049

Go back. Now.

Anonymous No. 16245056

Stephen Baxter is a retard

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Anonymous No. 16245057
Everyone vote on before or after mid August in this poll.

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Anonymous No. 16245059

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Anonymous No. 16245061

found pdf

Anonymous No. 16245062

So they have a plan for block 2 of the SLS
but do they have a plan to make Orion's service module not suck complete ass

Anonymous No. 16245063

>block 2
Pick one

Anonymous No. 16245064

why isn't the cleansing of former british raj anywhere on this list, this is essential
you ever had to ride a bus with one of these guys? imagine sharing a space station. horrific

Anonymous No. 16245065

Imagine the reactions when new visitors unseal the hatch

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Anonymous No. 16245066


Anonymous No. 16245067

The first two steps on the critical path are a tragedy.
>1. Shuttle
>2. ISS
Doomed. Imagine being so optimistic and watching nothing happen for 30 years

Anonymous No. 16245070

most pointless poll ever

Anonymous No. 16245071

Good thank you for submitting your votes anons

Anonymous No. 16245072

Every poll is pointless since it has no basis on the outcome. What is YOUR point?

Anonymous No. 16245076

mongolian basketweaving forum posts, on the other hand...

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Anonymous No. 16245077

It has that tragic air of 80s and 90s spaceflight enthusiast hope-in-the-face-of-doom.
Was this ever updated?

Anonymous No. 16245078

Sir this is clearly a mexican propellant tank building forum

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Anonymous No. 16245080


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Anonymous No. 16245081

Explain how its pointless if votes are pretty evenly split. Also afterdoomers went from 75% to 43%. Shameful!

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Anonymous No. 16245082


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Anonymous No. 16245084

Kek so true (am burgermutt)

Anonymous No. 16245085

Next time rename your files, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16245086

No thanks I'm currently phone fagging and that takes too much effort. If that needs to be done to samefag I will post from my PC.

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Anonymous No. 16245087

what is shuttle II?

Anonymous No. 16245088

why don't we send a dirigible to Venus?

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Anonymous No. 16245090

oh hey i wonder if skyhook anon is still around...

Anonymous No. 16245095

Why a skyhook? If you can build a tether for a skyhook surely you can also build one for a regular space elevator. Then you don't have to try and dock with a cable at hypersonic speeds

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Anonymous No. 16245096

whats a world ship?

Anonymous No. 16245100

Oh. It's the 26th the starliner crew returns on. 12 day delay. Will that fuck onboard supplies

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Anonymous No. 16245104

there was a general expectation up through the 1990s that shuttle would be replaced by an improved spaceplane. you'll occasionally see people refer to a particular design with an ejectable cockpit from JSC in the early 90s as shuttle ii, but there were in fact many designs thrown around over many years. the only time we came close to getting a shuttle ii was venturestar.
i'm pretty sure skyhook is being used to mean a space elevator in this case. it's meant different things to different people over the years.

Anonymous No. 16245105

They have to be mad to step back into that deathtrap. I wonder if the NASA niggers are going to can it because another shuttle tier rud would be a pr disaster. They really should just punt the fucking thing away with the canadarm, bring the crew down on the next dragon and tell boeing to get their shit together.

Anonymous No. 16245110

correct. One of the victims was the NEAR solar sail asteroid mission

Anonymous No. 16245112

>They really should just punt the fucking thing away with the canadarm, bring the crew down on the next dragon and tell boeing to get their shit together
But then Boeing's stock price would go down, and that would be bad for all the congressmen who own Boeing stock.

Anonymous No. 16245116

Would it be worse than them immolating two astronauts

Anonymous No. 16245121

Uh, yes? Ensuring the profits of billionaire stockholders and insider trading congressmen is literally more important than anything else on the planet. They create jobs, anon. How many jobs have these astronauts created? How many times have THEY been to Bohemian Grove? Exactly.

Anonymous No. 16245125

Huwaito piggu

GO HO!!!

Anonymous No. 16245126

They can blame that on pilot error

Anonymous No. 16245127

Hand-held sized nuclear fusion device. Costs ~$100K to build.

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Anonymous No. 16245128

saaarrrrr fusion is impossible please understand

Anonymous No. 16245129

not spaceflight and not real

Anonymous No. 16245130

Can be used in space and founded by former BO employee

Anonymous No. 16245131

>Can be used in space
incorrect, only real things can be used in space. VC-bait vaporware will not work there.

Anonymous No. 16245132

No no actually watch the vid its interesting and actual spaceflight discussion. Am not the original anon.

Anonymous No. 16245139

>former BO employee

Lol lmao even

Anonymous No. 16245141

i'm skipping through it and my original opinion stands. like helion they're acting like they're going to get an unproven fusion concept finished and commercialized in short order because hey, spacex did something hard once too. except this is a much harder problem than anything spacex has ever done and we still aren't sure it's going to work at all.

Anonymous No. 16245157

I'm pretty optimistic about fusion and about "vaporware" companies but this is just ridiculous. They're claiming they can get energy from fusion AND they can do it without magnets and lasers somehow AND they can do it in a reactor the size of a PC somehow, that's 3 insane technological leaps in one. Even with all of those it's unlikely the energy produced is profitable.
I don't see it, though it would be cool

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Anonymous No. 16245158

This bullish-bearish terminology needs to fuck off

Anonymous No. 16245166

why are indians such insufferable pseuds?

Anonymous No. 16245168

There are 1.4b of them you will find every type of person in India.

Anonymous No. 16245172

There are psued everywhere in a 8+ billion world. We have multiple psueds who believe SpaceX is a fraud/Musk is a fraud/etc in just space domain. And space industry only occupies ~0.01% of the imagination of people. Each separate domain has their own pseuds.

Anonymous No. 16245174

at least 1.35b of them are insufferable pseuds
change my mind

Anonymous No. 16245179

Long term occupation by foreign powers selects for smooth talkers and ass kissers

Anonymous No. 16245182

I'm inclined to somewhat agree with this argument... it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.

Anonymous No. 16245183

>barely progressed 10 years (1998 tier) in 35 years

Anonymous No. 16245188

except for one who can poo in loo

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Anonymous No. 16245194
>From the Source Selection for the MSR studies:
>- Starship used up to landing (and potentially for ascent), with a demo mission targeted in 2029
>- Blue Moon doing entirely propulsive EDL + Blue built hypergolic MAV
>- Aerojet using skycrane + (maybe) hydrolox ascent vehicle

full FOIA'd pdf attached

Anonymous No. 16245206

we're only 20 years behind schedule, not great not terrible

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16245213

Jesus Christ is the Son of God & promises you eternal life if you simply believe Him.*
*He promised to also heal your body. (Just ask Him)*

Anonymous No. 16245216

Blue Origin can only do all-propulsive EDL with an aerospike

Anonymous No. 16245220

ayy nudes when?

Anonymous No. 16245221

Done. My back still hurts.
3/10 wouldn't worship again.

Anonymous No. 16245225

you don't need a heatshield at all on mars if you're doing all-propulsive and new glenn would give them more than enough mass to pull it off

Anonymous No. 16245227

It would be foolish to do it with a bell nozzle, absolutely retardedly inefficient. Mars' atmosphere is a free brake. An aerospike by design must be very heat resistant. Blue Origin has a patented aerospike, and is reportedly incorporating it into Jarvis.

Anonymous No. 16245231

>Blue Origin
barely not a meme

Anonymous No. 16245232

>absolutely retardedly inefficient
not when you have excess margin for a sample return and it can save you the trouble of designing something that has to handle aerodynamic entry

Anonymous No. 16245234

Clearly they're time travelers or assisted by them.
>working to bring fusion back from the future

Anonymous No. 16245237

Blue Origin is king at overdesigning and complexifying. With BO there is no such thing as extra margin lol

Anonymous No. 16245262

>If you can build a tether for a skyhook surely you can also build one for a regular space elevator.
the material requirements are totally different
the total mass is totally different

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Anonymous No. 16245274


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Anonymous No. 16245275

this is what an aerospace engineer looks like
show the children

Anonymous No. 16245277

>helps them feel seen and heard
what is peoples obsession with being validated by everyone they ever may or may not come in contact with?

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Anonymous No. 16245279

>Shartliner specialist

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Anonymous No. 16245280
>Saturday. Set your alarms for 9:00 a.m. Central [14:00 UTC]. Be sure you're subscribed and have notifications on. If you're a supporter, I'll have the review link ready tomorrow. Excited for you to see this!

Anonymous No. 16245282


Oldfag No. 16245284


Anonymous No. 16245286

Hey dude! Tongue my anus!!

Anonymous No. 16245287

>americans invent name for a certain group of people within america
>non-americans coopt it and just use it to refer to all americans
Is this going to become a recurring thing?

Oldfag No. 16245291


Anonymous No. 16245300

anything interesting from the boeing CEO deposition?

Anonymous No. 16245304

It has been for centuries. Everything from "yankee" to "cowboy" to "neocon" (dumb browns call anyone who supports any use of the US military a neocon) gets aped.

Oldfag No. 16245309

Cause it was made pretty by a God it would actually be a good thing. Screaming slave boi.

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Anonymous No. 16245312

>genetically designs a virus that kills Indians only with a 100% death rate
a particularly bad strain of Hepatitis A would do
>It is usually spread by eating food or drinking water contaminated with infected feces.

then again, their immune system must be so overdrive they might not even notice

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Anonymous No. 16245318

>Was this ever updated?
yes in 1997

Anonymous No. 16245319

>then again, their immune system must be so overdrive they might not even notice

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Anonymous No. 16245327

>Then you don't have to try and dock with a cable at hypersonic speeds
Its not the speed so much as the rather small time available to mate your cargo pod with the receiver on the skyhook tip

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Anonymous No. 16245340


Anonymous No. 16245348

>per year?
Try per decade.

Anonymous No. 16245354

newest version is 1997? lmao

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Anonymous No. 16245360

LEO on the Cheap
Methods for Achieving Drastic Reductions
in Space Launch Costs, 1994

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Anonymous No. 16245365

They were pretty optimistic

Anonymous No. 16245369

>intergalactic stage in 2100
yes, very optimistic.
this is mass effect tier tech development speed.
I still hope we will find some alien artefact that will allow a 500 year technology jump, that would be so fucking cool.

Anonymous No. 16245371

It says
That means within the galaxy so merely going to Alpha Centauri counts

Anonymous No. 16245372

oh that's right I read it wrong.
maybe it's possible to get a generation ship to proxima before 2100... if no great filter event happens.

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Anonymous No. 16245374

if you closely compare the two you see the meme projects of the late 80s drop out and get replaced by the meme projects of the late 90s

Anonymous No. 16245381

let's hope Artemis will not become yet another meme project.

Anonymous No. 16245387

Can you return from Mars in such a way as to pick up the route and stop at EML2?

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Anonymous No. 16245391

absolutely. gateway has its name because it was justified as a testbed for a future electric propulsion craft to send stuff from NRHO to mars - saves a bunch of time if you don't have to spiral out of earth's gravity well first. it's probably never going to happen but if you imagine a world where we never went beyond falcon heavy it'd make a lot of sense.

Anonymous No. 16245394

>Ad Astra

Anonymous No. 16245400

since we're talking about meme projects... I didn't know the dearMoon mission was cancelled!
any news about that? was it just delayed or...?

Anonymous No. 16245402

Cancelled by MZ after he watched a thunderf00t vid and realized that Musk is con man

Anonymous No. 16245405

Japanese guy didn't get the memo that SpaceX takes 5 times longer to do things than they say it would take.

Anonymous No. 16245414

yeah but I was hopeful it was merely elon time and not an outright cancellation! Probably waiting 10 or whatever years more than predicted had its cost too for MZ.

Anonymous No. 16245418

How's the first catch attempt going to fail?

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Anonymous No. 16245420

There was also the matter that his little rags business hadn't been doing so well lately. Lose a billion of your money and you will rethink things.
And going up to ISS partly satisfied his urge to go to space.

Anonymous No. 16245421

that's why they're building a second tower already

Anonymous No. 16245422

Llaughing at their diverstiiy hire eprogram ias all fine, but the real pproblem at 'Boeing' is that they have inherited teh MDD management practices that roughly translate to 'welll whoopsie looks like our aircraft just keep exploding and falling from the sky, sorry about that'

Anonymous No. 16245429

A habitat. Feels so much like home that you can be born and die within it and not be bothered too much. Important for <1% light speed interstellar travel

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Anonymous No. 16245431

Craftworld from 40k

Anonymous No. 16245433


Anonymous No. 16245440

the jap got ripped the fuck off. he was going to fly around the moon on falcon heavy which would have definitely happened by now, but elon did what elon does and persuaded him to spend hundreds of millions more to delay his own flight by a decade, LOL

Anonymous No. 16245446

>month day year
>June 21, 2024
Yes, its easy to say.

Anonymous No. 16245447

Elon was actually incredible by proving that you can finance multiple (ultimately successful and revolutionary) projects by building one Ponzi scheme on top of the other.

Anonymous No. 16245449

>fly around the moon on falcon heavy
Elon was directly threatened by a senator who told him that if Falcon Heavy publicly demonstrated the capabilities of the SLS, SpaceX would never receive another penny from NASA. This is also what cancelled Red Dragon.

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Anonymous No. 16245450

Clear is joining a harem

Anonymous No. 16245453


Anonymous No. 16245454

They're clearly referencing the Mr. Fusion from back to the future

Anonymous No. 16245457

>Mr. Fusion from back to the future
The what from where?

Anonymous No. 16245458

Do you honestly think there would be a primary source for a fucking senator secretly making threats? The only reason we know about it at all is insiders posting anonymously online

Anonymous No. 16245459

this shit is laughable do any investors actually put their money in this?

Anonymous No. 16245460

>marrying a moon rabbit
makes sense

Anonymous No. 16245461

Rockwell was dangerously based

Anonymous No. 16245465

Stripes where a extra billion.

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Anonymous No. 16245467

Old space is a ugly thing.

Anonymous No. 16245469

You must be 18 years old or older to post on 4chan.

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Anonymous No. 16245473

A place where you can get a gundam sized monster wafiu

Anonymous No. 16245474

I'm 23 and I've never heard of this show

Anonymous No. 16245475

its a shame NASA fully abandoned reusability. Shuttle was an utter flop but they could have remedied so many problems with a new shuttle. I would go as far as saying they were in a better position than SpaceX is today from a position of knowing exactly what the problems are.

Venturestar was a masterclass in retardation. Whoever approved an SSTO (or 1.5 stage to orbit or whatever it was) was nuts

Anonymous No. 16245476

Good, that means no hollywood jew will think about making a woke reboot to profit of nostalgia.

Anonymous No. 16245477

anon 18 year olds were born 17 years after this movie came out

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The future they d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16245478

>Venturestar was a masterclass in retardation. Whoever approved an SSTO (or 1.5 stage to orbit or whatever it was) was nuts


Anonymous No. 16245479

hes a 60 year old millenial who has forgotten that its not 2014 anymore

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Anonymous No. 16245480

jesus fucking christ
you have no memory of pic related?
zoomers are disheartening for real

Anonymous No. 16245483

>manchild is angry because someone didn't consume the same product
grow up

Anonymous No. 16245485

aerospikes are meme tech with lower performance in all regimes than bell nozzles. the only advantage is that they can be used as a heat shield, which venturestar was not even going to do. It was scrapped because the tanks were too heavy and the specific impulse of the engine was el atrociad

Anonymous No. 16245486

dude BTTF is a fundamental piece in the current scientific zeitgeist
it single-handedly motivated millions of european scientists to pursue a high effort, low reward career.

Anonymous No. 16245489

Okay, good for them.

Anonymous No. 16245493

yep he essentially ripped of the Japanese guy

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Anonymous No. 16245496

sounds good to me

Anonymous No. 16245498

Aerospikes are pure autism. Fixating on a particular aspect - needing different nozzle shapes - above all else. Meanwhile, the actual solution (many small engines, some vacuum some not) was totally ignored.

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Anonymous No. 16245499


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Anonymous No. 16245502


Anonymous No. 16245503

>ice layer protection
ok hear me out: ablative ice heatshields

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Anonymous No. 16245508

the actual solution was having your vacuum and non-vacuum engines be the same engine, and it was a solved problem at the time goldin decided he wanted to go SSTO. why the greatest SSTO engine of all time wasn't considered is a total mystery to me.

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Anonymous No. 16245510

>It's current year unc
They're betting on moonshots, even if they only put in like 50k, if it works that'd transform in tens of millions.
Also to stay on topic some more detail on commercial MSR.

Anonymous No. 16245522

the stupidity of VCs should never be underestimated. there are plenty who will dump cash into anything that says "fusion" on the label without taking 30 minutes to try to learn the difference between pie-in-the-sky companies and ones with viable designs like commonwealth's tokamak

Anonymous No. 16245525

SSTO is kino

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Anonymous No. 16245527

enjoy your external cargo cuck canister lol

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Anonymous No. 16245529

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Anonymous No. 16245532

Anonymous No. 16245537

Do you think a timeline where nasa chose to go with something besides the shuttle would be a better or worse timeline?

Anonymous No. 16245539

she can kiss my rocket anyday

Anonymous No. 16245542

Hi jeff bezos.
When is new glenn lauching?

Anonymous No. 16245544

I think more about the timeline where the russians sold musk their old rockets and spaceX took a completly different route based on russian rocket tech and failed.

Anonymous No. 16245552

The timeline where the russians sold elon the rocket is the timeline where spacex never gets started because has no reason to make his own rockets.
As well, spacex in our timeline takes most of their rocket design from the russians, musk said that the biggest influence on him was old soviet flight manuals. You can see this with the grid fins and kerolox cycle.

Anonymous No. 16245554

Don't Call me a Homo

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Anonymous No. 16245555

everyone likes to imagine better ones but shuttle's expensiveness ended up being an asset for nasa at times. their budget was going to get cut to the point that it could barely sustain a manned LEO program and no more, and if they'd gone with anything cheaper the cuts would've been more drastic. something like big G seems fun in retrospect but everyone in nasa at the time knew it meant doomsday.

Anonymous No. 16245556

>Shuttle alternatives
NASA started shuttle development before Apollo 11. The only way would've been if NASA kept developing its' SHLLV technology into rockets like the Nova concept or NLS.

Anonymous No. 16245561

>spacex has "excellent support from JPL"
Thats interesting, considering JPLs supposed extreme opposition to red dragon. Is this spacex playing politics or has JPL decided to switch camps?

Anonymous No. 16245568

That was for the Space Shuttle

Anonymous No. 16245576

When are they going to make a decision?

Anonymous No. 16245578

Who the fuck is whitting aerospace?
Their website is blank.

Anonymous No. 16245582

wtf she's flat

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Anonymous No. 16245598

>Just throw it out the airl-ACK

Anonymous No. 16245599

It missed the ocean, sadly

Anonymous No. 16245603

I hope one of this pieces lands on me and cuts off one of my legs so I can apply for official NASA neetbucks

Anonymous No. 16245604

some things like fecal matter and thrash can safely be thrown out the airlock

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Anonymous No. 16245612

Seems like a majority of /sfg/ thinks that IFT-5 is before mid August. If you havent yet vote in >>16245057

Anonymous No. 16245613

it is in two weeks

Anonymous No. 16245625

>Because this case falls outside the Space Liability Convention, there is no mechanism for a US citizen to seek claims from the US government for damage from space debris.


Anonymous No. 16245628

Oh Effeminate One, did you know that pissrael has patented technology to identify individuals based on the veins in their hands?

Anonymous No. 16245629


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Anonymous No. 16245634


Anonymous No. 16245640

given the number of supposedly "demisable" stuff that end up on the ground, it seems the models saying "yeah this is going to burn up entirely in the atmosphere" are shit. I wouldn't be surprised if they find Starlink pieces in random places in the future

Anonymous No. 16245651

Why is SpaceX prioritising reusability instead of making Starship operational first? They could do a full orbit and decceleration burn on the next launch, maybe with another payload door test again, but they chose not to.

Anonymous No. 16245657

Thats not how you design things fuckwit. Do you build your gaming PC with all the important bits like a good GPU and CPU in the beginning or do you first build it as your standard shitty office PC for no reason and THEN put in the gaming parts? No, you build it for what it needs to do first and dont do unnecessary detours. God some of you are so retarded

Anonymous No. 16245658

Been done 10,000 times
>reusable second stage
Never been done in a meaningful way.
Hard parts first

Anonymous No. 16245661

I have an old optiplex that I put a gtx 750, and ssd, and more ram in. whole thing cost $115 and it runs ps2/gamecube emulators great

Anonymous No. 16245664


Anonymous No. 16245665

Nobody cares retard. Not related to the analogy and not spaceflight fuck off

Anonymous No. 16245667

9AM west coast maybe?

Anonymous No. 16245668

>Why is SpaceX prioritising reusability instead of making Starship operational first?
because they have falcon 9 and heavy so they can already keep the business going while they perfect starship

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Anonymous No. 16245669

based irascible gatekeeper anon

Anonymous No. 16245670

spaceflight standard time is central US time

Anonymous No. 16245672

I also have an old atlas icbm that I put russian engines and a new centaur second stage on. runs high energy missions great

Anonymous No. 16245677

Tim Dodd spreadsheet reminder

Anonymous No. 16245681

good times

Anonymous No. 16245685

how long ago was it

Anonymous No. 16245686

those were the days

Anonymous No. 16245687

Non-Americans will continue to ape California and New York so long as Hollywood exists

Anonymous No. 16245689

Then there must similarly be no mechanism for the US government to seek claims from a citizen for damage to the ISS from Earther weaponry

Anonymous No. 16245691

I think it's getting better. A lot of young people prefer foreign entertainment, (including me).

Oldfag No. 16245692

Switch this fucking thread of now, get it off mah sci.

Anonymous No. 16245693

Japanese fella lost all his money and didn't feel generous anymore

Anonymous No. 16245694

Bc they are moving fast as shit and the difference between trying to get reusability right out of the gate vs figuring it all out later would only be like a 1 or 2 year difference overall, and they figure they can keep up with all their time table projections anyways.
No one has been able to whip up engines, entire super heavy lift rockets, and implement changes on a whim the way SpaceX currently does.
Now for someone like BO I would say it would be smarter to do expendable first just to get the damn thing flying already

Anonymous No. 16245698

Remember to report the namefag, he comes from the rest of /sci/ and sounds like B*rkun

Anonymous No. 16245700

A cubic month?!

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Anonymous No. 16245701

I was there

Anonymous No. 16245706

I have lived in foreign lands and it is truly depressing how much American TV and films foreigners watch. Doubly so if you're talking to one who can speak English.

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Anonymous No. 16245714

Absolute kino

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Anonymous No. 16245723

>Sunspots AR3712 and 13 are so large, they're altering the sunrise, the two sunspots were easy to see as the sun rose in morning.
Both have 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic fields that harbor energy for strong X-class flares.
just cool auroras or tech apocalypse /sfg/?

Anonymous No. 16245728

Nothing but clouds and rain for me for the next five days, so bet on spectacular auroras.

Anonymous No. 16245729

pretty nothingburger

Oldfag No. 16245730


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Anonymous No. 16245731

>tech apocalypse
I dont think a lot of /sfg/ anons would survive in that world.

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Anonymous No. 16245737

It'll miss us

Anonymous No. 16245738

Because theyre out of money, they cant keep destroying 36 raptors every launch, thats why theyre so worried about starship being reused.

Anonymous No. 16245740

Some of us will. Some of you won't.

Anonymous No. 16245741

>Been done 10,000 times

Mm ive ner seen starship in orbit, or are you so retarded to think falcon 9 is the same thing as starship?

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Anonymous No. 16245742

F in advance for Venus

Anonymous No. 16245745

Musk just got paid over 50 billion by tesla.
Spacex ain't running out of money anytime soon.

Anonymous No. 16245746

it's probably still mostly the same nitrogen but the oxygen is getting constantly cycled through

Anonymous No. 16245752

Venus could stand to loss some of that atmosphere the fat bitch

Anonymous No. 16245753

It'd take like half a day for any educated midwit to make a basic generator with all the random shit we have around.

Anonymous No. 16245754

Nobody will in a worst case scenario carrington event.
All the nuclear plants&chemical plants in the world need a entire army of technicians and working infrastructure to keep them safe.
We would have a world full of pressure cookers full of deadly shit slowly reaching a boiling point until they pop and spread their poison all over the world.
Industry fires would spread like wildfire and the smoke&ash would destroy all flora&fauna.

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Anonymous No. 16245756

God I love the S-IV

Anonymous No. 16245758

only hope of me being freed from 4chan

Anonymous No. 16245759

I definitely would not.

Anonymous No. 16245761

>Nobody will in a worst case scenario carrington event.
Incorrect, failure of imagination and will.
Reminder that humanity survived Toba. Some of us will be fine, most of you won't.

Anonymous No. 16245763

Funny thing is the whole issue with solar flares taking out our electronics is that so much of our infrastructure is built on dated non-grounded plastic enclosures. A modern PC in a metal case (not one with a big glass window btw) that's actually grounded i.e: UK plug or UPS would probably be fine

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Anonymous No. 16245764

Have you ever built a spaceflight related model?

Anonymous No. 16245765

I understand the metal case part but why is grounding important?

Anonymous No. 16245766

Now replace all the transformers who blew up that deliver power to that pc that is just fine.
The ukraine war, where the russians have been targeting the power net has show how vital transformers are and how little we actually have in reserve world wide.

Anonymous No. 16245768

/sfg/ mocked me for the crappy paint job on my vulcan centaur model the last time I posted it

Anonymous No. 16245769

>how little we actually have in reserve world wide.
We need the copper to build EVs please understand

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Anonymous No. 16245771

Infrastructure isn't protected, transformer damage would likely cause short circuits so you'll need good grounding.
Does the Lego LEM count?

Anonymous No. 16245772

In a worst case scenario the entire world would be poisoned by nuclear plants melting down and chemical plants fires spreading forever chemicals all over the world.
The survival of humans in world would be very hard on the fact that everything they will eat will poison them.

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Anonymous No. 16245776

I put together these steel models from time to time. But I'm really picky with the ones I buy.

Anonymous No. 16245783

I don't think that's true at all, anon. We've seen plants melt down, we've seen chemical plants burn, these things have already happened before and the world kept turning. There would probably be some nasty no-go zones for a while but the whole world wouldn't be one, that's a gross exaggeration on par with thinking a nuclear plant makes a mushroom cloud when it fails.
Before my shitty printer died I printed a tiny Starship and Superheavy, about 4 inches or so when stacked. I cut a little bit of paperclip to make a post then melted it into the top of Superheavy, now it connects to a corresponding hole in the bottom of Starship so the stack holds together. It doesn't look great but it's fun to swoosh around.

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Anonymous No. 16245785

>it's fun to swoosh around
you make noises when you do that, don't you

Anonymous No. 16245788

>I don't think that's true at all, anon. We've seen plants melt down, we've seen chemical plants burn, these things have already happened before and the world kept turning. There would probably be some nasty no-go zones for a while but the whole world wouldn't be one, that's a gross exaggeration on par with thinking a nuclear plant makes a mushroom cloud when it fails.

Your talking about scenarios where the entire nation and the world came together to stop the plants from melting down in to the ground water, and decade long clean up work.
Same with chemical plants, these chemical plants burning down were always stopped by firefighters and afterwards a massive clean up is needed.
But how do you stop a industry fire when the waterpumps dont work, how do you do a massive cleanup effort when you cant even put food on the table becasue the entire food economy has collapsed?

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Anonymous No. 16245800

Anonymous No. 16245804

It's weird if you don't
I think your sense of scale is wildly off, anon. I doubt the Amish would even notice a complete collapse of "society" right away. I don't live anywhere near chemical plants or nuclear facilities, there's just nothing close enough to me to worry about that way, maybe you live closer to such places and have good reason to worry.

Anonymous No. 16245808

Reminder that last year one derailed trail in rural american destroyed a shitload of flora&fauna, and they had to do a massive cleanup.
Now have the same but all over the world, and you cant clean it up.

Anonymous No. 16245810

That's one town anon. In Pennsylvania there are about 950 places big enough to be called a "town". There are 49 states in addition to Pennsylvania. Anon, the Earth is a very large place! We couldn't fuck it up that bad on purpose if we tried, let alone by accident/neglect.

Anonymous No. 16245811

I would love to see starship on mars in 2029 but this will probably just be another timeline for thunderf00t to be smug about.

Anonymous No. 16245812

>We couldn't fuck it up that bad on purpose if we tried, let alone by accident/neglect.
>he posted with microplastics in his balls.

Anonymous No. 16245816

hysteria about microplastics is a white woman phenomenon

Anonymous No. 16245824

shuttle was unironically ahead of it's time, which was its problem.
That's the entire reason they had all the retarded parts.
The SRBs for example, because if the booster turned off at any point it would be fatal and when Shuttle was developed there were no liquid fuel engines in the world which were reliable enough.

Anonymous No. 16245828

This, anon is an hysterical female and is therefore ignored.

Anonymous No. 16245830


Anonymous No. 16245832


Anonymous No. 16245833

>The SRBs for example, because if the booster turned off at any point
lol that is not why they made the boosters srbs. That was so icbm manufacturers had a reason outside the military to keep making solid rockets.
You fell for NASAs bullshit, they have a habit of making nonsense technical arguments for things they do for political reasons. Perfect modern example is orion. The reason why orion is so heavy and underpowered is so nothing besides SLS can lift it. But if you read NASAs technical arguments for why it is this way you'll see them claim the small rocket boosters on atlas are an unacceptable risk but the large solid rocket boosters on SLS are perfectly fine.
They say whatever gets NASA the most funding.

Anonymous No. 16245834

NASA was forced to use SRB's to keep the pork barrel going and to subsides American ICMB maintenance. Having the SRB's being shipped via barge in part was the reason for there being O-rings in the first place

Anonymous No. 16245835

Is this yuri?

Anonymous No. 16245836

Shuttle used SRB for the same reason SLS does, lobbying and military industrial base subsidies.

Anonymous No. 16245846

It was revealed to me (and the anon who posted >>16245449, I assume) in a Hacker News post. (The Red Dragon part, at least.)

Anonymous No. 16245859

NASA being honest about that stuff would be briefly hilarious until all their ongoing projects got canceled.

Anonymous No. 16245863

Honestly I don't think it would amount to much. Actually doing something useful is not the point of NASA.

Anonymous No. 16245868

Why does NASA have to be the ones to keep icbm manufacturers in business? now that we have the space force they can be the ones requesting icbms strapped to the sides of rockets and we don't have to do this little song and dance to pretend we actually care about solid rockets for space launch

Anonymous No. 16245874

look around, we're already in a tech apocalypse. 500,000 tech jobs were lost in the last 18 months in the US alone.

Anonymous No. 16245877

this is why elon said the other day that they want to land on mars asap. because they can make money from it.

Anonymous No. 16245879

They will be fine, they can always flip burgers and suck dick.

Anonymous No. 16245880

AI obsoleting so much of the financial and tech jobs will be such a relief.

Anonymous No. 16245883

>Why does NASA have to be the ones to keep icbm manufacturers in business?
During the shuttle era NASA was the only org to do anything with rockets.
Nowadays theres absolutely no reason to do launch vehicles with SRBs.

Anonymous No. 16245886

Seems pretty fine. The current pace of Starship seems like it would be on track to deliver Artemis so Mars a few years later isnt crazy.

Anonymous No. 16245891

What's the point of a population of 8 billions when the majority of labor gets automated?
We are in danger.

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Anonymous No. 16245892


Anonymous No. 16245896

To consume and produce exceptional individuals. The point isn't that every person contributes equally, it's that with more people there's a larger chance of great people being born.

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Anonymous No. 16245898


Anonymous No. 16245900

>Anon still believes most "people" have some kind of inherent value

Anonymous No. 16245903

Back to >>>/a/ >>>/lgbt/ >>>/v/

Anonymous No. 16245904

“NASA was forced to do this”
“Ummm yeah well NASA had no choice… they HAD to do that”
At some point it stops being a game of ‘congress said’ and starts being the reality of ‘NASA is just as political and stupid with decisions as congress is with the purse’

NASA put man on the Moon and launched Skylab—but after that it’s been go fever, academic politics, and bad choices even when there were options. I’m not apologizing for the same brain rot that got us oldspace complacency

Anonymous No. 16245905

Learn to greentext your quotes newfag

Anonymous No. 16245913

that's a man

Anonymous No. 16245915

every space program, literally every single one: spaceships are white

Anonymous No. 16245922

SLS retard back to >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16245925

Estrogenated Astronaut dropped the tour video btw. Still not paying tho

Anonymous No. 16245928

sls is a rocket

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Anonymous No. 16245931

>NASA is just as political
The top positions are political appointments of management is political, but I'm not going to pretend that the average engineer working there has any real say on the overall directions of their programmes.

Nixon had won the space race and wanted to introduce budget cuts but couldn't be seen to abandon space altogether so decided on building LEO infrastructure, the very idea of a fully reusable shuttle and booster were abandoned because of a lack of future funding and political willpower to see such a programme to fruition.

The OMB forced NASA to chose SRB's over liquid boosters even though liquid offered a lower cost/flight, in the conclusions of the final report of the programme definition NASA even acknowledges that environmental conditions would affect launches.

Anonymous No. 16245934

I take it you've never actually seen any spacecraft. or even photos of them

Anonymous No. 16245936

Morton-Thiokol needed jobs too.

Anonymous No. 16245939

too based for this general

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Anonymous No. 16245941

Is that a non-white spacecraft?????????!

Anonymous No. 16245942

Those fuckers too, begging for money from USAF after they got their own projects cancelled and then being forced by the DoD and NRO to hand over primacy on the design process is further proof that NASA wasn't completely in charge of the programme.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16245943


Anonymous No. 16245946

Anonymous No. 16245948

I'm just glad NASA has shifted to buying "launch services" and taking Congress's hands out of the design process.

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Anonymous No. 16245950

I don't feel so good Mr. Musk

Anonymous No. 16245957

How come no sample return rendezvous with the ISS and uses a regular return flight to re-enter. Seems like is could save a lot of complexity.

Could use the nanoracks airlock.

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Anonymous No. 16245958

Do you think SUSIE will ever get funded by ESA?
I think it's a good looking craft.

Anonymous No. 16245960

>just a mini starship
Zubrin wins again

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Anonymous No. 16245961

Hybergoligs :DDD

Anonymous No. 16245968

I think it would be fun to build a working model (I don't have the tools or ability) or code a simulation.

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Anonymous No. 16245969

It seems to be just a starship rip off yeah.
Why do oldspace always try to do orbital reuse first? Thats the way harder step.

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Anonymous No. 16245971

>my vulcan centaur model

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Anonymous No. 16245972

Anonymous No. 16245981

Mostly because it means you can't do a direct aerobrake entry and requires more propellant for docking maneuvers.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16245985


Anonymous No. 16245988

>That ILRS concept render
Absolutely grim, it's an antenna and a few solar panels that are visited by Apollo-era landers
Seethe more

Anonymous No. 16245991

Oldspace is stuck in expendable booster hell without a Starlink scale project to self fund iterative booster development. Starship is going to destroy most of what's left besides deliberate subsidy of Starship competitors by governments.

Anonymous No. 16245997

>Starship is going to destroy most of what's left besides deliberate subsidy of Starship competitors by governments.
I don't think the government will subsidize expendable launchers. There are other companies like BO and RL planning rockets geared towards constellations, more likely I think is that the likes of boeing and lockheed martin will just cede the launch market to newspace.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16245998


Anonymous No. 16246027


Anonymous No. 16246029

>boeing and lockheed martin will just cede the launch market to newspace
If you'd asked me a decade ago I'd've said they would sooner assassinate Elon Musk. Boeing has been pretty clear on the latest earnings calls though, they just want out.

Anonymous No. 16246031


Anonymous No. 16246032

Boeing and Lockheed need to go back to making more airplanes, especially Lockheed getting back into the civilian airline game with their Hercules and some new jetliners. The recent Boeing quality control issues show the danger of a domestic monopoly.

Anonymous No. 16246037

I don't like those guys

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Anonymous No. 16246052

>dumb browns call anyone who supports any use of the US military a neocon
I see you

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Anonymous No. 16246053

On the moon

Anonymous No. 16246061

Not likely. The payload capacity of reusable upper stages on medium or even heavy lift launch vehicles is too poor to justify the expenditures in the booster.

Anonymous No. 16246079


Anonymous No. 16246081

qrd NOW!

Anonymous No. 16246083


Anonymous No. 16246084

Too bad no one on sfg is stupid enough to pay for that ahit now

Anonymous No. 16246085


Anonymous No. 16246087

You had to be there

Anonymous No. 16246088

isnt this the vtuber that did the pomf pomf song before they were a vtuber?

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Anonymous No. 16246091

i found this in the archive

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Anonymous No. 16246095

Anonymous No. 16246096

I recommend going to ask /tg/ how to paint things

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Anonymous No. 16246100


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Anonymous No. 16246101

Anonymous No. 16246103

should've been "leak helium in ten manifolds"

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Anonymous No. 16246104


Anonymous No. 16246106

bizarre mechanical venus rover instead of simply using a stirling heat pump to cool off the electronics to normal temperatures

Anonymous No. 16246107

remember when it was supposed to land on mars in 2020

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Anonymous No. 16246110

in a way it's a sign of how sophisticated the average /sfg/er is.

Anonymous No. 16246111

"in" instead of "on" always seemed strange to me about this image.

Anonymous No. 16246113

Could have happened Red Dragon in an alternative time where Musk gave up on space colonization dream.

Anonymous No. 16246114

coon spasms are not known as bastions of intellectual thought, anon

Anonymous No. 16246115

>it's already been 2 years since that

Anonymous No. 16246118

It's very old so the zeitgeist hadn't yet absorbed the moon as a place to stand on rather than an abstract celestial body. Same as the HG Wells book "The First Men In The Moon"

Anonymous No. 16246119

Those hands have never seen a single day of labor.

Anonymous No. 16246122

This image reminded me of something I was confused about, why is Starliner allowed to land on land but Crew Dragon isn't?

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Anonymous No. 16246124

That's a crazy thing to think about.

Anonymous No. 16246128

It's not about "allowed." It's just designed to do that, in the same way that Soyuz isn't designed to do very well if it lands in the water.

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Anonymous No. 16246141

Has building on Mars been figured out yet? I don't buy the 3d printed bug house for a fucking second

Anonymous No. 16246147


Anonymous No. 16246153

>BTTF Kino
>Consumer slop
You must be 30 to post here

Anonymous No. 16246156

yeah, martian dwellings are going to be made mostly out of pine 2x6's, sheetrock, and plywood. with aluminum siding and fiberglass insulation.

Anonymous No. 16246157

regenerated with the urine produced by the crew?

Anonymous No. 16246159

3D printed house has issues with regulations on Earth. We can't just rend a 3D printer for house and print one on a land you own. You need to go through all sorts of bureaucracies. And there's no such thing as a place without bureaucracies on land as every piece of land on Earth is under some sort of legal jurisdictions. Even if you travel to the middle of nowhere to build a 3D printed house on a land you buy, you need permits and such

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Mars shanty shack.jpg

Anonymous No. 16246161

Lots and lots of scrap

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Anonymous No. 16246168

Media is starting to dogpile them too

Anonymous No. 16246170

looks like a slum

Anonymous No. 16246174

surely you dont need permits to throw up a shack in the sahara

Anonymous No. 16246176

anyone got the everyday astronaut upload yet

Anonymous No. 16246177

Wouldnt you know you fucking pigger scum

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Mars neighborhood.jpg

Anonymous No. 16246178

It's one of "those" neighborhoods.

Anonymous No. 16246181

fuck off ztard. your hero putin will ack before you win.

Anonymous No. 16246186

You seem mad.

Anonymous No. 16246188

Coming Tuesday, static fire test?

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iowa with rocket 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 16246190

>be zigger
>traumatized by the pigger
>have to mention them every single hour of the day out of the blue to complete strangers

anyway, when the fuck is someone gonna early leak that goddamn estronaut tour.

Anonymous No. 16246196

Starlink/SpaceX + Comcast collaboration to expand services

Anonymous No. 16246212

It's hot. Real hot.

Across the country, Americans are experiencing record-breaking heat.

NASA is here to help. The data we collect—through our fleet of satellites—helps the world track and navigate extreme weather in real-time

Anonymous No. 16246213

unbelievably based pic

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Anonymous No. 16246225

It'll include 3d printing but it won't be shit

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Anonymous No. 16246229


Anonymous No. 16246231

Looks like the proontingfag is back.

Anonymous No. 16246238

I can't decide if I want to live inside a proonted habitat, bored tunnel habitat, inflatable habitat, or metal cylinder habitat.

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1910s proonting.jpg

Anonymous No. 16246242

reminder that thomas edison had mastered poured habitats in the 1910s and they were more luxurious than marshabs will EVER be

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Anonymous No. 16246244

>Does the Lego LEM count?
Estes sells a Falcon 9 rocket but so far no Starship. They're probably waiting for it to get out of the development stage.
Think I had that type of model in my stocking one year but it was a bus or something so it got lost in the bottom of my closet. The ones you have look nice.

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Anonymous No. 16246246

Very cool

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iowa with rocket 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 16246247

based autistic toy woosher

Anonymous No. 16246248

Going to throw the "actually" card and say there are a couple of small areas that are unclaimed by anyone because doing so would invalidate other larger claims. Then there's Marie Byrd Land, which is as annoying to build in as it would be on Mars but in different ways.

Anonymous No. 16246249

Why China is winning the EV war (It's the battery)

Didn't watch but the title is interesting

Anonymous No. 16246251

i am so trolled right now. congrats anon. you got me.

Anonymous No. 16246252

Did you get lost on the way to /evg/?

Anonymous No. 16246255

back you go >>>/g/

Anonymous No. 16246256

Iowa needs to put her tits away so we can focus on the rogget

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Anonymous No. 16246259

Why would they let Comcast resell their service? There must be some significant upcharge Comcast is planning to add for providing nothing extra to the value proposition.

Orrrrr looking at the news, this is making the rounds. Guess Comcast is desperate to roll out something, anything, and Starlink is more than happy to finally get the money they were originally going to make from the program anyway

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Anonymous No. 16246261

why are you trolled

Anonymous No. 16246262

I understand jeff has his own rocket business but it’s a shame Amazon couldn’t close a deal with Starlink. The two of them combined could have turned space into a trillion dollar economic sphere. They could have built their own internet from scratch if they wanted

Anonymous No. 16246264

They are building an internet from scratch
Guess who can't tap space and is starting to get a little concerned about that fact

Anonymous No. 16246270

Incomplete and disingenuous.
They only mentioned China from China's POV, but nothing about rest of the world. One particular take is this.
>China forced Tesla to use Chinese battery
Tesla buys huge amounts of batteries from China because its just cheaper. Tesla wanted Panasonic to make more, but they aren't expanding or expanding slowly. Tesla made their own. Tesla has the largest battery infrastructure in the US, none of these are mentioned. I get that Bloomberg is owned by a Biden voting Billionaire and the reporters lean towards that, but if you're excluding 90% of the world and only focusing on China's story, its an incomplete story at best.

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iowa eatan.png

Anonymous No. 16246271

she'd have to go on a diet first.

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Anonymous No. 16246274

That won't be happening

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Anonymous No. 16246275

yeah okay bro

Anonymous No. 16246277


Anonymous No. 16246280

opening line:
>In 2024 Ford Motors Quebec production on their F-150 Lightning

Anonymous No. 16246281


Anonymous No. 16246283


Anonymous No. 16246284

Two reasons I can think of: first is redundancy. If Comcast goes down, which it does, your business connection is automatically switched over the Starlink. The other is for large Comcast customers who have locations that aren't serviced with regular Comcast infrastructure. Maybe you have five hundred stores and 430 of them are in Comcast service areas and the other 70 aren't. This lets you deal with just one provider for all your internet connectivity needs.

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Anonymous No. 16246285

Anonymous No. 16246296

I'm just skeptical that you would want such a vital piece to be dependent on a completely novel technology. How would those big printers even work? All the demos I've seen use concrete, which is made from fossils, which only exist locally. Also your printer would need to be moved to Mars, and your buildings would be limited by the printer size. That's a big problem when 90% of your square footage is necessarily open floor factory. This is a huge problem for there to be no immediately obvious right answer.
Those robots are science fiction right now and there's nothing more to say about that.
This is what I'm thinking, if you have a pourable construction material then panelized construction would be way easier. Hell if Starship works then CMU construction might make the most sense.
You have schizophrenia

Anonymous No. 16246300

>You have schizophrenia
Whatever you say, proonter.

Anonymous No. 16246304

no matter how much you force this gay rocket as a meme nobody cares.

Anonymous No. 16246307

it's a beautiful shot, anon

Anonymous No. 16246310

That's so hot

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Anonymous No. 16246312

if Jeff had been an ally to Elon instead of a shit-talking, lawsuit bringing, contract stealing little bitch we could have had SpaceX squared and probably had a Stanford torus being built by reusable Starships by now

Anonymous No. 16246322

This, Bezos is a fucking idiot. Why does he care about the rocket part so much? They aren't even mentioned in BO's mission statement. There are enough problems to be solved and I imagine enough of an interested market to justify research into habitats starting immediately. He could be half the Starship customer base without noticing a change in his bank account.

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Anonymous No. 16246323


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Anonymous No. 16246330

>Same as the HG Wells book "The First Men In The Moon"
Its called that because the ayy bugs the Earthmen encounter live underground you ignoramus

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Anonymous No. 16246332

rustsuckers are animals living in filth

Anonymous No. 16246333

entrepreneurship is just the ancient drive for personal glory and fame slightly sublimated. you don't put your name in the history books by teaming up with the competiton. it's easy to decry the irrationality of it, but founding space startups at all is irrational by most people's reckoning.

Anonymous No. 16246336

if he had put as much time money and effort into developing a LEO station (luxury hotel? first vacation home owned by a billionaire? how about both- a timeshare) as he has his little penis rocket carnival ride and all his other long-over-budget and long-overdue rockets the thing could have been lofted by a half dozen Falcon9s or a few Falcon Heavy by now and he could be sitting pretty and be seen as the tip of the spear "space guy" and not just nipping at other's heels

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Anonymous No. 16246337

Anonymous No. 16246339

What the hell are you talking about? A guy who bought land in 1750 to grow cabbages is an entrepreneur. You're talking about ego impeding the free market

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Anonymous No. 16246342

More launches

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Anonymous No. 16246344

>it's easy to decry the irrationality of it
it's even easier to decry his impeding progress by others and him squandering money and talent, he's actually harmed humanity with his petty and misguided "efforts" so far

Anonymous No. 16246346

How does that help me? I'm still hot.

Anonymous No. 16246349

Stop asking questions

Anonymous No. 16246351

Doesn't he pull out ten billion a year? He could launch like 10 ISSs of mass on the falcon 9 every year

Anonymous No. 16246355

A billion dollars don't buy you game.

Anonymous No. 16246356

not his problem. find your own customer, elon.

Anonymous No. 16246357

why should we even bother colonizing mars before we have a self-sustaining moon base capable of assembling and launching rockets?
not having to launch from the surface of the earth would be way more fuel efficient and also would allow for you to build rockets that don't need to care about aerodynamics (so you could have one with a large habitation ring without worrying about aerodynamic drag ripping it off on ascent)

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Anonymous No. 16246358

The little ones sure, but work is already underway for autonomous robots to do the same thing

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Anonymous No. 16246360


Anonymous No. 16246361


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Anonymous No. 16246363

Proonterfags, know your place

Anonymous No. 16246364

currently his problem is that he doesn't have anything in orbit despite prices going way down. his ego is the reason he doesn't have a space hotel, that's it

Anonymous No. 16246365

gee, thanks nasa

Anonymous No. 16246368

the free market's success owes entirely to its ability to innovate, and you have no innovation without the possibility of building your own little business empire to control monopoly rents for a time. that's schumpeter in a nutshell. all the stuff about efficient allocation of goods in equilibrium is just window dressing.
one could similarly look at late republican rome and decry all the infighting and intrigue as a squandering of talent, but a more astute historian could look at it and see that it was the heightened sense of conflict that produced great men and forced outward expansion. there is no caesar without a crassus and there is no musk without a bezos.

Anonymous No. 16246369

no we wouldn't. We need competition. ULA was a manufactured monopoly and look what's happened

Anonymous No. 16246371

Russia has nuclear anti-sat weapon that can put out EMP in LEO and destroy good chunk of satellites. Possibly creating kessler syndrome.

Biden officials wont divulge information. For the fear that it would undermine US support for the war in Ukraine.

Anonymous No. 16246372

define prooonterfag for me

Anonymous No. 16246373

>Russia has nuclear anti-sat weapon that can put out EMP in LEO
the US has had that for like 60 years. look up starfish prime.
Now fuck off ESL zigger

Anonymous No. 16246376

You had to be there.

Anonymous No. 16246378

biden won't divulge the information because we have nothing beyond circumstantial evidence and speculation. if you're going to be making accusations on an international stage you need to have something more than "it's in a funny orbit".

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Anonymous No. 16246379

yes, I was going minimal but you are correct if he hadn't dumped it all into developing all of these pie-in-the-sky rockets he could have assembled a really impressive structure in LEO, a few dozen Falcon 9 launches over the last half a decade could have built him quite the floating castle by now and kept it inhabited with him and his people (you know, sycophants and hispanic MILFs)

Anonymous No. 16246380

Russia also claimed they have hypersonic rockets, but then the the ukkies shot one out of the sky with a patriot rocket.
Russia also claims they have a wunderwaffe that can destroy all of the united kingdom in a tsunami.

Meanwhile russia is fighting ukraine with 40 year old tanks with optics of the last century.

Anonymous No. 16246381

Living in space would suck ass without artificial gravity.

Anonymous No. 16246385

>put out EMP in LEO and destroy good chunk of satellites
That's not how it works

>Possibly creating kessler syndrome.
That's not how that works either

>Biden officials wont divulge information
For the same reasons that they won't divulge any info about HAARP being a secret weather control weapon

>it would undermine US support for the war in Ukraine
How is it supposed to do that?

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Anonymous No. 16246386

> /k/atamites shitting up the thread
talk spaceflight or gtfo

Anonymous No. 16246387

>Biden officials wont divulge information
because it doesn't exist

Anonymous No. 16246388

And it would be pretty much impossible because of fluids building up long term in places in the body in low G that they dont really have a solution for now.

Anonymous No. 16246390

This triggered the bots lmao

Anonymous No. 16246392

>tankie comes in spreading propaganda.
>people call him out on it
>retards go "fucking /k/ shitting up the board again!!!"

Anonymous No. 16246394

Fuck off /k/ike

Anonymous No. 16246395

How did Biden trannies become the dominant voice on /k/? What the fuck happened to that board?

Anonymous No. 16246396

He’s right y’know kek

Anonymous No. 16246397

the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee is a tankie, confirmed

Anonymous No. 16246399

It's all glowniggers and easily duped morons

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Anonymous No. 16246402

>government accounts are now advertising nuclear support
NERVA bros, things are looking up.

Anonymous No. 16246403

old-space and their old-space ways could have been killed off by an alliance of Bezos and Musk, as is, if old-space or their even just their infuriating practices are alive and well 10 years from now it will be thanks to Bezos I'm sure

Anonymous No. 16246405

retard, we have a hundred times more to lose up there than they do so what does it matter that we could do it too, why would we, you dumb kikel?

Anonymous No. 16246406

ill suck biden's cock if I see the NERVA in my lifetime

Anonymous No. 16246407

>we're excited to announce a partnership with the future of American space flight: ULA and Blue Origin

Anonymous No. 16246408

52 one week visits per year by paying customers wouldn't "suck", tard, think of how he tries to entice suckers into paying for his little rocket hop and how he could charge a hundred times more for one of these adventures, now do you get it?

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Anonymous No. 16246410

guess I'll shoot myself

Anonymous No. 16246413

I see what you're doing. You are much younger than Biden. You are trying to get out of the deal hoping he will die soon? Even if NERVA complete by 2050 Biden will be dead, so you are trying to get out of paying the deal anyway

Anonymous No. 16246414

>le kessler syndrome
>in LEO
go back to r*ddit

Anonymous No. 16246415

you can still suck a corpse's cock

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Anonymous No. 16246416

Oh my sweet summer child.

Anonymous No. 16246417

IIRC (and someone will correct me if I'm wrong), Mars is only twice the delta-v as the Moon. Simply going to Mars and back is much easier than setting up an industrial manufacturing system on the Moon.

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Anonymous No. 16246418

ill scheme however hard it takes to get advanced propulsion systems

Anonymous No. 16246422

Thank you for covering me there anon.

Anonymous No. 16246426

It'll require heavy machinery but Martian cities will be in pressurized glass-topped artificial canyons

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Anonymous No. 16246436


Anonymous No. 16246444

reeeeee stop closing plants you fags

Anonymous No. 16246454

whywould you call yourself ultra safe nuclear corporation? retarded name. blue origin is a flop name too. One thing musk is great at is coming up with a banger name

Anonymous No. 16246470

>For the fear that it would undermine US support for the war in Ukraine
>Oy vey, this is serious, much much more serious than our southern border being wide open or the dollar's precipitous decline in value!

Anonymous No. 16246472

insurance should cover it no? this is specifically NOT an act of god

Anonymous No. 16246476

Aren't the rocks themselves poisonous? I don't think this works either. Is beautiful though

Anonymous No. 16246477


Bezos should have unironically leveraged his Amazon expertise and essentially built a new generation aerospace supply chain to feed the new space beast that is growing. Instead, he made a vanity project and will forever be remembered as a salty bitch within the aerospace world.

Anonymous No. 16246480

The thing with EMPs is that they're not directional. They can't be focused. They're an expanding bubble once triggered. They may take out a huge portion of satellite infrastructure in orbit, but at the consequence of taking out a lot of your own infrastructure and spy hardware and your allied hardware TOO. Something something bold move cotton,

Anonymous No. 16246482

Catch test render

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Anonymous No. 16246485

>On Dec 4 1995, the NRC received anon. allegations re the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station.
>That the licensee for MY, knowingly performed inadequate analyses of the emergency core cooling system and the containment to support applications for increases in the licensed maximum reactor power level.
>bunch of other stuff such as on-site engineers not giving true statements on steam dump valves
>Company running the plant shuts it down instead of regulator
Seems like a classic case of some higher-ups kept asking for higher MWt limits to just make easy money while ignoring proper upkeep

Anonymous No. 16246488

can you find some new pics to post? you've posted these already

Anonymous No. 16246490

Russia doesnt have many. US has a lot. Specifically Starlink and many other small sats that do recons. Further they know where their sats are and they know where US sats are. There region where Russian assets is none-minimal in LEO and US LEO sats are maximized is quite a lot. So plenty of opportunity.

When Musk taunted "we can put up sats cheaper than you can launch rockets to take down sats", they propped this solution instead.

Anonymous No. 16246492

It'll be habs and cabs for first generation. Followed by heavily copying architecture out of South America like Brazil and Argentina, where they build INTO the mountain faces rather than create a depression in or remove the mountains entirely like burgers, in order to create city. Which allows you to have an external face and a cavernous internal structure supported by the mountain. In the case of Mars, it'll be particularly important as you'd want all your flora/fauna as much as possible heavily shielded by rock and dirt to the effects of solar radiation and statically saturated Martian regolith. Generation 2.5 will also evolve to include: >>16246436. Gen 3 will expand this further to have domed cities with transparent alloys in combination of mountain and cavernous cities/facilities. The biggest limiting factor to the pace of development will be rate of water extraction from martian soil and location of underground brine aquifers which will be distilled and purified for use by humans, flora/fauna and manufacturing/mining/production facilities.

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Anonymous No. 16246493

They don't know when they're going to burn them up in reentry.

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Anonymous No. 16246498


Anonymous No. 16246503

Is this the most insane idea in rocketry that actually made it past sketches?

Anonymous No. 16246504

>Russia doesnt have many. US has a lot. Specifically Starlink and many other small sats that do recons. Further they know where their sats are and they know where US sats are.
Entirely irrelevant. For an EMP to be significantly effective to be able to impact a statistically significant portion of US assets and the starlink network means that it will have to be very strong, and if its very strong, no Russian or Chinese or any other its allies who have hardware in orbit will be safe. Also, if and when they decide to use this, they will have to pull their cosmonauts from the ISS first or they'll doom them to asphyxiation a 100km above the surface as every means of coming home becomes a floating coffin. And when they do pull all their cosmonauts, that immediately violates the treaty between the US and Russia on ownership and peaceful cooperation between the two. Russia pulling the cosmonauts would be as blatant as holding up a giant fucking red flag the size of your mom that Russia's about to starts some major shit.

Anonymous No. 16246506

>le radiation meme
I think I remember hearing it isn't actually that bad.

Anonymous No. 16246507

Propulsive landing
Bellyflop maneuver to save energy for landing burn

Anonymous No. 16246508

They'd better run this test using the acceleration data from Booster 11's landing burn

Anonymous No. 16246510

A small scale detonation that kills couple hundred Starlinks is probably worth it to Russia. You now realize the initial weapon doesn't have to kill all the sats, but rather demonstrate it on small enough scale to threaten the US. Particularly, threatening Starlink could do that.

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Anonymous No. 16246513


Anonymous No. 16246517

Pretty sure no country would let the lives of a handful of civilians in an inherently dangerous job jeopardize a massive & risky military operation. If Russia used a space EMP, those astronauts are toast.

Anonymous No. 16246519

this, he will be forever remembered by me as the guy who hosed William Shatner down with champagne after his little ride up and back down in Jeff's embarrassingly phallic looking toy rocket, oh and I think he ate a lizard once too

Anonymous No. 16246528

Its about establishing long term tolerances for the flora and fauna we intend to grow and have on the surface of this planet. Humans are willing to risk and tolerate a lot of dangerous shit in the name of adaptation, including death. It's more serious if the radiation poisons your crops, which you are going to consume at scale. Most importantly though, 9/10 times, it's likely not going to be serious but in the 1/10 chance when you have a solar maximum period with X class flares spewing tons of material and charged particles out into the system and say if Mars is in its path. THAT is where this protection matters the most. Because Mars' atmosphere is a mere 1% the density of Earth's, and its magnetosphere is mostly gone at this point relative to Earth. So the amount of protection from this ionized radiation is vastly lesser than Earth.

The whole point of a military operation is that the enemy doesn't see you coming. If you pull ALL your cosmonauts from the ISS, that violates a treaty and basically would trigger Biden picking up the phone to Russia, dialing up Putin and asking "you really want a war asshole?" It's like wearing a t-shirt that says "imma stab you" while holding a knife in front of someone. You may succeed, but your element of surprise is lost.

Again, you're not paying attention. There won't be anything small scale in this demonstration. There's over 6k satellites in LEO and the EMP is a perfectly spherical expanding bubble. This means that everything in atmosphere is ALSO impacted. An EMP to take out a few hundred Starlinks means everything in a few thousand square kilometers below is also impacted. Say, there's about 100 planes flying over ocean or land here; the EMP takes all of them out, because it 100% will. They're now ballistic bombs. Everyone onboard is dead on impact. Everyone below will die. Where it lands also will see damage. EVERYONE IS NOW PISSED AT YOU. If this is over China, they want your blood. GG.

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Anonymous No. 16246529


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Anonymous No. 16246531

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Anonymous No. 16246533

Dumb. Space is big.

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Anonymous No. 16246534
>NASA and Boeing leadership are adjusting the return to Earth of the Starliner Crew Flight Test spacecraft with agency astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams from the International Space Station. The move off Wednesday, June 26, deconflicts Starliner’s undocking and landing from a series of planned International Space Station spacewalks while allowing mission teams time to review propulsion system data.

Anonymous No. 16246536

All of you popsci faggots need to shut up about EMP. You do not know what you're talking about. EMP is not the potential hazard in this scenario.

Anonymous No. 16246538


Slowly lowering it seems counter productive. It would be more realistic to have placed about a few meters above the chopsticks and then simulate a fall onto them to really test the catch, as that's what the booster is actually going to do. It's not going to be a perfect catch the first time, given the clear lack of margins in fuel on the descent from the past flight. It's probably going to take a few tries maybe up to half a dozen or full before they figure out the fuel margins to perfectly catch it and not worry about the drop. Still, a booster catch of something this massive is bonkers. If it succeeds on the first try, it will move SpaceX which is a league of their own currently though somewhere within reach due to their propulsive landing capabilities cadence, all into an entirely new echelon of aerospace that combined planetary state actors would not be able to compete with.

Elon's risking a lot with attempting to catch the booster the first time. I think everyone else is desperately hoping it basically ballistically takes out the tower, as that will set SpaceX back nearly a year or more, and given lawyers and regulators with hostile activist interests the ability to slow down or stop SpaceX from getting ahead further. In the odd chance they actually succeed, the entire aerospace sector that is competing in the heavy and super heavy lift segment is seriously in danger. As a caught booster via tower would demonstrably lower the cost to orbit per kilogram from a few thousand per kg to a few hundred per kg. It's Wayland Yutani levels of madness.

Anonymous No. 16246539

>It's more serious if the radiation poisons your crops, which you are going to consume at scale.


Anonymous No. 16246540

>moved to “some time in July”

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Anonymous No. 16246541

>July 20th draws ever closer

Anonymous No. 16246542

Just kill the dalits.

Anonymous No. 16246544

>Something I have been told repeatedly by folks who work on Starliner is "If we were worried about the vehicle's safety, we would already be back on the ground." Spending more time in orbit for more data is a REALLY good thing to prepare for operational missions.

Anonymous No. 16246545

Yeah, and it's so radioactive you can't approach within 20 miles

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Anonymous No. 16246547

>Cars 10's of metres away
Kek, that's not how nuclear waste containment work chud

Anonymous No. 16246548

You'd best hope there's no planes that sphere of influence when it goes off, or your allies will become your enemies that will make sure you never see the light of day again.

Anonymous No. 16246549

chatGPT4o, pull up a source on this 4chan DOT org post

Anonymous No. 16246550

Comrade Komarov sends his regards

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Anonymous No. 16246552

>"If we were worried about the vehicle's safety,
You should always be nervous about a new vehicle. Fucking POOing

Anonymous No. 16246553

Pigger scared of Russia space capabilities?

Anonymous No. 16246557

Nice more time for helium to leak. This thing is going to run out of prop and leave those poor bastards spinning around in a random orbit until they die.

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Anonymous No. 16246561

>The whole point of a military operation is that the enemy doesn't see you coming. If you pull ALL your cosmonauts from the ISS, that violates a treaty and basically would trigger Biden picking up the phone to Russia, dialing up Putin and asking "you really want a war asshole?" It's like wearing a t-shirt that says "imma stab you" while holding a knife in front of someone. You may succeed, but your element of surprise is lost.

Anonymous No. 16246563

I can almost taste the vatnik tears in this post.

Anonymous No. 16246564

good morning fuckers.
another day, another day closer to IFT-5.

Anonymous No. 16246566
>Starliner CFT: No new problems have surfaced since the June 26 date was announced eight days earlier, and Starliner commander Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams are still cleared to undock and fly home at anytime if a station malfunction or other issue crops up that requires a quick exit; as such, they are not "stranded" in space

It's not leaking right now. It won't start leaking again until they restart the propulsion system

Anonymous No. 16246569

>The explosion released roughly 10^29 electrons into the Earth's magnetosphere. While some of the energetic beta particles followed the Earth's magnetic field and illuminated the sky, other high-energy electrons became trapped and formed radiation belts around the Earth. The added electrons increased the intensity of electrons within the natural inner Van Allen radiation belt by several orders of magnitude. In the months that followed, these man-made radiation belts eventually caused six or more satellites to fail
It's not the EMP that's the potential danger.

Something like this is also a hollow threat. It'd kill a lot of starlink satellites, but it'd also affect a lot of China's Gaofen satellites, and Russia needs China as a potential ally more than it needs to kill of satellite communication in Ukraine.

Anonymous No. 16246574

Not in the slightest. The perchlorate is a thin layer of dust.

Anonymous No. 16246592

>It's not leaking right now

do you really believe it

Anonymous No. 16246605

too bad they don't have an expendable barge rigged up to conduct this "catch testing"

Anonymous No. 16246606

kek, you say the most cringy things, anon

Anonymous No. 16246608

Has this been 100% confirmed? What are the conditions that form it? That would seem more manageable

Anonymous No. 16246609

Redditor ukroid manlets detected

Anonymous No. 16246614

>You'd best hope there's no planes that sphere of influence when it goes off, or your allies will become your enemies that will make sure you never see the light of day again.
when does hyperbole cross into hysteria?

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Anonymous No. 16246617

is the moon big, /sfg/? i had my guy walk around on it in kerbal and it looked like the biggest thing ever, but when i look at it in the sky it's pretty small. i don't know what to believe now.

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Anonymous No. 16246620

it's this big

Anonymous No. 16246621

here's a fun little trick, hold out a dime at arms length. it will completely cover the moon. that's just how small the moon is. don't believe KSP, it's just a video game.

Anonymous No. 16246626

should ceres be colonized or turned into habitats? how many km^2 of livable area could we scrape out of this thing?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16246627

moon has as much surface area of about 5x united states

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16246628

sorry 4x, just checked.
still an insane amount that will never be used.

Anonymous No. 16246631

ceres should just be scrapped yes

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Anonymous No. 16246635


Anonymous No. 16246640

What the fuck Elon

Anonymous No. 16246641


Anonymous No. 16246648

Shut up tubby

Anonymous No. 16246656

quick math says 182 billion sqkm, or around 350 times the surface area of Earth

Anonymous No. 16246661

I've not followed the Boing! shitshow because it's Boing! and no one cares. What is the latest? Are the astronauts dead yet?

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Anonymous No. 16246670

That would be 200 million Island Threes. The current population would fit 40 to a habitat lol. And that's just ceres.

Anonymous No. 16246678

I am just annoyed at the fact if they do burn up and die it's going to totally negatively affect all aspects of the space exploration landscape for years.
With Boing screwing up, you just know SpaceX will feel some of the repercussions as well even though they had nothing to do with it.

Anonymous No. 16246688

>they haven't even managed to kill the astronauts yet
fucking amateurs
Also, right now everyone knows boing is shit, plus I expect Musk to offer a rescue missions at some point.

Anonymous No. 16246711

it'll most likely happen, every day that passes by more hidden problems will emerge I bet. I don't think that piece of junk was designed to be up there for that long by the Boing workers.

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Anonymous No. 16246715

lil bro has been quiet as a mouse after starliner problems started popping up

Anonymous No. 16246733

it's not that big of a deal and nobody's going to die.

Anonymous No. 16246734

Dont lil bro me you subhuman Muskrat

Anonymous No. 16246741

>it's not that big of a deal and nobody's going to die
said the challenger engineers that purchased the cheapest orings they could find with 1 star reviews

Anonymous No. 16246753

what are you going to do after ift-5 succeeds, make more baseless N1 comparisons on here like you did hours after ift-4?

Anonymous No. 16246756

jokes aside what are these guys going to do when there's video evidence of them shitting on what ultimately became the greatest species-level achievement of our time

Anonymous No. 16246760

fall back on muh full self driving

Anonymous No. 16246761

they will unironically become Artemis landing deniers to own le musk

Anonymous No. 16246768

this and become pro chinese lunar program at the same time

Anonymous No. 16246770

I miss FSD, my trial ended last week

Anonymous No. 16246771

Ahab's gotta hunt his whale.

Anonymous No. 16246772


Anonymous No. 16246774

>"It only worked because NASA engineers designed it for him and the government actually paid for all of it and Elon isn't a real engineer so he deserves no credit and don't you know that Starlink is a scam? Falcon 9 isn't really impressive because Delta Clipper did it first and SpaceX never made any money off of it."

Anonymous No. 16246777

starship isn't impressive because progress refueled the iss first and anyone can land on the moon, plus it was supposed to be done in 2025 and competent aerospace companies always finish everything on time

Anonymous No. 16246778

who are we quoting here?

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Anonymous No. 16246780


Anonymous No. 16246781


Anonymous No. 16246787

The fags? It cant be jews since you didnt echo it.

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Anonymous No. 16246795

>competent aerospace companies always finish everything on time
i dont think even musks detractors could say that with a straight face

Anonymous No. 16246797


Anonymous No. 16246799

When other aerospace companies are behind schedule it's fine because space is hard. When SpaceX is behind it's because they're incompetent scam artists who live only to steal money from the government. Please understand

Anonymous No. 16246803

the spacex engineers did all the work. elon's companies are set up so he can't get involved in them. if he had his way he would run it into the ground

Anonymous No. 16246814

SpaceX works so well because of Elon champ, if it was another company with a left wing culture there would be negative progress because of all the unqualified DEI hires shitting things up.

Anonymous No. 16246815

I got into an argument with someone about that today. They told me with a straight face that he always lies and never delivers anything on time. His explanation was that Elon did this to build up hype so that he could get more investors. I then pointed out that everything in space is always late, and that JWST was supposed to launch in the 90's. It actually shut him up because his brain had to reckon with NASA being so hideously late. I've found that whenever someone criticizes SpaceX, all I have to do is start talking about NASA's fuck ups and watch their brain try to square it.

Anonymous No. 16246817

You shouldve then gone further and talked about how Elon isnt SpaceX himself and that SpaceX officials usually state reasonable, on time dates whenever they do. And then gone even further and compared their schedule to NASAs or Blorigin to really nail it home how fucking miraculous SpaceX is to the rest of the spaceflight industry.

Anonymous No. 16246820

>SpaceX critics know nothing about spaceflight besides whatever Apollo documentary they watched in school
every time

Anonymous No. 16246823

wrong he just has a cult of personality that draws all the good engineers to his companies and leaves none for the rest of the industry. that's why blue origin and rivian don't succeed and I want them to because despite claiming to hate billionaires I'll simp for one if it opposes husk.

Anonymous No. 16246827

I haven’t seen this mentioned explicitly on /sfg/ but it’s my personal opinion that there are a lot of people who simply dislike tesla: electric cars, overvalued stock, annoying fan base, cars with silly problems and time schedule slips that make the news—point is, people just see this annoying reddit billionaire tesla guy. And these same people (the general public) don’t really follow space or spaceflight like at all, so they just do a 1:1 and say SpaceX also suck because of Mr. Musk.
Besides the grift I think this could explain thunderfoot. He found the hyperloop idea bogus, then criticizes tesla. Before he knows it he’s way out of his league trying to find evidence that reusing rockets must somehow be a scam of some sort. The numbers are being fudged, it’s just a redstone rocket, Musk is sucking up NASA money and he said he would land Man on Mars in 2021 or whatever aaaahhhhh
They know nothing about how bad spaceflight was during the Shuttle era. They don’t know how fucking dogshit anemic the 90s and 00s were, trying to launch mars missions on tiny ass Delta IIs. They figure Musk is some liar loser guy and SpaceX is accordingly some sort of scam

Anonymous No. 16246828

>they don't know

Anonymous No. 16246829

hello Jeff

Anonymous No. 16246834

I've found that it's all about balance. If you go too hard, you just become off as a simp. Therefore, just pointing out something that even a normie is aware of (Shuttle, JWST, etc) and using that as the basis for the argument without going too deep or aggressive will cause a lock up in their narrative. I'd probably never try this on someone who is a huge SLS shill (for instance) because they are locked in and can just shrug off failures, delays, bloated budgets, etc. with liberal application of hatred for Musk. It's hard to not become autistic on this topic though, I'll agree. Your gut reaction is to shove every single factoid you have in your brain down their throat, but that just causes people to spin away from the conversation. A single, salient point that can't be dismissed works far better, or so I think.

Anonymous No. 16246836

There's actually a point here. SpaceX is the first pick for most of the top graduating aerospace talent, and Elon's said a few times that if he could get more good engineers he'd hire them on in a heartbeat. A lot of the rest of the industry doesn't get it's good talent until after they've worked a term or two with SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16246839

I hate Tesla because I don't want to drive around in a gay looking microwave
however I like SpaceX because they are our only hope for developing our presence off Earth
without SpaceX I don't even want to begin to imagine where we would be currently in /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16246840

another non-reusable launch to the ISS, WOOOO

Anonymous No. 16246842

based interaction off imageboards enjoyer
I do like the idea that people think you can become a hundred billionaire on accident, or even by scamming. No understanding of the real world at all

Anonymous No. 16246849

imagine watching only like 8-12 orange American rockets launches a year, and our astronauts still going up with Russians in 2024
it would be grim

Anonymous No. 16246851

and by orange I mean ULA slop and not SLS

Anonymous No. 16246854

Something all self-made people have in common is that they tried ten other things first. Musk is unique in that a few succeeded at once, but that doesn't mean there weren't failures. I wonder if the reddit skeptic crowd sees the failures and thinks it means something more than it does
I wonder where the lack of SpaceX brain drain would've put Blue Origin by now in this AU.

Anonymous No. 16246860

>I wonder where the lack of SpaceX brain drain would've put Blue Origin by now in this AU.
Probably more or less the same, people love to work for SpaceX because of their optimistic company culture.
BO is as corporate and sterile as it gets. Sometimes I believe Bezos lies about being a space nerd.

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Anonymous No. 16246862


Anonymous No. 16246866

>Elon saves them
oh no what a show off he only did it to boost his own image

>Elon ignores them, lets Boing fight their own battles but they die
oh no Elon could have saved them but he didn't!!! what a selfish "billionaire"

Anonymous No. 16246872

>without SpaceX I don't even want to begin to imagine where we would be currently in /sfg/

It wouldn't even exist. It didn't come about until sometime after falcon heavy from memory.

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Anonymous No. 16246893

Everyday I am thankful that we have left the dark ages of 2000s era Shuttle simping
>OMG the next launch is in three months!!!11

Anonymous No. 16246906

are you joking?
0g is one of the main appeals of being in space.
If giant rotating drums are going to be a thing, it'll only be because they're absolutely medically necessary.
I honestly think he may have died from his mystery illness.
RIP CSS, one of God's accidents.

Anonymous No. 16246907

feel bad for people that wasted their entire adult life watching shuttle launches
or the same people that had to watch the "iss" being built for reasons unknown
at least they had prime star trek/star wars they could cope with tbf

Anonymous No. 16246908

>Blue Origin would stay a Bezos hobby project, so no New Glenn or anything else
>NSSL Phase 2 would get split between an AR1 powered Vulcan and fucking OmegA
>COTS probably fails; Kistler dies as expected and without Dragon 1 to validate the program there's no push to get Cygnus in as a replacement.
>ATV might keep flying though, there was actually a Boeing proposal to launch it on a Delta IV Heavy. Prob. more HTV missions from Japan too.
>the lack of Antares/Cygnus won't alter Northrop's desire to eat ATK, but it could stop them pursuing larger launchers, so maybe Vulcan just ends up flying solo as "America's Rocket"
>if CCDev doesn't get canceled it'd end up divided between Starliner and Dreamchaser. With real funding DC beats Starliner but not as dramatically as Dragon did, and there no big list of Axiom/Inspiration/Polaris missions
>NASA has to buy a lot more Soyuz flights before that happens
>Rocket Lab, Astra, Relativity, Firefly, et al just don't happen without SpaceX to chase
>Virgin Orbit still might. Virgin Galactic is still around and without New Shepard they've got a clear field to claim all the suborbital glory they want. /sfg/ is very impressed by their efforts and Branson is seen as a visionary
>without their early pseudopartnership with SpaceX OneWeb dies as WorldVu. the launch market just isn't capable of supporting the needs of a very large satellite constellation
>We'd all be impressed by how much shit China is launching, but without the commercial boom in the West they never get their own push to expand into semi-independent spaceflight projects, so it's just long marches from here to the end of time
>The Long March 9 sticks with its expendable 2016 jumbo CZ-5 design.

Anonymous No. 16246911

>at least they had prime star trek/star wars they could cope with tbf
except enterprise sucked and got cancelled and the prequels weren't any better all on the heels of columbia. it was a dire time.

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Anonymous No. 16246916

>except enterprise sucked

Anonymous No. 16246918

>sf slop
It's just fantasy in space.
At least star wars cribbed from decent fantasy I guess.

Anonymous No. 16246931

2003-2016 was truly grim dark age but I never stopped being a space flight enthusiast

Anonymous No. 16246937

Reminder that Elon is literally a redditor

Anonymous No. 16246958

That's ok! I forgive him :)

Anonymous No. 16246962

He still has his penis and he's not a marxist. I dont believe you.

Anonymous No. 16246971


Anonymous No. 16246975

No, Starliner is not stuck in space. No, Butch and Suni are not stranded. We’ve got a good spacecraft and a happy and healthy crew. In fact, Suni gave our team a call this afternoon, showed us all around the space station and gave us a bit of encouragement to lift our spirits.

Anonymous No. 16246977

I didn't know Rogozin was a redditor.

Anonymous No. 16246983

You've seen it docked to the ISS up in space

Anonymous No. 16246989

The temporal cold war shit was dogshit and took up way too much space

Anonymous No. 16246994

it's already a meme project, it's delayed too much and costs too much when considering most of it's major components are freaking pre-existing ones already designed and built from previous programs... it's already as expensive as the Saturn V which had everything built from scratch.

Anonymous No. 16247026

>it's already as expensive as the Saturn V
not even close

Anonymous No. 16247085

>get made fun of
>samefag “woooow you’re all so mad bro, r-reeeekt hahahaha”
Embarrassing, just take the L and fuck off back to nu/pol/ lmao.

Anonymous No. 16247086

They didn’t, they’re actually the main voice on /pol/, as well as a variety of shitskins, that board is no longer white or hetero at all.

Anonymous No. 16247095

>more zigger PTSD episodes.
Man, hohols fucked up your brain, dude.

Anonymous No. 16247101

What do I say to a girl that obviously wants to fuck but has some weird shit holding her back from doing it

Anonymous No. 16247107

Ask her if she wants to watch rockets.

Anonymous No. 16247108

they are trapped in their grift and will continue telling their audience what it wants to hear

Anonymous No. 16247123

Vulcan has teeth, did you guys know this?

Anonymous No. 16247142

I want to FUCK a lesbian rocket-girl artist

Anonymous No. 16247185


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247188


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247221


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247226


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247229


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247230


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247232


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247234


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16247235


Anonymous No. 16247237

Are the bots broken?

Anonymous No. 16247249

report all these bots
are jannies sleeping?

Anonymous No. 16247251

It's on multiple boards. Jannies are shit as usual.

Anonymous No. 16247255

I'm not a bot but I'm also broken

Anonymous No. 16247256

And there are still anons who believe they are talking to real people here and the bot problem is made up.

Anonymous No. 16247266

/sci/ is quite possibly the least jannied board on this god forsaken website

Anonymous No. 16247268

With 3 posts per minute or whatever, it's not exactly prioritized.

Anonymous No. 16247273

And yet this general is the only thread worth a damn on the whole site.

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Anonymous No. 16247345

A few hours ago France and China got together to do some science
>CASC to launch SVOM on its Long March 2C from Xichang SLC. SVOM (Space Variable Objects Monitor) is an LEO observatory by a Chinese-French collaboration to study gamma-ray busts

Anonymous No. 16247410

China has launched american payloads before. A long time ago. I think cooperation is cool

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Anonymous No. 16247415

