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๐Ÿงต /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16247414

Starfactory Tour Edition

Previous: >>16244897

Anonymous No. 16247418

Here it is

Anonymous No. 16247424

Did it actually get posted? Hold on I gotta watch this

Anonymous No. 16247426

No, it's not real.

Anonymous No. 16247428

new 'naut
also fuck, you were just a few minutes faster than me.

Anonymous No. 16247430

Why is Musk so fucking bloated? Go to the gym, fatass.

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Anonymous No. 16247433

Ok so whoโ€™s gonna post part 2?

Anonymous No. 16247434


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Anonymous No. 16247436

Why do you lie to me? Also holy fuck an hour long? >>16247433 And it's not even the full tour??? Thanks Elon.

Anonymous No. 16247439

Holy fuck he is so autistic. Also he still has his barrel chested dad body.

Anonymous No. 16247440

Literally me
minus the barrel chested body

Anonymous No. 16247443

You can basically just skip the first 10 minutes of the video its like a newfag introduction to Starship then they finally get to actually touring.

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Flap-chan refuses....webm

Anonymous No. 16247445

Reminder to never give up, because she didnt give up either.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16247447

fuck off youre the flap plap nigger that ruined the launch thread

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Anonymous No. 16247450

Anonymous No. 16247453

>does starbase tour
>wastes time about muh stoke aerospike
fucking retard, deserves to be called the soistronaut/estronaut

Anonymous No. 16247454

Elon is already too fat to fly Crew Dragon, it's fucking over.

Anonymous No. 16247455

he talks about stoke? im not there yet

Anonymous No. 16247456

all ships are women
always have been always will be

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Anonymous No. 16247463


Anonymous No. 16247466

Ewwwww what the fuck

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Anonymous No. 16247467

Anonymous No. 16247468

>one long continuous scene, occasionally swapping between A and B camera
why did this take a month to edit and upload?

Anonymous No. 16247469

ITAR sucks donkey balls

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Anonymous No. 16247471

T: "So you had ice buildup in the booster that caused engines to fail?"
E: "Sorry can't hear you." (they are face to face)
T: Repeats question
E: "They had low pressure."

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Anonymous No. 16247474

How much debris will there be if Starship attempts a Mars landing and explodes? I guess if it manages to try the landing burn, it'll just kinda tip over and crumple, but if it disintegrates in the air, the debris field would be massive

Anonymous No. 16247477

>starfactory is still just working on the shell of the factory
>hasnt even started on the interior of starfactory
okay this thing isnt getting done until next year clearly.

Anonymous No. 16247478

He zoned out

Anonymous No. 16247479

>Rocket deployed quick response aircraft
Holy kek, post that on >>>/k/. Too good to be true.

Anonymous No. 16247484

>(they are face to face)
Spend a long time around industry and you get hearing loss.

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Anonymous No. 16247487

the council has decided your fate. death by rocket exhaust

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Anonymous No. 16247493

this is where they install engines also FUUUUUUUCK this is the stuff i LIVE for

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Musk riding on st....jpg

Anonymous No. 16247495

I object, i want to ride a starship down to earth in my last moments.

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Anonymous No. 16247503

rows on rows of engines

Anonymous No. 16247512

Yusaku Maezawa owes me therapy fyi

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Anonymous No. 16247514

factory already in use, tile mounting points need iteration though
nobody cares you dumb bulldyke

Anonymous No. 16247518

Uh oh, Elon got fact-checkes by EDA

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Anonymous No. 16247519

>tiny desk in the middle of massive factory
>massive texas flag on the wall
>random parts for rockets everywhere

Anonymous No. 16247523

Thunder Force V tier tomfuckery.

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Anonymous No. 16247525

Watching Sally Ride's first shuttle misson, kino inside.

Anonymous No. 16247528

>when bae starts to bring up linear adjacent flow at your dinner date

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Anonymous No. 16247529

big trailerpark of all your coworkers next to even bigger factory would be the life bro. and thats the end of the tour! can someone do a list of all the important info (other than just seeing how all this stuff works)

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Anonymous No. 16247532

What is this body postion called?

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Anonymous No. 16247533

>minisplit installed literally inside factory to AC enclosed office space
You know it's hot as fuck in that place, Elon is too cheap to AC the entire place

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Anonymous No. 16247534

I think Musk's Raptor garden might actually be bigger than the Forest of NK-33s.

Anonymous No. 16247538

Peak Performance medium ISP.

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Anonymous No. 16247539

Anonymous No. 16247541

>getting done
A factory is never done
t. owns a factory

Anonymous No. 16247549

You worthless dregs, nobody (you)ed me to tell me it's out?

Anonymous No. 16247551

If only you knew how erect I could be

Anonymous No. 16247552

Macross-tier, very based

Anonymous No. 16247554

this but with an aircraft that does more than look good (though she does look very sexo.)

Anonymous No. 16247557

>hauling ass with the drone ships
hydroplanes when?

Anonymous No. 16247560

does elon have 3 female attendants in tow to chase after his kids at all times?

Anonymous No. 16247561

I did an announcement on the discord...

Anonymous No. 16247562

I'd like to see the plan to actually re-enter, jettesion the faring, and actually deploy the plane. I've done shit like this going to Laythe in KSP and there's usually some very high G loading and dynamic pressure duirk g that shit show

Anonymous No. 16247565

When you absolutely positively need a fighter jet anywhere in the world in 30 minutes or less.

Anonymous No. 16247574

3 grid fin booster confirmed?

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Anonymous No. 16247580
Traditional Chinese post-launch celebrations are underway for this morning's LM-2C launch.

Anonymous No. 16247581

>The mass trade that we did, I think it's this point, like it's four years ago or something like that, maybe five. It seemed like at that time it would be at least twice as heavy as a ceramic heat shield. Now since then, the weight of our ceramic heat shield has grown. And then when you factor in the, the secondary shield, that's additional mass. So, I don't know, it may not be that big of a difference between actively cooling a heat shield and, and having ceramic tiles.

Anonymous No. 16247583

FAA will need a month to think about that one

Anonymous No. 16247585

Is this played in reverse you disinfo spammer.

Anonymous No. 16247591

classic china

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Anonymous No. 16247594

Yes, how dare these perfidious westerners reverse footage. Here's the correct footage.
Chinese people run this way.

Anonymous No. 16247598

It's also cleaning up pollution on its way up. Glory to China!

Anonymous No. 16247599

china is so incredible, their rockets actually clean up pollution

Anonymous No. 16247601

The Liefield

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Another Successfu....webm

Anonymous No. 16247604

Russia number 2.

Anonymous No. 16247605

If you strapped a tug to our sun and it was powerful enough to move the sun, would all the planets follow
And how long would it take to reach the center of the galaxy if you could accelerate and decelerate the sun

Anonymous No. 16247606

Chinese engineerint is so amazing that rockets suck up pollutants and go up without combustion at the same time! Westerner scum couldnt even think of this.

Anonymous No. 16247613

China improves the performance of their air-breathing rocket engines by seeding the atmosphere with various nitrogen oxides ahead of the launch

Anonymous No. 16247614


Anonymous No. 16247615


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Green paint 50% o....jpg

Anonymous No. 16247616

>be poor chinese rural farmer
>no wife, all woman left for the cities to join the harems of the super rich
>dont even own the land you farm
>it's property of the local party official, he takes 2/3 of your crop yield evey year as "payement"
>one day a giant tube with yelow smoke crashes on your town, killing the next door family
>you and the rest of the village breath in the yellow smoke
>get sick
>complain to party official
>he sends in hired tugs to beat the shit out of you and the other who dared to complain
>the most healthy of you get arrested and send to jail for organ harvesting.
>all is well in china.

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we are at war wit....jpg

Anonymous No. 16247618

> have to go to the fucking catalog to find out which, of the many, /sfg/ thread is active
I hate you stupid autist cunts

Anonymous No. 16247621

It's summer.

Anonymous No. 16247626

As if retards starting another thread when we are not on page 10 or when the next one is already up is exclusivelya summerfag problem.

Anonymous No. 16247630

Summerfaggotry extends to crossboarders suddenly popping in to shit it up.

Anonymous No. 16247638

the fuck kinda beergut is that

Anonymous No. 16247639

this is what would actually happen if you tried to use >>16247463

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Anonymous No. 16247641


Anonymous No. 16247643

what's up with the green paint? insecticide?

Anonymous No. 16247644

top kek, somebody should do the proton that did a flip

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16247646

It goes black for a day dummie. Didn't you see via the slugs and snail. You're injured

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16247647

The universe doesn't see you. You need to tell Jase Green something.

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Roscosmos Numba Wan.webm

Anonymous No. 16247650

Since I just found me a beer and I'm in a good mood, here you go.
Russian retro propulsion numba wan!

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16247651

Tell him I have a duality next to my heart where I soft died to dimensional instability on a downer drug

Anonymous No. 16247654

Remember to report the namefag for 'automated spambot'. Because it is one

Anonymous No. 16247655

excellent, thank you anon

Anonymous No. 16247656

WTFF Why did no one tell me that Russia could do E2E???

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16247657

Tell him it's.a big crime, I'm in spider or bear mode in this machine body

In other news I think Im doing. I think I found a mouth, and left right boxed it - shit I forgot down one sec

Anonymous No. 16247659

Not just that, they have in-air assembly. Beat that!

Anonymous No. 16247660

the b*rkun spambot shits up yet another thread

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16247662

Ye I'm doing it now

Sorry for being so long but I didn't know and wasn't able to think about how I soft died. Read the signs to contact Jase Green

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16247667

I can't think otherwise I'd tell you what the signs mean. He's this bird who shouts or something. A symbol of the universe

Anonymous No. 16247668

Clean it up, jannies.

Anonymous No. 16247671

During the olympics the chinese where painting entire mountains green that where in view of visitors of the olympics.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16247673

Make sure you tell him about my duality and bear spider in a machine because someone comitted a crime and created this universe in neglect of the soul mate and three cherries or something

Anonymous No. 16247674


Anonymous No. 16247675

Two weeks.

Anonymous No. 16247682

Have some patience

Anonymous No. 16247696

>bottleneck in F9 booster reusability is the speed of the drone ship

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Anonymous No. 16247699




Anonymous No. 16247717

See >>>/k/61926036

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Anonymous No. 16247718

Anonymous No. 16247724


Anonymous No. 16247725

- Inside

Anonymous No. 16247726

>Not sharing the fruits of CNSA labors with the people

Anonymous No. 16247727

He was sent to Guantanamo

Anonymous No. 16247728

it's this one

Anonymous No. 16247733

You have no idea how little Chinese government cares about their citizens. They're literally seen as expendable. If I recall correctly, Mao once said he wouldn't even care if 200 millions of Chinese died fighting USA.

Anonymous No. 16247738

Yeah I know, which is what makes the phenomenon of tankies living in the US but simping and praising the CCP and everything it does absolutely fucking bewildering

Anonymous No. 16247741


Anonymous No. 16247744

they wouldn't be tankies if they weren't literally retarded

Anonymous No. 16247753

chinks never fail to surprise me, i knew they painted grass before, but man.
why are they so fucking stubbornly devoted to pretending anything they think is a problem to not be percieved as one, no wonder the country crashes and burns every few hundred years.

Anonymous No. 16247754

lmao true, really just the left wing version of neo-nazis

Anonymous No. 16247763

They even glued rocks to rebar and painted that to look like flowers from afar.
Potemkin country.

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Anonymous No. 16247768

remember KayEsPee? This is her now. Feel horny yet?

Anonymous No. 16247770

Why did you turn shuttle into a jet?

Anonymous No. 16247774

why haven't you?

Anonymous No. 16247775

Because it's ugly.

Anonymous No. 16247776

None of you mentioned what was said in the third minute of the tour. Elon said than Starship 2 is going to deliver 100t to orbit, while V3 is supposed to do just a little bit more.
Quite concerning.

Anonymous No. 16247787

So musk is talking about a second shield behind the tiles as a backup.
Maybe some kind of coating?

Anonymous No. 16247789

Which mod? I added the one that lets you place space centers on other worlds recently and it made KSC prettier with more buildings and extra runways.

Anonymous No. 16247790

Better than 40 T

Anonymous No. 16247792

>estro suggets a fucking coolant hose inside the ship
>Elon takes the longest time trying to figure out how to reply politel
kek. Estro trying so hard to replicate that one time he suggested a thing that Elon actually considered in the first tour

Anonymous No. 16247793

An ablative, yes

Anonymous No. 16247795

yes, an ablative coating in case the tiles are damaged or fall off. Not conducive to rapid reusability but at least the ship survives

Anonymous No. 16247796

This is not new. Ablative silicon layer behind as a backup.

Anonymous No. 16247797

let's see

Anonymous No. 16247802

Lol, just got to that part.
estrogen should have know by elon's look right away that he needed to stop talking.

Anonymous No. 16247806

How can SpaceX prevent the ice from forming and blocking valves?

Anonymous No. 16247807


Anonymous No. 16247809


Anonymous No. 16247814


Anonymous No. 16247815

Reroute hot Raptor exhaust with a pipe to blow directly onto the valves

Anonymous No. 16247820

The same reason poor people buy expensive phones/watches/jewelry, so they appear rich.

Anonymous No. 16247827

eastern culture, the chinese most of all, are obsessed with "face"

Anonymous No. 16247830

>chinese most of all, are obsessed with "face"
And yet they collect gutter oil and use it for frying food.

Anonymous No. 16247832

deport the mass for illegally entering

Anonymous No. 16247836


Anonymous No. 16247837

They don't feel guilty about using poisonous trash to make their food, but they do feel embarrassed to get caught doing it. That's how face-obsessed shame based cultures work. On the other hand, in western guilt-based cultures, people would feel ashamed to do such a thing even if they were never caught.

Anonymous No. 16247839

picard song

Anonymous No. 16247854


Anonymous No. 16247856

US, China, Russia


Anonymous No. 16247867

>In the opposite of the majority of countries in Europe, countries in the Balkan region, especially Serbia, are characterized as having a strong shame culture.
This explains why they are still crying so hard about NATO bombing.

Anonymous No. 16247876

>If I recall correctly, Mao once said he wouldn't even care if 200 millions of Chinese died fighting USA.
Turns out if you look hard enough, you can find common ground with anyone.

Anonymous No. 16247885

I am much like Mao, for I also wouldn't shed a tear for 200 million dead chinese.

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Anonymous No. 16247908

High IQ Soviet strategy that Americans wouldn't get

Anonymous No. 16247936

add a LOX heat exchanger so water ice isn't in the tank to start with

Anonymous No. 16247941

they both look like shit

Anonymous No. 16247953

>Successful propulsive landing
Truly no one can match Russia

Anonymous No. 16247955

>high soviet iq
>let's copy extremely expensive american rocket and abandon it after a single launch

Anonymous No. 16247961

>We have some challenges
>Like with the space shuttle and the hinge flap
>Not allowing hot gases to flow where the hinge flap is
Guarantee you that there was a likely meeting about that issue following IFT-3 once they looked at the data

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Anonymous No. 16247962

Russians know when to stop throwing good money after bad.

Fuck the Shuttle program.

Anonymous No. 16247963

Not a coating, but yes some kind of layer under the tiles.

By not putting pre-burner exhaust into the tanks

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Anonymous No. 16247972

>russians know when to stop throwing good money after bad.

>russians know when to stop throwing good money after bad.

Anonymous No. 16247976

Buddy, they literally couldn't afford it, because their country collapsed.

Anonymous No. 16247982

They threw away money on a boondoggle to achieve "parity" then their union imploded.
They still don't know shit.

Anonymous No. 16247989

Why the fuck don't they fucking use their damn coastline?

Anonymous No. 16247990

western spies

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Anonymous No. 16247993

Because most of their launch sites are outgrowths of old cold war ballistic missile test sites and those were located to keep them well away from things like boats full of foreign intelligence analysts. Wenchang is a conventional ocean-facing launch site but only the newer non-hypergolic rockets launch from there and most of China's flights are still old style LM-2s, 3s, and 4s.

Anonymous No. 16247997

They do in Hainan, they still use the other sites due to a weird fear that foreign countries will steal their hypergolic rocket tech, as well as the sites probably being convenient due to already being built/established

Anonymous No. 16248005

Jiuquan was established in 1970, Xichang in 1984, Taiyuan in 1988. Wenchang opened for business in 2016 when the LM-5 became operational. Launching that fat bastard from inner Mongolia was a bit much even for Beijing.

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Anonymous No. 16248029


Anonymous No. 16248039

Because the CCP litterally does not gives a flying fuck about the countryside chinese where these boosters come down.
You can bet your ass right now that they are already hunting down the dude who filmed that and posted it online beyond the great chinese firewall.

Anonymous No. 16248050

elon looks like he overdosed on onions

Anonymous No. 16248053

Based future ruler of Mars eating Funyuns from the floor

Anonymous No. 16248059

>Russians know when to stop throwing good money after bad.
this is what tankies actually believe

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Anonymous No. 16248063

>According to multiple lawsuits his whole M.O (ALLEGEDLY) is asking every single white woman he finds attractive at any company he owns even a partial stake in, if they'll have his babies. If said woman declines, he retaliates and sabotages her career. Very cool dude!
unconscionable behavior!

Anonymous No. 16248069

the chinese have a very bug like mentality
extreme efficiency (comparatively speaking) at the cost of liberty and creativity

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Anonymous No. 16248072

so crazy that the main space reddit is extremely hostile to spacex and estrogenaut even though estrogen got his popularity from there

Anonymous No. 16248073

uhm, based department?

Anonymous No. 16248076

its not that crazy that the libtards hate the walking talking archetype of the capitalist ubermensch out of an ayn rand novel

Anonymous No. 16248080

I remember when musk was still a god to them and they where trying to justify musk sperging out and caling that one bong diver a pedo on social media.
Dont get me wrong, musk is going to give us the stars and i thank him for it, but the dude has some giant brainfarts every few months.

Anonymous No. 16248083

yeah he is quite clearly a high IQ schizo and a raging abusive narcissist but well, nobody is perfect

Anonymous No. 16248086

t. fat black woman who is very offended that she would never be asked

Anonymous No. 16248088

Based south african musk saving the white race.

Anonymous No. 16248090

So why didn't they start on a smaller scale and with more frequent tests

Anonymous No. 16248091

ok but what new info did we get from the video?

Anonymous No. 16248092

EDS loser fuck off

Anonymous No. 16248093

Did you just wake up from a 6 year coma? Leftists absolutely hate Musk and everything Musk related for the last 6 year or so.

I warned you before Biden got elected. I warned you guys about the hostility Biden would stoke and become a threat to Musk/SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16248094

when did they build a big ass parking garage at starbase?

Anonymous No. 16248095

yes because expats in thailand totally aren't pedos

Anonymous No. 16248098

I think it started going in around the same time the tents were getting pulled down

Anonymous No. 16248101

Trump riding on the coatials of spaceX succes really pissed of the lefties.
The biden admin would probably have shitcanned spaceX if they could, sucks for them that spaceX has become irreplaceable for US spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16248104

It was a bit more complicated than that. The diver guy, who was in his thirties, was involved in a groomed but non-sexual relationship with an underage girl that went balls deep the second she turned eighteen. This is exactly what Elon's dad did with one of the girls he went to school with after he divorced Elon's mom. Elon has some fairly negative opinions about this sort of thing.

Anonymous No. 16248105

How dare a president praise an accomplishment by an American company, I am offended for no real definable reason!

Anonymous No. 16248106

Not every bong in thailand is fucking kids anon, most of them are fucking ladyboys.
And say what you will, but the dude was one of the best cavedivers in the entire world, and that was one of the big reason why he was in asia too, because it was cheap as fuck to do cavediving in asia compared to living in europe.

Anonymous No. 16248107

They did cancel Starlink rural internet subsidies. They've instead elected to spend $40+ billion additional to bolster rural internet, now there's 0 customer for that $40 billion dollar spent. Its absolutely criminal in how much money is being wasted.

if Starlink was subsidized for rural, it would be a good use of the money.

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elon's femal....png

Anonymous No. 16248108

He had women in his replies begging that he starts impregnating them years ago. He just listened.

Anonymous No. 16248109

>Not every bong in thailand is fucking kids anon
Its hilarious how people try to rewrite reality and claim people did not have this perception of old white guys in thailand seeking young pussy just because of Musk.

Anonymous No. 16248111

Yeah but you forget that musk also hired detectives to look in to his private life and he never released anything on it so he probably was clean.

Anonymous No. 16248112

No one is saying that, but that doesn't mean you can call every white guy in Thailand a pedo

Anonymous No. 16248113

No he didn't. Some guy approach Musk claiming to be a detective. People have all the wrong reality being propagated to them by media lmao

Anonymous No. 16248114

musk never had sex, only artificial insemination, so i doubt that

Anonymous No. 16248116

We do and we did do that for the last 30+ years prior to Musk. And all of a sudden its off limits because of Musk? LMAO. The media propaganda distorting reality is really something

Anonymous No. 16248119

Thats why you cant trust what people say, claim to be believe, etc. especially anything concerning high emotional event. Everything is wrong. Reality is 100% warped by half truths and emotionally loaded beliefs over riding reality and memory itself.

Anonymous No. 16248121

? maybe don't be a single middle age guy in thailand then?

Anonymous No. 16248124

The guy had taken a young wife in thailand. haha.

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Anonymous No. 16248127

widely shared innuendo is not the same as a public figure libeling you
hope this helps

Anonymous No. 16248128

Granted, even the Thai cave incident wasn't really a breaking point. There wasn't really one, it was a more steady linear decline after constant airing of his political opinions that really drew it down. Especially after cultivating a far left base with electric vehicles. TLDR Tesla was a fucking mistake.

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Anonymous No. 16248129

i'm going to move to thailand and exclusively fuck 40 year old thai ladyboys just to prove you faggots wrong.

Anonymous No. 16248130

>it libel because uhh Musk

Anonymous No. 16248132

He's still on top. How can you call it a decline? He is just building political capital from the right. That's literally it.

Anonymous No. 16248134

>building political capital with a side that's against his biggest money maker

Anonymous No. 16248136

Exactly. The support is still there, its just the extremists on the left find him to be worse than Hitler while the right finds him acceptable/tolerable/right for speaking from the heart and letting them speak their mind.

Anonymous No. 16248139

Environmentalists aren't the same as SJW marxists promoting tranny ideology.

Anonymous No. 16248140

>the extremists on the left find him to be worse than Hitler
That doesnt really mean anything anymore when the extreme left calls everybody who doesnt agree with them anymore a nazi.

Anonymous No. 16248142

These are not real women.

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Anonymous No. 16248144

I want real low G woman instead.

Anonymous No. 16248146

Yeah, thats why the leftist party is losing everyone's support. People dont trust them and dont like their ideology

Anonymous No. 16248149

Not that i like to quote joe "stoolfucker" rogan, but they are becoming a cult.

Anonymous No. 16248150

starfactory ceiling looks too low. how are they supposed to stack starships in it?

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Anonymous No. 16248152

Still no brave anon to pay the $5 and re-upload the Tim Dodd interview Part 2? Pretty please?

Anonymous No. 16248153

thats what the highbays are for.

Anonymous No. 16248154

tim puts digital fingerprints on the videos and sues people who leak them

Anonymous No. 16248161

>sues people
Post in on the Russian site then

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Anonymous No. 16248163

Dear God, they're still hornyposting over Jessie

Anonymous No. 16248165

The Long March 2C Y50 first-stage booster, for the SVOM mission, fell in Guiding County (่ดตๅฎšๅŽฟ) in the province of Guizhou (่ดตๅทž) within the designated hazard areas. However, the local government failed to evacuate the surrounding areas properly before launch, the booster hit the ground not long after 3pm local time. Evacuation responsibilities fall on the local governments after state-owned and private companies release information regarding hazard areas.

In the footage, the booster appears to fall on a hillside, with no explosion audible. Audio of the booster 'crumpling' can be heard as there is little propellant left. The yellow-ish smoke seen is from a propellant vent that is opened as soon as liftoff. Clean-up teams usually arrive not long after the booster is no longer airborne to isolate it from the public and remove debris, these teams also actively track it as it falls.

China is currently part-way through a transition away from using hypergolic fuelled rockets, along with working on reusable rockets that can land themselves which will effectively eliminate this prob

Anonymous No. 16248166

troons? hmm, possibly.

Anonymous No. 16248167

She was never even that hot.

>Slapping POCKOCMOC logo on Starship booster footage as if their country is capable of anything but firing GRANDFATHERS GLORIOUS SPACE TRACTOR
Fucking cargo cult.

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Anonymous No. 16248175


Anonymous No. 16248179

why hasnt elon bred this?

Anonymous No. 16248180

kek what is it with them and her. kind of based.

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Anonymous No. 16248181

>within the designated hazard areas

Anonymous No. 16248182

Icechads forever vindicated btw. fuck you, youa re all retards for mindlessly denying the ice thing like lemmings. KILL yourselves.

Anonymous No. 16248184

spacex: we showed the world how to do reusable rockets
the world: nahhh thats fucking stupid lmfao

Anonymous No. 16248186

Maybe she is/was too young

Anonymous No. 16248187

once the rockets are up who cares where they come down? that's not my department

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muskrat ice blind.jpg

Anonymous No. 16248190


Anonymous No. 16248192

he was piping an 18 year old college freshman while married

Anonymous No. 16248193

Emperor Penguin

Anonymous No. 16248194

To the best of my knowledge he's been smart enough never to marry. Dude's still got his money and belongings.

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Anonymous No. 16248196

based chinaman.

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Anonymous No. 16248197


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Anonymous No. 16248198

To give China the recognition that they deserve, they have been testing grid fins so they can guide the boosters down on houses with low social credit scores

Anonymous No. 16248199

They can't resist the latina pussy.

Anonymous No. 16248200

jesus fucking christ, my sides.

Anonymous No. 16248201

I stand corrected. Dude must have had some bulletproof prenuptials though.

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Anonymous No. 16248205


Anonymous No. 16248211

Someone's jealous :)

Anonymous No. 16248216

Didn't Grimes get something when they split?

Anonymous No. 16248219

Thought on going on multiple job interviews and then taking the best job after I go through all the interviews? Basically I would tell them at each interview that I'm planning on going to other interviews and if they offer me a job they would have to wait a few days for me to maybe accept. Would this work?

Anonymous No. 16248220

that's out sister general bros

Anonymous No. 16248221

Don't tell them. It's inferred throughout the hiring process that they are not the only ones bidding for your time. If they're too slow on the offer, fuck 'em, they had their chance.

Anonymous No. 16248224

>he was piping an 18 year old college freshman while married
source needed

Anonymous No. 16248226


Anonymous No. 16248227

Yeah, the kid.

Anonymous No. 16248229

Don't compare the cargo cult to us.

Anonymous No. 16248230

it was in the article the other day that detailed his sexual pursuits at spacex

Anonymous No. 16248231

Tell first what kind of job you want and also, off topic.

Anonymous No. 16248232

okay but suppose I don't tell them and after the interview they tell me I'm hired and ask me when can I start working? What do I do then if I still want to go to other interviews?

Anonymous No. 16248233

unironically based. he is saving the species with his autistic genes.

Anonymous No. 16248236

You tell them you are doing freelance work and have no time to come in to sign today or the rest of the week, but that depends on what kind of trade your in.

Anonymous No. 16248237

If some dude started asking random women if they would fuck he would wind up in jail

Anonymous No. 16248242

>the pedo guy thing was already 6 years ago
time flies bros

Anonymous No. 16248244

Been NEETing for a few months.

designing rudimentary parts in CAD

Anonymous No. 16248245

lol, your fucked.
What country do you live in?

Anonymous No. 16248248

country where it's easy to get jobs currently.

Anonymous No. 16248251


Anonymous No. 16248252

Dont be like that, i live in belgium, and there are more then enough anons here who can draw in autocad.
Aim lower, more then enough companies looking for people who can read and understand plans and can translate it to blue collar workers.
I hope you are good with your hands.

Anonymous No. 16248253

Lotta new openings there recently, I hear

Anonymous No. 16248258

What do you mean aim lower exactly? Part of one of the job ads is drawing stuff for the technicians to assemble and weld together and perhaps explain to them how to assemble it. Do you think that's better than pure CAD? I have some experience welding too

Anonymous No. 16248261

can I get just a crumb of part 2?

Anonymous No. 16248265


CNC workers&welders put stuff togethe0 based on CAD plans, technicians are a completly different thing, if you dont even know that you are not prepared.

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Anonymous No. 16248268

No. And you wont be getting any crumbs of bread either, CIA spy.

Anonymous No. 16248277

pretty weird that nobody is analyzing the elon interview. its as if people have given up on following too deeply and have instead become casual space fans.

Anonymous No. 16248278

I'm retarded

Anonymous No. 16248282

Alright, but just a smidge.

Elon whistles another classical music piece. (He is bored of Tim)

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Anonymous No. 16248283

You can do the analysis too.

Anonymous No. 16248286

Starbase capable of 100 Starships production per year. Elon wants 1000 per year for mars colonization. Its not gonna be only at Starbase, so Florida will likely do a huge chunk of Starship building, maybe 10-20X that of Starbase.

Anonymous No. 16248288

part 2 takes place hours after ift4. elon says some interesting shit.

Anonymous No. 16248293

its funny how nobody is willing to spend five bucks on an hour long elon video

Anonymous No. 16248297

We're all poor

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Anonymous No. 16248298

>ice doubters btfo
>word that part two may btfo steel plate fags by confirming new tower getting proper flame trench
lmao if that's true it's gonna be hilarious

Anonymous No. 16248305

> people who can read and understand plans and can translate it to blue collar workers.
I hope you are good with your hands.
Explain this type of job

Anonymous No. 16248308

It's not the 5 bucks it's the laziness. Also sue me estrogenaut

Anonymous No. 16248319

You would be amazed at how many people look at 2d plans of a 3d object and cant put 1 and 1 together.

Anonymous No. 16248320

Watercooledsteelplatethads will never get BTFO with how the tower 1 plate has been holding up you are making up bullshit with no sources and corroborating unrelated topics as if ice proves trenchcels won. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU RETARDED NIGGER

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Anonymous No. 16248325

>it's real

Anonymous No. 16248328

Nobody cares shut up

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Anonymous No. 16248329


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Anonymous No. 16248330

i thought that was her

Anonymous No. 16248334

Do you think the starliner crew got a chance to wash their poopy underwear

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Anonymous No. 16248338

give me more advice

Anonymous No. 16248343

dont be a loser that asks questions on a anime forum.

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Anonymous No. 16248346

everyday astro-soi takes about 25 mins to stop acting like an autist but other than that it was a good little video and tour of starbase.
also Elon looks like a really good father, seems to hang out with his kids almost 24/7.
all in all good to see.

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Anonymous No. 16248348

Arianebros, what's the SITREP?

Anonymous No. 16248351

Imagine defending this, you'd have to be some kind of brainwashed communist apologist or something

Anonymous No. 16248352

>your dad will never take you on a tour to his starbase

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Anonymous No. 16248358

About that...

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Anonymous No. 16248362

Everything (so far) looks set for a launch on July 9th

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Anonymous No. 16248363


Anonymous No. 16248366

Diaspora of any country always fucking sucks.

Anonymous No. 16248368

"The launcher" is working in the meantime.

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Anonymous No. 16248370


Anonymous No. 16248377

this coming from the BBC spammers is funny as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 16248381

>Tiananmen square is vindicate
Holy shit is that a bizzaro version of the CCP copypasta?

Anonymous No. 16248389

>actually, china has problems with homelessness just like the rest of the world
>instant copy pasta about how chinese human rights violations are good and justified and non-sequiturs about america
they're like a parody of themselves

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Anonymous No. 16248390

Anonymous No. 16248398

It's not a parody, those people are a serious threat. Have you never heard of Rosenbergs? A communist is never loyal to his motherland, his heart lies first in Russia, or China these days They're like a virus that must be cleansed before it spreads.

Anonymous No. 16248401

Tiananmen square was unironically based. Western jewish glownigger colour revolution crushed beneath steel behemoths put the fear of God into glowniggers from trying that shit again.

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Anonymous No. 16248403

Anonymous No. 16248405

we also have a virus in the west which I'm not going to say here

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Anonymous No. 16248408


wumao's and the CCP are a real problem, but lets not derail the thread with politics.
Lets instead post /sfg/ related anime and watch the tread derail even harder when that one anon loses his shit.

Anonymous No. 16248411

Why were we denied photos of Starship floating calmly in the ocean?

Anonymous No. 16248422

Anon I properly qualified my post and did not imply that the two are somehow related, just that it'd be funny for both to be true.

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Anonymous No. 16248436


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Anonymous No. 16248437


Anonymous No. 16248440

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me

Anonymous No. 16248443

What time?

Anonymous No. 16248460

1 Million views lmao

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Anonymous No. 16248462

Rapid Return to Village-capable rocketry

Anonymous No. 16248463

hopefully the shame and embarrassment will be the kick in the ass that china needs to finally start using reusable rockets

Anonymous No. 16248467

So you are trying to get out of the deal again

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Anonymous No. 16248473

12-18 months

Anonymous No. 16248474

Now we just need a photo of EDA doing the soiface

Anonymous No. 16248476

jesus fucking christ I hate/love AI

Anonymous No. 16248486

wow yeah they never thought of it before this video

Anonymous No. 16248489

>Why is Musk so fucking bloated? Go to the gym, fatass.
boomer + shit diet + alcohol/drugs + zero exercise = skinny arms and legs with a fat gut.

Anonymous No. 16248492

china has a face culture and generally will use the shame and embarrassment to justify hiding whatever is causing the shame and embarrassment and shoving it into a little corner instead of dealing with it.

Anonymous No. 16248496

Gonna laugh when there isn't going to be a trench and spaceguy5 gets outed as the bullshitter he is.

Anonymous No. 16248497

It started when he posted that covid tests seemed unreliable, and also that chloroquine was worth a look

Anonymous No. 16248500

because elon doesn't understand type 1 vs type 2 error

Anonymous No. 16248501


how does the one with 2 strap on boosters take the 2nd to least amount to LEO?

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Anonymous No. 16248502


Anonymous No. 16248507

baseless accusations

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remnant of the VDV.jpg

Anonymous No. 16248508

>literally just using the explanation a chink friend gave me
>thirdie defence force kicks into action instantly
you've clearly been traumatized by the lackluster performance of your favourite shitholes as of recent, i won't press the issue further, it's clearly very distressing for you.

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capsule of the da....png

Anonymous No. 16248512


Anonymous No. 16248513

None of these are to scale with each other. I'm guessing they started planning this with a small four engine design like the Zhuque-2 and then decided to go through common core hell rather than ditch the work they'd done and scale up to a seven or nine engine booster.
>Kinetica-2 will see its inauguration launch in Aug 2025. Milestones are planned for 1st stage reusability before 2028.
This makes me doubt that the 12t figure is what it's going to be capable of when reused. If it's struggling to beat Pallas-1's payload while still juggling three cores it's going to get eaten alive in a market where TL-3 and ZQ-3 are rushing to demonstrate reusability before Q4 2025.

Anonymous No. 16248516

Your tears are so delicious piggoid

Anonymous No. 16248526

are there any spacex starship development youtubers worth watching??

Anonymous No. 16248528

NSF. Thats it. Dont watch any livestream except the 24/7 though.

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Anonymous No. 16248530

i love the smell of hypergolic propellant in the morning

Anonymous No. 16248535

Stop playing the wrong version you westoid scum

Anonymous No. 16248539

these people eat wild bats and gutter rats
lil bit toxic air pollution won't hurt them

Anonymous No. 16248540

Stop playing the reversed version you westoid scum

Anonymous No. 16248541

is there anything new in this? seems like Todd just fangirling the whole time. Really expected more from him, or at least on par with the previous tours

Anonymous No. 16248542

Why are they running? they're over a mile away. chinese peasants really are stupid retards. If it was me, I'd be running towards it to inspect the loot!

Anonymous No. 16248543

It is. It's becoming more and more obvious that she's the third wife and is completing the void that his relationship with Grimes ended on. He was very optimistic and happy throughout the entire interview.

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Anonymous No. 16248544

Ching chong ping pong
Free Tibet ๅ…ญๅ››ๅคฉๅฎ‰้–€ไบ‹ไปถ The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 ๅคฉๅฎ‰้–€ๅคงๅฑ ๆฎบ The Tiananmen Square Massacre ๅๅณๆดพ้ฌฅ็ˆญ The Anti-Rightist Struggle ๅคง่บ้€ฒๆ”ฟ็ญ– The Great Leap Forward ๆ–‡ๅŒ–ๅคง้ฉๅ‘ฝ The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

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Short March.webm

Anonymous No. 16248545

Anonymous No. 16248546

let them cook as the zoomers say

Anonymous No. 16248547

Unironically going to happen. Spaceguy5 hits themark every time and he promised there iwll be a flame trench. Retards on here will seethe and deny until the day it actually happens, then they will forget

Anonymous No. 16248548

Lucky Elon got to fuck Gwynne too. She is ride or die for him

Anonymous No. 16248549

Space chad 5 is so based he could finally take down the muskrats for good lol

Anonymous No. 16248550

gwynne aint seggzy

Anonymous No. 16248551

rent free.

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Anonymous No. 16248552

I've fuck her

Anonymous No. 16248555


Anonymous No. 16248556

Even if you don't believe the various rumours that've been around for years, he's said himself that he does the ambien + wine thing and takes ket (for medical reasons)

Anonymous No. 16248559

Not really, no. If you're up to speed here then you know pretty much everything. Walking around the giant factory building and inside the megabay with 3 boosters is really kino though.

Anonymous No. 16248560

Oh no he does "wine"
I don't think Heavenly Father would approve

Anonymous No. 16248563

I have info that could get SpaceGuy hit by the full force of ITAR. Through what channels could this be reported to NASA ITAR compliance and SpaceX? I also feel morally conflicted about exposing a person to a potential 10 years in prison and a million dollar fine for no real major offence that poses a threat to weapons exports. Yes he is a dick. I doubt it warrants this.

Anonymous No. 16248567

Just threaten him directly on Discord

Anonymous No. 16248572

Jackasses thrive because decent people won't stoop to do what it takes to destroy them. Doo Eeit.

Anonymous No. 16248576

They all look like people's moms or dads.

Anonymous No. 16248578

/pol/ and /k/ tourists are such tards that they somehow managed to make racism unfunny

Anonymous No. 16248581

To be fair as funny as a flame trench would be I don't think there's been any earth work that'd indicate something like that for tower 2 (which'd likely be substantial so I'd expect it to start early) and I've now also seen others say that in the video it's less a confirmation and more a lack of denial.

Contact these guys?
Is some of his bragging about being a NASA engineer divulging too much info? I guess the high road would be to point it out to him privately first and if he doesn't take it down/stop doing it or whatever the issue is then you report it.

Anonymous No. 16248588

they will have a stainless steel flame diverter, no earth work required

Anonymous No. 16248595

lol this isn't even the first time today we've discussed china having face/shame culture but you're so mind broke by russia you think this has something to do with a european conflict.

Anonymous No. 16248596

They are bottom feeder fags, don't feel obliged to apply any kind of morality. Just fuck him up.

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successful booste....webm

Anonymous No. 16248597

Nice try, retard. Here's the real version

Anonymous No. 16248600

How does China do it? This is a quantum leap in the field of rocketry. They will undoubtedly grow larger.

Anonymous No. 16248610

Why cant USA do this,?

Anonymous No. 16248611

"There are many ways to solve the problem. What matters is that it is solved"

Anonymous No. 16248624

Why is the 1812 Overture stuck in Elon's head

Anonymous No. 16248625

He heard classical music makes babies smarter so he keeps a speaker on his testicles every night

Anonymous No. 16248628

He's an oldspace simp and deserves to be incinerated by Superheavy's takeoff exhaust for that sin alone. I say this earnestly. I would watch that man flayed alive and feel equal parts satisfaction and contempt.
I recognize that my views are extreme, and a risk to morality and social cohesion. It is a goodโ€”albeit frustratingโ€”thing that social structures mostly prevent people like me from holding enough power to leverage our opinion into policy. If I ran the show we'd have self-sustaining colonies very quickly, but a lot of summary executions along the way.

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Anonymous No. 16248671

/sfg/ is dead.... nobody else fucking talk after this

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Anonymous No. 16248676

New SLS just dropped!

Anonymous No. 16248677

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16248679

what an awful thing to say

Anonymous No. 16248680

There's things coming up. Falcon Heavy is launching on Tuesday, Alpha on Thursday, H3 in a week. There's no big news breaks right now but that'll pick up.

>please be patient, I am a cost-plus jobs program

Anonymous No. 16248697

it's both the Shuttle and the jumbo jet cockpit, it fulfills both roles

Anonymous No. 16248699

I'm sick of China pretending it has private companies.

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Anonymous No. 16248713

military starship variant leaked

Anonymous No. 16248715

/sfg/'s dedicated party representative will be along shortly to explain to you that just because all the chinese venture capital firms are state-funded and controlled, this does NOT mean that the Chinese newspace scene is CCP astroturfing.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Anonymous No. 16248737

Damn wtf it already looks like Hawthorne

Anonymous No. 16248740

He said 200t you worthless retard gorilla nigger

Anonymous No. 16248742

Watching him talk about raptor 3 while pointing at the existing raptors and mentioning specific changes being made as well as ongoing prototyping and testing makes me a lot more optimistic about raptor 3 than vague twitter posts

Anonymous No. 16248754

There's a guy sailing across the Pacific alone who posts videos on TikTok using Starlink. He gets 10M+ views and half the comments are asking how he has signal.

Insane free PR

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Cancel MSR.png

Anonymous No. 16248757

Literally disgusting

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Anonymous No. 16248759

that fat distribution

Anonymous No. 16248771

Getting a little chub?

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Anonymous No. 16248774
>ISRO achieved its third and final consecutive success in the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Landing EXperiment (LEX) on June 23, 2024. "Pushpak" executed a precise horizontal landing, showcasing advanced autonomous capabilities under challenging conditions. With the objectives of RLV LEX accomplished, ISRO embarks into RLV-ORV, the orbital reusable vehicle.

Indian X-37 advances to orbital testing

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Anonymous No. 16248784

in the streets

Anonymous No. 16248787

I'm super not ok with this "ablative backup" thing. Seems like a deadend.

Anonymous No. 16248790

it writes itself

Anonymous No. 16248804

"โ€œRight now our logs are showing that weโ€™re able to pass between 3 and 5 terabytes of data per day, which is absolutely massive."
Starlink working great on USS Abraham Lincoln

Anonymous No. 16248817

SpaceX satellites keep blowing up

Anonymous No. 16248823

that's because the racism is not a joke
based moderate

Anonymous No. 16248852

I'm assuming that's just smoke for studying the vortices or something?

Anonymous No. 16248863

I thought ABSOLUTE NOTHING happened in Tiananmen Square the 3rd of June, 1989.

Anonymous No. 16248873

Will I be allowed to take drugs on Mars? DMT and shrooms

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Anonymous No. 16248876

Anonymous No. 16248884


Anonymous No. 16248887

Only native Mars mushrooms.

Anonymous No. 16248889

The chinese government doesn't want you to know this, but the used boosters that fall on your neighborhood are free. I have four hundred used boosters.

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Anonymous No. 16248891

Imagine the smell.

Anonymous No. 16248896

someone in the comments is saying this is from an earlier launch last year and not yesterday's failed launch

Anonymous No. 16248901

Reverse image search appears to confirm that. To be fair though these things rain down over there like hail so it's easy to get confused.

Anonymous No. 16248905

Smells like blood

Anonymous No. 16248906

>failed launch

Anonymous No. 16248908

very successful launch that put its payload into its target orbit and everything else is just minor details comrade :)

Anonymous No. 16248912

no, anon, yesterday's launch was successful
dropping a spent stage on a chinese village is working as intended

Anonymous No. 16248921

>Did you hear about Stoke Space?
>*5 mins of incoherent autism*
Elon did well to keep his patience with this

Anonymous No. 16248925

So are the two astronauts just fucking around now? No way they planned an extra what 2 weeks of work for them to do just in case. Not even sure they can do "more" science since everything is already scheduled tightly for the existing crew
Fuck there were 2 threads

Anonymous No. 16248928

astronauts aren't there to do science anyways, they're just space jannies

Anonymous No. 16248929

crew demo 2 was planned for 14 days and got extended to 63 because there's always plenty of extra work to be done. i swear /sfg/ has goldfish memory on this stuff.

Anonymous No. 16248930

once wocket go up, who care where come down?

Anonymous No. 16248931

they're up their pigging out on all the dehydrated ice cream, eating all the nice snacks that were sent up for the other astronauts to enjoy after their hard days of space toil.

Anonymous No. 16248933

That was when the ISS was at a very low crew amount iirc. Nigger

Anonymous No. 16248936

Since mars colonists will live in caves, pretty much their entire diet will consist of various mushropm

Anonymous No. 16248941

fully and rapidly reusable Chinese peasants

Anonymous No. 16248943

You can't actually pressurize caves, they're full of holes. So you might as well live in the open
>but muh radiation
Stop caring

Anonymous No. 16248945

Foam. Next question.

Anonymous No. 16248947

But what about the cave spiders?

Anonymous No. 16248949


Anonymous No. 16248976

>look at this flange
>this pump is just made off flanges
>flanges everywhere
>we're gonna get rid of all these flanges
What is Elon's issue with flanges?

Anonymous No. 16248979

the only joint elon likes is one he can smoke

Anonymous No. 16248984

He asks the most puerile questions.
Still it was nice to see the interior of the factory.

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droid takeover ha....jpg

Anonymous No. 16248990

what kind of android is this?

Anonymous No. 16248991


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peak aesthetics.jpg

Anonymous No. 16248992


Anonymous No. 16248993

Propellant is stored in the belly

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Anonymous No. 16248996


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Anonymous No. 16248999

getting closer to his final form

Anonymous No. 16249004

Look at Merlin's history. Flanges are dead weight and only exist to connect test hardware together. They get replaced by integrated parts.

Anonymous No. 16249005

To be fair to him, he suggested
>why not have the arms close like they were catching the booster, for practice
and Elon was like "uh hmm that's certainly something to think about"
then in the end they actually did do it

Anonymous No. 16249007

That ass and the dark side girl that looked like a dirty whore were the only good parts about that show.

Anonymous No. 16249008

Wait, did the ai change his microphone into a flower too?

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Tesla Torso.jpg

Anonymous No. 16249010

lol, nice
there's always room for improvement

Anonymous No. 16249011

Have you ever worked with flanges? They suck.

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Anonymous No. 16249014

How long have they had this dynamic?

Anonymous No. 16249015

There's nothing to analyze. It's just Tim Dodd going
>that is insane!
>just unbelievable
>remember when it was just a tent

Anonymous No. 16249016

Wtf is that yellow shit coming out of the rocket?

Anonymous No. 16249018

spicy oxygen fumes
the worst one to me was when he started explaining to elon how gridfins worked and elon got so bored that he just pulled out his phone and stared at it for a few minutes

Anonymous No. 16249020


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Anonymous No. 16249027

How about the footage?

Anonymous No. 16249035

I'm pretty sure they've learned that orange gas=cancer.
Don't inspect that loot, it comes with poison level 7.

Anonymous No. 16249044

Jesus fucking Christ the Merlins look advanced compared to the current gen Raptors.

Anonymous No. 16249049

Do you think being able to say "I'm a rocket engineer" helps with getting girls?

Anonymous No. 16249075
what's the point of doing a 10km VTVL test if the engine remains on for the whole flight? is this a marketing flight?

Anonymous No. 16249077

>explaining to elon how gridfins worked
this can't be real

Anonymous No. 16249078

They saw Spacex did a hop so they're repeating it without understanding why.

Anonymous No. 16249082

I skimmed through the video and didn't see it.

Anonymous No. 16249089

skim through whatever starbase tour he did in 2021, it's in there somewhere

Anonymous No. 16249093

because that's what grasshopper and starhopper did. it's the first step before you work on mid-air relights.

Anonymous No. 16249097

yes but not at 10km altitude and descending from 10km with the engine still burning, that's my question

Anonymous No. 16249099

10km is better than 1km, ergo the Chinese effort is advancing faster

Anonymous No. 16249112

>berger thinks that the astronauts are returning on starliner no matter the cost
how likely are they to make it home safely?

Anonymous No. 16249114

They want to do a 70 km altitude flight which will simulate a launch profile, this will most certainly require engine restart. They're not there yet but that's their aim for this year afaik.

Anonymous No. 16249118

So starship is using glue for the tiles in certain parts...
And now these tiles will be ablative, so, they will need to be serviced (replaced) periodically...
Sound like shuttle 2.0.

This ship will 100% end up being expendable.

Anonymous No. 16249122


Anonymous No. 16249125

Shuttle experts told me that Shuttle TPS maintenance wasn't actually that long, they spent more time on payload processing.

Anonymous No. 16249129

>SLS contract / Artemis III uncertainty continues as annual GAO check released
We are not going in 2026.

Anonymous No. 16249131

No one on /sfg/ even knows what's in Part 2 since not a single person seems to have paid Tim Dodd the $5 to watch it.

Not a crumb to be had.

Anonymous No. 16249135

That looks very twitchy and delicate...

Anonymous No. 16249147

>And now these tiles will be ablative
Backup ablative layer underneath reusable layer

Anonymous No. 16249154

Raptor V3 testing begins next week.

Anonymous No. 16249155

That's bullshit and you know it

Anonymous No. 16249162

What exactly is going on in those videos of them pulling up tiles on the starship, putting down a black mat thing, and then putting new tiles on top

Anonymous No. 16249164

Rope bought and chair tilting

Anonymous No. 16249173

If Tim Dodd needs money, he can just ask Elon.

Anonymous No. 16249176

90%. The leaky thrusters we know of are on a part which'll be jettisoned and you can only prove that Boeing screwed up the Orion heatshield.

Anonymous No. 16249184

I don't keep money in the computers.

Anonymous No. 16249185

95 T to orbit, things are looking DIRE

Anonymous No. 16249188

>tfw I will never know what it feels like to be a refrigerant

Anonymous No. 16249193

Just get in the refrigerator. It's not that hard.

Anonymous No. 16249196

I'm talking about the fluid rushing through the refrigerator's pipes and heat exchangers though .

Anonymous No. 16249199

>This image contains 99 raptors

Anonymous No. 16249201

Did Tim Dodd at least confront Elon Musk on his canceled spaceflight?

They both have unorthodox butts and postures

Anonymous No. 16249202

daming thread about the ussf

>80% of ussf does no meaningful work
>most officers are on vacation instead of at work
>no one is held accountable

Anonymous No. 16249204

quick anons, tell me how to get a job in the space force.

Anonymous No. 16249210

Nice finally, so should be ready for v2 ships?
4 v1s left which are going to take a while to launch

Anonymous No. 16249214

Why would he confront him? It was up to MZ, not Musk assuming Musk doesnt want to do the same thing with the same crew
He doesnt tend to do big charity things like this (in the open at least) so I doubt he will

Anonymous No. 16249216

Seems like they are going to save 20t of mass with these, so should negate the secondary heatshield mass

Anonymous No. 16249220

tell them you know all about BRILLIANT PEBBLES and will go public with it unless they give you a job

Anonymous No. 16249233

We are witnessing in real time the decline and fall of the American Empire.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16249240

Oh, I'm afraid those warheads will be quite operational when your friends arrive

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Anonymous No. 16249244

Oh, I'm afraid those warheads will be quite operational when your friends arrive

Anonymous No. 16249249

>canceled spaceflight
Imao when did this happen and why?
Elon should give the estronaut at least a LEO dragon ride in compensation for the free and positive coverage.

Anonymous No. 16249250

I don't think you comprehend how many interceptors Starship will be able to put into orbit for a trivial amount of money.

Anonymous No. 16249252

Nipponese fella decided he was unhappy with the delays.
Musk did say that there might be a significant delay early on though.

Anonymous No. 16249254

Elon has given Tim incredible access, he doesn't owe Tim anything.

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Anonymous No. 16249255


Anonymous No. 16249259

>Nah bro it's impossible to test the new combustion chamber before the new powerhead is ready

Anonymous No. 16249261

>Pressure testing components of a prototype is the same as a static-fire of the final design engine

Anonymous No. 16249262

I expect an explanation /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16249263

He said Raptor 3, not Raptor V3. These are two different things.

Anonymous No. 16249266

Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational orbital swarm

Anonymous No. 16249272

I can't get tired of the amount of lobotomites ready to attack every single statement of his without having even a cursory understanding of how hardware testing works, nor really anything that's happening behind the doors since they don't work at it.

Anonymous No. 16249278

Im tired of it really. Low hanging fruits doesnt just show the lack of depth of understanding but also

Anonymous No. 16249288

Simple answer, SpaceX naming scheme is consistently and incredibly retarded

Anonymous No. 16249293

Version numbers are completely arbitrary

Anonymous No. 16249313

testing for production manufacturing vs early dev testing with the v3 still in very much flux

Anonymous No. 16249316

Its blocks like Falcon now you dumb negroid

Anonymous No. 16249318

Should i get StarLink Mini and dump my cell phone carrier?
An additional 30$ a month.

Anonymous No. 16249319

Block numbers are completely arbitrary

Anonymous No. 16249322

OFT oldtroons have been completely eradicated now

Anonymous No. 16249333

>be ultra successful Japanese billionaire
>have access to the world's best lawyers
>somehow still get scammed into signing contract with American billionaire.
>lose millions and millions

Anonymous No. 16249334

Musk is African Canadian

Anonymous No. 16249336

African - Canadian - American soon to also become the first Martian.

Anonymous No. 16249346
Third times the charm? Starlink 10-2 launches in an hour

Anonymous No. 16249347

did they do that tower catch test yet?

Anonymous No. 16249349

not yet. next flight if Elon is to be believed.

Anonymous No. 16249353

He means the B14.1 test, not yet, they've just put it onto the OLM

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Anonymous No. 16249357

did we discuss this yet?

>chinese company did a 12km hop using 3 methalox engines yesterday

Anonymous No. 16249360

Damn I thought they would've been testing it for a while already, that chamber pressure record firing was ages ago at this point.
>this will be the one to really scale up production
kek, every time. It sounds so familiar he might've said it about Raptor 2 as well

Anonymous No. 16249361

meant today

Anonymous No. 16249365

We discussed it tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16249370

Man, remember when individual non-crewed Falcon 9 launches had launch threads? Simpler times.

Anonymous No. 16249372

>70km test is next
>orbit is after that

Anonymous No. 16249373

nearly same thing BO did 20 years ago.

Anonymous No. 16249376

Bet you're scared of radiation too

Anonymous No. 16249378

they did scale but stopped production of V2, there are almost 400 of raptors produced in total so you had to have some kind of mass production line for them in any case
the production numbers and scale for V3 will just be much more

Anonymous No. 16249381

They stole the technology from McDonnell Douglas 1993

Anonymous No. 16249383

I don't even watch the 3rd party streams anymore. I post the SFN link because they're not as obnoxious an operation as NSF and they come up an hour ahead of time which would give a fair warning to the single digit number of interested people

Anonymous No. 16249384

Which is retarded because clearly there are already multiple blocks within the "V1" line (e.g. when they skipped over a bunch of ships). I've only seen block used by tankwatchers so far though so not all hope is lost that it's only them being braindead and not SpaceX

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Anonymous No. 16249392

Elon enters the space industry.

Anonymous No. 16249394

>no video

Anonymous No. 16249396

>All systems are looking good, weather is currently 70% favorable, and propellant load is about to begin for todayโ€™s launch of 22 Starlink satellites from Florida

Anonymous No. 16249397

china would be dominating without elon and congress? they'd just throw their hands up in the air while saying "nothing can be done" then go home and count their millions of chinese yuan (((donations))).

Anonymous No. 16249401

Maybe, but China imo is reacting to Elon. Same with electric vehicle industry. Its a reaction to Elon/Tesla.

Anonymous No. 16249405


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Anonymous No. 16249406

Anonymous No. 16249413

In large part yes, reaction to SpaceX have definitely enabled the current chinese launch and satellite startup, thanks to the opening of the space industry in the early-mid 2010s and more funding.

But there's still some stuff that wouldn't have changed
>Development of the CZ-5 and following predates SpaceX and gave them the technology and infrastructure base for modern launchers.
>Their lunar program also dates from the 2000s, with the stated goal to launch crew to the moon in the 2020s as soon as like 2009, and would have required super heavy launchers anyway.
>Most current chinese launches are still Long March launching satellites whose development started before Starlink, so they'd still launch dozens of these every year

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Anonymous No. 16249414

thank god it wont be just an all orange tuuube, too similar to Starship

Anonymous No. 16249418

Why is my OFT-1 patch bigger than all the others?

Anonymous No. 16249424

It takes ~25-35w to power the mini. 24/7. Thats a lot of power. If you however are next to you car for your almost all the time, then attach it on top of the car and you will be able to pass it off easily with a small solar panel and small batterypack

Anonymous No. 16249426

it's $600

Anonymous No. 16249428

Replacement for a smartphone.

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Anonymous No. 16249445

>NASA radio silent on contract negotiations for production of new SLS core stages & new Exploration Upper Stage liquid propellant tanks. The contract (pre-EPOC) should have been awarded by now according to NASA's schedule. According to NASA they are currently investigating cost reduction measures, and they have identified Deep Space Transport LLC (joint venture between Boeing and NG) as the sole source.
>It's notable that Boeing has adopted a policy of avoiding fixed-price contracts, which pre-EPOC and EPOC are.
>Some production of Artemis V has been authorized, but unclear how to complete it without EPOC/pre-EPOC.
>Boeing did not bid on NSSL phase 3 procurement with SLS. Boeing continues to publish study concept papers and alternative mars sample return using SLS as part of trying to find customers for SLS outside of NASA, so unclear why they did not bid.
>NASA still trying to answer the question of what Artemis III missions feasible in two years, last video discussed why Orion is unsuitable for LEO. In summary: as part of the negotiations between the Obama admin and congress after constellation was shuttered, Orion was reduced in capability to a beyond-LEO version as part of cost saving measures.
>As part of considerations for a possible modifications to enable Orion to stay in LEO for a long period, Boeing has proposed a sun-shield attached to the capsule for thermal management. Another option is modifications to the ESM.
>Axiom spacesuit design review date is under review (no, that wasn't a mistake). The design review is supposed to be completed this year, it involves a vacuum chamber test.

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Anonymous No. 16249447

>HALO module for gateway needed to undergo repairs, which delayed it. GAO notes that HALO is over its mass allocation by ~500kg, and could also be facing an additional mass increase of ~600kg due to a miscalculation of the mass of all the wiring needed. Next up, HALO needs to be tested to show that the aforementioned repairs won't compromise its structural integrity when it's launched.
>PPE module for gateway has been delayed due to additional design requirements. PPE is also 170kg over its mass allocation. This mass overrun can be overcome by decreasing propellant storage space. There is currently an investigation into whether the PPE can control the station when starship HLS is docked, and if so whether the HLS can take over maneouvering of the station when docked.
>Gateway must be launched by september 2027 at the latest in order to be ready for Artemis IV. Currently not on track to meet this date.
>solar electric propulsion units for the PPE module are struggling with schedule delays from multiple problems caused by the AR wiring harness, which needed a redesign.
>EUS prop storage will be white rather than orange.

Anonymous No. 16249452

>Boeing has adopted a policy of avoiding fixed-price contracts
its over for boing

Anonymous No. 16249456

This is old news.
Comcrew buck broke them so hard.

Anonymous No. 16249458

>HALO module for gateway needed to undergo repairs
it sounds bad but then you realize shit happens in manufacturing all the time, so its not so bad in reality

>HALO is overweight
probably not going to be an issue for spacex since they're the ones launching it

>PPE module for gateway has been delayed due to additional design requirements
ok now this is actual maliciousness

>Gateway must be launched by september 2027 at the latest in order to be ready for Artemis IV. Currently not on track to meet this date.
its over

Anonymous No. 16249460

>unclear why they did not bid
The Space Force/DoD/etc made a clear public statement saying that they were not interested in buying SLS launches and never would be. It costs too much even for the government and all military space launches can be more gracefully handled by much smaller rockets.

Anonymous No. 16249461

do we know yet if the astronauts will be returning on the Boin capsule?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16249463

almost time

Anonymous No. 16249465

Here is the link to the full GAO report btw.
It's 130 pages long.

Anonymous No. 16249466

how loose is giantess pussy, though?
at least she can't complain that her jaw hurts because your cock is too big

Anonymous No. 16249467

NET July 4 because they dont want to risk the bad publicity of astronauts dying around a major holiday

Anonymous No. 16249468

Can someone please fire these busybodies?

Anonymous No. 16249469

>t. ballast

Anonymous No. 16249470

Damn I feel old how because of how many GAO reports I've seen posted here.

Anonymous No. 16249472

>engines stay on during the whole descent
>that slow ass descent
RUMAO china is hard stuck doing hop tests, no improvements made over 3 years

Anonymous No. 16249473

still french and no signs of improvement

Anonymous No. 16249477

they publish slop multiple times a year.
What makes you think GAO has some magic power to calculate real costs better than the rest of the federal government?

Anonymous No. 16249479

Thanks, another pdf to my collection that I will read someday.

Anonymous No. 16249480

That is definitely China, but I don't remember seeing any homeless (i.e. people sleeping on the streets at night) in Shanghai and I spent a fair amount of time walking (or jogging) around at night. There were some beggars, though, and they had to be sleeping somewhere.

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Anonymous No. 16249483

going to put some points here as nobody else didn't seem to (apparently no new info though, haven't watched it yet)

>this [factory] will enable us to have serialized production of the rocket, especially the ship, which will ultimately be made, long term 1000 a year of the ship
>we might not build a thousand a year here, but this should be capable of 100 a year
>thats only a ship every year, thats nothing (laughs)
>this year we will make almost 200 upper stages of Falcon, next year probably over 200
>Starship is going to be able to do 100t to orbit, with Starship 2 a little more than that, Starship 3 at the 9m diameter when the 9m is fully stretched out, from a 120m to 140m
>this is like a lot of optimizations in, engine improvements, heat shield mass improvements, reducing the amount of propellant needed for landing
>basically you do all the things we have done with Falcon 9 and you get to a pretty efficient vehicle and you will be able to get to 200t to a useful orbit with Starship, and that is with full reusability

this is just 3min 20s in, I think mentioning the 9m in this way implies he is thinking about a fatter rocket? and he is still saying that Starship V1 should be able to do 100t to orbit which seems weird, wasn't that only 40t?

Anonymous No. 16249484

Without GAO we wouldn't have access to half as much information about how artemis is going. That picture of Orion's heat shield would probably have never come out.

Anonymous No. 16249485

[X] This post is harming me
[X] This post is harming someone else
[X] This post is harming everyone
[X] This post constitutes a serious threat to human life
[X] This post violates US law

Anonymous No. 16249486

*ship every 3 days, not a year lol

Anonymous No. 16249487

Can I get a QRD on the latest GAO? Is SLS still $4B per launch?

Anonymous No. 16249489

designated shitting atmosphere

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Anonymous No. 16249490

Anonymous No. 16249491

seems like it might have decreased?
SLS and the ground systems together are now $3.6 billion, but I don't think that's launch cost, rather the cost of the program this year?

Anonymous No. 16249492

kek, Best Korea won.

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Anonymous No. 16249498


Anonymous No. 16249501

How did you do this?

Anonymous No. 16249504

>I think mentioning the 9m in this way implies he is thinking about a fatter rocket?
He's always wanted a larger diameter rocket, but all of the support hardware is currently based on 9m, so it would be rather time consuming to change everything. I think the goal is to get current Starship running, figure out a lot of issues, then start work on a much larger ship once this one is going strong.
>he is still saying that Starship V1 should be able to do 100t to orbit which seems weird, wasn't that only 40t?
On paper that is the goal. Current Starship isn't 'optimized' as Elon put it, so a lot of work is being done to get Starship flying so they can figure out what to cut back on. Like the hot-stage ring. They toss it right now for reentry of the booster, but later designs will be integrated and less mass.

Anonymous No. 16249505

fuck NASA for firing DRagonfly chief flight engineer and fuck them for delaying the launch

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Anonymous No. 16249507

ballast will be getting coal for sciencemas.

Anonymous No. 16249510

We are NOT going
(to the lakes)

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Anonymous No. 16249512

>we are at starship version 1.6 or 1.7 at this point, i dont know, we are many iterations through version 1
>[with respect to iteration in technology in general], one way to look at technology is to look it as rendering an image in successive levels of detail, the first level of the image is very blurry and things are out of place, the next pass it gets gets more defined and things shift into place and then eventually in the end you have a very refined picture that actually works
>I think the math shows there is no reason to make another expendable rocket
>[for the falcon 9] we are trying to squeeze every quarter of a knot out of the droneships as possible, we are jacking up the power of the ships, streamlining them, increasing the power of the tugging vessels so we can just haul ass as quickly as possible
>Tim: you had a [droneship] go from a F9 catch to launch and catch again within 2 days recently (i.e. 2 catches with the same droneship within 2 days I think)
>F9 is doing an incredible job within the architecture, but that is still a couple of days to get the booster and then a few days to refurbish it for flight is not rapid by aircraft or vehicle (cars, boats, planes)
>doing a trip every 4 days with a car or airplane would not cut it
>[Super Heavy Booster] is going to land in about 5-6min on the launch site, if you really push it you might be able to get the booster back on the launch site in 10 minutes or even 5 minutes and you can fill it up in half an hour, you could be ready to go an hour later from a booster standpoint
>if you have ships lined up you can drop another ship on, fill it with propellant, in theory you could be launching every couple of hours
>F9 had reusability time measured in months, then weeks, then days, the Falcon 9 architecture can't be reduced to less than days
>with Starship it will go from days into hours

Anonymous No. 16249514

Good for NASA for further killing that piece of shit missions that does NOTHING but suck up tax payer dollars as a welfare program. NOT GOING TO THE LAKES? NOT GOING TO SPACE AND THATS FINAL

Anonymous No. 16249515


Anonymous No. 16249516

Back to the sharty retard.

Anonymous No. 16249517

Physical cringe at the estronaut asking about transpiration cooling and his own "idea" for it, man I had to stop watching for like an hour to recover, and now its still making me cringe hard the way elon talks and stammer fuck this is hard to watch maybe I'll just mute it though

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Anonymous No. 16249519

>the ship has to go into orbit and have a ground track that goes over the launchsite, that could take several orbits, the ship could take several hours. sometimes half a day or something like that
>you would like to have a lot more ships than boosters
>if you are going for max launch rate you would want something like 5 ships to every booster

Anonymous No. 16249521

>long term 1000 a year of the ship
pure delusion
>we might not build a thousand a year here, but this should be capable of 100 a year
still too much, they won't need that many

Anonymous No. 16249522

you just enticed me to watch the actual tour

Anonymous No. 16249524

very little tour, very much talking and standing in one place

Anonymous No. 16249526

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16249529

>booster 3 grid fins
>ship stretched
>chines gone

its over, Starship just gets UGLIER every iteration

Anonymous No. 16249530

Orion is a lockheed product, bro

Anonymous No. 16249533

It takes after Musk himself.

Anonymous No. 16249537

>no fairy
what happened?

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Anonymous No. 16249540

>the stretched version [of Starship]is basically v2
>depends if we call it V2
>the slightly stretched version is V2, arguably
>[Musk pointing at a Starship] its got the pez dispenser for tossing out the next generation starlink v3 satellites, those will be very large diameter, 7m diameter, 22feet
>Tim: if this next test [IFT-4 which would launch the next day] goes well, would the next launch after that start testing the deployment of starlink?
>we will see how this mission goes, this year is not about delivering satellites for starship, its all about ironing out the design question marks
>the things that remain to be solved for starship, the single biggest one is, what does it take to get through the high heating of re-entry
>we have some unsolved questions on the heat shield, a bunch of which we do not know if they are questions and some we are aware of because there have been challenges in the past with the space shuttle like the hinge are and the hinge gap and sealing that hinge gap and not having hot gas go blowing through super fast through that gap
>we got a hot gas seal at the forward and rear flap hinge, one of the key questions is does that seal work? We think it will work, but it may not work [it didn't work]
>then there are some questions about how well do the tiles stay on
>there is a fundamental challenge here where the tiles are ceramics, you have basically a bunch of dinner plates stuck to a steel surface, the steel surface is getting cryogenically cold and shrinking, so on ascent the rocket has shrunk, you can't have the gaps between the tiles be too tight because they will just shatter against each other
>then when its coming in from landing, you no longer have the cryogenic propellant in the tanks and the tiles get very hot, so now they want to expand, you have a contracted inner surface and expanding tiles
>you can't have a big tile gap because then the plasma will get in there and melt the primary structure

Anonymous No. 16249547

They should have gone with sweating to cool it...

Anonymous No. 16249550

This vexes me

Anonymous No. 16249551

Fuck off Spacegoy5

Anonymous No. 16249553

Heatshield's built by the same subcontractor in Hyderabad.

Anonymous No. 16249557

It's occurring to me that the anon here who used to hate anime religiously would have been more successful in purging it off the general if he had commissioned really shitty rocketgirls until everyone got fed up of having to look at the abominations.

Anonymous No. 16249561

The SRBs as sleeves is a nice idea at least.

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Anonymous No. 16249562

>whats the right tile gap? its going to vary depending where you are on the ship, some parts of the ship have cryogenic propellant, some don't
>how well do the tiles attach? if we attach them and we accidentally break one and its hard to see then that could be an issue
>we currently think we are not resilient to the loss of a tile on the hot sections of the ship that are, the tank portion, the pressurized areas, the nose will be pressurized too
>if a tile is lost on a pressurized area and you melt that area, that will cause it to pop and the ship will melt
>people have asked why are there some missing tiles on the ship [that was about to launch], those are on the rear of the ship on an un-pressurized region, we want to see what happens if we lose a tile
>we have plans for a secondary shield beneath the tiles that is much better than what we have right now
>right now we have, I can't say the details of it because its ITAR controlled secret, the current material we use we think is not resilient to a tile failure, we have a new design that we think is resilient a tile failure
>essentially its ablative, if you lose a tile you have to replace the ablative, you would lose out on re-usability but at least its intact
>especially for carrying people, we expect starship to carry perhaps 100 people to mars and the moon, then its gotta be super reliable, ideally no single point of failure

Anonymous No. 16249564


Anonymous No. 16249566

thanks for posting all of this anon.
I really can't stand estronaut so this is really helpful.

Anonymous No. 16249568

jesus christ

Anonymous No. 16249575

I stopped hating because the anime became much less frequent. Not sure if I'm the same person though.

Anonymous No. 16249579

I was also 'the anti-anime schizo' on a few occasions, mostly because I thought it was funny. I still have that owl skull buried in a folder somewhere.

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Anonymous No. 16249582

>Tim: A long time ago you were talking about transpirational cooling
>the mass trade that we did was like 4 years ago, maybe 5, it seemed at that time it would be at least twice as heavy as a ceramic heat shield, since then the weight of our ceramic heat shield has grown and if we factor in the secondary shield that is additional mass
>it might not be that big of a difference between actively cooling and having ceramic tiles
>Tim: Have you seen what Stoke Space have been working on? Its an aerospike with the base plug is the active region heat shield, its an expander cycle so when it gets back through the atmosphere they are using hydrogen to actively regenerate, its basically dumped out of the nozzles and that actually also gets some of the gas vented through the middle and you have a layer of gaseous hydrogen on the front and its being actively regened. I think its a cool concept and I was really impressed [continues to drone on for a while]

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Anonymous No. 16249586

>Tim: I think that was pretty neat, you guys have talked about transpirational cooling years ago so I don't know yeah.

Anonymous No. 16249588

I don't envy you watching this, anon...

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Anonymous No. 16249589

this is big

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Anonymous No. 16249593

>I think its probably correct that a ceramic heat shield is going to do better than transpiration
>there is also the question if you are going to mars and you are coming in hot and you are coming back to earth you are coming in very hot
>its not clear if transpirational cooling would succeed there [there being Mars-> Earth re-entry]

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Anonymous No. 16249599

Once you install some basic life support on a colony, establish some solar panels and battery (night), establish isru of water/air/methane, you sort of get a complete picture of a functioning system. Add in a way to create a green house on Mars (LED or Sunlight), with plenty of dry food from Earth to last 50+ years, and some important chemicals, 100 people can survive for 100 years

Anonymous No. 16249604

you can just post pdfs to /sci/
unless it's a filesize thing, in which case the traditional remedy is to replace all of the later pages with Krystal from Star Fox porn

Anonymous No. 16249609

he tried that, they were so bad he got banned

Anonymous No. 16249610

Godamn you'd never see a soviet or chinese factory look this aesthetic inside holy fuck

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Anonymous No. 16249613

>Tim: Here is my wacky dumb idea of the day, on the inside of the tank if you had like a thermal camera, a firehose of cryogenic coolant and you just spray it if there is a burn through.
>Musk: Sure
>Tim: Just spray it down from the inside, I don't know [reacting to how Musk is reacting to this idea, he didn't seem impressed]. I'll always be happy to throw out the dumb, the dumb ideas

Anonymous No. 16249615

pls stop the secondhand cringe is coming back aaaa

at least the actual Starfactory tour redeemed it I almost forgot about the beginning, I was lost marveling at the sheer scale of Starfactory, imagine if they make an even BIGGER one in KSC with all that free real estate

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Anonymous No. 16249619

>Tim: Especially if you have header tanks there filled with the cryo all pressurized ready to go, all its going to take one heat shield tile missing and its going to be a bad day
>There is a lot of ways to solve the problem, what matters is that it is solved, there are many ways to achieve full reusability, what matters it is achieved
>once you are over the hump of full reusability, whether one system is slightly better than another is a secondary concern

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SN10 unscheduled ....webm

Anonymous No. 16249620

>a firehose of cryogenic coolant and you just spray it if there is a burn through.
Reminds me of the sprinkler that tried putting out SN10 when it was on fire.

Anonymous No. 16249621

fuck me I recognize these equations.
I don't think they're really rocketry related though.

Anonymous No. 16249625

convective heating is relevant somehow
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh isn't reentry dominated by this sort of equation at LEO speeds?

Anonymous No. 16249630

Do people have no shame?

Anonymous No. 16249631

I'm having a bit of a chuckle at imagining how many of those pdfs anon has saved are 'compressed'

Anonymous No. 16249635

longer rockets are better looking.

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Anonymous No. 16249636

>we are trying to get the shell finished as quickly as possible but we still have a lot of work to do inside the factory
>this will dramatically improve the production of the rocket, being able to move from one station to another, its going to be linear and adjacent flow
>the thing that really matters, people talk about the production lines of Henry Ford, what matters is linear and adjacent flow supposed to a production line that actually moves
>its simple, one thing moves after another and things move in a cadence, it doesn't matter if there is a conveyor belt or not, that is a secondary concern, doesn't matter
>it only matters that there is a tempo, every station has about the same amount of work-time and things move from one station to another station and there is specialization of labor at each station, these are the principles that actually matter
>the tents are very inefficient when you know what you actually want to build
>at this point we are confident that this architecture is one of the possible solutions, that doesn't mean there might not be other solutions like the one you talked about but this will work, its just a question of ironing out the bugs and improving the performance of everything from the engines to the avionics to the primary structure to the heat shield, everything
>it will work

Anonymous No. 16249637

That's clearly not the case with Starship V3

Anonymous No. 16249638

thanks for the elaborate rundown

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Anonymous No. 16249640

Anonymous No. 16249641

I was anti anime at times too, but there was this one absolutely unhinged anime hater and I'm not sure if he's around

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Anonymous No. 16249644

Anonymous No. 16249645

I see nothing wrong with Tim's statement

Anonymous No. 16249646

up to a point, proportions matter, second stages should not be nearly as lengthy as the first stage and so on

these are the rules of the Aesthetics of Rocketry

>inb4 source?
I made it up

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Anonymous No. 16249648

Anonymous No. 16249650

do you think Tim Dodd should feel shame for asking this?

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Anonymous No. 16249652

You WILL live inside an airbed and you WILL be happy

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Anonymous No. 16249659

Anonymous No. 16249661

The only thing I've ever been unhinged about in /sfg/ is 'space flight' so I dont think thats me

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Anonymous No. 16249664

>the top remaining problem is a reusable heat shield
>nobody has ever made a reusable heat shield, the space shuttle is closest, but that took 9 months and thousands of people to refurbish, one can not call something that takes that much time to refurbish reusable, certainly not rapid
>for the first time ever there needs to be a rapidly reusable orbital heat shield, which no one has ever done, so its difficult
>that is why I say it remains the biggest remaining problem
>the goal of this flight and the flights for the rest of the year is to get through the high heating so the heath shield survives and the ship is still operational and the can steer itself to a specific location and do a landing burn in the ocean [they did]
>for this flight we want the booster to do a landing burn in a specific location [which they did, accurate enough for a buoy mounted camera to film]
>if we don't solve it in this flight, we will solve it in the next two or three flights, just having the booster do the hotstaging, do the boostback, steer correctly to a precise location and do a landing burn and essentially do a simulated tower catch

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Anonymous No. 16249671

>Tim: I think it might be cool if the tower mimicked it [the catch attempt] at here. How do we know the tower is going to be okay after a launch like that to be able to [shows catching with arms]
>we operate the tower after the launch so we can tell if there is any damage
>if this launch goes perfectly we will have the booster do a boostback and controlled descent to a specific location and do a simulated tower catch
>if things go perfectly with the ship, which they probably won't, it will get through high heating, it will still be fully operational, it will control itself to a specific location in the ocean and then initiate a landing burn and also pretend its getting caught by the tower
>I think we have maybe a 50-50 chance of the heat shield working
>its high uncertainty, but if not on this flight then on the next 2 or 3 flights I think we will solve that

Anonymous No. 16249673

>tiles alone not good enough
>ablative layer under tiles
>can't remove tiles without breaking them
How is this rapidly reusable in any fashion?

Anonymous No. 16249675

if the tiles don't break then you don't need to touch them

Anonymous No. 16249678

and the tiles are theoretically good enough alone, the secondary ablative heatshield is just insurance for situations when one tile was installed improperly, had a manufacturing defect etc

Anonymous No. 16249679

delightfully unintuitive

Anonymous No. 16249681

It will be rapidly reusable once we switch to fluids cooling starship instead of these tile things

>insurance for situations when one tile was installed improperly, had a manufacturing defect etc
like last flight?

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Anonymous No. 16249687

>Tim: What happened with the roll thrusters? Don't tell me that was clogging due to the hot gas conversation we had, I'm still confused.
>they got ice in the valves
>they got clogged by ice, we are not exactly sure how
>if water ice got into the oxygen side, there is a small amount, since the location we are tapping off the engine is not pure O2, its got a little bit of water ice
>its OX-rich gas
>Tim: Is it going off the turbine side?
>its got burnt fuel
>Tim: Does it have a little bit of CO2 in it and can that turn into [CO2] ice
>its got stuff that can turn into solid in cryogenic temperatures, I think that is relevant
>solid stuff that blocks things

Anonymous No. 16249689

>like last flight?
what do you mean? there was no secondary heat shield on the last flight and it still got through fine
the flap hinge problem is a separate problem

Anonymous No. 16249693

gotta get a minimum viable product first, then worry about tiles later

Anonymous No. 16249696

reusable staging is go

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Anonymous No. 16249705

>we have improved the ice strainers, we have improved the valves
>in the future we will move to series-parallel valves for critical valves, any one valve failure does not take out the ability of the ship to orient itself correctly
>Tim: Are you avoiding doing a more conventional heat exchanger?
>our rocket is autogenously pressurized, we are pressurizing the fuel side with gaseous fuel, and OX side mostly with gaseous oxygen
>with autogenous pressurization we have to not only heat up the gas, we have to produce the gas
>there is a lot more mass you got to come up with
>it actually affects our max power, especially on the fuel side, the pump on the fuel side is the limiting factor
>if we turned off the autogenous pressurization on the fuel side, we would be able to get more power out of the pump
>you're bleeding mass flow from the engine, there is quite a lot of work in taking cryogenic liquid to heat it up to be a hot gas
>phase transition and a large temperature delta, there is a lot of work [probably talking about work in the physics sense, i.e. energy]

Anonymous No. 16249706

I bet you prefer the stages to get narrower as you go up like a skyscraper

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Anonymous No. 16249709

>on IFT-3 we couldn't start the engines on the booster due to low pressure
>the full answer is quite complicated, because we could have started with low pressure, we didn't need to start all the engines
>this time we expect to have a lot more pressure and we are able to start at a lower pressure and we don't need all the engines to fire

Anonymous No. 16249712

It's more the absurd firehose suggestion. Like something a kid would come up with. Also it was SO drawn out rambling about stoke

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Anonymous No. 16249713

>Tim: Are you trying to move to 3 grid fins for the booster?
>its not a high priority, its a mass optimization thing
>you definitely only need three, I think technically you would be able to do it with two if you are willing to oscillate
>you are asking for a bit of trouble with just two gridfins but it is technically possible
>three for sure, but that is a fairly minor optimization
>for both the booster and the ship you don't need much control, the attitude control is small, you just can't have a leaky valve or stuck valve

Anonymous No. 16249718

I was hoping Elon would actually answer the Raptor LOX pump heat exchanger question.

Anonymous No. 16249719

this contains significantly less cartoon pornography than I was led to believe >:-(

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Anonymous No. 16249727

>Tim: After you fly, how much do you have to change things, you have to make changes into all ships, everything that is in production.
>there are hundreds of changes that have to take place, not a few
>if you go into detail level there might be thousands
>across the ship and the boosters and the engines its thousands of changes between each flight, but many of them are very small
>but a very small change could be a big deal
>Tim:Imagine how long would it take a traditional aerospace company that had a rocket they are working on and they would have to make a thousand changes between flights and then fly two months later.
>easily over a thousand, several thousand probably
>a bunch of them are little changes but is it different that could have an effect on the rocket? yes, several thousand
>Tim: At this point are you overbuilding them to try to just get through the heat shields to prove all the stuff and then work on mass?
>we are trying to answer the biggest questions, the biggest one "What does it take to get through max heating with a reusable heat shield?", then be able to catch the booster and have the ship and also come back and be caught by the tower
>those are the three very big things that need to happen

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Anonymous No. 16249743



Anonymous No. 16249747

The way he brutally cuts right through many of estronaut's "comment questions" is pretty interesting kek. Reveals a bit of the machine-like levels of execution he operates on.

Anonymous No. 16249750


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Anonymous No. 16249753


Anonymous No. 16249762


Anonymous No. 16249774

where is the subject line?
it doesn't hit my catalog filters
why do newfags insist on creating threads?

Anonymous No. 16249777

Where do we go now?

Anonymous No. 16249780

I was waiting for someone to stage, I've just been drinking for 2 days so I'm a bit tired
it was about to hit page 11 so I just did it quickly

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Anonymous No. 16249783

never stage drunk, anon

Anonymous No. 16249785

Nowhere, we stay until one of them does seppuku.
Or a mod does his fucking job for once.

Anonymous No. 16249788

I'm not drunk anymore, just tired after midsummer

Anonymous No. 16249798

last minutes
time to choose