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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16244898

Boeing fails again edition

previous >>16242376

Anonymous No. 16244903


Anonymous No. 16244908

>here's what's at stake
Umn.... their lives?

Anonymous No. 16244937

BOOSTBACK (other thread made and staged first)


Anonymous No. 16244939

fuck you.

Anonymous No. 16246481

What's the backup plan if shartship can't be made safe?

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Anonymous No. 16246577

Meanwhile Starship can't and won't get human-rated at all. SpaceX is cooked and Muskrats can only cope at this point.

Anonymous No. 16246581

So is the problem h1b jeets in their space engineering division like it is with their aircraft?

Anonymous No. 16246582

Hitchhiking on Chinese rockets

Anonymous No. 16246586

That might be an ITAR violation.

Anonymous No. 16246643

I don’t get the hype behind Stoke, or any other space startup for that matter. What’s stopping SpaceX from coming out with a reusable second stage on the Falcon 9?

Anonymous No. 16246665

Falcon 9 was determined not to have enough performance margin to make the upper stage reusable. Stoke figured that they can make their second stage into a capsule and think they can get decent recovery margin that way.

Anonymous No. 16246779

What do you mean by performance margin?

Anonymous No. 16246786

What kind of heat shield and rocket would be needed to do an emergency parachute jump from the space station? Could it all be cobbled together using parts available on Boeing's Shartliner?

Anonymous No. 16246789

oops didn't see that. looks like they were just 18 seconds apart, even got consecutive post numbers. is that a record?

Anonymous No. 16246806

Extra payload capacity that they can put towards stage recovery instead.

Anonymous No. 16246913

can't wait until the starship HLS touches down on the moon and phil ronnie mcnutt's himself live on youtube
or would he keep huffing the copium until it reaches mars? surely after that he'll have to evacuate his skull via high powered projectile, simply out of embarrassment alone.

Anonymous No. 16247025

On post per 18 seconds. This board is finished.

Anonymous No. 16247051

>The helium leaks and thruster issues occurred on a part of the vehicle that is not intended to survive the trip home from space, so mission teams are delaying the spacecraft’s return as part of a last-ditch effort to learn everything they can about what went wrong.
Okay, that's why. It makes sense.
But yes, I hope Boeing isn't building these like they have been building their 737 max and 787, lol

Anonymous No. 16247071

4 more days (they plan the return on the 26th). Overstay will be 12 days total (iirc 14th was the original return). How much extra food/water/air days do they normally have on the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16247111

>I hope Boeing isn't building these like they have been building their 737 max and 787
Why should astronaut deserve better and safer aerospace engineering than everyone else? Some of the passengers who fly on 737s & 787s are genuinely worthwhile people. All astronauts do is get a free ride the to space station once ever few years and then they jack off and take selfies in space for a few weeks and come home. They never accomplish anything worth a damn up there, all they do is waste money.

Anonymous No. 16247176

> he changed the thumbnail
I guess faillx was too fucking retarded even for his mongoloid subscribers, what a pathetic faggot

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Anonymous No. 16247177

> mfw starliner crew come back in a dragon capsule

Anonymous No. 16247181

>Why should astronaut deserve better and safer aerospace engineering than everyone else?
They shouldn't, that's exactly my point. If their QA/QC is shit for their airplanes, let's hope they didn't fuck that up for Orion as well.

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Anonymous No. 16247182

>They never accomplish anything worth a damn up there, all they do is waste money.
Off-topic, really, let's stay focused on the Starliner capsule problems, that's the topic of the thread.

Anonymous No. 16247183

I meant Starliner, apologies

Anonymous No. 16247208

Launching satellites makes more money. Tourists would rather be in a smaller more private capsule over a cruise ship of a hundred people as starship is meant to be.

Anonymous No. 16247217

It’s spaceflight general. Discussing if forcing people to pay to send people into space to do experiments that have little consequence on those who’s money your taking could easily be seen as not worthwhile, possibly even immoral given the theft-like nature of taxation.

Anonymous No. 16247222

>It’s spaceflight general.
Yes indeed, I stand corrected.

Well, IMHO, for the minuscule budget that these projects require when compared to the immense bills of nations, I'm very OK with contributing my money to these things.

Anonymous No. 16247224

What do you guys think of Gravitics?

Anonymous No. 16247299

>Musk fails again! Starship was schedule to land at 21:18 EDT but Musk can't tell the truth about any timeline and Starship landed late at 21:22 EDT. Why isn't this charlatan in prison?
>Did you see how much soil his death machine kicked up? Musk's Starship is defacing the lunar surface which has remained unchanged since before humans walked the Earth. Now he treats it like a kid spraying graffiti in the alley behind an abandoned Denny's.

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Anonymous No. 16247302

starliner return is on indefinite hold

>Starliner will make its return to Earth some time afterward, likely no earlier than the July 4th holiday.
>During a pair of news conferences since Starliner docked to the station officials have downplayed the overall seriousness of these issues—repeatedly saying Starliner is cleared to come home "in case of an emergency." But they have yet to fully explain why they are not yet comfortable with releasing Starliner to fly back to Earth under normal circumstances.

new historical firsts
>the first time that a spacecraft gets abandoned in space
>the first time that a recovery spacecraft is launched to save astronauts

Anonymous No. 16247331

Plenty. This just eats into the buffer that the regular crew has between now and the arrival of the next resupply ship. I'm not up to date on the current state of ISS's water and air recycling systems. If they working at full capacity, there's no problem. If some of them have been degraded, then there could be an issue with them keeping up over time. Everything on ISS is engineered with large margins since repair and replacement is very expensive in space, especially on short timelines. It's better to pay the higher cost to lift redundancies into orbit than to have a sudden need for them in a short time window.

Anonymous No. 16247336

>new historical firsts
There was Soyuz MS-22 though (+ possibly other during Mir/Salyut)

but yeah, if it doesn't land with its crew, that's sodoku level shame

Anonymous No. 16247338

I missed boing's flight. What happened?

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Anonymous No. 16247340

>berger thinks there's less than a 10% chance of starliner returning home with astronauts
oh no no no

Anonymous No. 16247343

I think you got that backwards anon.

Anonymous No. 16247347

>two more astronauts than seats
Realistically would they handle this in the apparently 9% chance they do leave them? How long are they going to have two people up there with no emergency options?

Anonymous No. 16247349

Read it again ESLposter

Anonymous No. 16247350

IFT5 becomes a rescue mission

Anonymous No. 16247352

they'll just send 2 astronauts on the next dragon mission rather than 4. it's supposed to launch in early august anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16247355


Anonymous No. 16247361

i cant wait for the inevitable disaster movie made about starliner

Anonymous No. 16247364

It'll be like Armaggeddon but more realistic. You can still have Bruce Willis because he's as articulate as the average Boing! Engineer.

Anonymous No. 16247382

>intuitive machines second lunar lander is expected to launch later this year
lunar economy here we goooooooooo

Anonymous No. 16247400

>drill and mass spectrometer to search for ice
>hopper robot that will dive into a crater
>a communications relay satellite
>sherpa space tug
>cosmic ray detector
>another rover for scooping up regolith samples
>nokia 4G/LTE test hardware

Anonymous No. 16247401

missions 3 and 4 are slated to launch next year

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Anonymous No. 16247404

First Chinese launch in a while happened early this morning. The payload is a French-Chinese x-ray telescope flying on a Long March 2C.

Anonymous No. 16247419


Anonymous No. 16247422

I like these unorthodox launch locations like Russia’s northern snowy launchpad. There’s more variety.

Anonymous No. 16247425

Jules Pierre Mao

Anonymous No. 16247427

Hey letting you all know this thread is illegitimate and some other anon staged the real one so check the catty. This is also literally the same edition as the last one and is a CNN screenshot thread so just move over to the other one to observe thread continuity.
Heres the thread link >>16247414

Anonymous No. 16247437

The Space Variable Objects Monitor is going to be hunting for gamma ray bursts. The orbiting x-ray telescope pinpoints the initial event and then automated telescopes on the ground zero in on it to make visual and infrared observations before the burst can fade. Having a pair of ground segments in France and China will give it have something approximating full sky coverage.

Anonymous No. 16247441

> Why should astronaut deserve better and safer aerospace engineering than everyone else?
Because they are literally better, smarter human beings. The best humanity has to offer both technically, physically, and socially. The average 747 passenger is a drooling retard. This is really not controversial, but this is the problem with liberal democracy. Breeds anti-elitism so everyone gets pulled down by the retards

Anonymous No. 16248075

>still literally prototyping with the vehicle a decade after they started

Anonymous No. 16248122

That's what innovation looks like.

Anonymous No. 16248155

Lmao what does this retard say about any publicly funded science project?
Does he also make a clown video everytime they get delayed?

Anonymous No. 16248692

no you read that wrong, he thinks there's less than a 10% chance that it doesn't come home with astronauts in it

Anonymous No. 16248694

there's really no reason not to reuse this one

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Anonymous No. 16248705


Anonymous No. 16248706

He's been on the public payroll his entire life so he loves government funding for whatever lab he's working in. Apparently they don't have any real goals, at least nothing of consequence.

Anonymous No. 16248726

>still prototyping a vehicle after its in orbit with crew

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Anonymous No. 16248831

Anonymous No. 16248856

Iirc they actually decided the helium leaks were no big deal. Specifically a "nuisance" iirc

Anonymous No. 16248924

So are the two astronauts just fucking around now? No way they planned an extra what 2 weeks of work for them to do just in case. Not even sure they can do "more" science since everything is already scheduled tightly for the existing crew

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Anonymous No. 16249146

12km hop test by CASC

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Anonymous No. 16249150

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Anonymous No. 16249151

>no video

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Anonymous No. 16249156

higher resolution

Anonymous No. 16249170

>They never accomplish anything worth a damn up there, all they do is waste money.

Anonymous No. 16249177


Anonymous No. 16249187

It's a very normal thing for America to blame whitey CEO rather than incompetent black employees

Anonymous No. 16249195

Is it the launch pad for CZ-10?

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Anonymous No. 16249325

Rough scale comparison of SAST's 3.8m methalox hopper with Falcon 9/FH and SAST's planned 3.8m kerolox CZ-12

I do wonder if their announced "4m reusable launcher" will be 3.8m diameter like CZ-12 or acually be wider, they made a point to list different diameters in their official report


Anonymous No. 16249407

A large percentage of the work on ISS is maintaining various systems to keep it livable. Some of those tasks could be offloaded to the Boeing astronauts if they don't require a great deal of specialized training.

Anonymous No. 16249592

What do all the "Fuck Elon" people say when you bring up SpaceX and Starlink? Like, where do they think the US would be without him? Who do they think would take his place?

Anonymous No. 16249596

If there was no spaceX, the ISS may have been abandoned during the Ukraine war.

Anonymous No. 16249602

Does the Starliner have autopilot so it can be flown back to Earth and be torn apart to see what the problem really is?

Anonymous No. 16249606


Anonymous No. 16249624

>Elon didn't do that, it was the engineers.
Repeat for anything positive about any of his companies.

Anonymous No. 16249642

Anon, this is a blue board. We don't use the n word here.

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Anonymous No. 16249698

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Hypervelocity Tet....jpg

Anonymous No. 16249710

Anonymous No. 16249716

say no to recycling

Anonymous No. 16249736

>starlink launch
>nobody gives a shit

Anonymous No. 16249797

Can you remember every chinese village torched?

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Anonymous No. 16249811

I'm using this thread now

Anonymous No. 16249812

No, they have to draw straws for it.

Anonymous No. 16249817

How much Tang do the have left?

Anonymous No. 16249843

You can never have enough Tang.

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Anonymous No. 16249846

>as you can see the Raptor is a lot cleaner than it used to be
>Tim: These are not V3 yet?
>Tim: Is the V3 the same thing as the Lee(?) engine?
>sort of, the lead engine, we will do that at some point but that is really a total tear up
>it looks like the lead engine but it is much more expensive because it has printed parts for example
>the next gen engine needs no heat shield
>because its exposed, it needs cooling, there are internal cooling circuits
>it looks very simple on the outside but its very complicated on the inside

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Anonymous No. 16249848

>all this stuff you see on the side disappears
>we have a design that works, it looks like the engine isn't complete

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Anonymous No. 16249851

>Tim: You had the render
>it looks like its missing parts, but the secondary circuits and integral cooling are part of each part
>if you have a secondary cooling circuit, you run the secondary cooling circuit or the secondary flow circuit through the various parts
>we have also eliminated a whole bunch of bolted and welded joints
>especially bolted joints, we want to get rid of those
>bolts and flanges and seals are hell, especially if they are hot

Anonymous No. 16249859

...aren't these supposed to be serviceable to facilitate reusability?

Anonymous No. 16249865

Estronaut got confuzzled about the workings of a production line.

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Anonymous No. 16249873

>its difficult to service because there are parts that have no flanges anymore, just welded shut
>Tim: You want to get it so reliable you don't need to service it?
>if you want to service you have to cut it open
>Tim: At this you might as well swap out the whole engine?
>We will cut it open
>there is a massive bolted flange full of hot gas manifolds transferring hot gas from the fuel pump side to.. well its hard to point out from here
>the thing that joins the fuel turbopump to the ox turbopump, the band looking thing
>that thing has a monster flange on the top and bottom, we want to get rid of those two
>a lot of pressure

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Anonymous No. 16249877

>you can see there are a lot of flanges here, the pump is made of flanges
>flange, flange, flange
>beast level flanges
>Tim: So there is no active cooling on the current version of Raptor?
>the current version of raptor does not have sufficient cooling to resist being in a hot gas plasma, it would melt
>that is why you need the shield
>its heavily shielded

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Anonymous No. 16249878

>on the next a bunch of the flanges you see here will disappear, it will have integral cooling and integral secondary flow circuits

Anonymous No. 16249881

>if you want to service you have to cut it open
Between this and the tiles I'm starting to get really worried about Starship

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Anonymous No. 16249882

>there is a whole bunch of engines down there
>each one of these is the most advanced rocket engine ever made
>super high pressure, high efficiency, full flow staged combustion
>Tim: In aircraft turbines you can do cooling on the actual turbine blades, is there any way to have some cooling on the turbopump blades?
>We have had that discussion many times

Anonymous No. 16249885

>Tim: Is the V3 the same thing as the Lee(?) engine?
the 1337 engine. it got very little public mention at the time but according to isaacman's book elon wanted to replace raptor with 1337 in 2021 during the no-sugarcoating-this days, but then most of the design elements got incorporated into raptor 3

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Anonymous No. 16249887

>we will finally have a real factory for Starship, not just make it in tents
>long term we want to get the thrust of raptor to 335 metric tonnes
>that would take us to 10,000 tonnes of thrust at liftoff
>Tim: That is coming up on 3x the thrust of Saturn 5.
>I'm hopeful we will achieve [reusability] by next year

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Anonymous No. 16249890

>Tim: If you had to get 300 tonnes into orbit you could expend a rocket.
>but it would be pointless
>Tim: You have that capability
>if you can do 200t reusable, you can do double that expendable
>Tim: If you had to do HLS to speed it up, orbital refilling is not done or something
>No, orbital refilling is just docking with ourselves, we dock with the space station all the time
>the space station is way harder to dock with than ourselves
>Tim: Is there going to be an orbital depot?
>depends on how quickly you want to launch
>if you are going to the moon, I don't think you need a depot, you just send a ship up and send tankers and your boil-off rate won't be too bad
>for the moon you would want to have a dedicated earth orbit-to-moon system, because you don't need a heat shield, or maybe to break
>the moon is harder than it seems due to no atmosphere and can't use it to break

Anonymous No. 16249891

well elon is spouting buzzwords that he made up so naturally noone knows what it means

Anonymous No. 16249893

Reminder: Elon Musk is a redditor

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Anonymous No. 16249894

>for landing on the moon you don't need a heat shield, flaps and you need very little thrust, but you need very big landing legs, one leg lands on a boulder and one lend lands on a crater

Anonymous No. 16249897

if they did they'd be privately funded

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Anonymous No. 16249899

>Tim: Starship is very big, basically a habitat by itself
>the next step beyond apollo is going to be to make a moon base Alpha
>you don't just want to have a few people there for a few hours, you want to have a permanently occupied base

Anonymous No. 16249901

or look while landing and hit some flat ground

Anonymous No. 16249902

so are we going to see crisped muttistanis or what

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Anonymous No. 16249904

>this will be full of equipment in three months
>this is meant to have a lot of stations

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Anonymous No. 16249905

>hey guys

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Anonymous No. 16249906

>stargate was the big thing back then but is dwarfed by everything else now

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Anonymous No. 16249908

>it just keeps going

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Anonymous No. 16249909


Anonymous No. 16249910

or you can bombard the moon to make it flat before you land

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Anonymous No. 16249913

>the other side will look like this

Anonymous No. 16249914

looks like a lite-brite

Anonymous No. 16249916

we aren't allowed to nuke the moon
by international convention

Anonymous No. 16249919

Who said anything about nukes?

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Anonymous No. 16249923

>we are checking each tile its not cracked and its well seated
>Tim: How do you feel about how they are mounted?
>we will continue to iterate on the mounting points, 99% of the time it works well
>just have to find out what causes the 1% of the issues that causes the tile to crack or some other problem
>its a snap-on
>you have to break the tile to take it off
>its meant to put on and stay on
>Tim: What is the deal with the seams?
>they don't really matter that much, they are just different sections of the nose cone
>this is somewhat of an debate, you could wait to for the whole nose cone to be made and then put the attachment points on
>currently we put the tile attachment points in sections, that is why you have a line
>there is more than one way to skin a cat, this is just a cat getting skinned, its not to say there is not a better way to do it
>the first order of business is to get one way to get it to work, then you can optimize

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Anonymous No. 16249924

>there is still a lot of work we have to do here

Anonymous No. 16249926

surely starbase has a dedicated 737 filled with a McMaster order fly in every day

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Anonymous No. 16249928

>header landing tank
>COPVs propped against it
>gotta pressurize the header tank with something when the engines aren't on

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Anonymous No. 16249930

>Tim: Is the pez door going to stick around?
>for the starlink satellites it makes no sense to have a giant fairing because they are flat
>Tim: Did the door test go well last flight?
>we had some issues (laughs)

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Anonymous No. 16249931

>thrusters here
>don't take too detailed pictures, might run afoul some ITAR stuff
>if anyone wanted to copy us, it would be a hard thing to copy

Anonymous No. 16249932

i fucking knew it lmao
>>its difficult to service because there are parts that have no flanges anymore, just welded shut

and it's still so much fucking worse than i was expecting

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Anonymous No. 16249936

>much better with doors
>everything used to have mud and dust and birds and things
>[unkown third person, probably employee]: Its a looong ways from MK1 I think
>yeah (laughs), the MK1 thing looked like the junkyard from Tatooine
>the MK1 was conceptual, a concept piece, concept art

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Anonymous No. 16249938

>we do have an existing factory that wraps around what you saw
>well take down that wall when we have the doors, then the factory will go as long as the eye can see
>the sections get gradually bigger when you go south, that is why things start out short and get taller as things go along

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Anonymous No. 16249939


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Anonymous No. 16249942

>that is meme street
its over
part 2 is up for patreons and is apparently going to have a tour of the launch site and post IFT-4 interview

Anonymous No. 16249960


Anonymous No. 16249966

Falcon launches should probably be /n/ at this point

Anonymous No. 16249969

>you have to break the tile to take it off
>its meant to put on and stay on
I assume this is due to complexity requirement to make it happen which can create potential issue. The best maybe to break it apart and replace it with new one entirely rather than create a mechanism for making the tiles removable intact

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Anonymous No. 16249977

*flies through cosmic rays and takes pictures*

Anonymous No. 16249978

>create a new mechanism
Goes against Musk's no part is best part ethos, adds a new point of failure on top of the current issues they've been having

Anonymous No. 16249981

I mean if YOU want to go interact with that schizo you can be my guest

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Anonymous No. 16249985

Anonymous No. 16249996

>Why isn't Falcon 9 battery powered?
>That launch pad should have a bike lane for workers and the public.
>Orbit isn't walkable enough. Why are billionaires like Musk keeping access to space all to themselves? The people deserve the same access as billionaires.
Have fun.

Anonymous No. 16249999

somebody did too much ket for solstice

Anonymous No. 16250002

This is how my dad types when he's mad lol.

Anonymous No. 16250003

Well he has to deal with all the shit the family has to deal with and he cant just say "no" to it, the buck stops at his footsteps.

Anonymous No. 16250006
>New Ablative Material Spotted on Ship 30 | SpaceX Boca Chica
>Starship Infrastructure Continues to Expand at Starbase! - SpaceX Weekly #120

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Anonymous No. 16250008

So SpaceX currently builds ~1 raptor v2 per day on average. Musk says he can build lot more than that but are simply waiting for the Raptor 3 to be ironed out at test stage.

So we're gonna get double the rate? Triple? 10X? 100X?

Anonymous No. 16250013

1000 starships a year, 1-to-5 ratio of boosters to ships so 200 boosters
right now 33 raptors per booster and 6 per ship but that will be 35 and 9 in the future? so 9k raptors needed for the starships, 7k for the boosters, 16k per year
about 44 per day, so 44x

Anonymous No. 16250019

If we assume each ship has an operational life of 100 flights, building 1000 ships annually means their manufacturing related operations bottleneck allows a flight rate of 100,000 launches a year, or ~274 launches a day.

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Anonymous No. 16250021

I told you all he's a fag

Anonymous No. 16250022

Juicy. They may need to build a new raptor factory or expand the current one tho. If the current one only churns out enough for 20 Boosters per year and 100 Starships for Starbase as Musk said, then its only ~4-5X capacity for the factory.

Anonymous No. 16250023

Iistened to you on this one and you were right

Anonymous No. 16250038

I'm not sure cutting along the established weld line is much of a problem. Seems like it should be ok, and stronger than a flange

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Anonymous No. 16250045

it’s unclear to me why elon hasn’t set up a sperm donation website for any woman—they would be able to apply & access elon sperm for free (they would only have to pay shipping & handling).


- there are hundreds of thousands of 35+ women single whose prospects of having children are incredibly low & they do not want monogamous relationships with anyone other than 6’5” finance bros with trust funds & blue eyes.

- these women would get billionaire sperm for free, or maybe elon can give $50k to each and cover the kids schooling. would save hassle since elon would pay for IVF too.

- they would be single mothers, and elon can father thousands of children leaving behind a gene pool only second to ghengis khan.

seems like a win win here for everyone involved—it could possibly cause a short term fertility boom too.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16250046

how did Boeing manage to completely destroy their public image in such a short period of time

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16250049

ah yes, REWARDING the roasties for being whores
great idea pinhead

Anonymous No. 16250050

Elon likes to interact with his children so I doubt he would approve of that at all

Anonymous No. 16250052

At the cost of scrapping serviceability by removing flanges. Starship is rapidly becoming shuttle 2

Anonymous No. 16250059


Anonymous No. 16250066

Even if it's only refurbishable, 100 tons to orbit is still a 100 tons to orbit. Still more than any other currently operational rocket, and far cheaper than the other options(N1, Energia and Saturn V.)

Anonymous No. 16250070

Just use a wire brush to clean it

Anonymous No. 16250071

With high-scrutiny industries like they operate in, things seem fine as long as they can maintain appearances, but after the façade cracks it all goes down quick

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16250073

did they try unplugging and plugging back in the star liner that might help

Anonymous No. 16250076

nasa deemed this too risky.

Anonymous No. 16250077


Anonymous No. 16250079

This is exactly how they fixed most of the malfunctioning thrusters

Anonymous No. 16250080

removing and reinstalling a flange, especially a high temperature high pressure flange, is almost as much work as cutting it open and welding it back up
welding is probably easier if you've got it automated

Anonymous No. 16250084

Yeah true and you won't be opening up those areas very often. Servicing would be more like cleaning out the cone from coking

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Anonymous No. 16250089

Falcon Heavy launch in 45h

Anonymous No. 16250092

Does anybody care at this point? Ill answer for you, no.

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Anonymous No. 16250096

"Stop asking fucking question Tim"

Anonymous No. 16250098

Realistic Starship Crew Complement?

>Assuming 1100 cubic metres of habitable volume.
>Passenger planes, trains and intercity busses allocate about 3 to 5 cubic metres per person, so a few hundred people is possible for p2p travel or launch to low orbit.
>Submarines, ships and the ISS allocate between 13 and 20 cubic metres for long term accomodation and work space, so easily between 55 and 85 people. Not too far off the original estimated passenger load.
>IIRC the 100 people were the complement of the original 12 metre wide Spaceship.

Anonymous No. 16250099

elon could take that kid in a fight

Anonymous No. 16250100

you just know elon wanted to king-hit him when the soicuck started talking about aerospike

Anonymous No. 16250105

From what I heard, the 9 meter reduces it down to only 10 people, but it may be closer to 8. This seems reasonable, given that the 9 meter has an estimated 1km^3 payload volume, which is a bit larger than the Space Station. The ISS, according to NASA, can "reasonably" house 13 in a 900m^3 pressured area.
Keep in mind that the starship is not designed to fly alone for long term missions. It's supposed to be a whole ass fleet of these things going to Mars, so it'll still be 100 people, just not crammed into the same vehicle.

Anonymous No. 16250106

You only need a single major fuckup to have your image ruined, just look at British Petroleum.
And Boeing had several moderate fuckups sequentially so that they dominated the news cycle.

Anonymous No. 16250109

And he just kept on
Imagine, you have the opportunity to interview Elon and you don't even prepare any worthwhile questions, just inane chatter. And Tim's whole demeanor is so childish. His little temper tantrum about Dear Moon getting canned makes sense now .

Anonymous No. 16250110

>so a few hundred people is possible for p2p travel or launch to low orbit.
I'm sorry but the meme of publicly owned and launched ICBMs will never take off.
Imagine the regulatory nightmare, as well as the potential to get around M.A.D doctrine combined with an lobbyiest push by current transportation sectors to outlaw it.

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Anonymous No. 16250112

Starship doesn't need to get wider.

Anonymous No. 16250115

it does because starship v3 is too thin. Thinner rockets have stricter requirements for launch criteria (can't handle strong winds as well as stouter rockets)

Anonymous No. 16250116

qrd on the meltdown?

Anonymous No. 16250119


Anonymous No. 16250120

new eager video?

Anonymous No. 16250121


Anonymous No. 16250123

also, is that taking into account the stretching? I don't think so
the optimal width at 140m is not necessarily the same as it is at 120m even if we assume that the only factor here is simply tank weight (it might reduce down to that but I wouldn't assume so right away)

Anonymous No. 16250125

2 years ago

Anonymous No. 16250127

>Y-Axis doesn't start at 0
get this dogshit out of here

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Anonymous No. 16250129


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Anonymous No. 16250132

lets be real, Yusaku Maezawa cancelled dear moon because he didn't want Tim Dodd the Everyday Astronaut yapping in his ear the whole way to the Moon and back
because of him being Japanese his honour stopped him from admitting a mistake kicking Tim off the ride "and just moving on with it"
instead he committed the honorary art of Japanese self sacrifice by killing his own plans to go as well

Anonymous No. 16250135

>But unfortunately now every time I look at the Moon, it’s a painful reminder of dreams lost

Anonymous No. 16250136

he was so real for that

Anonymous No. 16250137

getting pisslocked

Anonymous No. 16250140

we still have the best heavy lift first stage ever made so it's a win win

Anonymous No. 16250143

>Tim Dodd the Everyday Astronaut
Please, it's "erday astronaut". It's more cool that way

Anonymous No. 16250148

>Tim Dodd the Everyday Astronaut yapping in his ear the whole way to the Moon and back
"Oh wow"
"That is INSANE"
"The Moon is just insanely big"

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lunar orbiter 2 b....jpg

Anonymous No. 16250149

Anonymous No. 16250150

are those red clouds NTO+UDMH?

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ssto mockingbird-1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16250151

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Anonymous No. 16250152

What is it with bugmen and The Great Gatsby?

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David Egge astero....jpg

Anonymous No. 16250153

Anonymous No. 16250157

This looks like a header tank update. In the nose cone seen from NASA's report of Starship, all the COPVs were lined against the hull of the ship. If they're instead aligned pyramidal to the header tank, that may be a more stable configuration and ensures center of mass for the vehicle. Plus, that's space along the hull that can be reclaimed and COPV rupture wouldn't lead to hull damage.

Anonymous No. 16250159

Regulatory bodies will bottleneck at 1/10th that volume. So expect peak launches of around 27.4 per day.

Anonymous No. 16250160

At further one quarter capacity utilization for each flight, that still results in the deployment of 250,000 metric tons of stuff to orbit annually.

Anonymous No. 16250161

>what is turnaround time
also, the whole exchange seemed like the plan was just... not to service the engines. holy fuck this is going to be a disaster if that's the 'plan'.

Anonymous No. 16250164

Tim has let his one time 15 seconds of fame get to his head and is trying to push his luck each time he interviews Elon. Elon's fine with answering questions, but there's time where its obvious that Elon becomes disinterested and context switches to something else because Tim is rambling or making inane points or asking bad questions and the interest is lost. Tim's unlikely to lose access over such minor elements, but his own credibility takes a hit every time he tries to meme a new idea into the rocket development pipeline. I don't think Tim has quite cleared the maturity boundary of the rick and morty joke from 4-5 years ago and the guy needs to step back and reconcile this fact: the joke is old, its not funny anymore.

Anonymous No. 16250165


Anonymous No. 16250167

I'd expect that capital ingress from Starlink will eventually lead to a lot of engineers departing SpaceX to spin up new startups focused on developing the mass necessary for Starship's volume for the Mars colonization effort. The money printer from Starlink would flow from SpaceX to these companies as fixed price contracts for goods and services, which are then transported to Moon and Mars to help facilitate the long term development of each initiative. Similar to how Tesla is in between growth phases and ramping towards Model 2/Robotaxi, SpaceX is also in between growth phases where they have a solid talent pool with likely a ton of shares pooled but the underlying transport infrastructure isn't at a point where they can break away and begin seeding the long term requirements of the 1 million humans and 1 million tons of cargo on Mars by date 20XX.

Anonymous No. 16250168

What makes you think dismantling a bolted flange is faster? Elon literally said they'll cut it open when necessary so they do plan on servicing

Anonymous No. 16250169

I believe the intent with Elon's comment is that they expect the engine to be robust enough that they won't have to do it, will cut it open to repair/refurbish depending on HOW the engine failed OR remove and replace with a new engine and keep flying the ship. Then take apart the damaged engine to understand cause, implement fix in the production pipeline, and ensure that all subsequent engines don't fail this way again.

Anonymous No. 16250170


Anonymous No. 16250173

I made a grave error in my assumptions. Forgive my burger ass, I meant 1000 cubic meters.

Anonymous No. 16250174

is his estimate wrong? looks about right to me. I get that we don't know the exact internal taper profile and how much space the header tanks take up but one cubic kilometer is ballpark correct

Anonymous No. 16250176

yeah, aka 1 cubic kilometer

Anonymous No. 16250177

One cubic kilometer is approximately 1000000000 cubic meters, NOT 1000 cubic meters.

Anonymous No. 16250178

Do you know how many meters are in a KILOmeter?

Anonymous No. 16250179

I thought 1km3=1000m3 was a known meme in this general

Anonymous No. 16250180

Yeah at one stage they're walking through the factory floor, and Tim makes some remark and Elon just ignores him then after a few seconds was like
>huh? Oh I was thinking of something else
Elon was so bored of interacting with this intellectual peanut but he was polite and made the most of it. I doubt Tim will get any more invitations.

Anonymous No. 16250182

I'm a newfag here, I didn't know about the meme if it does exist. I should've lurked more rather than fucked up.

What is 1000 meters x 1000 meters x 1000 meters?

Anonymous No. 16250183

No it's one kilonic cube-meter

Anonymous No. 16250184

1 cubic meter

Anonymous No. 16250185

Three thousand meters?

Anonymous No. 16250189

Alright you guys are fuckin' with me, I should've known better. Funny though!
Seriously though, sorry for the screwup.

Anonymous No. 16250191

1000 meters x 1000 meters x 1000 meters = 1000(meter^3)
You just take the 1000 out of the brackets (distributive law)

Anonymous No. 16250194

Never apologize - never back down.

Anonymous No. 16250195

You forgot to carry the 3. If you do then you get >>16250185

Anonymous No. 16250196

Oh shit I forgot
1000(meter^3) -> (take the 3 down in accordance with the log rules) = 3000 m

Anonymous No. 16250198

absolutely. now it's time to start accusing everyone of samefagging and possibly being chinese agents.

Anonymous No. 16250199

Alright guys take it easy!
I get it, it is funny.
But I'm starting to get mad. And you won't like that

Anonymous No. 16250202

Did we go too far?

Anonymous No. 16250203

Do you have enough deltaV to do anything about it?

Anonymous No. 16250207

All me.

Anonymous No. 16250211

Sharteen really can't not seethe I see

Anonymous No. 16250214

A few years ago some idiot thought startship payload volume was 1km^3 because it’s 1000m^3. He actually argued a whole thread about it.

Anonymous No. 16250215


Anonymous No. 16250216

Yeah, all of the early long marches use hypergolic fuel.

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Anonymous No. 16250218

once SpaceX moves all operations off Earth there nothing stopping Elon from developing ships, weapons and defenses in space, he could landlock the entire human race on Earth.
literally nothing could be done to stop him and it would be very based to be fair.

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Anonymous No. 16250231

SpaceX will fucking own mars

Anonymous No. 16250234

>Somewhat belated on account of my appendix getting deleted…but landing Starship on the ocean feels as significant as Falcon 9’s first landing (1/3)
It's really happening..

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Anonymous No. 16250235

>yeah (laughs), the MK1 thing looked like the junkyard from Tatooine

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Anonymous No. 16250244

we have come along way anons, still remember when the shell of SS was first assembled and we were all losing our sh1t

Anonymous No. 16250245

Needs to be pointier.

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mars flag.png

Anonymous No. 16250248

Better flag (more accurate)

Anonymous No. 16250249

god I hope that they take it down to a mirror finish

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Anonymous No. 16250253


Anonymous No. 16250254

Kek that was definitely the vibe I got during pretty much the whole video. Felt like Elon just wanted to flex how massive starbase is to the world and used estronaut as the vessel.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16250255


Anonymous No. 16250256

one cubic kilanigger

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Anonymous No. 16250257

This is why I couldn't gaf about part 2, because Tim.
This while some soi was begging all of /sfg/ yesterday to leak for him.
kek, based mz
or as some like to say it, "estronaut"

Anonymous No. 16250259

true, I can't wait to see this emblazoned on all spacex rockets when Im 60

zion don did nothing, there are people too young here to even be election tourists. No. 16250279

in awe at the size of this lad

Anonymous No. 16250282

Elon needs to get his shit together or he's gonna be dead in 10 years. Look at that fat fuck.

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Anonymous No. 16250285

Rolls-Royce luxury spaceliner when?

Anonymous No. 16250288

yeah, u rite

Anonymous No. 16250289
Starlink time again, T-30:00

Anonymous No. 16250294


Anonymous No. 16250300

based arithmetic doer

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Anonymous No. 16250303

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blue catgirl spac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16250304


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Anonymous No. 16250305


Anonymous No. 16250306


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Anonymous No. 16250307


Anonymous No. 16250309

If anyone is out in socal or Arizona and has clear skies, there's a good chance this launch will show off a pretty impressive jellyfish like the last vandenberg launch

Anonymous No. 16250310

got a bad feeling about this one bros

Anonymous No. 16250312

Could you detonate a nuke just high enough so that just the heat from the nuke melts the surface to create a dust free zone? Without making a giant crater?

Anonymous No. 16250314

It did

Anonymous No. 16250315

Could you elaborate?

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Anonymous No. 16250316

barely made it, way off

Anonymous No. 16250317

a nuclear leafblower?

Anonymous No. 16250318


Anonymous No. 16250320

Unfounded feeling; nominal orbital insertion and good landing.

Anonymous No. 16250321

its' over spacex if finished booster will land on the OLM

Anonymous No. 16250322

incoming thunderfoot vid

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Anonymous No. 16250325
>Tonight’s Starlink launch from Long Beach

Anonymous No. 16250327

it's nice that vandy launches are becoming frequent enough that you don't have half of los angeles freaking out about alien invasions and/or nuclear war whenever one happens at dusk these days

Anonymous No. 16250329

lel good times

Anonymous No. 16250333

>there's like a scar in the sky from this...
Unintentionally a really bad ass description. I like that guy. (1:27)

Anonymous No. 16250337

>A rocket that never flew
When does the government get a refund?

Anonymous No. 16250338

for me it's our African American friend that spelled "over" wrong at (4:30)

Anonymous No. 16250340

>I doubt Tim will get any more invitations.
What other person do you think would be as good at getting a tour of the factory than him? I can't really think of any other person that would ask some decent questions even though at least a quarter of it is cringe, but Elon is pretty cringe as well.

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Anonymous No. 16250342


Anonymous No. 16250344

Starship would be SLS price if they were going with McMaster lmao. Interesting point though, I do wonder what the SpaceX supply chain looks like. Are they just buying BNGs off the shelf for all those flanges on the motors?

Anonymous No. 16250345

Scott Manley would ask actually interesting technical questions

Anonymous No. 16250346

me on the left

Anonymous No. 16250347

God, I hope someday we can get our representatives to enact light pollution laws to stop rocketships from taking off over populated areas. It ruins the sky and is so annoying when it blasts the night with all that light. There's already precedence with the sonic boom legislation, just dust it off and apply it to rockets.

Anonymous No. 16250348

What kind of weirdo puts a cuck mask on their already gay enough anime avatar?

Anonymous No. 16250349

I remember Elon talking about how make upwards of 90 something % of their parts in house. Their supply chain looks like a bunch of dudes operating lathes and cnc machines in a warehouse.

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Anonymous No. 16250350


Anonymous No. 16250353


Anonymous No. 16250354

the skies are already ruined in cities, most people in LA have never seen stars.
>(When a massive power outage struck southern California in the 1990s, Los Angeles residents reportedly called 911 to express alarm about strange clouds hovering overhead; they were seeing the Milky Way for the first time.)

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Anonymous No. 16250357

reminder that the pentagon decided a missile test off the los angeles coast at dusk was a great idea in 2010 and then it gaslit everyone into pretending nobody knew what it was afterwards

Anonymous No. 16250358

why are Americans are so dramatic lol

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Anonymous No. 16250360


Anonymous No. 16250361

I think in this case it's a tranny thing rather than a covid thing

Anonymous No. 16250363

FH is rare enough to stull be interesting. Is this one going to recover the boosters?

Anonymous No. 16250364

lol, I can't even picture it in my mind, what would thunderchad ask him?

Anonymous No. 16250369

NASA knew Boeing Starliner had leak before launch

but they sent it up anyway

Anonymous No. 16250372

Yeah this isn't news we knew this already

Anonymous No. 16250373

>have problem
>don't care
>don't have problem
this was well known.

Anonymous No. 16250374

What happened with thunderf00t? His entire content production went from 10% malding and seething at Musk to 90% at this point. It's all he does at this point. What did Musk even do to make him that mad?

Anonymous No. 16250376

All youtubers become flanderized versions of themselves eventually.

Anonymous No. 16250377

You're telling me they're making each bolt, nut and washer for those flange kits?

Anonymous No. 16250378

Yes which is why Elon is so mad about flanges.

Anonymous No. 16250380

>someone got the scoop before berger
has he lost his touch?

Anonymous No. 16250382

people like thunderf00t.jpg are a good thing, he helps people like Elon strive to go above and beyond to prove doubters wrong.
on the other hand dunning krugoids like everyday estronaut are extremely toxic imo, they produce next to nothing(think the know everything) and their mere presence alone can negatively effect engineering operations with their over the top flamboyant fanboyism.

Anonymous No. 16250384

It makes money. Grifter industry is large because media and politicians are against him and thus grifting when false propaganda is propped up is great.

Anonymous No. 16250386

the og illustration was made back in April 2020

Anonymous No. 16250387

Making nuts and bolts is pretty much at the bottom of the difficulty scale anon... Especially when your alternative is buying $1000 a piece "aerospace grade" bolts. Having one dude they pay to do nothing except make different sized nuts all day pays for himself by an order of magnitude.

Anonymous No. 16250389

estro's fine if you realize he's a children's character like bill nye used to be (like 1990s bill nye, not today). you can accuse him of dunning-kruger but he rarely makes factual errors and he's not hurting a damn thing other than acting embarrassing sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16250391

>he rarely makes factual errors
he has a whole team working for him and his on hand knowledge about rockets is very surface level stuff which anyone can learn from wikipedia

Anonymous No. 16250395

fine? tv shows have production staffs too. casuals are gonna be watching youtube videos either way and i'd estro's stuff be racking up views over factually challenged clickbait.

Anonymous No. 16250400

Anonymous No. 16250402

Apollo 11 time soon

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Anonymous No. 16250405

F9 launch got some good views out of CA area. Redditors react

Anonymous No. 16250406

>fascist oligarch
These guys have an unending number of buzz words but literally none of them are used correctly.

Anonymous No. 16250409

He wastes the opportunity. Being in starbase, having direct access to the rockets is unprecedented and he does nothing with it. Elon alone doing a video tour would have been informative because he could talk more about what is interesting.
I would unironically prefer Joe Rogan doing the interview

Anonymous No. 16250412

they really need to do a sit down for part 2
I feel like the "walking and talking" format is not compatible with two autists

Anonymous No. 16250414

Tim Dodd isn't an autist.

Anonymous No. 16250415

>Tim Dodd


Anonymous No. 16250417

he clearly is

Anonymous No. 16250418

He's a fruity little dipshit. He doesn't talk like an autist, he talks like a normie. He doesn't hesitate in his speech, he prattles.
Elon is clearly an autist.

Anonymous No. 16250421

He's clearly not

Anonymous No. 16250422

him prattling on all over the place is a clear sign he had some type cognitive hindrance in his development that prevents him from having a normal long winded conversation with people.
it is a childhood trait that should go away however if seen in adults is most likely a sign of autism.

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Anonymous No. 16250436

comfy west coast launch

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Anonymous No. 16250439

>1. It's impossible, it's never going to happen, and Elon is a conman for promising it.
>2. Okay, it happened, but it was only possible because he had billions of dollars to throw at it.
>3. Okay, other attempts have failed with far more money, but he's still over budget.
>4. Okay, he's still cheaper than the competition, but he's behind schedule.
>5. Okay, he's still faster than the competition, but his engineers were the ones doing all the work.
>6. Okay, his engineers credit him for playing a significant role, but what they accomplished was easy and anyone could've done it.
>7. Why are you still talking about Elon? Are you some sort of weird nerd dickrider?

Anonymous No. 16250446

it will loop back to #1 after starship project concludes and then next big thing begins
I remember us going through every step of denial while F9 was being developed

Anonymous No. 16250449

joe rogan would be just as bad
hullo or spacex nigga would be best because they would actually ask questions to pry information out of elon that isn't already public, or get clarification on assumptions the starbase watcher community has

instead estronaut spouts established knowledge about the rockets and engines as if he's trying to explain general relativity to einstein for an audience of physics phds

Anonymous No. 16250452

Well, won't we find out if the Part 2 interview that's Post-IFT4 is a sitdown in like... 6 hours? I know I won't because I am not giving Estronaut a dime, but someone here inevitably will and will tell us about the video.

Anonymous No. 16250460

We need a new thread soon. Not in a position to make one, sorry.
What do you guys think of Nevada Space's inflatable habitats? I remember hearing about the Bigalow versions back in 2010 and finding it nifty.

Anonymous No. 16250461

that tilting launch tower is so damn cool

Anonymous No. 16250462

>We need a new thread soon

It's page fucking three. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16250466

When I say soon, I mean "within the next 12-16 hours." I will be phone posting for the next 24, hence why I cannot.
Got anything to say about my intended subject or are you just going to vitriolic towards a simple remark?

Anonymous No. 16250472

i feel like inflatable habitats will soon be an idea of a by gone era because starship will be able to launch 8m diameter habitats.
and eventually there be off earth manufacturing where we will able to build habitats as big as we really want.

Anonymous No. 16250475

I'm sure no one will be able to make a thread within the next 12+ hours and your self aggrandising post will be looked back upon with sadness. Fucking reddit shit.

Anonymous No. 16250476

I mean this might really be it or this and the combination of some other crew member
Just take your friends and family, you dont need to do some gay artist thing
Starship flights will become common

Anonymous No. 16250477

Last Joe rogan podcast with musk was just one big giant add for the cybertruck.
Rogan did not ask even one question about spaceX.

Anonymous No. 16250478

The crocodile?

Anonymous No. 16250479

>And Tim's whole demeanor is so childish
Why is he childish

Anonymous No. 16250480

you will watch a sky littered with satellites and there's nothing you can do about it

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Anonymous No. 16250481


Anonymous No. 16250482


Anonymous No. 16250483

Repeats this insane, wow, etc every 5s when they start walking
You could day it a gew times to get thr point across, dont need to keep saying it

Anonymous No. 16250484

Elon probably knew Tim Dodd isn't going to the moon since the beginning

Anonymous No. 16250487

same. my very first words were "serves dim todd right for joining the cult of that clown felonius huskrat"

Anonymous No. 16250488

And Elon still knows Tim is not going up there any time soon. The first 20-30 years of Lunar starship operation will strictly be used by mainly government/corporate backed experts/workers from the STEM field.
Affordable tourism won't open up until proper infrastructure is first built.

Anonymous No. 16250490

am i the only one who noticed these astronomy channels on youtube tend to be very anti-space colonization and very anti-spacex in general?
more like first 10-15, it won't take that long with how much tonnage starship can bring. but lunar tourism will be far more expensive then LEO tourism

Anonymous No. 16250493

insane comparing this to the starship factory being built right now, that looks so small and primitive in comparison

Anonymous No. 16250497

it's just astroonomers in general who think that space should be their sole preserve. starship's going to deliver them megaconstellation telescopes with effective diameters nobody had ever imagined until a few years ago and they'll be bitching every second of the way.

Anonymous No. 16250500

He's so inarticulate, he can't think of words to describe the megafactory, so instead of saying nothing he just says "that is literally insane" over and over.

Anonymous No. 16250502


Anonymous No. 16250503

what would you have said

Anonymous No. 16250506

2010 spacex is still miles ahead of present day blue orign lol

Anonymous No. 16250509

>Almost as big as your torso Elon lmao

Anonymous No. 16250510

ahhhh that's my trigger word

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Anonymous No. 16250517

big bang t+300,000,000 year galaxy
oldest thing we have observed

Anonymous No. 16250520

interesting I guess. Bet it's younger than it should be

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Anonymous No. 16250521

I wanna get a handjob from her

Anonymous No. 16250523

I have that same keychain. got it for helping Sierra bros

Anonymous No. 16250534


Anonymous No. 16250536


Anonymous No. 16250543

cool ummm so yeah as we were saying I mean obviously a lot has changed in the last couple of years

Anonymous No. 16250549

Anonymous No. 16250555

>hurr durr there used to be tents and now there are no tents haha how cool is that! you guys have come so far along in just two whole years bluh bluh bluh
I feel like Elon was getting a little dejected at Dodd stating this over and over, the Starship program is clearly 12-18 months behind schedule and he knows it.

Anonymous No. 16250562

Yeah he must have observed that like 5 times. I mean is that it? No questions on his mind? I don't think Tim is actually into space-flight at all.

Anonymous No. 16250564

Even at Elon hopium speed, the factory and launch hardware progress at boca chica is solid. Actual starship development, yeah. Behead all FAA officials and gas every beetle.

He's a reddit midwit, it's to be expected. Still, the severe lack of technical talk was pretty fucking disappointing. Just him basedjacking repeatedly, WOAH BIG BUILDING WOW ROCKET SO BIG.

Anonymous No. 16250566

i dunno, elon always comes off as disappointed to me with these estro interviews and yet he keeps inviting the guy back so he must like the guy enough

Anonymous No. 16250571

He probably assesses Timas having the broadest reach with normies so is of most use to Elon. He wouldn't be interested in having some nigger ask him confrontational doomer-type questions so CSI Starbase is out, and Hullo is just a non-starter
A tiresome fanboy to maintain public excitement is just what Elon wants.

Anonymous No. 16250572

he should be over the fanboying at this point, Tim has met Musk a number of times already so why not talk to the guy normally and ask engineering related questions?
almost seems like he had no plan at all
I hope the post IFT-4 interview is better structured
I mean if Tim didn't come up with any questions he could have just asked Musk to give an actual tour and ask specifically what each area will be for (even if its not set in stone), in what way the parts will move, if you have linear and adjacent flow how many adjacent cells will there be in that case? you have multiple copies of the production line basically or do you have like 5-3-5-2 etc number of cells and the larger numbers represent more work so you have more working in parallell

he didn't really ask that many questions in retrospect, there were maybe a few good questions but most of the time Tim was blabbing about something retarded or saying "wow thats insane" and then Musk just talked about something relevant with respect to where they were
this tour might have been better if it was mostly just Musk walking around and talking about what is done in which area and why

Anonymous No. 16250574

>I hope the post IFT-4 interview is better structured

How would you like to hear about aerospikes?

>this tour might have been better if it was mostly just Musk walking around and talking about what is done in which area and why

100% would have been kino, just him sperging about random assembly stations and shit.

Anonymous No. 16250576

estro has a big audience and makes pretty good videos (or maybe his team does) otherwise
if they asked some of the tankwatchers to come there it would be extremely technical yes, but then it might be too unapproachable to normies that have a slight interest in this but haven't really been following it or don't have much or any technical expertise (in anything, meaning basic STEM concepts for instance)
so it kind of depends what Musk is trying to get out of these, he tends to go on a lot of interviews and then just says the same things in all of them everytime and that comes out as PR to me basically, clearly not aimed at people that follow what he says much but towards random third parties that happen to watch it

Anonymous No. 16250580

Yeah it's hard because we want the autistic nuts and bolts tier information but Elon just wants to pump out pr bits about reusable aeroplane analogies.

Anonymous No. 16250583

>autistic nuts and bolts tier information
bet the ITAR process redacted all that

Anonymous No. 16250586

>he keeps inviting the guy back so he must like the guy enough
yep this is it.
Tim is a harmless youtuber who is in love with spaceX and has been around forever, I guess Elon trusts him the most out of all of them.

Anonymous No. 16250588

Elon should just do a starbase tour with clear using deepl live translate.

Anonymous No. 16250591

how to emotionally deal with the fact that there is no proof that if a booster gets reused 10 times its engines also get reused 10 times.

Anonymous No. 16250595

The engines are expensive as shit. There's a reason why Elon took out the tin snips on some of the M-Vacs.

Anonymous No. 16250596

Even cars have engine rebuilds.

Anonymous No. 16250599

if a booster doesn't get static fired before launch then it's a safe bet that all of the engines are already flight-proven. i doubt that anyone's collected statistics on which f9 flights get static fires vs. which don't but you could get a pretty solid estimate on the number of engine reuses from those.

Anonymous No. 16250601

why only 100? its stainless steel, shouldn't be limited to 100 flights as long as it doesn't pass a certain tolerance level for the steel. its not aluminum

Anonymous No. 16250604

Why would you care? You don't even work for SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16250607

they'll have to build a shit ton of ocean based launchpads. remember there are 100k+ plane flights a day, so i dont think regulatory bodies would stop ~250 launches a day if they're mostly not happening on land

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Anonymous No. 16250610

spotted this engineer again. Last tour Tim Dodd could ask him some questions but didn't have any good questions.

Anonymous No. 16250614

Elon admitted than the high heating of reentry is the biggest issue for Starship.

Anonymous No. 16250617

Easy solution, don’t re enter

Anonymous No. 16250619

fuck, don't worry i wont use it more then once. im not like the estronig

Anonymous No. 16250621

Sorry, she's lesbo

Anonymous No. 16250622

i saw some astronomy channel with like 17k subscribers talk about how spacex is doing it wrong and they need to spend 30 years preparing and not go to mars until 2050 or something. my immediate reaction to his retarded oldspace plan was get back to me when you launch 90% of mass to orbit in one year instead of running a shitty youtube channel. he also thinks colonizing the moon is better then mars despite it having no known carbon deposits and very minimal water ice reserves lol

Anonymous No. 16250626

I think the Starship program was heavily de-prioritized when SpaceX determined F9 was capable of making Starlink profitable. It was assumed early on that Starship would be required for this, but luckily turned out not the case. Elon was very anxious in late 2021 about getting Starship orbital and delivering sats biweekly by end of 2022. SpaceX by extension deprioritized HLS, as they are confident HLS won't be the pacing item for Artemis 3/4. Whether or not that will turn out true in the end, we shall see. I believe Elon verbatim said 2028 or 2029 for Moon landing, which is 2-3 years later than current NASA stated timeline.

Anonymous No. 16250627

Here's my whacky, dumb idea of the day, on the inside of the tank ,if you had like a thermal camera, you have like a firehose, with cryogenic coolant, just spray if there is a hot a burnthrough. Spray it down from the inside. I don't know.

Anonymous No. 16250628

was the biggest issue, they showed it can be done
now its just about testing it again so the 1-in-10 or 1-in-100 problems don't show up (or do that after booster and ship reuse have been demonstrated)
then after that its just optimization if payload deployment and orbital refilling are really the nothingburgers that Musk says they are

Anonymous No. 16250629

>but but the moon is closer so you can scurry back to earth if something breaks
It's the same mentality as spinqueers who are deathly afraid of going down a gravity well for fear they'll never reach escape velocity again.

Anonymous No. 16250630

2028 was the original original official date for the first artemis moon landing before it got moved up to make trump happy in 2019. i'm pretty sure it was the date behind the scenes all along.

Anonymous No. 16250632

and they did this to iterate on the basic form of Starship for longer to get to a better architecture overall instead of just a solution that works (but can't be iterated after that without massive overhauls)

Anonymous No. 16250633

Still way less retarded than him blabbing about muh fucking stoke aerospike.

Anonymous No. 16250634

Starship was always a LEO vehicle.

Anonymous No. 16250636

>Elon was very anxious in late 2021 about getting Starship orbital and delivering sats biweekly by end of 2022
That was the non-sugar-coating era, right?

Anonymous No. 16250637

Why is his blabbing about stoke retarded, him suggesting the stoke cooling method is on point

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Anonymous No. 16250638


Anonymous No. 16250639

With all due respect, if NASA advertized the 2028 date and stuck to it instead of moving to 2024, the landing wouldn't happen anywhere close to 2028. More likely would just get the program cancelled, or take twice as long

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Anonymous No. 16250640


Anonymous No. 16250642

because he's been pestering elon about aerospikes for 5 years now

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Anonymous No. 16250643

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Anonymous No. 16250645

Anonymous No. 16250646

autist here, what is the meaning of this facial expression

Anonymous No. 16250648


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Anonymous No. 16250650


Anonymous No. 16250651

Here's my whacky, dumb idea of the day, on the inside of the tank, if you had like a sugar coating, and if there's a hot spot or um a burn through, it would like instantly caramelize and seal the hole! I don't know

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Anonymous No. 16250652

We are going.

Anonymous No. 16250653

reminder that this could in fact work.

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hoo boy.jpg

Anonymous No. 16250655


Anonymous No. 16250656

Stop pretending

Anonymous No. 16250658

Imagine being Elon in that interview and having to be all like "damn, Tim Dodd, you fuckin' smart, all insightful with your absurd suggestions and horrific androgynous bearded face. I would totally consider your cryohose idea, both my character and the real me."

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Anonymous No. 16250662

>Funko crew dragon
those soulless eyes

Anonymous No. 16250663

imagine squeezing your penis so far it starts turning bluish purpleish

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Anonymous No. 16250664

H-how many do you have anon??

Anonymous No. 16250665

>/sfg/ still doesn't realize that compared to normal elon musk interpersonal interactions he's clearly having a great time in the estronaut videos

Anonymous No. 16250666

Elon wanted to kill Dim Todd

Anonymous No. 16250667

both of these can be true

Anonymous No. 16250668


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Anonymous No. 16250672

who knew sbarky was the Yotsuba SLS drawfag

Anonymous No. 16250673

fuck bros just squashed a bug that was under my monitor and now it's here forever.

Anonymous No. 16250675

which third world country do you live in?

Anonymous No. 16250676

i always try to cover my monitor in flypaper during the summer months. it works great and if you need to use the touchscreen you can just peel it off.

Anonymous No. 16250677


Anonymous No. 16250678

You reckon there are cockroaches on the ISS? How the fuck would you fend them in zero g?

Anonymous No. 16250679

NASA has never done breeding experiments in space

Anonymous No. 16250681

Reported to FAA and Sierra Club for rare beetle genocide

Anonymous No. 16250682

I knew

Anonymous No. 16250683

why don't you follow wheel_stop on X, sbarky?

Anonymous No. 16250687

luckily I'm outside of the jurisdiction of these agencies

Anonymous No. 16250702

what's the raptor active cooling stuff they were talking about in tim dodd

Anonymous No. 16250706

how much is Elon Musk reimbursing Gwayne Shotwell for her services?

Anonymous No. 16250707

Raptor V3 will have integrated integral cooling and secondary flow circuits and that will be able to cool down raptor enough to remove the heat shields, which will save mass
right now raptor V2s have some cooling but not enough to let them sit in plasma

Anonymous No. 16250725

During the video from two years back? Absolutely. His body language when they are in the car is just incredible amounts of seething. In this one, he seems fine but stressed. I mean, he even got Elon to let him come back and do a post-IFT4 interview so he can't hate Tim that much.

Anonymous No. 16250727

Who is forcing Elon to do these interview with Tom Dodd?

Anonymous No. 16250730

His PR team, doesn't want him to become a robot like Zuckerberg

Anonymous No. 16250733

I thought he fired his entire PR team back in 2019?

Anonymous No. 16250736

For Tesla, not for SpaceX or for himself

Anonymous No. 16250743

Why are these things called "washer"? What are they washing? In Russia, we call them "pucks".

Anonymous No. 16250745

I can't believe that you are such a massive faggot, where your first impulse at seeing this image of stunning beauty is to ask the government to take it away.

Anonymous No. 16250747

3.8m and 4.2m diameter are both popular tank diameters in China right now. "4m" could be either

Anonymous No. 16250748

It is a miracle of the English language. Please, enjoy the mystery
>The origin of the word is unknown. The first recorded use of the word was in 1346; however, the first time its definition was recorded was in 1611.[1]

Anonymous No. 16250750

Kek, he'll probably come at it thinking he's some hotshot investigative journo taking the corrupt tycoon to task

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Anonymous No. 16250757


Anonymous No. 16250758

we call them šajbica

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Anonymous No. 16250761

Anonymous No. 16250763

Didn't he have incredible amounts of backpain during that interview or something?
He was just in a shitty mood then. Elon has publically sucked Estronauts dick on twitter before. I really doubt he was forced to do these interviews. I think he doesn't let himself get forced to do anything anymore. He's too high on his power/reputation and ketamines these days.

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Anonymous No. 16250765


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Anonymous No. 16250766


Anonymous No. 16250772

>incredible amounts of backpain
Maybe he should lose fat. I used to get back pain until I lost 10 kg, mainly from the gut area like Elon

Anonymous No. 16250773

In German they are called Unterlegscheibe because it's a Scheibe that you unterlegst. Literally underlay disk.

Anonymous No. 16250775

I think this is just to show normies whats going on (or non tankwatchers), doing these every now and then helps with general PR which should help overall, but also with recruitment, regulators perhaps and gives him more credibility which will help with other ventures Musk is involved with
finding a normie-friendly person with some spaceflight knowledge, who likes Musk and SpaceX, who isn't confrontational might be difficult
who else would there be? Hullo has EDS, tankwatchers might ask non-normie friendly questions or go too deep about specifics they might not be able to answer due to ITAR (already happened with the secondary heat shield materials)
some random Tesla influencers would be clueless with respect to spaceflight or Starship things so that wouldn't work

Anonymous No. 16250777

Pretty close to how it's in Russian - šajba (шaйбa).

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Anonymous No. 16250778


Anonymous No. 16250780

I also knew lel

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Anonymous No. 16250781


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Anonymous No. 16250782


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Anonymous No. 16250784


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Anonymous No. 16250785


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Anonymous No. 16250786

looks like we adopted the term from the Germans

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Anonymous No. 16250787


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Anonymous No. 16250795

>I expect the lower part to be the first step before the rest is filled in
>we don't know when the court case is expected to be settled, last time it was august, but there have been extensions for over a year

Anonymous No. 16250796

Snow in my airlock? It's more likely than you think

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Anonymous No. 16250799


the ISS is falling apart

Anonymous No. 16250801

My favorite part of the interview was
>employee walking opposite direction offers Elon a fist bump
>Elon takes 3 business days to realize what's happening
>"oh haha"
>by this point they've both had to completely stop in their tracks
>Elon fist bumps him back
>Elon wobbles his entire body to bob his head up an down in a big nod
Our autistic king

Anonymous No. 16250809

didn't know he was MDE fan

Anonymous No. 16250810

Truly a fine specimen, Musk is

Anonymous No. 16250811

That's so weird. In english we call it a "washer" because that's what it IS

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Anonymous No. 16250812
>Super Heavy Catch Attempt Test Incoming! | Starbase Update

Anonymous No. 16250813

>Hullo has EDS

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Anonymous No. 16250814


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Anonymous No. 16250817


Anonymous No. 16250819

He just hides it well because of his audience

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Anonymous No. 16250820


Anonymous No. 16250821

I can't disprove you, but I really don't see Elon having this kind of marketing departement. Let alone doing what they tell him unless he was already going to.

Anonymous No. 16250822

>Water leak was in suit cooling
Old trash needs to be replaced eventually.

Anonymous No. 16250823

I'm not him, I can't even draw.

Anonymous No. 16250825

I don't think there is a marketing department, its just PR he has been doing since forever

Anonymous No. 16250826

Will they dangle it from a Helicopter or something?

Anonymous No. 16250827

He doesn't hide on on TwiX.

Anonymous No. 16250832


Anonymous No. 16250835

Well, they gave starliner the right name, only a little removed from flatliner

Anonymous No. 16250840

it never even made the startline let alone the finishline. poor thing, maybe they should just shoot it and put it out of its misery.

Anonymous No. 16250854

do you think that was awkward of Elon? If so do you think this awkwardness is caused by autism?

Anonymous No. 16250862

Literally me except for the billions bit.

Anonymous No. 16250863

Elon has a remarkable idle animation which I call 'stretching his joints' where he flexes his arms and neck, he does it while walking a lot and its unmistakeably a result of the discomfort on ones body and general social weirdness which comes with autism.

Anonymous No. 16250865

Missing social cues is very much a symptom of the tism, son.

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Anonymous No. 16250876

Anonymous No. 16250878

>12 SLS launches
>requires propellant depot

Anonymous No. 16250892

It's like most people are semi-telepathic and just expect you to be too.

Anonymous No. 16250894

I'm sure he appreciates that Tim takes some interest in rocketry, and he has a sizeable audience and can act as an API between the masses and his autism

Anonymous No. 16250895

China cope article by Chengxin Zhang:
>spacex is bad, actually

Anonymous No. 16250896

# of SLS launches must be the most useless unit ever conceived by mankind

Anonymous No. 16250897

we know you're here, sbarky

Anonymous No. 16250899

I wish he did a tour with scott manlet. He seems a lot more technically literate then estronaut and would probably gouge musk for some juice tidbits of the technical nitty gritty

Anonymous No. 16250904

It makes me wonder if there's something special about Elon, or if you can just abuse any old autist into being obsessed with working instead of trains

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Anonymous No. 16250907

I'm obsessed about engineering related topics too, but just a lazy cunt. Also rare reminder that the functioning principle of the vortex tube, a device that seemingly violates the laws of thermodynamics, is not well understood.

Anonymous No. 16250912

Should have seen his postsa year or two ago.

Anonymous No. 16250915

>not well understood
>The above equation is valid for an adiabatic turbine passage; it clearly shows that while gas moving towards the centre is getting colder, the peripheral gas in the passage is "getting faster".
>Therefore, vortex cooling is due to angular propulsion. The more the gas cools by reaching the centre, the more rotational energy it delivers to the vortex and thus the vortex rotates even faster. This explanation stems directly from the law of energy conservation.
>Compressed gas at room temperature is expanded in order to gain speed through a nozzle; it then climbs the centrifugal barrier of rotation during which energy is also lost. The lost energy is delivered to the vortex, which speeds its rotation.
>In a vortex tube, the cylindrical surrounding wall confines the flow at periphery and thus forces conversion of kinetic into internal energy, which produces hot air at the hot exit.
Embarrassing anon

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Anonymous No. 16250917

ukraine bombed an ISS ground station used by russia

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Anonymous No. 16250918


Anonymous No. 16250919

ISS should be on starlink

Anonymous No. 16250920

In other words you have no proof.

Anonymous No. 16250922

oh its not just for the ISS
>"The center is one of three complexes that make up Russia's Yevpatoria Center for Deep Space Communications, which supports manned and robotic space missions."

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Anonymous No. 16250923

he just entered a K-hole

Anonymous No. 16250925

Where's the equation in question. Also did you just copy paste that or do you understand it?

Anonymous No. 16250926

what else were they doing with it. Why dont you ever want to tell us that pidorashkas

Anonymous No. 16250927
> Parasites from human faeces and articles printed with Hello Kitty characters were found in the bags of garbage carried by North Korean balloons into the South, says Seoul
>In recent weeks, North Korea has sent more than 1,000 balloons in response to anti-Pyongyang leafleting campaigns by South Korean activists
>The items also included clothes that had been donated from the South that were slashed and cut up, and general trash that appeared to be hastily collected, the South's Unification Ministry, which handles the North, said in a report.
>North Korea has said the balloons were retaliation for a propaganda campaign by North Korean defectors and activists in the South who regularly send over balloons carrying food, medicine, money and leaflets criticising the North's leaders.

Anonymous No. 16250928

>"sources familiar with his thinking says"
He talked about knowing people who used ketamine in clinical settings and two weeks later articles of that kind popped up.

Anonymous No. 16250931

I use articles like this non the less to fuel my c*caine use.

Anonymous No. 16250932

microdosing is common these days. you can buy that shit in candy form at vape shops. there was even news the other day that people were dying from it because they'd wolf down a ton of it in a single go like dumbasses.

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Anonymous No. 16250940

I left it out because it doesn't copy over well to 4chan and I did copy and paste it but it's easy to understand, it follows on the same idea that flows separate at different temps (like in fractionation).
When some of the air in the vortex moves towards the centre it cools and that energy is transferred outwards vortex which is contained by the cylinder thus maintaining a temp differential that doesn't allow the two different streams of hot and cool air to mix.

Here's the rest:
>The main physical phenomenon of the vortex tube is the temperature separation between the cold vortex core and the warm vortex periphery. >The "vortex tube effect" is fully explained with the work equation of Euler, also known as Euler's turbine equation, which can be written in its most general vectorial form as:
>pic related
>where T is the total, or stagnation temperature of the rotating gas at radial position r, the absolute gas velocity as observed from the stationary frame of reference is denoted with v, the angular velocity of the system is w and Cp is the isobaric heat capacity of the gas. This equation was published in 2012; it explains the fundamental operating principle of vortex tubes. The search for this explanation began in 1933 when the vortex tube was discovered and continued for more than 80 years.

Anonymous No. 16250942

that shit aint ketamine, it's actually god knows what. if you're lucky, it's 4-AcO-DMT, a synthetic prodrug of psilocin, and chemical analog of psilocybin. i've been researching the available unregulated commercial "shroom" edibles and there is so much obfuscation about ingredients and faked lab tests that you really have no idea what you're getting unless you send them off to a lab yourself. government needs to legalize this shit or we're gonna get another bath salts situation

Anonymous No. 16250943

So the vortex tube essentially works as a heat pump converting pressurised gas into a temperature difference. Do you think the opposite is also possible? A vortex tube than converts a temperature difference into a gas stream. So basically a heat engine.

Anonymous No. 16250944

Murder is pretty common as well. So is prostitution. Anonymous sources say he does both, because its common

Anonymous No. 16250946

What's your stimulant of choice?

Anonymous No. 16250947

>However, it is essential to consider a broader perspective on the rise of such an aerospace giant under the current geopolitical circumstance, instead of simply “learning from it in modesty.” In other words, how could China develop a more pragmatic view on SpaceX?
>Initially, is it too hasty for CASC to draw this conclusion? Though SpaceX excels in developing launch vehicles, the field of aerospace encompasses a vast array of systemic engineering challenges of which launch vehicle development is only one component. It’s superficial to evaluate the overall strength of a space program based solely on one or few facets.
> Does SpaceX master all of these technologies? The fact is that SpaceX, with an ambition of Mars colonization, has not yet flown beyond the earth orbits while China has already succeeded in orbiting, landing on and patrolling both the moon and Mars.

its not so much spacex bad, but they are moving the goal posts to say that SpaceX isn't the end all-be all of spaceflight because they haven't done mars probes or moon landers or LEO space stations
kind of copey

Anonymous No. 16250950

caffeine on sun/wed/thurs. i dont really bother with stimulants

Anonymous No. 16250953

I'm not sure, one of the fundamental parts of the vortex tube is the injection of pressurised air

Anonymous No. 16250954

Not loading. Screenshot it or archive it

Anonymous No. 16250955

Whole site is shitting itself. Probably cloudflare again.

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Anonymous No. 16250956

I take Apollo speedballs
>Apollo astronauts, for example, had access to the stimulant dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), the opioid analgesic meperidine (Demerol), and scopolamine

Anonymous No. 16250957

Is it likely due to the fact that the government is pouring intense amount of money trying to match SpaceX launch cadence and its bit embarassing being beaten by a one company?

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Anonymous No. 16250960

I don't know anything about china's space program, is it any good? I don't really pay attention to news of it, whenever I hear about it its always from some westerners who are dickriding NASA and shitting on spacex and Elon as if it's some kind of bizarre obsession.

Anonymous No. 16250962

The article by Chengxin Zhang discusses the need for China to reassess its approach towards SpaceX in the context of the broader China-U.S. competition in aerospace. It highlights SpaceX's significant achievements, such as the successful test flights of the Starship and its capacity to launch commercial payloads frequently and cost-effectively, outperforming China in terms of launch frequency and payload mass delivered to orbit.

China's largest state-run aerospace company, CASC, has acknowledged its own shortcomings compared to SpaceX. However, Zhang argues that it is premature to conclude that SpaceX surpasses China's aerospace capabilities. He emphasizes that while SpaceX excels in launch vehicle development, a comprehensive space program involves a wide range of complex technologies and missions, including deep-space navigation, communication, and control systems, areas where China has demonstrated significant achievements.

Zhang also points out that SpaceX is intertwined with U.S. national interests, having cooperated with the U.S. military and potentially posing threats to China's national security, such as the close approaches of Starlink satellites to China's space station. Given the geopolitical context and U.S. restrictions on cooperation with China, he suggests that China's aerospace sector should adopt a more strategic and cautious stance toward SpaceX.

China should evaluate SpaceX objectively, avoiding both underestimation and overestimation, and focus on catching up with the entire U.S. aerospace industry rather than being disrupted by SpaceX alone. Strategic priorities should be clearly defined, considering the limitations of SpaceX and the competitive nature of the U.S.-China relationship.
-summary by AI

Anonymous No. 16250963

Speaking of the bath salts thing, you know there was absolutely no evidence that the bath salts zombie actually was on anything besides weed? the entire thing come from the local police chief saying his actions were consistent with using bath salts. Even bath salts never caused cannibalism before or after.

Anonymous No. 16250966

well they have a space station, mars rovers and a bunch of moon rovers and landers, are planning to do a human mars landing at the start of 2030
my impression is that they are not as far as NASA is with non-launch spaceflight things but are moving much faster and I don't think it will take much time for one or multiple chinese space companies to replicate a booster landing soon
going to be a while before that helps with cadence though but without SpaceX China might very well become the dominant player in space

Anonymous No. 16250968

>I don't know anything about china's space program, is it any good?
It's the second best in the world, behind spacex. However there is quite a power gap.

Anonymous No. 16250969

I guess

Anonymous No. 16250972

>planning to do a human mars landing at the start of 2030
Did you mean Lunar landing?
>China might very well become the dominant player in space
Space Race 2.0 lets' go

Anonymous No. 16250974

China's space agency's problem is the same as NASA's and ESA's. Its a government agency, meaning it will always be bloated and inefficient.

Anonymous No. 16250977

>Did you mean Lunar landing?
yes and a moon base after that
maybe if Trump gets elected he recognizes the importance of space and what the chinese are trying to do, the Biden admin does not seem to give a shit

Anonymous No. 16250978

government doesn't necessarily mean slow and inefficient. america's government is slow and inefficient on purpose to avoid consolidating power. europe's is slow and inefficient on accident because europe tries to be one country but isn't.
china has the ability to tell their equivalent of alabama to fuck off with that river rock bullshit and consolidate aerospace power wherever is the most efficient.

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Anonymous No. 16250982

another reason to legalize. i've seen so much bullshit and dilliberate misinformation from media on psychedelics it makes you want to puke. if you know even the slightest about any subject, the lies are so blatant.
anyway, picrel is me mining water in a cave on mars. the water will be used for my plump helmet wine

Anonymous No. 16250990

Not thread relevant but you might enjoy this paper on the reasons for psychedelics being made illegal.

Anonymous No. 16250991

If you've ever done some tox work you'd know there's no way to test for everything, bath salts are just a collective term for a range of chemicals that are not tested for negative interactions with people. Who knows what he actually ingested

Anonymous No. 16250999

Best thing that could possibly happen is Chinese moon landing during Trump presidency. $50b straight to SpaceX and regulators told to fuck off
>I saw the rocket come down, I said wow, I said I've never seen them come down like that, like a plane but with no wings how does that work?
-Trump on SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16251000

Doesn't change the fact theres no evidence he was on hard drugs and the police chief was talking out his ass.

Anonymous No. 16251005

Trump will take us to the Moon

Anonymous No. 16251007

please for the love of god get bridenstine back at nasa

Anonymous No. 16251010

money is not a problem for spacex

Anonymous No. 16251011

China's government is 4x as inefficient at minimum because it's centrally planned. Literally anyone who knows basic economics and doesn't fall for the rationalization failures can tell you that.

Anonymous No. 16251015

then why did they invest only $5B into Starship

Anonymous No. 16251018

Have you ever met a successful person? They all operate on a barely suppressed undercurrent of rage.

Anonymous No. 16251020

Because throwing money at something won't fix the problems

Anonymous No. 16251021

They are just like me

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Anonymous No. 16251022

Anon, china gave central planning over 50 years ago...

Anonymous No. 16251023

scott manley is a massive faggot

Anonymous No. 16251024

then why didn't they invest $1B into Starship?

Anonymous No. 16251026

regulations are and the lawfare targeting Musk is wasting a lot of his time

Anonymous No. 16251028

I don't disagree about regulations.

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Anonymous No. 16251032

Anonymous No. 16251036

Sure it would. Endless money solves all things. SpaceX is limited right now in how much they can spend due to how much they are making. They are ramping up the curve for both to get a good outcome at the end. If they had infinite money, they could buy out another Starbase and build out infrastructure/hire another 5K employees, etc. They dont have that much money and are working on tight rope.

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Anonymous No. 16251038

22h 10min until part 2

Anonymous No. 16251040

We need a new ambassador to Lord Elon, this is starting to look bad on /sfg/

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Anonymous No. 16251042

Anonymous No. 16251045

You could argue that the reason they are so ahead is because they don't have infinite money, just look at BO

Anonymous No. 16251047

>after launch follow up
could be interesting?

Anonymous No. 16251048

there are still limits. you can't just pay to speed up the environmental review, or get permits for new sites faster, or cure concrete faster. and at some point you run out of engineers to hire, no matter how much you pay them.

Anonymous No. 16251051

see. Elon decided to meet up with Tim Dodd again!

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Anonymous No. 16251052

Anonymous No. 16251053

can someone shoop tim and his gay ass logo out of this, it would be a cool picture otherwise

Anonymous No. 16251055

The reason they are so ahead is because of Musk.

The money trouble is just hardship endured in the past and currently, but if they had infinite money pool right now, you'd bet that Musk would stop at nothing to expand/speedup everything he ever wanted.

Anonymous No. 16251056

yeah, if you saw the interview with ellie from space with musk then Tim was there as well

Anonymous No. 16251058

mmm love the color of Texas dusk sky.

Anonymous No. 16251059

Why remove the tile intact just to toss it in a dumpster, anon?

Anonymous No. 16251062

Swap engines to get the vehicle back to the pad ASAP.
All engine components in need of servicing will be accessible, by the way. He was talking about integrating shit like coolant channels and lines, which never need servicing but do often change between upgrades. Basically instead of having 9000 iterations of coolant routing and one combustion chamber design, they're choosing to iterate the combustion chamber and its coolant lines as one piece 9000 times.

Anonymous No. 16251065

Methalox produces pretty much zero coking. You do get a bit of soot but the presence of 4 hydrogen atoms for each carbon atom and the fact that even CH radicals form a gas means that carbon can never build up significantly. Anywhere that a carbon deposit in that environment grows thick enough to interact with the fluids literally at all will cause it to be eroded by the hydrogen rich gas mixture.

Anonymous No. 16251068

I want to see what a Raptor engine turbine looks like so bad bros

Anonymous No. 16251070


Anonymous No. 16251071

everyone know that rounder smoother objects are more structurally sound

Anonymous No. 16251073

i noticed these pissed off expressions he had with todd lol. it gave the entire tour an uncomfortable vibe, i was feeling self cocious on tims behalf.

Anonymous No. 16251074

Structural integrity is stored in the balls

Anonymous No. 16251075

Due to simple proportions, there's a certain ratio of diameter to height that minimizes tank weight per unit volume. At 140m the ideal Starship tank would be even wider, for example.
However, the reality of the issue is that switching diameters means spending perhaps years and billions of dollars re-tooling and re-learning the production process for a wider set of tank structures, which is non-trivial.
Basically it's a bad trade, and is absolutely best left for future attempts to build a Starship successor, rather than attempting to roll those optimizations into Starship. Get a cheap high volume high launch rate super heavy lifter first, worry about actually optimizing the costs later. A big shitty coal fired water pump is still an improvement over a team of oxen when you're trying to pump water out of your coal mine.

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Anonymous No. 16251081

I’m worried that if The Don is elected he will simply instate some vague “landing no later than 2028” rule (based); but half the general population of America will swing hard against Artemis by association because they hate him.
Biden is by no means a good space POTUS but he at least kept Artemis running and probably helped it become [a liiittle more] sustainable vs. Trump’s desire for a quick landing just to have it tacked on to his presidency (remember he originally wanted a NET 2024 landing but did not offer resources after that) But biden is old and gay, Kamala couldn’t give less of a shit about the space council if she tried, and Biden seems to have a bone to pick with Elon one way or another which isn’t good for SpaceX
We need candidates who care about space / the American legacy like JFK

Anonymous No. 16251099

"These 16 hour shifts at the Lunar Mass Driver launch complex are pretty grueling, but the satisfaction of knowing these cans of gravel will be shredding all E*rther hopes of escaping their shitty rock is worth the sacrifice." -t. John Smith, Lunar citizen, on his involvement in the Nigger Containment Protocol Project

Anonymous No. 16251103

They do this to spread out the effects of the engine ploom blasting the deck btw, it's targeted off-center.

Anonymous No. 16251107

sounds kind of unnecessary desu, how would they have any launch capability?

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Anonymous No. 16251112

Anonymous No. 16251113

Scott manley kinda comes across as an asshole in his candid interviews I dunno
If you want interesting technical questions asked you should send me, sfg's most rational autist

Anonymous No. 16251116

>Nigger Containment Protocol Project
Jokes aside, this is actually what will happen, isn't it? A necessarily self selected group of exceptional people in an environment where resources are scarce will have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever towards dysgenic wastes of resources after just a generation or two

Anonymous No. 16251117

either they get home on dragon, they get luck on starliner, or nasa willingly sacrifices them. 2 of the 3 options are noteworthy but not really worth talking about until they happen

Anonymous No. 16251120

They're coming down on a Dragon.

Anonymous No. 16251126

that tim guy is extremely pretentious, annoying and disrespectful. He patronizes, interrupts and tries to berate musk constantly. hurts to watch.

> yeah. yeah. right. totally
just stfu and let the other speak you asshole, dont try to accelerate the convo by implying you know what hes talking about. fucking tiktok lvl manipulation bullshit. how casually he refers to elon, even though he is in no position to do so oof you can see elon being annoyed and I understand why

the average american lost all respect for authority, responsibility and experience.

and I'm really not a fan of elon musk, its just a lack of basic decency at this point

Anonymous No. 16251127

>make infinite videos clowning on some shitty creationist, profit, eventually youtube atheism goes stale
>make infinite videos clowning on SJWs, profit, eventually youtube "muh feminism" discourse goes stale
>make video to clown on some shitty startup scam, make gloat video after scam fails, profit
>make video to clown on some shitty startup scam, make gloat video after scam fails, profit
>make video to clown on some Elon project, make gloat video after project fails, profit

>wait, Elon's project is still going, make second video to clown on it.
>wait, Elon's project is still going, double down
>triple down
>gradually, hang your entire credibility as an online debooonker on Elon's project failing
>livestream 4th full stack launch and hope for huge win
>launch is a massive success and you look like a fucking moron
>oh no, better septendecuple down, because I am in way too deep
it would be a tragedy if blunderfoot weren't such an insufferable pseud lmao

Anonymous No. 16251130

Real ones evaluate all things objectively at all times, and held the correct position of "Their ideas make sense and hopefully they succeed" all along.

Anonymous No. 16251133

Fuck you asshole, we know how to stage.

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Anonymous No. 16251134

Anonymous No. 16251136

Let me guess, he works on starliner?

Anonymous No. 16251138

>half the general population of America will swing hard against Artemis by association because they hate him

You say this despite Artemis having always been associated with the Trump admin and them not hating it for that reason.

For all the drama of his admin the thing Trump will be most remembered for, due to its effect on people's daily lives, is the USSF and the second Moon race.

Anonymous No. 16251139

nobody who has voiced their opinion is an expert. it's just youtube video watchers arguing with other youtube video watchers

Anonymous No. 16251142

>the average american lost all respect for authority, responsibility and experience.
It was all a wool over our face to begin with. No one questioned it in the past because it was just how things were done.

Musk came along and broke all the molds

>rocket experts: NOOO YOU CANT
>musk: Yes I can, I did it
>rocket experts: .....

>car experts: NOOOO YOU CANT
>musk: Yes I can, I did it

>satellite internet experts: NOOOO YOU CANT
>musk: Yes I can, I did it.
>sat experts: ...

>social media experts: NOOOO YOU CANT
>musk: Yes I can, I did it
>social media experts: NOOOOO IS DEAD. 2 WEEKS!! NOOO STOP USING IT!!! REEEE...

Anonymous No. 16251143

They are bottlenecked by how long it takes to make changes, flight test, make changes, flight test

Anonymous No. 16251153

How do you emotionally deal with the fact that all cars need to get their brake pads replaced on a regular basis? If your answer is "why would I have an emotional reaction to that", there it is.

Anonymous No. 16251154

Anonymous No. 16251155

Interview is pre-flight 4, and that news is objectively good news because it means they're one actual hurdle away from reusable Starship.
All the Starship heat shield work we're seeing done now is being performed with real world Starship entry data driving the design choices.

Anonymous No. 16251157

greentext the parts of the article that have to do with spaceflight or fuck off

Anonymous No. 16251160

Reminder that during entry the residual propellants are literally pressed up against the windward tank walls due to the deceleration forces. The hottest areas of the belly of Starship have liquid methane or liquid oxygen behind them, apart from the nose cone and engine bay.

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Anonymous No. 16251161


Anonymous No. 16251164

actually, he watched a yt video

Anonymous No. 16251165

beautiful, thanks

Anonymous No. 16251168

Insane scale

Anonymous No. 16251169

can you shop that fridge out of the picture?

Anonymous No. 16251170


Anonymous No. 16251172

probably means "little disc of metal that you put between harder-to-machine bits to take the erosion damage as the parts WASH around while in motion"

Anonymous No. 16251174

no new information if you have been following this, but it gives a pretty good overview of the situation if you aren't familiar with it

Anonymous No. 16251175

>Please delete this. It says right on screen not for public distribution and we explicitly asked not to share
Based Chinaman

Anonymous No. 16251176

Wow how inefficient, in english we give things arbitrary names that are easy and fast to say and everyone simply knows what the word mean.

Anonymous No. 16251177

This is why you lost.

Anonymous No. 16251178

I would take the risk.

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Anonymous No. 16251180

lol Tim is pissed

Anonymous No. 16251181

reddit comment

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Anonymous No. 16251182

Can anybody guess what the first thing Tim says is?
>Its just insane

Anonymous No. 16251183

uhh why did you remove my boy Tim Dodd

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Anonymous No. 16251184

He even tagged the Estronaut, lmao

Anonymous No. 16251185

just noticed that, lmaaaoo
fucking based

Anonymous No. 16251186

No, other people just have the baseline well-tuned social instincts that have been selected for in humans for the past few million years. In autists these instincts aren't present or are weakened, so more mental effort is required to keep up. This is also why high IQ in autists is correlated with improved social skills, high IQ autists literally have enough brain power to handle running social skills manually while also functioning in life. The smartest autists learn early on that emulating normal human sociality leads to the easiest paths in life

Anonymous No. 16251191

Yah, how could you ever judge that Starliner is bad without a degree in rocket science. It's just impossible. See, all the actual experts agree that losing all your thrusters on a crewed flight to the crewed space station while leaking Helium from every orifice is totally reasonable for the system that cost more money and took longer to develop.

Anonymous No. 16251193

does Elon run social skills manually.

Anonymous No. 16251194

Didn't elon say he had aspergers? Either way, yes, he has huge signs of some sort of autism.

Anonymous No. 16251195

This is like hearing about the time SpaceX bought a residential AC system to support their payload faring environment at the pad for like $20,000 instead of tens of millions, and saying "Oh no is SpaceX hard up for cash??"

Anonymous No. 16251196

Not quite, I'd just say the visible ones learn to emulate for easier processing in life. A good chunk of high iq autists just dont bother and never learn it. They just dont become very public and dont interact much.

Anonymous No. 16251201

Ellie from Space more like Ellie's Tits in my Face if you know what I'm sayin'

Anonymous No. 16251202

They're using Tesla turbines, very boring looking but highly effective at these fluid pressures & flow velocities

Anonymous No. 16251203

Anyone knows the moon runes? He must have posted the whole video on bilibili.

Anonymous No. 16251204

what did he mean by this

Anonymous No. 16251205

those big boxes are where the astronauts put all of their shoes.

Anonymous No. 16251207

>Biden is by no means a good space POTUS but he at least kept Artemis running
"Biden" in this case obviously refers to the shuffling mass of bureaucrats and attendees who tell him what to say, where to go, when to eat & sleep, what drugs to take and when, and otherwise puppeteer him at every moment of every day, by the way.

Anonymous No. 16251213

From leftoids trying to make space habitats "diverse & inclusive" (they want to import unlimited niggers to all space colonies, the more "disadvantaged" ie violent and retarded the better)

Anonymous No. 16251214

bill gates building a new type of nuclear reactor (well new in the sense these haven't been done outside research I think)

Anonymous No. 16251217

One generation after even one (1) space settlement becomes self sustaining, there will exist the seeds of enormous civilizations based entirely on the ideology that Earth is a rat hive of faggots and retards who cannot be allowed to influence the lives of spacers under any circumstance.

Anonymous No. 16251220

true. Bob and doug aren’t remembered as a “trump” thing so that’s good–from an optics standpoint
Yeah lol
Every time this bozo loser pops up on my algorithm he’s always saying stupid shit. So yes, actually, I am more informed than him despite only being youtube and /sfg/ qualified on most space topics

Anonymous No. 16251224

That guy shills SLS harder than anyone on the planet, and it's kinda pathetic. I'm talking about doing mental gymnastics to claim that SLS is a "free" rocket, because it only burns tax dollars. type shit.

Anonymous No. 16251225

jfk didnt give a shit about space, he fucked up loads and wanted to distract from it with a bold initiative. its al just about raw power for politicians.

Anonymous No. 16251227

Considering he appears to turn them off at will, yeah I'd say so

Anonymous No. 16251228

pretty sure they aren't using Tesla turbines. In fact non of Tesla's inventions have found commercial uses.

Anonymous No. 16251230

Why bother with a full featured lander stage for a rendezvous manned moon lander? Instead of a lander ship, just make a battletech battle armor mecha suit for one or each guy, like a giga giga upgraded MMU, they can jetpack down to the surface and jump back up to the mothership, with modern electronics there will be plenty of space for science equipment. Maybe even give it rollerskates like heavy gear so it can brake on the surface to kill the horizontal velocity and save some fuel

Anonymous No. 16251231

It's really fucking draining to run normie.exe for a long period of time though.

Anonymous No. 16251233

Well if your ego project is to land man in the Moon and dunk on the halfwit commie russians then I support it all the way. JFK’s only mistake was pussying out of Orion but that is a different topic.

Anonymous No. 16251235

the real question is why kingdom of heaven, an almost 20 year old movie, randomly became popular with zoom zooms. They aren’t religious but they look up to king baldwin and saladin as figures of honor. It’s so random lol

Anonymous No. 16251236

I fuckin knew someone would respond like this.

Ok, so both autism and IQ are both a sliding scale. Imagine a 100IQ dude with noticeable autism. What I'm saying is, a 120 iq guy with the same degree of autism is not going to appear as autistic, and an 80 iq guy will appear more autistic, purely because of intellectual difference. Smart guy is better at acting normal than 100iq guy and 80 iq guy finds social dynamics so difficult he's barely able to navigate communication.

When you see a super smart guy who's a bit of a recluse and doesn't interact much, you are probably looking at someone so autistic they would be nonverbal and nonfunctional if they were 100 iq. They're smart enough that they are able to learn how to deal with people thru communication anyway, and since this takes a lot of effort they prefer to avoid it so they can hyperfocus on their topic of choice instead.

Anonymous No. 16251237

yep, probably doesn't do it most of the time when running the companies and just executes whats necessary and this comes across as cruel and uncaring (which it kind of is but that is how it should be, companies are not families)

Anonymous No. 16251239

ellie from space more like ellie's perfect arched soles pressing on my cock amiright

Anonymous No. 16251243

>companies are not families
They used to be and America was a way better country when they were. But that was two, three, four generations ago. Can’t really do that these days though

Anonymous No. 16251244

nah it's all tesla turbines in there, how did you think they got the engine cost down for a FFSC engine

Anonymous No. 16251245

>why do something easy when you can do something retarded and difficult?
Yes why do you think very smart autistic people are so reclusive? They want to devote more brainpower to solving the reimann hypothesis or whatever (or more accurately on trying and failing to solve it, lmao)

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Anonymous No. 16251246

CEOs are not autists usually. They are the complete opposite, a charming, cunning, extremely social psychopath. Pic unrelated because Shrekli is an autist.

Anonymous No. 16251247

No, the path of learning to emulate social behaviors is dictated by various concerns/choices in life, and its not a metric for how smart they are. Some aspects of autism dont require that many social interactions and so bare minimum is enough to thrive in life. Further there are different types of personalities in autism too. Some autists will have normal desire to seek attention and thus will learn how to emulate social behaviors to feel accepted. Other autists wont have the attention seeking normal behavior and social acceptance is a non-factor thus irrelevant except for doing the job.

Anonymous No. 16251248

It's because someone who liked the movie used a screenshot as a meme template & it caught on. I doubt more than ten people have actually watched the movie as a consequence.

Anonymous No. 16251249

It's a semi-conservative estimate; the wear items and life limiters on this system are unknown, but the purpose of the estimate was to highlight just how dramatic SpaceX's prospective launch capacity actually is.

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Anonymous No. 16251254

do you have any sources or is this just pure speculation? Tesla turbines/pumps/compressors are less efficient than traditional which is the main reason they are not used. And in particular when it comes to turbines I can't imagine how you would cool a Tesla turbine. At least the blades of traditional turbines are big enough to have cooling passages in them.

Anonymous No. 16251255

Sociopaths are like the anti-autist, their sociality software is over-effective and they're able to play social interactions like a game.

Anonymous No. 16251256

>Other autists wont have the attention seeking normal behavior and social acceptance is a non-factor thus irrelevant except for doing the job.
my man Isaac Newton

Anonymous No. 16251258

Attention seeking behavior is orthogonal to the ability to mask autism, which is the topic of discussion. You should try paying attention more.

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Anonymous No. 16251261

i feel this as well, it's why i try to avoid overly crowded situations, i can run that stuff on emulation but it gets tiring fast, if i've been normalfagging it up for a full day i definetly feel it.
>inb4 ur not elon musk
i know, but that feeling of having to emulate natural normalfag behaviour consciously is something i think a lot of people here can relate to.

Anonymous No. 16251262

>Attention seeking behavior is orthogonal to the ability to mask autism
Nope. You've never interacted much with autists or people. There are autists that love to interact and then there are autists that dont interact at all. This isn't just for autism but also for neurotypical people as well. Social fitting can happen on both ends of this type of personality. The jolly can be curbed to fit in as a normal. The curbed can be made to emulate a slightly enthusiastic.

Anonymous No. 16251264

>is something i think a lot of people here can relate to
Not musk either but I am indeed intimately familiar with it.

Anonymous No. 16251267

It's not even speculation, I am messing with you via an obviously stupid assertion dude.

Also they cool the discs via flow of cold propellants though channels in the disc (each disc is made from three components, two blanks and one stamped. The blanks sandwich the stamped disc and the gaps formed by the stamped pattern act as the cooling channels, which are of course open at the disc edges to allow the coolant flow to vent into the chamber.

Anonymous No. 16251268

I'm actually the most socially intelligent and well adjusted person to ever exist and you're just envious.

Anonymous No. 16251273

social intelligence gets you fed into meatgrinders though, having the ability to interact with that world competently is a big boon for autists, but i'd honestly be terrified if i didn't have the ability to turn it off on a dime and was actually forced to feel a need to fit in with everyone else by my brain, it's why my brother turned into a giant pothead and i didn't despite similar peer pressures growing up.

Anonymous No. 16251274


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Anonymous No. 16251275

page 9 I'm posting seaplanes

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Anonymous No. 16251276

Is Bilibili search engine just trash? Copying the title or its parts give you nothing relevant.

Anonymous No. 16251277

what are good jobs for an autist such as myself to get into?

Anonymous No. 16251281
Here you go guys

Anonymous No. 16251283

Nvm, I was on

Anonymous No. 16251284

based and spruce goosed

Anonymous No. 16251285

>tfw you will never land a 250 meter wingspan seaplane on a terraformed low grav water world.
why live?

Anonymous No. 16251287

and I'm posting turbomachinery

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Anonymous No. 16251290

vacuum cleaner diffuser

Anonymous No. 16251291

>Wow.... that's crazy...

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Anonymous No. 16251292

dare i say, for once, based chinks.

Anonymous No. 16251294

>have you ever got a chance to see it from like the beach side
>have you ever got a chance to see it from like the beach from the dunes
>uh yeah
Jesus Christ, what a fucking clown.

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Flameholder confi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16251297


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Dornier DO-24 Fly....jpg

Anonymous No. 16251298


Anonymous No. 16251299

it's clear he doesn't have nearly as much of a plan going in for this interview, i doubt we're gonna get much interesting out of these videos other than the actual footage itself.

Anonymous No. 16251300

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Anonymous No. 16251302


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Anonymous No. 16251303


Anonymous No. 16251304

Any factory job where you run a machine. You'll enjoy getting extremely good at running your machine, especially if it's an old piece of shit with basic controls and a lot of quirks. You'll also enjoy being able to go home and have zero stress about your job, too.

Anonymous No. 16251311

Anything more engineery?

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Anonymous No. 16251313

I don't care what anyone says the navaho missile was quinoa

Anonymous No. 16251314

>non(sic) of Tesla's inventions have found commercial uses
>Tesla coils are used for entertainment at science museums and public events, and for special effects in movies and television.
I can't actually find where I heard about this, but I've heard that Tesla turbines are used commercially as a fairly reliable pumps for fluids that most pumps struggle to handle, like handling blood or powering slurry jets.

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Anonymous No. 16251315

Gratuitous CSM post

Anonymous No. 16251317


Anonymous No. 16251322

that's a fine spacehship

Anonymous No. 16251323

Tim telling a Chink to "please" not leech on them is peak sōy American. Had he not commented at all, /sfg/ would not have learned of this

Anonymous No. 16251324

God she was so sexy WEW

Anonymous No. 16251325

ive been looking at apollo footage and photos for ages but it was only the other day i noticed that block connecting the CM and SM and found out its how all the consumables and control signals were communicated between the two.

Anonymous No. 16251328

really a beautiful machine, just like the LM and the Saturn V.

Anonymous No. 16251329

Even the way he talks is often annoying. Really, if he was smart he wouldn't need a plan, he could just go there, improvise and ask smart questions or give insightful comments instead of
>that's crazy
But he's there because he's popular.

Anonymous No. 16251331

The guy who built this plane has his own personal bomber in the McChord Airforce Base museum.

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Anonymous No. 16251332

>Tim: [Paraphrasing] why did you decide to use a tower to catch it?
>there are many ways to do this, obviously you could do it with landing legs but the problem with landing legs is the weight and you have to protect them on entry, especially for the ship that is tricky
>then you gotta get a giant rocket from where it landed back to the pad
>in the limit the most rapidly reusable architecture is that the thing that lifts the rocket on to the pad is what catches it
>Tim: Are there similar [catching] nubs on the Ship?
>no, but there will be

Anonymous No. 16251333

Working a factory job will get you involved with all of the fun parts of engineering (taking things apart and putting them back together, actually using machines) and none of the shitty parts (one billion hours of CAD drawing a component you couldn't give less of a shit about, making changes based on feedback from people who you suspect are much dumber than you, etc)

The ideal life for an autist who enjoys engineering work is to have an extremely stable, low mental strain job which lets you go home and play engineering-themed video games like factorio and Ksp, plus a medium quality 3D printer to play with.

Anonymous No. 16251335

This is how I see them

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Anonymous No. 16251337

there's just something so beautifully heroic about it all

Anonymous No. 16251338

one thing i have to say he does perfectly is he picks the right moments to be embellishing about spacex achievements, he knows how to hit musks ego spot just enough that it doesn't become annoying and that probably helps musk get more into the flow of talking about the thing they're standing in front of.

Anonymous No. 16251339

Go to the Air Force. You'll get to fly cool planes and later you can become an astronaut.

Anonymous No. 16251341

>no, but there will be
I maintain that Starship will have little pods that protect the catch points during entry and which swing open to allow the catch point to fold out of a little socket.

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Anonymous No. 16251343

>a catcher under the armpits
>this is a matter of much debate, there are a lot of ways to solve this
>it depends what kind of landing velocities we have to deal with
>if it comes down with a lot of momentum, you gotta have a lot stronger catchers to deal with that
>the downside of reserving a lot of propellant so that it is a very precise landing you are burning propellant to achieve that precision
>do you want static mass [beefier catching pins I guess] or dynamic mass in the form of propellant
>there is some combination of the two that is needed in order to have the ship get caught by the arms and not have the forward flaps sheared off

Anonymous No. 16251346

CM and saturn are beautiful machines. LM is whatever. nothing egregiously offensive but it isn't actually attractive either. anyone who says otherwise is looking at it through rose tinted glasses of nostalgia.

Anonymous No. 16251347

WvB absolutely cooked

Anonymous No. 16251348

Holy shit, flame trench chads confirmed for BTFO deluge virgins!!!

Anonymous No. 16251349

I like the LM. I'm not sure why. I think it's because it's angular utilitarianism done right.
Sure as shit looks better than the concrete boxes that utilitarianism usually provides.

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Anonymous No. 16251350

Fuck off back to the mental institution, the LM is sexo
Vertification not required.

Anonymous No. 16251351

so basically what he's saying is the front flaps are mostly used for roll and yaw control and they have a bit of excess pitch control margin in case they have a return payload which moves the center of mass forwards?
what i'm gathering that they have basically oversized front flaps and this bugs him because they're only that large because they need the excess pitch authority in case they return payloads to earth in the future.

Anonymous No. 16251352

>those rcs thrusters
maximum HNNNNG

Anonymous No. 16251353

LM is ugly but wacky, I think it's fine.

Anonymous No. 16251355

vortex pumps are used for that purpose.

Anonymous No. 16251357

NASA pulled an ascent engine out of storage in like circa 2004 and fired methalox through it. It was a field study for the constellation Altair lander

Anonymous No. 16251358

Starship needs to be able to land on Mars with cargo, so the requirement for pitch authority margin isn't gonna go away.

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Anonymous No. 16251360

>Tim: Are you moving the position of the forward flaps?
>its actually bugged me for a long time
>at least for the lowest orbit missions its coming back with an empty cargo bay, so the ship naturally wants to come engines first because the center of mass is low
>now the rear flaps counteract the center of mass with the center of pressure so your really balancing pressure and mass, basically a seesaw
>forward flaps that are not fully stowed are hurting you, if you have some frontal area that is pushing the rocket backwards and making it want to go engine first

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Anonymous No. 16251361

Altair has got to be the ugliest moon lander ever, shit is severe

Anonymous No. 16251364

Starship is NOT a spaceplane

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Anonymous No. 16251365

I used to program a robot that welded but had to quit because it was just too dirty and they had no're right the job was kinda comfy though. But I'm looking for an office job now.

Anonymous No. 16251367

I have an office job, it's ok but everyone agrees we're living in a kind of slow hell. Biggest drawback is that I'm mentally tired at the end of the day now, so I revert to being a lazy piece of shit in the afternoons instead of doing hobby work.

Anonymous No. 16251368

>taller tower 2
>shorter arms

Anonymous No. 16251369

I used to be the weld robot. TIG is really zen.

Anonymous No. 16251372

My robot used TIG welding. Too bad the whole process emits brain cell killing fumes. What do you do now?

Anonymous No. 16251373

>shorter arms
Is it because current arms got wobble when moving faster

Anonymous No. 16251374

and the flame trench is confirmed
Basically yes, they want to minimize momentum.

Anonymous No. 16251375

that and more momentum so it takes longer to get them from one position to another, getting the longer arms moving takes longer and slowing them back down takes longer as well.

Anonymous No. 16251376

That's insane, that's insane, crazy, ridiculous, insane, that's ridiculous, incredible

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Anonymous No. 16251377

>extra frontal area in the rear is helpful, frontal area in the front is counter productive
>ideally you want the flaps to be in the stowed position to be invisible to the flow so they are not trying to tip the rocket backwards
>you gotta control it through hypersonic, transonic and subsonic
>at least until you get to subsonic the challenge is to not have the engines go first
>basically you are trying to maintain an angle of attack that is like 65-70 degrees
>the rear flaps deploy to increase drag
>the front flaps are really trim flaps, they're not trying to change the pitch angle
>you need to control the ship in yaw and roll in addition to pitch
>controlling pitch is really the rear flaps, they are trying to move the center of pressure so the engines don't go into the flow, it counteracts the mass of the rear
>the flaps on the front are really there for trimming roll and yaw
>technically the front flaps also do some pitch action but for setting your fundamental pitch angle its your rear flaps
>you want your front flaps to be invisible to the flow so your rear flaps don't need to do extra work

Anonymous No. 16251378

Early retired on cripple pension. We had full helmets with pressurized air at least.

Anonymous No. 16251380

That's good to know, thanks

Anonymous No. 16251383


i just find the LM so brutally functional, perfectly adapted and giving no fucks. theres an episode in "From the Earth to The Moon" where they cover the whole design, construction, testing and first flight of it, and i can help feeling the same about it as Tom Kelly did. Really recommend that episode.

Anonymous No. 16251384

i seem to remember that they could never test fire those engines because of the corrosive fuel mix. but they tested the hell out of so many beforehand that it was basically 100% that each one would work.

Anonymous No. 16251385

crazy to think that elon would do that

Anonymous No. 16251386

looks like a new denis villenueve movie

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Anonymous No. 16251388

>you really only need three control surfaces, we have four so slightly more than you need
>in the high heating regime where this really matters the air is very stable, you don't have wind, the air is homogenous
>if the ship is operating properly, it looks like the ship is barely doing anything, the flaps are barely moving and its just maintaining the angle
>there are no disturbances
>[the control schemes] changes a lot to subsonic
>once you get to subsonic the ship is falling like a skydiver, so the flaps are kind of like the arms and legs of a skydiver
>its counterinuitive, its not at all how airplanes work

Anonymous No. 16251389

Part 2 is so much better, mostly thanks to the post-launch interview

Anonymous No. 16251390

i love doing a bit of oxy acetylene welding for the same reason. keeping that little pool moving just right, the whoosh of the flame, its all very much a here and now experience.

Anonymous No. 16251392

I did TIG, MIG, electrodes and even some oxy/acetylene. Aluminium, titanium and mostly 316.
Alu is fucking weird since you don't get the glowy melt pool of steel. It just start wobbling and you start feeding.

Anonymous No. 16251393

Shit meme format doing the rounds with normies lately

Anonymous No. 16251396

they need to hire someone to PID tune their shit

Anonymous No. 16251397

Formats gets boring after like 2-3 iterations. It's like everyone repeating the same joke with small changes.

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Anonymous No. 16251398

>Tim: If you could have done something like this [even more iterative testing I think what he is referring to] in the early days would you have done that if you could have?
>we wouldn't be able to make starship without the benefit of the Falcon 9, its basically if you would have a time machine and it gets into time machine logic loops
>we learned a lot from Falcon 9 but there is nothing in common with Falcon 9, there is no design element that starship has in common with Falcon 9, nothing
>I take it back you have gridfins in both
>Tim: Thats insane

Anonymous No. 16251399

thoughts on laser and plasma welding?

Anonymous No. 16251402

it's going to be somewhat hilarious if fast breeder reactors end up being what saves us from our current energy stagnation after 20 years of internet experts assuring me that nixon's focus on fast breeders to the exclusion of thorium is what killed the nuclear industry

Anonymous No. 16251403

It's just that exact meme layout, they don't know where it's from. Someone used it in a post that got popular and the algorithm means every normie instantly sees it and it briefly is the new hotness. It's just an algorithm driven fad.

Anonymous No. 16251405

None really, was so far outside the scope of my job (oil) that I never paid much attention to it. Plasma cutting was fun though.
Read up on friction stir welding some years back, interesting but not really anything I'll ever need.

Anonymous No. 16251406

>I take it back you have gridfins in both
>Tim: Thats insane

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Anonymous No. 16251407

>tower 2 will be taller to allow for the next generation of starship so we are going to add a few sections to that
>the redesigned arms will be shorter
>if you look at those arms [pointing at tower 1] there, they have very high moment of inertia, they are very long, when you have long arms they are hard to move fast and break, you have a lot of momentum
>the new arms will be able to move much faster and will be much shorter, pretty close to the catch points
>maybe a couple meters beyond the catch point

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16251408

>another interview where he hasn't asked about the payload bay design
for fuck's sake

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Anonymous No. 16251409


Anonymous No. 16251411

you know it wasn't that much of an achievement if there haven't been any movies made explaining that akshually black women did all the work

Anonymous No. 16251412

never done AL welding so far. was thinking of going into welding for work but after visiting some shops i figured no thanks. its just a bit of hobby now, but i'll get a TIG one day.

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Anonymous No. 16251415

>Tim: Are there a lot of changes to the OLM, flame trench etc?
>its a total redesign, I don't know if we should do a total redesign but the guys really want to do it so okay
>Tim: It will have more of a flame trench?
>Tim: Is the ring, OLM changing, everything new?
>pretty much
>the hold down arms also change, the launch arms, because the current ones have some chance to bind and hold the rocket which would be really bad
>we have a new design for the launch arms so that they are not going to bind and potentially cause the whole thing to explode

Anonymous No. 16251417

not to discredit anything you're saying, its true, but i feel like 60 years ago people will be using these same esoteric descriptions on starship. i think there's an element of nostalgia to it.

Anonymous No. 16251418

>everything new
NET 2025 it is

Anonymous No. 16251419

Wasn't anything I actively pursued. Was just "Hey anon, need a job?" "Ok", then I started doing extremely repetitive parts manufacturing really well, so they threw me on a course to learn how to weld.
Was a really nice job until I realized I couldn't escape office backstabbing bullshit there either. Too fucking autistic to deal with that shit, not too autistic to work.

Anonymous No. 16251421

>olm gonna be redesigned from scratched

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Anonymous No. 16251423

>we are trying to protect against the explosions with bunkers and a lot of steel at the tower
>that wall is designed to protect the propellant tanks against the full explosion of the rocket
>Tim: The tower 2 is already on its way? Thats crazy

Anonymous No. 16251425

it needs it. look at how much time they spend repairing it every launch.
I'm sure they've learned a lot of things from 4 launches that would be hard to retrofit onto the old design

Anonymous No. 16251426

>it's so cool
>it is tall
>yeah, it's insane, that is so cool, it is very big
>it is a very big rocket, there are no other buildings around so it's hard to tell that it is very big, but it is very big, it's hard for me to say how big it is so i'll keep repeating myself instead
>the gridfins are big
>yeah, it is big, it weighs a lot

Anonymous No. 16251427

how does backstabbing on welding work

Anonymous No. 16251428

i have no problem with nostalgia for good things.

oh yeah, office bullshit ugh. i started driving truck to get away from all that shit.

Anonymous No. 16251429

that is exactly how they feel, most thirdy's anger at white people at this point is frustration that they will NEVER be able to do what white people do without white people assisting them.

Anonymous No. 16251432

You dont understand the feeling unless you're right next to it. Tim got next to it. The awesomeness cant just be swept aside like we can from infront of our screens thousands of miles away where we can focus on other things. When you're at the spot, there's no avoiding it, its right there.

Anonymous No. 16251433

have there been anymore blow outs of the concrete or anything since that first flight? that was pretty bad

Anonymous No. 16251434

Exactly the same way it work in an office setting. You laugh at the boss mans jokes and suck his dick no matter how incompetent he is, or you get relegated to the hardest jobs nobody wants where you will ruin your body.

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Anonymous No. 16251435

>Tim: Tomorrow after this thing launches, do you want to do a run down how it went?
>depends on how it went
>Tim: Lets say it makes it through re-entry, both of them.
>Tim: We better shake on that huh
>Tim: How are you feeling about the launch?
>I think the odds are on our side but there is still some chance to rocket blows up on launch
>this is the best launch site and the best rocket we have ever made so it has the highest odds of success
>the cylinders are pretty straight, the early ones had like a michelin man situation going on
>Tim: Especially mark 1
>lets just say lighting was important
>you need like romantic lighting for MK1

Anonymous No. 16251436

>moonrunes clogging up the screen

Anonymous No. 16251437

i get it. ive only been next to a saturn V laid on its side and that was massive. same feeling when you stand next to the VAB and the crawler. scale is BIG

Anonymous No. 16251438

pay up piggy

Anonymous No. 16251441

also i meant 60 years from now* had a brainfart.

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Anonymous No. 16251442

estro's trying to throw his paunch out now to mimic elon's power pose but he's still getting completely chestmogged

Anonymous No. 16251443


Anonymous No. 16251446

Nothing like that, just some surface corrosion to the steel I think

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Anonymous No. 16251448

>Tim: that [the launch] was insane

Anonymous No. 16251449

>"If he says 'insane' one more time I'm going to look for a hole to throw him in we can fill with concrete"

Anonymous No. 16251450

>Ching chong bing bing bing I eat dog and cannot see

Anonymous No. 16251451

yeah i'll tolerate a bit of basedfacing, i literally basedfaced myself multiple times watching IFT-4. it's just after a while his repetition of "that's insane" really makes me want to give him a slap on the back of his head, even if i'd probably be doing the same standing next to the modern testament of the white man's will to explore.

Anonymous No. 16251452

This is the first part, we're talking about the second.

Anonymous No. 16251455

elon musk is like a stealth fighter, all of his components are hidden inside the main body, he can sneak up on you surprisingly easy dispite his bulgy exterior.

Anonymous No. 16251456

yeah figured np

its progress!

Anonymous No. 16251457

At least it's not a jap bootleg with a vtuber giving live reactions in the corner

Anonymous No. 16251460

/k/ has failed me. Why haven't I ever seen this atomcore kino before?

Anonymous No. 16251468

Post-WW2 was crazy.

Anonymous No. 16251469

Wow, that's insane

Anonymous No. 16251470

elon on his posture:
>you want to maintain a 65-70 degree angle of attack at all times, through transonic, subsonic. footward mass is counterproductive, torsoward mass is helpful.

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Anonymous No. 16251471

>it was awesome, the best outcome today
>Tim: When the gridfins burned through, you had to think one of those had to rip off
>you can see the heating from the internal cameras
>one of the biggest lessons today is the incredible resilience of a high temp stainless steel alloy
>you want to be careful about jumping to conclusions
>we are a bit hesitant to reach conclusions before we fully analyze the data because sometimes your first guess is wrong
>we obviously need to make the flap hinge area much more robust
>we will really go crazy hardcore on that and hopefully I don't eat my words but that won't be the reason the next flight doesn't make it back fully intact
>we are just going to spend a bunch of mass
>there are things you can do to increase the tile precision, decrease the gap, improve the gap filler, thicken the tiles
>if any gap is not perfect crack the tile, pull it off, its a kind of pain in the ass
>its not like we thought there was something obviously wrong with the hinge, we would have done it
>but like I said we will just go to town, probably thicker tiles, thinner gaps, better gap filler, tightening the tolerances, there is a whole bunch of things we can do

Anonymous No. 16251472

Thanks, Dim Todd.

Anonymous No. 16251474

yeah they really seem to have let their imaginations loose and had the confidence to do it. Von Braun was really very sure of getting a rotating space station built and going to mars.

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Anonymous No. 16251477

rare post ww2 helicopter. They were much more reliable than today's helicopters, but less fuel efficient, noisier, and more visible at night.

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Anonymous No. 16251478

Here's the actual engine

Anonymous No. 16251480

musk btfo this general yet again by stating that there WILL be a flame trench in the new pad design. /sfg/ is so retarded lol. worse than pol.

Anonymous No. 16251483

Kek, DKiS was moaning about that tweet

Anonymous No. 16251484

Feel free to go back to the first test flight thread(s) where I said a flame trench would be likely, retard.

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Anonymous No. 16251485

rare pic I had to scour the web to find it.

Anonymous No. 16251487

Now that Starship has a flametrench and tiles, which other Space Shuttle attributes will it inherit next?

Anonymous No. 16251488

Space shuttle was a payload, not a rocket.

Anonymous No. 16251489


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Anonymous No. 16251490

>I mentioned yesterday we have an improved starship design coming down the pike, not immediately
>its something I have actually been harping on, guys we have to do this for a while, we have to move the forward flaps leeward, not at 180 degrees, it will look a bit asymmetric with the rear flaps
>the rear flaps are where they should be at 180 degrees
>its a whole redesign of the whole front section
>its not like the team disagreed with me about this, they did agree but they were like is it really the priority because you have to redesign all of the support structure, the actuator mounts, its a huge redesign
>there will be a number of improvements we will do, the header tanks, the whole front section, its like the front section v2, much better, more reliable, more payload, easier to manufacture
>Tim: Did the aft flaps have similar burn through?
>no, the right forward flap was the one that had
>you know because there are tolerance variations
>there is a little bit of stochastic luck ,russian roulette, which was the unlucky tile
>this is speculative, we had probably the gaps on the tiles were a little wider on the right side than the left side, the right front flap by far had the biggest issues
>we can see this in terms of when the vehicle is trying to control itself, how much deployment does each flap have
>the other three flaps had more or less normal deployment, the broken flap had to stick its skeleton hand really far out to have an effect

Anonymous No. 16251493

A Russian breeder reactor, the BN-600, reported 27 sodium leaks in a 17-year period, 14 of which led to sodium fires.

Anonymous No. 16251500

oh no the russians half-assed the design of a viable reactor concept yet again, better cancel all of our reactors which not only take their issues into account but actually make them impossible to replicate for decades

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Anonymous No. 16251501

another obscure engine type

Anonymous No. 16251506

it was a payload and a rocket

Anonymous No. 16251511

wow that's insane.

Anonymous No. 16251513

it was big. really big, you know?

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Anonymous No. 16251514

>the skeleton flap was moving a lot at the end. going full deployment, especially at subsonic but it improved admirably for its insane level of destruction
>Tim: I couldn't believe it could move
>me too, I was like holy shit it could still move
>but the actuator was working and the actuator linkages did not burn away, the hinges were still working
>Tim: Thats insane
>it was able to maintain aero stability subsonically, but because the ragged flap it could not steer itself to the right position, it was about six kilometers off position
>but it was able to maintain stability all the way to the ground
>Tim: The booster did phenomenally well, was that able to go to the target?
>the booster was almost perfect, obviously there was one engine that didn't light, it didn't explode but we thought we should not turn off
>it was aborted during the start sequence due to concern, but 32 engines is fine
>its resilient to multiple engines being lost, each engine loss is only 2%
>Tim: The booster lost an engine on landing but was able to land
>it was literally bobbing in the water and the it tips over
>when it tips over it smacks over it does that pretty hard because its falling from 70m
>Tim: You mentioned on X that you might want to try booster catch?
>yeah, we will talk it over the team if there is any lingering concerns
>Tim: You don't think you need to have tower 2 ready?
>not necessarily, because we have replacement parts for the arms, and they are actually a better set of arms we could put there, those are an old design
>I mentioned that those arms are actually too long, the moment of inertia is too high, you want shorter arms that move faster

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Anonymous No. 16251524

>its rare for me to drop an imperial decree, once in a while but its pretty rare
>usually we talk it over with the team and see what the general consensus is and move in that direction
>we haven't decided if we are going to do a raptor relight next flight
>the three steering engines relit even after all that drama coming through crazy heating
>of the two tiles we took off we actually put some backup ablative there one was two layers of ablative, one was one layer of ablative
>the two layer ablative did not burn through, the one layer ablative did burn through but I don't know if it burned through the steel
>but that just says if you have two layers of ablative it does not burn through
>depending on how many changes we make, I think from a SpaceX standpoint we are ready within 30 days
>if there are bigger changes no later than 60 days, probably closer than 30
>we did have a valve on a ground tank that needed to be tweaked but the vehicle itself had no issues

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Anonymous No. 16251525

>Tim: Thats insane
>occupy mars man

Anonymous No. 16251528

And that's a wrap folks!

Anonymous No. 16251530

Both are cancer

Anonymous No. 16251541

Tim got to shake Elon's hand? I got to shake Sam Hyde's hand, I wonder if it feels the same way

Anonymous No. 16251546

small stones of a particularly intelligent variety

Anonymous No. 16251547

I wonder if that's Elon's way so saying goodbye to the autistic nerd.

Anonymous No. 16251548


Anonymous No. 16251551

iPeed and farted and shidded and camed

Anonymous No. 16251555

thank you random chink that leaked the video early now i dont have to wait until tomorrow to watch it.

Anonymous No. 16251557

/sfg/, or how i learned to stop worrying and love industrial espionage

Anonymous No. 16251561

Anybody on here have the CAD file for the new heatshield design? I saw it was posted awhile back but I missed it

Anonymous No. 16251563

but spacex is the target of industrial espoinage

Anonymous No. 16251566

industrial espionage is when you leak some faggots youtube video a day early

Anonymous No. 16251569

the countless chinese spacex knockoffs are now all armed with the knowledge that they need to make their rockets big AND tall

Anonymous No. 16251573

that's insane

Anonymous No. 16251580

>chairman, watch youtube catamite speak to eron musk, he say make rocket insane and crazy!

Anonymous No. 16251581

The future was chrome and shiny bros.. what happened?

Anonymous No. 16251583

It's chrome and shiny again.

Anonymous No. 16251585

woah that's crazy dude, like most people don't even realize like man...yeah.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16251588

it begins

>news is circulating that russia has attacked american military forces involved in the recent attacks on crimea

Anonymous No. 16251590

nothing ever begins

Anonymous No. 16251593

It's fucking nothing. Russian "milbloggers" mistook a spy drone in international waters turning off its transponder on the way back as "shot down".

Anonymous No. 16251594

Just learned about the AJ260. Are the test fires responsible for leap years? Jesus.

Anonymous No. 16251596

Not spaceflight back to >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16251604

stop being ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 16251608

>stop making jokes
Sue me. Submarine hulls being used as solid rocket motors is metal af, but they only ever tested it IN the ground.

Anonymous No. 16251610

>don't show to /sfg/ bloody bastard, elon help

Anonymous No. 16251612

stage time

Anonymous No. 16251615

t minus 4 minutes until mine is ready but someone else is probably gonna get the jump

Anonymous No. 16251616

give me ~250 seconds. also taking edition suggestions

Anonymous No. 16251617

yeah, the past is the new now and its bright

Anonymous No. 16251618


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Anonymous No. 16251619

Marooned Edition

Anonymous No. 16251620

THAT'S CRAZY edition.

Anonymous No. 16251623

i'm gonna be first anon, don't worry i got this

Anonymous No. 16251625

Hey look, my soon has been reached.

I vote in favor of this.

Anonymous No. 16251626

i'm at 140 seconds

Anonymous No. 16251628

85 seconds

Anonymous No. 16251629


Anonymous No. 16251630

>he doesn't scam crypto from boomers with fake spacex livestreams and use it to pay for 4chins pass

Anonymous No. 16251631


Anonymous No. 16251642

man thats crazy

Anonymous No. 16251660


Anonymous No. 16251662


Anonymous No. 16251912

You have a gift for understatement, anon.