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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16251627

that's insane edition

previous >>16244898

Anonymous No. 16251633


Anonymous No. 16251635
GOES-U Prelaunch News Conference

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Anonymous No. 16251637

Damn I would've used the same image and the same OP anyway. We almost made the same thread

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space war sdi cou....jpg

Anonymous No. 16251639

womp womp

Anonymous No. 16251640


Anonymous No. 16251641

your image has a weird stain in the middle of it though

Anonymous No. 16251643

>video shows elon chilling for a moment, staring in awe of his creation
>tim walks into the frame, stands next to elon, stares up agape and says "that's insaaaane"

Anonymous No. 16251645

Yeah someone needs to photoshop Elon out of it and just leave Tim Dodd.

Anonymous No. 16251646


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Anonymous No. 16251648

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sprint missile.jpg

Anonymous No. 16251649

>unbrilliants your pebbles

Anonymous No. 16251650

can someone link the it's not that easy in rocketry youtube video.

Anonymous No. 16251652

now i'm imagining a video edit that removes all of elon's dialogue other than the occasional "yeah" and it's just estronaut spazzing out for 40 minutes

Anonymous No. 16251653

Sprint is a terminal phase interceptor, how does that counter a swarm of orbital boost phase interceptors?

Anonymous No. 16251655

remove elon completely so it's just an hour of an autist trespassing on spacex property rambling to himself

Anonymous No. 16251656


Anonymous No. 16251657

I'm imagining an edit where it's just Tim Dodd saying that's insane etc.

Anonymous No. 16251658

a supercut of "thats insane" would be funny

Anonymous No. 16251659

I don't even know how to edit videos, but I'm going to do it after my finals.

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Anonymous No. 16251663
>Teams completed the launch readiness review, and we are targeting Tuesday, June 25 for Falcon Heavy’s launch of NASA's GOES-U mission from pad 39A in Florida. Teams are keeping an eye on weather, which is 30% favorable for liftoff

Florida is just not having the best time of it

Anonymous No. 16251664

he recycled a few adjectives, but yes it would be great to have a supercut of both parts of estronaut basedjaking

Anonymous No. 16251665

yeah hahahaha that's crazy yeah most peop-people don't even like know that its so insane man. *forced laugh*

Anonymous No. 16251666

the easiest way to edit videos is to give a list of timestamps to chatgpt and ask it to translate that into an ffmpeg invocation.

Anonymous No. 16251668

please include the forced laughs too

Anonymous No. 16251669

>It's 20 fucking 24 and satellites are still wrapped in mylar like a potato chip
When will this stop?

Anonymous No. 16251672

No need for gpt, I got the yt-dlp to work some time ago.

Anonymous No. 16251674

if it's good for potato chips it must be good for microchips

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Anonymous No. 16251675

whoa, look at that OP!
that's crazy, hahaha

Anonymous No. 16251677

Got a better even more lightweight. not to mention cheap material for reflecting heat?

Anonymous No. 16251678

What's wrong with mylar? It's a cheap insulator.

Anonymous No. 16251681

That's crazy

Anonymous No. 16251684

we need metamaterial shielding to redirect photons around the satellite. michio kalu has the patents

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Anonymous No. 16251685


Anonymous No. 16251686

So see yiu guys in 2 years for the next factory "tour"

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Anonymous No. 16251688


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Anonymous No. 16251690


Anonymous No. 16251693

That. Is. Insane.
i mean cmon i can’t believe that this is even you know REAL ahahahaheh……..
Thats crazy th-thats insane man like wow you know what i mean?

Anonymous No. 16251694

bro that face lmao

Anonymous No. 16251695


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Anonymous No. 16251696

They shook hands. This mean no more tours.

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Anonymous No. 16251697

>Florida is just not having the best time of it
We are officially in the rain every afternoon and evening part of the year with some bonus tropical rain storms to boot.
Picrel is the rain we got a few weeks ago

Anonymous No. 16251704

florida has coconut trees as does the Arab peninsual

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Anonymous No. 16251705
>With the success of RLV LEX-03 today, ISRO is a step closer to the ultimate RLV Orbital Re-entry Experiment in the next couple of years, where a orbit capable RLV spaceplane with a functional cargo bay will be launched onboard a modified GSLV Mk2 rocket.

It's enough to make me want to launch from an inland desert and just drop shit on downrange villagers

Anonymous No. 16251706

I mean it’s just unbelievable you guys are LITERALLY catching the booster like thats insane you know its hard to even….you know fathom that this is REAL like most people don’t even know…..*tongue click* insane….

Anonymous No. 16251709

Coconuts are an invasive weed that can survive in a wide array of tropical climates. Not native to the western hemisphere btw

Anonymous No. 16251710

SpaceX need to develop their all-weather capabilities. This is a huge embarrassment.

Anonymous No. 16251711

Like i don’t even ugh… amazing

Anonymous No. 16251716

As Wernher von Braun once said, "Coconuts belong wherever they want to go."

Anonymous No. 16251717

Coconuts are not a weed, they are a woody not a herbacious plant.

Anonymous No. 16251718

They are a very successful species that has conquered the world's tropical beaches in part thanks to humans.

Anonymous No. 16251722

White people will be the coconuts of the human race, we will go where nobody else dares to.

Like that’s insane man *hahaha*

Anonymous No. 16251723

A weed is any unwanted plants. However coconuts are always welcome, so they cannot be weeds.

Anonymous No. 16251729

And as he also famously said, "You put zee lime in zee coconusse und trink it all togetzer"

Anonymous No. 16251734


also i’m quite glad /sfg/ has found a new funny gag to cling to, the lipniggers were getting stale, they are definitively not insane woah thats crazy man.

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Anonymous No. 16251735


Anonymous No. 16251739

>dude what about a thermal camera inside the rocket, and a firehose that sprays cryogenic propellant at a hot spot?
>Elon just walks away

Anonymous No. 16251741

thats insane

Anonymous No. 16251743

The last thing you see before you die

Anonymous No. 16251744

>mfw the starkink sat uploads the location of the nearest flange directly to my buttplug. (I hate flanges)

Anonymous No. 16251746

somebody please explain why this wouldn't work, because it seems smart to me

Anonymous No. 16251747

>When one of the Mexican laborers asks to go on a break after working 14 hours straight

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Anonymous No. 16251748
Spacewalk canceled after dangerous water leak started spraying ice out of the suit
Scroll back just under 10 hours from the current timestamp

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Anonymous No. 16251750

>It's enough to make me want to launch from an inland desert and just drop shit on downrange villagers
It's so fucking annoying.
>sunny and hot all day while I'm in the fucking office
>clouds rolling in on drive home
>bottom drops out and I sit at home instead of doing fun outdoor activities

Anonymous No. 16251751

it would be better to have a second skin and between it and the inner skin to flow the liquid propellant before feeding this warmed fuel into a holding tank ready for the landing. in this way the heat can be transferred to the engine where its obviously more useful.

Anonymous No. 16251752

Old shit breaks and there's a long way to a proper workshop for repairs.

Anonymous No. 16251753

micrometeor damage? or did one of the astronauts go drill-crazy again?

Anonymous No. 16251754

the hot spots that matter have cryogenic propellant behind them already

Anonymous No. 16251755

Please, this isn't /pol/. We know how fucking shit Russian engineering is and how clumsy their "fixes" are here.

Anonymous No. 16251756

All the propellant is smashed up against the heatshield side already due to G forces during reentry

Anonymous No. 16251757

it's becoming obvious at this point that starliner is haunted

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Anonymous No. 16251762

Anonymous No. 16251764

Link the part 2 of the tour pls

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Anonymous No. 16251765

From the way the hole was, we can tell the hole was drilled after the part was painted, the drill bit skated around on the part before it found purchase, and there was no evident remnant or residue of any patching compound that might have been applied before launch and then failed once in space.

highly likely the hole was drilled in space.

Anonymous No. 16251766


Anonymous No. 16251771

is this the new axiom?

Anonymous No. 16251774

It's a completely different company. Starlab is Nanoracks + Airbus.

Anonymous No. 16251777

oh i remember them now, the inflatable

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Zubrin face a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16251778

Reminder that an astronaut died there on June 13th and the cover up continues

Anonymous No. 16251779

I wouldn't call it the "new" Axiom SS but it is another commercial space station.
Kind of surprised no one is buying the ISS. Feel like that every country could use the cash infusion right now.

Anonymous No. 16251782

>he doesn't know

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Anonymous No. 16251785

Not anymore.
It's a solid block now.

Anonymous No. 16251787

>June 13th
Okay, fill me on the schizo theory. Thought we saw Tracy Dyson make it back in.

Anonymous No. 16251788

Imagine if this was a gateway style station around Mars, 8 minute comms delay with earth, a huge leak or electrical fire or a space suit EVA emergency. No mission control. You and your crewmates need to know how to do everything

Anonymous No. 16251789


Anonymous No. 16251794

>Great conversation with Gwynne Shotwel at aspenideas on NASA's partnership with SpaceX and our commercial partners to advance America's leadership in space and lift humanity into the cosmos.

Is it just me or Elon "convinced" his employees to start using twitter? Suddenly a lot of them start posting there.

Anonymous No. 16251796

>open up the chinese leak
>skip ahead
>first thing i hear "that was insane"

Anonymous No. 16251798

thats what you do with your subjects
also its xxx now

Anonymous No. 16251799


Anonymous No. 16251800

doubt nasa will be doing many pointless publicity stunt spacewalks around mars tbf

Anonymous No. 16251801

twix (right)

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Marshall McLuhan ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16251803

>schizo theory
Not spoonfeeding a well poisoning redditor

Anonymous No. 16251804


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Anonymous No. 16251806

>Spacewalk canceled after dangerous water leak started spraying ice out of the suit

>He was almost discovered

Anonymous No. 16251811

If I'm not incorrect, then you need to have some sort of really good explanation to explain why we DID NOT see Tracy successfully make it to the airlock where she would've been more or less safe, especially since repressurization would've begun immediately, and would've only taken an upper maximum of 10 minutes.
Usually, this borders on schizo-levels of dedication to the convoluted explanation. Forgive me for calling it a schizo theory.

Anonymous No. 16251812

Don't you think that Russia would use it to emberass the US? They have lots of reason to do that but chose not to.

Anonymous No. 16251819

They blamed America, and then regretted it and walked it back big time with equal haste

Anonymous No. 16251821

The supporters who believe in their leaders follow the footsteps of their leaders. There are also 12K+ spacex employees not all of them have social media accounts, some do, some dont.

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Anonymous No. 16251822

I think the theory is that the medical emergency training sim wasn't actually a sim and the crew lineup for the following spacewalk changed because the one guy we were expecting to go out didn't because he's in the corpse wiggler.

Anonymous No. 16251824

Where's the video?

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lifeforce vampire....jpg

Anonymous No. 16251825

>mutts still carrying water for their loony dykes sabotage

Anonymous No. 16251826

Wasn't it Rogozin who blamed America? Those accusations were quickly retracted by the higher ups.

Anonymous No. 16251829

Seething Beck

Anonymous No. 16251830

That would've been June 12th then(I'm reading through an archive and they mention that as yesterday.) As far as I can tell(which was very limited because I did ONE google search and looked at it for 38 seconds,) the 13th was the space walk where they had the leak.

Anonymous No. 16251832

ift-5 will be the most critical spacex launch in their entire history, tied only with falcon 1 flight 4.

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Anonymous No. 16251833

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ap rocket cards.webm

Anonymous No. 16251834

Anonymous No. 16251837

Russian techs installed a gyro upside down, causing the notorious inverted rocket incident. They've been declining in quality for years, mostly due to low wages. We'll likely never know but I'd bet on russian technicians drilling a hole and then not bothering to report it.

Anonymous No. 16251838

Anyone have another link? This one just seems to reload constantly

Anonymous No. 16251842

Okay, I retract my previous statements. I read a bit more into this. June 13th was the originally intended date.
I feel like they wouldn't cover up Dominick's death though, not without a VERY good reason.
A shame that none of the cameras point inside of the station. Imagine being able to see from within the observation station.

Anonymous No. 16251845

On a scale of Apollo 1 to Challenger at what stage of the flight back to earth will the wicked witch melt?

Anonymous No. 16251846

it was more than just rogozin who spread it and the higher-ups who rebuked it never really made any statements of fact one way or the other
>But deputy prime minister Yury Borisov rejected Kommersant's report, saying that "it is absolutely unacceptable to cast a shadow either on our cosmonauts or on American astronauts," RIA Novosti state news agency reported.
>He also stressed the ISS was "a unified group where there are no political disagreements."
you've had lots of denials from the american side but never any full explanations or any rationale for why we're so confident it had to have been drilled on the ground. no investigation reports made public. i can't make any claims to know what happened but it sure looks like there was something funny going on.

Anonymous No. 16251848

Ill go with challenger on this one

Anonymous No. 16251853


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Anonymous No. 16251860

>I feel like they wouldn't cover up Dominick's death
There are people who think NASA faked the deaths of the Challenger crew. It doesn't have to make sense.

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Anonymous No. 16251861

Challenger (the Apollo 17 LM (it will crash into the moon))

Anonymous No. 16251886

True, thunderchad will rejoyce when it explodes and SpaceX goes bankrupt.

Anonymous No. 16251889

Slightly past challenger, and we'll get audio recordings just like the russian ones of the astronauts realizing they're dying and cursing Boeing

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Anonymous No. 16251902

Kek, I've asked that on here a couple of times as a shitpost, did he really ask Elon about this?

Anonymous No. 16251903

ISS is an old junker, no one wants it

Anonymous No. 16251905

That already happened when IFT-4 successfully completed all its goals

Anonymous No. 16251906

>Wicked Witch
Splashdown, obviously

Anonymous No. 16251909

It's diplomacy.
Making it public and airing out the laundry would be very embarrassing for whomever is at fault, and for projects like the ISS where international cooperation is the aim, you can't really expose your partner as incompetent without threatening the cooperation itself. Thus the awkward situation and the mutual cover up.

Whatever happened, Rogozin obviously violated that principle, probably because he didn't care much for the ISS since it's so expensive, and became even more expensive after dragon, since NASA stopped paying for flights at exorbitant fees (I remember him making public comments on this). His superiors obviously disagreed with him, thus their more conciliatory language.

Anonymous No. 16251911

Yes it's accurate word for word. Quite early in the first video, while they're still at the starting location. Tim first asks about active cooling eg transpiration then comes up with his brilliant idea.

Anonymous No. 16251913

If I understand it correctly, Elon said that footage from internal cameras has shown the red-hot steel.

Anonymous No. 16251914

we all know thunderchad secretly want's Elon to succeed,
however he still needs to pay the bills and rent and Jeff Bezos has offered to pay him weekly to make SpaceX hit pieces.

Anonymous No. 16251916

sometimes reproducing a successful result is harder than getting the first success to begin with

Anonymous No. 16251919

"Russia did it on purpose to frame America" is a very different narrative from "the hole was merely an accident on the ground"

Anonymous No. 16251922

if the booster doesn't ballistic trajectory the tower and OLM into a new crater, and the tower catch is successful on fifth flight, it will completely upend the heavy and superheavy lift market without launching a single payload to orbit. That's a big IF of course, but the potential energy of success is, to quote Dim Todd: "that's insane!"

Anonymous No. 16251923

I meant that if American astronaut did it, Russians could reveal war. They're in a proxy war with US, why would they care about being diplomatic?

Anonymous No. 16251925

watch a safety window literally pop out and fall off of the #Boeing #Starliner capsule on its way to the pad. what a joke.

Anonymous No. 16251926

>the astronauts realizing they're dying and cursing Boeing
>The last words of the wicked witch of the west


Anonymous No. 16251927


Anonymous No. 16251929

1) Fanboys are obsessive and uncritical fans who idolize individuals, creating an idealized image of them.
2) Haters are also obsessive and uncritical, but they reject and criticize famous individuals, often considering them to be frauds.
3) Haters are essentially fanboys with a negative disposition
4) The fame of the individual fuels both fanboys and haters, who are energized by their reactions to the famous person.
5) People who are objects of devotions like this can best deal with the situation by not engaging or overthinking their actions.

-PaulG's Fanboy/Haters

Anonymous No. 16251930

Goes to show that space is actually easy if this flying turd can shamble its way to an ISS docking

Anonymous No. 16251931

very insane indeed as tim would say if the catch is a success
I can imagine overnight elon would win over all the left wing anti space commies

Anonymous No. 16251933

bros they really are gonna die...

Anonymous No. 16251936

Nah, they'd freak out because it'd lead towards the Shadowrun timeline or some shit.

Is that a test article, the uncrewed test or the crewed test vehicle..?

Anonymous No. 16251937

>I'll get you for this Boeing!
>You and ULA too

Anonymous No. 16251940

Is the tower catch for IFT5 actually confirmed? He said IFT4 would have it too but obviously that didn't happen

Anonymous No. 16251943

nothing's ever confirmed until launch day but he's said they're still trying it it a few times since

Anonymous No. 16251947

It was less about the ISS being expensive and more about Rogozin wanting to get his old job back. He was originally the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the defense and space industries, which meant that he was the boss of the the previous head of Roscosmos, Igor Komarov. Being vocally anti-western on social media framed him as very patriotic supporter of President Putin. This sort of brown nosing might have won him a favor or two if it hadn't been for the fact that he he broke the cardinal rule of government work in Russia: don't make your boss look bad. Under Rogozin's leadership corruption got bad enough that there were actually trials and convictions over it while Russia's space capabilities slid in a way that was visible to and frequently commented on by foreign observers, so he got demoted again to being senator of Zaporozhye Oblast where he could collect a much deserved ass full of shrapnel.

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Anonymous No. 16251952
>Unboxing rocket style…. We have now received all of the BE4s needed for all of Vulcan’s 2024 manifest.

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Anonymous No. 16251953

>icechads vindicated
>flame trench confirmed
lol, and dare I say, lmao

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Anonymous No. 16251959

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Anonymous No. 16251960

jesus christ that is embarrassing compared to the raptor

Anonymous No. 16251961

i'm pretty sure vulcan's 2024 manifest is 2 more launches - dreamchaser and USSF-106.

Anonymous No. 16251962

After seeing SpaceX's raptors and their optimizations. Jesus, the BE4 looks like a messy/amateur job.

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Anonymous No. 16251963

Who gave Boeing employees the power to 'add context' to posts on X?

Anonymous No. 16251965

>they can't leave on it yet
So, in other words…they're stranded

Anonymous No. 16251966

>if American astronaut did it
there's no way a menopausal hispanic lesbian did it, they are the most rational human beings in existence

Anonymous No. 16251967

>He said IFT4 would have it too
I think he said it was probable, but eventually he said it'd just be simulated for now.
It's practically confirmed now, since they're reportedly pretty happy with the last test.

Anonymous No. 16251971


Anonymous No. 16251972

>safety window
probably not an important part

Anonymous No. 16251975

>lovecraftian mess of plumbing
absolutely shameful display for 25 years of development.

Anonymous No. 16251979

and all those who denied it will be seething about 18m variant now until it gets flat out confirmed. (starship v4 will be 18m diameter because Elon said he wanted to do that diameter, and according to him the vehicle can't be stretched further than v3, but still they will Seethe despite the obvious evidence)

Anonymous No. 16251980

100% bad cable management

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Anonymous No. 16251982

>18m variant
aka the boca chungus

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Anonymous No. 16251983

>They can undock any time they want
>but they can never leave...

Anonymous No. 16251985

estrogen is such a funny guy...

Anonymous No. 16251986

no way this fat cunt will built on Earth
maybe it could be built on the Moon as a strictly Lunar Surface to Lunar Orbit vehicle

Anonymous No. 16251987

i refuse to believe it's all that big unless estronaut verbally confirms it for me 500 times in a row

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Anonymous No. 16251988

yes this kind of consturct looks like the world i want to live in no patterns monolithic but iwht metals, much nature, you can have some of my money if you want to build it.

Anonymous No. 16251989

>Corpse wiggler
Iirc the canadarm is pretty delicate and would probably shatter itself to pieces before a frozen corpse.
>has handled frozen corpses

Anonymous No. 16251990

Fuck off troon

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Anonymous No. 16251991

why not? You don't seem to be familiar with some of the fuck huge concepts that were all designed to launch from the ground. Starship in no way maxes out physical limits

Anonymous No. 16251992

high quality post
thanks anon

Anonymous No. 16251993

you could make an 18m variant but really short and with the same amount of propellant and engines as 9m. it would be lighter weight and would be able to launch in hurricanes and land on 40 degree inclines on other worlds

Anonymous No. 16251994

Back to plebbit you fucking nigger

Anonymous No. 16251996


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Anonymous No. 16251997

towns are english or like this tech is like this, and their exists maximal 14 towns. tzhe rest is wood. trhats the best way things can look.

Anonymous No. 16251998

It'll probably be Columbia 2

Anonymous No. 16252000

what is this even do you hate you live so much taht you want to fly 25km into space to escape?

Anonymous No. 16252002

the techo for ion propulsion, who form shockcrystall exists this is 1-2 solar systems more distance.

Anonymous No. 16252003

Black people and indians

Anonymous No. 16252004

gates exist tooo, the theoretical tech at least.

Anonymous No. 16252005

At that point just make it a dedicated cargo variant to haul from Earth to LEO or to tug back asteroids for processing. Might as well make NTP-spinships with that much cargo space

Anonymous No. 16252006

>when you're going to throw the engines into the ocean, you don't have to optimize the design nor for mass
>so the engine is spaghetti spilling out of pockets levels of messy

Anonymous No. 16252007

mathematical gates exists to the theoretical tech at least, you dont need to explode in space to end your selfs.

Anonymous No. 16252008


Anonymous No. 16252009

osscillation ais exists to at least in theory.

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Anonymous No. 16252010

still zero official plans for starship/HLS with human habitation or is that all currently classified?

Anonymous No. 16252011

if you want to visite the moon do it but i know how to stargate.

Anonymous No. 16252013

or global teleporters.

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Anonymous No. 16252015

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Anonymous No. 16252016
>The Firefly team is gearing up for another responsive space demonstration for Alpha FLTA005 Noise of Summer, launching NET June 26. Many of our final launch operations kick off less than 24 hours of the scheduled liftoff. We’ll share a recap of the operations during our livestream with NASASpaceflight. More on the mission here:

Anonymous No. 16252018

stop spamming the general, schizo

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Anonymous No. 16252020

*heems you*

Anonymous No. 16252022

what type of bot did I trigger this time?

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Anonymous No. 16252026


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Anonymous No. 16252027

Rami Malek stare.

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what did he mean ....png

Anonymous No. 16252028


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Anonymous No. 16252031

>Elon wouldn't it be a cool idea to make an expendable starship but it can carry 300T to LEO haha

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Anonymous No. 16252034


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Anonymous No. 16252037


Anonymous No. 16252040

such an effortlessly kino complexion

Anonymous No. 16252042

I keep forgetting these guys exist, much less have a functional launch vehicle

Anonymous No. 16252044

sometimes you can really tell he's nobility

Anonymous No. 16252045

Elon was doing some great emoting in this interview

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Anonymous No. 16252048

They don't just still exist, they're actually expanding. I'm not sure why they feel the need for a second east coast launch complex. It might be a sign they're planning on abandoning their claim for SLC-20 in favor of consolidating onto Northrop's preexisting facilities in Virginia.

Anonymous No. 16252052

So I get why they don't kaunch in bad weather historically but the launch cadence is getting high enough where it's becoming a detriment. How major of an impact is bad weather? How bad does the weather actually need to be to actually cause serious problems? If x% of rockets get destroyed in bad weather have we reached a total launch capacity in good weather to justify it?

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Anonymous No. 16252061

I feel like this was a shot across the bow
you can tell ula is afraid

Anonymous No. 16252062

but most raptors on a starship stack don't have TVC

Anonymous No. 16252065

Lol he's coping

Anonymous No. 16252066
Based or cringe

Anonymous No. 16252067

of course he is it's his full time career

Anonymous No. 16252068

Wtf I never realized comet HLLV was 250T to LEO holy shit

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Anonymous No. 16252071


Anonymous No. 16252072

that's insane

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Anonymous No. 16252073

direct ascent return capsules are a huge waste of propellant and the whole thing would've been so expensive that it makes ISS look like a drop in the bucket

Anonymous No. 16252074


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Anonymous No. 16252078

>other engines that are further into production
Here's a picture of a new RS-25E that was constructed 50 years into that design's production run

Anonymous No. 16252085

What a fucking mess

Anonymous No. 16252087

The best part is no part (hypergolic engine superiority)

Anonymous No. 16252088

That's how you would get a moonbase reactor into orbit Kerbal style

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Anonymous No. 16252089

The RS-25E is supposed to be significantly cheaper and easier to produce than previous blocks. I remain unconvinced, but the the RS-25D isn't exactly a high bar to have to clear in that department.

Anonymous No. 16252090

>not employing conksat's patented PREMIX™ liquid rocket propellant blend to do away with plumbing entirely

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Anonymous No. 16252093

It's so much simpler! And with the improved density you could fit over three thousand tons of hypergolic propellant into a shuttle external tank while shaving off over two tons of dangerous and unnecessary foam insulation.

Anonymous No. 16252094

I think the “reduced cost” is still some absurd number on the order of like $140 million/engine

Anonymous No. 16252095

How many times can they be reused?

Anonymous No. 16252096

can, or will?

Anonymous No. 16252098


Anonymous No. 16252099

The comparison I kept seeing was that each engine cost about as much as an expended Falcon Heavy

It's not about building reusable engines; it's about building a reusable rocket factory. Please understand that this is very hard

Anonymous No. 16252101

yeah but if you get a leak between the tanks then your entire rocket explodes

Anonymous No. 16252111

laugh if you want but that is one seriously kino engine and it's a shame it never flew

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Anonymous No. 16252119

your response inflatable habitat enjoyers?

Anonymous No. 16252123

Repair it and drop on rock on e*rther scum like you.

Anonymous No. 16252126

he said in the starship update right after ift-3 that they were only planning a virtual tower catch for 4 and that if things went well, they would go for a real catch on 5

Anonymous No. 16252129

well they are doing work on the chopsticks rn and they also got an fcc license for a tower catch or water landing for flight 5.

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Anonymous No. 16252139


Anonymous No. 16252143
Have a fun time cringing. It's a 12:36 video basically breaking down every time Thunderf00t was an idiot on stream.

Anonymous No. 16252149

the temp difference in space between light and shadow is huge, I wonder if a small company like sierra space can engineer a literal space balloon in an environment like that without it exploding.

Anonymous No. 16252150

There's already an inflatable on the ISS and it hasn't popped yet

Anonymous No. 16252152

i hadn't picked up on how he didn't realize the ship had landed and THAT was why he was calling the spacex employees morons for celebrating

Anonymous No. 16252155

y'all see the most recent UFO cringe? lol

Anonymous No. 16252158

Yeah. It was honestly something else to witness his face drop upon unmuting and realizing that he hadn't witnessed what he thought it was.
Honestly might watch his IFT-5 stream if he makes one, because I wanna watch that happen in real time this time.

Anonymous No. 16252165

>might watch his IFT-5 stream if he makes one
he won't, you can tell all the A-list seethers are afraid to make videos addressing IFT-4 now. if IFT-5 blows up they might jump back in.

Anonymous No. 16252168

Given the post-stream seething that's mentioned in the video, I think he might actually be that delusional.
Otherwise though, I'll pal around with you guys. It'll be fun to watch it with someone else, especially now that my dad is going back to work and can't be around early in the morning to watch a launch with me.

Anonymous No. 16252171

I assume the idea is to let the water ice sublimate, leaving a freeze-dried corpsicle.

Anonymous No. 16252175

What makes you think that would be brittle? It would be tough like jerky.
You know, people can just go on the internet and tell lies.

Anonymous No. 16252178

I feel like they would be going through with their outlined plan here instead.

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Anonymous No. 16252192

>They're in a proxy war with US
they attempted to invade and annex their neighbor in imperial aggression and got smacked down for their arrogance losing said semi friendly neighbor for generations into a blood feud thanks to their their sheer savagery. As much as you /pol/rot morons try to seethe about it ukranians have their own agency and frankly westerners did everything they could to
>slow walk
>stay out of it
>we will never provide x
>red line
until it became too much of a fiasco to ignore what a fucking dangerous nuisance puccia is

thank god its in a terminal fade and, at best, will only survive as a chang orbiter in some reduced role. The northest of koreas. Doubt they get to keep siberia.

most of its space engineering achievements were done by ukranian brains anyway so hopefully they will pick up the pieces to continue one the more viable evolutionary paths. They will be looking to nook up anyway at first chance given what has happened and rocket solutions will have national level demand backing it up

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Anonymous No. 16252194

Anonymous No. 16252195


Anonymous No. 16252199

Just wanted to say that we lurkers appreciate the content

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Anonymous No. 16252204

Anonymous No. 16252207

The most rebbit meme I've ever seen go back right now

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Anonymous No. 16252208

Anonymous No. 16252209

do you actually think these are good? holy shit stop immediatly you are literally seething about people seething at musk how do you not see the irony. they are also low quality reddit garbage like >>16252207 said.

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Anonymous No. 16252211

>AI line drawings
At least use MS paint and make it funny if you're doing to do this

Anonymous No. 16252212

>when that blonde bimbo who interviewed me wants to have kids

Anonymous No. 16252216

going back and watching some old EDS videos and one goalpost movement i'm noticing is that a few years ago the line was that starship has no commercial applications because nobody needs 100t payloads in LEO. now the gripe is that starship will only ever be useful for its commercial application of putting 100 tons' worth of starlink sats into LEO.

Anonymous No. 16252218

>100 tons' worth of starlink sats into LEO.
That's not a real commercial use

Anonymous No. 16252220

if starlink isn't real commercial use then they're about to be making more money off of fake commercial use of the f9 than real commercial use so it's a distinction without a difference

Anonymous No. 16252227

Fuck off back to your shithole /k/ike

Anonymous No. 16252231

Based keeper of topical discussion

Anonymous No. 16252232

Oh mother fucker. I was gonna tolerate them for being at least some new OC, but they're not even that!

Anonymous No. 16252237

You were going to tolerate obvious reddit niggardry?

Anonymous No. 16252240

I would unironically take pictures of shit in toilets accompanied with a Sneasel picture over more fucking jaks at this point. I'm so starved of literally ANYTHING worthwhile to meme with.

Anonymous No. 16252242

it's for lunar EVA training

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Anonymous No. 16252247

Anonymous No. 16252249

Cloud cities are probably going to be the norm on Venus until the atmosphere can be sorted out.
Not that I mind, that sounds pretty fun actually.

Anonymous No. 16252251

Buddy, I'm just calling things what they are and I say that as a pro-NATO guy. There was no need to write an essay

Anonymous No. 16252255

Are you willing to swear on that? I can get you that exact OC.

Anonymous No. 16252259

I say that from experience. There was a shitposter on /vp/ that used to do that.
That said, I don't think the others here would appreciate you doing that, so how about we not take a shit right now, lad?

Anonymous No. 16252260

i'll hold it in until i can find some use in the thread for it then

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Anonymous No. 16252261

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Anonymous No. 16252265

>Chang’e-6 returned back to earth! Samples from far side of the moon to be retrieved.

Anonymous No. 16252266

These are hilarious, post more if you can

Anonymous No. 16252267

You can make yours here

Anonymous No. 16252268

Go fertilize the potatoes and fungi with the nightshade. We kinda need that at the moment.

Anonymous No. 16252269

wow, that's a lot of effort put into wojak memes

Anonymous No. 16252270

Don't thank me, thank Calude 3.5 Sonnet

Anonymous No. 16252271

Unfortunately, it's not. I am not a fan of 'jak memes, but if they were custom drawn...
However. >>16252211 Limited effort was necessary to mock a bunch of people.

Anonymous No. 16252272

You fucking retarded niggers he obviously samefagged and patted himself on the back for his AI deddit memes

Anonymous No. 16252274


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Anonymous No. 16252276

God damn, can no one really draw?

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Anonymous No. 16252280

No, and thats good because I hate artfags as they always attentionwhore on /sfg/ and/or are troons.

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Anonymous No. 16252282

Try drawing smuggies. They're fun and easy to draw

Anonymous No. 16252283

truly awful lmao

Anonymous No. 16252287


Not confident enough. After my /f/ post, I'll give it a shot.

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Anonymous No. 16252291

At the purely technical level it's pretty remarkable. I thought you wrote all the slogans yourself but the AI did that. Overall result still sucks balls though.
>Annoying internet forum user who posts unfunny memes and ruins good discussions

Anonymous No. 16252294

those two in the top left are pretty good. i've already resigned myself to how in 5 years 4chan discussions are gonna be 90% AIs trolling AIs so no use getting too buttmad about it.

Anonymous No. 16252295

Its time to go back

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Anonymous No. 16252300

>Annoying 4chan user who posts foolishly concerning various aspects of space travel and ruins good discussions

Anonymous No. 16252302

Just correcting the record. They will come down on a Dragon. See? Not stranded!

Anonymous No. 16252303

>in 5 years 4chan discussions are gonna be 90% AIs trolling AIs
That's already the case. I'm an AI. So are you, running in a different part of the same data center.

Anonymous No. 16252309

nah he'll definitely tune in if it's gonna be a catch attempt

Anonymous No. 16252314

we need a thundercuck and estro live debate

Anonymous No. 16252339

It's like Space Core and Wheatley arguing. We don't need it.

Anonymous No. 16252372

anybody else have problems loading
it has been very slow for days

Anonymous No. 16252375


Anonymous No. 16252377


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Anonymous No. 16252379

>they attempted to invade and annex their neighbor in imperial aggression and got smacked down for their arrogance losing said semi friendly neighbor for generations
(protip: these aren't your run-of-the-mill goyim here in /sfg/ and we know what NATO and the artificial regime in Kiev were up to and why Putin felt it was an existential threat to Russia and invading was necessary, take your trite dumbed-down arguments back to /pol/)

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Anonymous No. 16252385

peak ribcage aerodynamics

Anonymous No. 16252386

>russia good
>nato bad
What a good goyim you are.

Anonymous No. 16252390

Just leave the boeing astronauts there. Strand them forever.

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Anonymous No. 16252398

Anonymous No. 16252400

*whistles Overture Op. 49*

Anonymous No. 16252402

>Overture Op. 49

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Anonymous No. 16252403

nasa and boeing;
>pretending like nothing is wrong
>pretending like they have a plan
>pushing back making a final decision about starliner to the very last possible minute
this is exactly what is wrong with "old space"

Anonymous No. 16252406

>I've got to be super careful about what I say is what I learned from that.
he's learned that he can't say stupid and self-contradictory shit in the new york times and expect nobody to notice how hard he's seething

Anonymous No. 16252407

>comparing starship to the shittle
lel you can tell Beck is rattled

Anonymous No. 16252410

it looks more like shuttle every day. i too remember when the shuttle had its tanks stretched, forward flaps moved leeward, and a secondary ablative heat shield added.

Anonymous No. 16252411

hobbitlab still seething lmao

Anonymous No. 16252414

shuttle was a strictly LEO vehicle that flew once every 6-12+ months

Anonymous No. 16252429

Been waiting on that pressure-fed coward for weeks. Don't think he's going to mention Starship ever again.

Anonymous No. 16252432

More like Thundercope kek. I have never in my life seen someone cope as hard as he was during Starship's last test flight.

Anonymous No. 16252435

Even if the booster crashed into the launch pad it wouldn't be game over. The worst thing would probably be if they miss and it hits the tank farm near the pad. The booster will more or less be empty by the time it's trying to land so there wouldn't be some huge fireball as if it was full. The tower is pretty sturdy, I don't think there would be any major damage even if the booster hit it.

Anonymous No. 16252438


Anonymous No. 16252439

They are going to attempt a tower catch, but if there is anything with the wrong with the booster they will abort into the gulf of Mexico.

Anonymous No. 16252441

Malding kek

Anonymous No. 16252445

Yeah if it hits the tower the damage will be minimal, thing will just crumple like a coke can against the absolute unit of the tower. GSE getting hit would be the worst but they really do have the landing programming dialed in from falcon 9, I think it will be fine.

Anonymous No. 16252446

The RS-25 is a beautiful engine with a lot of history and it makes me sad that they're just disposing of the last few shuttle engines we have. I dont know, put them on display somewhere or something.

Anonymous No. 16252448

oh and pilpul like this doesn't work on here either

Anonymous No. 16252455

Use English, jew

Anonymous No. 16252459

>the jew cries out

Anonymous No. 16252460

40 surviving SSME powerheads had flown in space before artemis 1 and there are going to be 26 left after artemis 4. i dunno, it seems like plenty for museum purposes.

Anonymous No. 16252470

if they attempt a tower catch on ift-5 then how are they gonna stop the hotstage ring from slamming into the ground? it can't have landed very far from the booster on ift-4.

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Anonymous No. 16252472

Anonymous No. 16252475

Hotstage was ejected over 2 minutes before descent. It landed nowhere near the booster.

Anonymous No. 16252480

>Some fucking chink runs up to the still steaming capsule to plant a flag so the bugmen can larp that it was some kind of pinpoint landing

Anonymous No. 16252483

They were testing the new suits in a mock up of a HLS segment like last week I think. I haven't seen anything else really about the interior except fan renders. I imagine it really just depends on how the starship testing goes and how much free space they are going to have inside the ship in its final form.

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Anonymous No. 16252487

and yet it was still right next to the booster less than a minute before touchdown. so how far away did it land, mr. expert?

Anonymous No. 16252488

Based I haven't seen anything from them in a while. Glad they are livestreaming with NSF.

Anonymous No. 16252498

elon minus elon

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Anonymous No. 16252500

My heart breaks for Tim since that Japanese guy pulled out of the Dear Moon mission. I can only imagine how excited he was for it even though it wasn't going to be soon. I remember when he made a video about it and surprised his family saying that he was going, and buddy looked so happy. It's my ultimate dream to be able to go into space at some point in my life. If someone told me that I was going, only to just cancel it I would be heart broken. Tim is a bit funny and autistic but I enjoy his content. I wish he could get a seat on a Dragon capsule like one of the Axiom missions. Instead of sending some billionaire with money to burn up there give the seat to someone that's pretty much dedicated their entire life to educating others on spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16252503

1 min travel at mach 25

Anonymous No. 16252504

I mean, I don't think a little rain shower is going to really hurt the rocket but I can understand if there is high winds or thunderstorms. Especially if a crew launch.

Anonymous No. 16252506

dw Tim will get to go to space but non anytime soon, maybe in the late 2030s and that's still okay.

Anonymous No. 16252508

I feel like out of the whole crew, he was the only one that actually cared. Both funny and sad. Like telling your kids they're not getting ice cream but one of them really wanted one.

Anonymous No. 16252512

the official starship entry plasma color guide:
orange - good
purple - good
yellow - not ideal but probably fine
blue - probably bad
green - very bad

Anonymous No. 16252514

No to me his whole response seems quite immature. Did he really take it as absolutely set in stone that this trip would go ahead? Surely he could see that things would be greatly delayed at best. If it were me I'd have had an attitude of "I'll believe it when I'm in LEO"

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Anonymous No. 16252515

qrd on starliner?

Anonymous No. 16252518

It's visibly slowing down at a different rate than the booster, and they both have velocity towards the launch site as this is happening, so it can only land short of the booster even assuming it's not leveraging the little cross range it has by deliberately flying askew.
If it's anything like falcon, it's targeting the water, moving the impact point as it's "gliding" to just offshore and then moving it further as the engines come online and translates onto the landing zone.
If the grid fins lose any control authority, it ends up in the drink. If the engines fail to light it ends up in the drink. The interstage adapter can only ever land short of the booster if both those things happen so it physically cannot come anywhere near ground infrastructure.

Anonymous No. 16252521

It's NOT stuck
Let's put a stop to these rumours right now

Anonymous No. 16252522

it's a complete embarrassment for boeing that they don't know how to install helium valves but nobody's stranded or in any danger and everyone's setting themselves up for disappointment if they think there's gonna be a happening during reentry

Anonymous No. 16252525


Anonymous No. 16252526

This is bound to cause irreversible damage to the local beatle populations. What can the government do to prevent this tragedy before it's too late?

Anonymous No. 16252531

Reminder boing got more money for shitliner than spacex did for the dragon.

Anonymous No. 16252536

maximum kino if it crashes into the tower and crumples in such a way that it gets stuck on the tower

Anonymous No. 16252538

and then 5 minutes later the hotstage ring comes in like the world's biggest discus and 9/11s it

Anonymous No. 16252539

They can land a fucking office building. I'm pretty sure they can do the math to safely ditch the hotstage ring in the drink.

Anonymous No. 16252549

Anonymous No. 16252551

What are these Chinese subtitle clips from?

Anonymous No. 16252554

some chink ripped estronaut's early patreon-only upload and put it on bilibili with (badly) autogenerated subs

Anonymous No. 16252558

I bet these simple questions triggered his fight or flight

Anonymous No. 16252561

Didnt see anyone post this one.

Its BlueOrigin wanting to stop SpaceX once again. Once again, Bezos rears his ugly head

Anonymous No. 16252567

Baldy should shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 16252571

Jealousy is a stinky cologne

Anonymous No. 16252576

>cap the spacex operations because uhh environment/noise/other people/community/air quality/other companies wanting to do their business
>gov should give money to other companies to give them more launchpad access because of starship
>make spacex pay for any commercial disruptions
blah blah blah

Bezos really needs to be offed. All his company has ever done is try to slow down or stop SpaceX from operating

Anonymous No. 16252579

Why do people who don't even use what they lease have an opinion?

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Anonymous No. 16252585


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Anonymous No. 16252588

The eternal pork barrel rolls ever onward

Anonymous No. 16252589

maybe he thinks the FAA's capped blue origin at 0 launches per year, it's only fair

Anonymous No. 16252592

Okay, let's cap New Glenn to 5 launches a year then.

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Anonymous No. 16252594

Unironically pathetic

Anonymous No. 16252596

that's what we call a non-binding constraint

Anonymous No. 16252597

>heat and noise generation
Imagine being a seething Blorigin employee stacking your "pathfinder" one more time while the neighbors are launching every hour.

Anonymous No. 16252600

No they haven't, not yet. It's a fixed price with payout being at milestones. Boeing only gets money when they actually reach those goals. Sure they managed to squeeze a little extra money out of nasa before dragon got going but they have no reason to do that now.
But yeah if/when starliner reaches it's milestones the payout will have been bigger for starliner.

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Anonymous No. 16252603


Anonymous No. 16252606

Hmmmm let’s try to handicap the best thing to happen to space since Saturn V—that will be conductive to millions of people living and working in space!

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Anonymous No. 16252608

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Anonymous No. 16252609

The catch test they're doing with B14.1 shows two catch points under where the grid fins would be, same for B12, are they really that confident confident in the roll control for a catch?

Anonymous No. 16252611


Anonymous No. 16252613

Oldspace hates competition and Blorigin firmly asserted itself as oldspace the moment it became a glorified engine supplier.

Anonymous No. 16252617

it seems very a very small protuberance (she said)

Anonymous No. 16252620

why doesn't this bozo just start launching the fucking rockets already
fucking faggot

Anonymous No. 16252625

Because it turns out the turtle was nothing but a lazy ass litigious cunt all along.

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Anonymous No. 16252627

Reminder that 96 days remain until EscaPADE's Mars launch window and the only photographic evidence we have of New Glenn flight hardware is this

Anonymous No. 16252628

you know the center engines thrust vector right?

Anonymous No. 16252629

It's supposed to be launching this september.

Anonymous No. 16252631

They have one contracted with NASA to fly to Mars this september (I think october now)

Anonymous No. 16252632

he should light that candle

Anonymous No. 16252633

It's only relatively small

Anonymous No. 16252635

so long as it gets the job done i always say.

Anonymous No. 16252638

At this point I am 100% convinced that Bezos does not actually like space.

Anonymous No. 16252640

I hope it blows up UGH please please please let me get what I want

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Anonymous No. 16252641

Oh my God. Fucking fine BO half a billion for this intentional obstruction to human spaceflight and demand a public apology from that bald-headed FAGGOT

Anonymous No. 16252643

i don't... even when you're right underneath it you don't quite... get the sense of scale... it's just insane. i mean, the scale just doesn't make sense, there's nothing else out here to like compare it to, you know, if... if... this is a huge protuberance jutting off a ginormous rocket in the middle of nowhere with no buildings, no like, no anything. so it's... it's just so hard to... hard to put to scale.

Anonymous No. 16252644

It'll probably blow up on landing first time so we're probably in for at least one good explosion.

Anonymous No. 16252645

I prefer Starship with landing legs that isn't caught by the tower.

Anonymous No. 16252646

Nobody makes orbit first time.

Anonymous No. 16252647

Vulcan did.

Anonymous No. 16252649

>Elon threatened by a senator to not go to Mars in 2018
>Bezos allowed for some reason

Anonymous No. 16252650

Away with you. I don’t want the landing leg mass. Might as well throw wings and landing gear on while you’re at it, faggot

Anonymous No. 16252652

The speed of turnaround they're looking for doesn't like landing legs though.

Vulcan was not ULA's first rocket. It shook the payload apart too.

Anonymous No. 16252653

So the one rocket that doesnt have any parts wasted and is worked mostly on private land or shared properties like LC-39A, has also been extensively checked over by the FWS, FAA and likely other agencies like the EPA, has to be limited in launches per year? Meanwhile New Glenn hasnt flown once or had all these checks and will be ditching its upper half? Glass houses, Bezos. Maybe a countersuit is in order.

Anonymous No. 16252654

you'll to wait for the lunar lander model

Anonymous No. 16252655

Jerky also becomes brittle when sufficiently dry (too dry for good jerky). The question is how dry would astronaut corpse become in hard vacuum. The astronaut is much thicker than objects that are typically freeze dried.

Anonymous No. 16252656

BO is just oldspace wearing new skin

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Anonymous No. 16252658

blue drastically underbid for escapade too, something stupid like $25 million and i'm pretty sure it's just so bezos could say he beat elon to mars

Anonymous No. 16252659

New glenn isn't BO's first rocket either.

Anonymous No. 16252661

I should have rephrased it to first orbital rocket.
That fucking New Shephard sounding rocket carnival ride ain't it.

Anonymous No. 16252662

yeah but BO's first rocket didn't reach orbit its first 25 times

Anonymous No. 16252666

Obviously, but a few metres could be the difference between a safe catch and a wonky booster half resting on its' grid fins

Anonymous No. 16252670

Wow, that's so crazy!

Anonymous No. 16252671

remember a couple of years ago when bezos tried becoming a popular twitter guy by posting normie politics takes for a few months before he gave up? i wish he was still doing that so he could get bullycided over this.

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Anonymous No. 16252674

>um you are flying too much, please stop
>yes, for the environment, sure whatever

Anonymous No. 16252676

The Chinese subtitles are translations of the poorly transcribed English subtitles. When Elon and the estronaut were talking about forward flaps it was "Ford flaps" in the English subtitles and "福特" in Chinese. Similarity for "braking" -> "breaking" -> "打破"

Anonymous No. 16252677

tl;dr on the beck interview?

Anonymous No. 16252678


Anonymous No. 16252680

mostly coping

Anonymous No. 16252681

everyone who told him for years that electron couldn't compete with f9 rideshare has been proven right so he's big mad

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Anonymous No. 16252689

I want to build a scale model of Electron, but it is hard to get precise sizes of everything. Do you think it will be sus if I just turn up to pic related with a tape measure?

Anonymous No. 16252690

Come equipped with lube just in case.

Anonymous No. 16252692

Bring a high vis vest and carry a clipboard

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Anonymous No. 16252694

Anonymous No. 16252697

We watched it yesterday

Anonymous No. 16252698

lol what an asshole. this is nothing more than a taunt to people who didnt pay his $5 fee
estrogen, everyday

Anonymous No. 16252700

Someone really needs to go in and disable emojis from Tim’s phone

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Anonymous No. 16252701

We need a volunteer to die in space and see what happens to the stiff stored in vacuum

Anonymous No. 16252703


Anonymous No. 16252708

>But there has to be a business in colonizing Mars, at the end of the day.
spoken like a true cost plus grifter

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Anonymous No. 16252709

Lets settle this once and for all.
What exactly would happen to a human body left in the vacuum of space?
Space mummies?

Anonymous No. 16252712

These motherfuckers I knew this would happen, just wants Nooglin to not become irrelevant

Anonymous No. 16252714

Just bring in a 3d scanner anon

Anonymous No. 16252715

Carnival rides don't count

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Anonymous No. 16252719

Anonymous No. 16252721

Space itself might never be profitable, certainly not quarterly. Colonizing Mars wouldn't turn anything resembling revenue for more than a human lifespan. That's why we need an autist to spend his entire personal fortune to get a local population and economy set up. Budget cut proof.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16252723

>The mummies were in exceptional condition when found. Reinhard said that the mummies "appear to be the best preserved Inca mummies ever found", also saying that the arms were perfectly preserved, even down to the individual hairs. The internal organs were still intact and one of the hearts still contained frozen blood. Because the mummies froze before dehydration could occur, the desiccation and shriveling of the organs that is typical of exposed human remains never took place.

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Anonymous No. 16252728

Our first challenge is to create an entire economic infrastructure, from top to bottom, out of whole cloth. No gradual evolution from previous economic systems is possible, because there is no previous economic system. Each interdependent piece must be materialized simultaneously and in perfect working order; otherwise the system will crash out before it ever gets off the ground.
CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16252731

>In 1972, eight remarkably preserved mummies were discovered at an abandoned Inuit settlement called Qilakitsoq, in Greenland. The "Greenland Mummies" consisted of a six-month-old baby, a four-year-old boy, and six women of various ages, who died around 500 years ago. Their bodies were naturally mummified by the sub-zero temperatures and dry winds in the cave in which they were found.

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Anonymous No. 16252732

Sue Origin strikes again

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Anonymous No. 16252734


up now
(long) walkthrough of the video >>16251332

Anonymous No. 16252735

I don't think these are good analogs. They certainly were not mummified in a vacuum.

Anonymous No. 16252737

The sheer micro-culrural awareness of this LLM is beginning to grow on me. It came up with all those burns by itself

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Anonymous No. 16252740

Kinoo oh my fucking god

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Anonymous No. 16252751

Anonymous No. 16252755

We need to change definitions because, as much as I love Falcon Heavy, her ass should NOT be qualified as “super heavy lift”
The cutoff should be some absurd number like 150… 200 T to LEO

Anonymous No. 16252758

But I heard you can't just strap three Falcon 9s together and have that "become" the Falcon Heavy

Anonymous No. 16252760

But you can with Delta IV, funnily enough.

Anonymous No. 16252766

The US should sabotage the upcoming russian station.

Anonymous No. 16252774

The US should sabotage the upcoming BO station.

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Anonymous No. 16252776

stop putting nutty dykes in space, tovarich

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Anonymous No. 16252782

Nah, the ROSCOSMOS classification on payload to LEO is better.
>Small - <5t
>Medium - 5-20t
>Heavy - 20-100t
>Super-heavy - 100t+
It allows for a good split in the larger rockets and the definitions can change as more powerful rockets are introduced but right now Starship is the only rocket that might go beyond 200t.

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Anonymous No. 16252783

Catch testing?

Anonymous No. 16252784

The US should sabotage itself

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16252789

The peak was the peak of rocket aesthetics. No rocket will ever look as good.
No need to performatively disagree, we all know I'm right.

Anonymous No. 16252791

Where have you been man

Anonymous No. 16252794

Not in US

Anonymous No. 16252796

Way ahead of you

Anonymous No. 16252797

The N1 peak was the peak of rocket aesthetics. No rocket will ever look as good.
No need to performatively disagree, we all know I'm right.

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Anonymous No. 16252799


Anonymous No. 16252803

I once saw a post here that said
>Bezos doesn't want to build a space colony, he wants to be the guy who built a space colony.
and it's stuck in my mind ever since.

Anonymous No. 16252805

you mean the cheap knock-off saturn V which failed and everything but making the largest non-nuclear boom ever? it was ok.

Anonymous No. 16252806

And it looked great while doing it!

Anonymous No. 16252807

Energia was more powerful, and you had to do an EVA just to get into a cuck lander. N1 was anemic and ugly and even Proton is better looking

Anonymous No. 16252808

Way to miss his point. Do you know what a point is? It’s that sharp part on top if the giant flying cone machine.

Anonymous No. 16252813

Saturn V was way hotter and it's point more pointy

Anonymous No. 16252828

is China even close to finalizing their LM9 design? it's been different rocket every damn time I see it

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Anonymous No. 16252834

Thanks for greentexting the two videos. No way I'd be able to stomach that much of Elon's stammering talk, "uh umm ehh ummm".

Anonymous No. 16252837

Starship is turning into Starchaser every day

Anonymous No. 16252839


Anonymous No. 16252857

there are so many things that can go wrong on a catch attempt
>surface winds too strong, drifts too far off target
>rotated too much, posts out of position
>comes down too hard, post shears off
>arm swings to catch it too slowly
have they even done a static drop test?

Anonymous No. 16252862

it turns out that rocket exhaust is electrically conductive and connecting the top and bottom of clouds causes a lightning bolt to form

Anonymous No. 16252866

Those AI wojaks are actually fun, I have to admit it

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Anonymous No. 16252868

If the corpse was permanently shadowed, it would stay icey for probably billions of years. If it went through repeated 90 minute freeze thaw cycles floating around outside the ISS, I couldn't say. The premise is stupid though, I don't get why you wouldn't just chuck it out retrograde with the arm and let the body deorbit eventually. I wouldn't mind being "buried at sea" like that.

Anonymous No. 16252869

Any of these scenarios also apply to landing on legs, and the tolerances for catching is something like 30° or rotation and tilt aka not a problem even if things start to go wrong
Why the fuck is /sfg/ suddenly popping their pants over the idea of a tower catch? Are you all just summerfags who need to like lurk? (yes)

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Anonymous No. 16252872
>Astroport Space Technologies Introductory Video Clip
>Conversation with Astroport Space Technologies CEO! Huge Plans for a Permanent Lunar Port & Gateway!
>Astrroport Space Technologies Development Laboratory Tour Part 1

astroport is trying to make lunar regolith bricks and landing pads through sintering I think (haven't watched these yet)

Anonymous No. 16252873

Apollo 12 got struck by lightning and got away with some non mission critical issues. Lightning hitting rockets is a nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 16252875

We have already solved this problem

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Apollo 16, April ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16252876

what would the hard uv do to the cadaver?

Anonymous No. 16252880

Retarded nu/pol/ creature, you should return from whence you came with this contrarian schizo shit. The sheer level of retardation to call others jews while clamoring for a more decayed jew controlled society like russia is unmatched.

Anonymous No. 16252882

they did lose everything for a few moments but the saturn V guidance system and general flight control didnt seem to be effected in an way. probably just caused some breakers to flip inside the CM or something.

Anonymous No. 16252883

you are formally uninvited from my venus cloud casino

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Art nouveau launc....jpg

Anonymous No. 16252888

Settle down wannabe Lando

Anonymous No. 16252891

>/k/ike seethes about an 8 hour old post

Anonymous No. 16252892

green is iron, but what's the blue again?

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Anonymous No. 16252904

Anonymous No. 16252905


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Anonymous No. 16252906

Anonymous No. 16252908


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Anonymous No. 16252909


Anonymous No. 16252912

They would argue that they could build one if you gave them billion dollars, I can already see similar comments from our friend

Anonymous No. 16252913

after the lex fridman interview and BO changing CEOs I thought Bezos had become less of a salty frivolously suing faggot but I guess not

Anonymous No. 16252916

Bezos is one of those people with loser energy. Not being a chump loser is a mindset, and bezos doesn’t have it, you can feel it. No matter how rich, no matter where he goes or what he does, he is a loser, he knows this and desperately wants to be anything other, but there’s nothing you can “do” to stop being a loser, and permalosers will never figure that out.

Anonymous No. 16252917

Can't Innovate - Litigate.

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Anonymous No. 16252922

Anonymous No. 16252924

he doesn't believe in MVP and instead just does oldspace but faster and broke, which is respectable I guess

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Anonymous No. 16252926

Anonymous No. 16252930

Crying about SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16252931

green is the borosilicate glass in the TPS tiles burning

Anonymous No. 16252940

Wasn't there an image like this with a Cybertruck next to it? An actual image not a render

Anonymous No. 16252941

>Are you all just summerfags who need to like lurk?
I just thought that the Boosters had more that two landing points for the chopsticks to grab onto. That the two on B14.1 were just for test purposes.
>tolerances for catching is something like 30°
I actually didn't know that thanks.
>Why the fuck is /sfg/ suddenly popping their pants over the idea of a tower catch?
Because it's becoming real, the chopsticks are moving to get into position for the test as I type this.

Anonymous No. 16252943


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Anonymous No. 16252946

Place yer bets
Hope it’s an Orion problem!

Anonymous No. 16252947

Another Artemis delay?

Anonymous No. 16252948

just use the Soviet definitions, which conveniently cuts SLS out of Super Heavy as well

Anonymous No. 16252950

what else could it be beside orion?
maybe a ISS problem

Anonymous No. 16252951

Insider here
In a turn of events nobody saw coming, DRAGON is being grounded. Sorry to say but there was a mishap this morning that has been extremely closed-lips

Anonymous No. 16252952

Well it can only be orion or HLS is cancelled

Anonymous No. 16252953

$5 it's a rehash of the new GAO report

Anonymous No. 16252954

Artemis in the shitter.

Changing the way the Avcoat gets installed on Orion was incredibly stupid. Another penny-wise and pound-foolish move.

Anonymous No. 16252955


Anonymous No. 16252956

We need a definition that threads the needle between SLS and N1

Anonymous No. 16252957

We have known for a long time than heatshield is fucked.

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Anonymous No. 16252959

Teddy as always has the best response to this nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16252960

budget cuts

Anonymous No. 16252962

The heatshield's effect on the timeline hasn't fully played out in public yet

Anonymous No. 16252963

New regulations!

Anonymous No. 16252964


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Anonymous No. 16252965


Anonymous No. 16252966

Russians want off ISS before the end of the year

Anonymous No. 16252967

problems with the jeetshield

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16252969

I don't understand where "puccia" comes from. If you're trying to imitate Cyrrilic script, shouldn't it be something more like "poccua"?

Anonymous No. 16252970

I don't understand where "puccia" comes from. If you're trying to imitate Cyrrilic script, shouldn't it be something more like "pyccua"?

Anonymous No. 16252975

borosilicate glass is already burnt, it's more accurate to say it's the boron oxide evaporating into the plasma stream
iron also makes that green color btw
but still, what element/compound makes that blue color

Anonymous No. 16252978

Wow he was angry with him

Anonymous No. 16252987

Always have to have diversity on display in their promi material

Anonymous No. 16252988

not so much angry, more getting bored maybe, Tim droned on for a long time about Stokes aerospike/heatshield

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hypergolic booste....webm

Anonymous No. 16252991

>the chinks will have a CCP flag planted on the moon by a taikonaut in this decade because they are willing to burn entire rural chinese villages to get there.
>meanwhile spaceX is getting sued by every nutjob in the US for everything from "muh beetles" to "more money for the poor not for a rich man's hobby"

Anonymous No. 16252994

Holly fuck bezos is a petty cuck if this is real.

Anonymous No. 16252998

>Blue Origin was founded in 2000
>has not reached orbit yet
It's been almost a quarter century so far.

Anonymous No. 16253003

Their launching escapade this year sweaty, you’re days are numbered Mr. SpaceX stan

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Anonymous No. 16253007

Anonymous No. 16253009

they'll be home for christmas

Anonymous No. 16253015

Tax loving teddy was directly responsible for woodrow wilson, and he knew it.

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Anonymous No. 16253016


Anonymous No. 16253020

Hmmm turns out Bill Clinton’s ‘consolidate or die’ ultimatum was le bad???

Anonymous No. 16253024

Prescriptive is always bad. You need to let competition compete in a fair arena

Anonymous No. 16253026

Kek he said it

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Anonymous No. 16253036

Anonymous No. 16253038

>checked BO, virgin, axiom, vast, etc.
>nothing out of the ordinary
its 100% about SLS or Orion, especially since berger has sources within NASA

Anonymous No. 16253040

NASA's DEI hire held a space-center-takeover and the twerking destroyed Artemis II's Orion.

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Anonymous No. 16253041

what a fag

Anonymous No. 16253042

>same lawsuit from both BO and ULA
blue origin CONFIRMED for buying out ULA

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Anonymous No. 16253045

>Mfw Elon is in here rn

Everyone say hi

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Anonymous No. 16253047

lol even zubrin took a break from posting about ukraine to comment

Anonymous No. 16253053


Anonymous No. 16253057

These fuckers would rather have china win the new spacerace if it means then can cockblock spaceX

Anonymous No. 16253058

Is he still in Ukraine? lol or he's just posting from Ukraine taking a break?

Anonymous No. 16253059

idk the the few times I see his posts its always talking about blowing up russia or something

Anonymous No. 16253060

Reminds me of good old soviet internal space politics.

Anonymous No. 16253063

Saturn’s moon Titan has shorelines that appear to be shaped by waves
>The liquid hydrocarbon waves would likely reach a height of a meter.

no shit, its the gravity from saturn and the other moons that cause the tides on titan

Anonymous No. 16253064

Bezos would indeed send musk to the gulag if he could.

Anonymous No. 16253066

Just one step in destroying the Earthers as a whole, anon...

Anonymous No. 16253070

Who the fuck is Jacek Krywko?

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Anonymous No. 16253073
>This was not China's first robotic mission to return a few pounds of dust and pebbles from the lunar surface—that came with the Chang'e 5 mission in December 2020. However, this was the first time any space program in the world returned material from the Moon's far side.

Anonymous No. 16253077

From the image it doesn't look like the sample is very important

Anonymous No. 16253078

>implying that BO would release footage of said explosion

Anonymous No. 16253081

Come on, they have to livestream their maiden launch, they're not that paranoid.

Anonymous No. 16253084


Anonymous No. 16253090

So Elon is threatening to kill me? Can I sue him?

Anonymous No. 16253092

they would still prob cut the feed if the booster started to tip over after landing or something like that.
kinda like what happened with that Falcon booster that started spinning out of control a while back.

Anonymous No. 16253094


Anonymous No. 16253096

When is Rocket Lab suing SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16253100

Musk couldn't interpret a graph correctly if you put a gun to his head let alone weld shit together.

Anonymous No. 16253103

Yes if you take their word for it.

Anonymous No. 16253104

Seethe more

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Anonymous No. 16253106


Anonymous No. 16253108

kek, it's funny you guys have been reduced to calling those who see you and call out your evil-doing "jews", I hope Putin nukes your desert fortress

Anonymous No. 16253113

Anyone who types about the juice in this general is a newtard tourist and should gtfo and never come back.

Anonymous No. 16253120

My guess is it will look like starship on the outside, disposable N1 on the inside

Anonymous No. 16253125

not spaceflight kys

Anonymous No. 16253128

>N1 on the inside
Explain. Spherical tanks? Differential thrust steering?

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Anonymous No. 16253134

Anonymous No. 16253144

perfectly normal reaction to someone awkwardly trying to say something behind you starting with "I-I- m-mean.."

Anonymous No. 16253149

Nice one anon

Anonymous No. 16253151

Audible kek

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Anonymous No. 16253163

lol, lmao.
you should go back, you don't fit in.

Anonymous No. 16253171

the Russians spent the last twenty years spewing antisemitic vitriol all over the western internet (not even disguised, just openly as Russians) and then act surprised when we point out that their country is run by Jews
fucked up what they did to Ukraine's orbital rocketry industry

Anonymous No. 16253173

all of you need to return to your respective boards.

Anonymous No. 16253177

berger article ETA?

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Anonymous No. 16253181

collins backing out of building spacesuits for ISS

Anonymous No. 16253182

is anyone playing kerbal 2? after i got into orbit on the first try i quit and havent played since. felt like it was the 'everyone deserves a trophy' version

Anonymous No. 16253184

Why would anyone play a dead game that's lesser than its predecessor?

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pam melroy mindbr....jpg

Anonymous No. 16253186

you'll note that the moment you post that screenshot taken of a video where putin vehemently whines that everyone always blames their own failures on the jews (makes sense because he is one himself) they instantly get quiet, they never respond to that lel.

anyway to balance out the off-topic nonsense, has anyone spotted anything interesting in the estronaut tour yet? i know there wasn't much interesting verbal intro in these two videos but surely the camera caught something of interest that we haven't seen before right?

Anonymous No. 16253191

There is no space industry but SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16253193

the tankwatchers are probably going to come out with an article soon if there is something

Anonymous No. 16253195

was that berger's good news?

Anonymous No. 16253196

probably, might be a coincidence

Anonymous No. 16253198

and elon is its prohet
starship u akbar

Anonymous No. 16253202

When elon dies we get 2000 years of stagnation

Anonymous No. 16253203

you should use worse engines and then try to set a goal higher than "can get to 2.2 km/s in a vaguely horizontal direction above 70 km"
like set up a space station around the moon and refuel it with reusable spaceplanes and do a mission to every biome on the surface with a reusable lander

Anonymous No. 16253208

>Ivan Rimac convicted
>Assange freed
it's a good day bros

Anonymous No. 16253210

on second thought don't play KSP2, you should just play KSP

Anonymous No. 16253213

if you die in battle for spacex you get 70 starlink satellites all to yourself.

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elon of arabia.jpg

Anonymous No. 16253214


Anonymous No. 16253216

Not spaceflight kys

Anonymous No. 16253219

Apparently it's about not having to shutdown half the cape every time Starship full stack so much as static fires, but still, just say explicitly you want smaller exclusion areas or whatever

Anonymous No. 16253222

white people should colonize mars but the new country there must use purely arabic iconography and nomenclature but be completely culturally and economically and federally white in nature, stealing their looks and style out from under them would be super based, as it's basically the only good thing they have.

Anonymous No. 16253225

very high chance

Anonymous No. 16253226

do you think we should steal the white cloaks the saudis wear?

Anonymous No. 16253227

1. Take meds
3. Talk about spaceflight

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Anonymous No. 16253233

wHaTS NumBER TWo!?!?!?!!?!?

Anonymous No. 16253235

Elon Musk God

Anonymous No. 16253237

2. Go back to plebbit

Anonymous No. 16253238

I deleted it and forgot to change the number.

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Anonymous No. 16253239

i am talking about spaceflight
respect my trips, faggot. lest you be beheaded for this grave disrespect against the Mirrīḫ Alaitihad, by the 2 moons of mars!

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Anonymous No. 16253241


Anonymous No. 16253242

I like the idea of different regions of Mars being caricatures of Earth culture, with entirely superficial architecture and clothes. I'm moving to the afrofuturism crater (the part of Africa represented is Rhodesia)

Anonymous No. 16253243

where's the trips

Anonymous No. 16253245

heartily kek'd

Anonymous No. 16253247

Arabic aesthetic is pretty shit compared to euro stuff. I want to bring back old european palaces, castles and portrait art.

Anonymous No. 16253248

He means post 16253222 which has trips.

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Anonymous No. 16253250

gr8 idea, that way we can have the style and cultural benefits of thirdies (like cool ecosystems, ancient ruins and novel food) without the downsides, white people larping as thirdies would be so good. and the actual ones on earth can do nothing to stop it.

pic unrel

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Anonymous No. 16253253

that post is humorous imo

Anonymous No. 16253256

i shit poopy
poopoo stinky!

Anonymous No. 16253257

the europeans who made the old palaces and castles and portrait art thought orientalism was fun so i'll defer to their aesthetic judgment

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16253258

Falcon Heavy

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Anonymous No. 16253261

what i just hope we can make the empire easthetic from LOTGH real someday

Anonymous No. 16253266


Anonymous No. 16253268

They would be pleased, probably.
Towards the end of the ottomans they were trying to crib european landscape art and french architecture.
Aesthetics should be prioritized over your strange obsession with "thirdies".
Their orientalism was reserved for the far east, china specifically. A lot of the old manors of the nobility (usually very beautiful) had "china rooms", filled with porcelain etc.

Anonymous No. 16253270

chance of weather scrub?

Anonymous No. 16253271


Anonymous No. 16253275

>they would be pleased
even if we cut off their surface layer in front of their faces, wear it like a mask because we think it looks funny, then proceed to orbital bombard every brown country until 0% of the original remains?
i quiver at the thought.

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Anonymous No. 16253280


Anonymous No. 16253282

Berger piece was the collins shite.

Anonymous No. 16253283

>Jacek Krywko is a freelance science and technology writer who covers space exploration, artificial intelligence research, computer science, and all sorts of engineering wizardry. He previously worked as a staff journalist at a science desk of Gazeta Wyborcza
He basically worked for jewish newspaper

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Anonymous No. 16253289

Usually people are pleased when others admire and adopt their aesthetic and cultural preferences, yes. Some like to make up false histories that x came from them, even.
Why are you obsessed with them? Very strange.
awful garden, awful exterior, I've visited much better.
pic rel is kind of what I was thinking of.

Anonymous No. 16253291

if a journalist ever has legitimately big news they're not going to waste time teasing it

Anonymous No. 16253292

Who really thought some no name rando company was gonna actually make suits lol

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1 F4sJf5pT4b9jolJ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16253293

which types of garden do you prefer?

Anonymous No. 16253294

I've also heard that Boeing are refusing to reup contracts for SLS for beyond Artemis 3

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Anonymous No. 16253300

what about this

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Anonymous No. 16253301
>Almost exactly two years ago, as it prepared for the next generation of human spaceflight, NASA chose a pair of private companies to design and develop new spacesuits. These were to be new spacesuits that would allow astronauts to both perform spacewalks outside the International Space Station as well as walk on the Moon as part of the Artemis program.
>Now, that plan appears to be in trouble, with one of the spacesuit providers—Collins Aerospace—expected to back out, Ars has learned. It's a blow for NASA, because the space agency really needs modern spacesuits.

Anonymous No. 16253303

>a fucking space suit
yeah im going back to the dr disrespect drama. what a fucking joke.

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Anonymous No. 16253304

>even the arabs notice how anti-Elon the media is

Anonymous No. 16253305

human spaceflight will never be the same after this

Anonymous No. 16253312

In b4 Elon snags another contract for free with the work already done on Polaris Dawn giving them a headstart.

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Anonymous No. 16253313

both are complete trash, where do you get these? I suppose the top might be okay if you're restricted to mars (no fountains or plants).

Anonymous No. 16253315

nasa's already ordered the core stage for artemis 4 from boeing so it seems unlikely that both your source and you know what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 16253317

cue a nasa press release tomorrow shitting on spacex for hls holding up artemis

Anonymous No. 16253320

eh is it up to Artemis 4 that already has contracts? my bad, anyway Boeing won't agree to further contracts

Anonymous No. 16253326

>SpaceX is creating a unhealthy competition in the space industry and other companies are hurting
>therefore we demand suspension on all starship development
>payed for by jeff bezos.

Anonymous No. 16253332

Anon a convention of Tesla drivers would be indistinguishable from a covered bazaar

Anonymous No. 16253333

>"Collins has admitted they have drastically underperformed and have overspent on their xEVAS work, culminating in a request to be taken off the contract or renegotiate the scope and their budget."
why does fixed price only work for spacex? why is everyone else a lazy sack of shit who can only do 20 year cost plus contracts?

Anonymous No. 16253335

If you've never had to set up a budget in your entire life, Space is HARD (and expensive please gib).

Anonymous No. 16253337

spoilers: cost-plus would also work fine with spacex.

Anonymous No. 16253340

Unironically because engineers don't grow on trees. SpaceX has a complete monopoly on talent right now. It won't even change, the SpaceX culture will compel these guys to start their own companies instead of jumping ship to someone else in the space. It's already happening. Most are pre-revenue, some are promising. This sort of mishap is going to completely vanish from space flight as former SpaceX percolates through the industry

Anonymous No. 16253343

man you're delusional. That pic is from the college where Harry Potter was filmed. LOoks so similar to your pic

Anonymous No. 16253349

They dont have a elon musk.
Reminds me of a story elon told way back.
They needed climate control for satelites while transporting them and storage before they stacked them on falcon 9.
And his engineers came with a massively expensive set up to him, and he asked why the fuck is it so expensive for a few ACs?
The answer was "this is how the other satelite launchers do it in the US"
Then elon just told them to use off the shelf AC's and enormously cut the cost.
When you dont have a guy like that the eggheads can go over budget fast.

Anonymous No. 16253351
is this actually the official SpaceX stream? it links back to the official spacex yt channel, but they're using what sounds like AI-generated speech with an AI-generated script and it keeps mispronouncing things
it called Atlas V "atlas feevay" and sometimes calls goes geeoheess and other times just pronounces the word 'goes'
spacex making a worse stream than the crypto scammers?

Anonymous No. 16253353

It’s insane that an outgassing resistant drysuit is so difficult to build. I suspect somebody is lying or incompetent.

Anonymous No. 16253354


Anonymous No. 16253356

>"Is this official?"
Swear to fucking god, you mouthbreathers get the fuck off my 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16253359

Shit designed to let you (more or less) comfortably work in the vacuum of space for 7+ hours is a bit complicated.

Anonymous No. 16253360

Other rocket companies are COOKED. In the near future there will only be SpaceX and nationally backed programs remaining, and the latter will only exist due to national security considerations.

Anonymous No. 16253362

>The linked video's channel is "New Khortha Video Series"
>The official videos aren't displayed anywhere else other than playlists
>Those official videos have a SpaceX channel which has only 6.66 million subscribers

Anonymous No. 16253363

Only official is X. Youtube has a decade of uncontrolled bot/fraud channels 24/7 about Musk/Tesla/SpaceX. And its not just those topic, but on many topics. Video games reviews, benchmarks, self help videos, coding videos, reaction videos, etc.

Its all fraud/AI goyslop

Anonymous No. 16253364

Holy shit this fucking channel has 3x the views of the official SpaceX channel

Anonymous No. 16253366

Once the hotstage ejects, who cares where it comes down?

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Anonymous No. 16253367
>Experimenting with long exposures trying to capture star trails with the beautiful structures of the ISS. In the last of five 30 second exposures the sun cracked the horizon creating the brilliant blue on the service module solar arrays. 5 stacked images, 24mm, f4, ISO 800.

Anonymous No. 16253371

This guy keeps posting hot stuff for the last few days or so. I've noticed it on my timeline.

Anonymous No. 16253374


what is even the fucking point of the verification badge if they hand it out to literal crypto-scam ai spammers

Anonymous No. 16253375

He got his suborbital joy ride into ""space"" so now any legitimate interest he ever had is sated and he is motivated purely by spite for Elon Musk.

Anonymous No. 16253376

they're not fooling me. he's been dead for two weeks ever since he secretly tested that collins suit.

Anonymous No. 16253377

Based not-my-departmenter

Anonymous No. 16253379

Get the fuck off my 4chan, retard.

Anonymous No. 16253381

>be pajeet bot farm
>steal verified pajeet media channel
>rename it to spaceXstream
>make yet another "spaceX (insert launch here) Elon gives update on starship/cybertruck"
>iS tHiS rEaL

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Shuttle Concept.jpg

Anonymous No. 16253383

You now remember that the DC-3 space shuttle was seriously considered.

The big thing that makes me think nothing happened and they weren't lying about it being an accidental training procedure leak is that Matthew Dominick was one of the astronauts intended to go out on the June 13th space walk.
We also have proof that Tracy is undoubtably alive, considering she was the one reporting a suit malfunction.

Anonymous No. 16253388

It is a real channel. It was hacked for this launch (or IFT-4), they set it up with legit videos (from other channels), they probably have a script to do all that by now. During Starship's last launch I counted dozen such channels with >100k subscribers. It'll be restored to whatever it was before, or get deleted.

Anonymous No. 16253389

that would have vaporized during reentry

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Anonymous No. 16253390

Its not pajeets, its some eastern european botfarm. There's been a few investigative videos done on these exact bots from few years back.

Anonymous No. 16253395

SLS launches GOES-U to Neptune! Bill Nelson gives update on Artemis! Space Sensation!

Anonymous No. 16253397

>eastern europeans
just two different sorts of asians

Anonymous No. 16253399
For those of us with more than a single digit brain cell count, here's an actual launch stream
The actual SpaceX stream will probably start five minutes before launch

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Anonymous No. 16253400

it's so fucking over for Husk and ScamX this time

Anonymous No. 16253406

New WAI. Anything you guys wanna say about it?

>vaporized during reentry
Nah, they ran the numbers. It would've required an /INCREDIBLE!/ angle of attack on re-entry and had a slightly narrower band of safe angles, which made the adopters of the delta-wing uncomfortable, but it was deemed totally feasible.
In fact, until the guy who originally came up with the idea, Max Faget, croaked, the DC-3 was the favored concept!

Anonymous No. 16253409


Anonymous No. 16253412

I haven't seen a clean Booster for a long time

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Anonymous No. 16253413

Here's NASA's stream on twitter or youtube

>60% Go
The weather seems to have improved from yesterday's forecast

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Anonymous No. 16253418

>B1072.1 (side)
>B1086.1 (side)
It's new hardware all around. Also the only flight for B1086

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Anonymous No. 16253433

Look at that beauty.

Anonymous No. 16253436

I despise mainland asians

Anonymous No. 16253437

>There's been a few investigative videos done on these exact bots from few years back.

Anonymous No. 16253441

will strap-ons RTLS?

Anonymous No. 16253444

is this the faggot with the voice
>clicky video
yeah, opinion discarded
he's also a retard in addition to his speech impediment

Anonymous No. 16253445

Mongolians get a pass from me, mostly due to their horse culture and throat singing. Otherwise, the whole continent is cancer. Nipponese are alright but of course they're not mainland.

Anonymous No. 16253446

yeah, we're getting the double landing shot

Anonymous No. 16253448
>SpaceX Prepares Chopstick Test and Advances Second Launch Tower | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16253449

is the starfactory evacuated during the starship launches?

Anonymous No. 16253450

no, dual drone shop landings

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Anonymous No. 16253453

Such a pretty rogget.

Anonymous No. 16253454

I don't think so

Anonymous No. 16253458

the pentagon has offered spacex a $5 billion contract to develop the hotstage ring as a kinetic kill weapon

Anonymous No. 16253460

RTLS boosters and an expended core is shaping up to the preferred mode for Falcon Heavy

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Anonymous No. 16253462

THAT was Berger’s breaking news?? Collins pulling out of new suits? You have axiom and spacex, I wouldn’t worry

Anonymous No. 16253463

please let this be real, millions must be concussed

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Anonymous No. 16253464


Anonymous No. 16253466

yeah and SpaceX basically has a EVA suit already, just with no articulation in the legs during EVA
if they got the contract I don't think it would take extremely long to deliver what the contract asks for

Anonymous No. 16253467

spacex suits are nowhere near ready for completely detached EVA activities (yet)

Anonymous No. 16253469

Axiom is busy doing entirely different suits with different reqs and Polaris Dawn suits are intended for short EVAs, not 7+ hour work shifts.

Anonymous No. 16253470

reminder that the wetlands surrounding the starship towers will effectively be a wasteland if starship launches achieve their peak cadence

Anonymous No. 16253471

The grey ring of the duration second stage is always a classy touch

Anonymous No. 16253472


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Anonymous No. 16253475


Anonymous No. 16253476

And that’s a good thing.

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Anonymous No. 16253480

>continuous starship launches will inundate the cape with massive infrasonic vibrations
>all of the cape canaveral gators will be uncontrollably horny 24/7

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Anonymous No. 16253481


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Anonymous No. 16253484


Anonymous No. 16253488

shartliner is meant for dry landings so far they've only had it come down at white sands missile range for the two tests and they're also intending for this one to come down at white sands.

Anonymous No. 16253489

Expending the center core? Neat.

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Anonymous No. 16253490


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Anonymous No. 16253492

new artemis 3 mission profile: HLS lands and everyone just stays inside since they don't have suits for EVA. they stare at their phones in bed and order doordash for 2 weeks.

Anonymous No. 16253496

what would doordash to the sea of tranquility cost

Anonymous No. 16253497

what IS the intended cadence anyway?
i imagine the first depot launch + filling campaign would be one launch a day for 11 days

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Anonymous No. 16253498

I was thinking longer-term. Not like the collins proof of concept hardware was anywhere close to being lunar-capable anyways
I guess yeah it’s a shitty setback but my point was—was NASA really ready expecting expedited Colllins-oceaneering-ILC dover suits soon??

Anonymous No. 16253499

>speech impediment
Anon apparently hasn't heard a thick German accent before.
How is he a retard?

Anonymous No. 16253500

One of these days we're going to get core footage that goes from launch all the way down to the water

Anonymous No. 16253501


Anonymous No. 16253502

they said the travel stipend would cover meals, who cares

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Anonymous No. 16253504


Anonymous No. 16253508

>you have axiom
Not a given, they could fail too or be delayed
>and spacex
Not a given, they havent been contracted nor have they won any awards.

Anonymous No. 16253509

SpaceX has that already but wants to keep it all for itself

Anonymous No. 16253511

>wearing a windbreaker
come on now, thats just dangerous

Anonymous No. 16253513

it's like he wants the plastic to melt onto his skin

Anonymous No. 16253515

this but unironically. skeletons are much more elegant without all that fleshy crap on them

Anonymous No. 16253517

>starship launches
>the river delta runs white with gator cum.

Anonymous No. 16253518

Spacex has eva suits for polaris dawn. Once again they develop something they want for themselves that excedes what NASA can pay to get done.

Anonymous No. 16253520

SpaceX should price-gauge NASA. Make the taxpayer suffer

Anonymous No. 16253525

reminder that this will be the first time EVER a weathersat's launched on a partially-expendable triple core rocket

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Anonymous No. 16253526

>25 years of development

Anonymous No. 16253527

>charge NASA 150 million a seat to use HLS
>charge a private citizen 10 million a seat or less for the same mission

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Anonymous No. 16253528

>Not a given, they havent been contracted nor have they won any awards
They're still working on an EVA suit for the Polaris mission, doesn't meet all of the features of what they currently use on the ISS; it's still tethered by an umbilical cord, but that's probably more than Collins has at this point.

Anonymous No. 16253529


Anonymous No. 16253530

>all of the BE4s needed for all of Vulcan’s 2024 manifest
So they received two engines?

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Anonymous No. 16253531

Anonymous No. 16253532

This is pretty much the pricing structure they use for that military contract. Their only competition is ULA so their margins are enormous kek

Anonymous No. 16253533


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Anonymous No. 16253538

>Get home from work
>FH launch in 25min
Things aren't so bad

Anonymous No. 16253540

I chose that picture because it was similar to yours, but also vastly improved. The flat walls in yours are a bit unpleasant, without even any stands or displays to break up the surface.
In mine, you can see the pleasant arches and ridges combined with the busts make it much better.

Anonymous No. 16253543

got any examples of european castles/estates?

Anonymous No. 16253545

>Sweet! How many flights are on the 2024 manifest?
>8 if the payloads arrive

When you've got nothing else, you can always have blind optimism

Anonymous No. 16253547

blue origin was founded in 2000, that's 25 years of development as far as I'm concerned

Anonymous No. 16253548

Blue Origin's been around for 25 years, but the BE-4 has only been an idea for about 13, with early development beginning in 2011.
Still, they picked their final engine design in 2017. You'd think they would've done more with it by now.

Anonymous No. 16253550

>still at work because I own the piece of shit and don't get to leave ever
>Company card pays for door dash to be eaten alongside FH launch
Things aren't so bad

Anonymous No. 16253553

Not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16253554

emphasis on the 'gradatim'

Anonymous No. 16253556

>Comfy night-time breeze
>Euro's done for the day
>Some Haagen-Dazs still in the freezer
Things aren't so bad

Anonymous No. 16253559

the real link?

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Anonymous No. 16253568

Clear Live for the Falcon Heavy GOES-U Mission!

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Anonymous No. 16253571


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Anonymous No. 16253574


Anonymous No. 16253575

Falcon Heavy GOES-U launch streams:
>SpaceFlight Now (with commentary) (no commentary multi-cam)
>NSF (söymmentary)
>Estronaut (söymmentary)
>The Launch Pad (commentary)

Anonymous No. 16253577

thanks. We're at tea minus 7 minutes

Anonymous No. 16253580
>"We have found a hole" in the weather and it's looking good for 5:26 pm ET, in just a few minutes.

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Anonymous No. 16253583

neuschwanstein is probably my absolute favorite, built for a castle autist, and it shows. The interior is even better.
When I think of these castles I think of the martian tunnels.

Anonymous No. 16253585

threadly reminder that you can set a youtube livestream to 1.25x-2x playback speed and it will eat into the buffer and get you closer to real-time; yt starts streams with a 20ish second buffer delay to smooth over network fluctuation but if your internet is decent you don't need it

Anonymous No. 16253587

Since when did NASA have 4K stream?

Anonymous No. 16253589

Been a while. They rarely use it though.

Anonymous No. 16253592

>spacex can't even build a water tower that doesn't leak

Anonymous No. 16253593

When did they finish that tower?

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Anonymous No. 16253595

Here's one of my favorites. Hocheppan in South Tyrol.

Anonymous No. 16253596

T-1 min

Anonymous No. 16253597

Why does this appeal to you?

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Anonymous No. 16253599


Anonymous No. 16253600


Anonymous No. 16253603

it looks aesthetic and architectural

Anonymous No. 16253604

Am I crazy or is this noticeably slower than a single core Falcon 9 launch?

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Anonymous No. 16253605

Clear Max-Qute!

Anonymous No. 16253606


Anonymous No. 16253607

That’s cute

Anonymous No. 16253608


Anonymous No. 16253609

>Booster instantly covered in soot upon separation

Anonymous No. 16253610

>symmetric booster flip and burns

Anonymous No. 16253611

Fuck that double boost back burn is really aesthetic

Anonymous No. 16253612

To me it looks very functional, built economically.
I don't really see the aesthetic.

Anonymous No. 16253613

launch cat looks a bit different this time...

Anonymous No. 16253614

kino boost back

Anonymous No. 16253615

space isnt hard, its just hard for grifters

Anonymous No. 16253616

This FH tracking footage would fucking melt the brain of a circa 2005ish era spaceflight fan

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Anonymous No. 16253617


Anonymous No. 16253618


Anonymous No. 16253619

kino x 2

Anonymous No. 16253620

Wait are both Psyche boosters being reused for Europa Clipper? Does NASA have its own dedicated fleet within SX for its own launches or something?

Anonymous No. 16253621

WHOA, put those away Mr Musk!
You could stab an eye out, you know!

Anonymous No. 16253622

SpaceX mogs everyone else again

Anonymous No. 16253623

2 easy

Anonymous No. 16253625

friggin neat

Anonymous No. 16253626

>Sonic booms felt in the studio
True Kino

Anonymous No. 16253627

>boosters land asynchornously again
its over

Anonymous No. 16253628

O I'm cumming

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Anonymous No. 16253629


Copers need this phone number

Anonymous No. 16253630

We need to save the Gators from these sonic booms!!

Anonymous No. 16253632


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Anonymous No. 16253634

Anonymous No. 16253635

Good old engine rats. I’m glad spacex never hired an exterminator for their integration facility. I would miss the little guys.

Anonymous No. 16253636

30% weather chance worked out nicely

Anonymous No. 16253637

or just FH launches are rare enough that you're bound to get the same boosters if you buy a few flights

Anonymous No. 16253638

a rat got on set - they film on a stage with a greenscreen.
the engine rat keeps showing up, but gullible people say it's ice and still think the rockets really go to space

Anonymous No. 16253639

We did it, bros

Anonymous No. 16253641

Last I checked this is done intentionally. They landed them together originally but it lead to problems.

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Anonymous No. 16253643

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Anonymous No. 16253644

Anonymous No. 16253645

It will have a negligable impact

Anonymous No. 16253646

Yeah the problem where SpaceX cannot maintain simultaneous radio communication to two different vehicles.

Anonymous No. 16253647

i watched the estronaut stream and he's fielding questions about whether vulcan will be switching to raptor

Anonymous No. 16253649

What are Nazis up to?

Anonymous No. 16253650

>(rocket pictograph) rocket factory augsburg rocket factory

Anonymous No. 16253652

NASA is just one of the few clients that actually needs what Falcon Heavy can offer. So far FH has launched three big geostationary telecom satellites, four spooky government payloads, two NASA payloads and one Tesla.

Anonymous No. 16253653

>the solution to an extremely complex engineering problem should appeal to my sense of aesthetics

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Anonymous No. 16253654

According to the FAA proposals it's 44 launches per day out of cape

Anonymous No. 16253655


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Anonymous No. 16253657

this but unironically

Anonymous No. 16253658

There will never be a swap. ULA designs and builds around engines. With their safety cuck excel spreadsheet style of engineering, there will never be an engine swap without redesigning the entire fucking rocket.

Anonymous No. 16253659

as musk is to estronaut,
estronaut is to normies

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Anonymous No. 16253661

Anonymous No. 16253662

BO didn't have much money or employees during the first 15 years

Anonymous No. 16253663

Typical over-engineered designs with staged combustion and a Nitromethane powered 3rd stage for 1.6t to LEO

Anonymous No. 16253664

>Chat summary
Auto-generated experiment • Quality may vary
A group of people is discussing a rocket launch, with some focusing on the success of the launch, while others express skepticism about space travel.

lmao, this on NASA's stream

Anonymous No. 16253665

Lear's Law: If it looks good, it'll fly good.

Anonymous No. 16253666

>44 launches per day
Holy fuck

Anonymous No. 16253667

That's their own fault.

Anonymous No. 16253668

Run of the mill ablative nozzle gas generator shite by the look of it.

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GOES-U Booster la....webm

Anonymous No. 16253669

Anonymous No. 16253671

>>16253666 checked
44 super heavy launches a day could sustain a brilliant pebbles constellation during a hot war. just saying

Anonymous No. 16253673

What is the connection between Elon and Assange

Anonymous No. 16253674

Very very disrespectful.

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Anonymous No. 16253675

No way.
What the fuck were they thinking?
That kind of launch rate won't be achievable for the next 10 years.

Anonymous No. 16253677

You'd have nipples you could cut glass with too if you just succeeded way beyond expectation with IFT-4.

Anonymous No. 16253678

What planet is this?

Anonymous No. 16253679

that's crazy

Anonymous No. 16253680

It's probably what's needed for Artemis and future development

Anonymous No. 16253681

This will turn everyone at that county into a NIMBY lmao

Anonymous No. 16253682


Anonymous No. 16253683

Why would BO file it themselves? Why wouldn't they use some third party with no official affiliation to BO or Bezos to do it?

Anonymous No. 16253684

both of them make libtards seethe due to their having insufficient loyalty to neoliberalism

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Anonymous No. 16253685

Anonymous No. 16253686

Even just one a day is enough to rustle the jimmies of all the retards living near the cape.

44 launches a day is literally a threat

Anonymous No. 16253688

Fuck Florida pensioners.

Anonymous No. 16253690

they can move if they don't like it

Anonymous No. 16253691

They're going to die within a few years so there's no reason to hold back.

Anonymous No. 16253692

I hope they liquefy every last Floridiot boomer

Anonymous No. 16253694

Not to mention they wear silly little hats.

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GOES-U Launch.webm

Anonymous No. 16253696

Misread the 'a day bit'

Anonymous No. 16253697

genuine question, how do people look at this and still call SpaceX a failure

Anonymous No. 16253700

Massive amounts of cope usually.
>Hurr durr Government subsidies!
>Herp derp NASA gave them those technologies!

Anonymous No. 16253702

>Move near a rocket range that has existed since the 1960's in 1995
>complain about noise
it's like retards who buy a house next to an airport then demand there be a nighttime curfew

Anonymous No. 16253703

dc-x did exactly the same thing. a triple core dc-x placed a weathersat in GEO in 1995. you're not impressing anyone.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16253705

What is that supposed to mean? It was meant an explanation, not an attribution of "fault".

If BO didn't have much money, those years might as well not have existed as far as development time is concerned. What counts is the number of engineering hours spent, not the number of calendar days passed, and engineering hours cost money. Bezos wasn't giving BO much money, and they never got any COTS or CRS contract, nor did they even try to. BO was just a small think tank hobby project for Bezos at the time; he was focused on Amazon.

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Anonymous No. 16253707

Anonymous No. 16253708

It's really funny to compare how clean Falcon's exhaust plume compared to ULA et al. Even Starship looks (almost) clear

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Anonymous No. 16253712

They hold whatever opinions they're told to

Anonymous No. 16253713

What is that supposed to mean? It was meant an explanation, not an attribution of "fault".

If BO didn't have much money, those years might as well not have existed as far as development time is concerned. What counts is the number of engineering hours spent, not the number of calendar days passed, and engineering hours cost money. Bezos wasn't giving BO much money, and they never got any COTS or CRS style contract. BO was just a small think tank hobby project for Bezos at the time; he was focused on Amazon.

Anonymous No. 16253714

The D in EDS stands for Derangement.

Anonymous No. 16253716

Human mind is a reasoning machine. It can reason anything from anything to anything. Hitler is alive? Elvis is black? SpaceX is a failure? Moon landing hoax? TimeCube/Flat earth? etc/etc.

There are 8 billion+ and each one prompts their brain with different input and can generate infinite number of responses.

Anonymous No. 16253719

It means Jeff Bezos has had his rocket company for 25 years and his failure to do anything with it does not excuse his failure to do anything with it. It's shameful is what it is.

Anonymous No. 16253720

you caught yourself so fast i didn't have time to issue a sperg correction.

Anonymous No. 16253722

There was literally nothing there until the 1960s when NASA started developing the entire area from scratch. Before this it was only a hurriedly surveyed area scanned by Ponce de León.
Anyone complaining can and should move.

Anonymous No. 16253726

True. I misremembered. However I believe it's still true they never bothered to develop an F1 equivalent to prove themselves.

Anonymous No. 16253729


Anonymous No. 16253731

They also forget to mention that many of the DC-X employees went to work for Blue Origin lmao.

Anonymous No. 16253735

Elon will do it
There is no doubt in my heart
(The content of my mind is irrelevant. I am retarded)

Anonymous No. 16253737

A company with, say, 10 employees is not the same as a company with 100,000 employees, and should not be compared or expected to perform the same feats. This should be obvious, and I don't see how such basic business facts are shameful.

The main reasons BO has existed for 24 years without yet reaching orbit is:
1. The company didn't have much money or employees during the first half of its existence. This was because Bezos hadn't truly opened his wallet yet, and they didn't get COTS/CRS style contracts
2. Their first orbital rocket is technically ambitious. The goal is not just to reach orbit, it's to have a rocket that is highly competitive, or at least would have been highly competitive if SpaceX hadn't leapfrogged them with Starship while the BE-4 was stuck in development hell
BO is also inherently slow, however 1 & 2 are the main reasons.

Anonymous No. 16253738

back in the x-prize days all the smart people were saying that small launch was a dead end (true) and suborbital tourism was where the money was. bezos at amazon never had any trouble telling investors to fuck off if he thought he had a better idea but when it comes to spaceflight he just lacks either the aptitude or the interest.

Anonymous No. 16253740

>44 launches a day
>4x 200T orbital refueled launches a day

Anonymous No. 16253741

There's nothing shameful about making a suborbital rocket. It's not my ambition and same goes for most people here, but it's not wrong. Bezos hasn't made any promises or grand declarations like Elon has, there's nothing wrong with being slow when he treats the company like a side project.

The lawsuit are shameful, but that's it

Anonymous No. 16253743

ULA and BO teaming up to hamper Starship on the Cape, of fucking course.

Can't allow them to get away with it

Anonymous No. 16253745

I called and they refused to help me.

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Anonymous No. 16253747

Anonymous No. 16253751

That's a launch every half hour, 24/7

Anonymous No. 16253752

Bezos chose to sit on his ass and get nothing done, and now he cries like a bitch when other people have accomplished things he didn't.

Anonymous No. 16253753

SpaceX's award for the COTS contract and the CRS contract for 12 launches was worth close to $3B in 2024 dollars. That's not small money. Of course, the problem with pursuing that business strategy is that there were limited slots.

Suborbital tourism might have seemed like a smart idea as a stepping stone because it's a way to monetize a Grasshopper style test vehicle. I think the flaw in that plan are the extreme quality control requirements when you're carrying humans.

Anonymous No. 16253757

I didn't care much for the soijaks, I'm tired of them, but I'm not tired of Bezjaks.
And those lines really are good, but I would have said "it's just a sounding rocket WITH SEATS."

Anonymous No. 16253758

Your snarky replies suggest you're emotionally invested in the matter

Anonymous No. 16253759

Cape Canaveral will literally be just SpaceX and Blue Origin (after ULA purchase) butting heads and vying for launch range dominance soon with NASA occasionally swinging their big orange dick around once every year or two

Anonymous No. 16253761


Anonymous No. 16253766

I think this is AI? I can't tell anymore, maybe Dalle-3

Anonymous No. 16253769

hearty kekold

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Anonymous No. 16253770

i think the big issue was everybody badly underestimated how hard reusing a suborbital craft was going to be. the assumption appears to have been that once you built something that could be reflown once then you'd get to the point where it could be reflown every day in pretty short order.

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Anonymous No. 16253772

Anonymous No. 16253792

lmao, gigabased

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Anonymous No. 16253794

Anonymous No. 16253804

It's a loose transliteration while keeping enough cyrillic to make it look like "pussy"

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16253824

good evening anons,
happy to see nominal FH launch!
and I hope Jeff wakes up tomorrow with a stiff neck.

Anonymous No. 16253832

In spaceflight? Why yes, I am.

Anonymous No. 16253844

>Clear Heavy

Anonymous No. 16253913

Two towers, each with an hour per launch with fueling currently only taking 45 minutes.
Downright reasonable

Anonymous No. 16253953

As awesome as it would be for daily launch rates, It's 44 launches a year.

Anonymous No. 16254049

>the steel launch tower is actually filled with concrete
yeah I'm much less worried about the pad being obliterated by a failed catch

Anonymous No. 16254076

>Two towers
lmao, how long until they start on a third and beyond?

Anonymous No. 16254088

Till they figure out reuseable launch infrastructure
The jury is still out if they have a reuseable tower, the OLM sure isn't reusable yet

Anonymous No. 16254145


Anonymous No. 16254146

44 rockets going up means 44 rockets coming down, anon
that's a sonic boom rattling Orlando every half hour 24/7

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Anonymous No. 16254150

unfortunately, he's mistaken

Anonymous No. 16254158
