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๐Ÿงต /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16253760

GOES-U Edition
Previous: >>16251627

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Anonymous No. 16253762

SpaceX will shrimply move to MARS and share it with rocketlab

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xdownloader hcklT....webm

Anonymous No. 16253764

Anonymous No. 16253765

The stream continues on NASA

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Anonymous No. 16253767

Good evening

Anonymous No. 16253768

What is the significance of samples from the lunar far side?

Anonymous No. 16253773

makes for a good propaganda stunt since nobody's done it before. but nobody had done it before because there wasn't really any point in it.

Anonymous No. 16253774


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16253776

Chinks wouldnt even get that w if apollo had landed on the far side. It was seriously considered for apollo 14

Anonymous No. 16253777

noo, you just can't do that. we must slow down progress!
t. bezos

Anonymous No. 16253779

I think the location Chang'e 6 landed is thought to be formed out of extremely old lunar mantle ejecta, thus a sample can potentially give clues about the early Moon (and indirectly also the early Earth, since the Moon was split off from the Earth not long before)

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Anonymous No. 16253780

>and live to see yourself become the (clownish) villain

Anonymous No. 16253781

>a whole nothingberger today
what a joke

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Anonymous No. 16253782

Long March 2C Rocket with Nitrogen Tetroxide brings in the new year celebrations!!

Anonymous No. 16253786

this is the right answer

Anonymous No. 16253787


Anonymous No. 16253788

That joke would have worked better if it had happened 4 months ago

Anonymous No. 16253791

For some reason i couldnt explain but someone else definitely could, the far side of the moon is significantly different from the near side, in ways like craters, makeup, and other things i am not qualified or knowledgeable enough to say with certainty.
Its different from the near side, and we havent gotten shit from the far side so its important.

Anonymous No. 16253793

That village had a low economic importance, so this video is irrelevant and slander against the Chinese people.

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Anonymous No. 16253795

Reminder that for a brief period the Martian atmosphere was thought to be nitrogen tetroxide

Anonymous No. 16253797

Hybergoligs or hydrologgs?
Which is best?

Anonymous No. 16253798


Anonymous No. 16253805


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Anonymous No. 16253806

Hyberloob :DD

Anonymous No. 16253807

Yuo have good taste

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Anonymous No. 16253809

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Anonymous No. 16253810

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Anonymous No. 16253811

sneaking in a cheeky heil for giggles every time Tim visits

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Anonymous No. 16253812

Anonymous No. 16253814

rocketlab struggles with R&D and rocket factory struggles with manufacturing, who knew?

Anonymous No. 16253815

I thought they didn't believe in iterative development

Anonymous No. 16253816

Funny considering Elon is convinced proonting is too expensive, along with carbon fiber. I think Beck, in an effort to differentiate himself, will kill their rocket business

Anonymous No. 16253817

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a Collins is Out.jpg

Anonymous No. 16253818

Well, that's another few billion down the loo with absolutely nothing to show for it. Good job NASA!

Anonymous No. 16253821

They didn't spend the money, remember nasa has moved to fixed price contracts. Thus they only get payouts when hitting milestones which they weren't so they weren't getting money.

Anonymous No. 16253823

nice stovetop

Anonymous No. 16253829

is that chin a requirement for nasa astrogirls?

Anonymous No. 16253836

proonting is too slow for mass manufacturing, it's just for prototyping (which spacex uses it for btw)

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Anonymous No. 16253838

good evening anons,
happy to see nominal FH launch!
and I hope Jeff wakes up tomorrow with a stiff neck.

Anonymous No. 16253839

>The Chinese

Anonymous No. 16253842

>sneaking in a cheeky heil for giggles every time Tim visits
you're obviously misreading far too much

Anonymous No. 16253843

> Neither Collins or Axiom has received any money. They've been working for free.

Sure. Anyway....

Anonymous No. 16253846

Well collins didn't cause they weren't working. As evidenced by the many missed milestones.

Anonymous No. 16253847

that swindler big ballast bill tricked a company into working for free for two years. he can't keep getting away with it.

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Anonymous No. 16253850

Peter Kek should really re evaluate is priorities in my humble but honest opinion. He should just accept the loss when it comes to the "Earth" rocket market.
In my opinion his 3D printing is pretty gud and I reckon he could carve a huge market for himself in building cheap reliable "Lunar" launch vehicles with the recourses there.
Just think about it, I don't think SpaceX cares at all about the Lunar manufacturing market when it arrives.

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Anonymous No. 16253854

I prefer the competent foreign chad villain.

Anonymous No. 16253857

Now that best korea has better rocket tech from the russians, will we see juche in space?

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Anonymous No. 16253859


Anonymous No. 16253860


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they do it for free.jpg

Anonymous No. 16253862


Anonymous No. 16253868

> couldn't quell his eugenics autism in front of his freaky giant henchman until he secured the bag
not that competent tbph

Anonymous No. 16253871

I really wanted space feudalism.

Anonymous No. 16253878


Anonymous No. 16253882

>$3.5 billion fucking dollars
>B I L L I O N
>still cant make a fucking space suit
the grift is incredible

Anonymous No. 16253884


I Google up $500 million so far to Collins, but to confirm the checks were cut, would have to look at the NASA and Collins financial statements. Rather a lot of effort for a chan .

Anonymous No. 16253885

>same company that made the current EMU suits, and the Apollo A7 suits
>can't make a simple upgrade of that today

>for 3.5 billion

Anonymous No. 16253886

fuck up thundercuck
the only bottleneck is getting there which will be extremely easy within 10-15 years

Anonymous No. 16253889

And NASA wouldn't even own the suits. They were rentals. Like bowling shoes.

Anonymous No. 16253895

Why do you guys want Bridenstine back anyway? Did you forgot he works for Iridium as a lobbyist and works against SpaceX now?

Anonymous No. 16253898

He knows how to play the game. I would shill for Iridium too for a fat paycheck. You think integrity gets you anywhere in Washington? Fag

Anonymous No. 16253899


Oh. Are we supposed to be SpaceX cultists or something? Is that a requirement?

Anonymous No. 16253902

Unironically yes.

Anonymous No. 16253903

will always be loyal to our cause, when Trump is elected he will be leading the Artemis Accords.

Anonymous No. 16253912


Anonymous No. 16253914


Anonymous No. 16253921

there's a lot of false consciousness from right-leaning anons who only started paying attention to space policy during the trump administration. he deserves credit for separating HLS from SLS and that's about all he did of consequence.

Anonymous No. 16253926

>mneeed to adsk noaa for a selfie


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Anonymous No. 16253929

> Democrats aren't crab bucket queer commies who hate spaceflight
fuck off faggot

Anonymous No. 16253930

>false consciousness

Anonymous No. 16253934

CLPS, Artemis, Artemis Accords, scaring the shit out of Congress and Shelby with EM-1 Falcon Heavy (almost lost his job for it), HLS, cheerleading constantly for NASA and constantly making the case. Began the conversation about ISS replacement with commercial options, absolute champion of commercial space. He had so many fucking sitdown sessions with various Congresspeople and tailored the case to their district and the ROI NASA provides. Ballast has done NONE of that

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Anonymous No. 16253942

I am as far right as it gets and I have been into space ever since watching this with my Dad at age 4 in 1999

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Anonymous No. 16253947


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Anonymous No. 16253949

Anonymous No. 16253955

>NASA's global warming satellite.
what a total waste, its either programmed to produce fake data needed to falsely confirm global warming or the data they get from it will be altered to falsely prove global warming is real. either way theres no purpose to have built or launched the thing since the outcome of the experiment is predetermined.

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Anonymous No. 16253956

please pay your respects to this crazy eyed hero.
RIP steve.

Anonymous No. 16253959

Maybe we can launch you into geostationary orbit next time, that way you can produce all the "correct" data and you can stay up there.

Anonymous No. 16253968

is a mess
is a mess
>Artemis Accords
nobody gives a shit outside of the state department
>scaring the shit out of Congress and Shelby with EM-1 Falcon Heavy
accomplished nothing
sure, that's why i conceded that
>Began the conversation about ISS replacement with commercial options
you may have a point there but at the same anything that happened under his watch was so preliminary
>Ballast has done NONE of that
sure, but i'm never going to defend ballast on anything. but ballast got handed a bunch of programs that were in very precarious positions - commercial crew was arguably in good shape and that was about it.

Anonymous No. 16253971

>be nasa
>lets prove GW is real - yay soience!!
>crap it's real
>-90% funding to NASA
>+90% funding to welfare state
>+200% carbon tax
>no more nasa
>no more spacex

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Anonymous No. 16253974

Great show. And it includes all nine planets.

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Anonymous No. 16253975


Anonymous No. 16253976

Trump was the best space president we ever had

Anonymous No. 16253978

I think that was probably JFK, anon.

Anonymous No. 16253980

Pretty sure he got shot in the head in a year so no

Anonymous No. 16253982

Yeah but we went to the moon because of him. Other than that, nothing really has been accomplished. Trump admin pushed the Artemis accord, so he deserves a lot of credit for kickstarting this new era.

Anonymous No. 16253989

>tim dodd when his shit got pirated

>developer of ultrakill game when his shit got pirated
"culture shouldnt be only for those who can afford it"

Anonymous No. 16253991

>we went to the moon because of him.
The Moon project was a defense department experiment to study the feasibility of setting up a permanent nuclear weapons base on the moon, it was disguised as a science mission for the obvious reasons. If you've looked over the history of the project you might have noticed that everyone involved was "ex" military

Anonymous No. 16253993

There are not 9 planets

Anonymous No. 16253995

>dindu nuffin

Anonymous No. 16253998

It was pretty great series, I believe I had the dvd set that came with all 8 episodes.

Anonymous No. 16254005

>The Moon isn't a planet
lurk moar

Anonymous No. 16254011

Florida residents raised concerns Monday night about the disruptive noise and possible infrastructure damage if Starship ramps up launches from Floridaโ€™s space coast.

Arizona and Nevada are legit great places to move is you want isolation from the world.

Anonymous No. 16254019

Youre obviously a newnigger. Go back to >>>/v/ aka >>>/reddit/ nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16254020


Anonymous No. 16254021

The fact that you've been repeating this for years doesn't make it true.

Anonymous No. 16254023

the moon and sun were both planets for way longer than uranus and neptune have been planets

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Anonymous No. 16254027

Anonymous No. 16254029

Oh so youre a geocel.

Anonymous No. 16254032

Axiom has actually been doing good work, Vast will have good competition in the future with them and Gravitics for the military, maybe it wont shape out like a SpaceX type dominated market.

Anonymous No. 16254034

It'll be like limpets hanging onto the body of SpaceX for secondary contracts

Anonymous No. 16254037

Are you retarded? SpaceX wont even be in the commercial space station industry until at best 2030 with the first PDR for a Starship station variant being in 2029. That is MORE than enough time for the others to gain the necessary experience and connections to gain a permanent foothold in the CSS industry. Not to mention they get the capabilities of Starship for their stations before SpaceX themselves does. They will CLEARLY be dominating the market, and while SpaceX may gain a share of it, it definetly wont be a majority of total sales. Maybe even a quarter is doubtful.

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Anonymous No. 16254044

not feeling it

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Anonymous No. 16254046

Anonymous No. 16254047

Sooner or later you are just going to have to accept that longer fineness ratios are simply superior.

Anonymous No. 16254048

New articles from CSI. Tower 2 vs Tower 1

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Anonymous No. 16254050

Anonymous No. 16254051

Man, they were so shiny at the start of the launch. Filthy shitty kerosene.

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Anonymous No. 16254057

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Anonymous No. 16254059

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Anonymous No. 16254060

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Anonymous No. 16254061

Anonymous No. 16254062

i'm just saying why is nobody running michaelson-morley in orbit if they don't want to cover up the lumineferous ether's existence?

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Anonymous No. 16254063


Anonymous No. 16254065


Anonymous No. 16254066


Anonymous No. 16254067

can't watch his videos cause of that shit

Anonymous No. 16254069

stupid wojakposter

Anonymous No. 16254078

The starliner departure on the 26th was delayed right? Have they given a new date?

Anonymous No. 16254079

No earlier than July 3rd no later than a week or two after that because the fuel will be gone

Anonymous No. 16254081

July 4th, watch them crisp up on freedom day

Anonymous No. 16254082

I wish we lived in a skitzo headcannon world
Shit would be so cash

Anonymous No. 16254083


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Anonymous No. 16254084

If they can get Neutron running, I think they have a fairly solid chance and keeping a market for themselves. Granted, Starship could wipe out all other rocket markets if the cost is really as low as Elon wants it to be, but we will have to wait for SS/SH to be heavily optimized and in mass production to see it.

But they still have their other products like in-house satellite production. They could tie in the costs of making a custom sat and launching it for a customer. An all-in-one stop could be its own market if done right, people will pay for convenience.

Anonymous No. 16254086

If something goes wrong, I think I know who's dying first.

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The Moon Meets Al....pdf

Anonymous No. 16254087

The science is settled, there are nine planets

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Anonymous No. 16254089

GOES-U deployed.

Anonymous No. 16254090

unbelievably kino deployment

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Anonymous No. 16254091

Anonymous No. 16254092

>4.5 hours
Why did it take so long to get to orbit?

Anonymous No. 16254093

low energy

Anonymous No. 16254094

>low energy
Fuck off Tory

Anonymous No. 16254096

Geostationary is a 24 hour orbit, so a transfer orbit is about 12 hours. They flew the first leg of that orbit so here we are.

Anonymous No. 16254097

>Geostationary is a 24 hour orbit, so a transfer orbit is about 12 hours. They flew the first leg of that orbit so here we are.

I didn't know it was geostationary, makes sense now, thank you.

Anonymous No. 16254101

other rocket companies: this is so stupid and uneconomical, cost plus is obviously the superior option, elon is such a retard lmao

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Anonymous No. 16254103

Light is invariant, the real test of aether is resistance to acceleration of tardyonic mass (hint hint).

Anonymous No. 16254106

I'm gonna cross-post this from >>>/n/stg/, because you guys are probably missing it.
This guy's former SpaceX, and also confirms SpaceX is doing things behind the scenes too that we just don't get to see.

Anonymous No. 16254107

They're right, y'know?

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Bob reaction.png

Anonymous No. 16254112


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Anonymous No. 16254114

thanks /stg/schizo anon, keep us posted

Anonymous No. 16254117

>and also confirms SpaceX is doing things behind the scenes too that we just don't get to see.
I really hope SpaceX have their equivalent of Skunworks

Anonymous No. 16254119

>board is so slow there are still live Hero Flap reactions in that thread

Anonymous No. 16254120



Anonymous No. 16254121

"Bart, that firework is two brave astronauts burning to death in agony. Show some respect."

"Don't have cow Homer."

"Why you...."


Anonymous No. 16254123

Why do you think Elon got to see the fun parts of Los Alamos?

Anonymous No. 16254124

Starliner's departure will be Butch going for a spacewalk and personally chucking the thing retrograde

Anonymous No. 16254125


Anonymous No. 16254126

>butch chucks the wicked witch of nasa into the atmosphere in a vehicle with multiple helium leaks
make it happen

Anonymous No. 16254127

SPX Works exists. You heard about the L33T engine in the book. They have special personal projects that try to cook up new and innovative ways to improve upon engines and everything. Everything from those comes back into changes that happen to SpaceX every single day.

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See Starship and ....webm

Anonymous No. 16254128

Anonymous No. 16254130

Reagan tried to give us nuclear pumped X-Ray battlestars launched to orbit on fluidized pebble bed reactor rockets. But the Democrats blocked him.

Anonymous No. 16254131

I think the pipeline for SpaceX changes is probably in the order of ~6m-1y. So they got many cooked shit that we prob wont see for another ~6m or so. Further I think more deeply ambitious projects being cooked are more long term timeline and requires more r/d.

Anonymous No. 16254132

I really didn't like this shot. Because the easiest way to give some perspective is to have one of them walk up to the base of the tower or launch pad.
It's so easy!! Just walk up to it!!

Anonymous No. 16254133

>They have special personal projects that try to cook up new and innovative ways to improve upon engines and everything

They should look into plasma magnets, electric tethers and those electrostatic meme drives then, like true out of the box thinking and R&D that not even NASA would pursue

Anonymous No. 16254153

muh ITAR muh hardhat rule

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Anonymous No. 16254154

Anonymous No. 16254155

Elon didn't want estro breathing near his launch vehicle

Anonymous No. 16254157

>letting estro near starship
that camera smudge is lucky to even look at it, and not have his cameras smashed lmao

Anonymous No. 16254161

Does /sfg/ have a hate boner for this guy now that he has a moon ticket?

Anonymous No. 16254162

but he hasn't had one for weeks

Anonymous No. 16254163

his ticket went up in flames, no refunds

Anonymous No. 16254164

only after his big tantrum

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Anonymous No. 16254166

>moved next to a rocket facility

Anonymous No. 16254179


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Anonymous No. 16254183

Next FH launch is a very big mission.

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Anonymous No. 16254190

not everyday nasa shits out a good looking mission patch too

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Anonymous No. 16254191

This AI cannot stop shitting on Blue Origin every opportunity

Anonymous No. 16254192

are these supposed to be funny?

Anonymous No. 16254197


Anonymous No. 16254198

AI generated

Anonymous No. 16254202

TL;DR: Dodd decides to post how he's upset but looks forward to the future, and /sfg/ has a massive fucking hate boner because 4chan hasn't shed cringe culture yet.

Anonymous No. 16254206

>won't arrive until 2030
All the cool space probes are so many years away from actually doing science.
At least it'll still beat JUICE.

Anonymous No. 16254207

>cringe culture
What does this mean?

Anonymous No. 16254209

Buzz Aldrin says the same thing in his autobiography.

Anonymous No. 16254210

People see the slightest bit of sincerity and immediately see it as ugly.
It's ruined the fucking internet, and I can blame both 4chan AND Reddit for this shit because r/cringe really kicked it off and 4chan made it widespread.

Anonymous No. 16254212

Does that mean a taller tower?

Anonymous No. 16254215

Cry me a river, he is shedding tears publicly and in a snarky fashion over losing his FREE ticket to space, womp womp.
There have been hundreds of thousands of people more qualified than him who have spent their whole lives working toward becoming an astronaut and have failed in their dreams.

Anonymous No. 16254219

Oh I'm suuure there are. The Polaris missions are a stellar example of the fact that there were hundreds, if not thousands of much better qualified candidates, even today.
That wasn't even the point of the mission though, and you fucking know it. They weren't supposed to be trained astronauts. Their job wasn't supposed to be to fly the damn space craft. Their job was to be civilians who could inspire the next generation.
Like it or hate it, Tim Dodd certainly inspires people with space. He's the one getting invites to interviews, not you.

And another thing? That's not snarky. You wanna know what's snarky? Your sarcastic, bitter post.

Anonymous No. 16254221

If we ever settle the belt, you'll probably see some of that. Bunch of little rock fiefdoms

Anonymous No. 16254222

Wow Tim that is just insane

Anonymous No. 16254223

Juche means self-reliance so we damn well better see some of that.

Anonymous No. 16254224

It will literally go nowhere but if I ever do space belt colonization, I'll be doing it with max-security prisoners. They get to commute their sentence by working in the space belt, and then get the choice to either go home or stay on the colony and keep the rock to themselves.
If they kill themselves? No big deal. Just let 'em decompose for a couple of years and then send in the next batch of 30 or so.

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Anonymous No. 16254225

>not making quiet non-polluting rockets with lavender scented exhaust
it's like Elon is a chud and doesn't even care if a boomer neighbor's property values aren't doubling every 5 years

Anonymous No. 16254227

Sorry but not buying it, he is an entitled brat with a giant ego because he has hanged out with Elon in person several times. Any normal person would understand that sometimes things don't go your way and move on without making a long-winded post about how their dreams were shattered into 1 million pieces.

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Anonymous No. 16254229

>chinlets need not apply to be astronauts
It's so over

Anonymous No. 16254238

So boing launched the shitliner 5 years late and now it's stranded some astronauts on the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16254240

>entitled brat
Sure. I can go with him being entitled. But you still can show empathy to an "entitled brat".
>any normal person would understand sometimes things don't go your way and move on
He was offered an opportunity he is very unlikely to receive again, got so tantalizingly close all things considered, and thanks to circumstances outside of his control, that opportunity was ripped away. Additionally, he genuinely seemed very invested into the opportunity.
This isn't just "aw man, I won't get that pay raise now because I botched the interview," this is much closer to the level of "aw man, I won't ever have the kids I always dreamed of because I'm infertile." Obviously, not entirely analogous, but you get the point; Without a god damn miracle, that man is never going to check off his bucket list.
Unfortunately, humans don't bounce back like that so easily, no matter how entitled they are. We're not machines. Everyone finds a means to cope, and there's plenty of ways to do so. Drinking, venting to friends, drugs, isolation, and of course, venting it on their personal blog.
Now, do I agree that he should have done it on the blog? No, I find posting blogposts, especially on blogsites that have some sort of feedback system, to be a generally unhealthy coping mechanism. Doesn't change the fact that it's still a completely viable coping mechanism to handle with losing such an unbelievably rare opportunity.

Anonymous No. 16254241

Tickets will be available for purchase a few decades down the line for your kind. We will of course be taking a 50% price hike from you though

Anonymous No. 16254245

Not reading all of that but aright Tim you win my friend. Anyways thanks for the insightful starbase tour and interviews you recently shared with the world.

Anonymous No. 16254249

>Now I can't look at the moon without feeling regret
What a fag

Anonymous No. 16254250

Keep sucking on Dodd's cock you dumb faggot

Anonymous No. 16254252

that's crazy

Anonymous No. 16254253

I'm surprised he took that dear moon thing so seriously. I would have appreciated being chosen but taken an attitude of wait and see

Anonymous No. 16254256

damn dude that's insane

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16254258


Thats all I hear from you

Anonymous No. 16254263

can you not understand sarcasm?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16254265


Anonymous No. 16254266

go back to /pol/

Anonymous No. 16254267

not spaceflight kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16254271


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Anonymous No. 16254273

seriously, go back.

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Anonymous No. 16254275

your next starbase better be WAY better ya spastic dweeb hat wearing nerd. idk what fuck you uploaded but that shit was amateur-hour lol, maybe next time prepare some real questions instead of saying "dude that's crazy" or "oh wow that's insane" every 10 seconds.

Anonymous No. 16254280

i wanted to see a poet around the moon :(

Anonymous No. 16254288

are they authentic, original reactions or did he copy-paste reactions from here and from twitter?

Anonymous No. 16254289

it's still a ten minute walk from there to the tower

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Anonymous No. 16254295


Anonymous No. 16254297

Something about that movie pisses me off and I can't put my finger on it.

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Anonymous No. 16254302

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16254305

Woah dude that's just insane

Anonymous No. 16254314

>stop respect
>rape women

Anonymous No. 16254324

lol that walltext

Anonymous No. 16254327

What's so special about him? Lots of people would like to go to the moon who won't.

Anonymous No. 16254329

hi tim

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16254377

I like how everyone decided that "oh yeah they're defending Tim, they must be Tim."
Like, yeah. I don't agree with Tim's reaction. I even said so, calling it very unhealthy to do so and even outlining it as a coping mechanism(those are not healthy in general, but they are also on a spectrum.) I'm just saying that it's 100% understandable reaction, and you're all miserable cunts who don't like genuine expressions of emotion.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16254383

(I'm also aware it's entirely for a joke, but it's just a PERFECT expression of what I'm talking about when I say "genuine expressions of emotion.")

I dunno. It could be his camera equipment, his apparent "charm" given Elon keeps inviting him despite his apparent stupidity at times, his 1.6 million subscriber-base that could learn quite a bit from such a trip...
Where's your channel with 1.6 million subscribers, anon? Hell, where's mine? If he's not special, why aren't we doing everything he can and is doing, but better?

Anonymous No. 16254384

I like how everyone decided that "oh yeah they're defending Tim, they must be Tim."
Like, yeah. I don't agree with Tim's reaction. I even said so, calling it very unhealthy to do so and even outlining it as a coping mechanism(those are not healthy in general, but they are also on a spectrum.) I'm just saying that it's 100% understandable reaction, and you're all miserable cunts who don't like genuine expressions of emotion.
(I'm also aware those replies are entirely for a joke, but it's just a PERFECT expression of what I'm talking about when I say "cringe culture.")

I dunno. It could be his camera equipment, his apparent "charm" given Elon keeps inviting him despite his apparent stupidity at times, his 1.6 million subscriber-base that could learn quite a bit from such a trip...
Where's your channel with 1.6 million subscribers, anon? Hell, where's mine? If he's not special, why aren't we doing everything he can and is doing, but better?
Evidently, there is something that does set him apart, though we can argue if he's any more deserving than another artist. I'm not here to discuss that though, I'm here to discuss spaceflight and just got a bit heated because everyone decided to dogpile him over a really stupid reason.

Anonymous No. 16254388

(You) are Elon, who do (you) invite to tour starbase?

Anonymous No. 16254389

I would've invited Kevin like a year ago, but he's off doing a spiritual journey now and has announced his intentions to part ways from space. Unfortunate, really.
I guess Felix and Marcus would do really well to interview me. Feel like at least one of them would be able to stoke non-ITAR details outta me.

Anonymous No. 16254394

He got big sub count for being in the right place at the right time, algo boosted by basedjack face and quirky astronaut suit. A mix of pure luck and some actually pretty good content if you ignore the onions. Pretty hard to reach that kind of sub count with space shit now since it's chock full of grifters that saw his channel ripping. You know when some hag ass bitch with 10lb of makeup flaunting her tits has a channel about niche male oriented topic that's its well passed saturation.

Anonymous No. 16254395

Buzz Aldrin

Anonymous No. 16254398

Live translated clear. First vtuber to interview Elon (especially a fem autist who actually knows shit) would get waaaaaay more publicity than captain soi.

Anonymous No. 16254402

What do you guys think stardock-built vessels will look like? I suspect they'll be triangular and blocky, though I can't really explain how I came to the former conclusion. It just seems... correct, especially with my idea of a cargo freighter using mostly hexagonal cargo pods.

I dunno man, after Neil Armstrong, I don't think he wants to meet his other heroes.
On a side note, he married at 93? Jesus.

>sub count
Alright, fair enough. Right time, right place, not much could change that.
None the less, the other parts we theoretically could do better if he wasn't that different to us.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. I'm tired of the bashing of someone who doesn't deserve it, but it won't change, despite my pitiful cry into the void that facilitates it. So... back to space flight.

Anonymous No. 16254407

>I'm tired of the bashing of someone who doesn't deserve it

You basedface and can't manage an actual interview without repeating the same shit over and over then you get mocked. It's pretty simple.

Anonymous No. 16254409

Huh, could be neat, but how the hell would the vtuber be portrayed in meatspace? A segway with a camera, computer and screen attached to it?

Anonymous No. 16254410

I'm going to go to that one. I was at Lucy's, I may as well go to this one. Bonus points if it doesn't launch at like 3 am. Night launches are awful (even if the views are spectacular)

Anonymous No. 16254416

fucking who?

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elon just before ....png

Anonymous No. 16254418

>*whistling 1812 Overture*
>*chuckles to himself*
He's such an autist lmao

Anonymous No. 16254419

What About It
... seriously? Marcus House? Like, out of all of them, I would've expected you to know this one.

Anonymous No. 16254422

>I suspect they'll be triangular and blocky, though I can't really explain how I came to the former conclusion
Sounds like a poor pressure vessel. Next thing you'll want all sort of pointy crap stuck on the outside

Anonymous No. 16254424

>after Neil Armstrong, I don't think he wants to meet his other heroes
What happened when he met Neil?

Anonymous No. 16254425

>Next thing you'll want (is some) sort of pointy crap stuck to the outside
No, unless it's a communications relay but those do better as dishes.
The blocky parts are really just exterior hull to provide extra weight to help distribute it around. I don't imagine the interiors to really be that blocky, more so cylinders encased with maybe backup cylinders on larger vessels incase they start leaking.

Anonymous No. 16254426


Anonymous No. 16254427

Oh, he didn't really meet Neil, and that's partially the problem.

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say insane one mo....png

Anonymous No. 16254431

Anonymous No. 16254432

Thats insane man, crazy

Anonymous No. 16254434

armstrong and cernan weren't exactly anti commercial space. They were just average oldspace "SLS is real" type boomers who were told by their oldspace engineers that what spacex was proposing would likely not succeed. Which in the early 10s wouldn't have been a controversial opinion

Anonymous No. 16254438

dude you kept posting lol

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Anonymous No. 16254439

Never mind Tim, there's always the B Team.

Anonymous No. 16254440

Oh yeah no. CBS issued an editor's note after the fact, but the 60 minutes segment aired before the editor's note was even posted(it aired March 6th, 2012, while the editor's note is June 21, 2012.)

Anonymous No. 16254443

that's just wow dude

Anonymous No. 16254445

There's like nothing to compare it to

Anonymous No. 16254448

does clear speak English? or, does Elon even know Japanese?

Anonymous No. 16254450

That Scott Manley Kerbal is a bit more terrifying in ways that I cannot possibly describe.

Forgive my ignorance but who is Lindybeige?

Anonymous No. 16254452

let me get the reacharound shot of you

Anonymous No. 16254453

when is the launch of what? idc about the details i just wanna see some rockets fly or explode

Anonymous No. 16254457

Ariane 6 maiden launch ion 9th of July
Polaris Dawn on 12th of July
Starliner return should be before that

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Anonymous No. 16254458

>"our" own rockets
what's "ours" faggot, who's "us"?

Anonymous No. 16254460

GOES-U literally happened yesterday.
According to this site, we've got a Firefly Alpha launch today.
(Maybe we should add this website to the next OP? It seems pretty handy to have around.)

Anonymous No. 16254461

if thunderfoot was fired into space on starship so you think he'd want it to succeed or fail?

Anonymous No. 16254466

>over 1000 posts since I last looked at /sfg/
did something happen or did I just forget to look at the threads for a few days?

Anonymous No. 16254468

I think everyone would want it to fail.

Anonymous No. 16254469

that's insane

Anonymous No. 16254470


Anonymous No. 16254471

Fail in some insignificant way so he can post videos on youtube about it.

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Anonymous No. 16254472

Without the shadows it looks like they're walking around a minature scale set or something

Anonymous No. 16254473

if he were fired into space on a starship as the sole occupant would YOU want it to fail or not?
bonus, is it a net positive to humanity?

Anonymous No. 16254474

threads have been pretty good between estronaut's interview and certain spergs seemingly taking a vacation

Anonymous No. 16254476

im not following spaceflight a lot, just tuned in casually.

It's so cool to see the boosters land on their own

Anonymous No. 16254479


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Anonymous No. 16254482

>who is Lindybeige
Internet meme historian. Mainly does medieval history so not the best choice for a trip to the moon but no worse than Britney I guess

Anonymous No. 16254484

>all this different manufacturers
It's incredible it didn't blow up on the pad

Anonymous No. 16254485

Hopefully in a few months time, it won't just be the boosters you'll see landing on their own. Exciting times are ahead, enjoy the ride.

Anonymous No. 16254487

yeah there's like nothing to compare it to, it's crazy

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Anonymous No. 16254488

it's the greatest spectacle in rocketry and i'm not convinced anything on this earth is ever gonna top it

Anonymous No. 16254489

I dunno man, staggered landings, landing pinpoint on barges in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, or soon-to-be catching 'em with the launch tower. It's hard to pick which spectacle is more impressive.

Anonymous No. 16254490

The canadian guy?

Anonymous No. 16254491

For me it'll be the booster being caught by the tower, placed back on the stand, then a little while later starship being caught on the same stand and immediately restacked.

Anonymous No. 16254492

pretty sure it's rich evans since he's 90% dead already

Anonymous No. 16254494

>he's behind me, isn't he?

Anonymous No. 16254495

That's obviously been reversed, just like all those fake videos of that booster that was obviously taking off from that remote chinese village.

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Anonymous No. 16254502

>Alright, then we just need a black person who can sacrifice himself in case something goes wrong

Anonymous No. 16254503

imagine how problematic this pic would be if it was the black guy on the bottom

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Anonymous No. 16254505

proof chang's beaten us in the race to the EM drive (with an n2o4 afterburner to boot). citizens began running backwards in spontaneous celebration to mock the backwardness of american launch capabilities.

Anonymous No. 16254507

Nah, it's 2024, the most likely guy to sacrifice himself is the white america guy.
The guy crab walking and the guy holding his hands over his ears gets me everytime

Anonymous No. 16254508


Anonymous No. 16254511

Valentina Nappi

Anonymous No. 16254516

lol Buzz still hates Elon and SpaceX even in 2024

Anonymous No. 16254518

No way, proof?

Anonymous No. 16254519

Hello, don't stick around, thread is bad enough as it is, nigger.

Anonymous No. 16254521

The dude is completely geriatric. He believes what his caretakers tell him to believe.

Anonymous No. 16254523

>Chinese rocket absorbs pollution.
>Modeled after nature, very humanlike.

Anonymous No. 16254524

It doesn't actually absorb pollution. Clever Chinese pre-seed the atmosphere with nitrogen compounds.

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Anonymous No. 16254540

Anonymous No. 16254541

idk maybe the outer side gets more asteroid bombardment or something

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Anonymous No. 16254543


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Anonymous No. 16254547

Anonymous No. 16254548

It hits differently when its a wide shot

Anonymous No. 16254550

It's just falling from space, it's so crazy, loony, preposterous. I can't find the right word.

Anonymous No. 16254559

will you be going into space at your earliest available date?

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Anonymous No. 16254561

Scott Manley is starting to annoy me with his little aeroplane.

Anonymous No. 16254569

18m pebbles launched with a skyhook

Anonymous No. 16254599

I am not even think about that, ""affordable"" space tourism won't really kick off until the 2050s probably.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16254601

Does someone know how Tesla checks if someone actually has the degree they say they have? I want to fake a diploma essentially.

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Anonymous No. 16254626

ISS cadaver status?

Anonymous No. 16254629

Thunderf00t and CSS.

Anonymous No. 16254633

Shaken, not stirred

Anonymous No. 16254635

Thunderf00t would unironically enjoy himself, CSS however is a literal commie that would be too scared to show his face in public.

Anonymous No. 16254643

hearty kek.

Anonymous No. 16254647

>Thunderf00t would unironically enjoy himself
If Elon gave him a chemistry set to play with, sure.

Anonymous No. 16254652

Since Fรผhrer simply means leader, isn't appropriate to call von Braun the former Fรผhrer of the American space program?
And by the same reasoning isn't Elon the Fรผhrer of spaceflight?

Guten Morgen, mein Fรผhrer.

Anonymous No. 16254653

SpaceX has almost reached Nazi levels of technological advancement.

Anonymous No. 16254655

I am formulating a hypothesis about testosterone (read: mannishness) correlating positively with jaw structure and military service, in particular working as a test pilot.

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ss nazi v-2 a-4.jpg

Anonymous No. 16254656

Here in Antarctica we're following with great interest their progress

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Anonymous No. 16254657


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Anonymous No. 16254658

you mean here on the far side of the moon?

Anonymous No. 16254662

I'm glad to see Blue Origin is doing their part to reduce the environmental impact of orbital launches on the environment!

Anonymous No. 16254664

Say "fish". If you say "fush" I kill you.

Anonymous No. 16254665

>Since Fรผhrer simply means leader, isn't appropriate to call von Braun the former Fรผhrer of the American space program?
no, because he was never in charge of it.

Anonymous No. 16254667

now thats the kind of alcohol fueled party i like

Anonymous No. 16254670

hullo bru, thurs nithin loike cutching a fush at thu bitch

Anonymous No. 16254672

The only good democrat (and not coincidentally dead)

Anonymous No. 16254676

>sonic boom literal SECONDS from the ground
I don't blame ol Jeff. Imagine hearing this shit every 15 minutes all day every day

Anonymous No. 16254679

Give them free helicopter tours of Atlantis. Half of them are scum from Caribbean shitholes that crawled out of the ocean in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16254680

BO employee here. we're still sorting out all the damage to LC36 from the double sonic booms, but it's clear that everyone's going to be on PTSD leave for weeks.

Anonymous No. 16254681

Whats the most viable industry to have in LEO that would make an independent LEO nation viable?
Would starship make an orbital casino viable? With launch price per kilo under a thousand $ you'd probably be able to make money serving the super expensive alcohol and food. As well casino machines are insanely profitable.

Anonymous No. 16254682

Thank you for your valuable uninformed opinion on something that's entirely subjective.

Anonymous No. 16254686

meth fueled

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ sage No. 16254687


Anonymous No. 16254688

cocaine synthesis. still the best $/kg of any industrial product assuming you're exporting it to the united states.

Anonymous No. 16254689

source: it was revealed to me as I tried to think of something to type

sage No. 16254691

I suspect the only thing that will really be viable is anything medical. Supposedly some pill manufacturing may benefit, and possibly growing organs as well. Imagine the cost per ton of pills and kidneys, launches and station maintenance would be well worth it.

Anonymous No. 16254692

you're a faggot

Anonymous No. 16254694


Anonymous No. 16254695

whoops forgot to change my name. The rest of this board is so shit kek

Anonymous No. 16254696

Maybe silicon crystal growing too? Fewer imperfections might be worth it. Idk

Anonymous No. 16254697

uhh didn't Musk make the nose more spiky because he liked it that way more? Utilitarinismbros????

Anonymous No. 16254698

uhh actually cocaine synthesis isn't competitive against extracting the cocaine from the plant.

Anonymous No. 16254699

solar power EROI bout to plummet even more after they start making the damn things in orbit.

Anonymous No. 16254700

When all the Blue Origin employees go on leave for a month or two how can anyone tell?

Anonymous No. 16254701

It's possible. The benefits would need to be worth the launch cost per unit plus some more to justify initial infrastructure setup. There might honestly be nothing, even with Starship.

Anonymous No. 16254702

I didn't know Nick Rekieta read /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16254703

Based. /sfg/ is made up of many whiny little cry babies who shit their pants when even the slightest thing off about anything. Learn to appreciate what you have and be thankful for what you will get.

Anonymous No. 16254704

>orbital solar
Will never make more sense than ground solar, and ground solar may not even be the best option here

Anonymous No. 16254706

Orbital is steady and reliable. Perfect for baseload. In fact it's ground solar that doesn't make sense if orbital solar exists.

Anonymous No. 16254707

since the other anon said we could grow silicon crystals in space I'm jokingly suggesting the silicon for solar panels will be manufactured in space and then shipped back to Earth.

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Anonymous No. 16254708

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Anonymous No. 16254710


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Anonymous No. 16254711


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Anonymous No. 16254713


Anonymous No. 16254715

not sharp enough for my taste

Anonymous No. 16254717

I completely misread your point kek my bad
What do you think the cost per kWh would be? Literally everything would be more competitive. Even modern American fission would make more sense.

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Anonymous No. 16254718


Anonymous No. 16254724
>Patent US 2024/0164089 A1 is about a system and method of providing access to compute resources distributed across a group of satellites. This technology aims to provide cloud-services similar to AWS or Azure by utilizing a large-scale satellite constellation like Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16254726

nta but how the fuck do you send power from space based solar panels back?
inb4 meme microwave deathray beam

Anonymous No. 16254730

You charge up batteries and have another starship collect them

Anonymous No. 16254734

>Moving compute to the network infrastructure in space
I hate it. Just let me run my processes locally where you can't peep on me.

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Anonymous No. 16254736
>Remarks of Toni Tolker, ESA's director of space transportation about Starship.
>"I donโ€™t think Starship will be a game-changer or a real competitor."
>He also doubts the economics of reusability.

Anonymous No. 16254739

Sounds familiar

Anonymous No. 16254740

He's got a point. Don't need to reuse your rocket if you never launch.

Anonymous No. 16254742

kek true

Anonymous No. 16254743

your pictures will be stored in the cloud and you will like it.

Anonymous No. 16254746

>This huge launcher is designed to fly people to the moon and Mars. Ariane 6 is perfect for the job if you need to launch a four- or five-ton satellite.
agreed. starship's architecture is too high-energy to be competitive.

Anonymous No. 16254749

Why not rideshare on starship?

Anonymous No. 16254754

Why does everyone in government space act like Falcon never landed? He may as well be saying he doesn't expect the sun to come up tomorrow because he was covering his eyes when it came up today.
Also, what if your satellite not being limited to 6 tons splits the development cost in half?

Anonymous No. 16254755

because imagine what would happen if you tried ridesharing on starship and then next thing you check your expensive indonesian tv satellite ended up on mars. you'd look very silly. ariane 6 removes the risk of this failure mode entirely.

Anonymous No. 16254756

>Europe is already working on this vision with the development of space cargo, in-orbit refueling, in-space docking systems, and traffic to the Moon using Ariane 6.
Europe can't physically do this. A6 could be used for a lunar program but you'd have to break things up over a large number of launches. This means it's not practical because Ariane's production lines max out at 11 vehicles per year and handing 6-8 rockets over to a lunar mission would keep it from launching the European government payloads that were the reason Ariane 6 was developed in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16254760

>Useless bureaucrat who kept asking for more and more government gibs is now desperately trying to cover it's own failures.
Half of these people honestly live in a different reality and the other half will never admit that Arianegroup is just an EU subsidy for the European MIC

Anonymous No. 16254762

I wish it was that much. At least then they'd occasionally produce something.

Anonymous No. 16254764

1) cant face reality
2) a professional liar
3) both?

Which is it?

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Anonymous No. 16254765

the article itself

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Anonymous No. 16254766

yeah the ULA ACES papers were talking 20-30 launches per year to support moon landings. and if you're not doing something on that scale then there isn't much reason to do in-orbit refueling. it's brazen spin doctoring to pretend that you're going to ever have ariane 6 and any semblance of reusability or meaningful steps forward in the same space program at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16254767

You'd imagine space tugs, orbital debris clean up if they'd be able to set up some kind of international agreement, maybe some niche metallurgy, I remember reading about the synthesis of armalcolite and what >>16254691 said

Anonymous No. 16254768

agreed. falcon 9's architecture is too high-energy to be competitive.
falcon could never launch 4 or perhaps even 300kg as its sole payload for prices lower than dedicated smallsat launchers one tenth of its physical size
such a thing would be silly and would never happen
on account of it being too high energy and reusability not being economically viable, of course
that would be stupid

Anonymous No. 16254769

Too risky with ASAT weapons being a thing. Also you better believe everything coming down will be thoroughly inspected.
Heavily disagree here, I really don't see anything medically useful about 0g and even if there were then the benefit must be pretty massive to justify the cost of doing it off earth.

Anonymous No. 16254770

>Out launch needs are so low
That's very sad.

Anonymous No. 16254772

>Too risky with ASAT weapons being a thing.
any attack on an orbital narcostate would mean certain cocaine kessler. nobody would dare try.
>Also you better believe everything coming down will be thoroughly inspected.
so just have starship eject the payload before it lands so it can be recovered separately, just like the pentagon wants for their cargo delivery demo. it's gonna be flying over florida anyway so they're used to having the stuff fall from the sky.

Anonymous No. 16254774

>any attack on an orbital narcostate would mean certain cocaine kessler. nobody would dare try.
lmao do you seriously believe this?
>so just have starship eject the payload before it lands so it can be recovered separately
Fucking lol as if nobody would notice
You're an idiot.

Anonymous No. 16254775

Imagine 40,000 cluster of in-space computes, might as well since they're there and can be resourced

Anonymous No. 16254776

>Otherwise, weโ€™re aiming for a steady state of nine flights per year in 2028 and 2029.
>Now weโ€™re discussing the operational income over three years with nine launches per year
Okay, this is some serious bad news. Ariane 6 was always being pitched as capable of 11 flights per year once it hit its stride, because that was the max cadence of the Ariane 5 and Soyuz STG added together. A6 was supposed to replace both of those rockets and with the European belief in a completely inelastic market that was all it was ever going to need. Now it's actually lost two of those launches from its most optimistic projections. What did they lose and where did they go?

And Vulcan/ACES is a bigger rocket so it can actually get by with fewer launches overall. I want to like the Ariane 6 but it's just not capable of being anything more than a medium-weight launcher for government satellites.

Anonymous No. 16254777

It is, Ariane 6 was always going to have SRB's, the same SRB's being made by Avio, an Italian company that makes the propulsion system for the Aster 30.
Arianegroup itself is a merger between Airbus and Safran (another Aerospace company with major defense links such as being the manufacturer of engines for the Dassault Rafale).

Anonymous No. 16254778

> I really don't see anything medically useful about 0g
3D printing organs. The tech doesn't exist yet

Anonymous No. 16254781

>space nations are reliant on a tech that doesn't exist and may never exist
I prefer my casino idea.

Anonymous No. 16254782

And Ariane 6 is nowhere to be seen.

Anonymous No. 16254783

Where did this idea that 3d printing organs in orbit would easier even come from?
Where did the idea of 3d printing organs even come from?
Is any of this even theoretically viable or did someone suggest it as an investor scam just because it sounds techy?

Anonymous No. 16254787

Because it doesn't sag as you're building it
Have you never heard of printing organs? It's been talked about for ten years at least. Not in the space sense either, just as tech

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Anonymous No. 16254789

>What did they lose and where did they go?
they've been moved to the launcher, it's all good

Anonymous No. 16254791

has just the right energy to be a LEO rocket but doesn't work well for moon mars

Anonymous No. 16254793

>tech not in development
>launched on rocket out of commission

Anonymous No. 16254795

Yeah but is the idea viable or is this like solar freaking roadways?

Anonymous No. 16254796

Should SpaceX transporter and Bandwagon be made illegal because Peter Cuck is crying about SpaceX stealing their customers?

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Anonymous No. 16254798

>The launcher is fully qualified on the ground. We feel reasonably confident about launching on July 9 as we solve minor problems on a daily basis. On this demonstration flight, we have thousands of sensors on the rocket to measure the performances and validate our models. Then, weโ€™ll need five months until the second flight to analyze all the flight data.
It's there, it's just taking its time.

Anonymous No. 16254800

It's the plan B in case they lose a tile.
Makes totally sense.

Anonymous No. 16254804

based kiwi
Funny how the aussies can't into space.

Anonymous No. 16254807

required for human rating, chud

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Space lifeboat as....jpg

Anonymous No. 16254808

you don't need a whole Starship to land a few hundred kg on Earth. a waverider gives you huge cross range capability

Anonymous No. 16254811

>2017 + 7
>still only 1 (one) reusable orbital booster
Even if you waited until after SpaceX proved reuse works to start, you should have finished development and been flying your own by now. Hell, SpaceX practically has a second one before anyone else has their first.

Anonymous No. 16254813

maybe they can go for three

Anonymous No. 16254814

At least a bunch are launching this year or the next.

Anonymous No. 16254816

SpaceX is ~15 years ahead of everyone else.

Anonymous No. 16254822

make energy bricks and drop them down to earth. you could make an energy fluid too i guess but the storage is more problematic

Anonymous No. 16254824

globs of molten salt can survive reentry heating just fine

Anonymous No. 16254827


Anonymous No. 16254828

just build solar panels in deserts. 40% the effectiveness of space based solar panels.

Anonymous No. 16254833

The ability to boil left wing revolutionaries and middle eastern dictators you donโ€™t like is a feature, not a bug.

Anonymous No. 16254834

cooling and power requirements are two major constraints for compute infrastructure on earth
so we'll move them to space where cooling is harder and power is less available?
to say nothing of maintenance costs
wow, an EC2 node that's slower than my laptop and costs $100,000 / hr?! yes, please!

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Anonymous No. 16254839

might be a defensive patent, who knows

Anonymous No. 16254840

Not spaceflight, also brain-dead take

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Anonymous No. 16254841

>so we'll move them to space where cooling is harder and power is less available?
Lmao you know nothing.
Power is readily available in space cause of that big ball of plasma in the sky. Cooling is trivial as well, all you need is a passive solar shield, look at all that was required to cool skylab.

Anonymous No. 16254842

>reusability is only important if and to the extent we have reusable hardware
europe remains the leader in homosexuality and cope

Anonymous No. 16254843

Why do anons still fall for the Kessler meme here? Are they just newfags?

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Anonymous No. 16254844

Also heres a photo of the sun shield being made an they just have a seamstress stitching it together lol

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Anonymous No. 16254845

>Cooling is trivial
This, so long as you're not running nuclear or fusion you're good

Anonymous No. 16254847

Here's my whacky, dumb idea of the day, on the inside of the tank, if you had like the tank configured to hold atomic pulse units but left it empty, you have like a launch clamp, that loads up your tanks, just recover the craft and get money for your apus if you run low. Recover the craft and get funds for all the nukes. I don't know.

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Anonymous No. 16254848


Anonymous No. 16254849

A6 can't even compete with F9

Anonymous No. 16254851

yes, it's also a classic EDS talking point.

Anonymous No. 16254852

That you bro?

Anonymous No. 16254853

I believe he's talking about energon.

Anonymous No. 16254854

Ariane 6 was only ever planned to be a cheaper version of the Ariane 5

>We are working to achieve the 40% [cost reduction] goal set in 2014, and we shall get there. In 2022 and 2023, Europe suffered from high inflation, but that is now slowing down. We have asked the commercial operator Arianespace, the aerospace company ArianeGroup, and the suppliers for more cost reductions.

It's not actually cheaper

Anonymous No. 16254855

low IQ post

Anonymous No. 16254856

>we tried asking them to lower their prices, not really much else we can do

Anonymous No. 16254857

>It's not actually cheaper
Nothing designed and built by committee is ever cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16254858

Flammable tape and helium leaks. Man you got to love Boeing.

Anonymous No. 16254859

Of course they do how else would they make it?

Anonymous No. 16254860

Starship literally cannot make Ariane 6 absolute
>why fag
Because F9 already did so kek!

Anonymous No. 16254861

>cooling is easy. we'll just stay out of the sunlight
>power is easy. we'll just stay in the sunlight
you are very wise
also none of this refutes the truth that cooling and power are still orders of magnitude harder in space
on earth these problems reduce to "stick the warm thing in cold water" and "pay your utility bill"

Anonymous No. 16254862

>keep the solar panels in the sun
>keep the other stuff out of the sun

Anonymous No. 16254863


Anonymous No. 16254864

I have come to the sudden realization that you are all insufferable fuckwads

Anonymous No. 16254866


Anonymous No. 16254867

>Itโ€™s underway, but we donโ€™t want the European industry to lose money either.
Arianespace was very considerate about the matter

Anonymous No. 16254868

This, use your solar panel AS your sunshade. Why not? Fewer parts.
I'm sorry it took this long, you're probably slow

Anonymous No. 16254869

You're so fucking stupid.
Look at this picture of skylab >>16254841
Do you see how they achieved both cooling and power generation at the same time?

Anonymous No. 16254870

Are you a newfag or just really inattentive?

Anonymous No. 16254871

cooling on earth is definitely easier than in space, where you have to solely rely on radiating it away instead of just dumping it into the fluid you're immersed in.
power is also easier on earth because you have loads of power infrastructure readily available instead of having to bring your own.

Anonymous No. 16254873

Whos watching the chopstick test?

Anonymous No. 16254874

explain why it's beneficial to put compute infrastructure in orbit and how it's practical (you cannot)

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Anonymous No. 16254875

>theyโ€™ve learned literally nothing from 10 years of falcon 9 mogging
God fucking hell, iโ€™m a yuro and this is one area where literally 100% of burger jeering is completely justified.
I fucking hate these faggots, i apologize that we europe sucks ass and canโ€™t even compete with america to help foster industry growth.

Anonymous No. 16254876

>bringing solar panels with you is harder than setting up an entire electric grid
>active cooling on earth is easier than just bringing a solar shield with you

Anonymous No. 16254877

Yeah, now try to put a data center in there
Real easy, right?

Anonymous No. 16254878

Anonymous No. 16254879

Its free usage of platform dumbass. And future proofing. If SpaceX needs to do a calculations on their own, they can call their Starlink. They dont need to pay Amazon or Microsoft. They dont need to build one since its already in space.

They have freaking multiple lasers on the system. They have a robust cooling system that can handle couple kw of power usage from compute. If it only has 1 single GPU with compute capability of 4060 ti for its own satellite compute, thats free compute to use when its not being utilized.

Anonymous No. 16254880

you don't have to build an entire electric grid, it's already there.
Also yes, cooling on earth is easier than in space, it's just physics, anon.

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Anonymous No. 16254881


Anonymous No. 16254883

I think last thread someone linked an article about the head of chinas space program saying they need to humbly learn from spacex.
How are the chinese more humble than the euros?

Anonymous No. 16254884

No, the china article was about how they shouldn't just blindly follow SpaceX's metrics as SpaceX is only focus on one while China's own space industry has multiple different functions.

Anonymous No. 16254885

No that was the dumbass journos opinion.
The head of the program said they needed to learn humbly still.

Anonymous No. 16254886

Link it, you're misreading it

Anonymous No. 16254892

I do not like the posthock reasoning on display here. The decision to not pursue reuse for A6, not made because of low volume of expected flights, but because of the belief that reuse would not be doable or if it could be done that it would not be cost effective. This is on top of the various component manufacturers wanting to ensure steady orders.

The "low volume of flights" cope is an admission that they do not see any market for the A6, it will only support government launches. They could have made so much by supporting the kuiper launches, but they cannot up the flight rate.
The failure was baked in from the start.

Anonymous No. 16254893

Not clicking this shit nigger post a strawpoll stating the contents or fuck right off

Anonymous No. 16254894

>tโ€™s worth noting that even China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the largest state-run aerospace company of China, has officially acknowledged that itโ€™s โ€œlarger in size but weaker in capabilitiesโ€ compared to SpaceX, asks practitioners to โ€œalways keep humbleโ€ and โ€œresolutely overcome pride and complacency.โ€
that is indeed what he say and everything else in the article is a journalist being a retard.

Anonymous No. 16254897

>However, it is essential to consider a broader perspective on the rise of such an aerospace giant under the current geopolitical circumstance, instead of simply โ€œlearning from it in modesty.โ€ In other words, how could China develop a more pragmatic view on SpaceX?

>Initially, is it too hasty for CASC to draw this conclusion? Though SpaceX excels in developing launch vehicles, the field of aerospace encompasses a vast array of systemic engineering challenges of which launch vehicle development is only one component. Itโ€™s superficial to evaluate the overall strength of a space program based solely on one or few facets.

Read the next two paragraph. Dumbass. Thats the crux of the article. What its arguing is that Chinese space industry being humble is due to confusion. The article says its wrong because SpaceX only has one strength while China has all others to focus. One of which was highlighting an example about how SpaceX hasnt even launched anything to Mars even though its dreaming about it.

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Anonymous No. 16254898


Anonymous No. 16254900

Also to add, this article is a cope article for China. Possibly even a propaganda for some domestic or even foreign purpose, if it has anything to do with state funding

Anonymous No. 16254901

>be ariane
>build expendable rocket
>because we expect a low volume of flights
>because europe doesnโ€™t build very many satellites
>because satellites are expensive and artisinal to build
>because you have to shave off every bit of mass we can because launch costs are high
>well because we throw away the rocket with every launch, and we donโ€™t build a lot of them
>well because we expect a low volume of flights of course!
I FUCKING HATE THIS CONTINENT, burgers please just come actually puppet state us like chinks and vatnigs think you do already.

Anonymous No. 16254903

>be european
This is where it went wrong unfortunately

Anonymous No. 16254907

is there an ETA on the catch test?

Anonymous No. 16254909

Not sure why people are clowning on you. The government's recent interest in micro nuclear combined with starlink means that you can just set up acres of servers up north for way less than launching them

Anonymous No. 16254910

the exact second the NSF grifting stream ends after 10 hours

Anonymous No. 16254915

Didn't the Ultrakill dev ask people who pirated the game to shill it instead?

Anonymous No. 16254916

Yeah thats the journos opinion, not the opinion of the head of chinas space program, as can be evidenced by the fact there are no quotes around it.
ls your reading comprehension so bad you think this entire article is the opinion of the chinese space program and not just some chinese journo coping?

Anonymous No. 16254919

funny, this looks like a medieval tapestry figure or icon at first glance

Anonymous No. 16254921

Imagine what the political response to A6 will be if the first flight is anything but a success

Anonymous No. 16254922

>Chengxin Zhang
He's a Chinese thinktank (in China) researcher with specific major in international political economics. Its a political propaganda from the think tank. Its not a journalistic piece but a paid sponsored article.

>ls your reading comprehension so bad you think this entire article is the opinion of the chinese space program and not just some chinese [] coping?
You have it other way around.

Anonymous No. 16254923

>burgers please just come actually puppet state us
that's literally Europe's problem
>chinks and vatnigs
kys /k/ike

Anonymous No. 16254926

I bet it goes fine but even if something goes wrong I doubt it will kill A6 permanently. Europe is already dedicated to it on the basis of being a native launcher alone

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Anonymous No. 16254928

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Anonymous No. 16254930

what is this?

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Anonymous No. 16254931


Anonymous No. 16254932

so dream chaser is launching on a falcon 9?

Anonymous No. 16254936

>the second launch of this rocket will no longer carry this payload because it will miss the flight rate
What the fuck does this even mean?

Anonymous No. 16254937

How embarrassing!

Anonymous No. 16254938

ULA suicide drone camouflaged as a bird

Anonymous No. 16254939

lol coping and seething thirdie contrarian.

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Anonymous No. 16254940

balloon chads

Anonymous No. 16254941

Need to launch government sats by end of year. Government doesnโ€™t trust rocket until it has flown twice. Dream chaser wonโ€™t be ready in time to launch two missions after it but still this year.

Anonymous No. 16254943

venusians observing the martians

Anonymous No. 16254945

> Its not a journalistic piece but a paid sponsored article.
I see no evidence that this is paid for by anyone. To me it looks like this is some guy at a university arguing the chinese government is wrong. Risky but in short not the official opinion of the chinese government which this article directly contradicts as evidenced by the quotes in the article.
Like I know it sucks getting compared unfavorably to china but you're kinda proving my point that euros are too arrogant to learn from others by arguing this stupid bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16254947

No, it'll launch on a Vulcan, but now it might be slipping into early to mid 2025. ULA can't wait that long.

Anonymous No. 16254949

Launching a boiler plate mission AFTER an inaugural flight w/ an active payload is crazy

Anonymous No. 16254950

Ohhhh heโ€™s saying Vulcan will miss the flight rate

Anonymous No. 16254952

wtf why are they slapping b14.1???

Anonymous No. 16254953

>Glory Diplomacy Youth Think Tank, China.

There are plenty of Chinese articles about this think tank, but its all in chinese so i cant be bothered to read with machine translation

Anonymous No. 16254956

That unspecified customer has to be USSF-51. Atlas V is the only other launch vehicle ULA has left and 51 is the last spooky payload that Atlas is going to carry. It's weird that Tory would have to hush about the exact launch date when this has been planning for a launch this summer for a while now.

Anonymous No. 16254957

You keep making these points that do nothing to address the meat of the apparent issue.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that his opinion is the official opinion of the chinese space program and government? Do you have a single shred of evidence that this guys words should be taken as more official than the head of the chinese space program who words directly contradict his as he showed in his own article?

Anonymous No. 16254959

maybe they're worried about spysats getting maneuvered to watch the payload deployment if they know the date ahead of time or something, i dunno

Anonymous No. 16254960

lmao they really couldnt find a single person will to pay for that shit

Anonymous No. 16254968

So bruno is basically saying they will do a boiler plate, some other govt spooksat, Cert-2, AND 2 additional launches before the end of the year? Fat chance man

Anonymous No. 16254969

launching some smallsat is probably not worth the trouble and launching a big satellite would have a long lead time

Anonymous No. 16254970

Think tanks are arm of Chinese government lmao.

Anonymous No. 16254971


Anonymous No. 16254973

Cert-2 is the boiler plate. Itโ€™s one mission

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Anonymous No. 16254974

Anonymous No. 16254976

Let me restart.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that his opinion is the official opinion of the chinese space program and government? Do you have a single shred of evidence that this guys words should be taken as more official than the head of the chinese space program who words directly contradict his as he showed in his own article?
No, think tanks being an arm of the chinese government, even if true, doesn't in anyway make it the official opinion of the chinese space program and government. Nor does it mean that this guys words should be taken as more official than the head of the chinese space program who words directly contradict his as he showed in his own article.

Anonymous No. 16254979

The fact that the government forced ULA to exist due old space fuck ups is crazy

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Anonymous No. 16254982

There were signs
>ULA could fly dummy payload on next Vulcan launch if Dream Chaser is delayed

Anonymous No. 16254983

i like how starlink is so powerful that if you were to ignore the govts pleas you could literally just allow starlink connections in oppressive shitholes and completely nullify all their censorship lol.
not to say there wouldn't be obvious political repercussions but if you felt like being cheeky you could just fuck up china's optics department (not to say they couldn't jam some of the sats and catch people occasionally by tracing the signal, but good luck filling up every crack.)

Anonymous No. 16254986

China wouldn't be a bear to poke with that, since they have a range of political or technical options they could respond with. That said, we did this in Iran a few years ago by smuggling a few dozen terminals in for activist groups and that there was fuck all Tehran could do to stop it.

Anonymous No. 16254987

Because Chinese politicians want to make China better while the goal of European politicians is a downfall of the continent.

Anonymous No. 16254989

Sounds like a stupid goal. Don't know why the euros would make that their goal.

Anonymous No. 16255000

white guilt

Anonymous No. 16255009

A bunch of green politicians in Germany pushed to get their countries nuclear power plants shut down in favor of renewable alternatives. Those failed to come online which led to Germany importing a lot of more coal and natural gas from Russia. Later it was discovered that these politicians' campaigns were heavily funded by Gazprom, the Russian state-owned petrochemical exporter.

It usually goes a bit deeper than "lol euros are all dum," bu the end result looks the same from an outside perspective.

Anonymous No. 16255012

It's a general misconception that representative democracies serve the citizenry.
What really happens is the power shifts to the media or whomever can change the most minds. I think I'll leave it at that.

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Anonymous No. 16255014


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Anonymous No. 16255015

holy shit lmaaooo

Anonymous No. 16255018

What are you asking?

Anonymous No. 16255019

It's heavily suggested in that one former employee's video that something like that exists, but it's a lot less rigid than real skunkworks.
It's more so just a "hey do you wanna work on something unique for a few months?" Some people happen to dedicate themselves to such projects, while others don't

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Anonymous No. 16255021

musk replied to a post quote tweeting spacesudoers post

and also to another of his posts

Anonymous No. 16255022

At least the name "cloud" makes a hell of a lot more sense in the case that it's a cluster of satellites.

Anonymous No. 16255027

you have no space program you have no prestige

Anonymous No. 16255028

So yesterday i read here that starliner was still capable of returning to earth because the leaks where in the part that they ditch
But now i see all boomer media saying its fucked and they cant use it anymore to return to earth.
Is it just retarded journalists creating clickbait again or did i miss something?

Anonymous No. 16255029

why can't they fly my university's microsat instead?

Anonymous No. 16255030

That would be actual mass, not simulated

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Anonymous No. 16255031

what sort of machines will be used in the tunnels of Mars.

Anonymous No. 16255032

its Spacexes falt

Anonymous No. 16255033

>Is it just retarded journalists creating clickbait again
yes, just like there's an article when absolutely anything happens to a boeing plane.

Anonymous No. 16255034

the CIA is already using them for this purpose while chasing aliens around the jungles of South America and SEAsia

Anonymous No. 16255035

What if I put some rocks in a box and write "my university's microsat" on it in sharpie?
Does it stop being simulated mass if my intent is to study how a box of rocks behaves in space, even if I have no way to measure it up there? Is it a mass simulator or just a shitty satellite?

Anonymous No. 16255037

I don't see why it would make return impossible.
Helium isn't prop after all.

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Anonymous No. 16255038

jokes aside. temperature control in space really isn't as easy as on Earth

Anonymous No. 16255039

Even if orbital 3d printed organs were 5% better it'd be worth it, because you can do It in orbit, claim that your orbital organs are better and jack the price 500%
I worked at a biotech company, asked about why we used gold on the biosensors, and there legitimately wasn't any technical reason. Marketing and the CEO believed that it was a cool thing to put on the marketing and the clients liked the golden sheen, so the clients trusted them more and we charged more.

Anonymous No. 16255040

Rocks have real mass, not simulated mass

Anonymous No. 16255041

Rocks have actual mass, not simulated mass

Anonymous No. 16255043

NPC answer.

Anonymous No. 16255044

simulated mass hivemind.

Anonymous No. 16255046

>are journalists lying?
yes, next question

Anonymous No. 16255048

Wasn't Elon's Tesla a "mass simulator" for Falcon Heavy? It wasn't a real payload (satellite) but it sure had real mass.
4chan is simulated interaction

Anonymous No. 16255050

Fair although although still no answer as to if it's actually feasible.

Anonymous No. 16255052

The roadster was a dummy payload, but it had actual mass. Mass simulators just simulate actual mass.

Anonymous No. 16255055

Malding baldy alert [math]\unicode{x1F6A8}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16255056

So it's ok to body shame now that it's Bezos? Wow classy

Anonymous No. 16255057

anticompetition lawsuit

Anonymous No. 16255058

go back to plebbit alert

Anonymous No. 16255059

I body shame Elon Musk and I like him so, yeah

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Anonymous No. 16255060

the virgin hair implant haver vs chad skinhead

Anonymous No. 16255062

They're just "pretending to be retarded" because it's funny, don't worry about it.

Anonymous No. 16255063

Both beta cuck manlet rebbitors

Anonymous No. 16255064

a meal worth of two billionaires.

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Anonymous No. 16255065

delta iv h

Anonymous No. 16255066

Both lost their hair, one (correctly) thought baldies were ugly and paid to fix it, the other tried to convince himself it was cool and he looked like his hero from space trek.

Anonymous No. 16255067

elon used to be shaped like a normal human. Now he has that hormone injection build (ugly)

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Anonymous No. 16255068

I agree, some hair is better than no hair

Anonymous No. 16255069

Wrong. Shave that head of your Zoobrine you will look better

Anonymous No. 16255070

Come on man, shave that shit. Have some shame Dr. Zโ€ฆ

Anonymous No. 16255072

zoobrin picked the worst of both worlds.
At some point you need to give up on the comb-over, it's just theatre.

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Anonymous No. 16255073

what caused his facial changes. His entire face now looks different.

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Anonymous No. 16255074


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Anonymous No. 16255077

elon looks so handsome like his dad

Anonymous No. 16255078

age can have that effect, anon.

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Anonymous No. 16255079

Anonymous No. 16255084

joe biden

Anonymous No. 16255090

retarded frogposter
[math]\unicode{x2744}\unicode{x1F9DA}\unicode{x1F976} \unicode{x2744}\unicode{x1F438}\unicode{x2744} [/math]

Anonymous No. 16255093

Not spaceflight fuck off back to deddit

Anonymous No. 16255097

Get out of here janny

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Anonymous No. 16255098

>emojiposting on 4chan

Anonymous No. 16255099

it's a /sci/ thing with [math]\LaTeX[/math] and unicode

Anonymous No. 16255121

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16255128

Follow the white rabbit, Raptor V3 shall be called "Hawk".

Anonymous No. 16255133

it's going to be called "raptor" because it's the same engine as the first one despite every part being different
ship of theseus and all that

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Anonymous No. 16255135

frog website

Anonymous No. 16255143

did they test the chopsticks yet

Anonymous No. 16255144

Yes, earlier today

Anonymous No. 16255152


Anonymous No. 16255156

Yes long lehao has eaten, now he must go contemplate Long March 9 for the next month before changing designs again

Anonymous No. 16255161

whoah that's insane

Anonymous No. 16255165


Anonymous No. 16255166

just the scale of it

Anonymous No. 16255171

stupid doddposter

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Anonymous No. 16255184

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Anonymous No. 16255185


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Anonymous No. 16255187


Anonymous No. 16255191


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Nanomachines, son..jpg

Anonymous No. 16255202


Anonymous No. 16255229

What a cool graph

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feeling 22.png

Anonymous No. 16255234

22nd booster reuse launch coming up

Anonymous No. 16255235

What do you think the record is going to be by the time the falcon family is retired?

Anonymous No. 16255237

~42 prob

Anonymous No. 16255238


Anonymous No. 16255239

Probably less than 30
Once starship gets going, falcon will only be useful for high energy orbits, making them expended much more often

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Anonymous No. 16255242

That guy from BPS Space looks like Elon

Anonymous No. 16255244

literally unironically seriously who???

Anonymous No. 16255246

That guy from BPS Space are you illiterate?

Anonymous No. 16255248

"Amateur" making his own solid rockets.
Maybe you've seen this video.

Anonymous No. 16255258

Some autist who decided he had to land a solid fueled model rocket like a Falcon, despite a bunch of people telling him that model rockets have been flying hybrid engines for decades and that would be a lot easier and more straightforward than the retarded design he came up with.

Anonymous No. 16255265

I want you to explain in detail what you think makes landing a model rocket easier using hybrids.
You know the ones that exist at the amateur scale arenโ€™t throttleable or restartable, right?

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Anonymous No. 16255267

Better, Gideon from Locke & Key

Anonymous No. 16255268

woah, insane

Anonymous No. 16255286

It's a lot easier to design a throttling/restarting hybrid at estes scale than it to design a throttling system for a burning slug of black powder. When this was pointed out to him his response was to call hybrids retarded and insult or block anyone who suggested them as an option. I respect the man's commitment to the project but he's a bad engineer when his hyperfixation can make him autoreject any solution that's not the one he's already fallen in love with.

Anonymous No. 16255287

I bet elon has been to every spermbank in the western world.
Saving the world, one nut at a time.

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Anonymous No. 16255291

Oh my God, he even has Elon's hairline

Anonymous No. 16255293

hybrids suck, you suck

Anonymous No. 16255296

I just read that he had 5 more kids afte XAE.
what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16255304

3 with grimes (including X) and 3 with shivon zillis now, I wonder how high its going to go
doesnt look like he is stopping soon and they could crank out a bunch with surrogates

Anonymous No. 16255305

And that's exactly the response he would give. Wild. If he'd just been a little bit more normal and bought a few nitrous cartridges he could have probably landed his rocket four or five years ago.

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Anonymous No. 16255307

Anonymous No. 16255309

it's... over?

Anonymous No. 16255315

It's just getting started

Anonymous No. 16255319

420 lmao

Anonymous No. 16255322

Youโ€™re now asking him to design a hybrid motor, basically from scratch for a largely unrelated project.
The hybrids at the 29mm scale use whippits and weigh 5 to 6 oz for E impulse as compared to 3.6 oz for the estes F engines he used. Thatโ€™s eating a lot into his mass budget thatโ€™s already full of thrust vector and telemetry weight. As far as I am aware all hybrids available on the market use a burst disk to control nitros flow, not the valve which would be required for throttle and restarts. They also need a preheater grain to get the fuel burning. I donโ€™t know if that would be necessary for a restart after 5 seconds but if it is, how you would design a motor to hold two.

Anonymous No. 16255328

The beginning... of the end............

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Anonymous No. 16255331


Anonymous No. 16255333

BePiS Space :DDDD

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Anonymous No. 16255337


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Anonymous No. 16255338


Anonymous No. 16255345

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Anonymous No. 16255348


Anonymous No. 16255349

So the payload to LEO is 50t at most but by slightly elongating Starship and increasing thrust of Raptor they will get to 100t... how?

Anonymous No. 16255351

My guy, no one here cares about your youtube project. We don't know you and don't care about you. The best part of being a fucking nobody is that you don't need to wall of text some justification for your design choices. You just need to accept that we're not going to jerk you off for your design brilliance.

Anonymous No. 16255354

>We have completely given up and will continue to limp toward our demise on a dwindling supply of government launches
More sad than funny, and it's still pretty funny. I genuinely think the only thing that can save the European spirit is some massive social upheaval that results in the dissolution of the EU and a proliferation of autocrats. Otherwise that entire region is just sliding down the drain and won't participate in space colonization in any significant way.

Anonymous No. 16255356

There's a specific type of schizophrenia on 4chan where people think literally everyone is on their board, in their general. The guy has over half a mil subs and regularly gets a quarter mil views, why the fuck would he be here? What's more likely, this internet micro celebrity is defending himself to you on 4chan right now, or an anon in the rocket general knows a lot about hobby rockets

Anonymous No. 16255362
spacex wins a $843m contract to deorbit the ISS

Anonymous No. 16255364

the thrust affects how much propellant you can carry which affects the mass ratio which affects payload
a fully reusable system has a very shit payload ratio to start and apparently (according to eager space) raptor 1 on IFT-1 had basically 0 tons to orbit capability as reusable

Anonymous No. 16255365

so is this going to be starship? it says that the deorbit vehicle has to burn up too

Anonymous No. 16255366

the american space program is basically spacex at this point

Anonymous No. 16255367

Go away BarNERD

Anonymous No. 16255368


Anonymous No. 16255369

dragon XL maybe

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Anonymous No. 16255373


Anonymous No. 16255374

>pushes it into a museum orbit

Anonymous No. 16255375


Anonymous No. 16255376

Fantastic and informative video.
Really feel like I understand starships development better now.

Anonymous No. 16255378

>SpaceX born from ISS resupply
>ISS put out of its misery by SpaceX
It's poetic, like it rhymes

Anonymous No. 16255379

Over on /co/ there are/were (not as much these days) creators of shows on actual network TV hanging out only semi-incognito, along with lots of artists of major webcomics. /k/ is frequented by youtubers with follower counts in the millions. This site has never been a secret.

Anonymous No. 16255381

the best part of BPS Space is Traffic Cone (ifykyk)

Anonymous No. 16255389

Why can't they just park the fucking thing in MEO indefinitely? They could declare it the site and sole exhibit of the orbital campus of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum.

Anonymous No. 16255391

what is S&ID? can't figure it out

Anonymous No. 16255394

Fucking pathetic. What worthless maggots

Anonymous No. 16255397

Because the ISS is a joint venture with Russia. Both parties want to deorbit the station. Parking it in some other orbit creates an opportunity to generate rogue orbital debris by actors who want to test weaponry and/or is now a target for uncooperative or sanctioned actors to engage in a human mission to capture and commandeer US/International partners + Russian IP.

The best way to safely deconstruct all those factors is by deorbiting the station into the middle of the pacific.

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Anonymous No. 16255398
>"What I'm discovering in the market is that SpaceX primarily seems to be selling a dream, which is good. We should all dream," Bowles replied. "I think a $5 million launch or a $15 million launch is a bit of a dream. Personally, I think reusability is a dream. How am I going to respond to a dream? My answer to respond to a dream is, first of all, you don't wake people up."
>Later in the discussion, Bowles added that he did not believe launching 100 times a year, something that SpaceX was starting to talk about, was "realistic." Then, in a moment of high paternalism, he turned to the SpaceX official on the panel and said, "You shouldn't present things that are not realistic."
>But to say Starship will not be a game-changer represents the same head-in-the-sand attitude displayed by Bowles a decade ago with his jokes about not waking the deluded dreamers up. In hindsight, it's clear that the dreamers were not SpaceX or its customers. Rather, they were European officials who had lulled themselves into thinking their dominance in commercial launch would persist without innovation.

Anonymous No. 16255399

Sensible choice. You could probably borrow a lot of the design work from Dragon XL

Anonymous No. 16255403


Anonymous No. 16255405

Now that spacex has demonstrated the ability to livestream hd video during the entirety of decent with ift4, do you think weโ€™ll get ISS deorbit kino live on X?

Anonymous No. 16255406

absolutely brutal in hindsight

Anonymous No. 16255407

To me it seems that the key target for this is to safely de-orbit and not be near any population zones. My cope will be a ISS module capture with an ASDS landing off the coast of Hawaii.

Anonymous No. 16255408


The video of the event from ~10 years ago

Anonymous No. 16255409

ULA was right?

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Space Station sky....jpg

Anonymous No. 16255412

The superior Salyut and Skylab burned up so why should the International Shit Station get saved?

Anonymous No. 16255421

Wait holy shit this is HUGE. People have been talking about this award for a long time. For the last ~9 years it was basically accepted that this would be a huge pork barrel contract on par with ISS / SLS funding just for one mission. And it would be going to Boeing, LockMart, or some other big contractor. I didnโ€™t think they would actually give it to SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16255431

elon should steal the ISS and take it to mars. for the luls

Anonymous No. 16255432

>Superior Skylab
The thing was dying by the end not to mention NASA's incompetence on it's solar modelling and shuttle progress

Anonymous No. 16255435

does someone know how Boeing checks if a college diploma is legit? I want to fake a Stanford physics degree to get hired there.

Anonymous No. 16255440

They probably will but I don't think they can call the cops on ya.
Just work for an internship, that way you can bug out if you do get hired.

They both should've been saved too, but now we have the technology and companies to save it this time

Anonymous No. 16255442

>twix followers

Anonymous No. 16255444

Doesn't the army use those to spy

Anonymous No. 16255445

Right or left twix?

Anonymous No. 16255446

It is over

Anonymous No. 16255450

pinnacle of government inefficiency. 1 hecking billion to destroy a spacecraft lololol

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16255452


Anonymous No. 16255455

NK and China couldn't steal and or commandeer the ISS

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Anonymous No. 16255458

i'm rightoid twix follower

Anonymous No. 16255461


Anonymous No. 16255462

Musk would not dare do that to china, if you've never noticed he's extremely quiet on china because he knows how the chinese game works, if he starts criticizing china it's over for Tesla shanghai

Anonymous No. 16255463


Anonymous No. 16255465

It's okay, she's not anime.

Anonymous No. 16255467

What is wrong with Europeans?

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Anonymous No. 16255470
>Blue Origin's Harvey Stone departed Port Canaveral this afternoon with it's destination set as Brest, France. This happens to be the location of Blue's new Landing Platform 1. Potentially a third droneship arriving at the cape soon?

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Anonymous No. 16255474

They lack ambition

Anonymous No. 16255475

Too arrogant
Pride comes before the fall

Anonymous No. 16255477

2 stag3 rentery is not needed, and SpacX should abonded that and contines with second stage not reusable, then it can send 150 ton plus as its now..and can do 350 tonne with minor upgareds to engine, first stage and do almunim 2 end stage ,and for mars and moon they can spicial 3rd stage ship like vehicles without heat shield, and theyvcan refule with one tanker vechiles not resuable..the problem.with musk is that he still want to prove the cost..etc...will never make 2nd stage econimical...cause once you can do 300 tonn with the large 1st stage reovered, why care about a steeal can with only 6 engines when you reovered 35 engines and ur very large stage...makes no sense

Anonymous No. 16255479

can someone translate this into non-retard

Anonymous No. 16255483

>disassemble and stuff inside three Starships
>various museums keep the parts

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Anonymous No. 16255486


Anonymous No. 16255487

Neat. Starlink manuevered to protect itself during last month's solar storm. Starlink users only felt minor performance degradations that amounted to <1%

Anonymous No. 16255489

Have a very degen picrel to this.. maybe i'll post after we stage.

Anonymous No. 16255490


Anonymous No. 16255492

The last time they were able to innovate was when they were trying to kill each other. Now they arenโ€™t so they donโ€™t have a reason to and the powers that be are forcing them to work together which they never wanted to do.

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Anonymous No. 16255493

meanwhile americans

Anonymous No. 16255496

I think he's saying SpaceX should've just scaled up the falcon 9 model. It's a reasonable argument, especially with the steel. What would an expendable second stage cost? Could you get 350 tons for F9 prices? Maybe. That might even be what they do, but SpaceX always aims high first.

Anonymous No. 16255497


Anonymous No. 16255499

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16255508

And thereafter space travel will be banned for environmental reasons

Anonymous No. 16255513

what will the ISS deorbit tug look like?

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Anonymous No. 16255515


Anonymous No. 16255517

Starship is probably going to scoop the parts up and bring them back down to put in a museum

Anonymous No. 16255518

Poetic if it's a Starship (which then raises its own orbit back up and docks with another nearby station to deliver some stuff)

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garbage truckk fu....gif

Anonymous No. 16255519


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Anonymous No. 16255521


Anonymous No. 16255523

Wouldn't a museum be HEO or GEO?

Anonymous No. 16255525

Here's a non Twitter link so you don't give that faggot a view

Anonymous No. 16255528

NASA has contracted SpaceX to remove Starliner (stuck to the ISS) from orbit, by deorbiting the entire ISS.

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Anonymous No. 16255529

This whole place is just rotten. Everyone seems to be tired of everything and to not care about anything beyond his private life. I could write a long essays but it boils down to the simple issue, nobody cares. Nobody cares, so the must corrupt scumbags get to become politicians and choose more and more ridiculous policies. It keeps getting worse and nobody cares.
And those annoying fags you see online are mostly leftists for whom lying is as natural as breathing.

Anonymous No. 16255533

I guess it would depend on where they park the space hotels

Anonymous No. 16255535

>eight hundred and forty three million dollars to unbolt the ISS sections and stuff them inside starship


Anonymous No. 16255537

>found a couple of boosters stuck under the couch cushions

Anonymous No. 16255540

>womb reuse

Anonymous No. 16255541

This pretty much. The left is half bought by foreign interests and half delusional about europe being relevant and able to fund insane vanity projects, the right is convinced everything is the fault of niggers and ragheads, that the farmers need even more gibs and are delusional about europe being relevant and able to fund insane vanity projects. The centre will flipflop between those two states while also coming up with insane moral panic tier legislature to make sure nothing of worth can ever be made on the continent unless its recipe was handed down by seven generations of virginal maidens.

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Anonymous No. 16255543

Someone do a better shop job please

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Anonymous No. 16255545

>unbolt the ISS sections
can't be done, you'd have to cut them apart.
the whole shitbox is going in the south pacific and that's that

Anonymous No. 16255549

a module or two are being transferred to the axiom station

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Anonymous No. 16255551

Skylab burned up because Shittle was taking too long to build, so we had nothing to boost it with, and then the sun decided to be an asshole and make Skylab's orbit decay faster.

Anonymous No. 16255552

>Dragon XL
>Modified Cargo Dragon with extra fuel

Anonymous No. 16255553

I've been to that petrol station in the middle of nowhere. My disappointment upon discovering that isn't a real piece of Skylab was immeasurable.

Anonymous No. 16255557

sue for Fraud

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Anonymous No. 16255558


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Anonymous No. 16255560

the assumption was that shuttle would be flying much more frequently than turned out and lifting modules for a brand new station would hence be nbd

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Anonymous No. 16255561


Anonymous No. 16255562

>aliens visit earth
>they see a spaceship munching on a space station
>they "nope.exe" and exit the solar system

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Anonymous No. 16255565

I'd imagine it'd look a lot like this if the dry cargo was replaced with extra fuel tanks

Anonymous No. 16255567

Considering Starship has higher payload volume than ISS this should be possible

Anonymous No. 16255568

A tanker variant of Dragon XL.

Anonymous No. 16255572

Reminder, everyday half a dozen or so engines from SpaceX gets fired up and tested

Anonymous No. 16255574

>right is convinced everything is the fault of niggers and ragheads
It's like one of a few major problems of modern Europe, after dismantled industry and the poor state of energy infrastructure. If you fixed this question, cities would become much safer, people could actually walk alone at night without risking of getting robbed, many gangs would stop existing. Moreover, lots of money could be saved since they're mostly welfare queens.
But this is just getting offtopic, nevermind.

Anonymous No. 16255577

NASA doesn't want you to know this but the space stations in LEO are free. You can take them home.
I have an ISS at home. (home is mars orbit)

Anonymous No. 16255579

>nobody cares
If only that was the case, then Europe would be much better today. Its not. Its not just that Europeans as people dont care, its that they do not want successful people to stand out and come to the light. Tall poppy syndrome. This is one of those marxist things that rich = evil, success = bad, etc. Marxism a civilization destroying meme.

Anonymous No. 16255582

Collins pulled out
>After a thorough evaluation, NASA and Collins Aerospace have mutually agreed to descope the existing task orders on the Collins Exploration Extravehicular Activity Services contract. This descope includes ending the International Space Station suit demonstration, which was targeted for 2026. No further work will be performed on the task orders. This action was agreed upon after Collins recognized its development timeline would not support the space stationโ€™s schedule and NASAโ€™s mission objectives.

Anonymous No. 16255584

Man that exhaust is so much cleaner than any other rocket. Even if the cores end up sooty

Anonymous No. 16255586

bladdy loyin ratbahgs

Anonymous No. 16255587

Grifters, grifters everywhere

Anonymous No. 16255588

wtf since when is /b/ a porn board?

Anonymous No. 16255589


Anonymous No. 16255590

Like 10+ years ago?

Anonymous No. 16255591

so when is the ISS getting deorbited?

Anonymous No. 16255592


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Anonymous No. 16255593

The Skylab Reboost Module only weighed 4500 kg. A Titan III could have sent that to the station with mass to spare. The real problem was that this was before the TDRSS satellites were launched so NASA would have only been able to teleoperate the vehicle during the brief windows when it was in range of a ground station and I guess that made the mission too hard.

Anonymous No. 16255600

Stop saying "compute"

Anonymous No. 16255605

Too computationally intensive to use other words, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16255606

Redditlab (give me the image again)

Anonymous No. 16255608

you first

Anonymous No. 16255615

Hear me out what if bezos built a mobile platform, took it out to europe, and used New Glenn to undercut A6 lmfao

Anonymous No. 16255618


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Anonymous No. 16255619

Europe doesn't actually launch anything from Europe.

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Anonymous No. 16255625
>NASA white paper explaining why the agency believes it needs to dump the ISS into the ocean in 2030:

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Anonymous No. 16255627
Liftoff footage of IFT-2 taken from a US Customs and Border Protection surveillance blimp

Anonymous No. 16255630

airshipbros we fucking WON

Anonymous No. 16255631


Anonymous No. 16255633

Is this remote shithole a suitable place for SpaceX to build a massive starship complex? Surely the indigenous here can be pushed aside and environmental concerns shrugged off. Or will the pompous French not allow that, because they are arrogant and obnoxious? Seems like a potentially decent launch location, and France is not going to thieve the ITAR stuff as much as other tropical nations will.

Anonymous No. 16255634

same blimp?

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double landing.webm

Anonymous No. 16255635

Anonymous No. 16255637

Mach diamonds are cool as hell, it isn't cool or funny to be a contrarian

Anonymous No. 16255641

I don't see any hardware for a Falcon 9 Heavy, except that he's going to take three Falcon 9s and put them together and that becomes the Heavy. It's not that easy in rocketry.

Anonymous No. 16255642

Compute deez nuts nigger

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Anonymous No. 16255646


Anonymous No. 16255647

No. Complete coincidence

Anonymous No. 16255650

>cannot compute

Anonymous No. 16255652

The US has a launch site agreement with Alcantara in Brazil which is actually closer to the equator at 2ยฐ S.

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Anonymous No. 16255656

No, no... Falcon 9... Hawk... The ISS Deorbit vehicle will be Hawk??

Anonymous No. 16255657

it should be vulture since they're the garbage trucks of the bird kingdom

Anonymous No. 16255658

Elon is referencing the spitting woman meme

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Anonymous No. 16255663


Anonymous No. 16255667

Mike Hawk!

Anonymous No. 16255668

Say mach diamonds one more time you dumb faggot

Anonymous No. 16255669

SLS = shit launch system

Anonymous No. 16255673

My online pseudonym is MachDiamond :)

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Anonymous No. 16255675

How many Starships would it take to kill the ISS' orbital velocity and let it drop straight down?

Anonymous No. 16255676

Wisconsin looks weird here

Anonymous No. 16255678

>Disassembly and Return to Earth
They could fit Destiny and Unity still connected to each other in one Starship, but I don't know if it would have the fuel margin necessary to land with an additional 25 tons on board

Anonymous No. 16255681

This paper is full doomer, says no ship with a cargo bay larger than the shuttle exists but then goes onto say in the Boost to higher orbit section that a Starship tanker variant is still in development.
A cargo Starship could easily get a tanker version of Cygnus up there to boost its' orbit if NASA is worried about structural loads of using a larger vehicle.

Anonymous No. 16255682

Disassembly was considered impractical because you need to have the station intact and crewed in order to maintain control of it. If you start taking off parts you convert it into a 400 ton chunk of ambitious space debris with no ability to dodge, and given how many times the station has had to perform collision avoidance maneuvers in the recent past this possibility terrifies NASA.

Anonymous No. 16255684

An unloaded and fully fuelled Starship could do it 7.8km/s vs 7.66kms

Anonymous No. 16255685

So they do it all in one go, can you imagine
Three or four simultaneous Starship launches (two each from KSC and Boca Chica), some attachable retrorockets to deorbit the truss plus solar panels, and a whole bunch of astronauts to slice apart the depressurized station and stuff it into the starships
It wouldn't be quite Moonraker but it'd be pretty damn close

Anonymous No. 16255697

they aren't trying all that hard to optimize for mass on v1 as much as building something that can get to orbit and back

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Anonymous No. 16255701

>given how many times the station has had to perform collision avoidance manoeuvres in the recent past this possibility terrifies NASA
They average out ~1.4/yr, with two periods of 4yrs with no action was needed, last year matched the all time high set in 2014 with 5 manoeuvres performed, we've had none so far in this year.
Parts like the struts will likely never be recovered and there's zero chance that Russians will okay recovery of their modules in an American ship, but modules like tranquillity and destiny could absolutely be returned.

Anonymous No. 16255704

They should just nuke it desu, one ASAT missile with a cute little fusion warhead would turn it into a cloud of gas

Anonymous No. 16255705

So what youโ€™re saying is itโ€™s shitty and will only be further mass autismโ€™d. Oh the Musk cope knoweth no bounds. The shuttlefication WILL continue

Anonymous No. 16255708

When they'll increase the thrust they're also talking about big improvements in mass saving because of the new design, they'll lose tens of tons alone from not needing heat protection in the engine bays of the booster and Starship.

Anonymous No. 16255714

It don't like look a DC-3 just yet, anon.
Besides, didn't you say this shit while grasshopper was happening?

Anonymous No. 16255717

that is not what he said

Anonymous No. 16255719

Mass autism on launch vehicles good

Mass autism on payloads bad

Anonymous No. 16255725

50T is because of various additions to boosters that make it heavy. Including lot of engine shielding, lot of hardening, etc. Right now the goal is to "make it work." The next engine reduces the weight of the booster by ~10-20t by reducing the shielding. Then more powerful engines push the vehicles faster into orbit, reducing gravity loss, then longer starship increases fuel further, then the powerful engines gives even more payload, then the 9 engine setup makes it even more so.

Thats without any other structural optimizations on the ship or the boosters.

Anonymous No. 16255728

Never. The shuttle paused on the first iteration

Anonymous No. 16255733

there's a moral and spiritual decay that comes from being ruled over by foreigners, even if it's peaceful. euros in general and germans in particular had to cope with how they had been conquered by the us and ussr in 1945, and the cope was usually acting like they had entered into (or even created) a new era of peace and international brotherhood where war and competition were arcane relics of the past.
martial virtues and the drive to be military innovators atrophied, and once those go a whole bunch of civilization follows

Anonymous No. 16255741

for f9 they prioritized orbital payload delivery before they later optimized it for recovery and re-use
for ss they are prioritizing recover and re-use before optimizing it for operational orbital payload delivery
not that hard to understand for the retards complaining about why ss cannot automatically carry 100T to orbit today

Anonymous No. 16255742

what you dont understand is they're not just retards, they're trannies.

Anonymous No. 16255745

Blue Origin should just have all their federal funding pulled and their employees should be industry blackballed. Not that that would make any difference, their engineers fucking suck. Company of do-nothing grifters led by a cuckolded bald manlet.

Anonymous No. 16255747

How many tons to LEO is it capable of right now?

Anonymous No. 16255749

their engineers don't suck, they have quite high requirements for entry and a lot come from spacex, it's the managers that suck.

Anonymous No. 16255752

lets wait until they reach orbit first

Anonymous No. 16255754

At some point after years and years of no successes worth mentioning, the engineers also suck.

Anonymous No. 16255757

Is ISS even worthwhile at this point? We shouldn't be sharing orbital research with enemy scientists, anyway.

Anonymous No. 16255758

180m starship voring the thing

Anonymous No. 16255759

A bit over 100, including the ship's dry mass.

Anonymous No. 16255760

Its to keep them tied to us and make them work together.

We need something similar with China before its too late and future of mankind is splintered forever.

Anonymous No. 16255761

engineers that couldn't cut it at spacex or the rapid pace intimidated them now work for BO, where they can just kick back and watch ig reels all day when the boss isn't around.

Anonymous No. 16255763

That's on you, to be honest. Why the hell would you think they'd be allowed to keep a piece of Skylab?

Anonymous No. 16255765

them regulatory delays do be real, tho

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Anonymous No. 16255768

NASA released everything related to Skylab pre-burnup IIRC so it's not top secret at all. Also, a bit of it did hit Australia, and as far as I'm aware, NASA never tried to recover any of it either.
My question is why would he believe that the piece would still have "Skylab" marked on it. Wouldn't the paint have burned off?

Anonymous No. 16255771

Slightly increasing thrust has outsized gains in payload because of the exponential nature of the rocket equation. Same reason you can easily SSTO on Mars but not here.

Anonymous No. 16255773

i almost never have anything negative to say about gunnerkino but this seems off the mark. "reusable upper stages have low mass margins" isn't new info and i'm pretty sure he knew it years ago along with everyone else. ~450 seconds to orbit is a good time (especially if you ever want to fly people on it) and the gains from reducing it are going to be trivial.
i think a better guess is that starship is taking "so long" because musk decided it'd be easier to launch starlink v2 on f9, which made finishing starship less urgent.

Anonymous No. 16255774


Anonymous No. 16255776

Why don't they just explode it where it is

Anonymous No. 16255777

want to show the class where thrust enters into the rocket equation, genius?

Anonymous No. 16255779

>Are... are you bringing me another crew? I've been so lonely

Anonymous No. 16255780

I ended up here post IFT-5 launch because I wanted to expand the content I enjoyed on 4chan.
I dunno where the fuck everyone else came from.

Anonymous No. 16255781

It is implied

Anonymous No. 16255782

Haleyโ€™s comet impact with the moon has people interested in space again I guess

Anonymous No. 16255784

See >>16255725
>more powerful engines push the vehicles faster into orbit, reducing gravity loss

Anonymous No. 16255786

is this real?

Anonymous No. 16255787

I meant 4, not 5 what the fuck's wrong with me?

Halley's is going to do what? Pulling my leg or are you serious here?

Anonymous No. 16255789

Don't forget, they'll need to strip down and replace the ablative layer after every mission. That's going to eat into their cadence.

Anonymous No. 16255790

Hes pulling your leg newfag. Welcome but if youve been here the entire time since IFT-4 that still doesnt fully explain because we dipped to regular 500 post page 10 between then and now so something is wrong right now.

Anonymous No. 16255794

If your thrust equals your weight, you have zero payload to orbit. If your thrust is much higher than your weight, you may have some payload to orbit. So clearly it's a non-linear relationship, the rest is just an exercise for the reader.

Anonymous No. 16255795

>/sfg/ isn't dead for once

Anonymous No. 16255796

Kind of figured, I was just playing my reaction up for laughs.
Anyways, I showed up a couple of threads ago, and I didn't notice anything when I decided to trawl through, so... I dunno.
It seems to have really taken off the thread I showed up in, >>16244898. That said, we haven't had a single thread that didn't get 600+ posts since >>16239590.

Anonymous No. 16255797

Most of the new posts are just me replying to myself with four or five different personas.

Anonymous No. 16255800

Yeah there are probably various selection effects at play. Like for example that Lauren Lyons chick left for what seems like political/ideological reasons I think - re elon probably - and there are probably more like that.

Anonymous No. 16255803

Kek that's literally me
Literally that's me
I'm replying to myself which I've already done ~300 times in the last 24 hours

Anonymous No. 16255805

Wow, me too!

Anonymous No. 16255811

Not samefag

Anonymous No. 16255812

advantage spaceX whenever weaklings leave

Anonymous No. 16255814

Management is incredibly important to a project, even more than engineers.
Before Musk picked him up, Tom Mueller was rotting in TRW for 15 years, designing engines but none of them getting built, and that wasn't because he was a shit engineer (quite the opposite).

Anonymous No. 16255816

gravity losses decrease as [math]t_b[/math] decreases:
[math]G = I_{sp} g_o \int_{0}^{t_b} \ln \left( \frac{M}{M_b} \right) g_s \, dt[/math]
alternately, they decrease as mass flow rate [math]\dot{m}[/math] increases:
[math]G = -I_{sp} g_o \int_{M_i}^{M_b} \frac{g_s}{\dot{m}} \ln \left( \frac{M}{M_b} \right) dM[/math]

Anonymous No. 16255818

That's just math. You can make it say anything.

Anonymous No. 16255819

Damn, that eagerkino seems to be going viral. Hope he doesn't take the retard comments badly.

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Anonymous No. 16255820

>its real

Anonymous No. 16255824

Not management, leadership. Leadership at every level is what SpaceX wants. They want competent people who will lead and have a high self-reliance/self-agency. Thats what Musk recruits for as he himself is one.

Anonymous No. 16255825


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Anonymous No. 16255827
>Space Pionner is about to conduct the TL-3 first stage hot-fire test. If all goes well, IMO they can launch it at Sep or slight delay to early Oct

Anonymous No. 16255829

Management is the middle layer between the very small leadership team and the huge mass of engineering teams. Spacex does have managers, but they are engineers themselves who don't do that much engineering anymore (one of the reasons Mueller left). Blue Origin managers are brought in from outside, and are usually professional managers, which is why they're so shit.

Anonymous No. 16255833

look up the STS-54 crew photo

Anonymous No. 16255834

SpaceX management is optimized for removing bottlenecks for people who they manage. But people below them also try to remove all the bottlenecks they work on as well and are rewarded for self-agency and self-reliance. They get promoted quickly. Its just management thats central, its the high self-agency they want to recruit. People with common sense on their shoulder and people who aren't just "stuck" when there's a problem.

Anonymous No. 16255835

>regular 4chan gatekeeping happens
>someone locks on to the redditors that all came in droves

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STS 54.jpg

Anonymous No. 16255837


Anonymous No. 16255844

Completely agree.
BO kills all innovation/efficiency in the crib because it restricts the agency of its engineers and doesn't have a sensible or coherent long term strategy.

Anonymous No. 16255845

regular 4chan gatekeeping was flooding with gore and child pornography. you cry about anons you don't like being reddit and pretend that you can drive them off with high school algebra. you are gay.

Anonymous No. 16255848


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The Sands of Mars....jpg

Anonymous No. 16255849

classic dumbbell shape interplanetary spaceships when?

Anonymous No. 16255850

IFT4 has single handedly relit some people's interest in spaceflight
It was one of the most cinematic things most anyone has witnessed in a live launch broadcast, you'd almost think everything was planned.
They didn't pay close attention in IFT1, 2 and dismissed 3 as they thought it might just be more rockets exploding in a boring fashion.

Many normies are now paying attention

Anonymous No. 16255857

RUMINT says that Boeing has actually fucked up and NASA is not happy with the situation re: Wicked Witch of the West on the ISS

Anonymous No. 16255860

ie your schizo ravings

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Samefag Central.png

Anonymous No. 16255867

You're move, Cyclops I believer.

Anonymous No. 16255868

Halley's comet hit the moon in the mid 80s

Anonymous No. 16255870

The thing won't stay in one piece forever, it's reckless to put it in a high orbit where debris from it could pose a threat to other spacecraft.

Ideally Starship goes up and brings back some pieces of it for museums before de-orbiting it.

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Falcon Heavy &amp....webm

Anonymous No. 16255871

the falcon heavy test flight was the greatest thing i'd ever seen but then IFT-4 blew it out of the water

Anonymous No. 16255872

friend of a friend at NASA, but yeah schizo ravings

Anonymous No. 16255877

is that really news though? of course they're not going to be happy needing to do failure investigations for what should've been a routine mission.

Anonymous No. 16255879

no but it's nice to hear some fucking normie friend of mine mention it off the cuff because HIS friend has been bitching and he knows I'm a space junkie

Anonymous No. 16255884

It was always too late to work with the bugs. It's time to nuke them.

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Anonymous No. 16255894

possible russian ASAT test on a derelict satellite
>LeoLabs has detected a debris-generating event in Low Earth Orbit.
>Early indications are that a non-operational Russian spacecraft, Resurs P1 (SATNO 39186), released a number of fragments between 13:05 UTC 26 June and 00:51 UTC 27 June.

Anonymous No. 16255896

didn't rocketlab ceo bad mouth Musk? Apparently Musk started lowering prices once Rocketlab started going after smol satellite launches and the rocket lab CEO considers it anticompetitive.

Anonymous No. 16255897

its like they don't even care about the ISS anymore

Anonymous No. 16255899

I wonder if the insane reentry footage+starlink capability from the last two SS flights contributed to the ISS deorbit award.

Anonymous No. 16255901

Starship will NOM NOM NOM pieces of ISS and bring them back intact

Anonymous No. 16255902

It would be good if the deorbit vessel has cameras so we can see the ISS get torn to shreds live.

Anonymous No. 16255905

they're not going to use a heatshielded tug with cameras that can survive reentry to deorbit the thing

Anonymous No. 16255907

They'll just use an off-the-shelf starship, cheapest option by 2030.

Anonymous No. 16255909

why not, if you can get it to splash down intact anywhere on the surface you can recover it for literally free money, even if it's only 10% of the cost (recovery from the other side of the planet) the ISS is worth so much that it's worth it

Anonymous No. 16255911

>commercial earth observation satellite owned by roscosmos
>decommissioned in december 2021

there werent any space or icbm launches by russia afaik, so if it was an asat then it was a projectile fired from another satellite, perhaps some time ago

Anonymous No. 16255913


Anonymous No. 16255915

batteries get old and just explode sometimes
tanks have something going on in them that causes a pressure increase and the valves to mitigate that are sealed shut, you know

Anonymous No. 16255916

I was thinking more along the lines of being able to monitor as the debris breaks up on the way down

Anonymous No. 16255918

noticed he's talking more and more frequently about moon base/station, probably feels its much more near-term feasible

Anonymous No. 16255930

that's true but it might not be an accident this time

the resurs satellite has very similar orbital parameters to a recently launched russian kosmos 2576 satellite that the US deemed an ASAT satellite

>Russia deployed this new counterspace weapon into the same orbit as a US government satellite. Russia's May 16 launch follows prior Russian satellite launches likely of counterspace systems to low Earth orbit in 2019 and 2022.
>So the US clearly considers this the same type of satellite as Kosmos-2542 in 2019 and Kosmos-2558 in 2022. These did nothing more than observe the US satellites from a distance, but what may be of more concern to the US is that Kosmos-2542 ejected a subsatellite (Kosmos-2543) that in turn fired what is believed to be an ASAT projectile when flying close to another Russian satellite. The same was observed during the Kosmos-2519/2521/2523 mission in 2017.

so it's very possible that this new russian asat satellite fired a projectile and destroyed resurs

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iss grim reaper.jpg

Anonymous No. 16255931

Anonymous No. 16255939

Or it could have had an onboard battery explosion or tank rupture. There's plenty of ways for satellites to clouds of debris that don't require interacting with anything other than themselves.

Anonymous No. 16255942

or maybe the ASAT capabilities of the old satellite misfired and exploded

Anonymous No. 16255950

Constellations counter anti-satilite weapons

Anonymous No. 16255955

>all wearing commander insignias

Anonymous No. 16255956

Nukes in space counter constellations

Anonymous No. 16255957

atmospheric removal counters earthers

Anonymous No. 16255962

just launch your constellation faster, idiot

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Anonymous No. 16255966

Resurs P1 (seen here before getting loading into its fairing for launch) was a boring commercial earth observation satellite. The Resurs series is descended from the old Soviet Yantar spy satellites, but that's as exciting as they get. P1 has been on orbit since 2013 and died in 2017 of an onboard equipment failure, so it was probably due for some kind of explosive decomposition event.

Anonymous No. 16255967

>spacex launches 60 starlinks per launch
>russia launches a satellite with 60 asat missiles
spacex still comes out ahead because they can launch faster and cheaper than russia

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Anonymous No. 16255969

Why the fuck is canada in the european space agency, lmaoseph? Maybe flat earthers were right

Anonymous No. 16255970

>russia knew it was about to blow any day now so they fired a missile at it to get test data

Anonymous No. 16255972

because they can't make their own space agency

Anonymous No. 16255983

You could erect a sunshade at a lagrange point and kill them with a famine (they rely on the sun too much).
You could build a few mass drivers on the moon and throw roggs at their cities as the earth rotates.
You could dump pathogens into their atmosphere and they'd just breathe em in because they suck up that shit raw.
I could go on.

Anonymous No. 16255986

On one hand, Russia could have launched an anti-satellite missile so invisible and secret that none of the ICBM warning systems picked in up, despite things like that being their exact job. On the other hand, the shitty batteries on a broke old Russian satellite could have finally corroded though their casing and popped, causing it to shed several pieces of detectable debris.

Seriously, it just blew up on its own. Shitty slavic quality control always leads to bad results when you leave the hardware sitting around for too long. One of the largest sources of non-asat debris in orbit is old Zenit-2 second stages suffering onboard explosions after twenty or thirty years in space.

Anonymous No. 16255989


Anonymous No. 16255990

>Russia launches a nuke
>it takes out 10 Starlinks and causes the rest on orbit to fail in three years instead of seven
>SpaceX still comes out ahead because this is within tolerances

Anonymous No. 16256002

if they can't achieve orbit it's not a real space agency

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Anonymous No. 16256005

/sfg/ is on page 9, and you know what that means.
time to pull out the old ISS retrieval vessel.

Anonymous No. 16256016

How are they going to deliver starships and boosters from Texas to Florida? Just hop them?

Anonymous No. 16256029

hopping boosters is a spicy proposition but without Starship on top it can just do a dogleg around Florida
in flight it passes straight over Orlando but the instantaneous point of impact will never actually pass over land

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Anonymous No. 16256030

my personal theory is that they're going to roll ships and boosters into a port in brownsville harbor just north of massey's and then ship them into the turn basin at KSC just like they do for the sls core

Anonymous No. 16256032

what is your preferred alternative?

Anonymous No. 16256036

Wow, those engines must've been ran a lot.
That or it's shitty military aircraft being really leaky and shitty.

Anonymous No. 16256037

because both canada and europe share a strong cultural identity of "we're not america"

Anonymous No. 16256039

SpaceX is now valued at $210 billion

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save us.png

Anonymous No. 16256043

Save us Elon... don't let us die...

Anonymous No. 16256045

Elon owns ~50%. Thats ~$100B to his fortune.

Anonymous No. 16256047


Anonymous No. 16256050

I'm sorry no one replied to your post, constructionfren. Early equipment will be very anemic solar electric powered until the infrastructure is spun up to support methalox turbine electric equipment

Anonymous No. 16256054

6% of Nvidia.

Anonymous No. 16256056

Unironically why the fuck is it so expensive, that's more than twice a Dragon I'm pretty sure and you'd need just one of those and some extra fuel. Are they just funnelling money to Starship?

Anonymous No. 16256064

because it's a much more complex than dragon normally flies and you have to get it right the first try

Anonymous No. 16256067

that woman looks 70

Anonymous No. 16256071

Because it's a totally unprecedented mission with major consequences if it doesn't go right

Anonymous No. 16256074

NASA is eager to get rid of the ISS sized anchor around their neck to free up funding for other ventures like Gateway and Artemis. SpaceX has proven it can deliver cost effective results as opposed to the current malaise in oldspace (see Dragon v starliner).
>The moggings will continue until innovation improves

Anonymous No. 16256077

She didn't ate anyone since Hansel und Gretel incident, please understand.

Anonymous No. 16256082

>anemic solar electric powered
I don't think so. >>16254106 kinda lays it out, but TL;DW: It'd take literal ships upon ships of solar panels to properly sustain a colony on Mars, let alone power anything more powerful than life support.

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World&#039;s bigg....jpg

Anonymous No. 16256085

>continue with the moggings

Anonymous No. 16256086

Depends on the position and the hiring manager. I work for a major infrastructure engineering firm, and no one ever checked my credentials, I just crushed the interview. On the other hand, I had the furniture store Havertys make me go get a notarized copy of my college transcript for a fucking entry level role in their corporate office.

Anonymous No. 16256095

weird water tower...

Anonymous No. 16256098

>this thing ate shrapnel from every failed starship test and the IFT-1 concrete hurricane

Anonymous No. 16256100

new /sfg/ has been launched

Anonymous No. 16256101

we missed it /b/ros

Anonymous No. 16256103

>spaceflight genera
holy shit delete it retard

Anonymous No. 16256107

since you're obviously new please note for future reference that we like to call it 'staging'

Anonymous No. 16256109

don't use pictures of Trump, he causes too much friction

Anonymous No. 16256111

yeah fuck this I'm making a better one

Anonymous No. 16256116


Anonymous No. 16256122

That's just insane.

Anonymous No. 16256134

ok anon, show us the goods

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Anonymous No. 16256136

she's ok

Anonymous No. 16256139

well, I wasn't expecting that.

Anonymous No. 16256146

what the fuck frogposters

Anonymous No. 16256179

Ok now that's hot

Anonymous No. 16256231

Funny thing about that...
Canada IS america. No i will not argue about this. Canada is the same country as america.
t. Canadian
No i will NOT argue about this. Canada is the same country as america and I also hate spics who say "but muh america is south america too, waaahhh waahhh we call them los estados unidos because we are tiny dicked manlets and cant recognize the hegemon wahhhh, south america is america too" cope
Meanwhile real americans are proud to be the trve america

Anonymous No. 16256232

shut up, you're a hat
unfuck your gun rights and maybe I'll consider treating you as an equal

Anonymous No. 16256234

>Meanwhile real americans are proud to be the trve america
there are plenty of americans who have the same america-is-so-uncouth-i'm-so-much-more-civilized attitude toward america as canadians

Anonymous No. 16256235

europian lunches from europe are only for bombing other europians

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Anonymous No. 16256240

Im doing my part
But canada will never have american gun rights or carry rights
Literally the first amendment of our constitution is "lmao this isnt a constitution actually its more of a suggestion and can be revoked at any time for any reason by anyone. Kys cuckold citizen"