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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16266833

Dawn Delayed Edition

Previous - >>16264606

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Anonymous No. 16266839

should have been pickle rick edition

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Anonymous No. 16266846

I'm trying to design a...wait for it...
fan-jet/ram-jet/scram/jet combination that also shuts off its air-breathing capacity at high altitude and converts to a rocket engine.
I admit freely this probably cannot be done.
Also notice that I didn't say turbo-jet or turbo-fan because I've already concluded that the rocket mode is going to destroy that turbine at the output.
It's a fun project, trying to figure out a way to close off the fan intake and the ram/scram intakes independently for various modes of operation.
I want to run it on methane so it has a chance of getting put into a self-refueling SSTO space plane. (On airless worlds, it tips up and takes off in rocket mode, otherwise is takes off like a plane. If O2 is available, it is air-breathing.)
Yes, I already know it is likely impossible to combine all these, but it sure is fun to try to design it.

Anonymous No. 16266865

Just call it reddit edition at that point

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Anonymous No. 16266866

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Anonymous No. 16266867

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Anonymous No. 16266869

Anonymous No. 16266871

hell yeah

Anonymous No. 16266900

Its been 3 weeks since the last Vast update... what do you think theyre cooking up right now with the structural prototype done?

Anonymous No. 16266914

The way engine plumes expand in vacuum is something really not foreseen by most artwork.

Anonymous No. 16266919

wow that's insane

Anonymous No. 16266922

yeah it's hard to imagine a rocket plume expanding to cover half the sky

Anonymous No. 16266927

thats alot of toxic greenhouse gases being pumped into the fragile atmosphere

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Anonymous No. 16266934

1 4 0 falcon launches this year alone

Anonymous No. 16266936

This is climate genocide.

Anonymous No. 16266937

Even without the trend line that’s an impressively organized pattern holy shit

Anonymous No. 16266939

My guess is ~125.

Anonymous No. 16266941


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16266943

any were she takes her tiles off?

Anonymous No. 16266944


Anonymous No. 16266945

what did anon mean by this

Anonymous No. 16266946

that's insane

Anonymous No. 16266957

if spacex can get so many launches on their own then so can other companies. im tired of companies being lazy and not trying.

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Anonymous No. 16266960

Picrel is your answer

Anonymous No. 16266962

August 15

Anonymous No. 16266963

After a certain point launch cadence is more of a payload availability problem than a rocket production problem. Delta IV was supposed to launch thirty times per year but there just weren't that many payloads on the market, even if they could have paid Delta launch price. Once the Kuiper factory comes online and starts mass producing satellites ULA will be able to start launching Vulcans as quickly as Tory can build them.

Anonymous No. 16266966

lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 16266967

DIV had a sub 1 per year cadence because it was not competitive at its price

Anonymous No. 16266968

Enjoy your vacation

Anonymous No. 16266970

Hey, discuss spaceflight >>16266900

Anonymous No. 16266971

It wasn't competitive at price because the few launches it had needed to carry all of its fixed costs. If more payloads signed on right out of the gate it could have been competed with the Ariane and Proton on price. It didn't get those jobs because the telecommunication constellations it had planned to launch all went bankrupt and the only payloads left were a few yearly geostationary launches, and most of those had already signed contracts with Arianespace or ILS.

sage No. 16266973

>spacex logo belly button
I love this image

Anonymous No. 16266975

Anonymous cums

sage No. 16266976

IIRC they're working with a former ISS manager to make their station deranged lesbian proof. They've found that's actually more difficult than solving for air and such

Anonymous No. 16266977

Retarded niggers

Anonymous No. 16266978

what if the plasma impinges on her flaps

Anonymous No. 16266979

By the way this newfag is saging by putting sage in the namefield and not the options field. Way to out yourself retard

Anonymous No. 16266981

god damn I keep fucking doing that whoops

Anonymous No. 16266983

>day 12 of boeings 7 day special operation in space

Anonymous No. 16266985

How are you still seething pigger?

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Anonymous No. 16266989

Have any of you guise been working on any of these? Let's show them the power of collective autism is still a viable force to be reckoned with.

Anonymous No. 16266990

damn it really is a zigger bot the second anything even remotely related to that is posted immediate russian seethe comes in

Anonymous No. 16266994

>draw straight line on chart

Anonymous No. 16266999

Yo man, can I get a quick update on the state of the Black Sea fleet?

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Anonymous No. 16267000

Anonymous No. 16267002

Checked and kekd

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Anonymous No. 16267006
>The U.S. Space Force has added Blue Origin and Stoke Space Technologies to its roster of launch providers eligible to compete for short-turnaround small-satellite missions under the Orbital Services Program-4 (OSP-4) contract.
>Blue Origin and Stoke Space join 10 other launch providers on the OSP-4 contract: ABL Space Systems, Aevum, Astra, Firefly Aerospace, Northrop Grumman, Relativity Space, Rocket Lab, SpaceX, United Launch Alliance and X-Bow.

Anonymous No. 16267007

keep up the good pace ESA

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Anonymous No. 16267009

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Anonymous No. 16267013

Anonymous No. 16267017

Texas is so big you could see launches from both coasts under good conditions

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Anonymous No. 16267018


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Anonymous No. 16267021

I was briefly looking into making a startup related to construction on Mars.
Hardware side I was looking into how one might make bricks from compressed Martian dust. Constraints unique to Mars would be lack of water, lack of limestone, lack of binder. Water ISRU on the scales required for concrete is a ways off, and there's not enough easily accessible calcium anyway. A binder would need to be shipped in and the binder mass per habitable volume is really really bad. Assuming Starship, you would have access to human labor and electricity (and probably a small excavator no matter what you're doing), so you could have someone dump dirt through layers of screens, and then compress the fine dust into bricks with an electric hydraulic press. You could make the bricks like big legos and fit them together with no mortar. There would be a few standard dies so you could build walls and arched roofs of a set size. You would then inflate a liner inside, already made for the building of that size on Earth. It would bring down the shipped mass of a sturdy structure to the weight of the plastic.
Software side it would tell you how many bricks of each size you would need and how to assemble them in order so someone with no training could jump right in.
Ultimately I realized that every freight starship will be livable volume once emptied and one of the first results of industrialization will be better construction than dirt bricks. It solved a problem that didn't exist. There's also no application on Earth.

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Anonymous No. 16267023

Right now I'm working with someone at a local seaside university. She has a specialization in oysters and we're seeing if we can manipulate the microbiome to deal with perchlorates somewhat. The idea would be to flood and agitate a small pressurized area, seed with oysters, let them bring the perchlorate levels down, and slowly expand outward, flooding new area and draining the old once the dirt is processed into something not poisonous. Ideally you'd get biomass, calcium carbonate, and safe dirt over a practically infinite area for the mass cost of a small fish tank and related equipment, and some amount of plastic per acre. It may work, it may not.
My current life goal is to have a fully developed and palletizable system of something useful for Mars by the time they're ready to start sending stuff. I currently run a completely unrelated company but as soon as one of my ideas gets past the exploration phase I'm dropping everything and moving to Austin

Anonymous No. 16267024

Texas is doing fireworks now

Anonymous No. 16267027

Anyone got the pic?

Anonymous No. 16267028

use the archive

Anonymous No. 16267029

warosu archives /sci/ immediately I think

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Anonymous No. 16267033

>My current life goal is to have a fully developed and palletizable system of something useful for Mars by the time they're ready to start sending stuff.
good stuff you posted in response to my pdf post, anon, I've been dreaming up some "pallets" to send too including an algae tank one and an inflatable greenhouse dome with some lights and an air pump to get some plants growing, maybe one to get some insect protein produced to feed to chickens. I still need to get some drawings started and not just keep them in my head. Keep up the good work, anon.

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Anonymous No. 16267037

Honestly the moon is fugging stupid and mars can go fuck itself. Why can't we apply aerospace technology to flying jet surfboards? SpaceX NASA boeing and DOD can go fuck themselves.

Anonymous No. 16267038

brilliant pebbles

Anonymous No. 16267043

Get bent

Anonymous No. 16267045

>Water ISRU on the scales required for concrete is a ways off

Nothing is happening without large scale water ISRU for electrolysis, I would take that as a given. The problem with concrete is more in making portland cement. Very energy intensive and requires specific minerals in large quantities.

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Anonymous No. 16267049

>chickens inside a sealed bubble
Imagine the smell
But yeah I'm positive there are opportunities out there. Starship is changing constraints that were so constant since the inception of space flight that no one has actually done the work to dream of what would go into fully industrializing a planet. Like as an actual task, with a set of steps to be done in real life.

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Anonymous No. 16267051

only one man and one company can rise to the challenge

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Anonymous No. 16267062

I'm skeptical, especially for the early days relevant to my bad idea. You don't want something so essential (return) dependent on all your machines working. Also you likely wouldn't be able to create enough fuel to hit the Earth return window a month after arrival in the case of emergency. For the first handful of windows, some significant percentage of the Starships sent to Mars will have nothing but insulated fuel inside. Maybe they land, maybe they're a depot in LMO, but until Mars is way more industrialized they have better things to use that water on.
Consider the attached pic and add heavy mining machinery and secondary processes. There will be children born on Mars before they refuel a Starship with ISRU.

Anonymous No. 16267066

You'd still have ventilation. You'd routinely vent to air processing domes which ultimately exchange air with the outside

Anonymous No. 16267069

lots of bearish spaceX news coming out this week all around the same time, really makes you think.

Anonymous No. 16267070

Now show me the projections for 25 and 26 based on these.

Anonymous No. 16267074

>tile pasties

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Anonymous No. 16267078


Anonymous No. 16267084

like 180 then 220

Anonymous No. 16267088

2025 = 200 falcons
2026 = 280 falcons

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Anonymous No. 16267089

Nobody tell him teehee

Anonymous No. 16267090

Wrong, transition to Starship payloads would happen by then meaning a tone down of the most frequent Falcon flyer, Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16267091

>posting anime starship gets you banned now
what's wrong with this general?

Anonymous No. 16267092


Anonymous No. 16267094

what is with all this talk now that a fully operational SS will be lucky to even take 50t to leo??
just watched this ignoramuses video on youtube and it got me thinking.

Anonymous No. 16267096

Posting NSFW (always posted by rocketgirlcoons) gets you banned also nice admittance to ban evasion hope this ip has a nice vacation too.

Anonymous No. 16267097

youre all tourists. get off my board

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Anonymous No. 16267098

Nah, janny doesnt even know what Starship is. It's just one pedo who cant resist his urge to fap to cute Starships and takes it out on anon by reporting anon's images as "off-topic". Consider taking mushrooms to kick your pedophilia, and if that doesnt work, pedo must kill himself

Anonymous No. 16267099

people just don't understand what the hard part is. the tonnage to leo could be 0 tons right now, who cares. that's not what they're working on solving yet

Anonymous No. 16267103

>it got me thinking.
It did not

Anonymous No. 16267106

Ummmm xweetie I've been here 5 years I think its our board.

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Anonymous No. 16267107

me when I'm posting rocket titties to the chan

Anonymous No. 16267108


Anonymous No. 16267110

It wasnt you though file naming scheme doesnt match

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Anonymous No. 16267114

"old space" is getting rapidly blown the fuck out as we speak, all they can do now is throw stones and maybe plan their early retirements.
the critical success of IFT-4 sent shockwaves throughout the industry and if IFT-5 is another complete success with further milestones being achieved then it's basically game over for retards like in picrel.

Anonymous No. 16267116

did elon lie to us?
this has to be photoshopped kek

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Anonymous No. 16267119
Stream's up

Anonymous No. 16267122

>did elon lie to us?
no he's just waffling

Anonymous No. 16267123

Is SpaceX being functionally a monopoly actually a problem while Elon is alive? They'll just keep improving with no competition while patenting nothing. Hell even if he died tomorrow rocketry has changed forever already

Anonymous No. 16267131

you might be retarded

Anonymous No. 16267135

paizuri from starship chan!

Anonymous No. 16267137

>toy rockets
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16267138

Tonnage goes up disproportionately to slightly improved thrust. Right now performance has not been optimised.

Anonymous No. 16267140

Explain why I'm wrong. This isn't a video game where traces of ice in the rocks = water and water = fuel and everything works out

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Anonymous No. 16267145

Anonymous No. 16267147

There's way more than traces of water

Anonymous No. 16267150

Immediately accessible and right next to the city?

Anonymous No. 16267154

I like that their commentator likes to geek out about her expertise (composites and structures)

Anonymous No. 16267157

You land the rocketship where the water is

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Anonymous No. 16267161

Just a reminder: if you are in the viewing area you have ten minutes remaining to get to your spot

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Anonymous No. 16267163

Anonymous No. 16267165

do we have socials on the hot autistic firefly nerd?

Anonymous No. 16267167

im gonna max-q in her face

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Anonymous No. 16267169

lol boomers in NSF's chat are gooning over the girl

Anonymous No. 16267172

You can put the city wherever you want retard, it's a whole fucking empty planet

Anonymous No. 16267174

waiting for a power slide, don't disappoint me firefly

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Anonymous No. 16267175

Anonymous No. 16267177


Anonymous No. 16267178

uh oh

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Anonymous No. 16267179

Anonymous No. 16267181

I think you're severely overestimating how much water there actually is and how easy it is to access
Yeah you wouldn't stick it near the north pole though

Anonymous No. 16267182

Anyone else watching at 2x?

Anonymous No. 16267188

please dont leave me space qt

Anonymous No. 16267189

Ok how much is there

Anonymous No. 16267194

>plastic dinosaur
adorable. id launch a payload with her.

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Anonymous No. 16267196

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Anonymous No. 16267198

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Anonymous No. 16267201

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Anonymous No. 16267202

Anonymous No. 16267203

It'll basically be like mining for iron on earth. Sure it's there but you need heavy equipment to utilize it in any reasonable quantity. I mean whatever, there's a path to utilizing it, just not very soon. Like I said, you can just send fuel depots in the meantime, it isn't an issue.

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Anonymous No. 16267208

Spaceport Las Vegas
Turnin' day into nighttime
Turnin' night into daytime

If you see it once
You'll never be the same again

Anonymous No. 16267213

>no rocket launches
Yeah no

Anonymous No. 16267217

The licence is, besides flights and slot machines, to have "launches". Whatever that may be.

Anonymous No. 16267227

So this was basically made exclusively for Virgin Galactic?

Anonymous No. 16267229

>we DO have microphones on board, they're called Accels
this is an engineer joke and this bozo just completely flubbed his chances with this girl by not understanding it

Anonymous No. 16267232

Developer Rob Lauer said the spaceport would include a space pilot school, a post-high school STEM academy with space vehicle simulators and a takeoff and landing mechanism for space planes, not rockets.

“We would be seeking a license for horizontal launch vehicles versus vertical launch rockets,” he said.

Lauer anticipates private space planes will become much more accessible in the coming years and says a spaceport here would make Las Vegas a hub for space tourism.

“They’ll be able to go to the moon, they’ll be able to go to space stations, they’ll be able to go fully into space, bring satellites into space, people into space. They’re going to change the world as we know it. As much as the jet airline changed the world, these space planes are going to change the world,” said Lauer.

Anonymous No. 16267235

Actually, throw a legal bordello on that spaceport, and make a day of it.

Anonymous No. 16267236

>We would be seeking a license for horizontal launch vehicles

Anonymous No. 16267247

So Zubrin supports Trump now?

Anonymous No. 16267248

Could this shape work as a spaceplane?
Scale it down, have it be air launched and give it a rocket motor

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Anonymous No. 16267251


Anonymous No. 16267256

>cylindrical body
>wings in back and front
It's basically a Starship so yes, but those wings might need to be shorter and sharper so they dont get ripped off by going mach 30 in and out of the atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16267263

I fail to see how Zoobrine's political opinions are spaceflight. Also didnt Trump get found on Epsteins receipts for 'massages'? Why would he support that as well as Trump's dismal record for encouraging spaceflight? (USSF was basically already independent while in USAF just not officially so him making it official did nothing and Artemis is a horrible program that wastes money on SLS over paying SpaceX to use Starship)

Anonymous No. 16267265

ah uh...planes...

Anonymous No. 16267267

Fuck the spaceplanefag got what he wanted

Anonymous No. 16267270

Starship is aerodynamically unstable though right
The leduc was designed before fly by wire or area rule
I think the interceptor body (mig-21, lightning, F-104) of low aspect wings and round fuselage is different than the lifting body of space shuttle and buran, which can have large surfaces to spread out the heat of atmosphere
But beyond that i dont know

Anonymous No. 16267275

spending 30 seconds looking at his twitter account reveals he certainly doesn't

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Anonymous No. 16267287

I wanted this
But Boing took it away from us

Anonymous No. 16267292

Trump is based

Anonymous No. 16267295

>erm actually this isn't spaceflight related
>proceeds to bring up something nothing related to spaceflight immediately right after that sentence
Assblasted TDS sufferer detected. Just keep quiet.

Anonymous No. 16267298

>no denial

Anonymous No. 16267299


Anonymous No. 16267301

Not spaceflight related. Go back to /pol/ or /k/ you piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 16267313

How many more days has shitliner got left before they have to make the call? It's soon right?

Anonymous No. 16267315

its not coming down, its a new iss module

Anonymous No. 16267319

45 day limit

Anonymous No. 16267320

2030 when Starship deorbits the whole mess.

Anonymous No. 16267323

NASA says it can stay up there indefinitely, so it's outperforming

Anonymous No. 16267324

they'll just recertify it for longer if they need to go past 45, which looks increasingly likely

Anonymous No. 16267328

>the Apollo CSM in Valerian was actually an analogy to Starliner becoming the permanent ISS module
Bravo Besson

Anonymous No. 16267335

God Bless America

Anonymous No. 16267343

So elon convinced joe biden to give him a billion dollars and in return elon will...*checks notes*... DESTROY THE ISS????

Anonymous No. 16267344

Sorry, but once Trump becomes the president, he will send ISS to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16267369

>*checks notes*
every time I see this I entrench myself further in the belief of TOTAL EARTHER DEATH

Anonymous No. 16267406

With no survivors.

Anonymous No. 16267419

mfw when meme chaser will be our only way into space between 2030-2060 after spaceX goes under thanks to old space striking back hard this time

Anonymous No. 16267425


Anonymous No. 16267436

Do they do anything for the 4th at starbase?

Anonymous No. 16267437

hopefully they're all working, space is more important than stupid holidays.

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Anonymous No. 16267442

here is a long rundown of the situation, but basically the 45 limit was due to batteries only rated for 45 days, but they they extended that 45 additional days
that might or might not be extended even further

>The delays have reached a point where NASA is now revisiting that 45-day limit on Starliner. Stich said on Friday’s call that the batteries have shown nothing so far that would limit their performance or create additional risk if the mission is extended. “The risk for the next 45 days is essentially the same as the first 45 days, so we’ll go update that limit,” he said.

Anonymous No. 16267443

next ISS mission is in a month, wtf is NASA going to do

Anonymous No. 16267444

theyre gonna let elon crash a starship into it

Anonymous No. 16267445

Apparently Perseverance has a dowsing rod instrument to find water reserves under the surface of Mars.

Anonymous No. 16267446

we're still in the space exploration dark age, some of you just don't want to admit it.

Anonymous No. 16267452

That's because we use outdated rocket pre-tech.

Anonymous No. 16267453

aliens are mocking us because we're too stupid to invent electric rockets

Anonymous No. 16267456

this but literally any of the many forms of anti-gravity

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Anonymous No. 16267457


Anonymous No. 16267462

I'm not moving to a planet named after a femboy

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Anonymous No. 16267466

perhaps this then

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Anonymous No. 16267470


Anonymous No. 16267473

as in barsoom?

Anonymous No. 16267476

this guy fucks

Anonymous No. 16267478

how do we get Elon off the drugs

Anonymous No. 16267479

gotta find someone autistic like grimes but straight edge

Anonymous No. 16267480

imagine still believe the left wing narrative that Elon is a junkie

Anonymous No. 16267481

Mars Bar.
Next to Snickersville(tm).

Anonymous No. 16267485

Characters named after celestial bodies are kino

Anonymous No. 16267488

modern humans are inherently not creative whatsoever and it will only get worse in the future
this why I fear for the future of exo planet naming

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Anonymous No. 16267489

We should just name them after shit from Lord Of The Rings. This is why everything on Titan has good names.

Anonymous No. 16267491

They'll all be named after brown mythology like N'umanuma

Anonymous No. 16267493

not opposed to that, would also be open to naming planets after Greek or Chinese mythology.

Anonymous No. 16267496

>Chinese mythology
too much effort to figure out how to pronounce it. naming them after anime would be fine.

Anonymous No. 16267497

Jewish mythology Yahweh

Anonymous No. 16267498

for me naming planets should be made illegal and it should be up to the people that settle there when and if it happens.

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Anonymous No. 16267504

Huhuhuhuhuh... erection.

Anonymous No. 16267505

Kang vindicated
The CCP approves of dynamic test fire over inhabited area!

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Anonymous No. 16267507

>Also you likely wouldn't be able to create enough fuel to hit the Earth return window a month after arrival in the case of emergency.
That's why you're supposed to send an automated mission on the previous synod to create the fuel. You can know that it's working before you send crew.

Anonymous No. 16267511

What launches from Vegas stays in Vegas?
I take it these are going to be the usual "touch space for five minutes, then come back home in time for dinner" so-called "space" flights.

Anonymous No. 16267512

88 days until New Glenn is supposed to launch. I will be counting.
Tic-tock, Mr. Bezos. The sands of time are falling.

Anonymous No. 16267514

excerpts of lines that would never be written in american press coverage:
>However, the path to the peak of scientific and technological innovation is never smooth; setbacks and failures are inevitable and should be seen as opportunities to learn and correct mistakes.
>Although this test failed, fortunately, there were no casualties, and only some property damage occurred.
>From another perspective, although this incident has sparked much discussion, occasional setbacks are hard to avoid in scientific research and industrial exploration. Some criticisms on the internet may be overly harsh. If we abandon innovation due to fear of failure, many innovations might lose their breeding ground. On the contrary, believing in professional strength and creating a moderately tolerant environment might further stimulate innovative vitality.
>It is believed that, taking this incident as a warning, commercial space-related companies will be more rigorous in safety control. In the exploration of the scientific world, failures should not become "roadblocks." With enough tolerance and support, these failures could turn into "stepping stones" for moving forward together. With eyes set on the stars and the sea, nothing can stop the steps of progress.

Anonymous No. 16267522


Anonymous No. 16267564

Insanely based.
china is going to do great things

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Anonymous No. 16267582


Anonymous No. 16267587


Anonymous No. 16267600

>excerpts of lines that would never be written in american press coverage:

Well, it's not press, it's the a mouthpiece of the government. I'm sure you'd get more positive vibes if you stuck to only reading official presidential statements.

>Honoring the seven astronauts who died in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, jets fly over the crowd in a missing man formation during a memorial service at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2003. White House photo by Paul Morse To leave behind Earth and air and gravity is an ancient dream of humanity. For these seven, it was a dream fulfilled. Each of these astronauts had the daring and discipline required of their calling. Each of them knew that great endeavors are inseparable from great risks. And each of them accepted those risks willingly, even joyfully, in the cause of discovery.
> Our whole nation was blessed to have such men and women serving in our space program. Their loss is deeply felt, especially in this place, where so many of you called them friends. The people of NASA are being tested once again. In your grief, you are responding as your friends would have wished -- with focus, professionalism, and unbroken faith in the mission of this agency.
>Captain Brown was correct: America's space program will go on.
>This cause of exploration and discovery is not an option we choose; it is a desire written in the human heart. We are that part of creation which seeks to understand all creation. We find the best among us, send them forth into unmapped darkness, and pray they will return. They go in peace for all mankind, and all mankind is in their debt.

Anonymous No. 16267611

you can't tell me that NPR would be so positive if spacex had a failure as hilarious as this one

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Anonymous No. 16267616

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Anonymous No. 16267618

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Anonymous No. 16267619

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Anonymous No. 16267621

Updates on Tianlong-3.

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Anonymous No. 16267622


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Anonymous No. 16267626


Anonymous No. 16267627

Now you're automating everything that goes into this? Do you understand the actual scale of that task? It would be less launches to just send a fuel ship anyway

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Anonymous No. 16267630

Anonymous No. 16267631

>that leak out the bottom causing it to spin

Anonymous No. 16267639


Anonymous No. 16267643

that's insane

Anonymous No. 16267647


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Anonymous No. 16267654


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Anonymous No. 16267657

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Anonymous No. 16267660

Anonymous No. 16267665

>birds squirrel and deer
Yeah, just make the martian biosphere as boring as earths.
I propose instead seeding with bats, kangaroos and opossums

Anonymous No. 16267667

Actually replace opossums with echidnas.

Anonymous No. 16267669

Even on earth, almost all cities are near water sources.

Anonymous No. 16267674

Australia is also on earth

Anonymous No. 16267678

Yeah but it's not boring.

Anonymous No. 16267688

It's going to be small animals that have a good reproduction rate and feed on easy to grow plants while not damaging crops. Quail and guinea pigs, not fucking deer and squirrels. Also no silly pine forest. Enclosed, pressurized space and perchlorate free soil and water will be much to valuable and used to grow as many useful crops as possible.

Anonymous No. 16267695

I'll build the beautiful nature reserve dome where people can live freely breathing air purified by the pines around them, watching deer drink from a lake teeming with fish.
You can live in the cucktube rationing every drop of water and spot of dirt in the name of efficiency.

Anonymous No. 16267702

Sure, I'll be in the tropical food production polyculture dome and maybe trade you some bananas, pineapple, sweet potatoes and corn for a deer leg of the one animal you can harvest every year.

Anonymous No. 16267719

>perchlorate free soil and water will be much to valuable
I can't find the study right now but I remember either posted here or on nsf there was a study done on natural perchlorate eating bacteria and it turns out they are super efficient at it. Even at saturated solution the bacteria got rid of nearly all the perchlorates in 12 days.

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Anonymous No. 16267721

Anonymous No. 16267725

Don't worry you won't have to pay, I'll share it with you. Charity for those less fortunate is important.

Anonymous No. 16267730

So theres been a lot of ink spilled on growing crops in space but what about whats the best animal to farm? That seems a lot harder than on earth.
I'd vote for chickens, not only do you get eggs out of them but they're small and reproduce quickly and one feeds 4 people at once so you don't really need to save any meat either.

Anonymous No. 16267736

Aquaculture is probably the route space based farming will take so algae eating species of fish, shrimps and clams.
If we're talking landbased then chickens are probably not a bad pick though I think chicken shit is a harsh fertilizer that has to be diluted to not damage plants?

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Anonymous No. 16267749

Anonymous No. 16267750

How much money would you have to be paid to go to pluto and do nothing but load solid blocks of nitrogen into spaceships for the rest of your life?

Anonymous No. 16267754

if you can't enjoy the money what would be the point?

Anonymous No. 16267755

Mars terraforming is the point.

Anonymous No. 16267757

>it’s up

Anonymous No. 16267760


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Anonymous No. 16267761


Anonymous No. 16267764

chicken manure needs to be composted first. quail are better suited. they need less room, mature to laying age faster, make less noise and the manure is milder/less smelly.
composting with worms and black soldier fly larvae recycles nutrients and produces protein to feed to the birbs.
guinea pigs can be fed on pure gras, which grows very fast, but also do well on a diet heavy in pellet food. they also do well in small spaces with many animals. you could argue that rats are even more efficient and prolific.

Anonymous No. 16267767

Elon needs to be arrested. They can't do this?!

Anonymous No. 16267769

I didn't know matpat retired to go work at spacex instead

Anonymous No. 16267774

nice, 60fps video

Anonymous No. 16267787


Anonymous No. 16267792

imagine growing up on mars and watching this in history class instead of reading a gay book about which flavor of subhuman was the most oppressed by white people

Anonymous No. 16267799

I'd rather read john carter of mars desu

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Cameron jack pars....jpg

Anonymous No. 16267801

>So today, I’ll tell you about the time in America when a group of elitists who worshipped Satan via sexual rituals, helped establish NASA’s Apollo program.
that's insane

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267802

Anonymous No. 16267804

Honestly in the early days when the constraints matter, it's cheaper to ship meat frozen. When the space+energy/shipping ratio flips you can have cows if you want. But yeah meat/person/year is just too light to bother with locally.

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267805

Anonymous No. 16267807

>crops in dirt
Definitely not going to happen for a while. Maybe specialty stuff in a century

Anonymous No. 16267811

babalon working sure gets a bunch of hoopla these days from tinfoilers who wish it was something more interesting than jack parsons jacking off onto a rock

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267817

Anonymous No. 16267818

>jack parsons
I knew without even watching the video it was about him.
The most notable thing I remember about parsons is when he got cucked by L ron hubbard.

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267822

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Anonymous No. 16267823

Anonymous No. 16267830

my favorite jack parsons factoid is that galcit had a status display for launches and it had a button that lit the thing up to say OH SHIT in the event of a RUD

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267832

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Anonymous No. 16267833

Reminder, CATCH attempt IFT 5

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Biotechnological ....pdf

Anonymous No. 16267835

>natural perchlorate eating bacteria
If anyone wants to look it up the term is dissimilatory perchlorate-reducing bacteria (DPRB)
>60kg of Martian regolith to produce a days worth of O2 in a Bio-reactor.

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267843

Anonymous No. 16267847

This isn't the study I was thinking of but thanks for posting regardless.

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267848

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267853

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Starship ¦ Fourth....webm

Anonymous No. 16267858


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Anonymous No. 16267859

Anonymous No. 16267866

Starship is cool but it's incredibly gay it doesn't show it being terminated
I don't buy their approach to coating the dildo in heat resistant judaism, I am not getting on a round craft that can roll
This isn't the space shuttle

Anonymous No. 16267867

I was hoping we'd see at least a few frames from one of the interior cameras

Anonymous No. 16267872

>no interior footage

Anonymous No. 16267873

did they even have interior cameras for this flight? not really any need if they weren't messing with the door

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Anonymous No. 16267875

Anonymous No. 16267876

eggs from quail eating red runner roaches, meat from rabbits, milk from pigmy goats eating grass
question is how we sustain seeds for grass

Anonymous No. 16267877

you don't believe it? The man himself said he wants to put cocaine back in coca cola

Anonymous No. 16267879

what am I looking at? Cape Carneval?

Anonymous No. 16267880

yeah, this is what a real SPACEport should look like

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Anonymous No. 16267883


Anonymous No. 16267888

They had interior cams but they only did the fuel transfer test afaik, also there was some kind of bug with the transmission during orbit so only spacex got to see those views, and I think there was some ITAR concern.

Anonymous No. 16267891

Even if he is I don't care. I would suck dick for crack just to give it to Elon. And I'm liquid to like $200k

Anonymous No. 16267893


Anonymous No. 16267899

firework and rocket cloud at the same time? Where is this?
considering the lower gravity of pluto it shouldn't be too hard.

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Anonymous No. 16267900

Anonymous No. 16267902

Probably LA. That's from last night's Firefly launch so it could be anywhere in the southwest. There were a bunch of good pictures getting posted to twitter from socal and arizona

Anonymous No. 16267904

>naming them after anime would be fine.
I've never watched an anime in my life which anime would you recommend for a beginner?

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Anonymous No. 16267908

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Anonymous No. 16267910


Anonymous No. 16267915

no it didnt

Anonymous No. 16267916

yeah it did. now the flaps are further back

Anonymous No. 16267919

>now the flaps are further back

Anonymous No. 16267923

Is it the whole building that moves on the rails instead of the rocket?

Anonymous No. 16267924

How will the launch industry keep up with this ESA reusable launcher??

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Anonymous No. 16267925

yeah, SLC-6 at vandy does the same thing i think

Anonymous No. 16267927

>We were honored to provide a rocket light show to kick off the Fourth of July - Happy Independence Day from our Firefly family to yours.
>Photo Credit: Shawn McCormick I Phoenix, Arizona

Anonymous No. 16267930

>shouldn't be too hard.
Lifting off from pluto ain't hard.
Whats hard is the ~10 year trip to and from pluto.

Anonymous No. 16267931

you are a homosexual and suck donkey dick

Anonymous No. 16267933


Anonymous No. 16267934

Space Bros

Anonymous No. 16267935

>Definitely not going to happen for a while.
And why not? You have claimed it will definitely not happen, so you must have clear and convincing, proof.

Anonymous No. 16267939

There they are, the only two anime worth watching for spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16267940

drank diy lemonade today bros. I hope martians will have enough nitrogen based fertilizers to grow lemons.

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Anonymous No. 16267942


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Anonymous No. 16267943

You forgot Rocket Girls.

Anonymous No. 16267944

Crops are grown in dirt on Earth due to a surplus of dirt. The conditions on Mars are different. Pressurized space and dirt will be limited but electricity will not so you'll have extremely dense hydroponics or aquaponics. The cost per acre will not be competitive with hydroponics so you won't use it for that. It's just a normal economic forcing function. If you do have an area with dirt you'd make it into a park like in the picture in the tweet we're referring to. A space like that would be a luxury, the investment worth it for the psychological benefits and nothing else.

Anonymous No. 16267946

I was not a fan of rocket girls. I didn't get it. Why are these sassy children stomping through a government missile factory

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Anonymous No. 16267947

happy 27th anniversary of the first mars rover landing

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Anonymous No. 16267951

Anonymous No. 16267956

:028 to 0:30 is by far the second coolest shot of all IFT flights so far, second only to the reentry laminar flow of the plasma over the flaps. It's full blown sci-fi both these shots, but real.

Anonymous No. 16267957

>Something slightly interesting is happening at starbase
>The grift is already ongoing

Anonymous No. 16267959

beautiful animated wallpaper material.

Anonymous No. 16267960

No, I didn't.

Anonymous No. 16267962

Nobody says same shit different day as an acronym

Anonymous No. 16267963

RIDF readiness levels have clearly not degraded as quickly as russia's actual armed forces, goes to show where their priorities lie.
can russians just retreat back to their shithole and use their remaining resources to reconstruct the N1 program for kino purposes before they collapse please?

Anonymous No. 16267964

World's largest fusion reactor is completed bros.

Anonymous No. 16267965

Not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16267968

there's been a completed world's largest fusion reactor every year since 1958

Anonymous No. 16267970

Do you know why they didn't try to build a small one first? Is there an actual physics reason or do physicists just enjoy dragging things out for job security
fusion would help with propulsion and planetary operations somewhat

Anonymous No. 16267971

Original message is not spaceflight no engines mentioned that would use that shut the fuck up not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16267972

guess this is the size they need to where the reactor actually produces more thermal energy than is put into it.

Anonymous No. 16267973

whining about pretend thread rules on 4chan is not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16267974

does it produce more electricity than a hamster wheel yet?

Anonymous No. 16267975

please man this is the only thread on this board that isn't 40% schizophrenics. If I made a thread about it I'd get five people claiming it's a ritual ground like Cern and another five saying it's actually a warp portal to the DMT dimension (CIA involved)

Anonymous No. 16267976


Anonymous No. 16267977

And they've delayed first plasma til 2034 and are begging for $5bn extra

Anonymous No. 16267979

Fuck off back to your containment thread >>16233254

Anonymous No. 16267980

>do physicists just enjoy dragging things out for job security
see >>16267977

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16267981


Anonymous No. 16267984

what happens first, ITER achieving q>1 or arianespace reusing a rocket stage?

Anonymous No. 16267985

ngl that whole facility looks expensive. Also fuck delays.

Anonymous No. 16267986

It's hardly news for anyone who's been watching closely. ITER employees have been privately saying 2034 or 2035 for a while now.
The article says French regulators halted construction "briefly" but it was actually almost 3 years. The reason the blocked it was because they had different segments of the vacuum vessel all made in different countries, and the Korean and Italian ones were damaged during manufacturing and wouldn't fit together, but they sent them to ITER anyway. outlines some other issues including one of their plasma engineers killing himself over management pressure.
There have also been a lot of high profile resignations from the project in the past few years.

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Anonymous No. 16267988

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Anonymous No. 16267990


Anonymous No. 16267991

At the time of planning this was the size necessary to make sure their design would achieve net fusion.

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Anonymous No. 16267992

>Happy 4th of July! Vast is honored to be building America’s next space station in the United States

Last real update was that they opened an office in DC for legal and regulatory purposes

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Anonymous No. 16267994


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Anonymous No. 16267998


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Anonymous No. 16268000


Anonymous No. 16268001

shouldn't they try to work through normal fusion first? There's gotta be some cost scale thing that only academics and politicians looked at

Anonymous No. 16268002

How does it take 10 years to start an already built reactor? Like seriously what are they going to be doing for 10 years

Anonymous No. 16268003

define "normal fusion"

Anonymous No. 16268004


Anonymous No. 16268005

once you start growing things, you have biomass waste containing nutrients. the most useful thing you can do with that is composting it and filling up plant containers and beds/build up topsoil in a dome. hydroponics is more productive, but soil is more stable, requires less tech and maintenance and allows to grow crops that don't do well in hydro. soil will accumulate over time.

Anonymous No. 16268007

yeah? I'm going to build my own beautiful nature dome and then fill it full of fucking lead from my GUNS

Anonymous No. 16268008

I don't know, I only know about rockets. By net fusion do you mean they pull electricity out? Isn't there still an unsolved containment problem? I'd spend less money to work out the kinks on a small net negative system before building a big expensive power plant

Anonymous No. 16268012

fusion is always 10 years away

Anonymous No. 16268013

You're not funny

Anonymous No. 16268016

Do you think this is the first fusion reactor ever built or something? There's a hundred of them

Anonymous No. 16268020

when ITER was first devised there were two ways to resolve containment - building a giant tokamak or making better superconducting magnets for a smaller tokamak. they went with the former since that was guaranteed to "work" in the sense that they could announce they'd gotten a bunch of firsts and secure further funding, even if it wasn't really getting them much closer to economically viable power generation. in the meantime MIT's figured out how to make better magnets and they're going to have a much smaller and cheaper demo reactor online well before ITER does.

Anonymous No. 16268021

Sure that's where you'd get the biomass to fill the dome, but that doesn't mean the dome would necessarily make more sense for actual productive agriculture. The value of a park on a world with no nature is probably higher per acre than than the value of productive farmland. Farmland is also way less productive than hydroponics per watt and per man hour. It would also be less consistent. I could see a community garden (an extension of the general psychological benefit) but nothing for actual production. I don't think these comparisons are unreasonable

Anonymous No. 16268026

>no new video of the landing
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16268028

>initialized 1988
I see where my confusion came from. I was missing that it was planned 36 years of advancements ago

Anonymous No. 16268037

we need to bring the Masons to Mars

Anonymous No. 16268038

this is normal fusion. Fancy fusion like the laser thing in the USA is even harder to get working right.

Anonymous No. 16268041

SpaceX spent that many years developing a rocket engine and counting.

Anonymous No. 16268044

they successfully started a raptor in 2016

Anonymous No. 16268045

you should watch Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 (the TV show, not the movies)

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Anonymous No. 16268056

You forgot LotGH.

Anonymous No. 16268059

you can pull nitrogen from the atmosphere with a compressor and some fractional distillation, and then it's just either Haber-Bosch or Birkeland-Eyde depending on if you want ammonia or nitric acid
why the fuck would you go out of your way to clean dirt when you can do aeroponics or aquaponics instead? seems like a bunch of unnecessary steps

Anonymous No. 16268066

this is also true

Anonymous No. 16268070

Kinda funny that there is a lot of worship about the right stuff in relation to spaceflight and the SpaceX launch control center is full of baseding.

Anonymous No. 16268077

tom wolfe never applied "the right stuff" to engineers, and in fact he lampooned them for not giving the astronauts everything they wanted on mercury

Anonymous No. 16268086

It's also nearly all white men, SpaceX has not been infected with DEI.

Anonymous No. 16268107

DEI is significantly harder to accomplish in an ITAR controlled setting due to the much smaller recruitment pool. I sure hope kids today watching these rocket launches get into STEM and join the industry regardless of what they look like. You have no idea how small the industry is. Most of the suppliers aren't even space-exclusive.

Anonymous No. 16268108

SpaceX be like: i'm gonna buy liquid methane valves from an lng company

Anonymous No. 16268119

Jesus Christ. Multiple shark attacks at the island

Anonymous No. 16268125


cocaine is causing the sharks to act like this.

Anonymous No. 16268129

they shouldn't get so cocky. the day of the hotstage ring is coming to their waters.

Anonymous No. 16268143

I wont post it here, but there are graphic images of man's legs half eaten. ITS INSANE!!

Anonymous No. 16268144

as I said, cocaine runoff from SpaceX operations

Anonymous No. 16268169

funny you should say that, since it is practically identical to dozens of Falcon 9 reentry shots.
For me, it's the LIVE views of the plasma sheath, where Starship and Starlink simultaneously are mogging on everyone else.

Anonymous No. 16268205

The sharks have joined the beetles. Total fauna death.

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Anonymous No. 16268211
>Flame Trench and Tower Two Update! Starbase Flyover Update 48

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Anonymous No. 16268213


Anonymous No. 16268214

kek. deniers rekt again. next stop 16m ship.

Anonymous No. 16268216

in hindsight, what was the point in ever using anything other than a flame trench?

Anonymous No. 16268217

Anonymous No. 16268218

remember that anon being a spastic swearing on godthat a 90 degree angle was best for flame deflection? lmao

Anonymous No. 16268219

>shows cleavage all over youtube
>covers it up in a pic
why are women actual psychos

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Anonymous No. 16268222


Anonymous No. 16268223

>best part is no part
>muh fondag can cope

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Anonymous No. 16268224


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Anonymous No. 16268225


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Anonymous No. 16268227


Anonymous No. 16268228

It will never be too soon to scrap this pos

Anonymous No. 16268230


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Anonymous No. 16268231

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space hating comm....jpg

Anonymous No. 16268235

We need deep and wide purges

Anonymous No. 16268245

This is going to be exceedingly hard to watch.
First time for actual legitimate danger to the pad. IFT-1 was bad but unexpected.

Anonymous No. 16268254

>Speculative Anthropologist
How about fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 16268256

China launched a Long March 6A from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center about an hour ago carrying a pair of (probable) SAR satellites.

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Anonymous No. 16268258


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Anonymous No. 16268261


Anonymous No. 16268262

BREAKING: The FAA have denied Hurricane Beryl's request to make landfall near Boca Chica, TX, due to it not having submitted an Environment Assessment for the freshwater it would be dumping on the protected wetlands

Anonymous No. 16268267

the current pad is unironically expendable. The current arms will be scrapped, the tower needs additional sections and major refurb to accommodate ship v2, the water cooled steel plate is a short-medium term solution and will eventually need to be replaced by a real flame trench (even when watercooled, the steel is still being ablated away slowly). Musk has also mentioned that the current hold down clamps/booster QDs need to be reworked and replaced as the current version has a fatal flaw

Anonymous No. 16268276

lol I know this is ragebait, but next time an urfer morally chastises you for having an interest in space exploration (this unironically happens way too often), and starts with their "muh urf problems" speech, just retort to them saying that maybe they should get more angry at the fact that much of the money humanity spends "here on urf" are done on pointless endeavors that have nothing to do with fixing poverty and hunger. For instance, the global sports betting industry market size reached a whopping $90B (2023), while the global sex toys industry was estimated at $35B (2021). While we are at it, the global film industry (including home entertainment revenue) was at $136B in 2018. Maybe we shouldn't spend so much on dildos and marvel movies, and start solving real problems?

Anonymous No. 16268286

>an oligopoly of commercial space companies-SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic
lol. Anytime someone mentions those three companies in the same sentence you just know you can stop listening to what they have to say.

Anonymous No. 16268290

Anonymous No. 16268292

A woman got her calf chomped off by the shark

Anonymous No. 16268294

I can't believe SpaceX did this. Felon Husk must be stopped.

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Anonymous No. 16268297


Anonymous No. 16268307

So how did you bros celebrate the 4th? I rewatched IFT-4

Anonymous No. 16268308

that painting's not saying what you think it's saying.

Anonymous No. 16268312

What do you think I think it's saying, and what do you think it's saying?

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Anonymous No. 16268314

Reminder that we still have no idea what the Vast Haven-Demo mission is, which is launching THIS YEAR, and even Eric Berger couldnt get info on it.

Anonymous No. 16268318

Unfortunately the things that are considered luxuries people now expect as necessitates.
Movies are our "culture" and stress relief, sex toys are for taking control of our sexuality, etc

Not a single retard is going to ever give up anything to solve communal problems. People aren't even willing to give up their own luxuries' just to get ahead financially.

Anonymous No. 16268319

FAA saving the day once again

Anonymous No. 16268320


Anonymous No. 16268328

>Entire calf missing
How do you even rehab that? At that point is amputation better?

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16268334


Anonymous No. 16268339

boilerplate mass simulator lol

Anonymous No. 16268341

brilliant bebbles

Anonymous No. 16268342

Drone footage best footage

Anonymous No. 16268344

JPL originally stood for Jack Parsons Laboratory

Anonymous No. 16268348

They're still not comfortable enough to livestream most of their launches, but at least they good at promoting the launch after their sure it's not going to explode on camera

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Anonymous No. 16268349

Anonymous No. 16268350

shining stones

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Anonymous No. 16268351

>by the letter fix earth first-ing
This could use an update but it's funny how it's still as relevant as ever

Anonymous No. 16268354

Based knower

Anonymous No. 16268356

Simulated mass would be too expensive, overkill for a demo mission. It’ll probably use actual mass.

Anonymous No. 16268361

they are barely comfortable giving NoTAM's, let alone other advance notice. Supposedly China is having another launch tomorrow, but we only know that it might be an SQX-1, no idea about the payload.

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Anonymous No. 16268365

Is this a tranny?

Anonymous No. 16268366

Troons can't help but self-advertise. There's no tranny flags or vanity pronouns so odds are low

Anonymous No. 16268368

Yes, I remember one anon exposing that a different pfp that this account had. That pfp had not one but TWO fagflags in the background/border. Be sure to block this one and completely forget about its existence like I had for half a year until this post.

Anonymous No. 16268371

mmmm, hydrologgs :DDDD

But seriously I love that they're trying something different and not just cloning a SpaceX rocket. Blue flames are awesome.

Anonymous No. 16268374

It really blows normies' minds when you tell them that we could've been on Mars by the early 80s. Yes, you don't need modern computers or smartphones to get there.

Anonymous No. 16268376


Anonymous No. 16268377

No fag flag, so [x] doubt

Anonymous No. 16268378

>I love... the Shuttle
Yep, definitely a tranny. Even if it isn't, it is.

Anonymous No. 16268381

this could use some updating lol

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wernher explains ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16268382

Every single time.

Anonymous No. 16268387

I wonder if one day Martians will complain about money being wasted on exploring Ceres instead of solving Mars problems first.

Anonymous No. 16268388

No, because Ceres is full of metals (money) and volatiles (money).

Anonymous No. 16268389

I'm going to guess the blood and culture will be self selected away from that. They'll probably cheer the day full self sufficiency is achieved, not because of what it means for Mars, but because of what it means for Titan.

Anonymous No. 16268391

Society has always had its share of crabs. The problem is we took those crabs and gave them authority.
We shouldn't be caught repeating that same mistake when we build cities away from earth!

Anonymous No. 16268392

Yeah but it takes launches to get there (money) and launches to get it back (money)

Anonymous No. 16268393

rockets will never be practical I am afraid

Anonymous No. 16268394

money really isn’t an issue for the United States of America and her associated territories (the rest of space)

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Anonymous No. 16268396


Anonymous No. 16268399

I want to see how they solve the embrittlement problem. If it turns out they didn't, their stuff is going to have a shorter reusability lifespan than the methalox designs

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Anonymous No. 16268402

Based. Still mad at NASA's cuckoldry of willing to send a probe there... only to not get anywhere close to a lake.

Anonymous No. 16268405

my hope is that it will do what most NASA missions of this caliber do: complete its “primary mission” (in this case 32 months of exploring dunes and whatnot) and then it will be “extended” to look at everything else.

Anonymous No. 16268410

Titan is a planet sized propellant depot and nothing more. Fantasies of 'colonizing' this any more than an active crew to drain fuel for Starship should be immediatly shut down.

Anonymous No. 16268412

That way of thinking will never make it off Earth.

Anonymous No. 16268413

methane on its own is pointless, you need oxygen to burn in order to make it useful

Anonymous No. 16268414

toll booth brain, go away Dr. Zubrin

Anonymous No. 16268415

imagine we are still using crappy chemical propulsion by the time we reach Titan, at this point the aliens should just nuke us.

Anonymous No. 16268419

>aliens are still using nukes
Bring it on

Anonymous No. 16268420

Thats why Enceladus exists

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Anonymous No. 16268422

shut up, duster

Anonymous No. 16268424

That isnt Titans orbit notice the inclination this artist doesnt care about space if they didnt take that basic fact in to mind when making this

Anonymous No. 16268427

in fiction, locations in space are deserts with a cool background

Anonymous No. 16268433

What the fuck are you even saying that has nothing to do with the orbital inclination being wrong

Anonymous No. 16268435

sci-fi never gets orbits right, dude
we cheer when they get it almost or mostly right

Anonymous No. 16268437

yes it does you stupid nigger I'm saying all the artist knows about Titan is that it's made of rocks and near Saturn

Anonymous No. 16268439

no he's replied to multiple people with "wtf I'm a dude bro" but still enjoys getting the attention that an anime girl pfp gets so he's a bit sus. he still mingles with 'team space' and space shuttle/sls trannies so he almost might as well be

Anonymous No. 16268440

he basically said it’s wrong on purpose to look cool, are you ESL sir?

Anonymous No. 16268443

>shuttle/sls trannies
why is everything I hate so consistently tied together even in nonsensical ways? i need to distill what this is so I can make sure it stays on earth

Anonymous No. 16268444

It takes even less effort to draw Saturns rings correctly at the regular inclination, and it is a well known fact that most moons sit on the same plane as where rings would be, its even intuitive. Hes just admitting that the art he posted was lazy, sloppy work by someone that doesnt truly care about space
You dumb fuck retard shit eating subhuman black monkey ape faggot manchild thats just admitting I was right then
Why would you admit hes wrong on purpose?? Is this the pretending to be retarded thing??

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Anonymous No. 16268446

>anime girl

Anonymous No. 16268447

Fagflags in background evidence seeping through.

Anonymous No. 16268448

bakers do your job

Anonymous No. 16268450

you are blacker than the infinite void itself, I was agreeing with you to begin with

Anonymous No. 16268451

>You dumb fuck retard shit eating subhuman black monkey ape faggot manchild
really channeling your inner Terry Davis here

Anonymous No. 16268452

check the bottom right corner of your screen

Anonymous No. 16268453

>shut up, duster
Why are you lying on the internet?

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Anonymous No. 16268454

it would be less egregious if he at least had GOOD taste in anime things that are neither boys nor girls

Anonymous No. 16268456


Anonymous No. 16268458

too early you dumb fucking gorilla nigger you glow in the dark

Anonymous No. 16268459

>random cia allegations
Hello /pol/ immigrant.

Anonymous No. 16268461


Anonymous No. 16268463

I'm quoting Terry Davis, anon

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Anonymous No. 16268464

i dont want to toot my horn to early. so ill be back tomorrow just to remind you nerds i was right - beryl is heading strait for starbase

Anonymous No. 16268466

Youre not quoting him in that video and I know the glownigger meme who fucking doesnt. Youre still calling him CIA for no reason which is what /pol/acks do.

Anonymous No. 16268468

stay vindicated, king
it'll be a direct hit and also a nothingburger
if you love /pol/ so much maybe you should go back there?

Anonymous No. 16268470

Who said I like /pol/ you fucking nigger? Seems like some major projection going on there how about you take your own advice

Anonymous No. 16268476

the highbay will be reduced to rubble

Anonymous No. 16268477

the medium bay has been reduced to rubble

Anonymous No. 16268481

Highway 4 is abused as fuck. It is going to wash out, in many places. No sugar coat, it's a set back that's going to last a while.

Anonymous No. 16268486

Delusional. Maybe even schizophrenic

Anonymous No. 16268494
Heres Tom not even hiding that hes funelling funds from Impulse for his lavish lifestyle

Anonymous No. 16268498

>what are they going to be doing for 10 years
collecting paycheck

Anonymous No. 16268501

we'll just do a very long duration superheavy static fire to vaporize the storm surge

Anonymous No. 16268522

>9 years MAX until the first humans land on mars
it seems so close yet so far at the same time

Anonymous No. 16268527

>waow muh time isnt that so amazing guys

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Anonymous No. 16268536

common spacefag L (not blocking CSS)

Anonymous No. 16268544

Why would being employed warrant owning a pickup truck? Not everyone has to haul stuff, even if you job is physical labor intensive.

Anonymous No. 16268545

do not mentally engage with the common sense schizo his intent is to damage you and waste your time

Anonymous No. 16268547

See >>16268494

Anonymous No. 16268550

Typical muskrat response to shutdown any and all opposition with valid complaints and criticism. Stay in your little bubble, huskcel

Anonymous No. 16268552

Average American has been psyopped that they NEED a trugg

Anonymous No. 16268557

Shut up yuroid

Anonymous No. 16268610

I do want a Toyota Hilux though

Anonymous No. 16268636

You wouldn't be able to see Saturn anyway, the atmosphere isn't that transparent.

Anonymous No. 16268712


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Anonymous No. 16268714

>no fag flag
It's right there

Anonymous No. 16268723

Now that Kamala is president, who will she appoint for Nasa admimistrator? Will she fund more Artemis?

Anonymous No. 16268731

You just made it up.

Anonymous No. 16268748

Who was in the running back when Bridenstine was picked? I remember that being an absolute clusterfuck that barely passed Congress.

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Anonymous No. 16268777

japanese smallsat launcher

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Anonymous No. 16268778


Anonymous No. 16268781

momo is a sounding rocket and zero is the small sat launcher
I guess Deca is a some type of Falcon 9 clone
>In 2017, it became the first Japanese company to launch a privately developed space rocket, though the launch was unsuccessful. A subsequent test in 2019 was successful at taking a 20 kg payload on a suborbital trajectory to the edge of space.

Anonymous No. 16268794

>no mention of land
By George!

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Anonymous No. 16268806

She will fund Brawndo-powered rocket engines.

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Anonymous No. 16268812

I am the most racist nigger you know, but I involuntarily started doing it as the flaps began to disintigrate. It's an innate human thing.

Anonymous No. 16268814

No they'll complain about wasting time on extrasolar missions when we could be terraforming mars.

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saturn super.jpg

Anonymous No. 16268818

Gil Scott Rustsucker whining about spacers reaching Alpha Centauri

Anonymous No. 16268819

I don't think terraforming mars would actually be as costly or time consuming as commonly advertised. At least up the level where you don't need a full pressurized space suit when you go outside.
The problem with mars right now is that it's locked in a negative feedback loop. The poles are so cold that it snows CO2 which makes the thin atmosphere thinner thus colder and makes it easier to snow CO2. But even so the loop is barely keeping ahead of the heating sun. All we need is a little push, something to make the poles a little warmer and the dry ice will start melting, thus making the atmosphere thicker and making it warmer and so on.
I suggest orbital mirrors.

Anonymous No. 16268827

how complicated would the mirrors need to be
could you use just dumb cheap in-situ manufactured mirrors, or would you need guidance, propulsion etc

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Anonymous No. 16268833

do people have an extended weekend from 4th of July until the 7th?

Anonymous No. 16268836

>The problem with mars right now is that it's locked in a negative feedback loop.
> But even so the loop is barely keeping ahead of the heating sun.
>All we need is a little push,
Any papers on this?

Anonymous No. 16268844

Who cares what some fag artist intended?

Anonymous No. 16268845

I'm heading into work today

Anonymous No. 16268846

I'd need to know more about martian manufacturing prospects to answer this question but past a certain level of economic development making orbital mirrors should be easy.
Can't find the paper atm but it found that the temperature on mars hasn't changed much in several hundred million years so it seems that mars atmospheric loss is keeping pace with higher solar irradiance to keep the temperature mostly stable.

Anonymous No. 16268847

Handmer has a post on this. I can't speak to the legitimacy of any of it because he has a PhD and I don't

Anonymous No. 16268849

>martian manufacturing prospects
This >>16268847 would probably follow full industrialization. Somewhere between a cell phone and a starlink

Anonymous No. 16268876

what do we make of his dancing style

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Anonymous No. 16268918



Anonymous No. 16268993

Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Gintama, Shinsekai Yori, Mononoke Hime, Samurai Champloo

Anonymous No. 16268997

>french garbage

Anonymous No. 16268998


Anonymous No. 16269000

>tranime profile pic
>male interests
it's either a disgusting tranny or a disgusting pick me double bagger land whale

Anonymous No. 16269019

Really anon?

Anonymous No. 16269053

May as well recommend Excel Saga, lol.

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Anonymous No. 16269061

Legend of the Blue Wolves
Boku no Pico

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Anonymous No. 16269195


Anonymous No. 16269196

some men just like anime, dude