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đŸ§” /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16268917

Saturn Super - edition

previous >>16266833

Anonymous No. 16268929

what do we make of Elon's dancing style

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Anonymous No. 16268934


Well Ariane 6 is finally coming along and will launch coming tuesday?

Anonymous No. 16268935

Continuing Martian orbital mirror discussion

Anonymous No. 16268940

Who cares? it's a dead rocket flying.

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Anonymous No. 16268942

>Saturn Super
How would you stage this beauty?

Anonymous No. 16268943

Seethe it is european century in the space flight

Anonymous No. 16268945

Ariane 5s maiden launch failed, this might very well fail as well
H3 maiden launch failed

Anonymous No. 16268952

For all the youngsters I just want to put it into context: back in like 2005 there was no such thing as cringe, it was cool to be edgy. And dancing like this in the club was the move.

Anonymous No. 16268953

Its a political attack, what else?

Anonymous No. 16268955

I mean as in it's outdated and doomed to die before it even launches.
Who else besides european governments is gonna pay to fly on this thing? Even now it's only that and the ABSX market and the latter will move away from ariane when new glenn starts flying.

Anonymous No. 16268960

What would you listen to while flying on this? Id listen to Niggers in Paris

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Anonymous No. 16268961


Anonymous No. 16268970

Even the euro governments would rather fly Falcon 9 if not forced by french lobbying.

Anonymous No. 16268981

So what starliner return date announced today?

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Anonymous No. 16268987

was this the largest vapor cone for 50 years?

Anonymous No. 16268989

delayed for 45 more days

Anonymous No. 16268994

Probably the largest ever? Everything Starship does breaks records

Anonymous No. 16269001

Relevant since the Chevron Doctrine was thrown out. Congress needs a new authorization to delegate proper legally and lawful regulatory system to the agencies. One which doesn't stifle innovation but also makes certain it doesn't fall into a a no limit fallacy.

Anonymous No. 16269003

You're just posting gibberish at this point. Go watch more American TV and movies and come back when you understand English.

Anonymous No. 16269005

America needs a practical, moderate and well thought out space policy that involves executing Jeff without a trial, vaporizing every old space company and declaring Elon the king of space.

Anonymous No. 16269013

>Who else besides european governments is gonna pay to fly on this thing?
European companies after they're legally forced to.

Anonymous No. 16269020

Hopefully NEPA is next target.

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Anonymous No. 16269022

Idk if that counts, it was mostly unburnt fuel to precool the engines. They light up right after

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Anonymous No. 16269028

hon hon hon I see mon supériorité has created certain controverse

Anonymous No. 16269030

Ok, let’s say you melt all the dry ice at the poles. You know that only raises the air pressure up to like 1.6% earth sea level right?
Where do you get the rest of the density needed to hit the Armstrong limit?

Anonymous No. 16269046

>no dragon xl
>no vertical integration falcon heavy
>no extended falcon heavy fairing

Anonymous No. 16269047

>no Red Dragon
>no lunar Dragon flyby
>no land landing of Dragon
>no 7-seater Dragon

Anonymous No. 16269050

why are vapor cones reminiscent of supersonic shock-waves?

Anonymous No. 16269052

>no powerpoint spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16269054

The 3 things I listed have existing contracts

Anonymous No. 16269056

Did someone say Dragonfly?

Anonymous No. 16269059

have you guys heard about the recent 1 X 1 debate?

Anonymous No. 16269060


Anonymous No. 16269065

No but now that you mentioned it Cancel Dragonfly not visiting the lakes not going to space

Anonymous No. 16269073

ultragay take

Anonymous No. 16269074

its still on page 9

Anonymous No. 16269075

First off those estimates are based only on whats visible from orbit, theres probably quite a bit more dry ice then we can see, so take that 1.6% as a lower bound rather than a max.
Secondly there are many other gas reservoirs than the poles, for just one example we were talking about perchlorate eating bacteria last thread and as it so happens that process makes pure oxygen as a by product. There is a lot of perchlorates on mars.

Anonymous No. 16269079

No its not theres literally a screenshot at stage shut the fuck up

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Anonymous No. 16269083

Nope, not gettin' out of this chair.

Anonymous No. 16269085

this is the way

Anonymous No. 16269090

this is the way of samefagging

Anonymous No. 16269102

Wrong I didnt samefag. Replying here to both for proof >>16269085 >>16269065

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Anonymous No. 16269105

I can tell by your use of profanity that you're experiencing emotional distress, but that doesn't change the fact that it was staged early. pic is what you look like

Anonymous No. 16269106

Heres your proof and Im on mobile so I cant inspect element fake it you are officially BTFO

Anonymous No. 16269107

I can't keep track of all these falcon 9 clones
When will we see the first non-spacex orbital booster propulsive land and be used a second time

Anonymous No. 16269108

Time for you to go back to the sharty. I could recognize the awful wojak art from a mile away.

Anonymous No. 16269110

Probably Blue or some random Chinese company in ~2025-2026

Anonymous No. 16269113

With the load shown you'd probably be SSTO

Anonymous No. 16269115

star wars!

Anonymous No. 16269117

This, I'm really interested to see who gets there first, bezos or the chinese.
Place your bets now.

Anonymous No. 16269138

Vapor cones are just vapor cones, on jets the images are often mislabeled as being a supersonic shock wave

Anonymous No. 16269142

Bezos is doing it this September!

Anonymous No. 16269143

He's launching this september, not reusing a booster this september.
Do you remember?

Anonymous No. 16269145

Hey Im paid to shill Blue not to remember details

Anonymous No. 16269154


Anonymous No. 16269155

rampant falseflaggin in this thread

Anonymous No. 16269158

"How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be."

Anonymous No. 16269159

The 21st night of September?

Anonymous No. 16269160

>no dragon xl
It's the resupply module for Gateway.

>no vertical integration falcon heavy
SLC-6 at Vandenberg

>no extended falcon heavy fairing
First use is the HALO/PPE launch.

Anonymous No. 16269162

The KitKat bar of space travel.

Anonymous No. 16269171

something something Timecube

Anonymous No. 16269198

go watch the Scott Manley video on vapor cones dude

Anonymous No. 16269201

anybody can do that it doesn't prove shit, retard
yeah this thread is weirdly bad

Anonymous No. 16269202

>Dies at the end of every episode
>still comes back
He'll be fine

Anonymous No. 16269222

Wow, is that the French space station?

P.S. eat shit and die on earth

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Anonymous No. 16269230

Starship is an absolute unit.

Anonymous No. 16269232

It may as well be. France was the number one contributor besides Russia

Anonymous No. 16269233

yeah, its a simple cylindrical construction. they call it the Flying Baguette

Anonymous No. 16269239

and I guess that is the current 120m version?

Anonymous No. 16269245

cor, totally jelly of that model collection. i keep meaning to get the saturn V model that has the apollo stack that you can take out and handle etc.

Anonymous No. 16269252


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Anonymous No. 16269257

No shit lol

Anonymous No. 16269268

Why is Artemis 2 not happening this year? Ar1 flew in Dec 2022!
The next mission isn’t until Q4 2025—this is unacceptably slow

Anonymous No. 16269272

Because Lockheed invented a new way to install Avcoat on the Orion heatshield that would save a few weeks worth of time. Another pennywise and pound-foolish decision within Artemis.

Anonymous No. 16269275

we found him. the only member of team space

Anonymous No. 16269278

Nice boat.

He doesn't have any chink rockets in the frame.

Anonymous No. 16269289

They're going to do the same thing that ULA (and before that Boeing/Northrop) did, suckle the government tits. Not exactly ambitious, but it pays the bills

You know US government have to use US rockets by law right? Europe doesn't even have this law right now. IIRC, back then Arianespace even floated the idea of doing an "americanized" Ariane 5 to get this market.

Is that Ares I behind the shuttle? Looks like pure garbage

Anonymous No. 16269311

ESA should design a SX Super Heavy inspired reusable booster and offer it as some sort of “block 3 SLS” first stage to NASA. It could then be a partial ESA thing and they could launch it from french guiana. Orion, SUSIE, you could use A6’s second stage or EUS

Anonymous No. 16269314

ESA should just stop giving a fuck and drop spent stages on Russia + China.

Anonymous No. 16269337

>redditor manlet playing with legos
Go back

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Anonymous No. 16269342

Nigger please I just forgot to attach picrel to >>16269106

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Anonymous No. 16269349

A friendly reminder that the EU has plently of good easterly launch locations, they just aren't on the land of the decision makers.

Anonymous No. 16269352

Imagine trying to build a launch site in Spain. It would unironically take 200 years to complete

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Anonymous No. 16269354

Nuclear reece's puffs in spaceflight when?

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Anonymous No. 16269366


Anonymous No. 16269377

It's UP

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Anonymous No. 16269402

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Anonymous No. 16269405

Pity they didn't show the reignition of the booster's engines, those ground tracking views are always cool.

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Anonymous No. 16269406

I miss this meme machine like u wouldnt believe bros

Anonymous No. 16269408

It hurts my head how fast the booster flips. Every time it's happened, I assume it's going to fucking snap in half.

Anonymous No. 16269411

Fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16269412

IFT-1 highlighted just how ridiculously durable that launch system is, let alone IFT-4.

Anonymous No. 16269420

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Anonymous No. 16269424

That doesn't look like pic related

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Anonymous No. 16269426

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Anonymous No. 16269430


Anonymous No. 16269432

did they ever have any issues with pogoing or did booster just not give a fuck about that weak-rocket crap?

Anonymous No. 16269434

what you posted isnt a starship

Anonymous No. 16269435

srb flames are so ugly

Anonymous No. 16269437

pogoing and such is a solveable problem, especially with modern CAD

Anonymous No. 16269440

Categorically incorrect. There is nothing sexier than a fat PLOOOM

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Anonymous No. 16269441

I'm not entirely sure, but I think the harmonic oscillations that cause pogo might be harder to realize with so many separate engines.

Another Starship video, you say? Well, alright then

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Anonymous No. 16269443

Anonymous No. 16269456

yeah good point. i seem to recall that its usually caused by propellant flow through large bore pipes, or something like that. been a while since i read about that stuff.

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Anonymous No. 16269476

>the flaps have control of the vehicle
Why does this still make me tear up?

Anonymous No. 16269478

pretty, though shiny particules are bad news when you're using a non-ablative heatshield

speaking of reentry in general, NASA, various universities and SpaceX itself are probably interested in getting more experimental data, so that their models stop being so shitty (see the reentering dragon trunks and the ISS battery pack)

Anonymous No. 16269481

It's not great, but erosion is a pretty common characteristic of heat shield tiles, which added to the maintenance burden of the space shuttles. Fortunately, SpaceX has the means, motivation, self-interest, and budgeting authority to keep developing and refining the tiles.

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Anonymous No. 16269482

>Well give you 15 grand to do r&d for us
Isnt this kinda pathetic? 15 grand is basically 1 cent to any us gov budget

Anonymous No. 16269491

Everything about that rocket is just so wrong. Designed in a spreadsheet.

Anonymous No. 16269495

The flaps can increase the drag on that part of the vehicle, so you can orient it correctly as it falls through the atmosphere (shield side down)

Anonymous No. 16269498

Yeah I don't doubt they will get better.

Anonymous No. 16269506

What about Gibraltar

Anonymous No. 16269513

die, french garbage

Anonymous No. 16269526

France has no part in space, like France has no future.
Troll somewhere else, fagguette.

Anonymous No. 16269529

Are you suggesting a British space program?

Anonymous No. 16269536

what about Cueta?

Anonymous No. 16269538

Man I'm so disappointed the brits cancelled their space program, they actually had unique ideas about how to do it. We could've gotten some cool rockets out if it.

Anonymous No. 16269540

i think they preferred socialism instead.

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Anonymous No. 16269542

Mediterranean launch sites were considered back in the seventies and were quickly rejected in favor of locations like the undeveloped jungles of French Guiana or politically stable eastern African nations like Kenya or Somalia. The Med is just too crowded in terms of shipping traffic and bureaucratic fiefdoms for launch permitting to work as a responsive process.

European regulatorism does not stop at the shore.

Anonymous No. 16269546


Anonymous No. 16269553

it's the same retard troll as earlier
also "particule" is French, not English

Anonymous No. 16269555

>Detailed demos

Anonymous No. 16269558

>implying Britain is more functional than Spain

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Anonymous No. 16269561

>A desert moss could be the key to terraforming Mars, according to a recent study published by Chinese scientists.

>Due to its extraordinary resilience, Syntrichia caninervis (S. caninervis), a moss found in extreme desert environments from Tibet to Antarctica, has been touted a "pioneer plant" for establishing a livable environment on Mars. Basically, scientists believe this plant could enrich the planet's rocky surface to enable the growth of other plants.

A few studies have explored alternative possibilities of these terraforming seeds, such as algae and lichens. "However, plants such as mosses offer key benefits for terraforming, including stress tolerance, a high capacity for photoautotrophic growth, and the potential to produce substantial amounts of biomass under challenging conditions," the new study's team wrote in the paper.

>Mosses are believed to have been the first true land plants on Earth. As such, they developed a tolerance to extreme stress that allowed them to survive in our planet's very harsh early environment.

Anonymous No. 16269563

>chinese scientists
Dropped. Go back to >>>/lit/sffg

Anonymous No. 16269564

>the Br*tish: Let's give up our space program because why not

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Anonymous No. 16269565

>politically stable eastern African nations like,,, Somalia
lol what but were the Canary Islands considered?

Anonymous No. 16269567

Easy to give mars an atmosphere, just build a giant solar mirror concentrator death ray in orbit, a bunch even, melt the poles and then slag giant molten craters to release CO2 and whatever other shit is trapped in the rocks that can be gassified with enough heat to dissociate bonds, could target some aquifers which are close to the surface too. You won't be able to breathe it but who gives a shit so long as you can go outside without a suit.

Anonymous No. 16269571

could launch in mauritania east over the desert

or just north over the north atlantic

or stop being pussies crying about muh rockets might kill someone

Anonymous No. 16269573

even on Earth lichen grow in conditions that are too shitty for moss
apparently they can even survive hard vacuum
my money is on lichen

Anonymous No. 16269574


Anonymous No. 16269588

>Canary Islands
Going to an polar orbit you'd be dropping hyperbolic Ariane 1 stages on Mauritania and Senegal. Going to an equatorial orbit you'd be dropping them on Algeria and Lybia, and this was back in the days when Libya and ballistic missiles was a serious issue. That said, I'm pretty sure the Canaries was on a list at some point, even if it wasn't ever near the top.

Mauritania wasn't the worst place in Africa during the 1970s, but in 1978 President Moktar Ould Daddah, the French backed post-colonial dictator, was ousted in a coup and the country passed through a series of military juntas. Even if dropping stages in the desert was considered acceptable it just wasn't stable enough for a major European project like the Ariane 1. Besides, the launch market back then was focused on geostationary payloads and Europe was looking for something as equatorial as possible to maximize their competitiveness.

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hypergolic booste....webm

Anonymous No. 16269589

Reminder if you defend this your a filthy wumao.
>in before whataboutism

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Anonymous No. 16269590

which will have a manned space program first, the EU or African Union?

Anonymous No. 16269592

EU is going to be part of africa soon by the rate the natives are getting replaced at.
So even if the EU is first, africa still wins.

Anonymous No. 16269593

I wholeheartedly support dropping rockets on earthers
Total earther death

Anonymous No. 16269594


Anonymous No. 16269595
>one astronaut in orbit (Mark Shuttleworth)
lol, lmao even

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Anonymous No. 16269597

Anonymous No. 16269598

Jared Isaacman thought Polaris Dawn should be multiple missions at first because there are so many different test they are doing, but when he talked to Musk, Musk said to just do all of them in one mission

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Anonymous No. 16269600

all it's missing is some Tusken Raiders

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Anonymous No. 16269606
>SpaceX’s Starship launch vehicle elicits strong opinions. Take, for example, Toni Tolker-Nielsen, ESA’s director of space transportation. Asked in a SpaceNews interview about how Starship might affect Europe’s Ariane 6, he was dismissive. “Honestly, I don’t think Starship will be a game-changer or a real competitor,” he said, concluding that Starship was oversized for the types of satellites that would fly on Ariane 6. “Starship will not eradicate Ariane 6 at all.”
>“How are we differentiated? Well, Falcon and Starship are rockets optimized for LEO operations,” said Tory Bruno, CEO of ULA, in a call with reporters June 26 about plans for his company’s second Vulcan launch. He argued Vulcan was optimized for high-energy missions. “We’re competing quite well.”
>“I caution against saying they still have a long way to go because every time we’ve made that mistake in the past, they will be there. They will be ready. It will work,” said Arianespace’s Rutgers of SpaceX’s Starship development, acknowledging that his company and others dismissed SpaceX in the past. “I caution against hubris, so we have to constantly improve ourselves.”

some cope commentary about Starship but one person from Arianespace being more realistic

Anonymous No. 16269608

>Starship will not eradicate Ariane 6 at all
That's only because F9 did that job already.

Anonymous No. 16269609

thanks chat GPT, he didn't need an explanation for what the flaps do, he's asking why they made him emotional

Anonymous No. 16269610

just drop rockets into the Sahara

Anonymous No. 16269611

>Honestly, I don’t think Starship will be a game-changer or a real competitor

They are funny aren't they

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Anonymous No. 16269612

What vehicle are these thrusters for? The new station?

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Anonymous No. 16269614


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Anonymous No. 16269615

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Anonymous No. 16269616

>There were 63 total global launches in Q2 2024, a 40% YoY increase. The usual suspects, SpaceX and China, are once again leading the charge.

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Anonymous No. 16269617

aww fuck

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Anonymous No. 16269618

>SpaceX launched 36 Falcon missions in Q2 2024, bringing the total for the first half of the year to 67 flights.

Anonymous No. 16269620

It's over

Anonymous No. 16269621

They're hoping that SpaceX will not manage to repeat its success in booster reuse with Starship's two critical technologies: low cost ship reuse, and orbital refueling. The unspoken reality is that they don't have the business plan, cash flows, cash reserves, or investors to justify trying to develop a plan for it.

Anonymous No. 16269624

remember that storms are rightfisted. The surge probably won't hit Boca. They might get a lot of rain tho'.
And I'm a bit concerned about Corpus Christi.

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Anonymous No. 16269625

didn't see discussion about this but apparently Bruno was whining about the plans on twitter
I know there was discussion about BO a bit

Anonymous No. 16269627

just drop rockets onto Subsaharan (black) africa

Anonymous No. 16269628

what's that say?

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Anonymous No. 16269629


Anonymous No. 16269630

There's no chance if this happening

Anonymous No. 16269633

It was a Chinese satellite paid for by Nigerians. Truly a stunning technological achievement for Africa (They managed to pay the bill, which requires at least a primitive understanding of money).
>NigComSat-1 was a Nigerian communication satellite. The initial contract to build the satellite was signed in 2004. It was launched in China by Nasrda and became the third African geosynchronous communication satellite, when it was launched at 16:01 UTC on 13 May 2007, aboard a Chinese Long March 3B carrier rocket, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in China. The spacecraft was operated by Nigerian Communications Satellite Ltd (NIGCOMSAT). On November 11, 2008, NigComSat-1 failed in orbit after running out of power due to an anomaly in its solar array.

Anonymous No. 16269634

>During the squabble over LC-39A more than a decade ago, Musk presciently told Space News that if Blue Origin showed up with a crew spacecraft that could dock with the space station within five years, SpaceX would gladly accommodate them. "Frankly, I think we are more likely to discover unicorns dancing in the flame duct," Musk said.


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Anonymous No. 16269635

Launch them from Subsaharan (black) africa

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Anonymous No. 16269637

>it's over
the drought? yep

Anonymous No. 16269640

Do Not Remove
I?????ted Tile
I can't tell either

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Anonymous No. 16269641

the upcoming storm seems to have shut everything down

Anonymous No. 16269642

Instrumented Tile, I think

Anonymous No. 16269643

it definitely says "instrumented tile"
they put temperature sensors in a few of them

Anonymous No. 16269644

Oh my God, there's even a Stephen Clark (discount Berger) article on the nigsat:
https://archive . is/8chTu

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Anonymous No. 16269645
> Kazakhstan joins China’s ILRS moon base program

Anonymous No. 16269647

as expected from the meeting earlier this week

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Anonymous No. 16269649

read the fucking comments
I'm dying

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Anonymous No. 16269650

Chinks gave them a replacement and its still working

Anonymous No. 16269651

>leaving scaffolding up during the storm
seems risky af

Anonymous No. 16269654

I'm not sure if I should be surprised that they announced it so soon, or that they didn't announce it back on Wednesday with everything else

Anonymous No. 16269655

Africa doesn't have the best luck with purchased geostationary comsats. Angola went through the same thing buying Angosat 1 from Russia.

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Anonymous No. 16269661


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Anonymous No. 16269662

Well, Muskrats? Why didn't he think of it?

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Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269663

new card, what do you think?

Anonymous No. 16269665

why does the rocket need a foreskin?

Anonymous No. 16269668

You'd lose a lot of performance. First you need to keep the weight of the fairings all the way to orbit instead of dropping them around the 200s mark, then you need to make them a lot heavier by adding an orbital-grade TPS. You could do it but you'd lose way too much payload to make it worth the effort.

Anonymous No. 16269680

Because foreskin is great

Anonymous No. 16269695

That's up there with ScatSat.

Anonymous No. 16269698

The poos launched a satellite?

Anonymous No. 16269700

they launch quite a lot of stuff in fact

Anonymous No. 16269701

Very nice

Anonymous No. 16269705

why do space related threads on sci outside of sfg suck so much?

Anonymous No. 16269707

>I’m the ScatSat

Anonymous No. 16269708

They get fed garbage and don't know what's what. It's not limited to sfg and space, but to all domains and their hobby groups.

Anonymous No. 16269710

That's great, now let's see the numbers on performance. It's gonna get utterly MOGGED by solar panels.

Anonymous No. 16269712

starbase is gonna get REKT by TOTAL ROCKET GENOCIDE HURRICANE BERYL. It's so over for SpaceX, they're gonna be held back 2 months.

Anonymous No. 16269714

Starchica has been spared the brunt of the storm

Anonymous No. 16269716

And if you want nitrogen, import an assload of ammonia from the outer solar system. It will dissociate into N and H in the order of weeks, and the H will be lost into space.

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269717

>It's gonna get utterly MOGGED by solar panels.

no moving parts.

PV's have to get replaced every 20-30 years.

mine can run for centuries.

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Anonymous No. 16269721

2x two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16269726

So second of august?

Anonymous No. 16269729

>mine can run for centuries
not with stirling engines lol. Fluids in the thermosyphon will need replacement too
>PV's have to get replaced every 20-30 years.
yes and? In 20-30 years solar panels will have improved. It will make sense to replace them. Your working temperature difference will be SHIT and thermocouples are SHIT. You may need 20-30 years just to break even on embodied energy. This idea is SHIT.

Anonymous No. 16269731

Add two weeks to the two weeks you were already waiting for

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Anonymous No. 16269732


Anonymous No. 16269735

You know what happens after two weeks. Another two weeks starts.

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269736

>Fluids in the thermosyphon will need replacement too

Fluids = air (orange)

>In 20-30 years solar panels will have improved.

and mine will still be working.

>Your working temperature difference will be SHIT and thermocouples are SHIT.

pretty easy to maintain though.

Anonymous No. 16269739

How are we tracking on the delay between launches halving each time?

Anonymous No. 16269746


Anonymous No. 16269748

Shit I wanted to post that

Anonymous No. 16269751

~60 days down from 80-90 days previously

Anonymous No. 16269752

good fucking luck making a practical thermosyphon with fucking air.
>and mine will still be working.
generating about as much power as a potato battery. It'd be more valuable to scrap it than to keep it running. Show your math that this can generate any significant amounts of power at all you reddit-spacing midwit tripfag

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Anonymous No. 16269762


Anonymous No. 16269763

because /sfg/ regulars are naturally cross-boarders, rather than being /sci/zos from the rest of the board

Anonymous No. 16269765

two more sets of two weeks

Anonymous No. 16269767

2^2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16269773

This is false by the way.

Anonymous No. 16269774

The first part is false about being crossboarders the second is true. By the way if youre crossboarder scum you arent welcome. Use /sfg/ exclusively or shut up about being a 'regular'

Anonymous No. 16269791

The ULA whining about a monopoly. Imagine showing this to someone in 2011

Anonymous No. 16269792

we been knew it was early aug

Anonymous No. 16269794

"crossboarder" meaning "only visits /sci/ for /sfg/"
The only time I even see the catalog is when we get a new thread, because I'd rather start a new fresh tab.

Anonymous No. 16269800

4 weeks elon time. Probably 4 weeks and a few days to roughly 5 weeks in reality.

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Anonymous No. 16269804

looks like geryl isn't going 100 miles south.

Anonymous No. 16269807

>white ET on the shuttle

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269824


by what standard?

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269828

>Show your math that this can generate any significant amounts of power at all you reddit-spacing midwit tripfag

Anonymous No. 16269833

Tory is complaining about a monopoly when ULA did its best to have a monopoly on Air Force launches lmao

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Anonymous No. 16269835

View from the booster after splashdown apparently

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269836


Anonymous No. 16269845

fake and gay

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Anonymous No. 16269850


Anonymous No. 16269855

that's a muffin

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Anonymous No. 16269856

Since /sfg/ is apparently a meteorology thread now
>Beryl's potential landfall has shifted nearly *250 miles up the coast in just 24 hours* according to the latest consensus models (pink). Consequently, it'll spend more time over the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico. Impacts from Beryl are trending upward for the Houston/Galveston area as it approaches the Texas coast as a projected hurricane. To what degree? We'll know more on Saturday.

Anonymous No. 16269858

SpaceX has deflected the hurricane.

Anonymous No. 16269862

Eric Berger lives a double life as a weatherman

đŸ—‘ïž Anonymous No. 16269863

Kill yourself tripnigger

Anonymous No. 16269870

Why would the fireball be so uniform?

Anonymous No. 16269875

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and the communist chinese are using their weather machines to stop SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16269878

what propellant is making it that color? Looks like powerade

Anonymous No. 16269882

so just make the rocket bigger. It's worth it if you're recovering everything

đŸ—‘ïž Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269890

is that literally the best you got?

Anonymous No. 16269893

Kill yourself tripnigger

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269902

ill take that as a yes.

Anonymous No. 16269904

Shut up fag. you don't make the rules.

Anonymous No. 16269909

This claims they're working on methalox thrusters.

Anonymous No. 16269913

kill yourself, tripnigger

Anonymous No. 16269915

>didn't even notice the trip nigger because 4chan-x filtered him and all others for me
feels good lul

Anonymous No. 16269916

I should filter him so I literally can't see his posts but then I won't be able to report him when he inevitably breaks the rules

Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16269919

>Lamest insult ever.

Anonymous No. 16269921

>that engine clench

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Anonymous No. 16269932

This whole underside of the fairing would still be exposed. I don't know how it would handle reentry with the extra weight of the second stage. Also the heatshield would be much more complex and delicate than heatshields usually are. In the video it clips through both the top of the stage and the engine.

Anonymous No. 16269933

Theories on why the hurricane is suddenly avoiding Boca Chica?
>Chinese weapons test gone wrong
>Starliner secretly crashed, Boeing used their weather machine to destroy the wreck near Houston and coverup
>Beryl has family in a leper colony off the coast and is coming to visit
>John Madden used the controls at his secret moon retirement home to alter the tidal waves

Anonymous No. 16269934

Real recognize real

Anonymous No. 16269936

I said show YOUR MATH. Did I fucking say wikipedia's math? NO! Did I say a youtuber's math. NO! I said YOUR MATH!
I don't see a single fucking number midwit

Anonymous No. 16269939

no FAA approval

Anonymous No. 16269940

starlink is a stronger HARP

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Anonymous No. 16269948


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Anonymous No. 16269949

a bit wonky

Anonymous No. 16269950

Berger’s second law: anytime he says “scattered showers” for houston, it really means some sort of life-threatening storm

Anonymous No. 16269968

August 15

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Anonymous No. 16269976

Good idea!

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Anonymous No. 16269991

This lil nigga too powerful

Anonymous No. 16270021

Musk has actual divine guidance and protection, that's why

Anonymous No. 16270023

Does spinning fast do anything special on reentry?

Anonymous No. 16270027

Makes the debris field a little bigger

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Anonymous No. 16270029

just like the real thing

Anonymous No. 16270042

Lichen is also sensitive to air quality so the sandstorms on Mars may be a problem.

Anonymous No. 16270054

It's a good trick!

Anonymous No. 16270059

Anakin pls

Anonymous No. 16270060


Anonymous No. 16270064

might need to remove ceiling panel for the longer one

Anonymous No. 16270068

I want detailed demos with the asian ladies in second place.
It's a scientific interest.

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Anonymous No. 16270072


Anonymous No. 16270081

That's a really cool photo

Anonymous No. 16270084

>watching asmongold
>he doesnt know humans are going back to the moon
if some nerd who lives on the internet 12 hours a day doesnt know something so basic then how can we expect the average normie? do the norms even know about spacex? that china has sent people to space? that we're very close to colonizing another planet?

Anonymous No. 16270085

I know 15k is not a lot of money, to work with, but I love how this exemplifies the different flavours of terrible R&D
>the rocket surgeon has (presumably) barely working prototype niggerrigged from literal garbage only the inventer knows how to operate
>spuds team has some basic drawing that they will keep refining in academia for 20 years and write 30 different student studies but never actually do anything with it
>Designer wistfully looking to the side has a 3D render concept of fashionable bicycle shorts with a tube coming from it (how it works is left to engineers to figure out)

Anonymous No. 16270086

zoob wtf

Anonymous No. 16270099

>that we're very close to colonizing another planet?
I'm way too cynical to believe it, I have seen this topic coming and going since the 80s with a lot of empty promises and wild ideas and projects that at first glance look like they are going to put humanity to even the Kuiper Belt and several generations later there is still little political or economical will to actually commit people to it.

Yes, reusable rockets have cheapened putting things in orbit but there is a difference between launching small payloads, still near our atmosphere, and setting up a whole Lunar colony.

Anonymous No. 16270103

No. Many normalfags just do not care.

Anonymous No. 16270113

>that we're very close to colonizing another planet?
We aren't, but that depends also on what you mean by close and colonizing.

Anonymous No. 16270125

They're stranded

Anonymous No. 16270134

>no FH extended fairing

Anonymous No. 16270137

Love me some asmongold

Anonymous No. 16270161

We will never colonize Lunar. At most we will have research stations set up there when we get reusable rockets. Maybe in the future it will act as a relay to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16270164

Starmoon will be colonized

Anonymous No. 16270172

>Maybe in the future it will act as a relay to Mars.
Outed yourself as a newfag immediately

Anonymous No. 16270173

lunar railguns lobbing boulders at m*rs

Anonymous No. 16270177


Anonymous No. 16270179

That is the correct name for the moon of Terra, yes.

Anonymous No. 16270180


Anonymous No. 16270183

It's Luna you troglodyte

Anonymous No. 16270186

I should bait in these threads more often

Anonymous No. 16270187

>the moon of Terror

Anonymous No. 16270188


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the moon's p....jpg

Anonymous No. 16270192

Terra has no moon

Anonymous No. 16270206

whats this, when did it happen? Is this launch 4 somehow filmed from a boat?

Anonymous No. 16270209

>European regulatorism does not stop at the shore.
Greatest issue with Europe is the only thing the innovate in is regulations.

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Anonymous No. 16270215

Very dependant on proximity to sun. How hot does a black body get at earth's orbit? That gives you your hotside temperature, Carnot theorem limits power enormously.

Way to get around this is to add mirrors. Concentrate the solar rays down to a much smaller thermal collector and you'll increase the BB temperature. You could even angle the mirrors via servo to get some degree of control over heating.

Anonymous No. 16270218

>>Your working temperature difference will be SHIT and thermocouples are SHIT.
Concentrating lightwieght milar mirrors

Anonymous No. 16270220

>he still thinks mirrors are real

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Anonymous No. 16270227

Project Lyra, a mission to catch up to 2017U1, the first known interstellar object to pass through our solar system, will use an Oberth manuever to accelerate a craft to >50km/s, however, there will be a ~17km/s difference during approach that will make a potential landing on the object impossible. Can the great minds of /sfg/ devise a way that the great minds of JPL etc couldn't?

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Anonymous No. 16270230

Lithobreaking to zero out velocity

Anonymous No. 16270236

scrape fast radio bursts for numanuma API keys and command a braking burn

Anonymous No. 16270240

A parachute to create drag and slow the craft down.

Anonymous No. 16270242

Nah it's video from some buoy, I guess they either put some in the area they were targeting or there was already some there for whatever reason.

Anonymous No. 16270245

why does this ULA shark keep biting people off of south padre

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Anonymous No. 16270252


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Anonymous No. 16270253

What do I think of the latest spaceflight slop?

Anonymous No. 16270259

Starship is a dumb name. They should’ve stuck with BFR

Anonymous No. 16270260


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Anonymous No. 16270265

you are worthy to join these two

Anonymous No. 16270266

What's driving the fluid flow?
Using air to transfer heat seems massively suboptimal.
If you're using a thermocouple why do you need a fluid to transfer heat at all?

Anonymous No. 16270269

Fucking retard. Learn to recognize when you're wrong or just end it.

Anonymous No. 16270274

If a spacecraft achieves sufficiently high angular velocity on reentry the crew will be killed.

Anonymous No. 16270276

Don't get it twisted. He's only following this because it's his alt account.

Anonymous No. 16270279

Elon has suggested building Moon Base Alpha. His crazy ideas are more likely to be realized than the plans of global superpowers.

Anonymous No. 16270288

Fucking retarded.
Is this in space? Then your thermosiphon won't work unless you're spinning it, in which case how is it staying pointed at the sun? It's definitely not being actively pointed at the sun because your shitbox doesn't have any moving parts.
If it's on earth you should just use the ground as a heat sink.

Anonymous No. 16270290

>no moving parts
>concentrating mirrors
how does it maintain a constant angle to the sun?

Anonymous No. 16270291

>They continue to reply to the tripfaggot

Anonymous No. 16270300

>Elon will bring us John Madden
Future is bright

Anonymous No. 16270315

I used to hate Elon but he is the only one pushing humanity forward.

Anonymous No. 16270320

hate him for what? faggot

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Anonymous No. 16270322

For being a kike faggot, niggerfaggot.

Anonymous No. 16270325

having sex

Anonymous No. 16270328

something he has to do to get the jews off his back
whether you believe in some conspiracy or not, they are a very influential minority in the US and worldwide

Anonymous No. 16270329

Was that a humiliation ritual?

Anonymous No. 16270331

Doesn't matter. He still bent the knee to them, as the west has done for the past 70 years.

The thought of a future human space civilisation where Jews haven't been totally eradicated makes me shudder.

Anonymous No. 16270332

Go back to >>>/pol/ retard

Anonymous No. 16270333

Poland can into space

Anonymous No. 16270336

You should go back to R3ddit.

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Anonymous No. 16270337

What is behind that door?

Anonymous No. 16270339

he isn't powerful enough to ignore them (yet) and it would require a more general cultural shift to stop treating them as some oppressed minority group (or treating minority groups in a special way in general)

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Anonymous No. 16270349

the rest of the building visible in the background when it's not wheeled out of the way for the launch

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Anonymous No. 16270353

Andoya is such a beautiful launch site, wish it was used more.
Oh, right, lol.

Anonymous No. 16270357

so silly

Anonymous No. 16270361

17 km/s isn't actually that hard to get with a decent ion drive. An 8000s isp engine could get that sort of performance with a mass ratio of less that 2. The only problem is that when you're 180+ AU out into the abyss nuclear is your only real option for power and that puts a fairly large minimum size on your spacecraft. Project Lyra itself is even worse because a lot of that speed is coming from the mother of all Oberth maneuvers, which requires its own propellant as well as the sturdiest thermal protection system ever designed, neither of which are going to be very light. I've seen a few proposals for sundiving probes that used a discarding heat shield on the way in and a solar sail for acceleration on the way out, but if you're carrying a reactor that's not going to be a viable option.

Anonymous No. 16270414


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Anonymous No. 16270423

BNTP with water propellant and a Horizon Drive for the electric cycle.

Anonymous No. 16270433

Orbotal flight test 5
august 15

Anonymous No. 16270440
>Starbase Weekly, Ep.123: Boca Chica Tower B Ready To Stack!

Anonymous No. 16270442

Countries buying flights from Axiom for clout is the microwave food equivalent of a space program

Anonymous No. 16270443

UAE's space probe was built by Pajeets and Americans, what would that be?

Anonymous No. 16270444

based zubby

Anonymous No. 16270462

Project Lyra is baselined around Atlas V and other similar rockets. Baseline it around an in-orbit assembled stack based on Starship and the mission's C3 becomes absolutely silly.

Anonymous No. 16270467

> I believe him. I have been taking a robotaxi to the local hyperloop to the space port so i can take a quick hop in starship to london for a pint and back. All because of him and his dreams.

How long until this is possible?

Anonymous No. 16270474

Hey guys, so anything exciting happening?

Anonymous No. 16270475

RGV live is looking at rusty pipes

Anonymous No. 16270476

Starbase is halted for the hurricane

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Anonymous No. 16270477

Anonymous No. 16270478

Orbital doordash.

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Anonymous No. 16270479


Anonymous No. 16270488

so why they didn't build a trench for the 1st tower again?

Anonymous No. 16270492

not 100% sure about this but I remember hearing something about additional EPA shit if they did that
so would have taken more time
why didn't they put the steel plate before IFT-1? because it would have slowed them down, the concrete would have to be removed anyway for more piles and they didn't think it would have been destroyed this fully, but turns out it wasn't really that big of a deal (maybe lost on time on some more EPA or FAA shit but who knows

Anonymous No. 16270493

A trench adds more surfaces that need upkeep against rocket impingement. A strictly open pad has no surfaces to maintain. A strictly open pad is in conflict with the reality that there are things around the pad that are not going to have a good time dealing with the flame plume, so it's better to have a surface whose specific purpose is only dealing with the flame plume.

Anonymous No. 16270498

Launch in 2 weeks, Elon going to prison, Kamala is president
Bankruptcy soon

Anonymous No. 16270507

They tried to, but environmental delays would have added months of delay, so they launched without it. Failing that, they create a water cooling solution. And now, doing trenches. I think they're trying to see which one is more viable with A/B for trench vs water cooler

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Anonymous No. 16270509

Anonymous No. 16270511

water cooled trench

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Anonymous No. 16270513


Anonymous No. 16270518

Makes you hope there is no other life in the universe, in case they'll die out of vicarious embarrassment from what we leave behind.

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Anonymous No. 16270521


Anonymous No. 16270523

the masseys static fire pad has a partially water cooled trench

Anonymous No. 16270525

clip or stream link to when he said that?

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Anonymous No. 16270551
>Cleaning up the Design: Comparing Super Heavy's Propellant Distribution Systems

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Anonymous No. 16270554


Anonymous No. 16270563

>t-they're not outcompeting us look at this chart!
i have seriously lost all respect for this snake over the past 2 years, constant blatant lying from a person who very clearly has the engineering knowledge to know better.

Anonymous No. 16270579

that's where they keep the slaves who have to manually push waterpumps for the deluge system.

Anonymous No. 16270582

hyperloop will never be real on Earth probably

Anonymous No. 16270585

>we'll put your face on our screensaver

Anonymous No. 16270592

as much as i would never bother with it, it's genius because they're playing into the reality that most normies are hilariously vane and superficial and would absolutely pay for something completely meaningless like this.

Anonymous No. 16270594

I was thinking about it and would have submitted a picture of my Cirno fumofumo

Anonymous No. 16270595

The last sentence does not at all follow from the first 3 lmao. Lobby Congress to do away with exclusion zones and EPA rules you faggot snake, Tory. Hell, have them change the laws to fly overland and your poor little ears won't hurt ever again

Anonymous No. 16270597

>11 years later and Boeing's capsule has launched crew once and they're currently stuck on the station
>Atlas V is also dead because of political climate

Anonymous No. 16270598

If they are complaining about 40 Starship launches a year, I have some bad news for them...

Anonymous No. 16270600

that's not a bad idea honestly.
i don't like having my picture taken regardless, but sending a fumo face up there, even in image form, mite b good.

Anonymous No. 16270603

All these feel like itar sensitive information

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Anonymous No. 16270620

Put me in coach I'm ready

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Anonymous No. 16270622
>Artemis II core stage construction began in 2017
I didn't think that it was possible to hate SLS more than I already did. I was wrong.

Anonymous No. 16270624

asmongold is a troglodyte that doesn't go outside and doesn't take care of himself. Not exactly a good representation of a normal person

Anonymous No. 16270667

Imagine the gall of Space X. They're trying to launch rockets from a launch complex.

Anonymous No. 16270687

There she is

Anonymous No. 16270692

Is he /ourguy/?

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Anonymous No. 16270696

Anonymous No. 16270697

Prob won't for another 15 years.

Anonymous No. 16270698

also his name is ass mongoloid

Anonymous No. 16270715

Baldy ain't normal

Anonymous No. 16270729

I don't think the plumbing is ITAR sensitive but the sensors, pumps and cooling probably is

Anonymous No. 16270741

It's all a certain series of plumbing that runs afoul of ITAR. The only reason its out in public is because public analysis from public space imagery. This is absolutely helping other companies and countries develop rockets.

Anonymous No. 16270749

>rapid interation
>15 years into design

Anonymous No. 16270755

ITAR isn't the ring watcher autists' problem

It's a problem for the retards that is leaving shit out in an aera where there are known photographers literally everywhere

Anonymous No. 16270757

>do the norms even know about spacex?

no. often they don't even know the first thing, I'm not exaggerating. It feels like bringing up the space shuttle or the ISS and the person you're talking to only knows about the moon landing.

Anonymous No. 16270766

Hello guys does someone know which board has the Christianity general? I need to ask those guys something and if I don't get to I'll have to post my off-topic shit here.

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Anonymous No. 16270767

AAAAAAAAA I'm a sucker for pump and really need to know what they look like

picrel is rare type of pump

Anonymous No. 16270768

Raptor has legit been than long in development apparently

Anonymous No. 16270769

>only knows about the moon landing.
lol they don't.
i know more about apollo than every boomer i talk to who was there to witness it.
engineering is just a pretty niche interest most people don't care and most aren't intelligent enough to understand

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Anonymous No. 16270770

Anonymous No. 16270771

it is also the most important part.
it needs to have incredibly insane thrust for nozzle area otherwise you're back to zero payload and building a carbon fiber meme booster

Anonymous No. 16270775


Anonymous No. 16270777

I can't fucking find it

Anonymous No. 16270781

It doesn't exist.
4chan is a small website and most of it is garbage, most generals aren't as consistent as this one either.

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Anonymous No. 16270783

it's over

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Anonymous No. 16270786

Anonymous No. 16270788

>in 10 years there will be rows of these in flawda, launching every few hours
we aint ready

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Anonymous No. 16270789

Total homeowner death

Anonymous No. 16270790

What if in 10 years dramatic sealevel rise floods Cape Canaveral?

Anonymous No. 16270791

>in flawda
>launching every few hours
Every F9 launching there is very loud already.
There is zero chance the nimbyists are going to put up with it.
The sea launch platforms are going to be necessary.

Anonymous No. 16270796

They will just build a giant wall around the whole state. There are too many rich people and too many trillions of dollars in real estate and assets to just let it be destroyed

Anonymous No. 16270797

Florida is going to depopulate anyway in the next few decades with ever rising number of superstorms and the fact that the entire peninsula is sinking in to the ocean.

Anonymous No. 16270800

they can be like Netherlands

Anonymous No. 16270802

Lol, this is the US, even if it's possible economicaly and technicaly to build deltaworks like that, it will never happen because of corruption&nepotism.
Take the commiefornia high speed rail project for example, that project is so far behind, so far over budget, in lawsuit with every other nutjob&greenfag group&etc... that most people who work on the project are already saying they will never see it complete in their lifetime.
And that's just a fucking railroad.
Now compare that to building dams&etc.. on the entire coastline of florida.

Anonymous No. 16270803

>rising number of superstorms
Yeah I dunno why you would live somewhere that gets absolutely devastated at least once a decade
>entire peninsula is sinking in to the ocean
Nothingburger. They're talking about a few cm. Currently it has risen not at all.
10 meters would still be fine which is not happening the next hundreds of years.

Anonymous No. 16270805

>Nothingburger. They're talking about a few cm. Currently it has risen not at all.
>10 meters would still be fine which is not happening the next hundreds of years.
Not talking about the ocean rising, talking about the sinkholes all over the place.

Anonymous No. 16270807

Ah just dredge up sand from the ocean and put it in the hole.
It is that easy in sinkholefillery

Anonymous No. 16270809

Does Netherlands need to pump all the rainwater back into the sea

Anonymous No. 16270813

Would the instruments we've had on Mars have discovered if it had huge Methane stores like the Earth has?

Anonymous No. 16270815

Yes, the netherlands has a shitload of pumps all over the coast, and a lot of areas to store freshwater when it's hightide.

Anonymous No. 16270817

Perseverance' dowsing rods can only detect water

Anonymous No. 16270819

Yes, and no.
I'm going to be a dick here to make a example.
Where are you going to take that sand from, are you going to destroy a area in the sea to take that sand?
Green&wildlife organizations will start a shitload of lawsuits against you for trying to get that sand.
Or what about the sand shortage problem because of concrete demands?
Should that sand not be better used for the US concrete industry then filling up some hole?

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Anonymous No. 16270828

there is a simple solution. give florida to the swampkrauts, we will force you to speak our awful language, and we will launch andre kuipers on from the starship pad being built near LC-39A, he will go to Europe (the moon) and polder it.

and then we will save your state and stop it from flooding, we'll even make it 20% bigger as a bonus.

Anonymous No. 16270832

Hydrocarbons would be a lot less useful on mars though cause you need to still electrolyze water to get oxygen.

Anonymous No. 16270834

Aren't dykes made of clay anyway? Sand is very water permeable. Hopefully Florida has some clay.

Anonymous No. 16270838

this, plus you get some heat back by converting the hydrogen (that you get anyway from water) into methane

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Anonymous No. 16270844

only the outer layer needs to be made of clay, topped with a thick layer of grass, the core can all be sand, and the part closer to sealevel should be rough rocks to break waves.
though for the parts of your coast that see the most wave action, if you really wanna future proof it, you might want something like picrel.

Anonymous No. 16270846

I support this. replace their poptards with stroopwaffeln
quite a bit of the NL coast is concrete dams. still need a lot of sand for that as aggregate.

Anonymous No. 16270849

I visited zeeland a couple of years ago and went to the museum they build out of ww2 D day pontoons.
There you will see that building dams is not that easy and it was already a massive project for a small nation like holland.
I dont see the US doing the same for the entire florida coastline.
It was also funny to find out that a lot of land reclaiming in holland was done by lifestock shitting all over the place and raising the ground level that way.

Anonymous No. 16270854

>it was already a massive project for a small nation like holland
yeah, in the 17th century. we've learned a thing or two about infrastructure projects since then.

Anonymous No. 16270857

Interesting I was just thinking how easy it is in dykery. I mean when you do the math each floridaman would essentially have to pay for only 0.1 meters of dam which really isn't a lot.

Anonymous No. 16270858

What radius around a Starship launch at the edge of which it is as loud as an airliner from the ground?
Are there a lot of places like that?
Cause then I'm a overland launch shill from now on.

Anonymous No. 16270859

As loud as an airliner at cruising altitude while you're on the ground

Anonymous No. 16270860

how come the excuse literally every time the US doesn't have something a smaller nation does have is "oh well it's because we're too big see".
The US has more than enough money, knowhow, people and industry to protect florida in the same way the netherlands did.

Anonymous No. 16270862


I will believe the US can build dams to save florida the day they finish the commiefornia high speed rail.

Anonymous No. 16270865

i'll believe florida is in any danger at all the day real estate prices in miami start dropping

Anonymous No. 16270867

two more weeks.

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Anonymous No. 16270869


Anonymous No. 16270871

/x/ has /ceg/ which is probably what you wanted since you are asking 4chan questions about Christianity

Anonymous No. 16270872

I'm not going to read all that.
Give me a short version.

Anonymous No. 16270873

thanks I'll ask them I guess

Anonymous No. 16270880

Stage this dogshit already

Anonymous No. 16270883

3D Artist claims that the Super Heavy nuke pic is real

Anonymous No. 16270884

Anon Florida has five times more coastline and a quarter the population density. And hurricanes. You're just wrong I'm afraid

Anonymous No. 16270885

false. all coastlines have infinite length.

Anonymous No. 16270887

Staging is not going to help, there are no news and starbase is closed, the storm is going to miss starbase as well

Anonymous No. 16270889

Some infinites are larger than others. Florida's is five times larger

Anonymous No. 16270890

concerning the cost question see:

Anonymous No. 16270891

shut up fag

Anonymous No. 16270892

no infinities are larger than others by a scalar factor

Anonymous No. 16270895

Fuck off, it's interesting.

Anonymous No. 16270896

maybe he's going senile

Anonymous No. 16270898

Well that would also completely annihilate one of the most unique ecosystems in the world

Anonymous No. 16270900

Fucking redditor the most interesting thing there was this thread was the lego models and only manchild subhumans like that shit.

Anonymous No. 16270902

wouldn't dramatic sea level rise annihilate the Everglades anyway?

Anonymous No. 16270903

It would, but it's not going to happen anyways.

Anonymous No. 16270904

No they'd just move

Anonymous No. 16270907

I really hate instant gratification zoomers like you.

And san andreas fault line big one is overdue, and yellowstone is a whole other problem.
you cant really do anything about those kind of things.

Anonymous No. 16270911

N = 2 x N ?

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Anonymous No. 16270912

Where are we at with this, romania bros?

Anonymous No. 16270913

N = 0

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Eco rocket.jpg

Anonymous No. 16270916

They had to scale back a bit, this is their lastest design.

Anonymous No. 16270918

Sorry, I meant the natural numbers have the same cardinality as the cartesian product of a set with two elements and the natural numbers.

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Anonymous No. 16270921

They're currently testing a 24 ton to LEO heavy launch water heater, according to their website. Seems legit!

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Anonymous No. 16270924

>Ecorocket Heavy
It's been a long while since we talked about this flying nightmare

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Anonymous No. 16270925

Anonymous No. 16270926

>378 days of sealed farts

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Anonymous No. 16270927

Forget that, when are we getting the stabilo?

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Anonymous No. 16270931

I have seen this before.

Anonymous No. 16270936

They released a video TODAY

Anonymous No. 16270937

>The development of the CER-160TR product is in line with ARCA's policy of producing exclusively defensive, non-lethal weapons, with the proceeds being allocated to the development of the civilian AMi Exploration and EcoRocket programs.

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Anonymous No. 16270944
On the other EcoRocket website they're selling *checks notes* Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles

Anonymous No. 16270946
Just watched this video someone linked a few threads back.
My god, I've never seen such a clear example of the dunning-krueger effect in the wild. He talks so confidently about he clearly knows little about. He doesn't even know how little he knows.

Anonymous No. 16270948

That's a snow cone maker.

Anonymous No. 16270949

>exoplanetfag whining because based Kyplanet shat on Trappist-1

Anonymous No. 16270951

If he shat on the trappist system he was right to.
He's still a retard about solar system colonization.

Anonymous No. 16270952

this is epic

Anonymous No. 16270954

when starship is required to launch starshield v2, it won't matter what nimbys think

Anonymous No. 16270955

There's a lot of slop on youtube.

Anonymous No. 16270956

It looks like those are supposed to be training MIRVs for interceptor testing, which isn't the dumbest product to try and bring to market

>20 km, Mach 1.9

>30 km, Mach 2.1

>40 km, Mach 2.6

Have we ever seen a steam rocket that could come anywhere close to these specs? The CER-160 they're showing off in the video looks like it could barely do 200m horizontal.

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Anonymous No. 16270959

Based and fractal pilled

Anonymous No. 16270960


Nuke from doing what? falling over? Remember there was a lot of gas coming out from a blown engine.

Anonymous No. 16270964

Yeah I watched that, couldn't believe how much of it was wrong. There's a new trend among EDS space fans where they're moon over Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16270971

>every few hours
You mean each pad every few hours right? The cape is gonna look like DFW pretty soon

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Anonymous No. 16270973

Yes the leaked picture

Anonymous No. 16270977

Honestly the harder he denies he has EDS the more it seems like he does.
Like if you're on a date and the girl unprompted goes on a 5 minute spiel about how she definitely doesn't have aids.

Anonymous No. 16270978

It's "interesting" that they never show views from the "rockets" or any wide angles. You can clearly hear that the audio ends like 3 seconds after launch so there's no way any of those are going higher than a $20 model rocket would, and these are presumably without any payload.

Anonymous No. 16270979

Anonymous No. 16270980

buy an ad

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Anonymous No. 16270981

>The cause of the breakup remains unclear, but LeoLabs, which was the first to publicly report the event, believes that a “low-intensity explosion” either from a collision or within the spacecraft itself created the debris.

why does everyone refuse to say whether it was an accident or destroyed on purpose? people know but they're keeping it hush hush. reminds me of nord stream.

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Anonymous No. 16270985

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Anonymous No. 16270987


Anonymous No. 16270988

kindve a handsome guy

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Anonymous No. 16271007

Kind've? Kind have?

Anonymous No. 16271008

Kind of, retard

Anonymous No. 16271010

I am 100% certain that some of my old Estes rockets are beating this thing on altitude.

No one really gains anything by public speculation, and that's all we can really do at this point.

Anonymous No. 16271012

>There's a new trend among EDS space fans where they're moon over Mars.
This is the continuation of SLS fanboyism now that Starship exists.

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Anonymous No. 16271014

"Kind of" abbreviated "kindve"?

Anonymous No. 16271016

I could care less if its wrong.

Anonymous No. 16271018

Assuming your ESL, but yeah. You have lot's to learn

Anonymous No. 16271019

Icy! Thank's

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Anonymous No. 16271020


Anonymous No. 16271021

yeah but [math]2 \mathbb{N} > \mathbb{N}[/math] isn't a mathematically valid statement

Anonymous No. 16271026

yes, but "larger by a scalar factor" is
N = 2 x N
N > 2 x N
which would be "larger than a scalar factor"

Anonymous No. 16271027

6 is larger than 3 by a factor of 2
6 = 2 * 3

Anonymous No. 16271035

well then, if sets worked exactly the same way as individual real numbers did then you might have a point

Anonymous No. 16271040


Anonymous No. 16271042

Assuming your ESL. You have lot's too learn

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Anonymous No. 16271043

Clear's birthday. Please drop by and say something nice.

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Anonymous No. 16271044

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Anonymous No. 16271048

Anonymous No. 16271051


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xdownloader sU1vz....webm

Anonymous No. 16271064
Long March 6A upper stage debris field

Anonymous No. 16271065

She's gorgeous, beautiful girl

Anonymous No. 16271083

>All falied rockets take out a neighborhood in Telaviv

Anonymous No. 16271100

Need rocket launch

Anonymous No. 16271106

best I can do is a thread launch

Anonymous No. 16271107

Drive to a nearby Hobby Lobby and buy some

Anonymous No. 16271108

Hey at least the CGI vaporwave had gotten prettier
>fellow oldfag

Anonymous No. 16271226

if he didn't want to get called a gypsy maybe he shouldn't be scamming people?