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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16298460

return to flight - edition
previous >>16295707

Anonymous No. 16298463


Livestream for tonight's F9 - Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16298465
SFN stream, T-50:00

Anonymous No. 16298477

So maybe Bridenstack will happen after all to test Orion heat shield since NASA doesnt want to waste an SLS

Anonymous No. 16298481

theres already a thread >>16291209

Anonymous No. 16298483

No one is using that thread

Anonymous No. 16298484

They’d sooner use New Glenn

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Anonymous No. 16298492


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Anonymous No. 16298493


Anonymous No. 16298499

Bridenstack will never happen. Getting Falcon Heavy to work with a standard upper stage was a big enough headache and NASA has never seen spending $4B on a single rocket as any kind of waste.

Anonymous No. 16298500

such a beautiful and sleek rocket

Anonymous No. 16298502

proper link

Anonymous No. 16298506

fuck off

Anonymous No. 16298507


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Anonymous No. 16298508


Anonymous No. 16298510


Music playing now

Anonymous No. 16298513

prolly cuzzatha delay

Anonymous No. 16298519

f9 is b ack

Anonymous No. 16298524

that was boring

Anonymous No. 16298525

It's good to know they let the engine rats stay even after they caused the last failure

Anonymous No. 16298528

ah fuck I actually watched this late night f9

Anonymous No. 16298530

how is china going to do its megaconstellation with non-reusable rockets? thats going to get expensive fast.

Anonymous No. 16298533

he's back to getting away with it.

Anonymous No. 16298534

we're back

Anonymous No. 16298535


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Anonymous No. 16298536

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Anonymous No. 16298538


Anonymous No. 16298539

good launch, looking forward to august

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Anonymous No. 16298541

also looks like they took the opportunity of 2 weeks with no launches to do some work on the drone ship.

Anonymous No. 16298542

>laminated wood flooring
quite the choice...

Anonymous No. 16298543

did they repaint the circle so the booster can see it more clearly for landing?

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Anonymous No. 16298546

None of the rockets China has currently can handle the job, but the CZ-8A production line is designed to produce something like 40 vehicles per year. It's not the best solution but the economy of scale should keep expenses from becoming unmanageable. It's a reasonable stopgap until the Zhuque-3 and Tianlong-3 can start hitting their stride around 2027.

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Anonymous No. 16298548

Anonymous No. 16298549

Gentlemen, it's been a long couple weeks at work. So glad that we have MECO and SECO. Godspeed, and good luck to the relight.

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Anonymous No. 16298550

Anonymous No. 16298551

A classic pic

Anonymous No. 16298552

>american/chinese moon base has lights on it
would people be able to see it with their amateur telescopes?

Anonymous No. 16298554

The first moon base will have a whopping 85% of its power production dedicated to a bright ass laser aimed at earth which perpetually blinks out obscenities in morse code.

Anonymous No. 16298555

>Zero US launch between Falcon 9 failure mission and Falcon 9 return mission.

Anonymous No. 16298556

This is insane

Anonymous No. 16298560

Thats insane

Anonymous No. 16298563


Anonymous No. 16298564

aint no life on mars but definitely life on one of those jupiter or saturn moons

Anonymous No. 16298566

that's crazy

Anonymous No. 16298567

You know what they say, don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want

Anonymous No. 16298570


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nasa snack mobile.jpg

Anonymous No. 16298578

it looks cool when they offset the logo like that, rather than having it in the middle

Anonymous No. 16298581


Anonymous No. 16298592

Looks good for being 40

Anonymous No. 16298604

I wrote up a long answer to this but frankly I'm sure my math is off somewhere, but I would estimate that you would need a base hundreds of meters across, consuming tens of kilowatts of power on artificial lighting alone, just to be able to see it with a 12" telescope during its lunar night. It would be need to appear more well lit from the base itself than Manhattan does at night

Anonymous No. 16298606

Also this is only to see the light itself - there would be no way any features could be made out by any instrument not in LLO

Anonymous No. 16298609

It was a bad time with no falcon launches. Also earliest possible manned starliner return is supposedly second half august lol (no way). They'll be up there till september at least

Anonymous No. 16298611

They will keep starliner there as long as possible to learn about all the boeing fuck ups as it seems that boeing is incapable of doing testing by themselves

Anonymous No. 16298612

That's if it doesn't delete the ISS during their testing. Imagine the headline.

>Boeing destroys International Space Station!
>Elon Musk somehow to blame!

Anonymous No. 16298613


Anonymous No. 16298614

why not?

Anonymous No. 16298619

If it did would spacex need to refund all those ISS contracts?

Anonymous No. 16298631

It's fake and gay

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16298636

This thread has better posts

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Anonymous No. 16298653


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Anonymous No. 16298655


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Anonymous No. 16298657

spaceguy5 is absolutely fucking seething at Falcon flying again so soon, accusing the FAA of corruption

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16298660

These threads are always filled with glowie Jews who suck Israel's dick

Everyone in this thread should kill themselves

You are all so cucked and infested by incest

No mention of the abandoned astronauts caused by the biggest Jews in the universe Boeing. You are all failures of the biggest magnitude and an embarrassment

Spaceflight is such an embarrassment by you Star Wars pop sci retards

Anonymous No. 16298661

>lands propulsively

Anonymous No. 16298662

>>Boeing destroys International Space Station!
>>Elon Musk somehow to blame!
If Musk had only understood that you aren't actually supposed to deliver on NASA contracts, Boing would have been able to stall comfortably instead of needing to launch and none of this would have happened.

Anonymous No. 16298699

are you the same one that plays "angry obnoxious nazi" in every /tv/ thread too?

Anonymous No. 16298710

go back to /pol/, kike

Anonymous No. 16298713

Is there a screencap where this guy isn't bikeshedding like his life depended on it

Anonymous No. 16298716

>Can't even into formatting
They must have cut the pysop budget to end up with literal retards like you.
I hope you make it to space and die in a pisslock accident on your first day.

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Anonymous No. 16298721


Anonymous No. 16298739

underage nu/pol/ tourist go back home pls, you don't belong on this website let alone this board.

Anonymous No. 16298745

EDS retard. I can't believe how much info in his videos is wrong. I don't think he actually researches for them

Anonymous No. 16298763

Can you recommend any articles or studies explaining why exactly are we returning to the Moon and what can be done there?

Anonymous No. 16298768

It's fucking awesome. The end.
(Mars would be better, but still)

Anonymous No. 16298773

Has the spaceflight community ever banded together to do something big? Like fundraising to pull some engines out of the sea or something.

Anonymous No. 16298784

What 'cord

Anonymous No. 16298796

What a basketcase haha

Anonymous No. 16298797

Yup here you go

Anonymous No. 16298814

You can hit golf balls a really long way

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Anonymous No. 16298820

Who is the patron saint for spaceflight? Who do I pray to so that my rocket doesn't blow up?

Anonymous No. 16298823


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von braun gazes d....png

Anonymous No. 16298824

Von Braun

Anonymous No. 16298833


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our lady of kazan....png

Anonymous No. 16298835

Saint Joseph of Cupertino; patronage includes aviation, astronauts, test taking.
Saint Barbara; patronage includes artillerymen/firework makers, architects, miners, chemical engineers.

Anonymous No. 16298838

ready for f9 to be boring again?

Anonymous No. 16298841

No, do your homework yourself or ask chatgpt like everyone else

Anonymous No. 16298862

Would you rather live in a country that regularly sends stuff to the moon, or a country that can't

Anonymous No. 16298865

>patron saint of aviation and pilots, astronauts, mental handicaps, examinations, and students.
>mental handicaps
perfect for Boeing and design failures in general

and he's only the saint for aviators/astronauts because he had ecstatic fits that caused him to leap into the air, misreported as levitation.

Anonymous No. 16298868

He actually levitated

Anonymous No. 16298869

En no gyouja

Anonymous No. 16298871

I already live in a country that can but chooses not to

Anonymous No. 16298887


Anonymous No. 16298893

given how falcon's grounding and return to flight went, how many launches do we think it's going to get this year?

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Anonymous No. 16298898

Anonymous No. 16298906

>Americans need to sign a petition just so their rover can make it to the moon

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Anonymous No. 16298907

Are we positive tharsis isn't a mile thick glacier covered in dust?

Anonymous No. 16298939

130-140 is my guess

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Anonymous No. 16298965

Shartliner status?

Anonymous No. 16298973

Can't wait for it to be sent back to a watery grave with no crew.

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Anonymous No. 16298974


Anonymous No. 16298976

Send the anime poster there too.

Anonymous No. 16298979

It's aiming for White Sands, so either it burns up like Columbia and leaves a trail of debris across the southwest or it leave a new crater in New Mexico.

Anonymous No. 16298983

It would be aiming for White Sands if it actually carried crew back.
That turd is getting flushed.

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Anonymous No. 16298985
>Earlier this year, Blue Origin applied for a patent describing a method of securing New Glenn's first stage to a landing platform using "energetic welding". The system built into one or more landing legs would allow for quick and safe securing of the vehicle at sea.

Anonymous No. 16298988

Too dangerous to relight engines. There'll be a dedicated Dragon capsule sent up to dock and deorbit it.

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Anonymous No. 16298993

Anonymous No. 16299004

Blue Origin are so desperate to avoid getting to orbit they're welding their vehicles to the ground

Anonymous No. 16299007

>You are hyper biased towards SpaceX and anti-everyone else

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16299022

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Amazon woman.webm

Anonymous No. 16299024

>move to mars from earth on a work visa
>first night on mars you go to a local bar to get a drink
>inside this martian woman approaches you and tells you 1G earther wellfare babies are not welcome on mars while slapping your ass.
What do you do?

Anonymous No. 16299034

slap her ass and ask if she wants to wrestle (I'd win)

Anonymous No. 16299037

rip her bones in half like the paper mache they are

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Anonymous No. 16299044

Seethe faggot

Anonymous No. 16299045

I imagine this is what bobbie drapper of the expanse really looked like when you read her book description.

Anonymous No. 16299049

Shortstack nepotism ruins everything.

Anonymous No. 16299050

>She is a little over two meters tall and a muscular hundred kilos. She is of Polynesian ancestry.


Anonymous No. 16299058

Expanse martians get a shitload of drugs&supplements when growing up to make them strong enough and keep the bone density high enough that they can handle 1G.
Something humans will probably will have to do in real life too if children born on mars ever want to visit earth.

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Anonymous No. 16299074

>not sleeping in a gravitron every night

Anonymous No. 16299076

This drawing is quite bad.

t. anime schizo

Anonymous No. 16299078


Anonymous No. 16299082

unfortunately the Starship Gravitron is roughly 50 feet by 50 feet, so we'll need to wait for 18m Starship before we get an operational Starship Gravitron on Starship en route to Mars

Anonymous No. 16299089

Boss, it's a child...

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Anonymous No. 16299091

Anonymous No. 16299099

Why not use a roomba with clamps

Anonymous No. 16299101

ha ha

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Anonymous No. 16299106

They fold up in a trailer you know

Anonymous No. 16299107

Source? Don't care, I have plausible deniability

Anonymous No. 16299113

The National Academy's Decadal Survey remains the biggest influence the community has.

Viper has the unfortunate situation of being done but having zero reserves to be integrated with its lander. Any delay is a delay of a year due to the lighting conditions at its landing site. Any delay moves the entire CLPS schedule to the right probably due to communications limitations and funding shortfalls, just like Psyche

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Anonymous No. 16299114

What the hell is this, just a thermite mixture on the bottom of each landing leg that is contact triggered to tack weld itself to their shitty steel barge deck?
I guess it should work, but thats kinda tacky.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16299118

Suicide nets installed.

Anonymous No. 16299125

This really does tell us BO has no intention of increasing cadence

Anonymous No. 16299130

Reusable rockets but expendable landing decks

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16299131

I mean operating on the Starliner

Anonymous No. 16299132

I mean operating while on Starship

apologies I am retarded and just read the word Starliner

Anonymous No. 16299162

Any possible corruption in favor of Spacex is good. I wish there were more.

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Anonymous No. 16299165

Anonymous No. 16299167

>According to traditional Franciscan accounts, he was "remarkably unclever"

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Anonymous No. 16299168

the quote tweet

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Anonymous No. 16299171


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Anonymous No. 16299173


Anonymous No. 16299180

>the last two paragraphs
How predictable.

Anonymous No. 16299183

these "we need to fix things here on earth before we can go to the stars" faggots really need to shut the fuck up.
If anything, the only way to save earth as it is now is to move humanity to the stars, not that any of these idiots would ever understand that.

Anonymous No. 16299193

it irks me a little when people don't realize that space problems are earth problems. and for every one billionaire that goes on a joy ride there are 1,000 engineers learning how best to do hard things

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Anonymous No. 16299197


Anonymous No. 16299205

>human nature is le bad
then kill yourself now. tired of the death cultists who dont take their own advice

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The Mary Celeste ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16299207


Literally this. Putting astromutts in a can with an unknown risk factor is exactly the NASA thinking that gave us Challenger.

Anonymous No. 16299208

It irks me greatly when people are incapable of separating their perception of Branson and Beñoz (the billionaires who go on joy rides and have done very little for spaceflight) from Musk (the billionaire who revolutionized the entire space industry and has never flown on one of his own vehicles). They seem incapable of understanding the difference between the motivations and accomplishments of the "space billionaires" and just toss them all in the same basket.
Then I remember that this is just the way normies are, and I get sad instead of mad.

Anonymous No. 16299214

its not that they are incapable, its that they are completely ignorant of the subject

Anonymous No. 16299217

Well, he's an Abrahamist of some variety, so suicide would be a sin (unless it's the collective suicide of all humanity via living right with the Lord until a meteor kills everybody, then it's okay)

Anonymous No. 16299219

Kino but shitty solution.

Anonymous No. 16299230

They got Boeing visitors?

Anonymous No. 16299231

When did the NPCs remove Uranus's diagonal ring?

Anonymous No. 16299232

Those nets are reusable, no self respecting space division boeing employee would jump in there.

Anonymous No. 16299240


Doomers BTFO

Anonymous No. 16299247

>these "we need to fix things here on earth before we can go to the stars" faggots really need to shut the fuck up.
I got tired of these things every time India launched rockets. "NOOOO YOU NEED TO STOP DOING ROCKETS AND JUST DO SOMETHING ELSE".

What are they even thinking?

Anonymous No. 16299254

Crabs in a bucket don't think. They just want nobody to leave the bucket.

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Anonymous No. 16299260
>Tower Module 4 Stacked! | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16299263


Anonymous No. 16299271

just use magnets, bro

Anonymous No. 16299275

>he rims of polar region craters on the Moon offer a near-term potential geothermal development using ThermoElectric Generators (TEGs) and the ~150°C difference between the sunlit and permanently shadowed sides.
geothermal on the moon

Anonymous No. 16299278

When the DoD finally has their containerized micro nuclear, it won't make sense to send anything else

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a were back baby.jpg

Anonymous No. 16299280

I slam the door


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a oh noes the ozo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16299283

Tree huggers bitching again.

Anonymous No. 16299290

they do know how massively dwarfed burnt up satellites are to burnt up asteroids right?

Anonymous No. 16299291

Asteroids are made of clouds and rainbows

Anonymous No. 16299292

>100 people can't work together for long term, they'll start micro wars
All of History says otherwise

Anonymous No. 16299296


> An estimated 25 million meteoroids, micrometeoroids and other space debris enter Earth's atmosphere each day, which results in an estimated 15,000 tonnes of that material entering the atmosphere each year.

But Elon!

Anonymous No. 16299297

>40,000 tons per year
They don't care. Elon isn't part of the club anymore, if he ever was. They'll lie and lie and their headlines will percolate into the normie unconscious and turn more and more people against him. I wonder how hostile Earth/Mars relations will be from the very beginning. It isn't looking good.

Anonymous No. 16299301

But it's nice to see shit burning up in the night sky when your around a campfire with friends having fun.

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Anonymous No. 16299303


Anonymous No. 16299306

those are made from completely natural, organic and gluten free metals, while the sats contain evil, industrial nazi metals
very different

Anonymous No. 16299307

It wouldn't surprise me if the same mental illness that lead someone to draw this abomination is the leading cause behind shitliner being shit.

Anonymous No. 16299309

even if war becomes a thing in space (it will inevitably happen sooner or later in some form), that is not a reason not to go to space
this whole argument of not going to space before fixing problems on earth is retarded, at least this guy admitted its due to Human Nature
but I don't see why people having problems and conflicts in space is somehow any way worse than them having conflicts on earth? the only way to "solve" that would be to make humans emotionless drones or something, basically what makes humans humans

Anonymous No. 16299312

>see cute drawing
>get angry
It sounds like you're the one with mental problems.

Anonymous No. 16299316

>thinks some abstract gook anthropomorphization of a rocket is equivalent to a cat pic (cute)
It sounds like you're the one with mental problems

Anonymous No. 16299326

You're thinking about it harder than he did. Just don't worry about it. There's a reason they'll stay Earthers

Anonymous No. 16299329

I have been wondering, what will be the first mars made alcohol?
Some kind of hard liquor.
What will be the most abundant crop on mars to first turn in to happy juice?

Anonymous No. 16299330

>toxoplasmosis brainrot
I see

Anonymous No. 16299334

Seethe in comments as usual?

Anonymous No. 16299336

fermented mushrooms

Anonymous No. 16299347

Never drunk mushroom based alcohol before.
Is it any good?

Anonymous No. 16299363



Anonymous No. 16299364

>Superb... Only way to describe it.
>Was a great launch, and the focus SpaceX has on finding and resolving issues is incredible.
>From both a bureaucratic and a technical perspective, this is very impressive and speaks well of future US spaceflight, particularly compared to some other recent dysfunction. Congratulations to everyone responsible for handling this so well!

They seem pretty sane today. A lot of generally congratulatory vibes and more in-depth discussion about the issue and how SpaceX diagnosed it

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Anonymous No. 16299366


Anonymous No. 16299371

Musk is legitimately going insane, schizotypal tier stuff. Suddenly interest in religion as evidence. Fucking hell

Anonymous No. 16299372

low carbohydrates. wont do a good alcoholic fermentation.
easiest thing that might work is growing algae and fermenting those.
for real plants, probably potatoes.

Anonymous No. 16299380

I'm going insane too stuck on this faggot planet

Anonymous No. 16299381

filian is based

Anonymous No. 16299382

Not spaceflight nigger kys. Reaction images are fine though

Anonymous No. 16299383

and breedable

Anonymous No. 16299385

ULA fucking over photographers

Anonymous No. 16299386


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Anonymous No. 16299391


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Anonymous No. 16299395

I want to be a tobacco farmer on Mars. I hope if potatoes can grow maybe tobacco plants can too.

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Anonymous No. 16299396

how is this eds?

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Anonymous No. 16299404

>The terms of this boil down to limiting images taken on pad for editorial use only and nothing more. Not even social media usage/posting.
>But to dictate how we as individual members of the media can utilize our work after the primary editorial usage is absurd. I.E. we cannot sell prints or post our work any other way under these new terms.
lol, they are basically banning the use of pictures to make money other than as pictures in articles I guess

Anonymous No. 16299407

religion is interesting. people who never have a conversion experience are missing out on a fun part of life. but that's not where musk is, and saying that you wish your political allies would have more success is hardly irrational.

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Anonymous No. 16299412


Anonymous No. 16299418

Tranny post. Go take your HRT meds

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Anonymous No. 16299420


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Anonymous No. 16299424

ship 30 at masseys

Anonymous No. 16299428

This is really funny in light of all the people bitching about how we only talk about SpaceX.

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Anonymous No. 16299441

Zubrin wrote the preface for McCulloch's latest book. The /sfg/ meme streams are crossing.

Anonymous No. 16299446

jewish zelensky stans and paleocon putin-pushers uniting. such is the power of troll physics.

Anonymous No. 16299461

This is not an academic space flight thread. Git gud.

Anonymous No. 16299472

none of us can afford to go to mars

Anonymous No. 16299475

Prisoners should request execution by flame ditch

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Anonymous No. 16299478
>Traffic jams on the Road to Mars Ship 30 moving from Massey’s testing site back to the factory ahead of Flight 5

Anonymous No. 16299504

arent they widening the highway?

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Anonymous No. 16299508

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Anonymous No. 16299509


eventually I think

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Anonymous No. 16299511

Anonymous No. 16299513


Anonymous No. 16299515

Don't know how this gets around the right to panorama, this is one of the differences between the usa and eu, where in the US you can take a photo of a place and the copyright holders of buildings don't have any right to your photo but in Europe they do. I would have to guess this has to do with an agreement ULA is making with photographers in exchange for access, where they are letting them on ULA property to take photos and want to limit the use of those photos. Kinda scummy but more limited than going after anyone that snaps a Pic of the rocket on the pad.

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Anonymous No. 16299516

Anonymous No. 16299518

this is the opposite of spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16299519

its about taking pictures on ULA property on special locations
photographers can still take pics from far away and sell them but obviously those will be worse

Anonymous No. 16299520

2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16299521

it's such a petty thing. how much money does ULA think they're losing from not having the rights to those images? a few thousand bucks?

Anonymous No. 16299522

3 mins 31 secs of raptor engine. Thats supposed to be slow motion too right? Whats the actual duration? 30 seconds?

Anonymous No. 16299524

probably more about information control i.e. if there is a RUD or something

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Anonymous No. 16299525

I think it was less than 10s >>16299522
the static fire portion starts at 7:22

Anonymous No. 16299528

Damn, even if its <10s the slowed down and stretched to 3 mins and 31 sec still hast those fast exhausts. The actual exhaust velocity must be super fast.

Anonymous No. 16299531

the exhaust velocity at sea level is around 3.3 km/s so sure

Anonymous No. 16299537

So they mount it on the transporter, roll over the flame trench, fire it up, and roll on out?
Is this really a high speed test fire solution for multiple ships?
Pretty damn neat to be honest.

Anonymous No. 16299542

the only issue is that massey's is to the west of the factory, so you can't have ships rolling towards and away from the test stand simultaneously or they'd run into each other on the road. if you wanted to ramp up to a daily cadence i guess you'd have to have a pull-off spot on boca chica boulevard so ships could pass each other

Anonymous No. 16299544

Damn thats about as fast as the cum blows out when I get home after a weekend in jail

Anonymous No. 16299545

Probably an industrial solvent made with a chemical reactor and then diluted. Dreams of farming potatoes are delusional

Anonymous No. 16299552

How is a thumbnail of one of his videos eds? It isn't

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ReERfSrrrHN9Jjj -....webm

Anonymous No. 16299557


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ReERfSrrrHN9Jjj -....webm

Anonymous No. 16299558

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ReERfSrrrHN9Jjj -....webm

Anonymous No. 16299560

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Anonymous No. 16299574

Sped up with ffmpeg for the purpose of sex

Anonymous No. 16299579

Those wing root plates look new

Anonymous No. 16299587

Kudzu wine

Anonymous No. 16299589

With audio

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Anonymous No. 16299662

New static fire stand

Anonymous No. 16299663

Im out of the loop, is shitliner really stuck on the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16299665

Yes, it's literally stranded there

Anonymous No. 16299667

I heard the thrusters are not working, is that true?

Anonymous No. 16299672

>Im out of the loop
you're not

>is shitliner really stuck on the ISS?
No, probably not, just like the last hundred times this was asked

Anonymous No. 16299675

Do these things really burn up 100% of the material? Aren't those metal objects? Surely some would survive even just a couple of inches right?

Anonymous No. 16299683

No, but they are operating outside of their engineered specification in practice, so they're putting a lot of effort into making sure that isn't actually a problem.

Anonymous No. 16299684

You're talking about a cutting torch made of oxygen hotter than most materials melt moving dozens of times faster than the speed of sound. Additionally a lot of it is aluminum, which is rather easy to burn

It oxidizes, and it oxidizes almost completely. The remnants fall to the earth as dust

Anonymous No. 16299687

They fucked up a lot but there is enough built-in redundancy to maybe make it back
NASA's safetyism outmatched Boeing's incompetence (maybe)

Anonymous No. 16299689

they would not be allowed to operate if it didn't. only NASA is allowed to throw their used batteries into the ocean

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Anonymous No. 16299706

Anonymous No. 16299710

Bro just casually lying on the engine bell. They probably shoot you at ULA if you do that.

Anonymous No. 16299711

>only NASA is allowed to throw their used batteries into the ocean
Rocket Lab too apparently

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Anonymous No. 16299714

>The final Atlas V to be used for a national security mission has rolled out to the launch pad. USSF-51 is scheduled to launch on Tuesday.
At ULA you need to get the rocket to the pay four or five business days before the launch just to make sure it feels comfortable with the idea

Anonymous No. 16299719

why does that seam at the interstage/lower fairing look so fucked up?

Anonymous No. 16299723

too kino... too cinematic....
we aint beating the "its all just CGI" allegations with this one senpai

Anonymous No. 16299733

That's a big engine rat.

Anonymous No. 16299742

Pure kinography god damn

Anonymous No. 16299748

Yet again
This slow mo preoccupation ruins most of the starship launch vids

Anonymous No. 16299757

How come it didn't accidentally lift off? This is unfair!

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Anonymous No. 16299762

Has the F9 team just become nocturnal at this point?
Fucking two 12am launches or more like 12am and 3am launches if on ET

Is there rational for midnight/early morning launches

Anonymous No. 16299765

Multiple shifts 24/7 company runner

Anonymous No. 16299766

When you need to make 150+ launches in a year, you'll take whatever windows you can get.

Anonymous No. 16299770

Where the fuck did all these payloads come from? Or is 90% of them just Starlink satellites

Anonymous No. 16299771

>90% of them just Starlink satellites
yes...other companies need to create more payloads but they seem to have given up

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Anonymous No. 16299772


Anonymous No. 16299776

Depends on the mission, but if I had to guess it's because they want to deploy the sats in sunlight

Anonymous No. 16299779

space buoys

Anonymous No. 16299780

space gulls

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Anonymous No. 16299783

Has any Organization conducted any scientific experiments about space sex?

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its hoever 4.png

Anonymous No. 16299785

It's over

Mark Kelly will not be our new VP...

Anonymous No. 16299789

The booster lands with only GPS and IMU. You can get 1cm accuracy with military grade GPS + inertial fusion

Anonymous No. 16299792

this is a lie!
they have rats flying the booster

Anonymous No. 16299797

it says as of a few hours ago that he's still the top nom

Anonymous No. 16299803

I thought it was now the jew from Pennsylvania. Way less cool choice and way more establishment.

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Anonymous No. 16299805

Anonymous No. 16299806

Watercooledsteelplatechads, it's over...

Anonymous No. 16299807

B-b-but the best part is no part

Anonymous No. 16299809

they should have both options available

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Anonymous No. 16299810

star based

Anonymous No. 16299811

god that thing is getting so ugly

Anonymous No. 16299813

kill yoirself

Anonymous No. 16299815


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Anonymous No. 16299816


Anonymous No. 16299817

opinions on the recently outed Elon babyfur pictures?

Anonymous No. 16299819

Anyone else in love?
Cant stop thinking about her bros

Anonymous No. 16299822

And to think she's going to fly in just 2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16299823

I hate women so much it's unreal

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Anonymous No. 16299827

I can't judge
a babyfur and a Cunnyseur are pretty even on the degeneracy scale

Anonymous No. 16299831

the main couple behind InterOrbital also designed a "2suit" for zero-gee sex. Only tested in the vomit comet as far as I know

Anonymous No. 16299834

I got the song for you... well, it might not be exact, but it's pretty close. They knew how to launch space missions, and make music back in the day.
>Born in 1934 to Ulysses "Smacks" Jackson and Winifred Jackson, Cornelius "Backhand" Jackson emerged from the hardscrabble life of a sharecropper's son just outside of Isola, Mississippi. Growing up with seven siblings in extreme poverty, Jackson's early life was a testament to his resilience and determination.
>At 18, Jackson moved to Detroit, seeking better opportunities. Struggling to find work, he managed to secure the support of seven dedicated young women who generously assisted him with his bills and living expenses. This entrepreneurial spirit foreshadowed his future success.
>In 1960, Jackson's big break came when a Motown Records agent overheard him singing while counting money given to him by one of his benefactors. His talent was undeniable, and he was quickly signed to the fledgling label. Jackson's deep, versatile voice soon became known through hits such as "Stop Crying (Gonna Give You Something to Cry About)," "Nothing I Hadn't Told Her Twice," "I'm Right Here (The Cops Are A Mile Away)," "Beat That Baby Outta You," and the iconic "Don't Test Me Bitch."

Anonymous No. 16299842

Robert Zubrin armpit sniffing contest

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Anonymous No. 16299844

wen hop?

Anonymous No. 16299847

>goes up and lands
>not orbital
>no mission objective, just hardware test
Is FT5 a hop?

Anonymous No. 16299853

have you already tried talking about rockets or anything space related to her? Try not to sperg out too much at first, though. Maybe something simple like showing her some hubble/jwst pics. If she likes it, you could then find an opportunity to teach the constellations, and eventually stargaze together. Many women believe in astrology bs, so there's a high chance they might be interested in it.

Anonymous No. 16299855

cute engine coats

Anonymous No. 16299858

Could the trench be used for launch too? Also, can it be used to test the booster or just the starship?

Anonymous No. 16299861

supposedly they're putting a trench in for tower 2

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Anonymous No. 16299864

It's the Pennsyljew
Mark Kelly won't burn his senate seat for this auto-lose ticket
He's also a manlet which you can get away with in Arizona but nowhere else

Anonymous No. 16299865

do not the fairy you pervert

Anonymous No. 16299876

Looks so much cooler without the flame trench.

Anonymous No. 16299882

Man that would be ominous rounding a corner and seeing that as a normie/tourist

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Anonymous No. 16299883

Ichigo lost btw

Anonymous No. 16299886

sometimes i wish more people innately understood that events with a 36% probability are unlikely to happen

Anonymous No. 16299887

Comments on Berger SpaceX articles are usually positive, it's almost like a microcosm of arsetrchnica

Anonymous No. 16299893

My theory is for minimal disruption of airspace, almost no flights on the east coast around midnight except for the afternoon/night flights arriving from the west coast/pacific. Probably helps them get so many licenses if the FAA has to reroute less planes

Anonymous No. 16299897

anyone staying up for the back to back falcon flights tonight? I watched the return to flight one but I think I'm gonna skip these.

Anonymous No. 16299910

remember when we used to have shuttles on standby in case of emergencies? yeah...where's our emergency dragon?

Anonymous No. 16299916
1st consecutive launch!

Anonymous No. 16299924

Not necessary. We had STS-300 on standby during later shuttle missions because there was always a chance that the Shuttle could fuck up its heat shield during ascent and wouldn't be able to land. We don't have that issue any more.

Anonymous No. 16299925

If it launches with two men instead of four, it's a rescue mission.

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16299960

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Anonymous No. 16299962

Anonymous No. 16299963

that landing was nearly off the barge

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16299964

Anonymous No. 16299966

It's nice to see Elon continuing to get away with it. That said, there is no way I'm staying up for a 3:30 AM launch

Anonymous No. 16299967

but anon, that's the one that misses the barge. don't you want to be there for that?

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Anonymous No. 16299977

SpaceX will never miss the barge again

Anonymous No. 16299979

was this upper stage a short nozzle upper stage? I went down to the beach to look at it and it was VERY dim, I could only barely see it
stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16299980

Murphy would like a word, but I hope you're right.

Anonymous No. 16300011

No it was a long one.

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Anonymous No. 16300027
>This is Falcon!

>Our 300th reflight of a booster delivers 23 @Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit

Anonymous No. 16300033

weird, it was super dim, nothing like the last couple of times I've gone out to look at them

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Anonymous No. 16300044

anyone up late 2nite? wat do you want to talk about?

Anonymous No. 16300050

It's an Orbital Flight Test so yes

Anonymous No. 16300052

Wait, so they just fired the vacuum engines with no consequences?

Anonymous No. 16300053

It really is that easy

Anonymous No. 16300055

during ground testing there are rings on the bells that keep them from flexing

Anonymous No. 16300086

its morning here

Anonymous No. 16300090

I would be really curious to see a close-up video of something supposedly demisable reentering (though I don't see how it would be possible to film it)

Anonymous No. 16300094

have a capsule with a long metal rod with bunch of random trash in it (the rod would have to have a heatshields or something perhaps
then have cameras behind the capsule to film the trash

Anonymous No. 16300095
>Surprising changes to SpaceX Starship Unveiled! Why are they doing this?

pretty good rundown of the timeline of the stackings at the start (just skip the intro)

Anonymous No. 16300098

to fuck with you

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Anonymous No. 16300099


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Anonymous No. 16300100

section 5 at the launch site, 4 more waiting at sanchez so they are basically halfway through stacking already though I imagine they will have to weld them together, connect the pipes, add chopsticks and whatever which is going to take a while
not to mention the launch pad and fire trench which is still being dug

Anonymous No. 16300103

deploy starlink at karman line

Anonymous No. 16300105

polaris dawn NET late august

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Anonymous No. 16300106


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Anonymous No. 16300107

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Anonymous No. 16300108


Anonymous No. 16300109

how long is it going to take for Starship launches to become boring?

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Anonymous No. 16300110

the tesla takeover event?
didn't see any tweets about from jared isaacman or the polaris accoutns

Anonymous No. 16300111


Anonymous No. 16300112

>look away for one second
>there's another segment

Anonymous No. 16300113

If the random trash is behind the capsule, the wake from the reentering capsule will change the heating.
Even if you somehow balance it and put it on the side, it will mean the speed profile is driven by the capsule, not the trash itself, which would change the reentry.
Though if you just want pretty pics and not a realistic test it works.

Anonymous No. 16300114

It's that easy in launch towery

Anonymous No. 16300115

i heard it wont launch until after crew 9, which is aug 18

Anonymous No. 16300122

A few years at least, kinography is secured. And when starship starts to be boring they will be developing the 18m skullfucker launch system. Assuming the US Dollar lasts that long of course lol lmao.

Anonymous No. 16300125

SpaceX will outlive the dollar.

Anonymous No. 16300138
who else is watching?

Anonymous No. 16300151

Looks nominal to me.

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Anonymous No. 16300153

He can't keep getting away with it!

Anonymous No. 16300170

Corrupt FAA let SpaceX getting away with it.

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Anonymous No. 16300183

I was thinking about how the SSME screwed over NASA.

In many respects it's an amazing engine and it's criminal to use it in disposable applications.
However, because it's hydrolox and has corresponding bad mass ratio/thrust density, it's only useful for a large reusable second stages.
Reusable second stages are the hardest part of re-use and really, reusable first stages should come first; that's the low hanging fruit and the cadence killer for re-use, at least for mass to orbit.

After Shuttle NASA had no modern engines for that! They only have the SSME which is very impractical for first stage use.
Anyway just another example of how the Shuttle and 'shuttle derived' ended up being an anchor on NASA spaceflight.
Probably a direct reason why they went straight to SSTOs based on the SSME rather than something more reasonable and then the nonsense of hydrogen core constellation/SLS

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Anonymous No. 16300190

Anonymous No. 16300195
> The new long awaited flame trench for the new launch pad at
is slowly showing signs of itself with sheet piles being hammered into the ground in a line along the towers face. I have made 3 versions all with various problems and with limited owned land.

Anonymous No. 16300196

What is this picture, autism starter pack?

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Anonymous No. 16300200


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Anonymous No. 16300201


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Anonymous No. 16300202


Anonymous No. 16300207

Titan is such a shithole

Anonymous No. 16300217

>muh water table
fags are utterly BTFO

Anonymous No. 16300221

Probably gonna look like this one, first one doesn't look much better than flat ground on top of a huge expenditure cost, third one is possible but I have a gut feeling that having all your shit going in one direction is always better

>t. Electrician

Anonymous No. 16300228

yeah, its also most similar to the masseys fire trench and if you had fire trenches that shoot towards one direction only, you could more easily have rows of towers without them interfering with each other or with other operations
I guess the big flat trench works a bit similarly but you have a 45 degree sector there

Anonymous No. 16300235

Two-sided divides the IMMENSE power of the superheavy booster into half the burden per side, which is likely going to be important for cadence. Also remember landings have to happen over the mount trench as well, so symmetry is important I think. SpaceX methodology this far is to spread that shit as far and wide as possible so I dont see a one-sided trench coming, its either a two sided or a hybrid that fans out. The takeoff thrust is only going to increase more.
Ariane 6 figured out the exhaust split just fine, although I dont know what geometry their flames are striking to achieve it, its hidden in pictures of the pad Ive seen.

Anonymous No. 16300238

Double sided might create more stagnation at the hottest point right in the center

Anonymous No. 16300242

But isn't that exactly where you have an acute angle wedge or cone to divide the flames, and locate the most intense water jets for cooling? Seems manageable, its just engineering (throw money at the problem).
Whatever SpaceX builds, its gonna look tits, since futuristic sci-fi aesthetics matters to Musk.

Anonymous No. 16300243

Make one where it channels it directly into the beetle colony

Anonymous No. 16300244
>Artemis II Core Stage in the VAB and Congress has SLS questions

Anonymous No. 16300246

Landings are irrelevant. It's like farting in the wind compared to superheavy fuck you thrust.

Anonymous No. 16300250

Yeah it's just 3 raptors once it's there and it's way up high, not directly on the mount

Anonymous No. 16300254

with boeing, you aint coming back

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Anonymous No. 16300256


Anonymous No. 16300264

They're going to have to make the tower taller right?

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Anonymous No. 16300265

All the way to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16300267

This past decade and a half has been boring.

Why aren't we building Lunar bases and testing systems for human exploration of Mars?

>b-but there's no economical incent-
I don't give a FUCK! Governments should be investing TRILLIONS into spaceflight! You are not human if space doesn't interest you! How can you not be interested in space?!

Anonymous No. 16300268

>Bookmark this statement:

Anonymous No. 16300270

They’d probably just build a new tower. SX can do this stuff at an unbelievable pace, it’s honestly amazing.
Contrast this with something comparable like Space Launch System, which requires an entire new launch tower for a simple upper stage upgrade—adding BILLIONS of $ and YEARS of delays

Anonymous No. 16300271

>Governments should be investing TRILLIONS into spaceflight

Antisemitic post, moderators remove this user.

Anonymous No. 16300272

>SX can do this stuff at an unbelievable pace

Everything space sex does is actually a fairly normal pace for an industrial corporation, it's just that for the last half century everyone has been mindfucked by statist nigger institutions.

Anonymous No. 16300289

They start with the side boosters first? that seems weirdly out of order.

Anonymous No. 16300294

The goal of moon development is to use it as a source of material to create products for near earth space.
You build a mass driver and you launch solar panels and processors to be installed in earth orbit at a tiny fraction (once amortized) of the cost of launching it from earth.

Then you can off board processing and power from earth to orbit and you can even do stuff like laser thermal propulsion for orbital rockets or air breathing hypersonic laser thermal ramjet transport.
A lot of the problems of green transportation, IE aircraft and ships, become pretty trivial if you can just beam energy wherever.

Anonymous No. 16300302

Good luck creating and launching solar panels from the moon that cheaper than from urf

Anonymous No. 16300310

>the cost of launching it from earth.
this will be in the double digits per kilogram well before any manufacturing capabilities on the moon
the only things that make sense to create in situ is fuel, water, o2, and MAYBE some crude metallurgy if you are building a superstructure

Anonymous No. 16300314

I thought SpaySex was already planning on improving the road

Anonymous No. 16300321

The goal of moon development is geopolitical posturing.

Anonymous No. 16300322

I guess it would only make sense for truly massive structures then where the raw materials are sufficiently cheap that the transport dominates the cost.

Air freight is about $5 per kilo Vs ~$0.50 for sea freight, so that puts starship with maybe a $20/kg price floor into perspective.

Anonymous No. 16300328

Yep. Literally nothing valuable about da moon. Total shitshoot.

Once you have a huge industrial base capable of shitting out thousands of tonnes of metals and millions of tonnes of propellant, maybe. Until then it's a pointless dickwaving contest.

Anonymous No. 16300330

>Yep. Literally nothing valuable about da moon. Total shitshoot.
Value of moon isn't on the moon for the next 50 years, but its there for the next 50 years in terms of geopolitical alliance/leadership to shape the world.

Anonymous No. 16300331

>in terms of geopolitical alliance/leadership to shape the world

Insane levels of lol lmao

Anonymous No. 16300335

The formation of a NATO/alliance and anti-NATO/alliance of space is shaping up. Thats the geopolitical push. This benefits of this space alliance will materialize on Earth first and foremost as thats the real/primary domain of this "space" partnership.

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Anonymous No. 16300337

Steel is <$1 per kilo
Aluminium ~$2
Copper $5-10

Anonymous No. 16300338

>bro thinks NATO matters while the world reserve currency is being abandoned by its petrodollar ally and in the early stages of fiat collapse


Anonymous No. 16300340

This is a buffer play to stop the bleeding.

Anonymous No. 16300341

So for the aluminium structural girders and station keeping propellant for massive orbital solar farms it might make sense to ship it from the moon, but the PVs themselves probably make more sense from earth.

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Anonymous No. 16300346

>Bro thinks the petrodollar matters any more

Midwit detected.
Dollar reserve currency is based on fiscal stability far more than anything else.
The petrodollar is a nice boost to have but it's marginal in the grand scheme of things.
There is no alternative at the moment, the PRC certainly doesn't want to do what it takes to maintain a strong currency.

Anonymous No. 16300352

>The petrodollar is a nice boost to have but it's marginal in the grand scheme of things.

Sorry, what value does the US dollar have outside of oil producing countries being forced to trade in it? The US does not produce anything, does not provide any services, in fact what DOES the US do anymore? Fiscal stability? Holy FUCKING LOL

There is a reason that every central bank around the world is buying gold as fast as they can without obliterating the market.

Anonymous No. 16300354

This is some serious cart before the horse shit and not first principles thinking about the currency driving the economy. Elon would shoot you on sight.

Anonymous No. 16300357

>Elon would shoot you on sight

He tweeted out the progression of pure precious metal money to precious metal backed paper money to fiat currency to zimbabwe currency to bullets picture like two days ago. Gas yourself earthnoid.

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ALPACA updated.png

Anonymous No. 16300358

Nonsense. You are a buffoon.

Anonymous No. 16300360

Maybe it makes later steps more complicated, resulting in more billable hours and cost plusses.

Anonymous No. 16300363

eventually the urfers are going to complain that lunar production takes away jobs from the well walkers

Anonymous No. 16300366

No rebuttal+failed CGI lander bid+L

Anonymous No. 16300367

NTA. We’re so far away from that being an actual problem, but yeah I do think it will eventually be a hot-topic global political issue sometime in the future.

Anonymous No. 16300368

why is it so angry

Anonymous No. 16300369

if you can produce and launch that stuff from the moon, even at twice the cost to manufacture on earth, you can undercut on the delivery costs to LEO and beyond

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Anonymous No. 16300374

>50 years overdue
That just means he missed the event. Didn't China have a little problem when they went commie? If you combine it with what happened in Russia when they started communism too, well, those guys aren't far from the steppes either.

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Anonymous No. 16300376

Schizobrained goldbugs will complain about the national debt or dollar devaluation, what they don't realise is that the situation is worse in literally every other country on earth.

Anonymous No. 16300379

its too fat

Anonymous No. 16300384

>heh our rapidly devaluing toilet paper currency is worth somewhat more than some shitholes peso toilet paper currency

Do you really think this is an argument holy fucking lmao.

Anonymous No. 16300385

I heard they're building a water park

Anonymous No. 16300387

it's satire

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Anonymous No. 16300390

Like as someone who made some decent money trading gold recently, the main thing that was moving the market was Chinese individual consumers buying gold to try and protect against CNY devaluation during a wave of bank failures.

That is what the dollar is actually up against in reality IE: foreign monopoly money.

Anonymous No. 16300391

The boosters are bolted to the launch platform and I think the core stage is only attached to that via the boosters.

Anonymous No. 16300392

>chinks buying gold en masse because the realise the whole fiat currency/real estate ponzi shit is all a scam to extract wealth from peasants

Smarter than your average American kek

Anonymous No. 16300397

>their fraudulent monopoly money vs our glorious god sent greenbacks

Cant make this up

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Anonymous No. 16300398

Psychohistory isn't real either, but it's very much Not Wrong.

Anonymous No. 16300399

Do we even need rockets on the moon in the long term?

Couldn't you use a combination of spin launch or mass drivers with a sky hook?

Anonymous No. 16300410

We dont need it, but it will be available for us with the advent of Starships, Starship driven lunar economy and innovations.

I dream of a "delta flyer" mini shuttle that traverses only between the various orbits and never in the heavy gravity well themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16300414

wew lad

Anonymous No. 16300417

2 weeks delay? Lets launch 3 rockets in 2 days.

Anonymous No. 16300424

chamber pressure is so high that nozzle exit pressure at that huge expansion ratio isn't that low actually

Anonymous No. 16300426

the most limiting factor now I think is the marine fleet, all of them are ready so you can launch quickly

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Anonymous No. 16300427

Anonymous No. 16300428

If i fart in space, will it propel me forward?
Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 16300431

depends if your ass cheeks are big enough to allow for full expansion.

Anonymous No. 16300434

So ass cheeks control the thrust vector,

Anonymous No. 16300435

>phoneposting discordtroon
average cultist

Anonymous No. 16300441

Could NASA have made a methane RS 25 when it was first being made?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16300445

This explains everything about why Elon pivoted so hard. He's trying to cover his own ass and some government is using compromat to blackmail him.

Anonymous No. 16300461

I saw that

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Anonymous No. 16300464

>What if Starship was more Soyuz?

Anonymous No. 16300467

>USA ruined this beautiful cooperation
empire of evil

Anonymous No. 16300472

I wouldn't call the partnership "beautiful." Soyuz is always going to be a kino rocket, but launching them from CSG was just an excuse for the Russians to squeeze as much funding as they could out of Arianespace while Europe pretended it didn't have a massive hole in its launch capabilities. If it wasn't for the Soyuz-ST, Europe could have developed a domestic MLV that could have kept working despite Vega's fuck ups, the Ariane 6 delays, and the war in Ukraine.

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Anonymous No. 16300497

Anonymous No. 16300508

What would a space-backed currency be based on? Water?

Anonymous No. 16300521


Anonymous No. 16300524

>USA ruined
Ah yes, back when USA forced Russia to invade its neighboring countries.
Fuck off, gommie. Your kind go in the pisslock.

Anonymous No. 16300525

Food, air, water, power

Anonymous No. 16300549

earth soil

Anonymous No. 16300552

real estate

Anonymous No. 16300553

What about fake estate

Anonymous No. 16300589


Anonymous No. 16300593


Anonymous No. 16300599

I'm European

Anonymous No. 16300602

My condolences

Anonymous No. 16300604


Anonymous No. 16300613

Go back to /k/

Anonymous No. 16300623

Go back to /pol/

Anonymous No. 16300628

Go back to >>>/trash/

Anonymous No. 16300630

wait guys come back

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Anonymous No. 16300632

so true, brother

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Anonymous No. 16300634


Anonymous No. 16300639

not stuck in the capsule, stuck on the International Space Station because the Starliner capsule is faulty, though Boeing and NASA say they aren't stuck, they just want to be really sure the capsule works (lol, lmao even)

Anonymous No. 16300640

mild Boeing moment, they fucked up a little bit but it's probably fine
NASA safetyism is winning out and they're trying to actually solve the problem instead of just living with it on the way home

Anonymous No. 16300649

NASA has to do testing for Boeing because Boeing is incapable of doing it by themselves, so they are leaving it up there until the tests are done.

Anonymous No. 16300650

I don't even think it's really safetyism at this point. The ongoing issues with the He leak and thruster overheating led to the expected troubleshooting both on the ground and in orbit after Starliner managed to dock. The biggest thing this turned up was that Boeing didn't really do any full systems tests, just tested individual subsystems and then ran computer models of the completed spacecraft. Now NASA has crew in orbit who are dependent on a vehicle that hasn't passed NASA's accepted level of autistic total comprehension and the agency is having a bit of a nervous breakdown over it.

Anonymous No. 16300652

waterfall, not even once

Anonymous No. 16300653

>decades of legacy
>dudes that crash rockets all the time

And somehow the latter is a more reliable partner.

Anonymous No. 16300658

don't be dissing my boy waterfall development just because boing cant do shit

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Anonymous No. 16300659

yes, they seriously looked at modifying it for an open-cycle methalox engine after challenger for liquid rocket boosters.

Anonymous No. 16300661

Which is exactly why SpaceX worked out as well as they did. NASA trusted Boeing to be neurotic in all the same ways that they were. They didn't trust SpaceX so they kept looking over SpaceX's shoulder, double checking everything, and giving lots of input back to the team working on Dragon. Meanwhile, instead of being neurotic about their engineering Boeing was just lazy.

Anonymous No. 16300671

They're going to die if they try to come home in that Boeing deathtrap.

Anonymous No. 16300680

instant red flag that you're a retard who knows nothing about economics lol.

Anonymous No. 16300682

>impotent thirdie rage

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Anonymous No. 16300683

asking about starship IFT-5
Starship will be ready in 2-3 weeks, but launch will probably be end of August, but may go to early September due to FAA

Anonymous No. 16300686

cringe non TZD enjoyer

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Anonymous No. 16300687

why is the N sideways?

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Anonymous No. 16300689

>would like to catch the booster on mechazilla arms
>decent chance of working, but might take a few kicks at the can to make it work well
>we will try to recover the booster, had soft landing last time
>try to achieve a more robust heat shield, last time the ship did make it, but we lost a lot of heat shield tiles
>amazing the ship made it to a soft water landing

Anonymous No. 16300692

Youtube link?

Anonymous No. 16300694

>before we bring the ship back to the launch site we want to have at least 3 water landings
>heat shield is significantly upgraded
>30% chance of catching the booster
>better than 50% that the ship heat shield remains intact through to water landing

Anonymous No. 16300695

it's kind of a formality, they both mean the same thing, snowgeria earned that name for a reason.

Anonymous No. 16300699


Anonymous No. 16300700

It's official: Cadence has plateaued

Anonymous No. 16300702

It's official: You're retarded

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Anonymous No. 16300704

>Q:what are the big changes other than the heat shield?
>Elon: between each flight there are thousands of changes between the booster, ship and launch site
>really talented engineers working on stage 0
>if I got into the details people would not know what I was talking about
>valve here, pipe change there, wire routing change, software changes

>now there are much more significant changes coming a couple of flights now, IFT-7
>we are moving the forward flaps
>you want the forward flaps to be on the lee of the wind
>I don't want to get into too much technical details if you don't know about the rocket

Anonymous No. 16300705

lmao, he knows how stupid the average tesla fanboy is

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Anonymous No. 16300709

>Ship 7 the forward flaps get smaller, they rotate back, instead of 180 degrees they are at 150 degrees
>the flaps get smaller and lighter, the payload improves and continued improvements to the heat shield
>the engines get better, more thrust and better reliability
>big step change will be in the next year, we get rid of the engine heat shields
>that eliminates a lot of mass at the base of the ship and booster

Anonymous No. 16300710

Everyone gets 500 space credits, use them wisely. If you run out… well good luck!
Having a child restores 20 credits per parent

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Anonymous No. 16300711

>they payload will be comfortably above 100tonnes to orbit
>the cost will be about 100 times less, this will enable life to extend beyond earth, to build a self sustainable city on earth

Anonymous No. 16300713

40 t is basically 100 t if you think about it. We are going.

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Anonymous No. 16300714

>build a self sustainable city on earth
never gonna happen

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Anonymous No. 16300715

Anonymous No. 16300717

50% is elon's personal two weeks

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Anonymous No. 16300718

For those interested /sci/ will be playing /x/ soon >>16300672
If you hate fun, just ignore this post.

Anonymous No. 16300723

it's 40 tons now, sure. but you should see the 60 tons of dead weight they pulled off the ship for V2

Anonymous No. 16300724

This is really bad. It officially took longer from OFT4>OFT5 than OFT3>OFT4. There's no excuse

Anonymous No. 16300725

/sp/ took /toy/ to 5PA1N it's probably ogre for us

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Anonymous No. 16300727

Anonymous No. 16300728

there's actually plenty of excuses.

Anonymous No. 16300731

based cope n' hagen suborbitals catching extra attention from spacex tweets.

Anonymous No. 16300737

>falling for the bait

Anonymous No. 16300747

yes, i love bait, got a problem with that?

Anonymous No. 16300751

You just fell for it. I'm samefagging :)

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Anonymous No. 16300759


Anonymous No. 16300762

all me btw

Anonymous No. 16300771

Tesla roadster next year which is going to be a joint Tesla/SpaceX effort

Anonymous No. 16300772

>holding /x/ to a draw at the half

Anonymous No. 16300783


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Anonymous No. 16300799

>going to get to starship reusability next year

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Anonymous No. 16300804

Anonymous No. 16300806

Are we sure Elon wasn't replaced ?

Anonymous No. 16300831

is he wrong?
it either happens or it doesnt. so thats 50/50

Anonymous No. 16300841

We are all replaced soon enough

Anonymous No. 16300842

both outcomes would be kino tbdesu
who knows if we ever get to see a starship or booster blow up again and it'd be at the tower with tons of good footage

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Anonymous No. 16300849

Soon at Starbase

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Anonymous No. 16300882

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Anonymous No. 16300883
> Awesome New Designs! Will Starship's Heat Shield Improvements Work? - SpaceX Weekly #125

Anonymous No. 16300902
oft ignored part of what makes raptor so powerful, it has a really small footprint for the amount of power outputs.

Anonymous No. 16300923

When's the next Starship launch? Seeing sfg so dead lately is making me SICK

Anonymous No. 16300924

September 15

Anonymous No. 16300934

Estimates are from late August to early September. The date is contingent on Starbase catch preparations and the FAA approving the license modification to catch boosters.

Anonymous No. 16300941

fuck my balls are so blue, knowing what's coming up is making it worse.
it's going to be so fucking kino watching them try to catch that thing.

Anonymous No. 16300963

they'll be ready in 2 weeks
FAA will give them a loicense in 2 months

Anonymous No. 16300972

>Starship will be ready in 2-3 weeks, but launch will probably be end of August, but may go to early September due to FAA
september seems unusually late even for this. i wonder if the FAA is backed up or some shit.

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Anonymous No. 16300974

>we partnered with aerospace experts at the university of washington, NASA and Boeing

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Anonymous No. 16300976


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Anonymous No. 16300978


Anonymous No. 16300993

This tired cope doesnt work anymore. FAA made return to flight happen in a couple weeks. You are a retard coper

Anonymous No. 16300999

>w-we're the spacex of the sea
fucking lol.

Anonymous No. 16301015

If that were true they would've imploded 3 more subs by now in pursuit of truely reusable submarine tourists

Anonymous No. 16301025

We need commercial cargo to Rapture

Anonymous No. 16301033

If Elon's replacement is the one building a fleet of Starships I hope more people get replaced
Fuck it, sign me up too

Anonymous No. 16301034


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Anonymous No. 16301040


Anonymous No. 16301045

make it clearer
