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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16301038

D-word Edition

Previous: >>16298460

Anonymous No. 16301042

>no astronauts who also have olympic medals

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Anonymous No. 16301043

Glass the Earth, demigod war eventually

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Anonymous No. 16301046


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Anonymous No. 16301048

Could this work?

Anonymous No. 16301051

How long until comfy satellite servicing space tug owner-operator becomes a profession?

Anonymous No. 16301056

no lol

Anonymous No. 16301057

they are going to be autonomous so never
maybe a single person could control a fleet of them though

Anonymous No. 16301062

how much fun would it be doing a senior thesis that's just making a new rocket in kerbal

Anonymous No. 16301069

kek, fuck earthers

Anonymous No. 16301087

It's possible. Using an EDS as its own second stage to deliver itself empty to orbit is a bit of a trick, but the Ares V EDS should have had about 8 km/s of dV in the tank when it was fully fueled and carrying no payload, so getting into LEO after staging off of a 2011-era Falcon 9 Heavy is far from impossible. The real problem is getting the 250 tons of hydrolox up to the depot to refuel it once it's in orbit.

The real question is why would you want to. If the EDS has 8 km/s to work with and you're planning on refueling it from a depot, you'd be better off just launching that on its own with a few GEM-60s strapped to the side and forget trying to balance it on top of a Falcon.

Anonymous No. 16301088

only because Jonny Kim doesn't want any olympic medals

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Anonymous No. 16301097

Propellant Depot Requirements Study

>Tens of billions of dollars of cost savings and lower up-front costs to fit within budget profile
>Allows first NEA/Lunar mission by 2024 using conservative budgets
>Launch every few months rather than once every 12-18 months
>Provides experienced and focused workforce to improve safety
>Operational learning for reduced costs and higher launch reliability.
>Allows multiple competitors for propellant delivery
>Competition drives down costs
>Alternatives available if critical launch failure occurs
>Low-risk, hands-off way for international partners to contribute
>Reduced critical path mission complexity (AR&Ds, events, number of unique elements)
>Provides additional mission flexibility by variable propellant load
>Commonality with COTS/commercial/DoD vehicles will allow sharing of fixed costs between programs and “right-sized” vehicle for ISS
>Reduces multi-payload manifesting integration issues

>Congressional language
>Requires longer storage of cryo propellants than alternatives and addition of zero-g transfer technologies
>Volume/mass constraints (e.g, fairing size)
>NASA loses some control/oversight
>Added complexity of common CPS/depot
>Launch capacity build-up
>Aligning LEO departure plane with departure asymptote location for small NEA departure windows given LAN precession

It's ridiculous that SLS offers no real advantages and congress still forced NASA to build it. It's expected that they care very little about space exploration, but it's downright sabotage. SLS is already a bottlenock, but it is not yet so apparent, because neither Starship or BO lander are ready. For the next decade or so NASA will be stuck at the rate of 1 mission every few years, or worse, depending on Boing's performance. That gives Chinese a huge opportunity to catch up and overtake NASA.

Anonymous No. 16301113

>Former astronaut Sen. Mark Kelly started spy balloon company funded by China
>Before becoming a senator, Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., was not only an astronaut, but he also co-founded a company that specializes in spy balloons, which was funded, in part, by a venture capitalist in China with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
Is Kelly a foreign agent?

Anonymous No. 16301116

>BASED Depot
uhh based?

Anonymous No. 16301119

Yes, ACES based.

Anonymous No. 16301122

I hear he's got an identical body double

Anonymous No. 16301128

He's more of a free agent. It's just that he was bought out best by foreign money

Anonymous No. 16301133

the real /sfg/ is here >>16291209
this thread is a spam thread

Anonymous No. 16301138


Anonymous No. 16301147


Anonymous No. 16301148

I'm not visiting your gay thread

Anonymous No. 16301150

Go fuck yourself.

Anonymous No. 16301155

>The real problem is getting the 250 tons of hydrolox up to the depot to refuel it once it's in orbit.
Is it? In the study the depot was launched first, then refueled a few times with tankers that fit inside regular Falcon 9 fairing. After that EDS was launched, refilled at depot, docked with lander and capsule and burned towards Moon.

I'll try to find and post it later.

Anonymous No. 16301161

Why does your thread always have poop eaters?

Anonymous No. 16301174

LH2 is cringe

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Anonymous No. 16301181

Nope, not gettin' out of this chair.

Anonymous No. 16301191

half the people in congress are foreign agents, a few of them for China

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Anonymous No. 16301211

Guys im a space nerd but if you think about, /spaceflight/ makes no sense, whats the point of sending plobes or humans beyond LEO? From what we know until now , the whole universe just sucks except planet earth, literally the flour under your feet are more interesting than any part of the solar system, why you want colonies on mars or the moon when theyre inert deserts because of the radiation and nothing else? And exoplanets? Too far away and intellestelar travel is impossible. There arent aliens either, probably they dont even exist and if they do, theyre too far away to cantact to them. I know were all very passionate about the space, but If you use your logic, were just wasting time and money for nothing valuable

Anonymous No. 16301215

Have fun in there

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Anonymous No. 16301217

Which large solar system bodies do you think humans will ever land on?
this general takes it as a given that humans will step on mars some day. will anyone ever bother to set foot on oberon, or never in a million years even if we have the technology? will people ever go within the atmospheres of gas giants and live to tell the tale?

Anonymous No. 16301222

Human landing on Phobos and/or Deimos

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Anonymous No. 16301224

You stay here then, queer.

Anonymous No. 16301225

The smaller shitbox moons will be dismantled

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Anonymous No. 16301226

I believe in Venus, baby!!!

Anonymous No. 16301229

earth is winning the olympics medals tally
other planets btfo
and it's only day 2

Anonymous No. 16301232

The accuracy with which you've imitated the subtleties of genuine engrish makes me concerned for your mental health

Anonymous No. 16301237

L becomes R, not the other way round. Retard

Anonymous No. 16301240

posts like yours are a diamond dozen on /sfg/
do better

Anonymous No. 16301252


Anonymous No. 16301256

I sat through a presentation at the IAC where a korean grad student told us about his team's research with locket plopellant.
That kid was so nervous he looked like he was going to sweat through his suit jacket.

Anonymous No. 16301257

it's gonna be like mountains on urf. even if there is no practical reason to send anything but robots, someone will organize an expedition and spend years in transit, just so his name will be put down as "first man on X"

Anonymous No. 16301259

We will terraform-chill Venus and ranch dinosaurs on its surface.

Anonymous No. 16301261

>it has a Marylin Monroe skirt

Anonymous No. 16301265

Venus cloud cities are bullshit no matter what way you look at it

Anonymous No. 16301267

you wanna go to venus, just to become a chicken farmer?

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Anonymous No. 16301271

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Anonymous No. 16301277

Anonymous No. 16301287

Bigger scaly dinos.

Anonymous No. 16301301

>ganymede and callisto are almost as big as mars
yeah its over, jupiter will be the second largest powerhouse in the solar system after earth. its not even close. mars will lucky to be 3rd.

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Anonymous No. 16301303

as it should be

Anonymous No. 16301307

>after earth
Earth will kneel to Lunar dominance

Anonymous No. 16301308

Luna is part of the Earthsphere
also the Jupitersphere will have dominance of Sol

Anonymous No. 16301311

That didn't happen

Anonymous No. 16301312

>flight 3 makes it to orbit
>flight 4 makes it to orbit
>elon says flight 5 starship has a 60% chance of surviving re-entry and the booster has a 50% chance of being caught (this is not relevant to the point I'm making)

at this stage why aren't they confident enough to send a starlink payload? They know that they're most likely going to achieve orbit

Anonymous No. 16301318

It happened at the 2016 IAC in Mexico

Anonymous No. 16301319

they need to do engine relights in orbit before they will be confident putting Starship in a stable orbit

Anonymous No. 16301320

They fear the Venusian chicken farmer

Anonymous No. 16301321


Anonymous No. 16301343

SpaceX is profiting enough at this point that they don't need to worry about losing NASA contracts as a consequence of doing private exploration missions. There's going to be American flags on Mars without a NASA logo in sight. China has way too much engineering to catch up on

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Anonymous No. 16301346

>jupiter will- ack!

Anonymous No. 16301348

We should strap rockets to Venus and push it into the habitable zone

Anonymous No. 16301350

>There's going to be American flags on Mars without a NASA logo in sight

You're certified insane if you think they will let musk upstage NASA like that.

Anonymous No. 16301357

Simply drain the radiation belt

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Anonymous No. 16301359

Anonymous No. 16301362

50% chance of catching the booster on IFT-5
70% chance of heatshield surviving on the starship

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Anonymous No. 16301364


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16301408

>abi sending claire a rose
clabi bros we are so back

Anonymous No. 16301425

lmao, good luck with that radiation, jupitard

Anonymous No. 16301460

If this were true, why do they frantically need to reassure us every minute? Should it not be self evident? Surely NASA has decided a return date for the crew

Anonymous No. 16301468

radiation is solvable. heavenly body size is not.

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Anonymous No. 16301485


Anonymous No. 16301528

Are we going?

Anonymous No. 16301537

just build giant faraday cage grounded to aether to capture suns charged particles
radiation belts will dissipate over couple hundred years

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Anonymous No. 16301556


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Anonymous No. 16301558


Anonymous No. 16301563

I think about Mars a lot.

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Anonymous No. 16301564

It sure is

Anonymous No. 16301565

Hello, depot department?
You're going to want to see this.

Anonymous No. 16301567

Holy crap Mars is an undersized piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16301568

Venus is the real prize. Look at the size of it. There must be a way to unfuck it.

Anonymous No. 16301591

it may be small but its still around the same landmass as earth

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Anonymous No. 16301599

If they decided that those funny rocks on Mars actually have life on them, what would happen to Mars landings
>uh your giga rocket might damage important fossil records, so actually nobody is allowed to fly there until we study them with remote drones first

Anonymous No. 16301620

Until we flood half of it with water.

Anonymous No. 16301622


Anonymous No. 16301624

I can say with certainty that humans will never land on Io. The radiation there is so bad it'll instantly kill you.

Anonymous No. 16301626

It's actually the perfect size: enough gravity to make normal life functions possible, but cheap enough gravity tax to become the hub of humanities push into living fully in space.

Imagine escaping one gravity well just to throw yourself down an even deeper one.

Anonymous No. 16301627

lead starships

Anonymous No. 16301628

Theres a couple options to unfuck venus but they both have pretty serious downsides.
Theres the solar shade option, basically shade venus until all the CO2 freezes out. Problem is now you have to get rid of a all the frozen somehow.
Then theres the seed with hydrogen option, this has the advantage that it creates an ocean that'll cover 80% of the planet. Downside is getting all that hydrogen to venus.
Unfucking venus is way harder than unfucking mars.

Anonymous No. 16301629

>just add drymass!

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Anonymous No. 16301633

You know what you should do with this gey thread. Stop making it.

Kys now

Anonymous No. 16301634

As someone actually currently training to be a paleontologist such a concern is total bullshit. The fossil record on mars is probably extensive and even if starship kicks up some rocks theres still gonna be tons of fossil evidence. Not to mention that fossils are likely to only exist in former marine environments, so just don't land directly on a former marine environment.

Anonymous No. 16301636

Build a giant solar death laser that just blasts all of its atmosphere away.

Anonymous No. 16301638

>almost august
its been a rough year for spaceflight but we'll pull ahead if we keep fighting

Anonymous No. 16301639

Problem with that is now venus has no atmosphere.
And if you stop at about earth atmosphere it'll still be almost entirely CO2, which even if you can get life to convert it to oxygen will just leave a 100% oxygen atmosphere. We all should know the problem with that.

Anonymous No. 16301640

Dude. If they find so much as a fossilised bacteria dung, the whole planet will be permanently off limits except for super duper contained science missions whose sole mission is trying to prove there is some kind of microbe somewhere and this will go on forever because the goalposts will just keep getting moved.

Anonymous No. 16301641

I like your thinking, get it done.

>Problem with that is now venus has no atmosphere


Anonymous No. 16301642

Yeah but blasting it down until it would be about 1/5th of Earth's atmosphere in pure oxygen after conversion would make it much easier to deal with. At that point it'd only need to be given a bunch of nitrogen.

Anonymous No. 16301643

It would be better to use the nitrogen thats there already. Not to mention this method makes no water which is vital if you can't change venus's rotation.

Anonymous No. 16301644

>if you can't change venus's rotation.
The death laser can do that too.

Anonymous No. 16301646

So versatile

Anonymous No. 16301648

I find it doubtful it can do that over geologic timescale, let alone a civilizational one.

Anonymous No. 16301649

How are they gonna stop SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16301650

Bigger laser

Anonymous No. 16301651

Some anon here said that it could be done with a bunch of mirror satellites so a death laser could definitely do it too.

Anonymous No. 16301653

>How is the government where a company runs from going to stop them from doing something?

Yeah you're right, how could they possibly do that.

Anonymous No. 16301654

>an anonymous user on 4chan said it, I believe it, That settles it!

Anonymous No. 16301658

just ignore the planetary protection retards
not only are they wrong but they are retarded
permanent habitation will mean much more extensive research than just one-off probes

Anonymous No. 16301660

This is why NASA is always pretending not to see obvious signs of life right in front of their eyes.

Anonymous No. 16301661

that is where lobbying comes in
I don't think its going to be a problem

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Anonymous No. 16301680

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Anonymous No. 16301684

This 3D printed model of Starship really shows just how Space Shuttley it is becoming. Obviously many huge improvements over the Shuttle but still, visually it is starting to converge.

Anonymous No. 16301688

Both are reusable orbital vehicles. Of course they're going to be similar in several respects.

Anonymous No. 16301694

wheres the payload?

Anonymous No. 16301696

Speaking of reusable vehicles, is there any news on jarvis? Is it still a starship ripoff?

Anonymous No. 16301701

based valves dunking on shartliner

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Anonymous No. 16301706

Anonymous No. 16301709

Blasting off the Venusian atmosphere seems ill advised. There must be another alternative to cooling it down and somehow sucking it back down into liquid form.

Anonymous No. 16301711

based nasa
>ooo it could be life, we're just not sure, better give us billions of dollars to fund msr
>oh no the samples were inconclusive and we used them all up so you can't look yourselves. If you give us some more billions we can send some astronauts to look
and just keep doing that until mars has permanent settlements.

Anonymous No. 16301716

everyone forgot about it
even Blue Origin

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Anonymous No. 16301719

>this thing ws gonna cost 40 billion in dev and cost 1.6 billion per launch
How? How does just a shuttle srb cost more to develop than sls and cost half as much to launch?

Anonymous No. 16301725

the costs expand to fill whatever price is politically feasible

Anonymous No. 16301726

Is it just me or does Antarctica with the ice melted off bear a striking resemblance to the terrain on Venus?

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Anonymous No. 16301741

It's just you.

Anonymous No. 16301742

And the means which NASA and the wider government will use to prevent that upstaging is not to better than Musk and land on mars sooner; they will use regulations to prohibit him doing so, slowing down human progress in spaceflight.

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Anonymous No. 16301745

Heres a "realistic" map of terraformed mars from reddit in comparison.
However it's not realistic in the slightest because redditors are midwits.

Anonymous No. 16301761

Launches this week
>JUL 30 - Atlas V / Space Force spysat
>JUL 30 - Electron / Japanese commercial radar
>AUG 02 - Falcon 9 / Starlink
>AUG 03 - Falcon 9 / Cygnus to ISS

Anonymous No. 16301770

Things the US government is great at: pooling resources and making next-to-impossible tech happen (a la Saturn V)

Things the US government sucks ass at: doing stuff “cheaply”

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Anonymous No. 16301785


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Anonymous No. 16301786


Anonymous No. 16301806

That's crazy

Anonymous No. 16301812


Anonymous No. 16301813

My wife finally told me to stop talking about it all the time

Anonymous No. 16301815

Hmmm Titan. Look at all that nitrogen. I'd love to push it somewhere else

Anonymous No. 16301816

Only shop ULA Brand Memorabilia(tm).
Tory needs to eat too.

Anonymous No. 16301822

Some more accurate maps for those interested. Like, 7m resolution accurate

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Anonymous No. 16301825

There might be enough crater lakes to keep the place green without a world circling ocean

Anonymous No. 16301834

While certainly better than the redditors take I still have problems with the greenery and weather patterns.
Like why does everyone of these simulations make a uniform green? Do they not even try to account for the tharsis rain shadow which is still visible on mars to this day? The east side should be drowning in water while the west side should be a desert. Not to mention the glaciers on the tharsis mountains are way too small for a world with this much water.
Thats not how moisture circulation works. If nothing forces moisture out of the air there then it won't fall and all those crater lakes will slowly drain.

Anonymous No. 16301841

Realistically a civilization able to move teratons of nitrogen around the solar system would likely not find much challenge in moving water around a surface

Anonymous No. 16301843

Titan a fuck, Ganymede got that rizz fr
>Polaris Dawn delayed again for the sixtieth time
Never going to get leaked space orgy pics at this rate

Anonymous No. 16301845

You assume theres any value whatsoever in making the martian canals real.

Anonymous No. 16301847

Some project manager thinks they're going to get promoted because they found a way to increase image license fees by 10000%. It doesn't matter if it is detrimental to the company as a whole, as long as they get to show that under their leadership, they made their little corner of the company more profitable.

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Anonymous No. 16301852

Instead of terraform other bodies in the solar system, why not bioform our bodies to be compatible with the incumbent conditions on those heavenly bodies?

Anonymous No. 16301855

>why do we use tech that exists rather than tech that doesn't exist????
quoting u

Anonymous No. 16301856

Elections were a mistake and Elon is going insane

Anonymous No. 16301860

When you have no other customers and have to amortize R&D across a handful of launches the price goes way up. Engineers are some of the highest paid people in the country so even at a conservative 100k/yr/person you're looking at 50-100 million a year alone just in labor plus their army of support staff and fabricators. At a conservative 1:3 ratio and an average of 80k/yr/person you're up to 90-180 million per year. Then you factor in facilities specifically built just for this rocket (manufacturing, testing and shipping) and materials and you're already at a billion before actually bending metal. Then add your guaranteed cost plus profit margin, say 20%...

Anonymous No. 16301862

Both halves of your statement are a bit iffy.

Anonymous No. 16301864

Now that we have starship all the tech necessary to terraform worlds is in place. Everything else is just scale.
Bioforming humans to survive in a vacuum is currently not even theoretically feasible.

Anonymous No. 16301866

>nooo elon has different political opinions than me so he must be insane

Anonymous No. 16301869

Elons political opinions are totally informed by whats best for mars settlement. It certainly ain't gonna be the dems who scrap the PP restrictions that basically outlaw human missions to mars.

Anonymous No. 16301871

Kek yup

Anonymous No. 16301876

No, but people who are obsessed with politics and fight imaginary wars are.

Anonymous No. 16301883

Sorry to hear that. Will you still be able to see your kids?

Anonymous No. 16301890

The simulated rivers look like shit, but it's hard to get nice rivers and a freshly terraformed Mars is going to have fucked up rivers anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16301895

Because ur more likely to look like this than an actual human being by the time you get upgraded to survive on a vacuum world

Anonymous No. 16301898

that's sick where do I sign up?

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Anonymous No. 16301909
>Starship 2.0: New Hardware Spotted | Starbase Update

Anonymous No. 16301914

Realistically by the time a Martian civilization imports enough nitrogen to have a sky instead of a pressurized volume, every square km will already be inhabited. You might have groups who, in tearing down their plastic sky, would find their managed environment changing from Hawaii to northern Canada, so they'll leave it up. An actual terraformed Mars would be still be extremely artificial.
He accidentally retweeted the great replacement theory which while true, is antisemitic. He is now forced to repeatedly and loudly proclaim that it's about votes and not a millennia old semitic resentment. Him being so vocal recently is the opposite of what you think. The lies are worth it for Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16301915

Praise the Omnissiah!

Anonymous No. 16301926

Funnily enough I would think that a canadian environment, at least on a wet mars, would be one of the external environments where plastic tents wouldn't work cause they'd get weighed down with snow.

Anonymous No. 16301938

You overestimate one and underestimate how much of the other has already happened.

Anonymous No. 16301947

The other basically has happened, all thats needed is to fix the flap issue and then demonstrate orbital refueling and thats it.
How am I overestimating living in a vacuum? Even the animals that can survive a vacuum can't do anything in it.

Anonymous No. 16301950

I suspect a civilization that remembers -125°C won't have much trouble locally melting some snow

Anonymous No. 16301953

Its a side-mount booster

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Anonymous No. 16301957
> We have {double} the exciting news!
>Production is complete on our twin spacecraft headed to Mars for @ucbssl and @NASA ESCAPADE mission.
> Blue and Gold are now preparing to be packaged and shipped to Cape Canaveral for launch.

Anonymous No. 16301959

You live in the south don't you?
Melting snow is a pain in the ass.
Why do people itt just assume that a society which has terraformed mars no longer needs to care about practicality or economics?

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Anonymous No. 16301967

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Anonymous No. 16301985

>Propellant Depot
The fuck did you just say to me?
You little punk!!

Anonymous No. 16301988

If you're already building giant mirrors and shades. Using those to create an artificial 24 hour day wouldn't be hard rather than actually spinning the planet.

Anonymous No. 16301995

Problem with the mirrors and shades is that in order to keep venus a livable temperature you need more shade than mirror.

Anonymous No. 16302007

A civilization that can move teratons of nitrogen between planets will find generating the heat necessary to melt snow trivial
>Starship therefore terraforming
Starship is able to facilitate the logistics required for extraterrestrial self sufficiency. We're talking about moving a container ship's worth of machines over a decade. Terraforming would necessitate energy and automation orders of magnitude beyond what we're currently capable of. I don't know what the difference is between a glow in the dark goldfish and a moon person would be, but I highly doubt it has the same scaling issue.

Anonymous No. 16302014

>back to comfy terraforming talk
Who's ready for IFT5 to ruin this place for a month straight again

Anonymous No. 16302018

Suggon Deesnuts

Anonymous No. 16302021

>A civilization that can move teratons of nitrogen between planets will find generating the heat necessary to melt snow trivial
No, it isn't. You sound like boomer white women asking why can't they make it summer all the time if they can put a man on the moon?
The tech to end snow on mars has nothing to do with getting nitrogen to mars and one has no effect on the other.

Anonymous No. 16302025

No fun allowed.png

Anonymous No. 16302028

Actual manchild

Anonymous No. 16302030

thats insane

Anonymous No. 16302036

Me when I get a "test X part in upper kerbin atmosphere" contract

Anonymous No. 16302050

>A civilization that can move teratons of nitrogen between planets will find generating the heat necessary to melt snow trivial
doable sure, trivial no. today we can move millions of tons of raw steel around the world every year but it's a pain in the ass to get snow off of anything except airports, interstate highways and thoroughfares within cities.

Anonymous No. 16302051

Why doesnt Newsome arrest Elon? He directly insulted him and questioned the state authority. Newsome must make an example of Musk, seize his property in California and arrest him

Anonymous No. 16302054

IFT5 when?

Anonymous No. 16302055

Blorgin/Rocketlabs teaming up to send something to mars to beat SpaceX this coming winter.

Anonymous No. 16302057

4-6 weeks

Anonymous No. 16302058

October 15

Anonymous No. 16302060

draining the radiation belt provides an enormous amount of electrical power as well
it's a giant magnetic battery

Anonymous No. 16302061

Lmao Rocketlab implying BO will miss the launch window. Newsflash, they are going to miss it bigly!!

Anonymous No. 16302064


Anonymous No. 16302065

I’m going to charter a boat in minecraft and just keep floating into the exclusion zone at T-1 min to ensure they cannot launch.

Anonymous No. 16302068

bro, former marine environment describes an entire hemisphere of Mars

Anonymous No. 16302070

Retard. The energy and automation required to do that would make a snowblower drone pretty trivial.
Something doable now will probably be trivial in 300 years. Trivial meaning something like, not a significant expenditure of said civilization. I mean we're talking about a hypothetical future point where you're measuring interplanetary mass moved in amounts larger than asteroids with names. You think snow will be some existential problem? They won't even think about it

Anonymous No. 16302073

currently venus has about 2 bar of nitrogen on the surface

Anonymous No. 16302076

if you can harvest hydrogen from saturn or jupiter you can turn most of the CO2 into water and carbon dust, and then you can send the nitrogen to Mars

Anonymous No. 16302077

It’s actually going to be lame as fuck if there is plenty of fossil evidence for PREVIOUS life on Mars, but no evidence of current life.
Though I suppose ‘something’ is better than nothing.

Anonymous No. 16302078

>The energy and automation required to do that would make a snowblower drone pretty trivial.
No, it wouldn't. Are you retarded? You can do interplanetary travel with just normal chemical rockets and you don't need any more automation than we use on current interplanetary missions. All you need is a work camp on pluto or triton, some clever gravity assist plans and a lot of starships. Thats it, no magic required.
Just land on the hemisphere that isn't, I don't see the issue.

Anonymous No. 16302081

there being fossils makes it more likely for there to be life currently

Anonymous No. 16302083

the rover shot a pic of a crab like thingy

Anonymous No. 16302089

do you consider keeping an airport open in a blizzard today to be trivial?
the energy expenditure is nothing next to running a city, much less the world. but it's still constant fighting to deice every plane, to plow and salt every runway and then depending on the location of the airport, truck the snow out (on roads that have to be plowed) or burn it and dump it down drains. the requires coordination from hundreds of people and dozens of multi million dollar machines. to keep one airport running. and sometimes it's not enough.
snow is such a major pain in the ass that controlling a planet's worth will never be "trivial". no matter how much you wave your hands.

Anonymous No. 16302093

This retard thinks you can terraform Mars with starships
And this retard thinks tech and energy costs will be the same 100s of years from now. I give up

Anonymous No. 16302097

>And this retard thinks tech and energy costs will be the same 100s of years from now
see this shit? this is the handwaving.
>energy costs will go down. machines will also cost less money
>this will happen to the extent that snow management on a planetary scale will not only be doable, it will be something they don't even bother to think about

Anonymous No. 16302102

how many nucular bombs can starship carry

Anonymous No. 16302108

Not the future generally, dumbass. The specific future we're talking about where Mars is colonized. You need serious advancements in automation and energy to get there. The only reason you could possibly think that snow on the roof would be remotely an issue for a terraforming civilization is because you don't understand the scale involved at all

Anonymous No. 16302113

This retard thinks you can't terraform mars with starships.

Anonymous No. 16302125


Anonymous No. 16302127

about 3.50

Anonymous No. 16302128

ask your parents

Anonymous No. 16302133

for the warhead alone, its about 1kt yield per kg weight.
so a starship with 100tons of warheads would yield about 100megatons.
if you want them mounted on a missile, it gets a lot less

Anonymous No. 16302136

Let's assume MRV

Anonymous No. 16302137

Explain how you can

Anonymous No. 16302144

>make self sufficient colony on mars
>get some criminals on a starship towards pluto/triton to make a colony
>force them to mine nitrogen ice there
>send it back to mars, no need to land just release their cargo to aero capture
>have a ton of starships and prop depots to make sure you can send nitrogen ice as fast as it's mined
>use gravity assists wherever possible.
There, easy.

Anonymous No. 16302147

why would you want them mounted on a missile? starship is already a missile.

Anonymous No. 16302153

sure, if you want all of it in one spot. if you want to spread them out to different targets, you need to individually boost them a bit.

Anonymous No. 16302158

That would take roughly 30,000,000,000,000 flights of starship. So yeah, you really don't understand the scaling issue.

Anonymous No. 16302162

this is what mass drivers are for, just launch a ton an hour every day for a thousand years

Anonymous No. 16302170

just double the amount of starship flights every year and you'll be there in about 42 years :D

Anonymous No. 16302171

A ton an hour every day for a thousand years would get you 0.00000029% of the way there. Please go learn why Elon Musk is always yapping about orders of magnitude

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Anonymous No. 16302175


Anonymous No. 16302180

yeah we saw it

Anonymous No. 16302182

if i calculated it correctly, you would need 24285 starships with 30 kt sized nukes which makes 3333 nukes per starship to make a fireball that reaches every part of russia. nukes are overrated.

Anonymous No. 16302184

Anonymous No. 16302188

what's the problem with reflecting some sunlight somewhere else?

Anonymous No. 16302195

Still only a scale issue and not a tech issue.

Anonymous No. 16302196

a B61 is about 700lb

Anonymous No. 16302201

It is such a scale issue that it becomes a tech issue. We don't have that level of automation right now.

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Anonymous No. 16302202

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Anonymous No. 16302207


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Anonymous No. 16302209

>As a part of this multi-year process, the Federal Aviation Administration completed a Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment in June 2022. Following that review, SpaceX received approval to conduct up to five Starship launches from South Texas annually.
>SpaceX has since launched Starship four times from its launch site in South Texas, known as Starbase, and is planning a fifth launch within the next two months. However, as it continues to test Starship and make plans for regular flights, SpaceX will need a higher flight rate. This is especially true as the company is unlikely to activate additional launch pads for Starship in Florida until at least 2026.

Anonymous No. 16302210

flame trench for 1st tower?

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Anonymous No. 16302211

SpaceX is gonna flip boosters on their side after being caught.

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Anonymous No. 16302214

>This is not the final word. In the parlance of the FAA, this is just milestone No. 3 in the seven-part process that results in a final determination. Up next are a series of public meetings, both in person in South Texas and online, during the month of August. The public comment period will then close on August 29.
>SpaceX asked the FAA—which has federal authority to regulate such activities in order to protect life and property on the ground—for 25 annual launches and 50 total landings, 25 for Starship and 25 for Super Heavy. The company is also seeking to conduct up to 90 seconds of daytime Starship static fire tests, and 70 seconds of daytime Super Heavy static fire tests a year.

Anonymous No. 16302219

>5 annually
So it is just shuttle 2.0

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Anonymous No. 16302220

Anonymous No. 16302221

saw what

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Anonymous No. 16302223

Anonymous No. 16302224

When IFT-5?

Anonymous No. 16302225

But... But what about rapid reusability....

Anonymous No. 16302226

It's the old license, retard. They haven't even reached that limit yet.

Anonymous No. 16302228

that was the initial amount of launches, they are seeking 25 annual launches now

Anonymous No. 16302230

Set to increase to 25 annually with the new modification

Anonymous No. 16302231

This is basically what northern Canada looks like

Anonymous No. 16302237

the boundary is shaped so retardedly lmao

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Anonymous No. 16302241

Damn you're right. The landscapes on Mars will be rings of quiet pine forests sandwiched between crater walls and crater lakes. Excuse me while I despair over the unbelievable kino I will never get to experience

Anonymous No. 16302246

wont it need some special mounting adapter? obviously cant fill the whole fairing with fissile material. It should be remote detonated at the right altitude too for max impact. It will need to go through the whole belly flop maneuver

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Anonymous No. 16302247

ESG hound is seething lmaoo

Anonymous No. 16302249

You dont need nearly that much to materially heat up the planet for millions of years

Anonymous No. 16302254

>nuke Mars
>water and CO2 refreezes over tharsis only decades later
What now muskrats

Anonymous No. 16302260

Did you fail reading comprehension class? Yes you did

Anonymous No. 16302263

We will have nukes dropped to ring in the new milleniums.

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Anonymous No. 16302264

Yep, and add moss covering everything

Anonymous No. 16302269

We shouldnt do this, it ruins the natural state of how we found it. Mars must stay pristine from human destruction

Anonymous No. 16302271

mars will be exploited

Anonymous No. 16302272

Counterpoint, I'll kill you

Anonymous No. 16302276

this is why you'll stay an Earther

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Anonymous No. 16302285

Antarctica and Venus have somewhat similar looking (superficially at least) topography because it was formed by volcanism as opposed to tectonic activity. That being said, Antarctica has lakes, rivers, canyons, mountain ranges, craters, and the works.

Anonymous No. 16302289

You are mentally handicapped and I am sorry for you

Anonymous No. 16302290

nature exists as a starting point for us to paint our will onto. it's what God wants.

Anonymous No. 16302293

>create a map of mars that just has the lowlands filled with water with the colors dictated by what looks like elevation
>might as well have been just mars but x mya
>call it terraformed

Anonymous No. 16302300

antarctica is so fucking cool. i hope the ice all melts and we colonize it

Anonymous No. 16302301

If you followed the conversation you'd see that I was right and they didn't understand the scaling issue even a little

Anonymous No. 16302302

actually you would see that this anon>>16302301
is wrong and I was the correct one.

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Anonymous No. 16302309

No no, he was wrong and I was right

Anonymous No. 16302312

volcanism is tectonic activity what are you talking about

Anonymous No. 16302313

You know what he means faggot

Anonymous No. 16302314

Somehow the evidence is mounting for past life on Mars at least and yet without proper sample returns and human inspections it is still up in the air

Anonymous No. 16302315

Fuck I meant terraformed. Did I just have a two hour long argument over a typo?

Anonymous No. 16302316

Starbase will grow larger!

Anonymous No. 16302321

Oh god here we go again.

Anonymous No. 16302324


Anonymous No. 16302325

Will they do public hearing? If so someone must prepare a new bingo

Anonymous No. 16302327

that boca it too chica

Anonymous No. 16302330

boca twoco

Anonymous No. 16302334


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Anonymous No. 16302336

They already found these all over the place.

Anonymous No. 16302341

That's not real and you know it.

Anonymous No. 16302343

Reds (all kinds) are not welcome in this thread

Anonymous No. 16302347


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Anonymous No. 16302349


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Anonymous No. 16302366

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Anonymous No. 16302368


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Anonymous No. 16302372

lot of landing areas

>Consistent with the 2022 PEA, landings that occurred downrange on a floating platform would continue to be delivered by barge to the Port of Brownsville and transported the remaining distance to the Boca Chica Launch Site over roadways.

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Anonymous No. 16302377

Anonymous No. 16302383

They should land somewhere where it is a day

Anonymous No. 16302384

>Piping plovers and red knots regularly or occasionally use habitat within the gravel plume area for foraging and resting. The noise and activity associated with engine ignition likely cause piping plovers or red knots that may be close to the VLA to flush prior to the creation of the gravel plume. This behavioral response would likely prevent physical injury or death from the gravel plume. To date, no piping plovers or red knots have been found dead or njured following testing of the Starship and Super Heavy launch vehicles. Since piping plovers and red knots do not breed in Texas, no immobile eggs or chicks would be present in the vicinity of the VLA, and none would be exposed

Bird might get pummeled with gravel lol

Anonymous No. 16302388

It's too hot to land on the sun during the day

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Anonymous No. 16302392


there is a 50 page document as an appendix modeling starship noise

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Anonymous No. 16302394

Anonymous No. 16302400

Unbelievable, but true!

Anonymous No. 16302409

Should I just make a bird sanctuary and just
>see now they won't go extinct, now fuck off
What a retarded detail to focus on

Anonymous No. 16302418

there is like 20 pages of stuff like this focused on animals

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Anonymous No. 16302422

he cant keep getting away with it

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Anonymous No. 16302424

Alternate camera angle on the Tianlong-3 accidental launch

Anonymous No. 16302426

he didn't fly so good

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Anonymous No. 16302431


Anonymous No. 16302433

Based China won't let regulators do shit about it.
This company is poised to succeed

Anonymous No. 16302434

nice filename for the pdf

Anonymous No. 16302460

>ESG hound is seething lmaoo
Do we know anything else about ESG other than he's retarded? I'd love to troll the bastard, but I need something to run with.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16302465

Anonymous No. 16302466

>government listening to its people is.... Le BAD!

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Anonymous No. 16302473

Anonymous No. 16302475

btw doesn't this kind of confirm there is not going to be a flame trench?
there is a similar water farm as with tower 1

Anonymous No. 16302484

5 booster and 6 ship static fires per year indicates a new stack produced about once every 2 months. suggests that production may already have reached the point where it can support artemis.

Anonymous No. 16302488
tl;dr: Starship will produce sonic booms. We measured the sonic boom from Super Heavy and it will be worse than Falcon 9 but don't worry.

(They don't mention directly the sonic booms from Starship orbital reentry, which might represent a bigger problem)

Anonymous No. 16302490

>infinitely cheaper
Considering that nobody has been hooked up yet by that shit, there should be a divide by zero in that math. So yes, infinitely.
It's just a scam to make more government jobs to hire people to do nothing useful, other than happily voting for those who create more government jobs.

Anonymous No. 16302495

What fucking automation do you need that we don't have? Plotting routes through the solar system is a solved issue. You don't need automation to mine nitrogen ice. Theres nothing we don't have.

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Anonymous No. 16302496

ok bro

Anonymous No. 16302498

The common mongrol scum do not get to decide this

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Anonymous No. 16302500

>Not this time.

Anonymous No. 16302507

Anon. We're talking about moving three quadrillion tons of ice. I don't know how to explain to you what that means. That's a million times the amount of iron ever mined in history and you want to mine it in space and send it to a different planet. The systems you would need to do that on a human timescale do not exist.

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Anonymous No. 16302508

>why do we use tech that exists rather than tech that doesn't exist????

>forgets he's on /sfg/

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Anonymous No. 16302510

SpaceX must take Venezuela - build tropical Brutalist base and launch complex..
Pic somewhat rel.

Anonymous No. 16302511

The government is going to be able to figure out which apartment that was filmed in and have a talk with the people there about embarrassing the country to the world.

Anonymous No. 16302513

Who gives a flying fuck about human timescales?

Anonymous No. 16302514

Are you terraforming Mars for the bug people who will emerge a billion years hence? What the fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16302515

We're terraforming mars for the people who will soon be living there. Who the fuck else?

Anonymous No. 16302517

>Equatorial coastline
Quick someone claim the current leader is dictator or something, we need some new launch sites

Anonymous No. 16302518

Humans? Then why are you saying human timescales don't matter? You aren't being coherent

Anonymous No. 16302520

What the fuck do you mean by human timescales? Are you talking about the length of a human life like most people? Of civilization? Or of the entire species?
If you're using a non standard definition then your confusion is understandable though no less stupid.

Anonymous No. 16302521

Elon Musk is already ahead of you

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Anonymous No. 16302529
>WASHINGTON, July 29 (Reuters) - SpaceX is in talks with U.S. and Australian officials to land and recover one of its Starship rockets off Australia's coast, a possible first step toward a bigger presence for Elon Musk's company in the region as the two countries bolster security ties, according to three people familiar with the plans.

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Anonymous No. 16302532

>The plan would be to launch Starship from a SpaceX facility in Texas, land it in the sea off Australia's coast and recover it on Australian territory. Getting permission to do so would require loosening U.S. export controls on sophisticated space technologies bound for Australia, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Anonymous No. 16302535


Big. Its a 20 hour flight in traditional airplane between US and Sydney Australia. Reduce it down to 40 mins.

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Anonymous No. 16302536

At this point the Starliner crew might as well just step out an airlock without a suit. Everyone knows they're doomed.

Anonymous No. 16302537

the first orbital rocket attempt from Australian soil being a Starship would be baller

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Anonymous No. 16302538

wasn't black arrow launched from australia?

Anonymous No. 16302539

more like Tianjianglong, am I right?

Anonymous No. 16302540


Anonymous No. 16302541

You remember correctly: RAAF Woomera Range Complex

Anonymous No. 16302545

this is isaac arthur levels of handwaving away anything that isn't discovering new physical principles as an engineering problem

Anonymous No. 16302546

beijing will never approve this mate

Anonymous No. 16302548

lol they can't do shit, this is nowhere near china anyway

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Anonymous No. 16302549

My enemy's enemy is my friend.
And it's good to have friends with space lasers.

Anonymous No. 16302550

they should give him a medal for showing the intense power of glorious chyna

Anonymous No. 16302553

Unironically kino, thanks china

Anonymous No. 16302555

it's not an engineering problem.

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Anonymous No. 16302556

Holy based m8!
Hopefully this can be the start of an Australian-Texan alliance.

Anonymous No. 16302558

expect mass riots and protests soon. they dont want to become the new chinese villagers.

Anonymous No. 16302559

On a technical level, Elon has his own tried and tested ICBM backlog and could theoretically deliver a payload of pretty much any volume or mass to anywhere on Earth within a ~15 meter diameter circle in under an hour if he so bothered

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Anonymous No. 16302560

it wasn't so much launched as released

Anonymous No. 16302561

>mining nitrogen on pluto and sending it to mars is not an engineering problem
yeah, you're right
I apologize

Anonymous No. 16302562

SpaceX could probably pinpoint a warhead within a meter’s tolerance if the DoD needed them to.

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Anonymous No. 16302566
NEW VAST ANNOUNCEMENT. Hopefully more info on their current progress?

Anonymous No. 16302567

i sleep

Anonymous No. 16302568

That and a leftover Redstone Sparta from the US Army

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Anonymous No. 16302569


Anonymous No. 16302570

Can't that Haot guy shave his neckbeard and take a proper picture?
He looks incredibly bad and they keep using that pic everywhere

Anonymous No. 16302571

Human timescales meaning on the order of centuries. For example, you would need to mine by mass, 1000 times the iron ever mined by human beings, in ice per year, and then launch it to a different planet, from a planet that isn't Earth. You'd finish in 1000 years. That is not just a scaling problem.

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Anonymous No. 16302572


Anonymous No. 16302573

Apology accepted, don't let it happen again.
>not taking into account scaling laws
What, you think iron was mined at an equal rate though all of history?

Anonymous No. 16302575


Anonymous No. 16302576

dude why are you being retarded right now. you've spent all day insisting that bringing 3 quadrillion tons of nitrogen from pluto to mars is not an engineering problem. i don't know how to explain why that's retarded. if you're in this thread you should just know already. are you the same guy talking about sending prisoners to pluto? god damn man stop posting

Anonymous No. 16302577

Not an argument.

Anonymous No. 16302582

now I wanna see elon land a dozen starships around the venezuelan parliament, eject a couple hundred mobile infantry in power armor each, take over venezuela and turn it into a massive private launch base

Anonymous No. 16302584

just explain the whole process so we're not arguing over nothing. what infrastructure are we sending to pluto and what goes on there?

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Anonymous No. 16302590


Anonymous No. 16302591

Caracas Spaceport would give cause to make the Darién Gap railway a reality.

Anonymous No. 16302601

Musk should start a PMC and take over Venezuela.

Anonymous No. 16302607

It really is that easy

Anonymous No. 16302608

nice headcanon

Anonymous No. 16302609

>doesn't respond

Anonymous No. 16302612

The Jovians will be the trve spacers. Martians will be always be insecure wanna be urf larpers if they go down the terraforming route

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Anonymous No. 16302614

translators please advise

Anonymous No. 16302616

We're never gonna find shit sending remotely controlled gorillion dallar rovers to flip over rocks. We'll dig up space dinos when we start doing road cuts and excavating dome city foundations.

Anonymous No. 16302620

>We're never gonna find shit sending remotely controlled gorillion dallar rovers to flip over rocks.
At this point I'm convinced that they're making sure this doesn't happen so the demand for gorillion dollar rovers never goes away.

Anonymous No. 16302621


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Anonymous No. 16302626


Anonymous No. 16302630

Caracas is basically ideal for SSTO HTOL, or Starship RTLS. Right on the equator and high altitude. It's in a mountain valley with no easterly sea access so Korou is still better for dropping stages in the water.

Anonymous No. 16302632

It even gets the katakana wrong. You'd be better off praying or using your imagination.

Anonymous No. 16302633

Top Left: "It becomes wavy starting from here"
Top Right: "The bangs have a straight-cut vibe(?), it's cute"
Middle Right: "No bangs"
Bottom Right: "With bangs it suddenly looks a lot like this person"

Anonymous No. 16302650

Starship chan is NOT a nigger. Pure, silver skin. In fact you could make a case for starship chan wearing blackface.

Anonymous No. 16302655

Why do girls think bangs are cute? I think it's one of the ugliest, laziest hair stylings

Anonymous No. 16302660

It's cope for foids with 5heads. You will never a normal sized forehead foid with bangs.

Anonymous No. 16302662

any idea as to when we could actually see a starship landing off of australia? it seems like something that wouldnt happen for 3-4 years.

Anonymous No. 16302663

I think Goldcorp is already working on it

Anonymous No. 16302666

Oh so it's like a body positivity/anticompetition thing. Like when girls shower their one obese friend in compliments, knowing full well they keep a whale around to make themselves look better

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Anonymous No. 16302673
Well, someone's getting started on their stream early
T-9 hours

Anonymous No. 16302674

>/sfg/ - womens' hairstyles

Anonymous No. 16302676


Anonymous No. 16302677

no because its feminine for women to have round faces since its nubile. its more like wearing corsets or butt/hip pads or padded bras. its meant to make the woman look more feminine/attractive to men.

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Jennifer O'N....jpg

Anonymous No. 16302686

Fun /sfg/ /tv/ /fa/ crossover fact:
By October 1978, most of the actors for 'The Black Hole' had been cast, with the exception for Jennifer O'Neill cast as Kate McCrae. O'Neill had been told she needed to cut her hair because it would be easier to film zero-gravity scenes. Initially hesitant, she eventually agreed and brought her personal hairstylist Vidal Sassoon to the studio. O'Neill consumed multiple glasses of wine during the haircut, then left the studio noticeably inebriated and was subsequently hospitalized following a car crash, which cost her the role. Yvette Mimieux was cast the following day and agreed to have her own long hair cropped.

Anonymous No. 16302689

she's ugly, and bangs make her barely less ugly?

Anonymous No. 16302690

Anybody got that pic of the cute girl with the major forehead with a F9 landing on it?

Anonymous No. 16302740

Moving cargo for launch from Australia is going to be a trick. Over-water transport is the only option with the capacity to carry payloads up to 8 meters wide. The Airbus Belugas are limited to 6.7 meters on circular payloads. Antanovs and C-5s are smaller.

Anonymous No. 16302742

never ever
there's not many indian ocean soft landings left before they start to bring them down near hawaii or the launch site itself. The indian ocean landings are designed to be as far as possible from any land so unless things go terribly wrong you will never see them fly over your house.

The only chance would be if point to point starship actually takes off, but even then ITAR would probably preclude any non military landings of starship on foreign territory for a long long time

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Anonymous No. 16302746

Here's a landing leg for ESA's Themis grasshopper-sized methalox VTVL demonstrator built by MT Aerospace and currently undergoing tests....

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Anonymous No. 16302747

And here's a landing leg for ESA's Themis VTVL demonstrator built by Almatech and that underwent test last year.

Yes, these are two different companies making legs for the same vehicle.
Yes it's pure ESA geographic return grift.

Anonymous No. 16302748

And neither are planning on flying test hardware before 2027

Anonymous No. 16302751

i'll take 3 years away over never

Anonymous No. 16302752

Hey /sfg/ i am back from a long break!
I am here to remind you that the SLS actually costs far FAR more than 40 billion in dev

You see SLS is essentially just constellation, all the dev costs for that can be rolled into SLS

Factor in all the costs that NASA doesn't want to include like salary for employees that technically don't work on SLS but everything they do is work on it, and then all the ground equipment and facilities that are only used for SLS but AREN'T included in costs

the real cost is 200+ billion in dev and 4 billion per launch +4 billion for orion

Anonymous No. 16302755

It's already been delayed by 3 years (2022->2025)
Quite shameful, in the meantime chinese companies that were literally founded *after* the start of the Themis program did some grasshopper test.

Anonymous No. 16302761

australia should just build a starship port already
fuck gilmour space

Anonymous No. 16302764

actually, SLS is free because the taxpayers are paying for it.

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Anonymous No. 16302768

He could live up to his true destiny as a Bond villain.

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Anonymous No. 16302776


Anonymous No. 16302793

Abos will break into the methane tanks and try to huff it

Anonymous No. 16302819

/sfg/ - Stupid Faggot General

Anonymous No. 16302821

Yeah, you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16302830

stay mad, nigger

Anonymous No. 16302844

fun space fact: i have never made a bad post on /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16302845

Silence proontfag

Anonymous No. 16302851

God damn those apartment blocks look nice. This might seem like a bizarre remark to some people, but as a Russian, those buildings look a lot better than 90+% of apartment blocks in my city. If that wasn't China, I would have been jealous.

Anonymous No. 16302866


Anonymous No. 16302871

old news, NASA already publicly said it's unrelated to the shartliner disaster (for now)

Anonymous No. 16302881

>NASA already publicly said it's unrelated to the shartliner disaster

Do you really believe it?

Anonymous No. 16302890

no, but that's the official word so until there's rumours of spacex beginning to prep a dragon I'll stick to that

Anonymous No. 16302891

its actually much much much much easier then terraforming, you can just have ELF radio satellite constellations powered with big solar arrays (or nuclear) to drain the belt and rapidly clear out large areas of charged particles.

Anonymous No. 16302894

just cover io's orbit in a constellation of satellites generating large amounts of radio waves. could be done in only a decade or so with a few hundred mars based starships

Anonymous No. 16302895

i wonder who will be the first organization/company to send humans to mercury, and when it'll happen

Anonymous No. 16302902

Mercury such a dump, giga nigga Delta v needed, not enough atmosphere to aerobrake, surface is a rolling wave of fiery death.

Anonymous No. 16302919

In before ULA has changed its photography licensing because someone had a vision of an unavoidable failure of the Atlas V rocket and they want to limit the imagery of the failure

Anonymous No. 16302926

in 20 years commercial passenger spaceflight will be routine and normal. kids growing up wont know what its like to live in a world where humans only live on a single planet. for them, a one-planet civilization is ancient history.

Anonymous No. 16302940

been away from a few days. Any new on
a)date of next Starship flight
b)FAA merlin investigation
c)When Starliner is coming back

Anonymous No. 16302941

In order:
Next Starship flight is late August to early September.
The Merlin investigation concluded that the cause of failure was a leaking Oxygen sense line that chilled the engine when the liquid oxygen evaporated into space, which made the starting fluids gummy and the fuel mix exploded when they tried to light it. They deleted the line because it was redundant and have resumed flight.
No idea.

Anonymous No. 16302942

doesnt matter

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Anonymous No. 16302944


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Anonymous No. 16302946

Print a cute sat launchers

Anonymous No. 16302947

There's nothing more pathetic than a communist clinging to power.

Anonymous No. 16302950

You could say the about the two party democratic system

Anonymous No. 16303004

No one was talking about China yet Chang.

Anonymous No. 16303009

But China is one party communist rule? Check your bot glownigger, it's malfunctioning.

Anonymous No. 16303011


Anonymous No. 16303014


I hope it blows up

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Anonymous No. 16303015

1h to launch

Anonymous No. 16303016

due to ITAR or whatever, the launch site will have American security
who will have absolutely no qualms about gunning down some animals

Anonymous No. 16303017

its one of those spysats that go around geosync orbit and inspecting foreign sats

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Anonymous No. 16303022

>Second stage acceptance campaign completed!

>Our final hot fire tests verified the HelixVAC engine & stage performance for flight, with a 400+ second run time & just 1% unburnt propellant at engine cut-off.

>Stage 2 is now on its way to @SaxaVord_Space!

Anonymous No. 16303023

because some people have innate urge to explore and expand while overcoming all the difficulties, you will never understand.

Anonymous No. 16303029

>who will have absolutely no qualms about gunning down some animals

Bro, your launch site will get cancelled within 10 seconds of firing on abos. Abos here are even more precious than your sacred niggers. Also you won't even be able to build the site because it will be up north which is full of feral gibs abos and they will camp it out. Only gas companies are allowed to bulldoze abo protests, Elon stands NO chance.

Anonymous No. 16303035

so the gas companies are allowed to solve the abo problem but you think Elon won't be able to?

Anonymous No. 16303037

Did anyone save the Spanish mission control video from Miura launch?

Anonymous No. 16303040

why did they yell "LAUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH"?

Anonymous No. 16303042

We're sending the same infrastructure we'd send to any other airless world to mine, similar to plans for the moon. Oh and people and equipment to do the mining.

Anonymous No. 16303043


Anonymous No. 16303046

Gas companies are deeply embedded with all our politicians, allowed to do almost anything. Elon is basically the antichrist here, he had to beg, plead and sneed for something as basic as a storage battery and only got it though by the skin of his teeth. Draw your conclusion.

Anonymous No. 16303048

it's actually because the US State Department is in bed with the oil&gas companies, and there's a 50% chance that the US administration will go to bat for Elon here depending on who's in charge

Anonymous No. 16303049

>Turn on ULA stream for a launch
>Some morbidly obese black woman doing weather forecast

Anonymous No. 16303050

we gaan

Anonymous No. 16303051

the timer has said 4 minutes for the last half an hour

Anonymous No. 16303052


Anonymous No. 16303054

Bro, we don't even sell our oil, gas and coal to you LMAO. It all goes to Japan, SEA and China. You have literally nothing to do with our resource economy.

Anonymous No. 16303055

Welcome to ULA launches, son.

Anonymous No. 16303056

a cross section of America, representation matters!

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Anonymous No. 16303057

all countries belong to America

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Anonymous No. 16303058
>July 30 LIVE Broadcast: Atlas V USSF-51

official stream
3min to launch

Anonymous No. 16303059


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Anonymous No. 16303060


Anonymous No. 16303061

It's gonna scrub

Anonymous No. 16303063

for me, it's clear

Anonymous No. 16303064

inb4 anomaly

Anonymous No. 16303065

OK but China owns us now so I guess not.

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Anonymous No. 16303066

ignition and liftoff

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Anonymous No. 16303067


Anonymous No. 16303068


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Anonymous No. 16303069

Anonymous No. 16303070

I accept your concession.

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Anonymous No. 16303071

SRB jettison

Anonymous No. 16303073

Do these land on a barge or back at launch site?

Anonymous No. 16303075

>video feed has ended because of the security situation
its over

Anonymous No. 16303076

I hope to God you stay on Earth

Anonymous No. 16303077


Anonymous No. 16303079

Planning to go look for fossilized life on mars. Whats your space plans?

Anonymous No. 16303081


Anonymous No. 16303082

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

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Anonymous No. 16303084

>ULA can be kino
Why did no one tell me
I probably missed the boat on being part of the Mars labor force. By the time they're accepting people with my qualifications (normal engineering degree guy) I'll be too old. I am betting on a moon vacation in my retirement though. If it gets down to $50k a trip inflation (or change in currency) adjusted then I'll likely be able to do it. I doubt any stations will be large/developed enough for reasonably priced tourism in my lifetime

Anonymous No. 16303085

This was leagues better than the best Falcon 9 launch. Absolute snakino

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Anonymous No. 16303090

I know you're baiting, but I'll post anyway.

Anonymous No. 16303091

>If it gets down to $50k a trip inflation

Lol lmao even by the time getting semi basic retards off world in significant amounts is possible, its going to be like $500k trip minimum adjusted for paper jew money, hope you have chosen your investments wisely and aren't stacking printed inflationary war money like a moron.

Anonymous No. 16303096

I'm talking about 50 years from now, when Starship has had thousands of flights instead of four. Or arguably 0

Anonymous No. 16303098

I think 150000$ tickets might be plausible in my lifetime
t. in 20s

Anonymous No. 16303099

>50 years from now

Would you like me to post the historical inflation chart for the previous 50? Spoiler: you don't

Anonymous No. 16303100

You think 50 years of SpaceX progress, with at least 20-30 years of Elon driving it, will still leave the price that high?

Anonymous No. 16303101

personally I'm just blue collar and know how to scuba dive

Anonymous No. 16303102

None of my assets are in currency dumbass. That isn't even what we're talking about. Holy shit what a retard

Anonymous No. 16303103

You gotta take into account inflation.

Anonymous No. 16303104

Unironically they will send guys like you before the PhDs. We've been doing science remotely the entire time and some desk faggot is not going to be useful for spending 12 hours in a pressure suit setting up an air miner

Anonymous No. 16303106

I'm already too old for frontier work so I'll just stow away in the pressurised cargo compartment then make my living as a jack-of-all trades

Anonymous No. 16303107

Starship v50 will likely have some kind of nuclear propulsion. Also the current design is ludicrous for deep space missions.

Anonymous No. 16303108

?That's not AtlasV?

Anonymous No. 16303109

I need to start filling out my dive book at some point in the next ten years lol

Anonymous No. 16303110

>None of my assets are in currency dumbass

Nice, good for you, I hope you have some hard assets and not just overvalued stocks! Also that is exactly what we are talking about. I hope whatever you have invested in outperforms the ugly vertical inflation line, good luck because everyone is going to need it!

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Anonymous No. 16303111

Fold-out plasma magnet nacelles

Anonymous No. 16303115

Take a look at what a house cost in 1974 and compare it to the same house now. Housing is the most accurate expression of inflation. Now extrapolate for another 50 years but make it much, much worse since in the near future interest payments will become 60-70%+ of GDP (see PRINT LOTS OF MONEY TO PAY DEBTS).

Anonymous No. 16303116

Yeah but you don't know what inflation will be so when you talk about this stuff you need to just use current dollars. Otherwise we discussion becomes impossible
I don't have any assets in stocks either. Why are you acting like a cursory glance at /biz/ is some arcane financial knowledge

Anonymous No. 16303117

>no currency
>no stocks

I hope for your sake you aren't invested in real estate, but judging by your self satisfied, smug attitude I expect that's exactly what you are balls deep in. Oh dear.

Anonymous No. 16303118

>ULA: 3 launches in 7 months
>SpaceX: 3 launches in 36 hours
So much for competition

Anonymous No. 16303119

>Yeah but you don't know what inflation will be
What I can see is the trendline for the past century and make a prediction where the price will be based on that.
If you did that 50 years ago today your prediction would've been pretty accurate.
I'd bet a substantial amount a prediction you made for 50 years out today based on the trendline would be pretty accurate.

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Anonymous No. 16303120

>Yeah but you don't know what inflation will be so when you talk about this stuff you need to just use current dollars

Holy financial moron LMAO, want to make a trend line on this chart mr finance phd?

Anonymous No. 16303121

Maybe he's a silver stacker

Anonymous No. 16303122

No precious metal bro talks like that moron

Anonymous No. 16303125

Industrial real estate in rapidly growing regions of the US. High capex low opex. Somewhat insulated from market shenanigans.
I have as big a silver stack as my wife will let me lol
No one said inflation doesn't exist, I'm just saying that you can't have a useful discussion about cost measured in dollars unless you ignore it.

Anonymous No. 16303146

stocks are partly ownership in hard assets and I would say they are generally safer

Anonymous No. 16303155

>I have as big a silver stack as my wife will let me lol
Never mind her. On Mars you can have a new space wife

Anonymous No. 16303156

is this permanentor only for launches?

Anonymous No. 16303157

>No one said inflation doesn't exist, I'm just saying that you can't have a useful discussion about cost measured in dollars unless you ignore it.

The fuck are you even talking about? This is the most dumb shit I have ever read.

Anonymous No. 16303170

if I had to guess (too lazy to read), this is something that has already been happening for launches and yes only during launches, in the future for landings I guess too

Anonymous No. 16303174

>No one said inflation doesn't exist, I'm just saying that you can't have a useful discussion about cost measured in dollars unless you ignore it.
>you can't have a useful discussion about the future value of this paper money unless you ignore it's previous half century of massive inflation and predicted inflation for the next half century based off extortionate debt repayments and the history of all fiat currencies ever

Yeah, I'm thinking you should just McFucking kill yourself nigger. Also your shit is gay and you talk like a fag so you definitely have no silver/gold or any other precious metals.

Anonymous No. 16303182

What the fuck is wrong with you people
are you the pluto fag? you might just be irreconcilably stupid
>useful discussion about the future value of this paper money
That's not what we were talking about you fucking idiot we were talking about the value of a trip to the moon. The most convenient way to measure the value of something is in dollars. Inflation is a change in the value of the unit of financial measurement, and real assets maintain the same inherent value as the dollar value changes around them. Therefore the currency is completely and utterly irrelevant to technical discussions which are about inherent value (moon trip vs income, moon trip vs assets).
And yeah I have had a gold and silver stack since 2019

Anonymous No. 16303188

/biz/ autismos get out
None of this is spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16303190

>lives in a Chinese colony
>surrounded by Chinese people every day
>all real estate is owned by the Chinese
>"the Chinese can't do shit"
interesting perspective

Anonymous No. 16303191

real assets do not maintain the same inherent value and change with the circumstances as well

Anonymous No. 16303194

Which is why you just apply current value to everything when having a discussion like this. It doesn't make sense to add extra variables that we don't know. You could've said a moon trip would cost 3.4 gold ingots and I could say well in 2037 they discover a gold deposit in North Dakota so it's actually 5.6 gold ingots per flight. We're just talking about future Starship cost relative to current Starship cost. We all know what inflation is

Anonymous No. 16303195

t. Japanese girl non enjoyer
you don't even merit my contempt

Anonymous No. 16303197

>unnecessary gasoline pipeline just outside the security perimeter springs a difficult to fix leak for no obvious reason
>low racial resistance to petrol ends any attempt at "organized" protest

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Anonymous No. 16303201


Anonymous No. 16303203

When you eat a free sample at the grocery store, someone pays for it. Aside from natural resources it is generally the case that anything free is provided by someone, often at considerable expense. (Free objects in the mathematical sense are no exception: they're either natural resources hanging out in some Platonic realm or someone is creating them in their head)

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Anonymous No. 16303204

just pay them off with some petrol

Anonymous No. 16303211

>That's not what we were talking about you fucking idiot we were talking about the value of a trip to the moon. The most convenient way to measure the value of something is in dollars. Inflation is a change in the value of the unit of financial measurement, and real assets maintain the same inherent value as the dollar value changes around them. Therefore the currency is completely and utterly irrelevant to technical discussions which are about inherent value (moon trip vs income, moon trip vs assets).

Most brutally retarded or gaslighting post I have ever read with my own two eyes

Holy fuck

Anonymous No. 16303213

No one was saying inflation didn't exist, just that it was completely irrelevant to the discussion. Which it is. This is /sfg/ not /biz/

Anonymous No. 16303214

The first SpaceX mission landing in Australia should be called rendezvous with rama rama

Anonymous No. 16303215

yeah nah they fakin sleep in the road mate

Anonymous No. 16303217

How is inflation irrelevant to the purchasing power of INSERT FIAT CURRENCY HERE in 50 years time?

Please do elaborate

Anonymous No. 16303226

Because no one was talking about the purchasing power of the currency, God damn. I've explained this like three times now, I think you're just too stupid to understand it

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Anonymous No. 16303228
>Ship 30 Rolled Back for Launch Preparations | SpaceX Boca Chica

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Anonymous No. 16303230

This is incentive enough for indigenous people everywhere, its proven. Just look at what Listerine and a few shiny things did to the injuns in North America. I cannot think of a more bribe-able people than a bunch of rural illiterates who will have an epic windfall for voting 1% of their barren land gets fenced and another petrol complex and town for SpaceX bros gets built. Australia is a natural partner for Starship, should they choose to accept it.

Anonymous No. 16303231

2 weeks?

Anonymous No. 16303232

Behead inflation posters. Roundhouse kick inflation posters into the concrete. Throw inflation posters into a volcano. Curb stomp pregnant black inflation posters. Slice inflation posters with a katana. Slam dunk an inflation poster baby into the trash can. Push old inflation posters down the stairs. Vaporize inflation posters with a ray gun.

Anonymous No. 16303234

2 weeks to get the stack ready, 2 months to wait for FAA to mosify the license for catch attempt

Anonymous No. 16303238

What are you even talking about? You are so stupid it's hard to quantify.

Yeah thay would be great, how about we start by not using a paper currency that is infinity printed from nothing at the whims of megacorps and banks? Sounds great

Anonymous No. 16303239

Is this the ship for IFT-5?

Anonymous No. 16303240

and then destack, stack, destack, stack, destack and final stack

Anonymous No. 16303243

yes, ship 30

Anonymous No. 16303248

not space flight

Anonymous No. 16303250

Neither was your post dumb cunt

Anonymous No. 16303256

I haven't posted I just woke up. Try keeping it space flight related

Anonymous No. 16303263

Cool story bro

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Anonymous No. 16303272

>long duration mission ready
ohhh I was wondering why they were up there for so long

Anonymous No. 16303277

They really spending taxpayer money to advertise a capsule that no one can ever buy, can't make this shit up

Anonymous No. 16303278

And? It's still large enough to theoretically do everything we do on Earth on. Even the smallest rounded moons can have multiple large cities.
Jupiter moonmogs every other planet, but Titan mogs every other moon.
No point. We will have a human colony in the Jovian system before anyone sets foot on Mercury.

Anonymous No. 16303284

Well actually if you consider inflation then the average person will be able to buy a seat

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Anonymous No. 16303286

Mostly because if you can get starships to mars and have refueling infrastructure set up then doing a moon landing on the Martian moons is trivially easy. Starship itself has about 7800 km/s deltav, with that you can a mission to either phobos or deimos easily, hell if you do an orbital refueling then you can do both in one go.
A Martian colony will have a lot of excess launch capacity, might as well do some moon landings to see what we can learn/flex on the urthers.

Anonymous No. 16303287

>mission ready
>leading the future of commercial spaceflight

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Anonymous No. 16303292

Support American talent, no matter what.

Anonymous No. 16303298

>Because you can
That's a good enough reason for me but I doubt it'll happen any time soon. All Mars resources will be devoted to building up a full industrial stack. The only thing valuable enough to justify launching a Starship from Mars is people, otherwise they wouldn't do it at all. Once Mars is fully industrialized though those shitty moons are probably going to be turned into gravel to be placed outside a steel cylinder and wrapped in kevlar either as a cycler or habitat

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Anonymous No. 16303299

Anyone know the rough difference in broadband latency (ms) between Starlinks at 500km and O3b mPOWER at 8000km MEO?

Anonymous No. 16303302


Anonymous No. 16303303

50ms right? Just light speed?

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Anonymous No. 16303306

Starlink avg is ~20-30ms right now. O3b is probably close to ~150ms or so.

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Anonymous No. 16303318

>NASA discovered in ground testing that the thrusters melt

>Boeing couldn't have possibly discovered this in ground testing

>just don't fire the thrusters goy

Anonymous No. 16303321

what evidence do we have for that olm redesign?

Anonymous No. 16303331

>Starship block2
more like Black2

Anonymous No. 16303334

they really need to build a parallel road

Anonymous No. 16303335

Fail quads

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16303336

wtf you can’t just “launch” a rocket, think about the sonic booms think about the industrial water discharge, I’d rather us fix problems here on earth

Anonymous No. 16303337

Another boing moment

Those niggas dead


Anonymous No. 16303342

Cool crabs, did you take one home?

Anonymous No. 16303343

okay but isn’t this the third time they’ve sent the capsule to space?

Anonymous No. 16303345

what happened to this crab bucket post?

Anonymous No. 16303351

I have an insider (I know I know)

It's not good

Anonymous No. 16303358

I'm not a janny but it looked like trolling outside /b/ to me.

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Anonymous No. 16303415

Tianlong 3 pathfinder - doesn't have engines, it's just for testing GSE.

Anonymous No. 16303420

Literally all of that is a flat out lie. Could they be liable? Can I sue for false advertising?

Anonymous No. 16303421

>>16303415 rocket ship

Anonymous No. 16303436

Amazing how this took below orbit 23 years

Anonymous No. 16303446

don't be so rude, they got side tracked making a human rated sounding rocket

Anonymous No. 16303448

Is it really that hard to take the leap from a human rated sounding rod to a human rated sounding rocket?

Anonymous No. 16303461

Did anyone even realize an Atlas launched recently

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Anonymous No. 16303464

Russians not saying anything about the stranded astronauts is kind of a dick move

Anonymous No. 16303465

SMART reuse is just around the corner, right?

Anonymous No. 16303466

I didn't watch it because it was at like 4 am

Anonymous No. 16303482

perhaps to keep the stock from sinking

Anonymous No. 16303485
OOF hahaha OOF is all I can say. Heavy lift rockets are not the meta for Earth anymore! Sorry ol musky

Anonymous No. 16303492

We don't even have a moon one yet (easy mode)
wtf is this guy on about

Anonymous No. 16303496

heavy lift rockets are a necessary step even if mass drivers become a thing for earth
you need massive amounts of mass to get launched into space for a mass driver to start paying for itself and get cheaper than rockets and the only way to start building an industry that needs those tonnages of mass to be sent into space is to bootstrap it with rockets first

Anonymous No. 16303520

double/half of light speed, light makes the trip twice

Anonymous No. 16303535

not even very good by mass driver proposal standards. I think >>16303492 is right and mass drivers will cut their teeth on the moon before anyone seriously considers building them anywhere else.

Anonymous No. 16303554


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Anonymous No. 16303557

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Anonymous No. 16303560

Anonymous No. 16303567

This guy's only qualification is "proficient in PowerPoint"

Anonymous No. 16303609

>newspapers say aurora will be visible all over the country
>look out the window near Warsaw
>nothing visible
>somehow people have pictures from the Carpathian mountains
die lugenpresse

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Anonymous No. 16303628

Mars is the next America

Anonymous No. 16303642

jupiter is the next china

Anonymous No. 16303648

>little or mass density to speak of
>lost all nitrogen ages ago
>few resources

Anonymous No. 16303650

Does this mean Mars should be the sole domain of the European race?

Anonymous No. 16303658

More like next Antarctica

Anonymous No. 16303672

There is 700,000,000 tons of nitrogen on Mars as 2.8% of the atmosphere. That's more than enough to suck out with air miners and use for a sizable pressurized volume.

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Anonymous No. 16303678


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Anonymous No. 16303681

should have added the theoretical cost of Starship to this

Anonymous No. 16303683

Mars will be the next America with regard to innovation. They'll be the only humans around Sol with any hope for the future and any freedom to act on it. They'll also be the only technological civilization not living around a bonfire, and I wonder what sort of philosophy the scarcity and technology will bring about. They'll probably be pretty strange

Anonymous No. 16303687

earth will be the next india or africa

Anonymous No. 16303689

Did you mean to reply to the Jovian or are you just gay?

Anonymous No. 16303697

Ceres will be the next Portugal
Venus will be the next Huston
Saturn will be the next Neptune

Anonymous No. 16303699

the solar system will be the next south africa

Anonymous No. 16303712


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Anonymous No. 16303732
>ADRAS-J has completed not one, but TWO fly-arounds of the upper stage, confirming the planned capture point has no major damage. This milestone sets the stage for future removal and a sustainable space environment!

Anonymous No. 16303748

Absolutely sexo

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Anonymous No. 16303754

In all my time online, I have never even come close to making someone seethe this hard. This feels like an achievement. What do you guys think of his take?

Anonymous No. 16303758

>starship is only capable of ~30 T
Kek I love these people. Living in la la land with their fingers in their ears and their eyes wide shut.

Anonymous No. 16303761

Absolute losers

Anonymous No. 16303763

We don't, we just know there's a rough direction they can send the blast effects from launch, and the envelope the new structures fits in and where the rocket has to sit on it.

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Anonymous No. 16303775

Would the surface of Mercury really appear just as a gray rock or would it have a reddish tint due to being heated to high temperatures?

Anonymous No. 16303776

Is it more than just Elon that causes the seethe? Maybe the idea that a startup can outcompete every agency and grift in the world just from talent and courage to dream?

Anonymous No. 16303778

That guy is probably an employee of one of the companies getting BTFO

Anonymous No. 16303779

google how it looks from orbit

Anonymous No. 16303784

That doesn't provide an accurate view of how it'd look from the surface.

Anonymous No. 16303792

Also when I try to search for photos from MESSENGER I just get shitty "artist's rendering"s instead.

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Anonymous No. 16303800

>now Elon will have to develop OPAL methane

Anonymous No. 16303803

>tfw most people still have no idea what the solar system looks like in true color

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Anonymous No. 16303815

holy tl;dr batman

Anonymous No. 16303819

realistically, where would the next spaceport in america be built? not those suborbital memes, but a genuine one like starbase and vandenberg.

Anonymous No. 16303831

Puerto Rico
It will take some serious political maneuvering to pull it off.

Anonymous No. 16303837

My money's on Nevada. There's not enough Easterly ground left to build on for over-seas flight so the next best choice is going to be barren areas so any debris from a failed launch has a minimal chance of hitting anybody.

Anonymous No. 16303844

PR's infrastructure is a perpetual wreck and the fact that it's an island makes shipping thing to it difficult. If it was ever going to be a launch site NASA would have built a Saturn complex there.

Anonymous No. 16303880

why is that a problem?
just build a dedicated port and ship in everything you need.

Anonymous No. 16303883

Go ahead and look for open, reasonably flat, and undeveloped land on that side of Puerto Rico.

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proper response.jpg

Anonymous No. 16303891

Its a 3rd world shithole, and the dirty spics are resentful, uncooperative, and want complete autonomy, yet retain the benefits of being in the United States, like, free benefits and rebuilding of the entire country after their repeated major hurricanes, and soon to come earthquake and tsunami.
Fuck Puerto Rico, its a lost cause. Low IQ browns cannot into forward thinking such as space exploration. We got this shitty island full of incompetent people at the same time we took the Philippines, but smartly we unloaded that hopeless & useless Asian DUMP ages ago.
SpaceX is better off partnering with a based country like Australia.

Anonymous No. 16303892

It's a problem because in most other places you wouldn't need to Guantanamo Bay a chunk off a systematically corrupt nation and then build an entire shipping port and power infrastructure on it before you get started on the actual launch complex. And you'd need to ship in absolutely everything, including the staff, which is going to be a lot given that you're also building a port and a large power plant. The local population isn't good for much in the way of technical work and the management class is only good a soliciting bribes.

Anonymous No. 16303894

you would be better off putting that shit in Mexico

Anonymous No. 16303897

if the euros can pull off a lunch complex in french guiana america can pull one off in pr

Anonymous No. 16303899

Puerto Rico is Hawaii if the natives got to run the show

A major launch complex on the eastern side of the Yucatan could be pretty good

Anonymous No. 16303900

Sits right at the center of annual hurricane. Its not happening

Anonymous No. 16303903

we need more payloads but payload companies are going bankrupt because spaceflight isnt profitable unless you're spacex

Anonymous No. 16303904

I'm thinking bare concrete pad with maybe a flame trench/deluge and a road to a roll on/roll off port

Sliiiiide the mobile launcher onto a barge, tow the entire fucking rocket to PR, launch, go back home

Anonymous No. 16303907

starlink is no longer an internet satellite constellation, but a platform, like amazon's aws or microsoft's azure. you need to build on top of it since it now forms the foundational layer of space

Anonymous No. 16303910

Yoink Tortuga
Eject the locals
Build a port and airstrip and town on the southwest half
Cover the east half in launch pads

Anonymous No. 16303916

The first reusable launch vehicle is massively profitable for its operators but doesn't cause an equally huge downward shift in launch prices because it only need to be a measurably cheaper option than its expendable competitors. The real drop in prices only comes when the second reusable launch vehicle shows up to complete with the first one. Right now in the western market that's looking like it's going to be New Glenn, since Neutron and Nova are running too far behind. New Glenn might not have the biggest effect on market pricing either because it's just too damn big. That's a good thing for geostationary payloads and megaconstellations, but MCs are unique payloads rather than a generalize thing like the rest of the market, and the geostationary market seems a lot more inelastic than the LEO one. Then there's Starship, which is an out of context that's next to impossible to guess the effects from.

Anonymous No. 16303917

>the geostationary market seems a lot more inelastic than the LEO one
maybe because there are limited numbers of slots available in geo and you have to compete with a bunch of other organizations for them

Anonymous No. 16303927

As if TX and FL don’t??

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Anonymous No. 16303929

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Anonymous No. 16303934

Anonymous No. 16303941

I have been saying this for years

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Anonymous No. 16303965

I'm back on /sfg/ after 6 years. #wenhop is OFT-5?

Anonymous No. 16303973

new stage

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Anonymous No. 16303976

Best estimates are late August to early September.

Anonymous No. 16303979

it's 'hop when' not 'wenhop'. If you really were here 6 years ago, you'd know this. I am calling you a liar and a gay baby.

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Anonymous No. 16303994

>I'm back on /sfg/ after 6 years.
/sfg/ isn't even 6 years old yet

Anonymous No. 16303995

almost is

Anonymous No. 16303998

Shut up Mox

Anonymous No. 16304045

somebody will do it eventually just to claim a place that is relatively uncontested and still in the inner solar system