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🗑️ 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16474712

spacex week edition

previous >>16472823

Anonymous No. 16474716


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pov year 2038 col....jpg

Anonymous No. 16474717

In light of recent events, I made a rather conservative estimate of the future of spess colonies
2025 - mars base(spacex), population 10000
2026 - phobos base(spacex), populaton 7000
2027 - ceres base(spacex), population 9000
2028 - jupiter orbital base(spacex), popilation 700
2029 - EVROPA base(spacex), population 12000
2030 - calisto base(spacex), population 8000
2031 - enceladus base(Spacex), population 15000
2032 - mars base(china), population ~1,6 billion
2033 - venus cloud base(spacex), population 7000
2034 - saturn ring base(spacex), population 4500
2035 - titan cuck base(spacex), population less than a dozen
2036 - uranus base(spacex), population 6900
2037 - neptune base(spacex), population 5500
2038 - first colony ship sent to proxima centauri b(spacex), population 150000
2039 - Pluto (spacex), population 13000
2040 - colony ship sent to ross 128b(spacex), population 370000
2041 - asteroid belt stations(china), population uncountable
2042 - colony ships sent to GJ 1061(spacex), population 1250000
2043 - mercury solar death ray (spacex), population classified
2044 - Eris cloning facility (spacex), population >100000000
2045 - agartha base(spacex), population 750000
2046 - Earth-X genocide wars
2047 - earth colony(X empire), population 0.7 billion
2048 - colony ships sent to andromeda galaxy via wormhole(X empire), population several billion
2049 - Sagittarius A* colony(X empire), population ~13 trillion
2050 - Mankind becomes a kardashev type 3 civilization(X empire), population ~70 quintillion
2051 - Moon base(NASA), population 0-10

Anonymous No. 16474720

SpaceX now live

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Anonymous No. 16474723

Anonymous No. 16474725

How will trump and musk help sls? At the rate it's going artemis 2 won't launch before 2027 and that'll probably be uncrewed because of orions heat shield issues. Theres jist no way trump gets boots on the moon before his term is up if he sticks with sls and he can't get the funds to do something faster without canceling it.

Anonymous No. 16474726

so many launches
so many satellites
so few people in space

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Anonymous No. 16474728


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Anonymous No. 16474732

Anonymous No. 16474734

He can't keep getting away with it!

Anonymous No. 16474736

the rare daytime barge landing. cool to have a gap in the clouds to see how the first stage basically comes in sideways across the barge before angling back in again during the landing burn

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Anonymous No. 16474737

It's literally that easy in spaceflight

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Anonymous No. 16474741

>not The Great Elon Musk edition
Killy yourself idiot EDS shill

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Anonymous No. 16474746

Can someone redpill me on BFR with side boosters?

Anonymous No. 16474756

In KSP RSS the meta for fully reusable rockets is to have minimum possible lifting surfaces on the upper stage, but a lot more on the bosoter since parasitc mass doesnt matter as much on 1st stage and greater crossrange + lower terminal velocity means you use less fuel returning. Blue Origin seems to have taken this approach, makes me wonder why Superheavy has no aero surfaces beside the gridfins. It could do a glide return with much lower peak heating on the engines and less fuel used in boostback

Anonymous No. 16474764

This is the worst OP in awhile

Anonymous No. 16474765

Just in case the government ever needed to get a kiloton satellite to geo

Anonymous No. 16474768

malicious compliance from the early baker

Anonymous No. 16474771

why the massive glands?

Anonymous No. 16474776

maybe they'll force orion to dock with dragon so they can safely return the astronauts

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New Glenn Orion.jpg

Anonymous No. 16474780

How do we feel about it?

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Anonymous No. 16474781


Anonymous No. 16474783

return the astronauts on dragon with orion returning home empty, just like they did with starliner

Anonymous No. 16474786

Anything Blue Origin is a joke and will remain so until they've successfully launched anything besides their carnival ride.

Anonymous No. 16474787


>Multiple sources have confirmed that NASA is studying alternatives to the planned Artemis III landing of two astronauts on the Moon, nominally scheduled for September 2026
>Under one of the options, astronauts would launch into low-Earth orbit inside an Orion spacecraft and rendezvous there with a Starship vehicle, separately launched by SpaceX. During this mission, similar to Apollo 9, a precursor to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, the crew would validate the ability of Orion and Starship to dock and test habitability inside Starship. The crew would then return to Earth.

Anonymous No. 16474788

My guesses: (1) aerodynamic stuff is generally more complicated than rockets and I'd imagine harder (though obviously not impossible) to automate, especially factoring in things like wind and the sloshing of propellant that aren't in KSP, (2) first stages with aerodynamic surfaces are costlier to manufacture. There's a lot to be said for keeping things simple and then optimizing the hardware

Anonymous No. 16474790

SOVL, unironically. New Glenn is the perfect fit. An oversized rocket for an overweight capsule.

Anonymous No. 16474791

Tell me about the fletch why is it there.

Anonymous No. 16474794


Anonymous No. 16474795

Honestly, its the right rocket for Artemis SLS replacement. Also, it absolves Elon and DOGE of favoritism accusations, since it would be handing the capsule launch of the astronauts to a direct rival. Although SpaceX still takes the glory, by landing so many HLS Starships on the Moon, it makes BO look funny in comparison.

Anonymous No. 16474799

>astronauts would launch into low-Earth orbit inside an Orion spacecraft
Which spacecraft can put Orion into LEO?

Anonymous No. 16474801

Why wasn't that the plan from the start?

Anonymous No. 16474803

The bridenstack

Anonymous No. 16474804

no i think they were supposed to meet up at gateway

Anonymous No. 16474805

If you're launching Orion then might as well go to the moon with it, it's retarded launching that incredibly expensive vehicle to LEO. Just use Dragon.

Anonymous No. 16474806

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16474807

Vulcan has the diameter and capacity for an LEO launch

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Anonymous No. 16474809

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Anonymous No. 16474812

Hey guys I'm compiling some videos that I think will ultimately be significant in the history of spaceflight, and I'm having trouble finding one. I'm pretty sure it's a rally, and Trump says something like
>and I said EE LAN, can you get us to Mars?
and everyone cheers. There's like 1.5 work year's worth of rally footage out there (3000+ hours) so I haven't had any luck. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

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Anonymous No. 16474820

what does the name mean?

Anonymous No. 16474821

It occurred more than once, but one of them he just paused, mumbled and insecurely said, I think we can.
Because Trump made it a hard deadline with boots on Mars, he knows is questionable and maybe undoable timeline that would result in accidental deaths due to rushing.

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Anonymous No. 16474823

sex with anime rocket girls

Anonymous No. 16474824

I'm not sure Trump is gonna like being in the Shadow of Elon bros...

Anonymous No. 16474826

Jeff Bezos cant meme

Anonymous No. 16474828

That makes two tycoons.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16474830

You forgot to add +100 years.
This is impossible to achieve in that time frame. If you think that, then your brain is rotten from too much sci-fi slop.

Anonymous No. 16474831

Yes, Zuckerberg and Bezos both cant meme.
Add Bill Gates to the list too

Anonymous No. 16474834

I mean, docking in LEO should be the original plan. HLS is still an unproven vehicle, and they wanted to do a manned Moon landing right away.

Anonymous No. 16474836

have you used chatgpt yet? My google skills are really good, but it sometimes saves me time when I'm trying to find some obscure name or facts.

Anonymous No. 16474839

The whole Artemis plan is retarded. 2024 was a completely fake date for artemis 3 too. Seemed like NASA was trying to copy Musks style in that regard. The lunar landing will happen in 2028, which is what NASA originally expected. No doubt there will be at least 1 HLS mission with crew but no Lunar landing along the way

Anonymous No. 16474840

>The lunar landing will happen in 2028
I'm extremely skeptical of this due to nasas procrastination on the heatshield problem. I don't expect artemis 2 before 2027. Maybe if we're lucky we get artemis 3 in 2030.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16474843


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Anonymous No. 16474845


Anonymous No. 16474846

they won't, SLS is dead (== good)

Anonymous No. 16474852

At least SLS is real

Anonymous No. 16474854

it's cold at night because the earth's emitted power is high, and the felt temperature on the surface is dominated by convective effects, not radiative
the serious names were a mandate because 10 named their shit snoopy and charlie brown and NASA decided that was embarrassing

Anonymous No. 16474856

Boca Chica is so beautiful this time of year
tanks are heavier and wings are lighter in KSP than in reality

Anonymous No. 16474858

3 stage new glenn is sex

Anonymous No. 16474861

I hope Elon keep a low profile, he's getting too close to the sun, which is bad.

Anonymous No. 16474862

What happens if Elon gets too close to the sun, so to speak?

Anonymous No. 16474863

His wings melt and he falls into the ocean

Anonymous No. 16474866

Killed by the CIA. Certain people do not want Mars to happen. The only possible threat to America is a second America with more white people and less regulation, 86 million miles out of nuking range

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sls and starship ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16474876

This was from when SN9 flew and crashed right around the time SLS fouled up its first long duration engine test, iirc

Anonymous No. 16474879

Lmao even a manned mars mission in your lifetime is not guaranteed

Anonymous No. 16474881

Now that trump is president it is, short of him dying in a freak car accident tomorrow or something.

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Anonymous No. 16474884


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Anonymous No. 16474887

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SN9 tip.webm

Anonymous No. 16474896


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Anonymous No. 16474897

Rocket Factory Augsburg's Reusable SHLV proposal
>30 Gas generator methalox on S1 with Hydrolox S2

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Anonymous No. 16474901

7m diameter

Anonymous No. 16474902


Anonymous No. 16474903

Have these guys ever successfully launched a rocket?
I mean even BO has a successful liquid propelled rocket (and billions of dollars). What do these guys have?

Anonymous No. 16474910

RFA-1 is supposed to be launching from SaxaVord, so they've been crawling through the same regulatory hell that finished over Virgin Orbit. Blowing up a first stage during testing back in August hasn't helped them any

Anonymous No. 16474913

Alright I asked it and it made something up to agree with me

Anonymous No. 16474915

>What do these guys have?
Static fired S2 and a uh, partially static fired S1 that blew up when they tried to fully static fire it.

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Anonymous No. 16474917

> 2025 - mars base(spacex), population 10000

Anonymous No. 16474925

propellant is cheap and wings are expensive, efficiency doesn't matter if it costs more, & higher peak heating isn't an issue that costs less to solve with wings vs a bit of TPS.
An improvement of $3 billion vs SLS, now just replace the $1 billion thing on top.

Anonymous No. 16474927

What are they even going to try with Flight 6? Same shit or are they going to at least try a reignite? Also, when the fuck are we gonna see a Starship 2.0 prototype in flight?

Anonymous No. 16474928

you must be a member of mensa

Anonymous No. 16474929

Let him cook

Anonymous No. 16474931

Mensa these balls

Anonymous No. 16474932

fuckin got him lmao

Anonymous No. 16474933

the launch profile is mostly similar but they will test a raptor relight during the coast phase, different more aggressive re-entry profile and less tiles on the ship, a bit different booster landing procedure (though probably looks similar to us)
block 2 starship is going to be on flight 7

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Anonymous No. 16474944

I don’t understand why BO is jumping from non-orbital flight to a heavy lift vehicle with a reusable first stage. I don’t think they have a chance in hell of pulling this off. From what I understand BO has been hemorrhaging talent to SpaceX for a long time

Anonymous No. 16474948

I don’t think they’ll get reuse on the first try like they want, but I don’t see any reason the rocket won’t work. Both stage engines are flight proven.

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Anonymous No. 16474949


Anonymous No. 16474954

You have any insight onto what exactly the brits are demanding of them to launch?

Anonymous No. 16474958

is the place.

Anonymous No. 16474961

It's actually that easy in rocketry.
>I don’t think they have a chance in hell of pulling this off.
90% they will, they have a bit of experience with NS.

Anonymous No. 16474962

Space Shuttle is ther most beautiful craft ever built. Physical perfection. Perfect form. Starship does not come close.

Anonymous No. 16474964

Space Shuttle was powered by kino alone

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Anonymous No. 16474965

POV I'm strokin my meat

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Anonymous No. 16474968

stickin my fist in your ass while you do it ;)

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Anonymous No. 16474970

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Anonymous No. 16474972

I prefer it over the ArianeGroup proposal

Anonymous No. 16474977

>I'm over here stroking my dick I got A20130236012 on my dick right now. I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like for real

Anonymous No. 16474981


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Anonymous No. 16474982

Is there still enough time to start my own rocket company and be the first to Callisto?

Anonymous No. 16474984

It's easier to make money elsewhere and buy your mission.

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Anonymous No. 16474985

I want my own rocket.

Anonymous No. 16474988

There's too many launchers already. Just buy a Starship trip

Anonymous No. 16474989

>Which spacecraft can put Orion into LEO?

Falcon Heavy, 6 SRB Vulcan and New Glenn all have the performance to.

Anonymous No. 16474990

>space shuttle

Anonymous No. 16474992

Can you just buy a Starship wholesale? I want to own the upper stage and pay SpaceX to launch it (and me) into LEO, then pay for refueling flights so I can take my Starship wherever the fuck I please.
>nooo you can't go to Saturn
What if I can?

Anonymous No. 16474997

This will be done in the future. Planes were originally basically only for the inventors in the field, but now anyone can get a small plane like a Cessna and fly. Same with cars, will just be a bit before they allow it. I would think that this happens first on Mars than anywhere else due to them not having to follow US regulation of Trump gives Elon the go ahead to be a self managing colony as its completely owned by SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16474998

With any luck starship and its “competitors” will be the last generation of rockets that functions under the “launch service provider” model. Hopefully future generations will function more like airlines/airline manufacturers. Airbus doesn’t sell rides on their planes, they sell their planes to other companies who operate them.

Anonymous No. 16475000

I mean you definitely aren't piloting a Starship so you'd probably pay them to manage the entire travel side of things. If Starship works as planned I don't see why someone with $20 million in 2050 can't just fill the ship with five years of life support/food/water and head to Saturn. Might need to double or triple that cost if you want to come back though.

Anonymous No. 16475003

Could a Superheavy with no Starship on top get to LEO? Could you refill an entire stack in space, expend the entire booster to accelerate, and use a fully filled Starship to decelerate? How quickly would that get you to Mars?

Anonymous No. 16475004

kek, I would do the same if I had the money, anon. Buy a Starship, fill it up, and then make a one-way trip to Eris/Dysnomia.
>nooo, you have to human rate it first!
just sign a waiver.

Anonymous No. 16475005

You would be surprised by the amount of people that would voluntarily go on a 1 way trip to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16475008

yeah have fun with your mars base populated exclusively by suicidally depressed loners

Anonymous No. 16475009

Mars will cure depression. You don't think so and you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 16475013

It's hard to say without exact weight and performance numbers, but some people (redditors) have looked into the idea and the answer seems like a tentative yes. Having an extra ~9km/s to work with would allow you to use significantly faster trajectories to Mars, although you might run into some issues if the standard aerobreaking profile exceeds what Starship is capable of and you start needing to use retropropulsion to survive Martian entry

Anonymous No. 16475014

>superheavy is a smallsat SSTO

Anonymous No. 16475016

Technically yes. Most people assume that an SSTO has enough fuel to land after it gets to orbit, but if you ignore that part you could probably deliver some Electron-sized payloads

Anonymous No. 16475017

It's definitely not an SSTO. Stop sucking off SpaceX.
Original Interplanetary Transport System was meant to be an SSTO but now neither are capable.

Anonymous No. 16475018

>refilling an entire super heavy + starship stack in LEO
enceladus in 4 months here we go

Anonymous No. 16475021

I’ll concede it being an SSTO but I’m not going to stop slobbering on spacex’s juicy cock.

Anonymous No. 16475026

>enceladus in 4 months here we go
Death to slow drifts, let's fucking GO

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french bullshit.png

Anonymous No. 16475028

ArianeGroup really seems to hate the concept of a methalox upper-stage. Their preference is to first develop the disposable hydromeme upper-stage (left), and maybe do the methalox reusable upper (right) sometime later
And I do mean HATE, their proposal document was full of passive aggressive snark

Anonymous No. 16475030

Are these doom posts genuine? You aren't really this dumb, right? You give off non American citizen vibes

Anonymous No. 16475031

Were you born in 2008?

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Anonymous No. 16475033

>Initially propose large 2xMethalox reusable stages (also wtf is that S2/S1 ratio... That SUSIEship should be twice longer)
>It has shit performances to higher orbit therefore we'll use hydrolox expendable stages
???? have they heard of refuelling or kick stages?

Anonymous No. 16475034

>Could a Superheavy with no Starship on top get to LEO?
The dV is like 8, you need 9, so just shy. You could however, God forgive me, put a superheavy on top of another superheavy

Anonymous No. 16475035

Answer my question first, then I'll answer yours.

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Anonymous No. 16475036


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space skelly d.jpg

Anonymous No. 16475038

>enceladus in 4 months here we go
a quick flyby then off to interstellar space since you can't brake

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Usborne Book of t....jpg

Anonymous No. 16475039


Anonymous No. 16475041

Unironically SpaceX could so some cool shit for the 2028 olympic games. At least carrying the flame in orbit. Maybe cislunar space too?

Anonymous No. 16475047

>carry the flame to orbit
>it goes out

Anonymous No. 16475049

They already have hydrolox infrastructure at Kourou so it's not that big of a deal as for SpaceX
Additionally, they put huge amounts of cash, time and effort into developing hydrogen engines (and they are relatively decent ones at that).
>full of passive aggressive snark
French being French

Anonymous No. 16475050

Do you think engineering a torch that works in zero g would be a difficult task?

Anonymous No. 16475051

Anything hydrogen gets fat cheques from European governments because "green" even though it's the most wasteful way of storing energy we've come up with.

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Anonymous No. 16475054

It depends what you mean.

Anonymous No. 16475056

We can invent a space torch.

Anonymous No. 16475058

>just fill your hab with rocket exhaust bro

Anonymous No. 16475060

There are people in europe who have wet dreams of repurposing the entire gas pipeline network of the EU to distribute hydrogen and heat homes&power the entire EU industry on it.
How they are going to produce that much hydrogen and how they are going to pump hydrogen, that is known to leak like a sieve trough pretty much anything, in those pipelines is also a mystery.
But greenfags are that way, close down the nuclear plants first, think about how to replace the power production later, we all can see how well that went for germany.

Anonymous No. 16475062

If you add a carbon atom to every four hydrogen atoms it gets way easier to store and use

Anonymous No. 16475064

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16475065

Space is an NPC getto.

Anonymous No. 16475066

Arianespace isn't going to promote methalox upper stage engines when they make hydrolox ones.

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Anonymous No. 16475068

Bitch you don't weigh anything

Anonymous No. 16475069

Just roll down the windows a crack to air it out.

Anonymous No. 16475070

The objective of the exercise is not to deliver anything at all, only vague promises. Vague promises guarantee government subsidies, once subsidies are in it's suddenly found "not economically viable" and everyone working on the project go somewhere else for more government subsidies.
You see it with on and off shore wind power, battery factories and endgame for now - hydrogen.

Anonymous No. 16475071

Transforming that methane into hydrogen, which incidentally is the most efficient way of producing hydrogen wastes 70% of the energy stored in the methane.

Anonymous No. 16475072

Hey yeah, how the hell would she know yet?

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Anonymous No. 16475076

>gateway might be kill
what will happen to the modules? we know nasa likes to repurpose things instead of throwing them away.

Anonymous No. 16475078

ISS 2.0 Cuckshed Boogaloo.

Anonymous No. 16475080


Anonymous No. 16475084

Probably just ISS 2 without the russians

Anonymous No. 16475088

top 10 most expensive pictures

Anonymous No. 16475089

so just an american space station

Anonymous No. 16475091

if it was our fourth station it could've been called 4ASS...

Anonymous No. 16475093

Well the euros will be there too

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Anonymous No. 16475100

Anyone got more of them "on the surface" mockup photos/drawings? I just find them really comfy for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16475103

>2032 - mars base(china), population ~1,6 billion
only possible if china sends me and 50 women by 2030

Anonymous No. 16475104

go play elite dangerous in VR

Anonymous No. 16475107

They have a spring contraption for measuring mass. The SLAMMD.

Anonymous No. 16475111

>Sunni got SLAMMD in space
Sounds messy

Anonymous No. 16475112

fucking kek

Anonymous No. 16475116

Energia was the most beautiful lift system ever built.

Anonymous No. 16475119

When are they going to start sending up Lunarlink and Marslink satellites?

Anonymous No. 16475120

STS looked better. Between the orange, the aspect ratios of the srbs, and the design of the orbiter itself.

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Anonymous No. 16475121

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Anonymous No. 16475122

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Anonymous No. 16475123

I love them, too. Here's one I made for Sedna some time ago.

Anonymous No. 16475124

marslink wont happen because by the time it's ready, the colony will be up and running and there wont be a need for nasa to send unmanned missions to mars anymore

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Anonymous No. 16475125

Anonymous No. 16475126

That just looks like our moon with the red turned up.

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Anonymous No. 16475127

>the aspect ratios of the srbs
That's want entirely ruined it, and the SLS as a consequance, aesthetically. The thin ass SRB against that massive, thick orange tank looks fucking awful.

Anonymous No. 16475128

Dirty little secret: the flame on the torch during the rely often gets blown out. They keep a backup of the flame in a lantern which is used to light the torch again the next morning but the torch that is blown out is just re-lit with a lighter.

Anonymous No. 16475129

Pale blue dot, is orgin

Anonymous No. 16475130

She didn't say her mass was unchanged, she said she weights the same as when she arrived.

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Anonymous No. 16475131

Think you'll find N1 was the best looking rocket ever.

Anonymous No. 16475132

The Martians themselves will need Marslink way more than rovers

Anonymous No. 16475133

Well I guess that’s true no matter how much they starve her

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Anonymous No. 16475134

well yeah, that's more or less what I did lol. Here you have one from Venus, which I found on this general. Same vibe.

Anonymous No. 16475136

would they? if everyone is located in a single settlement then it seems like the communications would be fine with just your regular wifi, cell, and other terrestrial radio

Anonymous No. 16475137

>Not calling it Port, Starboard, Aft and Bow
shameful display

Anonymous No. 16475138

it’s so whimsical

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Anonymous No. 16475139

Now it's Io's turn!

Anonymous No. 16475140

But how would they post on /sfg/?

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Anonymous No. 16475142

Thanks for sharing. The cold, icy landscapes are my favourite because they remind me of a dream I had when I was a kid.

Anonymous No. 16475143

Energia was nothing special and Buran lacked the Shuttle perfection. It was jsut a faker, didnt even have the phatt ass of shuttle

Anonymous No. 16475145

Objectively better than the Shuttle.

Anonymous No. 16475146

Leo propellant depot, how rare are largish objects in orbit hit by debris?

Anonymous No. 16475147

probably a different communications architecture

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Anonymous No. 16475148

Europa by the same artist.

Anonymous No. 16475150

in LEO you can simply track all objects large enough to hurt you and shield against everything smaller with whipple shields

Anonymous No. 16475153

There's definitely going to be very remote specialised outposts/mines/factories that will need a continuous comm link like oil platforms on Earth. Not to mention the explosion of robotic workers/rovers when they can be live controlled by some guy in a chair on mars.

Anonymous No. 16475157

Io, Io, were off to kill Io
with a bucket and spade and a hand grenade Io! Io, Io, Io!

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Anonymous No. 16475162

>cold, icy landscapes are my favourite
Same. It feels as though you are so far away from everything you've ever known. Utter radio silence, tinnitus embraces you, only your thoughts are to be acknowledged. Nothing matters here, for all problems ceased to be. Were you to pass away, not a single soul would ever know. You and the landscape share no border, it all conflated into one. Solitude is your companion.
>a dream I had when I was a kid
Oh, do tell us.

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Anonymous No. 16475165

/sfg/ vindicated. trump confirmed for arguably the most important space president ever.

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Anonymous No. 16475166

Reading through their proposal, it seems RFA is taking the SHLV concept much more seriously than ArianeSpace. It was also cute seeing them use SpaceX terminology like "belly-flop"

Anonymous No. 16475169

You will really hate SLS with the EUS upper stage then.

Anonymous No. 16475173

Good thing it will never be built lmao.

Anonymous No. 16475175

I still don't know what Trump's plan for space is
All I've gotten is some vague notion of deregulation for spacex

Anonymous No. 16475177

The torch was carried several time to orbit, though it wasn't lit up, because space agencies hate fun.
The real challenge would be to make it part of the relay, ie, keep it burning during launch, orbit, then deorbit.

Anonymous No. 16475178

the SLS of the future
something stupidly expensive which only exists to make SpaceX look better

Anonymous No. 16475180

so far its vague but we've seen
>SLS canceled
>desire to get artemis 2 to the moon before his term is up
>desire to get starship to mars before his term is up
>expanded space force
>brilliant pebbles 2.0
some speculate that he'll push to get space command moved to huntsville alabama too

Anonymous No. 16475181

To connect to Earth

Anonymous No. 16475184

oh yeah and
>desire to get artemis 3 on the moon before his term is up

Anonymous No. 16475186

Isn't this contradictory with cancelling SLS?

Anonymous No. 16475187

Only if you require Artemis to use SLS. You don't HAVE to use the orange rogget at all if you don't want to, why should you if the alternatives are orders of magnitude cheaper?

Anonymous No. 16475188

Probably because you never looked.

Anonymous No. 16475189

Too many engines. No way a vehicle with that many engines can ever be made reliable.

Anonymous No. 16475191

Realistically, Could starship become crew rated for moon to earth reentry in 4 years?

Anonymous No. 16475192

>As recently as the early 2000s, it cost nearly $10,000 to put one kilogram into low-Earth orbit. By 2015, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket could do it for $2,720. Today, launching the same payload costs as low as $1,500. With intense market competition and SpaceX’s huge new Starship rocket, we foresee pricing below $1,000 by the end of the decade. The last time we saw such a combination of falling prices and improved performance, it was in the integrated circuits that drove the personal computing and internet revolutions. Moore’s Law sustained global U.S. technological and economic dominance for decades. The Republican platform embraces the possibility of a similar boom in space.
we gaan

Anonymous No. 16475193

It turns out having your engines in multiples of 9 gives the most reliability.

Anonymous No. 16475194

>Greg Autry is the author of Red Moon Rising: How America Will be China on The Final Frontier.

Anonymous No. 16475196

Why bot just use Orion but transfer sooner? Not dragging it to nrho means the heat shield as it is isn’t a problem and drops the requirements for a rocket that carries it by a lot.

Anonymous No. 16475197

>2025 - mars base(spacex), population 10000
low level b8

Anonymous No. 16475203

I think that's the Pennsylvania rally. There haven't been too many where ELAN appears with Trump

Anonymous No. 16475216

I don't know for sure that Elon was that deep in it yet

Anonymous No. 16475224

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16475231

>no engine-out redundancy in the second stage

Anonymous No. 16475232

>multiples of 9
That's only according to his model. If you can have engine-out redundancy with 8 engines or a minimum of 10 engines, then the rest of the numbers are difference. Eager uses 9 in his model because that's what Falcon 9 has.

Anonymous No. 16475233

Elon is going to buy the Sun.

Anonymous No. 16475234

No fair, I was gonna buy that

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Anonymous No. 16475252

Anonymous No. 16475253

sovl. I yearn for the reality where SpaceX never got off the ground.

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Anonymous No. 16475258

Lol. Lmao even

Anonymous No. 16475260

What’s so funny?

Anonymous No. 16475261

Why dont you tell me Jeff?

Anonymous No. 16475262

ice dragon?

Anonymous No. 16475264

Love this stuff. Makes it so easy to argue they aren't a monopoly while they rake in $30b/y

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Anonymous No. 16475266
>Introducing Deneb, a powerhouse hydrocarbon engine designed for unmatched performance.
>Deneb's ox-rich staged combustion cycle combined with a high area ratio expansion nozzle will deliver 15,000 pounds of thrust — setting it up to be one of the highest-performing liquid oxygen/liquid methane engines ever flown, per its creator, Tom Mueller (@lrocket).

Anonymous No. 16475268

Looks pretty tidy. Is it, perhaps, only “partially assembled”?

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96 hours.jpg

Anonymous No. 16475270

We are under 4 days to launch, less than 96 hours. Who is ready?

Anonymous No. 16475271

Engines are getting simpler, I like this trend. Maybe eventually they'll be simple enough for a retard like me to figure out.

Anonymous No. 16475272

big if true. another L for spaceX and the muskites.

Anonymous No. 16475279

One of the experiments needed to be done on Moon and Mars is somehow get massive (how big?) glass or plastic, see through and or not, terrariums that are hooked with some of the proposed air and water production and filtration systems, climate control, plants, soils, fruits, vegetables, insects, worms, micro organisms, pools with water life, reptiles and small animals, with

Anonymous No. 16475285

>Eager uses 9 in his model because that's what Falcon 9 has.

Did you even watch the video?

Anonymous No. 16475286

Blue and another unnamed launch provider.

Probably how AST is getting shit on in court trying to lawfare SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16475287

>he thinks I'm joking
>he doesn't know about the secret bi-yearly mars transfer maneuver
kek what an imbecile

Anonymous No. 16475290

It was a stupid thing to post because the mars base already has a population higher than that. It would be like saying I expect the US to have at least 300 million people by 2025

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Anonymous No. 16475291

So they want to merge a F9 first stage with a NG first stage... as a second stage.... with hydrolox....

Anonymous No. 16475298

I bet cowgirl sex is mindblowing in lunar gravity

Anonymous No. 16475299

Airbus (government owned European defense company) says SpaceX would not pass antitrust in Europe

Anonymous No. 16475300

I think that hotter engines are able to direct more of the plasma in a narrower cone, thus requiring less cooling of the engine and funnel.

Anonymous No. 16475302

with compliments

Anonymous No. 16475307

America choose unequal sharing of blessings. Europe choose equal sharing of miseries.

Anonymous No. 16475311

Let that sink in. Elon bros just keep winning, do we need to topple their governments too?

Anonymous No. 16475312

China extending olive branch to US space exploration

Anonymous No. 16475313

Why didn't they offer this a month ago?

Anonymous No. 16475314

New admin = new chance.
Biden door was closed, so they had no chance.

Anonymous No. 16475315

And further its likely Trump's doors are also closed, but you dont know that if you dont try. It could possibly lead to some greater deal with Taiwan de-escalation, but I doubt it, still even if its 1%, its still a c hance

Anonymous No. 16475316

the answer is NO, but you can do some of the tedious manufacturing bits if you so like. as long as its really cheap

Anonymous No. 16475319

It was extremely, extremely, extremely dumb to use hair spray on this photoshoot.

Anonymous No. 16475321

We should give china our weapons secrets.

Anonymous No. 16475323

starship looks more natural with less side tiles desu

Anonymous No. 16475324

>New admin = new chance.

Trump is super hawkish towards China while Biden was happy to let them expand their influence

Anonymous No. 16475325

>be a "developing nation" that still recieves billions in aid every year from the west, but at the same time has a spaceprogram and the second largest militairy force in the world.
>be in a tradewar with the US&EU
>use the cartels to flood america with fentanyl
>have army of spies who are stealing US&EU tech so they can reverse engineer it.
>openly be hostile to a nation that produces most of the semiconducters of the world.
>ask to join the international space program.
Wow, these guys should join, dont see any problem here.

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Anonymous No. 16475327

Anonymous No. 16475329

Biden has slanty eyes himself, those eyebrows creep me right the fuck out, especially in directional lighting

Anonymous No. 16475331

just simply not true

Anonymous No. 16475334

Hawkish just means more willing to leverage a trade deal properly. Its better than the stormy waves situation we have today while the president ignores the precarious situation as if nothing is happening due to his dementia. No president in the US will start a war with China, only a delusional would think that is the case here. So hawkishness is just leverage in this case, the potential for change. Trump wants something.

Anonymous No. 16475337

JFK suggested cooperation with the Soviets on a manned lunar mission.

Anonymous No. 16475343

Both Faury and the xigger are right. There is nothing of value in europe.

Anonymous No. 16475345

JFK suggested a lot of things that got him killed by the CIA.

Anonymous No. 16475348

I can't keep track of all the different fuels: qrd on different fuel combos and their advantages and disadvantages?

Anonymous No. 16475352

Trump is restructuring CIA. He has a target on his back. So does Musk right now.

Anonymous No. 16475354

>glass or plastic
Or whatever habitat/base materials planned to be used actually, I just thought terrariums are usually glass and to see in but now I see there's no need for that, mini version of the materials people may someday being using, and set up many live feed cameras inside

Anonymous No. 16475359

Trump is going to leave the CIA alone, and trump will not release the JFK files.

Anonymous No. 16475362


4 options, exceedingly complex and risky

Anonymous No. 16475371


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Anonymous No. 16475374

I'd kind of like the reality where BO got off the ground already.

Anonymous No. 16475378

Airbus is not government owned

Anonymous No. 16475379

It was already tried and it failed spectacularly. But to be fair, there were management issues and there probably weren't many actual experts involved in the planning process. Your idea should be tried on Earth first, with proper organisation and funding. Algae can be used to create oxygen. It would be interesting to see how plants grow and airborne insects maneouvre in micro-G.

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Anonymous No. 16475382

and a bunch of other fun fuels

Anonymous No. 16475385

Euros are so dumb omg
ESA scaled SUSIE down in this infographic? kek

Anonymous No. 16475386

11% French
11% German
5% Spanish

And further many other shares are probably partially owned by these as well through partial ownerships

Anonymous No. 16475388

someone needs to draw this pic with anime girls

Anonymous No. 16475393

Yeah that was a while ago, people here talk seriously and non chalantly about oxygen and water production in Moon and Mars habitat like it's walk in the park in the next few years. Put those water, air, climate systems, (food) on a scaled down habitat, with plants, ponds life, insects, reptiles, micro organisms, small mamals, and hook live video feeds all over it, and sensors etc. By this time next year at least 3 of these should be on the moon, year and a half or 2 years if needed. What is timeline for people on moon? How is robotics and 3d printing, and modular habitat air tight construct ability? Where are the moon landing, and these terrarium location candidates, what's to consider, temperature shielding, stabilizing it to ground, solar panels all on the outside.

Also there should be a large tight knit very tight knit cage fenced off area, where a bunch of soil and plants and insects and micro organisms are filled up in, with tiny tiny hole maybe 1 or 2, access to moon vacuum, just to see what would happen?

Anonymous No. 16475412

Dude builds propane/oxygen pulse detonation engine, claims 500+ isp

Anonymous No. 16475415

Reddit says it's unlikely for the launch to be on Monday.

Anonymous No. 16475424

Just take you estrogen on time, and Reddit will be okay

Anonymous No. 16475433

wut is blud waffling about :skull:

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the cows are conf....jpg

Anonymous No. 16475434

Why would I care what reddit thinks? I'm not on reddit, I'm on 4chan, I care what 4chan thinks not reddit. If I wanted to hear what those losers thought I'd go there myself.

Anonymous No. 16475438

those were simpler times, back beforeanyone hknew what a piping plover was, back when the environmentlist FUD was about how grasshopper was disturbing cows

Anonymous No. 16475441

does anyone have the picture of the plover with superheavy in the background?

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 16475448


Anonymous No. 16475452

Anonymous No. 16475453

Jeff's Budget (getting paid for testing OMG WE'RE LIKE SPACEX!!!) Launches.

Anonymous No. 16475457

When do the astroonomers start complaining about them blocking out stars?

Anonymous No. 16475459

>the cows are confused

Anonymous No. 16475460

Most pessimistic SpaceX fan

Anonymous No. 16475461

One of the cooler space experiments I could think of, and would be surprised if many wouldn't agree

Anonymous No. 16475469

I don't hate it. Does it have enough DeltaV to yeet Orion into NRHO or whatever Lunar orbit they wanna put Gateway in now?

Anonymous No. 16475473
nah what the hell bruh :skull:

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Anonymous No. 16475474

I don't see it.

Anonymous No. 16475475

Red White and Steel

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16475477

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16475478

Water/air on Mars is basically solved as a technology problem, and any volume made habitable for people will also support your creepy crawlies. I'm not sure what there is to learn from what you describe

Anonymous No. 16475479

you fuck

Anonymous No. 16475480

Vertical red and white bars.
The sun confirmed original 13 colonies fan.

Anonymous No. 16475481

Reddit says communism is great

Anonymous No. 16475482

fou yuck

Anonymous No. 16475483

where is the blue rectangle with the stars in it then? jackass.

Anonymous No. 16475486

retarded gorilla nigger.

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Anonymous No. 16475487

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Anonymous No. 16475489

What a gay looking launch complex. Still can't beleive this washed up company never delivered the falcon 5 family. What's the point?

Anonymous No. 16475490

How big will Starbase get?

Anonymous No. 16475492

It will begin growing exponentially

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Anonymous No. 16475493


Anonymous No. 16475495

Its trapped between SPI and Mexico, it can grow a bit more, but I think 4 towers is about the max.
Only one orbital inclination is available from there, which sucks. And its not a friendly site for just manufacture and export. Its R&D with some launch capability too, but SpaceX needs not only Florida but also some willing partners (Australia, please?)

Anonymous No. 16475499

how the fuck are they suppsoed to get ships to australia jackass?

Anonymous No. 16475500

When the United States invades Mexico to end the cartels, Elon will be awarded some additional formerly Mexican land adjacent to Starbase which he can expand into.

Anonymous No. 16475502

Fly them there
>inb4 E2E is a meme

Anonymous No. 16475505

how about the boosters incel?

Anonymous No. 16475509

dont fuk with me btw, i reallywould appreciate if you dont fuck with me.

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Anonymous No. 16475511

RTLS, dumdum.

Anonymous No. 16475515

what about the hot stage ring? asshole.

Anonymous No. 16475516

I'll let you know when SpaceX figures it out.

Anonymous No. 16475520

I know the mark of a bear paw when I see it. They're fighting space bears and hiding it from the taxpayer. Is the ISS in danger of bear attack? Who put these bears in space? Are the bears communists?

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bear surprise.jpg

Anonymous No. 16475530

Cease your baseless inquiries into this subject at once.

Anonymous No. 16475533

Yes, I did. Weeks ago. Apparently I nevertheless remember it's contents better than you.
>You may be wondering why the magic number is nine. I chose nine because we know that Falcon 9 is single-engine redundant.
@ 7:32 in that video

If you happened to make a seven engine rocket that had a redundant engine, then the "magic number" would be 7 rather than 9. If your rocket had 12 engines but only one redundant, then the magic number for that rocket would be 12, not 9.

Anonymous No. 16475534

why? If that was the case we still wouldn't have the ability to launch our own astronauts

Anonymous No. 16475535

fuck you (in a good way)

Anonymous No. 16475543

thanks mate, i needed that

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Anonymous No. 16475544


Anonymous No. 16475546

cant wait for the future asstroonomer seething and shitting as we build countless concentric dyson swarms around the gay Earth

Anonymous No. 16475550

Why haven't they made a starlink style weather satellite constellation? Or are the current handfull good enough?

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Anonymous No. 16475551

Lookin good

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Anonymous No. 16475552

The stackening is happening

Anonymous No. 16475553

Space Bears are not a problem. They keep the Moon Bunny population in check.

Anonymous No. 16475555

why is his body so small? and why can I instantly clock him as a homosexual even though he's not public about it?

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Anonymous No. 16475556

hmmmmmmmm no

Anonymous No. 16475558

are they going to destack it for fts or has that already been done?

Anonymous No. 16475559

soft estrogen face. he got them eyes

Anonymous No. 16475561

That's plenty big enough to fit a hotstage ring, maybe 2

Anonymous No. 16475562

ship is as two pieces then weld it on arrival
ez pz

Anonymous No. 16475570

>Richard survives a launch abort!
>cut to Soyuz launch escape tower igniting at max Q
>James attempts to start a rocket engine!
>"Lads, I think it must be a bit damp."
>cut to green TEA/TEB flash and James being annihilated by a Merlin exhaust plume
>and I test drive the new Boeing Starliner!
>"It seems we've developed a loss of power, something must be cocked up
with the forward thrusters."
>cut to Starliner motionless outside the ISS and unable to dock
>All this and more tonight on Bottom Gear!

Anonymous No. 16475573

when's the mars special coming out

Anonymous No. 16475576

What da stig doing?

Anonymous No. 16475579

no, you've totally misunderstood thermodynamics, go back to school kid

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Anonymous No. 16475581


Anonymous No. 16475582

This is the rocket equivalent of thinking cold water boils faster than hot water.

Anonymous No. 16475586

>Some say he's able to generate thrust by reflecting microwaves inside his helmet in a way that violates the law of conservation of momentum,
>and that he actually set foot on the moon shortly before Neil Armstrong, but immediately reentered the lander, finding the surface of the moon to be uncomfortably chilly.
>All we know is, he's called Alexstig Leonstignov.

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Anonymous No. 16475593

>Space Bear Propaganda
Пocт лaпa, звepь.

Anonymous No. 16475596

get hyped

Anonymous No. 16475597

spacex has really sped up the stacking process. look at that ship zoom

Anonymous No. 16475598


Anonymous No. 16475600

Starbase Starfactory is the prototype. The Roberts Road facility has nearly twice as much land under SpaceX's control and the factory there has the potential to get to be as half as big as Giga Austin. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the decade or by mid decade next, SpaceX will build an actual Gigafactory Austin sized facility for Starship/SuperHeavy production as they ramp the sheer volume of Crew and Moonships.

Anonymous No. 16475602

>new upgrade to Mechazilla now allow SpaceX to launch Starship in a new flight profile that allows it to clear the tower without igniting its engines, reach a height of half a kilometer before ignition occurs, allowing SpaceX to shave hundreds of metric tons of fuel, paving the way to a new era of reusability

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orbital slingshot....jpg

Anonymous No. 16475604

Slinglaunch 2025

Anonymous No. 16475605

sons of liberty

Anonymous No. 16475606

>who needs raptors when you have a million autists pulling back on a slingshot to punt a Starship into low OP's mom's orbit

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Anonymous No. 16475608

ABL space stops its orbital launch activities to focus on missile defense.
No RS-1 ever cleared its pad. Reminder ABL had a 58 launches contract from Lockheed..

Anonymous No. 16475610


Anonymous No. 16475616

3 days

Anonymous No. 16475625

ABL - A Bitch of Lockheed

Anonymous No. 16475628

Smart. Smallaunch isn't a completely dead market segment yet but it only gets harder to break into with each passing year. Meanwhile, there's a desperate demand for anything that's remotely SM-3 equivilant. This is the best move they could have possibly made given current circumstances

Still sucks that we'll never get to see any good RS-1 launch footage

Anonymous No. 16475639

>When do the astroonomers start complaining about them blocking out stars?
funny how they're silent about the chinese satellites even though they're some of the brightest

Anonymous No. 16475642

intuitive machines demands more gibs, says artemis should focus on unmanned missions first

Anonymous No. 16475643

Absolute bankruptcy looming

Anonymous No. 16475647

>Starbase Starfactory is the prototype
This fucking company man

Anonymous No. 16475649

>I'm not sure what there is to learn from what you describe
What they would be like with moon gravity, just how their biology and the terrarium biosphere would function over time, how plants would react to the differing sun light.

In the other experiment with just plant matters and microbes, small holes in the container, to see what leaked out, precursor to the possibility of atmosphere generation at all, or if the tiniest of holes allowing access to moons vacua, would disrupt the functioning of terrarium cylinder A vs complete enclosed cylinder B.

Maybe there are automatic shades that allow differing amount of sun light.

Yeah really just to see how a terrarium bio of a variety of earthly life forms would function over, months, years, while boxly attached to the moons surface.

The other simpler version, with holes sensor monitor at the holes what kind of interaction is going on there.

Test the habitat tech of oxygen and water and climate control, I mean how automated are those things planned to be, press on and they run smoothly for months straight?

A pond in the terrariums, how will fish do, a fenced in section garden bed open to moon air of plants, that are fed water and soil nutrients, co2 from underneath, see how they do.

Okay it may all be stupid pointless idea, but I thought there was something to it.

Yeah it's a pointless idea.

Is there fear of contaminating the moon, could micro organisms multiply there and take over, what can be used to terraform?

We have a c02 problem, ship it all to the moon, to the miles long plant beds that are seeped co2 from underneath,

Okay I'm back to thinking terrarium might be cool, my only problem was I was thinking too small.

100 x 100 x 100 yd rainforest jungle, that is see through, hooked up with vid cams, but maybe also can be seen vines on trees through a glass cube from earth telescope.
No it's all dumb

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Anonymous No. 16475652

IM is based so I'm cool with this

Anonymous No. 16475655

Trump on Elon
>he likes this place. I can't get him out of here!

it's over, the feud has started

Anonymous No. 16475658


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Anonymous No. 16475660

Found some old school kino

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Anonymous No. 16475663


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Anonymous No. 16475664

orbital propellant depot v1 prototype test article

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Anonymous No. 16475668

where's that moonlink elooooooooooon

Anonymous No. 16475670

>However, over the past few years, we’ve seen our ability to make a meaningful impact in the launch industry diminish. Take a look around. U.S. rockets fly every couple of days, with perfect success. It’s revolutionary. While there is still a need for more providers in certain market segments, those opportunities are decreasing. To succeed in such a demanding effort as scaling up an orbital launch program, you need deep motivation around your mission and potential impact, from many stakeholders. As the launch market matured, those motivations thinned and our path to making a big contribution as a commercial launch company narrowed considerably.

Anonymous No. 16475671

Will be folded into Lockheed Marin right?

Anonymous No. 16475676

Elon said that Tesla's biggest advantage is their manufacturing capability and not specifically their EV tech. Elon routinely cross pollinates talent from Tesla into SpaceX and vice-versa to augment and accelerate projects. Tesla also uses each factory as basically a CICD pipeline, learning from failures and improving in the process. No two Tesla factories at the same. Freemonth led to Nevada which led to Shanghai, which led to Berlin, which led to Austin. Austin is their largest and most advanced and most modern factory yet. SpaceX is following the same playbook. You can think of Starbase, Texas as the equivalent of Freemont where like the Model 3 production, they were building everything in tents. They've now completed the tent phase and are about to enter the proper factory phase. That's v1.0 aka Freemont aka Starbase. Roberts Road will be equivalent to Giga Shanghai. If they ever build a third Starfactory, say in Maine for example (as it's towards the north most tip of the US and closer to polar orbit launch profiles), we'll basically see a factory in vein of either Berlin or Austin.

Like 4-5 years ago, Elon tweeted that he's playing Factorio on speedrun, in real life. All behavior with Tesla and SpaceX completely tracks with that sentiment. Hell, take the new X/Ai data center that was built in Memphis, Tennessee. They built a 100,000 H100 GPU datacenter for model training in 122 days. Jensen Huang literally in an interview said that it takes on average about 4 years to do the same. While the DC in this case is exclusive for this startup and not a general purpose, so a lot of qualification and certification was skipped, it's nonetheless quite ridiculous. It also is first principles design. They didn't have 100MW of power available, so they bought NatGas turbine plants on site to even out the power until they got approved for more. Then they got milisecond power issues during training ramp, so they bought in 100MW megapacks to streamline the power.

Anonymous No. 16475679

So much so that Sam Altman abjectly panicked and went to Microsoft's board demanding they move just as quickly. There's like a dozen other startups now demanding that when DCs are built, natgas turbines are bought on site to accelerate design, build, and success rate. And that eventually tap into Tesla megapacks too, in order to streamline power delivery so inconsistent power delivery during training ramp when GPUs massively scale up power until they normalize is addressed. The sheer degree of optimizations at every level involved are insane, and this guy just keeps pushing the boundary ever forward. It's hard to extrapolate where SpaceX and Tesla and other Elon ventures will be in 10 years, because practically ever year, they reinvent the wheel and make it something radically newer and better to the degree that the competition keeps shitting and pissing their pants, falling over to try to catch up what they pulled off last year.

Anonymous No. 16475681

>Tesla also uses each factory as basically a CICD pipeline
but teslas change much less than other makes of car over time? or do you mean a cicd pipeline for factory design?

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Andalite Dome Ship.png

Anonymous No. 16475683

I've seen this before

Anonymous No. 16475684

CiCD of the factory itself. Tesla treats the factory as a whole as just another piece of software that needs to be tested, in a pipeline, and optimized over time. Most car companies have a factory design and they copy pasta it all over the world, optimizing it minimally to account for supply chain constraints. Tesla says "fuck that, each factory is an opportunity to fully refactor the ENTIRE design, and so we will, and anyone that disagrees is fired and asked to fuck off the premises."

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16475686


Anonymous No. 16475687

>but teslas change much less than other makes of car over time
They change from literally month to month. Teslas from Jan aren't same as Teslas from December and like from July/Aug or so. Even though they keep the old model number arch that cars use, the starting year tesla and ending year Tesla are different.

Anonymous No. 16475691

Uhhh I think Elon is acting Secretary of State rn

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Anonymous No. 16475692


Anonymous No. 16475695

where did you even hear that? there is some youtube guy who does teardowns if you're actually interested but it changes all the time.
>Munro Live
major changes (like 48V or switching to ethernet communication) are by per vehicle line though. though sometimes not like how they started gigacasting parts for the model 3 without changing the name

Anonymous No. 16475696

It honestly breaks every precedent in the book and as much as he's capable, he needs to cut that shit out. If he tries to fly too high by himself, his wings of wax will burn and he'll plummet.

Anonymous No. 16475698

The Trump Administration doesn't take power until Inauguration Day on January 20th, and has no actual political power until then. If it somehow actually got to that point, Elon wouldn't be acting anything until then.

Anonymous No. 16475699

you could die tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16475701

Tesla doesn't have annual model releases or refreshes like other OEMs, because they continuously iterate on the vehicles. The only time major architecture changes occur is when they do half-decade model refreshes. Model 3 came out in 2018, they refreshed it in 2023. Model Y came out in 2019, they are refreshing it next year. Model X doesn't really get refreshes, but it does get improvements made from lessons learned from the Model 3 and Y lines. Model S is basically a skunkworks project in Tesla. Their top talent all works on it, and the all basically use that platform and architecture to push the physical limit and the bleeding edge of tech to try out all kindsa batshit ideas. Some work, others don't. What works is sold to customers, and then those ideas are trickled down into the Model 3 and Y lines for mass market production/optimization. The Model 3 motor for example, is the mass production version of the Model S motor and the Model Y motor is the same motor. Fun fact, the electric motors that control the gridfins on the super heavy booster and the flaps on the Starship, are Model 3 motors.

Anonymous No. 16475702

he's been present for high profile callsz ukraine discussion, and now met with iranian officials. and with the president of argentina. this seems a little more than just DOGE. US goveenment is becoming his new X

Anonymous No. 16475703

it's sad performance art

Anonymous No. 16475704

more like a chief of staff during the transition period as they usually are the ones who have their hand on the political pulse. for whatever trump wants elon around for that
oh wait you're some kind of retard so nvm. dutch maybe?

Anonymous No. 16475706

How would they qualify as a monopoly when all the other players just suck so bad that no one wants to use them (and it's not the fault of spacex), or in some cases no one else is even trying to do the things that they're doing

Anonymous No. 16475708

he's secretary of trump actually. trump's butler. what a chump

Anonymous No. 16475724

Fuck off and go concern troll somewhere else

Anonymous No. 16475732


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Anonymous No. 16475737

would you settle for rocket girls?

Anonymous No. 16475739

if spacex catches starship first try i will do a cum tribute on my starship torch and face reveal

Anonymous No. 16475748

>Muh wax wings
>t. person who hasn’t even been to orbit.

Anonymous No. 16475753

Elon should ask to be made the DARPA director.

Anonymous No. 16475755

He will be Secretary on UFOS/USOS

Anonymous No. 16475761

Felonious Moskal Husk needs to learn to respect peoples boundaries.

Anonymous No. 16475764

why isnt HLS vac engines only? You could fit 7 of them right?

Anonymous No. 16475768

Weather still looking good, a bit windy maybe.

Anonymous No. 16475773

We don't fucking know. Bezos' paranoia means we have no fucking idea what capabilities it has.
45 tonnes to LEO when discarding second stage? Wow, that's a whopping 10% improvement over Falcon Heavy.
Apparently it's going to cost less to launch than a Falcon 9.
I hear you can collapse the whole thing down and carry it around in your pocket.

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Anonymous No. 16475778

He is literally the bear hunter

Anonymous No. 16475788

she looks a little uggo, but that plane is well drawn, very sexy

Anonymous No. 16475790

The bottom of the LOX tank is domed, you can't fit an rvac in the center. There's no justification for having 6 rvacs either, the thrust isn't necessary. 3 sea level raptors are overkill too, it's just you wouldn't want to all lose all thrust vectoring if your only one failed.
In the ballpark of masses we expect from HLS the 3 or so extra seconds of Isp you get from 3 extra rvacs aren't worth it, assuming 3 sea level raptors are firing at 40% thrust the entire time. It nets a loss in performance from the dry mass gain.

Anonymous No. 16475791

That bear is very clearly Chinese.

Anonymous No. 16475793

Would there be room for gimbaling?

Anonymous No. 16475798

after this flight its on to V2 starship, with orbital to come. next year is going to be so fucking hype bros

Anonymous No. 16475808

>a hydrolox raptor
I wonder what would have to change aside from the name
The expansion ratio would be different, the stochiometry would be off, etc

Anonymous No. 16475811

Musk was merting with heads of state like milei before getting involved in politics explicitly

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Anonymous No. 16475821

Anonymous No. 16475824

Vacuum vs sealevel nozzle is not a big deal, they fly Falcon 9 second stage with a short nozzle if they don't need full thrust.

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Anonymous No. 16475842

What if...

Anonymous No. 16475852

He would never

Anonymous No. 16475853

Also I cant tell is this Nelson or Trump

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Anonymous No. 16475854

shit happens

Anonymous No. 16475855


Anonymous No. 16475856

Fits inside Starship
No ground prep required

Anonymous No. 16475861

>Trump is restructuring CIA

Anonymous No. 16475871

>bottom gear
>not max Q

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heavy lift airship.jpg

Anonymous No. 16475875

>how the fuck are they suppsoed to get ships to australia jackass?

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Anonymous No. 16475885

Come on man

Anonymous No. 16475929
>Starship Flight 6 Approaches: Timeline, Tests & The Road Ahead!

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Anonymous No. 16475953


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Anonymous No. 16475954

Russki bear save money buying space suit from Aliexpress.

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Anonymous No. 16475970

Not what you were talking about but this triggered me. My autism cant get over the fact that Starship combines sea level and vacuum engines firing at the same time. It should be one type of engine per stage, as God intended.

Anonymous No. 16475976

I hate that there are some non white people who are into starship. Like, just be into basket ball or something, sweaty.

Anonymous No. 16475978

There is over a billion chinese people into starship.

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Anonymous No. 16475979

Did we just witness the greatest regulatory capture in US history?

Anonymous No. 16475985

>only 4 starship launches this year
>would've been 3 if the FAA had their way
spacex has alot of catching up to do

Anonymous No. 16475991

The rest of the world has some catching up to do
The Chinese are just now testing their first hoppers, that's where SpaceX was 12 years ago

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Anonymous No. 16475992

How exactly do you use a satellite constellation network to rig a election?

Anonymous No. 16475996

no, he is going to cut the regulation
not capture it
anybody can compete, the fact that Musk can outcompete everyone doesn't make it regulatory capture

Anonymous No. 16475997


Anonymous No. 16476003

>Being honest with the reality the situation rather than coping and seething or hiding about corpospeak

Honestly? Sorta refreshing.

Anonymous No. 16476011

>In the United States, Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a generic term for the oversight division of a federal or state agency aimed at preventing inefficient or unlawful operations within their parent agency. Such offices are attached to many federal executive departments, independent federal agencies, as well as state and local governments. Each office includes an inspector general (or IG) and employees charged with identifying, auditing, and investigating fraud, waste, abuse, embezzlement and mismanagement of any kind within the executive department.

Does Elon even know about this? It's like everyone forgot we already have an office responsible for government efficiency. You just need to give it more power.

Anonymous No. 16476016

He wants to be like Milei. Afuera!

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Anonymous No. 16476025

Good morning starships!

Anonymous No. 16476045

>Impulse Space buys three Falcon 9 launches
>WASHINGTON — Impulse Space has purchased three Falcon 9 launches for its Helios transfer vehicle for missions starting in 2026, including one for the Space Force.
>Impulse Space announced Nov. 14 that it signed a contract with SpaceX for the Falcon 9 launches. Each launch will carry the company’s Helios transfer vehicle, a high-energy kick stage the company introduced in January to transport payloads quickly between orbits.
>The first launch, planned for mid-2026, will be the first flight of Helios. The transfer vehicle will transport the company’s smaller Mira vehicle, carrying a commercial optical payload, from low Earth orbit to geostationary transfer orbit on the Victus Surgo mission for the Space Force and Defense Innovation Unit. Impulse Space received a $34.5 million contract for Victus Surgo and another mission, Victus Salo, Oct. 3. Impulse Space said the schedule and payloads for the other two Helios launches will be determined later.
>“Securing these launches allows us to showcase the full potential of Helios,” Eric Romo, president and chief operating officer of Impulse Space, said in a company statement. “Delivering spacecraft to high energy orbits rapidly and economically changes the equation for commercial communication operators and national security missions like Victus Surgo.”
>Helios is powered by a liquid-oxygen, liquid-methane engine called Deneb that produces 15,000 pounds-force of thrust. Impulse Space separately unveiled a developmental version of Deneb Nov. 14, claiming that the engine is “one of the highest-performing liquid oxygen/liquid methane engines” developed. The company said tests of Deneb will begin soon.

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Anonymous No. 16476051

I can't help but notice that most of those right-wing politicians are often frauds.

Anonymous No. 16476056

It doesn't spell DOGE so Elon wanted his own.

Anonymous No. 16476068

So it's just a shitcoin grift?

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Anonymous No. 16476069

UHM... SpaceXisterss.... How do we Respond without sounding hella MAD? He got us with this one.

Anonymous No. 16476073

Everyone with 100+ IQ knew that DOGE was just a sandbox for Elon + Vivek to play around in while real politicians got to work.

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Anonymous No. 16476074

>Literally who's in a slap fight on twitter
Why are you sharing this with us.

Anonymous No. 16476076

Elon will have egg on his face when this admin is busienss as usual. he promised so much.

Anonymous No. 16476078

Bottom one is a better source on spaceflight developments than Eric Berger.

Anonymous No. 16476080

There are a lot of people here who derive their worth from shitting on sub 90 IQ people.

Anonymous No. 16476081

>autist gets fooled by evil policians
Sad to see

Anonymous No. 16476085

It's a way for him to waste a lot of time

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Anonymous No. 16476086

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Anonymous No. 16476094


Anonymous No. 16476095

Hey you retards and faggots, what's happening with spaceflight this morning

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16476096

Inspiring anon. Thank you
(Will delete in a sec cause off topic)

Anonymous No. 16476099

Only Long March-7 Y9 • Tianzhou-8 in one hour or so.

Anonymous No. 16476100

Yeah now he’s just completely making stuff up. Claiming HLS as the main bottleneck for Artemis is a great litmus test for low IQ.
Pathetic, really!

Anonymous No. 16476102

another Starlink probably idk

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Anonymous No. 16476103


Anonymous No. 16476104

This is a really gay post format.

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Anonymous No. 16476109

>"I don't start fights but I finish them"
If he gets he going to go nuclear?

Anonymous No. 16476111

See >>16476045

Anonymous No. 16476112

Trump has all the power. He is president and could bankrupt Musk tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16476114

They could spend tens of billions making something else that's even more useless out of it and call it Sunk Cost Station.

Anonymous No. 16476116

he'll go solar

Anonymous No. 16476119

He'll fold, like a good servant. Last time he got too cocky, he had to undergo a whole humiliation ritual.

Anonymous No. 16476120

Reminder that spaceguy5 thought bergers scoop about starliner was just deliberate nasa disinfo to weed out leakers.

Anonymous No. 16476122

He'll drop to his knees like last time

Anonymous No. 16476125

it was. Patriots are in control.

Anonymous No. 16476126

>inb4 spacex goes sideways because elon is too busy playing in his sandbox

Anonymous No. 16476128

>starliner didn't actually return without crew
Who was in it when it landed then?

Anonymous No. 16476129

the ghost of ISS

Anonymous No. 16476131

they gave the crew treat by leaving them on the station.

Anonymous No. 16476135

>Patriots are in control.
Where? Because you're definitely not talking about America.

Anonymous No. 16476147

I take a long look at a fully stacked starship with objects for scale nearby and can't help but it's just not that big

Anonymous No. 16476149

that poor bird

Anonymous No. 16476152

elon fellators will seethe, but he's right
should have built a 27m starship instead
this pencil rocket is just too tiny to be of any use

Anonymous No. 16476158

try 64m, Zubrin

Anonymous No. 16476159

why did they not change back to 12m when they decided to switch to stainless steel??

Anonymous No. 16476163

>he's still measuring his rockets in meters
quitter attitude

Anonymous No. 16476166

Its not like the birds cant hear the propellant farm kick into high gear, the ultra-loud venting from the subcoolers and other equipment.
Birds have wings for a reason, they can fucking leave if something starts happening.
It takes hours to fill this fucking thing, if they want to stay in the blasted zone, no tears shed, thats just a dumb animal.

Anonymous No. 16476167

Joos in spess when?

Anonymous No. 16476171

>would've been 3 if the FAA had their way
nah, if it had been a late november Flight 5 they would have replaced tiles on S31, static fired B13 before it, and Flight 5->6 would have had a slightly shorter turnaroudn, a month max, would have been tight but feasible to fit in december.

Anonymous No. 16476173


We're Jews out in space
We're zooming along
protecting the Hebrew race

We're Jews out in space
If trouble appears
we put it right back in its place

When goyim attack us
We give 'em a smack
we'll slap them right back in the face

We're Jews out in space
We're zooming along
protecting the Hebrew race

Anonymous No. 16476174

Elon was probably demon mode and demanded they build it asap no matter the diameter. Not switching up was a HUGE mistake, likely the biggest of the whole program. Realistically they should have gone at least 18m because it plays bigly into the strengths of stainless. Stainless is easy to build with but much lower performance than carbon composite, so there is no reason for the vehicle to not be COLOSSAL when made of stainless.
Not to mention that HLS starship is doomed dueto insanely low tolerance to uneven landing ground, thanks to the pencil shape.

Anonymous No. 16476176

they aren't doing their job or have no actual authority to do anything about the fraud and waste they see
OIG keeps writing reports about how incompetent Boeing is with respect to SLS, how retarded the tower building is for SLS and the problems with Orion
over and over and over again they keep doing these reports
nothing ever happens

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Anonymous No. 16476178


Anonymous No. 16476179

If Starship was giga wide, just how many engines would it have? It already has 33 with the current diameter

Anonymous No. 16476180

33, you just make them really big.

Anonymous No. 16476181

this kills the Vulcan high energy cope

Anonymous No. 16476184

lmao I can't wait to see what kind of meltdown he has when SLS is actually cancelled

Anonymous No. 16476186

no need to add more if its short and wide

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Anonymous No. 16476187

ITS config at 12m

Anonymous No. 16476188

when will you retards learn?
dont bet against Elon Musk

Anonymous No. 16476189

18m starship would have ~130

Anonymous No. 16476192

>27 meter Starship with 200 engines
das it mane

Anonymous No. 16476193

shorter and wider starship would weigh slightly less, less skin for the same volume

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Anonymous No. 16476194

Anon... This is the logo. You might as well go out and buy bingus token.

Anonymous No. 16476195

fucking imagine

Anonymous No. 16476197

>unpaid job that you can only get if you have blue checkmark on twitter

Anonymous No. 16476198

27m starship would have ~300

Anonymous No. 16476199

I mean, what's the difficulty if they decided to switch back now? is stage zero really that hard to build? or is it because the foundation of a new launch tower will take too long to cure? they already have all the knowledge, they just have to scale it up.
>inb4 it's not that easy

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Anonymous No. 16476200

Tianzhou 8 in 10 minutes

Anonymous No. 16476204

cockblocked by whom? House? the obstructionists will have a Musk backed candidate running against them in their districts
Senate? probably depends on when the senators term is ending, some of them will have 6 fresh years now so perhaps Musk has already lost interest at that point if SpaceX and his other companies aren't getting fucked with at that point, but for the senators with 2 years to go before re-election, this backing of a rival candidate might happen
Trump? probably not go against him too explicitly but try to get a better aligned candidate running, but Trump going against Musk at this point really seems like a leftist power fantasy, its wishcasting
unlikely to happen, of course there are probably going to be some compromises but "cockblocked" implies getting stonewalled or something

Anonymous No. 16476207

like SpaceX went sideways when Musk bought twitter? lol

Anonymous No. 16476209

chinese rockets all look the same to me. i dont like their slitty little engines either.

Anonymous No. 16476212

scale it up after it actually works

Anonymous No. 16476213

>You might as well go out and buy bingus token.
I don't keep money on the computers.

Anonymous No. 16476215

>obstructionists will have a Musk backed candidate running against them in their districts
>Musk realized Soros did all that with 40x less money than he has
I'm about to get tired of winning.

Anonymous No. 16476216

They might have knowledge but not time

Anonymous No. 16476218

you just don't understand priorization and iterative development
its easier to use the smaller 9 diameter vehicle as a development platform even if the ultimate goal is to have a bigger vehicle
when it works and a larger diameter seems necessary, then they just make a larger vehicle (and the necessary infrastructure)
its that fucking easy
meanwhile they can keep using the actually working 9m diameter rocket

Anonymous No. 16476219

>90m starship would have ~3300 engines

Anonymous No. 16476223

fuck off doomer

Anonymous No. 16476227

They have to redesign and rebuild everything. Switching diameter is hard and would take at least a year.

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Anonymous No. 16476231

Anonymous No. 16476232

>4 boosters
Are they launching a module?

Anonymous No. 16476234

imagine the beetles

Anonymous No. 16476235

>Just rebuild everything from scratch bro
>It's that easy bro
The reason they stickwith9m is sunk cost, and thecost gets sunk more and more the longer they go.

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Anonymous No. 16476236

Nah, just cargo ressuply, CZ-7 always has 4 2.25m diameter boosters

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Anonymous No. 16476239

>tfw you'll never be part of a space station watch party
why even live

Anonymous No. 16476240

it is, it would just have been retarded to do some huge one first
even with this 9m one you lose 33 engines per booster, that might have actually been one of the main reasons to keep it at this size at least initially
the bigger the vehicle is, the more difficult everything becomes
more engines, might have to widen the roads, takes longer to build, makes more noise so enviromentalists cry more and on and on
this might be close to the MVP for a fully reusable vehicle with some appreciable mass to get things going

Anonymous No. 16476241

It's probably because even at 9m it will be excellent at launching starlinks

Anonymous No. 16476242

I like how Russians and Chinese keep yapping as if the power of their voice keeps the rocket going.

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Anonymous No. 16476243

Won't blame you, it's an acquired taste

Anonymous No. 16476244

how is that relevant in any way?
SpaceX just added a carboon banana to the booster
sillyness and effectiveness are uncorrelated

Anonymous No. 16476245


Anonymous No. 16476246

so not really that hard at all
a year is nothing for a rocket program and they can do that parallel to actually launching stuff with the 9m starship
and again 9m is fine too, this whining is retarded

Anonymous No. 16476247

Silly on a massive rocket that actually is cool? Fine.

Silly on an advisory board that is clearly just for show and to placate the masses? Cringe.

Anonymous No. 16476249

I'm glad we have (you) to tell us which is which

Anonymous No. 16476250

we need to go bigger
we have the technology

Anonymous No. 16476251

you are retarded

Anonymous No. 16476252

No problem anon, I know retards have a tough time with it.

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Anonymous No. 16476253

>9m is fine too
>this is fine

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Anonymous No. 16476254

We need to go nigger?

Anonymous No. 16476257

its still massive compared to anything right now and if they actually make it reusable, it will be much cheaper than anything right now, even F9
so yes its fine
what matters is the cost of mass to orbit, not some aestethic sense you have

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Anonymous No. 16476260

>makes more noise so enviromentalists cry more
even sane people would get pissed at the sound levels a 18m+ launcher would produce at a high flight cadence

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Anonymous No. 16476262

Succesful launch and solar panel deployment.

Anonymous No. 16476263

>having almost the same payload volume as new glenn fairing is fine

Anonymous No. 16476265

like think about the criticism here? the fully reusable rocket "only" has a cargo bay the size of 9m diameter x 10m height, can't fit anything useful into that no
and its going to take a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR
holy shit a fucking year, to build the necessary infrastructure for a fatter rocket
come on man

Anonymous No. 16476266

new glenn is pretty big too.

Anonymous No. 16476267

yes, fully reusable MVP vehicle
its more than fine, its going to be so much better than anything out there
are there any payloads that are volume limited now?

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Aftershock II Apo....pdf

Anonymous No. 16476269

USCRPL white paper on their aftershock 2 sounding rocket that went to space last month

Anonymous No. 16476270

then those sane people should move
the US is a big place

Anonymous No. 16476273

AT LEAST a year, probably 3. How would theylaunch from 39-A while rebuilding the tower and pad etc.

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Anonymous No. 16476274

xAI also had a funding round at 45bil valuation

Anonymous No. 16476275

oh no a year, oh the humanity

Anonymous No. 16476276

Sure, but it's just going to be a starlink vehicle and the meme about the big payloads is just going to be a dream.

Anonymous No. 16476278

A superheavy booster twice as wide as it is tall would be 8235 engines

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Anonymous No. 16476279

tends to talk about SpaceX a bit too

Anonymous No. 16476281

what big, monolithic payloads?

Anonymous No. 16476282


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Anonymous No. 16476283

huh, I'm really surprised they get repeat customers but maybe if they do it was worth building another vehicle.

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Anonymous No. 16476284

Anonymous No. 16476289

-What are the foreseeable future payload requirements?
-What are the max sizes of things desired to be starshipped over the next 7-10 years?
-How large of a payload cabin is required to achieve that?
How feasible is that scaling with how many engines required?
-Does the math say shapes and proportions will check out?

Anonymous No. 16476290

retarded larp

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Anonymous No. 16476292

Europe is so cool bros.
Do you think we'll find signs of intelligent life there?

Anonymous No. 16476293

You might have noticed that they accomplished fucking nothing.

Anonymous No. 16476297

No one is going to be making big payloads if there's no vehicle to carry it

Anonymous No. 16476298

You might have noticed that they accomplished fucking nothing.

Anonymous No. 16476299

Yeah they should implement your commie bullshit instead

Anonymous No. 16476301

They should focus on getting propellant transfer done lmao

Anonymous No. 16476303

>No one is going to be making big payloads if there's no vehicle to carry it
If there is a sincere desire to build on the Moon, and Mars,

Oh I geuss the other thing is it doesn't matter if you make the payload chamber that much bigger, if you can launch 500 ships one after the other:

But it is still true, limited size limits the size of payload, but is there any advantage or case where you would want extremely large payload, instead of modules?

Large structures and tanks that currently do not fit in payload, that would be better than welding in space or on surface

Anonymous No. 16476304

do you even realize how long it would take to fuck each of those engines?
we're gonna need all anons from /sfg/, maybe even all of /sci/ to pitch in for this one

Anonymous No. 16476305

maybe its more fun than it looks

Anonymous No. 16476308

i thought spacex was already at $250 billion valuation, but either way, to the moon! literally.

Anonymous No. 16476313

Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century:
Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others;
Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected;
Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it;
Refusing to set aside trivial preferences;
Neglecting development and refinement of the mind;
Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

For there is but one essential justice which cements society, and one law which establishes this justice. This law is right reason, which is the true rule of all commandments and prohibitions. Whoever neglects this law, whether written or unwritten, is necessarily unjust and wicked.
Marcus Tullius Cicero,

The authority of those who teach is often an obstacle to those who want to learn.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

What is morally wrong can never be advantageous, even when it enables you to make some gain that you believe to be to your advantage. The mere act of believing that some wrongful course of action constitutes an advantage is pernicious.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Anonymous No. 16476321

I want my 150t and 1000m^3 elon, where are they?

Anonymous No. 16476323

how many cubic football fields would 64m starhip host inside its payload bay?

Anonymous No. 16476324


Anonymous No. 16476327

you can watch falcon on sunday

Anonymous No. 16476328

People with more money than sense, or Jeff gave them cheap package deals to fill seats and cause hype.

Anonymous No. 16476329

Are any /sfg/ers going to be there on Monday?

Anonymous No. 16476330

I'm sorry, but upon further review democracy and direct democracy are often not good and intelligent, especially not on a dangerous scape as mars, though if using such a slogan to entice universal support and hope I suppose that's one thing.

Plato and Aristotle and some of those who came before them were right:
The splintered, atomized, and less than perfectly ideal public cannot be given too much control over the whole:
But this stands solely on the grounds of the rulers and leaders being virtuous and having the peoples best interests.

If Elon and a small group of wise and knowledgeable elders and youth knew the ins and outs of all possible systems and benefits, of the fragile far from earth life sustaining systems: they would merely need to speak or PowerPoint to all the possible options, hear out and discuss any from the public that did not come to mind, and then cross benefit analysis.

Rule and leadership depends on logic, reasonabilty, rationality, virtue, nobility, honor, integrity, love and respect of ones nation and the fellow citizens whom help make and share in its glory.

We are all aware of the sometimes shadow in the back of the mind as school boys, who hear of Aristotles ethics and virtues, virtue signaling, ha, who needs it. What a fool to be virtuous, noble and honorable, what a sucker, to not rape and steal as long as noone is looking. What a pathetic loser it is to be good, when there is so much to gain by not. But if one grows up for some time, and looks around the world, they may develop a sense for the possible profundity of truth, of our fellow citizens who do embody such pure and noble qualities, the joys and goodnesses they pay and are paid in are multiplied throughout the kingdom, and are worthy.

Mom but all my friends are doing it.
Son, if all your friends were being unvirtous and unethical would you?

Anonymous No. 16476332

I wonder how many of jeff's hops you can ride for the price of one inspiration 4 or fram 2

Anonymous No. 16476333

Nah its basically same profile as flight 5 Im just gonna watch online.

Anonymous No. 16476334

No idea, but why would you go on Jeff's carnival ride if you could choose?

Anonymous No. 16476336

yes but only if we're doing hard science with tangible practical benefits. suborbital sightseeing is a nonstarter.

Anonymous No. 16476337

Silliness is a feature. Every single Trump proposal is so ridiculous that no one believes it will happen until reality is hitting them over the head with a sledgehammer. Making it ridiculous allows people to cope that it's not really happening, which gives them zero opportunity to react.

Speed and audacity work well together here.

Anonymous No. 16476338

>/sfg/ filling with communist nonsense again

Anonymous No. 16476340

>go on Jeff's carnival ride if you could choose?
I mean, despite the memes, I'm sure EVERYONE here would say yes to that.

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Anonymous No. 16476341

New Berger article

Anonymous No. 16476343

>a year
Wow, even a doomer like you admit that Spacex can retool and rebuild everyting for a gigantic new rocket in one year when it would take old space two decades to do the same!

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calvin life could....jpg

Anonymous No. 16476344

I can watch Falcon any day!

Anonymous No. 16476345

If I could choose? Not a snowball's chance in hell. The choices being actually going to space or going straight up in a joke.

Anonymous No. 16476346

Only in archaeological evidence

Anonymous No. 16476350

Just like the wall right?

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Anonymous No. 16476353

Anonymous No. 16476356

>4 days in a dragon capsule
$45 million + weeks of intense contingency training
>10 minutes of cool views and a little bet of weightlessness
>several luxury vacations around the world
>a brand new yacht
$40 million

Anonymous No. 16476357

What are they going to do about it, cut off my head? - Cicero

Anonymous No. 16476358

I wouldn't

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16476362

Just like with the 2016 and 2024 elections, right?

Anonymous No. 16476367

Take it elsewhere you huge gay babies.

Anonymous No. 16476369

And do nothing. Yeah that's my point.

Anonymous No. 16476376

Read my last sentence again.

Anonymous No. 16476382

Next hop when?

Anonymous No. 16476386

2 weeks - 11 days

Anonymous No. 16476389

>intelligent life
why do you retards always jump straight to intelligence. we'll be extremely, once in a species lucky to even find fossil bacteria. current bacteria is even more remote.

Anonymous No. 16476390

Helios just makes Falcon 9 even more dominant, shame that it wasn't available for Europa Clipper.

Anonymous No. 16476396

I thought it was on the 18th

Anonymous No. 16476397

It will be geologically completely identical to Earth's oceans down to the hydrothermal vents, but completely sterile.

Anonymous No. 16476398

SG5 uses his job at Marshall to give credibility to his asnine lies.

My personal favorite of his was trying to claim the 9 engine Ship was a result of Flight 1 even though Elon had been publicly talking about it more than a year before.

Anonymous No. 16476405

SG5? Aren't they currently deployed to P3C-117?

Anonymous No. 16476418

>Shotwell: "We just passed 400 launches on Falcon and I would not be surprised if we fly 400 Starship launches in the next four years."

>The 1000 launches a year by 2028 comment by musk wasn't an actual goal

Anonymous No. 16476435

>100 starship launches a year starting next year
yeah right

Anonymous No. 16476437

You can barely find intelligent life on Earth these days

Anonymous No. 16476438

>CIA can't get to Elon directly so they kill his son
>public and mass execution of entire CIA ensues
One can dream

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Anonymous No. 16476442

imagine how tasty those alien squids must be

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Anonymous No. 16476444

>exponentially increasing cadence
Yeah maybe in fantasy land

Anonymous No. 16476445

Nah, more like
25 in 2025, once a week in 2026 (basically needed for their plans), then 100 in 2027; 200 in 2028, adds up to about 400...

Peak F9 yearly launch rate will likely be around 300; imo Starship reaches peak F9 launch rate in 2029-2030; Starship will be cheaper than F9 (cost is largely cadence) by the start of the next decade.

Anonymous No. 16476449

that is exponential jackass. nobody mentioned the exponent was big...

Anonymous No. 16476450

Tell a spaceflight related joke

Anonymous No. 16476453

ahh yes, [math]*10^0[/math], my favorite order of magnitude

Anonymous No. 16476454

Once starship is operational however, I would expect F9 to drop drastically.
The V2 minis on F9 are a stopgap and aren't good enough.

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Anonymous No. 16476455


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Anonymous No. 16476456


Anonymous No. 16476459

Starship is designed ground up to be reusable, and returns to the launch site. No barge, not much refurbishment. With every starlink launch printing money, we'll see Starship go exponential way faster than F9

Anonymous No. 16476461

2025 will still be occupied with a lot of HLS testing and 2026 by a LOT of tanker launches for HLS (at least the demo) and the mars mission.
2027 will be the "first" calm year where SX will be able to fully use Starship for Starlink.

Anonymous No. 16476465

He's asking about Europe. It even has multicellular life.

Anonymous No. 16476466


Anonymous No. 16476468

>Used custom GPS reciever to launch a missile
I'm honestly surprised this is legal

Anonymous No. 16476470

Falcon 9 was designed to be reusable too. To the best of their ability and knowledge then.

Anonymous No. 16476471

no it wasnt

Anonymous No. 16476472

Despite the HLS activity. Starlink is still priority one, always has been. Every fieldable starship outside of 26 was designed as a starlink launcher.
They haven't even started working on a tanker variant or docking/prop transfer hardware.

Anonymous No. 16476475

It's infuriating that 95% of people into SpaceX now are newfags. How do you not know it was designed to be fully reusable?

Anonymous No. 16476480

It only takes 3 hours for Tianzhou to reach Tiangong, you wouldn't exactly call that a Long March

Anonymous No. 16476482

>Muse - Uprising
Love it, what a good video, basically an AMV lmao

Anonymous No. 16476484

ugh evropa...

Anonymous No. 16476486

the owner has spoken

Anonymous No. 16476488

fun fact: in my native language, Spanish, both the continent and the Jovian Moon are translated as "Europa", so they are the same word. I suppose it's the same for many other languages.

Anonymous No. 16476490

>They haven't even started working on a tanker variant or docking/prop transfer hardware.
pure cope.
we WILL see visible docking and prop transfer hardware being ground tested within 4-5 months and on pad or in flight in a bit over 6 months.

Anonymous No. 16476493

It was designed to start actually launching things so they could start making money. It was iterated to be reusable. For God's sake they stuck parachutes on the booster once

Anonymous No. 16476494

>They haven't even started working on the variant with no tiles, header tanks, or doors
Yeah removing all that stuff is going to be really difficult

Anonymous No. 16476495

>prop transfer being tested on pad in a bit over 6 months
Starship sex at Boca?

Anonymous No. 16476498

I was under the impression reusability was something they added later, but apparently it was supposed to be fully reusable from the start

and I do remember that video, I was still under the impression that reusability was something they tacked on ad hoc but with the main thing making the vehicle itself cheap to build

Anonymous No. 16476501

Kek I forgot SpaceX made them change the EELV acronym

Anonymous No. 16476503

i thought he was the president

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Anonymous No. 16476514

Anonymous No. 16476517

I think theres a substantial possibility that theres currently complex multi-cellular life on europa. Also think theres a good chance it once existed on mars.

Anonymous No. 16476519

>concept video

Anonymous No. 16476520

Now that Elon is President, can't he just tell the FAA to stop enforcing the laws? We might go to Mars in a few months

Anonymous No. 16476522

Europa vs Eurooppa in my language, it's also nice that Uranus is just a name and not a butt joke.

Anonymous No. 16476525

ese es mi presidente, vamos milei

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Anonymous No. 16476526

Why don't we just push Ceres into orbit around Mars so it can have a proper moon? What would the scientific implications of this be?

Anonymous No. 16476527

2 weeks actually

Anonymous No. 16476528

When will Finland into space?

Anonymous No. 16476529

We couldn’t do it even if we wanted to

Anonymous No. 16476532

I bet we could, and I do want to.

Anonymous No. 16476533

ceres doesn't really need mars to be its moon.

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Anonymous No. 16476534


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Anonymous No. 16476535

We're finally getting the Atlantic Breakaway Space State we need.

Anonymous No. 16476538

based finnanon.
>Uranus is just a name and not a butt joke.
Same here. They might as well change the English name, it's ruined already. Also, I get to say the kino names "Sol" and "Luna" without sounding pretentious lol

Anonymous No. 16476539

In the past there lived the greatest minds on Europa. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

Anonymous No. 16476545

Why not? Why can't it be Mars' moon? It would make both of them more interesting. We should push it in the exact position so it causes total solar eclipses, like Luna from Terra.

Anonymous No. 16476546

we may see exponential exponentialzation

Anonymous No. 16476556

There's a bunch of water. I bet you could build a factory that turns water ice into fuel and then fires it. How long would you need to fire a couple hundred raptors before it slowed enough to eventually reach Mars? A decade?
What do you need a moon for? If you can get it that close just slam them together. Solves a whole bunch of problems

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Anonymous No. 16476558

Anonymous No. 16476560

how long would it take mars to stop being an uninhabitable lava ball after we smacked ceres into it?

Anonymous No. 16476562

It should have been Caelus

Anonymous No. 16476563

The energy required to move something even as small as ceres is well outside of our capabilities anon, come on
>my gut feeling says we can do it
Yeah well the math says otherwise

Anonymous No. 16476565

back of the napkin calculation shows Ceres would have to be ~160,000 km from Mars to be the same size as the sun from its surface. about 2.5x closer than the moon is to Earth so its not an unrealistic distance. about 24 mars diameters.
the energy needed to move something that massive would be next to impossible though.

Anonymous No. 16476566

Your math is wrong then.

Anonymous No. 16476569


Anonymous No. 16476574

>25 in 2025

Anonymous No. 16476577

>says starlink will be profitable this year
so the claims of it being profitable before were bogus?

Anonymous No. 16476578

>make some money on Starlink
Does she mean cash flow positive or actual breakeven?

Anonymous No. 16476579

>A Finnish company operates the world's largest SAR constellation
I wasn't aware of this, proud of you Finnanons

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Anonymous No. 16476580

Yes, 25 in 2025.

Anonymous No. 16476581

it already flies once every month. twice a month next year is not unreasonable.

Anonymous No. 16476584

Terra and Luna when?

Anonymous No. 16476585

Probably was in one quarter and then not in the next, etc

Anonymous No. 16476586

she says there were quarters it was profitable
I guess it depends what type of profitability you look at, how is the depreciation of the satellite constellation taken into account for instance, was it gross profitability or after everything (including taxes)

Anonymous No. 16476587

I annoy people I know in real life by ranting about this.
same with the moon being a planet

Anonymous No. 16476598

>A Finnish company operates the world's largest SAR constellation
Until SpaceX decides to slap it on some of their Starlinks.

Anonymous No. 16476603


Anonymous No. 16476615

SH V2 when?

Anonymous No. 16476629
>SpaceX Caught a Rocket With ‘Chopsticks.’ What Will Musk Try Next? | WSJ

Anonymous No. 16476640

reminder starship even at its maximum size is the size of a large shuttle in scifi. we've got a long way to go before we get actual "starships", which are usually measured in kilometers in length.

Anonymous No. 16476650

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16476651

That means that two starships together are sci-fi territory?

Anonymous No. 16476654

Something needs to be done about fuel taking up 90% of the space first.

Anonymous No. 16476656

step 1: get a lot of nukes

Anonymous No. 16476657

Fuck Tsiolkovsky for inventing the rocket equation

Anonymous No. 16476658

I wish something would happen, its Friday and I'm bored

Anonymous No. 16476659

Let's say a test habitat is made on the moon: how is consistently fresh water made available? Easy(?) answer is continual shipment of fresh water tanks I geuss. But you don't want to be on the moon oops very low on water hope that shipment gets here soon

Anonymous No. 16476660

Even an interstellar vehicle that uses antimatter would be 90% fuel if you want to get where you're going at any reasonable speed
This would still be mostly fuel

Anonymous No. 16476663

ISS water recycler is like 98% efficient. Drop a Starship with a few tons of water and a base of 1000 people is fine for years. You can even store extra outside

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the moon's p....jpg

Anonymous No. 16476677

>same with the moon being a planet
never stop your righteous monomania based anon

Anonymous No. 16476680

>Even an interstellar vehicle that uses antimatter would be 90% fuel if you want to get where you're going at any reasonable speed
interstellar fuel depots

Anonymous No. 16476684

>This would still be mostly fuel
retard. You use the nukes to take control of the world and make everyone focus on inventing new tech
turn the sun into a wormhole and you can go anywhere with 0 fuel

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Anonymous No. 16476685

>Even an interstellar vehicle that uses antimatter would be 90% fuel if you want to get where you're going at any reasonable speed
Jim wouldn't lie to us!

Anonymous No. 16476687

Took Earth multiple millions of years after Theia

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Anonymous No. 16476689


Anonymous No. 16476694

You'd build the first base somewhere on the poles where you can mine ice.
gib 2500m Kugelraumer
First steps are RDEs for atmospheric operations and nuclear drives for space operations.

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Alexander Grebenk....jpg

Anonymous No. 16476696

fake news

Anonymous No. 16476697

How old is she now?

Anonymous No. 16476700

>think theres a substantial possibility that theres currently complex multi-cellular life on europa
How could that be verified. If several submersibles are sent how would the information be gotten back?

Anonymous No. 16476702

so i suppose this is her replying to the retards that think contracts=subsidies

Anonymous No. 16476705

The ISV is mostly a propulsion system. The solar sail on the end is for the trip out from Earth and the radiators are part of the engine. The balls store the antimatter. The payload is the little thing just before the big mirror.

Anonymous No. 16476716

You need to go back.

Anonymous No. 16476719

Tropical storm heading for boca chica

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Anonymous No. 16476724

Hey guys, bend over!

Anonymous No. 16476727

oh god

Anonymous No. 16476731

hehe benis :-DDDD

Anonymous No. 16476732

It's barely clear of Yucatan on Monday. Sounds like bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16476733

>walk even slightly behind her and she'll bat you into the wall whenever she turns a corner

Anonymous No. 16476736

>didn't draw it coming out from her crotch

Anonymous No. 16476737

>The moon is a planet
>Annoy people irl
We could tell anon

Anonymous No. 16476738

At least Europe did something of value this week
I cant think of anything else

Anonymous No. 16476739

Humans in the Avatar universe have some sort of megastructure around the sun. They use it to produce the antimatter for the ships. The acceleration away from Earth is done by stellaser. The antimatter decelerates them in Alpha Centauri, then accelerates them away, then the stellaser decelerates them around Sol again. Current timeline they're building a similar megastructure around Alpha Centauri, so they'll have a stellaser there too. This means propellantless ISVs. Seems like a realistic infrastructure for a multistellar civilization

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Anonymous No. 16476741

we wiggle

Anonymous No. 16476742

>>16476724 Europa Clipper a b-boy?

Anonymous No. 16476745

everything in the sky is a planet

Anonymous No. 16476752

oh no no, IAUbros...
>Some planetary scientists reject the 2006 definition of planet, and thus would still consider some of the objects on this list to be planets under a geophysical definition.
>Another widely accepted geophysical definition of a planet includes that which was put forth by planetary scientists Alan Stern and Harold Levison in 2002. The pair proposed the following rules to determine whether an object in space satisfies the definition for a planetary body
>A planetary body is defined as any body in space that satisfies the following criteria:
>Be low enough in mass that at no time (past or present) can it generate energy in its interior due to any self-sustaining nuclear fusion chain reaction
>Be large enough that its shape becomes determined primarily by gravity rather than mechanical strength or other factors, so that the body would reach a state of hydrostatic equilibrium.

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Anonymous No. 16476754


Anonymous No. 16476760

>we never do it on time, we're very sorry about that

Anonymous No. 16476761

well at least they do it, the same can't be said for many other companies

Anonymous No. 16476763

Cost plus contractors have even less reasons for delivering on time. They get paid to sit with their thumbs up their arse anyways.

Anonymous No. 16476764

That definition just makes way more sense. Holy fuck I'm mad. Upset! ANGRY!!

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Anonymous No. 16476768

NTA but made me think about how cool the design is. Apart from unobtanium, Avatar had a much richer and more developed scifi human future than Interstellar. The landing shuttle in Interstellar is so stupid, it's like 90% interior and 10% fuel and engines, yet it clearly gets thousands of m/s of delta v from magic. Not to mention the worm hole and time tesseract in the black hole are straight goofy, way goofier than unobtanium.

Anonymous No. 16476772

Why won't they show their HLS interior designs?

Anonymous No. 16476774

Probably because they're still in flux.

Anonymous No. 16476775

>we never do it on time
what was even the point in saying this?

Anonymous No. 16476777

I don't know

Anonymous No. 16476780

Why are you offended?

Anonymous No. 16476781

It acknowledges that they run late, and that this doesn't stop them from fulfilling their contracts and managing to make a buck while doing so. Most contractors bid on the expectation of everything going perfectly, and the second there's any kind of schedule slip, oopsy, the project now costs 20% more for every year of delay.

Anonymous No. 16476782

Why are you so autistic you think any of that was offended?

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Anonymous No. 16476784

that antimatter must be pretty fucking dense for that to work and that lightsail is laughably small
>Humans in the Avatar universe have some sort of megastructure around the sun. They use it to produce the antimatter for the ships. The acceleration away from Earth is done by stellaser.
that's why it's hilarious when all we see of Earth is le cyberpunk dystopia with human powered vehicles on the streets

Anonymous No. 16476788

I know, but it's pointless to say it. Is there even one single instance of a space project/product being delivered on time? does such a thing even exist? That quote just looks bad on the company. Then people wonder why we have the term "elon time", while nobody mentions rogozin time, bruno time, lockheed time, etc. Same with the phrase "at spacex we specialize at converting the impossible to late", when spacex is the fastest by far in the industry.

Anonymous No. 16476791

>Something needs to be done about fuel taking up 90% of the space first
Is that why side boosters became a thing

Anonymous No. 16476792

>that antimatter must be pretty fucking dense for that to work and that lightsail is laughably small
That's just the laser and whipple shield. The actual solar sail is on the other end of the ship, retracted in the boom between the main engines and radiators.

It is not pointless to say it: Gwynne is saying that being late doesn't automatically stop a project from being on budget.

Anonymous No. 16476793

>human powered vehicles on the streets
>flintstones is a cyberpunk dystopia

Anonymous No. 16476795

how can i tell if a starlink train is going to be overhead? i want to see one.

Anonymous No. 16476797

>it's pointless to say it
Are you actually braindead? She was talking about cost plus contracts and how if they take longer, it costs the customer more whereas when SpaceX takes longer with their fixed price contracts, it does not.

Anonymous No. 16476799

>Be low enough in mass that at no time (past or present) can it generate energy in its interior due to any self-sustaining nuclear fusion chain reaction
What a useless inclusion, it's a planet if it's not a star? Are there even any examples of a rocky body where this is happening? I'd assume a gas giant would just be consumed should a self-sustaing nuclear reaction happen.

Anonymous No. 16476800

how can i tell if your dad is going to be a prostitute? i want to jizz on his face.

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Anonymous No. 16476801

>That's just the laser and whipple shield. The actual solar sail is on the other end of the ship
Nifty design

Anonymous No. 16476803


Anonymous No. 16476805


Anonymous No. 16476810

>You'd build the first base somewhere on the poles where you can mine ice.
I don't know anything about chemistry, is moon ice as edible as earth ice? Any radioactivity fears for long stays on the moon?

Anonymous No. 16476813

>Is there even one single instance of a space project/product being delivered on time?

>We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard

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Anonymous No. 16476818

Which major world of the Solar System is your favourite?

Also, would you consider any of the Uranian moons as a "major world"? They all seem unremarkable to me.

Anonymous No. 16476820

>Which major world of the Solar System is your favourite?
Earth. That's why the rest of the terrestrial worlds should aspire to be like Earth.

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Anonymous No. 16476821

can't go wrong with this beautiful woman

Anonymous No. 16476822

>major world
anything that is spherical counts

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Anonymous No. 16476823

We will leave those euros behind again.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16476824


fuck you

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Anonymous No. 16476825

Listen, Titan is trying its best.

Anonymous No. 16476828


Anonymous No. 16476829

why? elaborate

Anonymous No. 16476830


Anonymous No. 16476833

I would say 2,000 km diameter is the lower limit.

Anonymous No. 16476834

OIG is there to investigate inefficient or fraudulent programs that were agreed upon. DOGE apparently is looking for which of these programs don't need to exist. they do different things in concept.

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Anonymous No. 16476835

Speaking of OIG, what came of this?

Anonymous No. 16476836

I'm afraid that was wiped out a couple decades ago

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Neuromancer by Ti....jpg

Anonymous No. 16476842

Avatar urf also has the super bright neon and holograms that are the cyberpunk sine qua non

Anonymous No. 16476843

>think theres a substantial possibility that theres currently complex multi-cellular life on europa
>How could that be verified. If several submersibles are sent how would the information be gotten back?
"According to NASA, the liquid ocean beneath Europa's icy surface is estimated to be between 40 to 100 miles (60 to 150 kilometers) deep, with the ice shell itself being around 10 to 15 miles (15 to 25 kilometers) thick"
Doesn't look like that's happening any time soon, unless there is some type of really strong pointy super sonic piercing dart missile, and if say 20 or so we're launched in a row with increasing width so like an un connected train of rock ice picks, the last one being a motorized drill and just to test how deep this technique could bore

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Anonymous No. 16476844

sail is still far too small wtf

Anonymous No. 16476846

>2,000 km
completely arbitrary. You leave out worlds like Titania, Oberon, Rhea, Iapetus, Makemake, etc etc. If we are trying to set up a limit in km, then you might as well go down to 800km. There are only 34 confirmed celestial bodies, excluding the sun, with >400km radius anyways. There are many more known bodies with a smaller radius that are still spherical, like Dysnomia, Enceladus, or Miranda, but at this range you'll start encountering dozens, if not hundreds in the near future, of KBOs and objects from the Scattered Disk that are or could be spherical. And that's not even including the Oort Cloud itself.
I'd say 40ish worlds is okay, compared to the 740,000 minor worlds in our solar system

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Anonymous No. 16476849

>is moon ice as edible as earth ice? Any radioactivity fears for long stays on the moon?
should be perfectly drinkable and there's no radiological danger, no

Anonymous No. 16476854

What about moon dust in muh ice

Anonymous No. 16476856

>That definition just makes way more sense. Holy fuck I'm mad. Upset! ANGRY!!
Tomato potato a rose by any other name, call them small planets that orbit larger ones or moons for short

Anonymous No. 16476857

She seems to be the logical type, so she probably means that even with all the costs they got more money than they put in.

Anonymous No. 16476859

planets orbit stars, moons orbit planets

simple as

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Anonymous No. 16476860

nah, heliocentric orbit and bigger than the smallest planet, the Moon, keeps things manageable

Anonymous No. 16476861

you're close, actually the things that orbit planets are also called planets

Anonymous No. 16476862

>the smallest planet, the Moon
you misspelled pluto, anon

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An Experiment on ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16476863

just vacuum distill it nigga, you'll be fine

Anonymous No. 16476866

how do you mess up spelling ceres that bad?

Anonymous No. 16476867

not the stargate team, the internet troll
totally different

Anonymous No. 16476869

begone, belter, you are not welcome here

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Anonymous No. 16476870

If we'd've had better telescopes it would have been classed as just the first Kuiper belt dwarf planet and all this shit would have been done and dusted by the 1940s

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Anonymous No. 16476871

Anonymous No. 16476873

What the fuck are you linking?

Anonymous No. 16476874



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Anonymous No. 16476877

39m telescope

Anonymous No. 16476881

>ground based telescope

Anonymous No. 16476883

This could be 100m in space

Anonymous No. 16476884

Built by Chilean welders for €1B

Anonymous No. 16476885

cool, I wonder how pain in the ass is building it there

Anonymous No. 16476887

this thing is going to be useless in 10 years when other megaconstellations are up kek.

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Anonymous No. 16476888

CASC-CALT has announced that they'll do "low altitude tests" of the Long March 10A in 2025, no more details, but it is largely interpreted as a VTVL test of the wire catch system. Maiden orbital launch is still planned for 2026.

This will likely complement the ongoing high altitude VTVL test campaign by CASC-SAST for the development of the Long March 12A/B

Anonymous No. 16476891

astronomers would rather build a 10km-long ground based telescope, and kill millions of beetles in the process, than to launch one single space telescope.

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Anonymous No. 16476893

>a little south of it

Anonymous No. 16476895

>the smallest planet, the Moon
based and binary-planet-pilled

Anonymous No. 16476898

astronomers are some of the most fervent space-is-hard-ers

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Anonymous No. 16476901

Anonymous No. 16476903

go back

Anonymous No. 16476904

Space telescopes are too expensive and too complex

Anonymous No. 16476905

this alignment chart is ass

Anonymous No. 16476906

what does directly orbit mean? the earth orbits the moon

Anonymous No. 16476907

Does CASC have a hopper yet?

Anonymous No. 16476908

As I understand it we cannot do (computational) synthesized apertures for most of the spectrum yet, so big telescopes are still useful.

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Anonymous No. 16476910


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Anonymous No. 16476911

wait till you see her naked. yeah thats a yikes from me

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Anonymous No. 16476912

CASC SAST (Shanghai section) built two, one (largely unknown, we only have one picture) small one that made small hops in early 2023 , and a larger one (3.8m diameter, easily the size of a small launcher) that did a 12km altitude hop last june. They want to do a 75km altitude launch profile simulation with it before the end of the year.

CASC CALT (Beijing section) doesn't have one yet.

Anonymous No. 16476914


Anonymous No. 16476915

Only 400?

Anonymous No. 16476918

>She predicted that Starship will rapidly eclipse the company’s existing Falcon family of rockets, which has launched more than 400 times. “I would not be surprised if we fly 400 Starship launches in the next four years,” she said. That will be in parallel with Falcon 9, but she suggested that vehicle could be retired, along with the Dragon spacecraft used for crew and cargo missions, in as little as six to eight years as customers move to Starship.

Anonymous No. 16476919

Thanks for the info anon
Between all the CASC subdivisions and the private sector Chinese spaceflight is hard to keep track of

Anonymous No. 16476921

Musk has more ambitious goals I think, this 400 number is due to F9 being launched 400 times

Anonymous No. 16476922

Its not gay, its based. Literally
Yes Hitler retired in South America. I heard its a pretty cool place

Anonymous No. 16476923

400 launches in 4 years? lol they will run out of payloads long before that

Anonymous No. 16476925

it takes 400 launches just to fill up one depot for HLS

Anonymous No. 16476926


Anonymous No. 16476927

Over half of would be launches for refueling

Anonymous No. 16476928

there are more starlinks than grains of sands in the universe

Anonymous No. 16476930

they're going to need to build a dozen launch towers to get to 400 launches in 4 years

Anonymous No. 16476931

HLS will be cancelled, Orion will never take humans in the moon

Anonymous No. 16476934

starlink isnt the only large constellation. oneweb, telesat, that new google project, the 3 or 4 military ones, the EU one...

we may see alot of fucking satellites soon

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Anonymous No. 16476935

God its going to be so kino

Anonymous No. 16476938

They're going to need a fuckton of launches just to drop enough material onto Mars.

Anonymous No. 16476939

astroonomers seething

Anonymous No. 16476940

The movie is not subtle that the company is evil. Civilizations able to field several interstellar vessels do not have an energy crisis
Because it's fucking embarrassing. Despite years to come up with something they couldn't figure out what to do with a Starship so it just has 40 foot ceilings

Anonymous No. 16476941

2 towers in Boca, 2 in Florida, that makes a launch per week per tower. easily doable.
>Verification not required.

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avatar 1985.jpg

Anonymous No. 16476944

>Civilizations able to field several interstellar vessels do not have an energy crisis
I know and I've argued the point on /tv/ but they worship Jim, purveyor of giantess catwoman pussy there, so they won't listen

Anonymous No. 16476946

>they're going to need to build a dozen launch towers to get to 400 launches in 4 years

They only need ~2 launches a week between the four towers that will be at Boca Chica and KSC.

Anonymous No. 16476947

they are gonna put 2 or 4 people on the HLS
Coming from a tiny fucking capsule

What a joke

Anonymous No. 16476950

Despite the effort to make them cartoonish villains the humans are the good guys.

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Anonymous No. 16476951

it started

Anonymous No. 16476952

>using the render that is explicitly labeled as not representative

Anonymous No. 16476953

The Lunar Rover was designed, built, and delivered in something like 8 months. It was ahead of schedule and under budget.

Anonymous No. 16476954

thats a man

Anonymous No. 16476956

Wh's ths sexy señorita?

Anonymous No. 16476957

Will robots build chop stick tower on the moon, how will a safe landing be assured, sky scraper in little gravity on hard to be the most assured legs on assured footing, the idea of capsule landers or space plane does seem like something, any chance a starship lander could have thrusters on its belly, to flop descend smoothly

Anonymous No. 16476958

chopsticks arent needed for the moon

Anonymous No. 16476960

by a fucking ad

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Anonymous No. 16476961

need a new video urgently

Anonymous No. 16476965

NSF is literally the only channel you can justifiably say this about. No one posts estronaut here, so it's not worth mentioning, but too many post NSF slop.

Anonymous No. 16476967

estronaut puts out a video once a month and its usually garbage

Anonymous No. 16476970

Why does /sfg/ slow down during euro nighttime?

Anonymous No. 16476971

No one posts his streams or other content here is my point. thunderf00t is posted more frequently than he is. NSF doesn't need anyone posting their fucking shit here. They never have anything important worth posting about, and they don't even have the best angles.

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Anonymous No. 16476972

Don't lie, his facility walk-throughs are fun to watch

Anonymous No. 16476973

wow, that's crazy!

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Ariane 3 rocket 1....jpg

Anonymous No. 16476975

we compensate for our shit space industry by megaposting

Anonymous No. 16476977

>anon finds out /sfg/ is filled with self-deprecating europeans

Anonymous No. 16476983

Retard question. Why are those engine nozzles so red-hot?

Anonymous No. 16476984

She started to talk like Elon.

Anonymous No. 16476985

>space cringed telescopes
even gayer

Anonymous No. 16476986

the facilities themselves are cool. estronaut himself is the worst person the tour could be given to.

Anonymous No. 16476988

It was determined that any limnology would drive it over budget and so was cut

Anonymous No. 16476989

It isn't just a solar sail, they fire a stellaser at it

Anonymous No. 16476992

Everything about it was bad.
The people themselves are just fake, gay, and unlikable.

Anonymous No. 16476993

Can't say I agree, while he's cringe he asks decent questions and let them actually speak which is a rarity nowadays.

Anonymous No. 16476997

They're near lots of fire

Anonymous No. 16477000

>hey I just happened to be standing right here, this is the best place I ever worked
>thank you Jeff Bezos, you're the greatest in the aerospace industry

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Anonymous No. 16477002


Anonymous No. 16477009

that was all real btw

Anonymous No. 16477011

I thought that was cum on her back at first

Anonymous No. 16477013

Starship will be taxed by the Biden admin

Anonymous No. 16477019

they are simply selecting for the smartest beetles. get with the program or get extinct. its that simple

Anonymous No. 16477020

Oh no!! Halt the programs immediately, I cant pay the minuscule fine, need the money for ketamine

Anonymous No. 16477023

is this real?

Anonymous No. 16477025

its was newfriend. It was.

Anonymous No. 16477039

'twas but a jest, a call upon an ag'ed reference of old

Anonymous No. 16477041


Anonymous No. 16477043



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Anonymous No. 16477049

and also forgot

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Anonymous No. 16477056

You think Bezos would do a guided tour with someone who would grill him for using isogrid on the common dome?

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Anonymous No. 16477061

Fixed hand

Anonymous No. 16477107

My back hurts just from imagining swimming a few laps in water that curves upwards the entire time. Alternatively I'm imagining choking trying to swim crawl stroke across water that curves upwards to the left and right of me.
Keep your spinning meme stations, I'd rather dive through a fucking piss lock.

Anonymous No. 16477112

imagine wasting billions of dollars on a stupid worthless telescope.

Anonymous No. 16477136

A lot of investors just cant get over the idea of putting something up a rocket that can blow up vs building something on earth that cant blow up.

Anonymous No. 16477383

I been sayin this for YEARS. Just put landing legs on Orion

Anonymous No. 16477396

two starships together is dolphin sex

Anonymous No. 16477404

>it takes 400 launches just to fill up one depot for HLS
What the fuck….

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Anonymous No. 16477411

Water ice only contains hydrogen and oxygen, the only way it can be radioactive is if contains tritium, or non-water impurities. And tritium doesn't stay in your body.

Anonymous No. 16477414

look at all those future Starship launch pads

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Anonymous No. 16477425

Anonymous No. 16477457

>turn the sun into a wormhole

Anonymous No. 16477620

God doesn't seem to want them there, look at Challenger and Columbia.

Anonymous No. 16477621

wait, they're planning a partially reusable superheavy lift vehicle now?

Anonymous No. 16477630

>let's combine Falcon 9, Starship, and New Glenn
Feels like a gypsy scam rocket.

Anonymous No. 16477677

just like elon was serious about getting trump elected, he is serious about mars colonization. its the only explanation for why he'd want so much production capacity.

Anonymous No. 16477812

jewlover beats a jew? Curios scenario.

Anonymous No. 16477847

I love my wife and i beat her all the time so whats your point.

Anonymous No. 16477867

header tanks are cope

Anonymous No. 16477934


Anonymous No. 16477950

more jews voted for Kamala but more zionists are in the Trump cabinet

Anonymous No. 16477977

Another epic victory for American patriots!

Anonymous No. 16478018

Fluid dynamics would like to disagree.