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🧵 /sfg/ - space flight general

Anonymous No. 16570999

Friendship edition

Previous: >>16567782

Anonymous No. 16571037

Now this...this feels good.

Anonymous No. 16571038

Bennu inspection day

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Anonymous No. 16571045

This is what happens Larry

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Anonymous No. 16571054

28 days until Mars GA

Anonymous No. 16571064

So Flight 8 in late February. If we keep up this pace, we're looking at 8 test flights this year, but maybe we'll see an increase in launch cadence later.
What are those ESA suits? I've never seen them before.

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Anonymous No. 16571094

I miss him bros

Anonymous No. 16571096

ok gaywad

Anonymous No. 16571101

>not asteroid strike calcutta edition
better than the /pol/nigger thread but missed oppertunity.

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Anonymous No. 16571433

I want to submit a stool sample to the PPO so they microbially profile me for science.

>In space, no one can hear you poop. So astronaut Scott Kelly, identical twin brother of retired fellow astronaut Mark Kelly, dutifully collected his own fecal specimens during his year aboard the International Space Station, for a long-term study on the effects living in space can have on all the tiny little things going on inside our bodies.

>The twin-to-twin comparison offered NASA an invaluable opportunity to examine not only the effects of extended space dwelling on gut bacteria, but also on human DNA signatures. And when it comes to both germs and DNA expression, the study found that hanging around in orbit too long can have dramatic effects on both — even though the jury’s still out on whether that’s a good or bad thing.


Scott “experienced a shift in the ratio of two major categories of bacteria in his gut microbiome,” observed Northwestern University’s Fred W. Turek, one of the researchers who collaborated with NASA for the study. “The diversity of bacteria in his microbiome, however, did not change during spaceflight, which the Northwestern University-led research team found encouraging.”

Specifically, the ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes — the two bacteria types that make up 90 percent of the human intestine’s microbiome, “experienced a pronounced shift” during Scott’s time aboard ISS, with the number of Firmicutes increasing, and that of the Bacteroidetes decreasing. “This shift was among the greater compositional change that the researchers noted in Scott Kelly's microbiome, which returned to normal after he came back to Earth,” the report, summarized at science website EurekAlert!, noted.

>NASA reportedly wants to retrieve and take a peek inside the 96 bags of poop and other organic waste that astronauts left behind on their six manned missions to the moon.

Anonymous No. 16571435


MSB: is it possible/easy to characterize the microbiome of waste before sterilization

o similar to microbiome research on ISS
o collect saliva, fecal samples etc.
• Barcode system for waste bags
• MPZ: estimate of mass of waste and contents
• JL: Estimate Delta of what you brought vs. what you left

There is an urgent need to expand the sampling potential of astronauts currently in space. For example, if weekly or daily collection of fecal, skin, blood and swab samples were conducted, we could start building a specimen bank and begin the analysis of already collected samples, using high throughput sample collections and processing. (This is low hanging fruit; pick a swab (not cotton) and start collecting now.) Another opportunity is to collect dust samples and determine whether dust ecology reflects the surface ecology inside the ISS. Dust will also contain food, however, so there might be a need to focus on areas where astronauts don't eat (i.e. not Node 1). There is also need to broaden this activity to get the Russians involved, as they have a different air handling system, different housekeeping, different purification, and different construction materials. ... Take all of the 0.22 μm filters out of the PWD 11 and put it in the freezer every time. ... deep UV or a handheld UV to identify colonized surfaces. ... Class 1E flight hardware process for COTS (commercial off the shelf) monitors. ... utility of Volatile Organic Compounds. Also start daily or weekly sampling of current astronaut corps.

Anonymous No. 16571449

/sfg/ - Space Feces General

Anonymous No. 16571465

he's a wife guy, his wife is Gabby Giffords
he gets paid a lot of money to have those anti-gun opinions

Anonymous No. 16571665

>H1B's sucking the Elon cock

Anonymous No. 16571692

India is stronger than China, keep coping

Anonymous No. 16571710

it smells stronger i'll give you that

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Anonymous No. 16571787

Anonymous No. 16571910

You suck cocks dont you? Big hairy veiny black cocks.

Anonymous No. 16571915

Already 3 posts about gayness and cocks… make it 4 actually

Anonymous No. 16572061

Not particularly

Anonymous No. 16572460

>Slurping noises intensify

Anonymous No. 16572579

This one is actually quite adorable

Anonymous No. 16572580

Does futa count?

Anonymous No. 16572659

cute girl in mission control

Anonymous No. 16572663

Futa isn't real.

Anonymous No. 16572734

I was promised SLS cancellation & I want it now. Lazy administration

Anonymous No. 16572740

I want to see technology war between blue origin and spacex

Anonymous No. 16572983

jesse puhlease shit in my mouth

Anonymous No. 16573000

I think going to space is stupid when we haven't solved the energy problem.
It's starts making sense when we no longer care about expensive energy is.

Anonymous No. 16573001


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16573065

guys why is there more discussion about this H3 launch on /vt/ than over here

Anonymous No. 16573304

I want to build a satellite.
Just a cubesat at first to prove I can manufacture everything myself and it will function in space. Then I will move on to larger satellites and hopefully get funding.

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Anonymous No. 16573332

Was the first stage of the Diamant the most powerful pressure-fed rocket engine?

Anonymous No. 16573339

Did Markie and Scottie eat the same Beef Steak paste in a tube that had to be rehydrated with their own recycled urine or could the earth bro pop off to Mickie D's for a 20 piece nuggies and sauce?
Controls matter.

Anonymous No. 16573347

Resource allocation is hard. Fortunately greed is easy. So is tribalism. So we tend to use greed and tribalism as our global resources distribution model.
Checked trips of naught.

Anonymous No. 16573349

what will your sats do? telecommunications?

Anonymous No. 16573356

How to build and submit a cubesat for launch?
Dang, this could be a cool hobby.
What's your idea and budget?
I would do a super spy camera and GPS to locate nude sunbathers and PM25 particulate reflectivity studies.

Anonymous No. 16573361

>spy camera
>on a cubesat
me, I'd secretly put a gun on board and fly it around shooting other people's spysats.
That sounds fun.

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Anonymous No. 16573443

>Soul vs Soulless

Anonymous No. 16573447

My spycube will see and spy. Bang, bang.
You're spied.

Anonymous No. 16573551

janny archived the real thread >>16570964

Anonymous No. 16573552

>NASA reportedly wants to retrieve and take a peek inside the 96 bags of poop and other organic waste that astronauts left behind on their six manned missions to the moon.
I see Germans are still in charge over there.

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Anonymous No. 16573556

We were robbed

Anonymous No. 16573557

It was on page 10

Anonymous No. 16573558

that was the shitty thread though, this is the real thread.
putting politicians in the OP image is always gay.

Anonymous No. 16573560

>that was the shitty thread though
It was fine, get over your sensitivity.

Anonymous No. 16573562

Type 45 have Aster as well but their point still stands.

Anonymous No. 16573565

Just like repeatedly making your OP threads about the French astronaut is pretty gay.

Anonymous No. 16573567

Just assume everything's 1500 psf, EZ.

Anonymous No. 16573578

Compression strength is honestly less important than knowing whether or not it could take the cycle loads of putting in anchor blocks and then applying tensile loads to those blocks to make sure it doesn't get lifted away. Larger anchor blocks will be needed on Mars than on Earth due to their lower weight.

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Anonymous No. 16573579

Over the weekend, Japan launched an H3 with its sixth (five operational) QZSS regional navigation satellite.
India launched a GSLV with the second NVS regional navigation satellite, but the satellite's thrusters failed shortly after separation and was unable to perform the necessary perigee raise maneuver, leaving it stuck in transfer orbit.

Anonymous No. 16573582

shut up fag

Anonymous No. 16573602

i'm not the one doing that, but i think it's a hell of a lot better than sucking off politicians.
imagine if people made an /sfg/ OP with kamala harris in the OP image, people would rightfully go berserk.

i don't give a fuck if trump is good for spaceflight, he's still a politician and not inherently spaceflight related.

Anonymous No. 16573603

cry about it, nigger.

Anonymous No. 16573606

>imagine if people made an /sfg/ OP with kamala harris in the OP image
Nobody would do that, as she has nothing to do with spaceflight. It's gonna be a long 4 years if you keep this level of frustration up, get over yourself and lighten up anon.

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Anonymous No. 16573607

don't fight each other, retards. the real enemy is out there

Anonymous No. 16573609

>no YOU'RE frustrated
i'm merely pointing out that politician worship is extremely gay, and engaging in it makes you a homo.
i voted for trump, and the next 4 years will probably be exquisite, that doesn't mean you need to plaster his face onto everything you're interested in like he's a soviet-era dictator, because he's not and it comes off as extremely cringeworthy and subservient.

Anonymous No. 16573611

Lighten up, anon.

Anonymous No. 16573616

trump doing space things is on topic, kamala doing them would be too (if she ever did anything)
deal with it nigga

Anonymous No. 16573620

Someone post a puzzle

Anonymous No. 16573625

sfg - Shapes to Fit General
it was difficult to come up with something that started with f.

Anonymous No. 16573626

interesting question, but i'm pretty sure the answer has to be no. describes test firing a pressure-fed kerolox engine at 200klbf in 1991

Anonymous No. 16573636

>Controls matter.
I think that's mostly the point anon. Why they used twins, for example.

The space environment, and that includes rehydrated tube stuff and shit artificial atmosphere *in addition* to lower gravity, creates a change in the character of the gut microbiome.
We already know fermentation happens more efficiently in lower gravity, and fermentation is a huge part of the cellular metabolism of that bacteria that we use in digestion.

Anonymous No. 16573637

Segment Fitting General

Anonymous No. 16573639

So, no controls.

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Anonymous No. 16573640

What would the implications for mining be on Mars, since it's core and mantle aren't nearly as hot as earth's? I'm assuming that would mean mines could be much deeper, what would that mean for access to different types of ore or minerals.
Or how would the low gravity effect the density of those minerals?

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Anonymous No. 16573648

>/sfg/ slowly coming to terms with starship program being dead
Literally zero news after the last one an hero'd. We need to stop sugarcoating this, and admit the project is dead in the water

Anonymous No. 16573649

it's 2^2 weeks til the next launch

Anonymous No. 16573654

Here you go

Anonymous No. 16573662

Imagine there was /sfg/ back in 1969 and there were posters seething about Nixon being the man to talk to Armstrong and Aldrin

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Anonymous No. 16573665

Thoughts on Stoke Space? Will they crack reusability, or is it just hype?

Anonymous No. 16573667

I think they're probably using too small an upper stage.

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Anonymous No. 16573678

Anonymous No. 16573679

Any higher def photos?

Anonymous No. 16573685

In what sense? like just not getting enough kg to orbit? If it becomes fully reusable would that not offset it's maybe lackluster payload capacity?

Anonymous No. 16573687

what is this bait

Anonymous No. 16573688

Not a large enough stage to meet the payload capacity goals when paired with a reusable first stage.

Anonymous No. 16573690

USS JFK arriving at the port of Brownsville to be scrapped

Anonymous No. 16573691

many anons would have killed themselves after watching apollo getting cancelled kek

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Anonymous No. 16573695

Jim's gonna bury 'em all at this rate. I just did a check and realized Joe Engle died several months back.

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Anonymous No. 16573702

Their payload will be a lot smaller than many think due to second stage reuse.

Anonymous No. 16573704

Your post made me wonder if there were usenet spaceflight newsgroups back when that was thing and a search brings up and .history.
Before my time but at least some precedent for us being on the /sci/ board kek

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Anonymous No. 16573716
>Turkey has reportedly begun advancing plans to construct a rocket launch facility in Somalia, with the project said to have commenced in December 2024, according to Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

Anonymous No. 16573717

has the enterprise been scrapped yet?
those carriers seem like a good launch platform

Anonymous No. 16573718

Are the Turks actually actively developing any orbital rockets right now? I haven't seen any details about such a thing.

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Anonymous No. 16573721

Apparently yes.

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Anonymous No. 16573723

leaked photo of the new astronauts JPL is developing

Anonymous No. 16573724

instead of retaking constantinople it's ottoman electric boogaloo

Anonymous No. 16573729

Why couldn't they invent wheel chair during the time?

Chairs existed
Wheels existed
Chairs on wheels existed

Why degrade themselves like this?

Anonymous No. 16573730

Nah, Shittle copium would get most of them through the decade

Anonymous No. 16573731

mass savings, obviously

Anonymous No. 16573737

>expendable first stage, reusable second stage

Anonymous No. 16573739


Anonymous No. 16573750

One of those beasts with some towers on it would look so damn cool

Anonymous No. 16573755

The great filter is actually valves believe it or not

Anonymous No. 16573759

do any actual good space discords exist

Anonymous No. 16573767

Every discord ive ever seen has a literal pedophile containment den

Anonymous No. 16573778

no Lutherans on mars, apparently

Anonymous No. 16573784

but then who will import the somalians?

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Anonymous No. 16573807

When a new account inevitably replaces this one, post it here, please.

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Anonymous No. 16573814


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Anonymous No. 16573821

Even if they can only deliver a single cubesat at a time, full reuse instantly makes them the cheapest (and most important) launch provider in the world that isn't spacex. And no heatshield means that they have one less failure point than Starship.

IIRC they're also trying to pitch an over-land launch and landing corridor out of Eastern Washington which would further reduce operating costs by replacing a drone ship with a truck.

Everything I've seen and heard about them says they're legit. I'd love to work for them some day.

Anonymous No. 16573824

LOL even the bots have EDS

Anonymous No. 16573826

I would really like them to not trivialize words with actual meaning and historical importance. Especially when there are existing words that perfectly encapsulate what they mean but they are just not quite scary enough for their taste.

Anonymous No. 16573827


Anonymous No. 16573830


Anonymous No. 16573839

>MFW I'm unironically an autistic soi liberal from the PNW who loves working in aerospace but hates Donald Trump
>MFW I'm unironically trying to move away from the USA for the forseeable future

My skill set means I qualify for most foreign "skilled worker" visas. Any ideas for promising aerospace companies abroad that I should look into? English speaking preferred but my wife and I are fast language learners so not completely necessary.

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Anonymous No. 16573840

He can't just stop posting, he has to tell the whole world how much of a fucking idiot he is.

Anonymous No. 16573841

>muted colors
>unkempt hair
the state of american fashion is abysmal

Anonymous No. 16573859

What the fuck are they supposed to wear?

Anonymous No. 16573881

/sfg/ has departed this life

Anonymous No. 16573891

Its joined the choir invisible?

Anonymous No. 16573904

Fuck off we dont need you here nigger

Anonymous No. 16573909

Doge and Mars

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Anonymous No. 16573911

>MFW i strap you to pic rel

Anonymous No. 16573913

if this isn't bait, many european aerospace companies have similar but less strict requirements compared to the US where you need to be a citizen or permanent resident for at least x years before you can work on anything interesting. Anything that isn't national security/defense related would be ok but there are far fewer opportunities compared to the US unless you move to china

Anonymous No. 16573925

It's almost funny how often lefties think they are important when they are really just a literal who?

Anonymous No. 16573931

>scuba tanks and pcp bottle are rated to 300 bar
>falcon 9 use 90psi (6 bar) in their lox and kerosene tanks

Anonymous No. 16573941

Dead serious. Laugh if you want but I'm a self-aware shitlib and this shitty imageboard has been like my sole social outlet since 2008.

Any european country that matters is an ITAR nation so as long as I don't try to get a job working on French nuclear missiles I should be fine. I was mostly hoping you guys might know about some european aerospace startups that aren't retarded grifts. I know Orbex is vaporware but Skyrora seems alright. There's some Finnish smallsat earth sensing startups that seem legit. Other than that I have no idea.

Anonymous No. 16573942

tanks that can handle 300 bar are extremely heavy

Anonymous No. 16573945

Some quick math says that with an internal pressure of 300 bar and an ID of 3.7m (the current diameter of Falcon 9), the tank would need to be nearly 80cm thick to not explode from the hoop stress. And that's with zero safety margin.

Anonymous No. 16573958

Oh no

Anonymous No. 16573962

Aaaaaand there's already a replacement.

@BClosures is the new one.

Anonymous No. 16573963

You should troon out

Anonymous No. 16573966

Also, the same guy is replacing the @FccSpace and @SpaceTfrs bots because they, too, will be shutting down for the same petty reasons.

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Anonymous No. 16573967

MFW face when I'm gay faggot retard

Anonymous No. 16573968

Why would you even bother with aerospace if you're not furthering the American Empire? Every project outside of the US is doomed or a joke or both. You're literally asking "where should I go to waste my time and knowledge?"

Anonymous No. 16573984

Squba tanks need high pressure because they are filled with gas, rocket tanks are filled with liquids.

Anonymous No. 16573986

Storage tanks holding liquids at relatively low pressure also weigh a lot less. It's why nobody bothers with pressure fed engines.

Anonymous No. 16573989

and what happens when a government you don't like takes over england in a few years?

Anonymous No. 16573997

don't come to finland you retarded nigger

Anonymous No. 16574000

Fuck off we’re full. Already have enough smelly rapey muzzies, we dont need more fat lardo communists here either.

Anonymous No. 16574007

Did he actually say anything about Mars in here?

Anonymous No. 16574013

Only at the beginning, about how Trump included it in the Inaugural address. No questions were taken, sadly.

Anonymous No. 16574033

weird my advice to you to troon out is missing. have you already taken it?

Anonymous No. 16574039

is that the nsf jewess? she looks 50.

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Anonymous No. 16574050

for me it's rocketlab

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Anonymous No. 16574051


Anonymous No. 16574062

he's getting old af

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Anonymous No. 16574070

get their asses

Anonymous No. 16574091

Russia was not capable of making the strong lightweight metals needed for proper modern wheelchairs.

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that's not s....jpg

Anonymous No. 16574094

Take the compositepill

Anonymous No. 16574095

*ejaculates organic compounds out of a tube*

Anonymous No. 16574096


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Anonymous No. 16574108

That hateful post is clearly in need of a dootdown!
Also we need to make a space colony just so that we'll can drop on REEEEEEdit.
Also go back.

Anonymous No. 16574156

Your IQ test came back negative

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SpaceX Starship t....jpg

Sky_hook-Chan UR 1 True God of Space No. 16574172

It's February 2025 and all your cult leader Elon has given you is an exploding crew quarters for Starship and a new FAA investigation. But alas you say, if not for the government we could dangerously explode rockets over random spots of the globe at a break neck pace! Yes yes, we all know. If not for the evil FAA Papa Musk would be king of Mars by now.

No it's not the poor design of Starship that makes it an over budget behind schedule Spruce Goose failure. NO, no NO! It's the government regulators stopping our destiny! Sure Blue Origin made it to orbit, something Starship has failed to do. But they didn't catch their booster rocket! As we all know getting to orbit is optional, the real goal of launching rockets is to catch the booster on it's way down. Then you can more cheaply relaunch your rocket to nowhere. Even if Starship never lifted a single gram to orbit it wouldn't matter. They can catch booster rockets, space is basically solved now. Thanks to Elon.

Haters will point to the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation and cite the idea of diminishing returns. Many say we are already at that point, where larger rockets don't return meaningful results over smaller versions. But I say that these math Nazis are wrong and the larger the rocket and the more cock like it's appearance the quicker we can colonize Mars and beyond. These people who use math and "logic" to hate on Elon Musk have never made a billion dollars, they don't own Twitter, and their dad wasn't a wealthy emerald trafficker who personally knew The Beatles. So they are literal retards who aren't allowed to speak because they are poor and losers and math doesn't matter when seals need fish! Seals are hungry so they clap and all the math and logic in the world won't make them stop.

Anonymous No. 16574173

Are you kidding? With Apollo cancelled we'll be directing funds towards the development of a rapidly reusable rocket! We'll be on Mars by the 80s!

Anonymous No. 16574176

The Space Shuttle will be flying every week at a cost to orbit of $100 per pound!

Anonymous No. 16574178

only rational post in this or the last few threads
thank you grok

Anonymous No. 16574179

don't come to europe tranny

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Anonymous No. 16574191

>see name
>filter name
>thread improves

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multi mission spa....jpg

Anonymous No. 16574197

Anonymous No. 16574202

Spruce goose mentioned

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Anonymous No. 16574209

lmao, the people are going to love having no internet

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Anonymous No. 16574210

TIL that BOR 4's wings weren't just folded during launch, they also rotated to provide guidance during reentry, like Starship's flaps.

And they were water-cooled, too.

Anonymous No. 16574217

Doug ford is so stupid lmfao, for many canadians starlink is the only way they’re getting affordable internet rn. His constituents are about to pay a hell of a lot more for a slow ass connection kek. The day of the rake is here, Canadians are so dumb it’s unreal

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Anonymous No. 16574224


Anonymous No. 16574225

He was so neurotic and based.
If anyone is ever around the houston area, you should pick up a 6-pack of saint arnold grand prize. It’s a beer originally brewed by gulf brewing—hughes paid for the factory and tooling to brew it

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Anonymous No. 16574232

Anonymous No. 16574235

it blew up

Anonymous No. 16574238

rightful retaliation for retarded tariffs

Anonymous No. 16574241

What's even the point of Canada? It's like the US but gayer.

Anonymous No. 16574243

Smartest canadian

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Anonymous No. 16574244


Anonymous No. 16574246


Anonymous No. 16574250

smartest american

Anonymous No. 16574254

fighting back by punching yourself in the face? lmao

Anonymous No. 16574255

Global warming must be real because you and the rest of the 51st state are having a meltdown right now!

Anonymous No. 16574257


Anonymous No. 16574258


Anonymous No. 16574259

so spacex is a canadian company now? wtf, I love canada!

Anonymous No. 16574260

Jeremy Hansen to be removed from the Artemis II crew

Anonymous No. 16574264

complete non-sequitur, what are you even trying to say?
the fact is, there is nothing like starlink right now
so if they stop paying/using it, the people that were using it are going to suffer some shittier service or have to pay it out of their own pocket

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16574268

Blame Canada. Blame Canada.

It's not even a real country any way.

Anonymous No. 16574270

>I'll make the life worse for the average Canadian, that will show Drumpf!
Are all Cancucks like this?

Anonymous No. 16574271

stupid motherfucker
they're blocking starlink, an american product. The biggest loser here is the one who produces it, since they just lost out on an entire country worth of consumers. It's far from self-sabotage, unless you also consider every single embargo and tariff in human history as "punching yourself in the face"
I can't think of any way to put it in simpler terms for your nigger brain to understand it. If you're still confused, do us all a favor and kill yourself with the most expensive gun you can buy. That will show canadian cucks just how superior you are.

Anonymous No. 16574273

Yeah pretty much, same with mexicans

Anonymous No. 16574275

You have actual down syndrome

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Anonymous No. 16574276


so what this contract was, was basically subsidizing starlink for 15k users (people/businesses) in the north

Anonymous No. 16574277

Sir, we don't tolerate racism here.
Do better.

Anonymous No. 16574280

all self respecting nations are like this yes. People generally fight against tyranny in whatever way they can. Maybe americunts will understand this concept one day...
I accept your concession, sperg

Anonymous No. 16574281

wrong and retarded, the people can still buy starlink (and many probably will), its just that they will have to pay out of pocket
what I'm assuming this was something aimed at low income people or places with no internet whatsoever except some other satellite internet, which absolutely suck ass and are probably more expensive

Anonymous No. 16574282

CSA and ISRO can just launch their own internet constellation. In fact, I welcome it. Give jeets (also called “canadians”) their own intra-net, completely separate from the rest of us

Anonymous No. 16574284

Is this the day of the rake?

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Anonymous No. 16574285


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Anonymous No. 16574290

what you're assuming is irrelevant, the fact is, spacex loses out on money here, USA loses money, canada does not. The fact that some moose herder living a hundred miles away from the nearest town will have to pay more to browse pornhub is inconsequential to anyone but spacex. Is the average iq here truly so abysmally low that you cannot even understand something as basic as that?
epic own xister. Show us how great your gun laws are by putting a barrel in your mouth and pulling the trigger!

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Anonymous No. 16574291

its happening

Anonymous No. 16574295

its not inconsequential to the people that get fucked by this subsidy getting removed and because many of them will probably subscribe with or without the subsidy, this is actually inconsequential to SpaceX
What kind of contract was that? something like 100mil over 4 years? and maybe SpaceX now loses half of that (if we are being conservative, probably less in fact)
that is 50mil over 4 years which is 12.5mil per year
SpaceX revenues were like 13bil for 2024
doesn't matter at all to spacex, makes the people who lost the subsidies pissed at ford

i.e. they are cutting off their nose to spite their face

Anonymous No. 16574300

living the dream

Anonymous No. 16574303

>it doesn't matter that we lose money
actual fucking brainlet. Where did you even get the 4 years figure? The article says it's by june of this year

Anonymous No. 16574309

if you kill yourself by jumping infront of someones car, then yes you do inconvience the person and might damage their car but that wasn't the issue here and you know it
disingenuous faggot

Anonymous No. 16574315

you’re so easy to spot. you always post your “sfg is dead” photos to accompany your dogshit retarded takes

Anonymous No. 16574333


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Anonymous No. 16574339

"Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee"
-Matthew 18:8

Anonymous No. 16574340

>not subsidizing saarlink is equivalent to suicide
you're deluded. Like actually fucking hallucinating. It is obvious that you have no grasp on reality and only parrot garbage you've been fed by your betters.

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Anonymous No. 16574345

yeah but he's right. you're very bad at posting, just like you're very bad at making image macros. normally you can get away with that on an anonymous image board but you're so proud of being able to barely use GIMP that you keep giving yourself away.

Anonymous No. 16574346

Mexico just backed down, lmao
Cancucks next

Anonymous No. 16574348


Anonymous No. 16574350

>Mexico just backed down
What does this even mean? Trump hasn't made any demands of anyone he's tariffing.

Anonymous No. 16574352

yes he has and pretty clear ones
stop the fentanyl and illegals from coming over the border

Anonymous No. 16574353

For the love of God blue, you can cancel new shepard now

Anonymous No. 16574356

You're a delusional faggot leftist. Get boosted

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Anonymous No. 16574359

>we'll fight tariffs by harming poor minorities!
i didnt think anyone was dumber than trump

Anonymous No. 16574362

>yes he has and pretty clear ones
bro someone asked him what the targeted countries could do to stop the tariffs and he said "nothing"

Anonymous No. 16574364

does the canadarm offend thee anon? why?

Anonymous No. 16574366

mexico just sen 10k troops to the border and that paused it for a month so clearly there was something
you are probably taking that out of context and being a faggot like usual

Anonymous No. 16574372

NTA but canadarm for artemis is under a USD $1 billion contract, and Canada gets a free flight around the Moon for this.
Absolutely retarded. You could make something more functional for less than $2 mil including R&D from scratch. I hate Canada so much it’s unreal

Anonymous No. 16574377

You could, but could you guarantee it would work

Anonymous No. 16574379

Do I get to choose my contractor? Because I’m going with SpaceX if so

Anonymous No. 16574383


Anonymous No. 16574384

gonna cry?

Anonymous No. 16574385

total leaf rakage

Anonymous No. 16574387

>all canadian and mexican payloads have been removed from upcoming american launches due to national security concerns

Anonymous No. 16574388

Everything is open for negotiations.

Anonymous No. 16574390

Remove all leafs from artemis and replace them with more JAXA astronauts

Anonymous No. 16574391

SpaceX can't even make their rocket go to orbit after 8 years

Anonymous No. 16574395

This but Clear

Anonymous No. 16574396

from laughter maybe. Amerimutts are pathetic and will always remain so
>payload explodes before reaching orbit

Anonymous No. 16574397

>canadian astronaut jeremy hanson has been bumped off the artemis ii mission
extra soon

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Anonymous No. 16574399

undeniably based.

Anonymous No. 16574400

Clear did a 41%?
Not unexpected.

Anonymous No. 16574401


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Blame Canada.jpg

Anonymous No. 16574403

They're not even a real country anyway.

Anonymous No. 16574411

Yeah but really though why Canada?

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Anonymous No. 16574415

>These two globules of debris take very different trajectories on the way down. There's a few of these very special photos directly downrange of the entry. You can see the nosecone globule headed straight at the camera while the aft section arcs over to the left (to the south)


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Anonymous No. 16574417


Anonymous No. 16574418

Yeah this is one of the more spectacular recorded breakups I’ve seen.

Anonymous No. 16574421

Imagine the view if it broke up while trying to land in Cape

Anonymous No. 16574423

definitely. Spacex knows how to fail

Anonymous No. 16574425

The official "how not to launch a Starship" compilation is going to be sick.

Anonymous No. 16574426

SpaceX: Rapidly iterating on the most powerful and efficient rocket design in history in a serious attempt to put men on Mars within a decade

Yep, that about sums Europe up.

Anonymous No. 16574428

The natural lighting improved it as well

Anonymous No. 16574434

no one tell him about that one NASA study.

Anonymous No. 16574435

I had not spoken with an anti-spacefag in real life until today. Encountering them online is common and mildly irritating at worst, but in person is a different thing. Nothing enrages me more than hearing libtard anti-space drivel to my face. I had to contain my anger, otherwise I might have clobbered them.

Anonymous No. 16574436

why are you even meeting these people? Just avoid them, you can't reason with cattle.

Anonymous No. 16574439

They are family. I can't avoid them.

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goto space to avo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16574441

Anonymous No. 16574442

Don't shy away from the instinct to strike those people, you are right to do so.

Anonymous No. 16574444

How do we prevent lesser races and Jews following us to Mars?

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elon checks recur....jpg

Anonymous No. 16574445


Anonymous No. 16574446

A big beautiful iron dome to shoot down anything trying to leave the Earf.

Anonymous No. 16574448

>access to East and South Polar orbits

Anonymous No. 16574451

>Progressive Conservative

Anonymous No. 16574452

Just tell them NASA's budget is half the size of the yearly sex toy market so it isn't an amount of money worth stressing about. This is what I do.

Anonymous No. 16574454

yes hello welcome to basic anglophone political history. the republicans were basically a progressive conservative party in the US until the split at the 1912 convention.

Anonymous No. 16574458

You don't. You move on to the next frontier. The future will be a thin film of explorers containing a bubble of slop people expanding forever.

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Anonymous No. 16574459

So we need to convert the existing universe into a steady state one?

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Anonymous No. 16574461

>A rock from space slammed into Mars in February 2021, forming a goatse-like figure...

Anonymous No. 16574462

hoyle sure ran his mouth a lot. a prior generation's avi loeb.

Anonymous No. 16574463

this will happen to lunar and martian colonies when all the second-rate space programs like india and china are unloading tons and tons to drop tanks

Anonymous No. 16574465

no, it needs to be a constantly expanding with portions getting deleted, so there is a constant, expanding frontier and the established parts get de-materalized
only the thin film exists, before it new space gets created, after it old space gets destroyed

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Anonymous No. 16574467


Anonymous No. 16574469

>Oh well
I told you niggers Mars isn't his priority anymore

Anonymous No. 16574471

When you get a cunt hair away from a Nobel and then snubbed, it changes a man. Also he was a Yorkshireman

Anonymous No. 16574472

getting the backing of the US is a bit more important than 100mil from some insignificant Canadian province

Anonymous No. 16574473

>getting the backing of the US
You know we change leaders every 4-8 years?

Anonymous No. 16574474

and going to mars is even more important than that. Guess what felon is doing...

Anonymous No. 16574475

He’s playing the long game bro, this is chump change compared to what he’s getting long term.
Canada will fold in a matter of hours days, meanwhile Elon Musk gets to reorganize the federal government of the USA to his liking i.e. the strongest most powerful system of government in the history of Earth

Anonymous No. 16574476

Better hope republicans still keep the office after 4 years otherwise spacex is dead

Anonymous No. 16574477

4 years is all Elon needs. Unironically. He practically already has all of the infrastructure ready to be shipped to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16574478

>He practically already has all of the infrastructure ready to be shipped to Mars
What, the rocket does not work and it's still not clear if it will able to do Mars missions in current configuration

Anonymous No. 16574479

I am a doomer and the king of blackpills but it’s hard to not see how hard the pendulum has swung. It’s lame to be a democrat right now. They’ve run out of steam and disenfranchised their base.
A wet napkin could win the R ticket in 2028 against any D. Have faith, the Mars project is basically secured at this point. I’m not afraid of whatever down syndrome plan Obama and David Hogg have lined up, they aren’t going to win

Anonymous No. 16574480

>EDS: the post
Yawn. Get better material

Anonymous No. 16574485

Prove me wrong then, we don't even know if heat shield can take more than 1 flight.

Anonymous No. 16574486

They’ll never catch super heavy

Anonymous No. 16574487

>Canada will fold
Canadians would vote Democrat like we suddenly got a second California and they have like 10 million Indians. I'm still not seeing how this helps Mars.

Anonymous No. 16574488

Falcon will never be reusable

Anonymous No. 16574490

I said they would fold, i.e. walk back their stupid retaliatory decisions in a trade war they obviously can’t win.
I don’t give a shit about them joining the union and frankly I don’t want them to but I hate Canada and Canadians and telling them they will be the 51st state riles up Canadians who don’t want that and blue-balls Canadians who do want it and it’s just a funny troll they can’t let go

Anonymous No. 16574491

But I want to go to Mars!

Anonymous No. 16574494

Patience. 2 weeks…

Anonymous No. 16574495

who are you quoting? seek medical assistance NOW

Anonymous No. 16574498

So you can't

Anonymous No. 16574502

its over, pack it up bros

Anonymous No. 16574506

i hope you're right. it's a lot of assumptions to be making after 1 presidential election where we got 49.9% of the vote. and it reminds me a lot of how cocky the GOP got 20 years ago when dubya and friends started feeling their oats and talking about building a permanent majority. 2028 is an eternity away.

Anonymous No. 16574513

blind nigger

Anonymous No. 16574534

berger's latest EDS article

Anonymous No. 16574535

it's a doggy-dog world

Anonymous No. 16574536

>Quote some leaf politician
Pick one.

Anonymous No. 16574538

100 million is like the cost of one falcon 9 launch. its nothing

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Anonymous No. 16574545

I pick both

Anonymous No. 16574547


Anonymous No. 16574548

>hard-working people
If they're so hard-working why didn't they lay the broadband cables yet? Or set up more antennas? Or build their own satellite constellation?

Anonymous No. 16574549

That's absolutely normal article.

Anonymous No. 16574552

And you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 16574558

its thinly veiled seething

I'm right

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Anonymous No. 16574563

>this is EDS according to ess eff gee
Fucking hell, you spergs never cease to amaze me. Literally the same as trannies shitting themselves over pronouns. Grow the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16574568

I think it's a single guy who can't shut up about EDS if you don't worship the ground Elon walks on.

Anonymous No. 16574569

>according to ess eff gee
No, according to one retard who can't understand a completely neutral article containing quotes.

Anonymous No. 16574570

why didnt berger create an article for the starlink sales when the numbers dropped earlier this year? why did he only release it now? oh yeah, because canada is chimping out and that scores well with ars' far left readership.

Anonymous No. 16574572

Why can't canada simply stop the fent smuggling? Basically just a narco state at this point

Anonymous No. 16574579

letting illegals and fent across the border is priority number one
if canadians have to live under abject poverty then so be it

Anonymous No. 16574582

Once again Berger is right. It's one thing to buy political influence to launch rockets faster, it's a whole other thing altogether to bypass congress and the supreme court to poke around inside the treasury with a squad of unqualified zoomers. He has taken a risk and this could very easily put the brakes on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16574584

Dr. Seuss ass rockets

Anonymous No. 16574585

>spectacular recorded breakups
Who can compete? Other than Columbia, it's always just been satellites, first stages, and some capsules.

Anonymous No. 16574588

Did anyone get a good look when Mir came down? It was way out at sea so I presume not. Skylab?

Anonymous No. 16574589

Anonymous No. 16574590

its good though
those "rural communities" are all indians who get everything handed to them for free

Anonymous No. 16574594

retarded framing, they are auditing where the money goes to cut costs
this has always been the plan of DOGE
how are they going to do that without getting access to the systems?
the unqualified zoomers comment is also retarded, a bunch of the founding fathers were in their twenties

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16574615

it begins

Anonymous No. 16574617

>it begins
>post from a week ago

Anonymous No. 16574621

meanwhile, both of today's Falcon 9 launches have been pushed out a day. Apparently there was an anomaly during the 2nd stage deorbit burn after releasing the last batch of Starlinks, and they need a little more time to investigate.

Anonymous No. 16574627

>cut costs
Like with twitter? That was never even a problem with the US government. You can only make so much money by saving it anyway. Anyway if the guy that gets to Mars does so after cutting aid to 80,000 kids with HIV then space will be poisoned in the west forever. This is overall not good. I'll assert this until something positive happens with regard to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16574628

its a massive problem, you are completely out of touch
just the interest payments are a trillion a year, and that is compounding year after year

Anonymous No. 16574631

buy an ad

Anonymous No. 16574632

>That was never even a problem with the US government
My man, what are you smoking?

Anonymous No. 16574633

maybe you should donate your own money to african children with aids

Anonymous No. 16574636

retaliate against America by, checks notes, cutting off Canadians from the internet

Anonymous No. 16574645

Eager should make his next video on this topic so I know which side to support.

Anonymous No. 16574651

The entire discretionary budget is only $1.7 trillion. You know damn well he isn't touching social security. (Unless by social security you mean your social security number which he now extrajudicially has access to)
Look I'm not going to argue this all day, the entire rest of the internet is doing it already. My only claim is that this is net negative for Mars and no one has convinced me otherwise.
Apparently I was already!

Anonymous No. 16574653

>if the guy that gets to Mars does so after cutting aid to 80,000 kids with HIV then space will be poisoned in the west forever
You and your ilk already think like that so we don't give a fuck

Anonymous No. 16574654

let me give you this end note
you are a faggot

Anonymous No. 16574657

>You and your ilk
Where do you think you are? If sacrificing those 80,000 aids children on a stake would get us to Mars I would do it single handedly. My point is that it won't! What ever the fuck Elon is doing right now has nothing to do with Mars!

Anonymous No. 16574660

a functional US government (not smothering the entrepreneurs with bureaucracy/regulations or too high taxes due to mismanagement) is pretty helpful if you want to colonize Mars, so yes its very relevant actually

Anonymous No. 16574664

H1Bs and recycled 1950s tech will never ever make it to mars and you're retarded if you think the US government will ever be functional so long as the Federal reserve runs the country.

Anonymous No. 16574665

The voices in your head aren't people.
Get help.

Anonymous No. 16574667

its astounding to me namefags still exist. I mean in the early days of the internet they had nowhere else to go, but now that trannycord exists they could just do their attention seeking there.

Anonymous No. 16574668

If he stopped there I'd agree completely. US gov aided domestic regulatory capture has allowed China to pass us on several fronts, and before that almost prevented SpaceX from existing. I'm just wary about how far he's going. There is a point where this is bad for Mars.
The fact that we're the reserve currency is the only thing holding everything together right now. Also I highly doubt they'll touch that.

Anonymous No. 16574669

>H1B sucks elons cock
shocking, truly
You're so dumb it's unreal, Patel.

Anonymous No. 16574672

Yes, you're economically illiterate. I didn't need more proof but there it is.

Anonymous No. 16574674

>I'm just wary about how far he's going. There is a point where this is bad for Mars
the democrats and bureaucrats under threat of firing are just catastrophizing what is happening
its just an audit

Anonymous No. 16574676

It's largely pageantry. Elon has always been a grifter.

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Anonymous No. 16574677

Dudes pissed and shit themselves over this

Anonymous No. 16574680

it has to be one or another extreme with you hasn't it
concern trolling faggot

Anonymous No. 16574691

>recycled 1950's tech
so you're just intentionally being obtuse and retarded, you either don't know that this statement is ridiculous and moronic or you're THAT desperate for attention.
i didn't know grifters could engineer skyscrapers that get caught by massive mechanical arms and solve the spaceflight cost problem.

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Anonymous No. 16574692

>gets triggered by a meme post 8 hours later
kek it's always funny when trannies get mad. They have absolutely no sense of humor and take everything literally.

Anonymous No. 16574694

spacex still hasn’t recovered from this…

Anonymous No. 16574695

Didn’t CSI blackguy speculate it would be something like 2 years before they were ready to launch again?

Anonymous No. 16574696

Is this today? Did the deluge system rip itself apart in a test??
lol I told you guys that thing was a piece of crap

Anonymous No. 16574697

>t. Seething H1B
Patel, I know you're pretty dumb but let me try to explain it in a way you possibly could understand.

Elon hasn't created anything new he's re-purposed existing technology and the stuff that literally does the heavy lifting is from the 50s.

>more seething jeets

I see your discord is having it's circle jerk

Anonymous No. 16574699

It was pretty moronic, no idea why they thought it would be fine. Now they ended up building a trench anyways

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Anonymous No. 16574700

its over for spacex

Anonymous No. 16574701

>discord is having it's circle jerk
mad you got banned again?

Anonymous No. 16574704

they have, and all of the actual retards trying to form a narrative around the recent upper stage failure somehow forget that this launchpad fiasco was an infinitely bigger fuckup than that and spacex basically shrugged their shoulders, moved on, solved the issue and continued to make spaceflight history.

question to all the beginning EDSers out here:
are you all just poorly shitposting to get little scraps of attention? you're not actually retarded enough to think that IFT-7's outcome will matter meaningfully to spacex, right?

Anonymous No. 16574705

Why would I get banned for telling the truth?
You discord trannies spew nonsense than cry when getting called on it.

None of Elon's grifter companies could exist without support through legislation and tax breaks.

Anonymous No. 16574706

Is that the same thing that's going to cost over 10 billion?

Anonymous No. 16574707

>solved the issue
The issue is H1B's and he's making it so much worse.

Anonymous No. 16574708

Seventh flight was the first test that could be considered a failure.

Anonymous No. 16574710

>i'm going to call everyone who makes me feel uncomfortable an indian rather than a tranny now because i am actually a retard and imagine every online opposition as part of the particular group i'm obsessed with on that day
yes i already knew that, don't need to remind everyone of your insecurity anon.

>he isn't using anything new
yes, just like nobody else who ever advanced the field of rocket engineering did anything new, as they all followed in goddard's footsteps.
it's a completely retarded argument to make, and you are aware of it, know it, but your seething is too great to stop yourself mid-post and say:
>"this argument will make me look like a retard, i probably shouldn't post this"
>whining about discord
oooh, now it makes sense, you're that schizo who keeps ghouling around here with no sense of place or purpose, whining about rocketry in the rocket general and insisting that your meme drives be taken seriously.

Anonymous No. 16574711

I think it would be better if everyone just ignored the H1B schizo from now on

Anonymous No. 16574715

multiple other previous flights could be considered failures under the same criteria.
spacex simply doesn't give a fuck and your standards for failure mean absolutely nothing to them, their approach to engineering is so alien to how normalfags think that after 10 years of their absolute dominance you STILL don't get why they do things the way they do.

Anonymous No. 16574717

all you think about is girls with dicks

Anonymous No. 16574718

not that schizo but did Musk ever walk this back? It still bothers me

Anonymous No. 16574719

Flight 1 and 2 were failures too.

Starship cycle
>Runs into issue
>”it’s over”
>Fixes issue
>New issue pops up


Anonymous No. 16574720

This is comedy gold, watching Europe stumble around like a drunken fool, just hoping something will materialize

Anonymous No. 16574721

>you must pay for HIV treatments, that Africans don't even take, as they further spread HIV

Seriously, look up what "dry sex" is.

Anonymous No. 16574724

Wrong, with flights beforehand they actually made progress.

Anonymous No. 16574725

not entirely though he has said there are problems and misuses with the current system and proposed the lower limit to be raised to something like 120k and then automatically increasing like 10k every year

Anonymous No. 16574728

they made progress with flight 8 as well

Anonymous No. 16574730

yeah, it's weird, it's so obvious that it's literally one dude that needs to take his lithium. i'm not a fan of legal indian slave labour coming to america. but this kind of animal-like wailing from posters like that unironically make me want to find them and shove indians through in through their mailbox just to make them suffer harder, i want neurotic, obsessive schizoposters like that to suffer painfully because they're too retarded and prideful to take their meds and they deserve every bit of suffering that their diseased, rotten minds bring them.
may sound hyperbolic to some but too many of my favourite forums have been ruined by jumpy little faggots like that being released onto the internet by their handlers.

Anonymous No. 16574731

What progress, engines not relighting during burnback? Second stage exploding during the burn?
booster was not on fire during the catch, progress I guess.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16574732

Sorry Yusef, I forgot how racist you are when you get confused with Patel. To be fair, you're both very dumb.
Hello discord--how much does Elon pay you to blow him daily in /sfg/

Not even leddit likes him this much.

Anonymous No. 16574733

>Flight 8

Anonymous No. 16574735

It's ironic how mad you get when people talk about H1B considering that's the hill Elon chose to die on. You used a lot of words that aren't worth reading to deny this and attack me instead.

Very racist of you, Yusef.

Anonymous No. 16574736

I am literally saying something negative about Elon, please go repeat K-12 and learn some reading comprehension this time

Anonymous No. 16574737

You need xanax or alcohol or something dude geez

Anonymous No. 16574738

One of the reasons there is so little active resistance to Trump this time around is because he won the popular vote, much of the far left's worldview requires them being (or believing that they are) the majority and it totally broke them.

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Anonymous No. 16574742

reminder that the chinese dude is going to molest the woman on the left soon in space

Anonymous No. 16574743

they made progress with this flight as well, they used a different flight envelope for booster catch this time and it worked well, they also confirmed that this monumental feat of engineering was not a fluke, and being able to do it twice in such a short timespan proves they'll be able to perfect it and do it over and over again.
basically one of the biggest possible roadblocks to starship's success has now been proven to be trivial.
>it's ironic how mad YOU get
you're the only one getting a hernia trying to simultaniously be pretend-smug at every single other poster in the thread, anon. that speaks for itself.
say hello to your handlers for me schizoposter.

Anonymous No. 16574744

I read the time stamps. The discord kiddies post in blocks. Most of what they post isn't worth reading.

Anonymous No. 16574745

Why does a simple chatroom bring you so much butthurt?

Anonymous No. 16574746

>goyman sachs
uh oh

Anonymous No. 16574747

In space, nothing is illegal

Anonymous No. 16574749

>everyone I'm talking to is the same person
>word salad
Yusef, Using a lot of words to say something simple doesn't make you sound smarter, it makes you sound unhinged (which you are).

>One of the biggest roadblocks to starships success ahs been proven trivial because it worked twice in a row!
This is why people constantly call you dumb.

Anonymous No. 16574750

You have it backwards.
You're chatroom is full of idiots that poking a stick at sends them into autistic rage.
The stick is simple: Just tell the truth about your god Elon or mock Einstein and you all become unhinged, like Yusef.

Anonymous No. 16574751

/sfg/ - Schizo Frenzy General

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16574752

LMFAO Canada just folded. Right on queue

Anonymous No. 16574755

what is it about schizo's like yourself that makes you force yourself into places where you absolutely aren't welcome?
you're pretty clearly a newfag because this whining about an /sfg/ discord is coming exclusively from you, and it started because you got absolutely BTFO for a solid 3 hours with regards to your dumb memedrives.
do you have borderline or something? my sister has mild borderline and she's exactly like you, entering conversations she knows nothing about and has no interest in to start drama because she's extremely hungry for attention.
why do you post like a bipolar woman, anon? what drives you to seek conflicts that will only out you as a massive retard?
>everyone i'm talking to is the same person
that's another thing, why are you schizo's so bad at samefagging? why do you insist that nobody should ever be able to see through your infallible disguise?
in >>16574732
>sorry Yusef
in >>16574735
>Very racist of you, Yusef.

the fact that i even have to point this out to you is pretty sad, i really, seriously suggest you close out of your computer, take your medication, and go for a jog, because the internet as an environment just tears people like you apart, it makes you self-destruct.
>mock einstein
holy shit, i was completely on the ball with this, this is the EXACT same schizophrenic that had a 4 hour long melty about gravimetrics a few weeks ago, he found this place, got bullied for his retardation, and he NEVER left, literally picture perfect what i was describing above.

Anonymous No. 16574756

don't be so angry, Yusef
It's unbecoming.
Elon is a scumbag grifter and that's the kind of guy you love. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Anonymous No. 16574757

lmao didn't take long

Anonymous No. 16574758

>Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that following a Call today with U.S. President Trump, tomorrow’s proposed 25% Tariff on Canadian Goods will be delayed for at least 30 Days, and in exchange Canada will implement a $1.3 Billion Border Plan, which includes Advanced Helicopters, Enhanced Coordination with American Partners, and Increased Resources to stop the flow of Fentanyl.

Bros, it's too much winning...

Anonymous No. 16574759

>You aren't welcome in our discord circle jerk obsessed with sucking Elon cock and gatekeeping.

Honestly I didn't bother reading anything past that because you're very unhinged and very stuipd.

Elon is a grifter and none of his companies could exist without government help or tax breaks.

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Anonymous No. 16574760

see >>16574755
you're the einstein obsessed schizo that got really offended a little while ago and went in circles for multiple hours.
why are you still here? this is a spaceflight general, not a retarded schizo general.

Anonymous No. 16574761

lol lmao thinking zionist oppression of speech is anywhere close to fascism is hilarious
these fucking liberals are always dismissing communist bullshit away as "muh fascism" whilst blatantly blind to the crimes against humanity communism has committed.
even with their made up lies and slander the crimes of communism exceed 10x that of this supposed super evil fascism boogeyman that's always in their head

Anonymous No. 16574762

You can just do things and threaten people with 4D chess and they will bend the knee, it’s actually impressive

Anonymous No. 16574765

so both canada and mexico agreed to put 10k people on border patrol duty

Anonymous No. 16574768

>i-i didn't read
yeah, yeah you did, as a matter of fact you read every single one of my posts and you obsess over them to the degree that you have to put in a disclaimer how not mad you are in every single reply, just like you were doing when everyone was making fun of your gravimeme ideas.

Anonymous No. 16574775

>"he wants to take food off the table of hard working people and im not going to tolerate it"
>signed, faggot that tolerates jeets stealing every last penny out of the rotting carcass of canada

Anonymous No. 16574781


Anonymous No. 16574782

so Ontarios leader made a clown of themselves for no reason? lmao
canada is going to build a wall, pay for it and patrol it for free

Anonymous No. 16574783


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Anonymous No. 16574786

for a good laugh read this thread
the schizo really hates the standard model obsessively, and he gets really REALLY angry when you call him a schizo.
oh and as you'll read in that thread, he does a lotta samefagging, so be prepared for that when he has his melty's lel.

Anonymous No. 16574793
oh and i believe this was the beginning of his descent into madness.

Anonymous No. 16574797

how do people like that function? How do they even find their way here? I just can't wrap my head around it, do we really need to start implementing selective breeding to avoid disasters like that fag?

Anonymous No. 16574802

that's a pretty macabre view into the human mind.
part of the reason i hope censorship on the mainstream net decreases is so that mentally broken people like this don't get funneled into our obscure corner of the internet.

Anonymous No. 16574806

He's right though

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Anonymous No. 16574810

oh my vishnu, i will never make fun of indians ever again if it turns you into this thing kek.

Anonymous No. 16574815

meds NOW

Anonymous No. 16574816

this is the second time this happened, right?

Anonymous No. 16574818

Why are certain political posts deleted but other political posts allowed? Only approved politics is allowed?

Anonymous No. 16574819

owari da

Anonymous No. 16574820

oh my god, i'm still reading through it.
how does the schizo keep going on and on for so long? did he take any breaks to drink water at all?

Anonymous No. 16574821

only space politics should be allowed
>tariffs on canadian milk
not spaceflight
>tariffs on canadian steel
maybe spaceflight
>starlink getting defunded in canada
definitely spaceflight

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Anonymous No. 16574822

btw can we chill of the off-topic posting

Anonymous No. 16574823

What about cult. Are you allowed to question the motives of EDS?

Anonymous No. 16574825

wasnt viper garbage and thats why it got canned? i heard the components were going to the moon anyway but on different projects.

Anonymous No. 16574827

you'll notice the schizo immediately outs himself by posting in the exact same predictable way he did a full month ago
if you read through the rest of this thread you'll constantly see exactly one reply calling for MEDS in all caps every time one of his samefag posts is pointed out.

Anonymous No. 16574829

Now that's a real win.
No, they canned it because they had no money.

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Anonymous No. 16574830

>starlink getting defunded in canada
Old news

Anonymous No. 16574831

we could've launched viper instead of building ANOTHER sls crawler

Anonymous No. 16574832

Nothing ever happeens!!!

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Anonymous No. 16574833


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Anonymous No. 16574837

except spaceflight when it comes to trump

Anonymous No. 16574838

wow, that EDS guy quieted down immediately after those archived threads were posted, the schizo in those threads is absolutely him, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16574839

leafs: raked

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Anonymous No. 16574843


Anonymous No. 16574844


Anonymous No. 16574845

>tfw no space force baddie gf to hold and slow dance with

Anonymous No. 16574846

what if trump creates a north american space agency, like esa but for NA

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Anonymous No. 16574847

allow me to introduce myself

Anonymous No. 16574849

He could, but other western countries are not aligned with the American values

Anonymous No. 16574851

Why the fuck would we need that and how would it benefit us in any way shape or form

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Asteroids are nat....jpg

Anonymous No. 16574852


Anonymous No. 16574853

i'd probably use it for extra sources of funding for some science missions

Anonymous No. 16574855

expendable canadarms made out of selected alabama river rocks, built out in the open by mexican welders.

Anonymous No. 16574856

Notice how ESA, a collaboration in good faith, gets bogged down in politics and idiosyncrasies of funding and spreading jobs and whatnot.
The USA is privileged to have the 2 best space agencies in the world:
NASA, that spreads jobs thin but somehow still leads the world in aerospace exploration
and SpaceX which is a purely private initiative and uses all benefits of free enterprise under the USA’s stellar market system
Doing some stupid globohomo ‘North America Space Coalition’ or whatever would be in no way beneficial for the US and would just give us anchors to slow down progress

Anonymous No. 16574862

It’s going to end up missing I bet, but it would be a great candidate for another practice mission in deflecting.
Or, if you want to be crazy, deliberately redirecting it into a specific desolate place on Earth

Anonymous No. 16574865

north american space force

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Anonymous No. 16574866

America's Hat needs to build its own satellite network, with poutine and hookers. And "Canadian Content".

Anonymous No. 16574871

they've been working on it

>In 2019, Telesat contracted with Blue Origin on their New Glenn rocket and Relativity Space with their Terran 1 rocket, for satellite launches to their LEO constellation.
>In September 2023, Telesat announced a new contract with SpaceX for 14 launches with up to 18 satellites on each launch for the Lightspeed constellation, starting in mid-2026.

Anonymous No. 16574876

It’s so funny that nobody, literally nobody, is even considering Neutron—the self-described ‘constellation launcher’

Anonymous No. 16574879


Anonymous No. 16574884

SpaceX runs NASA at this point, for all intents and purposes

Anonymous No. 16574889

They're still going nowhere until they accept that reusability works.

Anonymous No. 16574893

Everyone (rightly) knows it's not launching any time soon. All the evidence shows that these things take a lot longer than Rocket Lab's aspirational timelines. Neutron is still years from launching.

Anonymous No. 16574895


>This concern was heightened late Friday when Petro announced that a longtime SpaceX employee named Michael Altenhofen had joined the agency "as a senior advisor to the NASA Administrator." Altenhofen is an accomplished engineer who interned at NASA in 2005 but has spent the last 15 years at SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16574896

How is this bad?
>but anon people at NASA are literally shaking with fear have some sympathy
What, you mean the faggots attached to terrible programs like SLS and mars sample return? Gut NASA they deserve it

Anonymous No. 16574905

>tons of people from the industry get hired by nasa
>EDSfags sleep
>ONE person from spacex gets hired by nasa
>EDSfags start chimping out

Anonymous No. 16574906

but this is based
fucking bureucrats

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Anonymous No. 16574907

>Boeing’s Starliner Losses Reach $2 Billion

Dios mio...

Anonymous No. 16574908

Holy shit NOT optimal

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Anonymous No. 16574909

"no prob"

Anonymous No. 16574910

this is the news berger should be covering, not bullshit fearmongering

Anonymous No. 16574911

SpaceX almost certainly had >$1bn losses during Dragon development.

Anonymous No. 16574914

>can tiny SpaceX rock boeing?
to this… Musk controls NASA, Boeing is in a death spiral (to say the least)

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Anonymous No. 16574915


Anonymous No. 16574918

Womp womp, turns out when grow your MSR grift too big for its britches + foster an unsustainable SLS program + make a useless Gateway program + fail to make a pathway for an ISS replacement, you’re gonna have tough growing pains to get back on track.
These whining NASA employees cannot point fingers at anyone but themselves.

Anonymous No. 16574920

Genuinely don't get cancelling MSR when they can just repurpose it to an aerial/suborbital sample transfer from their location to a Marsship.

Could also be dual purpose of developping a commercial point to point or air cargo travel systel on mars.

Anonymous No. 16574921

What the fuck is the point of keeping Starliner alive at this point?

Anonymous No. 16574922

>Deciding the fate of the multi-billion Mars Sample Return plan. Last month, NASA delayed a final decision on this to allow the Trump administration time to consider the plan to return rock samples from Mars to Earth for study.
>The most likely outcome is cancellation.
since when? everyone was saying how they were going to run a dual track for this, one for the government, and one for commercial.

Anonymous No. 16574923

NASA isn’t in the business of repurposing missions to be cheaper.
They tried that with Constellation / Ares and we got? SLS. Never trust a government agency to try to do something fast and/or cheap

Anonymous No. 16574924

except they got a working vehicle when they were done

Anonymous No. 16574925

sunk cost fallacy and some hope of dissimilar redundancy working

Anonymous No. 16574926


Anonymous No. 16574927

bitching about "morale" is bureaucratese for "we're mad about what's happening but we don't have anything substantive to complain about"

Anonymous No. 16574928

Contract obligations, until NASA says
>fuck it bro we don’t even care about it anymore

Anonymous No. 16574929


Anonymous No. 16574931

Boing space division likely was not aware you could lose money on space contracts
happens when you have a competitor though

Anonymous No. 16574934


Anonymous No. 16574936

me being the only person who likes gateway for the interesting science and experience that could result from it

we want our space station colonies too

Anonymous No. 16574937

name 5 interesting sciences

Anonymous No. 16574938

quantized inertia studies

Anonymous No. 16574964

you mean RUD

Anonymous No. 16574966

What is Yusef supposed to be? lol

Anonymous No. 16574967

Happens when a company accustomed to cost-plus contracts gets a fixed-price contract. Don't worry though, Boeing has learned from this. They have sworn to never accept fixed-price contracts again. I wish I was joking.

Anonymous No. 16574968

I end all my political posts with how the topic relates to Mars and that seems to have worked

Anonymous No. 16574969

scientific racism
creation science
bro science

Anonymous No. 16574970

So they're just done building shit for the space sector entirely, then.

Anonymous No. 16574971

>Elon Musk to crash asteroid into the Earth

Anonymous No. 16574972

They still sell satellite buses, although they've had a recent trend of exploding so who knows how long they'll still be able to find customers for those. Otherwise yeah, if SLS is cancelled then Boeing is pretty much knocked out of the space industry.

Anonymous No. 16574974

It was clear MSR would be cancelled when a manned landing taking place before they could get it together looked possible.

Anonymous No. 16574976

They want NASA to cancel the contract instead of them dropping out.
It's like resign or get fired but in reverse.

Anonymous No. 16574982

learn more about Artemis and SLS at

Anonymous No. 16574983

Are we back?

Anonymous No. 16574985

They're going to cancel the contract by paying them for every planned flight and the "SpaceX is wasting taxpayer dollars" people won't say anything

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16574986

lmao, how could you be this fucking retarded?
look what you've been reduced to by your own delusions
we'll be better off without you (unfortunately you'll never leave)

Anonymous No. 16574987

I guess that’s one way of describing Mumbai.

Anonymous No. 16574988

my brother in Christ, you can filter all namefags forever with a single 4chanX rule

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16574990

I just wanted to dunk on you since of course Canada did surrender, agree to all terms, and ask for further orders, all in order to simply get a 30 day stay of execution
your humiliation has only started
you are a slave in a country of slaves

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16574993

Probably because Canada and Mexico have the most to lose and the least ability to fight back. If you're going to make an example of someone they're a good place to start.

Anonymous No. 16574998

computer science

Anonymous No. 16575003

for the lunar gateway?
>effects of living and working outside of earth's protection
>radiation on organisms outside of earth's protection
>managing lunar dust in a space station if the astronauts return after visiting the moon
>surviving solar storms
>effects of cislunar micro debris impacts on the station

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Anonymous No. 16575018


Anonymous No. 16575019

To remind people that SpaceX is pretty good at what they do.

Anonymous No. 16575029

s-seals are not gonna take revenge on us, r-right anons?

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Anonymous No. 16575031

supposedly trump will pivot away from europe and cut the army to focus on building the navy and air force. the architect is this guy named austin dahmer who wrote a book and report about the need to focus on the pacific. why is it relevant to spaceflight? pic related. he identifies that we need offensive space weapons for the war but that we have no known weapons. obviously this is incorrect because we do have at least one system, the countercommunication system (CCS).
still though he recommends we fund more weapons and increase their budget. (un)fortunately he also recommends cutting alot of officers from the space force, despite my understanding that they dont have enough...they cant even field a general for combatant commands like the other branches of the military can.

alternatively he suggests that we end funding for elements of the space-based iron dome, which doesnt seem like it'll happen given the recent executive order, so we're more likely to go with the former suggestion of firing a bunch of officers.

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Anonymous No. 16575062

We have >=60kW beam power naval lasers as part of the HELIOS project now that can burn holes in drones. If we can get the total required input power down under 120kW (possible with spectral beam combination of fiber lasers like HELIOS) then large orbit to orbit killsats become viable.

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Anonymous No. 16575075

I don't believe Trump will cut the Space Force, that's his pet branch. that's why they gave him a Space Force girlie at the milball. If anything he'll take the expansion intended for the Air Force and apply it to the Space Force.

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Anonymous No. 16575084

you can do so many more interesting things than just orbit to orbit killsats with those sorta lasers

Anonymous No. 16575087

>SpaceX almost certainly had

In the time frame that Boeing has racked up these losses SpaceX has done 15 crewed missions.

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Anonymous No. 16575090

That's the funny thing, SLS is still cheaper than Constellation was going to be and has flown sooner. Setting aside that the Ares V would have been a far more capable rocket.

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Anonymous No. 16575091


Anonymous No. 16575093

>What the fuck is the point of keeping Starliner alive at this point?

Boeing doesn't get paid unless they fulfill their contract.

Anonymous No. 16575094

>it came to me in a dream

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Anonymous No. 16575124


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Anonymous No. 16575149

The absolute state of spaceflight politicization lmao. SpaceX will land people on Mars and half the country will insist they stole money from African AIDS orphans to do it.

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Anonymous No. 16575159

At this point it's best to shut them up by doubling down. If they say a Mars mission killed a million African babies, replying "Good! I wish it was ten million!" removes their ability to manipulate you.

Anonymous No. 16575160

I'm perfectly happy if he's 100% right. I'm a colonization extremist.

Anonymous No. 16575162

I honestly hadn't known that USAID has almost double the budget of NASA. Unironically the meme about choosing between feeding Africans for eternity versus colonizing space and we chose to feed Africans.

Anonymous No. 16575166

USAID is not about feeding africans (not aid, its about seeding intelligence networks in non=US countries and started due to the state department, CIA and the army had sometimes overlappkng operations going on
What actually happens now is that it seems to be a way to funnel money to Leftist organizations
I kind of doubt the ops talked about will stop entirely, maybe its folded into the state department and redirected to do what it was supposed to do

Anonymous No. 16575170

based on statements from Secretary Rubio at least 95% of the programs and people are gone

Anonymous No. 16575175


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Anonymous No. 16575177


Anonymous No. 16575179

Might not be enough if its conpletely infiltrated by partisans

Anonymous No. 16575184

The front fell off.

Anonymous No. 16575188

Trump tariff bet paid off. We are going to Mars

Anonymous No. 16575190

It wasn't a bet. That nigga knows his economic weapons, and has been sharpening them for 4 years.

Anonymous No. 16575195

there's a starlink launch happening

Anonymous No. 16575197

Two launches today, and I can't watch both of them. Good night.

Anonymous No. 16575209


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Anonymous No. 16575217

Anonymous No. 16575233

the russian launch is a close proximity / inspector satellite used to spy on american/western satellites. some think it is also associated with an orbital weapons program:

>Russia has launched satellite 14F150 Nivelir into orbit under a mission dubbed Kosmos-2558,...[it] will serve as an ‘inspector’ satellite to covertly spy on nearby spacecraft...

>Additional evidence suggests Russia may have started a new co-orbital ASAT program called Burevestnik, potentially supported by a surveillance and tracking program called Nivelir. The technologies developed by these programs could also be used for non-aggressive applications...However, Russia has deployed two “sub-satellites” at high velocity, which suggests at least some of their LEO RPO activities are of a weapons nature.

Anonymous No. 16575247

I can feel the sarcasm dripping off that post.

Anonymous No. 16575255

Good morning

Anonymous No. 16575258

>mark ruffalo
The scoring system used by ordinarysausage?

Anonymous No. 16575270

yes, apparently it's loosely based on a human

Anonymous No. 16575277

pretty sure it's the other way around

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saturn mlv.gif

Anonymous No. 16575287

Yep, there were so many great options but the government decided cutting corporate tax rates is more important than being space faring.

Anonymous No. 16575295

low corporate tax rates are going to help SpaceX fund a Mars colony so it all worked out in the end :D

Anonymous No. 16575296

>Errrrm this Elon guy is stripping away bureaucracy and draining the swamp in order to go to Mars
Thank you Mr. Ruffalo this is precisely what I voted for :)

Anonymous No. 16575309

oh you mean ((Lutheran charities))

Anonymous No. 16575315

white short sleeve button up shirts and a skinny tie, of course

Anonymous No. 16575326

The tech founder wearing a hoodie while surrounded by suits is a good look, but 20 years later when it infiltrates the entirety of STEM everyone looks like a slob.
I'm just ready for Mars fashion. What will the permanent residents wear when all clothes are downstream of the spacesuit assembly line?

Anonymous No. 16575330

very skimpy and erogenous, to stimulate breeding

Anonymous No. 16575331


Anonymous No. 16575332

oh and it also saves on material costs, less fabric and all that.

Anonymous No. 16575333

fucking finally people realize this now
deny them any crumb of power over you and they have a conniption on the spot

Anonymous No. 16575334

dear god, 80s battletech art is going to become real

Anonymous No. 16575346

Anonymous No. 16575347

think orbotals cto interview (the space welding guy)

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Anonymous No. 16575357

What a dork.

Anonymous No. 16575370

After a few more years of reasonable government in the US it will once again be politically viable imprison dangerous lunatics like this poster

Anonymous No. 16575372

A train just went past me

Anonymous No. 16575373

lol about right

Anonymous No. 16575374

because of the implication

Anonymous No. 16575375

when is the first porno going to be shot in space?

Anonymous No. 16575377

Isaacman has seen what a real space program looks like. He's been part of one. I don't think he'll have the stomach for gay fuck fuck games and pointless missions. At this rate he will be the administrator that begins the work toward the manned missions to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16575383

I love how assblasted the retards in the comments are. I guarantee at least one Ars subscriber took their own life in the last two weeks, and I'm not even counting the trannies.

We are going to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16575384


Anonymous No. 16575391

elon will be in it

Anonymous No. 16575396

After he turns himself into a catgirl

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Anonymous No. 16575397


Anonymous No. 16575404

Thus ends our reign of numba 3 space power
India has fallen
Billions must mission fail

Anonymous No. 16575413

I wish these hysterical losers would get on with it and kill themselves

Anonymous No. 16575414

if they were treated like spacex, this failure would be followed by an entourage of twitter users and hitpieces detailing how "the ISRO has lost it's stuff, they're in decline, it's so over for them".

Anonymous No. 16575415

I turned myself into a catgirl morty! im catgirl muuuuuusk

Anonymous No. 16575416

Anonymous No. 16575417

four launches and a dildo ride? we eatin. well, we would, but nobody cares anymore.

Anonymous No. 16575418

thanks bro, I didnt even know this was happening

Anonymous No. 16575425

had great potential but it's a jap so he just had to sprinkle in lots of NTR.
three letter subhumans deserve the rope.

Anonymous No. 16575426

boring sub-orbital slop. don't care NGL. waiting for NGL launch instead.

Anonymous No. 16575428

I’m glad Bezos was finally able to get it up.

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Anonymous No. 16575430


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Anonymous No. 16575432

chute corrected itself at the last second

Anonymous No. 16575434

This was the one they spun up for 4 minutes or so?

Anonymous No. 16575436

If it was manned and I was on it I'd be pissed even if there is redundancy. "I want my money back Jeff"

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Anonymous No. 16575437


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Anonymous No. 16575438

>street art patch
kind of cool just because it's different

Anonymous No. 16575440

>patch on an unmanned suborbital mission
lol. lmao even.

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Anonymous No. 16575442

AI generated

Anonymous No. 16575444

>street art

Anonymous No. 16575450

So,,,, 5 launches

Anonymous No. 16575451

skin-tight counter-pressure suits

Anonymous No. 16575461

bet you love the hustle and bustle of the big city

Anonymous No. 16575469

don’t you?

Anonymous No. 16575472

> In the company’s 10-K annual filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Feb. 3, Boeing said it took $523 million in charges on Starliner in 2024. The company blamed the losses on “schedule delays and higher testing and certification costs as well as higher costs for post certification missions.”

Oh, isn't that a shame.

Anonymous No. 16575473

If they had been given 20 billion more dollars maybe they wouldnt have this problem

Anonymous No. 16575475

Mars should be dispersed villages and hamlet towns, concentrating a million people in a few square miles is gay.

Anonymous No. 16575481

>go to new york
>all the cast stone buildings are actually covered in scribbles
I can't believe it was actually like that.
Unless you can find a better reason than "it's gay" then that's how it'll be. Imagine if all your goods need to go through an airlock. Doesn't make sense.
Cities don't have to be shit though, especially not one a couple hundred miles away from the elements you don't want there.
I've always figured Singapore might be the closest thing culturally to a Mars city. Everyone just works really hard and goes to restaurants. No homeless people or graffiti. There's really nothing in the west that comes close right now so I understand your position.

Anonymous No. 16575484

>Israel funds billions of dollars worth of stealth ships to land Africans and Indians on Mars

Anonymous No. 16575485

I meant to say a couple hundred million miles lol

Anonymous No. 16575488


That seems a tad pricey for two ships and a test article.

Anonymous No. 16575491

Starliner is the best thing that has ever happened, hopefully it never gets canceled

Anonymous No. 16575496

> The company’s cumulative charges on Starliner are now just over $2 billion. “Risk remains that we may record additional losses in future periods,” the company stated in the 10-K filing.

How do they lose $1 billion and counting on each can?

Anonymous No. 16575500

>I've always figured Singapore might be the closest thing culturally to a Mars city. Everyone just works really hard and goes to restaurants. No homeless people or graffiti. There's really nothing in the west that comes close right now so I understand your position.

The city doesn't feed itself. You won't find arcologies growing all the meat and vegetables that supply those restaurants in Singapore: it's all imported from farms. Mars will not be like that.

Anonymous No. 16575501

From /overseas/ farms.

Anonymous No. 16575502

>/sfg/ thinks mars will produce it's own food
ohnononono, y'all can't be this retarded

Anonymous No. 16575503

>he doesn't think Mars will be colonized
lol, lmao

Anonymous No. 16575504

That's the end goal dumdum, did you think that Mars in 3050 would still be relying on shipments of twinkies from fucking Earth?

Anonymous No. 16575506

that is something that simply has to happen for a city, so it will be done
its not even that difficult

Anonymous No. 16575508


Anonymous No. 16575509

we have 5 launches today but we're arguing about bullshit instead of how we can take advantage of this to further spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16575512

>patch for a literal children's ride
is there ANYONE who thinks new glenn is not pathetic?
what experiments are there, that you can do and record, that require human hands, in like 4 minutes. like really, apart from being a short rollercoaster ride for people, what sets this thing apart from a sounding rocket?

Anonymous No. 16575513

you're not a southerner, you're a redditor with an identity crisis.

Anonymous No. 16575515

where will martians get the dirt to grow food? they will have to import all the dirt from Earth

Anonymous No. 16575516

i guess sounding rockets are pretty small. nasa supposedly put 30 payloads onto this flight to test lunar gravity simulations. can you even fit 10 on a regular sounding rocket?

Anonymous No. 16575517

I can fit 30 on one, yes.

Anonymous No. 16575518

Hmm imagine those grass fed low gravity tender steaks

Anonymous No. 16575519

Four, unless this is your way of leaking a clandestine launch taking place today.

Anonymous No. 16575523

I don’t think that, I’m a doomer

Anonymous No. 16575525

By purifying Martian regolith.

Anonymous No. 16575526

We only care about Starship here. Everything else is background noise.

Anonymous No. 16575528

low earth orbit capable space capsules are hard

Anonymous No. 16575529

sure, but why bother making it human rated then?
if it's only real practical purpose (other than being a more expensive version of the vomit comet and making people think they've become astronauts) is unmanned experiments, why not just scrap all the human-rating and turn it into a capsule without life support?

Anonymous No. 16575530

stop calling it regolith, it's called DIRT

Anonymous No. 16575532

actually, it's called mars

Anonymous No. 16575534

Only until the Ceres farms get set up.

Anonymous No. 16575535

dirt, and it's synonym, soil, usually covers material that has been properly broken down, with lots of loose minerals and organic matter.
a rocky mountainside is not "dirt"
and a rocky planetary exterior with no organic matter is not "dirt".

it's regolith.

Anonymous No. 16575536

>plan to breed lots of super humans
Was expecting this to be futa.

Anonymous No. 16575537

it's not? pass

Anonymous No. 16575538

it turned out to be about as bad.
i hate anime-NTRfags almost as much as i hate spaceflight NTRfags.

Anonymous No. 16575539

If there are no active biological components or biological waste products inside it, it isn't dirt.

Anonymous No. 16575542

you don't have any experience with gardening, do you?
if you try to plant crops in a desert sand dune, they're not gonna grow no matter how much you insist it's "dirt".
mars regolith will become dirt, but we need to do the work first.

Anonymous No. 16575546

i imagine once the atmosphere is relatively stable and high pressure, we should release extremophile dendritic fungi and extremist pioneer species of plant, like liverwort, to start churning the regolith into soil and releasing all the plant nutrients locked up inside, which can then be used to create more organic compounds, starting the process of ecological succession that can eventually allow for climactic environments like forests.

Anonymous No. 16575549

yeah ermmm it's dirt.

Anonymous No. 16575550

yeah erm, no, it's not, you're wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16575551


Anonymous No. 16575552

actually i'm kinda 100% right!

Anonymous No. 16575555

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16575556

Yeah actually, fuck him.

Anonymous No. 16575557

Wait so the UAE isn’t even building the gateway airlock in-house, they’re just paying a subcontractor (in this case Thales Alenia) to do it? What’s the point then??? What’s stopping 4ASS from just asking thales to do it and then giving NASA like a 20-30% markup? What’s stopping Thales from just doing it themselves kek

Anonymous No. 16575559

I didn't watch it, but let me guess, the hosts completely ignored the chute issue

Anonymous No. 16575560

They're paying for it retard-kun

Anonymous No. 16575561

Yes I get that much but anyone can go get a loan or investors

Anonymous No. 16575563

that's right, and in this case it was UAE, you stupid motherfucker

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Anonymous No. 16575571

space flight is healing

Anonymous No. 16575572

"The Artemis Program, bringing mankind back to the moon!"
-coming soon to a .gov site near you

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Anonymous No. 16575573

I am slightly worried that the IFLS crowd hates space travel now because it implies next electoral swing they'll just cancel everything

Anonymous No. 16575574

>"The Artemis Program, bringing mankind back to the moon!"
Based as fuck

Anonymous No. 16575576

>then giving NASA like a 20-30% markup?
NASA isn't paying for that component, UAE is. Just like ESA and Canada are building major stuff, as their contribution.

Anonymous No. 16575577

>Elon Musk is joining the federal government after all.

>President Donald Trump previously tapped Musk to lead his Department of Government Efficiency, but the tech billionaire, who also serves as the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, was not technically a federal employee.

>Hours after Musk announced a plan to shutter the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) on X, the social media platform he owns, a White House official told USA TODAY he was officially joining the federal government.

He's unstoppable, think how this will benefit spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16575581

well whatever man. we're just never gonna bid for fixed price again. good luck getting our talent and services on the cheap, not happening.

Anonymous No. 16575582

Playing politics is more important than going to mars after all

Anonymous No. 16575584

Making it a partisan issue won't benefit spaceflight at all, we are very likely to see the next POTUS just abolish American space travel entirely out of spite toward orange man

Anonymous No. 16575585

Playing politics became a must after the Federal Bureaucracy tried to make it impossible to go to Mars.

Anonymous No. 16575586

we are going to fucking kill all leftist subtards

Anonymous No. 16575587

I don't even care if they want to stick a woman or black guy on Orion, just quit gushing about it. It's weird and fetishistic.

Anonymous No. 16575588

I trust the plan but I hope he doesn’t push his luck too far

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Anonymous No. 16575589

Anonymous No. 16575590

The FAA is defeated, broken, humiliated and domesticated.

Anonymous No. 16575591

trvth nvke

Anonymous No. 16575592

The correct way to solve race and sex as an "issue" is to stop making it an issue. We were almost there in the 90s, and then the politicians realized they would have no issues to campaign on. The people who get elected by talking about things and then doing nothing about them need to go away and never come back; they've held us back from Mars for 50 years. No more.

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Anonymous No. 16575593
> Back at it with more upgrades.
>Next Zenith engine hotfires on the test stand.

higer def pic behind the link, raw pic was over 4mb

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Anonymous No. 16575594

There were already serious moves to effectively end the space program under Obama and that likely would have happened if Elon Musk hadn't shown up and fucked up the plan in the first place

People forget so readily that there was an entire decade where a human being never once entered space on an American rocket, and that decade was the 2010s

Anonymous No. 16575595

Your opinion is far too extreme.
Myself, I think it should just be legal to murder someone on the spot if they say "We need to solve our problems down here on earth first"

Anonymous No. 16575598

how would they do that? Starlink capabilities have already become a core part of the military
something really retarded would have to happen like a communist revolution or something where much more than spaceflight gets destroyed

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Anonymous No. 16575602


Anonymous No. 16575603

Simply nationalize Starlink like GPS

Anonymous No. 16575605

GPS isn't a nationalized asset.

Anonymous No. 16575606

>ll, we are very likely to see the next POTUS just abolish American space travel entirely out of spite toward orange man

Anon the democrat party might not exist in 12 years after Trump and Vance.

Anonymous No. 16575607

>There were already serious moves to effectively end the space program under Obama

Anonymous No. 16575609

Was that when serious investment into private spaceflight started?

Anonymous No. 16575611

GPS was made by the US military, it was never nationalized

Anonymous No. 16575613

That actually started in 2006 under George W. Bush.

Anonymous No. 16575614

when Charles Bolden became administrator and said that NASA's top three priorities were
>educating children
>fighting climate change
>outreach to the Islamic world
and he accidentally forgot to put anything space related in there

Anonymous No. 16575615


Anonymous No. 16575616

Obama wanted to replace the Constellation program with commercial services, the Senate wanted their pork. This resulted in SLS and Commercial Crew and Commercial resupply.

Anonymous No. 16575617

>he fell for the terraforming meme
oh no no no no

Anonymous No. 16575618

Serious investment didn't start until Obama though. They both deserve credit for enabling it.

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Anonymous No. 16575622


Anonymous No. 16575623

based casey

Anonymous No. 16575624

I think we should kill them all, but ironically. Like as a joke. Just to make their fantasy come true

Anonymous No. 16575625

the "SLS is real..." is also Bolden quote.

Anonymous No. 16575626

>and he accidentally forgot to put anything space related in there
Because space is hard, right?

Anonymous No. 16575627

why should I show respect to something that will never exist?

Anonymous No. 16575629

There is no such thing as a small launch industry

Anonymous No. 16575630

Will there be rivers on Mars?
Are there underground ice reservoirs that will sprout springs once it gets warm enough, or will it be entirely dependent on precipitation?

Anonymous No. 16575631

aieee is that a balloon? i'm going insane!

Anonymous No. 16575632

>People forget so readily that there was an entire decade where a human being never once entered space on an American rocket, and that decade was the 2010s

Fact Check: FALSE
Human beings flew to space on board the space shuttle multiple times in the 2010s, with the last shuttle flight being STS-135 on July 21st 2011

Anonymous No. 16575638

Based and factspilledd

Anonymous No. 16575639

there is permafrost everywhere and bigger deeper glaciers as well
not sure if those are going to sprout springs though

Anonymous No. 16575643

is it me or does the terraformed version have a vague north america shape to it

Anonymous No. 16575644

Terrain rorschach

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Anonymous No. 16575645

>However, the approach being pursued by Airbus—a European aerospace corporation that is, on a basic level, akin to Boeing—seems like the dumbest idea imaginable. According to Bloomberg, "Airbus has hired Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for advice on an effort to forge a new European space and satellite company that can better compete with Elon Musk’s dominant SpaceX."

Anonymous No. 16575647

finally some real space news out of berger. make european spaceflight great again.

Anonymous No. 16575648

Berger's gone mask off on his political leanings. Pretty lame.

Anonymous No. 16575650

make ars technica not gay

Anonymous No. 16575652

>another EDS article
berger has fallen...

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Anonymous No. 16575654


Anonymous No. 16575656

For those 11 billion they could develop a proper rocket and even would have enough for satellites, but it's ESA so it's never happening

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16575657

sent from my local public bathroom

Anonymous No. 16575662

Fuck off spammer

Anonymous No. 16575667

>he thinks he'll be able to dig enough space for a million people

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unnaground river.jpg

Anonymous No. 16575670

Underground rivers linking lava tube cities miles apart.

Anonymous No. 16575672

is it me or does the terraformed version have a vague gay sex shape to it

Anonymous No. 16575673

I see a merchant omg

Anonymous No. 16575674

Start begging for mercy now.

Anonymous No. 16575676

??? /pol/brained

Anonymous No. 16575677

>he think there will be a million people

Anonymous No. 16575679

Ever? We'll go extinct before Mars hits a million?

Anonymous No. 16575680


Anonymous No. 16575681

her nose isn't *that* big

Anonymous No. 16575683

of course there will
if elon lives long enough it will happen in our lifetimes

Anonymous No. 16575687

>they stole money from African AIDS orphans to do it.
I hope so. African AIDS orphans have been stealing money from space programs for decades. Turnabout is fair play.

Anonymous No. 16575688

Wild Shotwell spotted

Anonymous No. 16575689

Never happening then

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Anonymous No. 16575695


Anonymous No. 16575696

>Airbus has hired Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for advice
>goy simply create new regulations to make it harder for starlink to operate in Europe

Anonymous No. 16575698

Very low quality post.

Anonymous No. 16575708

Not like Elon actually does anything at spacex

Anonymous No. 16575710

Lowkey want a total dragon chute failure so we can see the emergency superdraco mode in action

Anonymous No. 16575719

This. He just buys the gold plated toilets and jewels

Anonymous No. 16575724

I saw the merchant too.
Now I have that sinking feeling of impeding doom

Anonymous No. 16575728

funny bait post, because we know it isn't true.

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Anonymous No. 16575729

Why are Mars' blue sunsets so comfy?

Anonymous No. 16575731

bc its exotic and alien and humans fetishize the unknown

Anonymous No. 16575733

If they were hardware rich they could test this. Just another case where the Boeing Starliner is better. Launch, fail, learn, launch again. Hardware rich development is the future and SpaceX is going to be left behind by the adults in the room.

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Anonymous No. 16575734

I am against terraforming because I want the fpur terrestrial planets to maintain their unique appearances. I don't want to turn Venus or Mars into an Earth 2.0 because then there would be two Earths in the Solar System.

Anonymous No. 16575735

you don’t see the vision

Anonymous No. 16575736

I'm against terraforming because I've yet to see a single realistic path to get it done.

Anonymous No. 16575738

that's not always true, humans either want to kill the unknown or fuck it.

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Anonymous No. 16575740

I'm against this whole landing man on the Moon thing because I've yet to see a single realistic path to get it done

Anonymous No. 16575741

based color scheme enjoyer.

Anonymous No. 16575743

Just melt the ice lmao, how hard can it be

Anonymous No. 16575744

I'm against terraforming because it will only attract normalfags.
We are not the same.

Anonymous No. 16575746

>Arguing from analogy
How scientific.

Anonymous No. 16575750

Einstein played hypothetical scenarios in his head and Tesla stared at the sun and had the electric motor come to him in a daydream. My reasoning by analogy is apt.

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Anonymous No. 16575752

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Anonymous No. 16575754


Anonymous No. 16575756

>The reading comprehension of /sfg/

Before? Sure he was doing stuff, but now I doubt his involvement is much more than staying up to date on the big picture. That said he needs to stay alive because he owns a large majority of SpaceX, and there's zero guarantees that whoever get it when he croaks will continue to chase Mars that relentlessly.

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Anonymous No. 16575762

SpaceX would have to over 5x their number of launches to maintain 42k starlink satellites and dedicate all of that to starlink launches

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Anonymous No. 16575763

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Anonymous No. 16575767

satellite connectivity: 132 bil per year

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Anonymous No. 16575769

starship point-to-point: 35 bil per year in 2030
350bil long term

Anonymous No. 16575772

Yeah, maybe in a fantasy land.

Anonymous No. 16575774

>According to leading analytics firm Gower Street, worldwide movie ticket sales are projected to hit an estimated $31.5 billion in 2023.
>The Marvel Cinematic Universe ranks as the highest-grossing film series of all time grossing over $31.1 billion. Avengers has the best average with an average of $1.9 billion per film.
Imagine spending or earning money on such hedonistic, pointless projects when there are millions out there dying from hunger in the streets. I'd say let's fix all Earth's problems first instead of squandering our money on movies. Mark Ruffalo is unironically evil by choosing not to do this.

Anonymous No. 16575779

It's clear from the language that is increasingly being used that Berger does not like Elon Musk's political actions or, increasingly, even Musk himself.

Anonymous No. 16575780

i agree on that, he used to be pretty in the weeds of the design effort.
nowadays though he just makes judgement calls with other engineers providing him options.
musk was ultimately the one who supported the idea of a tower catch and you can see how that turned out.

Anonymous No. 16575784

I wonder how long the refurbishment time would be if Falcon 9 was methalox and they weren't dealing with coking. Do they have to deal with other stuff?

Anonymous No. 16575786

wasn't it something like that there were a bunch of engineers and only one was pro tower catch, Musk asked how that would work and the engineer explained his reasoning
could be the tower catch or the steel, I don't remember

Anonymous No. 16575790

There aren’t “fpur” terrestrial planets dumbass. There are 12

Anonymous No. 16575797

>There are 12
what did anon mean by this

Anonymous No. 16575798

so it's the opposite of Mars Needs Women?

Anonymous No. 16575799

impossible for something called "arse technica" to not be gay

Anonymous No. 16575802

Yusef has emotional problems.
He goes into a mealty anytime some one says something mean about his pet H1Bs or his god Elon Musk.

He has basically 4 insults he uses repeatedly in different order and gets really boring rather quickly.

Elon is a grifter, none of his companies could exists without tax breaks and perks from his buddies in congress. Nothing about spaceX is impressive beyond how much of a massive grift of public funds to benefit private corporations.

Anonymous No. 16575803

these people aren't serious and you shouldn't give them the time of day.

Anonymous No. 16575805

The IAU is comprised of midwits who think science works by committee. The definition of planet is flat earth tier nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16575807

Sol has a bunch of planets orbiting it but astronomers are the big dumb dumb so they stopped counting at 9. Then they realized even that was too hard so they went down to 8.
but actually there are at least 16 of which 12 are terrestrial.

Anonymous No. 16575808

The tower catch is a liability.
Elon's only use is his ability to grift public funds--dude isn't that smart at anything but selling snake oil.

Anonymous No. 16575809

Is the Moon a planet in that count?

Anonymous No. 16575811

no one calls it that not even the aliens

Anonymous No. 16575814

you are the weirdo that counts phobos and deimos as planets, aren't you

Anonymous No. 16575815

schizo pls go

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Anonymous No. 16575816

Anonymous No. 16575818

Public funds go into his rocketry project to primary keep his armada of satellites in orbit so he can also profit off of those.
There is a lot of information missing from this slide. Those 600 million without broadband aren't in the US--why is the US subsidizing their broadband and privatizing the profits?

This chart basically outlines one more of Elons grifts to use public funds while privatizing the profits.

Anonymous No. 16575819

You're one of the midwits who doesn't know what a planet is.

Anonymous No. 16575821

don't reply to the schizo

Anonymous No. 16575822

>Elon gets mocked
>Yusef comes out of the woodwork to cry about it

Anonymous No. 16575823

If you are going to argue semantics to that degree then several of the planets you are counting as terrestrial are not actually.

Anonymous No. 16575825

>Those 600 million without broadband aren't in the US

It literally says "global" in the slide my EDS suffering friend.

Anonymous No. 16575826

africans are poor so starlink should be 1/10th of what it costs us.....
makes sense...

Anonymous No. 16575827

>USA gives billions to Elon so he can give cell service to New Zealind
The grifter strikes again.

Anonymous No. 16575828

I have bad news for you, buddy
>Q: Based on this new definition, how many planets are there in our Solar System? A: There are eight planets in our Solar System; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. To remember this, you can use the mneumonic courtesy of Indiana University professor, Phylis Lugger: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.

Anonymous No. 16575829

this is either bait or retardation

Anonymous No. 16575830

I'm glad you verified you're illiterate by agreeing with my point. The profit goes to Elon while the US subsidizes providing service to other countries. You're every bit the midwit I assumed you to be.

Anonymous No. 16575831

schizoposter is back again
reminder >>16574786

Anonymous No. 16575832

Yes, the tower is pure retardation.
Yes, science by committee--you're very dumb.

Anonymous No. 16575834

>Can't win an argument
>Uses trite attacks
>Cries about it
I love that you can't win an argument using words like an adult so this is the best you can do to counter me.
Crying to your brigands won't work--they just can't stop white knighting for elon.

Anonymous No. 16575835

no, your post was pure retardation, but you're a low functioning mentally ill guy so i understand your reading comprehension is impaired

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Anonymous No. 16575836

Anonymous No. 16575838

>can't win an argument
i can't argue with a retard because it's like arguing with a pigeon.
just showing people your prior melties so they don't get you confused with some of our other lolcows, how is that an attack? are you embarrassed?
>cries about it
you do this thing where you pretend to be unbothered and then project it onto everyone you're furiously replying to. it doesn't work, remember?

Anonymous No. 16575839


Anonymous No. 16575840

>Say something mean about Elon's toys
>Patel goes on the attack
The tower is another point of failure worked into a system that already has a significant number of failure points. It was a workaround for a work around.

The IAU is also a committee made up of people that are the equivalent of medieval astronomers that still use rocks to map planetary alignments.

Stay mad, Patel.

Anonymous No. 16575841

this is all it takes to get him into a manic episode btw, it's that easy to set this guy off.

Anonymous No. 16575843

>Post mean things about Elon
>Discord goes nuts and spews highschool tier insults lifted from leddit

Listen man, I don't get why you're so incapable of talking about anything objectively without becoming immediately unhinged but Elon is a Grifter and it's funny to see how much pointing it out with specifics makes you and your collectivist midwits seeth.

Anonymous No. 16575844

idk why he doesn't just take the prescription and stay as far away from 4chan as possible because it's completely ruining his life, his brain wasn't built to handle unrestricted internet access. it's no wonder he ended up believing in FTL communication and is so adamant that einstein has a "cult"

oh look he's already started samefagging

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Anonymous No. 16575845

Triton is a planet.

Anonymous No. 16575846

Im beating a dead horse here but live NSF commentary is so cringe it makes me physically contract my face and want to close my ears

Anonymous No. 16575847

Musk won

Anonymous No. 16575849

I unironically agree it’s basically like if pluto got pushed inward and captured

Anonymous No. 16575850

>Doesn't know what same fagging is
>recycles the same insult
Priceless, Yusef. Your originality is truly remarkable.

This is /sfg/ and you've very much not responded to anything I've posted about Elon (because I'm right and you can't) so the personal attacks are all you got.


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Anonymous No. 16575852

not according to gravimeme schizo, according to gravimeme schizo his grift is over any day now.

Anonymous No. 16575854

>Posts at a random hour of the day
>Says something mean about Elon
>Yusef magically appears and goes on the attack
Yes, I'm the one with issues...

Anonymous No. 16575855

What is this picture from?

Anonymous No. 16575857


you know for sure that when someone posts like this they are definetly for sure not mad and seething.

you're trying way too hard, schizoposter, remember you're going to waste half of a productive day having another meltdown in an obscure general thread, is it worth it?

no it's just the entire board mocking you, lel.

Anonymous No. 16575859

>has been aware of /sfg/ for exactly five minutes

Anonymous No. 16575860

>If I can't win the argument I'll make up my own and argue against that so I can actually win
You're so adorable Yusef

Anonymous No. 16575861

It's from the Trident mission in 2022.

Anonymous No. 16575863

I mean, if somehow Earth got captured by Jupiter, then it would stop being a planet, and now become a moon. That's how it works.

Anonymous No. 16575864

schizoposter has been here for about a month.
from what i heard, he found this place, tried to peddle some retarded alternative to the standard model, cried about being rejected for 4 hours straight and has never left since.
apparently rejection breeds obsession with types like these, he MUST prove /sfg/ wrong.

Anonymous No. 16575866

>you're so adorable
feminine writing style lel, a healthyminded man doesn't speak like this. this deathspiral of pretend smugness you put yourself in is really bad for your health and nobody buys it.

Anonymous No. 16575867

I think I've been on here for like 10 minutes and your whole dischord is already crying while refusing to respond to any of my points while seething and name-calling instead.
>My discord hates you
How will I ever sleep at night.

Anonymous No. 16575869

I've been here for years.
SFG has gone to shit since you Elon Shills showed up.

>Patel is the icon of masculinity

Anonymous No. 16575870

we're laughing at how insecure you are, you care so very very much about how you are seen, you can't drop the fake smug facade for a single second because you're scared people will laugh at you, but they're already doing that anon, and the obsessively neurotic nature of every single one of your posts ultimately betrays your rage.

Anonymous No. 16575872

>money scales with bandwidth
>V3 on the horizon
How far does this go??

Anonymous No. 16575873

you have not been here for years lol, during your first melty in december you showed such a complete lack of /sfg/ culture on so many levels, it was downright embarrassing to watch you squirm and pretend to be an oldfag back then, don't do it again, for your own sake.

Anonymous No. 16575874

Elon "order of magnitude" Musk does it again

Anonymous No. 16575875

I love that you still can't counter any of my arguments.
This is the best you got.
>We don't like you reee

Anonymous No. 16575876

What the fuck is Yusef???

Anonymous No. 16575878

>/sfg/ culture
You mean petty insults for anyone who disagrees with your group think? Impressive culture.

Anonymous No. 16575881

this guy is so autistic he still thinks he's in an argument with people lel
there never was any argument fren, there was an argument for all of about 2 hours when you first found this place, you lost that one, then ran around in circles insisting that you didn't lose the argument over and over and over and over again.
this is the definition of insanity.

Anonymous No. 16575882

the next slide shows the annual market >>16575767
I would be surprised if this started to take "market" away from fiber but I guess its possible for some applications
direct links from data center to data center perhaps, especially with the rise of AI and if you get both latency and perhaps even cost benefits compared to fiber
I'm too lazy to do a back of the napkin on that but if launch and the satellites get cheap enough then maybe

Anonymous No. 16575883

it's his new obsession, schizoposter was first obsessed with "einstein cultists" and i guess this is the new thing his brain has latched onto.

Anonymous No. 16575885

Another day, another schizo

Anonymous No. 16575886

It's not cheap to run fiber to every house either
Governments have spent billions subsidizing it

Anonymous No. 16575887

But who the hell even is Yusef? I can't tell what he's mad at

Anonymous No. 16575889

No, I made an comment and you went into an autistic rage instead of responding to the actual content of my statement.
Thanks for forever proving me right.

Anonymous No. 16575891

What's your discord?

Anonymous No. 16575892

i honestly have no clue, is it even an indian name? because i don't know. it'd be interesting to pry this guy's brain open and see what kind of paths his train of though takes to created these weird scenarios in his head.

Anonymous No. 16575894

>he's actually crying this hard because he got called a schizo
i can practically see the tears seeping through his keyboard lel.

Anonymous No. 16575895

wanna ERP?

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Anonymous No. 16575896

its a secret, you need to solve this equation

Anonymous No. 16575898

nobody cares about your gay equation

Anonymous No. 16575899

why are you so obsessed with discord? you're the only one mentioning it.
also see >>16575896
you have to be a non-retard.

Anonymous No. 16575900

then you can't get in

Anonymous No. 16575901

We won. Lash out all you want but you'll never reach us.
You're stuck in this thread while we poke and prod you.

Anonymous No. 16575902

i don't even know if we have one but the fact that you want to be let in so badly just so you can have a melty in as many places as possible proves you have an unstable brain and should not be anywhere near a computer.

Anonymous No. 16575903

Good lord man, here
Now please relax!

Anonymous No. 16575904

that one is outdated

Anonymous No. 16575905

the fact that this schizophrenic is so deadset on whining about reddit and discord while being an obnoxious newfag himself betrays that it's likely insecurity from being on those sites and finding 4chan no earlier than 4 years ago. i bet he thinks that makes him an oldfag too lel.

Anonymous No. 16575907

you now remember that gamergate happened 10 years ago

Anonymous No. 16575908

>anons four years younger than 4chan are allowed to post

Anonymous No. 16575909

Watching the current Falcon stream made me wonder: Is it true that upper stage engine restart capability is something the Euros didn't have at all until Ariane 6 (in theory, at least)? Because that seems absurd to me.

Anonymous No. 16575910

Relight is hard, man

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Anonymous No. 16575911

Took this screenshot just now while trying to find the Artemis discord for that schizo. Who's ready for the moon landing this year??

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Anonymous No. 16575914

>this year

Anonymous No. 16575916

why is nsf so obsessed with the shuttle

Anonymous No. 16575919

Artemis program will be canned and replaced with the Thoth program

Anonymous No. 16575922

It was founded for the Return to Flight after the Columbia disaster.

Anonymous No. 16575923

it started as a shuttle forum

Anonymous No. 16575924

Why is western culture still so obsessed with it is the real question. It’s living rent free in the zeitgeist and it’s been dead for like 15 years now…

Anonymous No. 16575925

Q4 2024 trvst the plan

Anonymous No. 16575931

there's still time, today is December the 66th

Anonymous No. 16575933

Earth is a moon of Luna

Anonymous No. 16575934

manned asteroid mission

Anonymous No. 16575936

Too dangerous, have some lettuce and moth flies for 50 years instead.

Anonymous No. 16575937

manned 2024 YR4 mission

Anonymous No. 16575940

Why isn’t /sfg/ talking about the deer that Elon Musk just blasted with rocket exhaust? This isn’t a good look…

Anonymous No. 16575941


Anonymous No. 16575943


Anonymous No. 16575944

total wildlife death

Anonymous No. 16575946

because the shuttle and the SR-71 are the coolest vehicles we have produced (am i forgetting something?)

Anonymous No. 16575948

KEEEK, it's actually real, someone post the webm

Anonymous No. 16575957

Blackstrap and venison chili tonight lads

Anonymous No. 16575959

with that unique tang of a RP-1 barbeque!

Anonymous No. 16575961

I'll take mine well-done

Anonymous No. 16575975


Anonymous No. 16575977

Urf is a moon of the Sun

Anonymous No. 16575984

lmao you can't make this shit up, what's next? an angry call with kitboga?

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Anonymous No. 16575990

>trying to find the Artemis discord for that schizo

It's not open to the public anymore, Spaceguy5 banned everyone who gave him pushback for his EDS a couple months ago.

Anonymous No. 16575994

The moon is a planet and the earth and the moon is a binary planet system

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Anonymous No. 16575997


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fYCbq4fYRsJ-732N ....webm

Anonymous No. 16575998

seems they all escaped but probably deafened quite badly

Anonymous No. 16576005

New Pez dispenser

Anonymous No. 16576008

The sun and moon wander relative to the fixed stars and are therefore planets.

Anonymous No. 16576009

How do we remove several billlion tons of mass from the Earth and transfer it to the lunar surface?

Anonymous No. 16576011

>billion tons
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 16576012


Anonymous No. 16576014

10^24 kg for Earth and 10^22 kg for the moon
You're not even talking about measurable differences yet

Anonymous No. 16576015

w/e just do it, use nukes if you have to, we must make the Earth-Moon Binary Planet System GREAT AGAIAN


Anonymous No. 16576018

>How do we remove several billion tons of mass from the Earth
Death squads
>and transfer it to the lunar surface?
Oh. Uh rockets or something.

Anonymous No. 16576019


Anonymous No. 16576020

Earth will just end up a vassal to the Lunar government, anyway, don't worry too much about classifications

Anonymous No. 16576021

This got me thinking why dispense from a horizontal slot in the first place? Why not a vertical slot with a helical magazine on the inside kind of like in a Calico firearm? Also in my head it feels like it would be easier on the structure to support a slot going lengthwise rather than a slot going across most of the diameter.

Anonymous No. 16576022

Yeah get with the terraforming guys itt and work on that lmao

Anonymous No. 16576024

/sfg/ hopium overdose:
>Starship will have something like a standard air freight container, satellites will be loaded in a controlled environment and then quickly inserted into the ship for a faster turnaround time!

Anonymous No. 16576029

linear accelerator.

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Anonymous No. 16576030

Anonymous No. 16576031

>first attempt at something resembling payload processing doesn't resemble the final process perfected after hundreds of flights and iterations

Anonymous No. 16576032

I don't see any flaws in the analysis from the guy who called you a retard

Anonymous No. 16576033

>Earth will just end up a vassal to the Lunar government
We will throw rocks at them :)

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dead deer.png

Anonymous No. 16576035

first the seals, then the beetles, now the deers.
This is war, muskrats.

Anonymous No. 16576036

Based. I love when the aeronautics side has cool stuff going on.

Anonymous No. 16576050

Too late, Boom (ironic) already solved it (if the rumors are true)

Anonymous No. 16576055

Ever consider that some Starships will just be dedicated for Starlink payloads? Some Starships will be built for other payloads and purposes.

Two examples that you are already familiar with:

>Tankers will carry fuel to orbit(s) to be stored in depots
>HLS will carry people and supplies to the moon, and potentially beyond

Anonymous No. 16576059

How so? From what I've read about Boom, they'll just fly overseas supersonic and high transonic overland.

Anonymous No. 16576060

Not to mention that Starlink is printing money like the federal reserve right now. Starship's primary way to generate revenue for SpaceX is to lob up Starlink v3 satellites.

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Anonymous No. 16576067

>first "staffed" space flight
>Saturn v model
>sls icon

Anonymous No. 16576071


Anonymous No. 16576072

The doomer in me says that Starlink is so good at printing money that Spacex willl eventually just turn into a telecom conglomerate that doesn't even launch other people's payloads because it's not worth it. Starlink is a fucking money printer.

Anonymous No. 16576074

>devs too retarded to google the gender neutral version of "manned" (crewed) spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16576076

>description says launch the first man into space
lol watch them send out a patch just to correct this because some tranny is going to demand they change this immediately

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Anonymous No. 16576077

Using the light curve photometry of 2024 YR4, its rotation period was found to be one revolution every 19.424 minutes. This rotation speed is too fast to hold together a rubble pile with its own gravity, and it must be a solid object.

Anonymous No. 16576078


Anonymous No. 16576079

Impact energy is only 8 MT. Just let it hit us. That's only enough to destroy like a single city.

Anonymous No. 16576081

>8 MT
I thought that was the lowest estimate? that figure could be as high as 50 MT

Anonymous No. 16576082

I agree. I propose it be diverted to Anon's location at the time of impact.

Anonymous No. 16576084


Anonymous No. 16576085

please god, let this one happen, this species needs a wake-up call

Anonymous No. 16576091

Elon is going to every federal department, one by one. Imagine when he gets to FAA

Anonymous No. 16576093

>In the unlikely event that 2024 YR4 hits the Earth in 2032, it would impact at a high velocity, roughly 17 kilometers per second (about 38,000 miles per hour).

If we assume a 100 meter diameter and a nickel-iron composition with a density of 8.2 grams per cubic centimeter, the 4,293,511,800 kilogram meteor will hit with a kinetic energy of 6.195×10^17 joules, or about 148 megatons of TNT.

Anonymous No. 16576095

Not to mention the FCC and the SEC.

Anonymous No. 16576096

I kind of forgot that he was doing that, and that USAID was just the first of many.

Anonymous No. 16576097

>148 megatons of TNT

Anonymous No. 16576104

/sfg/ has left this earth

Anonymous No. 16576106

NSF (no, not that one) is being gutted. there goes my future.

Anonymous No. 16576107

everyone getting gutted except space

Anonymous No. 16576132

Good, space is all that matters.

Anonymous No. 16576143

It's gonna come down on Kourou, isn't it? We just can't catch a break.

lmao this would be wild. I would've guessed if quiet sonic booms were that easy there would've been an x-plane (before the 59) already instead of a company randomly discovering it while not even looking but maybe it is that easy in boomery.

The FOIAs on all this will be crazy one day

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Anonymous No. 16576151

Anonymous No. 16576156

>xeno gravity lance shattering a planet. 2025. colorized.

Anonymous No. 16576164

The final Soyuz-Volga was launched today. The last gasp of the glorious Soviet NK-33s. Russia intends to replace them with the Rokot-M, replacing the Ukranian avionics with Russian ones.

Anonymous No. 16576165

Nah, we're gutting that too

Anonymous No. 16576189

The FAA had no idea what kind of fight they were starting lol. who was that faggot twitter nigger who got that waste water bullshit actually enforced. he is 100% directly responsible for DOGE. I wonder if he'll kill himself

Anonymous No. 16576222

i put pee in bottles and drank the pee

Anonymous No. 16576232

>Most qualified anon for Martian exploration

Anonymous No. 16576235

this is just one of the secrets behind Indian success saar

Anonymous No. 16576254
>Rumors are flying that NASA’s SAO, the office responsible for the Architecture Definition Document, is about to get DOGE’d

>I might need to find a new role if that happens, but I’ll be fine

>Might be the catalyst to get me to make the jump to Spacex

Anonymous No. 16576257

get doged pleb

Anonymous No. 16576269

Anonymous No. 16576296

Shit definition. In a few billion years that barycenter will be outside of Earth and therefore the Moon would become a planet from one second to the other by virtue of being a little farther away.

Anonymous No. 16576313

nigga's posting with his brain chip

Anonymous No. 16576317

It goes even further back than that. If the swampies had simply let Orange Man win in 2020, he wouldn't have become Punished Orange Man on a rampage to destroy the swamp.

Anonymous No. 16576318

ESG Hound. Known TSLA shorter and accused Nikola investor. I'm an environment guy and a space guy so I told him that when vital environmental regulation is torn up it will be his fault for trying to get retribution for his bad stock picks. He said something like "u mad"

Anonymous No. 16576322

Where's all the starship launches? did musk forget about mars?

Anonymous No. 16576324

two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16576326

three weeks

Anonymous No. 16576328

Didn't you hear? We need to fix Earth first!

Anonymous No. 16576329


Anonymous No. 16576338

Project 2025 will name Kitboga as ambassador to India

Yusef No. 16576339

Hey guys sorry I've been gone, some crazy guy was looking for me earlier

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Anonymous No. 16576341

>Elon unironically fixing Earth first, forgetting all about Mars
not like this bros

Anonymous No. 16576342

let's be honest here, the smartest thing the Europeans could do at this point is to buy a license from SpaceX to produce the Falcon 9, produce it and become familiar with operating it, and then maybe purchase a license to produce and operate Starships if that pans out.

Anonymous No. 16576343

I remember reading an article posted here about how trump was definitely gonna ghost elon after he won the election because of a few cases where rich people presidents win in the past.
I wonder how the guy who wrote that article feels now?

Anonymous No. 16576344

Not the dumbest idea, but french bullheadedness would never allow such a thing

Anonymous No. 16576346


Anonymous No. 16576354

It's over.

Anonymous No. 16576363

Why would spaceX license out Falcon 9?
Trump and Musk have fallen out before though, and Trump has a history of being very fickle. Obviously it could be different this time, maybe people have learned how to control Trump and direct his tard rage in the direction they want.

Anonymous No. 16576366

>Trump and Musk have fallen out before though
Thats not the argument the article made. It said they wouldn't even get together in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16576369

>Why would spaceX license out Falcon 9?
profit and making euros (even more) dependent on America. But as the other guy said, that's never gonna happen, not while frogs have european spaceflight grabbed by the balls

Anonymous No. 16576370

It's only equatorial anyways, who cares, let it ram into indonesia or nigeria or india
Worst case scenario it widens the panama canal

Anonymous No. 16576372

>Why would spaceX license out Falcon 9?
It'd make a bit more sense after Starship is functioning though there's not that much point to it for SpaceX since there's no real commonality or standardization gains they'd get from it.

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Apollo Applicatio....jpg

Anonymous No. 16576376

>This rotation speed is too fast to hold together a rubble pile with its own gravity, and it must be a solid object.
/sfg/ dogma holds that every asteroid is a rubble pile. this is heresy!

Anonymous No. 16576379

>Why would spaceX license out Falcon 9?
a bit of extra profit perhaps if you assume the europeans would use an european designed rocket instead i.e. refusing to launch certain payloads with spacex built and operated rockets
licensing from SpaceX would kind of defeat some of the purpose of having an independent system in the first place though so I don't really see the europeans going for it and would probably be too much effort to be worth it for spacex as well
Starship is coming soon which will be a paradigm shift

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Anonymous No. 16576381

>muh terraforming
Imagine being a planetary chauvinist

Anonymous No. 16576398

Don’t you have a suborbital carnival ride to attend to Mr Bezos?

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Anonymous No. 16576406

Cylinders are 10-100x less economically viable than cruise ship cities and we don't even have those

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Anonymous No. 16576407

bad jokes won't make the local planets less shitty

Anonymous No. 16576408

The only reason to build an O'Neil cylinder is as a way to pass the time it takes to get to other planets. It's planets all the way.

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Anonymous No. 16576413

We will give the planetcucks an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind us, they will stumble, they will fall down their stupid well. But in time, they will join us in the spin.

Anonymous No. 16576439

They had Falcon 9 Crew Dragon earlier in the series. They decided to not include Starship or Falcon 9 anymore because of you know, politics

Anonymous No. 16576445

Even his haircut is shaped like a space colony.
Very consistent and autistic.

Anonymous No. 16576456

Reasons to build a city somewhere
>rivers - trade and farmland
>coast - trade and fish
>mountain pass - trade and defense
>Mars - plenty of local rocks to work with and room to spread out
but then
>O'Neil Cylinder - Unbelievably expensive to build and get to and not a handful of atoms for millions of miles
Someone please help me make sense of this

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Anonymous No. 16576464

bro what if you had a mountain pass, a coast and a river that could travel wherever you want it to.

Anonymous No. 16576466

Raw materials should be collected without human intervention, humans should live in Earth emulating ecosystems and gravity for whatever reason they wish.

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Anonymous No. 16576470

>not a handful of atoms for millions of miles
In space it's not about the distance, it's the delta-v.

Anonymous No. 16576472


Anonymous No. 16576473

getting to O'neill cylinders will be cheaper than getting to mars, depending on where you build them
moving between O'neill cylinders is going to be extremely cheap too, you have infinite space and can have variable gravity

Anonymous No. 16576480


>rivers - trade and farmland
>coast - trade and fish
>mountain pass - trade and defense
here you go, hope this helps!

Anonymous No. 16576481

The tubes have the same thing going for them as the mountain pass.

Anonymous No. 16576486

Elon says self sufficiency might only take a million tons, but an O'Neil cylinder is around a thousand times that. Even if you build the thing in LEO it's a hundred times more expensive than fully self sufficient Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16576487

>and can have variable gravity
this is their USP. freefall/very low gravity is a euphoric blast, once you've had it you will always want easy access to it

Anonymous No. 16576490

>Elon says

Anonymous No. 16576494

Threadly reminder
Spaceflight = SpaceX = Elon

Anonymous No. 16576496

O'Neill cylinders have the high ground for dropping rocks on all well dwellers plus they’re a convenient rest area* for interplanetary cargo missions.

*toll booth, pay the fee or we blow your rocket to smithereens.

Anonymous No. 16576500

= irrelevant mouth breather

Anonymous No. 16576513

Still just rumor/speculation though it may be related to something with the engine and not be related to silencing the boom just some other breakthrough or maybe they achieved it with the engine somehow idk

We'll see

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Anonymous No. 16576539
>A Soyuz-2.1v launched some unknown satellites from Plesetsk. 82.4 degree orbit, which is similar to Rodnik military comsats but no one really knows as of now.
>This is also the last flight of NK-33 engine and probably the last for 2.1v variant too. As RD-193 never got finalized.

Anonymous No. 16576550

What happened to this?

It would fly by Neptune and Triton as well as Quaoar.

Anonymous No. 16576551



Anonymous No. 16576552

>Chinese NASA has fallen for the gravity assist meme too


Anonymous No. 16576553

>6 days ago
Holy fucking shit I just noticed

/sfg/ is ded ded

Anonymous No. 16576554

>>16576551 (You)
>>16576552 (You)
>>16576553 (You)
all me btw

Anonymous No. 16576557

You don't want to watch the 2000th launch of a rocket older than your dad?
Man I fucking hate being spaceflight fan. I can't imagine what the shuttle years were like.

Anonymous No. 16576558

Anonymous No. 16576563

>I can't imagine what the shuttle years were like.
Post shuttle interim was 100x worse than that
>Shityuz launches 1-2 US astronauts to ISS
>max ISS occupancy typically around 4-5

was so fucking bleak, SpaceX and Dragon really breathed life into the ISS

Anonymous No. 16576568

this is a reused edition, don't panic

Anonymous No. 16576570

I keep thinking about the hypothetical spaceflight fan that watched the moon landing in his twenties and then died in 2015 or something. Most of his life watching space was a descent from the peak. This is my biggest concern with getting excited about space right now. A whole lot is being promised with starship but stuff has been promised before too.

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Anonymous No. 16576571
>With Project DEMESURE, CNES aims to demonstrate the recovery and reuse of a launch vehicle upper stage. The agency explained that the ultimate goal is to develop a reusable upper stage for a two-stage rocket that can deliver 20 tonnes to low Earth orbit, a similar payload capacity to Ariane 6. The initial demonstration will, however, be conducted at a “reduced scale” with an incremental approach to the system’s development.

The unspoken bit being that 20 tons to LEO with a reusable upper stage means a SHLV sized rocket, not an Ariane 6.

Anonymous No. 16576572

It was all over when they cancelled Saturn V production before the last Apollo mission was even launched, and then NASA budget being decimated the years after

Anonymous No. 16576573

>reusable upper stage first

Anonymous No. 16576575

Why are these retards starting with the reusable upper stage when it's been shown that reusable boosters are way easier?

Anonymous No. 16576577

someone should start developing a reusable kick stage.

Anonymous No. 16576579

maybe there are 10,000 miles of regulations in the EU if they were going to try and return a first stage

Anonymous No. 16576582

But don't apply to returning an upper stage??????

Anonymous No. 16576583

maybe there are only 5,000 regulations for it

Anonymous No. 16576586

nah. it will never be economical compared to expendable

Anonymous No. 16576589

reusable fuel and oxidizer

Anonymous No. 16576614

it's easier to justify failure when success is difficult

Anonymous No. 16576620

>new habitable zone exoplanet orbiting a g-type star 20 light years away

Anonymous No. 16576623

Nevermind, it's a nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 16576639

you're a five

Anonymous No. 16576644

every time

Anonymous No. 16576647

Ariane's single 1MN hydrologgs sustainet and expendable SRBs aren't built for reuse. The only hydrologgs sustainer stage to come back from space was the Shuttle orbiter.

Anonymous No. 16576648

How about make a new rocket that has a reusable booster first rather than try to jury rigg ariane to have reusability?

Anonymous No. 16576649

report and ignore ya sill billies

Anonymous No. 16576652

With a planet you can casually throw down asteroids into them to then pick up the good bits. Can't do that with a cuck cylinder

Anonymous No. 16576653

Congratulations, this is the stupidest post I've seen on /sfg/ so far.

Anonymous No. 16576655

they accept reparations in fibsh

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Anonymous No. 16576662

Should send the NK-33 / AR-22 back to russia, hate to seem em wasted.

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Anonymous No. 16576663


Anonymous No. 16576664

Who needs asteroids when you have an entire planetary crust?

Anonymous No. 16576668

have you ever watched Mobile Suit Gundam

Anonymous No. 16576671

Now that the dust has settled, was ISS worth it for 150 billion? For reference, a good outer planet probe goes for 4 billion (e.g JUICE, Voyager, Europa Clipper) and a Mars rover for 2 billion. Cheaper orbiters and lunar landers cost considerably less (less than 1 billion).

Anonymous No. 16576672

Should I?

Anonymous No. 16576674

yeah it went even better than expected

Anonymous No. 16576676

It was supposed to be the layover for the moon and Mars. Other programs also being too expensive doesn't justify an overpriced bus stop

Anonymous No. 16576677

Just Wing and the one with Domon in Shining Gundam.

Anonymous No. 16576679

>they're also trying to pitch an over-land launch and landing corridor out of Eastern Washington

Anonymous No. 16576681

I want to her 2nd stage

Anonymous No. 16576682

Don't even need to dig. It can be that easy. oh a titanium rich asteroid? Strap a booster on it then done

Anonymous No. 16576683

ISS and the Space Shittle set back progress for two decades

Anonymous No. 16576687

Probably so, as a tech demonstator. Now the commercial space needs to pick up the slack for 1/100th or 1/10th the price.

Anonymous No. 16576689

>Strap a booster on it then done
this has got to be bait

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Anonymous No. 16576694

>shorts, tights, and helmets
pls no

Anonymous No. 16576697

I'm not sure Ron Paul reminding you that you asked for this is the appropriate response here, Casey

Anonymous No. 16576703

How much does an asteroid weigh

Anonymous No. 16576708

no, but I have watched Evangelion

Anonymous No. 16576711

Please do not the rocket

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Anonymous No. 16576714

only if I get to dress like this

Anonymous No. 16576723

Elon already has his hands on the FAA

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Anonymous No. 16576724

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Anonymous No. 16576727


Anonymous No. 16576728

aside from this, has the NOTAM system ever gone down once in its entire history?

Anonymous No. 16576730

>Two years ago the system went down without a backup, causing a nationwide ground stop. That outage was traced to an error by contractors who were updating software in the system.


Anonymous No. 16576732

Not only that but they are working on reusable LRB.

Ariane 6 will be India tier backwards with an expendible first stage and reusable boosters and second stage.

Anonymous No. 16576733

Total /sfg/ victory over the Federal Aviation Authority.

Anonymous No. 16576735

FAA about to get buckbroken

Anonymous No. 16576736

About time really

Anonymous No. 16576737

As if FAA is a problem.

Anonymous No. 16576738

they won't be any more lmao

Anonymous No. 16576740

They are taking on way too many tasks for a small team of just 8 cracked autists what is going on, they are either spreading themselves thin and juggling too many large overhaul/review tasks at once, not giving enough focused attention to either one (so being really inefficient) or there is a larger DOGE support group behind the scenes that's even more obscure, possibly even the people Project 2025 was recruiting

Anonymous No. 16576741

I think this is just a brief sidequest, probably just to see if there are some retarded bugs or whatever
not a complete rebuild of the system

Anonymous No. 16576746

>The order established an organization within USDS, called the U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization (USDSTO), and tasked it with "advancing the President's 18-month DOGE agenda". The order requires every agency to create a DOGE team of at least four employees in consultation with USDS to implement the president's DOGE agenda.[1]

>The order requires every agency to create a DOGE team of at least four employees in consultation with USDS to implement the president's DOGE agenda.[1]

Ok so this is most likely what's happening, its a mix of agency and DOGE per each agency

Anonymous No. 16576748


A fully modern system in the wo rks

Anonymous No. 16576752

they're trying to get the overland supersonic ban lifted

Anonymous No. 16576754

I always wondered if instead of the shuttle they had instead ordered like 10 more improved Saturn Vs, gone ahead with Apollos 18-20, and then used a few S5s to build a space station (I always like to imagine it was called "space station Independence" and the first launch was July 4th 1976) and then maybe a Venus flyby in the late 70s and maybe a couple "return to the moon" missions and held off on trying to develop a successor until the 80s what we would have ended up with, maybe a shuttle type vehicle but one much different from the STS shuttle

Anonymous No. 16576762


Anonymous No. 16576763

the artwork they made clearly shows a reusable first stage and an expendable second stage. i'm guessing it's just some issue where it got translated by a tard.

Anonymous No. 16576764

Damn you're right

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Anonymous No. 16576769

>a space station
They had Skylab, it was kino, and it used Apollo.
Then they abandoned it for Shittle, and a solar storm combined with Shittle schedule slip caused it to de-orbit before anything could be done about it.

Anonymous No. 16576770

i think everyone has that phase where you're haunted by what could have been. but at the end of the day it's easy to make a space program that works on paper. to make one that works irl takes men, and maybe we've finally got ourselves some.

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Anonymous No. 16576771

Explain this

Anonymous No. 16576773

aliens, the ancestors of elon

Anonymous No. 16576780

>How far does this go??

It's entirely possible to capture ALL data traffic if your launch and satellites are cheap enough and you can keep a tarded high launch cadence. No reason why you couldn't have millions of giga nigga starlink v10s serving every single connection on the planet including cell phones and launching dozens of megaships a day to keep the constellation up and going. Although with that kind of cash flow they will probably find some alternative means to keep the satellites up, some kind of magnetic atmosphere scoop or automated refuelling robot fleet.

Anonymous No. 16576782


Anonymous No. 16576784

they only have a few months to shave $2 trillion from the budget. if they dont get it done by the autumn then the republicans are COOKED in the 2028 elections.

Anonymous No. 16576786

Ruins, duh.

Anonymous No. 16576787

reminder USDS heavily regulates neuralink because of the animal research and animals they own

Anonymous No. 16576789

It's the United States DOGE Service (formerly United States Digital Service)

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Anonymous No. 16576790

chatgpt says the only logical conclusion is humans or aliens

Anonymous No. 16576791

nvm i misread it as USDA

Anonymous No. 16576792

the oracle hath spoken

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Anonymous No. 16576795

the space colony fashion is peak
I had a really good time keeping track of their position and orbit and the dV required to transition between them, things were mostly sane as long as you assume magic engines until they got anywhere near the bottom of a gravity well
except for ZZ, that's been pretty shit
I have not watched
>Mobile Fighter G Gundam
don't be fooled, this is actually just dragon ball, not Gundam
very good, but not spaceflight like the rest of Gundam is
Skirts and dresses though

Anonymous No. 16576796

Why don't you consult the magic 8 ball next?

Anonymous No. 16576797

Just tell them to watch the new GQX series starting soon.

Anonymous No. 16576798

Starting with the harder part wouldn't be that stupid, that's why SpaceX started with the bellyflop tests, too. Obviously they should do both and yesterday, though, but it's something if it actually happens.

Anonymous No. 16576802

not actually that rectangular

Anonymous No. 16576804

Imagine 10,000 V3 Sats instead of V2. So 10,000 X 1 Tbps = 10,000 Tbps

For context, ~2000 Tbps is the daily global bandwidth usage.

Current system has ~50 Gbps(avg of v2 mini and 1.5) x 5000 sats = 250 Tbps. Current system supports ~5M customers atleast. And with 40X more capacity, it can support 200 million customers. But subscriber rate doesn't scale linearly, it scales much better. So instead of 200M, Starlink could support 500M or even 1B customers on V3 at 150Mbps speeds. But more likely, we'll get 1Gbps speed and ~30 million global customer base. And if they upgrade to V4 or V5 or higher, that number can increase further.

Anonymous No. 16576805

but then they're going to miss out on Jerid and Lt Quattro
and I think the newtype nonsense that seems to be happening will make more sense if you've watched Unicorn, which means CCA, which means 0079+Zeta

Anonymous No. 16576808

reuse weight penalty is 1 to 1 with payload on stage 2
plus its the smallest part of the vehicle
There's no reason to throw away boosters and try to reuse upper stages

In the end they aren't serious about it and it's just pretending for investors

Anonymous No. 16576809

You also have to consider that the vast majority of that bandwidth capacity sits unused/barely used as they cruise over oceans, deserts, poles and rural retard areas.

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Anonymous No. 16576811

>It was supposed to be the layover for the moon and Mars
Yeah its should be a port and a shipyard not a lab

Anonymous No. 16576812

Capacity isn't usage ofcourse, but its still something because those sats will hit land over extremely populated areas in Africa/Asia as well

Anonymous No. 16576814

>not a lab
But think about how much science we learned from that lab! Like umm uhhhhhh hm. Uhhhhhh like um

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Anonymous No. 16576819

stealing content
that big aircraft carrier that's being dismantled in the port of brownsville vs Starship

Anonymous No. 16576822

and to think that aircraft carriers will be a fraction of the size of real space carriers

Anonymous No. 16576823

starshit is too small

Anonymous No. 16576824

And the usable volume will be even less.

Anonymous No. 16576829

>84,000 tons
Only need to launch the mass of twelve of these to Mars to achieve self sufficiency.
>space carriers
No way this will be a thing when distributed systems exist

Anonymous No. 16576833

I wanna put this thing into orbit.
A space carrier is just a tug under a different name.

Anonymous No. 16576834

anon… the massive space carriers ARE the distributed system.

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15m starship.jpg

Anonymous No. 16576842


Anonymous No. 16576843

ocean going launch and catch facility when

Anonymous No. 16576844

It would be wider more than taller. Raptors become thrust:height limited before then.

Anonymous No. 16576846

So what happened to the Oil Rig launch platform plan?

Anonymous No. 16576847

lol no raptors are the most thrust dense engine there is
with raptor 3 you can make it a little taller

Anonymous No. 16576848

abandoned cuz it was retarded

Anonymous No. 16576850

They were pointless

Anonymous No. 16576853

Too expensive for now and not really needed while cadence is low. Will make a comeback when people start malding about starship rattling their windows daily and they will custom fab platforms with propellant pipelines going to them and shit.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16576856

Anonymous No. 16576859

they don't need an oil rig then, they just need to build artificial islands

Anonymous No. 16576861

probably too early for such things

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Anonymous No. 16576862

It's not a rectangle, it's a face

Anonymous No. 16576866

>NASA spent half a million
>new NASA admin immediately cancels it once informed

Anonymous No. 16576869

thats $500k that can now go towards actual spaceflight, like more science demos on new shepard

Anonymous No. 16576872

For subscriptions to state-sponsored propaganda rag Politico. Fucking hell.

Anonymous No. 16576874

I'll take it. Even though new shephard is useless, in comparison to garbage subscription, its 1000x more useful.

Anonymous No. 16576878

sounds about right
all these leftists are full paid for by the government

Anonymous No. 16576884

You haven't been here long I see

Anonymous No. 16576900

in the end, what percentage of NASAs budget will be cut under "fraud, waste and abuse"?

Anonymous No. 16576902

It becomes less interesting when you realize the rectangle is implied more than it is objectively visible

What you're really looking at are rocks that seem to make two right angles, near one another. The other two corners aren't corners.

Anonymous No. 16576904

Prob ~5-10%. The goal is 5-10% each agency for each agency. No agency runs 100% efficient. The short comings are obvious to anyone auditing, so thats probably the easiest free money.

Anonymous No. 16576917

Oh so I accidentally drop my phone in the blind and the moby dick of a 10-point buck scatters, but 9 merlin engines screaming their heads off on a landing pad is okay for a deer? BULLSHIT

Anonymous No. 16576923

The worst part is that none of these cunts are going to catch a court for their rampant embezzlement.

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Anonymous No. 16576937
>Kimiya Yui training with Dreamchaser, in case you think that mean's Dreamchaser's launch is imminent, we currently think that Yui is flying in 2026.... on Starliner.

Anonymous No. 16576942

manned Starship it’ll be, by then

Anonymous No. 16576943

Crew Dragon

Anonymous No. 16576947

Not spaceflight but w/e
Neuralink announced they have a 3rd patient
The second patient is starting to use a robot arm telepathically
They're starting work on a direct thought-to-speech model because the 3rd patient can't speak

Anonymous No. 16576952

I really love the potential that this company has, wish Musk were more involved.

Anonymous No. 16576954

nasa to do a live stream on far left streaming platform twitch tv

Anonymous No. 16576955

final flight of the NK-33 engine is something though, the final remnant of the Soviet N-1 moon rocket program. I wonder how many of the stockpile are still left after use by Antares and Volga?

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Anonymous No. 16576956

The impact risk assessment for 2024 YR4 has been revised from a 1.6% chance of impact to 1.9%.

Anonymous No. 16576957

seems very inefficient. I'm sure DOGE with cut that fat.

Anonymous No. 16576969

How much does Musk pay you H1B's to overtly suck his cock in /sfg/?

Neuralink is more snake oil from the master grifter.

Anonymous No. 16576982

1.9% chance of impact now, the threat grows larger with each measurement and refinement

Anonymous No. 16576983

i was wondering why it takes them so long then i remembered that even if sierra was faster, the slots on iss are very limited. our next station should have lots of docking ports.

Anonymous No. 16576985

Imagine if it unironically goes up to 50/50

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Anonymous No. 16576987

I love this movie. Is there anything else like it?

Anonymous No. 16576991

lol, i'm just giddy with excitement, I hope it keeps increasing

Anonymous No. 16576992

field of dreams if the poster is to be believed

Anonymous No. 16576995

I can't wait for SpaceX to destroy it on a mission paid entirely by Musk and leftists still think he's

Anonymous No. 16576996

You can be as silent and wear as much scent masker as you want, but they're still gonna run out into loud-ass traffic. Deer are simultaneously paranoid schizos and complete retards.

Anonymous No. 16576998




Anonymous No. 16577245

>20 billion dollars for complete space dominance for the next 100 years
this money could have been spent on 5 SLS launches.

Anonymous No. 16577260

>neuralink is mentioned once
>instant seethe reaction from EDS sufferer.
jeez cool it bro.