🧵 Is nuclear fusion really the holy grail?
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Nov 2024 02:17:53 UTC No. 16459185
Will there be something after fusion, or will it just become about making fusion as efficient as possible?
🗑️ 🧵 Can you faggots explain this shit
Anonymous at Sat, 2 Nov 2024 01:40:38 UTC No. 16459153
How come there were barely any gigaspergs ~50 years ago? I mean there's always been those people who were a little odd. But I'm talking about those constantly screeching retards like in Louis Theroux's documentary, that shit was rare as fuck back before. Now it's common. Stats indicate this.
>b-but that's cuz we diagnose it more now
No, no one actually believes this. Give a better answer.
🧵 Founder of String Theory says AdS/CFT correspondence is bullshit
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 23:47:10 UTC No. 16459038
Leonard Susskind, a founding father of string theory, argues we live in deSitter space, not Anti-deSitter space. he says the AdS/CFT mathematics does not describe the reality in live in. stringfags completely and utterly and permanently BTFO
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Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 23:26:31 UTC No. 16459016
His positing of conservation of energy with its corollaries in order to refute Cartesian mechanism and its adherents formed the basis for the work of Bernoulli, Lagrange, Gauss, Hamilton, and Riemann. Why isn't he regarded as the father of modern physics rather than Newton who didn't come up with any original theories that stood the test of time?
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Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 21:13:07 UTC No. 16458867
How does the light know I'm looking at it?
🧵 There's no aliens.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 20:58:28 UTC No. 16458852
The truth is that our concept of "living" and "non-living" has been flawed from the start. Looking for "an alien" in your galaxy is no different than trying to find something that looks exactly like you in a city.
🧵 University fucking me over
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 20:29:14 UTC No. 16458815
I'm a senior MCB student. Since last Spring I've been trying to get into an MCB lab course, you need one to graduate. I've completed all my major requirements and my gen eds but can't graduate until I have that course. Immediately when my registration portal opened I tried to get into an MCB lab course. There was only 2 or 3 of them being offered and they all required permission numbers. I emailed all the professors and for one reason or another they said I couldn't take it because I'm not an honors student or because the waitlist is full and they already have a waitlist full of MCB seniors in the same position as me.
I got accepted to a clinical research internship for the Spring. There are courses in the lab requirement called "Undergraduate research" and "Clinical research". The clinical research class involves going to Hartford Hospital and collecting data, pretty much the exact same thing I'm doing for my internship. However, I was told I can't get credit for it because I need to take MCB 3100 as a pre-req. And of course, MCB 3100 is an honors only course.
So, UConn wants me to delay my graduation and push back all my plans by an entire year, even though I'm only 1 course off from graduation just so I can take 1 course that they seldom offer. Is this not the biggest scam ever? What can I do in this situation? It seems my only other option at this point is to come up with an individualized major. I've worked so hard for MCB all this time and it seems ridiculous that I can't graduate with my major because UConn neglects MCB students by not offering the courses their students require to graduate.
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Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 19:31:17 UTC No. 16458742
It just be a bunch of shit, right?
🧵 RIP Skylon
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 19:22:31 UTC No. 16458727
Why are the Brits so bad at this stuff?
🧵 Uncanny Valley effect
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 18:49:13 UTC No. 16458664
Why did we develop this feeling when there are no known animals in nature that can evoke this feeling in us?
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Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 18:47:36 UTC No. 16458659
A person can use its brain for editing and building dimensions.
Things in our universe can be maintained using mind to environment processing, including the Sun and Earth.
You must find the right spot to begin revolving in the direction you want to be to use any of your brain parts to conduct mental actions on the environment(what are you supposed to do? Pretend to click? You can't receive and transmit at the same time, it results in a failed action. Therefore, you need to find a certain spot to cause a strange revolution to occur). You then wait in that area with a plan in mind on how to use your brain to conduct, edit, build or maintain in the environment.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 18:38:42 UTC No. 16458633
Can the set of all Bagels containing everything contain itself on a Bagel?
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Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 18:07:32 UTC No. 16458559
If you had infinite monkeys on typewriters, would it be possible for them all to press the same key at the same time step? Unlikely, sure. But actually impossible? I see no reason why. And similarly, would it be possible for none of the monkeys to press a particular key? Again, unlikely. But why should it be absolutely impossible?
The probability of these events is infinitesimally small, but not "0" as such. Neither is a repeat of such events.
It is conceivable that you could wait a billion years, and none of the monkeys will have typed Shakespeare. You could wait another 10 trillion years, and still no Shakespeare. Any finite amount of time, wait as long as you like, and theoretically, you may have no Shakespeare.
Since it's not possible to traverse an infinite amount of time, you can never say "I have waited an infinite amount of time".
You may never actually reach the point where one of the monkeys has typed Shakespeare's works. Unlikely, sure. But theoretically possible.
🧵 Just watched this last night
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 17:03:43 UTC No. 16458410
The entire plot wouldn't have happened if a piece of space debris hasn't collided with their fuel supply.
I actually read the Wiki article for Kessler Syndrome and was baffled that scientists are apparently more concerned with space junk damaging satellites than with the possibility of all that trash making it impossible to get off this planet for centuries.
Why is everyone involved in space travel paying so little attention to this problem compared to science-fiction writers?
🧵 animal form is dictated by protein setup
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 16:21:09 UTC No. 16458349
I believe an animal is constructed from proteins glued together by chemical bonds
DNA does not form an animal, its the manual on how to build the proteins but contain no secret knowledge on how animal looks like
Start of DNA: these proteins are built first
End of DNA: the last proteins to be built
LEGO toys? You get a manual that is not the lego blocks themselves. You read the manual and put blocks together. Eventually it becomes a LEGO castle.
Similarly after putting together billions of proteins that bind to each other in a predestined way, the end result is something that looks like a cat for example.
Following this logic, why is Balanoglussus, a hemichordate, sharing bout 50% of human proteins? Turns out it looks like a human intestine. Turns out it IS a human intestine with a few more parts thrown in. It eats and defecates and does nothing else it does not even have a brain. Yet it is a 750 million year old relative of human ancestors. Human ancestors took the same gut genes that were in the balanoglossus but they were now in the fish and eventually in humans hundreds of millions of years later.
🧵 Is this rigorous enough
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 15:24:16 UTC No. 16458275
for a proof of the "product rule"?
Or am I assuming the conclusion?
(I had forgotten it and thought it was just a special case of the chain rule or total derivative)
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Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 13:46:55 UTC No. 16458164
is problem solving an innate trait defined by the iq that cannot be trained?
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Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 13:42:33 UTC No. 16458155
There was an anon here a few days ago who claimed to have some counter on the axiom of infinity. He was trying to get his paper published, you still around?
🧵 Monkeys will never write Shakespeare, study shows
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 13:01:17 UTC No. 16458103
🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 11:42:20 UTC No. 16458043
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