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🧵 /esg/ eternal skate general

Anonymous No. 109821

The only thing Tiago did wrong was not also use the N-word edition.

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Old thread

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Mariah Duran - Ra....webm

Anonymous No. 109827

Anonymous No. 109831

You NEED to do your daily tribute heelflip to me or I'll die irl.

Anonymous No. 109837

fuck booters
fuck scooters
fuck street
fuck vulcs
fuck wax
fuck baggy clothes
fuck shitted gayter
fuck double-kick boards
fuck small boards
fuck hard wheels
fuck tiny wheels
fuck rodney
fuck natas
fuck gonz
kill rocco
fuck frost
fuck the gram
fuck metal coping
fuck """"""""""""""""""style""""""""""""""""""
and fuck you too

rip philpod, grosso, and schneer

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Anonymous No. 109849

What's the best way to say "I landed these cleaner off camera" without sounding like a liar?

Anonymous No. 109855

Sir, this is not a heelflip.

Anonymous No. 109859

based except for vulcs and hard wheels

Anonymous No. 109861

the new bronze x dc video is really good

I wish I knew, ill land a trick multiple times clean but the second i set my phone up I cant do it and when I finally do its sloppy and my arms are flailing everywhere.

Anonymous No. 109864

"I'm camera-shy" or "The wind was blowing, like, really strong, man. You just can't tell because my hair is super stiff and my clothes are made of hairspray."

Anonymous No. 109865

You don't like tiny wheels? :c

Anonymous No. 109871

goddamn i forgot how heavy this part was

Anonymous No. 109872

I actually do like small wheels for flip tricks, it just becomes too hard to keep speed with them in big tranny at a point

Anonymous No. 109874

I see. My local is like, the smallest stock option, so we don't have any pools. I have some small, hard wheels that I got for flips and stuff. They're really fun in my garage. (Surprisingly, they feel just like my stock element wheels, but more responsive/bouncy because of their size. I wasn't aiming for that, but they feel like a bump stock on an awp.) Sadly, I can't do many tricks, either, but I trust you know what you're talking about in regards to transition stuff. I wouldn't dare ride them on the streets, where I live.

Anonymous No. 109876

Don't ever talk about gonz like that or I'll beat the shit out of you boy

Anonymous No. 109877

>fuck street
>fuck small boards
>fuck metal coping
wtf is up with this list do you exclusively skate big air?

Anonymous No. 109879

rocco is prob the best thing to ever happen toskateboarding too

Anonymous No. 109881

Bros i'm sick of fucking working 6 days a week

Anonymous No. 109894

What's everyone's favourite thing to skate? Is there a specific obstacle in your locak park/street spot that you love the most?

Anonymous No. 109895

I basically only skate the bowl at this point. I like it because 90% of the time i am the only one skating it.

Anonymous No. 109896

im a ledge boi myself, love me a good ledge

Anonymous No. 109897

honestly i just like going fast and jumping shit.

Anonymous No. 109899

is it worth getting tickets to sls? Never been before and it's apparently the first time it's being hosted near where I live..

Anonymous No. 109902

I was just wickity warming up yo

Anonymous No. 109908

how much are the tickets?

Anonymous No. 109909

look at this man here and tell me you don't want to be able to do that I cannot

Anonymous No. 109914

30 bucks a pop

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Anonymous No. 109924

beazcomp today

Anonymous No. 109926

A stationary manual is pointless so I really don't care if I could or couldn't do it.

Anonymous No. 109929

thats not bad for the experience and to say you did it i guess. they serve beer and shit? would be amazing if it was byob

Anonymous No. 109933

You've got to be kickity kidding me!

Anonymous No. 109937

Probably, but I don't drink. Looks like it would be cool though, I've never been to am actual skate competition as I've only been skating a couple years

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Anonymous No. 109940

>start loving skateboarding as a child
>been "skating" for a long time
>Also be fat
>Anyone else who rode a skateboard avoids me like a plague
>They clique up and progress together as I skate solo
>Never really get past ollies, cruising, and some park terrain.
>Years later, same kids drop skateboarding like a fly, move on to other hobbies or something to smoke.
>Still here
>Still pushing.
>Still can't flip my board, fuck me.

It's not a glorious story, but I just love skating, and wanna play with my skateboard until I'm unable.

Anonymous No. 109941

Just start fasting bro

Anonymous No. 109942

I gotta man.
It's such a bizarre thing, but the idea of me getting big boy tricks is actually more appealing than the physique or the rest of the numerous benefits to getting slim.

Anonymous No. 109943

ive been skating almost nothing but transition/curbs for the past like year and i tried to skate a knee high ledge and could hardly ollie up onto it this sucks but also battling basic tricks on the ledge was pretty boring and I left after an hour lol

ive never been to an actual competition and ive been skating my whole life lol

Anonymous No. 109946

>ive never been to an actual competition and ive been skating my whole life lol

yeah, it's kinda weird, not like it's an nba game or anything comparable. It's just it's own thing

Anonymous No. 109949

franky villani is one of the best skaters out right now, there's no excuses and I don't think that he's ever actually been that skinny.

Anonymous No. 109950

shop contests are pretty fun because you get to skate the park and chill with everyone during the downtime, they're almost more like a cookout than anything.
xgames type shit is cool for the spectacle maybe once or twice, but pretty much everyone i know just watches it on tv now because it's less of a hassle & at these kind of events you're basically just watching the jumbotron the most of the time anyway.
standing on the top deck for superpipe feels pretty fucking cool though.
big dudes look kind of rad on a board when they know how to use it. i feel like falling as a fatty has got to be way harder on your body.

Anonymous No. 109952

franky villani isn't even fat when you compare him to actual "fat" Americans

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Anonymous No. 109956

>cobra man

Anonymous No. 109957

I would skate with you, I too have no one to skate with where are you from?
Also I see some huge black dude on thrashers ig doing slappy's and other tricks, if he could do it so could you

Anonymous No. 109964


Anonymous No. 109965

should i buy the meme wheels?

Anonymous No. 109967

ill just stick to events, demos, jams, clean ups, shop/community based contests, those are a lot of fun, drunk vs sober and queen of the park at fdr are sick

Anonymous No. 109968

Tonight i will rape the local skater girl again

Anonymous No. 109971

calm down tiago

Anonymous No. 109973

Falling as a Fatboy is catastrophic lol.

Anonymous No. 109978

Is it a real skater girl or an NYC skater "girl" though?

Anonymous No. 109989

You can't rape a punk. My band director taught me that. He also convinced me to stay in IT, indirectly, which led to me picking up a skateboard but also cost me my leg muscles, so I take that back; maybe you can rape a punk?

Anonymous No. 109990

why did your band director rape you?

Anonymous No. 109991

why did you try to rape your band director?

Anonymous No. 109992

anon raped and was raped by his band director during the sizzling sweltering hot summer of an unspecified year

Anonymous No. 110005

Because he didn't want me to die, obviously. He wanted me to skate. Anyway, Winter was involved, too, unlike most people's skating experience in Canada.

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Anonymous No. 110006

Kid at my local Was throwing “wallride into boardslides” in his line with like zero effort and it fucked me up so hard.

Idk how he did it. The ledge/wall is crust city USA and it looks so fucking clean.

Anonymous No. 110040

How do I stop autistically opening up my shoulders backside when practicing ollie's? I'm goofy and after 6 months Bs 180s come out way easier than ollies

Anonymous No. 110042

Skating my boy's mini ramp today
Will try get some pics and vids

Anonymous No. 110048

Stop being scared.

Anonymous No. 110051

He taught me perseverance through patience and not to care what other people think about me. "Uncool" helmets haven't saved me yet, but I'm sure they will.

Anonymous No. 110053

I raped the skatergirl again

Anonymous No. 110054

one of the guys at my local park let me skate his 8.5" and my board is like a 7.7" and its making me not want to skate until I can afford one but im broke as fuck this shit SUCKS

Anonymous No. 110055

Nick Jensen is balding and I feel for him.

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andy anderson.png

Anonymous No. 110056

do you think he has ever seen a vagina?

Anonymous No. 110057


Anonymous No. 110058

/esg/ in a nutshell

Anonymous No. 110059

I think he has had plenty of vagina

Anonymous No. 110060

I think you've never seen a vagina either

Anonymous No. 110061

Probably some eurofag who does circus tricks
Not interested

Anonymous No. 110062

hair is everything. i feel so bad for baldlets.
here's your (you)

Anonymous No. 110064

cant think of good music to use for a skate video so im probably going to default to nujabes and nujabes clones

Anonymous No. 110066

If i was going to make a skate video i would avoid coon toons and instead put some classic old pop or something fun

Not a fan of black people

Anonymous No. 110069


Anonymous No. 110072

desu artfags can get away with a little bald.
max palmer does it well

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RIP in peace.jpg

Anonymous No. 110073

>a little
It's over Nick, you have to accept it

Anonymous No. 110084


here you go

Anonymous No. 110087

max palmer does NOT look "well" with his bald ass head, he just doesn't give a fuck, so it isn't distracting because hes not trying to constantly do weird combovers or hairstyles or wearing hats in weather that doesn't call for it. thats the real secret here. his hair is actually fucked up and he looks like a bum but he doesn't care so its fine

Anonymous No. 110088

Just got some spitfire f4 classics in 56 and i have to say they feel much better than the conical fulls when skati g. Might be my fav wheel after ricta clouds.

What are your fav wheels?

Anonymous No. 110089

F4 Conicals
OJ Elites for skating in parks

Anonymous No. 110094

no, im set on this while attempting some suicidal steps

Anonymous No. 110102

Thinking of getting 56, do you use risers or got hi trucks?

Anonymous No. 110112


Anonymous No. 110113

Trucks size is standard (hollow indys). No extreme wheelbiting so far. I’d say get some risers only for the low profile ones. Otherwise you can rock it just fine without them

Anonymous No. 110117


Anonymous No. 110119

i hate when they use soul music or r&b in skate videos especially with white skaters, its so fucking lame and overdone now.
use field recordings asmr

Anonymous No. 110122

lol what are you talking about dude i can't even think of 5 recent videos featuring white dudes skating to soul music. do you even know what soul music is?

Anonymous No. 110127

it was good in first love

Anonymous No. 110128

theres been more but this is the most recent offender

Anonymous No. 110129

he's french, you know how they are

Anonymous No. 110131

I love Nujabes, but you can do better than hip hop and lowfi backing tracks.

Try looking at a different spot on the ground/board. I'mma bet that you're trying to spot your landing too early, turning your head, which turns your shoulders, which turns your hips, etc. I do that shit all the time too. There's this one box that I like to ollie over at my local that's on a slight incline, and for some reason it's much harder to stay straight going uphill rather than downhill, but I'd bet it's that it's easier to focus on rolling while going downhill and so it's easier for me to look straight down when I ollie.

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Anonymous No. 110134

Mini ramp session today

This is my friend, he is in his 50s and kills it

Anonymous No. 110136

How did everyone's weekend go?

I accidentally landed a kickflip and my first flyout earlier.

Anonymous No. 110137

comfy ramp

Anonymous No. 110139

It's super comfy but at the same time it's actually pretty big for a mini ramp, that extension is 7ft

Anonymous No. 110140

the flat bottom looks short

Anonymous No. 110141

Maybe a little bit but not noticeably, it's just fast

Anonymous No. 110171

my homie got a new board and gave me his old 8.5 because i wanted to size up, really nice of him

Anonymous No. 110185


Anonymous No. 110190

looks sick and well maintained but i hate the not-a-mini/not-a-half-pipe height

Anonymous No. 110193

I actually think he slays, unfortunately. he's a super famous skater/olympic athlete and he's pretty attractive. he lives in venice where girls are probably into his hippie dippy bullshit. and it's not like normie girls can tell what kind of skating is kooky and what isn't. they just see some faux-enlightened dude shredding up a skatepark with a bunch of cameras on him.

Anonymous No. 110196

I've always suspected Andy Anderson smokes a ton of weed.

Anonymous No. 110199

He doesn't go outdoors without a helmet, he probably thinks his penis goes in the chick's pisshole

Anonymous No. 110201

Does anyone else have this thing happen where they see a video of them skating and you're just like what the FUCK how is my style that bad?

Anonymous No. 110202

I notice how cute I am

Anonymous No. 110203


Anonymous No. 110204

ya on second thought I'm sure you get a lot more pussy, guy who posts about skateboarding on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 110207

just skate faster and it will solve most of your problems. if you skate fast, you can't be all wiggly-wobbly and flailing around. it forces you to do things in a more intense, deliberate manner.

Anonymous No. 110212

That's true, in the vid i saw of me i was going pretty slow but if im going faster i usually look better

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Max Palmer - Call....webm

Anonymous No. 110222


Anonymous No. 110224

Accidentally? I landed a heelflip to manual on the manny pad.

Anonymous No. 110230

Yeah, I tried to do that one trick (hardflip???) where you pop and kick the nose down into a sort of impossible flip while also kickflipping the board around 180 degrees. Was just trying to see if I could make it do the flip before putting my feet down, but accidentally just kickflipped it and landed it. It's like the 5th one I've ever done.

Anonymous No. 110231

Is Shoe Goo usuable on soles? I have a hole in that one spot under the ball of my lead foot. Never used the stuff before but I assume it's more for tears on the actual body of the shoe?

Anonymous No. 110234

It'll probs be hard and uncomfy but I don't see why you shouldn't just try it anyway.

Anonymous No. 110235

Yeah Im unsure if I should get risers for my thunder his since theyre a bit lower then indies. Riding 55mm bonest stf on them(probably 54mm now) and I never get wheelbite cruising but if I pinch the pocket when landing or doing goofy shit Ill wheelbite and die. Maybe Ill get them when I get a big fat 58-60mm cruiser wheel.

Anonymous No. 110237

i did some manuals without ending up in extreme pain
i did not except the shorts madness arc

Anonymous No. 110238

any Polack can confirm if this site is legit
>or if anyone knows some other good euro sites

Anonymous No. 110240

It isn’t worth it. I tried it when I was a kid & the goo would eventually peel off with pushing. If your sole has worn through throw em out

Anonymous No. 110244

he looks daddy sexy af

Anonymous No. 110250

>daddy sexy

What are you, 16?

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Anonymous No. 110255

Pretty chill. Almost died of heatstroke but I’m getting more comfortable with wallrides/the euro gap at my local park.

Gonna spend any free time I have grinding out heelflips tho. I need to get them consistent and I’m pissed i didn’t try more on Sunday before the sun got me

Anybody have tips for when it flips behind you? I can’t get it to stay under me consistently

Anonymous No. 110263

Is he like 5'5?

Anonymous No. 110277

what do people even like about max palmer? he looks like he has cancer

Anonymous No. 110278

That's messed up anon.

Anonymous No. 110279

i'm not even trying to be a dick but he just looks so like frail and sickly looking. what do people see in his skating?

Anonymous No. 110282

I don't know, I share your opinion. I just don't speak it out loud, because saying someone looks like they have cancer is a bit fucked. Could have said that he looks like IM Weasel or something.

Anonymous No. 110283

hes really good at skating has great style and a charismatic personality. he doesnt look sickly hes like 33 what is wrong with you retard

Anonymous No. 110285

you can do it but youll be replacing it every other sesh if not every sesh. the trick is that you have to actually cut and sand down the shoe goo so that it perfectly fits in the hole and theres nothing left outside the hole to start peeling. it also helps if you do this is layers like put a little in the hole wait for it to dry for like an hour, cut the excess around the hole, sand it, put another layer etc. I used to do this and put the shoe under a garage/basement work light that ran really hot so the glue dried faster you could use a hair dryer. again ymmv and this is something only the poorest kid should be doing a pair of emericas/etnies can be had for 30 dollars.

Anonymous No. 110287

dont you know this is cultural appropriation

Anonymous No. 110289

do you like your men thicc?

Anonymous No. 110290

I have to agree with the other anon, max doesn’t appear sickly to me either. He has a proper build for a man, he’s for sure within 6ft height territory and is lean but not frail. The balding is unfortunate but is a sign of High T and the level of fucks he’s give about it (zero) just makes him that much cooler. Everything about max radiates comfort. He just seems content. He’s not my fave skater in the world but I appreciate how he goes out of his way to skate things that are not meant to be skated. I understand the appeal. He’s not trying to be a pseudo intellectual about his skating like suicu. He has an unconventional approach to skating while still keeping it tasteful and interesting.

Anonymous No. 110296

>he doesn't look sickly
>10 inch arms
>hunched over
>considerably shorter than that woman
>meth face

I like my men to look like men

Anonymous No. 110297

>He has a proper build for a man
If you are 33 and you are that skinny you should see a doctor, you probably have some kind of medical condition.

And balding is not a sign of high test lmao srsly nigger? Does he look like he has high test? Honestly man c'mon smdh

Anonymous No. 110298

>I like my men to look like men
lmao gay

Anonymous No. 110299

This anon gets it. I also like that he doesn't use social media.

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Dope Switch Mongo....webm

Anonymous No. 110300

Anonymous No. 110303

High levels of DHT is directly correlated to male patterned baldness. estrogen filled soi boys wouldn’t understand.

Anonymous No. 110306

baldness is high test
you see this in lions too

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Anonymous No. 110307

tim pool wears cariumas lol

Anonymous No. 110308

sounds like a lot of cop + seethe from somebody whos bad at skating and cant get laid

Anonymous No. 110309

High dht doesn't mean you have high testosterone. It just means your body converts your dht to testosterone at a higher rate. Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. People haven't believed that testosterone leads to baldness for like 20 years at this point.

Anonymous No. 110312

that guy is a closet homosexual. you can tell by his bizarre fixation on Max Palmer's body. seriously who even thinks about weird shit like that? the guy is watching his footage but instead of seeing the skating he's obsessing about his arm size.

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Anonymous No. 110314

This is a high test man according to /esg/


Does he have AIDs?

Anonymous No. 110315

>Does he have AIDs?
nah but you probbaly do, faggot

Anonymous No. 110316

Is max palmer your boyfriend? Is that why you're getting so defensive?

Anonymous No. 110317

'im balding because I'm high test' is the oldest cope in the book

Anonymous No. 110318

This gay is actually throwing a fit god damn

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Jeff Dechesare - ....webm

Anonymous No. 110319

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Chad Muska - Shor....webm

Anonymous No. 110320

Anonymous No. 110321

The original Chad

Anonymous No. 110322

okay faggots stop arguing new louie lopez footy just dropped

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Max Palmer - Call....webm

Anonymous No. 110323

Anonymous No. 110324

The blunt flip out thing was sick

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Anonymous No. 110327

shots fired at AO

Anonymous No. 110329


Anonymous No. 110333

I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 110334

That was an oddly good song for a skate video.

Anonymous No. 110335


Anonymous No. 110336

Kickflip Body Varial.

Anonymous No. 110337

is there bad blood w/ 917?
i thought it was just a money thing

Anonymous No. 110338


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Louie Lopez - Hon....webm

Anonymous No. 110339

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Anonymous No. 110340


Anonymous No. 110342

most pros are on the shorter side, sometimes surprisingly short. must be advantageous, having a lower center of gravity or whatever. I remember reading a comment on Slap that said something like, "every pro I see in person looks like a malnourished midget."

Anonymous No. 110343

>what do people even like about max palmer? he looks like he has cancer
what do those two things even have to do with each other? would you like him more if he was prettier and had a full head of hair? lmao.

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Anonymous No. 110344

I think this might have started with 917 putting out an 'Art School' deck that clearly mimics Quasi's style. the name seems to suggest that the style of design is amateurish.

Anonymous No. 110345


there was a complete lack of involvment on Alex Olsons part, like he didnt even show up to one of the premieres for the vid of his own company.

this interview with him basically he admits he did everything wrong but hes such a egotistical hippie douche that hes like whatever man gotta move on those guys had to do their thing.

in this slappals video people are grilling cyrus about whats going on with 917 and you can see the cogs working in his brain and he basically quit after this and everyone else with him

its actually a muska flip

Anonymous No. 110346

me 3 days into noshit

Anonymous No. 110347

It's a hard flip you inbred.

Anonymous No. 110349

>its actually a muska flip
body comes out regs, doesn't turn, therefore not any kinda frontside flip.

Anonymous No. 110350

its a joke chill

Anonymous No. 110351

i dont get the joke sry my apologies

Anonymous No. 110352

This guy has the best ollies. Somehow insanely high but also chill as fuck looking.

Anonymous No. 110353

so is that guy steve olson's son?

Anonymous No. 110354

are you that out of the loop dude? "that guy" Alex Olson was a professional skater, featured in skate videos such as Fully Flared. perhaps you've never heard of that either. then he went on to create the board company 917, but you've probably never heard of that either right? lmao it's like you're trying to coolguy Alex Olson on 4chan

Anonymous No. 110357

i cant help but imagine this ramp on a thps game and getting enough air to grind the powerlines and getting the electric zombie special

Anonymous No. 110359

been skateboarding since 2009. havent practiced tricks in like a decade though I just skate around basically using it like a bike. Can I post here?

Anonymous No. 110360

Yeah pretty much been totally out of the loop for the past decade, I vaguely remember his fully flared part although that vid was never my jam anyway.

Anonymous No. 110363

>Can I post here?
if you ollie up curbs at least, then sure. if you encounter a curb and stop, pick up your board, step up the curb, then set your board back down... then no you gotta go

Anonymous No. 110364

just pretending to be retarded, right? lmao

Anonymous No. 110374

Zack dowdy's DIY advice is so fucking retarded it makes my head hurt.

Anonymous No. 110377

this just happened to me, dude at the park started filming me in an effort to point out things i was doing wrong and it made me want to not even skate i looked so bad lmao

Anonymous No. 110378

did he just do that out of nowhere? i would have told them to fuck off if they did that to me without asking. what a prick. it's skateboarding not fucking golf

Anonymous No. 110380

he was talking to me beforehand but yeah he just kinda posted up and started filming, dude was kinda kooky desu

Anonymous No. 110384

I met skatemoss a few days ago and she smelled like sweat and lilac baby wipes

Anonymous No. 110388

i mean its outrageous to call that a muska flip sorry these threads are full of retards who might actually think it was one

Anonymous No. 110392

>set up a new board
>manuals are instantly better

i'm sorry for doubting you wheelbase autists

Anonymous No. 110394

What wheelbase you rockin?

Anonymous No. 110398

went up to 14.25 from 14.0
32" from 31" in length as well which might be having a bigger impact i think

Anonymous No. 110399

>i would have told them to fuck off if they did that to me without asking

And you'd get your ass beat. Pussy bitchnigga. Public place. If you don't want to get filmed, then ask nicely or leave.

Anonymous No. 110401

hmh my current deck is similiar to your old one.
Definetly gonna go for a longer deck, my feet keep slipping off. Out of curiosity what trucks are you using and how do they affect your actual wheelbase?

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Anonymous No. 110407

What's the gossip on Chiagu?

Anonymous No. 110409


Anonymous No. 110411

Most retarded takes on trick names? For me, thinking that bluntslide is the lipslide equivalent of the board kickers, from kiddies who grew up only on rail chomping.
And then, I have heard of people calling a backside boneless "judo plant".

Anonymous No. 110412

kek. I highly doubt it.

Anonymous No. 110414

And also raped. Like the local skatepark girl.

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Anonymous No. 110416

/esg/ demographics survey results

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Anonymous No. 110419

>under 16
lmao bruh

Anonymous No. 110424

>all those yuros
Damn no wonder there's been so much talk about skatepark rape

Anonymous No. 110425

i honestly dont give enough of a fuck to care about shit like that. i have to constantly skate away from autistic (in my eyes) conversations about trick names or how to do a trick. recently was witness to a 15 minute awkward conversation between a boomer and a 25yo about how to do frontside airs. like homie its not that hard you dont need to have some long ass convo about it just go do your fucking trick until you get it.

>90% street
yeah sorry fellas but skating flat in an empty parking lot isnt street skating. and if all your doing is skating parks thats not street skating either. lmao at
>11 responses

Anonymous No. 110429

>skating flat in an empty parking lot
parent's driveway*

Anonymous No. 110430

oh yeah i briefly forgot how many people here are deeply scared of being kicked out of an empty parking lot/garage lol. but then theres also that guy whos scared to skate in front of his neighbors so
>garage with the door closed
should have been an option

still only 11 people responded when we probably have close to 50/60 semi-frequent posters. next time should leave the poll in the OP for a few threads.

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Anonymous No. 110435

finally, last resort ab is stepping it up

Anonymous No. 110436

link to survey if anyone wants to partake

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Anonymous No. 110437

hayley isaak has gotten so fat over the last year, is dan c a feeder? what the fuck happened to her kek

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Globe GS boot.jpg

Anonymous No. 110438

I just learned about these shoes in this color and now i can't find any in my size

Anonymous No. 110439


Anonymous No. 110443


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Anonymous No. 110444

Does he have friends or is it all just a bunch of people who use him for youtube views?

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Anonymous No. 110445

Anonymous No. 110446


Anonymous No. 110447


Anonymous No. 110448

fuck dude that was looking good too

im actually going to try these new powell green dragon wheels after seeing andy and the 9 club guys reccomend them theyre 93 duro and slide that sounds crazy.
but to answer your question probably not really

Anonymous No. 110449

That was a fucking ad. That Roger guy is such a goon.

Anonymous No. 110450

omg wow you're cute do you want to be my skater bf? :)

Anonymous No. 110451

I don't see them stepping it up with that dogshit heel area of the shoe.

Anonymous No. 110452

Did they fix the soles yet? Mine practically melted away.

Anonymous No. 110453

what the fuck are you doing to your shoes? i have never had a pair of shoes wear through the soles before the flick spots.

Anonymous No. 110454

yeah no shit its so obviously an ad but I still wanna try them i mean look they do fucking slide thats crazy that would be a game changer for me trying to skate around crusty shit

Anonymous No. 110455

Look at this bitch and her awful and nasty jaw movement and the way her mouth moves when she talks in general. You guys know what I'm talking about? A lot of people that had braces have their shit all fucked up. It's so unnatural it doesn't even seem human to me. Sometimes develop a slight lisp. Have to exaggerate movements to pronounce some letters. Random saliva strings they can't control. And 90% of these people had zero need to get braces in the first place, they or their parents just fell for the dentist scam. I hate it so much. I literally cannot look at some people when they speak or chew.

Anonymous No. 110456

Nice defs more interested in picking up a pair now, does anyone know which one is best model or if differences are insignificant?

Anonymous No. 110457

this is autism

Anonymous No. 110458

its a common thing for new skaters.
1. they arent comfortable so they are constantly shifting their feet
2. they are pressing down too hard while shifting around
3. they arent doing flip tricks
4. maybe they dont know to sand down their grip slightly to avoid this happening to them.

i had braces when i was like 10 then a retainer to fix a underbite then we went back for a check up a year after it all over when i was like 14 or something and they told me oops now you have a overbite and need braces again whoops. at 14 i remember thinking this shit is such a fucking scam, my teeth are all fucked up if you saw them you wouldnt believe i ever had braces.

Anonymous No. 110459

This faggot in the video as well >>110449. He 100% had braces before and now his entire mouth is ruined. Look at hos fucking disgusting the way he talks is. He can't even fucking chew a gum properly.

Anonymous No. 110460

Shut up fucked up teeth faggot.

And chances are you probably never had a real need for them in the first place.

Anonymous No. 110461

i had braces twice , got 8 teeth removed, and a herbst appliance for my rat mouth overbite. i use to have trouble enunciating my words and still drool on myself because my mouth is so tiny and my lips are so big, so everything you said checks out for me. and I'm still a mouth breather, mandated masks were a fucking nightmare.

Anonymous No. 110462

i had a gf with braces , when she finally had them removed - within two weeks she changed everything about her self , style, hair, etc. and became super hot and dumped me.

Anonymous No. 110463

>i use to have trouble enunciating my words and still drool on myself
/esg/ in a nutshell

Anonymous No. 110464

no way dude im convinced the only reason i got the overbite is because of the braces. how the fuck do you tell a kid he needs braces at fucking 10 before his mouth and shit is even fully formed?? they told me "you better get them now because you might get bullied more in high school" or some shit like that. fuck that cunt orthodontist.

Anonymous No. 110465

spitfire concial full 97 duros is probably better, I loved my set, they were perfect for my crusty local and slide well
i like vm001s the most. the high tops are great, I just got my first pair of lows so I can not tell you too much about them but I really liked the highs when I had them so I rec those

Anonymous No. 110466

>4. maybe they dont know to sand down their grip slightly to avoid this happening to them.
they should buy jessup, problem solved.

Anonymous No. 110467

I genuinely hope she dies. Your parents also paid a shit ton of money instead of buying you skateboards too.

Anonymous No. 110468

>spitfire concial full 97 duros is probably better
good advice but I like trying new shit/brands. im mostly spitfire/bones but my wheels right now are these trash ass rictas i got for like 13 dollars cause fuck it ill try em lol

every new skater on /esg/ rocks shake junt grip on a andy anderson deck while wearing es's and volcom shirts

Anonymous No. 110469

oh it was a fat kike of course. and yeah my dad wasnt psyched about that shit lmao, but they werent gonna buy me skateboards anyway

Anonymous No. 110471

Shit, didn't fill this out.

>Goofy is more regular than Regular.

Anonymous No. 110472

Fuck. Thanks guys. Ordered new shoes instead. Honestly glad to be done with those Vans. The only benefit was the insole which I can now reuse.

Anonymous No. 110473

>Europe dominating the thread

NYC cuck where you at lil boi?

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Anonymous No. 110475

>been skating for over a year
>can ollie a good 4+ foot off a bank
>can ollie over a deck
>still haven't ollied up a curb

It's scary!

(tbf it just doesn't come up all that often skating around London somehow because the roads are usually so rough you just avoid them altogether)

Anonymous No. 110479

Never ever buying MOB grip again. This shit is unnaturally grippy, it's destroying my shoes, every flip trick feels awkward because it feels like my feet are glued to the board, and my thumb is shredded from just picking up the board. I guess I could see people liking this if they never flip their board and only do ollies/slappies I guess? Beware if you're trying this shit and you've only ever skated Jessup, this is something else entirely.

Anonymous No. 110480

I'm a diehard jessup guy but all the shit you said is bullshit and it only applies to brand new grip. Like no shit you're gonna get grip thumb, welcome to your first skateboard.

Anonymous No. 110485

The difference in roughness between regular jessup and mob is night and day. I'm not saying you won't get grip thumb from Jessup or any other grip-- MOB definitely has a significantly rougher grit to it though.

Anonymous No. 110486

sand your shit down retard!! take one of the pieces of grip you cut off and rub it against the grip on the board.

Anonymous No. 110488

Post an image of your current grip situation.

Anonymous No. 110492

i do lots of flip tricks and i only use mob.
i do skate cupsoles so maybe it evens out and thats why.
That being said , if you're getting severe grip thumb - you've probably got soft delicate fingies and should probably shovel some dirt or hammer some shit to toughen those hands up

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Anonymous No. 110493

this is for whoever said to post switch 5050 after I mentioned landing first one in another thread. had to include some other tricks because it's so ugly... all hunched over and in slow motion and shit. it's a start at least. took ~25 attempts lol

Anonymous No. 110494

>no heelflip

Do better next time.

Anonymous No. 110497

I like ULTRA Jessup

Anonymous No. 110498

I felt like this when I was a noob but came around eventually. not saying you're a noob, but I remember Mob feeling almost unsafe in the beginning... like I would try to kick away my board and it would stick to my feet still. as I started skating with a bit more force I started to like Mob a lot, though I feel like it's the best after a couple days of wear. definitely a lot of people who flip their board and swear by Mob, so it's mostly a preference thing. as for your thumb, you will get a callous really quick.

but really what I think is best about Mob is the longevity. Jessup is fucking dead after a month, while Mob still has some life left in it.

Anonymous No. 110499

I got you next time my b. can it be fakie? I prefer fakie heels.

Anonymous No. 110500

No it has to be regular. Don't be gay. Fakie heels are forbidden by the /esg/ shadow government committee.

Anonymous No. 110502

>It's scary!
yeah it is scary in the beginning, but it's the type of thing you try once or twice and it's not scary anymore. I'm sure you're capable.

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Anonymous No. 110503

Change my mind. Some people are just not made for skateboarding and should not be doing it. I know there are no rules and shit, but it's better to admit to yourself that this just isn't your thing. It's one thing to be different because you're creative, but it's another to be different because you're cringe. Look at this dumbass bitch. Looks like that one soulless NPC loser dork nerd form your middle school that wanted to bad to be cool they forced themselves into something they clearly don't even enjoy. You cannot tell me this bitch recorded this, had fun, and then decided she's proud enough of it to submit it to a red bull manual contest. This is what happens when your mom is a faggot enabler and keeps telling you you can prove the haters wrong by never giving up. Look at this.

Anonymous No. 110504

Honestly I think Haley likes skating and is pretty good. I feel like she's one of those skaters who wants to be an anti-coolguy and go against skating norms, but her trick selection is just awful. basically she doesn't know or hasn't yet figured out how to be unique in a non-corny way.
>Some people are just not made for skateboarding and should not be doing it
to me Haley doesn't fall in that category. that's for people who are too afraid to ever progress, come to the skatepark and just talk, maybe attempt a handful of tricks but never really land anything. that shit is just odd to me. I guess they just think of it as a social thing. I suppose I'm way less social/talkative than a normal person, so maybe they think it's weird when people put in headphones and just try a trick over and over alone for an hour. I don't mean to be sexist or w/e (or I guess I don't really care lol), but those guys who come to the skatepark and just chat come across as super feminine. I wonder why they don't want to do something else with their time.

Anonymous No. 110505

>how to do a trick

I concur.

But trick names? You got to have them.

Anonymous No. 110506

>Some people are just not made for skateboarding and should not be doing it

But also

Any women doing any street skating in general looks retarded. Vert/tranny is fine

Anonymous No. 110509

>but those guys who come to the skatepark and just chat come across as super feminine. I wonder why they don't want to do something else with their time
its called being a poser

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Anonymous No. 110510

>sand down their grip slightly to avoid this happening to them.

I...I didn't know about this.

Anonymous No. 110511

really tight dude. your making wanna go skate a ledge again

the best was when i met this costa rican guy fresh of the boat and he skated goofy and we tried playing skate and kept getting into arguments over whether something was frontside or backside lol. his broken english and shit made me seriously believe that fs/bs is switched in south america.

Anonymous No. 110512

Yeah, thanks bro. I just need to find a decent curb and dedicate a session to it. It's the fear of the back truck catching the curb that fucks me up the most, but I think I could try a slow tick tack thing where you nose manny to clear it.

Anonymous No. 110513

The next time you grip a board, keep the scraps you cut away and lightly sand it down.
Or ride Black Magic grip and wreck your shoes in record time.

Anonymous No. 110514

Bro I'm sweating just to land them switch 50s on a curb and you are grinding them on a shin-high ledge, you have ledge game.

Anonymous No. 110516

I do that to soften and integrate the edges. It never occured to me you could do it on the whole sheet.

Anonymous No. 110517

hmm idk anon this is very mean-spirited. hayley is a skate rat at heart, she's been skating before it was popular with girls on social media. she's not very good but it's obvs that she genuinely enjoys skating and has progressed enough to have decent bag of flat tricks and even some switch tricks. she just has bad sketchy style.
I agree with this anon but I go to the park and talk cause I have nothing to prove, I'm not there to train I just do what I want. deff more of a cruiser/push guy now in my late 20s.

Anonymous No. 110518

tbqh for most ledge tricks, once you can get them on a curb you can get them on most normal-sized ledges as well. slides are easier on high stuff imo b/c you can just pop without worrying about overshooting like you do on a curb.
also curbs tend to be a lot crustier than most other ledges.
mob is retardedly grippy.
i'm really tempted to try putting snowskate grip on a board, it never has a break in period and you don't lose all your grip if the board gets wet.
i do understand this would be incredibly cringe

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Anonymous No. 110520

>snowskate grip on a board
im intrigued to say the least

Anonymous No. 110521

also i think dan has influenced her skating for the worst, she wasn't doing all that gay kooky manual shit before they started dating. she was very much just your average skater at the park maybe more on the normie side because of revive. but once they got on that youtube/ig influencer wave she started doing all those gay ass tricks for ig engagement. dan was some bum fuck dude living out a motel until he started making money on youtube and hayley was NEET up until recently so he probably talked her into it when they met.

Anonymous No. 110523

Yeah I am intrigued too.

Anonymous No. 110524

You're in love with her aren't you anon

Anonymous No. 110525

Goddamn, you sound like a bitch. Get the fuck out of my sport, anon.

Anonymous No. 110526

kek no i just think dan is a gross loser and she could do better. i can't believe she kisses him in the mouth with his nasty decaying meth teeth

Anonymous No. 110527

Does anybody know why Steve Caballero's graphic is a dragon? What's the lore here?

Anonymous No. 110531

I always wonder if his teeth hurt that shit must be painful right?

Anonymous No. 110534

reddit posts

There are some decent ones, or ones that are at least trying and aren't maximum cringe.

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Anonymous No. 110535

all he ever does is complain but rarely about his teeth so I guess not

Anonymous No. 110537

are you the same guy posting about how max palmer is sickly looking while posting a webm of him kissing a cutie?

hes asian

Anonymous No. 110538

no i defended max palmer
this was my post >>110290

Anonymous No. 110539

Why are Dan's teeth like that anyways? Surely it can't be drugs. Cigs?

Anonymous No. 110540

ok lol if this >>110535 is his teeth then damn son lmao this fool mighta actually needed braces

Anonymous No. 110542

Why are you typing like some 16 year old retard from twitter?

Anonymous No. 110543

i unironically think he prob has some unfortunate medical disease like scurvy I don't think he actually smokes meth desu

Anonymous No. 110544

That's retarded. Don't assume retarded things. Someone might call you a retard.

Anonymous No. 110545

grampa please

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Anonymous No. 110547

Bro we're really in a thread with actual teenagers.

Anonymous No. 110548

The powells definitely feel softer, slide maybe slightly better than 97a f4s? It's hard to compare because my 97s are 58mm conical fulls vs 54mm regular wide.

Anonymous No. 110549

im 27 yall should focus on skating and not how people on the internet type yo

Anonymous No. 110551

Post house with two car garage + driveway, front and back yard, and wife with kids.

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Anonymous No. 110553

me and my wife

Anonymous No. 110554

nigga you aint 27

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Anonymous No. 110555

me skating in front of my house (those are my kids in teh background)

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Anonymous No. 110556

this is my backyard (ignore the helmet fag thats my grampa)

Anonymous No. 110557

Because he's half he has a Chinese dragon...

Interestingly, Hosoi doesn't like to use the rising sun thing anymore because he learned that it was, idk, a sort of swastika to Korean and Chinese people. I don't know what it is about Japanese-American/Hawaiian skaters that has them know 0 about Japan, but there you go.

Anonymous No. 110558

fake news, bam is confirmed a homosexual

Anonymous No. 110559

Cigs will do that. My dad's teeth were similar before he knocked them out dropped something from a shelf onto his face. My teeth are pretty shitty, but it's mostly because I never got braces and drink buckets of tea and coffee every day. They're strong and healthy, just crooked and yellow as fuck.

Report underage b& when you see them.

Anonymous No. 110560

whos Bam? thats a picture of me my name is Pow

Anonymous No. 110561

Fuckin, April or Nikki had to post on his Instagram the other day because apprently the #freebam movement has gotten out of hand. #staycleanandskateyoufatfuck

Anonymous No. 110566

>reddit posts
>maximum cringe

Anonymous No. 110567

>Report underage b& when you see them.

And what do you think that does, newfaggot?

massive yikes

Anonymous No. 110582

fuck off janny bootlicker. from now on this is a

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Anonymous No. 110583

is Rog really 48? thought he was a lot younger.

Anonymous No. 110585

He's 31

Anonymous No. 110586

Looks like total shit

Did you die?

Never noticed this but it's true about a lot of people.

Anonymous No. 110587

lol i dont think so m8

Anonymous No. 110588

Don't steal my pics you fag

Anonymous No. 110591

>What is your gender?
>81.8% Transition
>18.2%% Street

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Anonymous No. 110597

I've been here since time immemorial. Reporting underaged b& cleans up the board, leads to actual bans. Always has.

vere are your papers?

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Anonymous No. 110598

Got this today

Anonymous No. 110605

barely hanging on there, but nice. good to finally see some OC in the threads.

Anonymous No. 110617

i think 90% of the reason why i never learned slappys is that everytime you fuck one up you feel like the world's biggest retard

Anonymous No. 110618

what having no friends does to a mf

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Anonymous No. 110622

>I'm too old/fat/scared to skate
Here is a 61 year old man doing an invert in a 10 ft bowl

Anonymous No. 110626

I'm getting really comfortable skating the 6ft shallow end of the local bowl, but i still can't do anything except backside grinds and occasionally a frontside slash in the deep end. Anyone got any tips to working up to actually trying shit on big (10ft) transition?

Anonymous No. 110648

Yeah, I agree. There's one person I know who skates and spends 90% of the session just talking the fucking ears off everyone, will maybe push around for 10 minutes, then struggle to drop in again before giving up. They stink, and I thought that was alright because they were fairly new, maybe don't have time to practice outside these sessions....then I found out they've been at it for 11 months.

I really do not measure people by their raw ability because skating is just fucking harder for some people more than others, but if that's the kind of effort you put in and go around calling yourself a "skater", get real. It's a fashion accessory to you, nothing else.

Anonymous No. 110649

So, newfaggot, just because you say someone is underage, the mod will just take your word for it and ban them for however long until they're 18, with the exact information of their current age they clearly have? Why do you retards insist on pretending you've been here for longer than a month and know how shit works?

Anonymous No. 110650

>no heelflip

Go back and film that line again right this instant.

Anonymous No. 110652

No dumb dumb, you wait until they say they're underage, then you report it. Given there's multiple underage posters here, one of you idiots will slip up eventually when you get into a shit flinging match for the fiftieth time. The ban doesn't last until you're 18+, it's a standard length ban.

That and mods can just ban anyone if they feel like it. You don't need legal proof of identity.

Anonymous No. 110653

>you wait until they say they're underage

Happened literally never. Didn't read the rest of your shitpost.

Anonymous No. 110662

nice. im pretty decent at ledge skating but honestly im afraid of frontside nosegrinds, idk what it is

Anonymous No. 110663

missing the nosegrind portion has led to some pretty heavy slams

Anonymous No. 110671

I know a guy exactly like this too. It's just annoying. I get that some people might just really need the social interaction but if I'm at the skatepark I'm there to skate, I don't want to get stuck in a conversation with you and lose my flow.

Anonymous No. 110679

who here /neverskatedtranny/? i've been skating a few years and learned some simple stuff on a mini, but have never set foot in a real bowl and dont have any plans to. shit looks dangerous as fuck and i've seen enough brutal slams/broken shit from ppl doing bowls to put me off of it forever

Anonymous No. 110680

im the same way. my local doesn't even have a mini or quarter pipe. it just has some weird wavy transition stuff that most everyone avoids. none of the coping is level, so you can't really stall stuff without sliding. I prefer street obstacles anyway.

I figure when I'm old and done popping my board I will build a mini and learn... seems to be the way it goes.

Anonymous No. 110682

Do you feel mentally violated if a trick tip proves to be true? I feel like I have lost half the fun, which is learning on your own.

Anonymous No. 110687

well I started skating a long time ago before YouTube. I basically had to learn kickflips on my own and from kids around me who could barely do them (wasn't until later that I started going to a skatepark and could observe better skaters).

as a result I have really shitty muscle memory burned in my system. I have the flick off the the side and can't really seem to correct it. I wish I could have watched slowmo videos and had someone explain flicking more off the nose, etc.

and even if you know how to execute something, you still have to put the work in. my mother could learn every trick secret and still not be able to step on a board. it's not like you download the trick to your brain Matrix-style.

Anonymous No. 110690

I would give you guys shit for not at least trying it but I've never seriously tried to learn any ledge, manual pad or rail tricks and I've been skating for over 10 years (on and off)

Anonymous No. 110692

the only trick tip that actually worked for me was andrew reynolds' one for frontside flips and it only works on boards that are bigger than what i ride. it did make hardflip mannys way easier though.
jeremy wray style kickflips also work really well but i can't do them on a grippy board.
i was skating tranny a lot this winter, and by 'skating tranny' i mean dropping in switch on everything to stop being scared of skating tranny' but then i stopped and now i'm scared again lmoa

Anonymous No. 110695

Dropping in switch is gnarly as fuck. How big of a ramp could you do that on.

Anonymous No. 110697

Ok, I hear you.

Anonymous No. 110698


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Anonymous No. 110702

Mike V is a big time faggot. I'm sure i shared this before but in the early 2000s i was skating Hollywood High with some friends- we were at some smaller stair sets in the back not where the huge stair set where everyone films is.
I've ran into a lot of ams/ pros in those days and they've always been cool, the ones who weren't like Greco or a few others kinda just kept to themselves- but usually someone else in their crew would be cool with us so it was fine.
But i digest...
So we're skating and we see him and one of my friends was like "oh shit its Mike V" and like a little bitch - in a very whiney voice he goes "Yes its me Mike V, everyone just stop what you're doing and interrupt what I'm doing because I'm Mike fucking V. NO you can;'t have my board, NO you can't have my autograph, I'm just here to skate. GOT THAT?"
We kinda just gave him an "alright bro" and kept it moving- but because of that incident i couldn't fucking stand his ass

Anonymous No. 110704

Or just wait for a bit when everyone is getting tired and needs a break. There's multiple points in a sesh where you're out of it for 20 mins at a time, fucking hell. I've literally stopped this person mid conversation to say "okay, skate time now, bye".

Anonymous No. 110707

dude youre sooooo funny, youre a real meme lord, do another ollie for us cool guy

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Anonymous No. 110709

>okay, skate time now, bye

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fuck you.gif

Anonymous No. 110713

>chilling just browsing 4chan right now
>all of a sudden for some reason remember when I was in elementary school and my grandma took me to the skatepark and I couldn't do anything but baby ollies and ride and I was so desperate to do an actual trick I held up the entire park to drop in the on the edge of the pyramid and "grind" it thinking I'm doing a 50-50 then "landing" it and being hyped like I just an actual trick and looking around to see if any of the older guys reacted or though it was cool


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Anonymous No. 110718

the wall right before the capsule.
the taco and the other bowl in the back w/ the green paint are deeper i think but they were unskatable during the winter.
i really wanted to drop on
and cure the madness entirely but i could never get enough of the ice out of the bottom.
i told all the mexican kids i could darkslide to sound cool but the board stuck on the grip and i ate shit and they all laughed at me

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Anonymous No. 110721

kitty no!

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Anonymous No. 110728



Anonymous No. 110729

>The ban doesn't last until you're 18+, it's a standard length ban.
that IS the "standard" length ban you fucking retarded newfag

Anonymous No. 110730


Anonymous No. 110737

>looking around to see if any of the older guys reacted or though it was cool
I still do this and I'm 27

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Anonymous No. 110738

Based. I always try to give the little kids props when I see them landing tricks because I know it'll foster their love for skateboarding and an active healthy life

Anonymous No. 110767

No way, the real challenge is getting the trick to look good once you can do it.

Anonymous No. 110773

i love giving board taps for the most mundane shit for newbies, theyre always so happy and come up and say thanks. i dont care how bad you are at skating as long as your trying and not a bitch

Anonymous No. 110775

Do you have a skate anthem?

Anonymous No. 110782

You're 16 years old.

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Anonymous No. 110785

You're retarded, have no style, have no drip, have no friends, live in a fly-over state, work in a warehouse as a fork-lift driver, love Andy Anderson, go to skate parks just to talk all day, wear a helmet, love There's 'Ruining Skateboarding' part, love browsing slap, love browsing r/NewSkaters, practice kickturns in your parents driveway, have broken your arm doing said kickturns, love GiftedHater and push mongo, but at least you're not underageb& (because you're a 30-year-old boomer). Also you're gay.

Think that covers everything.

Anonymous No. 110786

Literally everything you said is wrong except me pushing mongo, and that's only when I go switch or fakie.

Anonymous No. 110791

this came up on shuffle for me the other day while skating, and I feel like it's a pretty appropriate song for skating.

Anonymous No. 110799

>and that's only when I go switch or fakie.
Thats the only way for tricks for me unless Im cruising

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Anonymous No. 110800

The first one is 100% correct, but I can't expect you to be aware of it.

Anonymous No. 110801

Stay mad I guess.

Anonymous No. 110803

learn to switch push damnit

Anonymous No. 110804

I was watching some trick tip with this guy and he literally yelled
at least ten times. it was outrageous.

Anonymous No. 110807

I can. I just don't do it.

Anonymous No. 110814


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Anonymous No. 110815

Anonymous No. 110816

It's my birthday today

Anonymous No. 110817

Happy 16th birthday anon. I hope you got all the gifts you wanted and I hope you have a great time. Also stay healthy so you can skate longer. God bless.

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Anonymous No. 110818

Thanks but i'm 28. Going to buy myself a new skateboard all the same

Anonymous No. 110820

What are you getting?

Anonymous No. 110833

Nice, gave it a listen and honestly feels more like running down the beach with a surfboard to catch some waves, but what's the difference right? Still cool

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Anonymous No. 110834

One of my tails are becoming uneven. Like it’s starting to become more straightened out than the other. Had this board for about a year though I don’t skate much, is it time to replace it?

Anonymous No. 110836


I have a whole playlist. But I often start off with "The Pot" by Tool.

Anonymous No. 110837

>3 of my friends are out with broken ankles
>one sprained his shoulder in mid May, decided against skating again until he's 100% able to do a chest press without pain again

Thankfully I actually like solo skating the majority of the time, but I miss these fools.

Anonymous No. 110838

the eastern US heat wave is over and its time to genuinely enjoy skating outdoors again

Anonymous No. 110844

Cheapest way to build a mini ramp?. I was thinking of getting a premade but I have no idea where to begin with anything

Anonymous No. 110845

I just got this krooked natas guest model. Pretty nice shape. But I'm bummed because the guy at the skate shop switched my trucks over for me and he put them on backwards and then I went to switch them around and he'd misthreaded 3/4 bolts on the front truck. I stripped two of them trying to get them off but luckily I had a Dremel tool to cut them off. Now I gotta go buy some new bolts from the hardware store down the road before they close. Kinda pissed off right now bros

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Anonymous No. 110846

Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 110850

lol that's hilarious, on both of your parts

Anonymous No. 110852

Why both our parts?

Anonymous No. 110859





Anonymous No. 110877

im sorry but what the fuck are you even saying? you had the guy at the shop swap your trucks over and set up your new deck? and your mad he fucked em up? grow the fuck up and manage your own shit faggot

Anonymous No. 112313

You should only work 5 day a week instead.