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🧵 /esg/ eternal skate general

Anonymous No. 110858

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Old Thread: >>109821

Anonymous No. 110860

a sex with skatemoss

Anonymous No. 110862

any thoughts on the leo baker doc? im about to start it now...

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Anonymous No. 110864

One of my tails are becoming uneven. Like it’s starting to become more straightened out than the other. Had this board for about a year though I don’t skate much, is it time to replace it?

Anonymous No. 110865

yeah dude thats called razor tail, get a new board

Anonymous No. 110866

No, I mean the entire tail seems to started to slowly straighten out.

Anonymous No. 110867

yeah thats called razor tail, it's when the tail wears down from dragging it to stop

Anonymous No. 110868

board looks rad. i always really liked the ray barbee guest boards krooked did.
oh and happy birthday fren

Anonymous No. 110869

Even if you don’t skate it all the time, how often should you change our decks?

Anonymous No. 110872

only replace it if it's damaged, warped/soggy. boards should last a while if taken care of, if you're a beginner and not skating that hard your board should be fine for a year or so with minimal use. i have cruiser boards last forever because I'm not doing any tricks, just cruising.

Anonymous No. 110875

Awesome, thanks anon.
I guess I should replace it then. What do you guys do with your old boards? I don’t have a skate shop near me. So should I toss it or keep it since it’s my first one? Also, what brand should I get this time? I want the 2000’s vibes.

Anonymous No. 110883

Chill out lil nigga. My boy at the shop put my back truck on the nose of my board and vice versa and when I went to switch them around the nuts were crossthreaded onto the bolts and I stripped the phillips heads trying to get the nuts off the bolts. They always offer to set up my boards for me at the shop and I say yes because why not, they are cool guys.

Thanks my man, I really like all of the krooked shaped decks.

If my old boards are not really fucked up I usually leave them at the skatepark in the hope that some kid will find it and be stoked.

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Anonymous No. 110884

What does the /esg/ brains trust think of old school tricks? If you see someone doing them at the skatepark do you think it's cool or cringe? Personally I like it when people can combine a mix of old school and modern tricks.

For noobs old school tricks are things like bert slides, layback grinds, bonelesses, handplants, etc

Anonymous No. 110885

depends on how hard you want to ride, if you just cruise around, slap curbs and maybe carve bowls but don't do a lot of high impact skating then you can pretty much ride a board until it disintegrates. i will say that i'm pretty sure trying to force pop out of dead boards for too long is what gave me tendonitis. but if you're not jumping up and down stuff too much then i don't think you'll have that problem.
>What do you guys do with your old boards?
i use it as a rain/puddle board or for bombing dirt roads or anything else that would trash a new board. you can also turn it into a balance board pretty easily.

Anonymous No. 110890

Fair enough. I’m trying to learn tricks, so I guess I’ll keep skating it and try to squeeze a little more life out of it.

Anonymous No. 110899

im sorry but what the fuck are you even saying? that you're actaully happy with the choice that you made? that there's no real damage done here beside some minor inconvenience? oh... well that's good. All the best.

Anonymous No. 110900

I got into skating about 2 years ago, so I don't have any kind of attitude or preference towards particular tricks. If someone does a trick I think 'cool, nice one' and that's it. Don't think I've ever thought of a trick as gross or illegal or any of that bullshit.

Anonymous No. 110902

I think they're cool. They definitely need to be stylish though. Do any of them slow or clumsily and they look REALLY bad, as opposed to any random flip trick.

Anonymous No. 110903

I can drop in standing up but its easier and more fun for me because I'm tall to go at it lying down coffin style and I've never had anyone at a skatepark not pop off at me doing something that I would generally consider dumb/fun

as long as the person that's watching has an understanding that even 1mph of speed at the wrong angle of attack could break your bones, just about anything you do is cool

Anonymous No. 110904

i just accidentally typed 'snake' as 'snakte' because i type skate all the time

Anonymous No. 110907

i think you should keep your first board, I really wish I kept mine. for your next board leave it at the skatepark like other anon suggested or toss it if it's snapped/broken/chipped

Anonymous No. 110908

i never really judged people that do them until some kid set the gayest 360 boneless in a gos and I had to do one and it made me feel lame and gross so I guess i don't like them.

Anonymous No. 110909

They have a place, especially if done tastefully when the spot or line demands it. But I keep seeing this new zoomer/tiktok generation just doing 180 no-complies variation and ass/boardslides that It makes me wanna puke. Bonelesses are kinda retarded doing down anything imho, only look good when going up/over something or on tranny. But its usually fine...flatland handplants belong in the dungeon and fuck Mike Vallelejey

Anonymous No. 110911

I sorta agree. I mean, whatever, people can do what they want, but handplants and bonlesses over and up shit look way cooler than just on flat. My rule of thumb is that you need to keep your speed and momentum on the landing for something to look stylish. A boneless on flat usually makes you land too heavy to keep your flow. You can even get away with a sloppy pick up if you land it on a ramp and get to zip away afterwards.

Anonymous No. 110912

this jpg is fucking hilarious

going to the park to do flatground old school freestyle tricks is gay but everything else is fine. I skate with one guy who does tons of weirdo stuff i didnt like at first but after talking to him and finding out he builds stuff i was like alright whatever i dont care. my other homie also does some weirdo shit like i remember when he was trying to learn boneless big spins i was laughing so hard watching him but ended up trying to do them myself with him

Anonymous No. 110913

i would never let another man set up my deck. my homie at the shop asked me jokingly if i wanted my shit gripped and I said yes and laughed and he did it and i never felt more disgusted with myself.

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Anonymous No. 110917

The ass-slides aren't even like an old school trick though. Marbie is probably the first 'professional' skater to have so little self awareness that he thinks it looks good.

Personally I think bonelesses can look sick when people do them into banks. Otherwise they only look good on tranny. Certain people, like Mark Gonzales, can make bonelesses look pretty good in the street.

My secret shame is that when I was like 16 I did a boneless 360 down a 6 stair in a friends montage for a video he made. But nowadays I would never even try them.

The lore on the Alva crew back in the 80s is so crazy, yet barely any of those guys ever had a lasting impact on skating or ever became household names or anything.

Anonymous No. 110922

boys how much easier is inline skating compared to skateboarding. i know a guy that is really good at inline skating and he always talks mad shit about skateboarders its really funny because i tell him inline skating is 10000x easier than skating. miss the days we called em fruit booters

Anonymous No. 110925

I will upload a heelflip here later if it stops raining.

Anonymous No. 110926

Never tried it. It looks bad though, like there is basically no way to make inline skating not look really gay

Anonymous No. 110936

Jamie Foy has THE WORST board graphics i have ever seen

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Anonymous No. 110937

would kms if this was my pro deck

Anonymous No. 110939

like everything, it's not what you do, it's how you do it
>ass boardslides
michah hollinger did it pretty rad imo.
jewish gonz was the best era

Anonymous No. 110940

i have never heard of any of those guys except tony alva lol

Anonymous No. 110941

totally agree. in my city we have like a mafia of inline skaters that all think they are super hard. one of them yells at kids at the skatepark and i heard shit got heated a few times and now they don't go to the main one

Anonymous No. 110942

Looks better than marbie's buttslides but still a tasteless trick. It can look cool when done frontside though. Like this one ragdoll did. If you don't have your ass on the hubba it just has way more potential to be stylish.

Anonymous No. 110946

anything where your feet are strapped in is an entirely different category from skateboarding so it isn't even useful to compare them. but yeah if you're not doing mistys and 630s out of rails it's not that impressive.
desu though blader tricks look 100% less gay on skis

Anonymous No. 110949

yeah okay thats actually sick
this assslide also is good because he actually ollies into it properly. But then again why not do a proper boardslide if you can do that then?
The ones that suck are those that you jump on with your ass and just place the board under your feet using your hands, like a caveman

Anonymous No. 110952

wtf. who would buy these?

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Anonymous No. 110953

Anon, you don’t want your Foy deck?

Anonymous No. 110957

>death wish hat
ha ha ha sure thing that fucking redbull cap is surgically implanted into his fucking skull

Anonymous No. 110958

children, the target market for deathwish.

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Anonymous No. 110959

it hurts to look at

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Anonymous No. 110960

lol that is petty bad. I wish Bam would bring back the classics. I want one so bad. Yeah I could order a custom one but I’m afraid they’d mess it up.

Anonymous No. 110961

i always wondered how ville vallo felt about bam jacking his symbol and making millions off of it

Anonymous No. 110962

They pay him to use it. Plus it made HIM more popular than it ever would have been without bam. Ville and bam are friends

Anonymous No. 110964

Personally I agree. Bam made them more popular than they ever would’ve gotten on their own, so I feel like HIM has to like Bam. However I also feel like it’s more of a “This guy has a really weird obsession with us.. but hey he made us way more popular, so.. ehh sure why not?” relationship.
Ville was interviewed and the guy asked “Bam said this song is about him, is that true?”
Ville laughed and said Bam gives himself way too much credit. You can find it on YouTube.

Anonymous No. 110974

Good. They were close friends for a while. I don't think they like each other any more. Ville is an alc and HIM broke up years ago and Bam doesn't use the logo any more.

Anonymous No. 110975

funny how skaters who make diy spots act like they are the toughest crustiest guys ever because they spend one day once a year mixing concrete

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Anonymous No. 110982

post a pic of one single thing you've built tough guy

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Anonymous No. 110983

think you could do stonework like this big diy tough guy?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 110984


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Anonymous No. 110986


Anonymous No. 110987

thats what i thought bitch

Anonymous No. 110989

>"here, this is a picture of my minecraft house. could you do it like that?"
>"yeah, we can do that."

🗑️ Anonymous No. 110990


🗑️ Anonymous No. 110991


Anonymous No. 110993


Anonymous No. 110995

how's your diy going? did you ever do that big quarterpipe?

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Anonymous No. 110997

that kid doesn't get boxes from AH & 151

Anonymous No. 110998

Post a clip of you skateboarding

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Anonymous No. 110999

Not gonna dox myself.



Thanks to Weiss and Madness for the Losi box.

Anonymous No. 111000

why are you so scared of doxing yourself? people post clips of them skating here all the time and no one gives a shit. if you're good enough to be getting hooked up by AH you must probably be the best in the thread. just post a clip.

otherwise we'll all just have to assume you aren't 'getting boxes' and you're really just buying boxes lol

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Anonymous No. 111001

I'll post some footage
after this thread is archived and forgotten
And y'all will never put it together
just keep skating nerds

Anonymous No. 111003

You're not flow you little bitch your rich mommy and daddy just buy you boxes

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Anonymous No. 111004

Nigger, I'm 50+ yrs. old.
I've been getting boxes before you were born.
You lil faggots think everyone on the internt is faking it. WE built skateboarding WE built the internet.
Learn to frontside grind in a vert bowl and tell your mom I said hi.

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Anonymous No. 111005

>Learn to frontside grind in a vert bowl
But i can. i did like 10 of them last night.
And that was after an 8 hour day building concrete forms for a job i currently got going

true blue collar. none of that 'i mixed a bag of quikrete and slapped it on a jersey barrier and now i'm a hesh lord' bullshit. i thought you were a zoomie claiming to be on flow from AH.

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Anonymous No. 111006

Did you know Bam? Was he as cool irl like on TV?

Anonymous No. 111007

looks pretty nice anon. i like when people talk shit and back it up. the whole hesh/diy aesthetic is kinda cringe, even tho building diy stuff is cool and I'm grateful those guys do it.

Anonymous No. 111008

Weirdo uncanny valley faggot

🗑️ Anonymous No. 111009

Ask Burnside LJ if he knows any zoomers.

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Anonymous No. 111010

I saw that before you deleted it anon

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 111012

Fuck niggers, trannies, kikes and jannies.

Anonymous No. 111013

My man

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Anonymous No. 111014


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Anonymous No. 111015


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Anonymous No. 111016


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Anonymous No. 111018

Thanks to the Godoys for hooking me up with boxes on Tony Mags/ H-Streets dime
1488 will NEVER DIE

Anonymous No. 111019

I love AH but they should never have put on andrew allen or brian anderson.

Anonymous No. 111020

And grant taylor is possibly the most boring personality in professional skateboarding of all time, yet they made him the face of anti hero. Anti hero in the last 10 years has lacked soul imo.

Anonymous No. 111022

is anti hero racist? i only skate classic eagles, might pick up a krooked or quasi board instead next time. i thought AH was just hesh boomer core...whats is this CHUD going on about...

Anonymous No. 111023

al brunelle looks like his face got stung by 100 bees

Anonymous No. 111025

>most boring personality in professional skateboarding of all time
agree, he's up there with malto. GT should be on REAL instead, he would match their boring stagnant brand a lot better.

Anonymous No. 111026

lmao 100% agreed.

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Anonymous No. 111028

> pic rel

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Anonymous No. 111029

>is anti hero racist
If only.

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Anonymous No. 111030

Love Julian (he knows).
Me, Julian, Weiss, Cardiel, ex Dogtown boys.

Anonymous No. 111031

amazing, somehow this is more cringe than being racist

Anonymous No. 111032

so thinking brian anderson is a flaming faggot, andrew allen an arrogant hipster and grant taylor an inbred simpleton makes me a yuppie?

Anonymous No. 111033

Julian stranger is jewish

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Anonymous No. 111034

As was Stanley Kubrick and Bobby Fisher.

Anonymous No. 111035

What exactly does julien stranger know? I would love to believe he is redpilled in some way but i just don't see it

Anonymous No. 111037

I want to believe that AH isn't pozzed like the whoever runs dlx distribution. I really do

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Anonymous No. 111038

I can't and won't say the details. I will say he got red pilled on the after the Dogtown stint.
gave him the run down.
If you kids don't know who Fausto is, here you go

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Anonymous No. 111039

Read a book or two.
After WW2, if they didn't get caught up in Project Paper Clip, ze Germans and Italians moved to Argentina.

Anonymous No. 111042

take your meds faggot

Anonymous No. 111056

its perfect for that cornball. that hat isn't disgustingly crusty enough and is missing a hideous redbull logo

Anonymous No. 111069

why did this thread have to be taken over by faggot ass kooks just because one guy posted his bull shit landscaping work. the fuck is wrong with you retards posting nazi shit on a friday night. go fucking skate or get laid or fucking something

Anonymous No. 111070

Seething brown

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Anonymous No. 111071

Need advice for cruiser setups
Would putting my 8inch trucks work for this wide 8.6-7 deck with the big wide wheels(top pic)
The ones it came with are wider then the board and the wheels poke out alot.(bottom of pic)
In general do narrower trucks always make it carve better or does it depend on the wheels,baseplate and deck shape?

Anonymous No. 111081

you should be fine with 8in trucks but if you get proper-size trucks it will feel more stable

Anonymous No. 111083

sure, looks close enough. it depends

Anonymous No. 111095

Friend of mine skates something vary similar and he does great surfy moves, so it should work just fine for cruising.

Anonymous No. 111097


Anonymous No. 111098

is it possible to ride for redbull and not be a jock skater?

Anonymous No. 111112

>8 hour day building concrete forms for a job i currently got going
I'm pretty sure a guy I used to work with got a six figure job drafting up formwork plans (and isometrics) for a construction company. Some people have all the luck..

Anonymous No. 111113

it looks like madars is on redbull? i wouldn't call him a jock. even tj isn't exactly a jock.

Anonymous No. 111126

>be me
>ugly tomboy skate rat girl
>skating the local with other girls
>get cool guyed by all the locals regularly
>cute girl does sketchy trick
>everyone loses their mind
>they invite her to skate spots with them
>get invited out of pity cause cute girls orbit around me
i thought you only had to be good and love skating to get respect, guess ya gotta be hot too

Anonymous No. 111127


Anonymous No. 111130

how much body fat do i need to lose until i can roll with ease and not get broken bones from slams

Anonymous No. 111132

more like
>be me
>forget rule thirty- I mean...
>forget rule one
Get out of here and skate, for god's sake. You already KNOW that it is still people screaming at you to skate once you pass the gatekeepers, and yet you are still here. If it is destiny or fate for you to be the second person to jump the wall of china, it will happen. If it is destiny or fate for you to meet the cute skater bf with the fanny pack and his skull bashed in, then that will happen. There is no use complaining about the parts inbetween. Btw send thigh muscles. It has been half a year and I still can't do a fucking ollie.
>inb4 user was banned for thi-

Anonymous No. 111135

ollies are ez bro, make sure you lift your back foot. i always see beginners doing rocket baby ollies that barely lift the ground because they aren't lifting their back foot enough.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 111141

I would fuck you so hard, I don't care if you look like a boy, I would stretch your minge so far apart that when I'm done it would look like you just gave birth to a 12 pound baby boy, your labia flappers would be hanging down at least an inch lower than they were before the sex session. Your moot hole would be so destroyed than when you went to piss the urine would just drop out like turning a cup over in the kitchen sink, you would never again be able to wear normal underwear because your goongaloong would bee so obliterated that you would need to wear a diaper just so your big ol flaps didn't accidentally fall out the side and cause a public disturbance. Baby I love you and want to make you cum, I know you're wet just reading this, please post a clip of you skateboarding so I can jerk off to it, I will post a cum tribute I promise

Anonymous No. 111143

I want to suck on skater girl titties

Anonymous No. 111146


Anonymous No. 111147

Is skater girl pussy tight?

Anonymous No. 111173

you need a bmi of 18

🗑️ Anonymous No. 111175

You dumb, nigger. Comma intentional. I don't need advice, I need a living situation where food is actually fucking accessible and possible to eat and the juxtaposition of not getting too depressed to start working out again once I obtain the former. Fucking shit, it isn't hard.
>inb4 I can't do anything for you
My niggerlicious nigger, if you can post tips about doing ollies on the internet, you can remove my fucking life issues.
Let us now discuss using a skateboard as a defense mechanism. My favorite part of the skateboard to use is the trucks because they are metal and metal can break your skull better than wood can oh lord come amen.

Anonymous No. 111176

Not speaking from experience, but yes. *waves hand with thumb and pinky extended*

Why is Element being slowly buried, by the way? Don't act like its not. I see the shovel right here. It is because people just want to argue- and apparently rape- isn't it? You guys could hold a seminar on skater girls but you can't keep a fight over Nyjah's steez going for longer than three posts. (This is debatably how things should be, but that is beside the point...) Nobody wants to admit that they are the centrist of the skater culture because nobody wants to imagine Shillary Fentan on a skateboard, but that is just what Element is. The only issue is that being a centrist, especially as a skateboarder, is the most comfortable way of life. You are all simply fighting the cracks in the pavement, yet none of you have the concrete-mixing skills or motivation to genuinely solve the problem.

Anyway, Element is my favorite skate brand. Go drive a scooter if you disagree.

Anonymous No. 111177

>Let us now discuss using a skateboard as a defense mechanism
Tail mall grab for an underhand uppercut to the chin
Nose mall grab for horizontal slash(bonus points for razor tail)
Indy grab for defensive stance and poke transitions
Nose grab sideways for an overhead slash
And the classic; push the board towards the running offender to slip them up and hit the pavement

Anonymous No. 111178

well i actually think the best method for bashing in skulls of faggot fanny pack wearing men is to angle the side of your board to their skull so you get both the wood, bolts, wheels and force of the truck in each strike. a direct truck skull bash would have to be very precise unless you have 8.5+ in trucks.

Anonymous No. 111180

you wouldnt do shit faggot
what do we got a bunch of tough guy larpers in these threads now. gimmie a fucking break jfc, my fanny pack wearing homie builds more shit than you

Anonymous No. 111182

rape is just sex with its sleeves rolled up

Anonymous No. 111183

Element was never cool and always baby’s first board as long as I can remember

Anonymous No. 111186

Am i just out of touch or is yuto horigome really underrated? He has a ridiculously clean style and drip and while being in all the ex games he doesn't rock energy drink logos everywhere. prettty sick.

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Anonymous No. 111191

>is yuto horigome really underrated

Anonymous No. 111193

Well that is very good to know, because I am baby.

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Anonymous No. 111208

I think I'm just gonna play Session.

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Anonymous No. 111211

Our guy Bryan Arnett just exposed Steve Berra.

Anonymous No. 111213

who are the beefiest skateboarders who are actually good? don't say jamie foy because he's like 5'2 so he doesn't count. i mean guys like jeff grosso who are 6'1 and probably weigh 200lbs

Anonymous No. 111215

anyone else realise they reduced the maximum file size from 4mb to 3mb? fucking bullshit.

Anonymous No. 111216


Mandela effect?

Anonymous No. 111217

love sports
https://discord com/invite/beTwDNgv2P

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Anonymous No. 111222

/ic/ anon here.
Besides rolling and learning how to fall.
What's the best way to protect your wrist/hands and maybe all of the lower arm while practicing tricks where you would probably fall?

Anonymous No. 111228


Anonymous No. 111229

bryan arnett is so fucking rancid, i will never forget the vlog where he said he shit all over his hands in the target bathroom
5:15 kek

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Anonymous No. 111230


Anonymous No. 111233

Wristguard dilemma is not being able to move your wrists to balance and also not being able to move your wrists in general.

Anonymous No. 111234

Be like that one anon that screams "X" at the top of his lungs before he ollies.

Anonymous No. 111235

Well, you know what they say: Skatemoss wasn't in The Rolling Stones.

Anonymous No. 111236

>move your wrists to balance
Anon, we're not finger boarding.

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Anonymous No. 111237

Another fun mini ramp session bros

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Anonymous No. 111238

Are slob grabs illegal? Not sure if they are ugly or just unique

Anonymous No. 111243

Yeah, but we're not always shy of tightroping the twin fucking towers, either, Mr. Excess Carbohydrates.

Anonymous No. 111245

strengthen your wrists, I would think having weak forearms/hands would make them more vulnerable. maybe do some stretching like the position in pic

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Anonymous No. 111249

You think your front rocks are looking alright then you see this shit and you just realise you're like a grub on a board compared to the guys who pioneered these tricks. Nevertheless i need to get some balls and start trying to do front rocks on pool coping

Anonymous No. 111252

Wristguards and elbow pads. Get used to landing more on your elbows/forearms than your wrists. The main trick to falling (and skating in general) is to learn that the lower you squat the safer you are. The natural habit is to move your head away from the danger zone, which means standing straight and rigid...and as unbalanced as possible on your board. If you can just remember to squat down a bit when you're skating an afraid of falling, you're unlikely to land on your wrists too badly.

Anonymous No. 111254

Pictures like this thought me how to do rocks properly and on higher shit. It showed me what "keeping your weight in the ramp" meant, because prior to that I was just balancing on the coping so perfectly that it meant swinging my body back to make it rock in again, but that shit was too risky and scary to stick out.

Speaking of pioneers; can any of you invert or handplant? I set myself a semi goal to do one but haven't really gone for it yet. Best I've done are super safe slasher-y handplant-y things.

Anonymous No. 111255

How big of a ramp can you front rock and do you have any other tips on them other than what you just posted? I can front rock a 5ft mini but that's the biggest ive done

Anonymous No. 111261

Hoping my religious dad will let me buy a skirt to skate in tomorrow. How many people want to bet that he won't by one for me? I have a body sausage.

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Anonymous No. 111265

>be me
>skating for about a year
>see chiropractor once a month
>lower back regularly gets outta wack just enough to hurt while skating
Is it over? Should I find a new sport?

Anonymous No. 111268

have you tried lifting weights? maybe you need some muscle in your lower back.

Anonymous No. 111271

maybe get a pullup bar and just try hanging off it and then maybe eventually progress towards active hangs and rings.
also maybe get better insoles
imo if you're just skating the mini with your boys, not too much is illegal. you can only do so many stales and indys

Anonymous No. 111274

>Lay on back
>Arms to floor
>Raise chest to be even with knees
>Hold 5 seconds
Eat properly, and, given you are not perma-fucked, your lower back problems will disappear.

Anonymous No. 111279

my wheel fell off and i lost the outside washer, will it fuck the bearings if i just throw a normal non-skate washer on there?

Anonymous No. 111304

All of this:

Core exercises help me a ton. Crunches of all sorts, leg raises, planks, etc. Even just long walks or jogs. After a while, once you're strong enough for the pain to become milder, skating by itself can be a decent core exercise, particularly anything that involves twisting like doing grinds on transition. I do normally have to crack my back at the start of a session to get rid of the stiffness of sitting all day (sit on the ground cross legged, put right hand on left knee, twist my body to the left and try to look over my left shoulder and far as I can while using my hand to pull myself further, take a couple deep breaths, repeat for the other side). Try out some kundalini yoga routines on Youtube too, it's very back focused.

You'll get there eventually. I had a pretty bad back from being overworked in a stock room a few years ago and pulling muscles more than once. Once you strengthen your core muscles they can engage and take up the slack more often than your spine.

Anonymous No. 111305

I don't get it.

Ok Steve.

Anonymous No. 111306

M'dude, pains like that, or in your knee, just mean you are getting stronger. It's that "10% of body".

Anonymous No. 111307

>slasher-y handplant-y things

Those sound rad as well. It's harder to do a bertleman on vert I find.

Anonymous No. 111308

Give us the gossip comrade

Anonymous No. 111309

>Element was never cool

It was when it first started as Underground Element. Skypager is a classic video.

Anonymous No. 111310

Are you the girl skater with a park crush?

Anonymous No. 111311

You don't. Character is everything and runs deeper. Be a fellow skater and you will have skate buds. Yeah, some of them will confuse their filiality with attraction and feel embarassed when it doesn't work out, but it happens sometimes so be the better person and just keep at it.

Anonymous No. 111313

Yeah don't worry, we know all about the "100% skateboarder" gimmick sported by JJ, Andy Roy (prison rapist in a white gang) and Jay Adams, Micky Reyes being a former cop, california localism. Like Ron Chatman said, this is why people got to the streets.

Anonymous No. 111315

I always suspected that H-Street, with that logo, was standing for "Hitler Street", like Tony Mag wanted to name a street for Hitler.

Anonymous No. 111317

Watch his video. If you don't feel like it he basically shows Berra rigging games of skate and whatever in favor of cariuma guys, ignoring all the rules they had set up before the games, constantly contradicting himself saying I'm the boss, I make the decisions, or when it's not in his favor pushing the blame onto someone else. Also playing the victim card like a bitch, but we've already seen that multiple times when reddit mater and the trash talking guy beefed with him for a bit.

Anonymous No. 111318

Is Bryan Arnett gifted hater?

Anonymous No. 111319


Anonymous No. 111330

>>slasher-y handplant-y things
They're pretty damn fun if you can do them fast and come out cleanly. They're pretty much like berts, but you use your front hand to grab the board toeside and pivot around your back hand. If you hit them hard enough you can do a revert on the way down. Best one I did was like a 5-0 slasher, then a 360 revert on the way down, somehow managing to roll away without losing all of my speed. The best part is that they're fairly low risk too. The worst that can happen is that you over rotate your body and slap your ass cheek on the flat, but mostly you just end up barrel rolling out.

I don't see any video on this. Is it old?

Anonymous No. 111332

It was posted a day ago.

Anonymous No. 111337

This dude Antoine still skates and is getting real clips? I wonder if he's working on a part or some shit.

Anonymous No. 111340

No they're not the same person

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Anonymous No. 111343

face and neck tats removed? maybe he is getting his shit together for real now. seems like greco officially cleaned up when he got rid of his neck tats lol

Anonymous No. 111347

He's past his prime and I don't think many legitimate companies would take him because of his history

Anonymous No. 111351

Why the fuck would you remove your tats in America? Doesn't everyone not care? Not like he's gonna work an office job.

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Anonymous No. 111354

Rate my line.

Anonymous No. 111360

I'm not, but I will take the helm whenever I need to.

Anonymous No. 111364

Big if true

Anonymous No. 111371

No, it stands for Heroin. It was named after James Heroin, who invented street skating in the early-late 1400's.

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Anonymous No. 111378

Based! Thanks anons.

Anonymous No. 111425

Ben raybourne is so unlikeable

Anonymous No. 111434

skeletons are very spooky

Anonymous No. 111450

Met him in Dallas recently, he's actually a really nice guy. Was hyped to take a photo.

Anonymous No. 111451

>'twaun redemption arc
>henry redemption arc
>spanky redemption arc
>cory redemption arc
[spoiler]>gator redemption arc[/spoiler]


Anonymous No. 111452

Nice spoiler retard.

sage No. 111455

[spoiler]thank u fren[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 111469

how 2 5050

Anonymous No. 111470

Ollie. Make sure you really lift your back foot so you clear the ledge. Guide the board with your back foot so it rotates a bit and lands in a 50 instead of a willy, since you're approaching the ledge at an angle naturally. Land on the bolts or right where the nose and tail start. Your back foot can land on the tail, as long as your weight distribution is right and you don't bail. Shoulders squared so you don't slip out like a retard. There you go.

Anonymous No. 111481

Big daddy weck.

Except idk if he skates anymore but goddamn those nose mannys are pristine

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Anonymous No. 111482

if i get surgery for plate and screws in my wrist, do i need to quit skating forever?

Anonymous No. 111484

Maybe (hopefully) not, but if you tear an ACL and meniscus you do.

Anonymous No. 111487

I looked at his ig and in his recent posts, it looks like he still has the face tats. I can't make sense of this photo vs his insta posts. is it possible they just aren't visible in this photo?

Anonymous No. 111494

it's just harsh lighting not balanced correctly and a crappy screengrab, you can hardly see his other tattoos in that screen cap of him either

Anonymous No. 111498

He's a dark skinned nigger with shitty black face tattoos, of course they're hard to see

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Anonymous No. 111500

why do people keep saying weck doesnt skate anymore. the raw footage from his part is insane dude shut down AC (that skatepark is ass dont go there)

nah homie just joining the club scars pretty faded after a few years but yours will look cool

Anonymous No. 111517

why the FUCK are backside 5050s so hard. i feel retarded like ive never skated before when i try to do them

sage No. 111519

for round rails pop like you're gonna ollie over the rail but while riding fairly parallel to it. the most important thing is to have your weight on top on the rail b/c that's where you're safest/ can hop out easily/etc.
when it comes to building confidence, try jumping on top of bike racks or other flatbars with just your feet, slacklines are really good too if you can get one.
>locking in
easier to show with video.
for switch 50s it helps me to pick a point further down the rail and ollie forward towards that rather than straight up if that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 111520

Well he hasn't posted barely any skate related stuff since that part came out.. he's probably just really into bodybuilding right now, it's really hard to skate AND lift weights seriously

Anonymous No. 111521

just try jumping into them to make your body familiar with the motion

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Anonymous No. 111523

I'm going skateboarding soon

Anonymous No. 111529
skate stuff starts at about 5 minutes in

Anonymous No. 111532

from 1980 btw

Anonymous No. 111538

Its not hard when youre on a good roid cycle. Not even hating since no one gives a fuck about drug use in skating.

Anonymous No. 111545

well did you? you better have.

Anonymous No. 111547

I did, had a pretty fun session in the bowl. Didnt land anything new but got a few fun lines in.

I'm feeling really sore though, I have been lifting and skating and working (construction) and I feel like I need to take a break and just chill for a bit, my body is feeling really worn out lately

Anonymous No. 111556

No, but they're most likely in contact with each other. I think Berra needs to either address this shit or quit, been going on too long with this cariuma nonsense

Anonymous No. 111570

Watching Frankie Hill's 9gag and he is like Michael from the Office if he was a skater. In the awkward jokes department, not the conceited self-presentation.

Anonymous No. 111573

>I think Berra needs to either address this shit or quit
he wont be doing either lmao that bryan whoever video was so obvious shits all rigged.

Anonymous No. 111574

Berra has LA Scientology brain worms, he’s a total lost cause. He’s not a skateboarder. The berrics is DEAD and everyone should just stop caring about it and let it die. The berrics went out really sad and I hate to see it but still caring about it at all, expending any kind of energy on it is just feeding the beast. I wish everyone would let it fade into complete irrelevancy already.

Anonymous No. 111577

>I wish everyone would let it fade into complete irrelevancy already.
as long as theres still a bajillion followers and people who tune into berrics shit then the clout chasers and cariuma kids will keep it going. i think most people have definitely lost the respect but they cant look away from the shit show.

Anonymous No. 111578

American skaters explain yourselves. So I'm watching some random skate vlogs or wahtever the fuck on youtube yeah? Obviously most of them are made by cali kids. These dudes skating in the scorching heat in the middle of summer, yet they wear these bigass winter beanies. What the fuck man?

Anonymous No. 111579

>americans being stupid
>american KIDS being stupid
imagine my shock

Anonymous No. 111581

If he's a mexican then they don't seem to feel the heat and they wear hoodies in the middle of summer

Anonymous No. 111582

When I say kids I don't mean actual children. The thing is these dudes can skate and do a shit ton of real tricks and lines in a row. In the heat. With beanies on.

>If he's a mexican

I can't tell really. They all look the same.

Anonymous No. 111584

well post the vid then

Anonymous No. 111585

I closed it.

Anonymous No. 111586

beanie thing is just skate fashion bullshit. i live in tropical weather (90+ fahrenheit everyday) and see zoomer kids wearing beanies all the time.

Anonymous No. 111587

I want to live in a tropic paradise so bad and build a bowl in my backyard and just eat delicious tropical fruit and pork all day and drink pina coladas

Anonymous No. 111588

shits whack desu. you get no seasons, just hot everyday. hope you like mosquitoes and rain everyday as well.

Anonymous No. 111589

I don't care, i want to live the thirdie life (but with a bowl in my backyard)

Anonymous No. 111594

Light AC decrease from head armor, keeps hair- generally- out of face, acts as sweat breaker for forehead, looks cool, easy gift for amazed females... The list could go on..

Anonymous No. 111596

beanies in the hot weather doesn't look cool lmao, it looks like you're trying too hard

Anonymous No. 111597

I can only give you the head armor and the looking cool points, even though the latter is subjective. Imagine having an autistic hair style where hair gets in your face. It doesn't act as a sweat breaker, it makes you sweat more and the excessive sweat will drip down your entire face. No you're not giving bitches your sweaty stinky dripping crusty beanie lmao.

Anonymous No. 111601

hats are a crutch, I don’t think I can skate with out one anymore I’m too use to it now and once I get set in my ways the discomfort from the weather is the last thing I care about when not wearing one throws me off mentally

Anonymous No. 111602

How and why? What does a hat do for you?

Anonymous No. 111604

as someone who refuses to go out into the sun at all, I'm gonna guess its for eye shade. but i dont wear hats or go outside so

Anonymous No. 111605

Are you allergic?

Anonymous No. 111606

no just gay recessive genetics

Anonymous No. 111608

I do have that autistic hair style. I still consider the hair point to be valid. It definitely acts as a sweat breaker for me. It does make you sweat more, but, regardless, most of the sweat stays in the lip of the beanie. (Of course, you have to wear it that way, I guess...) And maybe bitches don't want YOUR sweaty, crusty, stinky, dripping, crusty beanie, but they do want mine, baka.

Anonymous No. 111613

Nobody wants your beanie bro. I promise you.

Anonymous No. 111616

san francisco is actually pretty chilly

Anonymous No. 111619

Isn't it also the faggot capital of the world and don't they also have a heroin addiction and homeless people problem?

Anonymous No. 111623

Oh, then I guess Goodwill shouldn't exist, huh?

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Anonymous No. 111624

It doesn't exist in my country so it might as well not be real.

Anonymous No. 111630

I just feel weird with out one now. It’s honestly more of a comfort thing because I hate my hair

Anonymous No. 111637

sounds like your jealous you cant bomb some of those hills

Anonymous No. 111638

I actually have access to bigger hills.

Anonymous No. 111640

post some clips or pics?

Anonymous No. 111642

I can't.

Anonymous No. 111646

You first pussy. I miss the days when tagbanging skaters were checking you fucking faggots.

Anonymous No. 111653

go to bed grandpa

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Anonymous No. 111655

Weck's thoughts on redbull and skateboarding. Have to say he's 100% right. Redbull brings nothing to skateboarding other than 'content' which is purely self serving on their part.

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weckingball on re....png

Anonymous No. 111656

wrong pic...

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Anonymous No. 111659

Donovan is so hot and good at skating it's not fair bros

Anonymous No. 111661

would beat the fuck out of this queer if i ever saw him irl

Anonymous No. 111664

So there's this girl at my local who skates there all the time and sometimes her bf shows up and skates with her too. I've spoken to him a few times briefly and I just realised it was Aaron Loreth who is on Last Resort and Limosine. Not trying to fangirl over a pro or anything but I just had no idea who he was. He's a little bit awkward but a very nice guy. He kinda like barely skates when I've seen him there though, mostly just chills with his gf. Most technical thing I've seen him do is a 5-0 to fakie.

Anonymous No. 111665

>last resort skater bf
why does she get to live my dream bros, it's not fucking fair.
he does that weird full cab circus flip trick all the time you're probably not really missing too much by not seeing him skate kek he does some cool manny combos tho

Anonymous No. 111666

no u wouldnt bitch ur just jelly he's gorgeous and talented

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Anonymous No. 111667

>"cool helmet anon"

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Anonymous No. 111671


Anonymous No. 111673

should i feel guilty about not buying from my local if they're not even really local anymore?
they moved to a different town and close at like 3 pm.
the owner is a total skatemilf though
i honestly can't even tell which zoomers are trannies anymore. they're all so weird and effeminate
he's not wrong but at the same time look how dirty the core brands did jlay.
they old yeller'd the poor fucker.

Anonymous No. 111674

Dark-haired boys era is in!!

This guy, the pretty-boy from Dune, even MYCHE from Stranger Things.


Anonymous No. 111675

Have you ever heard of Consolidated's "don't do it" campaign?

Anonymous No. 111676

>a bloo bloo skating is corporate now!
>they STOLE skating

This argument will never stop being brought up. Skating has literally ALWAYS had a corporate side. And you can try and complain that it's not legit enough or that it ruins skating or some shit, but the fact is that it gets new people into skating, builds parks, keeps pros paid, and puts money into the industry as a whole, which means you can buy new boards and your local shop can get new customers and not go out of business after a year. "Legit" skaters don't spend enough money or organise enough events to keep it alive by themselves.

Anonymous No. 111677

>close at like 3 pm.
Why the fuck do skate shops never stay open at convenient times? Mine will say they're opening hours are 10 to 6, but I've gotten there by 5:15 more than once only to see the lights are off and the place is empty more than once.

Anonymous No. 111679

>it gets new people into skating
these are the new people

Anonymous No. 111680

He's a massive faggot but at least he skates good.

Anonymous No. 111685

>"Thanks, bitch!"
>smacks helmet out of your hand
>helmet falls to the ground and rolls semi-circularly even on its top, until coming to a full stop
>We both stare at it awkwardly for at least five seconds
>"So are you gonna draw the swastika on the left side or-"

Anonymous No. 111687

ok dweeb
the girls that get it get it

Anonymous No. 111688

post skateboard

Anonymous No. 111691

i'm a little jaded on dylan clones and the whole 'le quirky nyc art skater' -who is just doing the same shit pops and jake did 10+ years ago at the same spots. but he is good.
also why do all these strobeck twinks only skate the same shit? isn't the point of the big city that you niggers should have spots everywhere? zered never seemed to have trouble finding spots, same with the 5boro guys.

not sure about impossible 180s though. they just inherently don't wrap. maybe impossible fs revert would work but you pretty much need a bump to make it not look retarded

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Anonymous No. 111693

would be kinda lame to show up to your gfs sesh and go demo mode on her lmao

all of the people in this picture are actually very nice and wouldnt give a shit about anyone wearing a helmet

who cares loser? your probably 30+ clinging onto skateing as the coolest thing you ever done with your life and now your mad that kids way younger than you that you think are uncool are doing it. you were a loser back then and your a loser now

ya energy drinks suck and whatever but skate tales is a really nice series and seems to be doing plenty for little skate communities in poor ass countries

Anonymous No. 111695

>builds new parks
Literally how lmao? In my experience it's almost totally the local community that works for new parks being built. I have never heard of an energy drink sponsoring a park being built in my life.

And we don't need new people in skating, if people get interested in it it should be because they want to do it as a form of self expression, not because they think they can get rich off of it from energy drinks.

Anonymous No. 111696

Didn't Africans get the memo that early grabs are illegal?

Anonymous No. 111698

Damn you could say this random african poverty guy that was only able to skate because of donations is better than me. I can't do that I don't think.

Anonymous No. 111707

Regardless of how you feel about redbull it’s still fucked up how they just stole his content without any consent or like consideration at all.

And fuck off with all that. Regardless of if this shit has mainstream funding skateboarding will survive. Who gives a fuck about engagement or “getting new skaters into the sport.”

Anonymous No. 111715

How many people do you think actually get into skateboarding because their favorite energy drink brand sponsors a skateboarder?

Anonymous No. 111721

>we dont need more people in skateboarding
hahaha imagine posting that here of all fucking places, the boomers in these threads have lost their fucking minds, complete kook shit to be trying to gatekeep skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 111725

t. NYC tranny zoomer "skater"

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Anonymous No. 111727

This is what homosexual skaters are wearing in Canada

>absolute state of Canada

Anonymous No. 111728

Getting new skaters into it is important and, beyond being a pain at your local park and skating becoming annoyingly mainstream (as in it appears in cheesy ads or movies) for another wave, they spend the most money and keep shops afloat, which means YOU can buy shit there. That big corporate money pays for contests, which normies watch, which makes them buy shit, which keeps shops afloat, which grows the local scene, which means more parks. Try living somewhere with no skate scene and see what you think then.
None of this stops core skaters from being legit and street skating or making videos or whatever. I honestly do not understand this "normies leave" /v/ mentality core skaters have about it, as if all of you didn't start off as normies who picked it up because you saw some mainstream shit as a kid. And to top it off; I will take a MILLION shitty beginner skaters clogging up my local over a dozen scooter toddlers.

Africans is going to fucking own the Olympics in a few years, aren't they? What sort of mad bastards get their first park with almost 0 skateable streets for beginners to cut their teeth on, and build THIS kind of shit?

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Anonymous No. 111729

>back to the kickflip mines
>finally start making progress; back foot is making contact with the deck at long fucking last
>get close 6 times; heel keeps slipping off
>finally land one
>slip off
>actually involuntarily scream "YOU FUCK" at my board

I am not letting this shitbag trick get away from me again.

Anonymous No. 111733

No, I am actually a dark-haired man.

Anonymous No. 111737

browns usually are jamal

Anonymous No. 111738

the only people against gatekeeping are the ones who should've been gatekept

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Anonymous No. 111744

>tfw bad at skateboarding and no friend

Anonymous No. 111747

lmfao stupid mom

Anonymous No. 111753

is husker du a cool band now? i need to stop wearing my husker du shirt i gues if these faggots are listening to them

Anonymous No. 111754

>skating with masks on
Doesnt get any more beta than this

Anonymous No. 111757

i love little friend iphone montages like this here some of my faves

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hitler did nothin....jpg

Anonymous No. 111758

Anonymous No. 111765

who is that?

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Anonymous No. 111769

Is he our guy?

Anonymous No. 111770

I pretty much consistently agree with everything he has to say other than political shit

Anonymous No. 111771

Ben degros is truly our guy because even our politics align (he's based anti vax)

Anonymous No. 111772

I've never heard him say anything political but I haven't really been watching him very long.

Anonymous No. 111773

Just random little shit here and there.
>i hate racism
>sexism bad
>transphobia bad

general normie bluepilled shit

Anonymous No. 111776

He could just be saying that because you pretty much have to if you're a public figure unfortunately. Skateboarding is so gay nowadays if you don't conform you get bombarded by faggets. Gifted is only slightly outside the norm and even he deals with shit from the fucking faggets in the skate community now.

Anonymous No. 111777

he's kind of reddit tbqh. nothing in his vids is even edgier than a clyde singleton column. tracker peggy approved
weck is better

Anonymous No. 111779

Guy barely makes content though.

Anonymous No. 111781

Yeah weck would be good if he actually made videos

Anonymous No. 111788

Hater changed in the last months and his twitch streams are more edgy. He didn't want to be part of the Vans contest for example because it was too woke.
There are lots of unknown channels and shit, he even has a podcast.

Anonymous No. 111789

Same. good stuff

Anonymous No. 111794

No, you are full blown reddit to the T, and you never were, and never will be our guy, no matter how hard you used to shill yourself in here before you started getting some views.

Anonymous No. 111796

>Try living somewhere with no skate scene and see what you think then
I did. It was better than it is now in a plance that has today's "skate scene" filled with faggots and posers.
>I will take a MILLION shitty beginner skaters clogging up my local over a dozen scooter toddlers
Because you're a retard that doesn't skate. Those two currently are exactly the same type of person, plus the scooter toddlers will never go away. In the past you could say you prefer shitty beginner skaters, because skateboarding (since it was gatekept) attracted exactly the kind of person you wouldn't mind having around, even if they were a beginner. Now it's just NYC larping faggots with their daily SSRi intake, imaginary mental illnesses, actual mental illnesses like wanting to swallow man semen, reddit opinions, and retarded trends.

Anonymous No. 111799

Perfect skate gf

Anonymous No. 111800

People who CONSTANTLY call things "gay" or shoehorn the word "faggot" into sentences have always, ALWAYS, turned out to be gay themselves. I've seen it happen multiple times with people I've grown up with. They get rock hard for the thing they've made taboo, and they just can't stop thinking about it.

Anonymous No. 111803

i have no skate scene and it's fucking great.
spots never get blown up and i don't have to deal with dumb faggots

Anonymous No. 111805

Stop projecting, stupid semen slurping faggot.

Anonymous No. 111806

wrong board faggot

Anonymous No. 111808

>not carrying a skatepurse to hold your t-tool/extra hardware/wax

Canada? more like Chadnada

Anonymous No. 111810

get off the internet retard

yeah this is how you be normal lmao you should take a hint from your own post

fucking cope more lmao

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Anonymous No. 111815

Anonymous No. 111819

I am anti vax as vell. Eet takes avay vrom ze chaellaenge off skteboooaaarrrrding a survfvace. Basically, the only things you should need to wax, most people wouldn't ride. I'm not typing all that out in this stupid accent. It isn't even my opinion.

Anonymous No. 111821

What do you guys find easier: frontside slashers or backside slashers?

Anonymous No. 111822

A true backside slash is harder than a frontside slash.

But if by slash you just mean a 5-0 grind where you're not standing up then a backside one is easier

Anonymous No. 111840

If you can boneless a huge stair set that shit is sick

Anonymous No. 111841

It really depends on what axel stall you approach first and most people do backside first so idk what you mean

Anonymous No. 111843

>axel stall

Anonymous No. 111845

A true slash is when you like push your back foot out as you are grinding so it 'slashes' the coping. It's like a surfing move adapted to skating. If you just go up and scratch your trucks on the coping then it's not really a slash

Anonymous No. 111846

>A true backside slash is harder than a frontside slash
You got a video example of said slash? I'm beginning to pay a bit more attention to vert and seeing tricks like >>111249 is so gnarly that it looks like a completely different trick of its own. Rather I now know how completely trash mine really are and need to tweak them out more.

Anonymous No. 111847

I want to get back into skating. I feel like my rural area always held me down big time. Any gear recs for the worst chipseal and "asphalt" you've ever seen?

Anonymous No. 111848

this weeks qsnacks top 10 is full of some real creative shit

Anonymous No. 111849

Can't you find smooth ground in a parking lot or skatepark? Wheels like Ricta Clouds are good if you want to skate crusty spots and also do tricks.

Anonymous No. 111850

Nice cap catch

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Anonymous No. 111851

I might just get a cruiser. I always sucked at tricks anyway

Anonymous No. 111852

Definitely rictas and tighten your trucks if you generally want to be less attentive to slight truck angle alterations (bumps) and loosen them if you want to be more attentive. The tradeoff for looser trucks is that the ride will feel more... Err.. Jazzy, I suppose you could say. It gives you access to easier tight turns, as well, whereas tighter trucks will probably make tricks easier.

Anonymous No. 111854

Cool I'll try the rictas before I fully commit to a boomer cruiser. My old deck still has some pop so I should be good

Anonymous No. 111855

This guy has some extremely exaggerated slash grinds, but it gives you a good idea of what they are

Anonymous No. 111874

post more epic funny clips

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Anonymous No. 111875

new gx1000

Anonymous No. 111876

*epic and/or funny

Anonymous No. 111878

>new gx vid
>its 50 minutes wrong
picked a bad time to stop drinking
how fast do you guys think they go through wheels with all their powerslides and shit

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Anonymous No. 111881

he doesn't grind on the backside

Anonymous No. 111882

Well you get the point anyway. If you're not pushing your back foot out like that it's not a slash.

Anonymous No. 111883

Anyone have any ideas for what I should draw on my next blank deck?

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Anonymous No. 111890

This guy but he's stomping on an orphanage

Anonymous No. 111891

This guy's face with the words 'free the gator'

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Anonymous No. 111892

Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 111893

i dunno but i wish i had insane board control like them

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anko eating sharo....png

Anonymous No. 111894

If only my art skills were good enough to draw either of these

Anonymous No. 111896

is there an archive of the uncucked mark oblow nine club episode anywhere?
or at least the part they cut.
i wanna see what made the slaptrannies so angry

Anonymous No. 111900

any of you guys remember when leo was a hot little nug

Anonymous No. 111901


skate faster faggot

Anonymous No. 111903

anyone else remember when supered86 would post flatground videos skating his garage? kek
he was pretty good too

Anonymous No. 111918

Mark Oblow was talking about Gator and said that he didn't mean to kill jessica bergsten and that they were just having rough sex and he choked her out too hard and then she died so he freaked out. And then the nine club were kinda just like 'haha yeah...' and the subject was changed. Slap trannies freaked out because 1) mark oblow said that shit and 2) the nine club guys didn't stop him and correct him or whatever. it was totally blown out of proportion but mark oblow is still a gay cunt.

Anonymous No. 111921

Imagine being like in the local government in some southern california city and you get an incredible 3 million dollar skatepark built but then all the super cool core skaters just go and make shitty ramps in some abandoned carpark and skate that instead lmao

would be infuriating desu

Anonymous No. 111927


Anonymous No. 111929

me and leo were supposed to be licking eachothers disgusting holes to the end of our days. goddamn mexicans.

Anonymous No. 111931


Draw the text from this album cover.

Anonymous No. 111936

lol you clearly dont grind shit if you think that just going faster substitutes the results of waxing

Anonymous No. 111937

should've spent some of that 3 mil on a working water fountain
>he choked her out too hard and then she died

Anonymous No. 111944

finna make a new thread bruhs no cap

Anonymous No. 111946


Anonymous No. 111960

A really small mushroom and a lot of hype. Like, a white, round one and then multicolor rays and bold meme text curving underneath it that says something stupid, like, "The Great White Carl"

Anonymous No. 111964

Cruisers aren't bad, but most people here won't like to know that it is your only board. Kind of like how electric skateboards are almost acceptable if you live on a college campus. :)

Anonymous No. 112007

you clearly skate 1mph and only grind skatepark metal ledges

Anonymous No. 112023

Fair. plus it was rad. had to nitpick