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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 111945

Basic brand information for beginners:

Shoe reviews:

Submit a shoe review:

old thread

Anonymous No. 111953

imagine trying to do a cool trick in front of some hot chicks and you just end up pooping in ur jeans

Anonymous No. 111959

Can't, I'm not from NYC.

Anonymous No. 111962

I have realized I much prefer watching skateboarding and playing skateboarding video games then actually skating.

Every time I go out on my board it feels like a chore and it's super rare that I have fun.
That said I love watching people who are good at it and actually have a passion for it. I have more fun watching them have fun.

Anonymous No. 111963

whats the appeal of watching skaters who dont flip their board? its so boring to me when theres a part with some skater who just does acid drops, ollies, 50-50s and boomers are like. "WOWW HE SHREDS. HE HAS SO MUCH STYLE" cmon flip your board buddy. throw in a backside flip or something, anything

Anonymous No. 111965

Play Session.

Anonymous No. 111967

I love watching hill bombing videos despite there not being a single flip in sight.
Shit is intense.
One thing I dislike about where I am now is there are no hills or mountains.
I should visit my old hometown and spend a week just bombing every god damn hill I can remember to get it out of my system.

Anonymous No. 111968


Anonymous No. 112006

>Every time I go out on my board it feels like a chore
I feel this, in the morning when the caffeine hits I'm so ready to skate and thinking of all the new tricks I'm going to learn then when I get off work pound back another energy drink and go skate I I'm completely over it after I warm up. i think I like the idea of skating more than skating.

Anonymous No. 112008

skating is for kids. take up golf

🗑️ Anonymous No. 112009

It was always the opposite for me. I get really nervous when I watch parts, just want to skate right away and try new tricks.

Anonymous No. 112013


Anonymous No. 112014

It's nice that you can still enjoy it in a different way. I love skateboarding and often have a fun session.

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Spud's SPUD ....gif

Anonymous No. 112018

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Anonymous No. 112019

Why the fuck can't i learn ollie? Im 25 years old and i started skating again this summer after 10 year break. I can do shove it but no matter what i just can't fucking ollie. The board just won't rise.

Anonymous No. 112020

Not saying you havent done this, but try to put some variety into your skating, i.e. if you largely skate transition try some street stuff and vice versa.

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Anonymous No. 112024

surely you've seen tricks you enjoy that dont include the skater flipping their board right? probably dozens or hundreds over the years. or you only like tricks where the board is flipped? if the former is true, then it should follow that a skater can put out a compelling part without flipping their board.

>throw in a backside flip or something
so you don't care if it's that interesting, you just want to see it? like a box that needs to be checked? I don't think that makes sense.

but I agree that there's some type of 'common man' adoration, especially with boomers. they suck at flipping their board, so they think it's cool that a pro sucks at it too.

anyway here are some clips of lucien genand not flipping his board (in this part, he only had a single tre flip off a curb after the main trick in a line). but the spot selection, trick selection, and execution is A+ imo. honestly this part was much more interesting than watching wade desarmo's recent primitive part, even though I can admit wade is miles ahead technically.

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Anonymous No. 112025


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Anonymous No. 112026


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Anonymous No. 112027


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Anonymous No. 112028


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Anonymous No. 112029


Anonymous No. 112030


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Anonymous No. 112031


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Anonymous No. 112032

last one

Anonymous No. 112033

could you do it before? you're either fucking up the timing or scared. I guess maybe "scared" isn't the right word, but it's some kind of mental block. or just popping like a pussy, but I'd put that in the mental category since I'm sure you have the strength to pop an ollie as a 25yo. post a webm and we'll tell you.

Anonymous No. 112034

OR you could be one of those retards that doesn't put the ball of their foot of the center of the board. you can definitely do a shuv from this foot positioning (in fact it's better for a no-pop shuv), but you won't get any decent pop if the ball of your foot is on the edge/hanging over.

Anonymous No. 112036

This is my twin and skates just like I do. Literally me if I was good at skating.

Anonymous No. 112037

>could you do it before
Not really. Just those shitty tries where the board won't rise from the tail, but only from nose.
>you''re either fucking up the timing or scared
Im definetly not scared of hurting myself when skating anymore. I've come to a point where i actually take it as a good thing since it means that im really trying and i've learned how to fall properly. It has to be the timing then.

Anonymous No. 112038

Anonymous No. 112041

was that a nose scrape at the start?

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Anonymous No. 112045


pick one and only one

Anonymous No. 112053

are you a cute french twink too?

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cat skating.gif

Anonymous No. 112059

Want to post a clip? What's specifically going wrong?

If it's a case where it's only "rising from the nose", do you mean you're not actually popping/bouncing the tail off the ground and are just kicking it into the hair with the nose? IMO, you should focus on learning ollies by breaking it down into these steps:

1- just pop. Don't even think about trying to level the nose out; simply keep your front foot on the front bolts and lift it straight up and down (or whatever is low enough effort for you that you don't need to think about it). Simply focus on getting your tail to pop off the ground and get your back foot into the air enough so that it has enough space to move. You'll get a rocketed ollie this way, and it won't reach maximum height, but you can eventually get your pop good enough like this that it will clear small curbs. You can land nose heavy to technically "level" the board out, but it'll be on the way down and won't be adding height, so don't worry about it.

2- REALLY focus on getting your feet into the air. Get used to full on jumping up, knees to chest, so that your new found pop can go higher and higher. Not much to be said here other than to build up your confidence inch by inch. Try them moving too.

3- NOW focus on kicking the nose, and imo, try to kick it diagonally upwards rather than straight forward. Use the whole side of your foot, which means rolling your ankle to make decent contact. People say "slide" your foot up the grip tape, but I think that's confusing; you want the actual slanted part of the nose to hit your foot so that the board will "hinge" around that point and swing the tail up to meet your back foot. Usually trying to slide it along the grip tape will keep it slightly rocketed and usually just moves the board more forward and away from you than is comfortable. If you're having trouble here, start with your foot closer to the nose so that you can just roll your ankle to do the work, and go from there.

Anonymous No. 112061

the wallride was crazy when I watched this, I appreciate the manny grind more now too. crazy, what a gnarly little cutie.

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me failing ollie ....png

Anonymous No. 112068

Thanks for the tips bro.
>Want to post a clip? What's specifically going wrong?
I might post webm some day but for now i'll just post a demonstrative paint pic of it. Maybe my pop just fucking sucks?

Anonymous No. 112073

nice bulge

Anonymous No. 112074

who is dis dood??? he goes hard

Anonymous No. 112077

Thanks. Do you like my Toy muh china shirt also?

Anonymous No. 112079

Maybe try to learn to pop your shuvs first. Foot placement is basically the same as an ollie and you need the same type of pop. And ya you a pretty aggressive quick snap of the ankle.

Anonymous No. 112080

you need a*

Anonymous No. 112085

>Do you like my Toy muh china shirt also?
heck yeah man, next time you should draw a shirt that says "gorl"

Anonymous No. 112100

i think its time to replace my old ricta supercrystals. classic or conical shape spitfire wheels? do conicals keep speed better or is the difference just marginal? is there any difference in powersliding etc?

Anonymous No. 112103

conicals are pretty nice on crustier spots. if you are comfortable powersliding you'll still be able to powerslide, you wont set a world record maybe but you can still push through the board without having to fight the wheels too much. the biggest thing i notice is that they really force you to pop your flips, flipping isn't harder per se but you can't flop out a limp kickflip with them, which might make you a better skater in the long run.
if you just skate good ground and skateparks though, i'd stick to standard wheels

Anonymous No. 112105

my interpretation I prefer the classic but the difference is pretty small. you get a larger contact surface area with the conical so yes there's more resistance when sliding if you want that but to be honest once you wear down a set of classics a few mm you're almost about the same as conicals in that regard. I don't do crazy tech but the curved edge of the classic felt like it was easier to more fluidly tweak the board a little bit idk hard to describe and keep in mind i'm a forever-beginner saying this

Anonymous No. 112106

bend knees more kick harder

Anonymous No. 112108

If you can't tell samefagging, especially in the early posts in the thread, then you're either new, or clinically retarded.

Anonymous No. 112117

>they dont know how to check the postcount to posters ratio

Anonymous No. 112118


Anonymous No. 112119

whats the appeal of watching skaters who flip their board? its so boring to me when theres a part with some skater who just does kickflips, heelflips, underflips and zoomers are like. "WOWW HE SHREDS. HE HAS SO MUCH STYLE" cmon grab your board buddy. throw in a bean plant or something, anything

Anonymous No. 112120

I like and can respect everything except sellout poser shit. Flips, grinds, grabs, manuals, vert - who cares! Skateboarding is the best.

Anonymous No. 112121

The fact that he accepted the nickname ‘spud’ partially makes me dislike him even though his skating was interesting

Anonymous No. 112122

>Why is your name Spud?
>Well, Idaho is famous for the potato, aka a spud, so when I moved from Idaho to Portland my 7th-grade friend group gave me the nickname. It was the classic group of kids making videos imitating Jackass.

Anonymous No. 112123

Guessing you are a spitfire head? Whats the best shape for someone coming off from 55mm 99a v5 bones? Conicals look fat as fuck but I wanna try a wider whell, especially since powersliding at high speed with bones feels like Im threading a needle. Also on thunder 147 and not using a riser, would I need a riser with a 55-56 mm spitfire wheel?

Anonymous No. 112124

Yeah that's what I'm saying.

Anonymous No. 112125

I’ve been riding lock ins for a while & they’re probably my favourite shape to ride. Asymmetrical conical basically with a flat inner side & curved outer side. The flat side makes grinds much more comfortable to hold but the tradeoff is that you lose speed faster because more friction

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pop your board.jpg

Anonymous No. 112126

Try this instead.

Anonymous No. 112128

I just tried this and I can confirm I lost my virginity. It works. Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 112131

what are some sell out poser tricks?

Anonymous No. 112132

current wheels
old wheels
[spoiler]i've never actually ridden any bones or spitfires because the fire guy cartoon feels too corny[/spoiler]
i'm riding 56s right now on a 5.0 venture lo which looks like it's 1 mm shorter than your thunders, imo throwing risers on low trucks kind of negates the point of low trucks to begin with.
as far as wheelbite goes, just riding these trucks stock w/out ever adjusting them it hasn't been too bad but if i learn really hard on a manual there's some bite. i haven't been jumping down anything due to tendonitis so idk how it'll feel for that but for flip in flip out manny shit it feels okay. if you like your trucks super loose 56 might be too big though.

Anonymous No. 112134

Kek it looks like weck

You should remake this picture but instead of the rocket Ollie draw him doing a fat boned Ollie and then send it to him

Anonymous No. 112135

Conicals are sick for slappies

Anonymous No. 112136

Anything where the board rotates more than 360 degrees or flips more than once

Anonymous No. 112137

Bros I'm hungover but I'm about to go for the morning sesh at the bowl because I told my mate I would

Anonymous No. 112139

Alright tnx for the info, guess Ill pull the trigger and get some fat wheels.
>just riding these trucks stock w/out ever adjusting them it hasn't been too bad but if I learn really hard on a manual there's some bite
this is basically how I run my trucks so It should work fine for me

>imo throwing risers on low trucks kind of negates the point of low trucks to begin with
I did this with my cruiser and my old ruckus trucks; it was kinda weird at first but after tightening them it works fine...what is actually the whole point of low trucks? Easier flip in flip outs? Stability from being low to the ground? I never really payed attention to it since my skate shop only has low trucks mostly.

Anonymous No. 112140

dont get injured bud...but you bowl guys seem tough af so you should be good imo

Anonymous No. 112142

I didn't mean tricks. Energy drink sellouts and social media posers

Anonymous No. 112144

The full release in September will be sick.

Anonymous No. 112146

you shouldn't need risers with a 55mm spitfire wheel if you didn't with a 55mm bones wheel, because imo they are the same diameter

Anonymous No. 112148

>be you
>hitting handrail (lol at anyone in this thread doing that)
>tesla pulls up
>old man gets out
>pulls out gun
>nervously points it at you as he walks up

Anonymous No. 112153

If I'm being 100% honest what I will actually do is call him a faggot and walk away, while considering calling the cops on his busybody faggot ass, but then remember I hate cops and I don't wanna bother with reports or anything police related, even if this mentally ill jew should probably be in jail. But that's just me. I wouldn't wanna waste my time with retarded shit.

Anonymous No. 112157

>Calling the cops
Handle it like a man you little pussy. Fucking embarrissing.

Anonymous No. 112158

Did you read what I wrote, braindead retard?

Anonymous No. 112159

I would do a fs 360 and ride away.

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Anonymous No. 112162

Anonymous No. 112166

You'd be going the same direction retard

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Richy Carrasco - ....webm

Anonymous No. 112168

See ya!

Anonymous No. 112171

lets be honest calling the cops would just end in you getting arrested or shot before the old guy.

Anonymous No. 112172

For what?

Anonymous No. 112174

for nothing? you need a reason for the cops to shoot or arrest you these days?

Anonymous No. 112176


Anonymous No. 112183

>mUsT bE wEcK

Weck is a faggot, only notable for being a living meme.

Anonymous No. 112185

I don't care how faggot it is, I'd call the cops and show them that video. I don't want this guy showing up again, more irate and trigger happy, the next time I want to hit that spot. That's fucking insane.
There's an older clip of some old fart calling the cops, then doing the galaxy brain thing of approaching the skaters with a fucking machete in hand. Cops shop up and arrest HIM.

Speaking of, have any of you had the cops called on you?

Anonymous No. 112186


Anonymous No. 112187

conical fulls are extremely fun wheels

Anonymous No. 112188

>lock ins
are these just re-branded tablets? I thought i'd love these wheels and they ended up feeling clunky and making ledge tricks awkward

Anonymous No. 112194

No, they are an Asymmetrical conical basically with a flat inner side & curved outer side

Anonymous No. 112196

>have any of you had the cops called on you?
Countless times when i was a teenager but never got charged with anything. They would mostly just show up and tell us to leave or sometimes they would take down our names but we would give them fake names.

Anonymous No. 112199

>be me
>be 18-20
>live in small town with small outdoor park run by douchebag
>outdoor park with indoor ramps from another park that shut down
>guy charges 15 dollars for the season if you live in 3 surrounding towns but 45 dollars if you live outside meaning my friends would never be able to skate there with me
>requires helmets
>is put on old tennis court with cracks and shit that would fuck you
>would just hop the fence and skate when dude wasnt around
>guy never takes cares of ramps
>hardly even covers any of it in the winter time
>eventually shuts down the park
>still hopping the fence and skating
>guy always rolling around to make sure nobodies skating constantly kicking me out
>after enough times he threatens to call the cops on me
>"what are you gonna do tell the cops theres a kid skating at the skatepark??"
>ok bye
>go skate dingy little diy i had across the street while he watches me
>drives around in circles 3 times watching me to see if i go back over
>the parking lot for the park was a hot spot for cops to sit and watch traffic
>on multiple occasions i would literally hop the fence in front of the cops (being a dumb kid testing my luck) and nothing fucking happened, not one cop ever got out of his car to kick me out
>after like 2 years of the park being shut down he rips the sheet metal off the ramps and some of the coping and stuff making it unskateable
>everything dissapears
>build a shitty diy where one section of the park was

there was a full fucking half pipe, small quarterpipes, huge quarter pipes, ledges, boxes, fun boxes, a full on wall of quarterpipe and more and it all went to shit and disappeared, absolutely fuck that guy

other times getting kicked out of spots by cops I just take my time packing my shit up while fucking with em. when I was like 25 a cop tried to what if I got hurt my parents would sue I laughed so hard and told that pig go fuck yourself. acab

Anonymous No. 112202

>Speaking of, have any of you had the cops called on you?

Once when I was a teenager, just skating some curbs in a suburb with my friends. Nothing crazy, just rolling off, shit slappies, roll on grinds, etc. Must have been there for 20 minutes and a cop car pulls up. Female officer comes out, says "look, some old fart in one of the houses over there called us. Can you just go around the block so we can say we did our job. You can come back later, we don't care, we're not going to respond to this gobshite again".
Pretty based, I have to say.

Anonymous No. 112204

Lmao based cops.

Reminds me of a time where me and my friends were chilling at some shit skate spot in our boring town and we were trying to skitch on tourist's cars as they stopped at the intersection. I tried to grab onto some guys bumper and he got out of the car and started screaming at me that he was going to call the cops and not to fuck with his car. I saw him on his phone so I bailed and started to skate back to the skatepark and then the cops drove past then did a u-turn and pulled up next to me on the sidewalk. They were like 'we just got a call that a guy was trying to ride on cars on his skateboard' and I was like 'uhh don't know that wasn't me' and then they were like 'well you match the description... just don't fuck around with the tourists this weekend mate' and they drove off.

Anonymous No. 112205

so did you fuck her?

Anonymous No. 112207

I wish. She was cute as hell. Long blonde hair, pale, short, seemed like she was in shape, very friendly. Teenage anarchist me was conflicted.

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Anonymous No. 112211

Just had a sesh at this bowl. Deep end is like maybe 8 feet but feels like it has 2 feet of vert, shallow end is 4 feet with 2 feet of vert. I got some slash grinds but it's really difficult to get lines in here, although I think I'll try skate it more often because it's a nice challenge

Anonymous No. 112214

Actually on second thought I think i am exaggerating everything in that post by about half a foot. It's still really hard to skate though lol

Anonymous No. 112216

i got the cops called on me last week literally for just skating down the street.

Anonymous No. 112223

Once when I was a teenager and I ran as soon as I saw them pull up and hid in a school, because I'm in yurop and cops here act different. Faggots straight up pulled up with their car hard braking and all 4 doors opened before it had even stopped. Luckily it was the old town and the architecture allows you to run in many different directions without being seen. More recently I was skating flat and some stairs in a public park when two faggot zogbots show up and try and start harassing me like cops usually do, except here you have to give them your ID, because the concept of freedom doesn't exist in yurop. Asked them if there's any law prohibiting me skating a public park considering I pay taxes, and why they're wasting taxpayer's money by wasting time harassing random people, but that's just what they do. They try to annoy and harass you until you're intimidated enough to not go there.

Anonymous No. 112230

What shitheap part of Europe do you live in???

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Anonymous No. 112231

OP lock in guy here, I can understand what you mean by the clunky feeling, they definitely take some time to get used to. I think because of their shape & wide contact surface they feel quite grippy / best when going straight forward as opposed to doing 360 reverts & lots of sliding.

That being said I have grown to prefer their stability & can slide perfectly fine compared to the slickness / slide-ability of the classic shape which would annoy me sometimes (i.e situations I would slip out of when riding classics but not when riding conicals / lock ins).

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Anonymous No. 112237

>ride 55mm wheels
>all the good spitfire shapes come in 54 and 56mm only(according to their site)
>only the tablets and lock-ins have a 55mm
>see on my locals site that he has a 55mm conical full???
>it sold out and he only has 55mm tablets left
>gotta wait till next year when he gets new anti-hero decks and spitfire wheels
Did he mislabel the wheels or does the magical 55mm conical full that I want exist somewhere?

Anonymous No. 112239

Not telling you if you wanna be an asshole about it.

Anonymous No. 112240

Very similar reason why I swapped to bones. They had the specific autistic wheel spec I wanted for some reason, even though I know I can ride almost any (normal) wheel.

Anonymous No. 112251

Hey guys got a recommendation for a good longboard?

Anonymous No. 112253

camera guy should have shot him for drawing

Anonymous No. 112255

The 3 foot long dildo up in Walmart

Anonymous No. 112256


Anonymous No. 112257

Do zoomers not like bowls because it's hard to do double 360 flips in them and they can't get a dopamine rush so easily?

Anonymous No. 112258

Wordle for skate videos

damn I suck at this

Anonymous No. 112264

All my local boomers are flat tech dudes. The 40+ year old I know is into freestyle and lands sick 720 shoves.

Anonymous No. 112265

40 year old boomers doing circus tricks is the gayest shit I've ever heard of

Anonymous No. 112266

I hear you but my last wheels were like 10mm smaller after 1 year so I never really cared about such a small size difference.

Anonymous No. 112267

Never heard of Rodney Mullen and Chris Haslam? lol

Anonymous No. 112268

Unfortunately I have

Anonymous No. 112269

Gee I don't know, maybe it's becuase bowls are scary, plus the "cool" thing to do is be a swaggy street skater.

Anonymous No. 112270

It looks pretty funky when I last saw it, but I checked out how it looks now and it does look like it's in a much better state.

I was pretty disappointed by Skater XL since the physics and animations just seemed off even at full release.

Anonymous No. 112271

Yeah the Session developers are very active, the last update was neat and they understand skateboarding.
I played Skater XL last winter all the time because of the online mode. You just skate with 10 random people on a map and can also built DIY spots with obstacles now.

Anonymous No. 112280

I do both

Anonymous No. 112281

how do i get a PAWG skater gf like bevup

Anonymous No. 112290

post his gf. I been watching his YouTube videos recently and haven't seen her, I don't think.

Anonymous No. 112293

I've been wondering if I should post about her in here too. She has a really nice ass, but I don't think she's white. Plus she's definitely not his gf.

Anonymous No. 112314

Ha, this is great. Got it in two.

Anonymous No. 112315

Hey man, you started it!

Anonymous No. 112317

Okay, who the fuck is this apparently rank ass team who was giving everyone staph infections? They've referenced it twice now.

Anonymous No. 112318

i hate jason ellis, he's such an annoying cunt. tony hawk is cool but jason ellis is punishing

Anonymous No. 112319

some cool spots in this

Anonymous No. 112321

i can't stand how the majority of skateboarders are just manchild retards with no real skills yet they still act so arrogant all the time.

Anonymous No. 112325

thats just modern men in general, it's not a skater thing

Anonymous No. 112328

when you're really into it but can't get out enough and practice and after a while of that it doesnt even feel worth trying. that hurts.

Anonymous No. 112329

What's stopping you from doing it? I find that skating 3 times a week is a good amount for me but I think as I get older I'll probably cut it down to twice a week

🗑️ Anonymous No. 112337

why goofy skaters naturally good at switch.

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Anonymous No. 112338

The worst part about frog skateboards is that they are all in like their late 20s or early 30s and they think shit like this looks good.

Anonymous No. 112341

work followed by obligations at home and feeling exhausted nearly all the time. the hours become narrow.
this looks like creepy ageplay gear for skateboarders. do not want.

Anonymous No. 112344

Not enough rap culture for ya zoomer? Reminds me of Mario Paint Composer for the SNES.

Anonymous No. 112345

good stuff

Anonymous No. 112348

You have to remember that it's not all about "practice". It's fine to just push around, cruise, look like shit, have fun. If it's work/life obligations stopping you from having a full session, I highly recommend just putting your board somewhere in your home and doing pivots and footwork-y shit 5 minutes at a time when you're idle.

Anonymous No. 112354

Literally where and how?

Frog skateboards are maximum reddit and coincidentally they're thrifted baiter's favorite thing of all time.

Anonymous No. 112358

Gifted Hater likes bowls? Based

Anonymous No. 112360

Yeah toilet bowls and drinking from them.

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Vans Skateboardin....webm

Anonymous No. 112362

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Anonymous No. 112363

New skater here. Been getting this hole on my shoe doing ollies. I know the hole is supposed to the like upper and closer to the tip of the shoe. How can I do that?

Anonymous No. 112364

That's a dog.

Anonymous No. 112368

>I know the hole is supposed to the like upper and closer to the tip of the shoe
do kickflips ya puffter

Anonymous No. 112369

>Literally where and how?
You're describing your cops as fucking stormtroopers, were you need to give IDs to security guards. Sounds pretty damn dystopic. I ask because I'm Euro and the cops here don't come on that hard.

Anonymous No. 112370

So me saying that cops are faggots that need to die in a fire is somehow me being an asshole to you personally and starting shit?

Anonymous No. 112371

Also, we're not talking about security guards. A security guard can catch these hands and fall asleep forever. I'm talking about the police, with which you can't be uppity, because they literally have more rights than you, especially in a police state like the EU.

Anonymous No. 112378

29yo anon here. started skating a few years ago, got some ollies, fs and bs180, fs and bs shoves and got stuck on learning the heelflip

now there's a miniramp in 20min of skating from me, so third week in a row i got there every morning before work for an 1-2hrs of JOY.

From being able to drop in and rock-to-fakie i built to rock-n-roll, bs 50-50 stall and grind, a boardslide, fakie rock, i have a super shitty tail stall which is more of a tail tap and fuck, every day is the best day (because i'm going through the easy part, i get it)

Now here goes the big question: my neck and my back are killing me. I slam 1-2 times in a sesh max, and most of the time they're very lucky graceful falls but my neck and back feel beaten up BAD. How do i keep going?

Anonymous No. 112379

>maximum reddit
what a redditor ass phrase

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Anonymous No. 112380

Anonymous No. 112381

I think Chris millic is a pedophile

Anonymous No. 112382

Get knee pads and learn to bail to your knees I guess

Anonymous No. 112387

No grab tricks, no vert, no thanks.

Anonymous No. 112388

has anyone here skated burnside?

Anonymous No. 112394

Play THPS4.

Anonymous No. 112396

What does that have to do with anything?

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Anonymous No. 112397


Anonymous No. 112400

I'm by no means a home theater.

Anonymous No. 112402

Chris millic owns frog

Anonymous No. 112403

I am asking what you thinking him being a pedo has to do with anything.
Not his relation to the post.

I think you are just trying to poison the well with namecalling and baseless slander because calling someone a pedo is the easiest way to vilify someone without the effort of coming up with a real reason to shit on someone.

Anonymous No. 112404

You are also a pedophile

Anonymous No. 112405

Stop bitching like you're on reddit anon.

Anonymous No. 112406

why are you defending a dude who doesn't know you or care about you though?

Anonymous No. 112409

Not him but I kept defending a dude from the other side of the world that was falsely accused of rape in instagram comments until I got banned. He messaged me and told me I have his respect. Pretty based.

Anonymous No. 112411

Looks like I struck the truth and it has caused you great butturt.

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original baker ams.png

Anonymous No. 112412

Who was the Jeanetty?

Anonymous No. 112413

If some prick brandished a gun at my friends I would wait until he holstered it and brain him with my trucks. Luckily if it was here I would know the handgun is illegal so he would have no recourse after the vicious beating. Retards who think it's funny to wave guns around people deserve to have it taken and thrown off a wharf

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Anonymous No. 112416

What does /esg/ think about enjoi?

Anonymous No. 112417

holy shit shut up retards
level of discourse is ur a pedo, ur a reddit
fucking pathetic general

Anonymous No. 112418

shut up pussy

Anonymous No. 112421

Getting out at all, that's what I mean. I always think of it as practice, anyway, because I'm always figuring myself out or trying to learn something, especially at the point I'm at.

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Anonymous No. 112425


Anonymous No. 112426

This you my nigga?

Anonymous No. 112433

louie just isn't as good at running things as eversole was. kind of awkward now too since marc is basically trying to do old enjoi again
he's literally me

Anonymous No. 112437

.i bought 4 Samarria Brevard decks that were on sale for 25 dollars online.
i havent cared about her or her skating since she became a short haired fatty, but its nice to know that enjoi is still putting her decks out since i know they're going to end up in the clearance bin.

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Anonymous No. 112444


Anonymous No. 112446

Man I hated when I was littleass kid playing THPS and an AC/DC song would come up and my older brother and dad would get all excited asking me about the music in the game and going "wachukno about that there AC/DC lil kid?". Like obviously nothing you cunts I just wanted to enjoy big combos. I do have nonstalgia for this song though

Anonymous No. 112448

THUG was and still is my favourite. I was metalhead purist as a kid when it came out, but there wasn't a single hiphop track in there that I didn't love.

It's also the last game to have actual skate footage used in the intro (until 1+2), and is probably the last one that reference core skating shit, rather than more mainstream pop culture with skating in it, which is why the series jumped the shark thereafter. It's been really cool to watch old skate videos for the first time and realise how many of the levels are made up of actual spots, with gaps pulled from the same videos.

Anonymous No. 112453

4 is the best game in the series. 3 had the best soundtrack.

Anonymous No. 112459

Replay 4. There's a good few turdy levels and too many minigame missions. I remembered it being much better than it was.

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Anonymous No. 112463

i preferred enjoi unfiltered

Anonymous No. 112480

You sound like a faggot

Anonymous No. 112481

I'm jealous. I want to build a mini but lumber prices are insane right now

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Anonymous No. 112495

i really like circus bullshit and non-tricks apparently
can anyone point me towards more skaters like Gou Miyagi or the Fancy Lad crew?

i also really want to drill holes in a board so i can add rope to it and swing it around while i ride but im unsure if i should do one rope two holes with one on each side to ride it like a horse reign or two holes on each side with two ropes so that they don't get in the way of me feeties

Anonymous No. 112497

Same. Your holes idea reminds me of this video:
Dead Dave
Osaka Daggers
Ben Koppl
Victor Cascarigny

Anonymous No. 112498

fuck yeah thank you

Anonymous No. 112503

Nice. I got so many cheap decks last month, the summer % sales are insane this year.

Anonymous No. 112504

I unironically do all the time. I have it down to the T and like all the turdy levels and minigame missions. As a kid I used to farm the baseball one for cash.

Anonymous No. 112506

patrick melcher
laban pheidias
nate sherwood
micah hollinger
william spencer

Anonymous No. 112507

this guy

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Mami Tezuka - SOR....webm

Anonymous No. 112510

Anonymous No. 112520

watched the china banks documentary, why dont any of the older anti hero guys tell raney beres to put some weight on, guy looks like a god damn twig lol

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Anonymous No. 112521

and if anyones wondering what happened with the old guy pulling the gun. still not arrested and has a persecution complex cause he voted trump lol

Anonymous No. 112523

>tesla owner
>trump supporter

yeah right

Anonymous No. 112524

>Aillon also said his wife was in the car at the time of the incident.

This reminds me of the one famous snow shoveling argument scenario. Speaking of which, if I was American I'd 100% own a gun. Wondering if I would have pulled my own in a scenario like this. Surely someone itt has a gun. Do you guys carry when you go skating?

Anonymous No. 112525

lmao one of the same reasons retards were callling it fake and staged on twitter. get a grip dipshit

Anonymous No. 112526

Calm down Mr. (((Wartenberg)))

Anonymous No. 112527

>Mr. (((Wartenberg)))
who? is this a reference to something?

people on twitter were also calling it fake because there were two camera people and the one person was holding a "professional grade camera" aka a handycam or some shit lmao. "why were they filming!?!?" fucking normies

Anonymous No. 112528


Anonymous No. 112529

He looks and acts like he's on meth

Anonymous No. 112530

I have several guns and I do not carry them when I go skating

Anonymous No. 112531

all the anti hero guys do tho so he fits right in

i see you have conceded, take care and shred

Anonymous No. 112532

>retard too dumb to understand why he got called retarded

stay oblivious

Anonymous No. 112533

Raney is literally the only one who looks like that on the team nowadays.

Anonymous No. 112535

You don't keep one in your car?

Anonymous No. 112539

I'm in California so no

Anonymous No. 112540

Oh sorry to hear that bro. Hopefully it gets better for you soon.

Anonymous No. 112542

>haven't flipped the board ot ollied in 2 months due to tendonitis
>360 flip and nollie nosegrind first try, don't feel rusty at all
>not even his property
what an absolute faggot
they are 100% gonna knob that rail though.
>carrying a gun while you skate
bad idea all around

Anonymous No. 112552

new danny renaud part

Anonymous No. 112561

Would rather be in California than europe

Anonymous No. 112563

Have you been to yurop?

Anonymous No. 112565

remember when he got drunk and tried to commit suicide? that was kind of weird. they really tried to sweep that up.

Anonymous No. 112575

>street skating

Anonymous No. 112577


Anonymous No. 112579

theres literally no reason not to buy bones reds bearings from aliexpress

Anonymous No. 112582


How long have you been skating? I think I felt much the same when I was just starting out but it's much easier to have fun once I figured out ollie, pop-shuvit, etc.

Just starting out tends to be the least fun part of any new skill, but it gets really fun once you get that shit down.

Anonymous No. 112584

Agreed, people buying swiss are too lazy to maintain and clean bearings

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Anonymous No. 112585

ok, this is epic

Anonymous No. 112590

skater girls

Anonymous No. 112593

>I have realized I much prefer watching skateboarding and playing skateboarding video games then actually skating.
/esg/ in a nutshell

Anonymous No. 112598

ceramics are more gooder for the wet streets of the northwest. but ok support china

Anonymous No. 112602

ive been like this since being forced to move back to the absolute miserable shithole """"city"""" im from. went from skating 4 times a week to like twice a month. gx vid almost made me want to leave my room

Anonymous No. 112604

lets just say he's skating very well for someone who fell off a 9 story building

Anonymous No. 112617

seems like a swell guy

Anonymous No. 112621

>all these people admitting to not skating or not wanting to skate just wanting to watch it or play video games
im never getting into an argument with anyone in here again.

Anonymous No. 112622

post skateboard

Anonymous No. 112623

Skateboarding is actually not fun

Anonymous No. 112624

couldnt be me, watching other people is just a way to get new ideas

Anonymous No. 112626

Okay, how do ceramics rate out of 10? It's entering wet times in Bongland, and I don't want to waste money replacing bearings until next spring again.

Anonymous No. 112631

>tfw skateboarding was actually unironically fun for me and I loved doing it but I had to tear my ACL and meniscus and now I still think about it literally every day

Not that I wish for anyone to get injured, but why did I have to be me and not some one else man? Right when I started recording to post webms in here too. Right when I was about to hit it off with the snowboard teacher cougar that skated at my local. Right when I was getting front heel noseslides to both regular and fakie. Right when I was about to finally try an anti hero deck. Right when they built this new sickass skatepark that's literally on California levels of perfect, and my country had never seen anything like it. It's not fucking fair man.

Anonymous No. 112632

>nigga things I'm finna wait 1-2 months for shipping just to potentially get a box full of random bolts

The fuck? I just go to my local whatchamacallit and get regular ass industrial bearings by the unit.

Anonymous No. 112634

Sad isn't it?

Anonymous No. 112635

why? so you can pretend its actually your board and live vicariously through me? no thanks

its plenty fun if your not a bitch

Anonymous No. 112636

>nigga can't even post his board

Why do you talk shit about other people when you don't even skate?

Anonymous No. 112637

please see my above post about not getting into arguments with people in these threads anymore thank u and have a nice day

Anonymous No. 112638

>can't post board because he doesn't skate
>ducks the smoke again

Anonymous No. 112640

>Okay, how do ceramics rate out of 10? It's entering wet times in Bongland, and I don't want to waste money replacing bearings until next spring again.
absolutely love em, they've lasted longer with less maintenance than the standard metal baring but ive been told they can chip easier from high drop impacts so i try to only use them for wet streets to save their durability otherwise they're fast as fuck

>>tfw skateboarding was actually unironically fun for me and I loved doing it but I had to tear my ACL and meniscus and now I still think about it literally every day
also tore my acl and didn't go to a doctor about it and now it has a painful and permanent audible popping sound when flexed. it effects everything I do and my skating, on top of making it easier for me to sprain my ankle which due to my age and eating habits is not healing anymore.

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Anonymous No. 112642

>a painful and permanent audible popping sound when flexed

Anonymous No. 112648

you could try all weather bearings. they start a little slower than reds but stay that way instead of getting shitty. or just buy cheap ass 20 dollar bearings and change them out every month
tbqh most skaters like drinking more than they like skating. my fren burnt out and quit literally right after he got sponsored lmao and the kid i knew who went pro does nothing but film golf videos now & hasn't even touched a board in years.
i love this shit way too much to ever stop, even being a cripple who could only slappy curbs for months was more fun than drinking or vidya but i also have unironic autism.

Anonymous No. 112656

im kinda still new to skating and all my fun is derived by the adrenaline from not dying when i fall

Anonymous No. 112663

what does posting your board even prove?

Anonymous No. 112664

It's about what not posting it proves.

Anonymous No. 112665

it proves im too smart to fall for your excuse to post your trans rights board

Anonymous No. 112674

Actually, they are in a throuple with dan

Anonymous No. 112675

Fuck, might cash in. I don't drop off heavy shit.

>knees popping
I've got this in both knees, right ankle from a nasty sprain as a teenager, my right elbow from a fracture, both shoulders from sprains (left one makes a whole series of grinding, popping noises if I rotate it backwards), my neck, my lower back, and my right hip. But I'm not getting younger and skating is worth all of that.

....hoping my hip gets better though. It aches like a bitch after an hour or two.

Anonymous No. 112677

>can't buy single bearings
>can't buy single shoes
>can't buy singles of anything even though no one's shit wears down perfectly evenly

This sucks man.

Anonymous No. 112681

Cariuma makes single shoes but they are illegal

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Anonymous No. 112685

I'm going to post my Smith grinds even if I don't get a single (you)

Anonymous No. 112693

It proves you can't even ride a skateboard.

Anonymous No. 112694

You can definitely buy singles of bearings, just obviously not from a skateshop.

Anonymous No. 112696

everyone that actually has a local shop should check their privilege. only having a zumiez and a vans store in Flyover City sucks dick

Anonymous No. 112697

Zumiez is your local.

Anonymous No. 112698

What does illegal mean? They are shoes for skating aren’t they?

Anonymous No. 112700

Lurk more, get off insta and youtube Dan

Anonymous No. 112705

Talk as much shit as you want about them, but the fact they're somehow the first skate shoe company to do this is worth SOME respect. Why none of the other companies immediately copied them baffles me.

Well duh, but I'd like to be able to get shit like a single Bones Red at my shop, rather than either buying generic ones or paying for shipping on a single fucking bearing.

Anonymous No. 112706

It literally doesn't matter though. You can also buy a spare box and pick one out whenever you need it. Same shit.

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Anonymous No. 112707

>tbqh most skaters like drinking more than they like skating. my fren burnt out and quit literally right after he got sponsored
yeah anyone whos been skating most their life knows plenty guys like this, choosing drinking and a more leisurely activity or just drinking in general over skating is common the more older you get. those dudes probably had a fulfilling skate experience and are fine hanging it up. but those arent the guys itt. in here its a bunch of 20+ year olds who can barely ollie talking about how they'd rather be playing skate video games and living through youtubers.
sometimes i feel like I could get the same enjoyment out of falling down a flight of stairs as i do from skating. the sesh doesnt start till you have a lil slam and get a lil hurt/shook.
it proves your a stupid son of a bitch who takes the bait

posting what I did last night

Anonymous No. 112708

I wish I had a vans store in my city to try out their skate shoes desu, baka fr fr

Anonymous No. 112709

Thoughts on FancyLad?

Anonymous No. 112710

>but the fact they're somehow the first skate shoe company to do this is worth SOME respect
its a gimmick for retards like you, not deserving of any respect
>Why none of the other companies immediately copied them baffles me.
because its a gimmick for retards like you, its only useful to people with no switch game who don't know how to use shoe goo.
>Well duh, but I'd like to be able to get shit like a single Bones Red at my shop, rather than either buying generic ones or paying for shipping on a single fucking bearing.
just save your old bearings and youll never have a problem with being autistic over one bad bearing

Anonymous No. 112719

fancylad is the only crew id even remotely care to be sponsored by i love them

Anonymous No. 112721

I only skate to win games of SKATE not because I like it

Anonymous No. 112722

Well I'm retiring my Indy trucks from 2007. I'm putting together a 8.25 deck with 54mm wheels. Should I go with 8.5 trucks instead of the 8 I've always used?

Anonymous No. 112723

keep axle length at or under board width if you want it to spin or rotate fast for flip tricks but if you want more traction at the cost of acceleration go with an axle length longer than the board width

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Anonymous No. 112726

It's wild how many dudes at my local have an imposter syndrome type deal with not feeling like it's right to call themselves skaters. Especially since these are guys that are actually on their board the most and just sit around and talk the least. I guess it's a good problem to have but still.

Anonymous No. 112727

I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 112728

No you should get 8.25 trucks???

Anonymous No. 112731

Reddit bullshit

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24 dollar shoes.jpg

Anonymous No. 112732

soletech brands labor day sale just started, 50% off lots of shoes, free ground shipping in america

remember to use code welcome20 at any of these sites at check out for an extra 20% off, makes lots of shoes 35 dollars or less. you can get a pair of barge ls for 24 fucking dollars right now, theyre good shoes. why are you paying 80 dollars on nikes or new balances or vans?

Anonymous No. 112733

God fucking dammit I made two new kickers and it's been raining ever since.

I like them because they skate the me and my friends do, like fucking retards.

Anonymous No. 112734

how are the emerica insoles compared to the standard sti ones?
also does emerica stil make anything like the reynolds 3 or is it all zoomer ballet shoes now?l
i'd still feel weird calling myself a skater even though i do it everyday and all the legit skater kids i knew quit like 15 years ago

Anonymous No. 112736

I'm tempted to try the Marana Fiberlites but I still have my current shoe plus 2 others to go through. Should I?

Anonymous No. 112737

emerica insoles are standard shit the g6 insoles are pretty nice. I throw some dr scholls in most my shoes these days. the reynolds 3 = the low vulc which are probably the most ballerina ass shoe they have lol

i take the sales as opportunities to stock up + try something new if I want to. i still have a pair of joslin vulcs i havent worn i bought around christmas time but I still might cop a style I havent tried before for the fuck of it.

Anonymous No. 112738

>Beatrice about to go pro for FA for having 2 tricks while being a black female
based skateboarding

Anonymous No. 112740

zack dowdy is a cool guy

Anonymous No. 112743

I NEED my wife Nelly to go pro so I can keep her cigarette addiction afloat

Anonymous No. 112747

Lmao no. He's a whiny little bitch who gives shit DIY advice and he dresses like a faggot. Plus I'm pretty sure he's a jew.

Anonymous No. 112751

post your fit

Anonymous No. 112753

if she put out a good part people would be more stoked for her, no clue why they're rushing this. she just got off of an injury let her recover and get a proper part out so we don't have another discussion about skating and meritocracy or whatever. she hasn't really progressed much but I've seen her do some cool things deff needs to retire the fs shuv out of grind already but she has okay manny game IMO .... she could put out a decent part if she really tried. going pro with her current output is just embarrassing and patronizing.

Anonymous No. 112754

skating is near impossible if youre friendless or have no friends that skate. its over. have fun normalfags

Anonymous No. 112755

we can follow each other on ig to bloat our importance/influence as a substitute for friends instead

Anonymous No. 112756

thin shoes feel so fucking weird. is this what being uncircumcised feels like.
>t. doesn't barge spots at 2am
jerry should turn the Instagram tranny pro for scifi

Anonymous No. 112757

whys this thread so dead? is there a secret discord everyones in?

Anonymous No. 112758

because i haven't been trolling it like I usually do and posting bait. i can get these threads going by talking about skater girls, trannies, how Europe is irrelevant, making up elaborate green text stories about some shit that never happened or my skate park crush. works every time but I didn't bother this thread.

Anonymous No. 112760

>or my skate park crush
based. always knew it was a LARPer or tranny posting this shit

Anonymous No. 112761

no my skate park crush is real I only see him once every other week now though

Anonymous No. 112762

>pick up skateboard
>go outside
>warmup, train, practice
>go home
whew lad that was fun, no friends required

Anonymous No. 112763

lol i use to feel like this last summer now I don't care anymore and just want to learn new tricks and git gud. even when I do skate with friends we end up doing our own thing the majority of the time, it's a rare occasion that we skate something together but I'll admit it is fun and one of my fave things about skating used to be hitting up spots with friends.

Anonymous No. 112765

>muh skateboarding is super serious
>can't have fun with a silly little wooden toy.

Anonymous No. 112766

I don't give a fuck about fashion or 'fits' because I am an adult man

Anonymous No. 112767

>adult man
>not giving a fuck what/how/why he puts clothes on his body and what he is trying to present or do
Thats not a man thats a manchild

Anonymous No. 112769

comfort and utility supersedes gay fashion fits. nobody thinks youre important enough as much as you believe except other vain queers that put too much thought into presenting themselves.

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Anonymous No. 112771

>comfort and utility
/fa/ggots are currently obsessed with dressing like an apprentice electrician from queens, this is your time to shine slobanon

Anonymous No. 112773

/esg/ irl sesh when bros

Anonymous No. 112774

still a terrible idea

Anonymous No. 112775

speaking of clothes i want a pair of 93s so bad but cant justify the price...$140 :/

Anonymous No. 112776

sure if ur in toronto

Anonymous No. 112777

I'm in the bay area in california :(

Anonymous No. 112778

imagine being from rhode island

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Anonymous No. 112782

>go skate
>didn't pop
>didn't pop
>this x 50
wow tonight kinda blew

Anonymous No. 112783

I would sesh with anyone in /esg/ but i'm not going anywhere, they have to come skate with me at my local

Anonymous No. 112787

>have no friends so dont do anything
yes thats exactly how you make friends

Anonymous No. 112788

How do I learn to skate I'm 32. Never done it before. I have horrible balance. The only park I've seen is really really crowded and small. And it's filled with hateful kids.

Anonymous No. 112789

why are shoes so expensive now? am I really going to have to buy 2nd hand shoes

Anonymous No. 112791

retard look here >>112732

Anonymous No. 112792

get on a board. the rest will sort itself out.

Anonymous No. 112793

>hateful kids.

Anonymous No. 112794

are those worth a shit or is it for flat footed mutant assclowns

Anonymous No. 112795

just kill yourself dipshit

Anonymous No. 112796

Where will everyone be skating this weekend and what tricks are you planning to learn?

Anonymous No. 112797

i will be skating my favorite park that is 1 hour away and learning switch heels, bs nose slide and crooked grinds. these are all tricks that I have done before but not very good at... ledge skating scares me

Anonymous No. 112798

Why do they need an account to get the deal off

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Anonymous No. 112799

here, and impossible.

Anonymous No. 112800

What park is that?

Anonymous No. 112801

Gonna chill tomorrow and have a thing on Sunday, gonna work on 5050s on transition on Monday I think. I have to crack getting out onto the deck of the ramp proper. I can do slashers no problem, but getting my weight out and over is hell. Would appreciate any tips. I'm thinking that doing some roll outs would help, but idk.

Today I figured out that no comply 180s into nosegrab stalls are super easy and fun to do, and it makes me feel like pivot tail stalls are much easier than I thought.

Anonymous No. 112802

>ledges infront of the bank
Why? who designed this piece of shit? Is this out of a videogame?

Anonymous No. 112803

I'm really scared of getting hurt. And I don't know where to practice. Everyone in my neighborhood is gonna make fun of the old man falling over a board
They're of a different race than me and very vocal on it

Anonymous No. 112804

What race are the kids?

Anonymous No. 112805

you can still get up onto the bank from any of the 4 corners.

Anonymous No. 112806

that sucks. every kid/teen of every race at my skatepark is a sweetheart. the biggest hater that comes there is some loud portuguese crackhead and nobody wants him around.

Anonymous No. 112807

Go fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 112809

I wear skate shoes from a skate company and I don't skate. Not trying to seem like I do. Will the locks skaters take an automatic stiletto to me?

Anonymous No. 112810

For me feeble stalls are easier than 50-50 stalls because they don't require as much accuracy on the front truck. So if you're having trouble doing 50s maybe try them instead?

Anyway, that aside, the only trick tip I have for 50s is to be already turning your shoulders into the grind as soon as you're at the coping. This will probably make sense once you start being able to commit to getting all your weight up there.

Anonymous No. 112811

calling out people who don't skate wearing skate shoes hasn't happened since like 2005 and it was only middle and high school kids doing that

Anonymous No. 112812

dang yeah that checks out 2005 was the last thing I remember thanks bud

Anonymous No. 112813

LARPing tranny, didn't you say you hung out with him once and things didnt work out or something? keep your story straight

Anonymous No. 112814

Fucking poser faggot

Anonymous No. 112815

beatrice domond is one ugly n*gro

Anonymous No. 112816

Bro I'm not posin I'm just poor

Anonymous No. 112817

it's a nice little park made by Spohn ranch on the east coast
that was my other skatepark crush I have more than one, usually 1 or 2 guys at each park I skate :)
she was a cute kid, her FA school pic is adorable

Anonymous No. 112818

she looked like every other little n*glet

Anonymous No. 112819

I'm going to take my new kicker to my local patch of pavement and practice riding switch

Anonymous No. 112821

How big is your kicker? I kinda want to make a kicker too, would be fun

Anonymous No. 112822

what are you talking about retard?

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spitfire concrete.png

Anonymous No. 112823

More shit for dweeb zoomers to wear because they think it will make them look like men who work with concrete lmao. I can't wait to see the tryhard hesher faggots at my local wearing this shit and ask them what local concrete contractor they work for and watch the spaghetti spill. So fucking lame

Anonymous No. 112824

don't fuck with me many all trying to fuciin stop me and check in. why do I need account for smtke of the nut not all?

Anonymous No. 112825

ur mum lets me mix her

Anonymous No. 112826

are you in NJ since for some reason they love making 300 parks there while
my shithole state has none nearby, just tiny miserable parks made by dicks

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Anonymous No. 112828


Anonymous No. 112830

canvas shoes are literally for non-skaters anon. before they died a pretty big chunk of supras catalog were unskatable. fwiw pacsun has existed long enough now that i doubt pretty much anyone will care and why are you trying to impress judgy teenagers to begin with anon, just give them drugs if you want to have sex with them so bad
sage elesser is one pretty n*gro
my knee is catching now after being a retard and trying to olliemaxx with no warmup so idk if i'm gonna skate at all for a few days

Anonymous No. 112831

What shoes do you skate in weirdo? Everyone uses canvas

Anonymous No. 112833

how do i (30 yr old male, virgin) get a virgin 18 year old skatepark gf

Anonymous No. 112835

It will probably rain but I want to land better wallrides at the local.

Anonymous No. 112840

I can't afford gas will a skateboard work? Can you travel cross country on one

Anonymous No. 112843

canvas shoes are comfy to skate

Anonymous No. 112848

You the dude that actually works in construction?

Anonymous No. 112849

why are you so ass blasted over a shirt? grow up faggot lmao

Anonymous No. 112851

groom them

Anonymous No. 112852

>What shoes do you skate in weirdo? Everyone uses canvas
the fuck are you talking about? no they fucking dont.

i bet he gets mad when girls wear carhartt beanies

Anonymous No. 112857

these threads just get trolled to shit after the bump limit is reached
new thread here:

Anonymous No. 112863

1 foot high by 3 and a half ft long foot long makes a great ramp for skating. Easy to carry and you can put it on a curb for more height.
I made another but 2ft high but I think it needs at least 5ft of length to be a decent kicker. As it is it's more of a steep bank. It even sucks to hit on the fat bike

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Anonymous No. 113479

i still got my pot belly and weight like closer to 300 than i do 200 (260) and i feel like getting out there like i did when i was 160 i can still kickflip 50/50 180 ollie over stuff and noseslide (most of that i believe) i wanna go do that, i dont care if im in running shoes , should i "just go skate"? im like 50, walk for 2 hours for many miles for years. nice nasty fat look too so its totally stupid funny looking way to me! haha (no vert, that would be top funny tho)

Anonymous No. 113833

Is this from Antihero?

Anonymous No. 114278

its from Menikmati
