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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General - Early Bird Edition

Anonymous No. 112856

Yes were still on page 1, no I dont care.
youre never too old or too fat to skate, just dont be a bitch!

wtf I love enjoi now?
scumbags goin fast:

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more to come in the next week, shirley. hold on to your wallets

old thread

Anonymous No. 112859

yuro skateboarding > japanese skateboarding > merican skateboarding

Anonymous No. 112861

correct but Im a biased yuropoor

Anonymous No. 112870

Because I actually have to live the life of a mason which is not nearly as fun as these kids think it is, yet these kids want to pretend they know what it's like because they built a diy spot one time. It's like cultural appropriation or some shit

Anonymous No. 112871

>because they built a diy spot one time

I feel like the people that will wear these have never built anything ever. Building a diy is still respectable, no matter how shitty.

Anonymous No. 112872

I disagree, anyone can mix some concrete and slap it up against a jersey barrier and then have it fall apart in like 2 months because they tried to feather finish quikrete

The shirt is actually kind of sick though, I want one desu

Anonymous No. 112874

i don't think anyone wants to pretend to be a construction wagie, they just want to make a shitty quarterpipe with their bros. do you also think the royal hawaiian pool service wished they actually cleaned pools?

Anonymous No. 112875

Bro I'd agree with you but I don't think you understand how many guys I personally know that got dumped by their girlfriends as soon as they moved in together, because they literally cannot assemble a shelf. Can't change a car battery. Can't drill a hole to install a curtain rod. Can't resolder a dry joint. Dudes that go into a store with a picture of a pair of dykes on their phone ready, because they don't know the name of the tool they're looking for. A literal grown having his car overheat in the middle of the road while his bitch was there annoyed and angry for having to wait an hour, that called me to come over and change his temp sensor, that he had a spare of in his glove department after I had given it to him previously, and showed him how to change it. Maybe it's a yuropean thing I don't know, but anyone that has the balls to mess with concrete or build anything to skate on gets respect.

Anonymous No. 112876

>safety orange t shirt that says concrete service
>not pretending to be a construction worker

Anonymous No. 112880

Any recommendations for boards and trucks for big boys like me? My fatass bent the center bushing of my trucks just riding around the park. Now they’re forever wonky :(

Anonymous No. 112881

How fat are you?

Anonymous No. 112884

Lose weight.

Anonymous No. 112887
construction twink thinks hes hard but he would bitch out of a fight like this

Anonymous No. 112889

>risking a fight with the local tweaker that lives for street fights
not a smart way to go out homie, you dont wanna get shived in the back

Anonymous No. 112890

I would break this faggot's jaw right then and there.

Anonymous No. 112893

300 lbs at 6’1

Anonymous No. 112895

i think it's fucked up to reuse a song that was already in someone's part/video. it's just lazy especially with all the music out there today. it really loses my respect.

Anonymous No. 112898

stop spamming this shit you fucking aussie rat

Anonymous No. 112904

>FancyLad preemptively stealing all my video song ideas

Anonymous No. 112907

I'm not a nigger so I wouldn't get in a street fight for no reason

Anonymous No. 112918

>I can't wait to see the tryhard hesher faggots at my local wearing this shit and ask them what local concrete contractor they work for and watch the spaghetti spill.
youre worse. you target skatepark kids with mid trash talk and assume they wont get their older sibling to get your groomer ass

Anonymous No. 112922

>this guy ranting about a fucking t-shirt because its orange
so many fucking skate companies make the green/orange colored construction type shirts its crazy to think somebody would take such offense to it. this is what happens when you have no fucking life besides your job and you make that your whole identity. more than half the dudes I know and skate with do some kind of construction/manual labor for work and none of them have ever complained about shit like this faggot is. guarantee you this guy either has a fat gf or no gf, no friends besides the other miserable fucks he works with and when/if he skates he focuses more on whatever the kids are doing rather than his own skating. truly pathetic shit, get a grip homie.

whats your current set up? did you get some wal mart shit or something? theres one or two companies that make super durable boards that will bend under intense weight, gutbro/dadbro rides one of them and can attest for em but I dont know about trucks you definitely dont want hollows you might break em lmao

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Anonymous No. 112936

Why are you mad and projecting on my man anon just because he shared his opinion on a t-shirt?

Anonymous No. 112938

Did you already buy the shirt or something?

All these cunts that wear the hi-vis skate shirts want to look like they are blue collar but they're just rich fucks with no personality. Fuck em.

Anonymous No. 112939

i cant do any of that, you don't have to be mean about it.

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sam hyde fight.webm

Anonymous No. 112940

If i see a single dyel twink wearing a wannabe concrete worker orange t shirt this is what i will do to them, i swear to cardiel.

Anonymous No. 112941

Why not? You should try become more self reliant. It's good for you.

Anonymous No. 112942

its never come up. people arent coming out of the womb with the ability to do things, you're just being an asshole for no real reason

Anonymous No. 112943

How old are you? If you are underage just blink twice

Anonymous No. 112945

i'm 27

Anonymous No. 112946

How the fuck are you 27 and you've never had to change a car battery?

Anonymous No. 112947

hi vis is actually pretty nice if you like to skate roadway spots at night. considering like 99% of all jersey barriers are on the road. they also built all these cool ass highway dividers here that make amazing bank/bump/manny pads but you can only reasonably skate them at like 2am.
i've heard guys who deknob rails/barge pools etc like to wear that kind of shit because it makes you look way less sus to randos
earn a professional wage and you don't need to know literally any of this. also my dad did all those manual jobs so when something breaks i just call him :)

Anonymous No. 112948

never owned a car

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Anonymous No. 112949

It was over before it even began

Anonymous No. 112950

nta but i consider it a courtesy not to learn this shit so that i can pay my wagie bros to fix things for me. hope your kid likes that new bike i bought him

Anonymous No. 112952

>it's a courtesy to be a man that doesn't even know how to change a car battery

The fucking state. It's worse than I even thought. Maybe I should be giving these concrete mixing kids a bit more credit...

Anonymous No. 112954

the funniest part about this faggot crying about "cultural appropriation" is that the shirt is part of a pro collection for Austin Kanfoush, who actually does work trade jobs and does house remodeling in San Francisco.

and instead of simply understanding the context of the shirt like any skater would, he's here seething about it over two different threads.

Anonymous No. 112955

Stop replying to yourself and go learn how to change a car battery

Anonymous No. 112956

People learn things out of interest or necessity.
In 2022 in the US, you can get your car battery changed free of charge quickly at most places that sell them. You can extrapolate this to many skills that a lot of people don't know how to do in line with development. I don't why this needs to be explained, did you not think about this for longer than 5 seconds?

Anonymous No. 112957

Yeah but you're 16 so you still have time to learn. It's ok.

Anonymous No. 112958

I work on clinical trials, so chances are I earn more than you do. I'm just not a bitchass and can do basic shit on my own.

Anonymous No. 112959

People make up the biggest copes for being retarded lmao.
>i'm too rich to do that
>someone else can do it for me
>i don't need to know how because someone else can do it for me

Fucking URBANITE bug people

Anonymous No. 112960

>trade wagie spends his day off ranting and replying to everyone
stop arguing with this retard he doesnt even skate lmao

Anonymous No. 112961

Sorry you've attached your self-worth to something most people are completely functional without.
Go kick rocks you fucking sore loser.

Anonymous No. 112962

Can you guys do backside slappy 5050's?

Anonymous No. 112963

>''''professional''''' wagie spends his day off coping about how he doesn't need to know how to do anything because he'll just pay someone else to do it for him

Why don't you go watch a youtube video on how to change your car's oil or something else useful?

Anonymous No. 112964

Yeah I determine my self worth by how capable I am at building/fixing things. Pretty sure men have been like this since the dawn of time. What is the issue here? More mental gymnastics to justify being a bugman?

Anonymous No. 112965

In 2022 you can also watch a 2 minute youtube video and learn yourself so you're a retardedass bitch with your bitchmade excuses. You have zero excuses.

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Franky Villani&#0....webm

Anonymous No. 112966

Anonymous No. 112967

Or just get it changed at the store for no additional cost since you're there anyways?

Anonymous No. 112968

those men were literal slaves anon

Anonymous No. 112969

There's nothing wrong with being proud of that you smooth brained retard.
It's when you throw a tantrum because other people haven't found the necessity to learn those specific things and want to prescribe everyone should learn it because of your inflated ego and nothing else.

Anonymous No. 112970

>People make up the biggest copes for being retarded lmao

Literally my friend that kept saying what this child says here >>112947. Hurr durr I studied so I can make money and pay people to do x and y. I don't need to be able to do anything, because I can pay someone to do it for me. Same guy that moved in with his gf and she wanted to brake up after two months, because he's literally useless. Doesn't even have a driver's license, let alone a car. They kept using ubers or begging me to haul shit for them. Kid can't reinstall windows. Delivery dudes show up with some small furniture they ordered, and he gets frustrated they refuse to assemble it, because he didn't include it in the order, and thought they're obliged to. Has to call me to come over and help, because he doesn't even want to try, and doesn't have basic tools, and his bitch is obviously annoyed. Like call me over to fuck your bitch for you at this point. But yeah I guess your "professional wage" is a valid excuse to be a nu-male.

How are you gonna get your car to the store to get the battery changed if it's already dead and needs changing, genius?

>It's when you throw a tantrum because other people

Says the guy throwing a tantrum over here >>112922 projecting his hardest talking about no gf and whatever else, just because someone doesn't like a t-shirt.

Anonymous No. 112971

>How are you gonna get your car to the store to get the battery changed if it's already dead and needs changing, genius?
Get a frend to jump it?

Anonymous No. 112972

more skating and less BITCHING

Anonymous No. 112973

Like how you get a friend to drive you around, or like how you get a friend to come over and put together a shelf for you, or like how you get a friend to fuck your hoe? Battery can't be jumped, and it's dead, what do you do? You wont go buy one and change it yourself?

Anonymous No. 112974

*writes off repair as business expense*
my time is too valuable to bother with beaner labour. nuthin personell tradie ""contractor""

Anonymous No. 112975

Do you also pay other people to skate in your place?

Anonymous No. 112976

If i'm in such a position where I have to do that then yes, OUT OF NECESSITY LIKE I'VE BEEN SAYING RETARD, i'd have to learn that skill.

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Anonymous No. 112978

Anonymous No. 112980

Ok so you're 16 and haven't lived long enough to have that necessity yet. Got it.

Anonymous No. 112981

>implying you know how to do that
You just gonna rely on your friend to jumpstart your car and provide jumper leads for you as well?

Man I just don't get how people can exist and not have the curiosity to know how things work or the desire to build and fix things. Like my dream is to one day build my own house for my family, and getting to learn how to do all the different trades that I don't usually have the opportunity to learn. I understand if people don't want to take it that far but to exist in this world and not even care about how your car is maintained or that kind of shit is just bizarre to me.

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Fancy Lad's ....webm

Anonymous No. 112982

Anonymous No. 112983

do you use the same kneepads for skating and paving cement to blow my dick

Anonymous No. 112984


Anonymous No. 112985

Wow, you cleverly deflected to me just repeating what I said initially, so you wouldn't have to deal with the fact your ego is attached to something so pathetic.
This retard is doing the same thing. Making a roundabout to my original point creating a situation where it becomes a necessity.

Anonymous No. 112987

see >>112958 and stay mad

Anonymous No. 112988

see >>112984

Anonymous No. 112989

based webm bro trying to save the thread and keep it focused on skating kek godspeed anon.

Anonymous No. 112990

Nah pussy, you literally said this >>112950 stupid shit that it's courtesy not to learn basic man things. You're not gonna weasel yourself out of this by moving the goalposts and damage controlling.

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Anonymous No. 112991

That's not me.

Anonymous No. 112992

Cope with having more money than you while also being self sufficient? Ok I'm coping hard then.

Anonymous No. 112993

Being able to do basic shit like maintain your car, fix a lawn mower, put a shelf up isn't what I think of when I say my ego is attached to my ability to build/fix things. That kind of stuff is just like the baseline to be a human. Even my wife can do that stuff (and more).

Anonymous No. 112994

how often does your shit break lmao. in the last 10 years all i've had break was a blender and some cheap ass space heater & getting a replacement cost less than 30 bucks.
maybe you aren't actually that good at fixing things wagie-kun.

every boomer has such a retarded sense of pride about being able to change a tire because it was the only positive interaction dad when he wasn't plastered off his ass or fondling them.

Anonymous No. 112995

You replied to a post replying to that post, making arguments to defend that statement, so even if you specifically didn't post it, it's still you.

Anonymous No. 112996

>That kind of stuff is just like the baseline to be a human
Except it's not in 2022 US like I've stated.
If it were, then everyone would know how to do it because it would be a necessity.

Anonymous No. 112997


Whatever bro. Just remember that the next time you're useless and your bitch is annoyed with you being a nu-male, I'll help you out and her at the same time.

Anonymous No. 112998

cope with being a midwit that lucked his way into middleclass yet not bright enough to value their time, like derailing a skateboard thread to flex about watching youtube tutorials

Anonymous No. 112999

Except most guys do, you're an outlier that we tend to call a beta male. Are you the same kid that said he prefers watching skate videos instead of actually skating? I wouldn't be surprised if you were.

Anonymous No. 113000

Ok dude I concede like the little bugman that I am.

Anonymous No. 113001

The average American in 2022 is not a good metric to base your standards off

Anonymous No. 113002

>no argument
>has to resort back to projecting

Same reason you had to get bitched and get called out. Stay a bitch I guess.

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Anonymous No. 113003

>Stay a bitch I guess.

Anonymous No. 113005

>more projecting

Too easy.

Anonymous No. 113006

>insult hits too close
oh fuck it must be projection

Anonymous No. 113007

I would bet my life savings that you look a lot more like that guy than me and the other DIY-bro in this thread do.

Anonymous No. 113008

is that gifted hater

Anonymous No. 113009

Things that aren't true aren't insults.

Anonymous No. 113010

easiest $300 in shitcoins and fentanyl i won in my life

Anonymous No. 113011

yes because neither of you are white gonzalez

Anonymous No. 113012

Post body

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John Cardiel - Me....webm

Anonymous No. 113013

Anonymous No. 113014

Any of you boomers watching Vert Alert? Fucking 9 year old girls doing god damn McTwists mid run. God I wish I could skate vert.

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Sour Files 16, Th....webm

Anonymous No. 113015

Anonymous No. 113017

Where can i watch it?

Anonymous No. 113018

>one guy says he doesn't like a t-shirt and I say a lot of men today can't use a screwdriver
>ur a faggot
>ur gf is fat
>ur a virgin
>u have no friends
>ur a miserable wagie
>ur also not white

Bro imagine getting triggered into hardcore projecting by someone not even addressing you directly. Literally a yell faggot in a room full of people and someone answering with no I'm not type of thing. That's sad.

Anonymous No. 113019

whenever i feel like too much of a pussy to try something on tranny i watch this literal children skating oververt and do the trick out of shame.

Anonymous No. 113020

hey now i also said you were molested don't forget that one

Anonymous No. 113021

also if it's any cope, aerials are much easier when you are small which is why kids excel so much in gymnastics. if you are fearless enough it is pretty easy to flip your body around at 5' tall

Anonymous No. 113022

Assuming you guys even own and ride skateboards. Did you ask the guy at the skateshop to build it for you, or were you a boy about it and you did it yourself?

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Anonymous No. 113023

go jack off to a video of you changing a car battery

Anonymous No. 113024

kek were you the kid who's parents had a little money so you gave people shit to hang out with you? If you carry that over to adulthood it becomes embarrassing

Anonymous No. 113025

why are you guys like this?

Anonymous No. 113026

Lol I'm actually the guy who made that post that one time about the guy crossthreading all the nuts when he put my trucks on for me. I'm also the guy who works in construction and is agreeing with you in this thread. The one time I let someone else work on my shit for me they fucked it up and I had to go out and buy all new hardware for my deck. Serves me right desu. Moral of the story; if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself. Luckily it was just my skateboard and I didn't have some retard not tighten my oil filter or some shit which would have been REALLY expensive to fix.

Anonymous No. 113027

Answer the question zoomer.

Anonymous No. 113028

4chan at this point is split down the line of people who come here to actually discuss and learn about their niche hobbies on one side and then people who just come here to shitpost and get dopamine hits on the other side.

Anonymous No. 113029

i just buy wal mart completes :)

Anonymous No. 113030

holy based

Anonymous No. 113031

I literally always carry tools and spares for everything I can so I can set up a board or change/fix something anywhere any time. If I was American I'd make sure to own a gun so anyone that tries to touch my skateboard would get shot right then and there no bars held. Even my first skateboard I set up myself.

Anonymous No. 113032

I would genuinely like to know the answer

Anonymous No. 113033

I would genuinely like to now your answer.

Anonymous No. 113034

How come Bevup gets TWO sexy skater gfs? Sick world :(

Anonymous No. 113035

he cuts down maple trees and makes his own decks and everything from scratch like the BIG MANLY ALPHA that he is

Anonymous No. 113036

Anonymous No. 113038

bevup almost got cucked by the 4 BBCs

Anonymous No. 113040


Anonymous No. 113041

damn that beatrice girls instagram is cringe

Anonymous No. 113042

meg is so cool and cute holy shit, that gap ollie was sick

Anonymous No. 113045

Bevup is a virgin.

Anonymous No. 113046

Fuck off slap

Anonymous No. 113047


Anonymous No. 113049

tbqh i think went you work in any profession you develop the mentality of 'why the fuck would anyone ever pay for this?' chefs probably feel the same way about food.
my dad worked handyman jobs, fixed cars, built cabinets and got absolutely fucked for it. he broke his body working hard and covering everyone who ever needed it and his only reward was to still be cleaning toilets at 70. the best thing he ever did was take a pay cut and become a meter cop for the city. that might be the least socially useful job in the world but he gets paid to walk around and give tickets to rich faggots & make them mad instead of breaking his body for niggers who wont even pay his workman's comp.
modern economies simply do not value you adequately for hard skills because you can teach eduardo and his 12 cousins to do the same job for half the price and he's not union.
i literally fuck around and draw tits on the internet and make more than i ever did doing hard labor, that's not a brag, it is simply the reality.

Anonymous No. 113050

Prove it by drawing Tony Hawk with tits.

Anonymous No. 113052

>my job is useless and does nothing for society so yours must be the same

Anonymous No. 113053

tradetard cant read to nobodys surprise

Anonymous No. 113055

vert alert best trick live stream

Anonymous No. 113056

That sounds cool I wish I had an easy job

Anonymous No. 113057

i wonder how much of an advantage jimmy wilkins gets from being a lanklet, he makes those vert ramps look like a mini

Anonymous No. 113059

I'd like jimmy wilkins if he didn't have a rockstar logo on his helmet at all times, kinda like bucky lasek

Anonymous No. 113060

Eh, frontside airs like this are on my backlog of tricks to eventually get around to, so even a 1 foot air on a miniramp at my height and weight would be great.

Anonymous No. 113062

>my dad in his 50s
>egg shaped, orangutan titties, can't do a single push up, won't even walk down the street when he needs to go to the shop, smokes like a factory and can't breathe for shit, talks about the one time he ran a half marathon in his early 20s

>these guys in their 50s
>break bones, heal up, fly through the fucking air 15+ft up, spinning and flipping, just to have fun and entertain people

These guys give me such hope for getting old.

Anonymous No. 113065

I regularly skate with a bunch of guys like that, they seem to have less trouble skating than they do walking

Anonymous No. 113068

I'm going to go to a pool an hour and a half from me in the hopes I'll see some of the old timers there. I don't quite understand how they can get up to the top of these deep ass pools like it's nothing, but yeah, once they're done skating they just look like granddads hobbling along.

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Anonymous No. 113071

Have any of the rest of you done damage to your groin muscle, then spent weeks paranoid you'd got testicular cancer or ligma or something?

Anonymous No. 113072

Why does it always feel like I'm going fast as shit but then I watch the footage back and I'm literally moving at a snails pace? Do I really need to go even faster? I don't know if I wanna go that fast though.

Anonymous No. 113074

That's why fisheye lenses are so abused. I swear, the only skating that's actually as fast as you think is bowl.

Anonymous No. 113077

I think i need to just skate as fast as i can go. maybe then my footage wont look so ass.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 113079


Anonymous No. 113082

no but i remember pulling my groin playing soccer in high school and that shit SUCKED, wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy, rest up anon.

Anonymous No. 113083

lmao dude shit always feels like that for me too, especially when I slam it feels like a hall of meat tier slam then watch the clip and it's the most stupidest looking bail I have ever seen but yeah chances are everything looks way more lame than it actually feels unless you're really hauling ass

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Anonymous No. 113097

Just booked a trip to Portland in late september. Going up for my wife's best friend's wedding but we are going to be up there for 5 days. What skateparks in the area does everyone recommend checking out? I don't care about street. So far I'm planning on going to
>burnside (probably won't even enjoy it, i hate painted concrete but i need to at least see it)
>lincoln city

Anyone else got recommendations? I just want to skate bowls and tranny.

Anonymous No. 113105

Damn I wish I could skate but at this rate I'll end up like your dad.
I have no clue with skating and I'm too old to learn

Anonymous No. 113111

was thinking this too, is there a repository or a thread where all the music used in skate parts is listed?

Anonymous No. 113115

jesus for a second I thought he ollied that car from flat
good clips anon keep up the gods work

Anonymous No. 113116

I got proper thunders a while ago and never assembled trucks before. He didnt remove the bottom tags so they stick out now and he didnt mark my old trucks(I can recognize them but it still irked me). He also pushed in to 2 plies one of the front bolts while another bolt wasnt even in properly. Never again, now I change that shit on my own and Im gonna grip my next board, these guys get too comftorable if they already got your money.

Anonymous No. 113119

but it is fairly limited
desu the reality is that you're never gonna be able to track down every shop/homie/tour/youtube/snowbaord/ski/rollerblade/bmx video and know that your song 100% hasn't been used

you can bet that spike, ty and podium were super autistic about that and even they didn't catch everything
because you're playing an fps and skate footage is tps

Anonymous No. 113120

if u want a pale ginger sk8r bf cum find me at the skatepark during nautical twilight hours uwu ;);)

Anonymous No. 113121


Anonymous No. 113126

does a pretty good job listing credits and songs

Anonymous No. 113128

I remember landing my board right into my gooch.
My dick couldn't get erect for months.

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Gou Miyagi - over....webm

Anonymous No. 113135

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Timescan 1.5.webm

Anonymous No. 113136

Anonymous No. 113138

how do u guys make webms on macos? i tried using handbrake but it's impossible to get even a 3 second clip under 3mb

Anonymous No. 113140

Shotcut. It works on Linux, macOS and Windows

Anonymous No. 113141

i just google webm maker

Anonymous No. 113144

how do you get the right file size on shotcut?

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Anonymous No. 113146

Trial and error. Read this thread:

Anonymous No. 113147

i'm new to skateboarding, how much toe room should there be when wearing skate shoes?

Anonymous No. 113148

You can train it, just ride around fast every session and do some high speed ollies

Anonymous No. 113149

beatrice fucking sucks Im glad so many people are fucking saying it. cuck responses like "shes better than you" or "shes not taking the spot from anyone" are fucking lame and annoying

are you joking? wear your standard shoe size so the shoes fit...

Anonymous No. 113150

sorry, i just thought that it would be difficult to skate and perform tricks if the shoe size was too big

Anonymous No. 113152

i wear my shoes a little big and i can do tech stuff just fine. imo having some room in the toe feels better when jumping down stairs; go with what you find comfortable desu.

Anonymous No. 113155

thanks homie

yeah even on slap people are saying it. in the grand scheme of things i dont give a fuck who is pro or not for FA though desu

Anonymous No. 113156

i don't understand why girls aren't better at skateboarding desu

Anonymous No. 113157

it definitely does, look for a shoe that locks in your ankle properly first and foremost IMO

Anonymous No. 113158

Girls are trash.

Anonymous No. 113160

Men are just physically superior to women. That's not even a diss, just the way it is.

I actually like watching girls skate, I think they look retarded skating street but in tranny they can look really sick and I get stoked as fuck whenever I see girls skating the bowl at my local.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 113164

physically superior is a broad statement. ever watched the videos of period pain simulations?

Anonymous No. 113166

any one ever ordered a deck from CCS and used the apply the grip option? did they fuck it up? sounds like nice hospitality service but I rather do it myself than risk air bubbles

Anonymous No. 113167

why would you ever want someone else to grip your board past the age of 12?

Anonymous No. 113168

it hurts my fingys :(

Anonymous No. 113170

i grip my own boards but they look like shit because i'm an autistic with poor motor skills and touching grip feels like nails on a chalkboard

Anonymous No. 113173

Why? There is no part that takes a lot of force and you shouldn't need to scrape your fingers on the grip. You should practice, I believe in you.

Anonymous No. 113175

Lmao the grit of the griptape probably wears out his skin
Probably the same kids who dont want to change car batteries

Anonymous No. 113176

no that's me
i am literally too retarded to do almost anything besides flip a skateboard

🗑️ Anonymous No. 113178

are they really gonna make una lil tubsy pro lmao

Anonymous No. 113179

She looks incredible, and that kickflip into the street!

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Anonymous No. 113181

this guy is everything shitty about LA in one person. but ya that girl is hot and surprisingly good at skater. the other girl sucks.

Anonymous No. 113182

**skating lol

Anonymous No. 113183

What's wrong with bev? He's good at skating and when I hear LA I imagine way worse things.

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Cat stare.jpg

Anonymous No. 113191

Jesus! The worst I've done is one of those little taps right on the point of the nut that progressively get worse over a few seconds.

Anonymous No. 113194

made to be BLACKED

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Anonymous No. 113196

blood on my new jorts, that's what I get for skating street. would hardly have a scuff if this had happened on that sweet, buttery skatepark concrete.

focused my board after this lulz

Anonymous No. 113203

emerica needs to hire a new designer

Anonymous No. 113205

emerica, es, lakai, etc are just too lame as brands, even if their designs change.

Anonymous No. 113206

converse ctas pro, last resort ab vm001,vans slips ons are the only shoes worth skating. honorable mention vans half cabs

Anonymous No. 113207

the guy from dekline designs all their shoes now
es has been doing a pretty good job lately imo

Anonymous No. 113208

bring back phat shoes

Anonymous No. 113209

Is gifted hater gay? He's always calling guys hot in his videos and it makes me uncomfortable.

Anonymous No. 113213

zoomers are all performatively 'bi' as a social flex but would never fuck another guy irl.

Anonymous No. 113216

He's just joking around

Anonymous No. 113217

Nice legs, twink

Anonymous No. 113218

this is why i skate in 5 dollar pajama pants.
also if you can't do your trick on street with all the crust and cracks and pebbles then you can't do your trick period. polished concrete is literally training mode

Anonymous No. 113222

He has a gf but [spoiler] she's Asian [/spoiler] so I think he's just low test.

Anonymous No. 113223

If you wear pajama pants I guarantee you're not good at street skating. You probably do weird tricks. Do you also have a pet snake?

Anonymous No. 113226

he has a normal one now

Anonymous No. 113236

>If you wear pajama pants I guarantee you're not good at street skating

Anonymous No. 113240

That's what I was thinking because the way he says it is way over-the-top. He genuinely sounds like he wants to give dashawn Jordan a blowjob.

Anonymous No. 113241

ankle? Isnt the proper way to see if the shoe fits to have the pinkie test to see if it pushes your pinkie in or do you have room, the heel test to see if you fill it properly and the toe finger test to see if you can put your toe infront your finger with enough room in the shoe?

Anonymous No. 113254

what the fuck are you talking about son?
i put a pair of shoes on and they fit or they dont...

Anonymous No. 113256

my pedantic question didnt require an insuferable response

Anonymous No. 113257

shut the fuck up nerd

Anonymous No. 113258

welcome to /esg/

Anonymous No. 113270

Post body, post board, post fit, post anything you filthy nigger, you wont.

I LOVE talking about drug habits/skate bitches and drama quens instead of actually skating, god do I just hate when someone talks about skating.
But whatever Im used to it

Anonymous No. 113272

>hey lets check out what /esg/ is up to, i've missed a couple threads
>hope theres some cool clips or discussion about what tricks people are working on etc.
>half the thread is people talking about concrete construction or something
why are you people like this

Anonymous No. 113274

Retard you're talking about not being able to put a shoe on. Shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 113276

shut the fuck up you autistic faggot

is that a orange shirt? ohhh fuckkk im goinnggg inssannnnneeeee!!! i gotta go on 4chan and make sure everyone knows I work construction ahhhhh!!!

Anonymous No. 113277

tendonitis prease undastandu

Anonymous No. 113292

I would fucking WRECK you, you little twink

Anonymous No. 113304

I bet I would destroy everybody here in a game of SKATE

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Anonymous No. 113305

>I would fucking WRECK you, you little twink
>I bet I would destroy everybody here in a game of SKATE

Anonymous No. 113306

you would fold on a switch heel

Anonymous No. 113307

>guy from dekline
well he only puts out dogshit just like dekline did

Anonymous No. 113308

post board
post board

Anonymous No. 113309

if you had to pick one flat ground trick to determine if someone was "good" at skating what would it be? i think tre flip is a good threshold for someone that's put in the work and isn't a casual

Anonymous No. 113310

there are a lot and i mean a lot of people who can tre flip and only tre flip. if someone can pop switch 360s they are probably pretty decent

Anonymous No. 113311

that's why i'm an eStranny now
it's also fucking weird that emerica pretty much exclusively puts out vulcs for their railchomper team and eS has all the pier 7/courthouse boomers skating cupsoles

Anonymous No. 113313

It's just the troll like always >>112758

Anonymous No. 113314

yeah i was just watching this video on youtube,
kid learned to do them in 2 1/2 months but was a scooter kid beforehand so he might have had an advantage.

Anonymous No. 113317

no fuck off i literally have not been tolling this thread at all these are the only post I made itt, the agro construction wagie is not me, idgaf about who wants to wear neon shirts kek

Anonymous No. 113318

I see weird bridge spots like this all the time, there is so much potential.

Anonymous No. 113319

everybody learns tre flips right away a good backside 180 is much more indication someone is putting in work

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Anonymous No. 113320

post board

Anonymous No. 113322

I dont know why, but kids that post proggression videos while skipping all the ollie and shove-it variations and going straight to kickflips and treyflips irks me

Anonymous No. 113323

There is no way you are not trolling with this back 180 shit you keep saying

Anonymous No. 113324

Do you care when non skaters wear thrasher shirts or other skate brand clothing?

Anonymous No. 113325


Anonymous No. 113326

no not really, thrasher is mall core. i would be upset if posers started wearing stuff I actually like and made it harder to get but they don't so who cares

Anonymous No. 113327

nta but a nice proper back 180 does require a bit of skill, not those half-assed ones that are like 60% revert

Anonymous No. 113328

Sounds like you Guys are crushing it trailer

Anonymous No. 113330

stoked for this but why is polars team so much better than last resorts

Anonymous No. 113334

Honestly, because there's a wide variety of styles of them and you can tell a lot about a skater in their personal technique, a kickflip.

Anonymous No. 113335

So if some kids at your high school started wearing like limosine, polar, FA, etc but they didn't even skate would you be bummed?

Anonymous No. 113336

no i don't wear really skate brands, but if like last resort vm001 and converse ctas for some reason got super popular and became upmarked and impossible to find like dunks then i'd be pissed

Anonymous No. 113338

I think in reality you'd be kinda bummed if all these non-skater kids just started wearing core skate brand gear at your middle school. Anyone would and it's totally understandable. The reason why is because you put in the work to become a proficient skateboarder and it wasn't easy, there were a lot of injuries along the way and it took a lot of time to get where you're at. Then these dweebs come along and just start dressing exactly like you and pretending they are skaters without any of the hard shit that you had to go through.

Anonymous No. 113339

Do you guys think Eric winkowski is actually good or do people just like him because he rides a weird board?

Anonymous No. 113341

well im not in middle school and i stopped caring about the image of being a skater a long ass time ago so no I wouldn't care. skating is a big part of my life but it's not my only identity so it really doesn't bother me if others want to larp as one. plus skaters fucking suck, they are only one step below jock frat bros on the tool scale most of them are dork losers and turbo normies, in reality, the shallow identity aspect of being a skater is not even worth gatekeeping only the actual culture is. and that's more so to keep corporations from milking it for profit.

Anonymous No. 113342

i like his youtube channel and yes I think he's good

Anonymous No. 113343

if you can kickflip back tail on a 9 inch meme board then you are good.
also the stuff he did at hendrix was legitimately fucked

Anonymous No. 113344

normalniggers pretending to like (and then ruining anime) triggers me way more than some winemom wearing a thrasher hoodie

Anonymous No. 113345

The Indian guy at the gas station was wearing a thrasher tshirt.

Anonymous No. 113348

>well im not in middle school

Anonymous No. 113349

im pushing 30 dude

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Anonymous No. 113350

Didn't know he was a fellow motochad. Motorcycles give me the same free feeling as skateboarding and doing a roadtrip with your bros on a motorcycle is the best. Love it

Anonymous No. 113358

>this back 180 shit you keep saying
its the first fucking time ive ever posted something about this. ive never even seen this question asked before.
why the fuck do these threads have such a high amount of fucking schizos? you literally can't have the same opinion as someone else without some deranged retard accusing you of samefagging.

Anonymous No. 113362

Literally same just discovered there was a board for extreme sports, wow cool a thread for skateboarding then i read this shit

Anonymous No. 113366

Basically, im quite new to skateboarding. I just learned (like a few days ago) to kickflip. What is like the base list of tricks i need to learn? Pretty much kickflip is the only thing i can… and i need to work on it too

Anonymous No. 113369


Anonymous No. 113370

there is just one retarded nigger in these threads who turns the whole things into arguments and goes into autistic rages when people say things he disgrees with. if you hang around you'll start to recognise him. you might have even been replying to him with that post. there is also no proof he even skates since he has never posted a clip or anything to prove it.

Anonymous No. 113371

desu emerica isn't dekline levels of bad, they just make a lot of pretty generic stuff in some questionable colorways. I wish they'd tap back into the tech side of things and do a lot more with the few cupsole models they offer. I really liked my pair of Gammas and the KSL G6s look like a fun nostalgia trip but everything else is lacking

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Anonymous No. 113372

homie somehow having a glow up while also looking like hes gonna kill himself

Anonymous No. 113373

get your ollie down one hundred percent consistently and start taking it up/down curbs, and learn to push around with a little bit of speed. i'd say those two fundamentals will be much more rewarding in the long run over going down some weird basic checklist of tricks

Anonymous No. 113376

ollies... work on doing them fast and getting them high
pop shuv/front shuv

Anonymous No. 113377

pushing fast, carving, pumping, getting air

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Anonymous No. 113382

not them, just wanted to post mine.

Anonymous No. 113383

oh yea that i have down! i can go really fast without losing balance and i can ollie pretty high pretty consistently. still have a little mental block with going up/down curbs but i think im getting here soon.
will work on shuvs, 180s, heelflips.
yeah i dont really have access to quarter pipes or anything. though last year i used to go to this closed skatepark where i learned to drop in, pump, kick turn. however i didnt end up succesfully dropping in vert..... that fall was pretty scary lol. it costs too much though.

Anonymous No. 113384

>yeah i dont really have access to quarter pipes or anything
where do you live where you dont have a quarter pipe within a half hour drive?

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Anonymous No. 113385

Different guy from >>113383

I'm going down a sort of "trick checklist" but letting my body decide the next tricks, trying something new that feels comfortable.

Right now i fucking LOVE ollies, nollies, kickflip, popshuv, frontshuv, and nollie shuv. my body wants to do nollie kickflips now.

Anonymous No. 113386

nice clip

Anonymous No. 113388

thanks, just wish i'd record myself more, don't have any clips of my better tricks. It's just a hassle, when you're just trying to skate, you know, for fun. I never want to stop to record; i don't have friends and i'm not gunna ask a stranger to record me.

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Anonymous No. 113390

hi richfag. arm and hammer user here

Anonymous No. 113391

moscow suburbs.... there arent a lot of skateparks but when there are theyre FLOODED with scooter kids + too far from me... i think theyre building one not too far from me though.
honestly i even struggle to find normal flat ground near my house. all the roads are fucking shit in russia. well theyre better in city centres but in suburbs ? still shit

Anonymous No. 113392

I know what you mean, and it's also a pain in the ass trying to get your phone/camera in a good spot.

Anonymous No. 113393

Okay that's fair enough, i assumed you were american

Anonymous No. 113395

same person as >>113391 ..
guys are roads actually good where u live... i discovered i cant actually ride most roads in my neighborhood with hard (~100) wheels on. it just. its not good. i ride at this one place across my street. seemingly the only good patch of road. russia ig

Anonymous No. 113396

god living in america seems like hell but one thing im jealous of is that u have a shit ton of concrete skateparks... T_T

Anonymous No. 113398

only in the west, southwest where all the concrete is like new and doesnt freeze over

Anonymous No. 113402

My brother showed me! he is a cool guy!

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Anonymous No. 113403

so glad this gay ass truck company is dying. they look like shit.

i refuse to try them. they look too gay.

Anonymous No. 113409

I just have them apply the griptape

Anonymous No. 113410

Fucking why??? The one thing that's the easiest to fuck up by a drooling retard and the one thing that has the biggest implemention variety.

Anonymous No. 113413

do you have any jersey barriers around?
you can practice pumping/ carving on them (be patient it's hard lol)
even if you are truly fucked for spots you can always practice just riding faster & being more comfortable on the board, it's actually kind of easy to get tunnelvision on tricks but feel totally awkward with the skateboarding part of skateboarding.
one of the few upsides of being too hurt to flip the board for months is that it really forced me to finally get good at skating switch & skating fast.

also if you're in one of the snowy parts of russia, maybe consider getting a snowskate

Anonymous No. 113414

Bongland here. The roads are generally shit, but London has stretches of new paths and roads so you can get lucky. Often times just going down the street involves a lot of Chinese Ollies or carving around the rough parts....then eating shit because you hit some crack or twig at the exact worst angle.

Anonymous No. 113416

people who have the shop apply their grip deserve to be laughed at and cool guyed

Anonymous No. 113419

no sadly we dont have those. idk maybe ill try to wake up early and drive to the skatepark when i get a little better =_=
and yeah honestly i dont think i NEED spots... just a patch of flat ground is enough for me for now... and when ill get confident enough i can go skate in the city cause we have a lot of cool spots there. just not around my house. lol

Anonymous No. 113420

Parking lots and especially underground parking lots always have good flat

Anonymous No. 113422

my shop owner likes doing it and offers to do it for me every time he says setting up boards is therapeutic for him

Anonymous No. 113425

>not letting your homie setup your board so you both can chill and talk shit for 15 minutes and he doesn't have to sell shoes to 9 year olds for a little while
it's basically a free smoke break

Anonymous No. 113426

runescape 07 ass trucks

Anonymous No. 113427

he looks like he’s going through a divorce

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Anonymous No. 113430
Yep. Early 2000's were a good time to skate.

Anonymous No. 113436


he is

Anonymous No. 113437

i need a skate gf like megan right NOW

Anonymous No. 113438

is it literally impossible to be sponsored if youre a manlet? i see some doing solid lines but at the same time their goblin height ruins any steeze they have

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Anonymous No. 113439

Is meg /ourgirl/ ??
Nelly simps our time is over…

Anonymous No. 113452

Dude the best skaters of all time have mostly been manlets. Being tall makes it harder to have good style imo

Anonymous No. 113455

I wish I wouldn't go long periods without skating. It feels like I'm always just relearning fundamentals. There was a summer a few years back that me and the boys were shredding. If we had kept pace we'd be amazing by now.

Anonymous No. 113457

very low iq post

Anonymous No. 113464

Nellysisters...forgive me..I'm moving on

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Anonymous No. 113472

>haven't seen my skatepark crush in a week and 2 days

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Anonymous No. 113477

>haven't seen my skatepark crush in 18 years

Anonymous No. 113480

Fat cunt back again, I have a new creature board I bought off a friend but all my other parts (as embarrassing as it is to say) are from eBay. spitfire wheels, independent trucks, bones bearings, everything.

>inb4 “support your local, pleb”
I live in hick florida country, closest local is like 2 hours away and, as I said before, I am fat and lazy

Anonymous No. 113483

Just fuckin' skate then. Relearn your fundamentals, then don't stop.

>normally wear baggy clothes to skate
>only clean top is a fitted tanktop
>notice the girls mirin' my chest for a change

Feels good, ngl. I may not have the abs of the other skaters, but I'm glad I do weights.

Anonymous No. 113485

u should get one of those indestructible powell boards, they only bend when cars run them over

🗑️ Anonymous No. 113487

>wearing a tank top instead of just skating shirtless
my skatepark crush is sickly pale and skates shirtless in the heat and gets a sexy farmer's tan

Anonymous No. 113488

>wearing a tank top instead of just skating shirtless
my skatepark crush is sickly pale and skates shirtless in the heat and has a sexy farmer's tan

Anonymous No. 113490

where do i buy knee and elbow guards that can withstand hitting the ground at 60mph?

Anonymous No. 113491

187 killer pads, get them anywhere really... just google

Anonymous No. 113492

You should look into motorcycle safety gear

Anonymous No. 113494

motorcycle stuff is too expensive

Anonymous No. 113495

187 killer pads is not motorcycle gear it's normal skate pads but they are the most durable compared to other brands. it's what all the pros use

Anonymous No. 113496

Okay? If you want stuff that can withstand hitting the ground at 60mph don't expect fucking skateboard pads to do the job lmao. Good luck zoomer

Anonymous No. 113498

look up what longboarders use idk

Anonymous No. 113499

Give me a break don't be a dick

Anonymous No. 113515

Why don't they make a motor powered skateboard for adults that have commutes

Anonymous No. 113520

it could have seats and some sort of hand operated wheel for steering

Anonymous No. 113521

How about you go FUCK yourself and FUCK off for asking STUPID fucking questions you zoomer NIGGER

Anonymous No. 113522

you don't even skate

Anonymous No. 113523

your trannyness isnt even subtle anymore

Anonymous No. 113524

I used to. I used to be sponsored.

Anonymous No. 113526

why wouldnt skateboard pads do the job? you're insane

Anonymous No. 113541

Go back to rehab and go skate Bam
If youre riding a fucking moped get a proper motorcycle helmet and biking gear, dont use skating gear
lose weight, also all those parts are good but try to get them from your local when you can

Im seriously gonna invest in a camera and record my shitty 180s and pop-shuvs cause you fucks are more interested in shitposting as trannies than actually skating

Anonymous No. 113542

We don’t claim thrasher no mo

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Anonymous No. 113543

This. The label ‘skater’ is affiliated with degenerates with brain damage & egotistical teenagers

Anonymous No. 113544

>withstand hitting the ground at 60mph?
lmao what

eboards are fucking gay bro, your a fag for even thinking about em

Anonymous No. 113553

I'm insane? Ok go and jump off your motorized skateboard at 60mph and see how well your 187 pads hold up. Post results please

Anonymous No. 113557

if you want to talk about e-skate go to /n/ poser

Anonymous No. 113569


Anonymous No. 113570

Post board

Anonymous No. 113571

I don't skate anymore.

Anonymous No. 113572


Anonymous No. 113581

Nice samefagging

Anonymous No. 113582

I don't have a motorized skateboard what are you talking about

Anonymous No. 113583

Why are shoes so expensive bro

Anonymous No. 113586

>go to cons outlet
>pick out the chuck 70s on sale
>try out 3 different sizes even going down to the women ones, just to be safe
>go to checkout and use my gift car coupon to get 25 dollars off any item
>pay 25 dollars for them
>the 3 girls working there all give me a look of didgust and dissapointment for wasting their half an hour on a pair of 25 dollar shoes
feels good making wagies cringe
also feels good skating lightweight canvas sneakers for cheap that last me for 3 months atleast

Anonymous No. 113587


24 dollar shoes in the OP quit your bitching unless your a nike hypebeast bitch

Anonymous No. 113591

I see the tranny didnt see his skate crush today?
uwu does calling people dumb on a taiwanese grip storage site make your feefees better uwu

Also there are 25 dollar nike shoes but at that point you should probably just go all out and get some bulky cup thats gonna last you awhile in the 60-80 dollar price range

Anonymous No. 113592

What are the best skate distribution sites in the EU? Specifically for the skate versions of chucks and vans since my local doesnt have shoes and the retailers only have the standard versions.
Also wanna try out dickies and carhart pants but they only ship in merica only on their official sites

Anonymous No. 113597

I dunno where to get cheap shoes. I've got bad experiences buying online And the op ones are all sold out in my size

Anonymous No. 113602

nigga just go outside and shop unless you’re some eurocuck who doesn’t have shopping malls around him. When I don’t feel like paying $100+ for some vulcanized garbage I just buy three pairs of Reebok cupsoles from Ross/TJ Maxx for $30 a pop. And like someone else mentioned you can find Vans/Converse outlet stores pretty easily and they always have shit for cheap

Anonymous No. 113603

ur a dumb fuck if u wanna ride at 60 mph go invest in some good pads jesus why do u ask then get answers and reply with shit like “ur insane”

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Anonymous No. 113605

Post boards. Half of you fuckers don't even skate.

Anonymous No. 113612

post a board that isnt spotless like your boyfriends asshole first

Anonymous No. 113613

damn he prolly just got a new board. we supposed to share boards or prove ourselves. Brother r u insecure

Anonymous No. 113620

>let me show i cons00m rollercoaster funkos
get back to doing a xypex finish for shekelstein, tradie

Anonymous No. 113623

>andy deck
>cruiser wheels
oh the ironing

Anonymous No. 113629

You got a problem with people skating outside the box or something?

Anonymous No. 113631

Are all skate shoes as uncomfortable as vans

Anonymous No. 113632

>get to the park
>straight ppl are there


Anonymous No. 113634

invest in insoles

Anonymous No. 113648

I want to convert this old pool foundation in my backyard into a little area I can skate, I’m tired of driving to my park.

Since I can’t use concrete, because this isn’t approved by the landlord, I’d need some type of plywood/Masonite. I was thinking about buying a ramp kit for some mini qps and just using a sheet of wood to make a makeshift mini ramp.

Right now I’m cleaning out the area. What do U guys recommend for a build that can be easily removed/destroyed?

Anonymous No. 113649

How much money are you willing to spend?

Anonymous No. 113650

if you are in america take the DSW/Rackroom/TjMaxx/Marshalls/Shoe Carnival/Ross/Rainbow/Shoe Show/ sale section/Famous Footwear/nordstrom rack poorfag pill

Anonymous No. 113652
