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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 113651

No bickering, just skating.

Basic brand information for beginners:
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

old thread

Anonymous No. 113655

SEX with Meg

Anonymous No. 113665

Is that legal?

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Anonymous No. 113684

/esg/ new waifu

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Anonymous No. 113685

What are some of your favourite skate media covers esg?

One of mine is the first thrasher I bought, Oct 2015 Jake Johnson

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Anonymous No. 113687


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Anonymous No. 113688

Another of mine would be Tyshawn

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Anonymous No. 113689

Also gotta give credit to beatrice, weird time to go pro since barely any full street parts from her but this photo still hard

Anonymous No. 113690

Jenkem vid about this is excellent

Anonymous No. 113691


Anonymous No. 113692


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Anonymous No. 113694

I'm gonna hit you boys with a 2006 classic none of you have ever seen. It even has the word soul on the cover.

Anonymous No. 113695

>this photo still hard
She's not even ollieing over the hydrant lmao. She's to the side of it. What a fucking lame shot

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tfunk china banks.jpg

Anonymous No. 113696

Modern classic right here

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川4 〇.jpg

Anonymous No. 113697


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Anonymous No. 113702

>not even ollieing over the hydrant lmao
Doubt this is the case. Feel more likely she popped closer to the red curb & landed to her left, or did a slightly shifty / tweaked ollie like this one sage did

Anonymous No. 113706

Post the clip of her ollieing the hydrant.

Anonymous No. 113707

>bump over fire hydrant goes hard
no dawg, looks pathetic how hard shes trying to do basic street skater shit

Anonymous No. 113708

SOLETECH brands 50% off + Free Ground Shipping in USA + extra 20% off at checkout with code Welcome20:



Anonymous No. 113709

Don’t think it exists could only find her talking about it, we will never know

Anonymous No. 113710

You can tell she's not going over the hydrant because despite her board being in line with the hydrant her shadow is showing that she's behind it. If she was actually over the top of the hydrant there would be no gap between the shadow of the hydrant and her shadow.

I don't even know why they thought it was a good idea to run that pic. It's sorta similar to this pic >>113696
in the way that it's hard to believe that the shot was the make but we all saw Tfunk's clip of that ollie so it sorta doesn't matter. The difference is there is no clip of her ollieing the hydrant and it's also a trick that any decent street skater could do instead of an insane hammer.

Anonymous No. 113711

Yeah I know it doesn't exist. Because it didn't happen.

Anonymous No. 113717

kickflip back noseblunt in kaders' instagram story right now is insane. it's at some park but still

Anonymous No. 113718

Ye I saw the shadows while writing my first response, still difficult to completely prove she didn’t clear it as I feel there could be certain times of day where those shadows might not mean what you say. For her sake I hope she did but either way still enjoy the photo

Anonymous No. 113720

>kickflip back noseblunt
had to see it to believe it, crazy kid

>still difficult to completely prove she didn’t clear it
dawg this isnt how skateboarding works its not on the public to prove she didnt do its on her to prove she did do it.

Anonymous No. 113721

It'd have to be like right around sunset for the shadows to be separated like that and have her actually going over the hydrant.

Actually, it's possible that the dark shadows to the right of the hydrant are caused by a flash, and the actual sun's shadow is the faint one to the left of the hydrant, so that pretty much throws all the shadow argument out the door. Still doesn't look like she's going over it though.

Anonymous No. 113723

I agree that she should post footy, just saying it’t hard to accurately tell from the photo alone whether she did or didn’t

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smith grind.webm

Anonymous No. 113724

I worked out how to make smaller webm files bros. I promise I will learn a new trick soon...

Anonymous No. 113726

I also saw that but the shadow from the tree with no leaves in the background makes me believe the darker shadows are from the sun.
The clip from 10:07 also shows she has some pop

Anonymous No. 113729

Bro you figured out wrong. Let me spoonfeed you. Just get this reddit shit below. Trim your desired section. Crop it to 720p, because only retards post 1080 webms, then put a size limit of 3 mb, because that's 4chan, then enable VP9 opus and export. There you go. Perfect and easy webm. Literally remake this dogshit one you did right now.

Anonymous No. 113730

she looks like she has a snail trail and hair in her asscrack and on her upper lip

Anonymous No. 113731

Looks clean boss, i remember hearing someone say smiths don’t count unless you deck your front truck against the coping but I’ve always preferred tweaked ones like these

Anonymous No. 113735

Thanks bro, I have always thought that a proper smith has the center of your deck sliding on the coping, so you can either dip the nose like I do or you can stand up and have the front trucks against the coping like you said.

Relax big dog, I appreciate the help but it's just 4chan.

Anonymous No. 113737

No genuinely spend the 5 minutes to do it and post the new webm. You can see how much easier and better it will look.

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Anonymous No. 113739

True, I think front trucks against coping makes it easier to hold longer grinds, but dipped almost always looks better

Pic rel is me

Anonymous No. 113740


He knows!

Anonymous No. 113741

Fuck yeah, back smiths are my favorite trick ever, but I haven't got the balls to commit to doing them on pool coping yet. Sick pic

Anonymous No. 113743

Knows what?

Anonymous No. 113745

>only retards post 1080 webms
lol? 1080p VP9 webms look fantastic, why would you ever bother with 720p at that point, quit living in the past and get a real computer

Anonymous No. 113746

Does anyone feel like if they were just ballsy enough to commit to tricks then they would actually rip but you're too scared to try stuff most of the time so you suck? Almost everything I commit to I end up landing pretty quickly but sometimes it takes me weeks or even months to get to the point where I can commit to it.

Anonymous No. 113748

The secret to skateboarding.

Because non retards still have 1080p monitors and 720p webms are perfect for 4chan.

Anonymous No. 113750

>non retards
you mean poorfags? 720P looks like shit dude what are you talking about

Anonymous No. 113753

It's literally the same except it doesn't cover your entire screen retard. What are YOU talking about. You're not watching fucking webms in full screen, right?

Anonymous No. 113754

who fuckin gives a shit. just discuss skating, let's not ruin another thread with a pointless argument.

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transition skate ....webm

Anonymous No. 113755

It's not a pointless argument since webms are a great contribution to a skateboarding thread, if you do it right.

Anonymous No. 113756

Look at how clean 720p looks. If you use 1080p or watch webms in full screen you're clinically retarded. You're not on fucking youtube.

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Anonymous No. 113758

Cheers man, commitment is always hard but I guarantee if you stick one the doors will blow wide open for you. I dream to have them on ledges like this one day

Most of the time, yes. Skating is pretty much 90% mental & 10% physical when you think about it

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Anonymous No. 113759

>forgot image

Like I'm trying to watch a skate clip, not a fucking movie.

Anonymous No. 113761

>It's literally the same
Except all of those extra pixels for better quality. Stop being a stupid third worlder and get a computer that can actually play/render webms at 1080p

Anonymous No. 113762

Post a clip of yourself skating next

Anonymous No. 113763

You single digit IQ braindead stupid fucking retard As I said three times already for a disabled retard like you, you only get quality loss if you go full screen, since it stretches the image you mouthbreathing waste of space. Otherwise it's literally the exact same, just smaller and fits better on your screen. Again, if you watch webms in full screen on 4chan you should end your life immediately.

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Anonymous No. 113764

Ok now you.

Anonymous No. 113765

Of course it looks fine. Just go to any board and check the webm sizes, nobody cares. It's just the troll like always >>112758

Anonymous No. 113766

I already did post a clip in this thread. That was a nice heelflip. What's up with that spot, is it a street spot or a park? The steep bank in the background looks fun.

Anonymous No. 113768

lot of seethe from someone who can’t even play high quality webms lmao, you need to get a grip on yourself dude and realize it’s ok to accept that you are wrong. Higher resolution is literally better quality and a cleaner image but keep crying over not being able to actually watch them

Anonymous No. 113769

It's an actual park, not a skatepark. That shit in the back is basically a wallride. There's an actual bank next to a 10 stair with a rail on the other end and between that it's 4 sets of 3 stairs. Behind that grass shit is a perfect ledge although the run up isn't that good, but hey it's a street spot.

Anonymous No. 113770

I’m not even that guy and how exactly am I trolling? Are you guys so retarded you do not understand that you can get higher quality webms from 1080P source footage if you actually understand anything about bitrates? This eurofags only argument is that 720 looks “clean” because he isn’t actually opening his webms and is instead watching them in browser, how fucking stupid are you guys?

Anonymous No. 113771

You are literally and unironically retarded. Next level unintelligent. Not sure you even qualify as a human being.

Anonymous No. 113772

What the fuck does opening your webms even mean you mental midget? Unless you're downloading it and opening it in a different player, then yes you're opening it in your browser. Not that that even makes a difference, because it's the same exact fucking file you retard. If you're watching full screen youtube videos and changing the quality then yes retard it obviously matters. Because you RETARD if your screen is 1080p and you're STRETCHING a 720p video to FULL SCREEN you're obviously going to get a loss of quality. If you're just watching the preview on 4chan, which you should be doing, because this isn't fucking youtube or your local cinema, then it's the exact same fucking video but smaller. Literally no difference in quality. The only difference is that it's smaller you retard, except not small enough to be an inconvenience, because you can still fucking see what's going on.

How are you this stupid? How?

Anonymous No. 113774

I always wonder what goes through architect's minds when they design a plaza like that. Like at this point they MUST know that banks like that are going to become skate spots. Maybe they want that to happen, if I was an architect I would.

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Anonymous No. 113775

When I was a kid and did my first heelflip the park was all brick and was not skateable at all. There's a big fountain in the middle which we skated instead, because the ground was smooth there. The spot was basically flatground, brick wallrides and 6 feet drop into the thing. Then they rebuilt the whole thing and the architect was a skater I bet.

Anonymous No. 113776

>How are you this stupid? How?
this is coming from the third worlder who can’t even view 1080p content lol shut the fuck up dude. Do you actually know anything about bitrates in regards to making webms or do you actually let your retard proof program do all the work for you? How is it so hard for you to fathom that a 1080p webm at a high bitrate is going to look superior over a 720p webm at a lower bitrate?
Your only argument for 720p looking “cleaner” is because you don’t actually watch things in full screen because you have some kind of brain defect. you can seethe and cry and call me names all you want dude but you are really ignorant when it comes to video quality and this is a weird hill to die on. Idiots like you are why we will probably never get AV1 support, because VP8/VP9 webms “look cleaner”. You should take a trip to /g/ sometime my man, maybe you won’t be such an aggressive faggot when you understand *why* higher resolution = better quality. I shouldn’t even need to spell this out for you, but I guess that’s europoor education at its finest lmao

Anonymous No. 113777

>a 1080p webm at a high bitrate is going to look superior over a 720p webm at a lower bitrate

Yes retard, AT FULL SCREEN SINCE YOU WOULD BE STRETCHING IT, and yes retard, because 1080p is MORE than 720p and it will require MORE bitrate to render in order to keep the same quality. If you use the same ratio then the quality is THE SAME with the ONLY difference that it's SMALLER. Didn't read the rest you absolute drooling gorilla fucking human garbage. Like I have to highlight the important words for you like you're a kindergartener, so you can understand. Fucking retard for real.

Anonymous No. 113778


Anonymous No. 113780

shut the fuck up faggot

Anonymous No. 113781

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 113782

if you can't tell the difference between a high bitrate 1080p webm and a low bitrate 720p webm without going full screen you're the only person here who might be a fucking retard, for real. get your eyes checked Paco, because something is clearly wrong with them

Anonymous No. 113783

>moving the goalposts

Retard we're not comparing a high bitrate 1080p webm and a low 720p webmp you disingenuous faggot. Let me explain it like you're a complete retard (you are) and if you don't understand this time then you're a failed experiment. You have a baseline bitrate requirement to achieve the best quality of a1080p webm before degradation. Let's say for the sake of this tutorial, retard, that that is 1000 bitrate. You would have the same thing for a 720p webm, except, retard, it would be less, like let's say 700. SINCE IT'S FUCKING SMALLER. IT TAKES LESS SPACE ON YOUR SCREEN. YOU DON'T HAVE TO RENDER THE EXTRA THAT COMES WITH 1080p TO ACHIEVE THE >>>SAME EXACT<<< QUALITY. If you render 1080p at a bitrate suitable for 720p, you will end up with a worse quality 1080 resolution webm. On 4chan ESPECIALLY, you RETARD, you do the reverse example, since you have a 3 mb limit. So, fucking retard, a 1080 resolution webm CAN in fact look worse than a 720 one, if your limit is 3mb, and to fin within that size limit, you need to lower the bitrate in order to be able to render the HIGHER resolution within the same size. So in such a case, you mongoloid, your 1080 webm will look worse, albeit being bigger. Now, retard, do you understand why there is ZERO difference in quality, UNLESS you stretch the 720 webm to the full resolution of your monitor (FULL SCREEN), since obviously you don't have a 720p screen, ASSUMING you've rendered your webm properly using the proper bitrate to achieve the SAME quality, which is LOWER for a 720 webm, since it's FUCKING SMALLER.

If you don't understand it after this retard proof explanation, then you should unironically die. Also, nobody ever said it's "cleaner" you illiterate schizo. I said it in the sense that it looks better in terms of 4chan browsing, since it doesn't fill up your entire screen, not that the video itself is cleaner.

Anonymous No. 113786

tl;dr for you retard: two webms rendered at the proper bitrate have the same exact quality, regardless of resolution, except one is just smaller, except 720 isn't small enough that you have to go full screen

Anonymous No. 113787

you guys should settle this with a game of skate.

Anonymous No. 113788

>Also, nobody ever said it's "cleaner" you illiterate schizo

>>Look at how clean 720p looks

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end your life.png

Anonymous No. 113789

Clean doesn't mean cleaner, plus read my post you illiterate cretin. Fucking autist taking the literal meaning of everything.

Anonymous No. 113790

I already read your retarded post and your only argument is that 720p looks better because you aren't watching webms in full screen for whatever retarded reason. cope harder with your retardation dude, I make my own webms in handbrake and know all about bitrates and file sizes and diminishing returns, and with the switch from VP8 to VP9 you better believe I'm pushing to get the best quality out of the webms that I make, and to get that quality i'm rendering them in 1080p. keep sperging out though, you were the loser who brought this shit up in the first place so if anyone wants to complain about the thread getting derailed its all on your stupid faggot ass lmao. i'd much rather see a 5 second high bitrate 1080p webm over some low bitrate 20 second long 720p webm. you can keep coping however you want but just know that you are retarded

Anonymous No. 113791

Nobody is posting low bitrate 720 webms you worthless sack of shit, so the quality is the same. If you knew about diminishing returns you'd know that. So either diminishing returns is real and you were wrong and should take your L, or you were right and diminishing returns aren't real, which they fucking are, because you can't use 50000000 bitrate to make a 1080 res webm turn into 8k. It wont be better quality. You have a size limit of 3 mb. You can't fucking use higher bitrate for higher quality, because the file size will be higher. The fact that two webms rendered at the proper bitrate will have the EXACT same quality regardless of resolution stands, and if you watch webms in full screen then you should kill yourself. Bet you're the same kid that can't change a car battery. Nobody else can be this useless and retarded.

Next time don't open your uneducated subhuman mouth.

Anonymous No. 113792

Also 720 doesn't look better in itself, because it's the same fucking quality. It looks better in the sense that the preview doesn't take up your entire screen, while still being more than big enough to see the clip. Get that through your think uneducated illiterate skull and stop implying things nobody ever said.

Anonymous No. 113793

>It wont be better quality. You have a size limit of 3 mb. You can't fucking use higher bitrate for higher quality, because the file size will be higher
lmao you realize VP9 makes this irrelevant right? or does your toaster take too long to actually encode 1080p VP9 webms?

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Anonymous No. 113794

No it doesn't make this irrelevant. At all. Since you have zero arguments, do you have any other projections or are you going to go get cancer and die for wasting my time?

Anonymous No. 113795


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Anonymous No. 113796

>no argument

Concession accepted. Stay mad.

Anonymous No. 113797

buddy you're the one seething writing entire paragraphs about codecs you don't even understand.

Anonymous No. 113799

>still no argument

That's what I thought.

Anonymous No. 113801

do you actually know the difference between VP8 and VP9 and why it was such a big thing for this site when they implemented them? here is a hint; it has everything to do with bitrates and quality.

Anonymous No. 113802

Do you not understand that when you have two 3 mb webms but one is 1080 and the other is 720, then the 720 would have used more bitrate, while also requiring less to achieve the same quality in the first place? Are diminishing returns real only when you think it's in your favor? How many more examples do you need you larper? All you've said is "I know you don't" while not giving a single argument while I've explained everything to you and given you several examples. None of which you were able to address, and had to resort to projecting, which I've also proven wrong. Why are you still on here wasting my time when you have nothing of value to say? Go away already.

Anonymous No. 113803

they took the jersey barrier away bros ;_;
back smith really has to be the most feelsgoodman trick

Anonymous No. 113804

Fuck your jersey barrier.

Anonymous No. 113805

so why don't you cook up two of the same exact webms in VP9 using ffmpeg, one at 1080p and one at 720P, with the highest bitrate you can squeeze of them, so i can actually judge the quality for myself?
are you going to pretend like you actually have something better to do right now when you've been seething for the last hour?

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Anonymous No. 113806

Why the fuck don't you do that yourself and what the fuck would you be judging? The quality is the same. You're just stretching 720p into a higher resolution by going full screen, hence it looking worse, which a 3rd grader can understand. You're literally doing pic related and going "hurr durrr why quality bad" when I literally said from the very beginning that for 4chan specifically 720 webms are better because if you watch 5 second clips in full screen you should die in a fire and 720 is big enough to where you don't have to go full screen.

Anonymous No. 113810

>You're just stretching 720p into a higher resolution by going full screen, hence it looking worse, which a 3rd grader can understand
sounds like the problem is that your source is 720p and not 1080p, your drawing fails flat because you're blowing up a smaller image into a larger one, you aren't taking a 1080p ms paint drawing of a dick and shrinking it into 720p. what the fuck are YOU talking about dude? I am not "stretching" a 1080p video when I watch it fullscreen, I'm watching it in its native resolution.

Anonymous No. 113812

>sounds like the problem is that your source is 720p and not 1080p

No it fucking isn't. Stop making random illogical shit up and moving the goalposts and admit you're low IQ and wrong.

>you're blowing up a smaller image into a larger one

Literally exactly what you're doing when you're going full screen for a 720p image on a 1080p monitor. Get ancer and die already. You're beyond stupid and you're doubling down for no reason at all.

Anonymous No. 113814

>No it fucking isn't. Stop making random illogical shit up
what the fuck are you even talking about dude. you're saying that you're stretching 720p into a higher resolution by going full screen, and thats true, but the reason that is happening is because your source isn't in 1080p, aka 1920x1080, the resolution of a normal monitor and television in the year 2022. thats why I said 1080p would look better, because you aren't doing any kind of "stretching" whatsoever when you watch them you absolute moron. you fucking retard. what exactly am I doubling down on? why don't you draw that dick in 1920x1080 in paint, downscale it to 1280x720, and tell me what image has the better quality. you DO know you can find 1080P copies of skate videos on the internet, not youtube, uncompressed, so you can make 1080p webms, what won't need to be "stretched out" because most people have a 1080p monitor at the least.

Anonymous No. 113815

Who makes the best blank decks?

Anonymous No. 113817

Are you clinically disabled? This entire shitpost could have been avoided if your reading comprehension was at a level high enough to read and understand this post >>113753 where I clearly said that going full screen is retarded, hence a 1080p webm looking better in full screen being irrelevant, because the whole idea is to not go full screen for a 5 second clip on 4chan. I also never once said downscaling is better quality, I said it's literally the same, which is what you're trying to argue against. Because you literally don't lose quality by downscaling, only by upscaling. You are genuinely mentally ill. I hope you get cancer and die. It's close to 2 AM. I will not be wasting more time on the exact same 27 year old man that cannot change a car battery. No I will not make 1080p webms for 4chan, because that's retarded and pointless. Yes, stretching 720p to full screen on a 1080p monitor means worse quality. No, watching a 720p webm without going full screen does not give you worse quality, it just makes the webm smaller. You insist on going in circles over things I've explained multiple times. Either refusing to admit you're wrong or unironically lacking the basic intelligence to understand what you're reading. You are a lost cause. Nothing can help you. Go die.

Anonymous No. 113818

And before you challenge your little brain to say more retarded shit my source is a 1080p video, I just always convert the webmp into 720p, so it looks like this >>113759 when I start watching it on 4chan. For the 50th time, this doesn't mean you lose quality, it means the image is just smaller. It's the same exact quality in a more compact form. You stretching that to watch it in full screen then crying is your own fucking problem so eat shit and unironically die for being a lesser human by not being able to understand something this simple.

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Anonymous No. 113819

>Because you literally don't lose quality by downscaling,
thanks for ending this conversation by letting me know you really do have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. i'm sorry you can't process high quality webms but whatever helps you cope at night, don't let me get in the way of that

Anonymous No. 113820

Shut up webm fag. Jealous you don't have any tricks to perfectly format into clips?

Anonymous No. 113821

DownSCALING not downSAMPLING you worthless fucking failure of an adult male.

Anonymous No. 113822

translation note for the retard: this means having the same size output file of 3 MB because you don't lose quality as opposed to what your image you don't understand the image of says, again something already explained 10 times

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Anonymous No. 113823

>Because you literally don't lose quality by downscaling,

Anonymous No. 113825

>his image literally doesn't say you lose quality but that it doesn't increase it
>he still can't comprehend why a 720 res webm has the same file size as a 1080p webm instead of having a smaller file size

This kid is literal aids.

Anonymous No. 113826

>his image literally doesn't say you lose quality
what the fuck do you think "throwing away an enormous amount of data away" means?
christ what the fuck is with ESLs who try to nitpick the english language when they don't even understand it? this guy is literally saying yeah, you lose data through downscaling, because you are throwing away enormous amounts of data from your video to shed pixels. learn to read faggot

Anonymous No. 113827

>what the fuck do you think "throwing away an enormous amount of data away" means?

Losing that data and getting a smaller output file size you dimwit. Retaining the same output file size means what you literal tumor? Think retard. Think.

Anonymous No. 113828

Holy shit this retard is unironically trying to say that 3 is not equal to 3 at this point. Same kid that admitted he can't do basic shit around the house and gets his skateboards assembled by people at the sakteshop. Kid can't even use a screwdriver. Trying to compensate by pretending he's a computer nerd, when he's even terrible at that as well. Holy fucking shit that's so sad.

Anonymous No. 113829

i thought you were going to sleep paco?

Anonymous No. 113830

This is what American education gets you.

Anonymous No. 113832

This is the WORST /esg/ thread that has ever happened, I think jason jesse and front smiths are cursed.

Anonymous No. 113834


Anonymous No. 113835

I like Juice magazine, you get a lot of the extended history of surfing, and therefore skatebparding, from it.

Anonymous No. 113836

My country never had a regional magazine

I used to dig the Nine Club before it became the Nike Club/Top Gear sb and those guys were revealed for lames.

Skatenerd by Transworld (what a prophetic name for a publication franchise by the way)

The Vent
The Bunt
On Video
Loveletters to Skateboarding

Anonymous No. 113837

it's so over for me bros..

Anonymous No. 113838


That's the 1st of May though? You must be american

Anonymous No. 113839

Saw Ben Nordberg trying for 45 minutes before he got it, at a demo in Bordeaux, so suck my shit hypeboy

Anonymous No. 113840


Anonymous No. 113841

That was rad, you don't need to learn a new trick, just get your smiths to grind longer.

Anonymous No. 113842

What does he know?

Anonymous No. 113843

You have to share the secret im a chuck 70s normie

Anonymous No. 113844

This person is trolling, I'm adressing those bros who keep responding to his inflammatory posts.

Anonymous No. 113845


The rest of you, pay attention

Anonymous No. 113846


Anonymous No. 113847

Yeah, you are getting a historical date wrong because of state propaganda and I am obsessed. What's next, putting halloween on July to detach it from its celtic roots and the reminder of irish immigration?

Anonymous No. 113848

Which reminds me, it's one week until Christmass. What do you anons expect to find under the chimney? New wheels? A deck?

Anonymous No. 113850

A new knee.

Anonymous No. 113851

halloween is the most reddit holiday of all time anyways

Anonymous No. 113852

I'd agree but gothrock is cool so I give halloween a pass.

Anonymous No. 113853

>>113851 demarcates the division between reaping and winter and it's the night when the time-cycle shift is felt. The ancients believed it was therefore the night when the world of the dead and the world of the living were closest.

Anonymous No. 113854

>before it became the Nike Club/Top Gear sb
can you elaborate?

Anonymous No. 113855

same, I wish we had more edits with goth/post punk music in the background, I really hate this 90s wave we are going through right now so much

Anonymous No. 113856

make it happen then

Anonymous No. 113857

I want to see someone skate to death in june

Anonymous No. 113858

good taste

Anonymous No. 113859

Jake Johnson skated to them in Purple and Suciu skated to them in his SOTY trip edit.

Anonymous No. 113861

all you guys do is argue holy shit also I'm glad so many of you are cons pilled literally the BEST skate shoe can't believe I hated them when I first tried them, I don't want to ever skate anything else (well maybe last resort vm001) I'm am fully converted
kek almost as bad as the euro fag vs NYC thread

Anonymous No. 113862

KEK i wonder if suciu even knows who they are. racist ass mf...

Anonymous No. 113863

Yeah, I'm thinking she's back..

Anonymous No. 113865

im learning how to cripwalk like its 2006 again. will report if i get any skate gains from it.

Anonymous No. 113866

im sure he does, seems like a pretty random band to be a fan of if you don't already know they're just a couple of chuds. they aren't like Burzurm where you can get away with saying "well I just like black metal..".

Anonymous No. 113868

Well suciu is a rich liberal arts leftoid so i'd be very surprised if he actually liked death in june

Anonymous No. 113869

very surprised that someone who is smart can separate the art from the artist?

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Anonymous No. 113871

That's like saying you can be not racist yet listen to skewdriver or english rose. You have clearly never listened to death in june. fucking pleb

Anonymous No. 113873

>be me
>at the skatepark
>working on flat
>the usual
>get stuck on a specific trick
>it's pretty basic but I can never do them well
>guy starts doing the same trick over a barrier
>perfect form, great execution, explosive pop
>even does it into a line

what did he mean by this?

Anonymous No. 113874

Either an insecure prick or he's oblivious and just thought it looked fun so he started doing it

Anonymous No. 113875

>everyone else needs to stop doing MY trick!
lol lmao

Anonymous No. 113876

>That's like saying you can be not racist yet listen to skewdriver
except you can and this is exactly why people gave Anti-Hero the pass for using Screwdriver in one of their videos. I've listened to Death In June, not all of their songs are outright racist chants or whatever, they make good music despite their background and thats why someone like Mark Suciu, someone who isn't racist in the slightest, or Jake Johnson, someone too fried to even care about that shit, can skate to them and nobody cares about it.

Anonymous No. 113877

i genuinely hate everyone that can skate and has their life together RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Anonymous No. 113879

cranky because youre injured arent you

Anonymous No. 113880

>not all of their songs are outright racist chants or whatever
No just 90% of them and 100% of their imagery is inspired by the third Reich but yeah totally separate the artist from the music when it suits you

Anonymous No. 113881

I think I have COVID and I'm at the skatepark. Luckily there is no one else here but man I feel really hot and tired right now

Anonymous No. 113891

don't explain it to me dude, I already know all about Death in June, maybe you should question why the liberal arts major who lives in New York city is rocking with them

Anonymous No. 113892

I just ordered a Quasi deck from my nearest shop. I usually ride zeros but they didn't have my size. Any of you skate one before?

Anonymous No. 113894

You just proved with this post that you got put onto cons after I (the based eurofag) told you how good and cool looking they are and basically that you get on the wave after I said it's cool. Good job owning yourself.

Anonymous No. 113895

I have been browsing a lot of boards on 4chan for many years and this general might be the worst group I've found.

Anonymous No. 113896

Sounds like you need to browse more.

Anonymous No. 113899

Do any of you have the book they put out a few years ago that just all of their cover photos?

Anonymous No. 113900

Do most people hate this? I actually like when someone starts doing the trick I'm struggling with so I can take notes.

Speaking of, finally landed some kickflips last night. They were rocketed and really tail heavy on the landing, but god damn it I did them rolling and kept moving and got both feet on. Something just clicked recently and I started catching them with my back foot first.

Anonymous No. 113901

this general has nothing on most of the /vg/ generals

Anonymous No. 113902

I used to lurk the sims general and while the autism and generally alarming behavior is dense they at least seem to get along better than here. Hell even the metal thread on /mu/ is less hostile lol

Anonymous No. 113904

>internet says canvas shoe sucks
>canvas shoe is breathable and light just the way I like them
>get chuck 70s canvas for dirt cheap
>the rubber rises up more then the all star
>NEVER get an ollie hole, the wear is evenly distributed on the rubber
>use the tiniest smidge of shoe goo on the weakest part of rubber after 3 months
>heel tearing minimal, kickflip tearing minimal
>have an ollie hole in ALL of my other skate shoes but not this one
>the insole is good too, only con(hehe) is the sole wore out to be a bit thin and slippery when raining but still managable

I mightve just been sold on this shit, gonna make a review when I go through 2-3 pairs

Anonymous No. 113905

>can't handle the banter

Lurk more.

Anonymous No. 113906

dont quasi and zero share the same factory and board presets?

Anonymous No. 113908

All I know is the company is run by a couple guys from alien workshop

Anonymous No. 113910

I don't get how you guys wear shoes that flat.

Anonymous No. 113912

The insole is a bit stiffer and higher in the heel, but also I have a medium arch so flat shoes are fine for me and without board feel I hate skating, tried superstars and didnt feel right

Anonymous No. 113914

Watch the first 50 or 60 episodes, then watch from the 100 or so and on to see the contrast.


Anonymous No. 113915

I wore chuck taylors maybe twice in my life when skating and they were ripped to shreds immediately. I think we are being trolled.

Anonymous No. 113916

no, Quasi uses dogshit wood (PS Stix) and Zero uses the top of the line industry wood (BBS)

the shapes/"presets" are completely different, PS Stix boards feel nothing like BBS in terms of actual shape.

probably because the sims is a single player game and you're just using mods to get your autism in. the multiplayer general threads are insanely hostile and full of schizos who constantly stalk people/bring them up non stop and so often it would make forklift bro blush

Anonymous No. 113917

It's pretty much an etched in stone skate law that chucks are shit for skating. They are flimsy and and you would be surprised what difference a little padding makes when you stomp the edge of your board down onto your foot. There is a reason skate shoes were created even though chucks predate the skateboard.

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Anonymous No. 113918

>you would be surprised what difference a little padding makes
this is why the "first" run of Cons skate shoes were the best, they were actually beefed up versions of their normal chucks with superior padding/grip/insoles/materials. but I guess they realized they could just cut corners on everything and slap some different looking stitching on the "skate" line and call it a day. sad honestly, the Anthony Poppalardo chucks were some of my favorite skate shoes of all time. they repackaged them into the One Stars but the superior quality just isn't there.

all of that being said, I do like the fastbreaks if you can find a pair in the wild. they're solid cuupsole shoes and kinda fill that dunk void

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Anonymous No. 113922

I wore some pro leather Converse when I first started and they held up alright, but then again I wasn't doing flip tricks or as many ollies. I think Chucks (and Vans) were more popular skate shoes back in the day due to less common tricks requiring you to slide your foot on the grip all the time. Pool and transition skating, street plants, just surfy shit.

They're also just a nice shoe outside of skating that are easy to find cheap, so they're a handy option.

Anonymous No. 113924

i bought my pair of cons ctas years ago and only recently retried them cause they were the only skate shoes I had around. god damn I love being American and in the mecca of skateboarding. stay mad

Anonymous No. 113925

the Weapons, despite looking kind of questionable, skated really good too. I wish Cons would focus more energy into cupsole models/bringing back older classics from their skate line instead of putting out the most generic lack luster skate shoe of all time.

Anonymous No. 113926

board feel is incredible

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Anonymous No. 113927

>chucks are shit for skating
Been skating these frequently for 3 months and only shoo-gooed them 2 weeks ago, no holes, only 1 broken lace that I switched with the thicker ones(that come in the box).
Keep in mind these are the regular non-cons chucks 70s and I have zero holes anywhere,(I always get an ollie hole 2 weeks into skating a shoe) tho I dont do flip tricks regularly yet so the toecap durability may vary. But for what they are I think they have a place as a high boardfeel, lightweight vulc shoe. Also they are stylish and you cant change my mind about that. Look good->feel good->skate good

pic related. it might come out upside down...fuck android phones

Anonymous No. 113929

also the insole, an inch or two of padding that works for flatground and curb jumping, no heel bruise as of yet, tho I wouldnt try big gaps and stairs with the stock ones.

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Anonymous No. 113930


Anonymous No. 113944

>one single pair of skate shoes for a number of years

You'd love being American more if you actually skated too I bet.

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Anonymous No. 113945

You're supposed to get the ones made for skateboarding, idiots.

Anonymous No. 113951

you have zero reading comprehension skills let’s me green text for you
>try cons ctas in 2016
>don’t like them
>flick is weird
>bottom is slippery
>toss em in my closet
>forget about them for years
>be current year
>skating last resort mids
>hmmm high tops are nice
>see cons ctas sitting in closet
>hmmm let’s give these another chance
>actually break them in this time
>readjust foot positioning for flat tricks to accommodate weird flick from toe cap
>holy fuck these are amazing

Anonymous No. 113952

stfu and discuss skate topics and skate shoes and not your fucking ego and persona you fucking kooks

Anonymous No. 113953

There is honestly just one guy who fucks it up. Most people in here are chill

Anonymous No. 113954

The reason why anti hero got away with using a skrewdriver song is because it was off their first album which is their non-racist album which only PC punks won't admit is fairly good.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 113956

Didn't read all that autistic shit. You said you bought a pair years ago, that it was the only skate shoes you had, and that you only recently retired them after them being your only skate shoe for years. Meaning you used one pair of shoes for a number of years. Meaning you don't skate. Finish your high school education before replying again.

Anonymous No. 113957

>copied me shilling for last resorts
>changed his mind about the cons after I told him to

Feels good to be a leader.

Anonymous No. 113958

> after them being your only skate shoe for years.
Never said this, show me where I said this, retard. I said I retried them since they were the only skate shoes I had around. Never said they were the only skate shoes I ever had dumbass.

Anonymous No. 113959

RETARD deleted his post after being proven wrong toppest of keks. Dumb faggot.

Anonymous No. 113960

yeah bro you’re a real trend setter like that faggot Lucien npc hockey reject that you’re a shit clone of

Anonymous No. 113961

post a 30 second webm of you installing a car battery

Anonymous No. 113962


Anonymous No. 113963

>spend all day getting crooks on round rails back
>get a blister on the outside of my big toe somehow
i don't understand thin shoes bros

>tfw when you throw on some random old video from youtube and see leo skating your old park
iirc they put a fence up because kids were just throwing themselves down this gap all day instead skating the actual park (it's boring)

Anonymous No. 113965

I definitely enjoyed most cons models but my favourite shoe of all time would probably have to be blazers. That being said am skating a pair of jack purcell pros rn & they’re great

Based 70s lad.
I’ve been meaning to try a pair ever since I saw this part
Plus bobby dekeyzer is doing some of the best skating he’s ever done in them.

Converse are definitely jewish rat cunts though for slowly downgrading the actual chuck taylor over the past decades into such a shit tier paper bag around your foot of a shoe that they were able to release a ‘premium’ version which is literally the shoe they were originally making before they jewed it up. Did y’all know they put velvet on the soles of the cheaper chuck taylor instead of rubber so they can be classified as a slipper which make them cheaper to export?

Anonymous No. 113966

Adidas busenitz is the best shoe of all time, converse are barely even a shoe, you get more protection wearing sandals.

Anonymous No. 113967

> Did y’all know they put velvet on the soles of the cheaper chuck taylor instead of rubber so they can be classified as a slipper which make them cheaper to export?
YES I read that on slap too when I was trying to figure out why the fuck they were so slippery even with MOB grip which is crazy I’m kinda worried about getting another pair because of that, I literally gave up on them after 2 weeks of trying to skate them when I first tried them because of that but my buddy swears for him they are perfect right out the box I have no clue how to get rid of that velvet crap on the bottom faster other than skating them for a few weeks which is annoying when there’s no grip traction… I even tried bashing and scraping the bottom on rough pavement but it didn’t help much

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Anonymous No. 113968

>I read that on slap

Anonymous No. 113969

>muh bbs
PS shapes are better

Anonymous No. 113970

>frog poster

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Anonymous No. 113971

begone slap tranny

Anonymous No. 113972

same idk how people skate so the canvas rips cus like ?? maybe im just a beginner? i skate suede vans but i dont think i ever touch the board with the suede bit... just the rubber.... i ollie and kickflip.. i think ill just buy canvas vans next time... vans are very comfortable to me.

Anonymous No. 113973

do you just kickflip with a flat foot or something? the laces on my shoes get shredded even just doing slappy grinds

Anonymous No. 113974

you didnt know what slap was until 6 months ago when you started skating and found this general. shut the fuck up nerd

nobody in here skates. i dont believe how many people are saying they never get holes in their canvas shoes. its literally not possible unless your doing everything wrong.

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Anonymous No. 113975

This vid explains the differences I was talking about. Chuck 70 also has 3 layers of sturdy canvas while regular has 2 thinner layers I’m pretty sure.

>tldr get the 70s if you aren’t broke, plus can usually find some on sale anyway

Anonymous No. 113977

idk i literally just said im a beginner maybe thats why. i only kickflip stationary and while rolling. not really anything else... i only ripped my shoelaces while trying to casper .

Anonymous No. 113978

I will definitely get holes in canvas (obviously suede is king for durability), but much less than compared to when I was younger.
The only idea I have why this happens is since I have better control of my board / feet now, I manoeuvre my shoes so that most of the contact is with the midsole, not the upper.

Canvas is also cheaper & more comfortable imo

Anonymous No. 113980

>laces on my shoes get shredded even just doing slappy grinds
Wtf how?
Do you also shredd your laces from carving and kickturning?

Anonymous No. 113983

You don't get holes in canvas shoes if you don't do Ollie tricks you retard, there are plenty of skaters who only skate transition

Anonymous No. 113987

>Ollie tricks
>only skate transition

so how long you guys been skating for? couple weeks?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 113988

I don't skate anymore. You know it's possible to skate tranny and not do ollies right? Fucking retard zoomer

🗑️ Anonymous No. 113989

>I don't skate anymore
kill yourself then

Anonymous No. 113991

Pfft go fuck yourself kid. I used to be sponsored. It's not easy skating when all your friends quit.

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Anonymous No. 113993

i don't even fucking know. i only started ollieing and flipping the board again this week and the laces were already gone before that
i got way better at skating when all my frens quit lmao. literal gainsgoblins all of them.

Anonymous No. 113996

Ugly fucking shoes

Anonymous No. 113997

>I used to be sponsored. It's not easy skating when all your friends quit.
lmao you're worst kind of kook
no level of self awareness just a straight up loser posing as a cool guy

Anonymous No. 113998

Lol you wouldn't say that if you knew who i was. I was getting boards from sector 9. No fucking way would you say this shit to my face.

Anonymous No. 113999

PS Shapes might be better but the wood is absolutely garbage and their QC has been slipping hard this last decade. PS used to be the industry standard but BBS has surpassed them in terms of actual wood quality. PS feels soggy, unresponsive, very flexible but not in a good way, and dead after the break in period and I always end up retiring the decks because of how garbage they feel to skate. a handful of PS boards I have had actually started to delam pretty quickly too. while on the other hand, BBS has always felt very responsive, snappy, stiff, sturdy boards that hold their pop very well throughout the entire lifespan of the board. their QC isn't all over the place like PS either, paul schmitt gets high off of his own farts and thinks he can do no wrong and his boards are suffering greatly for it.

Anonymous No. 114000

comfy shoes

Anonymous No. 114001

i would faggot your a fucking kook you sound like every other fucking loser ive met in a bar who sees my board and comes up to me with some back in the day type shit sob story.

>you wouldn't say that if you knew who i was.
youre an irrelevant loser posting on 4chan homo nobody cares about you bro

Anonymous No. 114002

Hahaha you stupid fucking zoomer fag. You wanna know why I quit? You want to know why I fucking quit? Because I started doing professional MMA. I have unironically killed people and watched them die in front of me and I did it legally. You wanna be next little faggot? Bringing your board to the bar. Lmao. That type of shit would get you killed where I'm from. Homies would straight up jump on your head if they saw you doing something so disrepectful.

Anonymous No. 114003

>You wanna know why I quit? You want to know why I fucking quit?

Anonymous No. 114004

Fucking bitch. You would lower your tone and advert your eyes if I spoke to you irl.

Anonymous No. 114005

based MMA Sector 9 chad. don't let these third world wood pushers get you down brah

Anonymous No. 114007

I could kill anyone itt with my bare hands and would do so gladly. Now settle down.

Anonymous No. 114008

you still can't change a car battery

Anonymous No. 114009

I did kyokushin for 3 years then did boxing followed by powerlifting. I could take you shitters on 3v1.

Anonymous No. 114010

take on my shitter daddy

Anonymous No. 114011

yeah, canvas is dogshit for skating and I could probably get a hole on the side of my shoe in a single day of skating if i actually was putting in the work and effort. I'll always be a suede guy, and I'd skate nothing but leather shoes if they were actually breathable and didn't make my feet hot as hell. I really liked my leather non skate chucks

Anonymous No. 114014

Actually now that I think about it I once had a pair of converse skateshoes I bought for five bucks at a thrift store and they were one of the better shoes I've had

Anonymous No. 114015

god tier troll moment, based as fuck and keeping these threads alive and well.

Anonymous No. 114016

>there are plenty of skaters who only skate transition
if that was true you would be shredding the top of the toe because of knee slides. i guess youre going to pretend you only skate rough backyard pools now. i can not believe you are even trying to argue about this. that other guy was right you people really don't skate at all.

Anonymous No. 114017

i will never understand how people skate leather shoes, that has always felt very forbidden to me, like it's just not right. doesn't sit well in my spirit. nasty nasty work.

Anonymous No. 114024

>literally 2 years ago I was posting about how much I love my cons and how good they are to skate in
>everyone itt shat on me for it
>not a single person agreed
>now all of a sudden everyone is talmbout how good cons are

I literally demand an apology right this instant.

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Anonymous No. 114028

Shoes are for kooks

Anonymous No. 114029

i think they pretty much only teach kids to buttslide now b/c knee slides are actually fairly rough on your knees longterm

Anonymous No. 114031


Anonymous No. 114036

>he didn't skate the cons with the lobster tags
shut the fuck up poser

Anonymous No. 114037

should i bother skating if i have no friends to skate with or even zero friends in the first place

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Anonymous No. 114038

for me, it is simply the longest lasting version of any kind of skate shoe for the same price, and it actually holds the shape throughout the entire life of the shoe, unlike canvas that "molds to your foot", or suede that eventually bags out and feels somewhat floppy and unsupportive. the only actual downside, like i said, is that your foot basically can't get any airflow, and your feet end up kinda stinky if your skate shoes are also your work/casual/chiller shoes. however a lot of skate shoes these days don't actually offer you any kind of air flow so I guess that point is moot

yeah, its a fun hobby, and if you skate at a park you're bound to make some casual friends unless you're a hardcore autist who can't even make basic conversation. and even if that IS the case, you'll run into some weirdos who will be able to deal with that

Anonymous No. 114039

skating is the only reason i have friends. you will make friends just go to a skatepark

Anonymous No. 114040

I'm a natural loner so I love to skate alone but I always get my best tricks when I'm with my friends. Either way it shouldn't stop you from going for it. Listen to some good music and rip

Anonymous No. 114041

honestly i was skating alone for a while when i couldnt do any stuff but then i learned basic stuff like shuvits and ollies i was confident enough to go skate with other people so i have friends now idk just go skate even if u cant do anything ull probably make friends

Anonymous No. 114042

also its one of those situations where its not weird when u hang out with kids. and they are very easy to talk to. if u are a hardcore autist u can talk at least to someone then build up ur confidence talk to people ur age. idk.

Anonymous No. 114043

i have nofrens and i skate everyday :)
>if you skate at a park you're bound to make some casual friends
this is true but also skateparks can have pretty different group dynamics from one another. some are purely teenager hangouts and others tend to be more boomer oriented, this often means the boomer's wife & kids will be there too.
teenager parks will tolerate a lot more degeneracy and general shenanigans but they can also be somewhat awkward if you don't vibe with the in group. you are way more likely to get your shit jacked here. boomers are more or less nice but you can end up getting in trouble for really gay & stupid reasons especially if they have a helicopter wife who is kind of a cunt, it doesn't happen that much but also more than you would expect. you will 100 percent encounter a pad hero at this kind of park and they will never shut the fuck up about their pads.

Anonymous No. 114044

Will 54mm wheels rub with mid height trucks?

Anonymous No. 114045

krooked decks are so long i regret buying this and I already came to this realization a year ago when I skated a few of them but wanted to try the manderson shape because ben degros said it was good :(

Anonymous No. 114046

he said it was good because it was long you retard

Anonymous No. 114047

yeah but i also forgot he's tall as fuck and that's why he likes long boards

Anonymous No. 114049

How long is it and whats the wheelbase?

Anonymous No. 114052

I'm going through this exact same thing with a krooked board right now and I fucking hate it. I had a really squirrely feeling Deathwish board that I folded my ankle on and decided to get something slightly longer and ended up with this krooked thinking it would be perfect. it feels like a fucking board to skate and no matter how much I skate it, it never feels comfortable to me. I didn't realize that it isn't the actual length fucking me over though, it's the fucked up wheelbase that is throwing the entire setup off. honestly think about leaving it at the park for someone else to enjoy but board prices are fucked and I owe it to myself to get the most life out of a board I can.

not him but he's probably skating the 8.25x32x14.38 that is a DLX standard.

Anonymous No. 114053

>feels like a fucking board
boat, my bad. just so clunky, awkward, hard to skate, and very difficult to find my footing and positioning on this thing. thinking that 8.125/8.25x32x14.0 might be the key bros...

Anonymous No. 114054

All of the terminology is correct. Stop derailing the thread.

Anonymous No. 114055

samefriending, someone please report

🗑️ Anonymous No. 114056

forgot to mention that i'm trans btw (MtF)

Anonymous No. 114060

ben skates the Full SE (short edition)

Anonymous No. 114061

14.25 wb 32 length 8.38 w

Anonymous No. 114062

i bought 4 krooked decks full price when I had money to blow just cause I liked the graphics back in 2020, after skating one I didn't set up another and gave the other 3 away, totally fell for the graphics again plus ben review I heard him mention the manderson shape having a rounder nose which i love totally forgetting how much I hated trying to skate flat with such a long board, it's fine for transition though...I think ill just leave it sitting on ice for a bit and save it for desperate times but after that experience with krooked decks i decided to try a creature stumps deck which is really short, some flip tricks still felt weird, my tres were hard to catch but kickflips were fine and came right up to my feet

Anonymous No. 114063

that's basically my board except wider (7.75) i really like the extra length a lot because it makes manuals and nosegrinds feel retardedly stable and for tech shit i can still 360 hardflip which is probably the most you need any trick to whip the board around. switch tres have not been working at all though but my ankle is also a little fucked so that might not be the board.
it's honestly kind of weird how little height is factored in when it comes to skateboarding, pretty much any other board sport the shop will straight up tell you what you should be riding at your size.
it seems like wknd runs a lot of their boards kind of short so maybe you'd like those for a similar width/wheelbase

Anonymous No. 114069

Skating alone is meditative and satisfying in it's own way. It gives me time to really focus and break through new tricks.

Anonymous No. 114071

Goddamn I love skateboarding.

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Anonymous No. 114079

anyone looking for a job?


Anonymous No. 114097

I got suckered in by the graphics too, I also really like the team they've got going on right now, keep putting out quality edits, and Gonz is just a loveable weirdo. but yeah, these boards are definitely fucked up to skate, and im just going to attribute it to the 14.38 wheelbase. like you said though, it feels fine on transition. in fact, the wider wheelbase, despite making my board feel like a fucking cruise ship, actually makes me less likely to hang up and easier to cradle tricks like back disasters and frontside rocks.

Anonymous No. 114101

I got an antihero 8.06/31.83/14.38 wb yesterday and its working fine, the WB is definetly noticable going from 14 to this but the pop is high af with thunders which I like. You guys ride indies or thunders on that WB?

Anonymous No. 114105

>for the globohomo cariuma/nike sb corpo pedo club
no thanks fag

Anonymous No. 114106

What the fuck is USA Skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 114107

I had independents on mine. i've got an extra pair of thunders I've thought about throwing onto the board to try and help alleviate some of the issues, but I couldn't remember if it was Indy or Thunders that actually make your wheelbase wider because of the geometry of the truck and how the wheels end up sitting, so I just stuck with what I've been riding on the past couple of months already. like I said, transition feels ok because i've got more space to sit on the coping when im decking certain tricks, but any kind of flip tricks whatsoever feel really fucked up. even skating ledges is weird, basic bs noseslides and fs tails feel completely off because of how wide I feel like I have to stand on my deck to feel comfortable.

if anyone is actually in Southern California you can take this deck off of me for free. it's still in alright condition too.

Anonymous No. 114109

Acording to Ben Degro thunders make it wider and indies shorter. Wouldnt know tho since Ive only ridden mini logo peasent trucks and thunder 147 his for now. The local is getting indies soon so I might try 149 indies.

Anonymous No. 114110

Gifted Olympians vid on this situation was interesting, that lawyer is a bitch

Anonymous No. 114111

>>113899 This one?
Looks interesting

Anonymous No. 114112

Genuine question; how long did it take you switch gods to get switch trey flips and switch varial flips?

Anonymous No. 114113

>implying anyone in here but that one guy skates switch

You ok lil bro?

Anonymous No. 114114


Anonymous No. 114119

sales are popping off check this thread if you need anything

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Anonymous No. 114121


Anonymous No. 114122

you are so gay have fun paying full price for shit

Anonymous No. 114125

olympic faggotry

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Anonymous No. 114127

>guy that goes to slap calls me gay

Anonymous No. 114139

Lmao there is no one in this thread who can do a regular tre flip

Anonymous No. 114140

I'd be doing it for free? Like the jannies?

Anonymous No. 114142

i learned nollie & switch tres before regular tres and switch bigflips before either
you could literally get a hot pockets sponsorship

Anonymous No. 114144

I found a near-perfect spot for a diy in my city. It has a slab, it's small but looks clean. It has jersey barriers right by it that would be good to make some quick obstacles to get the spot popping. It's on a dead end road next to the freeway that no one uses except some hobos set up tents down there sometimes.

Only problem is that I have no one to build with. I have all the tools to start doing cool shit, should I just go and start building some shit on my own and hope some other locals show up and want to help out and skate it with me?

I'll go and take some pics of the spot this weekend.

Anonymous No. 114145

Also I forgot to mention it's like right near the beach so the weather would always be nice.

Anonymous No. 114149

>Sold as individual trucks.
why is this judaism so common?

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Anonymous No. 114163


Anonymous No. 114164

>pivoting back to regular instead of riding away switch

Delete and redo.

Anonymous No. 114168

Anonymous No. 114171

i agree, just my first NBD that I got from my first legit curb session...i liked it ;(

Anonymous No. 114172

I mean I liked it too regardless, but you really didn't do it again cleaner?

Anonymous No. 114176

nah my legs were bent after an hour of getting the timing of ollieing up curbs and to get thru that mental barrier of actually doing them...when I started doing 180s on it it all clicked but I had no more gas. Will definetly get a cleaner one for sure, and post it if I get a better setup

Anonymous No. 114177


Use this for webms when you film a clean one and if you don't ride away switch you're gay.

Anonymous No. 114184

funny you mention that; is the proper way to ride away fakie after 180s or switch? Ive seen varying responses on this.
but tnx for the link ill check it out, I should get into the webm game, just for the sake of good clips if anything

Anonymous No. 114185

learn how to actually skate you fucking retard. trucks are sold individually because they don't wear out at the same speed, and if you were actually doing grinds that aren't just 50/50s you'd understand this.

Anonymous No. 114188

there is no "proper" way to roll away from a 180 if you're talking about stance, and the lines between switch and fakie are blurred when you're rolling away from something because your feet are (should be) on the bolts, meaning you aren't riding switch nor fakie, you're just in the opposite stance. its not really switch or fakie until you're setting up for a trick. thats like saying you roll around nollie

Anonymous No. 114189

Actually I don't know. Usually if it's out of a grind/slide people say it's "to fakie". I just said switch because the first thing that comes to my mind when someone pivots back after a 180 is that they can't ride switch. Because nobody says riding fakie.

Anonymous No. 114190

wheels and bearings don't wear out at the same speed. hardware doesn't wear out at the same speed. shoes don't wear out at the same speed.

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Anonymous No. 114193

TNT's wife looks like she probably enjoys anal

Anonymous No. 114194

>wheels and shoes don't wear out at the same speed
again, thank you for letting me know you are bad at skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 114195

Wait you guys are saying you change one truck at a time instead of both together because you do fs crooks way more than any other crook variation?

Anonymous No. 114196

You think shoes wear out at the same speed? Srsly?

Anonymous No. 114197

Eh you're tying too hard to be retarded. Take it easy there sport.

Anonymous No. 114198

ah that makes sense actually, bolts is the actual stable position
idk, from riding around fakie a bunch for half-cabs and whatnot I feel more stable in it currently then full on switch-push stance, gotta work on it

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Anonymous No. 114199

Post your trucks boys. I got around 4 months on these. Getting a nice groove started for 5-0s in the bowl.

Anonymous No. 114200

do you guys actually not skate switch? both of my shoes look exactly the same in terms of how worn out they are.

Anonymous No. 114201

>riding around fakie a bunch for half-cabs and whatnot I feel more stable in it currently then full on switch-push stance

It's literally the same thing. You don't have to learn to push switch either. Just not pivot after a 180.

Anonymous No. 114202

"post shoes" should be the new shitpost we do, although I wont ever post mine, because my left shoe looks almost new while my right one is all sorts of fucked up.

Anonymous No. 114203

Lol literally never. I don't skate street. But that makes sense that they would wear out at the same speed if you're trying to do switch stuff a good amount of the time. For me my front foot wears out quicker on the sole because I adjust it a lot for different tricks in tranny.

Anonymous No. 114204

>You don't have to learn to push switch either. Just not pivot after a 180.
chill bruh I got that, working on all my fundementals currently but Im definetly gonna go jump on more curbs this week
also wanna get that clean pop shuv down pat asap

Anonymous No. 114205

>muh fundamentals

Just skate for fun and do what you feel like. Also if you do one foot catch pop shuvs you're gay.

Anonymous No. 114207

If I didn't have floppy high tops I'd take a picture of both of them side by side to show you how equally worn out they are, but without my feet in them they kind of turn into wet bags and its hard to take a good picture of them. however the tread on both shoes is worn down exactly the same on each side because I'll switch push around too when i'm just skating to the spot. 180 off a curb, push/ride switch for a few blocks doing ollies up curbs and over manholes etc. even if you suck at switch it's fun to practice, makes your skate routine a little more spontaneous imo. I can post that picture if you want desu

even if you're skating transition you can still do some easy switch tricks. I learned how to switch blunt stall to regular before I learned how to regular blunt to fakie because I was scared of the hang up factor, and doing switch ollies back to regular on something like the walls of a deep end op a pool/bowl where you have enough transition to actually pop an ollie before the coping/deck is actually very fun. try it out sometime.

but yeah, I definitely go through both shoes at equal speeds and i'm not even *that* good at switch. something like a switch heelflip will eat through your shoes pretty quickly because, at least for me, i'm using more of my foot to move the board (weaker non dominate ankle), meaning more of the shoe is making contact.

Anonymous No. 114208

who fucking cares about thread wear

Anonymous No. 114209

Switch blunt stall like a fakie noseblunt? That's sick. I used to have a few switch tricks in tranny when I was younger like switch front 5-0 but I haven't tried them in a while.

Anonymous No. 114211

Do you think crailslides are still legit if you do a split second 5-0 before you go to crail?

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Anonymous No. 114214

my back foot flicks way lighter than my front foot so the wear is different even though i skate switch a lot. i also do a lot more switch & nollie heels.
as for wheels, crooks, blunts nose & tailslides all have different contact areas on the wheel so if you have any preference at all they will wear out at different rates. even the way you distribute you weight just riding & pushing around causes them to wear differently.
also rip supra. these fuckers were retardedly durable, never run through the soles before blowing out the toecap before.
very nice.

Anonymous No. 114215

Oh fuck off. If he wants to do an efficient progression that's what he wants to do.

Anonymous No. 114216

>one foot catch pop shuvs you're gay
why the fuck would anyone do that, is it you Andy?

Anonymous No. 114217

I literally told him to do what he feels like, retard.

Anonymous No. 114218

>supra skate shoes

Nigga kidnapped me and took me back to 2010 or some shit with this photo.

Anonymous No. 114219

>180 off a curb, push/ride switch for a few blocks doing ollies up curbs and over manholes etc.
that sounds like my dream skating dude, cant wait to get there im feeling it

Anonymous No. 114220

Unprompted in response to him explaining what he likes to do

Anonymous No. 114221

Didn't ask.

Anonymous No. 114222

Haha I still have a pair of supra hightops I skate once in a while

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Anonymous No. 114224

come home white man

Anonymous No. 114225

I think you have a though there, want to try again?

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Anonymous No. 114227

What the fuck were they thinking?

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Anonymous No. 114228

>a though

Anonymous No. 114229

So is anyone else here instead of skating because it's 100+ out or is it just me? I don't think I'll bother skating until like 8pm tonight

Anonymous No. 114230

No, summer is over for me. It's cold. Already have to wear long sleeves.

Anonymous No. 114231

im a hikki and only skate at night due to awootism.
night is the superior time to skate almost anywhere

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Anonymous No. 114232

>Switch blunt stall like a fakie noseblunt? That's sick
yup, and thanks. if im rolling up into it fakie, I'll bonk off the coping fakie into a normal noseblunt stall, and if im doing it switch, I just kind of lazily lock in because I'm not that good ha. You should really try for the switch 5-0s again, I actually tried that trick on transition and grinding switch on tranny is a totally different game over just doing stalls and deck tricks like switch fs rock or fakie noseblunts. you should definitely try to get them back, it would be a pretty awesome trick to pull out at random

yeah the post about wheels was a bit of a shitpost, but to be honest, I find that if i'm actually skating to the spots I skate instead of just driving to the smooth ground skatepark, my wheels tend to wear out at a pretty even rate even if I'm spending half of the sesh just doing nose/tail slides and crooked grinds. I miss Supra too, I had the first Ellington model (the remake of his Emerica pro model) and they were tanks, those things lasted forever and kicked off my appreciation for leather shoes.

Anonymous No. 114234

this is going to sound like such obvious advice, but you just gotta skate switch as much as you can when you're on your session. I see so many kids who neglect switch tricks, and when they actually ask me to play skate with them, despite some of them having solid bags of tricks, I can get so many of them with basic switch ollie/fs 180/bs 180/switch heel/switch pop shove its it blows my mind. even if its something as basic as rolling around switch, as in your feet are in the position to switch ollie at a moments notice, is such a helpful thing to get you used to being in the opposite stance. switch fs 180s are also surprising easy if you've never tried them, one of the laziest skate tricks you could do but they still feel nice when you get a clean snap on the ollie and just float down a curb or over come manhole in the road. you got it dude, if you ever got any questions feel free to throw them out. desu i'd probably be one of those kids if I didn't force myself to skate switch after multiple injuries making my front foot a bit weaker. a blessing in disguise but don't get to that point where you only force yourself to skate switch because you're too retarded to skate regular good enough

Anonymous No. 114236

I knew you'd eat that up you pedantic goof

Anonymous No. 114237


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Anonymous No. 114238

Noob here, doing a build I used to skate years back but haven't so it's been a while.
Can anyone verify this build will actually fit together?

Primitive 8.1" Skateboard Deck
Thunder Select 147 Skateboard Trucks
Bones Roughriders ATF 59mm 80a Black Cruiser Wheels

I am mostly concerned that the trucks won't be able to take those wheels?
Or the wheels will hit my board because they're cruiser wheels?
However it seeeeems to me everything will work okay. I just wanted to verify please.

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Anonymous No. 114239

>59mm 80a Black Cruiser Wheels

Anonymous No. 114240

I said I'm new, explain the issue please.
Also I don't plan to do tricks on this build, I plan to cruise.

Anonymous No. 114241

yeah those wheels are pretty big for 147.
if you're mostly looking to cruise you probably don't need low trucks

Anonymous No. 114242

>shopping at zumiez

Anonymous No. 114243

If you want to cruise you should get a wider board than 8.1. you will probably need risers if you want to use those wheels with those trucks.

Anonymous No. 114244

What size trucks should I be looking at for that wheel and deck combo (and will I need risers with the size you suggest)?
>you should get a wider board than 8.1
I had an 8.1 in the past and it was enough. It is a nice inbetween where it doesn't feel too large or too small I enjoyed it.

Also is that wheel size even good? I'm not too familiar with sizings and stuff.

Anonymous No. 114245

I want to avoid wheelbite btw

Anonymous No. 114246

I would suggest going with 56mm wheels and 1/8 inch risers, they are a big enough size for cruising

Anonymous No. 114247

i've heard aces are a really fun truck that turns well. if you run high trucks with a riser then wheelbite shouldn't be an issue.

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Anonymous No. 114248

So keep those 147 thunders? get 1/8inch risers, and 56mm wheels?
I thought trucks were all the same size, but just longer or shorter. You guys keep saying higher so I wasn't sure.
What size trucks should I be looking at? I did really like the color of those thunders it matched my setup.

Would a 1/4 riser with those thunders still be an issue (with 56mm wheels)?

Anonymous No. 114249

I don't know what thunders are like, i have only ever ridden independents. But you're definitely going to need risers if you want to run wheels size 56mm and up

Anonymous No. 114250

Yeah I threw on 1/4 risers I forgot to include in the picture.
But I just want to ensure those would be high enough to avoid wheel bite with 56's.

Anonymous No. 114251

Yeah you'll be fine with 1/4 risers, but you could go lower and get 1/8" risers instead. You don't want to be too high because it makes it kinda wobbly

Anonymous No. 114252

I won't get wheel bite with 1/8"s?
Would prefer to get as low as I can while avoiding wheelbite.

Anonymous No. 114253

You'll get a tiny amount but it won't be an issue.

Anonymous No. 114254

Ok as long as I won't fucking faceplant lol
What if I try to ollie slightly over a crack or something? Will I get fucked?
Also thanks for the help anons

Anonymous No. 114255

I can't guarantee you won't get fucked because you're riding a skateboard, it's inherently dangerous

Anonymous No. 114256

fair point anon
I just wanted to ensure I won't jam my wheels if I turn hard or pop or something w those measurments yk was my point
Sounds like I'll be fine though! Thanks!

Anonymous No. 114257

Thunders don't have the height of an independant and if you're building a cruiser you might as well go with indies anyways because they're going to have a more surfy turn = more fun on your board whipping around corners or doing little snake like moves on the sidewalk or where ever you skate at. if you got indies and 56MM wheels i wouldn't say you need risers either, since thats the setup on my board right now, and i'm a fatass who never gets wheelbite, or when I do it's usually because im actually doing tricks and landing fucked up, not because im simply riding around the town and cruising around.

also the entire point of a cruiser is that it that it isn't in the shape of a normal board. or at least, thats the point for me. I don't see why you'd get a generic shaped board and turn that into a cruiser over getting a shaped board that will make things a lot more fun.

Anonymous No. 114259

Fair points, and good knowledge.
I can always swap out and play around too.
I do plan to build an actual cruiser board, but this is a nice inbetween imo which is what I wanted. Just a regular skateboard that can ride really smoothly. Seeing I'm new I gotta learn everything, this will allow me to get my footing and habits down to a regular skateboard, so I can then play around from there and figure out what I want.
It's a good "base" that can kinda do everything and isn't too stuck in one direction. I realized the 56mm wheels will probably be a good choice for this type of build as well.

Also maybe I'll also grab a set of Indies and check them out.
Thanks anon!

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Anonymous No. 114260

>It's a good "base" that can kinda do everything and isn't too stuck in one direction
thats a pretty fair point, however, i'd still check out something like some decks from a company like Polar, who not only make a lot of normal shaped boards, but also make a lot of cruiser/"side walk surfing" type of boards that you can still do normal tricks on, like some simple ollies or 180s, but they also have wheel wells already sanded into them so you can run some bigger wheels without the need for risers or fearing wheelbite. they're also just fun to skate in general. they also make normal shaped boards with wheel wells if you don't want some fucked up shape that you think will make it a big harder to skate. IIRC thunders are around 50MM in height and independants are around 55MM, a pretty huge difference when you're trying to run some bigger wheels for your setup. I can't speak for Ace trucks, people have said they're solid, but IMO its hard to beat indies from a straight up all around standpoint. excellent height and turning without feeling too high to the point where its all wobbly nor is the turning so fucked up that you feel extremely awkward on your board.

Anonymous No. 114263


Anonymous No. 114264

ace classics are literally the old indy formula with a couple modern enhancements. if i didn't flip the board and jump down shit they are what i'd ride.
also for the newfag anon, most of this truck talk is very autistic optimization stuff. i rode royals for years which many people consider to be 'bad trucks' now and they were totally fine for everything.
whatever you end up riding will just be what the default truck feels like for you. 95% of the meaningful difference you'll actually notice will just come from how much you tighten/loosen your trucks.
and as far as a board goes, literally just get one you think looks cool imo.

Anonymous No. 114265

i skated everyday when i had covid

Anonymous No. 114266

Based superspreader

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Anonymous No. 114267

is this shit any good boomerbros?

Anonymous No. 114268

frontside coughs on lock

Anonymous No. 114269

You should ask on /fit/ instead of here. Honestly though, at a certain point you just need to limit the joint-pain inducing activites and maybe that means you need to mellow down on jumping down stairs or whatever and start just skating manny pads or bowls.

Anonymous No. 114270

ledge gang continues to win

Anonymous No. 114271

Most of the gen xers i see still skating are either just skating curbs, ledges or manny pads, but the older ones who i guess are technically gen xers but more like boomers are just all into bowls and ramps.

Anonymous No. 114273

bowls and ramps are fine for your knees tho?? that seems like a lot of impact

Anonymous No. 114274

Well that's why people wear knee pads i guess.

Anonymous No. 114275

i feel like bowls are low impact when you're good at skating them but will absolutely fuck you up if you're not. if you don't actually bail though they put far less strain on you than pretty much anything.

Anonymous No. 114291

>if you're not
now I don't skate actual bowls, and just stick to transition and QPs, and im comfortable doing that, but holy shit hanging up can happen to anyone at any time and nothing else can compare to getting pitched to flat from the top of the coping. it's basically like hitting a rock at the top of a stair set but you don't have the realization you're about to die until it's too late. I've always tried to be well rounded with my skating and the worst injuries i've had have came from skating transition and bombing hills.

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Anonymous No. 114293

Anonymous No. 114297

tnx for the tips, I am trying to skate more switch to and from the spot so Im getting into that ollie to push to ollie foot positioning, its just wonky af and I really gotta extend my arms horizontal to keep balance. And only tried like 6 switch ollies but I think I can get them in a month or so.
Honestly the only real question I got; do you switch ollie on the nose or does it not matter at all? I figured it made sense to learn switch with the tail infront cause youre going into switch from 180s and reverts, but then again pushing is a bit finicky since its my back truck infront.

Anonymous No. 114299

>its just wonky af and I really gotta extend my arms horizontal to keep balance
while i don't necessary recommend it, you can push switch mongo to make the transition to switch skating a bit easier. when you put your foot back on the front bolts after pushing its a bit more comfortable over actually learning how to switch push and feeling like you just stepped on the board for the first time, only because your dominant flicking foot is still on the board controlling things (even if its on the back) compared to pushing switch where your weaker ankle is doing all of the controlling. it might make you a swongo pusher for life but at least you're skating switch lol.
>do you switch ollie on the nose or does it not matter at all?
when I'm skating switch and doing tricks i'm usually doing off of the tail end like I normally would, just because i find it more comfortable. you have that familiarity of popping off of the tail, even if you're in the opposite stance, compared to being in the opposite stance AND trying something off of the nose, where the truck being tighter/looser can throw off your balance. and like you said, your back truck is going to be in front if you're pushing around, and its going to fuck you up if you're just trying to skate around on flat ground. if I do something like switch fs/bs 180, I'll just do a quick no pop shove it to get my nose back around to the proper side. i find that entire process a lot easier over trying to switch skate the nose to be honest. and if you're doing shit like switch pop shoves, you can just revert back to regular after you land and everything is back the way it should be. maybe i'll try to get some shitty switch clips and motivate someone in here, even if its to do something as basic as a switch ollie over a crack.

Anonymous No. 114300

>maybe i'll try to get some shitty switch clips and motivate someone in here, even if its to do something as basic as a switch ollie over a crack.
fucking do it man, the more OC clips we have here the less bullshit shitposting well have
>you can push switch mongo to make the transition to switch skating a bit easier
Yea I tried that a month ago and its very easy but I wanna get a proper switch push, mongo pushing switch makes sense to me for switch/fakie tricks but cruising around there is way, way too little balance/stability for it to be managable imo
>you have that familiarity of popping off of the tail, even if you're in the opposite stance, compared to being in the opposite stance AND trying something off of the nose
>if I do something like switch fs/bs 180, I'll just do a quick no pop shove it to get my nose back around to the proper side
Alright that actually makes more sense then forcing yourself to ride the tail/nose while switch, Ill keep it in mind tnx

Anonymous No. 114301

This would be s tier if you grinded the curb

Anonymous No. 114302

Funnily enough, on the first few tries I landed into a nose stall that felt sick, but the ledge is too crusty and sticky right now for grinding. Definetly gonna try getting into grinds soon.

Also whats the best way to make crusty/shitty curbs grindable/slideable? Just wax? I got the time and energy to make some small DIY shit if thats what it takes to get a proper curb spot in my neighbourhood

Anonymous No. 114303

Throw Andy in purgatory for these

Anonymous No. 114304

Think most people spray lacquer or paint it, let it dry then add some wax

Anonymous No. 114318

wax works but if its rough its easier to do this

the only problem with spray lacquer is that the rattling can noise can make it look like youre a graffiti VANDAL and that might attract too much attention

Anonymous No. 114321

Alrighty tnx for the tips/links, will definetly get my hands on that curb tool, looks very useful

Anonymous No. 114322

some people like to skate the board reverse for switch, which makes a fair amount of sense b/c it means you'll have the same kind of pop for switch & nollie. i personally just throw down because the second you do a shuv or a hardflip or a bigspin that's not even gonna matter imo.

i'd personally recommend against getting too attached to switch mongo. in my approach at least, the key to good witch is to stop thinking of it as 'switch'. it's newgame+ and you're skateboarding at level 1 and the hardest thing to is stick with grinding your weaker stance to parity rather than just go back to regular on reflex every time you need to roll off a curb.
probably the best thing i ever did for my switch game is skating with my dog switch, you could apply that to any kind of errand but the nice thing about a dog is that they force you to operate more on reflex

Anonymous No. 114326

>needed to order a new setup
>everything is coming tomorrow but my wheels arent packed yet

Anonymous No. 114336

it's over

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Anonymous No. 114338

I just got a new set of wheels and bearings and then decided to order a new deck and trucks after. I couldn't resist trying the wheels on my old setup

Anonymous No. 114339

minilogo wheels are kind of good.
i didn't expect them to be this good

Anonymous No. 114340

guessing you aren't american

Anonymous No. 114343

They're literally just ok.

Anonymous No. 114344

Labour day? I just realized that's mine won't be here until tuesday. Canada.

Anonymous No. 114345

Yep hanging up is the worst and it always just happens when you get too comfortable with a trick.

Anonymous No. 114346

>the more OC clips we have here the less bullshit shitposting well have

>post clip
>start 150 post argument because your webm wasn't good enough quality

Anonymous No. 114349

I have old wheels but I'm not putting them on a fresh setup that's sacrilege.

Anonymous No. 114350


Anonymous No. 114355

I guess everyone left.

