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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 114348


Basic brand information for beginners:
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

old thread

Anonymous No. 114352

First for heelflip.

Anonymous No. 114353

maybe im just old and boring now but jumping down stairs feels so dumb to me now and has zero looks mindless, low effort, and not creative. much rather watch and skate rail skating or see and do a line of ledge and manual tricks.

Anonymous No. 114356

Yeah flips down stairs kind of bore me the way vert bored me as a kid

🗑️ Anonymous No. 114360

i want to go to antisocial one day but the employees seem like theyd hate me

Anonymous No. 114364


Anonymous No. 114365

dumb sperg

Anonymous No. 114368

my best advice to a beginner is dont get into skating 8.3s. fucking nothing is on sale for me skate warehouse has like 12 8.3 clearance decks fucking ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous No. 114370

Nothing wrong with an 8.3.

Anonymous No. 114371

Why not?

Anonymous No. 114374

it's all about how you do it just the same as anything else. imo jumping down stairs & gaps is the most simple and pure fun you can have on a board, going fast, flying and then stomping shit just feelsgoodman and so does the sense of accomplishment you get when you jump down something big.

Anonymous No. 114378

8.38 is the perfect size, i use to skate 8.5 - 8.6 and started skating 8.38...never going back

Anonymous No. 114379

8.25 is

Anonymous No. 114380

8.3 is indeed the perfect size but you are severely limiting the amount of options youll have over skating 8.25 or 8.5 that was all i was saying. youre looking at like half the amount of boards comparatively

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Anonymous No. 114381

8trannies keep coping

Anonymous No. 114382

I'm the only shaped 9 rider in this thread

Anonymous No. 114385

for me? it's an 8.125, the absolute perfect size for both tech street tricks and still having a wide enough board for transition skating.

Anonymous No. 114390

I'm too braindead to understand what 8.125 means. Is 8.25 an inch and a quarter?

Anonymous No. 114393

maybe the guy complaining about how zoomers cant change car batteries or whatever had a point.... nigga do you not know how to read a tape measure?

Anonymous No. 114395

Who cares though? You get an 8.3 this time and a 8.25 next time.

You're not tech.

Anonymous No. 114397

>You get an 8.3 this time and a 8.25 next time.
lmao no i notice the difference 8.25 is too small and 8.5 feels like a boat to me

Anonymous No. 114398

I honestly can't tell the difference between 8.25, 8.38 and 8.5

Anonymous No. 114402

Do you guys have any tips or tricks you use to make your board stay fresh for as long as possible?

One of my pet peeves is dirty grip tape, so I make sure that if I walk through a patch of dirt or something I brush my shoes off before I get onto my board. I hate dirty, dusty grip tape because it's slippery.

Anonymous No. 114405

grip gum

Anonymous No. 114406

I can flip into my ledge tricks, I’d say that’s the definition of “tech skating” but keep coping

Anonymous No. 114411

Obviously you'll notice the difference but 8.25 to 8.3 isn't that big of a deal. You can adjust in 20 minutes.

Post webm of you flipping into a ledge trick.

Anonymous No. 114414

i don't have any footage of myself skating, is it actually that hard to believe? half cab flip/half cab heelflip into bs nose slides are one of the first "tech" tricks any skater should learn after learning how to bs nose slide and half cab flip, they aren't really hard if you know how to catch your board

Anonymous No. 114416

>bs noseslide
Huh, you must be european. That trick was outlawed in the USA and most civilized countries long ago.

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Anonymous No. 114417

>skate 8.5
>probably even a tad small for my giant clown feet
>favourite brand is moving to 8.25 and smaller decks

I don't get why deck companies don't just figure out what the breakdown of popular sizes is and print X amount of every graphic in those sizes.

Anonymous No. 114418

>ducking the smoke with some pussy excuse

Every single time. Even the guy that can barely 180 posted his clip.

Anonymous No. 114419

Also nobody learns cab flip to bs anything as their first trick. They'd always go frontside. Poser retard.

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Anonymous No. 114420

Can any of you recommend some coffee table books of skate photos? It's something I really want to have around that I can just thumb through idly.

Anonymous No. 114421

Based 180 learner and enjoyer.

The extent of my street skating is ollies and 180s up and down curbs, fs and bs slappies and little wallrides, I love just fucking around with those tricks. My favorite one is when you are going off the curb diagonally and then you 180 off it the hard way, like going off the curb frontside but then you backside 180 off it.

Anonymous No. 114422

>My favorite one is when you are going off the curb diagonally and then you 180 off it the hard way, like going off the curb frontside but then you backside 180 off it.

What the fuck am I reading?

Anonymous No. 114423

>pussy excuse
I have literally not once ever filmed a single clip of myself skating in the 17 years that i've been doing this hobby. people didn't have cameras in their pockets when I grew up skating so filming tricks feels unnatural. are you really this bad at skating that you can't believe someone in here can do one of the most basic tech ledge tricks that you could possibly do?

bs noseslides are back in full swing pal, zoomers made them cool again and they pop up all over the place these days in videos.

>they'd go frontside
no they wouldn't, what are you even talking about? half cab flip into FS nose slide is basically doing a 270 flip into FS nose slide, why the fuck would anyone learn that as their first tech ledge trick over doing a half cab flip bs nose slide when you can lazily do a fakie flip and turn 90 degrees into a nose slide?

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Anonymous No. 114424

>yeah i'm pretty tech
>i got fs 50-50 fs shuv out, fs 5-0 fs shuv out, bs 50-50 bs shuv out, bs 50-50 nollie shuv out, varial kickflip into fs 50-50 on curbs, the list could go on

Anonymous No. 114425

If you're doing a half cab that means you're going fakie and if you're going fakie you're definitely 100% of the time learning tricks fronside, because it's 10 times easier. Stop larping you cringe autist.

Anonymous No. 114426

Do you not skate?

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Anonymous No. 114428

Anonymous No. 114429

>this entire post
nigga, do you not understand that rolling up fakie, with the ledge in front of you, and doing a half cab flip into a nose slide at that point, would be a half cab flip into bs nose slide? a half cab flip FS nose slide would be riding fakie with the ledge behind you, doing a half cab flip and further rotating 90 degrees into a fs nose slide. you aren't actually this dumb, are you?

Anonymous No. 114430

If you are regular and you do a frontside half cab are you turning clockwise or counter-clockwise? Trying to work out if you actually know what a fs half cab is.

Anonymous No. 114432

>the ledge in front of you
>bs nose slide

Leave this thread.

There's no such thing as a fs cab. A cab is always backside. If you want to assume there is, then you have to at least put the fs/bs before the cab, and not after, which is when you use it to describe the position of the ledge.

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Anonymous No. 114433

>waiting for midnight bus
>station is empty with 4 clean wood benches
>idea; try to get into a 50-50 on a bench sideways
>get into 3 consecutive board stalls from a 180 first try
>wtf, stoked af
from curb jumping one day to bench jumping??did not expect my ollie onto stuff to be progressing so fast

Anonymous No. 114434

yeah, it's backside, because you are rotating to your regular position into a backside nose slide. why is it so hard for you to humble yourself and accept that you don't know as much about skateboarding as you're pretending you do? a half cab bs nose slide is rolling up with the ledge in front of you dude. rolling up with the ledge behind you and and doing fakie 270 flip into front nose would be half cab front nose despite the ledge being behind you. please learn how skate terminology works my dude.

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Anonymous No. 114435

>a cab is always backside
Did you learn that from the nine club?

Anonymous No. 114437

If a ledge is in front of you it's always frontside you semen slurping moron. What you're trying to describe is called a half cab noseslide. There's no bs/fs in there, because a half cab is always a fakie bs 180, but if the ledge is in front of you the trick is frontside. It's not a bs nose just because it looks like a regular bs nose when you lock in you inbred poser. If the ledge is in front of you, it's frontside.

No I learned it from years upon years of being involved with skateboarding and only zoomers say stupid shit like fs half cab.

Anonymous No. 114438

Are you the guy who posted the heelflip vid last thread?

Anonymous No. 114439

>It's not a bs nose just because it looks like a regular bs nose when you lock in you inbred poser
lol. so what exactly do you think a half cab back side nose slide looks like? post a video so everyone in here can laugh at you.
are you the same person who doesn't understand why a fakie ollie into switch front side nose slide is actually called a "fakie back tail"?

Anonymous No. 114440

of course he is. dude can barely heelflip and is pretending like he actually knows anything about skateboarding. I don't understand why he can't just take this as a learning opportunity instead of doubling down on being a big dummy

Anonymous No. 114441

>484 likes on a video with 50k views and all those comments saying it's frontside

Educate yourself. Do you see them saying fakie fs/bs whatever slide, retard?

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Anonymous No. 114444

>all those comments saying it's frontside
wow, I'm glad I have nobodies on youtube to correct these actual pro skaters who know what tricks they are doing!

Anonymous No. 114445


Anonymous No. 114447

what is it with eurocucks and not being able to own up to being wrong? again, do you actually not realize why that is called a fakie backside tail slide despite the ledge being in front of you? and you know that its accepted in skate boarding as universal? anyone who skates and understands the tricks they are doing is going to call that a fakie back tail. maybe one day when you graduate from high school you will start to use your brain a bit

Anonymous No. 114448

>post shoes
>tranny crush posting
>anon with no clips or pics shitposting his *tech* skills and knowledge
>car battery
>bs/fs autism
stay classy esg

Anonymous No. 114449

Lmao nigga you probably think the black terminal is positive. You may be able to install a car battery but you don't know shit about skateboarding.

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Anonymous No. 114450

>moving the goalposts from his retarded "alf cab flip/half cab heelflip into bs nose slides"

Anonymous No. 114451

also wanna mention that if you skated for 17 years and have ZERO clips and not a single self-made part or edit you should probably kill yourself

Anonymous No. 114452

what goal posts did i move? both half cab bs nose slide and fakie bs tail slide involve rolling up with the ledge in front of you, you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 114453

Still waiting for that tech footy btw.

Anonymous No. 114454

thanks for admitting defeat.

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Anonymous No. 114455

>half cab flip into bs nose slide

Anonymous No. 114456

You forgot to attach your webm bro.

Anonymous No. 114457

t. guy who thinks a sketchy heelflip on flat is a good clip

Anonymous No. 114458

don't forget to dilate today

Anonymous No. 114459

t. schizo that has someone else living rent free in their head to the point where everyone shitting on him is that one specific person

Anonymous No. 114460

>still no webm

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Anonymous No. 114461

>half cab flip into bs nose slide

Anonymous No. 114462

you are literally the loser who brings up that post about the guy driving a forklift at work or the other dude not knowing how to change a car battery all of the time lmao, you are the only nigga in here who is letting anyone live rent free in their heads but keep coping.

Anonymous No. 114463

No you just have the exact same post style and arrogance as that guy who autistically ruined a thread over webm quality.

Anonymous No. 114464

>rent free

So no webm, just schizo shitposting?

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Anonymous No. 114465

Is this you or is it not? Just either be honest and own up to your lack of ability on a skateboard or save the other guy the embarrassment of everyone shitting on him.

Anonymous No. 114466

So this is getting derailed by a retard with no footage and the car battery guy. Why dont you two faggots actually go skate for once

Anonymous No. 114467

>steezy heelflip
>lack of ability on a skateboard
not even him but kys

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Anonymous No. 114468

How to cope when 8 year old girls are mogging you in 12 foot bowls? What the fuck are they putting in the water nowadays

Anonymous No. 114469

Of course its him, hes the big shitposter in this thread, and you can always tell it’s the same dude by his aggressive double posting style and his sense of arrogance despite being flat out wrong. Also the same dude who brings up forklift guy, the guy who cries about New York, the guy who brings up trannies out of nowhere, etc.

Anonymous No. 114470

As an experienced pro skateboarder that's been doing it for 69 years why do you keep deflecting from you posting a webm of yourself doing a tech ledge trick. Why do you have to schizo shitpost with some other dude's clips instead of posting your own?

Anonymous No. 114471

>why do you keep deflecting from you posting a webm of yourself doing a tech ledge trick
thats not even me you weirdo, what the fuck are you talking about. surprise surprise, someone is acting like a big time faggot and others are also calling him out.

Anonymous No. 114472

Lmao I'm not even the same guy who was arguing with you about the tech tricks.

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Anonymous No. 114473

>everything that triggered me is this one same guy

>haha it wasn't m-me bro I promise I'm tech

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Anonymous No. 114474

>reply to one post
>get two "it wasn't me" replies

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one single (you).png

Anonymous No. 114475

take your meds, loser. I am not "schizo shitpost with some other dude's clips", I'm letting you know you are retarded because you don't know why rolling up to the ledge fakie and having it front of you would lead into a backside tail slide or back side nose slide.

Anonymous No. 114476

Where's the webm doe?

Anonymous No. 114477

No you fucking kook, you have two guys arguing with you in this thread. One is the tech enthusiast and the other is me, who can't do anything tech yet has been around skating for long enough to call you out on your retarded idea of what a half cab is. How the fuck is a guy who can barely land a heelflip this arrogant about skating? No wonder you were so indignant about being able to change a car battery. Nigga get back to me when you've rebuilt a gearbox or something. Get a fucking grip you moron, you're clearly an insecure faggot and a shit skater so you latch onto any reason to be superior to others in this thread like changing car batteries.

Anonymous No. 114479

I aint reading all that shit you weirdo.

Anonymous No. 114480

cope + L + ratio + eurofag + you can't skate.

Anonymous No. 114481

>when you don't how bs and fs works when approaching a ledge

Anonymous No. 114482

>still no webm

>so nervous he's missing words

Anonymous No. 114483

Figures you can't read you retarded nigger

Anonymous No. 114484

Big tit estrogen juice

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Anonymous No. 114485

>all of these insults, projecting, shitposting, and tantrums just because I asked for one singular skate clip

Anonymous No. 114487

you don't even know the difference between frontside and backside when it comes to shit that isn't in your regular stance. shut the fuck up faggot

Anonymous No. 114488

>still this mad

Anonymous No. 114489

>arguing with the retarded euro faggot that admitted to being an npc hockey reject clone

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Anonymous No. 114490

Niggas will deflect shit fling write novels move goalposts do anything possible to avoid exposing themselves by posting a clip. You niggas will deadass jump off a bridge to avoid posting a clip.

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Anonymous No. 114491


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Anonymous No. 114492

>you are all of these personas my schizoid mind made up because you had the audacity to ask me for a skate clip when I don't skate

Anonymous No. 114493


Anonymous No. 114494

lol i forgot this gay ass faggot was also that loser.

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Anonymous No. 114495


Anonymous No. 114497

>>waiting for midnight bus
>>station is empty with 4 clean wood benches
you must live in a first world country . a pack of crime nogs would be nearby or piss and shit smelling bums would start asking me for shit here. also every bench here is now bumproofed

Anonymous No. 114498

how is that steezy, dudes feet barely on the board and literally 0 catch

Anonymous No. 114499

post yours

Anonymous No. 114500

Such is life in cali eh

Anonymous No. 114501

Im not claiming mine are steezy, schizo, just if you think thats you need to watch more skateboarding from the bench

Anonymous No. 114502

you don't skate

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Anonymous No. 114504


Anonymous No. 114505

its really not ok talking all this shit when you don't skate though

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Anonymous No. 114507


Anonymous No. 114508

glad you will stop being a bitch then

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Anonymous No. 114509

your heelflips still ugly tho. :^)
good night.

Anonymous No. 114510

non skaters not allowed to talk

Anonymous No. 114512

shoes or fleshlight

Anonymous No. 114514

Post a clip

Anonymous No. 114516


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Anonymous No. 114517

>8.37 shape
>159 trucks
>65mm wheels
>website mentions nothing about the bearings
Should i buy it?
Also is it worth spending more on a cooler shape?

Anonymous No. 114518

Wheels are 85a btw

Anonymous No. 114519

There are like 3 posters in here who can actually skate

Anonymous No. 114520

I did, your turn

Anonymous No. 114523

sounds like some weird cruiser setup, post a pic. desu i wouldn't buy it though. it's usually cheaper to build your own set-up and you can kind of personalize it that way

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Anonymous No. 114525

I'm making my own setup, anon, still deciding which shape tho

Anonymous No. 114526

My dad has a wrench the exact same size as a skate tool

Anonymous No. 114527

Wow that's insane

Anonymous No. 114529

65s are fucking huge. Where I live is more crusty than anything you've ever seen and I run 54 at most

Anonymous No. 114530

You have yet to see the third world bro

Anonymous No. 114533

Third world countries have beautiful concrete. I've skated jank all around the philippines that was paradise compared to my little hole in canada. A chunk of pavement is a treat

Anonymous No. 114534

Lmao can confirm from when i went to vietnam

Anonymous No. 114538

skill issue

Anonymous No. 114539

It's that warm weather. No freeze/thaw cycle to crack everything up and lift the slabs

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Anonymous No. 114540

>third world

Anonymous No. 114541

also for the 64mm anon, if they do chip seal on the roads around you those big ass wheels might be really nice but i'd also buy some backup street wheels even if you just get cheap ones like minilogos

Anonymous No. 114542

just get soft duro wheels instead of some monster truck long board wheels if you actually plan on trying to do tricks and flip your board.

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Anonymous No. 114543

>Is 8.25 an inch and a quarter?
quarter = 1/4 = .25
>I'm too braindead to understand what 8.125 means.
.125 is half of .25
half of 1/4 is 1/8
so 8.125 is 8 and an eighth

Anonymous No. 114544

I wanna do tricks and cruise around the city, anon.

Anonymous No. 114545

Thank you. I am embarrassingly bad with numbers. Is that you in the clip? If so that's sick.

Not him, but I just got ricta clouds and the are a real game changer on haggard roads.

Anonymous No. 114546

you are definitely not going to be able to do tricks with wheels that huge, even with risers, that you didn't include in your set-up. if your city is crusty i'd recommend 58MM at the MOST, and something on the much softer side in terms of duro. like, the average skater is on 101 - 99 duro, i'd probably say you should look into something like in the range of 80-90DU, even though they feel kind of weird at first, they power through any kinds of cracks and crust you can think of. not a fan of Rictas desu but I DO really like OJ wheels if you want to have some other options.

Anonymous No. 114547

id have to go a month without eating to afford those

Anonymous No. 114548

>Is that you in the clip?
aaron herrington at 13:07

Anonymous No. 114549

thanks for the warning but a friend of mine has riser pads and he said he would give them to me

Anonymous No. 114550

even with risers you have to realize that wheels that huge will make your board extremely hard to flip around. if you're new please be aware, and if you can already kickflip, fuck it and have fun

Anonymous No. 114553

my grandma says im a strong boy, ill be fine

Anonymous No. 114555

when will you retards learn to stop entertaining the "post a clip/post board" trolls. you have nothing to gain arguing with them.

Anonymous No. 114556

After about a week hanging around here I do wish people would post some oc instead of boring bickering

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Anonymous No. 114557

You need this dude

Anonymous No. 114559

they are all going to laugh at me at the park anon

Anonymous No. 114560

i would unironically ride that and go launch off bmx jumps

Anonymous No. 114561

The way he pops out of those noseslides makes it actually look good.

Anonymous No. 114565

Yoropoor balkan, not 1st world not 3rd, but the crime rates are low af

Anonymous No. 114569

This clip gave me sweaty palms. Dude can't see the rail when popping and he has to hit it just right at an angle too. If he bails he falls on the skate stopper spikes. Holy fuck.

Anonymous No. 114570

t. no clip no board poser claiming he's been skating for 88 years and is super tech and was sponsored

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Anonymous No. 114583

Working on building a mini ramp.

I’ve only made boxes before, wish me luck. I gotta find a place to get surplus lumber

Anonymous No. 114587

If it's abything like here be ready to pay a fortune for lumber

Anonymous No. 114594

I know. I’m about to just buy a qp kit and kind of take it from there.

Really wish I could just do concrete mold but I’m renting this house and idk how cool the landlord would be about that

Anonymous No. 114599

I skate to half way to work every day and bus the rest of the way there, I love moving on my old decrepit board but the road is so rough in some spots that I have to either push with all my strength and end up bathing in sweat, or have to walk for a patch because the road is so disheveled.

what board do you bros recommend I invest in for my next purchase? thanks all

Anonymous No. 114601

the road is rough so you want to replace your board? shouldnt you try and get new wheels instead?

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Anonymous No. 114602

Considering making a slap account bros

Anonymous No. 114603

He probably thinks board means the whole set up

Anonymous No. 114604

I swear by 54 ricta clouds for rural chipseal. Powell just came out with a new dragon wheel that is getting crazy hype too

Anonymous No. 114605

congratulations on your transition
[spoiler]sometimes the buy/sell threads on there have really good shit for cheap[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 114609

wheelbase chads...

Anonymous No. 114614

just make an account so you can turn off signatures, hide avatars, and change the color scheme of the forum but never post like I do. makes the board a lot easier to read.

Anonymous No. 114618

why don't yall wait for the other 5 skate generals to archive before starting a new one?

Anonymous No. 114620

because they're hitting bump limit.

Anonymous No. 114621

nice spoiler retard

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Anonymous No. 114624

I had this Superior Sugar Rosa deck before we moved, and it was disassembled and my dad fucking threw it out because he thought it was broken because it was disassembled and didn't bother asking, and I'm pissed.
I can't find it anywhere to buy anymore, does anyone know if there is anywhere I can get one? I don't even see it on eBay.

Anonymous No. 114625

t. 12 years old

Anonymous No. 114626

its out of press and you're probably never going to find it again, shit sucks. I've had my parents throw a way a lot of shit I really cherished that they kept in their garage because "its old". just take this life lesson and hold onto anything you actually care about because boomers are dumb and will throw away anything if it doesn't belong to them.

Anonymous No. 114628

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 114629

Which one of you motherfuckers is this?


Anonymous No. 114630

Kill dad.

Anonymous No. 114635

Hypothetically would it be wrong to steal a generator from a person who once jewed me out of a few hundred bucks? The generator would then be used in the construction of DIY skate spots so this is skate related.

Anonymous No. 114636

Depends on your skin color.

Anonymous No. 114637


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Anonymous No. 114638

So uhh...If I 180 up a curb thats behind me; thats a backside 180 or frontside 180(goofy)? Or does jumping up not count as an element and only slides/grinds change the side naming?

Anonymous No. 114639

Yeah so, it's not like this board moves fast enough to not be able to find it after the bump limit unless of course there are 8 other skate generals that never died.

Anonymous No. 114640

What are you even asking?

Anonymous No. 114641

not my problem

Anonymous No. 114642

180bro if you're goofy and rotating clockwise it's fs. If you're doing a grind/slide then yeah the position of the obstacle matters, but you're just doing an ollie.

Anonymous No. 114643

When you are walking with your skateboard do you grab it by the trucks or around the deck?

Anonymous No. 114644

When your car battery dies do you change it yourself or do you pay someone to do it for you?

Anonymous No. 114645

Just answer the question, you're in /esg/, not /o/

Anonymous No. 114646

I'm not him. I'm just jumping in for my homeboy since you tried acting smart.

Anonymous No. 114647

trucks. mallgrabbing is back in and hip

Anonymous No. 114648

Cool lol you're jumping in for a guy who spent a good portion of this thread starting an argument because he doesn't understand the nuances of frontside and backside.

Anonymous No. 114649

Take your meds.

Anonymous No. 114651

>rent free

Anonymous No. 114652

Learn to skate you fucking kook.

Anonymous No. 114653

post your skate clips

Anonymous No. 114655

So my Antihero Huffer came, got it with 159s and had a cruise around with my mini super juice cause I'm waiting for my f4 conical fulls. Really likeing the shape, big ollies feel so stable.

Anonymous No. 114656

Post pics

Anonymous No. 114658

I wonder if that retard thinks a half cab back 50 is actually a half cab front 50 because "you rolled up with the ledge in front of you". nobody let that nigga know what a cab back lip is lmao

Anonymous No. 114659

it seems like thank you is doing this but the graphics are... yeah

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Anonymous No. 114660

I think I'll have a lot more fun with it when I have harder wheels, all the 180s were really hard on this.

Anonymous No. 114661

Looks fun, is it just for cruising?

Anonymous No. 114662

Nah I'm putting 54mm 99a conical fulls on once they get here, this'll be my standard setup, I just couldnt resist. Should feel good to land some kickflips on.

Anonymous No. 114663

t. half cab flip into bs nose slide

Anonymous No. 114664

Im thinking of buying a set of large soft wheels for cruising besides my "normal" 53mm wheels. What's ideal/max wheel thickness for a normal deck and ace af1 that i like to ride quite loose? What wheels would you recommend for cruising?

Anonymous No. 114665

that is proper skate terminology, yes, glad you're finally putting that europoor education to use

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Anonymous No. 114666

OJ Mini Super Juice are the best cruiser wheels

Anonymous No. 114667

Nice, I converted to shaped decks recently and I will never go back.

Anonymous No. 114668

get ready for 30 new skate generals lets see how quick these jannies are

Anonymous No. 114669

isn't 55mm kinda "small" for a cruising wheel though?

Anonymous No. 114670

you really need to 180 out of your shoulders on that kind of setup rather than sliding it

Anonymous No. 114671

IMO cruiser wheels, at least for me, are less about the size and more about the duro and actual shape of the wheel. you'll still go fast if you have soft enough wheels and flip tricks don't feel clunky because you aren't rocking some 64MM tube shaped wheels.

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Anonymous No. 114672

I was skating this grimple shaped board recently and I fell in love with them
It's more about the hardness than the size, I'm using the wheels I reccomended here >>114660

Anonymous No. 114673

Ok thanks. I guess smaller is ideal for me anyway since i like to ride really loose trucks.

Anonymous No. 114674

not my problem

Anonymous No. 114676

this board belongs to /esg/

Anonymous No. 114677

imo 58mm is the max without risers before it becomes annoying, depending on the trucks. wider wheelbites more

Anonymous No. 114678

i don't go on this board but does shoe size matter with the deck size?

Anonymous No. 114679

go fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 114680


Anonymous No. 114681

congrats you are the new wrestling posters

Anonymous No. 114685

i skate a 7.75 with size 11 shoes so it doesn't matter that much but riding a small board with big feet is a lot more doable than riding a big board with small feet imo

Anonymous No. 114688

who cares? why are you acting like this is our problem when your issue is that all of the other general threads don't generate enough posts as this one does? they don't archive because this board doesn't get enough traffic to push them out of the catalog. blame the BJJ fags and parkour dudes for not being active enough on this board instead of the skaters who actually have things to talk about

Anonymous No. 114691

>muh deck

Anonymous No. 114693

L + ratio + nobody cares about your threads + you're gay

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Anonymous No. 114694

damn frfr

Anonymous No. 114696

we really are the scooter kids of /xs/ desu

Anonymous No. 114710

Why did boomers care so much about how you hold your board while walking? "Mallgrabbing" cringe lmao

Anonymous No. 114711

t. assblasted mallgrabbing eurocuck

Anonymous No. 114712

Just an arbitrary thing the core came up with to weed out faggots they deemed not worthy of hanging out with. Thus it became something you avoided doing around other skaters as a sign you were cool. This generation doesn't understand the mall grabbing poser era because they just don't exist anymore. Why? Because they're now scooter riders. If you see a teenager at a skate park riding a scooter, you can bet he would have been a mall grabber in the 90s.

Anonymous No. 114713

>all of this cope
people don't mallgrab because you are avoiding fucking up your hands from holding onto your beat up trucks. your trucks ARE messed up from skating crusty ledges, right anon?

Anonymous No. 114714

What the hell do your trucks look like where you're going to fuck your hands up holding onto them?

Anonymous No. 114715

>t.pushes mongo too

Anonymous No. 114732

I'm new to skate can someone explain why skate shoe matters?

Anonymous No. 114733

Yeah, my griptape has dogshit, wax, and grime
on it too. You ARE skating outside, right anon?

Anonymous No. 114736

better grip, flatter sole for more stability, more durable in the right places

Anonymous No. 114737

New skater here, do I really need to put bearings in my wheels or can I get by without?

Anonymous No. 114738

Do you want it to roll?

Anonymous No. 114743

it don't

Anonymous No. 114748

my grip isn't covered in dogshit because random piles of dogshit aren't just in the middle of the streets and sidewalks. must be tough living in the third world.

Anonymous No. 114750

A quick skater hack for beginners is to not use wheels right away. It helps keep you balanced while you are learning. Slowly introduce one wheel at a time as you get more comfortable. Put in bearings once you are using all 4 wheels.

Anonymous No. 114751

I feel like this is the tranny crush shitposter that switched his shitposting style with newbie-bait

Anonymous No. 114756

post a clip of yourself doing a "half cab flip into bs nose slide"

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Anonymous No. 114757

>you just sat on your snack

What did Bev mean by that?

Anonymous No. 114758

There was a small item of food on the chair that was going to serve as an interim stomach filler between meals, usually know as a snack. She sat on it. She sat on her snack.

Anonymous No. 114759

I thought her ass was the snack.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 114763

no im the skate park crush poster these are the only post I've made, stop blaming me for the dire state of these threads, I barely troll them anymore you guys are all just idiots that would be fighting it regardless if I posted bait or not

Anonymous No. 114764

no im the skate park crush poster these are the only post I've made,
stop blaming me for the dire state of these threads, you guys are all just aggro idiots that would be fighting itt regardless if I posted bait or not

Anonymous No. 114766

I feel like you need professional help for your mental issues.

Anonymous No. 114769

>you guys are all just aggro idiots that would be fighting itt regardless if I posted bait or not
fair enough

Any camera bros in here? VX1000 worth it for the hassle, maybe the HVX200? Whats a good budget one and what is the best tech wise for skating?

Anonymous No. 114780

Vx1000 or any SD cam is not worth it, HD all the way.

Anonymous No. 114785

>having soul is not worth it
Okay zoomer

Anonymous No. 114786

Best time to skate?
t. 26 year old

Anonymous No. 114787

It's insane how peter hewitt is still so good at skating despite being almost 50

Anonymous No. 114788

assuming you're asking for advice on when to go to the skatepark:

Weekday mornings and throughout the day until like 3-4pm will be uncrowded at almost all skateparks. Good time to skate if you are learning or just want to skate with no one around.

Weekend mornings usually have families coming around which means little kids on scooters and other annoying shit but you will also get the slightly older skaters coming out to have a session before the zoomers.

Weekdays and weekends in the late afternoon usually are the most crowded.

Nighttime sessions can be crowded too if your local park has lights, but there are less little kids and high schoolers so if you are a comfortable skater it's a fun time to go.

Anonymous No. 114789

>muh soul
tapes are too expensive and the rigs they make to capture on to cards are either expensive as fuck or impossible to find in stock. HD looks better and is practical. It’s a no brainer.

Anonymous No. 114793

hate to sound like a shill,
but would anyone recc a(n online) store to buy shoes?

Anonymous No. 114794

Search for 3CCD MiniDV cams. It's worth it if you got a good filmer and a high quality ultra fisheye (which is probably more expensive than the cam itself)
Used tapes are cheap and you can try this:

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Anonymous No. 114796

pic related

Just type in various skate brands and go to their official websites and they are almost always having sales. See the shoe reviews in OP if you don't know the brands.

Anonymous No. 114798

It depends on your local and body, some people are very motivated in the morning

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Anonymous No. 114799

>See the shoe reviews in OP
yeah dude... sure

Anonymous No. 114800

what are high quality fish eyes and how do I recognize one? Also is ebay the best for buying cameras or are there better alternatives?

Anonymous No. 114801

I guess most skaters buy the Opteka 0.3x Ultra fisheye lens nowadays. Fisheyes that look similar to the Beagle death lens
I don't know, maybe /p/ knows more about deals

Anonymous No. 114802

I think mallgrabbing is a tell of a newbie/non-skater because it's an awkward hold to throwdown from and run with. Much easier to hold the middle of the board and grab the nose.

Also, not to repeat a dumb argument I had here months ago, but I still think pushing mongo is fine in 99% of cases even though I know default to regular pushing. Honestly, I don't know why you wouldn't want to be able to push both ways. It's so fucking handy to have that option and it makes switch pushing easier too.

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Anonymous No. 114803

aesthetic wise, left or right?

Anonymous No. 114805


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Anonymous No. 114806

>forgot image

Anonymous No. 114807

this the one.

Anonymous No. 114810

clown shoes

Anonymous No. 114811

New airosoul.

Anonymous No. 114813

Nice mini german bro
What camera/lens you rocking?

Anonymous No. 114815


God no I'd kill myself. I'm just saw they uploaded a new vid and I'm posting it.

Anonymous No. 114816

I remember him being active about his diy a couple of threads ago

Anonymous No. 114817

the problem with VXs is that its basically outdated technology in terms of what you are working with. you can rig your camera up to record straight to a SD/HDD with some technical skills, but otherwise you're going to be having to deal with finding MiniDV tapes, installing a firewire port on your computer, camera glitches etc. HD cameras are a lot easier to deal with simply because you don't have to deal with the headache of old technology. not to mention that if you fuck up your VX, good luck getting it fixed if you don't know what you are doing yourself. not to mention that the VX Death Lens is basically impossible to find at non fucked up prices, and finding one for sale without some kind of scratches/threads full intact is going to be a real bitch.

you can still capture the soul of VXs with HD cameras with the proper set-ups and all of the benefits of HD. 4:3 aspect ratio and the same framing but you'll have better picture quality, but i don't think you can replicate that crunchy classic VX sound quality. I know you guys love to shit on slap for whatever reason, but the filming board can steer you in the right direction even if you're just reading the boards, you don't have to participate. I suggest you check out the HD 4:3 thread and the VX1000 general if you want to actually get some reliable information

Anonymous No. 114819

Thanks I'm almost ready to put on my first wheel!

Anonymous No. 114820

Agreed but I grew up with MiniDV camcorders and it's still easy as fuck. I connect a cam to my ThinkPad, hit record, it just works. You can also get tapes cheap on ebay and I always reused my old ones. Yeah the glitches are annoying and I prefer to film with HD cameras nowadays, outdated technology is still fun to mess around with if you got the opportunity.

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Anonymous No. 114821


Anonymous No. 114824

IIRC they actually stopped producing MiniDV tapes. you can obviously still find them on Ebay but I think at some point in the future it's going to be a dead end, its why people started looking into the SD/HDD extensions in the first place. I do think its really fun messing with older technology, and more people should definitely toy around with stuff like that if they get the chance, but if you're a zoomer who basically grew up with technology that is so streamlined that a retard could figure it out, going back to something with physical tapes and the like might be a little weird feeling and take some time to really get used to. All of that said, i'd never really steer anyone away from using a VX1000, the look is so iconic, and while you can do a bunch of stuff to your HD footage to mimic the look, nothing will ever come close to the real thing, as long as you actually get your settings all figured out.

Anonymous No. 114825

I hear you. I wonder what the next big skateboarding cam will be after the HVX, HPX hype

Anonymous No. 114826

>VX1000 and similar derivatives are cheaper then HD, but also hard to find and repair+tapes are a limited resource
>HD approved variants are outside of my budget or not what Im looking for
Guess Ill have to think some more about how much Im willing to spend and for what, but holy hell, I did not expect a simple cam with a handle and mic to be costly shit

Anonymous No. 114828

>tfw no injured helena gf

Anonymous No. 114832

I personally think they're outdated and not worth the effort (and I like seeing tricks in detail), but you can hook what's basically a capture card up to any miniDV camcorder and record directly onto SD cards. You obviously don't get tape degradation, but it's otherwise the same image. That's how anyone still using a VX1000 is getting their footage these days, because otherwise you have to either edit with a fucking tape deck, or digitize the tapes afterwards anyway.

IMO I'd rather just get a GoPro, stick a shotgun video mic on top and then add filters and shit to it in post. They're cheaper, smaller, more durable, easy to replace/repair, shoot higher quality and in higher frame rates, and you can fit them in all sorts of cradles and handles. They're not a 1 for 1 replacement for a VX, but they have so many more advantages against it for a fraction of the price. I mean, you're ultimately paying nearly a grand for an aesthetic.

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Anonymous No. 114833

are there any shoe brand you guys recommend? Im an adida-fag but i want an actual skate brand

Anonymous No. 114835

Dont think gopros are the way to go since the long lense on them is awful

Anonymous No. 114836

soletech(etnies, emerica, es)

Anonymous No. 114837

I guess, but I think they're great for follow along shots or those types of clips where you're close to the landing, which is what people seem to love the VX for the most. But yeah, they're pretty much pointless for a nice long shot of a rail or stair set or something.

Anonymous No. 114841

Jesus, just look up that "how do you do fellow kids" meme. Mallgrabbing is like treating your skateboard as if it were a fashion accessory, it has nothing to do with a board being sanitary, or how easy it is to throw down.
last resort :)

Anonymous No. 114842

Dumb dumb, if you don't treat your board as a fashion accessory, you hold it in a way that lets you skate on it faster.

Anonymous No. 114845

lefty's gf or whatever literally makes pregnant porn. imagine you get to do something beautiful like have a baby with your wife and then she starts posting photos of her lactating breasts on reddit and shit. that's so fucked up. i know the guy has one arm but cmon man dont let yourself get cucked like that.

Anonymous No. 114846

i have no idea who or what the fuck you are talking about but i'd like a link anyways

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Anonymous No. 114848

Finally, the high brow skate discussions I come here for. She's got some pics on twitter where she's literally using her kids toys to masturbate. Sick stuff, but did you really expect a skateboarder to have a trad wife?

Anonymous No. 114850

seconding soletech.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 114851

>tfw lactating pregnant woman engorging herself with her baby toys for anyone to see for 5 dollars has a cool skater bf
bros it's not fair. How do I get a skater bf to play SKATE with? should I actually talk to him instead of avoiding eye contact and walking to the opposite side of the park every time he's near me? surely that would never work, shouldn't he just read my mind and approached someone that acts afraid of him anyways? how does she do it?!

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Anonymous No. 114852

nvm just found out that she's HOT, makes total sense now!

Anonymous No. 114858


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Anonymous No. 114877

say something nice about my gf (girlfriend) Efron Danzig

Anonymous No. 114882


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Anonymous No. 114883

>the stump

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Anonymous No. 114884

Heh poorfags without ps2 don't know the real way to hold a skateboard

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lefthesh gf.png

Anonymous No. 114885

>there is literally porn with lefthesh in it
How does the skateworld not know this? I wonder if amputee mulatto male with pregnant female is a popular genre on pornhub

Anonymous No. 114890

do you guys think hes blasting her with it? I know i would

Anonymous No. 114900

Fallen but I don't skate them personally. Etnies. Es. Last Resort if you want to overpay a bit for lower quality shoes and want to support skater owned brands.

Anonymous No. 114901

The game was released on PC in Australia if you didn't know.

Anonymous No. 114902


I'm 33 atm and I've been itching to skate again.
But too self-conscious about the youngsters possibly making fun of me.
I'm not great, could rarely land a kick-flip years ago.
But I want to try again to a: Lose weight and b: Fun.

Anyone else been in this situation?

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Anonymous No. 114910


Anonymous No. 114911

philly anons pumped for the rip ride rally?

50% off + Free Ground Shipping in USA + extra 20% off at checkout with code Welcome20:

Anonymous No. 114912

Thank God I wasn't born in philly.

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WhatsApp Video 20....webm

Anonymous No. 114913

Ok made my first Webm, God it looks like shit. Just testing how it looks in browser. Android footage is filthy. Any ways to improve quality and shit; tips/tricks welcome

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Anonymous No. 114919


Anonymous No. 114921


How many times do I have to post this and tell you assholes to check the VP9 box, set the size limit to 3 MB and to resize it to 720, since surely your source file is 1080p or something similar. What the fuck is this 640x352 shit?

Anonymous No. 114922

Go work on your heelflips nerd

Anonymous No. 114924


Anonymous No. 114925

Because it would be a more constructive use of your time than acting like an arrogant sperg every time someone posts a webm with the wrong dimensions.

Anonymous No. 114926

Did you get triggered again for no reason lil bro?

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Anonymous No. 114927

Thanks to the anon who recommended mini super juice wheels for cruising. I fucking love these wheels. Being used to 51mm hard wheels, these badboys hold speed so well and i don't have to push all the time. I'm however thinking of getting another deck and set of trucks just so i don't have to change the wheels whenever i just want to cruise or do tricks.

Anonymous No. 114929

I litteraly used that you fuckign nerd, tnx for the specs tho I just put in in and clicked the big button

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Anonymous No. 114931

mhmmm.... uhh..... yeah oh yeah...... mhhhhhh fuuuuck yea..... that's it baby oh fuuuuuck........

Anonymous No. 114932

You're literally not allowed to call anyone a nerd the way you look 180bro. You trim your shit first. Then resizing your shit to 720, then in the encoding tab selecting high quality mode and putting a size limit of 3mb, then in the advanced tab clicking the VP9 box gives you the best quality for 4chan. Now repost the webm so we can see.

Anonymous No. 114934

changing a car battery is easier than changing a tire

Anonymous No. 114935

>not allowed to call anyone a nerd the way you look
the fit slaps fr no cap

yeah Ill get something proper soonish, Im just experimenting with this shit


Anonymous No. 114937

Don't let me get on your fit lil bro. You don't want that.

Anonymous No. 114938

How is the guy who can barely heelflip so arrogant? Fucking lmao you need to leave whatever flyover state you live in and see how far behind the average skater you actually are.

Anonymous No. 114941

>can't handle friendly batter

Back to slap with you, butthurt cuck.

Anonymous No. 114942

slap has much better banter than these fucking threads

Anonymous No. 114944

Great. Stay there then.

Anonymous No. 114946

Anyone here ride anything other than bones or spitfire? I've been riding bones for as long as i can remember but i want to try a different brand. I really like the way the retro colored wheels look, like slime balls.

Anonymous No. 114947

Retro colored wheels?

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Anonymous No. 114949

Poor Helena :(

>tfw no Jill Perkins sk8 rat gf

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heelflipping euro....png

Anonymous No. 114951

it's so weird to me that ""some people"" in here are always crying about slap and muh slap trannies, despite 4chan literally having a board for faggots, who have clearly have a big presence on this site. you probably have 10x the amount of trannies on 4chan compared to slap, yet people always want to shit on that forum. despite it being filled with people who actually know shit about skating, instead of shitposting weirdos who don't know what a front side half cab looks like.

I had some Snot wheels because I really like FOS and try to support the shit he does, but the quality just wasn't my thing. super fucking hard, couldn't skate in the streets with them, basically a park only wheel. they do look really cool though and i like the transparent/pastel color offerings. if the ground isn't buttery smooth around you, avoid those wheels. I'm skating some OJs right now and I really like them. soft enough to deal with crust but they still slide on ledges and handle the parks just fine. if you've been Bones only for so long, why not try out some spitfires? they have a good reputation for a reason, and a lot of solid offerings in shape/color/duro.

Anonymous No. 114952

There he is again, the long post autist.

Anonymous No. 114953

the flair is so fucking annoying. like 60% of every page is just some retard's gay ass signature gif

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Anonymous No. 114954

works on my machine

Anonymous No. 114956

yeah i love reddit tier quips and getting banned for not completely agreeing with the latest huffpost, nytimes, salon, npr, washington post, vice, vox, buzzfeed, etc narratives

Anonymous No. 114957

I bet you also love changing your car battery or assembling shelves on your own.

Anonymous No. 114958

>zoomer visits a actual forum for the first time

you've never been on slap lmao

Anonymous No. 114959

what the fuck are you talking about, are you mad you just can't say nigger without getting banned or some stupid shit? why the fuck would you want to talk about "NPR narratives" on a skateboarding message board?

Anonymous No. 114960

Slap at least has people who are knowledgeable about skating but it also has reddit tier conversation most of the time. /Esg/ would be so sick if there was just a handful more guys who could actually skate in here who were knowledgeable enough to have respectable opinions. Like if you're a decent skater and you've put some time into this hobby to get where you're at that's respectable and your opinions are welcome but if you're still struggling with basic flip tricks then you should probably sit down for a while because your opinions aren't worth shit in this thread.

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Anonymous No. 114961

I actually did have some spitfires when i was younger and i hated them because they got bad flatspots within like a week of riding them and I gave them away. That was before the V4s existed though. The spitfire site has these on there but I haven't seen these in any shops or online stores, but they look fucking sick. Is the v4 formula basically good for everything?

Anonymous No. 114963

yeah, these look fucking awesome and I was going to recommend them just for the color aspect, but like you said, I couldn't really find them in online stores. the catalog just dropped though, and they're probably in transit right now, probably gonna start popping up within the week or so.
>Is the v4 formula basically good for everything?
definitely. Spitfire were pretty garbage back in the 2000s/early 2010s, I had the same shit happen to me as a kid, and I swapped to Bones for a pretty solid stretch, but the F4 line really stepped up their quality. they hardly flatspot, hold their overall shape really well, don't really "yellow out" over time (but if you're skating the colored variations its basically a non issue), don't chip/flake away that hard, slide great on concrete and ledges, honestly a fantastic wheel. F4s have a pretty solid hold on the wheel market and it's for a good reason. plus all of the shapes they offer at various duros make it so appealing to just get a pair and throw them onto whatever set-up you're running, because they have something for everyone. all of that being said, I still like to branch out to other wheels from time to time. like i said, OJs are solid wheels even if you aren't getting their filmer/cruiser wheels, Bones are coming out with new formulas sometime soon if you want to sit and wait on those and keep yourself in familiar territory, SMLs are alright if you can find them and have two different formulas for different crust levels and you're supporting "skater owned business" if thats something you value.

Anonymous No. 114964

I feel like slap having some reddit qualities to it is just a product of being a "normal" internet website. most of it is kind of quarantined into the whatever section and a handful of threads on the main board. I never see stupid shit in the gear threads or the film/photography sections of the board. definitely agree about /esg/ though, I try and help out a lot of people in here just because i've been skating for years, and feel like i'm pretty knowledgeable on subjects, but I see so many posts in here from dudes who clearly have no idea what they're talking about and have to insist they're right and you're wrong, it kind of sucks. even if it's just "banter", ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and all these people are doing are driving out people who actually want to learn about skateboarding because some dude can't not act like a faggot for one single thread.

Anonymous No. 114967

Yeah if you say shit like fs half cab you should stay on slap/reddit.

Anonymous No. 114968

>i've been skating for years

Nice. Post some clips bro.

Anonymous No. 114970

people who sneed about naming conventions are the same as people who sneed about pronouns, you are a literal tranny and i'm sorry that fakie frontside flip split the stitches on your neovagina.
i have never tried bones or spitfire lmao. satori are pretty nice but i hear their formula is quite a bit softer than what people are used to so a 101a is not gonna feel like a bones 101a
/lgbt/ is the straightest board on 4chan. it is also the worst board so gather from that what you will.
also i feel like the ratio of knowledgeable person to cringe 'oldhead' on slap is far more annoying than dealing with the 3 recurring schizos and handful of newfags in these threads.
any website that isn't anon will have the exact same problems as slap for the exact same reason. persistent identities make retards too susceptible to oversocialization. also you will absolutely see stupid shit in the gear threads. half of it is console war tier brand humping.

Anonymous No. 114971

>trannies live rent free in his ill mind

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Anonymous No. 114972

I started at 33. Could ride around somewhat and do sketchy ollies, that's it. I started slow in skateparks between 6-9am so that they were empty, or I tried to find some flatground to roll around to help get used to pushing and going fast. I don't know if kids would ever laugh at me cause I've really only ever skated around other adults. I don't think it's something you should be concerned about at 33, though, because fuck kids what the fuck do they know? They're always trying to find something to make fun of or be a smartass about, so you've just gotta treat them like little subhumans and disregard everything that they say and do. Almost everyone under 20 is a little shit, but that's just teenagers for you and you shouldn't take anything they say seriously. If you're lucky, they can even be sort of fun to hang around if you have no choice. Anyway, just remember that ultimately no one actually gives a shit about you, so do what you want. Good luck, anon.

Anonymous No. 114973

slapfaggots seething lmao. why the fuck are you here if you hate it so much just shut your faggot asses up and stay on slap

Anonymous No. 114974

>he didn't get the joke with the last post

Anonymous No. 114976

Because i can't post about leftie's pregnant pornstar gf on slap

Anonymous No. 114977

Then post her ass and stop bitching and being butthurt at everything else, cunt.

Anonymous No. 114978

Yes you can, they literally had a thread about Andy Roys ex posting porn on reddit and how much of a gross slut she was that hit like 20 pages with dudes rating her asshole and pussy based on the shit she was posting on reddit. Why are you just making shit up my man?

Anonymous No. 114979

That's because no one likes Andy Roy and pisshead P or whatever her name is.

If i posted about leftie on there people would be all like 'but he has one arm man... you cant say that... and he's half black man... not cool bro...'

Anonymous No. 114981

Anonymous No. 114982

It’s dirtbag p, get it straight and say that to Andy Roys face offline

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andy roy.jpg

Anonymous No. 114983

I actually like Andy roy lmao. But no one on slap does.

Anonymous No. 114984

new tranny skate video up

Anonymous No. 114985

I'm glad you enjoy them, they're really fun. I landed a nice kickflip yesterday on my friends board with the full sized super juice

Anonymous No. 114986

i dont fuck with that leo baker chick

Anonymous No. 114987

trannies skate better than us bros how do we cope

Anonymous No. 114988

I don't know slapbro, you should ask your slap buddies how you'd cope with your issue.

Anonymous No. 114989

Might ask this in the next thread, but do/did any of you have the problem of learning 5050s on transition where you can do them with your weight in the bowl all day, but getting out and on top of the deck is the biggest pain in the ass?

I can drop in from 50s and fly out no problem, but there's some bastard mental barrier with doing that while kickturning onto coping.

Anonymous No. 114990

I haven't had new trucks in so long I forget what they are supposed to feel like. I put some mid height indies on and they are super loose to skate. I tightened them until it looks like the bushings will squish out. My 54 wheels bite hard. Do I need stiffer bushings or risers? Both?

Anonymous No. 114991

Does Boston count as the same thing as NY at this point? These people are literal clones of each other.

Anonymous No. 114992

Damn, what happened? That looks fucking bad.

Anonymous No. 114993

You don't need risers for street skating and you should either get bones hard bushings or learn to skate. Or both.

Anonymous No. 114994

If your Indie bushings are like the that came with mine, save yourself time and get hard Bones ones. I went through 3 sets of Indies before I got a combination that held and didn't mash out over the washer.
I use small risers on my board, though they're mostly for some shock absorption.

Anonymous No. 114995

9.8 here:)

Anonymous No. 114996

I actually have the opposite issue right now where I can 50-50 all day long on steel coping because you just sit on top, but in bowls with pool coping you have to be way more leaned into the bowl and I just can't get it.

As for your issue you might just need to go faster to get your weight on top. Also when I do it I make sure I go 5-0 for a split second and then tap down into 50-50 so my weight is not too heavy on the front truck, that allows you to sit on it for longer.

Anonymous No. 114999

you're supposed to break the bushing in dude, obviously they're going to feel weird because they're brand new, and while Bones feel already broken in and are nice, they crap out extremely quickly and feel like shit after that point.

Anonymous No. 115000

retard opinion

Anonymous No. 115001

the plastic core at the center of Bones leads to a lot of blowouts and cases of bushings just collapsing into themselves a lot quicker over a standard bushing, even if the standard bushing has a brutal break in period that takes some time to get used to. have you actually never blown out your Bones? Mine look like shit and have for as long as i've had them, but it's not that big of a deal for me because i can still control my board good enough to skate around. others might not be so lucky though

Anonymous No. 115002

>Mine look like shit and have for as long as i've had them

post picture

Anonymous No. 115004

have you really never had your Bones break down on you?

Anonymous No. 115006

no, post picture

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Anonymous No. 115009

is this it? the quality from my phone is dogshit either way...
you like calling me lil dont you car battery?

Anonymous No. 115011

i cannot tell the difference between zoomers and trannies anymore

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Anonymous No. 115012

goddamit wrong file

Anonymous No. 115013

720 the other way around lil boy

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Anonymous No. 115014

this has happened to every pair of Bones i've had, from Soft/Medium/Hard, Black and White pairs. the plastic core ends up "separating" from the bushing and sinking deeper and deeper into the bushing, leading to really fucked up turns/response time. and like I said, while I can deal with that, because it's something i've always had to deal with when using Bones, just recommending them to someone over stock bushings because "they just work" is retarded when you're going to blow them out faster over standard/stock indy/thunder bushings. the fucked up bushings can really mess with your wheelbase too because they keep sinking further and further down and so are your trucks. great turn/response when they're new, with zero break in period, but they turn to shit pretty quick if you're actually skating often, and if you don't know how to control your board with fucked up bushings, you're going to be getting a lot of unnecessary wheel bite/very sloppy landings. Besides the weird break in period, i'd probably recc. stock orange indy bushings/stock white thunder bushings over Bones these days.

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Anonymous No. 115015

look how fucked up these are, and this isn't even their final form.

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Anonymous No. 115016


Anonymous No. 115017

I'm not reading all that trash you've tightened the fuck out of those bitches like an ooga-booga retard.

Anonymous No. 115018

I have to tighten them down because of the shitty quality of the bushings you fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 115020

Those are also clearly not hard bushings and that bottom bushing I don't even know what the fuck you've done. This is why dads exist to teach their kids how to use tools. Son you are absolutely retarded.

Anonymous No. 115021

learn how to skate loser

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god damn fucking ....png

Anonymous No. 115022

Get the hard ones and install them properly you absolute fucking failure jesus christ.

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Anonymous No. 115023

whoops? im to high for this shit

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Anonymous No. 115024

Learn how to live you certified cretin. What the fuck is this? You cannot be serious. And you have the audacity to talk shit 24/7 in every single thread when you can't even put a pair of bushings on your skateboard. Holy shit this is insane.

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Anonymous No. 115025


Do I need to babysit you guys? Did you crop it out or what?

Anonymous No. 115026

nobody is talking shit, I just said bones suck because they're prone to blowing out if you actually skate a lot. ben degros had the same exact issue too. does the carpenter and skate nerd who will blow anyone out in this thread in terms of skate knowledge and actual skills on a board not know how to use a tool as well? do you actually think i tightened my trucks so much that they exploded like that, and it wasn't just an issue with the bushing itself, leading me to have to keep adjusting my trucks to compensate for the lack of support from the bushings themselves? take your meds dude

Anonymous No. 115027

>this is your brain on slap

Anonymous No. 115028

what the fuck are you talking about dude

Anonymous No. 115029

this >>115024

Anonymous No. 115030

not that dude but i had the same problem with the normal bones bushings when i used them years ago.. they never lasted very long and i wasnt tightening them like that i was skating the trendy super loose truck style at the time

Anonymous No. 115031

Wait, I forgot to ask. How much do you weigh bushingsbro? If you're 300 lbs I'm sorry for bullying you.

Anonymous No. 115032

What's the issue with the bushings here? And what would a guy who can barely heelflip know? Shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 115033

take your L and stop samefaffing, g

Anonymous No. 115034


Anonymous No. 115035

will skateboarding get me sex
t. 30 yr old virgin

Anonymous No. 115036

see >>114993

Anonymous No. 115037

>30 yr old virgin

You ride blood wizard decks yeah?

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Anonymous No. 115038


Anonymous No. 115040

works on my machine, sounds like a skill issue

Anonymous No. 115041

it happens no matter how tight/loose you ride your trucks, i think the issue is more to do with the fact they have cores and aren't just a solid bushing like you'd find on stock pairs of trucks. and it's a pretty known issue too, i've talked to plenty of people who have had the same problems with them, I don't know why this guy is acting like it's a one off case of me being an idiot

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Anonymous No. 115042

unironically so stoked on this and can't wait to see it, love nicole.

somebody make a new thread already jesus

Anonymous No. 115043

>replying to yourself

Anonymous No. 115044

cute boy
>wrenching your trucks
based megaramp skater

Anonymous No. 115046

hahahahahahaha how fucking fat are you??

Anonymous No. 115047

180 pounds but i'm 6'3.

Anonymous No. 115048

no but it might get you molested

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Anonymous No. 115049

What's hilarious to me is that I've had these exact same bushings (white/soft) and the exact opposite issue you have. I could barely keep the nut on the kingpin even without the washers. I don't have them anymore but picrel is what became of the nut. Shit fell off a few times too, should have tightened them down like you did, kek. Anyway I actually liked them but they do feel like they don't last as long as stock.

Anonymous No. 115050

have any of you nigs ever tried winterized/weatherized skate shoes?
can you feel the board at all in them?

Anonymous No. 115051

Typo yeah? You meant yo say 280?

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Anonymous No. 115054

I don't even run my trucks crazy tight or anything, I swear lol. I think it's more of a bunch of different issues. it's 110+ degrees outside and I keep my board in my car, leading to my bushings becoming extremely soft so I'll have to tighten them a bit more, and the bushings themselves being blown out in the first place causing me to have to kind of go wild on the nut. I basically had the same issues you did with my thunders + bones set-up, I couldn't actually skate them as loose as I wanted without the nut barely hanging on, leading me to grinding into the nut itself. here are my thunders with a newer set of bones I was running before I made the switch (again) to independents to try them out after just being over thunders for the time being. maybe i'll switch back though. also think Independents might have a slightly longer kingpin, but don't quote me on that one. even if I ran them loose they'd still explode at some point.

Anonymous No. 115055

>it's 110+ degrees outside and I keep my board in my car,
that's probably warping the shit out of your boards anon

Anonymous No. 115056

see >>115022

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Anonymous No. 115057

those are installed the exact same way Bones tells you to install them. are you ok dude?

Anonymous No. 115058

Look at the post again, but read it this time.

Anonymous No. 115062


Anonymous No. 115077

why are skaters so dumb they can't look past the first page

Anonymous No. 115818

TLDR; you’re a kook. Kys you sanctimonious faggot

Anonymous No. 117443

on blud i been skating on my lil hood bruh hoover street u ever heard of it? The gang wont let me gind curbs but i got a lil stair set im bustin a leg out on every day bru beru about to keep a clip at the local 8 after lupitas taco truck, gang on hoover blud, fuck 55 street fuck grape st fuck domins u smell me shit on piru on hoover u dig fuck nigga u smellme trey da 8 u smell me watch me duck a 55 out the smell u dip me nigga on crim blud i wall ride a bitch on the land on hoover nigger