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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 115061


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old thread (cursed)

Anonymous No. 115063

Reminder that if you're not grinding concrete you're a pussy, grinding metal is for bitch niggas.

Anonymous No. 115064

this is his last ride, isn't it fellas?
poor ape & phil

Anonymous No. 115065

jesus, hopefully he just dies already and puts his parents out of their misery.

Anonymous No. 115066

>it's 110+ degrees outside and I keep my board in my car
please dont fucking do this guys have some common fucking cents

Anonymous No. 115067

earth rocker bros, we are so fucking back

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Anonymous No. 115068


Look, Bones bushings already feel broken in and don't last as long, but Indys are putting out hot garbage like this. This is their hardest bushing, tightened till the bolt was flush with the nut, after a single session. Their shit is mashing out over their washers, cutting into it and falling apart immediately. The next two steps down in hardness were similar, only with the addition of buckling out and degrading to the point that you may as well not even bother getting the hard ones at all after just a few sessions.

What is currently working for me is the hard Bones, with an extra washer on top so that it has enough tightness without needing to wring the bolt too much.

Anonymous No. 115070

any other night sesh chads here right now? sun is setting bros, in about half an hour it will be time to skate.

Anonymous No. 115072

what's the break in period like for the hard bones? do they ever get to a more medium kind of turn?
the fucking city jannies made the sprinklers way too aggro so now the park is a slip & slide all night long. i have a couple nice schoolyards that are pretty comfy at night though and they've been doing a bunch of new construction that is pretty fun to skate as well.
there's one that has like a bump to 12 stair that i really wanna try but my legs are jelly rn

Anonymous No. 115073

weird indys aren't known for that, is in indy trucks, using the washers provided with the bushings?

Anonymous No. 115074

it’s 8pm yet it’s still 96 degrees outside. No thanks

Anonymous No. 115076

how do i change my genetics and personality so i can talk to these qt skater girls

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Anonymous No. 115078

Anonymous No. 115079

lol damn where do u live? i live in NY and its been finally cooling down over here.. but yea during the peak of the summer id just skate at night

Anonymous No. 115080

socal. normally in the summer it cools down enough to get in some great night sessions but it's consistently been in the 90s at like 10PM this entire week, it's fucked up.

Anonymous No. 115082

nothing but richfags in these threads

Anonymous No. 115084

Fuck you cunt, i'm a blue collar hesh dog

Anonymous No. 115086

if yall never rode a cbs board I can't fuck with yall

Anonymous No. 115087

what the FUCK is a cbs board? been riding anti hero since i started buying my own decks

Anonymous No. 115088

I'm sorry I can't fuck with you, get on out of here

Anonymous No. 115089

why the FUCK would i care if a little NIGGER like you FUCKS with me or not?

Anonymous No. 115090

Ya moms paid for your first complete deck that I can't respect

Anonymous No. 115092

You want me to feel bad for my parents loving me?

Anonymous No. 115093

Feel how you wanna feel lil spoiled girl, I got mine out the mud that's why I skate better

Anonymous No. 115094

Redpill me on expensive bearings?

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Anonymous No. 115096

Am i going to get tong hawk skills if i get these?

Anonymous No. 115097

they go fast

Anonymous No. 115102

And that's why you have psychological issues

Anonymous No. 115103

i'd rather just ride mid bearings so i can roll through a puddle without being stressed

Anonymous No. 115104

I get the cheapest bearings my shop has and I can still skate fast, I have never understood why people would spend so much money on bearings when skating fast is mostly just about pumping and carving good

Anonymous No. 115105

if you actually skate as a form of transport it's pretty nice to have your board just roll instead of pushing for three miles

Anonymous No. 115106

that's why you get scared on a 3 set

Anonymous No. 115109

>what's the break in period like for the hard bones?
None. I'm on my second set now (could have stuck out the last ones longer) and they immediately feel like something you've been skating for like 2 weeks. They started to degrade to the point of feeling loose after maybe 2 and half to 3 months.

I've heard it from a good few people online and from my local skate shop that their stock bushings were garbage. Seems like a bad batch from China. But I was surprised to see it was the same with the 3 replacement sets I bought too. And yeah, that's from the washer they provide. Maybe if it was curled up more/deeper the bushing wouldn't be able to mash over the edge and cut itself like this, but it really shouldn't be so mashed to begin with.

Anonymous No. 115113

actual Bone Swiss bearings are like next level, you can only go so fast with pumping and carving if you're running some shitty bearings, and they're more prone to blowing out with shitty plastic cages, crappy shield covers, being over lubed straight out the package etc.

Anonymous No. 115114

If you never rode a fly deck me and you can't beef. You're not on my level. You're a little boy to me.

Anonymous No. 115117

If you skate as a form of transport you shouldn't be here.

Anonymous No. 115118

This is true, only people who don't actually skate frequent these threads.

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Anonymous No. 115119

>roll switch from a 180
fuck this shitty spot, I probably need better bushings

ty webmbro for the spoonfeeding
ty carbattery for being inspirational

Anonymous No. 115124

super swiss 6 or bust

Anonymous No. 115128

I'm both of those. You need to go faster, but that was cool. Nice that you can fakie front 180 off that with no issues too. Front 180s are my favorite. How I tore my ACL and meniscus too. Be careful out there.

Anonymous No. 115129

>fakie front 180
huh...thought its a fs half-cab
>How I tore my ACL and meniscus too
you broke your knees doing fs180 up curbs?

Anonymous No. 115133

A cab is always fakie and always backside. Never listen to slap trannies or "I skate for transportation" cucks. I landed on a wet manny pad into a powerslide wich twisted my knee in ways your mind can't imagine.

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Anonymous No. 115135

tfw landing too hard on my right heel causes vertigo because of my SCDS

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Anonymous No. 115141

>You need to go faster

Anonymous No. 115146

Hold the fuck up, why am I just now seeing people say halfcabs are BS?

Caballerial = vert trick, fakie FS 360 ollie, land back to regular
Half-cab = naturally half of that; vert fakie FS 180 ollie, land fakie
Street versions are the same trick, only you're naturally going to land fakie and regular respectively due to the continuous direction you're rolling at. When the hell did these become BS spins?

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Anonymous No. 115148

>When the hell did these become BS spins?
Always has been

Anonymous No. 115149


Anonymous No. 115150

I have literally never heard anyone say this 'halfcabs are backside' shit in my life and I've been skating on and off for like 15 years. Maybe it was some shit people did in the 80s but it certainly hasn't been a common thing to do in the past 20 years so I'm pretty sure the guy in this thread saying it is just an insecure noob who thinks knowing that kind of useless shit will make him seem like a better skater.

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Anonymous No. 115153

still can't lock in a 50-50
have bruises on my right ass cheek from board shooting out over & over

Anonymous No. 115154

>vert fakie FS 180 ollie, land fakie
nigga what?

Anonymous No. 115159

on a vertical ramp performing a fakie front side 180 spin, land back in the ramp in fakie stance "nigga"

Anonymous No. 115161

Good session today, had kickflips on lock. All I needed to do was keep my back straight.

Anonymous No. 115163

Wouldnt that be a switch landing? I know nothing bout vert tho

Anonymous No. 115166


Anonymous No. 115168

>Caballerial = vert trick, fakie FS 360 ollie, land back to regular

This is your mind on not being able to change a car battery, not being able to install skate bushings, and skating only for transportation.

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Anonymous No. 115169

>he didn't skate to class and then ditch class to skate
>driving to the skatepark to get snaked by teenagers and scooterkids
are you trying to 50 a ledge or a rail?
it sounds like you're leaning back
i told you namecels were trannies. unless you were out there doing mosley grinds and halfpipe varials you are not oldhead enough to get butthurt about trick names.

Anonymous No. 115170

oh no batterycels we got too cocky...
the construction wagies are rotating car batteries frontside in their minds right now

Anonymous No. 115171

A Caballerial is a fakie B/S 360 ollie on any obstacle. A nollie cab doesnt exist.

Anonymous No. 115172

cab and half cab is backside
you want to do a fakie frontside 180 you can call it a fs cab or half cab.

this shit is all easily google-able

Anonymous No. 115174

if it aint a half cab its a fakie front 180

Anonymous No. 115175

Lol i'm the construction guy, the batterycell guy is a moron.

Anonymous No. 115176

you could call it a fakie fs cab and get away with it tho. lets not be autistic here

Anonymous No. 115180

It's a ledge.
More often than not I accidently lock in a boardslide.
It's def a commitment of my back foot issue.

Anonymous No. 115181

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 115183

You could call it that but I could also call you a poser faggot that doesn't skate. Then you'll say you've been skating for 20 years. I'll ask you for one singular clip, and you'll bitch out again. The circle of /esg/.

Anonymous No. 115185

i used to have that problem. try doing 5-0s for a while, it'll force you to keep your back foot on the board

Anonymous No. 115186

t. guy who hasnt skated in 20 years

Anonymous No. 115188

t. guy who's 300 lbs
t. guy who prefers watching skate videos instead of skating
t. guy who gets his board assembled at the shop
t. guy who only skates for transportation
t. guy who can't install bushings properly
t. guy who tries to dress like NYC skaters
t. guy who doesn't know what a cab is
t. guy who goes to slap
t. guy who's skared to go to the park because of the young kids
t. guy who can't make a webm
t. guy who says he's been sponsored and has skated for 138 years but can't post a single clip
t. guy who shits on 180bro when he can't even 180 himself
t. guy who's a bitch and would get his shit rocket if he tried acting like this irl

Anonymous No. 115189

why dont any of your have OC footage to post if youre gonna shittest one-another with ironic shitposting, just sk8 and stfu

Anonymous No. 115190

I genuinely would love to post oc clips in the general instead of troll it but I’m too paranoid of someone from my local recognizing me, I feel like the mike valley and Fred Gall poster might be this asshole from my local

Anonymous No. 115192

construction methhead wagie will hurt my self esteem with his critique of my webm quality while he does slappys into the sunset

Anonymous No. 115194

You sound like that guy that got bitched out by the aussie cunt.

Anonymous No. 115196

this thread is no exception from the prominence of mentally ill in skating

Anonymous No. 115197

welcome to 4chan enjoy your stay

Anonymous No. 115198


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Anonymous No. 115199

Pic. It's literally one of the first, by the guy who invented them.

I hadn't either, but then I went to look up some old videos of Cab himself doing them and also found many many videos of street skaters doing "half-cabs" or "half-cab flips" that were BS.

Anonymous No. 115202

That's backside you mouthbreather.

Anonymous No. 115204

Honestly i think the secret to safely locking into any 50-50 is going 5-0 first, just for a split second, before you lock into 50-50. I remember listening to a muska clip recently where he said that's how he would do them down rails too.

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Anonymous No. 115205

...fuck. I thought that if you rotate so that the front side of your body is facing the ramp, it's FS. But yeah, if it's fakie then I guess you're doing a BS spin...I guess I was think of it as switch...I'm retarded...

But wait, I have 100% seen people do the opposite spin and call it a half-cab.

Anonymous No. 115206

just wait till this idiot finds out what backside and frontside boardslides are

Anonymous No. 115208

>t. guy who says he's been sponsored and has skated for 138 years but can't post a single clip
is this one you?

Anonymous No. 115209

Okay, that one I get. I literally did not know what a lipslide was until a month ago, but fuck whoever came up with it.

Anonymous No. 115210

My girlfriend wants to get her first skateboard and I don’t want to spend a lot but also don’t want her to get something that will be shitty to ride. Literally she just wants to push around. Should I still go all out and piece out a full set up for her for like $200 or can a cheaper option be sufficient?

Anonymous No. 115211

>he doesn't realise he now has an excuse to get a super fun cruiser set up for himself
That's what i did when my wife decided she wanted to skate.

Anonymous No. 115212

>super fun cruiser set up
Any advice on what I should get? Bear in mind I’m poor.

Anonymous No. 115213

if your poor why are you paying for it, she has a job doesnt she?

Anonymous No. 115214


Anonymous No. 115215

We’re both poor. She wants to buy one but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be more than she wants to spend for something good. Figured I’d help with at least some of the cost because she’s really excited. I don’t know, might just say fuck it and splurge since I just got paid. Just trying to get advice on entry level set ups for very basic riding around and shit.

Anonymous No. 115216

How is that at all applicable? It's the same way as he said he assumed fakie spins worked.

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Anonymous No. 115217

real pricepoint 8.5"
55mm spits
bones reds
should only cost you $140
source: me, girl(male)

Anonymous No. 115219

a fakie 360 doesnt go to regular and a fakie 180 doesnt go back to fakie, not sure if bait or brain damage

Anonymous No. 115220


Anonymous No. 115221

he's talking about in a vert ramp.

Anonymous No. 115222

don’t kys

Anonymous No. 115223

wish i could find a shoe that skated as good as blazer mids but aren't ugly

Anonymous No. 115224


Anonymous No. 115225

Apologies in advance for the blogpost but maybe you'll get something out of it.

I randomly decided to watch Andy Anderson on a recent Dan Corrigan video. I usually avoid that dude like the plague but Andy is sick. He often has these words of wisdom that are better than trick tip videos. In this particular video he was doing a 50-50 down this long ass rail and Dan asked him how he does shit like that and his advice was basically "jump into a pose with your knees bent and then move as little of your muscles as possible, basically try and be a statue". He added that when you're like this, you can make subtle adjustments with your fingers to correct your balance. I kind of knew this intuitively but I was still like "haha ok Andy sure, its all in the fingers". But whatever I found myself at the park today, trying front noseslides which I suck ass at and at best can only really do whimpy stall ""slides"" on. I tried Andy's advice of jumping into it as a pose with my knees bent, and right away I'm holding that shit for 3-4 feet. I don't even have much practice sliding backwards, so yeah, knees bent and try not to move a muscle. Fucking good advice.

Similar advice, I watched Manny Santiago teach a kid how to 50-50 a round bar. His advice was knees bent, don't even try to stand up or the board will flip over. This I kind of knew because I've eaten shit on flat bars that way.

Finally I heard that the secret Rodney Mullen gave to Antwan Dixon (which he allegedly forgot), was to always jump with your shoulders, not your arms. The reason being that your balance is easily thrown off by arm movement, so do what you can to keep it to a minimum. This is all advice I just randomly came across this week and consciously have applied today, and it's really fucking helped. Hope it helps you.

tl;dr jump with shoulders, keep knees bent, minimize arm movement

Anonymous No. 115226

i like mids/high tops, those are lows

Anonymous No. 115227

>minimize arm movement
Then how do you explain cardiel who basically flails his arms around like a madman?

Srsly though good post.

Anonymous No. 115228

jump with shoulders? dont understand that lol

Anonymous No. 115229

yea trick tips are pretty dumb man... everyone thinks of doing stuff differently. u just gotta figure shit out on ur own

Anonymous No. 115230

>jump with your shoulders, not your arms. The reason being that your balance is easily thrown off by arm movement, so do what you can to keep it to a minimum.
actually really helpful advice, I've been trying to figure out how to decrease my arm movement just cause I think it looks goofy, whenever I do a trick that eagle out to the back of me and it looks ridiculous. I noticed well-seasoned skaters at my local skate like they are putting all their power into one hand when they jump but now I realize it's in the shoulders huh

Anonymous No. 115231

There was some out-of-towner at the skatepark for the past few nights that seemed cool, a bit too talkative but had a couple of good convos with him, but then last night he dropped the 'my boyfriend' and I started feeling homophobic and uncomfortable. Hope I don't see him again. Too awkward.

Anonymous No. 115232

honestly can't stand when people mention their significant other to me at all, 90% of the time it's irrelevant to our conversation and I do not care about your dumb girlfriend or boyfriend. fucking normies always want to let people know they are sex havers at any given chance. gays are worse cause it's their entire identity.

Anonymous No. 115233

My local skatepark crush is this 5/10 chubby chick who has massive tits. She looks like a cornfed German girl. She's actually really nice and I like talking to her and I am taken but I like seeing her all the same.

Anonymous No. 115235

Instead of like heaving your elbows up when you jump, you try and keep them a little tighter and lead things with the shoulders.
I mean absolutely there's exceptions to the rule, like Tory Pudwill and his whacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man style when he slides, but eh, its helped me to keep my balance a little tighter.

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Anonymous No. 115236


Anonymous No. 115240

It's embarrassing when people get so hung up on trick names. No different than autists that argue sub genres of music. Like do you even enjoy your hobby?

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Anonymous No. 115248


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Anonymous No. 115250

This post was made by a (((truck manufacturer)))

Anonymous No. 115255

I'm probably gonna grind down to the axle on my trucks this year and I've had these trucks since like March. Once i start getting legit stand up 5-0s in the pool it will be over for my trucks.

Anonymous No. 115258

>caring about class

Anonymous No. 115261

t. Can’t differentiate between a wheelie and a manual

Anonymous No. 115262

easy, wheelie is on one wheel and goes backwards a manual uses 2-3 wheels and goes forwards. Legs are slightly bent for a manual whereas with a wheelie they are locked straight. If you turn direction in a wheelie it becomes void but you are allowed to touch the ground briefly, whereas with a manual you can turn directions but cannot touch the ground. I have to give this speech to the guys at my local all the fucking time and they never remember.

Anonymous No. 115263

Literally what's wrong with skating for transportation, longboards and surfskates are comfy

Anonymous No. 115264

You ollie into a manual, you just pop the wheels up for a wheelie. 99.9% of skaters under the age of 40 no longer know the distinction. Just look at what’s happened to the 360 kickflip and the inward kickflip. Now it’s ‘tre flip’ and ‘hardflip’, respectively. Axle grinds are called 50-50s, and 50-50s are called truckstands now. Magic flips are kickflips.

Anonymous No. 115267

do indy kingpins work in ventures or will that fuck with the geometry?
i'd like to get a spare set & grind them down for better clearance on venture lows

Anonymous No. 115268

100% of skaters under 40 don't care.

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Anonymous No. 115269

>bought my first skateboard 09/06
>they only started shipping yesterday
>mf thing will arrive on 23rd

Anonymous No. 115271

>we're gonna skate the whole city, that's what street skating is all about

Anonymous No. 115272

Just get a complete then. They're between £80-100 here. Obviously not the best you can get, but good enough for pushing around and getting your bearings/deciding if you actually want to skate or not. Then if she starts to love skating, buy new parts piece by piece starting with the trucks.

Anonymous No. 115273

Just like in due time 100% of skaters won’t care about calling all fakie 180s ‘half cabs’ regardless of if they’re bs or fs.

Anonymous No. 115274

Blank deck for <$20
No-name wheels
Mid-rate trucks
Cheapo grip
Bones reds bearings

About $90-$110

Anonymous No. 115284

Bro shut the fuck up. All this shitposting and thread spam because you don't know the most basic of basics and wouldn't admit it for the longest time.

>tl;dr jump with shoulders, keep knees bent, minimize arm movement

Didn't read this entire post, but if you're played any kind of sport that includes jumping, you'd know that using your arms (properly) when jumping gives you a height boost. What the fuck does jumping with your shoulders mean?

Anonymous No. 115285

Literally nobody but cruiserfaggots use "wheelie" in skateboarding. Hardflip has been around for infintely longer than "inward kickflip", which was only used for a short time before the real trick name came around. Tre flip is obviously shorter for 360 flip, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just like saying shuv instead of shove it. Some only used "axle grind" for transition and there's literally nothing wrong with saying 50-50 either way. People still say axle stall. Nobody fucking says truckstand. If they do, shoot them. Magic flips? Go back to 1923.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 115289

T. Cries when people call a fake fs 180 a fs half-cab

Anonymous No. 115290


idk about yall but ive never had this prob but i skate 40 sum mm with riser pads and loose and i skate 7.75 board so my opinion is invalid so

rilly rob joe No. 115291


a half cab is a fakie 180 thats all im gonna say

Anonymous No. 115292

Calling people out on being retarded does not equate to crying. Sorry it frustrates you so.

Anonymous No. 115294

come to /esg/
>Nobody talking about videos, culture, events, things happening, gear, only the occasional youtuber bullshit

go to slap
>good discussion and bants about various skateboard topics
>maybe 1 in 500 posts someone says something incredibly kooky and people call them out and demand a clip
>the forum isnt driven strictly on OC and clip posting rather discussion on current events and culture surrounding skating

The problem with these threads is that even if people here skate they dont give a shit about skateboarding outside of their own world/progress so your never really going to get any discussion about anything, just shit flinging. A clip of someone doing an Ollie doesnt lead to any kind of discussion it just leads to assholes screaming "go faster!!" or reddit tier "good job anon!!" In the past when Ive tried to start threads with recent videos or articles nobody ever talks about them in the thread they get ignored for basic barebones beginner discussion and retard arguments. Both the guy whos been skating for a year and never even watched a skate video and the guy who hasnt skated in 20 years and last video he saw was Photosynthesis are going to be boring as fuck to talk to and they certainly arent going to mesh under one roof.

Anonymous No. 115297

Last time I posted a video I only got one response calling it zoomer bullshit so I went back to trolling about my skatepark crush and female contests. The last good discussion I remember was a few anons talking about why zero is out of touch or something. The demographic survey I made showed that it’s mostly yuropoors itt, and on 4Chan in general it seems like everyone is from some shit tier third world Eastern European country. They don’t care about American skate culture at all.

Anonymous No. 115305

were you the one who used to do all those lateflips and shit?
those were cool

Anonymous No. 115308

give me SEX

Anonymous No. 115309

Discussing fundamentals and personal progress is infinitely more interesting than reviewing videos and pro gossip. It's refreshing that this community isn't focused on that stuff.

Anonymous No. 115310

Meant for >>115294

Anonymous No. 115317


The only thing /esg/ is good for at this point is talking about skate topics that would get you cancelled on slap, but when then you're trying to discuss them with people who don't know how to Ollie so it's pretty pointless

Anonymous No. 115318

Show examples of your attempts at worthwhile conversation.

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Anonymous No. 115319


Anonymous No. 115320

Sorry that I don't want to discuss how to ollie or how to 50-50 for the fucking 60th time lmao. When I was growing up we didn't have anyone to spoonfeed us, we either worked it out or we got shit on by the older kids who could already do it. No one ever gave us advice on anything.

Anonymous No. 115322

Sorry you were a faggot and the other skaters didn't want to roll with you.

Anonymous No. 115323

it's okay anon i was molested too

Anonymous No. 115324

>2022 and not doing flatground inverts

Anonymous No. 115325

Can any of the 4 skaters in this thread actually do flatground inverts? They're fucking hard. I wish i could do them just for the novelty factor.

Anonymous No. 115327

tl;dr if you like slap so much and hate it here stay there and don't come here

Anonymous No. 115329

post a clip of yourself doing an ollie

Anonymous No. 115331

I don't skate anymore.

Anonymous No. 115332

Working on it. I just realised I had an account from over 10 years ago but it had a cringe username so I am deleting it and making a new one

Anonymous No. 115334

That's really rad and all but I fail to remember having asked.

Anonymous No. 115335


Anonymous No. 115336

So shut up pussy.

Anonymous No. 115337

Are you gonna make me?

Anonymous No. 115338

No I'm just gonna call you a faggot. You pretend 4chan is so bad and slap is so cool yet you're still in here and not on there. You clearly like it better here.

Anonymous No. 115339

I actually like 4chan. I just don't like the people in this thread like you who can barely heelflip.

Anonymous No. 115340

timestamped heel flip rn and you will immediately have have cred. Otherwise your pissing in the wind

Anonymous No. 115341

it wasn’t oc it was just some homie vid from YouTube

Anonymous No. 115342

I don't skate anymore.

Anonymous No. 115343

No shit.

Anonymous No. 115344

I will never understand this weird camaraderie 4chan posters have against Reddit and other fourmns like you’re so fucking fried if you care about 4Chan vs Reddit

Anonymous No. 115345

Post clip of your heelflip.

Anonymous No. 115346

>not a skater
>comes into thread full of skaters
>reee stop talking about skating. Talk to me about skateboard movies instead

Anonymous No. 115347

I don't own a skateboard.

Anonymous No. 115348

reddit downvotes break their fragile minds because cant own their shitty opinions. whereas here they'd get called a retard but the acknowledgement still flicks their dopamine bean and cancels out any insecurity.

Anonymous No. 115350

I know.

Anonymous No. 115351

4chan is great because you can just pretend to be the poster above you and make them look retarded.

Anonymous No. 115352
i deserve a korean skater gf right NOW

Anonymous No. 115360

>maskcuck gf

Uhhh you'd need to do something about her being braindead.

Anonymous No. 115361

Not really into the whole 4chan v reddit thing, Reddit is just the gayest website ever

Anonymous No. 115362

thats wrong because you still post here

Anonymous No. 115363

Was Interesting that only like 10 of us filled out your survey when this general reaches bump limit every few days

Anonymous No. 115364

Go team 4chan

Anonymous No. 115366

>The demographic survey I made showed that it’s mostly yuropoors itt

NYCtrannies on double suicide watch. Slavbros we own skateboarding and this thread. Yeah no shit we don't care about American skate culture lmao.

Anonymous No. 115367

it’s the same 5 people arguing and posting in these threads which would be comfy if it was 80% posting and 20% arguing but it’s the opposite and threads are always slow with actual posting I think one of the fastest bump limits reached was when the eurocuck Lucien hockey reject NPC was getting btfo’d kek

🗑️ Anonymous No. 115368

Oh look there he is getting ready to post the virgin wojak under this clock work

Anonymous No. 115369

Oh look there he is getting ready to post the virgin wojak under this like clock work

Anonymous No. 115370

me and your mom have been fucking like animals recently lil bro

Anonymous No. 115371


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Anonymous No. 115373

>*takes Lucien’s dick out of his mouth and gasps for air*
>ackchyually the style is French
>pic rel *the style in question*

Anonymous No. 115375

you'll get it in about 9 months

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Anonymous No. 115376

you are a shitty imitation of some dork regurgitating the style of NYC skaters

Anonymous No. 115377


Anonymous No. 115380


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Anonymous No. 115381

>going around town looking for spots
>find decent 4 stair
>fall or bail 3 to 4 times
>enough to make me really want to land it
>this shit happens

I'm not even sure if i'm too fat or this truly was just a cheap board (and bad foot placement)

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anon on the right.png

Anonymous No. 115382

Stay mad.

Anonymous No. 115383

Yeah you gotta land bolts lil bro. At least now you can get that one deck with the really cool graphic you wanted.

Anonymous No. 115387

Bah you had it too

Anonymous No. 115400

>but if you're played any kind of sport that includes jumping
Skateboarding is not all about jumping over picnic tables with a vertical leap, retard. It requires you to keep your shoulders square with the board for stability before anything else. Do a kickflip out of a manual.
Rodney Mullen is a physics nerd about skateboarding and all he was saying was Antwuan had a natural talent for it because he didn't heave his arms up and led his movement with the shoulders, which kept the necessary movement to a minimum and his skating more stable. Just watch him skate and you can see this

If you can do a 180, you've already jumped with your shoulders taking the lead. Its what allowed you to keep the board perfectly underneath you as you rotate and why you don't just tilt off your board. Style is one thing but there is the universal truth that to do any of this shit you need to stay over your board, and you do that with your shoulders.

Anonymous No. 115404

what board company was it anon? mightve been shit china factory wood

Anonymous No. 115405

He's still using his arms larping retard.

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Anonymous No. 115406

Dumbass autist.

Anonymous No. 115407

It's called Sweet SKTBS
it's relatively cheap compared to actual brands but i honestly have not used this board for that long?
How long is a board supposed to last if you're not very good? Think i had it for like 3 and a half month something until this point?

Anonymous No. 115408

cheap boards are kind of a crapshoot quality-wise. sometimes they'll crack or start to delaminate in like a week and sometimes they're just fine. when premier switched to chinese manufacturing i remember my bros were having broken boards and defects all the time and my board lasted 2 seasons of jumping down shit every day but then i had another that snapped just doing a tre flip on flat lmao.
i also think it depends on how hard you tend to stomp your landings because i land pretty lightfooted and almost never outright break boards.
[spoiler]i can't even focus boards if i try[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 115409

do boys with tits let you motorboat them
like just as a bro thing

Anonymous No. 115410

If you stomp on boards like that almost any will snap. 3 months is great.

Nice spoiler retard.

Anonymous No. 115411

what's the tallest thing you've jumped down? i used to do plenty of gaps as a teenager and hardly ever snapped boards, even when i landed on the tail like that. you're talking out of your ass as usual. you've probably never even snapped a board in your life

Anonymous No. 115412

i need to join ben raemers desu

Anonymous No. 115413

Post a clip of you doing a gap.

Anonymous No. 115414

I didn't say he wasn't using his arms you dipshit, but that he's keeping the movement of them to a minimum. You really mean to tell me that flailing your arms while you skate can increase balance? Please tell me more about your retarded perceptions.

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me kickflipping a....jpg

Anonymous No. 115416

here's an old pic, i don't skate anymore

Anonymous No. 115417

>arms are way over his head
>keeping movement to a minimum

Lmao retard.

Anonymous No. 115418

You didn't land that.

Anonymous No. 115419

yeah but i did my best

Anonymous No. 115420

>ignoring the rest of the line
Post a clip

Anonymous No. 115422

Yeah no shit you don't need to jump high for flatground tricks, larper autist.

Anonymous No. 115423

No need to move the goal post man, post a clip. I wanna see those hands up.

Anonymous No. 115424

im gonna be 100% honest fellas, dan corrigan is pretty funny.

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I fucked your mom.webm

Anonymous No. 115425

You're the one moving the goalposts by constantly changing the topic of debate. First it was arms now it's hands, pick one already. Here's a clip of me when I was 14. According to you I had better style than Antwuan because my arms only went up to shoulder level, but his went above his head.

Anonymous No. 115426

stylish af

Anonymous No. 115427


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Anonymous No. 115428

Damn bro look at that minimum arm movement by Rodney Mullen.

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Anonymous No. 115429

If you didn't skate in these as a kid you're not allowed to post itt.

Anonymous No. 115430

Favorite part of all time

Anonymous No. 115431

If mark gonzales told me there was no such thing as a frontside half cab i'd believe it

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first line.webm

Anonymous No. 115432

>didn't have to worry about adult shit
>skipped school to skate and nobody gave me shit for it
>could skate on the bridge still
>no style
>had to tape my hand me down non skate shoes up so they don't fall apart
>skate homies were real homies
>krux trucks don't turn
>have to try my best to land bolts otherwise no money for a new board
>if it breaks I have to take the train for 4 hours to the city with a skate shop
>4chan still had soul

Take me back.

Anonymous No. 115433

Nah, now I just think you're ESL and can't read. Did you choose that specific clip to prove me right?

Anonymous No. 115434

cabs are only fakie and only backside

Anonymous No. 115435

Your turn to post your skate clip.

Anonymous No. 115436

Damn bros he's using his arms a lot. I always though he's an amazing skater with really nice style, but now after reading this thread it seems I was wrong...

Anonymous No. 115437

Are there any good videos that showcase smooth ollies for inspo and to study form? I don't want to see some wannabe e celeb explain popping the tail, just good skating with lots of ollies

Anonymous No. 115438

Love it

Anonymous No. 115439

No, just you skating and getting it on your own with time when you start getting more comfortable. I'll give you the cheat to ollies for now. Try doing a smooth jump without your board and notice how you jump much higher and have more hang time. Copy that to ollies. It's literally the secret. You do the exact same thing except with a skateboard. As soon as you grasp that concept you'll stop doing still body baby ollies and you'll start actually jumping.

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Anonymous No. 115440

Here's a heelflip from 2 years ago, I even throw my arms up and land shitty too! Or as you might say, with style.

Anonymous No. 115441

Good looking out

Anonymous No. 115442

I got nostalgic, so post stories about how you got your first real skateboard. Big blog inc.

>lower-middle class to poor so parents couldn't buy me a proper setup
>gathered as much money as I could from literally anywhere I can over time
>figured I have enough and got tired of waiting
>no skate shop in my town and online orders were just starting to become a thing so I had to go in person
>parents did let me go to the big city by myself and older brother didn't want to take me
>got a plan to go out early in the morning and come back the same day, nobody will find out
>got up early and took the 4 hour train ride
>got to the big city and realized I have no idea where the fuck I am and how to get to the shop
>smartphones weren't a thing
>spent 20 minutes at a major bus stop figuring out which one of the 30 buses to take and to where
>didn't want to ask people but had to at this point
>as expected they spoke differently and like faggots
>got on the bus
>literally counting the number of bus stops because dude told me I had to get off at the 11th
>30 minutes on the bus, wondering why nobody's coming to sell me a ticket
>in my town there's an assigned person going up to everyone and selling tickets
>turns out here you buy one beforehand at a kiosk otherwise they do random checks and you get fined
>find out the hard way when a mall cop lookingass faggot asks me for my ticket
>tell him I didn't know and that I thought he'd sell me one
>took me off the bus at the 8th stop to fine me
>as soon as I got off I dipped out because the fat fuck obviously can't run
>I'm at the city center clearly so I have to be somewhat close
>only seen the shop in a magazine and know the address and that it's next to a monument
>nobody knows the address off the top or a shop called "Insomnia" but dude tells me to just walk straight and the monument is there
>another 30 minutes getting lost until I finally found it
>get super fucking excited once I turn a corner and see the wacky insomnia sign

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Anonymous No. 115443

>get in and it's just like in the movies
>a real skate shop with real skate gear
>dude at the counter is a friendly cool guy and not a dad cap and glasses wearing moustasche with no beard having squeaky voiced cuck
>takes his time showing showing me literally everything and helping me get all the parts for a complete according to my exact budget and specific autistic kid opinions of which brands are gay and which are cool, which colors are based and which are bad, which graphic is 4chan and which one is reddit
>doesn't care that I asked "is this on sale" for every item in the fucking store
>gave me a discount
>got a local brand 7.75 Fly deck because cheaper, local, and cool graphic, plus the name being fly equates to high ollies
>black krux trucks with the innovative rounded off bolt, because gotta be a unique special snowflake hipster that skates something nobody else does, and the bolt design will definitely help me with the smith grinds I can totally do
>54 virus wheels, cheaper, local, cool name, plus I'll skate a lot so they'll soon be 52mm
>independent bearings, big sale plus cool logo, and sticker, and came with spacers
>jessup grip because fuck mob
>black hardware with the one gold bolt, even though it was more expensive, but gold bolt!
>tells me he'll set it up for me
>say no and just ask for a bag because I'll do it myself
>gives me a free skate tool and stickers
>fuck yes stickers
>get out and get the bus
>this time it's easy because the train station is the last stop
>didn't buy a ticket because fuck the police and I wasn't sure if I'd have enough left over for the train ticket
>figured out I can just scout for when the ticket faggots get on the bus and get off as they get on and get the next bus
>successfully commit the crime and get on the train
>another 4 hours of bad smell and drug addicts
>got home in time and it seemed like a normal day out
>spent probably 2 hours setting up my board
>shit's cash
>the end


Anonymous No. 115444

>1080p webm

I'm not watching that plus that's not you.

Anonymous No. 115445

Mate you’re the one throwing a hissy fit because people are calling a fs fakie 180 a half cab.

Anonymous No. 115446

>absolutely under any circumstance had to respond to an 11 hour old post

Talk about mad.

Anonymous No. 115447

concede and seethe.

Anonymous No. 115448

finally found a decent barrier spot but it's like neck high and the other side is a 12 foot drop onto the freeway lmoa.
found a pretty godlike twinkie curb too though
reese forbes
desu though the best way to get better ollies is just to ollie up stuff & ollie flatgaps
like literally just practice doing ollies into your bed/ up onto tables/ off curbcuts/ across parking lines, save shipping boxes and ollie over them. also do streetgrabs, that'll force you to get used to pulling your legs up

Anonymous No. 115449

Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix is waiting to be watched by me, so if you have no real reply and will resort to butthurt shitposting, then bye.

Forgot to say the easiest thing to practice ollieing over is probably your backpack since if you don't clear it you wont eat massive shit.

Anonymous No. 115450

>Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix is waiting to be watched by me
Is that why you wave your arms around like you're casting a wizard balance spell? Gotta try that.

Anonymous No. 115451

>order of the Phoenix
Best one


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Anonymous No. 115452

No it's because arms are what you use for balance.

Anonymous No. 115453

>Best one

The movies are unironically in order from best to worst in a row from the first one.

Anonymous No. 115455

True actually but I think phoenix was my favorite book as a kid because isn't that the one where he snogs Cho?

Anonymous No. 115456

I don't remember because I watch movies and skate parts and as soon as it's done I immediately forget everything I saw so I can rewatch it 20 times almost like seeing it for the first time every time. That's my super power. Also I only read the first book then realized reading is for faggots.

Anonymous No. 115457

If his shoulders were parallel with the rope like riding a skateboard, he wouldn't be putting his arms up like that or he'd fall forward.

Anonymous No. 115458

I have the same power. It's a curse until you embrace it like we have.

Anonymous No. 115459

You are clinically retarded.

Anonymous No. 115475

im not reading all that gay shit

Anonymous No. 115478

your loss

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Anonymous No. 115480

Had a sesh at Hop Kingdom tonight, Jamie Griffin showed up. I don't if it's that he's just taller in person than he looks on camera, but the fucking height he can get off the bank there is ridiculous. I think he bailed like 6 tricks the whole time. Fakie double lazer flips down stairs, caught them perfectly every time. He's seriously levelled up since BATB.
Another dude there did a half-flip into darkside stall, varial flip out, then a fucking double tre with a late kickflip after struggling for a while.

What the fuck is skating anymore? I used to think kickflips to crooks to shuvs out were the pinnacle of street skating.

Anonymous No. 115482

if you mean tre flip late flip that's actually not that hard provided you have enough hangtime. then it's purely a matter of timing your stomp.
people were doing a lot of this shit in the 90s and there's a reason they stopped in the 90's lmao. the hardest thing about lateflips is making them actually look good and not fucking retarded. p rod is one of the few people who does this.

Anonymous No. 115487

>the trick is easy if you do it good

No shit. And nah man, doing DOUBLE tre high enough to give yourself time, then late kicking down at the right moment and spot to spin it fast enough to stick the landing is amazing. It took a while for me to even see what this nutcase was doing.

Anonymous No. 115489

broke my wrist in late july and got plate surgery in mid august but ive been putting work in these last two weeks. i almost got my carving, pivots, and little ollies down and ready when i feel i can confidently street skate without harming my wrist.
havent slammed once since i changed from regular to goofy stance to catch my falls with my other arm but learned im really fucking good at balance with goofy.

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Anonymous No. 115490

Hey frens I was able to finally lock it in tonight.
I actually thought that doing it backside was easier until someone told me it wasn't and that doing it frontside was going to be way easier.
Locked it in after like 10 tries after that.
I'm retarded.

Anonymous No. 115492

good memories anon

Anonymous No. 115493

went to a local park about 30 mins away because it was closer to the beach and not as hot. some roller roasties had waxed the FUCK out of the coping and it was borderline unskateable. even the 8ft tranny had been waxed up. shit is just dangerous as fuck when it's that slippery, there needs to be some street justice for anyone that does that shit.

i still got some honest stand up 5-0s in the 6ft tranny though, pretty happy with that.

nice one, i find fs 50-50s harder than bs personally

Anonymous No. 115496

already too late but fs 50-50s are really easy when you realize both A) you want to look ahead of the ledge and lock in at that spot, and B) you lock in heelside and have the majority of your trucks riding on the ledge. comes pretty ezpz at that point. backside is a lot harder IMO

Anonymous No. 115497

oh i didn't realise you guys were talking ledges. i thought he meant 50-50s in tranny.

fs 50-50s on curbs are fun

Anonymous No. 115499

yeah, fs 50s on tranny are so much harder over going backside, kinda funny how it's the total opposite when it comes to ledges. although, if you can bs 50 on transition, it's not that bad to get them on curbs because you can kind of approach it like doing bs axle stalls at first going head on and slowly work your way up at that point. frontside anything for me on transition just seems really hard to wrap my head around

Anonymous No. 115503

What the fuck is true skate sandbox? I want to play the thps downhill jam but I cant find this feature

Anonymous No. 115511

how well do cruiser wheels roll on dirt? there's a bunch of barriers nearby that would be perfect for learning trannyshit except that they're in a dirt lot.
even if you don't do it high you can do it difference being that you're putting your foot into the blender so it hurts more when you fuck up. once you understand how late flips work it's actually pretty easy to do any variation of them.
gj anon, for bs 50s and switch bs 50s i find it works better with a little speed and if you're popping forward towards a point on the ledge/rail kind of like
is talking about. the other good thing is that if you can 5050 something, you're getting enough pop to do any other grind at that height and a lot of the more tech tricks are actually a lot easier than the basics once you understand them

Anonymous No. 115513

>a lot of the more tech tricks are actually a lot easier than the basics once you understand them
like what specifically? i imagine krooked grinds are easy once you learn them since i see basically everyone doing them. i don't skate ledges so yeah.

Anonymous No. 115514

what brands do you guys have loyalty to, if any?

i used to like independent, but since they started being made in china i no longer care if i ride them or not. i will probably buy them again next time anyway because i like the way they ride but i am in no way loyal to those kooks anymore.

Anonymous No. 115515

for me smith grinds, blunts and nollie nosegrinds are much easier than 5050s. flipping in is sort of easier too because you can just pull your feet up while the board flips rather than muscling out the pop from an ollie. i learned kickflip back tails and hardflip back tails way before i learned normal tailslides for that exact reason

Anonymous No. 115516

>made in china
I didn't know that. Lame. I've always used indies. I usually use zero decks but I'm on a quasi right now.

Anonymous No. 115518

Indys have been produced in China for years now at this point, where have you been?

Anonymous No. 115519

>Nollie nosegrinds
you should take this to the next level and learn nollie noseblunts, they’re honestly so much easier over normal noseblunts because you aren’t going to have to swing the majority of the board around. As long as you can get a solid proper nollie going on, you’ll probably get them pretty quickly, even more so since you have the nose grind variation down.

Anonymous No. 115522

His teeth are too fucked up to be redeemed by his other qualities, disgusting stuff

Beautiful pacing

Anonymous No. 115529

>late flips/ late shuvs and double flips
these will never look good

Anonymous No. 115530

>buy Indy's
>every trick I don't land bolts feels like I'm going to snap my tail/nose
Is it the higher truck? Also that bushing anon earlier is right, one of mine came with a knick in it. Can't get them to feel comfy without over tightening.

Anonymous No. 115548

I've never not seen good stock bushing in the last 10 years. Same with my venture hi's. Bushings felt great but got destroyed really fast. That's why you always get bones hard bushings or maybe some other ones with good reviews. I don't think I've ever felt I'm about to snap anything more than usual, and if I remember correctly these ventures are a bit higher than the indies. I just got ghost pop for a bit. Probably just need to get used to it.

Anonymous No. 115549

>I've never not seen good stock bushing in the last 10 years

Brain damage. Meant to say I've never seen good bushings on any truck in the last 10 years.

Anonymous No. 115560

everywhere i look i see that fat jewdyke

Anonymous No. 115561


Anonymous No. 115567

I wasn't overly excited to watch Thrasher Germany because it's a trip video, but it's really good!

If you had Thunders/Ventures before it's the shorter wheelbase making the tail effectively longer, more flexy.

Anonymous No. 115588

god i love women

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Anonymous No. 115590

>pop-shuvs becoming consistent
>bs180 starting to look more like 140s instead of 90 ollie 90 revert

> [Embed]
its a good tour vid, I liked it
>doing street
thats a no from me dawg

share what tricks/spots/shit you guys working on

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Anonymous No. 115593

My brother broke his wrist so I've been skating alone. Beat the rain this morning

Anonymous No. 115595

>ventures are a bit higher than the indies
ventures are notoriously low trucks, what are you talking about retard. even the venture "high" isn't as tall as a standard independent.

Anonymous No. 115597

come skate MK/DS like a real man

Anonymous No. 115598

I too broke my wrist like 2 months ago, very lame

Anonymous No. 115599

whoops i mean DM skatepark obviously.

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Anonymous No. 115600

I have a tiny bag of tricks and all I want to do is get them on bigger ramps and do them more stylishly. That's all skating is for me. I don't have any desire to do airs at this point, and I wish I could do tricks to fakie but I can't even 5-0 to fakie a 3ft quarterpipe lmao.

>rock n roll

I can do them all backside and frontside in decent sized ramps except frontside feeble which I can only get on like a 4ft quarterpipe. If I could do all of them consistently in like 8ft tranny I'd be hyped.

Anonymous No. 115601

That was sick boomer bro, you are getting way better

Anonymous No. 115602

just work your way up from rock fakie dude

Anonymous No. 115603

I just don't get how you are meant to pivot on your back trucks and then come clear your front trucks when coming back into the ramp. Can you do them? Someone once said to do them on like mellow banks that have a lip because you basically just have to learn how to manual backwards into the ramp and once you can do that it all clicks or whatever.

Anonymous No. 115604

>pivot on your back trucks
whattttt are you talking about you dont pivot for a rock to fakie

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Anonymous No. 115605

Great webm resolution dadbro I totally saw everything.

Anonymous No. 115606

I meant for 5-0 to fakie. I can do rock to fakies.

Anonymous No. 115607

Venture highs are taller than the standards indies but lower than the indie highs stupid cunt retard.

Anonymous No. 115608

Just click on the filename you autist

Anonymous No. 115609

My bad . Normally I resize them first I forgot to this time

Anonymous No. 115610

Don't apologize to the retard. He seethes because he can barely heelflip and likes to assert superiority over other posters in the thread by talking shit about their webm sizes.

Anonymous No. 115611

The fight of the century!

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venture trucks he....png

Anonymous No. 115613

>Venture highs are taller than the standards indies
are you the retarded european who thinks he knows anything about skating but can't even do proper flip tricks?

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standard indy.png

Anonymous No. 115615

>>Venture highs are taller than the standards indies

Anonymous No. 115616

Hey not my fault indies have retarded as shit namings. They have "stage 11 standard" and "stage 11 mid standard". The mids are lower. Why the fuck wouldn't they call them mid and highs, or highs and lows, if the regular ones are the taller ones? Beats me.

Anonymous No. 115617

>all those insults and projecting for no reason at all

We can all see who's seething alright.

Anonymous No. 115618

learn how to use google next time before you start flexing your low iq

Anonymous No. 115619

I have 147 IQ. I just checked skatedeluxe where the trucks are separated by high/low/mid categories, but feel free to stay mad over nothing.

Anonymous No. 115620

Why are you arguing things are completely ignorant on?

Anonymous No. 115621

Why are you mad that I was half right?

Anonymous No. 115622

nobody is mad, just laughing at how you continue to expose yourself as a retard every single thread we have

Anonymous No. 115623

I'm not mad at all, I already know that I know the geometry of every truck. I would never say ventures are "notoriously low" but that can be a subjective statement. It just weird that you got mad and argued when you did not know the information to begin with.

Anonymous No. 115625

I can’t do 5-0s to fakie but I can bs pivot to fakie, it’s all in the back of your heel. you basically want to rock your heelside foot into the transition and you’ll go in so quickly that you won’t really have to fear your trucks hanging up. I’d imagine actually grinding a 5-0 and going to fakie is an entirely different ballgame but I’d still toy around with pivot fakies to get comfortable with them

Anonymous No. 115626

>ad hominem
>not mad

Anonymous No. 115628

>half right?

Anonymous No. 115629

Thanks. I think 5-0 to fakie or pivot to fakie is probably one of the coolest tricks you can do but I've always just been too scared to commit to the properly. I can go pivot to rock to fakie. I'll remember your heel tip next time I'm trying them.

Anonymous No. 115630

Is it also true that you basically want to keep most of your weight in the ramp for a pivot to fakie? That's probably another issue I have, because I definitely stand up on top when I do a pivot

Anonymous No. 115631

yeah, at least for me, that makes them so much easier. when you lock in you want to be somewhat on your toes (i'm doing them backside) to actually stay balanced, but when you're coming back in, i'd rock to my heelside and just kind of fall back into transition. and since i'm not actually standing on the coping (and arguably not doing the coolest version of a pivot fakie) and rather inside the transition, I'm looking into the ramp/behind me the entire time. since you can already 5-0 you'll probably be comfortable with actually balancing them, the roll in backwards is honestly the hardest part. and having fakie mannys definitely helps. if that trick is a mind fuck for you like it was for me at first, picture them more like switch nose manny instead and they're a lot easier to understand. I really want to get the pop in version though, i just kind of nudge myself off the coping back into the ramp

Anonymous No. 115634

I can blunt rock fakie but can never pop back in proper. Would love to pull feebles in fakie too but I think I am just bitching too much.
I'm comfy Ollie and kicky to fakie but the coping scares the shit out of me. Do you think it's better practicing a bunch of rock to fakies or just get used to landing in fakie on the ollies?

Anonymous No. 115636

i'd one hundred percent say getting used to ollie fakies will help you unlock some - to fakie transition tricks. rock to obviously help, but if you can ollie to fakie, it's a better stepping stone. that momentum you have from landing in the transition is different compared to just kinda stalling on the coping from a rock to fakie, plus you can actually get used to falling fakie if it happens. most likely your heels are gonna hit the transition and kind of pitch you backwards, but its a lot less scary compared to hanging up on the coping and getting pitched to flat. plus they just look really cool.

Anonymous No. 115637

>pivot to fakie
funny, i just set up some thunders
this better work, rick

Anonymous No. 115639

kek, i literally do it the exact opposite way, but it works for me. i rock back to my heel side because i find it easier to get my truck off the coping and back into the transition that way. when I tried to to it more with my toes, i found myself hanging up easier because I had less control of my board coming back in, since i only had control of it with my toes, instead of rocking heelside and basically having my entire foot control the board on the way in. a bit more stable, but I mean shit, I'm not Mccrank, and he's a legend. i'd try them both out and see how you feel. but like I said here about ollie fakies >>115636 you might get some heel drag pitching you towards the bottom, so maybe ricks advice is better here. regardless, I hope you get them trannybro. your FS smiths made me want to learn the backside variation, and I can stall them, but actually grinding them seems like a bitch

Anonymous No. 115640

yea your way makes no sense... how the fuck do u get the wheel off the coping if you still have your weight majorly on it lol

Anonymous No. 115641

the majority of my weight is inside of the transition, not on top of the coping, and it's easy to roll back in because i'm already balancing lightly on my toes when i'm locked into the pivot. when i put pressure on my heel side, the wheel just slips off of the coping and back into the transition.

Anonymous No. 115642

oooo i see

Anonymous No. 115643

his way probably works a lot better if you're actually standing on top of the coping doing pivot fakies, but like I said, I do mine where I'm basically still in the transition. rocking heelside, for me, when I'm coming back in, makes it very easy to get my board from the tweaked position of the pivot to a straighter, blunt fakie board positioning and level it out so i don't eat shit coming in. and when i shift my weight from my toes to my heel, the wheel basically just "unlocks" off of the coping, since I was already in a nimble, toe lock in in the first place. different strokes for different folks obviously, but i'd try them both out and see what way works for you the best.

Anonymous No. 115645

Thanks bro, the switch nose manny part definitely sounds like it would be a good thing to think about. If I start getting them i'll post a clip here

Anonymous No. 115649

yeah, fakie mannys used to really fuck me over and i couldn't understand them until someone else told me to think of it as a switch nose manny instead. i'm basically in that same exact position when i do pivot fakies anyways so it translated pretty well.

Anonymous No. 115651

It's my birthday cunts.

Anonymous No. 115652

Happy birthday ya fag

Anonymous No. 115653

oh no its past the bump limit what will I do

Anonymous No. 115656

no no no the bjj fags aren't gonna like this bros...

Anonymous No. 115657


Anonymous No. 115658

eric dressen looks like a fat retard

Anonymous No. 115659

>thats a no from me dawg
you can't even back 180 shut up lol

Anonymous No. 115662

what did your old skate crew end up doing with their lives 30 year old boomer bros?

a bunch of them moved to a big city with a good skate culture, although they literally never see each other.
>the tech guy still skates but with a totally new crew, works at a call center, mostly just does tech stuff on small street spots
>the hesh deathwish type of guy in the mid 2000s got on heroin, almost died, had a kid, got some shit tier construction job at one point, covered his body in diy tattoos, haven't heard about him in years, possibly dead, definitely hasn't skated very much in the past decade
>the most underrated skater out of the group, still skates but recently broke his ankle, until that it seemed like he was still consistently getting better despite being like mid 30s, mostly skates transition now
>other tech guy completely disappeared yet was apparently seen working at a casino a few years ago, hasn't skated in years
>rocknroll hesh guy is a neet benzo/alcohol addict, lives off the dole, still skates curbs and i actually keep in contact with him but he seems fried

and the rest of them still live in my rural hometown.
>the child prodigy of the group started smoking cones, got into cars, quit skateboarding, became a tiler, uploads pics of his shitty work to instagram
>the guy who was the closest to going pro, literally had pics in magazines, quit skating and now just works as a framer, has a kid with his wife now

Anonymous No. 115663

i need a slampig that can skate like marbie bros

Anonymous No. 115664

Of course all it's b-sides are sexual deviancy of a deranged man.

Anonymous No. 115665

they should really be keeping marbie away from the children.

Anonymous No. 115666

I went from ready to hate female skating to being happily surprised by the first girl to having to turn off after marbie deep throated that banana

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Anonymous No. 115668

Which one of you was it?

Anonymous No. 115670

im 27 can i post?
>heel flip guy, did really well for himself owns a restaurants
>andrew reynolds clone, joined the football team and got into professional wrestling, is super buff now
>3rd guy, no real descriptor chill dude smoked weed, had a nice fs shuv moved away out of America and has a really pretty gf now seems to living the dream honestly
we all still skate my wrestler buddy hit me up on facebook a couple of years back telling me he got a new board and wanted to skate but i flaked on him like a dick, hope he's doing well.
there was also this kid younger than all of us that we use to skate with. he had a rough patch but recently got sober, saw him last summer it was nice to see him doing better...

Anonymous No. 115672

is said it before and ill say it again, poe pinson is the future of female skateboarding

Anonymous No. 115674

serious post but i dont think there is a future of women in skateboarding. there will be some kind of huge economic collapse in the next few years and women are all going to quit skating so they can go whore on the streets to make money. the companies will probably all drop them as well because there's no more money in skating maybe only a few guys will actually keep their sponsorships.

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Anonymous No. 115677

Only the king can settle this one

Anonymous No. 115678

>get addicted to heroin, od'ed and died
>went to prison for selling drugs to kids
>got into oxy, shaved his head; haven't seen him in 10+ years
>had a falling out, became a pretty sick ski filmer, doesn't really like skating anymore; talks like a nigger now for some reason
>had a couple duis and some drug trouble, moved to denver, doesn't skate anymore
i unironically think i maybe lucked out by being too weird and autistic to become a partyfag

>child prodigy quits skating and gets way into some other hobby
i think that most be pretty common. our local pro pretty much went that way too. the fucking guy had his name on boards in middleschool and now all he does are like golf trickshot videos lol. the fucked up thing is that he's just as good as skating as he ever was, if you get him to play skate he will still beat you and do every trick perfectly, he just got bored of skating.

Anonymous No. 115679

maybe the twee instagram tiktok influencer girl who does meme tricks and flyouts and has never skated a street spot will go away, but i think always will be the same homely dyke looking weirdo girls who are actually pretty good because they were into skating before the money showed up

Anonymous No. 115682

Man what is it about fucking golf and really athletically talented people. That shit must be addictive to them or something.

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Anonymous No. 115696

Nickel House is pro

Anonymous No. 115697

sick but she should have stayed with Anti-Hero. real is one of the most bland companies in skateboarding, despite the stacked team. they have no image or brand identity, makes it hard for me to care about the team

Anonymous No. 115699

Hey fellow skatebros. First time in this board actually. I’m an oldfag (29) looking to get back onto a deck.

Im looking at the following

Almost Ivy League deck 8” (Mullen)
Mullen was my skate hero in my teen days.

Tensor night shift trucks

Bones Swiss bearings (not the ceramic ones)

Sushi wheels 99a like 53mm or 54mm

Im 1,90m tall shoe size 45

That’s 6 foot 3 and shoe size 11 for you hamburgerbros

The only thing I’m not sure about is the wheels. I don’t know the brand but they fit the aesthetic I’m going for.

Thanks in advance

Anonymous No. 115702

>doing back180s
>you cant do back180s
post clip

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Anonymous No. 115705

>tfw switch noseblunts are just nollie blunts going backwards

have you ever had any retarded epiphanies that helped you get a trick?

Anonymous No. 115707

post a clip of you doing any kind of blunt because what you just said is retarded

Anonymous No. 115711

I'd highly recommend getting a bigger board. I'm a 6ft with size 11 shoes and an 8.5" is about as comfortable as I can get before it becomes too unwieldly for popping and flipping. A 9" actually fits my whole foot and feels much nicer to cruise on, but 8.5" is what I normally skate and even then it's hard to keep my foot on and not get toe/heel drag. If you want to skate like Mullen, you'll probably want a smaller board eventually. I'd still advise getting a bigger board to begin with and scaling down once you have your basics down pat and feel fully natural skating.

Also, imo Sushi wheels and bearings are shit. Just get Spitfires or Bones instead.

Anonymous No. 115712

ive been thinking about it, it's the perfect reason to walk around, get some fresh air or cruise in a golf cart (fun as fuck), sip on a beer and shoot the shit with your bros, I understand the appeal if you play it leisurely. no straining on any joints and still adequately competitive too.

Anonymous No. 115713

>Im 1,90m tall shoe size 45

That's me exactly and I personally moved onto 8.25. I can still skate an 8 but I'd rather not. Bones swiss are a waste of money, unless you don't care. Can't comment on tensor trucks since nobody skates them, but they should be fine. Sushi wheels are literal who's, but they should be ok too. Almost is cringe but you do you. All in all I'm recommending not spending extra on meme bearings and maybe getting a bigger board. As someone with your measurements I also prefer skating decks with wheelbase a bit bigger than the standard 14, because I have long legs, but that's just me.

Anonymous No. 115714

Sushi was for the wheels, Swiss for bearings.

Also I forgot to explicitly mention I skated for 10 years non stop. I just gotta get back in the groove but I haven’t lost all of it. I think 8” for now will be a good middle ground. Thanks for the advice pal!

Anonymous No. 115715

Thanks I’ll check out the board size difference.

>since nobody skates them

Is that anecdotal? Seems anecdotal.

Why are Swiss meme bearings? They’re critically acclaimed here. Anyway moneys not an issue. At 29 im glad I’m financially stable enough with good cashflow to spend some here and there.

Anonymous No. 115716

It's not anecdotal, also it's literally just bearings. Reds, swiss, super swiss, super gay alphabet swiss, swiss snake oil edition, they all spin the same, but if you wanna get swiss, then get swiss I guess. If you used to skate for 10 years then I'm not sure why you're asking these questions also.

Anonymous No. 115717

Because there’s also 10 years between me stopping and now starting again. Shit might’ve changed. Lots of things change in 10 years. You probably were still learning how to write or count lmao. Naw I’m kidding. Anyway I was young when I skated and we didn’t know all this shit back then so I don’t magically know it now. Internet was not as full of info about this stuff in my country around 2003 yknow.

I already ordered the bones Swiss so we’ll see how they are. Defo worth checking whether 8.25 is better than 8

Anonymous No. 115718

I literally turned 30 today, little kid. The only thing that's changed is the board size trend and people riding bigger boards. I don't think I've noticed any other significant change. I kind of did a similar thing to you by the way and I knew right away I'm too big for an 8. I skated 7.75-8 when I was younger, but I also wasn't fully grown yet. Might be the same for you, can't tell. Now as I said I also specifically search with 8.25s with a bigger wheelbase, otherwise I feel limited. You can also just buy new shit if you don't like it anyways. That's what I did. Got back to skating and gave away my new complete to some kid, because after a week I realized I want to move up sizes. Just bought a new complete no fucks given.

Anonymous No. 115720

Yeah solid advice. I’ll defo go for a bigger one then. Thanks man

Anonymous No. 115721

And happy birthday. You’ve left the 20 club forever now

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Anonymous No. 115722

Thank you.

Anonymous No. 115734

I agree about real but she doesn't fit anti hero anyway. She would never have gone pro for them. I wonder if any woman will ever go pro for anti hero. Not many chicks are core enough to get on that team.

I just read an interview where she said it was grosso who first started getting her boards from anti hero, so maybe when he died there just wasn't a connection with anti hero anymore. They have some system where to go pro for anti hero the whole team has to have a vote and if even one person says no you won't get on. I can't imagine Tony Trujillo saying yes to some chick he barely knows who doesn't fit the brand aesthetic. Tnt definitely doesn't fuck with anything progressive in skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 115739

My brother came by with his 8.25”. Tried the size and I’ll defo be going with 8.5.

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Anonymous No. 115742

my war

Anonymous No. 115744

8.5 is for gays though. Be careful. You can also go 8.38.

Anon how are you this much of a chad not being afraid of rag doll style throwing your body down that 4 stair like that? Could you not land it still? Like just practice doing ollies of a curb. But like actual ollies, don't just drop in. Get hang time, jump properly, get used to doing a smooth one. It's the literal same thing even if it's a 4 stair. Just make sure to actually jump and make it smooth. You look like you're throwing yourself off a 20 stair. Keep your shit straight. Don't lean or you'll eat shit. Leaning means you're secretly scared. You have to trust yourself and keep your shoulders over your board the whole time. Lift up your back foot so it levels out. Land bolts just like you would have doing it off a curb. It's the same thing except you're in the air a bit longer. You really shouldn't be eating shit on a 4 stair ollie.

Anonymous No. 115747

Keep trying anon, you can land it. I believe in you

Anonymous No. 115750

the funny thing is i've done quite bigger in park, but i kind of hurt my heel a bit today during the first attempts so i guess it got into my head
But yes i do agree with you, i shouldn't have this much trouble with a 4 stair just cause i don't have a perfect runup
But still what done is done, slams can be quite funny to look at

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Anonymous No. 115753

Finally landed heelflips and then rolled my ankle so hard it’s like a baseball is on my foot.

Feels sick when u figure out what was halting u from landing it.

Anonymous No. 115756

Post heelflip.

Anonymous No. 115757

Boomer friend hasn't hit me up about skating his backyard mini. Guess I'll just go skate the park by myself again. I wish I had a legit skate crew bros. It's like everyone else my age in this city has already formed their cliques and I'm here just skating bowls by myself 90% of the time.

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Anonymous No. 115765

Anyone here from Chicago?
Thinking of going here.

Anonymous No. 115767

>Tnt definitely doesn't fuck with anything progressive in skateboarding
you say that but BA got on the team and dudes a big time flamer. I don't care about gays/women in skating like some people in here, and BA is obviously one of the best to ever do it, but god damn, since he came out, he just has to go the extra mile with his faggotry. if TnT can deal with that, I don't see why he would be upset at a chick getting on Anti-Hero. didn't know about the Grosso connection either, and she rips at transition hard enough that I think she might have gotten the pass.

speaking of BA, this little clip always makes me chuckle coming back to it since he's out of the closet

Anonymous No. 115768

Yeah, that's true. Ii didn't think about BA. But in my argument's defence TNT and BA would have already known each other from the beauty and the beast tours and all that so maybe BA gets a pass. Like I don't think TNT is super right wing or anything, he just doesn't seem to fuck with globohomo skating that much.

All this stuff about TNT is all hearsay anyway and the only reason I think that is because he follows a few alt-right instagram pages.

Anonymous No. 115770

>no bowl or designated troon section
Pisses me off that they build these parks with no bowls. Like you have a whole city to skate if you wanna go skate street but there is nowhere for bowl enthusiasts to skate other than the parks.

Not to mention that it's significantly cheaper for a city to just slap in a street plaza style skatepark because the labor, design and material costs are so much lower.

Also these new parks with no bowls are breeding a new generation of 'street' skaters who are just total pussies because they have grown up with angle iron ledges and stairs with perfect run ups.

Anonymous No. 115771

>TNT and BA would have already known each other from the beauty and the beast tours and all that so maybe BA gets a pass
yeah, thats true, but I feel like if Phelps was calling BA a faggot for not wanting to skate bowls, it was probably happening in SF, and TnT seems like he'd be right by phelps laughing about the entire situation before he speeds off and does something wild. although, as someone who used to live in SF, you're definitely going to have to deal with/get used to gays occupying any kind of space you're in, no matter how niche you think it might be for them. at the end of the day its all just speculation, but it's funny to think about these team dynamics. it's always interesting to read/hear about X pro not getting on Y company because Z skater wasn't fucking with them, like Alex Olson trying to get Mango on 917 but Aiden Mackey wasn't having it, very ironic considering he bit his entire shtick.

anyways, Nicoles pro ad is sick, cool ass sketchy hippy jump that definitely gives me more AH vibes over Real vibes, but it is what it is.

the rise of the skate park plaza was a disaster for skateboarding desu. it's nice when those kinds of parks do have bowl/transition sections, because you get the best of both worlds, but they're extremely rare. I grew up skating street, legdes/stairs/ditches/gaps and what not, and didn't start skating transition when I went to my first skatepark at 21 years old. always thought it was cool to have that element of something entirely new somewhere else in a designated zone, and having the streets for everything else. kids these days will never have to bondo a crack before a set or make shift kickers to skate an electrical box or whatever the fuck you can do to get creative with street skating, because all of these street league-esque parks are sucking the fun of skating street out of these obstacles.

Anonymous No. 115772

also forgot to mention, but even when these plaza parks DO have transition like bowls or whatever, they're kind of split away from the rest of the park. and thats fine, because you can just skate the bowl and do your thing, but these kinds of parks have no flow whatsoever. for me, skating a park and learning how to flow throughout the entire place, learning new lines, what I can/can't hit in a single lap around the park without pushing etc. was so much fun, and really made me think about my street skating in a differen way, forcing me to get more creative when i'd do skate some ledges, thinking about how I can string lines together in a flowy transition way compared to just doing a flat ground flip trick > nose slide.

Anonymous No. 115773

I've seen this park in some of the hundreds of youtube skate vlog videos I for whatever fucking reason watch and it looked sick to me. I want to skate it too.

Anonymous No. 115774

any tips for changing from goofy stance to regular?
i dont have complete control of my balance on my left foot's ball joint under the small toes while standing and shifting my weight around. this makes it fundamentally hard to even learn regular for me. what do? give me physio tips

Anonymous No. 115775

>while standing and shifting my weight around
on one foot i should note, just so im not some cripple with no self awareness

Anonymous No. 115776

Nigga what? You can't change your stance. It's like changing from being left handed to right handed.

Anonymous No. 115778

i can but its hard to have good control. my right leg is very slightly shorter than the left so the right developed into my weight bearing leg. if i lean/shift forward to not fall backwards in regular i become unsteady. is this normal?

Anonymous No. 115779

nigga just learn to balance lmao what are you even talking about

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Anonymous No. 115783

>Nigga what?

Anonymous No. 115784

>is this normal?
Nope, you're fucked kid. sorry

Anonymous No. 115788

im gonna be completely honest here and say that i feel like BA was put on 18 out of pity

Anonymous No. 115789

sure but half of the team is on there out of pity.
no one expects andy roy or frank to get a clip anymore. there are guys whose name will simply sell a skateboard no matter how much of a pile they are. the main reason it took baker so long to deal with 'twuan being a fuckup is that his boards were still selling even while he wasn't doing shit.

i also have a suspicion that nike pulls strings for their guys and that first wave of 'indie' board brands maybe had a lot more backing behind the scenes than people let on. carroll alluded to as much during the mj drama

Anonymous No. 115790

You guys are gossiping about people like chicks do

Anonymous No. 115791

Is it bad to look at my feet while trying tricks? I can't seem to find bolts otherwise

Anonymous No. 115794

earthrocker bros...

Anonymous No. 115795

bet your one of those people in these threads who complains about having no friends

Anonymous No. 115796

These are all pretty old clips at this point. Last I heard his arm was broken and he fled rehab AGAIN. Someone on /tv/ bumped into him sippin drinks at the bar.

Anonymous No. 115801

imagine how annoying it would be skating around bam. every time he does the most pathetic like shuv to nose stall or some shit he fakes falling off and then skates the perimeter of the park trying to get high 5s and fist bumps from everyone.

Anonymous No. 115823

lol he fake falls?

Anonymous No. 115911

new thread >>115849