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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 115849

Thrasher Cover Edition

Step 1. Go here:

Step 2: Save and post a cool cover.

Anonymous No. 115850

Old thread: >>115061

>Basic brand information for beginners:
>Shoe reviews:
>Submit a shoe review:

What are you all working on? What was the last revelation you had (doesn't matter if it's "dumb" or seems obvious now)?

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Anonymous No. 115851

>what are you working on

-getting heel flips more elevated/less rocketed
-learning nose slides without cheating.
-nose manuals/learning to hold my balance on mannys better
-Learning those weird foot plants where u grab the board behind you

>revelations that I have had

-the more u bend down before the pop, the more time you have for the trick itself.
-for heelflips: you need to kinda bend ur ankle when going for the flick of the trick.
-wallrides are insanely easy once u learn the pitch of the wall and treat it like a qp

Anonymous No. 115852

>What are you all working on?
-Kickflips. Landed my first few last week, haven't had time to really go for them again since, though I clinched one out in the last session by chance.
-No comply 180s on/up things.
-Sweepers, though I need to drop back in properly with them where you just fucking caveman into the ramp rather than slamming the tail down and dropping in regular.

>What was the last revelation you had
-With kickflips, the issue I have is getting my back foot on, but what's clicking is that I need to curl up into a ball when I jump, rather than jumping more upright like a Zulu or something. Guess that's the case with most flip tricks but I can actually feel it now.
-No complies actually take a lot less energy then I tend to think. Usually I'll start by totally over popping it until it's out of control and flying away from me, when in reality it's a VERY small movement. Getting them up onto things like curbs and QPs does require a decent pop though, so I'm trying to figure out how to pop them high and slap the tail down onto the edge without cheating it and grabbing the nose (though that feels pretty cool sometimes).
-With sweepers, idk, it's fun to smack the tail off the coping on the way up, but again like with kickflips, it's better to have you body balled up so you can immediately turn around and do a nosegrab drop in.

I think in general I'm learning how being hunched over is usually the position you want to be in when you're mid-trick. I have a tendency to straighten my back, but for a lot of tricks this means that I can't see both of my feet too well and makes me bail out of tricks.

Anonymous No. 115853

>tfw 2012 was 10 years ago

I got a feeble to fakie on a tiny quarterpipe last night by thinking about fakie manualing out of it. Seems like nothing but I've been skating for a long time and hadn't been able to do that trick on anything until now so i'm excited to try it on some bigger things. Thanks to the anon who said the fakie manual thing.

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grant taylor pizzy.jpg

Anonymous No. 115854

Forgot pic. Grant taylor's soty cover from 2012

Anonymous No. 115855

>working on
Nollie grinds/slides
I want to learn better mini ramp tricks
I skate better when it's cold outside
Early morning sessions are the best
Bs tails are dangerous when you don't commit

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Anonymous No. 115856

Gonna post some memorable/funny ones. I miss the days before instagram when photos in magazines had this mystery to them like 'what is he doing? how did he get up there? did he land that?'

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Anonymous No. 115857

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Anonymous No. 115858

Anyone know who this is in this one?

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Anonymous No. 115859

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Anonymous No. 115860

Anonymous No. 115861

Chet Thomas

Anonymous No. 115862

Thanks bruv

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Anonymous No. 115865

Water towers are the best.

Anonymous No. 115866

i love the fucking shadow being cast on the tower, great shot

Anonymous No. 115868

What do you think he's doing? Looks like a boardslide but could possibly be lipslide

Anonymous No. 115872


it's a boardslide, a lipslide would be too awkward on such a risky spot

Anonymous No. 115881

Damn imagine risking your life like that over skating. Like i love skating a lot but man idk about that

Anonymous No. 115887

magical line

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Anonymous No. 115913

baby backside ollie
babyside ollie

Anonymous No. 115919

Nice trany skating anon
Whats the camera youre using?

Anonymous No. 115920

sk8 or die!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 115930

That was sick and looked really smooth. I love how with backside airs and ollies people always just fling their board around when they bail

Anonymous No. 115938

I was at my local the other day and I asked my guy behind the counter if he could get a specific type of wheel in for me. He pulled up the DLX catalog for retailers. For the shop to buy spitfire f4 wheels straight from DLX it costs them $25. I saw the price on the site. They then sell them for like $50 a set at my local. Is that 100% mark up in price justified?

Anonymous No. 115943

i thought stores got them cheaper but yeah

Anonymous No. 115944

Man these wheels look dope

Anonymous No. 115950

>Is that 100% mark up in price justified
yeah, f4s are the best and shop guys gotta eat too. wheels aren't something you should have to replace that often either. i don't think I ever had a flat spot with f4 and a set of conical fulls should last a good while.

Anonymous No. 115951

>They then sell them for like $50 a set at my local
sounds like you need to just find a better local because F4s at my shop are like $38-$40 at the max. F4s are great but i'd never pay $50 for a set when you can get TWO sets of Classics for like $5 more.

Anonymous No. 115952

1st generation iphone se :)

Anonymous No. 115953

non cringe skate shoes dont exis-

Anonymous No. 115955

wtf I thought that was me

Anonymous No. 115964

I just watched Glream The Cube on tv, and it was the cheesiest shit I have ever seen. 8.5/10.

Anonymous No. 115969

New third world skate edit if anyone cares or wants to see something different.

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Anonymous No. 115972

Was anyone able to get these? Do they handle the crust and slide? Are they better then F4 conical fulls for that?

Anonymous No. 115976

Where can I cop them trousers

Anonymous No. 115977


Anonymous No. 115978

Bro I don't know if I'm tripping for no reason, but every single fucking skate video I open someone just has to do a front tail heelflip out. I used to be blown away by this trick and I'd love it so much, but I swear everyone has literally been spamming it in the past years. If I see another one I'm gonna explode.

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Anonymous No. 115984

This is one of my favourites

Anonymous No. 115995

Spitfire classics are the reasons why boomers never buy spitfire wheels

Anonymous No. 116003

Recently have not been learning anything new, but trying to get my small bag of flip tricks more consistent/higher/rolling faster. When I remember and actively commit to a few rules, I almost immediately without fail become more consistent-- the spirit is willing but the mind/body are weak.

>jump high enough with both feet to give the board enough time to finish rotating/flipping
>land on the board no matter what with both feet (even if primo or upside down)
>watch the board with your eyes as it flips under you
>spread your feet apart from each other
>leaning away means i don't want to land it-- even if i land it, if i'm leaning really far toeside/heelside, i dont count it

Yes these are all obvious as fuck, but if i do not actively put my mind to it, my body will naturally try to do the opposite in an act of self preservation/fear: jumping as low as possible, jumping too far forward, keeping legs close together etc etc

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Anonymous No. 116005

>finally get to skate that famous spot youve been wanting to skate your whole life
>&& and his crew pulls up and now you gotta sit and watch him do some retarded ass shit
>how do you react after seeing this

Anonymous No. 116006

uhhhhhhhhh YEW

Anonymous No. 116007

Why do I gotta sit though? We can just take turns.

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Anonymous No. 116009
Forgot this existed & was just rewatching, fun vid for anyone who likes slappies

Andy lookin real despicable with the minion kicks

Anonymous No. 116010

gotta show some respekt lil nigga, sit yo ass down while andy skates. but in all seriousness I would not wanna be seen in the background of that clip lol

such a great vid, amazing vibes and seeing pros get tossed off a curb same way i do

Anonymous No. 116011

By the way our guy bryan arnett beat reddit's guy stiff head later in a game of skate so it's over.

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Anonymous No. 116013

I wanna try vert & bowl skating. I’m 26 years old, been skating for probably over a year now, fractured my wrist the first week of skating, and can’t even do a simple shove it.
I guess I should try all bases before giving up and moving on. Way I see it is I’ll either really like it or fracture my other wrist.
On a scale of 1-10, how misguided am I?

Anonymous No. 116016

>Bryan Arnett (verified checkmark)
Can't wait for the Gifted Hater footage and the ghetto bird was sick

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Anonymous No. 116017

Anonymous No. 116018

>Can't wait for the Gifted Hater footage


Anonymous No. 116019

They are funny dudes and it looked like a fun session. Joa will also upload a video

Anonymous No. 116020


Anonymous No. 116021

Kickflips are feeling good on the huffer, skating without my glasses atm too. Got a few ollies over a little stood up cone today too.

Anonymous No. 116022

Not being able to skate has really been weighing on me recently. Getting worse and worse and I don't know how to cope.

Anonymous No. 116023

I actually watched the whole like 30 min clip of them skating that spot. I fucking hate watching AA skate street but for some reason I always end up watching those vids when I'm bored. Anyway at the start of the clip when they pulled up there were a bunch of other guys skating and then when the Powell team pulled up the other guys all just like bailed. The whole Powell team is so cringe.

Anonymous No. 116024

Byran arnett is from my area and i was at the skatepark the other night and some zoomer who wears melodi shirts and shit was saying that they fuck with him every time they see him, they apparently say 'give me some late club merch daddy' over and over again until he gets pissed off. lmao

Anonymous No. 116025

Do you want to skate? If yes skate. If not dont...

Anonymous No. 116027

I don't know what melodi shits are bro but what you just described is top cringe to me. Sounds like American zoomer humor.

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Anonymous No. 116028

Put rope in a hole on my deck and I love it
I can Ollie up stuff knee high but with the rope it's literally almost zero effort while holding a bag of shit in my other hand or even skitching
I also put double barell bushing with double bottom plates for skitching over 15mph

Anonymous No. 116029

t. engineer that changes his own car batteries

Anonymous No. 116030

melodi is some gay has trans hipster NYC trendy crap. stupid pothead cool kid zoomers bullying him

Anonymous No. 116031

im still pushing around with a casted wrist and i only started seriously last month. landed 2 shuvs in a row and almost can proper pop a decent ollie. if skating is fun for you like it is for me, dont give up.

Anonymous No. 116032

100% try it, if flatground/street skating is not for you then you can just be a dude who skates transition and there is no shame in that. That's all I do. My wheels basically never leave the concrete yet I still feel like I can hold my own at the skatepark and get a few board taps here and there by doing some stylish grinds.

Start on mini ramps to get the basics down.

Also never call it 'vert' skating unless you're actually skating a ramp that is vertical. It's called 'transition' or tranny.

Anonymous No. 116033

Yeah the zoomer is cringe but so is bryan arnett. Idk who's worse. Bryan arnett makes his cringe very obvious by having a youtube channel

Anonymous No. 116034

>NYC trendy crap

Oh no no no NYCbros...

Anonymous No. 116036

>trans hipster NYC trendy crap. stupid pothead cool kid zoomers

Anonymous No. 116040

what a faggot

Anonymous No. 116041

I mean, yeah. I wanna try blading too, but haven’t wanted it bad enough to buy em (I mean come on, they’re like $250-300)
I guess it’s just feels harder to commit. At 26, you can’t take falls as easily, and most of the time when I fall, I go 90° and straight to the concrete.
>call it transition
Noted! Well maybe there’s hope still yet. :) Like I said to the anons above, I just can’t seem to get tricks. Idk if I’m just not committed or what. My hopes are that transition will somehow be easier. Idk.
If skateboarding isn’t for me, I’m gonna buy rollerblades. Way I see it is there’s some things were just not good at man, but I still wanna cover all bases.

Anonymous No. 116043

r/skateboarding is making fun of us again

Anonymous No. 116044

Happy to report all five of the zoomers I saw at the two skateparks near me all thought my rope board was sick af frfr

Anonymous No. 116045

when i was fucked up i just got realy good at doing manuals
>can't commit
get a yoga mat for cheap and practice flatground tricks on it. then practice doing them rolling and gap into the mat. you could also just find a big grass gap or a gazebo spot and practice sending them into the grass.
unironically that's how i learned how to skate big gaps.
if this makes you feel like a pussy just remember those woodward niggers have a foam pit.

for tranny you really need to be able to commit, i don't have much advice for how to learn stuff on there because i'm bad at skating it

Anonymous No. 116051

I feel like learning basic tricks in tranny is easy because you can just do them on a 3ft ramp and then it's pretty much the same thing on a 6ft ramp, which is pretty much the same thing on a 10ft ramp. It's just hard as fuck to get the balls to commit to shit once it gets to 6ft

Anonymous No. 116052


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Anonymous No. 116053

Tips for landing into manuals?

I always end up evening out the nose like an Ollie. How do I stop myself from bringing the front of the board down once I pop?

Anonymous No. 116054

>I always end up evening out the nose like an Ollie
revert back to ollie monkey and get some flat rocket ollies while warming up, thats the motion when going up a manny pad, just with slightly bigger pop.
For nose mannies I have no clue, gotta have a boned ollie already to make that transition on the front wheels smooth and stable with an extended front foot...

Anonymous No. 116057

i learned 5-0s and nosegrinds first. do stalls on a curb or the edge of the manny pad and get used to landing in them lightfooted w/o touching the tail/nose. it's more about feel than anything

Anonymous No. 116062

andy anderson makes faggots seethe and i love it

Anonymous No. 116066

I like my spit classics and so do plenty of pros. I think Alex Olson and T-Funk off the top of my head both like classics over F4s

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Anonymous No. 116084

I kinda got some stand up grinds tonight. Definitely more than a slash but not fully stood up on the deck yet, although I was holding it for a few blocks of coping. Felt good. My buddy took this pic of me.

Anonymous No. 116088

learn shiftys first. ollie and turn fs 90 deg, land on back two and kickturn back to straight.

Anonymous No. 116089

>I kinda got some stand up grinds tonight
are you not the same retard whos constantly talking about doing smith grinds or are there two helmet wearing dipshits in these threads?

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Anonymous No. 116091

I’ll look into a yoga mat and maybe try. Thanks anon.
>feel like basic tranny is easier
Maybe. I’m hoping that its possible that it one of those fish outta water situations. You know, like maybe I’m just horrible on flat but tranny just comes naturally?
Probably highly unlikely l, but it’s fun to think about. Haha

Anonymous No. 116092

pop the tail, drag your front foot up the board, once over the obstacle get into the manual, manual to the end of the obstacle, land bolts, ride away.

Anonymous No. 116096

you don't straighten out shifty ollies on the ground dude. this is terrible advice

Anonymous No. 116097

>same retard whos constantly talking about doing smith grinds
t. dude who can barely heelflip off the ground

Anonymous No. 116104

>rent free falseflagging

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Anonymous No. 116112

>one of the better flat courts in my hood is half in shadow half in light during the night
>try to focus visually on the board and trick in the light patches
>fail to land bolts
>try to focus on the leg nerves/muscles and use instinct in the dark patch
>land bolts consistently
Id really do be like that...feels like the less I focus on the trick the better of a chance I have of doing them, if I approach them with the mentality that I dont need to work for them cause I understand them it helps me land consistently.

anyway stupid blog aside anyone got kickflip tips, Im in the phase where if I flick correctly the board lands upside-down and when I try to flick harder the board shoots ahead or into the ground, what do?

Anonymous No. 116113

>doesn't even know how to reply to posts
It's over. You need to go back

Anonymous No. 116115


Anonymous No. 116117

not that guy but at least that guy can actually do the tricks he claims to do, if your not standing up on the coping your not doing smith grinds faggot

Anonymous No. 116119

Heeflip guy here and I think bowlskatebro is cool and you autistic fucks should get off my dick thinking everyone is me.

Anonymous No. 116127

Wtf are you talking about retard? Are you implying that because I only just learnt stand up grinds that I can't Smith? I have posted clips of me doing legit smiths in here before. I find them easier than stand up grinds.

Anonymous No. 116128

You wear gay shorts. You wear a helmet. You wear ankle socks. You wear adidas.

Anonymous No. 116130

You get no pussy

Anonymous No. 116131

True but you too.

Anonymous No. 116133

I'm married, i have on-demand pussy. Quit being a bitch who cares so much about what socks other men wear and maybe you'll get some someday too

Anonymous No. 116134


Anonymous No. 116136

Dream on coomer

Anonymous No. 116137

is it possible to powerslide with really soft wheels?
>why yes, i still haven't learned how to powerslide what gave it away?

Anonymous No. 116140

yes thats what im implying to do a smith you have to stand up on the coping otherwise your just doing little bull shit slashers.
also i get pussy eat my ass helmetard

Anonymous No. 116141


Helmets are based, CTE is not

Anonymous No. 116143

>retard who tells people he can do tricks he cant wants to talk about CTE

Anonymous No. 116144

Can you show me how to do a smith grind or a stand up grind on pool coping then?

Anonymous No. 116145

i wouldnt show you shit nerd. keep trying but dont keep patting yourself on the back for doing half tricks

Anonymous No. 116147

Lol of course not

Anonymous No. 116149

So no proof? Got it.

Anonymous No. 116150

>Lol of course not
what does this even mean? some pretentious smug come back?
>got a source bro? heh figured not.
look up a youtube video retard...

Anonymous No. 116151


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Anonymous No. 116153

>You wear gay shorts. You wear a helmet. You wear ankle socks. You wear adidas.

Anonymous No. 116154

dude literally looks like me when I was 12 and my mom picked out all my clothes from kohls, the helmet doesnt help

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Anonymous No. 116156

>dude literally looks like me when I was 12 and my mom picked out all my clothes from kohls

Anonymous No. 116157

>no cap bruh this ankle socks wearing mf really do be looking like he never even heard of supreme or polar big boys

Anonymous No. 116160

a nerve has been struck.

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Anonymous No. 116162

>a nerve has been struck.

Anonymous No. 116164

/esg/ consistently the worst general on any board. just unbelievable really, i have no idea why i even bother checking

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116165


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Anonymous No. 116166



Anonymous No. 116172

Imagine getting this mad just because you wear gayboy shorts to show your cute little ankles.

Anonymous No. 116177

Dude you're the one seething over the kind of clothes another man wears holy fuck LMAO get a life.

Anonymous No. 116178

Did you fall on your ass today bro? You seem butthurt for no reason. Too used to how things are over at slap eh?

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Anonymous No. 116182

yeah nu4chan(nel) has been about quality discussion for so long bro

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Anonymous No. 116184

>go to spot
>see this
what do?

Anonymous No. 116185

kneel and leave

Anonymous No. 116188

Keep walking towards the spot I was heading to, because this clearly isn't it.

Anonymous No. 116189

Despite being a regular in this threads i am somehow always surprised at how shit they are. Yes, slap is genuinely a better place to discuss skating than here

Anonymous No. 116195

>Dime Glory Challenge
canadians dont suffer

Anonymous No. 116199

it's a handful of retards like that eurofaggot who constantly needs to cry about everything and shit on everyone. these threads would be smoother if you niggas just ignored the shitposts

laces are gay No. 116200

yo does anyone got the hookup for like a 100 pack of laces or something. almost every session they get ripped, ill tie them back together and then 2 sessions later they have ripped in 3 other places.

Anonymous No. 116201

just put glue on them retard

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Anonymous No. 116202


Anonymous No. 116204


Looks pretty damn phat to me! Nice one.

Anonymous No. 116205

Circus tricks are gay

Anonymous No. 116206

I'm in the minority of people here who actually really likes him, but good Christ those shoes are fucking hideous.

Anonymous No. 116207

I was skating bowls and dropping in on 6ft stuff before I could shuv. Just do it, it's super fucking fun and not as "tricky" as flatland. There's no real secret to just cruising around bowls once you know how to pump. It's just a matter of doing the faster and higher. I mean, the vert legends all stink at street skating, yet they regularly fly through the air doing fucking backflips and shit. Do it.

Anonymous No. 116208

Hell yeah.

Jump higher and hang your lead arm/shoulder more over the nose while looking straight down between your feet. It's a bitch of a stage to get stuck in, but the reason you kick the board forward and away when you get the full flip is probably because you're focusing all of your attention on where you're trying to kick, which is probably making you lean your upper body back too much because you're trying to get a good view of it. And then the opposite problem with it not fully spinning when you don't kick it away is simply because you're not jumping high enough and clearing your legs out of the way so that it can get the full rotation. You can just try to flip it faster, but imo that's a lot more trial and error and fucking around with your already good footing.

I'm going to work on them on Friday too so I'll see if I can beat you to a really clean one!

Anonymous No. 116209

oh no! how do i delete the .webm?

Anonymous No. 116210

Tail slappy his ass and say "good game" before rolling off around the corner.

Anonymous No. 116211

what race are you?

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Anonymous No. 116212

you look like a fucking orc, did you crawl out of a boiling pit of mud moments before this webm was taken?

Anonymous No. 116213

>the vert legends all stink at street skating

Anonymous No. 116215

Anonymous No. 116216

east asian

Anonymous No. 116218

mixed with what?

Anonymous No. 116219

Why don't we consider ourselves a skate team? Like team /esg/?

Anonymous No. 116220

>east asian
how many blacked threads do you make on /pol/ each day?

Anonymous No. 116222

too many weird antisocial niggas in this thread. i've tried to get people in here to skate with me multiple times itt since i know they're around me/in the same exact down and get some bullshit every single time.

Anonymous No. 116223

what town?

Anonymous No. 116224

Without being too specific I’m in socal. I’ve literally seen dudes in here posting videos from my local park and still dodge the meetup to actually go skate and have a good time.

Anonymous No. 116225

maybe you just come off as a weird cunt and that's why no one wants to meet up with you?

i've met up with people from 4chan before on different boards and it was never that uncomfortable but it always felt like they had something to prove.

i live in socal too but fuck meeting up with people in this thread, how would you know you're not meeting up with one of the negative argumentative freaks in here that just talks shit to anyone? i'd rather skate with my usual crew.

Anonymous No. 116226

>maybe you just come off as a weird cunt and that's why no one wants to meet up with you?
bro i just mention that i know what park said video is at because its my local and if X person wants to hang out and skate irl.

>would you know you're not meeting up with one of the negative argumentative freaks in here that just talks shit to anyone?
because those people are friendless losers in the first place who assume everyone else is like them and thus wouldn't want to meet up in the first place. I've met dudes from /tv/ /vg/ /v/ /o/ and /p/ and it's never been weird or awkward, usually a good time and still keep in contact with a handful of those people and hit them up when I want to engage in Y hobby with them if they're free again.

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Anonymous No. 116227

>some actually posts footage
>gets attacked by /pol/ faggots that don't even skate

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Anonymous No. 116228

why are you acting like this is surprising when people in here are constantly crying about jewish dudes or black skaters or globalhomo every other thread.

Anonymous No. 116229

i think they just cry about nyjah.
no one is sneeding about stevie or tyshawn or any of those 50 other supreme nigs
>jewish dudes
gonz is trans-jewish

Anonymous No. 116230

go to reddit if you dont want people pointing out that you look like the kind of orc that spams interracial porn

Anonymous No. 116231

post nose

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116232

fuck off glowie chinkcel

Anonymous No. 116233

nice. if a kickflip body varial is a sex change what is this?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116234

an ftm abortion

Anonymous No. 116236

>see a man
>start thinking about black cocks and trannies
go work on your heelflips eurocuck

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116241

genital mutilation

Anonymous No. 116243

disco flip

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116244

monkey pox flip

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Anonymous No. 116245


🗑️ Anonymous No. 116246





🗑️ Anonymous No. 116247

la abominationa creatura de amigo

Anonymous No. 116248

i skate alone because im known as that guy thats family with a local hated schizo

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116250

why does everyone hate the local schizo?

Anonymous No. 116252

I used to skate with a dude who was a “caretaker” to an unironic schizo and hung out with him a few times, it was pretty crazy, and nothing like the meme schizophrenic behavior you see on 4ch

Anonymous No. 116253
so true

Anonymous No. 116254

mind field was such a fucking boring vid

corny editing the whole way through

Anonymous No. 116256


Anonymous No. 116257

only me hope you enjoy the shoes homie, glad someone copped some

Anonymous No. 116258

shut the fuck up faggot
that shit was normie as fuck

Anonymous No. 116260

When has /esg/ become so low IQ? You’re all shiteating mouth breathers who skates for World Industries and shop at Zumies.

Anonymous No. 116262

wet willy era world unironically had a very underappreciated team

Anonymous No. 116264

stay filtered normalfag. the best video of that decade and it isn't even close.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116265


>enter mall
>scurry into zumiez
>check clearance shoes
>grab some pairs
>ahahaha with the malltoid
>scurry out

i worked at copelands sports.

Anonymous No. 116272

Stay on slap then pussybitch.

Based heelflip enjoyer.

Anonymous No. 116273

I really struck a nerve for you to think everyone shitting on you is me huh lil bro?

Anonymous No. 116276

Street Cab and Steve Caballero are two different people, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Anonymous No. 116277

>Why don't people on /esg/ skate together

That's why. I did very briefly meet someone from these threads in London at Hop King almost a year ago but was on my way out the door (think it may have been right after I fractured my elbow) and I don't think I've ever seen him again. Seemed like an actually normal guy. I honestly can't really remember what he looked like beyond having a beard and glasses....which is what half of my skate friends look like.

Anonymous No. 116278

People on /esg/ don't skate together, because it's full of 24/7 angry schizo slapfaggots that can't handle the banter and will create random personas to get angry at in their heads. It's probably a Cali thing. For the remaining 10 posters I can only assume they live in different parts of the world.

Anonymous No. 116279

I honestly think that almost everyone who will spend hours fighting in these threads do not skate, or barely skate. It's so rare to me that someone who skates all the time will be arsed to start fights on the internet over such inane shit. But idk, yeah, might be a Cali thing. There's always been this weird, territorial, appearances first thing with those guys. Skaters I've met from around Europe literally do not care what you look like or even what tricks you do so long as you're actually skating.

Anonymous No. 116280

It's important to distinguish butthurt from joking around though.

Anonymous No. 116282

>full of 24/7 angry schizo slapfaggots that can't handle the banter and will create random personas to get angry at in their heads.
lmao the lack of self awareness is incredible

Anonymous No. 116283

r/OldSkaters is laughing at us again

Anonymous No. 116284

>Skaters I've met from around Europe literally do not care what you look like
thats pretty funny considering we had an entire thread where some eurofag was having a mental breakdown because he realized he was playing dress-up and looked like some generic New York skater

Anonymous No. 116285

that was a great thread but the quality of discussion has gone down drastically ever since. I even tried to tone down my personal troll antics (skate park crush posting) in hopes that threads will get back to talking about skating at this point I think we are talking more about why /esg/ sucks when we should just ignore all the aggro nerds and get back to posting. Just ignore
>euro/trannie posting
>forklift/car battery/ wagie posting
>post clip posting

Anonymous No. 116287

I am not a circus trick enjoyer but bs 360 kickflips is my dream trick. What trick would you guys sacrifice your first born son for?

Anonymous No. 116288

This thread is fucking lame. I post oc and some retard tells me I'm claiming to do tricks that I can't or some shit. It's probably the worst general I've ever been a part of on 4chan. Honestly not even worth the effort of lurking it.

Anonymous No. 116290

The fucking thirdie neets on /int/ have better generals than this one, it's not even close

Anonymous No. 116293

ok r/OldSkaters dad

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Anonymous No. 116294

>NYC tranny still butthurt he got destroyed that many threads ago

Anonymous No. 116296

>>euro/trannie posting
>>forklift/car battery/ wagie posting
>>post clip posting

These are all me.

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Anonymous No. 116300

Silence, eurocuck.

Anonymous No. 116301

>kevin rodrigues for his creativity and his dress style
but /esg/ told me nobody cares about how anyone dresses

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Anonymous No. 116303

You gonna make me?

Anonymous No. 116304

nobody straight does

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Anonymous No. 116305

Kevin isn't even American you poser cuck.

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Anonymous No. 116308

>his entire thing was that yuros allegedly copy NYCtrannies for their dressing style
>his proof if someone being inspired by Kevin Rodrigues' style
>Kevin Rodrigues is literally French


Anonymous No. 116311

denying that style is a huge part of skating is pretty fucking gay

Anonymous No. 116312

t. dickeater

Anonymous No. 116313

wow great bants this is why i come here

Anonymous No. 116314

I only care about dressing style if they dress like a massive clown. Then it's literally impossible not to talk shit.

Anonymous No. 116315

give some examples

Anonymous No. 116316

Kevin skated for 5boro, and now he skates for supreme and hockey. He is the eurocuck copying NYC skaters and you’re the eurocuck copying the eurocuck copying the eurocuck copying NYC skaters. Embarrassing.

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NYC skater.jpg

Anonymous No. 116317

Just the typical tryhard NYC fashion like pic related. Cringy people trying their absolute fucking hardest to look cool and different, except it backfires and they look like literal freaks. I literally rather see someone with those uglyass walmart tier braille/revive t-shirts.

Anonymous No. 116318

>damage control and moving the goalposts

I'd say stay mad, but I want you to stop being mad, otherwise you might cut your dick off or whatever the fuck you demonic weirdos do over there.

Anonymous No. 116319

nobody cares how slightly different a guy wears loose tees and pants.

Anonymous No. 116322

>moving the goal post
Kevin skates for Supreme (NYC (New York City)) and Converse (USA). These are the brands of clothing and “dress style” he wears and you’re clone of some faggot that’s heavily influenced by him. Kek. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 116323

Your most famous brands needed a yuro dude to come and create a style for them.

Anonymous No. 116325

What ever helps you sleep at night knowing no matter what you say skateboarding is and will always be inherently American at its very core and all you eurocucks can do is watch from the shadows, poorly imitating the culture we created.

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anon and his skat....png

Anonymous No. 116326

Trust me bro, nobody is imitating American skateboarding over here.

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Anonymous No. 116327

i've got parkinsons disease is manual game unironically over for me?

Anonymous No. 116332

FA/Hockey is still really cool

Anonymous No. 116333

Someone come get they dad.

Anonymous No. 116339

oh ok i see your trolling. can you try a little harder maybe?

Anonymous No. 116340

Where was the trolling? You don't dress like that yeah?

Anonymous No. 116341

how old are you and where are you from?

Anonymous No. 116343

Wouldn't you like to know glowie.

Anonymous No. 116344

so your a schizo that probably doesnt even skate, probably make up 50% of the posts in this general dont you?

Anonymous No. 116347

i look for spots via google maps ama

Anonymous No. 116349

give me a sick bump to bar

Anonymous No. 116350

did he find his bench?

Anonymous No. 116352

Fucking chinkcel mutt Kys you will never be white

Anonymous No. 116353

Your dad was a low status male and he fucked a chink because that's all he could get. You shouldn't exist, your dad would never have been able to breed with your chink mother if he did not have a huge power imbalance with her. The only reason she had sex with him was because he was white. You are basically a rape baby. Your dad raped your mom by asserting his white authority on her inferior chink genetics and then she popped you out 8 months later

Anonymous No. 116354

but enough about you

Anonymous No. 116357

lmao schizo af

how long do you spend on google maps looking for spots? how often do you actually go skate the spots you found?

that shit was recently a few blocks away from me I wanted to go check it out but I felt like going to get a little 50 or 5-0 on it just to say i did woulda been dumb. that shits in Virginia now unless it moved again.

Anonymous No. 116359

the gonz has settled the fakie fs 180 vs fakie front half cab debate btw

Anonymous No. 116363

Fuck that looked so sick. Why don't people do this more often? I've never seen it before.

Anonymous No. 116364

fs half cab is a ridiculously easy trick

Anonymous No. 116365

Thanks for the great contribution by subtly implying how good of a skater you are. I meant fs half cab to fakie you dumb mutt fuck.

Anonymous No. 116366

*Fs half cab to 5-0

Anonymous No. 116369

>that shits in Virginia now unless it moved again.
heard it might make a guest appearance in Montreal this weekend for the DIME glory challenge

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Anonymous No. 116370

LMAO. where is that retarded eurofaggot who said that not only does this trick not exist, but this wouldn't be a backside 5-0 because gonz rolled up with the ledge in front of him. it's almost funny how clueless about skating some of you niggas in here are yet act like the authority on tricks you can't even do

Anonymous No. 116371

what are you talking about dude? im answering your question about why you dont see that done. anybody will tell you fs half cab is a easy beginner trick easy as if not easier than a front 180. thats why nobody would throw it in a line even into a back 5-0 its still not impressive or anything. if you think its cool go out and get it done nobodys stopping you.

Anonymous No. 116372

people do them i just don't like that it's hard to get them straight enough to look like a proper 180 grind and not like some kind of boned noselide

Anonymous No. 116373

>fs half cab to fakie you dumb mutt fuck
this dude is seething so hard he can't even form coherent sentences.

Anonymous No. 116375

IMO fakie front nose is a much cooler trick if you're going to be throwing out fs half cab variations on ledges

Anonymous No. 116377

You are a rape baby and you will never be white

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Anonymous No. 116378

>you will never be white

Anonymous No. 116379

what is ricky glaser's IQ?

Anonymous No. 116381

thats rad sucks it got stolen from philly right before the whole independent/creature/nhs team came through for the rip ride rally

>this wouldn't be a backside 5-0 because gonz rolled up with the ledge in front of him
ive stopped arguing with people in these threads who obviously have no idea what theyre talking about its pointless.

i dont like this, the guy only did like 2 proper 5-0s and the rest looked too tweaked almost basically suski grinds. going into a trick blind is cool.

this is neat ive been working on fs half cabs to fakie frontside tail which kinda feels like a cheaters way of doing a back tail

Anonymous No. 116382

Post hand

Anonymous No. 116384

>kinda feels like a cheaters way of doing a back tail
Thats because you ARE doing a fakie back tail. When it comes to (most) fakie ledge variations, you are simply doing the normal version of a trick but going backwards. A fakie front tail would be rolling up with the ledge behind you and popping into (fakie ollie) a normal frontside tailside. Matt Bennett here is doing a fakie (ollie into) frontside nose slide. It sounds like you are doing a fakie (ollie into) backside tail slide.
the same reason why a fakie (ollie into) switch 5-0 is a fakie nose grind, you are simply doing a backwards riding nose grind. This goes back to early skating before switch was a thing, that’s why an older skater like Gonz is getting his tricks name right and others would get confused as to why it’s a back 5-0 despite rolling up frontside. If he locked into the curb on the same foot he popped the tail with, he’d be doing a fakie back tail. Technically, a fs half cab front tail would be rolling up with the ledge behind you and spinning 270 into a normal front tail slide

Anonymous No. 116386

Anonymous No. 116387

What city is this? Probably the woman is paying for drugs with sex with HIV man.?

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Anonymous No. 116388

all that said, I guess it doesn't really matter, because a fakie back tail turns into a fakie front crooked grind if you decide to lock in with your trucks instead of your tail. just makes it easier to talk about tricks, when someone says they did a fakie back tail or fakie front nose, i know what they're talking about, unless they're just confusing themselves because they don't understand the reasoning behind the name.

Anonymous No. 116396

Every nigger has the same style

Anonymous No. 116398

Why are they hyping up the game of skate between Alexis sablone and Breanna geering so hard? I'd be surprised if either of them could consistently land a tre flip

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Anonymous No. 116400

>Every nigger has the same style

Anonymous No. 116401

Shut the fuck up little gookcel

Anonymous No. 116402

diversity points. i don't mind watching girls skating but a game of skate between girls sounds insanely boring, if I wanted to watch someone with a shallow bag of tricks rocket a bunch of kick flips and do switch front 180s i'd just go watch some groms at my local.

Anonymous No. 116403

alexis sablone looks like she should be settling down and having children instead of dressing like a zoomer

Anonymous No. 116404

working on my flyout benihanas

Anonymous No. 116405

yeah my skate nerd friend tried explaining this to me before when i told him i was trying them and kinda had the sameish reasoning as you but in my opinion calling it a back tail is dumb cause its such an easy trick compared to an actual back tail and Im rolling up frontside so it should just be a fakie fs tailslide. not trying to argue i think there are some points that could be debated but im not a nerd enough to truly care

alexis is great at flip tricks she will tear breanna apart

Anonymous No. 116406

>settling down at 36

Anonymous No. 116408

tbqh there are a lot of easier ways to get into a back tail than a normal back tail. arguably kickflip back tails are easier

Anonymous No. 116410

Nice projections anon.

Anonymous No. 116411

No he hasn't.

Anonymous No. 116414

>do this
>find a sick ass looking spot
>discover the ground is the roughest shit in the world when I get there

Every time.

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Anonymous No. 116415

I love that he hit this thing again in Painkiller. And that it somehow doesn't break.

Anonymous No. 116416

yeah, nollie back tails are a lot easier over normal back tails too. same goes for nollie back lip, even if the trick might be a little bit ugly

thats pretty fair desu. irl when im talking about fakie ledge tricks i just motion the trick out with my hands anyways to avoid any confusion, or will just say im doing fakie ollie to switch front nose slide so people fully understand what i mean. look at all the dudes in the comments fighting on this one ha

Anonymous No. 116417

Jesus Christ that wooden "bowl"???

Anonymous No. 116418

looks scary

Anonymous No. 116424

alexis is gay and has a girlfriend
>imagine dating men in 2022

Anonymous No. 116425

>imagine dating men in 2022

I would never.

Anonymous No. 116426

Sprained my left hip-flexor from pop-shuvs or poping overuse. Idk its fucked and I can only do 180s and switch skating now. Anyone got stretches and shit for skating specific injuries? Im already on magnesium/vitamin d and [spoiler]THC[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 116427

Nice spoiler retard. Also you shouldn't fuck with your hip flexors too much, and first make sure it's a sprain and not a strain. It would probably be best to give it rest instead of torturing it with stretches for a bit.

Anonymous No. 116439

Cool so she's a genetic dead end

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 116441

Skaters in the 80s

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 116442

Vs skaters now. Why do they look like such pencil neck faggots? Chris millic looks like he has a hormonal issue

🗑️ Anonymous No. 116443

the faggot with the shaved head and tattoos is probably the worst of the group. he wants so badly to be a tough guy but he fails because he's probably weighs 135lbs. frog team is the cringest thing in existence, bunch of grown men acting like children with their faggot brand

Anonymous No. 116452

>breeding in current year

Anonymous No. 116459

Of course I breed. I will leave my genetic stain on the future of mankind, whilst you will die from head trauma after stacking a handrail because you won't wear a helmet

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Anonymous No. 116463

>Of course I breed

Anonymous No. 116464

being a kissless virgin is hindering my skateboard abilities

Anonymous No. 116465

It's for bikes, that's the nicest ramp they have ever had at swampfest

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Anonymous No. 116466


Anonymous No. 116467

Rape baby

Anonymous No. 116468

>nollie back tails are a lot easier over normal back tails too. same goes for nollie back lip, even if the trick might be a little bit ugly
thats how Ive been working on those tricks on the curb. and thats how chicks do their back tails on ledges and it looks fucking awful would not do that.

all youtube trick tutorials are full of people arguing a lot of the tutorials name the trick wrong too its pretty awful that ride channel is a huge offender

>arguably kickflip back tails are easier
this is a trick you try at the park to make people think your good at skating because it looks like your always about to land it even if your way off.

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Anonymous No. 116469

not an original joke btw i stoled it
>This one sounds complicated, but it’s actually easy, which makes it the perfect move to cloak your limited abilities in disguise of, “you almost had it”s. You don’t even need to be able to land kickflips or backtails to do this one–just fling the board a bit and turn your shoulders a tad while putting one foot on the ledge and boom, you’ve just leveled up.
>Once you’ve done this a couple of times it might be good to combine it with some of the tactics mentioned earlier as well. So fling a fake kickflip tailslide, and when it doesn’t work out, skate back to your stretch spot while holding your lower back and reaching the other arm up to the sky in a dramatic motion.

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Anonymous No. 116470

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Anonymous No. 116472

>finally improving
>fhl tendonitis returns
>have to sit out another week and get fat
starting to think skating over 30 isnt possible

Anonymous No. 116477

anyone get pain in their big toes?? i never know what to do about this

Anonymous No. 116479

>session at my local
>guy who loves to play skate is there
>watching him do shit like nollie latedlips or sldouble tres
>way out of my league, genuine respect to people who can do that when I struggle to get decent pop shuvs

>put down a little bar thing to ollie over with someone else my level
>can get it clean and consistent every time, clearing it by a mile
>treflip guy joins in
>struggles with it for a while, gets it in his 6th go

>later, I try to half cab over it
>fuck it so badly I roll my ankle

Skating is fucking weird. Every now and then I get down on myselr for not having some fundamental trick on lock, but then I wind up being the only person in a room with a decent ollie or who can hold a manual for more than a second while they're able to do smiths and whatnot.

Anonymous No. 116480

Don't get fat. Do strength training for your working body parts instead.

I do. I basically just try to stretch it, massage it, then live with the pain when that all fails.

Anonymous No. 116484

sorry to hear about your ankle, rest up anon...half cabs just started to click for me again, the timing of the ollie is strange. i want to get them on lock soooo bad because I want half-cab flips but ultimately what I really want is a STRONG bs flip.

Anonymous No. 116485

>trick you try at the park to make people think your good at skating
People who do this are fucked in the head

Anonymous No. 116486

>tfw the pro whose shape you like keeps going up in size
i managed to adjust to 8.75 but 8.8 seems like too much.
>accidentally pop an ollie too high and roll my ankle
tunnelvision is a very real thing in skateboarding. it's very easy to get very autistically fixated on one area while ignoring very fundamental shit

Anonymous No. 116487

I think it's kinda cool to be really good at one thing, I think it's better than being a guy who is just average at everything

Anonymous No. 116488

70% of the guys i skate with are 30+ (im in my late 20s), one is late 30s one is mid 40s and they both rip hard. maybe its different if your just learning in your 30s or are trying to get back into it but even at my age I dont feel too bad.

Anonymous No. 116489

I know people in their 60s who can still skate big bowls.

Anonymous No. 116490

Is the helmet for his protection, or ours.....

Anonymous No. 116491

yeah im just learning and i wasn't doing anything complicated to cause it (literally just pushing around the street) so i'm thinking it could be the sambas im wearing.
im not gonna quit yet. skating is too fun but all these fucking injuries have set me back over a month in total time since i started late june.

Anonymous No. 116492

it's just kind of frustrating to have to adjust to being somewhat mortal when pretty much every instinct you learn skating as a kid is to ignore your body and not be a pussy. skating isn't over by any means but it's just weird to reach a point where it's like 'oh wait pain actually does matter now'

Anonymous No. 116493

when i started wearing fat shoes again with a decent insole, my tendonitis got way better
maybe accels look goofy to people now but holy shit i feel so much less pain wearing them

Anonymous No. 116494

Thanks bro. I had them nice and clean for a while but lost them again. Think I might need to just focus on straight fakie ollies when my ankle is good, get them nice and high. Right now I keep doing those shitty cabs where you basically just kickturn so hard that the wheels come off the ground.

I think people will naturally gravitate towards tricks/types of skating, but I think that maybe I've been too obsessed with ollies. Though, idk, I have so much fun ollie-ing off funboxes and kickers thst I can easily spend a whole sesh just trying to go high.

Anonymous No. 116495

Am I the only boomer skater whose had the opposite experience; getting too old to give a shit and know that I have to die of something. I was always a pussy bitch as a teenager and couldn't commit to tricks at all.

Anonymous No. 116497

I think it's retarded that people who are older and have fucked up bodies don't just skate mini ramps. It's the simplest, low effort fun you can have skating outside of curbs.

Anonymous No. 116499

i don't know how to fall on tranny. stairs and rails scare me way less that dropping in.

Anonymous No. 116500

Literally just step off the board. I mean like 3ft mini ramps.

Anonymous No. 116505
boomerkindred we are gonna make it

Anonymous No. 116507

Surely a 67 year old man is not a more competent jump roper than you?

Anonymous No. 116508

Anonymous No. 116519

You guys remember that muhfuggin trailer for a Japanese skate video that was supposed to come out this month I think or something? It was really high production, like an actual movie. What happened to that?

Anonymous No. 116523

if you havent invested in good insoles your a moron
>these fucking injuries have set me back over a month in total time since i started late june.
dawg what are you doing like what tricks are you trying? how sedentary was your life before you started skating??

just drink more beer

nah ive definitely lost a lot of fear the older ive gotten. i definitely feel the pain more but Im not as afraid of it if that makes sense.

go gonz go gonz go gonz

i dont know but youve piqued my interest. who was in it? check out this old footage of yuto as a kid

Anonymous No. 116532

Anyone have tips on how to heal a heel bruise?
Just rest it out?

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Anonymous No. 116533

i swear to god i need to get fucking 58mm wheels or something to cruise around in my hellhole
americans literally cannot suffer skateboarding wise

Anonymous No. 116535

spit on it

Anonymous No. 116547

even just the 20 dollar emerica insoles helped my feet a ton. they go on sale all the time too.
there are some 2nd world tier roads in the us depending on where you go
and by depending on where you go i mean illinois.
i'm unironically considering getting some meme wheels to try and skate more on dirt roads and bmx jumps

Anonymous No. 116548

dime glory challenge gonna be streamed? Leaf Land seems like a paradise

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Anonymous No. 116554

>Leaf Land seems like a paradise

Anonymous No. 116557

canadians live on easy mode

Anonymous No. 116583

I know that feel. I'm constantly torn between putting on my bigger, softer wheels so I can skate more roads....but am so used to my hard wheels that I can't be arsed to swap them out and just end up carving and running over shit.

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Mullen retired.jpg

Anonymous No. 116587


Anonymous No. 116589

There are fucked roads anywhere in the USA where the population is over 50% non white.

Anonymous No. 116590

I know Rodney mullen was hugely influential in skating but I really do not give a fuck about him and I cannot stand watching him do his autistic flip tricks

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edgy skeleton.jpg

Anonymous No. 116592


Anonymous No. 116594

a tranny just won a girl's contest not to far from me. dont think anyone like that chud girl Taylor will give a shit though

Anonymous No. 116595

The dime glory game of skate was fucking shit lmao. Just as I suspected I don't think either of them can consistently land a tre flip. It was almost cruel to make them do that.

Anonymous No. 116598

Spitfire concrete service shirts on ccs. Think I might buy one

Anonymous No. 116599

dr scholls insoles for 15 dollars will save your fucking life. or just get the generic wal mart version for like 5 dollars less and your set. I still wear skate shoes for everyday shit/work because I get decent insoles

Anonymous No. 116601

>see dumb kid at skatepark failing to impossible for 20 mins
>roll up to him in my cement stained wranglers
>"stop doing that gay rodney mullen shit its not real street" then eat a fat dip of skoal
>steez as fuck.webp
>leave to drink and slappy in the wawa parking lot with my bros

Anonymous No. 116602

more like the reddit glory challenge

Anonymous No. 116604

Based. Impossibles are fuckin nerd ass tricks. Tell that kid to fucken learn to skate a bowl and get a real job

Anonymous No. 116610

>Based. Impossibles are fuckin nerd ass tricks. Tell that kid to fucken learn to skate a bowl and get a real job
why are the posters in these threads so insufferable

Anonymous No. 116612

yeah the first like 2 dime glory challenges were funny. now its just corny

Anonymous No. 116614

Fucken little pussy beta.

Anonymous No. 116628

Once they get into street league it’ll be over. Hearing them defend that will be fun

Anonymous No. 116636

We've been through this multiple times already. If you can't handle the banter then go back.

Anonymous No. 116640

oh no women's skating might finally be watchable what are we gonna do?

Anonymous No. 116645

It wont be women's skating.

Anonymous No. 116651

>whattsa matter cant take a joke?
lotta dorks in here pretending to be cool

Anonymous No. 116652

and you're in here trying to fit in with the cool kids instead of staying on slap

Anonymous No. 116657

This guy's rock n rolls, man. Makes me want to quit life and get a giant board.

Anonymous No. 116658

i must be the only person who manages to get hurt when they land tricks

Anonymous No. 116661

Ordered some spitfire f4 56mm 99d conical fulls last night

Anonymous No. 116663

weckingball should get in on this e-celeb youtube boxing shit

Anonymous No. 116664

i mean yea, its literally our sport

Anonymous No. 116665

Dime glory challenge just seemed lame this year. All the obstacles were like anti-climatic. It seemed like everyone was basically able to do them easily. And it also seemed like everyone there was a fucken jock too. Skateboarding has gotten so jocky in the last decade

Anonymous No. 116669

short skaters arent advertiser friendly

Anonymous No. 116671

john gardner is short asf

Anonymous No. 116674

Anyone know what to do about weird big toe pain?? i have nooooo clue what its from.. ive been not skating and its still not going away... i went for a walk yesterday and now its worse

Anonymous No. 116676

Agreed. Dime Glory felt so fake & lame, it makes ultra corporate stuff like Olympic skateboarding look real in comparison.

Anonymous No. 116680

i hope people finally start realizing dime (and all of canada) is wack

Anonymous No. 116682

I like Ben Degros and he looks happy.

Anonymous No. 116684

Curren caples is pretty short I think. I saw him irl one time

Anonymous No. 116685

Ben degros is pure

Anonymous No. 116686

I never really enjoyed the challenge, Minion outfits & the pyramid hands were always a bit gay

Anonymous No. 116687

All the current "loud crowd around obstacles" contests suck. Please do something more creative and introverted.

Anonymous No. 116689

does looking like a tranny, a wigger from 2002, or a clown improve your skateboarding if you're female?

Anonymous No. 116690

i need to find out what they put in the fuckin margaritas there other than that, I had a comfy barrier spot for the bump-to-bar challenge which was awesome and I left right after when the GOS started and missed everything else up until the end of the volcano challenge kek but yeah they challenges are getting stale and are too similar to the previous ones.

Anonymous No. 116691

What was special about the margaritas?

I fucking LOVE margaritas but they definitely get me too fucked up to skate

Anonymous No. 116693

im not a big drinker but i felt high as fuck after drinking it, it's definitely wasn't the drunk feeling i have felt before maybe that's just tequila drunk though? I'm not sure

Anonymous No. 116694

Peronally i think the 'tequila makes you crazy' thing is just because if you're drinking margaritas or tequila shots with lime and salt it's really easy to throw back a bunch in a short amount of time so you just get drunker fast. I don't think there is actually any difference in how the alcohol effects you. That's wild if you legitimately felt high. Maybe someone spiked your drink

Anonymous No. 116695

Come on bro one of you motherfuckers must remember. What was that Japanese skate video that was supposed to come out this month I think? We had a crazy trailer for it some months ago with amazing production quality. Looked like a real fucking movie almost.

Anonymous No. 116697

Do any of you guys have a discord server for skating?

Anonymous No. 116698

Fuck off troon

Anonymous No. 116702

No stupid ugly faggot we have this thread.

Anonymous No. 116706

That's pretty mean, I'm going to say a quick prayer for you. God bless you anon, I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. <3

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Anonymous No. 116715

>be me
>start skateboarding a year ago
>no progress aside from balancing and being able to pick up the front of no board and pivot turn
>wanna try transition and stuff
>drive by skate park
>all kids
>end up driving around listening to feels road type music
>think back to how I wasted my childhood by not skating then
>gonna go ride my Harley and feel sorry for myself even more

Anonymous No. 116717

At least you got a bike. Riding motorcycles is really fun too

Anonymous No. 116724

margaritas are like half tequila (ussually 2 shots) a limes worth of juice a shot of orange liquore a quarter simple syrup (sugar water). if your not used to a sugary ass mixed drink that gets you faded fast asf your gonna feel that way. I fucking love margs i got a shaker and juicer/strainer and all the ingredients to make em over this summer and would be blasted in like 2 hours after 3 of em. Id rather pay 8 dollars for one and pace myself after that lol

personally whiskey makes me angry and piss the bed where I could drink a bottle of vodka and just be a normal drunk. i definitely believe that tequila makes people crazy.

Anonymous No. 116727

Stop feeling sorry for yourself you goon. Start your skate session with the shit your comfortable with then spend a half an hour practicing the new thing. 26 is too old to care what kids think about you.

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Anonymous No. 116728

Hell yeah. I started making them this summer too. What is your favorite rum and orange liqueur to use? I like making Palomas too which is grapefruit juice, soda and tequila

Anonymous No. 116729

Yeah, that’s true. You’re right; I am thankful and blessed to have what I do. I guess I just wish I woulda started skating at a younger age.
If I tried transition, would tricks be easier in a bowl?

Anonymous No. 116731

>I fucking love margs
im a big fan now after this weekend I can see myself getting obliterated with more than one. I love when a little goes a long way. might have to look into getting a shaker of my own too, what brands of tequila do you like?

Anonymous No. 116732

mmm that looks refreshingly delish

Anonymous No. 116739

>If I tried transition, would tricks be easier in a bowl?
Maybe. You're never gonna know unless you try. You're going to have to work regardless, nothing cool in skating comes easy

Whiskey makes me sleepy, tequila gives a nice fun buzz but the best is rum, the spirit of choice for chads.

Anonymous No. 116742

I would bet a margarita you make at home with real ingredients would be a lot better than whatever you were getting at the dime event. Can't imagine they're using anything other than cheap tequila and a sour mix.

Anonymous No. 116748

Fair enough. Thanks man. God bless you.

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Anonymous No. 116749

>be you
>go to skate park
>some kid is absolutely shredding on pic related
How do you react? What’s going through your head?

Anonymous No. 116752

>If I tried transition, would tricks be easier in a bowl?
Totally. Learning how to pump alone is the key. Skating bowl is just taking that and applying it to corners, doing wider archs, etc.

Not a kid, but I did see a 20 something guy with one kick ass in my local bowl. Said he had it with him because it was all that would fit in his bag. Gave him a go on my regular board and he was even better.

Anonymous No. 116753

>heres a word i heard someone cooler than me say and i dont know what it means maybe ill be cool too

Anonymous No. 116754

i kind of want to get an old g&s or zflex and throw some clay wheels on it just to see how fucked it feels

Anonymous No. 116756


Anonymous No. 116757

Laughed at this.
Probably would feel pretty bad. There’s a part of me that thinks skating one would be awesome but probably just a fun gimmick vs a normal board.

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Anonymous No. 116758

The first skateboard i ever had was one that I had made myself out of a plank of wood and my dad had some old super narrow trucks that we put on it. Looked just like pic related except I splurged a bit and bought some nice urethane cruiser wheels for it. I was like 12 and i'd just watched lords of dogtown. Pretty much skated that for like a year before I ended up getting a real board

Anonymous No. 116762




Anonymous No. 116764


Anonymous No. 116766

Hot. Admittedly, I kinda want one. Am I missing out?

Anonymous No. 116768

>Am I missing out?
The only thing they are fun for is carving on mellow banks and pretending you are surfing. You're not missing out on much, they're just a novelty. If I still had a board like that I would just bring it out at the end of a session at a park and cruise around the park barefoot to cool down.

Anonymous No. 116770

Ah, I gotcha. Looking at prices, might as well just stick with a standard board anyway. Though I do have a motorcycle so it’d be kinda cool to just throw one in my bag and go.
Isn’t barefoot kinda dangerous?

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Anonymous No. 116771

Yeah I suppose it's dangerous, probably way easier to roll your ankles when you're skating barefoot. It's still fun though when you're not taking your session too seriously.