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šŸ§µ /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 116761

Ankle socks edition

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Old thread: >>115849

Threadly question:
>Do you think that skateboarding technology has reached a peak and our gear cannot become better at this point or will there be more inventions in the future?

Anonymous No. 116772

>Do you think that skateboarding technology has reached a peak and our gear cannot become better at this point or will there be more inventions in the future?

I think trucks and decks are basically as good as they'll get at this point. I like that at the moment it's easy to find a variety of different shaped and sized decks.
Wheels could possibly get better, like someone could always just invent the perfect wheel that slides when you want, grips when you want and never flatspots.
And shoes could obviously get better. Like a shoe that always has good grip and the sole never wears away.

Anonymous No. 116777

Japanese skate video that was supposed to be coming out. Help me out.

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Harry Ogilvie - C....webm

Anonymous No. 116781

Anonymous No. 116782

Would you try this for a thousand dollaroonies? I wouldn't.

Anonymous No. 116799

Just checked out my local for the first time in years. It's one of those prefab metal deals but I see they've added some nice stuff. The mini ramp though goddamn. It's a way too steep and there's not enough deck in the middle. It's slick as ice and it looks like you could be eviscerated if you slid along the gouges in the surface. Ah well I think I need to practice riding switch to tackle this bitch.

Anonymous No. 116800

>prefab metal

These parks are always fucked up for some reason. I have nothing against prefab but theyā€™ll usually just slap them down and not pay attention to how cracked/messed up the ground is.

Not to mention that shit turns into a skillet in super hot sun.

Anonymous No. 116801

Honestly I wouldn't mind hiring the company to build a ramp to my specs for my yard. It would outlast me.

Anonymous No. 116804

There used to be the best fucking metal mini ramp in the world at Waterloo skatepark in Sydney, Australia. Wonder if anyone in this thread will remember it, don't think there are many Australians in here. It was like 4ft, everything about it was perfect. I learnt so many tricks on that thing. I don't actually know if it's still there, I think that removed it and built a concrete one. I haven't been back there in like a decade.

Anonymous No. 116805

i like ojā€™s elite hardlines. theyre just as good as f4s and cost half the price when they go on sale.

Anonymous No. 116807

I can't find it bro, we need more info.

Anonymous No. 116812

>Ah well I think I need to practice riding switch to tackle this bitch

Unfunny forced meme.

Anonymous No. 116813

We need the faggot that posted it here first to come back and post it again.

Anonymous No. 116816

How so? I get completely fucked up switch because I never practiced.

Anonymous No. 116817

Stop larping. We all remember you. The dude that doesn't know what's a fs shuv.

Anonymous No. 116820

>speaking of forced memes

Anonymous No. 116824

Who are you quoting?

Anonymous No. 116825


Anonymous No. 116826

I didn't say that.

Anonymous No. 116828

yes you did

Anonymous No. 116829


Anonymous No. 116841

thir wurl skatebor

Anonymous No. 116845

not clicking that shit

Anonymous No. 116847

didn't ask

Anonymous No. 116849

dont care

Anonymous No. 116853


Anonymous No. 116854

Longboarders are way ahead of us in terms of trucks and bearings tbqh

Anonymous No. 116857

retard take

Anonymous No. 116858

lmao ok retard whats different about longboard bearings?

Anonymous No. 116860

They help you ride switch easier

Anonymous No. 116861

idk man...these yuropoor skaters are inspiring me as a fellow yuropoor wannabe

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Anonymous No. 116862

are basketball shoes bad for skating?

Anonymous No. 116863


Anonymous No. 116864

ironic shitposting is still shitposting kys or go skateboard

Anonymous No. 116865

Longboarders just spend ridiculous amounts of money on bearings, they use the same bearings we do

Anonymous No. 116866

have europeans changed their style at all since like 2010 or do they still just dress and skate exactly the same?

Anonymous No. 116868

why? they should be fine if the outsole is flat

Anonymous No. 116870

Generally use softer rubbers so they wear out way quicker

Anonymous No. 116871

Which actually leads me to my hottest take in skating, i had 1 pair of vans and they lasted like a week the rubber wore out like instantly I know itā€™s ā€œtheā€ skate shoe but fuck that felt like such a rip off Iā€™ve not had that problem with a single other brand of shoe to that extent and I refuse to buy another pair I felt swindled

Anonymous No. 116872

The only people I see wearing vans these days are boomers who skate once a week or people who are actually on the team or getting flow. I think the cat is definitely out of the bag that they are shit tier shoes.

Anonymous No. 116873

that tread pattern looks kinda big and crazy, but if it feels flat then it's fine. you can skate pretty much anything flat on the bottom

Anonymous No. 116874

only vans worth buying are half cabs and slip ons

Anonymous No. 116875

>i had 1 pair of vans and they lasted like a week the rubber wore out like instantly
i hate vans as much as the next guy (soletech4lyfe) but this sounds ridiculous. how new are you to skating, did you just grip a new board when you got those shoes?

Anonymous No. 116877

they used to be $35 a pair at the outlet store thats why they were good and popular it had nothing to do with the quality at $70 a pair now it makes absolutely no sense

Anonymous No. 116878

how old are you? when i was skating a lot in my teens around the late 2000s vans old skools were insanely popular, literally everyone was wearing them

Anonymous No. 116901

not him but Vans had a window in time where they were considered uncool poser shoes, and to be fair, Vans was fucking up hard. Nobody was really buying them, so you could find them for pretty cheap. I'd like to imagine Lil B re-popularized them with his Vans song and thats when prices shot back up again, and they never really fell out of popularity after that again. It was always easy to find Vans for cheap while something like Emericas or Es were the same standard priced shoes they're still doing today

Anonymous No. 116903

>a window in time where they were considered uncool poser shoes
what time period was this? not doubting you just wondering if i wasn't aware because i was a) not in the usa or b) not involved with skating at the time (i kinda stopped for almost 6 years)

Anonymous No. 116909

it kinda sucks how hard most guys pile out when they get on anti hero. i love the brand but it's almost like they just don't give a fuck if their guys put out 0 content.

Anonymous No. 116910

wow they really embarrassed the fuck outta breanna geering what the fuck was the point of that her and alexis are no where near comparable skaters other than theyre actual street skater girls. the skill gap is huge.

Anonymous No. 116914

i got my first skateboard in like 2001 and specifically asked for a pair of vans along with it (i was 6 ok) so I dont really understand what the boomers are talking about when they shit like "vans were unpopular"

i was just thinking the other day that i have not seen any anti hero content in forever, i have no idea who rides for them, i dont know what theyre up to, they just put a girl i never heard of on the team? guess theyre just selling eagle decks and living off their 90s people. actually as im typing this i just remembered this anti hero x supreme collab video came out recently so i guess theyre doing alright.

Anonymous No. 116915

forgot the link

Anonymous No. 116921

maybe not "poser shoes" but they were definitely putting out shoes that were not very high quality and looked like pieces of dogshit. probably like pre baker 3, the weird transitional phase from 98-05. It wasn't until the TNT 2s came out and Rowley was doing well with his newer models that Vans kind of came back into the swing of things, and even at that point in time, despite the look of their shoes being a hit, the quality was insanely garbage, and actual skate brands kind of had a stranglehold on the market (considering they were actually putting out full length videos in an era where it still mattered). the fact Vans constantly has to introduce a "pro" like or a "skate" line for their models and are always talking about upgrading the quality of their shoes because people have had bad experiences is something that has been going on for years.

Anonymous No. 116923

>they just put a girl i never heard of on the team
nicole went pro for REAL not anti hero, and I agree as a collective they don't have much output but grant taylor is consistent with his appearances at random comps and demos, he seems to be the only one with any real presence from the team

Anonymous No. 116929

i think the team right now is

julien stranger
peter hewitt
frank gerwer
B. anderson
tony trujillo
austin kanfoush
raney beres
robbie russo
chris pfanner
daan van der linden
grant taylor

Anonymous No. 116931

Grant Taylor is always putting out footage and had one of the best skate video parts to come out last year

Anonymous No. 116940

That must be me, I had to rack my brain and search but I found it,

Anonymous No. 116943

thank you for posting it so the weeb fag would shut up

Anonymous No. 116946

robbie russo used to rip but im pretty sure since going pro he hasnt released any footage of him at anywhere other than his local parks like channel street or the other one whatever it is

Anonymous No. 116956

Good stuff

Anonymous No. 116957

The latest upload was a freestyle video

Anonymous No. 116959

boomer thread?
that's a big part of why bob left

Anonymous No. 116960

see >>116847

Anonymous No. 116961

Yes this. God bless. It's out on the 30th. I wonder how we shitters will be able to watch it.

Eat shit.

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Anonymous No. 116962

This and cash money vagrant are two of my favourite videos

Anonymous No. 116966


Anonymous No. 116976

geoff rowley puts on a new pair of vans everytime he steps on a board. that's all you really need to know about the durability.

Anonymous No. 116977

Does dude even skate still? He used to be my favorite from the THPS games. I really liked that clip when they sneaked on a roof at night with some plywood to film a trick.

Anonymous No. 116978

Destination unknown was fucking sick too. Just as good as the old anti hero vids imo. Body corporate was cool too but more in a tent city kinda way, less skating.

Anonymous No. 117015

They used to be fairly standard until dedicated skate shoes were a thing, but you'll want older, thinner soled basketball shoes, and you'll probably want to avoid doing flip tricks if you want them to stay in one piece for more than a month.

Anonymous No. 117016

>Big Brother

Weird, I was just randomly watching this 15 minutes ago:

Anonymous No. 117021

You aren't less physically capable on a skateboard than a 72 year old man, right?

Anonymous No. 117024

I am.

Anonymous No. 117029


Anonymous No. 117036

You sure? That board weighs twice as much as yours and is 10" wide, 35" long, 17" wheelbase, you sure your weak little ankles are gonna take it?

Anonymous No. 117045

i had to google it the first time he posted it lol the gonz is 54 dont worry everyone
tony hawk is also 54
mullen is 56
Mike V is 52
steve caballero is 57
jamie thomas is 47
andrew reynolds is 44
daewon song is 47

its never too late you can be as good as they are

Anonymous No. 117046

cardiel is 48
andy roy is 51

dont do drugs

phelps died 56
grosso died 51

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Anonymous No. 117047

just binge watched every whythetrick video
no i dont skate

Anonymous No. 117055

If there is anyone in here they can do legit back Smith grinds in tranny can you confirm it is easier to properly lock it in once you do it on pool coping? I need to commit to learning this trick, I've been kinda getting them in some decent size steel coping ramps but it never feels proper and when I film myself I'm not properly locked in

Anonymous No. 117061


Anonymous No. 117063

Sometimes that guy comes up with the most schizo shit that makes 0 sense.

Anonymous No. 117067

I've decided I want to have 33 tricks on decent consistency by the time I turn 33 (few months). Was going to write a list to remember and for some motivation, figured I'd do it here and screencap.

Flat ground
>Falie Ollie
>Pop shuv it fs
>Pop shuv it bs
>Switch Ollie
>Switch nollie
>Fakie flip
>Fakie heelflip
>Fs flip
>Half cab flip
>360 flip

>Fs 50:50
>Bs 50:50
>Fs 5:0
>Bs 5:0
>Fs Nosegrind
>Fs nose slide
>Fs smith

>Fs board slide
>Bs board slide

>Ollie to manual
>Ollie to nose manual

>Fs 50:50
>Bs 50:50
>Fs Ollie
>Bs Ollie
>Ollie fakie
>Fs Kickflip

Anonymous No. 117069

>Falie Ollie
>Switch nollie

Anonymous No. 117070


Anonymous No. 117071

I'm not clicking that.

Anonymous No. 117073

Kek I mean nollies

Anonymous No. 117074

How close are you to getting any of these, cause that's a big list to try and do in a few months. It's good to have some ambition, either way.

Anonymous No. 117075

>schizo shit
it's called science and you are braindamaged, so of course it makes no sense to you.

Anonymous No. 117100

kid at skatepark: *blasts his board 10 feet away trying to kickflip*
me: you need to commit

Anonymous No. 117103

Reminds me of that one time I jokily said I'll do an inward heel and getting the flip right but not being anywhere near landing it since it's such an awkward trick and my friend going "yeah you got it bro just jump on the board!".

Anonymous No. 117105

>Just commit

Jesus Christ nothing drives me more nuts than this useless fucking "tip". Just commit? Shit, why didn't I think of that?!

Anonymous No. 117107

>ollie, switch ollie, fakie ollie
>fs/bs 180
>fs/bs half cab
>bs pop-shove + fakie
>fs powerslide
Is this good progression for 5 months of serious skating?

Anonymous No. 117110

not bad.. no boardslide or 5050 tho? how much do u skate per week/sess etc

Anonymous No. 117114

>i got my first skateboard in like 2001 and specifically asked for a pair of vans along with it (i was 6 ok)
are you me? i bet you had this tape too

Anonymous No. 117115

Try to skate as much as I can; min 3 sess per week and max 7 I guess...sometimes go for 2 mini sessions a day. I wanna get into boardslides and 5050 but the best flat rail is in the local in the center of my city and Im still a skate park virgin. Mostly just downhill and do flatground. Kinda wanna get a proper kickflip and ollie to mannie before I go do rails and ledges.

Anonymous No. 117116

It's not useless though. It's a real tip. Well as long as you're waaaay off. Most of the time you understand how to do the trick, you're just pussying out of landing it.

Anonymous No. 117118

>fs half cab

You get a pass for only having skated for 5 monts lil bro but don't let me catch you lacking like that gain or that ass is getting beat.

Anonymous No. 117119

just wax up some curbs and learn slappy noseslides and boardslides.. wax the top of the curb so ur wheels can slide boardslides on them

Anonymous No. 117120

gonz literally says fs half cab tho.. dont be a skate term autist its not cool bro

Anonymous No. 117121

Gonz is a faggot poser that can eat my ass.

You guys don't really do boardslides on curbs though right? Or maybe I just haven't see a curb that tall.

Anonymous No. 117122

doesnt need to be tall. you can do a boardslide on a curb 3inches or so as long as you can get your back wheels off the ground

Anonymous No. 117123

Also don't link me anything where he says cabs can be fs too. That's from after he stopped being cool.

Anonymous No. 117126

ok where do you guys buy your wax? I kinda dont know what Im looking for because wax doesnt translate to my language. Is it the material that candles are made out of?

Anonymous No. 117127

yea just normal candle shit

Anonymous No. 117129


Anonymous No. 117130

I remember when I was a little kid I wasted my money on a lemon scented world industries piece of wax shaped like the flame character. Then I realized regular cheapass candles are almost as good. There are some candles that are actually better for skating, but I can't remember what they were supposed to be made of exactly. I'm not some candle nerd, can't remember if it was paraffin or beeswax or whatever the fuck.

Anonymous No. 117132

nora looking rougher these days

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Anonymous No. 117133

she looks radiant

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Anonymous No. 117135


Anonymous No. 117138

Nah. It's like saying "cheer up" to someone who's sad, rather than saying something like "you should check out this really nice like I like to hang out at, it's really nice and I love the sunsets there". Obviously there's some level of "just committing" to landing a trick, but 90% of that is building up the confidence by tweaking what you're doing and practicing something related so that you feel comfortable putting your foot down. Even if you have the broadstrokes and the board is flipping correctly or whatever, sometimes "pussying out" is you throwing your body into some awkward angle where trying to land it will be super sketchy, take more effort and might send you on your ass. It equally might not either, but if someone can't get over the fear, then I find it's much better to go and do something related that you're already comfortable with that will build their confidence. Like if someone is struggling to "just committing" to dropping in on something, it's much better to pump up the thing or bomb around on a similar ramp they're more comfortable with first so that that window of uncertainty is smaller and less scary.

Plus it's usually coming from bad skate tutorials/guys at the park that don't know how to articulate what they're actually doing. You can see it in tutorials all the time; some pro skater will start off describing that trick they do, get frustrated mid way through because they don't think about it intellectually, and say something like "eh, you just whack your tail in, like, bam, like, swuch, and you just commit. Just do it a couple of times, experiment, and you'll get it. Everybody is different so, idk, just figure it out and commit". Just a pointless thing to say.

Anonymous No. 117141


Anonymous No. 117144

Lmao skate tutorials from pro guys are so bad. You're much better off asking regular dudes at the park for advice. Pro skaters are just so far beyond our level that they don't even remember what it was like trying to land that first kickflip or feeble grind or whatever.

If I'm having trouble committing the best thing for me to do is to go and try the trick on a smaller similar obstacle first and then before I can even think about how different the actual obstacle is I just try it with the feeling of making it on the smaller obstacle fresh in my brain.

Anonymous No. 117147

I tell this to kids trying to learn to drop in on bigger ramps all the time. I say 'go land it on that 3ft ramp, and then as soon as you land it just get back up here, smack your tail down and drop in without even thinking about how big it is.' feels good watching how lit up the kids get when they land it.

Anonymous No. 117148

>You're much better off asking regular dudes at the park for advice
also asking beginners that JUST learned what ever trick you're trying, they will be able to go into depth on par with academic research since the battle is still fresh in their minds

Anonymous No. 117150

Some I have, some maybe once a session, others once in a good session.. a few I haven't done in years. I've stopped and started skating a lot and just reaching a level where I'm as good as I ever was.
The ones I've never landed are:
>Fs flip
>Fs smith on ledge

It's as much to get my ass out there and keep progressing.

Anonymous No. 117151

Anyone have tips for tail slides? Fs I'm on my ass the moment I lock in and bs I'm on my ass the moment I try lock in and miss. All round painful trick to learn.

Anonymous No. 117152

Lizzie looks like THAT?

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Anonymous No. 117153

lizzies part just dropped

Anonymous No. 117155

filming was pretty crazy. im a fan of lizzie but i feel like this was more of a cinematic experience rather than a skate part. like there weren't really any memorable tricks in there. just a lot of really long flowing lines.

Anonymous No. 117156

I have no issue with girl skaters, stoked to see them out irl but.. like all female sports this seems so rediculous to be propped up on the same level as men's. I think letting corporate brands into skating now means we have to put up with them propping up girls with less ability than a 14 yr old at my local to suit their agenda. And no one can say shit because that's where all the money comes from.

Anonymous No. 117157

This. I love learning shit with other people and giving tips on things I've just cracked. I need to find more people JUST above my level to skate with again.

Anonymous No. 117159

yeah it's almost like insulting to put those couple of lines from axel in her part. like those lines that he did were so much faster and gnarlier than hers.

Anonymous No. 117160

>I think letting corporate brands into skating now


Skate brands NEED less elite skaters in their ranks. Every team should have a Lance Mountain tier of skaters who have a more relatable skill level who are just about the fun of it. Otherwise, what, you just want Nyjahs forever and ever?

Anonymous No. 117161

>Every team should have a Lance Mountain tier of skaters who have a more relatable skill level who are just about the fun of it.
lance mountain is your example for this? why?

Anonymous No. 117162

I was thinking that. It was such a contrast in style.
I've only really noticed their powerful grip these last couple years. 2010 era didn't seem so corporate.
I think that's what the local scene/shops/brands are for. Or fancy lad crew for example. Which is more fun to me than watching Lizzy.

Anonymous No. 117163

only focusing on skill is jock shit, thinking that girl skaters are taking positions/eyes away from more skilled guys is pure jock shit. pay attention to the shit that interests you or be a hater I guess. obviously theres a huge group of people that are enjoying the rise of girls in skateboarding as it grows larger than it ever was and if you have a problem with it then idk maybe pray to nyjah and then kys. theres a spot for everyone in skating except for fucking pussies who wont commit.

Anonymous No. 117165

>Fs flip
i spend so much time half-ass flipping these, this is a 100% commit trick like you either die landing primo or shoot out in any direction, not for the faint heart but seems like when people figure it out and get them on lock the mental battle goes away

Anonymous No. 117167

thats /ourgirl/ meg

Anonymous No. 117169

>getting skill mogged in your own part
ya hate to see it

Anonymous No. 117170

i think for back tails you should be light on your feet and for front tails you have to make sure your shoulders are perfectly open and squared

Anonymous No. 117172

yea lol lance mountain is good af.. idk why people say hes a bad fun skater or whatever

Anonymous No. 117177

ok where is my skater gf

t. kissless permavirg

Anonymous No. 117179

I can do 90Ā° on a small quarter but on flat it makes no sense. Occasionally I flip one perfect but I never understand why that one did or am ready to land it.

Anonymous No. 117181

i have never even heard anyone say that about him, anyone who knows skate history knows he was at one time in the top 10 skaters in the world and he can still shred a bowl in his 50s

Anonymous No. 117182

this part is so insane and the only reason you would think otherwise is if you just don't skate bowls and have no gauge for how gnarly the tricks are

Anonymous No. 117183

rodney mullen and its consequences have been a disaster for skateboarding

Anonymous No. 117194

>frontside air
>backside air
>frontside air
>backside air
Ive seen her before and I thought she had a slightly better trick selection?? The guy skating completely took the part over in 15 seconds

Anonymous No. 117195

I said that because it's something Lance himself says, and because by the time the videos were coming out he was "aging out" and being left behind skill wise by the rest of the Bones Brigade. He was cursed to be on the same team as Hawk and Mullen, but rather than try and push himself as being the guy with the biggest airs or the most amazing tricks, he filmed himself goofing around and having fun with his board, which actually might have gotten more people to try skating that the rest of the team's insane clips did. Being pro isn't just about being the literal greatest at your field. If anything, the more relatable you are, the better.

Anonymous No. 117196

I hope the rat is okay

Anonymous No. 117197

I thought the last minute or so was getting interesting, but yeah, what's going on with her? Is that megramp injury catching up on her or something? She was the weakest part by far of the Vert Alert demo recently too, bailing out of handplants. I don't think she actually made more than 2 walls there. She seems to be playing everything SUPER safe unless she's skating with Sakura, and I don't know if that's physical injury or just the psychological damage that fall did.

Anonymous No. 117198

God I love that part.

Also, just to be clear, I'm absolutely not talking any shit about Lance and don't think he's one of the GOATs. Just that there was a stretch of time where he wasn't the best on his team and was liked more for other reasons.

Anonymous No. 117201

if you ride a mid to big board you can do them reynolds/chris cole style where you put your back foot in the pocket and do it kind of like a pressure flip that you also kickflip... if that makes any sense.
when i ride my snowskate (8.75) doing them that way makes them whip around really tightly and makes doing things like fs flip fakie manny/switch manny and hardflip manuals feel incredibly consistent.
if you ride a smaller board (8 to sub-8) that kind of backfoot position isn't very stable so just keep your full foot more on the tail and muscle them around. you can preload your shoulders too but i find as you get comfortable flipping frontside you will have a tendency to over rotate when you do that, but it is useful for kickflip fs 360s.

i hope that makes some degree of sense

Anonymous No. 117202

forgot to add
foot positioning on a smaller board. dave rides a 7.5

Anonymous No. 117205

yeah i think the whole part is basically her recovery journey hence the name "onward"

Anonymous No. 117213

Fair enough my man, just checking no one is talking shit about the goat lance mountain

Anonymous No. 117215

She's almost 30 now, maybe her body just isn't up for it anymore. I know men can rip tranny like into their 50s but maybe for chicks it's different

Anonymous No. 117221

Anonymous No. 117224

Is es unironically the best skate shoe company?

Anonymous No. 117229

WAIT! Isn't Session officially releasing in literally 10 minutes actually???

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Anonymous No. 117234

restart steam

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Anonymous No. 117235


Anonymous No. 117236

Never post this garbageass reaction image ever agian.

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Jackie Michel.png

Anonymous No. 117237

New Dime Glory Challenge. I think i found my new waifu

Anonymous No. 117238

Uglyass 4/10 hoe.

Anonymous No. 117239

i don't care. i want to put one of her whole titties in my mouth.
How do you feel about that?

Anonymous No. 117240

I feel like they're small enough and you could definitely manage it.

Anonymous No. 117241

Socal bros /esg/ meetup when?

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Anonymous No. 117242


Anonymous No. 117245


Anonymous No. 117248

Is norafag in here? That stupid hoe is in Session as a playable character.

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Anonymous No. 117252


Anonymous No. 117253

Webm related is you minus the hug because you aint get no hugs.

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šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 117254


Anonymous No. 117255

>still no run ons in session
the new SF maps seem good though

Anonymous No. 117256

Run ons?

Anonymous No. 117258

an animation for running onto your board

Anonymous No. 117259

I'm in Ventura, I'm down to drive to LA for a meet up at a park if there is some decent tranny there. Wouldn't mind checking out peck park one day soon

Anonymous No. 117260

this but steve rocco

Anonymous No. 117261

in palmdale here if there was a meetup i only have time in the mornings. I've posted here before when i was making trips to the valley but no one ever says hi to me :(

Anonymous No. 117265

skateboarding is inaccessible and a waste if youre not a normalfag or chad or thot

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Anonymous No. 117269

you arent all 3?

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Anonymous No. 117271

yeah the normalfaggots at the skatepark keep beating me up and stealing my wax

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Anonymous No. 117273

based louie

Anonymous No. 117276

love louie, sick little part but the song (
Fanfare for naran ratan) is so fucking blown out the editor should have some shame

Anonymous No. 117277

fuck, ya beat me to it

Anonymous No. 117278

3:16 made me say oh my god out loud he's so fooking good just absolutely DIALED

Anonymous No. 117281

being so good makes it a pretty boring watch

Anonymous No. 117282

have to disagree bc his trick selection is great

Anonymous No. 117286

Fuck, that may be my favourite part of the year. Great shots, good editing, nice and brief, fucking sick ass skating. The way this dude will IMMEDIATELY launch into a second trick as so as he lands into a slide or manny is beautiful.

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Anonymous No. 117288

What am I in for? Will I be converted from bones?

Anonymous No. 117289

Is there a good bowl in Palmdale?

Anonymous No. 117293

Bones are better.

Anonymous No. 117295

my aliexpress bones big balls bearings arrived. they fucking suck

Anonymous No. 117296

lotsa fs 180s but still an absolutely beautiful part. hard to believe hes pro on the same team as beatrice

Anonymous No. 117297

what were you expecting

Anonymous No. 117301

chinkshit because bones makes their shit in china but not awful chinkshit

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Anonymous No. 117305

um sweatie you bought the wrong wheel........ those arent 101s.........

Anonymous No. 117308

Nearby Lancaster has 2 good bowls. There's another skatepark in the east side of Palmdale that's mainly transition but not really a bowl in that one. I'll probably be at the Lancaster park this weekend though. But if anyone wants to plan something out and it's in the morning, I'm down. If you guys wanna drive here I would say east Palmdale because it's more universal and we wouldn't be split between bowl and street

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Anonymous No. 117309

99 is good u crazy

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Anonymous No. 117314

Still kinda want an old school board cause of Dogtown, but realistically speaking I know Iā€™d just be better off skating my normal deck.
Then again imagine the flex.. no pun intended.

Anonymous No. 117315

I would be down to come out later in the year when it's a bit cooler. I'm not used to skating in high desert heat.

Or somewhere like santa clarita would be a good halfway point

Anonymous No. 117316

I'm over almost sliding out when i get too fast in the bowl. I want GRIP

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Anonymous No. 117317

Waiting until winter to come out is probably a good idea. In the beginning, itā€™s usually pretty rough. Youā€™re still figuring things out and itā€™s easier to play around with winter clothing. Regardless, good luck with your transition, anon.

Anonymous No. 117319

anyone ever clean their bearings?

i tried to do it but i don't know if it did anything.

>popped off cap
>sprayed out bearing with carb cleaner
>sprayed some chain lube in there
>put cap back on

Anonymous No. 117320

Anon.. Iā€¦
Keep in mind, my bearings are all steal. I take dish soap, get some water in there, spin it around a bunch of times, rinse it off super good, then take a blow dryer and spin em while drying. Then 2-3 drops of oil.
For normal bearings; soak them in either windex or whatever solvent you use for 35-40 minutes. Shake em around every so often. Then wash em off, blast em with a blow dryer, then 2-3 drops of oil.
Also get some bearing oil. Personally I use Oust oil. Itā€™s thinner than Bones Speed Cream, and basically the same price. Also, you want thinner oil.

Anonymous No. 117322

i use mineral oil(baby oil) for my bearings and it works just fine. stop being gouged by the skateshop jew.

Anonymous No. 117323

>Also get some bearing oil
what's so good about bearing oil? oil is oil

Anonymous No. 117324

Idk how thick chain oil is, but I suppose as long as itā€™s not too thick itā€™d be fine.

Anonymous No. 117329

I used to do it when I was younger & it does work, definitely prolongs the life of your bearings. I just cbf doing it now

THick man is right. The thickness of the oil can fuck up your bearings if too thick (like WD40) & make them collect more dirt

Anonymous No. 117331

You can use machine oil too.

Also I consoomed and bought one of those Bones cleaning bottle things and it's actually pretty damn handy. Some cleaning alcohol, caps off the bearings, put them open side up on the shaft, a good shake, then leave them to dry on a paper towel and they're squeaky clean.

Anonymous No. 117332

>get medical grade alcohol or the shit women use to remove nail polish
>put it in a bucket, put the bearings in the liquid with the cap off
>leave it for 30-90 minutes
>towel and air dry for 5-10 minutes
>get sewing machine oil or any oil that is made for delicate, small, fine machinery (not WD40!!!)
>put 1-2 drops in each bearing
>you just fixed your shitty chinese bones reds into swiss cheese premium bones that spin long and fast

Honestly I dont get the whole premium bearings BS... since Ive started doing this I can just clean them out every 3-4 months and they work like new again. Fuck I even skate them with the shield off thru dirt and rain sometimes and it still works if you just maintain them right.

Anonymous No. 117340

I tried once it's more work than I want to do considering a new set is only 10-20 bucks

Anonymous No. 117342

best bearing oil is silicone spray lube. but keep that on the lowdown. dont want bearing companies to go out of business.

Anonymous No. 117344

ummm... cringe... sweaty i think you meant to say 'those aren't 97's'

Anonymous No. 117346

true, silicone spray is used in place of chain oil on bikes too. i just used the chain oil because it was the only oil I had in a spray bottle thing

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Anonymous No. 117348

why is everyone so tolerant to surf-skate faggots in the pools, ramps and minis? Even more curious: What is it about surf-skating, that attracts middle-aged women, all sorts of "beginners in life", glowers and other kind of losers?

Is surf-skate a 100% litmus test for being a faggot?

Anonymous No. 117349

>Is surf-skate a 100% litmus test for being a faggot?
No, but whining on 4chan about nothing is, faggot.

Anonymous No. 117350

surf-skater itt detected, go do your sick carves and turns and .. carves again i guess

Anonymous No. 117351

I've never tried one, but they look like fun. Doubt I'd choose one over my normal board, but I'd give it a go.

Anonymous No. 117352

>why is everyone so tolerant to surf-skate faggots

Cali thing. In yurop we don't have these faggots. Step your game up.

Anonymous No. 117353

a lot of them in Berlin ruining yo time in pool and ramps. even more of then in Portugal and Spain, because "surf is life"

Anonymous No. 117354

I don't know if you mean people on literal surfskate boards who just pump carve super low around the bowl all day and hog the fucking thing, or people who do surfy style moves like laybacks and reverts and so on, but I think both of them are relatively low risk.

Anonymous No. 117356

Berlin is like NYC. Just trash. Not real yurop.

Anonymous No. 117362

beatrice is built for BWC

Anonymous No. 117366

a big transition park is not my thing we can go to venice and see butts while we skate that has the best of both

Anonymous No. 117367

hey im kind of a beginner just landed my first kickflips this month it went well at first but then i discovered it OVERFLIPS all the time. my friend said i have a very good flip lol but i just dont know how to really control it precisely. any tips?

Anonymous No. 117368

Get better at ollies.

Anonymous No. 117369

my ollies are high and stable

Anonymous No. 117371

If they were you wouldn't be asking this question.

Anonymous No. 117374

oh look another fucking retard who thought that chinkshit aliexpress bearings would be the same as reds.

Anonymous No. 117375

i do it when i replace my bearings because nothings better than having a couple bearings on the backburner in case one or two shit out.

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Anonymous No. 117377

how the FUCK do you reassemble this

Anonymous No. 117378

With a machine.

Anonymous No. 117379

well fuck
at least i have a new ring now

Anonymous No. 117381

so you land primo on it constantly? from overflipping? thats very rare. usually you will land primo from underflipping. if its overflipping and your not landing on it primo or not at all your just not ollieing and commiting like >>117368
said your back foot should catch it pretty much instinctively at the right time

Anonymous No. 117388

Two words:

It's over

Anonymous No. 117389

Maite is pure cringe

Anonymous No. 117391


Anonymous No. 117395

agreed and she has no eyebrows

cant stand that little whore

Anonymous No. 117396

what do you think maite looks like naked?

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Anonymous No. 117397

I've been wondering this for years, but what the fuck is an "alley oop"? I keep hearing vert skaters use that term to describe some sort of motion in a trick, but have no clue what they're seeing that I'm not.

Anonymous No. 117398

it's like an over-rotated air.

like if you come at a ramp diagonally frontside, but then at the top you instead do a backside 270 degree turn to come back down the ramp in regular stance... that's an alley oop. it can be done backside or frontside and there are all kinds of tricks it can be applied to... alley oop inverts, alley oop airs, alley oop cess slides, alley oop grinds etc

Anonymous No. 117400

nora genuinely is looking worse these days.

Anonymous No. 117403

i thnk the only attractive girls that skate are from south america and asia. the rest troon themselves up or start looking like butch lesbo wiggers

Anonymous No. 117404

oh and Spain

Anonymous No. 117405

lol yeah pretty much. i've actually seen some hot milfs trying to skate at my local but like no good white female skater ever ends up looking too flash

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Anonymous No. 117406

i lasted like 2 weeks on reddit-lite

Anonymous No. 117407

colored griptape
shuv it tail grabs
no comply flip tricks
skinny jeans
cardiel dick riding

Anonymous No. 117409

yep its a shithole. fuck the shills here

Anonymous No. 117410

my local has been so dead lately. not that i have too many friends there or anything but it's hard to even get motivated to skate when you're the only one there at all

Anonymous No. 117412


Anonymous No. 117414

Ooooh! It's like a "hook" rotation into a trick then?

Anonymous No. 117416

yeah pretty much.

Anonymous No. 117418

shes cute and I like watching her skate, simple as

Anonymous No. 117419

what do you think her vagina looks like? do you think she has one of those pussies where the flaps are like big and puffy and the inner flaps don't hang out at all or do you think she has some roast beef meat curtains down there

Anonymous No. 117420

maite is like everything i hate about european skateboarding

out of touch gay quirky shit with awful clothes and tricks that were cool in the usa 10 years ago

Anonymous No. 117421

>maite is 23

she's like greta thunberg lmao stunted development

Anonymous No. 117422

small outie that looks deceptively large because she is petite

>tricks that were cool in the usa 10 years ago
this is literally all female skating in a nutshell though. at least she genuinely looks like she is having fun and has some style/personality

Anonymous No. 117423

>has some style/personality
yeah but it's the bad kind

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Anonymous No. 117425

I kind of like her transition flow and think she has a nice back smith/bs disaster.

Anonymous No. 117426

wym by tricks that were cool in usa 10 years ago? lik eall the no comply stuff? what are the cool tricks nowadays? thats the last time i really followed current skating. welcome jesse alba all that

Anonymous No. 117427


Anonymous No. 117439

gamer gonz

Anonymous No. 117440

marbiebros i dont feel so good

Anonymous No. 117444

Holy fuck bros spitfire f4s are actually sick. I'm converted

Anonymous No. 117446

yeah like the goofy low impact street stuff. i'm not really totally sure what is popular now but i feel like it's simple tricks in awkward yet gnarly spots or diy shit. i'm sure someone else in the thread could better explain it, all i know is that shit maite is doing is eurofag cringe

Anonymous No. 117450

Transition and crusty spots are very popular nowadays

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Anonymous No. 117454

get the balls out of the plastic cage. put them in the outer race all near each other. put inner race in. spread the balls out to their normal spacing. snap the cage back over the balls.

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Anonymous No. 117462

Getting a new deck soon. My previous was an 8 inch Cole Zero deck picrel. Wasn't sure of woodshop of that one, should I care if it felt okay? Had to leave it in moving countries. What should I get next

Anonymous No. 117464


Anonymous No. 117467


Anonymous No. 117469

creature is like one of the few major board brands that still has a chinese woodshop. their boards are trash. do not recommend.

>Wasn't sure of woodshop of that one, should I care if it felt okay?
yes heres a woodshop directory

>What should I get next
do you have a favorite skater or watch skate videos? thats how most people pick what boards they get. or your like me and you get whatever 8.3 the shop has on hand

Anonymous No. 117472

i land on it primo or between primo and double. i can commit i can properly land. but i fall all the time. because i land in an awkward position. i dont understand how my backfoot is supposed to catch it. it does only when i bail and step off with my front foot.

Anonymous No. 117474

>creature is like one of the few major board brands that still has a chinese woodshop. their boards are trash. do not recommend.

Yeah that's what I thought too then I bought a creature deck and it was better than any other shilled deck for whatever reason. I don't know if the yurop ones we had were just a godlike batch, but mine was amazing. Plus none of you guys itt are good enough to need the best woodshop deck possible. The graphic is the most important part.

Anonymous No. 117475

I'm in a similar stage to you. You have to figure out where to look the get your back foot on first. For me, if I look sort towards the centre of the deck but slightly toeside, it's much easier to bring my back foot straight up and straight back down where the tail will be. Try to aim for the tail to begin with. You'll probably do a rocketed flip and land with the tail down, but it's a decent start.

Anonymous No. 117476

You need to get decent ollies first before trying to consistently land the basic flip tricks.

Anonymous No. 117477

I can ollie over a deck on flat and more than waist high with a kicker. My ollies are fine. My struggle is getting my back foot out of the way for the flip and back on comfortably/not just with my heel.

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Nicole Hause - Th....webm

Anonymous No. 117478

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Ryan Racine in Nu....webm

Anonymous No. 117479

Anonymous No. 117480

>I can ollie over a deck on flat

Lmao. Read it again. You NEED to get DECENT ollies first. You can ollie a deck on flat lmao, but without a skateboard how many can you jump over? Like 7? Until you learn how to properly jump with your skateboard (ollie) you'll be wondering why you can't land kickflips. You don't have a smooth effortless ollie yet. You're doing some autistic twitchy stiff leg kickflips and you're relying on your dawg mentality to land them. And that's fine, but if you have to ask why you're not landing them consistently, it's because your ollies are terrible. Once you get good ollies you'll start understanding what I'm talking about.

Anonymous No. 117481

>Plus none of you guys itt are good enough to need the best woodshop deck possible
you need to be good to care about the quality of your shit? guess we should all be skating wal mart boards and ordering bearings from ali express then. save the good shit for the pros and local rippers
>The graphic is the most important part.
lol, lmao even

>I can ollie over a deck on flat and more than waist high with a kicker
this guy here is deserving of good wood, he should be flow even.

Anonymous No. 117482

Meant to say aren't good enough to care. Creature is more than good enough for anyone. Yes the graphic is the most important part, unless you're genuinely autistic and want an Andy Anderson shaped board.

Anonymous No. 117485

Heart Supply has designs I want but are their decks wal mart quality?

Anonymous No. 117486

Get a board from dlx. Real, krooked or antihero

Anonymous No. 117487

I'm super nice to all the kids at the skatepark but there is this one little grom who basically follows me around trying to talk to me. Like he just never fucking shuts up. I'll be walking over to drop in to something and he'll be talking to me as I'm dropping in and then as I come out of.the bowl he'll start talking to me again straight away. So annoying but I don't want to tell him to fuck off because he's a nice kid from a shitty family. And the shit he talks to me about is like fingerboards and shit lmao

Anonymous No. 117488

>Yes the graphic is the most important part
so your gonna talk about how nobody in here is good enough to care about the quality of their shit but wont acknowledge that people in here are too old to give a shit about their image and skate in cargo shorts and ankle socks? your deranged, probably a child, just talking pure shit

Anonymous No. 117489

>Heart Supply has designs I want

Lmao faggot.

Lil nigga you aren't even old enough to be out of high school with that spelling. Fuck are you even talking about? Nobody knows, not even you probably.

Anonymous No. 117491

What is wrong with skating in cargo shorts and ankle socks? What would be an approved fit? Cons with Dickies a wife beater and a beanie in the middle of summer? I skate to skate, not to look cool. I wear the same shit I wear to work when I skate.

Anonymous No. 117493

John hill looks like heā€™s about s word in every video, he has influencer brain worms that makes him insufferable and doesnā€™t know how to cope with his dead channel. Dude needs to pivot and get a real job already.

Anonymous No. 117494

Skating in shorts and cargo shorts especially is retarded, but you wear shorts to work?

Anonymous No. 117495

S word?

Anonymous No. 117496

kill himself

Anonymous No. 117497

Why would I not wear shorts to work?

Anonymous No. 117498

If it is getting stuck on your back foot you probably have it too far toe side. The ball of your foot should be in the heel side pocket of your tail, or if you can't manage that at least in the very center.

Anonymous No. 117499

how do you skate in cargo shorts with all those cool rocks in your pockets?

Anonymous No. 117500

Becuase you're a grown man. What do you do for work?

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Anonymous No. 117501

>how do you skate in cargo shorts with all those cool rocks in your pockets?

It's over. Thread closed.

Anonymous No. 117502

I work in a profession where people don't give a fuck about whether I wear shorts or pants to work because we are grown men

Anonymous No. 117503

he could work for ups. i mean he probably doesnt he probably works for the gap or old navy or something.

Anonymous No. 117504

I take them out before I go skating duh

Anonymous No. 117505

It's not about other people caring or not. It's about you having any amount of self respect. That aside, enjoy your way worse shinners I guess. Yes even the thinnest of pants help a lot with shinners.

Anonymous No. 117506

Haha okay. What do you do for work?

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Anonymous No. 117507

>I can't believe you have so little self respect you would wear shorts

Anonymous No. 117509

I work on clinical trials.

Anonymous No. 117510

Americanbros, you don't look like this, right? Right?

Anonymous No. 117511

That's cool.

Anonymous No. 117515

I just finished watching Hockey X and it was great.

Anonymous No. 117516

I live in the same city as Diego Todd. The spots he skates are legit like unskateable when you see them irl.

Anonymous No. 117518

Somewhere in Cali?

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Anonymous No. 117520

who /poor/ here
$2 on sale at my shop. never heard of it. hope it sucks

Anonymous No. 117521

It's literally just grip. It will work just fine. Plus I can't tell if you're lying, because someone was shilling this brand some threads ago.

Anonymous No. 117523

Really butthurt that a jacket I really like is vans and I don't want to wear vans. the big ugly vans logo doesn't help either.

Anonymous No. 117525

lower parts of shin bone, just above the ankle cause pain when there is presure is applied, does anyone else have this?

Anonymous No. 117526

Yeah after that one time after I slipped on a 50-50 on a ledge this one time and the side of my lower shin smacked and scraped the edge of the ledge and it was swollen and purple for two months.

Anonymous No. 117527

You're incorrectly assuming that my ollies aren't consistent and, sorry man, but if having a consistent ollie that high isn't "decent" enough for a kickflip, then I don't know what the fuck is. I'm rolling away from them fine. I have the pop and the height, the thing that wigs me out with kickflips is that my back foot needs to come completely off and back on, where with my ollies it can just hover above them a few cm. I usually catch them heel heavy because I'm freaking out and half putting my foot down. Not everyone gets them easily.

Anonymous No. 117528

If you're having back foot issues with kickflips it's because your ollies are still bad and you don't have the habit of lifting your back foot. Practice your ollies more or just keep grinding kickflips until you build the muscle memory and strength.

Anonymous No. 117531

Is anything consistent? realistically. Geez, been skating a long time and still have a wonky ollie here and there.

stop over thinking it. just see yourself doing it.

Anonymous No. 117534

go do pop-shuvs, 180s, more ollies whatever. Dont just autistically focus on 1 trick, humans dont learn that way. As you get better with the fundementals that confidence will come easy.

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Anonymous No. 117535

How do you go from having the funniest videos about skateboarding on the internet to pic related? I feel bad for our guy.

Anonymous No. 117536

Yeah Ventura.

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Anonymous No. 117537

How filthy rich are you?

Anonymous No. 117538

>usually catch them heel heavy because I'm freaking out and half putting my foot down
the entire reason this dude is telling you that you need to have your ollies on lock to solve your kickflip problem is because an ollie and a kickflip are just natural extensions of each other, the only thing you're really doing different from an ollie is moving your ankle off to the side instead of keeping it up on the board. you shouldn't have to be worried about "putting your back foot down". because if you had your ollies as good as you say you do, the board itself would be floating up to your back foot naturally without any kind of issues, just like it does with an ollie, you're just lifting your leg up as you kickflip and the board will rise up with you and lock onto your back foot IF you're doing kick flips the proper way, where it is simply an extension of your ollie. you might think your ollies are fine and consistent, but if you don't even realize this little tip im telling you, you don't know enough about your ollies at all and should probably expand on them a little bit before you start getting offended people are rightfully calling them bad.

Anonymous No. 117539

i bet nora's is pure flappy roast

Anonymous No. 117540

best way to expand on ollies? just jumping up/down gaps ledges and mannies?

Anonymous No. 117541

I'm not from Ventura, I just ended up here. It was pretty affordable when I first moved here. Rent has gone up a lot in the past two years but mine hasn't been raised yet so I can still survive.

It's also a typical California town where they are some super rich families, like Diego Todd's, and then there are all the people who just go to their jobs and get by. I need to get out of here soon, it's getting full of yuppies.

Anonymous No. 117542

You going to Wyoming?

Anonymous No. 117543

Idk. I'm not from California originally so I'm not gonna be like one of those California transplants that everyone hates. I'm just a guy who ended up here.

Anonymous No. 117544

Session's replay editor is so fucking cancer. Whoever designed it is a mouthbreathing piece of trash.

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Anonymous No. 117545

Anonymous No. 117546

hes prob just mad autistic and relates with your slight autism. i attract these kids at skateparks too sometimes. dont feel bad just ignoring them u prob give them more attention than anyone else so they wont be upset or notice much

Anonymous No. 117549

kickflip help guy.. why dont u just try popping them lower so u dont have to catch them and they just land normal and u land on top of it. thats how most normal people learn kickflips.. and then when u get them higher/better ollie u will just naturally catch them without thinking about it

Anonymous No. 117550

Anyone else get weird big toe pain when they skate a lot/more than usual. I don't know what the fuck this is or how to fix it, but it won't go away....

the closest thing I could find online is "turf toe" but i dont remember spraining my toes.. just remember having a fun long skate session and then waking up with big toe pain the next morning that is taking forever to go away... i rested for awhile to no avail and then i went for a walk one day the pain went away and then it came back way worse again the next day... what's the fastest way to heal this shit i been off my board for 3 fucking weeks now and fall east coast weather is my favorite time to skate :(

Anonymous No. 117551

Lol yeah you're probably right.

Anonymous No. 117552

i'm in palmdale too we may have skated together before

Anonymous No. 117553

>there are multiple Palmdale desert rats itt
How and why. I thought all you people did out there was ride quad bikes and smoke meth

Anonymous No. 117554

lol straight facts.

Anonymous No. 117555


Anonymous No. 117556

What new tricks is everyone working on this weekend? I'm still working on back smiths in tranny. Sometime soon I'll be putting them down on pool coping.

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Anonymous No. 117557

what trick is this? When the very tip of the tail slides along the top of the feature.

Anonymous No. 117559

Maybe I need to adjust my timing with my ollies then. Generally when I bring my back foot up, I'm kicking the nose forward at the same time. I'll dick around with kicking the nose later than normal and see how that helps with kickflips.

Anonymous No. 117560

Iā€™m that valleybro, I never saw you post anything about trying to meetup otherwise Iā€™d come through and skate with you but Iā€™m only free to skate on the weekends. Maybe Iā€™ll come up to the desert for a sesh sometime soon, although Iā€™d say if any other bros live out in the AV, Santa Clarita would be a much better meetup

Anonymous No. 117561

idk what it's called when you slide on flat like that. it's a tailblock when you do it on a ramp.

Anonymous No. 117562

I filmed a lil heelflip on a 4 stair today. Not sure if anyone wants to see. Also you shouldn't do bareback with Smith the tranny. Might catch chicken pox.

Anonymous No. 117563

Santa Clarita would be a good spot because it's central between Ventura, the desert and the valley. Plus it's got a lot of different shit there to skate. I've heard it gets crowded with little kids on weekends though.

Anonymous No. 117564

You califaggots better record a few clips when you meetup, even if it's just a flatground rocket ollie.

Anonymous No. 117565

Yeah itā€™s a nice middle point between having to drive all the way out to the AV or you coming all the way down to LA/some part of the valley. I was a local for a couple of years, the only real times it gets crowded is like towards the afternoon on the weekdays because of the lights. A morning sesh during the weekend would be fine desu, and even if it did end up getting a bit busy, the park itself is so huge that you can avoid people by just skating something else. Honestly one of my favorites in the area. I moved as soon as they started opening the new parks in the AV, kind of sucks but itā€™s nice to see them and the kind of skating it breeds. I still go every once in a while to see family, next time Iā€™ll post something the night before if you wanna skate George Lane/Jane Reynolds in the morning

Iā€™ve got a mediocre bag of tricks but Iā€™m always down to post OC desu

Anonymous No. 117567

Jane reynolds looks fucken sick. I just dunno how early i'd be able to get out there because i think that's like 1.5 hours from ventura. But it looks like it's worth the drive.

Anonymous No. 117569

9 days is enough time to wait after twisting your ankle, r-right?

Anonymous No. 117573

one of the faggot ass spammers/trolls musta got banned

Anonymous No. 117574

We never had one?

Anonymous No. 117576

You should wear an ankle brace under your sock, that's what i used to do when i would sprain my ankles a bunch.

Anonymous No. 117577

Does anyone else find full pipe skating really boring?

Anonymous No. 117578

if you say so

what do you mean twist it. did you roll it or just like half roll it. it should be fine go skate

Anonymous No. 117579

Buy a half-inch thick solid oak board. Cut it to 27ā€ long and about 7ā€ wide, shape as necessary. If you want a kicktail, cut a wedge and glue it onto the top of the tail. Buy some old rollerskates off ebay and use their hangars on your truck kingpins, or use Penny trucks. get a round puck of Ā¾ā€ thick plastic and screw it to the underside of the tail (slider to protect the wood). As for wheels, your choices are Kryptonics Star Trac (wheels in that pic), Tunnel Rocks, OJ Hot Juice, Sims Snakes, or Sims Street Comps. Historically, the duro wouldā€™ve been around 85-93, but most modern repro 70s wheels are in the high 70s-low 80s duro.

Anonymous No. 117580

part of the year just dropped

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Anonymous No. 117581

You go up like youā€™re gonna rotate one way, but rotate the other way instead.

Anonymous No. 117582

take your meds

Anonymous No. 117583

Sk8n invented by surfers for surfers
Cri moar grommit as you sit on the COPEing waiting your turn

Anonymous No. 117584

>he says in /esg/
If you skate, you are a manchild

Anonymous No. 117585

Man i don't want to be a hater but that was trash.

Anonymous No. 117586

If you don't skate you are a retard that shouldn't be in here.

Anonymous No. 117587

>moves to califagia
>complains about yuppies and normalfags
The fuck did you expect?

Anonymous No. 117589

I never said I donā€™t skate. I just have awareness in the fact I am mentally stuck at 15, unlike you mr ā€œIā€™m a REAL man, thatā€™s why I donā€™t wear shortsā€ (a supremely childish conception of what a ā€˜manā€™ is, btw)

Anonymous No. 117590

its a great park, and such a massive step-up from the other parks that the AV had for 20+ years, but if you're all the way in Venture i'd imagine they have a lot more transition based parks that you could enjoy. regardless, the bowl they have is very fun to skate with both a small and deep end, AND they have a legit bowl with pool coping to fuck around in if thats more your speed.

if you don't want to drive that far, i'd be down for a meet-up somewhere near the valley, or maybe i'll come up to Ventura one of these days and hit you up for a chill morning sesh

Anonymous No. 117592

Ventura actually has really shitty skateparks but the neighboring cities have good ones. Westlake has a pretty fun little park that would be a good in between for us. I usually skate Ojai which has a perfect bowl but nothing else worth going there for.

Anonymous No. 117594

Ventura was actually super chill when i first moved here, it's just become pretty bad in the last couple of years with all the people trying to escape LA. But it's still nice, it has a sick skate scene

Anonymous No. 117595

So every adult then, who rides a bike is a man child too. k lmao

Anonymous No. 117596

paraffin has long been the standard recommendation as far as I remember

Anonymous No. 117597

is it fair to say powell peralta is the most cringe team in skating right now?

Anonymous No. 117598

hey anyone know where i can pick up some decent shoes? not a skater or anything just need some sneakers. hopefully not too flat. but not really mushy or anything

Anonymous No. 117599


Anonymous No. 117600

>did you roll it or just like half roll it.

Rolled it, sprained some ligaments on the outer side of my back foot. Can walk on it just fine, but there's still some bruising.

Anonymous No. 117601

also i have no money so keep it really cheap please.

Anonymous No. 117602

Nice, thank you!

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grosso fs invert.jpg

Anonymous No. 117603

is that guy seriously wearing shorts with ankle socks? has he no self respect? what a fucking goon

Anonymous No. 117614

new balance 990s-
>>117601 oh

Anonymous No. 117615

because you dont skate. skate or die poser

Anonymous No. 117616

If you can't ollie this, don't even try to kickflip. It ain't happening bro.

Anonymous No. 117617

you shouldn't even go to a skatepark if you can't ollie a trash can

Anonymous No. 117624

The main problem with santa Clarita is like I said earlier I can only do mornings because I have kids and a wife and my Saturdays are busy.
And over there in Valencia ,Saturday morning is closed to adults and it's kids only. To the other guy in Palmdale I'm usually in either George or Jane on Sat morning and sometimes Sunday. You've probably commented on videos I posted here before? Someone knew the park layout it was probably you.
Anyway if you guys want to meet up don't let my schedule stop you. I could always meet the fellow AV anon some time.

Anonymous No. 117625

So we have 2 palmdale anons, 1 SFV anon, and 1 ventura anon (me), are there any other Socal anons here?

Anonymous No. 117626

huh im not a poser though. like i have no intention of seeming like a skater
yeah thats why i came here

Anonymous No. 117627

A BMX bike, yeah

Anonymous No. 117628

I wear a flannel shirt every single day. Not because I like it, but because I have unironic gynecomastia.

Anonymous No. 117631

Go watch a car battery change tutorial.

Anonymous No. 117640

>80$ deck
>made in china

Anonymous No. 117642

Damn I got mine for cheaper. That sucks. Is $80 for a deck normal in the US? I remember some time ago the prices went up.

Anonymous No. 117643

being called a man child is a compliment. My dad is a man child and he can beat you in a game of skate any day.

Anonymous No. 117644

finally found a decent jersey barrier spot so i've just been trying to get more comfortable skating barriers and doing wallies

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Anonymous No. 117651

>the guy telling me I shouldnt skate in shorts is the heelflip car battery guy

Anonymous No. 117652

Nice filename, manchild.

Anonymous No. 117658

you can see mike v do one at 1:11

Anonymous No. 117660

yeah i remember seeing a clip from jane on here a while back, i'll keep an eye out
>tfw "local" in the av is still a 30-40 minute drive through the desert
that's the reason i'm usually only there when i have something else i need to do nearby, i also skate pedlow a lot when i visit my friend who lives nearby

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Anonymous No. 117666

not the best example but landing them like 6/10 times instead of 1/10 times lads

Anonymous No. 117667

now keep doing them, but each time go a little faster.

Anonymous No. 117669

Can you even drop into a bowl faggot?

Anonymous No. 117670


Anonymous No. 117672

tfw no car to drive to skateparks

Anonymous No. 117673

I went to pedlow like 5 years ago
>watching tfunk trying some trick in the bowl at the end of the snake run
>he cant land it and he keeps throwing his board around and having a tantrum
>im just chilling in the shade watching, kinda laughing at his freak outs
>he looks over at me and says 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT NIGGER'

Kek, based tfunk

Anonymous No. 117675

Ride your bicycle

Anonymous No. 117678

I'm gonna say it
I literally unironically don't like woman's skateboarding in any aspect
they're literally just so behind in skill level that even fucking local kids are way better than them
You'd think skateboarding is pretty unisex otherwise but it's a disgrace to look at
They're hanging with top tier pros, have 5+ sponsors behind them and still they're so far behind

Anonymous No. 117680

i just don't get why bitches can't flip into grinds yet. like i can accept that girls might have less pop and not be able to handle the same impacts but there's no reason for them to be behind on the tech game. if anything you'd think they'd have advantages for that shit because of their lower center of gravity, just like they do in judo.
gj satan.
it you can learn to treflip on that shitty ground you'll be able to do them anywhere

Anonymous No. 117682

>there's no reason for them to be behind on the tech game
chicks are far less coordinated than men so a female tech skater is probably never going to happen.

i just can't stand how when you watch chicks skate tranny all their tricks are like so... weak. like their grinds are half as long and they never pop out of them, they just fall out of them. every trick just looks like it's the first one they've ever landed and they're scared to be aggressive with it.

Anonymous No. 117689

No, I'm not gay.

Pretty good keep going.

Anonymous No. 117694

Your level of skating is so far below the point where you should be giving anyone advice

Anonymous No. 117695

Whatever helps you sleep at night butthurt shortscuck.

Anonymous No. 117697

The Japanese Olympic girls can flip into grinds.

Anonymous No. 117702

i actually love 90s screamo but people REALLY need to stop using that shit in video parts, it does not work with skating at all

Anonymous No. 117703

People should use more goth music.

Anonymous No. 117708
would you pay reese forbes for critique?

Anonymous No. 117709


Anonymous No. 117720

>all their tricks are like so... weak
not Fabiana Delfino that's why i love watching her skate
but I agree for the most part girls really don't have that explosive pop or aggression like the average dude

Anonymous No. 117726

that part really sucked and definitely didn't make me think there are chicks who aren't weak

Anonymous No. 117740

milton martinez seems untrustworthy... his eyes are very far apart and he is also brazilian

Anonymous No. 117748

Saw a guy give a fucking awful "lesson" to a little kid today.

>kid can barely push. Isn't comfortable enough to swap stances yet. First thing I see him do is try to show the kid how to kickturn on flat, he can't even do a quarter rotation yet. Obviously very early days for him.
>guy has him going down steep banks and trying to frontside carve a sharp corner. Eats shit on the first one because he doesn't know how to stop and clips the fence. Kid can't do the full carve. Has him try twice then stop
>tries to get him to do one of those rail-to-regular flip things. Can't do it so he stops him
>next he tries to get him to ride off a curb high ledge. There's not even a half a board length run up to the drop. Doesn't tell the kid you need to manual off curbs; goes nose first, falls off. Guy stops him after one attempt

This "teacher" had a rack of kids skateboards with him and a tshirt with his logo on it, yet I didn't see him teach thay kid a single thing or even encourage him to keep trying something more than once. Thank Christ there are some actual good instructors who regular that park.

Anonymous No. 117749

Mami Tezuka fucking rips. Her Blood Wizard video is very solid, very hesh.

Anonymous No. 117751

what do you consider goth music

Anonymous No. 117754

depeche mode

Anonymous No. 117755

people should only use johnny cash for their vids

Anonymous No. 117778

yeah she's pretty good

Anonymous No. 117779

skateboard teachers are cancer and so are the parents who send their kids to them
fuck em all

Anonymous No. 117780

marilyn manson

Anonymous No. 117808

blunt 360 yeah ok

Anonymous No. 117809

Anonymous No. 117817

New thread time
