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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117816

Basic brand information for beginners:
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Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Old thread: >>116761

Post yfw skating.

Anonymous No. 117820

>refresh the page because captcha wasn't working
>keeps all of my text fields filled
>except the thread name

Thanks Moot.

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Anonymous No. 117827

/esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General, rate the heelflip I filmed.

Anonymous No. 117834


Anonymous No. 117839

Based drehobl poster in last thread

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Anonymous No. 117847

>Post yfw skating.

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Anonymous No. 117851

yeah nice thread name CHUD

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saq ooh.gif

Anonymous No. 117853

>Post yfw skating.
>trying some weird new trick you never touched before
>it's actually much easier than expected

Anonymous No. 117854

This thread is going to die because i can't find it in the catalog
w2g retard

Anonymous No. 117859

>tfw you see your skatepark crush try to fakie big spin but he misses and his body just flails around with the board flying away from him and you get the ick

Anonymous No. 117881

I would stomp on your head irl

Anonymous No. 117883

Anyone here ever gone on a sick skate roadtrip with your friends?

I'm trying to get my best mate to come over from Australia and do a hesh roadtrip around the USA, sleep in tents in skateparks and all that shit

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Anonymous No. 117885

ankle socks appreciation thread

Anonymous No. 117886

>this dude posting photos from 20 years ago to prove hes not a manchild today

Anonymous No. 117887

>that dude who cant even drop into a 2ft quarterpipe but he spends all day posting in a skateboarding forum

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Anonymous No. 117891


anyone with diy spot experience care to chime in their experience into this thread?

Anonymous No. 117894

Go back to roller blading

Anonymous No. 117900

What do you want to know? You have a whole thread of info mixed in with the usual skate autism

Anonymous No. 117908

that trooner that orbits andy anderson is pure cringe and obviously killing vibes but he visibly makes dan corrigan uncomfortable which is the only positive aspect to him

Anonymous No. 117913

imagine hanging out with the powell team and there are like 5 guys constantly just pointing their camera at their face and talking to themselves all the time

would be maddening

genuinely the most cringe team in skating. it's funny that they are like marketing themselves as some weirdo oddball team but really everyone just fucking hates them

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Anonymous No. 117919

Reminder that the skatepark is not for socializing it is for skateboarding. If you see me, say whats up and leave me alone. I dont give a shit about your car. I don't give a shit about your cat. I am here to skate for an hour and then leave, not talk for 45 minutes and skate for 10 minutes. Let me skate.

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Anonymous No. 117921

>be me
>start skating a year ago
>want friends to skate with
>ask /esg/
>”go to the skate park”
>drive by skatepark
>pretty much teens and 12 year olds
>decide to drive away
>mfw I’m 26
>mfw I can’t be friends with 12 year olds

Anonymous No. 117923

He doesn't wear socks

Anonymous No. 117924

> Reminder that the skatepark is not for socializing it is for skateboarding.
most days i just go to the skatepark to hang out and dont even skate. theres some old dudes at my local park too old to skate but they come for the conversation... juust no tweakers at the park, please... unless they skate,i guess

Anonymous No. 117925

try a different park.

Anonymous No. 117926

It’s the only park in like a 100 mile radius.

Anonymous No. 117927

>he visibly makes dan corrigan uncomfortable
kek i gotta see this, just on andersons instagram?

Anonymous No. 117928

go weekend mornings, might be some kids dragged there by a dad or two but around here those are the only times it's mostly 20+ year old guys

Anonymous No. 117929

How early? Like 6-10am?

Anonymous No. 117930

it'll be empty before 9 but yeah around here (portland suburb) 930-noon or so on a weekend it's mostly guys in their late 20s early 30s

Anonymous No. 117934

I changed my set up and in learning kickflips on it I changed my technique a bit. I tried my back foot more like my ollies and they felt much more snappy and poppy. Also delayed my flick a fraction too. Been a long time since I thought about my kickflips but hoping with more control to flip into something sometime soon.

Anonymous No. 117935

I’ll have to try to actually get up early then. Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 117938

you forgot the part where you stay on your phone for 30min intervals throughout the "skate" sesh

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Anonymous No. 117941

Rate (and name) my trick

Anonymous No. 117942

Fuck, there's this one old dude that will talk my ear off, then just drift off once I try to talk, do the same to the next guy, and the next, and will eventually pump the bowl for 5 minutes, then repeat. His son is like a less extreme version of that too.

Anonymous No. 117947

Yeah tranny skaters do be like that. Especially the shorts wearing ones. Those are the worst.

Anonymous No. 117949

I feel personally attacked

Anonymous No. 117958


who says you cannot?

Anonymous No. 117960

I'm coming to Portland tomorrow. What parks should I skate? I wanna check out west linn. Maybe burnside but it seems too gnarly for me.

Anonymous No. 117962

T. Guy who can't drop in to 1ft high mellow bank

Anonymous No. 117963

t. guy who has to deal with rectal pain 24/7

Anonymous No. 117964

I skate with the little kids at my skatepark all the time. Some are sick and some are annoying. I taught one of them how to frontside grind the bowl and he was starting to get really good but I haven't seen him in a while. Then there is this other little kid who talks constantly and is going down the path of doing street bonelesses and shit instead of actual tricks. I tried to convince him he should try grind the small quarterpipe but he's like nah I don't want to I'm just old school and I'm like lol what?

Anonymous No. 117965

>I tried to convince him he should try grind the small quarterpipe but he's like nah I don't want to I'm just old school

Based kidchad dabbing on a tranny virgin. You guys also reminded me of this kid I was skatepark homies with at one point. His parents were divorced and his mom was hot as fuck. Thanking me for looking out for him at the park and shit, saying hi to me every time. Shit was cash.

Anonymous No. 117966

Why are the skater and coomer image material circle overlap so small? 90% of sexier images aren't of people who would actually skate

Anonymous No. 117967


Anonymous No. 117968

desu i got credit carded pretty bad trying to wallie the barrier so i think maybe perpetual butthurt is simply the right of passage for trannyboomers.
once your ass bleeds enough you unlock rock n rolls

Anonymous No. 117969

>It’s the only park in like a 100 mile radius
maybe you should get into hunting and fishing instead?
where are you? that there isnt a decent park within 100 miles? north dakota?

Anonymous No. 117971

around here, weekend morning is when all the parents and kids come to ride an adult-free park

that also when all the noobie adults come out to practice by themselves

Anonymous No. 117972

>you forgot the part where you stay on your phone for 30min intervals throughout the "skate" sesh
ive noticed that if i stop to use my phone for more than a few seconds, my brain loses focus on skating. like if im on a roll and trying to film a really good clip, people will be like "look at the clip, is this good?" and ill be like "im sure its fine, just keep recording"

also i try to never make someone record more than like 3 or 4 tries in a row. and when i am filming, i always give back the recording phone after the third time they say "just one more time" lol

Anonymous No. 117974

>Fuck, there's this one old dude that will talk my ear off, then just drift off once I try to talk
those people have brain damage. learn to ignore them. i have a really good friend like that and sometimes ill tell him "dude, your talking AT me, please stop" and then he'll get visibly upset/sad cuase he knows it pisses people off, but he cant help it.

sucks to know its hereditary, i thought it was just brain damage of some sort.

Anonymous No. 117975

Most boomers legitimately do have brain damage from all the coke

Anonymous No. 117976

>Maybe burnside but it seems too gnarly for me.
burnside is a bmx park, there are plenty of parks with manual pads, rails, and 2 foot tall microramps for you

Anonymous No. 117979

Nah you unlock rock n rolls by default for being born white and with triple digit IQ.

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Anonymous No. 117982


Anonymous No. 117983

There's a park near me with beginner friendly 2ft 4ft 6ft quarterpipes separate. I am a 30yo shitter trying to skate again learning kickflip for the past year and I'm gonna fucking do it, and try and just fucking drop in and conquer stupid fears.
I can roll into it and roll down it from a run up no problem so I know I can drop in. I will make myself do it

Anonymous No. 117984

>learning kickflip
>for the past year

Someone call an ambulance.

Anonymous No. 117985

I don't get to skate every week, but I'm trying. This year I got switch ollie down, shove its, and ollieing over more stuff. I'm making progress just too slowly for some.

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Anonymous No. 118000

>who says you cannot?
lol well I mean I guess, but I just would feel extremely awkward because not only anxiety, but my cardio is pretty much nonexistent, plus the fact that I can only ride around on my board and do no tricks.
Idk man, I feel like going to the skate park alone is kinda like going to the club by yourself.

Anonymous No. 118008

>going to the skate park alone is kinda like going to the club by yourself

Nah it's not THAT bad.

Anonymous No. 118009

I skate at the the street meetup spot on my own with a 6er of beer, stop caring no one is interested in you.

Anonymous No. 118010

I did this at age 30. You feel dumb for a bit, but then you remember you're an adult and shouldn't give a shit what literal children think of you. Good skaters recognise effort first and foremost and you eventually get props and tips, wind up making friends, eventually see another person of your age and level and start skating together.

My main deal is that I just try to stay out of the way. If I can't drop in on something yet, I wait until the ramp is empty to get on top and work up the nuts to commit. Took me forever to get it consistent but now it's second nature and I can slot myself into a session, even though all I really do is pump around the bowl for 2 or 3 laps while the rest are doing actual tricks.

Anonymous No. 118011

>and a proper invert
Unf, who's that?

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Anonymous No. 118012

Are you me? I'm 31 tomorrow and have probably been trying kickflips (on and off) for a year now. Transition is friendlier to me though. Biggest drop in I've done so far was 7ish ft.

Just make sure to SLAM your front wheels into the ramp and keep your weight over them until you get to the flat. 2ft is a nice size to start on because you're less likely to really eat shit from that kind of height. Just hold on and keep your knees bent so that you can roll out safely if you bail. Use whatever trick you can to not straighten your legs on the way down and you'll be sailing. Once you stick out the first one it gets WAY easier.

Anonymous No. 118013

Alyssha Le.

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Anonymous No. 118017

>tfw you realize thinking anyone cares about what you do is rooted in pure narcissism and you free yourself from the shackles of “anxiety”

Anonymous No. 118019

Happy birthday cunt.

Anonymous No. 118023

had a dream i was just skating around and a random skateboard kid trying to hype me up was yelling for me to do a fs 180 heelflip and i sperged at him instead until he looked sad and it made me feel bad, ending the dream right there.
no i dont skate

Anonymous No. 118029


Anonymous No. 118044

the coomer content creators are in south america and spain

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Anonymous No. 118046

forgot screenshot

Anonymous No. 118048

That's the stuff. There's also that tattoo tutty chick but she doesn't do new tricks much

Anonymous No. 118050

cata diaz too but she covers up more now

Anonymous No. 118057

based, that mindset helped me kick my narc disorder...skating in general actually

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Anonymous No. 118062


Anonymous No. 118072


Anonymous No. 118075

>kick my narc disorder
you can't 'kick' narcissism retard. it's a personality disorder, you have it for life

Anonymous No. 118089


Anonymous No. 118092

Thanks fucker.

Anonymous No. 118093

Your mental health is your responsibility. If you can't rid yourselr of something, you learn to cope and work around it. Getting upset at other people looking at you because YOU feel a certain way is YOUR fault.

Anonymous No. 118096


Anonymous No. 118097

Anyone have tips for flying with a skateboard? I'm trying not to have to pay extra for having it as checked luggage. So i can either try have the whole skateboard as a personal item (I've done this in the past and it was fine) or I can take the trucks and wheels off and strap the deck to my carry on bag and hope they don't give a shit. Flying with Delta.

Anonymous No. 118098

I get real tired of people using their mental disorders as an excuse for shitty behaviour, and people coming to 4chan and saying shit like "boohoo I feel bad about this thing" then just rejecting every single suggestion to improve their lives just so they can throw a pity party. If it's because you're a narcissist, you have to learn to keep it in check.

Anonymous No. 118099

If I have check in luggage, I just put the whole board in there. If not, I just take the trucks and wheels in cary on and buy a deck there because it's usually cheaper than paying extra for the luggage. But that wholly depends on the airline.

Anonymous No. 118137

>too slowly for some.
As long as it's not too slow for you, it doesn't matter. Good job, anon.

Anonymous No. 118142

over a couple of years with actual effort and purpose you can fix any personality disorder and childhood trauma without drugs or therapists
get gud at mental health chud
>I get real tired of people using their mental disorders as an excuse for shitty behaviour, and people coming to 4chan and saying shit like "boohoo I feel bad about this thing" then just rejecting every single suggestion to improve their lives just so they can throw a pity party
good god Ive started hating these people, maybe because I was one of them

also calling healthy living habits *copes* is kinda gay but I understand it when people use it

Anonymous No. 118143

Go back faggot

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Anonymous No. 118144

Yet again some wise anon comes in to impart his wordly knowledge to a bunch of skaters. Just stick to skate talk in the skate general. Why is this so fucking hard?

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Anonymous No. 118145


Anonymous No. 118147

Kek so you're a narcissist who thinks he cured himself? That's funny

Anonymous No. 118148

Maybe "copes" isn't the right word exactly, but if it's something that you can't rid yourself of outright you have to live with it and put it in it's place, actively do things that build you up.
It's like how with skating you get people who beat themselves up and say "I'm not confident therefor I can't do X trick" and get the cart before the horse. You BECOME confident by doing X trick, you just build it up piece by piece by expanding out your comfort zone and take that small leap of faith into the new trick or whatnot. People who fly out of vert ramps don't think they're confident either. "I can't do X because I'm depressed", bitch you just try to do X anyway and on the far side of it you'll be less depressed.

Anonymous No. 118164

most people only have narc tendencies you can learn to remedy it with maturity and mindfulness

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Anonymous No. 118166

the fuck are you retards talking about? why doesnt anyone in these threads talk about anything skateboarding related.

nyjah is being sued by his coke dealer after he beat him up for skimping him

will anyone in these threads ever be able to ollie over a trash can?

what do you guys think of nellys music taste?
>Nelly is only 18, but in the short time she’s lived in New York she’s already made a name for herself. She’s a Tompkins local who makes homie edits, slams a bunch, and listens to ‘90s hardcore and emo music.

Anonymous No. 118167

I'm stuck with sciatica so I can't skate for the next few months at least. Anyone else had to deal with this bullshit and how long did it last?
>what do you guys think of nellys music taste?
don't know a single band or song on that list, so I don't think anything of it, but going off this
>‘90s hardcore and emo music.
I'm assuming it's shit.

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Anonymous No. 118170

I agree man. At my local this one kid will always corner you talk about how Jesus saved him. I love his nose mannys/grinds but I don’t need somebody preaching Christianity to me especially some born again weirdo.

I also can’t even go to this one skatepark because of this kid with mental problems will get right up in your grill and keep asking me to see my phone. Sometimes I just prefer skating alone or with people who don’t wanna be bothered.

Anonymous No. 118176

I agree with you guys. I can't go to the skatepark because all the girls there wanna fuck me and wont just let me skate in peace.

Anonymous No. 118189

christopher hiett rips man and corrigan always talks about how much he likes skating with him in videos so im not sure what youre talking about

Anonymous No. 118190

He's canadian.

Anonymous No. 118209

its just a bunch of emocore that was popular on /mu/ in 2012... NYC skaters are literally 10 years behind on art/culture

Anonymous No. 118212

>NYC skaters are literally 10 years behind on art/culture

Preach, king. Fuck these cringyass NYC posers.

Anonymous No. 118213

the Hardies vid is a good representation of how much more corny and oblivious skateboarders are now

Anonymous No. 118216

also yeah, new york skaters are peak cringe. last time they were cool
was the mid 2000s. just LARPing cornballs from Flyoverville in their 90s coaplay kits, trannies, and crime nogs and Fat creepy Bill trying to take pics of them in his apt and filming their faces and feet

Anonymous No. 118217

Oh no no no NYC shitter is gonna flip after reading this.

Anonymous No. 118219

in dans vids the troon is doing awkward shit for the sake of being different. of course he wont chat shit about his team but he doesnt have any chemistry with the guy while hes filming his lines.

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Anonymous No. 118226

> 18-year-old transplant from California that's only lived in the city for 2 years
>NYC skaters

which one of you freaks commented pic rel

Anonymous No. 118227

>18 year old didnt know what was popular on /mu/ 10 years ago
damn got her ass

Anonymous No. 118228

>going on /mu/ in any year

Lmao stop it.

Anonymous No. 118231

new de keyzer footy

Anonymous No. 118234

>that oblivious bikecuck ruining the clip

Anonymous No. 118239

new de keyzer footy

Anonymous No. 118240

he seems like the worst canadian ever

Anonymous No. 118241

i NEED to FUCK dani if bevup wont

Anonymous No. 118242

I feel bad for Bev. I feel like he's simping hard but is friendzoned. How and why did this bitch get to Germany? She has nothing to do with the fingerboarding dude that invited Bev. I bet you she didn't pay for her own shit too, yet is he inside? No.

yuki No. 118244

skateboarding is probably one of the most normal settings to see adults and children hanging out together without it seeming weird

yuki No. 118245

i am 18 and skating with 11yos i just forget theyre so much younger then me until they start talking about their school stuff lol

Anonymous No. 118246


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skate gf.png

Anonymous No. 118250

By the way I fell in love in that redhead cougar from Bev's "“Look who showed up to Germany”" video. She's a goddess.

Anonymous No. 118252

this was the sickest shit ive ever been too, no idea how the dime challenge seemed to be more popular/talked about than this

Anonymous No. 118253

>open one of those skate vlog videos
>dude bails and his board shoots out towards the wall
>where some other dude is chilling
>rolls right past him and into the wall
>literally right next to him
>he just looks at it slamming into the wall instead of stopping it

I'm so mad. Fucking cunt.

Anonymous No. 118262
whats this called

Anonymous No. 118263

I hate myself are pretty good but idk the whole screamo genre is kinda lame and everything sounds like a rip off of 4 or 5 good bands

That kid does not rip lmao he has shit troon style

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Anonymous No. 118265

Skated burnside this morning. I was only there for like 30 mins. It's too gnarly for me. I have a wedding to go to later in the week up here and I don't want to get hurt so I just rolled around and carved it. I'm staying with a friend and they live near glenhaven which is a super fun park

Anonymous No. 118266

no idea but thats a great fucking vid, the jamie thomas part in that is fucking sick

Anonymous No. 118269

do they cover up the graffiti there or is there someone always there making sure the ramps dont get painted?

Anonymous No. 118272

I don't know. There was a sign saying 'dont tag our park don't be a kook' or something. It was so slippery though, felt like it had been repainted so many times and there was like a quarter inch of paint on there.

Anonymous No. 118273

Also the whole park is on a slope, like getting enough speed to get high up on the back wall was a challenge because the slope is working against you.

Anonymous No. 118275

this is a terrible list but i remember when I was 18 and thought some of these bands were very epic.

Anonymous No. 118277

How many boards stacked do you think that trash can is? Also the picnic table?

Anonymous No. 118279

Seems like there's some pretty sick shit coming out of Portland these days, next time I've got some money I'm thinking of doing a skate vacation up there. Done it with NYC and SF already had a great time I think Portland might be the next target

Anonymous No. 118281

The homeless issue is pretty out of control here though. Like it seems like they kinda took over the downtown area. And even in the suburbs there are just random homeless camps on the corner and shit. I live in socal so I'm no stranger to it either

Anonymous No. 118282

thats funny, fdr is covered in graffitti and is super fucking slippery but nobody seems to give a shit. i guess the sign works combined with enough regulars who are willing to boot out, different culture i guess.

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Anonymous No. 118283

I'm kinda just a pussy and hate slippery painted parks. Would much rather slightly worn concrete that has a bit of bite to it

Anonymous No. 118284

because transition skating is fucking boring

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Anonymous No. 118286

Anon, you shouldn’t hate someone just because they found Jesus. I found Jesus, and if somebody wants to listen, I’ll tell em. The way I see it is God gives us a choice between him or the world. Maybe I’m wrong, but I kinda feel like we should follow that same idea.
If someone what’s to know, tell them. If somebody doesn’t, then let ‘em be.
In other words, I’m saying that it’s great he found Jesus, but he shouldn’t be telling you over and over and over.

Anonymous No. 118288

You only say that because you suck at it

Anonymous No. 118290

>NYC skaters are literally 10 years behind on art/culture
lets not pretend this is exclusive to East Coast skaters and doesn't apply to 90 percent of the skate community at large. it's even more apparent when you're terminally online, watch anything start to blow up even remotely, and have skaters catch onto it towards the tail end of it being obscure/niche and right when it starts to become boring and commercialized. this was like Bronzes entire gimmick when they first dropped

Anonymous No. 118292

Bro Jesus was the god of the Jews. He was sent by God to save them and he did save some of them but then the rest of them were too evil to be saved and they killed him and kept being Jews.

European men don't need to worship Jesus because he was never our God in the first place.

Anyway that's my schizo 2 cents.

Anonymous No. 118297

you christfags are the absolute worst. i don't even want to hear you talk about skateboarding much less whatever dog shit faith based reasoning you have going on. Growing up my town had a miniramp at the local church and they would let you ride if you listened to them BS about Jesus first. Wasn't worth it at all the vibe was exactly like that one episode of King of the Hill lol

Anonymous No. 118306
New sour footy
That manny to curved bar to manny looks like the sickest spot

Anonymous No. 118308

>European men don't need to worship Jesus because he was never our God in the first place.
Whats europes religion if not christianity?

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Anonymous No. 118309

God I want to go to FDR so bad. I wouldn't be able to do shit at it, but it's always been my favourite park from videos and the THPS games. I would love to just ride up this tall ass QP, and come out on the extended flat bit.

Anonymous No. 118311

>Bro Jesus was the god of the Jews you know why Jesus was crucified?

He'll probably say "muh old gods", but not know anything about pre-Christian spiritual practice in Europe. In short, there were lots of them but outside of the Roman sate religion or specific Greek islands, central and northern Europe had lots of different gods with folk practices that varied widely from town to town, with no central authority, holy book, or most markers of what we consider "religion" today. Even the larger, more focused ones from the Neolithic period seemed nebulous and short lived, even if they had large structures built for some sort of related tradition. And even then, we just don't know the details so any claim as to what they were or weren't is highly speculative and based on archaeology instead of written history.


Anonymous No. 118315

>shortskid can't hang on real tranny

Anonymous No. 118319

Go to burnside yourself and you'll see

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Anonymous No. 118320

It wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t so militant. Like he was talking to another christfag and was lecturing her because she didn’t think it was right for Christians to persecute gays and the whole abortion thing.

He just came off like an asshole. He’s a good dude and I don’t mind skating with him but I avoid long conversations because he’s really up his own ass about it and his friends refuse to check him about it.

It just goes back to the main point, if you’re not at the skatepark to skate then leave me alone. I’m here to challenge myself and relax not get into some intellectual debate.

Anonymous No. 118322

European men worshipped whoever was the king at the time because he was the link to the gods, all of which were based on extremely ancient and enduring archetypes. Themes of nature worship were prevalent. The other guy is right that most modern ideas of European paganism were relatively short lived although they were all still based on the same archetypes.

The Jews needed Jesus because they were/are wicked and needed to be saved but instead they just became more wicked and they killed him. Now look at them, they all live in their own personal hell where their religion is basically just 'its not Christianity' and they are all dysgenic and hated by everyone in the world. Dumb fuckers were given a chance and they BLEW it.

Anonymous No. 118323

Isn't that shit in portland? Fuck no.

Anonymous No. 118326

>start trying out kickflips
>doesnt flick or spin at all, the board just shoots out infront; leveled like a boned ollie
>start trying out heelflips
>the board spins quickly and I can catch with 1 foot already in the first 3 tries
I thought heelflips were harder? Or is it just me...probably gonna drill heelflips first if this shit continues.

Anonymous No. 118327

You're not landing either so they're equally as hard for you.

Anonymous No. 118328

yea for me heelflip felt way more natural at first as well but some people it's the opposite. Try a more exaggerated foot placement with the kickflip, like I kinda feel like I'm standing on my board diagonally rather than straight on. If your feet are in the right place you can almost just do a normal ollie motion and the board will flip

Anonymous No. 118335

Why is skateboarding so fucking cringe now? What the fuck this kookilyass shit?

Anonymous No. 118336

women have always been cringe

Anonymous No. 118338

All of the faggot enabler men are cringe too.

Anonymous No. 118342

Women and simps

Anonymous No. 118346

You guys think it's lame wearing skate brand clothing if you don't skate anymore? I really wish I could but my body is so destroyed by injuries it literally cannot keep up. Like I can ride my board if I wanted to, but I don't do any real skating anymore. I still watch skate videos and think about it every day. If I don't technically skate then what makes me different from any of those thrasher wearing college campus cruiserfaggots? In everyone else's eyes I'm the same type of person. If a skater wants to test me and ask me to do a kickflip I'll either eat shit most likely or say something about muh knee or hamstring or back like I'm making excuses up. At the same time there's a Polar sweater I like. What a depressing situation,

Anonymous No. 118347

Also I don't even cruise because if I can't skate for real I don't want to touch a skateboard. It really weighs on me knowing that if I ride by a cool spot I won't be able to do any trick on it. What's the point in skating then? Just riding around is fucking stupid.

Anonymous No. 118348

was me LOL >>118209

Anonymous No. 118349

howwwwwwwwwwwwww long does my fucking turf toe take to heal............................................... i want to skate its been a month now. shits gayer than a rolled ankle

Anonymous No. 118350

who cares what people think of you.. especially if your an old man destroyed by injuries... by your late 20s/early 30s u should be pretty secure in yourself and not give a fuck about shit

Anonymous No. 118355

This doesn't help. It's not about not caring.

Anonymous No. 118356

yeah you care too much about having pride. just wear the polar clothes gramps, accept skating is another sport with mass appeal. its not normal to call people out for wearing nhl hats/jerseys while theyre not actively competing in a minor league.

Anonymous No. 118357

>wearing nhl hats/jerseys while theyre not actively competing in a minor league

That's completely different.

Anonymous No. 118358

THAAAT is correct
>like I kinda feel like I'm standing on my board diagonally rather than straight on
oh you mean youre opening your shoulders a bit like if doing a fs 180? anyway will try an exaggerated stance next time fo sure

Anonymous No. 118360

Just got the Spitfire Tyshawns and another Antihero Huffer for £50 on sale to sit on for a while. I love that shape so much, I don't think I can go back to normal popsicles now.

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Anonymous No. 118364

this is the only shirt you should be wearing

Anonymous No. 118370

I think what's happening there is that you're doing that dumb tip everyone says in that you're dragging the side of your foot from behind the bolts towards the nose....but all of that contact with the grip is just catching and your board is flying forward before you can even reach the nose.

IMO, and what works for me, it's better to think of it as flicking the heelside pocket of the nose with the very tip of your shoe. This involves flicking your ankle a bit, which feels weird or weak at first but gets stronger over time. You don't need to make contact with any other part of the board if you flick that point.

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Anonymous No. 118372


Anonymous No. 118381

Dude i fucking hate posers so much.

Anonymous No. 118390

>that dumb tip everyone says in that you're dragging the side of your foot from behind the bolts towards the nose....but all of that contact with the grip is just catching
good god...I just realised I got that dumb tip from Braille and have been doing that motion in my practice steps...
>flicking the heelside pocket of the nose with the very tip of your shoe
yeah this makes much more sense, and will probably work better with my chuck toe cap

Anonymous No. 118394

I don't like when I forget to clip my toenails and they end up stabbing my toes while I'm skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 118398

any beginners in south FL? I feel like learning alone makes me look like I browse 4chan in my free time

Anonymous No. 118399

too bad faggot strobeck is probably too "cool" to ever get called out or canceled. i just hate his filming and the faggot filmers that copy his horrible style

Anonymous No. 118400

Did strobeck say something naughty? And comon dude. Strobecks shitty filming style is much better than the alternative. Which is like "primitive define" super HD cameras and soulless angles with 0 thought put in.

Anonymous No. 118401

Lol same. What did he do that should get him cancelled?

Anonymous No. 118405

Strobecks current filming style is like a caricature of his past style and I can’t stand it. Plenty of other filmers/editors came up this decade and put all of his filming to shame. You have a lot of talented film makers in skating right now who don’t fit under the umbrella of either being Bill or jocking his style

Anonymous No. 118406

Interesting. I will admit his newer stuff does look like he's trying to give the audience what he thinks they want instead of just making what he thinks looks cool. The last skate video I watched and thought was really well made was toy machine programming injection, but for the most part modern skate vids don't do it for me. Shit music and too well polished.

Anonymous No. 118408

funny you mention the Toy Machine video because Don Luong is someone who I was thinking about when I made that post, who is currently running the show at Tum Yeto. Logan Lara, Johnny Wilson, Jacob Harris, Ben Chadourne, Benny Maglinao and Joey Sinko are all standout filmers/editors right now. the big names of yesteryear feel stale and creatively stuck. the last Greg Hunt (Mindfield, DC Video, Sight Unseen) video, Alright Ok with Crockett and Berle was such a terrible project.

Anonymous No. 118422

Many Jews believed he truly was the son of God. And wrong. Jesus is the way for everyone, man. Jew and gentile.
Hey man, at the end of the day I’m not the one here spreading hate. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow, I’ll pray for you before I go to sleep, and God bless you man. :) <3 Oh and if you’re trying to land a new trick, I hope you get it soon!
I understand, man. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t get people who get mad either. Like perfect example is when I started searching for Jesus, I was watching a guys live stream and simply asked-
“As a Christian, is it necessary to spread the word of God?”
He then proceeded to answer in an almost hostile way. I don’t get it. The Bible teaches you to love your neighbor and your enemy you know?
Anyway, I get it. Some people I agree can go a bit overboard.

Anonymous No. 118425


Anonymous No. 118426

Oh btw, Viva La Bam; awesome show, I need to check that out again someday.
Too bad he took the oath he did with drugs and alcohol. Last time I heard he relapsed again.
Sad, man. I say if he coulda still been up there with Tony Hawk if he woulda focused on skating.

Anonymous No. 118428

Wearing skate brand clothing is normiepilled at this point. Leave that shit for the rats

Anonymous No. 118432

It's not just Braille that gives that tip. I've seen a dozen tutorials that have people "practice" by just standing still with the tail down and grinding their shoe down over and over because it "helps" somehow. Yet look at ANY slow mo clip of someone landing a kickflip and their shoe only makes contact with the nose pocket when they kick (maybe very lightly skimming the rest of the board every now and then).

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Anonymous No. 118435

For someone who fucking agonizes over tiny fashion faux pas, boy did he fuck up.

Anonymous No. 118438

lil nigga balding

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this all time fav....jpg

Anonymous No. 118440

>“As a Christian, is it necessary to spread the word of God?”
Coming from a traditional slav Christian family and learning there are more religions and spiritual teachings then just; Jesus, Islam, Jahve - the western Gods; it really depends on the person on how; if at all hes gonna spread his religious teachings. Some are patient reactive mentors while others are more like proactive zealots. To each his own I guess


yea youre right, honestly Ive stopped binging skate help/tips and tricks videos and just watch 1 or 2 before trying out a new trick, it really is pointless after the first cause you will only ever learn by practicing. Also yea watching how pros do any trick in slow-mo and focusing on their legs, shoulders and hips always helps me, but visual learning is my thing tho... eh, kinda sad 80% of skate content on youtube is just that; mindless tricks and tips videos for posers/consoomers or complete novices...

tnx for reading my blog
definetly gonna skate in my next timbs lmao

Anonymous No. 118447

Romain Batard (bataard) before he started working for vans was also a top tier filmer but is now just another cog in the mill making some of the most mudane HD/filmburn montages to date…a shame really!

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Anonymous No. 118451

>Some are patient reactive mentors while others are more like proactive zealots. To each his own I guess
Yeah, that makes sense I suppose.
Speaking of skating, My friends hit me up yesterday and wanted to go to the skate park. They haven’t skated since they were kids. Long story short I made a friend named Rod and the funny thing is my name’s Rodney. And yeah, I prayed for God to send me friends skate with. So that was pretty awesome considering I never leave my house. Haha
I’ve been skating for the past year. Usually just never leaving my porch or the concrete pad that I park on. And I can confidently say that I probably got further yesterday than I have the entire year of skating on my porch. AND I made a friend.
>pic not related

Anonymous No. 118455


Anonymous No. 118467

>thrasher x lacoste collab

Fucking lacoste though? Do even regularass people like lacoste? I've never ever seen anyone hyped on lacoste ever. The only time I've seen people wear it is those basic bitch white shoes wearing bitches.

Anonymous No. 118470

I have no idea why they did that shit. So fucking lame. Thrasher has really gone downhill since jake Phelps died

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Anonymous No. 118471

Also you can't convince me that this dude isn't some satanist or whatever the fuck these weirdos do. Can't even confirm he's a real human. Look at this kookilyass nigga.

Anonymous No. 118477

lacoste polos were guido drip during 2002-2007

Anonymous No. 118483

im tired of women thinking they can have opinions in skateboarding. you don't get to start skating a year ago, be barely able to ollie and then have anyone in skating take your opinion seriously. no male in that situation would get any kind of respect

Anonymous No. 118486

the world is fucked because most men are simps and care about what women think of them. that is legit like the main reason everything is fucked

Anonymous No. 118489

We should beat women.

Anonymous No. 118491

we don't even need to beat them, people just need to stop putting pussy on a pedestal and caring if women like them or.not

Anonymous No. 118493

Wahhh wimminnnn pee pee poo poo blahhhhhh shut the fuck up
Nicole’s part finally dropped lfg

Anonymous No. 118496

that was shit

Anonymous No. 118497

meant for >>118493

Anonymous No. 118499

Plus beating them. Plus beating faggots like >>118493

Anonymous No. 118501

No that's cool

Anonymous No. 118502

The same can be said for ollies, your foot only catches the nose, but you still instruct people that you slide your foot up the board.

Anonymous No. 118504

>you still instruct people that you slide your foot up the board

Because you literally do.

Anonymous No. 118507

The problem I notice when seeing people trying to learn to kickflip isn't that "their sliding their foot too far up the board" or whatever, it's that they aren't flicking fast enough. Once you master kickflips it becomes clear that it doesn't really matter where you put your front foot as long as you've got a speedy flick, you can kickflip. It's good to learn to kickflip with your foot close to the nose and with your foot more in the center because both are useful for future tricks. Closer to the nose for quickly flicking into grinds and slides and further back for kickflipping higher. Same goes for tre flips.

Anonymous No. 118509

You can't flip into no grinds or slides.

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Anonymous No. 118511

Should I learn smiths or hurricanes today /esg/?

Anonymous No. 118512

>And yeah, I prayed for God to send me friends skate with. So that was pretty awesome considering I never leave my house. Haha
haha thats relatable...dont know if its just the ebb and flow of space, astral manifestation or just plain God that does those things...but the more I am in tune with myself and the world around me; the more that it *rewards* me and I get the opportunity to get in touch with what I truly desired. Funny how spirits work sometimes. Shred on bro youre gonna make it

>thrasher x lacoste collab
I barfed after the first 3 designs. Braindead ironic corpo fanbiggotry have never been so easily perceived for what they are. Complete tasteless shit. jenkem>>>>>thrasher

how about you incels start viewing girls for what they actually are(girls) and not be bikering bitter children yourself?
this guy fucks
smiths are more sexy, smith that pool coping tranny bro

Anonymous No. 118516

Um actually if you watch any advanced ollier you would see that the foot pulls back as the board goes vertical then goes right into scooping the nose.

Anonymous No. 118519

shut up incel

um actually ur wrong

Anonymous No. 118522

ime, it's the ollie part that makes it tough
usually ppl at my park get the flick down but the board ends up twirling in front of their faces instead of below their feet
for me when i started really focusing on getting a good ollie/pop/shoulders inline, my kickflip consistency went up a lot.

Anonymous No. 118525

i guess that tranny skatepark stalker in these threads finally got a boyfriend

Anonymous No. 118526

yea honestly u dont even need to flick.. u just ollie in a diaganal motion and as ur foot slips off the board it will naturally give a little flick... try right now in ur room just sliding ur foot diag instead of straight and ull notice if ur foot has good pressure/grip on the slide like a good ollie should it will naturally flick it enough for a single kickflip

Anonymous No. 118527

No, I'm right. Not that your foot does or does not touch, but the point I am making that that part of the motion is the same for an ollie or kickflip.

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Anonymous No. 118529

girl skaters should be required to
flash a bit of booba in their parts to keep things interesting

Anonymous No. 118532

useless post

Anonymous No. 118533

how many instagram followers do i need to make it pro

Anonymous No. 118535

Um actually it's not because you still don't get it
>okay little Timmy to kickflip just flick the nose, just be sure not to touch the grip on the way to it!

Anonymous No. 118537

Thanks man. <3
It was God, man. No other explanation.
Also, thanks man. <3 God bless you.

Anonymous No. 118539

Pick one, you can’t have both.

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Anonymous No. 118548

what are they called then

Anonymous No. 118551


Anonymous No. 118553

White boy good bone structure shaved head is peak effay.

Anonymous No. 118554

It's not even the Ollie part it's the lifting your knees part. Beginners really struggle with that for some reason.

Anonymous No. 118557

honestly glad these general are nothing but miserable fucks arguing you all suck and don't deserve genuine discussion about skateboarding. it's what you deserve. I'm going back to trolling and derailing threads after this one. fuck you faggots, die, eat shit.

Anonymous No. 118563

I bet you wear vans.

Anonymous No. 118564

last resort ab and converse ctas only

Anonymous No. 118565

go back to your containment zone and seethe harder

Anonymous No. 118566

>t. can't kickflip

Anonymous No. 118567

So you just copy gifter hater?

Anonymous No. 118581

what skate shoes (or any recs) have regular/D heel width with a wide toebox like pf flyers?

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Anonymous No. 118606

german diy dood here.

This is a lil teaser for the upcoming halloween event at our diy. Come over if you like but wear a costume!

Anonymous No. 118607


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Anonymous No. 118608

>friend asked me if I wanted to go back to the skate park today
>still sore from the other day
>hurts getting up and sitting down
Should I still hit up Rod and see if he wants to go with us?

Anonymous No. 118609

just cruise bro.
you don't gotta prove anything to anyone

Anonymous No. 118611


Anonymous No. 118613

Nice dude. Maybe I will check it out, the video from last year looked fun.

Anonymous No. 118616

Yeah looks sick

Anonymous No. 118620

No man. I hate cruising. It's like this really hot chick telling you you can only get a kiss on cheek. Fuck that.

Anonymous No. 118623

Buy the gear, support the brand's, fuck the haters.

Anonymous No. 118625


Anonymous No. 118628

What if it's Hockey?

Anonymous No. 118667

what flat ground tricks should i avoid if i want to avoid head injuries?

Anonymous No. 118675

Are there shoe soles that protect food from premo?

Anonymous No. 118677

can i get tips on calf exersizes? i am goofy been skating since a child on and off. Pretty decent at flat ground basic shit like kickflips popshuves ollies, but ive been crusing on a surfskate for fun these past few days. Pushing has made me left calf super sore its basiclly been sore for 2 weeks now. How do i work my other calf? should i just say fuck it and learn to push switch? what work outs should i do? does anyone else have this problem? When i do skate flatground i get similar porblems but it evens out cause my front leg and ass will be sore while my left will be sore somewhere else

Anonymous No. 118678

non just buy hand/palm guards if your nervious. Learn to fall and learn to break the fall with your hands. also saves your ass when falling at a good speed when you are outside. head injuries get very serious when you start doing stairs

Anonymous No. 118687

I watched the Tony Hawk documentary and now when ever I think of skateboarding I do so in a Rodney Mullen monologue. Please help

Anonymous No. 118688

Just so some calf raises.
When I fucked my ankle my calf got weak. I'd do 20 raises on a little step into my kitchen when making my coffee, lunch, dinner etc.
Or look up some yoga on YouTube. One legged stances etc helps build all round leg strength. Found my pop was better when I came back after all the exercises.

Anonymous No. 118690


Anonymous No. 118696

reminder to not let your shoe slide on the griptape, just flick the nose (somehow?)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 118697

How long do you guys skate? 30 yr old boomer here and a 3 hr sesh destroys me now. Kinda rough cause I'm in decent shape. Anyone do anything for recovery?

Re: Kickflips I slide my foot up like an Ollie then flick to the side. The first 50% I'd say is just an Ollie but then I flick where I just kick the pocket before the nose (not the nose). Only difference at the start to the Ollie is I hang my front foot to the side so the outside ball of my foot is just inside the rail. The flicks a bit delayed so it's pop first then kick.
However every time I try explain this to people I start over thinking them and feel like I need to relearn without thinking. So I'm probably missing something..

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Mark Gonzales – T....webm

Anonymous No. 118699

Embrace mob flips

Anonymous No. 118709

Hell yeah

These guys are just BARELY scraping the space behind the nose. All these kickflip tutorials tell you to really DRAG your shoe along the length of the board before reaching the nose and flicking. They'll have you stand there and wreck the entire side of your shoe for minutes at a time, then when it comes to actually doing the trick, you wind up getting too much purchase too far back on the board and just wind up kicking it away from you without flipping it. And it's made worse by fresh griptape.
The target should be the heelside of the nose. You'll wind up LIGHTLY grazing along the rest of the board as you bring your foot to that target.

Anonymous No. 118737

new polar vid finally dropped

Anonymous No. 118739

I'm going to watch it in a while!!

Anonymous No. 118768

broke my foot skating today
wish me luck, anons. pretty bummed rn

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Anonymous No. 118777

>be me
>reconnect reconnect with friend from old high school
>his cousin lives with him and has no job
>literally goes everywhere with him outside of work
>long story short we start going to the skate park
>cousin comes too
>I’m the only one with a board
>they ask if we can share
>sure. no big deal.
>we have a blast
>2nd time we go he buys a bmx bike
Wouldn’t be my choice, but ok to each is own.
>cousin comes again
I mean he’s ok, but it’s one of those situations where he’s kinda there and you pretty much have to be friends, so you know.
>this time he uses my board I’m gonna say literally half the time we’re there
>anytime I take a break, he’s on it
>gets to the point where I feel like I have to wait to use my own board
I mean I’m a nice guy, and at the end of the day it’s literally just plywood, but it kinda gets to a point where it’s not fun if I have to wait to use my own board.
What would you do, and am I the bad guy in this situation?
I think my friend maybe feels the same way, because he and I kept mentioning how he should get a board, but dudes so broke he can’t even afford a Walmart board.

Anonymous No. 118778

Meant to say
>reconnect with old friend from high school

Anonymous No. 118786

I'm just going to say it. I don't enjoy Dreamland skateparks. They are too damn hard to skate

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Anonymous No. 118787

Forgot pic of this godforsaken skatepark

Anonymous No. 118788

yeah that's ridiculous

Anonymous No. 118798

is my flick down weak or is it logically harder to pop with 55mm tall trucks+risers and 58mm wheels

Anonymous No. 118799

Yes of course, you have further to push the board down when you have bigger wheels and trucks

Anonymous No. 118800

Polar definitely has the best team in skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 118801

I just tell people no because if they get hurt then I could be sued, which I'm pretty sure is true.

Anonymous No. 118802

are there any street skaters i can watch that run a similar setup?

Anonymous No. 118803

The biggest wheels you should be skating is 55mm thats already massive. Do not use risers ffs, ya pleb.

Anonymous No. 118810

Good luck bro. If it's any consolation, often times breaks are quicker and cleaner to heal that sprains. What sort of recovery time are you looking at?

Anonymous No. 118811

Agh, hate that. I normally don't let people borrow my board unless they already have their own (mostly just so they can get a feel for a different setup). Does your local shop do second hand boards? Usually you can put something together from old parts people aren't using that's going to be better than a Walmart board.

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pop your board.jpg

Anonymous No. 118812

Put your foot further back on the tail, even to the point your little toe is hanging off the edge.

Anonymous No. 118820

you forgot to label whatever that long thing under your feet is with the round things under it

Anonymous No. 118827

what’s the history behind that strong victory push after landing a trick in videos (or just in general)? I just started noticing it over the last few year although I’m not a very observant person and been out of the loop with skating for a while so I’m sure it’s been around for ages, I know the last push ender in pj ladds hwl is pretty iconic but when watching the polar dudes do it in this new vid I was look cool whatever but they kind of over did it and idk looks kinda silly everytime I notice it now, fucking hilarious when the trick is kinda whack and they do it lol

Anonymous No. 118829

I was like*

anyways all that to say that simply riding away normal looks way better 9 out of 10. T funk also another huge offender of the victory push although it’s usually after something pretty gnarly

Anonymous No. 118831

Idk, I don't remember it happening when I was growing up in the 00s

Anonymous No. 118832

Yeah the polar video

Anonymous No. 118833

Emile Laurent skates like it’s his first time picking up a board after long 3 month break lmao he’s fun to watch but never really seems dialed idk how to explain it, he is so chaotic.

Anonymous No. 118842

First 30 seconds and it's already some man child assaulting a security guard because he can't land his little trick

Wow can't wait to see where this shit goes

Anonymous No. 118843

i rather watch trite b roll footage shot n 8mm than security guards doing their jobs but im glad that weird era of filming homeless people for b roll footage is over now that shit was beyond cringe.

Anonymous No. 118844

>strobeck style filming
>no tranny

it's a no from me

Anonymous No. 118845

yeah homeless people aren't really a novelty anymore i guess.

Anonymous No. 118849

What's the perfect skatepark? Mine is:
>kidney bowl, 5ft shallow, 8ft deep, pool coping
>4ft mini ramp with 6ft extension
>a big flat area with just a manual pad/ledge, flat bar and bank to be used as a containment zone for street skaters, similar to those parks in nyc

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Anonymous No. 118851

>what do you mean the park doesn't have 4 different types of rails, 6 ledges, 3 stair sets, a wall ride feature, a curved ledge, a chair with angle iron on it, a green section, a bump to bar, a rainbow rail, a pole jam, a mile of curb and a fake fire hydrant
>how else am I meant to learn to skate street

Anonymous No. 118852

Fortunately, I didn’t have to say anything. They went and bought what I assume is an element complete on Facebook marketplace for like 30 bucks.

Anonymous No. 118855

There's a lil bit of tranny. Rozenberg is literally the best transition skateboarder on earth.

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Anonymous No. 118856

the perfect park is the Seattle space needle park

Anonymous No. 118857

That security guard was being a dick. There is no reason to sit there other than to be a cunt.

Anonymous No. 118860

Americans be like
i suffer as a street skateboarder in the u s and a
euro folk be like
you have multiple parks?

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Anonymous No. 118862

>check polar skate co video
>expect a bunch of footage from sweden as it's a swedish company
>most clips aren't even from sweden

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Anonymous No. 118875


Anonymous No. 118907

*euro folx

Anonymous No. 118909

He's doing his job. Gotta pay the bills. Professional skateboarders are just insufferable people with no understanding for what life is like for normal people

Anonymous No. 118911

>security guards are just insufferable people with no understanding for what life is like for normal people

fixed that for ya

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neo blocks.gif

Anonymous No. 118914

>having a good sesh
>no comply 180s are locked in now, did some nice shuvs and pop shuvs, clinched a shitty kickflip
>pretty happy, wasn't planning on going ham, feeling tired
>suddenly the gods bless me, I can see the reality behind reality in the last 20 mins and get a tonne of first makes
>proper sweeper instead of my usual one where I put my back foot on the tail before dropping in
>realise I can kick it high enough grab it into a varial, get a baby one second try
>put down a sweeper badly one time so that the back wheels are on the deck, manage to get back into the ramp anyway (have never done a fakie rock or roll in before)
>finally get proper 5050 stalls and grinds where I level out on the deck of the ramp
>accidentally do a smith stall on one of the attempts and manage to hold it
>feeling fucking fantastic on my board in general
>random dude is skating past me on the way home, we high five each other
>catch one of those little nose pop pickup things when I normally totally fuck them up

God damn what a night. Skating is the fucking best. Christ, I feel like I suddenly mutated into someone who can balance on their board.

Anonymous No. 118923

All for a drop in 50-50 grind..

Anonymous No. 118924

He didn't have to sit right in front of where the guy was skating. Just call the real police and get out of the way you fucking rent a cop.

Anonymous No. 118934

Doc said about 4 weeks. It sucks because I just got the new dragon wheels. They came in the next day after I broke it and I was super stoked to try them out. Oh well just gotta wait I guess :(
Also sorry for the late reply. I only check this general every now and then because people are more interested in arguing about the same shit everyday and drama over skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 118951

Always remember; there is no skateboard

Anonymous No. 118963

Oh that's not bad at all! Two of my friends were taken out for almost 4 months now. Didn't get to skate with them all summer.

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Anonymous No. 118965

Alright, so I've been pushing regular for long enough now that it feels as natural if not more natural than mongo, and here's some shit I've noticed.

>you can't thrown down into mongo
You totally can. You can do it with either hand too. Just as fast too wit ha little practice.
>you can't turn mid push
Literally the same as regular
>it's more unbalanced/your nose wants to turn when it hits things
Only if you're so far back on the tail that your heel is reaching past the bolts, which is a stupid way to stand that no one does and is equivalent to standing on the nose. You keep your foot much closer to the centre and it's balanced just fine
>it looks dumb

True facts
>setting up for pops takes a moment longer
Totally true and probably the only significant, inescapable disadvantage of mongo. HOWEVER it makes setting up for nollie and nose tricks just as fast
>it makes pushing in either stance much easier
Getting used to using both legs is super handy and usually saves me from bumping against a wall or having a weak push if I'm skating on something narrow. Same for switch pushing
>it gives you "bad" habits for how you turn you body
Have been noticing the more recently. Because of how you have to pivot your back foot, it normally leaves my toe hanging over the edge. Likewise, getting used to opening your shoulders that way gave me a habit that makes some tricks harder to catch. It does make FS ollies easier though. Also it seems to make any sort of no comply type trick where you pressure pop the board much easier.

I literally think people have been saying "mongo is bad" mostly out of parroting other people's opinions, and because the typical set of tricks people learn first doesn't gel too well with mongo or will give you habits that you don't see in tutorials. Otherwise, being able to push both ways is super fucking handy.

Anonymous No. 118966

Literally just tell him to get his own board lmao. I had some nigger run up to me at a skatepark and ask to use my shit and I just told him to fuck off and get his own.

Just tell your friends cousin to do the same. If he really wants to skate he’ll come up with the money

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Anonymous No. 118973

>Been skating for many years, alright at tricks though still struggling to tre flip
>come across a youtube video "how to skate for adults"
>watch all the way through even though I can already skate
>completely inspired by some old guy who doesn't care about tricks, doesn't feel any pressure, just cruises around alone and has a great time
>become convinced that riding around on smooth wheels, traveling to different cities just to cruise around will cure my depression

Ordered a Landyachtz dinghy. What do you think of my plan

Anonymous No. 118975

should have got a boosted board

Anonymous No. 118978

Typing all of this to defend mongo pushing

Anonymous No. 118988

Stick to your plan...if you can see it its gonna hapen
Think it dream it do it

Anonymous No. 118990

Can't take my eyes of the order tracking. Hype

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Anonymous No. 118991

I had a dream I was skating again bros...

Anonymous No. 118993

will i be bullied at the skatepark if i dress like a hobo instead of dripped out in skate brands

Anonymous No. 118994

Dressing like a hobo is the skate style.

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Anonymous No. 118997

fucking love skate dreams. Had one the other day where I was barefoot skating on one of those old 70's yellow bannana things (pic related), but suddenly everything made so much sense, my balance was flawless and I was powersliding around and carving like a god. Firecrackered down a set of stairs and felt like I could have done it forever my balance was so on point. Remember thinking that I couldn't wait to get on my actual deck cause these skills would be totally transferable and then I could whatever I wanted and get to look really cool.

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Anonymous No. 119000

But bro for me it's like when you're a kid and you're done playing on your gameboy and you put it on your night stand and go to bed then wake up and you turn around to grab it and start playing but you realize that was a dream and you can't actually play.

Anonymous No. 119016

It literally doesn't matter what you look like, just fucking skate.

Anonymous No. 119025


Anonymous No. 119026

Reminded me of the time, growing up in bumfuck, no-smooth-paths Ireland, watching Lords of Dogtown, dreaming about having an old school board, then randomly spotting one in the river while relaxing one day, but being unable to reach it.

It's bittersweet. You wake up knowing that you can't do all those tricks in real life BUT the fact you can visualise yourself doing them so clearly means it's very fucking possible.

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Anonymous No. 119028

Wanna get a helmet and pads.
What do you recommend?
Best rated one is like 50 bucks. But others are like half the price. Idk.

Anonymous No. 119038

Triple 8, or 18 Killer Pads. Don't even bother with anything else. You can often find them on sale, but they're usually a little more expensive. They're a world apart in quality from whatever else you see out there and, honestly, the only two brands worth a damn. Usually the cheaper shit is awfully made and degrades or breaks super fast, doesn't fit very well/will basically just be a cap that will slip off if you actually fall on them and not protect shit, and will be just as if not more uncomfortable to wear.

The Sweatsaver Triple 8 helmet is great too. It comes with extra padding options so you can go up/down a size and is as well made as a skate helmet can be.

Anonymous No. 119039

*187 Killer pads

Anonymous No. 119040

S1 because their helmet actually fits me comfortably. 187 for knee/elbow pads. Whatever company you buy it from make sure it's an actual certified helmet. Those dickheads sell non impact rated models that don't do shit if you actually fall.

Anonymous No. 119053

187 for pads and S1 for helmets, just like the other guy said.

Anonymous No. 119055

Fuck I'm so over skating right now. I've skated like twice every day for the past week because I was up in Oregon and wanted to check out all the parks. I went to skate my local tonight and I could barely do anything. Need to take a few days off to recover bros

Anonymous No. 119089

Same. My legs and abs are fucked.

Anonymous No. 119092

>the fact you can visualise yourself doing them so clearly means it's very fucking possible

No it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 119107

Does anyone else worry that with all this global unrest we will one day not be able to skate? I know it sounds childish but I worry about it. Boards and shoes might get too hard to come by and the gas price to get to the skatepark is already becoming really expensive.

Anonymous No. 119115

I'm already not able to skate. You not being able to skate too is only justice for my suffering.

Anonymous No. 119116

Fuck off cunt, why do you even come to these threads?

Anonymous No. 119117

Because I can, pussy. What's up with it?

Anonymous No. 119119

You don't even skate

Anonymous No. 119120

Post a 10 second webm of you skating.

Anonymous No. 119121

stop reading /pol/shit it will melt your brain. if youre concerned about the future then only focus on getting rich, fiat currency is never going away even if its inflated to nothing

Anonymous No. 119129

jesus fucking christ ventures are like cheat codes for manuals

Anonymous No. 119133

New thred

Anonymous No. 119285

Are the $50 187 pads worth it?

Anonymous No. 119781

skaters who are blind or have no legs can fuck right off. im tired of seeing that shit