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🧵 /ESG/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 119132

easily searchable edition
Basic brand information for beginners:
> (embed)
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:
Trick Tip: pop them bigs

Old thread:

Anonymous No. 119134

Post a 10 second webm of yourself skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 119138

>stop reading /pol/shit
Dude what planet are you living on? Even if you were to never go on /pol/ for a day in your life you'd still be able to see how gas doubling and probably tripling in price over the past year is going to make everything in our lives more expensive, including skate gear. God help you if you live in a flyover state.

Anonymous No. 119142

I'm 30, I had tried skateboarding a few years back but my buddy left the city and I gave up, how could I get back into it on my own?
How do I get good fast at it? I live in a big city (Barcelona), I don't mind a few scratches. Any advice is welcomed.

Anonymous No. 119144

Get on skateboard. Have fun. There you go. The secret to skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 119148

Thanks, crazy how I used to not overthink shit back then...

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119150

>Make skateboarding /pol/-free again
The climbing thread has this, I think it's good to adopt it. We're here to talk about skateboarding not global fucking unrest. /pol/tards can suck a fat chode, they keep shitting up this website for the rest of us normal people.

Anonymous No. 119151

I bought a Polar deck because the video was so good.

Anonymous No. 119153

We were all chilling shooting and shit and you the one who brought up /pol/ out of nowhere you tumor.

Anonymous No. 119154

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119155

It was brought up here in the old thread
and extrapolated upon here
Keep that shit in the containment board >>>/pol/ and let's focus on grinding that rail instead.

Anonymous No. 119156

I didn't ask, retard. Fuck off with your schizo /pol/ obsession.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119162

>I didn't ask
I didn't care.
>Fuck off with your schizo /pol/ obsession.
Fuck off with your negativity.

Anonymous No. 119163

If you want to be taken seriously then don't throw childish insults in with your points. Also, go back.

Anonymous No. 119164

Has anyone here done the kneesovertoesguy stuff? I saw Ben Degros mention it in his video, using those exercises to recover from his knee injury. I blew my ankle out about a year and a half ago and it's been stuck at about 80% healed for 8-10 months now. I'm thinking I'll give it a go see if I can get more from it.

Also Ish 9 club was cool. I liked hearing some behind the scenes stuff on Shane O'Neill. He's a bit on an enigma to me. Both seem like good guys.

Anonymous No. 119166



Anonymous No. 119167

This is 4chan you retarded nigger stop trying to regulate boards and fucking let people be

Anonymous No. 119168

Don't call me that.

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Anonymous No. 119169

Everytime I try to have genuine skateboarding discussion here it falls flats. It's like you're all autistic or something. You deserve/pol/ schizo posting frankly.

Anonymous No. 119170

Don't tell me you're the 30 year old kid asking how to skate.

Anonymous No. 119171

>this is 4chan your retarded...
there is nothing that reveals you more as some 2016ish election newfag than saying shit like this.

Anonymous No. 119172

2016 was 12 years ago.

Anonymous No. 119173

ive been skating since 2001 and been on 4chan since 2009. how bout you

Anonymous No. 119174

2000 and 2008.

Anonymous No. 119176

where do you think you are?

Anonymous No. 119178

why did all skaters that look exactly the same in 2009 with the fucking nikes and shoelace belts evolve into the same type of guy that now wears cargo pants, nikes and blank hoodies
is this just the natural order of things or something

Anonymous No. 119180

its called fashion retard, styles/trends change. cool old nik stain footage tho

Anonymous No. 119181

The skaters that wore nikes put on a hoodie? Crazy.

Anonymous No. 119182

what was your first board (both 4chan and skating) mine was a birdhouse complete and /b/

Anonymous No. 119184

A brown board with a fish on it and /a/.

Anonymous No. 119185

nike confirmed worst thing to happen to skateboarding, actual npc shoes

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Anonymous No. 119186

>be me
>recently start going to skate park regularly with friends
>ride an 8.0” board
>friend buys 4 cheap boards on Facebook
>one is an 8.0” wide penny type board
>slightly shorter than my normal board
>small tail
>nose is just a point
>wide soft cruiser wheels
>same truck width
>I was rolling down all the ramps as my normal board
>coming up from that doing reverts
>balancing and kinda “dancing” on the back wheels going side to side on flat
>actually accomplish a handful of drop ins whereas I could not on my normal board
>friends are insistent I’m doing better on that little board than my normal board
>they say I’m more confident
>they say the stuff I do is less sketchy
Should I just get a little board like this and go full on Dogtown?

Anonymous No. 119187

Youtube skateboarding (revive/braille) was worse.

Anonymous No. 119188

How many times are you gonna make these posts bro?

Anonymous No. 119189

im guessing it's the wide soft cruiser wheels giving you extra stability and confidence

Anonymous No. 119191

Fuck nike but those little Chinese kids do make damn good shoes I must admit.

Anonymous No. 119192

nice I hated mine

Anonymous No. 119194

i will give nike credit for pushing skate shoe technology but I think they are so incredibly boring and make everyone that wears them look the same, I hate it so much.

Anonymous No. 119195

1996 and 2007. Can't we just keep this skate related?

Anonymous No. 119196

Everyone wanted to be Reynolds. Myself included.
I'm not sure about the nikes but I think they undercut the market with pricing. When partying and being a pile is in, you don't have much left over for shoes.

Kind of similar thing happened in the 90's with the whole hesh to fresh thing.

Anonymous No. 119197

Wait, it was fresh to hesh

Anonymous No. 119198

>bring up how global situation might lead to skateboarding becoming inaccessible

fuck off you retarded reddit nigger. i can talk about whatever the fuck i want in this thread.

so for the non-autistic anons in this thread, how do you think the economic situation is going to affect skateboarding in the next few years?

Anonymous No. 119199

We will have to sacrifice food to buy skateboards, fill up our gas tanks, and change our car batteries.

Anonymous No. 119200

you are so fucking lame and you suck at skateboarding too

Anonymous No. 119202

you big mad

Anonymous No. 119204

thoughts on this section of the andy roy vice vid? starts at 13:52

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119206

>blah blah fearmongering
Did you not get the memo here >>119166
Light up a spliff, grind a rail, and let the rockets fall where they may... We'll just keep on rolling...

Anonymous No. 119207

I mean if you actually read my post, you’d see that typed a different experience.
Maybe. The size is also more fun I think.

Anonymous No. 119208

Doesn't come better than that.

Just practice every day. Don't worry about learning tricks for a good while, just work on pushing and rolling around so that you learn how to balance and develop a feel for different slopes and surfaces and whatnot. Also practice all of your pivots and rolling around fakie because they'll teach you how to balance pretty damn fast.

I have no idea who this guy or that magazine is, but Jesus I'm glad there are no skaters like that where I'm from. Stay off drugs, kids.

Anonymous No. 119210

fucking faggot don't even know who andy roy is, don't ever post in here again europoor nigger

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119211

>how do you think the economic situation is going to affect skateboarding in the next few years
Oh yeah, this is what I come to the skateboarding thread for, to discuss the economic effects of contemporary geopolitical crises
Bruh you cannot be serious, gtfoh w/ that mierda >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 119212

You can't link my post and tell him to get the memo, when I agree with what he said.

Anonymous No. 119214

so what do you plan to do when boards cost $200 euronigger dollars each?

Anonymous No. 119215

>Everyone wanted to be Reynolds.
holy fuck this is so true, I see it now. i had a friend that dressed like that but wore emericas instead he was obsessed with reynolds. i think that's why every time I see that generic ass 2009 style it feels so familiar.

Anonymous No. 119216

as long as there is flat ground to skate and civilization is somewhat still intact street skating will live on. park rats will suffer the most.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119217

Don't give addicts money or power, even a little bit.
>You can't link my post and tell him to get the memo, when I agree with what he said.
I can't? Funny, 'cause that's what I already did. :p Now STFU and do a kickflip

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 119218

Anonymous No. 119219

>park rats will suffer the most.
why do you think that? the parks are already there and can mostly be maintained by the people who ride them should the cities just ignore maintenance. transition skaters have way less wear and tear on their equipment so they will be better off than street skaters if everything gets really expensive.

Anonymous No. 119220

>when boards cost $200
when i was 12 I could make a board last for months, in fact, I've been skating the same board since spring but granted I haven't been skating as much as I like I think if board supply became really scarce then people would stop doing shit that could easily break them outside of normal wear and tear, might see a shift from skating rails and stairs to more low impact skating

Anonymous No. 119222

>board doesn't brake when you don't skate


Anonymous No. 119223

yeah I can make my boards last like 4 months if im careful. i need to learn how to regrip them. it's the shoes that get me, even if you get expensive ones that don't wear out so quick like nikes you're still looking at like $100 every few months.

Anonymous No. 119224

Not him, but parks need expensive maintenance every few years and broke ass skaters rarely take on that work themselves. Though, skating a crusty ass park might just be what you have to do.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119225

>I don't know how to adapt and survive
You could've just said that.

Anonymous No. 119226

>bombs drop
>diy spots every 50m
Look on the bright side lads.

Anonymous No. 119227

what expensive maintenance do they need?

Anonymous No. 119228

when you don't skate high impact by ollieing over shit like a 14-year-old looking for an adrenaline rush yeah my boards can last a while it's just a different kind of skating
because gas is too high to get to the parks like the original post from the last thread said

Anonymous No. 119229

>i need to learn how to regrip them
You just use a hair dryer to melt the glue, run a bluntish knife or similar under the initial gap and pull it off. Hopefully you have good grip because the cheaper stuff can tear into shreds and leave bits of glue behind. Mob seems to come off super cleanly.

Anonymous No. 119230

Or when you don't skate at all.

Anonymous No. 119231

If only there was a way to get to the park that didn't require gas..

Anonymous No. 119232

Replacing coping, filling in cracks, replacing missing tiles, resurfacing if you live somewhere with actual weather. One of my locals has a bowl that has the most fucked coping in the world at multiple spots (among lots of other things) but the council won't replace it so you just have to not grind it at certain spots.

Have you never skated a crusty shithole park before?

Anonymous No. 119233

yeah true. my favorite park is 25 mins away. i think ill start riding my motorcycle there because it's super cheap on gas. some guys are lucky enough to have a skatepark like 2 mins from their house. won't be an issue for them...

i could ride my bicycle to the skatepark as well but id be too tired to skate by the time i got there.

Anonymous No. 119235

going from skating almost every day to mostly on the weekends doesn't imply I don't skate sorry I'm not some park rat zoomer with no job that can skate every single day
not everyone lives in a city

Anonymous No. 119236

i grew up at a crusty shithole. the city replaced the coping once in 25 years but we wouldn't have even given a shit if they didn't.

most stuff can be done for cheap if you know what you are doing. filling cracks costs nothing. replacing tiles the same. pool coping can be rub bricked or ground down with a grinder to become skateable again and then just reattached to the concrete if it comes loose.

Anonymous No. 119237

see >>119134

Anonymous No. 119238

Fair, but make do anon. You're wasting your time worry about this shit. Society won't crumble, we go through waves. Controlled or not. Lizard people or not. Doesn't matter.. Tough it out and go skate what you can. Enjoy your life.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119239

Learn from this >>119236
Adapt and survive ethos at work, you don't see this guy complaining about his crusty shithole park, skaters just figure out solutions to problems like normal people. Swear to god, some of you just aren't cut out for modern life.

Anonymous No. 119241

He was/is the boss.
I think lots of people looked upto him in regards to where the whole party scene will end. A bit of a shining light not to forget not to fuck up your life too much.

Anonymous No. 119242

True. Can't argue with that.

I mean, skateparks are way more plentiful and better today than ever, so I try to remember what people had to work with back in the day. Same goes for tricks. Hell, 1 square meter of smoothish surface works for freestyle. I can't see myself ever not skating for anything less than a debilitating injury at this point.

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Anonymous No. 119254

Buying a triple 8 helmet.
Can someone send me a pic of what kind of knee and elbow pads I need if I’m looking to do transition skating?
Some of these don’t look so good. Just saying. Idk what style I need.

Anonymous No. 119258

some retard just got banned and all his posts in this thread got deleted.

these are the best budget knee pads.
i'm 6'1, about 185lbs and i wear an XL. i'm not fat but i have decently muscular legs. what i mean to say is that if you're an adult male you should probably be getting at least a large.

those pads are great to wear with shorts but with pants they kind of suck because you have to slide them up from your foot. if you hate wearing shorts then you can get the more expensive ones that work better with pants:>>119254

i don't know about elbow pads, but i'm pretty sure 187 would be good for them as well.

Anonymous No. 119261

get out of here stalker

Anonymous No. 119269

I mean It's bbs which is becoming the industry standard. No Pstix but even finding one of those is a challenge.

Anonymous No. 119274

>some retard just got banned and all his posts in this thread got deleted.
pretty sure it was that one annoying yurofag always talking about NYC trannies cause that gay ass virginjak pic he always posts got deleted from the thread kek rip bozo btfo'd once again

Anonymous No. 119276

ambition is literally 2 guys in garage.
pressing and shaping boards is not such a highly industrialized activity that it can't be done at a low level and it is hard to imagine such an all encompassing imminent doomsday scenario that would cause the complete cessation of the manufacture of glue and... lumber.
urethane and aluminum are a little more sophisticated but again, if we're experiencing such a thorough supply chain breakdown that neither can be produced then it will border on civilizational collapse.

as far as (((the industry))) goes, yeah there is a lot of bullshit being propped up by fake money right now which could basically turn off overnight, that shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. what would be really interesting is to see how many ''''indie''' brands fold if one of the corporate shoe brands axes their skating division. that would certainly lend a lot of credit to the carroll conspiracy

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Anonymous No. 119279

I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
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>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls
I'm In your walls
>I'm In your walls

Anonymous No. 119280

is emile laurent like 5ft? he has some weird style man

Anonymous No. 119281

>the carroll conspiracy
what's that again?

Anonymous No. 119282

emile laurent looks like he should have been a wrestler

Anonymous No. 119283

emile captures the heart of skateboarding in a very genuine nonperformative way unlike nick boserio who actively tries too hard to be this maniacal caricature of an unruly "skater"

Anonymous No. 119284

i actually agree. the more of him i watch the more i like him. he still has a weird style but i think it's totally natural which makes it enjoyable to watch. also he wears these shirts which makes him look like he has really short arms lol it's goofy. and yeah spot on about nick boserio, he looks like he gets his ass fingered every time he goes through TSA

Anonymous No. 119286

Carroll said something about having heard these brands having 5+ year plans to take out skate brands to own the shoe market.
I think another theory unrelated said that nike supports these indie brands behind the scenes. In theory this would be to make companies like girl focus on their board sales and their shoe companies will slide.
Either way support skater owned shit.

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Anonymous No. 119287

Are the $50 187 pads worth it?
Can’t decide if I wanna get 187 pads and helmet or Triple 8.

Anonymous No. 119288

Short people are just better at skateboarding. Low center of gravity makes things way easier. I'm 6'1 and I wish I was 5'5.

Anonymous No. 119289

if you're skating tranny then kneepads are worth every cent.

Anonymous No. 119291

Yeah, but I’m saying that’s the cheapest ones 187 has.
So should I buy those and a 187 helmet, or a Triple 8 pads and helmet?

Anonymous No. 119293

Save your money. Pads don't do shit. Most common injuries are ankle and wrist related which pads can't help. As far as helmets go, just don't bonk your head off the ground. Simple.

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Anonymous No. 119295

>interviewer: Well here’s the funny theory I read online – that big shoe companies in skateboarding are backing these small independent board brands to flood the hardgood market so brands like yours [Crailtap] or Dwindle [before Fallen went out of business] have to spend their time and resources worrying about their declining board sales rather than paying attention to their shoe brands [Lakai].
>mc: [Laughs] I think they’re gnarly enough to think like that because, I forget who was telling me, but they worked at one of those big shoe companies, and they have their 5 year plan meetings and there is a part of that to figure out who to take out. What’s their “strategy”. Like “How are we going to fuckin’ get this company out of our way?” And they just focus in on specific companies, it’s so gnarly dude.

the indirect conspiracy would be that these big companies came in and washed a bunch of people with fuckloads of endless money which artificially distorted the industry and basically turned having a board sponsor into a loss leader for the biggest pros which is why all of a sudden every guy with a nike shoe has their own board brand too for no reason.... which in turn makes everyone dependent on the checks from these massive companies because that's the only thing keeping the lights on. whether that was serendipitous or intentional hardly even matters.

Anonymous No. 119296

i just explained it to you dude, get the cheap 187 pads if you wear shorts, the expensive ones if you wear pants. and don't get a triple 8 helmet, get an s1 helmet. if you're going to be a helmetfag like me you might as well get one that actually works.

>Pads don't do shit
literal retard tier advice from a guy who probably can't drop into a 2ft mini ramp.

Anonymous No. 119297

Dude I've been skating for 12 years. Helmets are dumb because you should be learning how to not hit your head, and all elbow knee pads do Is prevent scratches which aren't a big deal. Pads restrict your movement and weigh you down, that's it.

Anonymous No. 119298

Ok, I have 187 pads picked out. But one last question- why should I pick an S1 helmet over Triple 8 or 187?
They look the same and seem to be certified.

Anonymous No. 119304

skate mental is for sure a nike monopoly pawn because who the fuck even skates those boards and how are they even still around, my other guess for big company small board company laundering front is business co, carpet, wknd, glue,limosine and violet. Last resort ab is the only decent skater owned shoe company out now it seems…

Anonymous No. 119306

thought on using creatine to improve

Anonymous No. 119307

>skate mental
They're popular in Australia
Maybe honestly. Don't know shit about the owner
Probably. It's owned by lacy baker who rides for Nike. It's also the most dystopian brand I've even seen. It's like if antifa was skate brand.

I'd add pizza and quasi to the mix of company's most likely being financed by big companies.

Anonymous No. 119309

>skate mental
>They're popular in Australia
I'm not totally clued into the scene here but I dontnthink that's true.

Anonymous No. 119310

It's true. Shane O'Neil rode for them for like a decade back when Shane was like the only popular Australian pro.

Anonymous No. 119316

Yes. They last too.

Anonymous No. 119317

>dude, don't wear pads because they teach you to do WWE human spears and flying elbows directly into the ground when you fall
>people wearing pads definitely don't just try to roll and fall like every other skater because that's the non painful, safest way to fall

We can tell you don't wear a helmet because your brain is leaking out of your nose.

Anonymous No. 119318

I've always wondered why the established board companies don't also offer boards-by-demand, where you can pick your size shape and graphic (maybe even your own custom graphic) for an extra little cost. Doesn't seem like it would be impossible to set up and it might keep little "indy" brands under their fold.

Anonymous No. 119341

I hated my polar deck too it felt really stiff and not in a crisp poppy way. I can’t really understand why since they use bbs wood apparently…this was spring 2021 when I tried one maybe they used different shops then idk sort of want to give them another shot though, their shaped boards look fun

Anonymous No. 119343

i genuinely don't believe you have done anything aside from cruising down the street and practicing heelflips if this is what you think. if you skate hard you are going to hit your head at some point, no matter how much you have tried to learn to not hit your head. whether you think wearing a helmet is worth it or not is irrelevant, that's a personal choice.

and you've never tried to skate any transition in your life so clearly you wouldn't know how helpful kneepads can be. just stick to fucking flat ground tricks you faggot poser.

Anonymous No. 119350

Lol mad cus bad mad cus bad

Anonymous No. 119355

I actually got a pair of Last resort hi-top suedes
they're very nice

Anonymous No. 119360

wtf i just snapped my shin sanbongi polar deck and it had crazy pop and loved the shape. lasted me about 2 months skating every single day. one of the better boards i have had this year.

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Anonymous No. 119363

>just stick to fucking flat ground tricks you faggot poser.

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Anonymous No. 119364

>hmm so many helmets but which to buy... which to buy.... they all seem to be certified....

Anonymous No. 119365

You wear shorts.

Anonymous No. 119366

you care more about what clothes you wear than skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 119368

I'm injured.

Anonymous No. 119373


Anonymous No. 119374


Anonymous No. 119376

I think the tail is too short and steep, and the board is too long. I don't know exactly because just looking at it it doesn't look extreme but it felt big and it was hard to pop. This was the 8.5 I don't know if the other shapes are similar, I like the brand but I can't get myself to try another one.

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Anonymous No. 119381

>be me
>triple 8 helmet and wrist guards
>buy 187 elbow and knee pads

Anonymous No. 119389

I understand a helmet and knee pads if you're skating bowls, but why do you need elbow pads and wrist guards???

Anonymous No. 119401

The man wants to be protected.

Anonymous No. 119403

I can do that for him...

Anonymous No. 119432

I was wondering what happened to Polar.

Anonymous No. 119433

Makes absolute sense. Remember Numbers? Koston and Mariano's brand which, coincidentally, they formed as soon as they left Lakai AND Girl?

Anonymous No. 119434

Fallen was on Black Box

Anonymous No. 119437

You let yourselves get trolled

Anonymous No. 119446

huh? what'd I do?

Anonymous No. 119447

sounds like you got karma for being a faggot

Anonymous No. 119449

>watch video
>"Andy Roy was an early 90s pro who dropped off into obscurity and spent years in and out of prison. He has no pro model and doesn't do much beyond trying to stay sober and avoiding getting a job"

Can't really blame people for not knowing who he is in 2022.

Anonymous No. 119450

Not him but I normally skate with elbows and wrists only because I land on them more often than anything else....but I've started grabbing my board recently and the fucking wrist guards make it way harder and often wind up injuring my thumb from how the board will slam into it.

Anonymous No. 119457

Just realized my crooked ollies are because I was looking in the direction I was moving which made my shoulders turn. I can land them and roll away moving when I look straight, but it is awkward because I can't see where I'm going as well. I'm just glad it's improving slowly.

Anonymous No. 119460

you'd only not know who he was if you hadn't paid any attention to skateboarding in the last decade

not surprised though since the fags in this thread are more likely to be watching battle of the berrics than the videos that made skating what it is today.

Anonymous No. 119462

Andy Roy is a kook and was acting like a fucking retard like usual. No idea why people idolize some of these people.

Anonymous No. 119476

not that i expect any of you retards to have a clue but who do you think will get soty this year?
>inb4 rodney mullen
>inb4 bam margera

Anonymous No. 119483

>elbow pads
Tell that to my elbow yesterday.
>wrist guards
Tell that to my wrist the first week of getting a skateboard.
That’d be nice

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119486

Louie but TJ or Pedro Delfino should get it

Anonymous No. 119493

greco is a fuckin champ

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Anonymous No. 119506

7.75 or 8?
I have an 8, but I tell ya, 7.75 seems tempting.

Anonymous No. 119509

Don't know but I used to skate a 8.75 and switched to a 8.5 and really happy I did.

Anonymous No. 119510

sounds like something really bad is in store for you in the future

Anonymous No. 119514


Anonymous No. 119516

The anon that skates tranny in shorts.

Anonymous No. 119527

honestly i dont get why boards got so big over the past few years. i skate a 7.75 and im content with it, i can do flip tricks with ease and it's still big enough to do some casual tranny imo

Anonymous No. 119528

Speaking of karma, how about that Karma Tchochef and Consolidated?

Anonymous No. 119532

probably the nicest thing about 7.75 is that you can throw big wheels on it and still never feel like you're fighting for your tricks. also you will almost never primo. imo the biggest potential downside is that 7.75's tend to run shorter and have smaller wheelbases and you will just generally have less range of options when riding a niche size. 5boro makes a 32 inch 7.75 that i've found to be pretty much perfect for what i want out of a board
>i dont get why boards got so big over the past few years.
ambition bumped like half their shit to 9s this year it's retarded.

Anonymous No. 119535

>ambition bumped like half their shit to 9s this year it's retarded.
at this rate, boards will soon just be perfect squares that you can ride in any direction kek

Anonymous No. 119548

that's who i think too. he's an industry favorite with the thrasher crowd. I hope he does get it so soty can stop being about who releases the most footage and go back to being about who's the gnarliest.

Anonymous No. 119549

do you have size 6 feet? i have size 11 and there's no way i can comfortably skate tranny on anything less than an 8.5

Anonymous No. 119561

what does everyone think about belief? they are a small company based out of queens but i never hear about them or see anyone rock their clothing. their shop used to be 2 blocks from me and the dudes that worked there were always chill as fuck

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Anonymous No. 119565

Nice, I don’t wanna ever go wider than 8.
I don’t ever wanna go bigger than my 8. My shoes are a size 13, but many say shoe size doesn’t matter.
I consider myself more of a transitional skater I guess because for me a flat ground is just harder and not as fun or I suppose.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119566

should i confess my love to my skatepark crush today? i want him so bad...

Anonymous No. 119567

never heard of them,sounds like another company that only their homies really support, cool i guess?

Anonymous No. 119575

just pretty generic spanish nyc skating... nothing that stands out... anyone here around NYC/nj etc? i have a vx1000 mk1 setup and have no friends to film nowadays.. im looking for otaku 4chad type skaters

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20221007_185955 (1).webm

Anonymous No. 119576

i'm pretty used to 8'' by now but i feel like it's too small
Gonna try switching to 8.25'' lads

Anonymous No. 119577

Shittyass last resorts.

Anonymous No. 119578

i should have bought the joslins honestly

Anonymous No. 119579

Nah those are ass.

Anonymous No. 119580

name one good shoe

Anonymous No. 119581

Unironically last resorts. But they need to be better.

Anonymous No. 119582

Nyja has been riding Paul Schmitt's wood for 20 years.

Anonymous No. 119586

wish i could ride the JAH's wood

Anonymous No. 119587

post line

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Anonymous No. 119589


Anonymous No. 119591

post line wym??

Anonymous No. 119596

How am I walking into a skateshop in yurop and seeing more American deck brands than yuro ones?

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Anonymous No. 119597

soty right here

Anonymous No. 119616

Why would anyone give a shit about euroniggers?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119617

muh kickflipping niggerino

Anonymous No. 119618

20 too old to be getting into this shit?

Anonymous No. 119619

Because we're swaggy and you're corny.

Anonymous No. 119621

you're never too old to start skating, as long as you are fine with like 2 years of looking like a retard. it honestly takes at least 2 years, if not more, to have any kind of style on a skateboard.

Anonymous No. 119624

Designated Affirmative action soty.

Anonymous No. 119639

No. Imo buy a nice wide 8.5 and learn to cruise and pop ollie's on it. Just focus on being comfortable on the board. Unlike that other anon I think in 6 months you'll be cruising.

Anonymous No. 119640

Soty has to be TJ. Great parts and beat cancer in the same year.
It'll probably be Louie but I don't think he deserves it. Suciu kind of fucked things up with his part spam and imo undeserved win.

Anonymous No. 119647

Just saw Max palmer irl. He's actually not that short. Looks normal height

Anonymous No. 119649

lol i started again at 29 (2 years ago) and now i can do some pretty good shit. flip tricks, grinds on rails and ledges ollie manny/nose manny. you're mad young

Anonymous No. 119650

8.5" chad here. Yes I have big feet. Yes that means I have a fucking hog too.

Anonymous No. 119652

>8.0 deck
>truck (independent)
>grip tape
What else do I need boys? It'll be my first :)

Anonymous No. 119653

helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist pads, hip pads, neck brace

Anonymous No. 119663

>in 6 months you'll be cruising
anyone can learn to cruise comfortably in a few weeks. not many people can actually learn to skateboard. it genuinely does take years to develop skill and style on board.

Anonymous No. 119664

Yeh I get what you mean, but I more meant that beginner, stiff arms-poo stance type shit.
Actual style.. shit, I've been skating for 20+ years and idk if I have any.

Anonymous No. 119665

Don't forget this.
And maybe skate shoes. Can't do this shit in trainers.

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Anonymous No. 119672

how easy or difficult would it be to wall-E straight up and over the top of a pole like picrel?

Anonymous No. 119674

also would it be called a wall-e or would it be called some sort of vert 50-50?

Anonymous No. 119680

This is one of the better cover photos this year. A lot of them looked the same.

Anonymous No. 119683

the risks the photographer took to get that shot. and it actually does a decent job of showing how big of a gap it really is. one of the best covers in a while

Anonymous No. 119684

kickflipping the gap so the third rail is what you possibly fall into is insane

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Anonymous No. 119685

and the gap is still even longer than that because of the the stupid yellow bumps for blind retards

Anonymous No. 119686

How did he get the speed? Did they also use a kicker? That's a massive gap.

Anonymous No. 119688

check this out to see how it was probably done which was before the yellow bumps. definitely no kicker but unknown if they did something to ride over the bumps

Anonymous No. 119689

Holy fuck literally running sideways and jumping on your board then you have 1 second to ollie. And the dude did a kickflip too. I don't understand how he's so high up in the photo though.

Anonymous No. 119690

he has the most insane pop out of any skater ever. dude gets over a trash can like its nothing

Anonymous No. 119691

It's a pole jam

Anonymous No. 119692

Black ninja did this exact same thing you're talking about years ago, but I cba finding the video.

Anonymous No. 119693

December 2022?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119694

unironically can't even sit through a whole part from tyshawn jones. i simply do not give a fuck about these shifty-eyed, spring-legged niggers

Anonymous No. 119695

Do you prefer tranny skating then or just white people street skating?

Anonymous No. 119696

just white people skating anything. feel like blacks are just incredibly uncreative in their skating and they literally all have the same style

Anonymous No. 119698

I've noticed that too.

Anonymous No. 119704

i see
damn, i would have liked to see it.

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Anonymous No. 119706

get comfortable with wallies and go fast

Anonymous No. 119707

That's a really advanced move being that tall and vertical

Anonymous No. 119708

aren't those rails electrified?

Anonymous No. 119709

Man I forgot Corey Duffel existed. This cover also reminded me how cool soulful skateboaring used to be to me. Right now it's just super cringe. I don't know if it's a me problem or if the nostalgia is real. Like I'm sitting here and can't think of a single super cool skate dude that stands out, whereas before there were multiple. Can't tell if I'm jaded or if skateboarding today is legit ass.

Anonymous No. 119713

haha you make it sound so simple but i knew it wouldnt be in the realm of possibilities for me, personally. thats why i was asking you guys, who i consider to be at least veteran all the way toward expert skaters for your opinion on its difficulty level.

awesome that you posted that cover though. i sort of gay-ly appreciate how the board graphic is color matched to the pole.

yeah i would hazard a guess that most seasoned skaters (still not including me) could do a jam if it were at like a 45 degree angle. sadly personally i would need to halve that angle once more to have a chance.

thanks for confirming its really advanced to do a steep almost vert or vert pole.

Anonymous No. 119714

Wallies are actually pretty easy, just ride towards the wall and then do like an Ollie out of the side of it. That's not a very good explanation but it's pretty much what it is.

Anonymous No. 119715

it's more like a pump than an ollie

Anonymous No. 119716

I guess so yeah. It's somewhere between a pump and an Ollie. But the point is that it's really not very hard. I'm a bowl guy but I can still do little wallies, if I can do it then I'm pretty sure anyone can

Anonymous No. 119717

I agree it's pretty cringe right now. And I think without the focus on print magazines the industry doesn't really know where to go, like with everything just online it's really easy to forget about certain skaters or just never hear of them, especially when Instagram tailors their algorithm to suit you personally. Like you used to be able to read thrasher/transworld and get an overarching view of the skate world in that month that would expose you to all different types of skaters so you could be up to date with the tech world as well as the hesh world. Now you're just exposed to whatever the Instagram/YouTube algorithm exposes you to.

I couldn't even tell you who the top tech guys are right now. I basically just watch old vids over and over again at this point

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Anonymous No. 119720

Is Zach dowdy trying to make some kind of fashion statement with these corny boomer tier sunglasses?

Anonymous No. 119721

I've never in my life wore sunglasses.

Anonymous No. 119722

Based, they make your eyes weaker over time

Anonymous No. 119724

I don't know about that but more importantly I can't tell which glasses are boomer tier and which ones aren't.

Anonymous No. 119731

Sound jaded to me. Like what do you consider a "super cool skater dude"? Right now there's so many good skateboarders, and yeah a lot of them are robotic contest skaters but a lot of them are sick.

Anonymous No. 119737

You can't just be good. You need soul. Name three current soulful skaters. Milton and?

Anonymous No. 119738

>anyone but Louie or T-funk
sick cover though

Anonymous No. 119739

Bobby de keyzer tfunk and jaako ojanen.

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Anonymous No. 119740

attention piggies
SLS slop is on

Anonymous No. 119742

Nyjah, Jagger Eaton and Cody Mcentire

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Anonymous No. 119743

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 119744


Anonymous No. 119745

>women skating

Haha made me click lmao. I fell for it for a second there.

Anonymous No. 119746

hey cmon man you dont think Jagger with the full Cariuma setup is SOUL?

Anonymous No. 119747

I usually love this type of ironic posts but right now it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. That's how much I can't stand these people. I can't even find the comedy in it.

Anonymous No. 119748

You're just a cunt bro.

Anonymous No. 119749

I am a massive cunt yes.

Anonymous No. 119750

Steve Berra got to you

Anonymous No. 119751

Berra is a fucking pussy and I'd knock him out cold.

Anonymous No. 119753

He'd sue you for every penny you have.

Anonymous No. 119756

i mean how do you define 'current'
shota kubo is pretty goddamn soulful

Anonymous No. 119764

Milton has zero soul

Anonymous No. 119765

For today's standards he has soul.

Anonymous No. 119766

3 is hard so I went for some variety. There's plenty of skaters right now that if they put out a part of stop to watch. E.g. any Grant Taylor footage.
>Gustav Tonnesen
>TJ Rogers
>Pedro Delfino

Anonymous No. 119767

hes the typical fried OC skate bro, on top of being an ESL third worlder so it's twice as obnoxious. hard to posses any type of soul when you're a walking stereotype. the west coast version of the New York skater you see people crying about in these threads from time to time (probably you)

Anonymous No. 119771

Nah I'm not feeling these that much.

Yeah I'm that guy but Milton is nothing like the kookily NYC skaters, and the tricks he does alone give him soul. Nobody skates like him.

Anonymous No. 119773

Fair you don't feel them. What's your style you like? I find there's so many killing it. I could list 5-10 young guys from my country that I think are sick.
There is a lot of wack shit but I just ignore it. I could go on for a while on what I don't like.

Anonymous No. 119774

I don't know, how do I describe a style? I can only say I prefer street skating and not something that's too tech, with ooga booga music in it, or kookily circus tricks that take no skill. Otherwise I don't have a specific preference.

Anonymous No. 119775

Most pro skaters nowadays just seem like normies

Anonymous No. 119776

Skateboarding had weck who had soul but then the skatedemons kicked him out

Anonymous No. 119780

>how do I describe a style?
Well those three I'd say Gustav is just satisfying and casual, every trick feels right, filmed right etc. Pedro is just insane. I remember first watching him throw himself down this giant euro gap people usually skate up and getting buckled over and over in awe. TJ in my mind is just solid control and tech skating, could have put Carlos Ribeiro in there.

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Anonymous No. 119783

What pants do you guys wear for skating in the colder months?

I have a couple of comfy options, but I'm trying to find some baggy tapered ankle cargos, something street fashion-y, but it seems like the only option are those awful, cheap, dogshit Aliexpress """techwear""" things. I love that general shape, but I've yet to find that kind of thing made of cotton.

Anonymous No. 119784

I got these Chinese lounge pants that are baggy and feel great to skate in. I think the company is called “haorun.”

I used to have these enjoi pants that had a nice elastic waist and were very comfy too.

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Anonymous No. 119787

Landed my first smith variation today.

Thanks whoever who told me to try them

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119797


Anonymous No. 119804

smiths are the most feelsgood trick imo.
it's just fun to throw them down on anything and they lock in really nice too.
idk does manderson still count as current in your mind? that dude is just fun to watch skate and always has been. i'd put wes kramer in that category as well, maybe too ooga booga for you though.
i'd throw pat burke in there as well. massively slept on.

Anonymous No. 119819

Commentators are so fucking bad.
I don't mind some SLS but it seems to be getting worse and worse.

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Anonymous No. 119822

Well anons, my gear came in today. Here’s how it goes.
>wear knee, elbow, and wrist guards, plus helmet
>think I’m safe
>still get hurt from stepping off wrong or falling on hands
>skate on board that friends insist I’m better on (basically an 8” cruiser with super wide soft wheels. Literally think Penny board but wider)
>they encourage me to do little drop ins
>nail a few
>go eat
>come back
>my newly acquired skating skills stayed at the restaurant
>board flies forward or backwards
>still get hurt
I’m starting to wonder if skating is not for me.

Anonymous No. 119826

i can not stop watching the new bobby footy i watch it at least twice a day, it's beautiful

Anonymous No. 119842


Anonymous No. 119843

Nice work anon, frontside or backside?

Agreed, smiths are really easy once you get the movement down and they look and feel great

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119848

You're weak.
Just don't be weak.
It's a really easy fix if you're smart about it, then you can be shredding in no time.

Anonymous No. 119853

Erick Winkowski

Anonymous No. 119855

back and front smiths in tranny are literally all you need to fool people into thinking you're a good skateboarder

Anonymous No. 119858

Back smiths are very spoopy.

Anonymous No. 119862

yeah they are for sure scary when you are learning them but once you get them down it's just another trick that don't take too much effort to land, except they look very impressive and people who can't do them will think you are a god

Anonymous No. 119863

If you can do back smiths you are a god though.

Anonymous No. 119864

bro if you can do a back 50-50 and a back disaster in tranny you can definite do a small back smith, you just gotta put some work into it and get over the mental block of back smith being a difficult trick. start with backside slash grinds because it is a similar movement where you powerslide your back wheels into the coping. then do back smith stalls and then once you can get them just go fast and do the same thing and you'll grind.

Anonymous No. 119866

>bro just be a god and you too can do godlike thinks

Yeah thanks for the advice.

Anonymous No. 119868


Anonymous No. 119869

>can do front smith, front feeble, front 50, stand up front 5-0, front hurricane, front rock n roll, front tail, front disaster, back disaster, back smith, back feeble, back 50, back 5-0, 5-0 to fakie, feeble to fakie, many other fakie tricks in mini ramps
>can't backside rock n roll

it's over

Anonymous No. 119871

I told u so.

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Anonymous No. 119884

she does have a fat ass huh

Anonymous No. 119885


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Anonymous No. 119887

I pretty much always buy Polar. very "average" board in terms of measurements, concave, fullness of nose/tail, steepness of kicks, etc, which I like. and the BBS wood is nice.

I would buy Quasi 100% of the time because I like their team (and live in Ohio), but I can't deal with the PS wood.

I would also like to try FA/Hockey but it seems impossible to find their stuff on sale, since they are more selective about retailers I guess. I can always find a Polar on sale from SkateWarehouse or one of the other bigger online retailers.

Atiba said its his favorite photo he has taken in his career.

Anonymous No. 119888

its bevup's gf. you can search for him on youtube

Anonymous No. 119889

She's not your gf Nathan. Stop larping.

Anonymous No. 119890

ugly one tooth g**k

Anonymous No. 119891

yeah initially I didn't think they were dating, but it seems pretty obvious now that she came to Germany with him, as his only travel partner. I guess he could be friendzoned as fuck tho, that would be funny.

Anonymous No. 119892

n - 1 teeth, not 1 tooth.

Anonymous No. 119893

She wasn't his travel partner. They traveled separately.

Anonymous No. 119896


do you faggots really give a fuck about these people's lives?

Anonymous No. 119897

she joined him later, yeah. but I mean it's just the two of them traveling around Germany. and now they are traveling home together it seems. unless you know they slept in separate beds or something, then I'm pretty sure they are fucking dude.

Anonymous No. 119898

well I got caught up in this argument simply because I said it's his gf, which I think is pretty obvious lol. and I don't mind continuing the conversation, given it's a Sunday afternoon and I'm doing fuck else.

Anonymous No. 119899

I'm watching his videos and they are literally traveling around Germany/Europe, and it's just the two of them visiting from America. Do you think they are business partners guy??

Anonymous No. 119900

why dont you come skate with me instead ?

Anonymous No. 119902

dani owes me SEX

Anonymous No. 119903


You're for real watching the videos, paying attention, and still thinking my guy bev isn't in the biggest friendzone of all time? Lmao.

Anonymous No. 119904

already did today! and gonna be dark soon for me

Anonymous No. 119905

imagine megan sex

Anonymous No. 119906

i dont think they're fucking. if that ugly golem looking g**k was fucking a semi hot chick like that he would be posting non-stop about it. seems pretty friendzoned.

Anonymous No. 119907

who is megan

Anonymous No. 119911

What part?

Anonymous No. 119914

>>think I’m safe
>>still get hurt from stepping off wrong or falling on hands
Yup. Wait until you shoulder block into something and sprain one of your collar tendons.
But you'll learn how to fall properly with time. People think pads protect your from shit 100%, but in reality they mostly just stop broken knees and elbows and concussions. Wrist guards will stop you from breaking your wrist outright, but you can still get nasty impacts from them that will rattle you and leave your wrist weak for a while. They really only stop the absolute worst case scenario, but you're still going to eat shit.

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smiling dog.gif

Anonymous No. 119915

>visit a park with a bowl I haven't skated in months
>last time I was there I had to avoid a tonne of obstacles in order to do any sort of line
>have learned so much since then that there's no part of it I can't hit now
>can now focus on just going faster and higher

Feels good man.

Anonymous No. 119917

If you wear kneepads you can bail to your knees in tranny like 90% of the time which means you don't have to try to run out of a bail in a 10ft bowl and brake your ankle. Kneepads aren't about just protecting your knees from a slam, they allow you to bail safely without risk of really fucking your shit up. Fuck. I don't get what part of this you guys don't understand and why someone in this thread keeps saying that pads don't do anything.

Anonymous No. 119918

Happy for you anon, but bowl skating is cringe.

Anonymous No. 119919

Practice your heelflips more you faggot

Anonymous No. 119920

I don't skate.

Anonymous No. 119921

When 1 foot lands on the board and the other doesn’t, and the board keeps going, my pads don’t help.

Anonymous No. 119931

>I dont skate
Anon wtf are you doing in this thread then.

Anonymous No. 119932

Imagine you're trapped in a broken down elevator with Dan Corrigan Dale decker and nigle Alexander. Even outside of skateboarding, I can't think of 3 worse people to be stuck in that situation with.

Anonymous No. 119933

This is literally my version of hell.

Anonymous No. 119940

maybe don't be trying flippity dips in the tranny then

Anonymous No. 119941

imagine being trapped in an elevator with nora vasconcellas. i would rape her so hard that she would come out looking 15 years older

Anonymous No. 119942

You would be arrested and spend at least 15 years in prison.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119945

w*men should be bullied out of skateboarding

Anonymous No. 119946

nope, cops gave me a green light to rape retarded whores

Anonymous No. 119960

At least you can claim you used to skate now.

Anonymous No. 119962

the scifi tranny is hotter than most skate girls tbqh

Anonymous No. 119963

Yes anon, I know how kneeslides work. I wear pads. But my point is that pads don't make you invincible or that even landing on them properly doesn't still hurt. You still need to learn how to fall properly with them.

Anonymous No. 119969

Sk8 faster bitch!

Anonymous No. 119970

Is it just me or
>white skaters=regular footed
>nonwhite skaters=goofy footed

Anonymous No. 119973

goofy stance makes way more sense to me if you right foot is dominant (which most peoples are), why wouldn't you want that to be your flicking foot...

Anonymous No. 119978

I'm goofy and I'm white.

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Anonymous No. 119979

unironically made me smile

Anonymous No. 119981

Is green beanie a real girl? That's a big hand.

Anonymous No. 119987

yes poe pinson is the future of female skateboarding, can't wait for her to drop meow skateboards and get an actual board sponsor

Anonymous No. 119988

why wouldn't you want your dominant foot to give you that juicy pop?

Anonymous No. 119990

It's just you. Going off a poll that was circulating these threads for a while, it seems like most people here are goofy.

Anonymous No. 119991

And European.

Anonymous No. 119992

Good on them. But Jesus, this is the most anti-hype crowd and setting I've ever seen for a contest. It's like a snooker tournament or something:

Fucking cheer you dicks, it's a skateboarding contest.

Anonymous No. 119998

because explosive pop is all about timing and vertical jump, which is general core strength i think

Anonymous No. 119999

ban women and trannies from skateboarding

Anonymous No. 120000


Anonymous No. 120002


Anonymous No. 120005


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Anonymous No. 120014

What would you do in this situation?
>you went to the skate park with friends, and you guys meet a cool dude you guys vibe with
>guy seems cool enough, so you ask to add him on snap
>”yeah bro, sure!”
>add snap, get back to skating, and forget about it
>couple days roll around and you decide to go back with friends
>go to ask said guy if he wants to come with, only to find he deleted your request
Oh whatever I guess.
>like a week later we’re out skating again and said guy is there
>my friends engaged conversation, but I just kept skating
Now I’m not trying to be salty. Later on I even ask em a few questions and he gives me some tips.
Later friends express how they think he’s cool, and I find out they even smoked weed with him.
But the way I see it is-
Someone acts cool to my face, but by the Snapchat thing, you kinda seem like a disingenuous person.
Am I wrong here?

Anonymous No. 120015

I don't do snapchatter or any of that zoomer SHIT so I don't understand your gay little story

Anonymous No. 120016

I'd say you're not in the wrong based on the account that 4chan is my guys and fuck everyone else, but I haven't had an experience like that, and I feel like if I did I wouldn't care. This one time I was vibing with some dude at the park. Got his ig so we can skate together some time. Messaged him and he just made some bullshit excuse and I've never seen him skate again. All he does is post videos of his shitty car on his ig. My car is way better and faster than his.

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Anonymous No. 120017

Sounds like your friends might be trying to replace you with him.

Anonymous No. 120018

>be vibing with guy at park
>he's a little bit onions but whatever
>add him on insta
>realize he's a fucking homosexual

Never again will I talk to someone at the skatepark

Anonymous No. 120020

Not really, but I thought it was kinda messed up that they smoked (think it was a vape) and didn’t even offer. I mean I woulda said no, but still.
Fair enough. Another friend an I were talking yesterday about how disingenuous people these days are. It’s sad man. I guess it’s not just girls and relationships, huh?

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Anonymous No. 120021

>vibing with a guy at the park

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Anonymous No. 120023

>leaving the skate park
>drive into curb
>my tire explodes
>everybody laughs at me drive

Anonymous No. 120025

Dude lmao I did that leaving work one time. Slammed the shit out of my tire in the curb. Thankfully it didn't explode and no wheel damage but the bounce was really embarrassing. The hot chick saw too.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120041

>The hot chick saw
Worst case scenario, I'd rather suffer the exploding tire and wheel damage.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120042

It's not too late for you. Re-read your post slowly, engage in a little self-reflection, and realize that you are socially stunted to a moderate extent. Social media is not reality, the internet is not reality, and our devices are not reality; skating with peers, talking and shooting the shit, and forging meaningful connections over time is what life and friendships are all about.
Pressing some buttons on Snapagram is not a substitute for forming a real bond with another person.

Anonymous No. 120043

why did ben raemers do it?

Anonymous No. 120048

She showed me her abs progress in the elevator later though.

Anonymous No. 120050


Anonymous No. 120051

Yeah and fumbled the bag.

Anonymous No. 120055

I'm white and I approve of this message

Anonymous No. 120056

In my head snapchat is exclusively used to send raunchy photos to questionable love interests. Maybe he thinks your gay?

Jking, you're just a 4chan autist like the rest of us. Sorry to break it to you. It's the neurotic worrying about weird shit like this that is our undoing. Just enjoy your skating and chilling.

Anonymous No. 120076

i just learnt that lizzie was against the vaccine mandates at vans when they happened. makes me like her even more, even though her last part was weak. she's such an angel.

Anonymous No. 120077

Makes me hate her just a tad bit less.

Anonymous No. 120078

why would you hate lizzie?

Anonymous No. 120079

she trash

Anonymous No. 120081

fuck you

Anonymous No. 120086

Nike, Nike, Nike
Yeah fuck vans too

Anonymous No. 120091

i mean you get the idea why if you watch this from V*ce
also i cant wait to join desu

Anonymous No. 120096

i would of gave props for sick slappy

Anonymous No. 120110

It's all mentality anon. The more you entertain those ideas the more power they have over you. You shouldn't even joke about that shit.

Anonymous No. 120115

so does anyone know the story with ben raybourn? from what i can gather

>moved to portland
>started hanging out with some older fag
>life got too gnarly
>moved back to texas
>now does landscaping
>rides for fred gall's brand


Anonymous No. 120120

Drinking and party lifestyle was too much I think

Anonymous No. 120121

skating in toronto sucks

Anonymous No. 120125

I really doubt that

Anonymous No. 120128

i do fuck all on snapchat and once gave some dudes i met at a park the wrong username because i forgot what mine was, people make genuine mistakes. i do fuck all on instagram too but i can send people i barely know fire emojis when they post clips.
you don't have to be friends with everyone outside of the skatepark, you can ask him if something happened or ignore it
>one guy i used to skate with would start rapid fire messaging me on every platform if i didn't get back to him quickly enough
never be that guy

Anonymous No. 120146

sacking rails
Are you in here?

Anonymous No. 120171

you guys have a ton of great parks and skaters. yeah it's probably getting cold as fuck now but suck it up. you could live in rural alberta or something.

Anonymous No. 120198

Honestly I don't think getting hit in the balls hurts that bad. I would rather sack then land on my ribs or twist an ankle.

Anonymous No. 120199

You're looking at it the wrong way. We need to be comparing the same kind of impact. Not a slight sac compared to a hard slam on your ribs. A tap to the balls would hurt more than a tap to the ribs.

Anonymous No. 120205

>just arrived to the skatepark
>my friend introduces me to two guys he brought with him
>one of them points out that i parked pretty far from the curb
>hop back in the car to move closer
>scrape the side of my recently repainted bumper against the curb
>guy says he feels guilty for suggesting i move my car
i probably made an awful first impression lmao
holy fucking kek

Anonymous No. 120234

the skateparks are nice but actually moving around north of dundas feels like im gambling my life. the roads suck, hills everywhere and drivers speeding in residential streets.

Anonymous No. 120243

man nelly really needs to do something about her acne, it's quite bad

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Anonymous No. 120248

>have anxiety of going to skateparks
>find an park thats empty after dark
>think im skating alone until i hear something through my airpods
>homeless guys i cant see are camping there because the field lights are off
>they start heckling me by imitating an ambulance every time i fall

Anonymous No. 120263

Lol, based Magic Bum.

Anonymous No. 120278

Old now. Bitch says she skates. I tell her I skate. Bitch is like to wut? Ask bitch politely she should come skate. She asks for number. I hand it over. I'm at the park on my own time. Haven't heard anything in 2 weeks. What does this mean. When I was younger ppl would usually meet up.

Anonymous No. 120293

I want to get into skateboarding but what are some of the current best skateboarders out there?

Anonymous No. 120305

how do i get a wife like jason park

Anonymous No. 120306

Got frontside 50s in the bowl lads
Only the shallow end though lol

Anonymous No. 120314

Anonymous No. 120332

>the worst slam in history after Jake Brown
>isn't crippled for life
>put out a part a few weeks ago
What a fucking chad.

Anonymous No. 120393

lizzie was a massive whore before settling with the yurocuck. many such cases

Anonymous No. 120398

/b/ the skate video dropped on youtube for free. watch it fast before its banned

Anonymous No. 120402


Anonymous No. 120412

it should be deleted for being uncomfortably tryhard at everything

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Anonymous No. 120439

>"Okay, lets see how much of this shit I can wa-"
>an hour and a half long
>first 30 seconds literally have more cocks in it than skateboards

Just fuck off right this instant.

Anonymous No. 120441

when the guy shit on the camera i turned it off
jesus christ

Anonymous No. 120446

only decent video to come out in the past 8 years desu

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cat sideye.gif

Anonymous No. 120449

>try to watch more of it
>more transitions than /lgbt/
>with sound effects
>loldumb loud music playing over it
>clips are all on different cameras with nothing to blend them together
>random overlays for meme humour
>skating is just fine, no real hammers to make it stand out
>will be banned soon and no one will seek it out

Why the fuck would someone waste so much time making this?

Screenshot this post and count the (you)s

Anonymous No. 120452

>/b/ the skate video
can't handle shit. a staple of 4chan
go back to slap

Anonymous No. 120453

>hour and a half long
lol wtf? why would anyone make a skate video more than 30 mins long?

Anonymous No. 120456

because its an actual good skate video with 4-5 years of footage put into it

Anonymous No. 120458

I am literally not watching an hour and a half of skateboarding, no matter how many scat clips you have in there.

Anonymous No. 120463







she's an actual teenager what do you expect

the shit you guys care about it itts...makes me wonder how you function irl