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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 120462

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Old thread: >>119132

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Anonymous No. 120465


Anonymous No. 120467

one time i was at my local with my gf who had just started skating at the time and she was just like rolling up and down some small ramps in the corner of the park, just feeling it out and having fun learning the basics. in full pads and helmet so she looked pretty goofy. some of the limosine team showed up and there were these two guys with them who you see in like all the vids but i think they are photographers/filmers or something. both like mid 30s, one bald and one looked half black or something. anyway they started like skating the same area she was skating and basically just snaking the shit out of her and they'd like carve under her when she was doing these super slow beginner kickturns on ramps and shit. just the kinda shit that massively throws you off when you're trying to skate a spot. so i'm on the other side of the park hanging with one of my boys and after like 10 mins of these guys doing this shit she's looking at me all distressed and i'm like oh fuck here we go because my gf is a bit of a loose cannon and she says something to them like 'can you guys fuck off and let me skate?' and they're kinda like laughing at her or some shit so she says some more shit. i skate over to kinda cool down the situation and these guys straight away stop laughing and i kinda skated up to one guy and was like 'what's going on?' sort of staunching him coz i got my girl's back and he gets all guarded and is like 'we weren't even doing anything, we were just skating around dude', fucking playing dumb when i'd just watched him do that snaking shit to my gf for like 10 mins. anyway i definitely wasn't going to fight anyone but in retrospect i might have came off more aggressive than intended. i kinda just ignored the dude and was just like 'come sit with me' to my gf and we went and skated some other part of the park together.

Anonymous No. 120469

then like an hour later i was chilling and the guy like skates up to me and is like 'yo we weren't trying to fuck with your girl dude, we were just skating... we're not like that dude, we wouldn't fuck with someone like that' and i was pretty chill and was just like 'yeah she's just nervous because she just started skating' and it was all chill i guess but man like... he didn't even come to talk to my gf, he came to talk to me instead when it was my gf who deserved the apology. and they might not have been intentionally fucking with my gf but they were definitely like being extremely rude to someone else that was already skating an obstacle at a park that they had just rolled up to, and it's not like there wasn't other obstacles they could have skated.

so long story short those people involved with limosine are pretty wack. definitely left a bad taste in my mouth about that company

Anonymous No. 120470

I can't help but think back in my day.. then remember by 'my day' I mean when I was the little shit at risk of being beaten up.

Anonymous No. 120471

would it be weird if i bought my neighbor's kid a snowskate? he has a miniramp and he's getting pretty good but if some autistic weirdo gave you a board would that go over poorly?
also do you think a kid can ride an 8.5 because that's the smallest board size ambition has these days
a bum took over one of my best spots as well. i'm hoping he goes away when it starts to get cold

Anonymous No. 120472

No, do it he'd be stoked and the parents would appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 120473

>hen she was doing these super slow beginner kickturns on ramps
that's annoying as fuck i hate when noobs take up space in the middle of the park, go suck in your driveway on an xfactor ramp like everyone else. no one wants to spend time in the trenches anymore, this participation trophy culture bullshit is fucking up the vibes at the park. i quarantined myself in a tennis court by the skatepark until i relearned some flat tricks, can't imagine having the audacity to take up valuable real state at the park doing baby kick turns when people are actually trying to skate. have some fucking shame and tough it out during early morning seshes when no one is there and git gud.

Anonymous No. 120479

>thread lists shitty trendy videos

/b/ the skate video dropped on youtube for free. watch it fast before its banned

Anonymous No. 120481

lol limosine are the biggest faggots... i post that overload video that is somewhat cool and people shit on that like yet limosine?? the music in limosine is literally stupid ass crack rock steady crust punk sludge punk bullshit u listen to when ur like 13.. these guys are 30 and STILL using that music... and dont get me started on the emocore screamo crap. they also have board graphics now from a kid jarret who is an ex r9k suicidal happa faggot

Anonymous No. 120483

>i hate when noobs take up space in the middle of the park
yeah i agree it sucks, don't see how that's relevant though because she was all the way in the corner staying out of people's way yet they still chose to go over and skate the 2ft qp she was fucking around on instead of the rest of the park.

also you can't just 'spend time in the trenches' when skating transition, like there are no street tranny spots

Anonymous No. 120487

they were trying to pick her up

Anonymous No. 120488

yeah limosine have that 'too cool for fashion' vibe where they purposely dress like dorks or something but it's pretty obvious that they probably really care a lot about fashion

Anonymous No. 120494

I've heard just about enough. Let's gather some autistic /hema/ retards and go medieval on their asses

Anonymous No. 120500

Using a skate as a blunt object is a recipe for disaster
T. Weck

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Anonymous No. 120509


Anonymous No. 120510

Your video fucking sucks, stop pretending it doesn't.

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Anonymous No. 120512

name my crew /esg/

Anonymous No. 120513


Anonymous No. 120515

go back to twitter

Anonymous No. 120516


Anonymous No. 120522


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Anonymous No. 120533

I'm going to learn this trick if it kills me. Fuck it's so sick

Anonymous No. 120535

I’m all for making beginners feel like they have a place at the park or whatever but you can’t find a small hill or incline she can practice on? I think at a certain point it just becomes dangerous for everyone involved when noobs try to navigate the park but don’t understand basic etiquette which is more likely than the limosine dudes purposely snaking her, that’s a level of douchebaggery I don’t witness often and it’s usually the other way around of beginners getting in the way

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harold cu.jpg

Anonymous No. 120536

Do any of you have a friend who sometimes skates with you and the homies that's a total drag to skate with?

>shows up to the weekly sesh
>spends most of it sitting around and talking shit
>NEVER pushes themselves
>will try a trick less than 10 times before giving up and doing something else for a few minutes before just sitting down again
>will do something you've seen them do before like dropping in, but either legitimately or pretends to forget how to do it so it becomes a big drama yet again and you have to wait 10 fucking minutes for your go
>has been skating for almost a year but can't throw down, push well, ride down banks or fucking kickturn
>isn't chill though, is often complaining "why can't I do this? They're really good. It's so hard >:( "

I generally like them but they're such a fucking drag to skate with. It's fine if you're not good at skating because you're not naturally gifted or ready to put the hard hours in, but Jesus Christ don't fucking go on about it. If anything I appreciate the people who suck ass but make the effort because you get to see some determination and balls, but this is the opposite of that.

Anonymous No. 120546

Do any of you have a friend that's literally a real life skateboard janny?

Anonymous No. 120557

Yep have skated with plenty of beginners like that after I picked up skating again hell I even use to be that person with my friends when I got back in to it but luckily they were patient with me and super encouraging, they are better people than me because I only tolerate so much whining before I stop caring and let them wallow in their own pity. I rather skate alone that deal with a vibe terrorist and that’s exactly what I do now. Just skate, do my own thing and hope to run into other people skating and go from there, rarely do I plan to have a sesh with someone else anymore

Anonymous No. 120558

a frontside grind?

Anonymous No. 120562

what like some fag that calls some tricks fake and talks shit if you arent in 90s LARPwear?

Anonymous No. 120563

Some fag like >>120536 that's butthurt about made up rules and that wants things to always go his way.

Anonymous No. 120572

luckily i have 0 (zero) (cero) (零) friends

Anonymous No. 120574

Does that look like a frontside grind to you?

Anonymous No. 120577

i don't live in a super crowded area so the skatepark is usually pretty empty, none of the few locals give a fuck if beginners come and fuck around on shit, especially not in the corner out of everyone's way. maybe at some of those crowded LA or new york parks it's different but not here.

im not going to say for sure they were purposely snaking her but i think anyone who witnessed it would have thought what they were doing was pretty rude, especially when shes a local and they were just out of town blow ins.

Anonymous No. 120578

i meant to say maybe unself-aware beginners are an issue at nyc or LA parks but they are not an issue at my local since it is more often than not completely dead.

Anonymous No. 120579

also hugo boserup was there the same night and that guy was chill as fuck so i just want to clear his name, it's definitely not the whole limosine team or anything

Anonymous No. 120582

What are far left and right's special talents?

Anonymous No. 120583

>For his part, 41-year-old (ed.n. article is from 2015) Haakonsen spoke with SNOWBOARDER editor Tom Monterosso recently to attempt to clear up what he was trying to say, and to state that he was by no means attempting to disparage Kenworthy

>"Well, what do you want me to say to that?" Haakonsen said when asked about his tweet, insisting he was trying to make a joke. "I tweeted a joke about a skier that came out of the closet and I wasn't really impressed that someone being gay was actually news. I also forgot that the United States is one of the most homophobic countries in the world and action sports is a masculine industry.

>"It's brave that Gus came out but there are so many other human rights that are important...I tweeted 'what' s the big news? Isn't every skier gay?' but people didn' t get that joke."

>And yet, despite his insistence that it was all in jest, Haakonsen refused to back down from his initial tweet.

>"Yeah, it's a joke," Haakonsen told Monterosso. "But I'm not taking that back".

Anonymous No. 120584


Anonymous No. 120585

kinda? kinda looks like some kinda layback thing on second look tho :P

Anonymous No. 120587

I had friends back in high school that never got any better at skating after seriously 6 years of skating with them. He was cool about it though. He got more into filming and would give us ideas for tricks to try.

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Anonymous No. 120588

what are good crusing bearings? should i just buy stock ebay or something nice?
anyone ever use these bones big balls?

Anonymous No. 120589

All bearings are more or less the same.

Anonymous No. 120590

these have 6 bearing balls insted of 7 that just a gimic?

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Anonymous No. 120591

It looks like a layback on first look too

>"It's brave that Gus came out but there are so many other human rights that are important...I tweeted 'what' s the big news? Isn't every skier gay?' but people didn' t get that joke."

pic related

Anonymous No. 120592

I don't know but bearing go brrrr

Anonymous No. 120598

I feel you and have similar surroundings. Often see beginners and give them space because there is plenty. However I'm interested to see how you'd interpret a situation that I've had. Pretty similar senario with a guy and his gf, me and a friend. I was trying a trick on the Manny pad and using the bank she was using to turn around. I stuck to the far endge and cruised by, I was trying manuals not hauling ass. I just wanted my trick but kind of completely ignored them even though I skated right by them. Nothing happened but idk looking back I thought of that senario reading your story.
I knew a guy who would only try tricks he would never ever do and commit 5% to them. Give a few attempts, act like he's almost got it then give up and chill. It didn't really bother me, I assumed he was a bit self conscious about his level so I didn't want to make that worse. Nice guy and would hype your tricks so all good imo.

Anonymous No. 120599

See, I don't mind people just not being good or putting the effort or whatever, it's that this person is such a winger that they're a drag to skate with.

Anonymous No. 120606

sounds like your situation was pretty normal and you were being respectful. i think it's best just to treat beginners like any other skater and let them have their turn and then when they're done you take your turn and so on, helps them get used to the flow of the park.

Anonymous No. 120609

I'd just encourage him to practice and get more comfy on the board. If he gets past this stage and enjoys his skating more then there's a valuable life lesson in it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120610

That video is bad, and you should feel bad. You get nothing, good day sir, I said GOOD DAY SIR

Anonymous No. 120611

'sacking rails' slap magazine forum poster i know you are in here you funny fucker

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Anonymous No. 120612

>hit the tail down hard enough to lift the board with my front foot
>not hard enough to actually pop it
>when i do put enough force to pop i cant lift my tail leg to properly level it
>still cant ollie after 4 months

Anonymous No. 120613

Weight and height?

Anonymous No. 120614

name a better video made in the last 6 years. lets see how shit your taste is

Anonymous No. 120615

lol name a better video.another shit taster

Anonymous No. 120616

Sounds like you're not using your front foot properly. You drag it up the board which brings the back up. Without that you'll stay rocketed regardless of what you do with your back foot.

Anonymous No. 120617

skate 2 hours a day. out of these two hours practice the ollie maybe 15 mins. if you are skating for 4 months and cant even do a baby ollie you arent skating enough or wasting ur time practicing ollies

Anonymous No. 120618

My criticism was it seemed heavily influenced by bronze and fancy lads. Not bad but didn't bring much of its own to the table. I also couldn't watch it all the way through. 1 hour 30 of that is a bit much.

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Anonymous No. 120619

5'7" 155
im doing the drag and getting a 1-2 inch baby ollie without the tail pop. i can only skate 30 mins before my fatass gets exhausted.

Anonymous No. 120620

you know skating bowls is great cardio

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pop your board.jpg

Anonymous No. 120621

Believe me I try, but they will try something a handful of times and not enough to learn, then stop and sit down. Have had some success on some basic tricks, but the larger issue is that they simply don't skate enough to be comfortable on their board and there's not really many tips you can give about just pushing and riding around before they need to just do it over and over.

Focus on the tail pop then. Forget about even doing anything with your front foot aside from lifting it up and putting it down. A decent enough pop and getting your leg up will get you up curbs without the need to really level the nose out.
Likewise, as that anon said, bowl is great cardio. As is just riding around in general. You get double duty of increasing your fitness and getting more comfortable on your board. There's lots of fun to be had on your board without ollies. Skaters didn't even have them until the mid 80s.

Anonymous No. 120622

I tell everyone it's just timing. It's basically pop, drag, lift back leg. All in one motion that sort of flows. You got to practice it til it feels right. Different leg length, board set up, body weight etc will make your timing a little different to mine. Also mix it up, try pop some as high as possible, others baby pops under control, others just comfy mid range. Helps progress to going up stuff, over hips, into banks etc. Learn more board control.
As for fitness, get /fit/ fatty. C'mon now, why waste your potential.

Anonymous No. 120624

Name shoes for wide feet.

Anonymous No. 120625

I don't have any friends. Skating alone. I'm ghosted by everybody. Maybe hat a bit at the parks. But for the most of my time spent skating. It's alone. Do I know how hard it is to actually make a true friendship?

Anonymous No. 120627

Emerica Omen
Etnies Marana Slip XLT
New Balance 212
Adidas Matchbreak Super
New Balance 440

these are a few in order of widest to less wide (but still good)

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Anonymous No. 120632

Anonymous No. 120633

adidas chad

Anonymous No. 120637

I found Vans to be wider than Adidas, Nike, and Converse. Specifically the Crocket Hi, but I imagine all the classic looking vans pretty much fit the same.

Anonymous No. 120643

Are skateboarders gay???

Anonymous No. 120647

Only the ones in NYC.

Anonymous No. 120676

no pop chad

Anonymous No. 120679

Any trick where your hand or foot touches the ground is cringe. The one exception is a proper no comply where you go up onto an obstacle and you do it stylistically correct with a brief foot tap.

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Anonymous No. 120683

>a proper no comply

Anonymous No. 120688

That's the gayest shit I've ever read in /esg/

Anonymous No. 120689


First off,
>le yikes!
Be more Reddit why don't you.

Second of all, go try to no comply onto a foot tall box with a split second foot touch and tell me that's not respectable. I'm not talking about the Instashit faggot no complies where they pogo hop down stairs while flailing their board and jump on it at the end. REAL no complies are legit, but most "no complies" people do are not done properly and are faggot cope.

Anonymous No. 120690

>go try to no comply

No thanks I'm not a reddit skater.

Anonymous No. 120691

You can't tell me the no comply at 18s isn't legit:

Watch the other clips, this dude is not a hack. This is not the same as a Redditor pogo hopping next to his board while it falls down a straight drop. Also, stop crying because I threw a bone to one foot-off trick that isn't complete shit.

Anonymous No. 120692

No complies are gay you street skating nerd

Anonymous No. 120693

>street skating nerd

WTF do you do, longboard?

Anonymous No. 120694

He wears shorts and messes with trannies, but no-complies are still cringe and gay.

>this guy sucked only 3 penises at once instead of 10 so he's cool

This is your argument right now.

Anonymous No. 120695

Bud, I need to see some footage from you faggots ASAP. This is a lot of big game talk for someone who's falling on flatground kickflips.

Anonymous No. 120697

I've posted enough over the years. I also don't skate anymore.

Anonymous No. 120698

Bro, "over the years" isn't ITT.

Poser-ass faggot talking shit on a rare legit no-comply, LMFAO. Go troon out and neck yourself.

Anonymous No. 120703

Lil nigga why are you so mad over me saying a trick is gay?

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Anonymous No. 120704

FA skateboards are worth collecting?

Anonymous No. 120707

Because I'm better than you (in every way) and you don't get to talk to me that way you little beta bitch poser faggot.

Anonymous No. 120708

Post a webm of you being better than me at anything, but preferably skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 120719

Every time someone talks hard and you request a webm of them skating they disappear. Every single time.

Anonymous No. 120721

I mean, it's kind of a dumb request. You have two options: obviously show your face so you defeat the point of talking shit anonymously, or you show a clip without your face and you could be anyone. I know I'm not doxxing myself over you fucking posers.

Anonymous No. 120722

Also that someone will move the goalposts and make any excuse he can so he can avoid posting skateboarding OC in the skateboarding general.

Anonymous No. 120733

>I also don't skate anymore.
Your opinion is invalid and you should leave this thread faggot. No-comlys are gay and handplants are awesome but none of that matters with no blood in the game. Go play thps.

Anonymous No. 120734

I'm afraid someone will recognise my set up or shoes kek

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Anonymous No. 120735

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Anonymous No. 120736


Anonymous No. 120740

Hell yeah. Seeing Steve O do one up a 4 stair is making me want to try them up things.

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Anonymous No. 120742

Saw a kid with a skate dad today.
I wanna burn my board now.

Anonymous No. 120743


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Anonymous No. 120744

It's pretty pointless to post clips in here desu. No one in this thread seems like they are particularly good (myself included) but if you do post OC to back up a strong opinion people will always find some shit to say even if it's something dumb like 'you're wearing shorts'. Idk why people have so much vitriol in here. Like posters like this guy >>120707
obviously shouldn't even be here and I'm pretty sure he's also the heelflip guy so take from that what you will I guess.

Anyway in regards to tricks where your hands/feet touch the ground I generally agree that in terms of street skating it's pretty hard to make those tricks look good, and no complies are not an exception. The no-comply trend like 5-10 years ago was awful and no one made them look good. Transition is totally different though and they can all look sick, especially handplants. Laybacks are like a weird forgotten trick that no one ever does anymore but I think when done correctly they're probably one of the most stylish tricks ever.

I tried to learn some of those laybacks last night and I landed a few but it's hard to not over-rotate. I flatspotted my f4s trying them.

Anonymous No. 120745

Eh, you can crop your head out or blur your face if you know how. I think it's a fair thing to say in a skating thread if you're talking shit about specific tricks or telling someone they suck.

Anonymous No. 120747

I'm just being a bitch but it's wild seeing that little kid do backside flips off a ledge that I sometimes can fluke a pop shuv make off of.

Anonymous No. 120748

If you think I'm reading all of this this you have issues.

Anonymous No. 120749

I thought you got sad because you never had a skate dad.

Anonymous No. 120750

nah just because i suck lmao

Anonymous No. 120752

The worst are skate dads who think their kids are going to be like skate-prodigies and shit and their kids develop this huge ego because of that.

Anonymous No. 120753

Wtf are you doing here trolling?

Anonymous No. 120754

I don't know but I know for a fact what I'm doing and that's reading a wall of text.

Anonymous No. 120755

I don't know how things were 5-10 years ago, but I love how this guy combines no complies (not nuts about his outfits though):

I think there's this weird space between street skating and freestyle where fun little curb and no comply/footplanty tricks live. They're not really aggressive enough in pure street skating to fit in with flip tricks, but they're useful in-between type things that let you get into fakie/switch with a little bit of flare.
But idk, I just like a lot of old school shit in general. They're much harder to make look good, or rather, you can learn them pretty fast but trying to do them with decent speed and flow seems to take years. They're just fun though and it's nice to be able to learn a trick in a single session when you're struggling with some techy flip trick for weeks or months on end.

Anonymous No. 120756

I read it all plus the mag pic. You're probably the guy who doesn't skate. You don't care, that's fine. Why shit on people who do? Or puts some effort into their post?

Anonymous No. 120757

Good for you. Did I ask though?

Anonymous No. 120758

Don't need you to ask me kook

Anonymous No. 120761

So you're just a crybaby bitch then?

Anonymous No. 120764

What has gone wrong with your life that you post in a skateboarding general when you don't even skate?

Anonymous No. 120765

Why would something need to have gone wrong for me to participate in a thread that aligns with my interests. Why are you angrily projecting at me and bringing up personal life?

Anonymous No. 120771

I've thought about uploading clips here before but its incredibly dumb to dox yourself on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 120772

Yeah don't post skateboarding in the skateboarding thread bro. We're gonna hack you and tell your mom you browse here.

Anonymous No. 120779

i doubt you even ever comment on anybodys clips when they do post them.

Anonymous No. 120780

well, there are currently 33 posters in this thread. how many people are even gonna watch a clip that gets posted here? 100-200 from all over the world? most of whom will instantly forget it and move on.

take gutdad for example. he posts his face because it doesnt matter at all. people watch his clips, maybe make a comment, possibly make a mean comment, then move on. he's not doxxing himself because no one is gonna figure out who he is... because all he did was post a skate clip. what's gonna happen, someone determines his identity and tells his work that he posts skate clips to 4chan? lol

Anonymous No. 120781

And why would you doubt that?

He's not gutdad, he's dadbro. Get it right cunt.

Anonymous No. 120782

If nobody is gonna see it or care then why even take the risk? And plus I'm actually really good at skateboarding so it wouldn't be that hard to identify me.

Anonymous No. 120783

>plus I'm actually really good at skateboarding
prove it

Anonymous No. 120786

Show us how good you are.

Anonymous No. 120788

>have to work tomorrow instead of skateboarding
Fuck, why do I ever take on side jobs?

Anonymous No. 120796

i like no complys especially 180 no complies, they're comfy

Anonymous No. 120797

Do you spit or swallow?

Anonymous No. 120798

Na just people who like risks. Some of the chillest and collected minds in society skateboard

Anonymous No. 120800

Thank you

Anonymous No. 120812

skateboarding saved my life fuck you all

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120814

Another boring story:
Local to me, there is a children's playground with a small skatepark attached (2 small/medium-sized bowls, that's it); the skatepark is popular with teens and adults. I went there with a couple of friends, and these shit-kicking little blonde rugrats--maybe 4-9 years old--were entering the bowl one at a time...non-stop and with little to no regard for others. We tried to form a line, get them to take turns, but it was to no avail. Eventually I got tired of all their fucking around and started just dropping in on the other side and taking a lap while avoiding their stupid antics. Nothing crazy, we're all just cruising and having fun.
Next thing I know, this overgrown oaf of skate dad saunters right up to my face and postures aggressively while reprimanding me for "cutting through" while his kids were skating. The fucking irony, right? It was clear that he had some anger issues or an insecurity complex of some sort. I was about two seconds away from socking him square in the jaw...but his kids were literally right there, and I thought that they shouldn't have to see that, even though they were annoying the everloving shit out of everyone there. I just let it slide, then they left, and then we left.

Moral of the story? Teach your skate kids some fucking etiquette and keep your goddamn mouth shut, otherwise someone not as nice as me will shut it for you.

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Anonymous No. 120819

I once put a dad in a master lock as he squared up to fight my friend

Anonymous No. 120822

Skateboarding didn't ruin my life but it certainly hasn't done me many favors. still love it though

Anonymous No. 120836

Anyone have good advice for front shuvs? I can do them out of grinds because my wheel locks to the coping and the board rotates on that. I want to learn to hardflip but that motion makes no sense. I get closer to fakie hardflips.

Anonymous No. 120841

You're probably standing with your shoulders parallel to the board. Instead, look forward, open your shoulders a bit. If it's going behind you, then jump backwards so you land on the board. When you get good at it you won't have to jump backwards because it'll stay underneath you. Hope this helps

Anonymous No. 120844

Sitting in my computer chair I just tried moving my foot in that motion with shoulders closed/open and could feel a difference already in comfort. Interesting, thanks!
Also realised I rotate my board in front shuv motion trying to get used to it, but I always do that from behind where shoulders are open, duh!

Anonymous No. 120849

the best thing is to practice them on a carpet b/c that will force you to pop them properly w/ no slide.
all fs shuv & flip variations (and also front 3s kind of) are all about finding the right pressure point with your back foot. all these tricks are pressure flips, once you can visualize them that way they become pretty natural. you'll know you are hitting that pressure point when the board comes right up to your feet without drifting away.
this kind of back foot position is what you're aiming for for all fs tricks on mid to wide boards (8.5+)

[spoiler]i think of the motion as an anti scoop, but everyone i tell that to never knows what the fuck i'm talking about. but if you can find the anti scoop, you will be a hardflipper for life [/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 120855

I feel bad for those kids. Hover parents sucking all the fun out of skating. There's this one little Japanese girl, maybe 7 years old at most, who fucking shreds the bowl and doesn't afraid of anything. For the most part she seems to really love it, but her mother is always there trying to push her further and further. "Do frontside now! Pump harder moto moto! You need to go faster" etc. She's not TOO hard on her, but there's definitely times where the kid is just fucking tired and, idk, I couldn't see myself sticking with skateboarding as an adult if half of my sessions were like that.

Plus, idk, she's probably just too small to make much progress right now. I asked the mother before and she said she doesn't skate (which is nuts because she knows the names of everything) so I wonder if she even realises there's a size/weight threshold for big transition.

Anonymous No. 120869

I bet you wear vans

Anonymous No. 120881

I'm in my mid 20s now and have pains all over my body, which I think are likely due to the impacts and injuries I sustained when I was a skater in my teens.

How many of you have been skating for a decade or more, or are older than your mid 20s? How are your bodies holding up?

Anonymous No. 120891

i love not skating, no guilt either

Anonymous No. 120893

wow i love women

Anonymous No. 120894

Not clicking this but how many of those in the thumbnail will never be real women?

Anonymous No. 120895

>bringing someone in a wheelchair to the sesh
Seems a bit cruel if you ask me.

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Anonymous No. 120896

To call this gay would mean you are definitely braindead

Anonymous No. 120898

This is gay.

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Anonymous No. 120901

Posting this pallet cleanser:

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Anonymous No. 120904

I’ll let your family & friends know so they can organise a caretaker for you.

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Anonymous No. 120905

don't forget to jump

Anonymous No. 120906

Jake snelling’s a beast. He showed me his swastika tat in like 2016

Anonymous No. 120908

Nice iphone filename retard.

Anonymous No. 120910

Anonymous No. 120916

its been 6 weeks and i cant get it to be beter :( i miss skating

Anonymous No. 120918

Motherfucker, you talk about your god damn gimpy toe every fucking thread. People have told you what to do and you never respond. Get a scooter you shit!

Anonymous No. 120922

based olympics making it all worse

Anonymous No. 120924

im 27 and everything hurts. starting to think there might be something to stretching.

Anonymous No. 120926

>"Do frontside now! Pump harder moto moto! You need to go faster"
NEED a japanese mommygf to push me at the park bros

Anonymous No. 120928

what did they say?!? no one ever replies but you!

Anonymous No. 120932

I'm 28 and everything hurts but it's probably more from work than skating. I only skate bowls so I keep it pretty low impact. Idk how people keep street skating past their late 20s.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120934

See a physical therapist.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120935


Anonymous No. 120940

New Muska doc, speaking of injuries.

Anonymous No. 120944

This is why you don't jump down stairs and handrails, dum dum. Stairs and handrails were always dumb, they're objectively the easiest thing to skate, they just fuck you up if you get it wrong. IMO stairs and handrails are for people with no pop or tech skills and low IQ enough to not see a problem in flinging themselves off a cliff to eat shit 435 times until they finally roll away.

Anonymous No. 120945

Handplants are fucking dumb. It's skateboarding, I don't give a shit about your chicken-leg hand stands, go be a gymnast if you want to do that shit. It's no less cringe than William Spencer and his parkour shit and then jumps on a skateboard at the end and acts like it was a skateboard trick.

Anonymous No. 120946

Again: at a certain point, you could be anyone so how would anyone know it's you in the first place? Then, if it really is you, someone might recognize where you are or vaguely recognize your style, etc. If I wanted people doxxing my shit I'd post on some faggot shithole like Reddit.

Anonymous No. 120948

IMO hardflips and fs shuvs feel nothing alike. So tired of trick tips pretending like "oh, just learn a kickflip, then learn a shuv it, botta bing botta boom". Like, they must know that's not true, why are they lying like that?

The thing about hardflips is they feel unlike pretty much any other conventional flip trick. There's really no flick, if anything, you kind of just "dead foot" your front foot slightly off center and let the board pop into it, which will naturally put it into the right twist. The easiest way is to just let your back foot rest on the ground and try to get it to work in "slow motion" and then you slowly get faster and faster and get to where it can be done fast enough to actually jump during the pop and land in time. Just don't overthink it, hardflips are actually really easy and way less precise than even a kickflip. There's a reason why people that hardflip seem to do it all the time, it's probably the easiest flip trick to blast down stairs, etc. and looks good because it pops high by nature of how you do it (popping the shit out of your board into your dead-leg front foot).

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Anonymous No. 120950

Anyone have any recs for shoes that are particularly good for skating tranny? Thinkin bout half cabs

Anonymous No. 120951

Probably bad foot position. The back foot should be pretty close to the end of the tail, it sounds like you have it somewhere in the middle of the tail or even close to the bolts and you're basically snuffing out your own pop.

As far as the front foot goes, don't overthink it. So tired of this "you drag your foot up" shit. No you fucking don't, you PICK YOUR FRONT FOOT UP with the upward movement of the board and just ever so slightly bump it forward to level out. The whole "slide your foot" shit delayed me so long when trying to learn, you really don't move your front foot much at all with respect to the actual grip tape position, you just move it mostly up so you don't block the pop.

Anonymous No. 120952


Anonymous No. 120953

this is from 2017

Anonymous No. 120954

wouldnt that just be a pressure flip?? hardflip should be done all with the front foot just like a varial flip

Anonymous No. 120955

lol you def have your front foot having contact with the board at all times to control it and keep it level and help bring it up... thing is you JUMPP sort of before you pop.. an ollie is just jumping but getting the board to follow you.. dont pop then JUMP. you should be jumping off your board and popping at the apex of your jump

Anonymous No. 120956

>2017 was eleven million years ago


Anonymous No. 120957

Your front foot does make contact with the board, but it doesn't flick, hence why I said "dead foot" because you just kind of let the board come up to it and the off-center contact is what does all of the flipping. A pressure flip is all in the back foot and you just move the front foot out of the way completely. Watch hardflips in slo mo, their foot basically goes up just like an ollie, but off to the heel side of the board, so instead of leveling out the board, the board keeps going and flips over. I'm telling you, it's a really simple/easy trick, it took me YEARS to learn it because I overcomplicated it in my head and thought it needed to be this hard tugging reverse varial kickflip with an actual flick and everything, but no, just basically an ollie with your front foot off center on the heel side (left if regular, right if goofy).

Anonymous No. 120959

Where did I say your front foot didn't have contact with the board, retard? I said you don't SLIDE it like most explanations say, you just follow the natural tilt that comes from the pop and only once the pop is done and your back foot starts coming up do you just give the slightest tap forward, really only an inch or two, which is enough to level it out.

Anonymous No. 120969

I wrote a long story but it was poorly written so I'm going to greentext
>Be me in late 20s
>Hangovers are worse, body always sore, constant niggling injuries, two bad knees
>Bitch to an ex pro surfer in his 60s one day about it
>He basically tells me I'm a bitch and need to figure my shit out
>He says he is in the best shape of his life, going to surf pipeline in a month
>Realise I'm being a bitch and need to get /fit/ if I want to keep doing this shit into late age
>Start working out daily. Stretching. Proper diet. Basically quit booze.
>32 now and in best shape of my life
>No more niggling injuries
>Two bad knees don't get sore any more
>Skated yesterday and going to skate again today, feeling fine

Anonymous No. 120970

Well that confirmed I'm never buying nike anything again.
Literally everyone of them. What's really bugging me out is they're all better than real girl skaters, which makes sense since they are men, but judging their skating as men they are pretty average skaters with wonky style, dressed up as women.. filmed edited and produced really well. This world is getting too absurd.

Anonymous No. 120971

>Well that confirmed I'm never buying nike anything again.

Man I wanna do that too but converse is my shoe and nike owns it. Really wish I could find a different shoe.

Anonymous No. 120972

Crockett high is definitely not a wide shoe imo, the toe area is very cramped

Anonymous No. 120973

What a dumb post, I’d one hundred percent rather kick out and jump down a 10 stair overhanging up on 10F of transition and get pitched straight to flat. You can get broke off no matter what you’re skating, you don’t have to just be a low iq stair jumper to fuck up your body skating.

Anonymous No. 120980

You almost never go straight to flat when hanging up on vert, you slide down like a giant kid's slide on your various slider pads. You can get hurt doing any of it, sure, but you HAVE to fall OVER and OVER when skating stairs/handrails because there's no other way to land if you don't actually roll away. It's fucking stupid and I don't know why it ever became a thing in skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 120983

why so some retard can tell me to do curls with elastic bands? physical therapists are retards, i would know because my boss' daughter is one and she's a retard

Anonymous No. 120985

then why are there so many boomer vert and bowl skaters still doing it but like none of them are still doing stairs and gaps?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120986

>"bimbo PT is a retard..."
>"...therefore all PTs are retards"
>thinks skateboarding PT involves curls with elastic bands
Perhaps it is you who is the retarded one, have you ever thought of that?

Anonymous No. 120987

no i haven't and i don't plan to

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120992

>this is what happens when you have ball bearings for brains

Anonymous No. 120999

>I don't know why it ever became a thing in skateboarding
Its fun to launch yourself sometimes. I think I'm too old now but I miss it. The mental battle, the pushing through pain, the satisfaction of rolling away. That's skateboarding to me.

Anonymous No. 121016

Yeah, I was going to say this. You reach a shitty point in life where you just need to start paying attention to your diet and make the effort to maintain fitness if you don't want to be in constant pain.

Anonymous No. 121017

Rails and stairs are cool but definitely not for me personally. Gnarly weird rails out on the street that is. Not the standard boring shit you see at contests over and over. The cool shit about rails in the real world is that they'll have all sorts of shit up with them, like kinks or wobbly supports or weird landings. The shit in parks are so standardised that they're dull.

Anonymous No. 121018

>jump down gaps all night with no problem
>eat shit doing a slappy

Anonymous No. 121021

>bought completly new setup
>bushings break aftera few tricks
>no local skateshops in my town so have to order some online
just fuck my shit up

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Anonymous No. 121024

>no bushing
time to daewonmode anon

Anonymous No. 121038

I've told you before to always have bones hard bushings on deck.

Anonymous No. 121039

What kind of wheels are good for not slipping on ramps? Basically, any gloss surface, my wheels slip like someone running on ice.

Anonymous No. 121040

I think Spitfire 99d f4s are pretty good for tranny. If you go too soft you'll just grip when you want to slide and you'll be thrown off. You want a bit of slide so that doesn't happen.

Anonymous No. 121044

Just realised these wheels I got now are 84b which in comparison is as hard as a 104a wheel. And no wonder I'm injured now.

Anonymous No. 121047

Yeah that is way too hard for tranny in my opinion, especially for these new parks which are finished so smoothly and then the concrete is sealed which makes it even more slippery.

Anonymous No. 121053

wtf does the letter in skate wheels even fucking mean.

Anonymous No. 121064

d stand for durometer. idk what the bones a or b means. i like that spitfire just has like 3 different durometers. makes it simple

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Anonymous No. 121066

durometer scaling
B is on a different scale than A which is why any wheel that has a durometer past 100a is bullshit

Anonymous No. 121068

I want to get into slappies because I'm fat and old, but people keep saying you can eat serious shit with them and I'm scared.

Bones have their own personal rating system apparently. Because nothing in skating can just be standard and straightforward. Fucking bugs me that deck and truck widths are measured in different units too.

Anonymous No. 121069

Idk how you can really eat shit too hard with slappies. Just start with a freshly painted curb that is slightly angled so you don't have to hit it too hard to get onto it.

Anonymous No. 121070

A and b are letters used to determine softness and hardness of a wheel, except they're used on another scale. Similar to trucks being measured differently, like how ace measures by using 66 77, or thunder uses 149's etc..just another scale.

Anonymous No. 121071

Try getting huge wheels and wide trucks.

Anonymous No. 121074

Going to skate my friend's mini ramp in few hours bros

Anonymous No. 121077

I thought he stopped inviting you.

Anonymous No. 121078

No? He's been busy so we haven't skated it in a while.

Anonymous No. 121079

Finally got my tre's down consistent, still can't heelflip though.

Anonymous No. 121080

I don't find it very difficult to know the truck sizes but that's ok, I can help if you're having trouble..

Anonymous No. 121081

Post tre webm.

Anonymous No. 121094

Holy shit that sounds hella gay, what a waste of trips.

Anonymous No. 121096

Something 90-98a. Stay away from anything D scale or 99a+. Probably something like 97a would be good.

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Anonymous No. 121101

I lost rock to fakies again

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121116

Let me guess, you're the faggot who doesn't skate but pretends he knows skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 121122

How do you lose something that's not even a trick, but just riding up and down a ramp essentially? Have you lost your ability to ride a skateboard?

Anonymous No. 121134

I lose them all the time. Practice doing fakie manuals over cracks if it's the backwards motion that wigs you out.

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Anonymous No. 121135

Jesus Christ, it's always the simple shit.

>Jake Brown
>falls from the peak of a megaramp launch, 45-ish feet to the ground
>the impact is so hard his shoes fly off
>knocks himself out, but is up and walking off the ramp a few minutes later
>comes away with a fractured wrist and vertebrate, and some minor damage to his internal organs
>is smoking and drinking in his hotel room that night

>my bro
>goes to idly kickturn on a bank
>foot slips off in a way that it breaks and turns the wrong direction like your video
>ankle and femur shatter in multiple places, has to get a rod and screws
>couldn't walk without crutches for 3 months
>can only just about walk now with a limp
>still unable to even ride a skateboard a month later

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Anonymous No. 121139

I started taking better care of myself and have dropped 27 lbs since June. Soon there will be no gut- hopefully by December.
I landed this kicklflip off to the side and went knee first into this pole. This was Saturday and I still feel it.

Anonymous No. 121150

Sick park and sick kickflip dude.

I’m jelly. The only park near me with decent stairs is a 45 min drive and it’s hard for me to find street spots where I live

Anonymous No. 121152

I start thinking about it too much and just get wigged out and then i just get a mental block. I'm actually a fairly proficient skater so it's almost comical that I lose this simple trick so often. I can front rock n roll a 6ft ramp but I can't rock to fakie it lol

Anonymous No. 121153

27lbs is crazy. How did you do it? Good job bro that's insane

Anonymous No. 121154

dont make demands for clips if you don’t post a clip of yourself in the post you’re making the demand.

Anonymous No. 121158

Yeah you're full of shit.

I'm not the one acting hard, plus I've posted more clips that anyone else.

Anonymous No. 121159

Y'all mother fuckers need to drink milk or something, I've been skateboarding 22 years and have taken some super hard slams and the worst I've ever had was a cracked rib when I tried to do a flyout foot plant on a wall outside of a bowl and my foot slipped so I fell like 6 feet onto the coping of the bowl. I didn't even go to the doctor, shit just hurt for like a month or two.

Anonymous No. 121160

no soda, beer or juices and eating significantly smaller portions. I also do sit ups and pushups at home. I only skate on weekends but it probably helps too

Anonymous No. 121161

>I've posted more clips that anyone else.
what clips? your heel flip clip?

Anonymous No. 121164

>Yeah you're full of shit.
Why would I lie you retard?

Anonymous No. 121165

Dadbro are you one of the guys who lives in socal?

Anonymous No. 121168

yeah im in palmdale

Anonymous No. 121171

I've posted a heelflip yeah. That's one of them.

Anonymous No. 121172

Are you also dadbro or are you and him just posting at the same time?

Anonymous No. 121175

i can't heelflip so its not me

Anonymous No. 121179

I'm the Ventura bowl guy. I was the one posting about losing rock to fakies before lol. Anyway we gotta skate somewhere soon

Anonymous No. 121183

No I'm a virgin.

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Anonymous No. 121198

>try to skate
>get out of work too late and the suns down
>try to skate over the weekend
>best friend has a wedding
>try to skate Sunday
>too hungover and I need to pick up my friends from jail
>try to skate today
>torrential downpours

I just want to skate bros.

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fuck you.gif

Anonymous No. 121200

>try to skate
>my knee is ruined

Anonymous No. 121202

yeah man i just have to find time. I go camp at Emma Wood sometimes. i went once to skatepark around there it was just a little bowl with mickey mouse ears- so probably not ventura

Anonymous No. 121204

drive to a parking garage. simple as.

Anonymous No. 121207

how do your bushings break? only way I can think is you had the nut tightened down way too tight/far. I keep trying to tell people this, and even people who have been skating for a decade still might not do it... but if you have to tighten the nut down really far to get the desired "tightness" then the stock bushings are too soft and you need to buy harder ones that match your bodyweight or desired feel better. barely any threads on the kingpin should be exposed at most. most stock bushings are literally designed for 120lb teens.

Anonymous No. 121210

not him but in my experience it was as you've said. i ran mine too tight and they tore/split

Anonymous No. 121212

>how do your bushings break

Anonymous No. 121216

my board went in a river and I can't get a new setup until the first, it could be worse

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Anonymous No. 121217

Walk backwards on a treadmill and learn something called “incline pigeon” stretch

Totally removed any knee pain I had and my shit was wrecked from years of freestyle snowboarding

Anonymous No. 121219

Yeah no offense but shut the fuck up. I suffered an actual injury.

Anonymous No. 121221

what was the injury?

Anonymous No. 121222

I went from skating low trucks with white bones bushings to stock Indies and I can't get comfy in them for the life of me. Ended up cranking all the way down but one bushing was already chipped when it arrived. After 4-5 sessions both top bushings are looking haggard. I'm thinking I'll just buy some bones again, might lower the truck a little too.

Anonymous No. 121223

It looked like an impact injury. Unless you shattered your kneecap you'll be fine. It's probably just swollen and stiff right now.

Anonymous No. 121224

ACL + meniscus, please don't give me momscience like walking backwards on the ceiling and doing a lateral hawk stretch to heal my shit. It is fucked for real and it's been affecting my mental state in a very negative way since I literally cannot skate and haven't skated in almost 2 years.

Anonymous No. 121226

Let me get shit off my chest. You know what I don't like? People trying to build an image of a no fucks given street rat scumbag punk skater from the hood, when in reality they're from the niceass suburbs or even literal Hollywood mansions. Promoting your videos with some "super original real organic and laid back" doodle "art" like you're coming from nothing and you have no budget and this is your way of expressing yourself with what you have and it's all from the heart. Dying your hair and acting tough in front of senior citizens. Shut the fuck up. Cornyass LA skaters. IC I'm looking at you. This dude wears glasses like he reads books. Dude wears running shoes. My guy plays golf. Boy can barely skate down the street and hold his balance.

Anonymous No. 121227

what no that wasn't me. My kneecap hurts a little but i'll be skating saturday

Anonymous No. 121231

I've done meniscus, mcl and all the legaments in my ankle. It's been two years and you haven't recovered. Maybe time to consider that you're approach is wrong. You need to do the exercises to regain strength. After that long you probably have muscle atrophy.

Anonymous No. 121232

My bad

Anonymous No. 121233

What if you're just wrong and should stop annoying me instead?

Anonymous No. 121234

Guess I'll go skate..

Anonymous No. 121235

You should go to therapy (physical or mental) instead of shitting up this thread you dumb faggot

Anonymous No. 121236

Have fun.

You should go die.

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Anonymous No. 121240

For the handful of South Florida posters, I just found out a new skateshop opened. I think it's only been like 2 weeks or something. Greater skateshop. They're around the corner of FIU. So nobody needs to go to Andew ever again lmao.

Anonymous No. 121241

What is so special about your ACL tear that you can't recover in 6-9 months like everyone else?

Anonymous No. 121242

What part of south Florida are you from? My wife is from st Pete and we go back there once a year to see her family but I have never brought my board with me.

Anonymous No. 121243

Nobody recovers in 6-9 months. You never recover from an ACL tear.

Anonymous No. 121244


That one's on you.

Anonymous No. 121245

You know man, I felt bad for you for all of 2 posts but you're such a dickhead, good, fuck your knee. Go figure your shit out instead of trying to make yourself feel shit on purpose by going into skating threads when you can't skate. Otherwise, what, do you want someone to suck you off out of pity?

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Anonymous No. 121246

Miami. For some reason there's a lot of Floridians that lurk these threads.

Anonymous No. 121247

That's cool. It's kinda funny, I'm Australian but live in California, yet my wife is Floridian and the guys I work with here are a crew of Floridian dudes who came over to CA and started a concrete company. I love Floridians, you are the best people in the USA as far as I'm concerned.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121252

See a physical therapist.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121253

Floridians are the best?
>Top domestic export of 2020 was COVID (a global hot spot d/t poor pandemic response, if you forgot)
>Sending immigrants all over the map
>Methheads, rapper-criminals, and idiot sundowner Republicans
>Climate change hurricanes slowly sinking the state into the sea
How about you actually 'visit' Florida sometime to see how wrong you really are? Easily one of the worst states we have in this country--should be sloughed off from our mainland and joined with Cuba and Haiti as another Carribean island nation.

Anonymous No. 121254

this fucking nerd is still crying about covid

Anonymous No. 121255

Lmao this should be a new copypasta

Anonymous No. 121262

any faggots here live in central georgia?

Anonymous No. 121287

saying IC/mikey alfred is corny is low-hanging fruit i don't think anyone over the age of 15 disagrees with you

Anonymous No. 121292

See karma when it gets you for hating on an injured person.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121294

>tells you how to get fixed (PT)
>tells me how to get fucked (karma)
I don't get it, man, but look up your local PT and get the help you need. Or choose not to, and keep skating and keep deteriorating. Your choice!

Anonymous No. 121295

Get off your high know it all horse with your autistic assumptions that I never did therapy, stupid annoying faggot.

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Anonymous No. 121299

some lovely east coast skating from our pals at Orchard in Boston

Anonymous No. 121311

Was lovely to watch tnx anon

Anonymous No. 121320

You're a faggot who can't even skate and even when you could skate you sucked. You constantly shit on people in the thread for dumb reasons like 'you can't change a car battery' or 'you wear shorts'. Your life is pathetic. Clearly your torn ACL was karma for you being a faggot even before you got the injury.

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Anonymous No. 121321

I'm going to the skateshop anonito do you want anything!

Anonymous No. 121325

ofc, cute anime girl identifying male! pivot cups. i will never get caught with blown pivot cups.

Anonymous No. 121330

Why are you lying though?

Anonymous No. 121338

nice kickflip

Anonymous No. 121342

Wow fuck you dude I hope you stay miserable then

Anonymous No. 121350

>muh karma
That's not what karma is, dingus.

So what the fuck do you want then? You've already decided that you can't fix your knee (you can, it takes surgery and lots of PT, other skaters have done it), you can't skate any more but you're coming to skate threads, you're being a dickhead to people trying to suggest things that might help, so what? What's your goal here? Do you think you're the only person in skating with a torn ACL?

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Anonymous No. 121356

I'm going skateboarding tonight

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121359

Considering your other posts ITT, it would appear that your injuries and subsequent suffering are rightfully deserved. Call it...karma. Other people have tried to offer
you helpful advice, and you have ignored and ridiculed them. Here's hoping your mental state continues to negatively deteriorate and you continue not being able to skate for a very long time to come.

Anonymous No. 121360

holy shit ACLtard getting absolute btfo in this thread

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Anonymous No. 121367

sucks to suck BITCH
>mfw my knees work perfectly fine and i can participate in my passion every day for hours

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Anonymous No. 121375

>tfw our knees work

Anonymous No. 121378

lol who are you, i might know you. which parks do you skate at?

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Anonymous No. 121381

>tfw stuck in non-stand up grind purgatory
How do I get out?

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Anonymous No. 121382

Sometimes North Trail and sometimes Lot 11

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Anonymous No. 121383

Peabody aka ryan mcwhirter looks like he's fucking 50 now holy shit is this what working for grindline gets you?

Anonymous No. 121385

are you saying you don't want to experience the joys of lower back pain and addiction? those guys never stop drinking.

Anonymous No. 121386

You're not trying to help, because you're gaslighting me by spamming shit you know nothing about. Work on that god complex you sack of shit.

Anonymous No. 121388

Yeah it's crazy how some of those dudes just like full on embrace every bad aspect of the construction life because it's hesh or some shit. I work construction too but I don't look 20 years older than I am and I'm not an alcoholic lmao

Anonymous No. 121389

Do you guys think 5-0 to tailslide is an illegal trick? It's a bit questionable but so fun

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Anonymous No. 121395

>be me
>start truly seeking Jesus recently
>reconnect with old friend from HS
>tell him he should skate with me
>not really receptive
>pray to God for skate friends
>next day friend calls me and wants to go to the skate park
>we go to skate park regularly for about a week or 2
>they stop coming
>go by myself
>see guy that was there one day we went
>incredibly nice guy
>we’re the only 2 in the park about to leave
>”what’s your name man?”
>”anon, what’s yours”
>think it’s pretty cool to be honest
>he tells me usually he doesn’t see people more than once at the park cause they don’t come back
>been back twice since then
>haven’t seen him
I don’t think all this was coincidental. I mean I don’t think this guy was a literal angel, but man does God answer prayer. If you don’t have friends to skate with, seek Jesus, and try praying. It might just change your life, anons.

Anonymous No. 121397

Fucking kook faggot go back to plebbit. You're going to blame your entire shit life on everyone and take zero responsibility. You don't belong here. This thread is for skaters who actually get some. Not faggot loser crybabies who pretend they used to skate.
Waaah my ACL! Pathetic cunt.

Anonymous No. 121411

>ankle sprain still hasn't recovered fully but tape is keeping it together
>9 hours of skating on Monday
>3 hours yesterday
>was going to rest today but the weather is good
>at least 2, but more likely 4+ tomorrow
>probably another 3-4 on Friday
>not in pain, muscles are just tired

I don't know how the fuck my body is holding together.

I have no idea but please tell me if you find out.

Also, the Chief turned 48 and still has it:

Anonymous No. 121412

Am I your fucking boyfriend or something? How is anyone gaslighting you?

No seriously, what do you want here?

Anonymous No. 121413

>Chief turned 48
That was cool. Absolutely shredding for 48.

Anonymous No. 121417

white people already age like shit and if you work outside in the sun, smoke cigs and drink it’s pretty much over for you and god forbid you have a wagie job that stresses you out

Anonymous No. 121419

Yeah anything that is actually easy but would really impress a beginner is illegal cause it comes across as fraudulent. Also that trick is simply ugly and lame

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Anonymous No. 121426

drip or cringe?

Anonymous No. 121429

I think 5-0 to tail in tranny is actually sick if you get a decent grind in both the 5-0 and the tail slide. It's ugly as fuck on ledges though.

Anonymous No. 121431

adidas shoes are rook the same.
vans as well

Anonymous No. 121433

you have to actually slide the tailslide

Anonymous No. 121435

>This thread is for skaters who actually get some

Post a webm of you getting some bitchass faggot.

Why are you replying to me? I don't remember asking you for anything?

Anonymous No. 121436


🗑️ Anonymous No. 121437

>white people already age like shit
shitskin gook cope
never forget you are a rape baby

Anonymous No. 121438

absolutely seething

Anonymous No. 121439

your whole life is one big seethe about being born non-white

Anonymous No. 121440

damn i sometimes go to north trail but its a bit too tight, if only it was 1.5 the size with the same obstacles it would be sick. indian hammocks and westwind are my jams

Anonymous No. 121442

*desperation intensifies*
there's no need to chimp out.

Anonymous No. 121447

Except I already am.

Anonymous No. 121448

Pale skin simply ages way faster it’s literally science you have no melanin to protect against the sun kek

Anonymous No. 121458

>Why are you replying to me?
>I came into this thread to talk to myself.

Dude, seriously, go limp away before you tear your asshole tendon next.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121464

See a physical therapist.
And don't be like that one dumb cunt in this thread. >>121224

Anonymous No. 121471

this thread ended on a low note didnt it

Anonymous No. 121473

Eh, not the first time I've rolled my ankle. It's in that long phase where the tendon tear is healed but it's just sorta stiff. I know when to stop and what motions to avoid.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121480

>not the first time I've rolled my ankle
So you have a history of ankle instability.
>long phase...tendon tear is healed...sorta stiff
It's not supposed to be 'that' long of a phase, but you keep prolonging it with hours of skating/tendon loading. If it's sort of stiff, then it actually hasn't healed properly; you probably have lots of scar tissue built up inside.
>I know when to stop
~20 hours of skating this week? You clearly don't.
>and what motions to avoid.
I'll concede that you may be right about this one thing. Which motions are you avoiding?
Btw, I'm not being harsh, and I'm not lecturing; this is coming from a place of good will toward fellow skaters. If you wanna keep doing what you're doing, fine. I just want everybody, including myself, to enjoy skating without pain and to the best of their abilities, and I think physical therapy is super underutilized in that respect in our sport. Also, skateboarding PTs are dope as fuck.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121482

Here's a great resource on ankle sprain rehab for skateboarders from Dr. Kyle Brown, PT, DPT, and Walker Ryan:
Every skater, from amateurs to pros, can benefit from good physical therapy.
Check it out!

Anonymous No. 121490

Who are you quoting? Because I didn't say that. Reminder that nobody ever asked for you input.

>see a therapist but don't be like the guy that went to see a therapist

Good going retard.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121499

>I didn't do PT correctly
>so PT doesn't work
Sucks to suck, bro. See a PT.

Anonymous No. 121501

Anyone remember who skated to this song? It's driving me crazy.

Anonymous No. 121510

I appreciate it really. Basically any rotational movements or impacts are what I'm avoiding. Mostly I've been just surfing bowls and transition and I pump with the other leg. Once the week is up I'm going to take time off skating at all (weather is shit, my holiday is over). I knoe I'm prolonging recovery this way, but it's not making it worse.

Anonymous No. 121513

Also, should have said: the stiffness is only when I bend it ALL the way back, like the last 5% of sitting Japanese style or leaning forward for a lunge with my sole flat. I have my full range of motion without pain, but I'm avoiding doing really heavy work with that foot until that last bit of stiffness is gone, which could be months. I can walk with it totally fine and I'm able to do full PT routines, but it's just not 100% back to normal yet.

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Anonymous No. 121515

I wanna get at least semi famous skating, but I feel like the bar is so incredibly high these days that I’d be more likely to get famous from selling cabbage.
What do, bros?

Anonymous No. 121520

transition, be a girl

Anonymous No. 121524

is it normal for wallies to totally fuck up the nose of your board?

Anonymous No. 121530

>moving the goalposts

Eat shit. Karma will get you.

Anonymous No. 121538

ok guys don't be mean about the new video
they're having fun

Anonymous No. 121540

The frog video?

Anonymous No. 121553

>is it normal for wallies to totally fuck up the nose of your board?

Anonymous No. 121561

Get a gimmick that doesn't take skill. Be the guy who skates on mountain tops.

Anonymous No. 121564

I was never a stair jumper. I guess I was just shit because I fell a lot even on flatland, trying to force my feet onto the board even when my balance was off center. Also, I fell to flat on transition plenty of times.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121573

If you did PT correctly, then you wouldn't be here whining and moaning like a little bitch, would you? If anyone's suffering karma here, it's your lame ass on the sidelines flicking bottlecaps while we all have a good time shredding. Fix your knee, but maybe fix your attitude first.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121575

Sounds like you have a grasp on what you're doing, hope you're back to 100% soon. In the meantime, dunno if you saw >>121482 but there's some stuff you might find useful.

Anonymous No. 121583

Yeah if you are doing them on a brick wall or you are just fucking them up

Anonymous No. 121584

Amen, God does not condemn skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 121588

Post a webm of you having a good time shredding, hatingass pussy bitch. Nobody this obsessed with hating on an injured person has had a good time ever in their entire life.

Anonymous No. 121589

i just want friends through skating, but it seems like everyone sticks with a group they grew up with when they started, like every single time with anything

Anonymous No. 121592

Hang around long enough then ask if people want to go hit parks. Be the driver.

Anonymous No. 121595

I mean I guess that’s not a bad idea.

Anonymous No. 121598

Thanks bro. Kyle Brown is the man. I follow him on Instagram.

Also I wound up just doing 2 hours today. Ankle is fine, though I did slip out on the bowl and take a heavy knock to my knee. I also attempted to drop in to the shallow end of a pool (5.5ft tall, 4.5ft of tranny) but bottled it at the last moment and basically just jumped down to the flat. Haven't felt that kind of terror of dropping in in a long long time. Definitely a different experience than what I'm used to.

Anonymous No. 121607

I feel like it depends on your location. I moved from a smaller town to a bigger one and everyone here is a lot more closed off. In the small town you'd just slowly get to know everyone because we all skated the same spots. In a bigger city I see the same people less and groups tend to be more clicky. Took me a while to figure where to go and when for a good session with good people.

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Anonymous No. 121616

oh god oh no i hope the construction bro doesn't see this!!!

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Anonymous No. 121628

Back smiths are coming along lads, got some good tips tonight from a local ripper

Anonymous No. 121660

New thread time: