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๐Ÿงต /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 121659

Kook edition. Hardcore skaters go home. Only the lamest and goofiest tricks are welcome in this thread.

Basic brand information for beginners:
> (embed)
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Old thread: >>120462

What's in your kook trick bag?

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Anonymous No. 121661

Anonymous No. 121668

Posting in a shortsbro thread.

Anonymous No. 121673

I didn't make this one, I would never use that webm for an op pic

Anonymous No. 121674

>Only the lamest and goofiest

Anonymous No. 121675

>Kook edition

Anonymous No. 121676

Have you considered physical therapy you cripple bitch

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cat skating.gif

Anonymous No. 121678


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Anonymous No. 121685

Testing mobile webms

Anonymous No. 121686

>Only the lamest

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121688

new part by the cocky uppity nog

Anonymous No. 121689

fucking forgot the link

Anonymous No. 121691

>Le Skateboarding Is All About Fun
-the thread

Anonymous No. 121694

>just bought a board to learn skating
>wonder if there's a dedicated general
>find these threads
>everyone's posts are wicked fucking long like it's reddit
>posts literally complaining about people at skateparks who are new
i will not be staying long here

Anonymous No. 121697

tell me if it looks shit looks decent on my iPhone

Anonymous No. 121698

shut the fuck up lmao
anyways, dude has a small bag of tricks and skates the same kind of spots and barely branches out itโ€™s such a waste of pop best tricks were imo
>bs? Blunt
>fs nose blunt
>nollie flip to 5-0
>bs flip up the fish market? Gap the ender
That was actually fucked but everything was more of less the same so meh I truly wonder if he can even skate transition lol

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Anonymous No. 121699


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121700

>watching those converse create videos for the skateboarding
>it immediately cuts to interracial
thank god i find those shoes ugly

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Anonymous No. 121701

Anonymous No. 121704

Wow I'm really sad we won't have yet another 'how do I ollie' poster

Fit is so fucking bad

Hard to hate on his skating, although I personally find it boring

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Anonymous No. 121705


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Anonymous No. 121707


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121708

Doesn't this trick count as a homosexual activity?

Anonymous No. 121709

Who the fuck even finds these goofy clown tricks interesting?

Anonymous No. 121711

idk but I just learned how to make webms on mobile so just following the thread theme

Anonymous No. 121712

people who appreciate skill instead of nyjah/tyshawn BBC worshippers

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121716

Based. Fuck nigger skaters. They should all pull a harold hunter.

Anonymous No. 121719

>all this unwarranted racism this early into the thread
yeah you guys are following the thread's theme a little too much, kooks.

Anonymous No. 121722

Based Matt Tomasello

Anonymous No. 121726

Nice. Chopper is so sick

Anonymous No. 121730

sorry chuds, they/them/she have more fun

Anonymous No. 121731


Anonymous No. 121732

Shit like this makes me want to quit skateboarding

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121733

Be a better skater. Call out this shit and put it down when you see/hear it, and tag those posts for the mods to take care of.

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Anonymous No. 121735

okay maybe but being assmad about gatekeeping is also reddit bro

and for what it's worth I don't skate but I wanna start.

great, another thinly veiled racist post

giganoob here. is picrel a decent enough choice if I wanna start skating? I figure I'll get a basic board and a pair of vans and call it a day. I guess that's probably good but I thought I'd ask you guys on the off chance I'm potentially making a mistake

Anonymous No. 121737

don't get the element premades. they're shaped and feel like walmart boards

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121739

All right, here we go.
Ayo, get this racist and sexist ass shit the fuck out of skateboarding. It's 2022, we're all here to shred and have fun and complain about scooter kids and skatepark Karens, not tear our fellow skaters down, and there's a whole other board for >>>/pol/ to spread violence and hate and suffering on. Also, it's good that we have a reporting system for these shitposts and mods who will delete them. Let's keep this sport great; fuck the deplorables.

Anonymous No. 121740

Fuck off retard

Go ask reddit

Anonymous No. 121741

>skill instead of nyjah/tyshawn
Flapping your board between your thighs isn't skill

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121742

Go back faggot. This isn't Reddit.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121743


Anonymous No. 121744

should I go for Santa Cruz then?

I'll probably get my account instantly banned again as it has happened every time I've made an account there lol

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121745

You have the whole rest of the internet to be a libtard, why come to 4chan and demand that we accommodate you? Typical non white attitude.

Anonymous No. 121746

Didn't ask

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121748

creativity/humor is a skill.
doing effortless 3ft ollie bumps over rails/gaps, because your ancestors were selectively bred for farming, is talented but boring.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121749

nice facebook lingo boomer faggot. you can be conservative and not be a retarded 14yo tier racist, it is possible

Anonymous No. 121750

>should I go for Santa Cruz then?
wtf no? get a complete from a reputable company that doesnt use chinese wood. baker is a good one, plus youll blend in with all the newbie 12 year olds

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121752

Okay zoomer. Dont come crying here when a nigger steals your shit at the skatepark.

Anonymous No. 121753

>black people steal shit
can you at least try to be a bit more creative?

Anonymous No. 121754

Lmao ok cuck.

Anonymous No. 121756

I was going to go on about how it's more clown tier, but then started giving exceptions for circus trick skaters I liked and ones I didn't. Then realised how hypocritical I am being. I guess it's all subjective.
You came to 4chan and started crying about racism..

Anonymous No. 121758

okay thanks

Anonymous No. 121759

Buying a complete is a noob mistake imo. Source parts yourself and put it together. Since you're on 4chan I'll assume you know computers. It's the equivalent of buying a Walmart gaming PC where the power supply is some soviet machine with a 3 day lifespan, your wires are made of scrap metal bought from junkies and every component beyond the 3 that were advertised have brand names that don't exist on the internet.

Anonymous No. 121760

I hope tfunk wins soty just so this stupid trend of soty being determined by whoever puts out the most footy can end

Anonymous No. 121761

I hadn't considered that. When it comes to cars or computers and stuff I'd always rather do it myself but I don't know shit about skating which is why I thought I'd get a complete board. I'll look into putting one together myself, thanks my man

Anonymous No. 121762

Bot response

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121763

Didn't read faggot lmao.

Anonymous No. 121764

I'd be stoked if tfunk got it. I always saw him in kaders shadow but he 100% on his own thing now and killing it. I think that's what soty should be, who ever basically stepped up.
Someone who just does more of what they already were doing isn't as deserving imo. Obviously a Suciu shot but Mason Silver and a few others lately, idk.. I think there needs to be that x factor, for a lack of better word. And I fear Louie will get it. Not that any of those 3 don't shred, just seems more gimmicky or something.
It's the way to go. Idk the cost difference and maybe someone will come and say there are some legit completes. But the cheap ones for $50 or so you won't be having much fun on and will be hard to progress with I think.

Anonymous No. 121765

i thought i was getting a good deal on a complete (indys 144, 103a bones wheels, 8.25 shop deck) for 130 cad but i think i got the shops overstock leftovers they struggled selling. the bearings were chink shit too.

Anonymous No. 121766

>indys 144, 103a bones wheels, 8.25 shop deck
Not bad desu..
overstock leftovers > cheaply made shit

Anonymous No. 121778

sounds fine to me. Most shop decks are fine, the only thing Iโ€™d say is that the wheels might be a bit too hard but thatโ€™s all a personal preference at the end of the day

Anonymous No. 121779

Speaking of Indy 144s I feel mine are a too tall. Would swapping to bones bushings lower them significantly?

Anonymous No. 121784

based kissing dykes

Anonymous No. 121789

I don't think so... but you could remove the washer and or sand down your bushing if you think that is the issue

Anonymous No. 121794

what the fuck is this

Anonymous No. 121797

the /xs/ janitor team

Anonymous No. 121799

i mean cool and all i'm not hating but like are there any male gay skate videos on thrasher?

just seems like virtue signaling bs

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121802

based af /esg/ mod cleaning up the trash, thank you

Anonymous No. 121809

new puleo just dropped

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121811

Fuck off faggot. Banned for telling that Reddit faggot to fuck off crying about racism. Even though I still gave plenty of advice.. Seems /xs/ mods want this site to become Reddit 2.0 too. Probably the same cunt posting tranny videos, and not the good kind.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121812

trannymod deleting posts

Anonymous No. 121813

steezy is cringe. just watch the originals on his IG and enjoy his schizo numerology posts

Anonymous No. 121814

sorry i just hocked up a peanut. what is the webs url?

Anonymous No. 121816

ig /timandvicstagram but desu that steeze edit wasn't as cringe as i thought it would be

Anonymous No. 121828

new nelly footy :)

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Anonymous No. 121835


Anonymous No. 121840

Bill Gates is a genealogist too. Imagine caring about a fucking skin color.

Anonymous No. 121841

Hell yeah.

I was trying to get no comply 180 tailstalls on a step last night and they're such a mystery. It's either controlled-but-too-low or totally-over-popped-and-unpredictable. This guy does them in his sleep.

Anonymous No. 121842

Cringe as hell.

Anonymous No. 121843

Nope. I'm not sure finding smaller bushings would make much of a different anyway. It'd definitely fuck with how they turn.

Smaller wheels perhaps?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121844


Anonymous No. 121846

bros, pray for me. I just spent over a year without skating because of a shit year and nobody being able to send me my board and being too busy to go buy a new setup. going to the park later today to see if I can still flip trick and ride tranny.

Anonymous No. 121847

Do a heelflip for me bro. You know the rules.

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Anonymous No. 121848

Anonymous No. 121849

Norabros... I don't feel so good

Anonymous No. 121852

I'm Black so I should be able to stomp one first try.

Anonymous No. 121853

Film it.

Anonymous No. 121858

The tats turned her into an npc

Anonymous No. 121859

She always was one.

Anonymous No. 121865

I want to wear full pads/helmet to learn grinds and roll-ins on tranny for the first time. Will I look like a kook? I can't afford to get hurt and miss work I will be homeless.

Anonymous No. 121869

No, you'll look like a grown adult who doesn't want to be in traction.

Anonymous No. 121878

Did anyone skate the all black leather Chuck taylors?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121890


shit diet = shit skating

Anonymous No. 121895

Na wear pads. Trust me you won't regret it when you slam. Tranny is where people get messed up.

Anonymous No. 121901

You don't skate.
You'll look like a kook but no one cares and you shouldn't either.
I ride 53s that are very worn so I don't think I'd go much smaller. I think I'll just get used to it in time. Feels weirdest skating ledges like I'm hovering above them almost.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121902

Banned again by the tranny janny. I guess these guys can come spam their shit and if we say anything back it's a ban because this is 4chan, a safe and inclusive space for trannies and redditors.
We can't have one fucking website on the entire internet where you people leave us alone??

Anonymous No. 121904

You won't look like a look. The only kook I know are people who project their own insecurities onto other people, take>>121901 as an example.

Anonymous No. 121910

>guy turns up fully padded to practice his kick turns
Like I said, I don't care. No one cares. It is all in his head and if some grom thinks he is a kook it doesn't matter anyway. But at least be honest with the guy.. and shove your psychology degree up your ass.

Anonymous No. 121912

And I'll add i often end up skating with those guys and giving them some tips. It's all about having fun and it's cool seeing people take your advice and get better.

Anonymous No. 121913

Shortsbro stop the dick riding man.

Anonymous No. 121916

That's not me you fag. I would say that whether or not you look like a kook wearing full pads depends on how big the tranny is but at the end of the day fuck it, if it allows you to skate some shit you wouldn't usually be comfortable skating then who cares if you look like a kook

Anonymous No. 121918

You ride wood too so calling me a dick rider is contrary.

Anonymous No. 121928

I am basically unable to commit to trying new tricks in big transition unless there is a crew there watching or hyping me up. If I'm by myself I'll just try like 100 times without committing. Does anyone else have this problem or something similar?

Anonymous No. 121929

todd falcon-tier

Anonymous No. 121930

I had the non skate black leather chucks. skated fine, just sweat boxes for your feet, despite the "ventilation" holes on the side

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Anonymous No. 121935

i just wanna cruise around but hills like almost kill me

Anonymous No. 121938

looks like a nice mellow little hill bro. whats the problem? start from like the end of the third car and work your way up. it doesn't even look very steep, and hills like that are perfect when you're cruising around

Anonymous No. 121939

i feel like im blasting down it even though it isnt that steep. i put my weight on the front truck and had death wobbles just as i about to turn the corner anyway.

Anonymous No. 121940

I genuinely can't remember the last time i bombed a hill bros

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Anonymous No. 121942

>lived a hillbomb away from the shops as a kid
God I miss it.
Also got reminiscing of my biggest hill bomb and the one that scared me shitless to pretty much never try go bigger. Google earth pic doesn't do justice I feel. It mellows out but keeps going downhill after the trees. I had to either bail to grass to make a tight turn into a side street, I made the turn as a car was coming out and had to shoot between it and a parked car at mach speed.

Anonymous No. 121947

what city is this? or what state of what country?

Anonymous No. 121952

Sydney, Aus

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Anonymous No. 121953


Anonymous No. 121969

There are no kook tricks. Just kooks.

Anonymous No. 121970

what in the name of fuck was that

Anonymous No. 121971

Was this filmed in 1991? His board would testify to that.

Also,this is what you risk when you DON'T pop.

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Anonymous No. 121972

I see shitty posts deleted. I feel my optimism renewed. I welcome the fervor of the new jannies. Skate until you die.

Anonymous No. 121973

She's so rad.

Anonymous No. 121975

Cool, I thought it looked like Australia. How is the skate scene in Sydney these days? I grew up making trips up there to skate Waterloo and martin place and also grew up watching getrad vids

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121976

She looks like a bulldyke

Anonymous No. 121977

Shut up faggot

Anonymous No. 121987

why does brian anderson have to be gay

Anonymous No. 121995

who cares, do you want to suck his dick or something

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 121998

Yeah, when the mods do their jobs, we can actually have constructive discussions and share cool shit with each other. Who would've thought?
Fuck the scum who bring other skaters down. Thanks for taking out the trash, mods, and keep skating great.

Anonymous No. 121999

>Was this filmed in 1991? His board would testify to that.
You are way behind the times, gramps

Anonymous No. 122003

kind of

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122017

keep them and their floppy ass flip tricks OUT of skating

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122023


Anonymous No. 122025

has anyone noticed this trend of people going 'wowwww!' after someone lands a big trick?

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Anonymous No. 122026

>land a pop shoveit
>someone goes "yeeww"

Anonymous No. 122029

I'm going to go skate my boy's mini ramp

Anonymous No. 122031

Use protection bro.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122033


Anonymous No. 122037

I'm so socially inept too, I don't know how to respond to complements. So I just pull my pants down.

Anonymous No. 122038

Ok you're trolling but last week this one girl told me I looked really good and I just looked at the ground, let out a cringy"pshh" and walked off.

Anonymous No. 122044


Anonymous No. 122050

keep bombing the hill until it becomes second nature and you can smoothly incorporate it into your little cruising session. it stretches an itch like no other, and the fact you rode it out despite nearly dying should probably lead you onto why it's so fun. it's a pretty pure aspect of skateboarding, as long as you can get it under control.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122058

looks like kader the little n****r might actually be leaving baker

Anonymous No. 122061

Honestly I'm not sure on the current scene. Moved away for a few years and most the people I skated with growing up have quit. The groms are as keen as ever, parks not too crowded and usually get chill vibes.
That's cool though, I used to hang out at Martin place and Cannonball a lot growing up. It's not like those days where you can rock upto a street spot and there is 50 people skating. Either idk where everyone is at or there is less skaters these days

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122062

Fuck you Reddit niggers go back. You faggots ruin every fucking board you join.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122063

trannymod wont like this one

Anonymous No. 122065

Well I assume you're around the same age as me, but what I remember growing up is that aside from Waterloo none of the other Sydney skateparks were very interesting, so maybe that's why people skated street in Sydney a lot back then. Seems like in the last decade they've built a bunch more skateparks in Sydney and Australia in general so maybe people are just hanging at skateparks more these days and there are more of them around so the crowds are more dispersed. I could be way off the mark but that's my guess.

One thing I really fucking hate about these new Australian parks though is that the concrete is like glassy slick, it's slippery to the point it's dangerous and then they seal it too which makes it even worse.

Anonymous No. 122066

Also my other complaint with Australian skateparks is that the new ones hardly ever have real transition. It's always just like one or two 3/4ft quarterpipes at either end of a street plaza style skatepark.

No surprise there though because Australia has like no transition skating scene in general so no one is really asking for pools or even pool coping at the new parks and the kids don't care that it's not there.

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PREMIERE - Marbie....webm

Anonymous No. 122068

Anonymous No. 122069

jannie's favorite skateboarder

Anonymous No. 122076

I think Waterloo didn't even exist when I'm talking. Late 90s early 00s. I remember it being super crowded spot and I lived other side of bridge so never really went, then I moved away not long after.
But yeh a few parks have openned since. Some really good ones but what you say is true lots of street (I don't mind that), most transition parks we have are all crusty ass old ones. I don't mind the smoothness compared to that.
My local is pretty perfect now though, newish with a good mix of both street and transition, usually quiet and concrete is worn in but still nice. Rarely gets too crowded.

Anonymous No. 122085

This isn't even a trick.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122087

We should name it. I'm thinking "fat man scoop".

Anonymous No. 122114

Atleast heโ€™s wearing a mask

Anonymous No. 122115

At least he's deadlifting like 550. Look at that back.

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Anonymous No. 122119

Do you guys have a cool local skateshop? Or is it really bad?

Anonymous No. 122121

I have an extremely core local skateshop that just opened up like a block from my house and when i went in there to get some bearings there was a bunch of core dudes just sitting there in the doorway watching a skate video and none of them even looked up at me as i walked in haha. The guys running it are really chill though. There is also another skateshop further away but in the same town that is less core but not 'uncore' and they have a lot of good product. Skate scene where i live is huge

Anonymous No. 122126

All of them are pretty cringe, but that's because I'm in the cringe city. The cool one is in a different city, which coincidentally is also the cool city.

Anonymous No. 122127

The closest shop to me is owned by an insufferable trust fund baby. His parents are turbo rich and he asked them for something like a million dollars, so they just gave it to him. He took that money and got a big skatepark built. The shop sucks but the park is good.

Anonymous No. 122128

At least he's doing something positive with his money instead of just being some retard who invites whores out on boat trips every day

Anonymous No. 122129

A milly gets you a good big skatepark?

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Anonymous No. 122131

Duane Peters on his schizo shit again

Anonymous No. 122132

So it seems, so it seems
Apparently. Who knows what it actually cost, construction projects always have a funny habit of strange bookkeeping.

Anonymous No. 122140


Anonymous No. 122149

will people think im a kook for wearing a cyclist face veil to protect my face from the sun

Anonymous No. 122157

are you guys gangster skaters or punk skaters?

Anonymous No. 122158

Me I'm a 4chan skaters.

Anonymous No. 122161

just bought a skateboard, i can only do a ollie.
whats the next step in the progression?

Anonymous No. 122162

didnt mean to reply

Anonymous No. 122163

Eyo bro this shit aint some video game where you kill the 10 boars, then you escort the girl, then you talk to the dude, then you bring the letter to his wife, and you find a pile of bones in her place. Like you go outside with your skateboard and you have fun. This can include anything from riding fast, riding slow, bombing hills, dropping in on the quarter pipe, trying to do pop shoveits stationary in the grass, doing cavemans, trying to learn real tricks while moving. Just go skate twin.

Anonymous No. 122166

>bunch of core dudes just sitting there in the doorway watching a skate video and none of them even looked up at me as i walked in haha.
best vibe honestly, someone else might be all like "wtf nobody said hi to me they cool guyed me!!" glad you have the common sense to realize everyones just chilling

Anonymous No. 122167

>and you find a pile of bones in her place.
Actually, if you go to the skatepark at the right time that's how you get your next quest

Anonymous No. 122171

He isn't entirely wrong..
I found it pretty funny in the Tony Hawk doco when he fully expected Tony to make fun of him to his face about his dead kid. It shows the mentality he has.

Anonymous No. 122176

I agree but.. I think a big part of skating is your personal progression. The time and effort required to learn anything on your board. Trying and failing over and over. Taking the falls and the pain and pushing through to achieve your goal. It instills a never give up attitude that crosses over to all aspects of your life.

Anonymous No. 122179

Yeah that's why you decide what your own personal progression will be like, which happens through fucking around and having fun. Your progression could be becoming good at hillbombs, tranny skating, flatground skating, street skating, etc.

Anonymous No. 122181

Good point

Anonymous No. 122184

Im the original guy.
I just wanted to know what was the closest thing i could learn considering my current skill. I feel like i would have fun skating on rails, but i know i cant do that yet.
I did try to go up some ramps, but fell flat on my ass multiple times, so i will just try comfortable to riding on flat ground first

>tranny skating
what is that?
the tendency to create terms by putting tranny next to litreally anything is a crime against language

Anonymous No. 122185

Transition, as in anything with quarterpipes, bowls, mini ramps, big ramps, etc. If you want to keep it boring then get proper ollies where you're actually jumping and not just getting a small pop and lift. Where you can ollie over and onto shit and you're not going slow as dicks. Otherwise learn pop shuvs and fakie shuvs and half cabs (which are only fakie) and fs 180s are usually easier than bs. Heelflip. Kickflip. That sort of shit.

Anonymous No. 122186


Anonymous No. 122188

By the way the term tranny skating was coined long before mentally ill faggots became a forced meme. When people say tranny skating, they don't use it as an insult to a specific style of skating, it's just what it's called.

Anonymous No. 122190

It's funny because there were plenty of big name Australian vert guys back in the 90s/early 2000s. I think Jake Brown made sure no one in Australia would get on a big ramp ever again.

Anonymous No. 122191

Three Amigos is based/actually sells skate shit and will talk to you about good spots and new video parts. Route One is cringe/only wants to sell you overpriced badly fitting Dickies, won't shoot the shit with you and has the actual skate shop part of the store closed half of the time you're there.

Same case in Dublin with Skate City and High Rollers. It's like you have to have a good shop and a shit shop in a city.

Anonymous No. 122192

I swear GG Allen molested this guy or something. Sick rock n rolls tho.

Anonymous No. 122194

>guy feels bad for you and guves you polite condolences on the death of your son
>this is apparently the only time someone has ever been decent to you
>cry about it just recalling the memory

What the fuck happened to him that he wound up the way he is?

Anonymous No. 122196

itโ€™s core but never has my size so I get my boards there but have to buy shoes somewhere else online bc of my tiny baby feet

Anonymous No. 122197

is it Plush in CT?

Anonymous No. 122198

not really, canโ€™t stand cool guy shop bros. Takes 2 secs to greet someone plus youโ€™re all dweebs in reality anyways

Anonymous No. 122200

Nope, California.

Anonymous No. 122201

I think you would only really give a shit if you were insecure about whether you are a real skateboarder or something. I know I'm a real skater, I suck but I know I'm in for life so I don't give a fuck if I get cool guyed

Anonymous No. 122202

ive never been to my skate shops because they jew hard and try appealing to swagfags. all my stuff came delivered from a province away.

Anonymous No. 122205

Who knows but the man needs a hug.
I think the people cool guying are the ones who are insecure.

Anonymous No. 122206

Do you guys think gum soles are grippier than non-gum soles? That's what i've found but idk if it's just the type of shoe i've been wearing at the time rather than the soles

Anonymous No. 122207

How the fuck does ninja lifestyle have 250k subs and can barely pull 1k views on his vids?

Anonymous No. 122210

Ooooh tranny as in transition.
The other anon said it, but i didnt make the connection

Anonymous No. 122211

You aren't a real skater if you can't skate transition.

Anonymous No. 122212

he is from old youtube

Anonymous No. 122213

just saw nelly do an unironic 50-50 to 5-0 on a curb high ledge in a video

this is female skateboarding lmao

Anonymous No. 122218

some of these posters on slap are legitimately fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 122220

Who cares? Why are you commenting about it here?

Anonymous No. 122223

because there are cross posters in esg/slap.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122225

You mean yourself? Go cry over there about it.

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Anonymous No. 122227
i wasted my youth not skating

Anonymous No. 122232

>Kook edition. Hardcore skaters go home. Only the lamest and goofiest tricks are welcome in this thread.

Mike V is that you?

Anonymous No. 122239

its like watching the chile verde of grom faggots

Anonymous No. 122240

In this case it's just a troll.
I'm not saying "be mean", but at the same time I embrace the concept of toxic positivity as put forth by gifted hater.

Anonymous No. 122241

>Australia has like no transition skating scene in general

What about Tas and Ben Pappas?

Anonymous No. 122243

>chile verde

this nigga rich

Anonymous No. 122248

I woke up and did a morning stretch a few days ago and my back starting hurting. It's gone back to normal now I was so worried I would be able to skate ever again.

Anonymous No. 122250

Stretch lightly if you're not warmed up, can cause injury

Anonymous No. 122254

I have 178k subs and a video I uploaded a year ago only has 1k (most of my shit is in the 1k-4k range). Meanwhile my most viewed video has 51M views. Youtube is weird like that sometimes.

Anonymous No. 122255

post video

Anonymous No. 122274


Trick name? I'm calling it the retard flip.

Anonymous No. 122279

Nah, don't want the goons in these threads annoying me. It's just a scene from a movie I like but with a different soundtrack under it.

Anonymous No. 122280

Yeah sure thing bro. We all believe you.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122281

and they are the same ones crying to trannyjanny and trannymod ITT

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122286

this, all of them are retarded niggerfaggots

Anonymous No. 122289

No I'm the one telling you faggots to shut the fuck up about your internet drama or opinions on politics

Anonymous No. 122291

his fans grew up. most dont even skate serious for more than a few years. even less when they become 18/21+
i would love if anyone knows the beef him and andy had ik they came to LV and didnt invite steve

Anonymous No. 122297

I know the beef. It's:


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Anonymous No. 122298

Anonymous No. 122299


Anonymous No. 122301


Anonymous No. 122302

Isn't that Alexis Sablone's shop? If you go there can you get your skate waifu to sign your board?

Anonymous No. 122303

i would go there to jump on her head and punch her in her empty ovaries

Anonymous No. 122304

let it out anon

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Anonymous No. 122306

Any of guys having a Halloween skate jam this year?

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Anonymous No. 122307

Afraid not, it's too spooky

Anonymous No. 122308

There is one happening at the park down the road from me that i never skate because it sucks and all the turbo core guys always hang out and vibe everyone

But i've gotten friendlier with those dudes so idk maybe i will go

Anonymous No. 122310

Yeah weirdly enough Australia has like far more public vert ramps than the USA. Although most of them are barely ever used and they were all made out of metal so they're all rusting away

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Anonymous No. 122312

>cruising before sundown
>wagecucks rushing to get home doing over 20 in a neighbourhood doing roll stops
>going kinda too fast to stop because i have oj mini super juices
>bail on my ass before a speeding car at a 4 way
>board shoots across the street
>do a beta thumbs up to signify im okay as it waits for me to get across
i dont like skating anymore

Anonymous No. 122315

she doesn't talk to anyone except her close friends

Anonymous No. 122336

I feel like you visited in the mid 90s and never came back kek.
They all were torn down bar a handful. By the time I started skating those ramps were all pieces of shit (97ish). I'm guessing they went up in the 80s and guys like Ellis, Pappas etc came up then. By late 90s they were mostly impossible to ride. Many had the vert chopped off then left to rot until torn down later.
My current local is where an old ramp was sitting for 15 years or so unrideable.

Anonymous No. 122340

Not op, but we donโ€™t have a lot of skate-shops in my country so the prices are insane. For example, independent trucks from what Iโ€™ve seen on US S-shops are like $25-35 bucks on average, but here they are $100, so Iโ€™m thinking of getting a pre-built Baker maybe and add new parts like after a few months

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Anonymous No. 122341

New deck.

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Anonymous No. 122356

Getting this board. What do u guys think? Iโ€™m thinking about upgrading the parts along the way (I canโ€™t build a custom rn because of my budget)

>Width - 7.75"
>Length - 31"
>Element 7-ply maple deck
>Element wheels
>Element trucks
>Abec 7 shielded bearings
>Allen key hardware

Anonymous No. 122365

No dude I grew up in Australia and lived there until I was 23. I lived in Canberra for a bit and there were like 2 or 3 old vert ramps in the city which never got skated.

Anonymous No. 122366

>skate for 2 hours
>fine the next day
>skate for 3 hours
>literally aching the next day, can barely walk


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Anonymous No. 122380

>kook trick bag

I like to hit em with some stupid street plant in or a no comply flip of some kind. Iโ€™m gonna go with no comply impossible as my go to kook trick

Anonymous No. 122381

IMO, Learning basic body varials (or sex changes), 180s and even no comply 180s definitely helped me form a decent foundation.

I canโ€™t say enough how critical it is to keep practicing Ollieโ€™s and getting a nice crispy pop. It helps a lot when you learn stuff like heelflips and kickflips. Start trying to ollie over things or up banks/curbs like the other anon says. Having a good high and balanced ollie will make it a lot easier to land and understand flip tricks.

Anonymous No. 122385

bruh why do lakais start to come apart and rip so easily. hands down the nicest looking skate shoes, but about a month of skating lakais i already have holes coming into the side of my foot.

newbalance numerics held up so much better

Anonymous No. 122387

this image is cursed

lakai is notorious for their absolute dog shit quality. don't do that to yourself anon.

Anonymous No. 122389

go for it dude, just get the basics then you'll realize what needs to be changed later on.


Anonymous No. 122400

>skate doodle "art"


Anonymous No. 122401

It's European you see

Anonymous No. 122402

Canberra had weird parks from memory. I only went there when young, anyway nice.
Apparently there was even a half pipe on the street I lived in the early 90s but was torn down. I moved to the area in 96 and never even saw it. Had a hard time believing it existed. My guess was they all got built when very became huge then skating died and so did lots of the ramp.

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Anonymous No. 122403

I'm going to the skatepark tomorrow you guys can come if you want

Anonymous No. 122404

Impressive. Very nice.

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Anonymous No. 122413

thoughts on Leo bakers new part?

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Anonymous No. 122419

Yeah it has some pretty iconic spots though. Kambah u-pipe, erindale banks, the old belco bowl... All were in tent city (the old anti hero vid). The newer parks are all pretty good although I remember it seeming like they were falling apart barely years after they had been built.

Pic related is John cardiel at erindale banks. My aunt lived up the road from this spot and my brother and I would go there as kids and ride our bmx bikes. At the time I just thought it was some weird shitty old park lmao

Anonymous No. 122420

Just looked it up and they used a replacements song for it. I'm beyond bummed. They are my favorite band and I am going to have to watch this part with no sound so this troon doesn't ruin the band for me

Anonymous No. 122424

Trannies shouldn't exist is my thoughts since you asked.

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Anonymous No. 122435

can anyone recommend a set of drills/practices or any sort of routine i can follow to actually get good at skating? i can ollie and go down ramps but thats about it

Anonymous No. 122436

stop being such an autist.

Anonymous No. 122437

practice your ollies until you can ollie a foot high easily. Too do this just keep finding things to ollie over. Youll get broken off a few times but constantly trying to push the limits of your ollie is a good way to improve quickly. Once you got a good confident ollie you can move on to flip tricks and shuv its, but the ollie is the foundation of everything, you wouldnt build a house on a shitty foundation.

Anonymous No. 122438

>wake up 11am hungover
>rip a cone
>take a shit
>watch church of skatan
>go wild in the streets

Anonymous No. 122439

just go to the skatepark as often as possible and try different shit. try do something new every time.

Anonymous No. 122442

>alien workshop
>anti hero
based but supreme colab is questionable
tolerable but their target demographic is edgy 16 year olds
was based until they imported a team of thirdies and started putting rap music in vids
made pretty sweet, most cringe video of all time
corpo bullshit
cringe because of how they treated riders
turbo based
>powell peralta
turbo cringe, thinks their current team of vlogger freak misfits is akin to their 80s team
>skate mental
dont even know who rides for this company
>santa cruz
cringe corpo punk aesthetic
>toy machine
based except ed templeton is a faggot pedo

Anonymous No. 122445

i only recognized these because i wore skate hoodies from west49 in high school to fit in with a group of posers who also didnt skate. they bullied me.

Anonymous No. 122448

>made pretty sweet, most cringe video of all time

kek you do realize that they're basically the same company and that pretty sweet was a collaborative video between the both of them right?

Anonymous No. 122450

the chocolate tour was based though
>paulo diaz
>kenny anderson
>stevie williams
chocolate is soul and even spike's jewish meddling cannot change that
also if you are not old enough to remember when flip and element were the coolest shit, you are a zoomer and a secondary who only got into skating because of transexual zog marketing

Anonymous No. 122452

it would be funny if this is how she hurt her knee

Anonymous No. 122456

Alien is based for photosynthesis
Creature is based because they came to my local once and tore it and the surrounding area to shreds.
Baker is based because I was a retard Reynolds wannabe
Flip is based for Sorry

The rest I pretty much agree on

Anonymous No. 122457

This >>122439 is the only answer, anon. One routine that works for someone might not work for you, but just going out and practicing as much as possible whenever you can is universal. Something new can be as simple as nose stalls on a curb. Then do a revert out of it, then do it fronstside, then switch etc.

Anonymous No. 122458

Aside from just skating what you have, I guess you could do shit like this:
>endovers and monster walks of all types. Quickly improves your balance, gets you used to riding fakie/switch. Very handy to have when you need to quickly save a landing.
>carving bowls frontside and backside. Remember to "sit" into your frontside carves/stick your ass out
>rolling off curbs and ledges. Builds your confidence, gets you used to being in the air
>pushing switch.
>more ollies; fakie, up curbs, down curbs, on ramps (both over the top and into fakie), etc

Anonymous No. 122471

i never remember element being cool but flip sorry was god tier, but by extremely sorry it was a bit worn out

Anonymous No. 122473

these noobs think there is some secret to getting good at skateboarding when for the majority of people who weren't born with gifted genetics it's just constant repetition and practice.

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Anonymous No. 122475

>local skate dad is trying to get his child prodigy son to grind the deep end of the bowl (10ft)
>his son is struggling to get all the way up there
>dad is filming
>son gets a wheel on the coping
>skate dad claims this is a grind
>goes around showing everyone the paused video of his wheel on the coping saying it's a grind

Anonymous No. 122485

Was alright. Nothing really blew me away, but it wasn't shit either. Looked like the average street sesh at my local.

Anonymous No. 122486

That sounds like a slasher to me. 10 foot is fucking high for a kid. Good for him.

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Anonymous No. 122491

Is this skateboardings cutest couple? Yes it is.

Anonymous No. 122497

She looks 45. He looks 16 and homeless.

Anonymous No. 122511

Both look like homeless faggots.

Anonymous No. 122521

A wheel on the coping is not a slash grind bro and I know it's sick that a 7 year old is grinding a 10ft ramp but they gotta learn shit the proper way

Anonymous No. 122530

what do you guys look like?

Anonymous No. 122531

6'2, blue eyes, chiseled jawline, cheekbones that could cut butter, 6 pack abs, cannonball delts, 8 inch cock (uncut), body count in the thousands, can do a tre flip

Anonymous No. 122534

There is a secret to getting good at skating which I already stated in this thread>>122437
Trying and failing tricks thousands of times is a far less valuable use of your time than mastering the basics like Ollie's, 180s, kick turns, switch, and just riding fast.
I can't tell you how many people I see on a daily basis trying tre flips for hours moving at a snails pace when they really have no business attempting that trick. They might land one ugly ass tre flip but for what? You could have spent that time practicing Ollie's and you would have seen much more improvement. Once you can actually ride around on your skate and not look like a retard, then you can start expanding your bag of tricks, and your gonna have a way easier time learning tricks than the guy that spent all of his time falling on advanced techniques without building the proper foundation.
Is this the most fun way of skateboarding? No. But is this the way you actually become good at skateboarding? Yes. The thing all pros have in common is at one point they were the kid at skatepark who rode around fast just fearlessly ollieing off and over shit. It has nothing to do with being special, it's just there is a wrong path and there is a right path.

Anonymous No. 122537

6'3, brown eyes, chiseled jawline, nice haircut, 6 pack abs, back wide as a wardrobe, 7 inch cock (uncut), virgin, can do a heelflip

Anonymous No. 122539

6'4, gold eyes, chiseled jawline, cheekbones that could cut diamonds, 8 pack abs, nuclear bomb delts, 9 inch cock (uncut), body count in the tens of thousands, can do a switch tre flip

Anonymous No. 122549

Thx for the motivation anon

Anonymous No. 122551

brown eyes, light brown hair, 5'6", 125lbs skinny fat, virgin in spirit, can switch flip
>body count in the thousands
whore, burn in hell

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Anonymous No. 122552

I can't even ollie.

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Anonymous No. 122556

Does anybody have advice for riding up/down really quick transition like this? There's a wall at my local park that basically goes straight to vert and I am too intimidated to tackle it. I want to do a rock to fakie.

Anonymous No. 122566

You basically have to crouch into the upwards motion way more than you do in regular transition, then go back to standing upright on the way down. Only way to get the feeling for it is to try. It's basically the same idea, just faster and with more "crouchy" body movements.

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Anonymous No. 122568

Going to sneak a skate in on my lunch break

Anonymous No. 122569

you ever sense that someone is following you around the skatepark? like they sort of linger around you hoping you'll make eye contact and say hi or something and you can tell they are orbiting you because they never skate the particular spot you're at, ever, but magically end up over there only when you are skating it... i like to avoid them even more because it's funny but i eventually say sup and they go away, skaters are so weird sometimes lmao

Anonymous No. 122572

Yeah. That guy is me

Anonymous No. 122574

>crouch into the upwards motion way more than you do in regular transition
Thanks all I wanted was a really general idea of how not to eat complete shit and this is it.

Anonymous No. 122580

Did my first 50-50s on a flat bar today, pretty happy

Anonymous No. 122583

Took my gf to the skatepark. She was in a bad mood. Session ruined

Anonymous No. 122588

alexis dresses like the tweakers in my city

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122589

old woman collapsed and laid in a pool of blood in front of me before the park sesh.
i took her wallet.
landed a new trick too.

Anonymous No. 122590

Has anyone here ever had an acl, mcl or meniscus tear? What did it feel like?

Anonymous No. 122591

Imagine the smell.

Anonymous No. 122598

It hurts like a motherfucker. Your knee swells a lot and you lose all mobility due to all the blood leaking inside, which they have to take out with a needle. Your skate career is ruined.

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Anonymous No. 122605

Is this OK build for a beginner? 28 year old male here, 5 foot 11 and weigh 165 lbs, never skated in my life.

Anonymous No. 122606

perfect, anon, go for it

Anonymous No. 122607

>phillips hardware

No that's for gays. You need allen key with the one gold bolt on the top right.

Anonymous No. 122618

I also started in my twenties with an 8.0 but pretty quickly sized up to an 8.5 after approximately 1 and a half years. Food for thought.

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Anonymous No. 122622

A victory push for a baby 5050 is so cringe, I donโ€™t understand her lack of self awareness?? She seems kinda delusional

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top pro.png

Anonymous No. 122623

What in the actual fuck is she doing

Anonymous No. 122624

It's called style.

Anonymous No. 122625

no clue and I think itโ€™s kinda fucked that her team and โ€œfriendsโ€ watch her post the whackest shit ever and gas it up instead of being honest lmao

Anonymous No. 122626

everyone around her feeds into her delusion. sad

Anonymous No. 122627

also i bet she loves BWC

Anonymous No. 122628

if you do a trick called the "strawberry milkshake" i'm kicking your ass

Anonymous No. 122629

I belive my meniscus is torn, it didn't hurt that bad when I did it but I felt it wasn't right right away. it feels like a pressure inside the joint and now it grinds when I straighten it. Also lateral force makes it feel bad. Just kinda feels gross most of the time like how Ben Degros said. I am about 10 months out from, I never got a scan since the only treatment is surgery and at this point it is not usually painful.

Anonymous No. 122630

I would get a bigger board like 8.5 at the minimum, even 9+, and 56mm wheels. I think that will be better to learn how to balance and push.

Anonymous No. 122633

Yeah but nobody is a faggot tranny skater like you. If dude got an 8 be probably wants to skate street. And actually skate, not just ride around.

Anonymous No. 122635

Have you ever seen an adult stand on a skateboard for the first time?

Anonymous No. 122636

Only non retarded ones.

Anonymous No. 122637

is it possible to copy dustin dollinโ€™s skate style without becoming a concussed potato after

Anonymous No. 122638

How tall are you and post a clip.

Anonymous No. 122639

What is the best site to build a skateboard for europe?

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parking lot sesh.webm

Anonymous No. 122640

6'3, here's a clip on my 8.25 creature. I expect a clip back by the way.

Anonymous No. 122641

If you don't want to support a local shop then skatedeluxe I'd say.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122642

Funny, that looks like a retarded adult standing on a skateboard.

Anonymous No. 122643

Ok but where's your clip doe?

Anonymous No. 122644

he doesn't skate he'll never post one

Anonymous No. 122646


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Anonymous No. 122647

Why does he duck the smoke every time we ask for a clip?

Anonymous No. 122651

I thought you were just a troll but it just seems like it because you are an ESL idiot. I'm going to try to do a kickflip after I put together my new skateboard but idk if it it will be too cringe to post.
Everyone isn't the same poster.

Anonymous No. 122652

>I thought you were just a troll

That's probably just because you're of low IQ and from slap. You should still post a clip though. No OC clips are cringe.

Anonymous No. 122653

No, I'm from here. I doubt many slap users have found this board.

Anonymous No. 122664

Which third world shit hole is this?

Anonymous No. 122666

your mom

Anonymous No. 122667

Based OC poster
Haters fuck off

Anonymous No. 122669

no, the only 'complete' you should buy is one a shop might have put together already with real trucks and real wheels. so indy, ace, venture, thunder trucks with spitfire, oj, bones wheels.

Anonymous No. 122671

indy and ace are the taller of the truck brands off the bat. you won't be able to do much of anything to make them 'shorter' and smaller bushings will only bring your wheelbase in, not make it shorter. indy makes a mid truck so you can go that route if you feel they are too tall. thunder and venture are the lower of the brands with venture having a low option

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Anonymous No. 122677

Please no rude comments, trust me I already know... I like the board though.

Anonymous No. 122679

can't hate on that catch

Anonymous No. 122681

Please learn how to pop your tricks lmao

Anonymous No. 122682

You don't skate

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Anonymous No. 122683

>popping your tricks

Anonymous No. 122684

dangerously based

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Anonymous No. 122685

You get home from a late night skate sesh. You walk in the door, grab a beer from the fridge and walk into your tv room. You turn the light on and BOOM there's beatrice with this face looking at you. What do you do?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122687

Dude those heelflip bails were like comical lmao. It looked like something you would see in some dumb teen movie. I unironically lmao'd at them. Nice clip though. First pop shuv was sweet.

Anonymous No. 122688

If you can't skate transition you're not a real skater, simple as

Anonymous No. 122689

She's dumb. Like probably below 100 iq. The jews have tried to tell us that physiognomy isn't real but look at her fucking head and tell me she probably isn't borderline retarded. Her forehead is like 2 inches tall. >>122685

Anonymous No. 122690

Wait are these the same guy posting? The guy who just learnt pop shuvs and half cabs is calling people 'faggot tranny skaters'?

Anonymous No. 122691

That was my first session after recovering from a hamstring tear.

Anonymous No. 122693

>just learnt pop shuvs and half cabs


Anonymous No. 122694

Do tranny skaters make you seethe because all you have is a fucking asphalt road to skate on? Hopefully putin or zelensky nukes you soon

Anonymous No. 122695

If you can't skate transition on an 8 you're not a real skater, simple as*

Anonymous No. 122696

>can't handle the banter

Stop sweating slapbro.

Anonymous No. 122697

Yeah but unless you are like 14 why would you when an 8.5 and over is almost always better for tranny?

>can't skate tranny
It's over europoor

Anonymous No. 122698

Because you're a straight white male and you want to skate street.

Anonymous No. 122700

Do europoors think skating 'street' is literally just skating in the street? Like not skating ledges, stairs, rails etc but just skating in the middle of the street?

Anonymous No. 122701

Son are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 122702

Go practice heelflips buddy

Anonymous No. 122703

Go practice bs pivots sonny

Anonymous No. 122704


Anonymous No. 122705

Offer her a healthy dose of bwc.

Anonymous No. 122706

>don't skate anymore
>don't drink beer
>don't have a tv
>been too lazy these past months so I haven't changed the light bulb in my living room so I can't turn it on

This literally cannot happen to me.

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Anonymous No. 122707

servicing BWSC (big white skater cocks) probably helped her get that board

Anonymous No. 122708

She looks like fucking yakub dude

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Anonymous No. 122709


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Anonymous No. 122711


Anonymous No. 122719

there's nothing particularly wrong with her, besides her acne, she just needs to exfoliate or something and get a different hairstyle that doesn't accentuate her forehead lmao she's looks pretty average desu but ya she does give me mouth-breather vibes just based on her social media and the fact that shes unironically super religious kek i wish she wasn't 27 so i could excuse her cringe behavior but Jesus christ, delusions of grandeur

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Anonymous No. 122724


Anonymous No. 122730

Totally didn't victory push..

Anonymous No. 122735

Who is the most self aware skateboarder out there?

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Anonymous No. 122741

Fuck me this is expensive.

Anonymous No. 122742

It is, but it's a one time investment pretty much and for a long time you'll only change your deck. If you're not that good you can literally skate the same deck for a whole year too. DGK is cringe though.

Anonymous No. 122743

Yeah but it's just a skateboard at the end of the day, also why is DGK cringe?

Anonymous No. 122745

dgk has a pretty sick team imo

Anonymous No. 122746

Because my opinion says so.

Anonymous No. 122750

Black people

Anonymous No. 122752


new thread

Anonymous No. 122761

>popping a hippy jump

Anonymous No. 122817

>80 dollarydoos for a deck

Jesus Christ. Last Zero deck I got was 65. Cheaper but decent decks were like 45. What a ripoff.

Anonymous No. 125578

dumbest shit ive ever seen in my life