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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 128945

S k a t e b o a r d i n g

old thread >>127876

Anonymous No. 128947

what happened to the music that used to play on /xs/
I found out I liked Modest Mouse that way

Anonymous No. 128952

practice doing back 180 manuals on flat. it doesn't have to be a proper manual, you can tail drag just as long as you are getting used to the motion of popping backside and landing with your weight on the tail. use your shoulders to get the rotation.
try to get comfortable with back 5-0s on tranny too, if you have a small ramp or qp, maybe try doing 5-0 to tail stalls with a focus on doing that motion quicker every time until you're basically doing it before you hit the coping. back tails are much less about pop than they are about your comfort with 180s.

Anonymous No. 128981

Sick, so it's pretty much like slightly popping into a back 5-0 but you over-rotate it a bit? I have back 180s on flat down and i can do legit back 5-0s on medium sized tranny. Back 5-0s are like deceptively hard though

Anonymous No. 128982

thats a cool photo
here is an interesting Reynolds interview talking about shoes

Anonymous No. 128983


Anonymous No. 128999

Our guy and resident poster Bevup still hasn't fixed his teeth. Is it that hard in the US? They're probably quoting him way more than he can afford?

Anonymous No. 129046

Anybody have any tips for skateboarding for taller people?

Also does anybody know any board companies that make boards over 32' inch? (I heard chocolate makes boards >32'inch)
I feel like getting a longer board would really help with flick tricks.
Cause if your tall and ride a regular board your feet are spread less apart kind requiring you to do a shorter and harder flick.
Whenever I skate it feels like I lack real estate on my board.

Anonymous No. 129047

search by length, the filter is on the side

Anonymous No. 129048

I just got an anti hero deck that is probably 32 and a quarter. I'm 6'1 and have no tips.

Anonymous No. 129049

>thats a cool photo
It certainly is. Old skate photos have so much soul

Anonymous No. 129050

Thanks homie!

Anonymous No. 129051

>maite on the list of queers

Anonymous No. 129054

What width do you want and what boards have you tried? I'm tall and I look more at wheelbase and fingers of flat. The shorter the wheelbase the more distance between the bolt holes and where the tail starts to angle up. The worst is a short wheelbase, small fingers of flat, and a long/tall tail.

Anonymous No. 129055

Jenkem with more on the field investigative work, this time in Miami

Anonymous No. 129064

Isn't it nuts how little fanfare there is for records being broken after the mid 2000s? The Leap of Faith was legendary and iconic despite not even being a make, the 900 was an amazing piece of television, but both have been surpassed many times and there's weak record of it.

I don't know how to feel about that.

Anonymous No. 129075

No one cares about your faggot shit fuck off

Anonymous No. 129076

local park ripper is such a kook. i have like 30 min conversations with him whenever i see him at the park to the point where i want to roll away and skate but he keeps the convo going. i randomly found his instagram so i followed him and he didn't even follow back. rich faggot thinks he's too cool to follow plebs like me who suck at skating. jokes on you faggot, you will never be pro and now im just going to be one of the many other locals who seem to avoid your corny ass you fucking FAGGOT

Anonymous No. 129077

Sounds like you have a crush on him anon

Anonymous No. 129091

the difference is leap of faith and 900 were both marketing centerpieces whereas this is just some guy doing gnarly shit; skateboarding is no longer novel to the general public so it's like hearing some olympian beat the world record by .05 seconds
it seems to me like people who become exceptionally good at something are usually generally socially inept. at least that's what i tell myself to feel better about not skating very well haha

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Anonymous No. 129092

Yeah the other anon is right, just kiss him already. If you weren't in love with him you wouldn't be giving this so much importance.

Anonymous No. 129103

>marketing centerpieces
Maybe the Leap of Faith, but the 900 was in itself amazing television:

What is it that people even market skateboarding stuff with any more? The social media era with its whole "lifestyle", individualistic, "express yourself" thing makes me think that you just have to be a constant human billboard who can actually suck at skating, but still get paid so long as you're consistently putting out content. But does that ACTUALLY get people to buy skateboards (and skateboard accessories) in big numbers better than "HOLY FUCKING SHIT LOOK AT THIS JUMP"? Is skateboarding just not seen as being "extreme" by normies any more?

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Anonymous No. 129116

Mike V is a big time faggot. I'm sure i shared this before but in the early 2000s i was skating Hollywood High with some friends- we were at some smaller stair sets in the back not where the huge stair set where everyone films is.
I've ran into a lot of ams/ pros in those days and they've always been cool, the ones who weren't like Greco or a few others kinda just kept to themselves- but usually someone else in their crew would be cool with us so it was fine.
But i digest...
So we're skating and we see him and one of my friends was like "oh shit its Mike V" and like a little bitch - in a very whiney voice he goes "Yes its me Mike V, everyone just stop what you're doing and interrupt what I'm doing because I'm Mike fucking V. NO you can;'t have my board, NO you can't have my autograph, I'm just here to skate. GOT THAT?"
We kinda just gave him an "alright bro" and kept it moving- but because of that incident i couldn't fucking stand his ass

Anonymous No. 129125

>But i digest...
yea i've seen this before idk if it's straight up copypasta or if you're just retelling but yea, his entire career is based on the fact that he threw a tantrum and beat up some drunk guys because he felt disrespected so I believe you

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Anonymous No. 129126

Guys I'm starting to think people in real life don't like gifted hater

Anonymous No. 129127

idk what this is from but the mans not afraid to present critical views so of course he's going to ruffle some feathers. He's got a nuanced understanding of the industry and considers multiple perspectives. Better than the 9club style 'woa that was siick' reaction to literally everything I for one appreciate his takes. his latest soty drama breakdown video for instance I thought was entirely on point except that he viewed the bondoing of the subway bumps as kosher because the previous footage at the spot was pre-bumps, whereas I consider it to be an independent trick and don't think it was entirely necessary for tyshawn I would have been more impressed if he did a simple ollie without the bondo but I understand that the point is the novelty of the location because otherwise he could just do a long-jump on flat and just mark the distance with chalk or something... anyways he's got jokes, knows his shit, and someone needs to call out industry bs so it might as well be him

Anonymous No. 129128

anybody that pisses dill off is a winner in my book

Anonymous No. 129129

I like him overall but there's lots of shit he does that bugs me. Mostly that he's fucking obsessed with fashion but has really specific, shit taste while hanging out with queer people who dress like rodeo clowns...and he's painfully unfunny but tries to be "ironic" in that zoomer way to dodge criticism.

I would like more thoughtful criticism in skate media though. I get why Nice Club is what it is because there's lots of dumb irrational elitism in skating, but it's so scroteless and the whole Gator thing really showed how bad it is.

Anonymous No. 129131

Swap weird for gay and he’s spot on. Too bad he’s such a woke faggot now that he’d never utter such a reality

Anonymous No. 129133

where is this from?

Gifted Hater is probably a necessary evil, someone has to speak up for the masses of skateboarding dorks who take the wooden toy too seriously.

Anonymous No. 129135

>there's lots of dumb irrational elitism in skating, but it's so scroteless and the whole Gator thing really showed how bad it is.

can you fill me in? I haven't paid attention to skateboarding outside of just skating by myself in like two years

Anonymous No. 129136

gators friend was on 9 club and was like yeah he didnt actually kill that girl on purpose or some shit and the 9club guys were just like sick! yeah totally!

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Anonymous No. 129137


Anonymous No. 129138

is he trying to defend kevin bradleys bum ass lmao
>"approach to skateboarding"
lol what, all he does is not skate and be annoying on Instagram. there is no approach that mfer is fried

Anonymous No. 129139

what the fuck even

Anonymous No. 129140

>be shithead named gator
>rape then cave a girls skull in at a party before wrapping her up in a rug
>get convicted and sent to asspounding jail
>be friends with mark oblow (some weird industry fag in his 50s who’s obsessed with dylan and other model boy skaters)
>he goes on nice club
>story comes up and he basically just says “ya lol gator likes rough sex”
>oh ya sick bro like totes

Anonymous No. 129141


Anonymous No. 129142

He can disappear from skating for like 10 months then post a single clip that seems like he never left. KB is rad, FA/dill/ave are all kooks now

Anonymous No. 129143

>has really specific, shit taste
okay what kind of pants do you where anon? that's all i need to know.

Anonymous No. 129145

he's good but every clip he post is light work for him he doesn't really try anymore.

Anonymous No. 129146

They were more like 'oh wow that's crazy' *changes topic*

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Anonymous No. 129148

no no lmao it's about Kevin Rodrigues.
and the thing about KB is that sometimes he can't skate, but it's for good reasons. like the time he got lost at a gas station. or when he stays up all night stoned and can't get past the first level in a new video game.

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Anonymous No. 129153

Explain to me why I should care what a furry thinks?

Anonymous No. 129155

KRod is kind of a bum too. Dude kind of disappeared back to France because he didn’t like being in the pro spotlight and all of the fame that comes from riding for FA/Hockey. Must be really hard waking up to those fat checks every morning lmao.

Anonymous No. 129159

>the pro spotlight and all of the fame that comes
is being pro really that notable? i know popular contest skaters would get recognized by normies but does anyone other than skaters care about FA?

Anonymous No. 129160

I really doubt it, and with the way Bill films you can’t even tell who is skating if you aren’t already down with who is on Supreme/the FA camp. He initially dipped from Polar because he said Pontus was trying to light a fire under him by turning him pro and he didn’t want all the responsibility that comes along with that...So he left for FA? Makes no sense to me. A shame because I like his footage but when you hear Tyshawn talking about wanting to leave that camp because only Louie was actually skating paints a bad picture of the squad over there

Anonymous No. 129161

Pretty much.

>IRL Gator
>went insane from drug abuse and being a giant cunt already
>plots to get revenge in his ex gf
>her friend shows up instead
>beats and rapes her across multiple days, keeping her tied to the bed
>eventually bashes her head in until she's dead
>puts her body in a surf bag and buries her in the desert, badly
>body is found days later by campers
>he's hunted down by the cops and arrested
>details of this case are well known thanks to a documentary

>Nice Club Gator
>Gator and this girl already had a relationship
>were in to kinky sex
>oopsie doopsie he accidentally strangled her to death!
>oh no he panics and tries to hide the body
>it's so well hidden that he altruisticly solves this unsolvable crime by turning himself in
>actually stopped a murderer on the loose if you think about it!

The fact not one of them said ANYTHING even mildly in disagreement with that was the most shocking bit.

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Anonymous No. 129162

You guys wanna see something weird? GH's insta story, see pic related, has the exact same cropped image that was posted in this very thread a few hours ago.
So his furry ass is a confirmed 4chan poster.

Anonymous No. 129164

lol yo GH shout us out and use your skate clout to make kids think symmetric decks are cool so companies make more of them and the price drops please and thank you

Anonymous No. 129165

I wonder if GH is the one shitting on me for my front smiths

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Anonymous No. 129166

I bet he's the poster that is always talking about zoomer girls bullying him

Anonymous No. 129167

you mean the interview that was posted on SLAP before someone re-posted it on here? please apply yourselves people. this dude only lurks "skate twitter", he's way too soft for 4chan

Anonymous No. 129168

shut up we know it's you
inb4 gh is the weird racist aggro poster

Anonymous No. 129170

he's actually the skatepark crush poster

Anonymous No. 129171

I actually bothered to read that KRod "interview" damn, the people who are close to him comparing him to Alex Olson and Anthony Pappalardo is not really a good look. Two of my favorite skaters of all time, who unfortunately cut their own careers short because "well, fuck it" attitude despite being extremely talented, very stylish, trend setting skaters. Really hope Kevin doesn't go this route but i'm not going to be surprised if he just calls it quits as being a pro in the very near future. had no idea he was already 30 as well

Anonymous No. 129172

alex olson is such a faggot

Anonymous No. 129173

for throwing his career away, maybe. but his actually attitude seems very care free and the internet seems to really twist that into something else. he seems very sarcastic yet very self aware, not many people like that in the industry.

Anonymous No. 129176

Holy shit you fucking faggot I am glad I caught you here you are a clueless stupid Reddit dork faggot who needs to shut the fuck up. Go back to your tranny discord nine club cry party and fucking kill yourself. You people ruined the nine club crying about faggot ass beta shit to the point that those old dorks are walking on eggshells every episode to not upset some gender positive faggot nobody like you in their comment. All that shit lead to that big fat ugly retarded dork cunt marble being thrust into the spotlight. Seriously fuck off, kys. You cunts are pure cancer and ruining skating.

I know you're the queer cunt who spams tranny and faggot shit on this board. You were never welcome in skating and never will be.

Anonymous No. 129177

>never skated
>never done weed
>somehow during my childhood i always ended up making friends with the stoners/skaters

Anonymous No. 129178

No, I'm the weird agro racist skater. NIGGER.

Anonymous No. 129181

>eurocuck hours

Anonymous No. 129184

kill yourself faggot, before I bash your head in at a skatepark

Anonymous No. 129185

are we gonna pretend girls don't like choking lmao.
oblow is far more based and interesting than every morally whipped xannybrained zoomer combined. all zoomers are trans by default, there is no cis or heterosexual zoomer.
weck is better.
giftedreddit's biggest problem is that he cannot contain his moralfaggotry. just be the funny youtube man and document cringe. proselytizing is anti-funny.

Anonymous No. 129186

both are weirdo magnets and weirdos tend to be pretty nice

Anonymous No. 129192

Post stories.

What's the most notable encounter with THE LAW/Karens you've had while skating?

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Anonymous No. 129194

Me and my buddy were in an empty parking lot, we were practicing flip tricks. Something like 8 cop cars roll up, they formed a sort of barrier by the exits and then ran out pointing their guns at us.
When they realized it was just two goofballs they explained someone had reported a car jacking in THAT parking lot which didn't make any sense considering we had been there for a couple of hours.
Thank you for reading and subscribing to my blog

Anonymous No. 129211

It's finally here

Anonymous No. 129213

no bitch that’s me kek

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Anonymous No. 129214

>cold outside
>haven’t seen my skatepark crush since early/mid November

Anonymous No. 129216

Shut up furfaggot.

Anonymous No. 129217

bro that's gh

Anonymous No. 129219

i knew a furfag that would snowboard and skate in his full on fursuit which is actually pretty gnarly and based for scaring normalniggers.
if more furfags were skaters maybe all the women and scooters would go away forever

Anonymous No. 129224

Anonymous No. 129226

Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you Joa. Considering your skate crew is a bunch of gay guys.

Anonymous No. 129232

I can’t believe people actually think gh lurks/posts here when he is butt buddies with Ryan Lay, dude is like the biggest faggot in skating rn

Anonymous No. 129237

I don't mind him but stuff like this is the beginning of the end. He will become a parody of himself soon. It's the YouTuber cycle.

Anonymous No. 129239

For a guy who could sack on a 1ft flat bar it's pretty crazy he is board sliding rails and shit. Love wee man.

Anonymous No. 129246

people in these threads thinking 4chan is the only place people talk about skateboarding is hilarious

Anonymous No. 129259

>cold outside
>no kind of atmosphere

Anonymous No. 129265

>wanting skating to be a sausagefest again
>with furries

Yiff in hell, please.

Anonymous No. 129270

i fucking love this guy im sorry i want to be his friend so bad. we probably would get along well.

Anonymous No. 129283

doesnt seem like the kinda guy id want on the sesh

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Anonymous No. 129302


Anonymous No. 129316

you're not better than him at skating, i guarantee that.

Anonymous No. 129319

I find this guy weird. I went from liking him, to thinking he was annoying, to liking him, then back to finding him annoying and that was just during the runtime of that video. Too many self-deprecating jokes about his skating - some is fine, but not after every fucking attempt.

Anonymous No. 129326

Saw a tip for shoves saying that you should use your front foot to (slightly) push the board a bit at the same time as you scooping back, but not really seen anyone else say this. Is this true?

Anonymous No. 129327

i don't really use my front foot at all for shuvs other than to get pop

Anonymous No. 129328

I do it. It's how you guide the board pretty much to get good popped shuvs that don't flip and you land bolts with both feet instead of doing the gay zoomer front foot catch shit.

Anonymous No. 129329

Look at this neat part. UK scene looks very cool.

Anonymous No. 129331

I only lurk here every now and then. not a lot of good discussion ever happens in this shit general.

Anonymous No. 129332

I don't. It's an unnecessary movement when I can do it all with my back foot.

Anonymous No. 129337

GH puts a gay in all his skatepark review videos and i'll be honest, that alone makes me not like him.

Anonymous No. 129338

uk footage is always kino

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Anonymous No. 129339

Oh my god they both do the same arm thing when they crouch. I loved Blueprint so much.

Anonymous No. 129343

no i'm not, he is a far better tech skater than me. but he still seems kind of annoying

Anonymous No. 129346

the song was sick but man that filming was bad

Anonymous No. 129349

chandler is a massive fucken cringe fag and i wouldnt be surprised if he was a pedo too but he is a really good skater

Anonymous No. 129350

oh that's nice of him to go skate with OP

Anonymous No. 129360


Anonymous No. 129361

new vid from the corniest brand in skateboarding right now

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Anonymous No. 129365


Anonymous No. 129370

Based tomboy company

Anonymous No. 129372

<$30 decks from enjoi right now

Anonymous No. 129373

i wouldnt pay $10 for an enjoi deck
worst boards ever

Anonymous No. 129374

I wouldn't pay $10 for an enjoi because their graphics are all awful and as a reminder the graphic is the single most important feature of a board. No I don't pave panda logo nostalgia.

Anonymous No. 129376

I thought board graphics were a meme because grinding scratched the art away anyway?

Anonymous No. 129377

>all those decks on sale because theyre all from team riders that just left
hahah oof. brand is tanking.

Anonymous No. 129378

I never cared about board graphics because it's scratched after a few sessions.
Yeah most of the time

Anonymous No. 129379

I have had a couple, resin-7 is stiff which some people don't like. I liked the deedz shape though it's a little small, last chance on those. I wish they had a deedz xl, like an 8.8 with 14.6 wheelbase.

Anonymous No. 129381

No it doesn't unless you do smiths or feebles and even then it's not that much. Also just because you lose your graphic after a bit doesn't mean you should get an ugly one regardless.

Anonymous No. 129383

I just spent $120 for a Powell Peralta deck. What in the flying fuck is wrong with me or what in the flying fuck is wrong with my skate shop?

Anonymous No. 129385

That's what those TECHNOLOGY boards go for. Old bowl guys like those boards around here.

Anonymous No. 129386

Sounds like you paid the Support Your Local premium, very charitable of you.

Anonymous No. 129388

I guess the anon meant sliding. My graphic is often gone after one day

Anonymous No. 129390

The funny thing is I feel like what board you are riding matters way less when all you do is skate bowls, as long as it's wide enough

And of course those old bowl guys mostly just do backside kickturns and don't even drop in so yeah

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Anonymous No. 129392

It’s pic related and they threw in some grip for free, but holy hell, most of their boards were pushing $75+.

Anonymous No. 129394

why would you get that ugly ass deck?

Anonymous No. 129398

….no it’s not.

Anonymous No. 129400

I NEED to have sex with Jackie

Anonymous No. 129403

To be honest it's not THAT ugly for real. At least compared to their other graphics. Powell makes such dogshit graphics and I'm a sucker for corny skulls.

Anonymous No. 129404

Graphic is fine imo. Idk about that shape but would be interested in trying it out.
I put some 85a wheels on an old board at took it to a crusty local. Weathered 90s concrete/transition untouched. Good fun to be able to skate that spot without crazy vibrations and it's always dead empty.

Anonymous No. 129406

i hate how the shape is like square until you get to the nose and then it's got that super small nose. just ugly as fuck. the graphic isn't so bad from an old skool perspective but the shape is just blergh

Anonymous No. 129412

Is Nelly on T yet?

Anonymous No. 129413

skateboarding is really on it's way to being a semen-slurping sport.

Anonymous No. 129414

>on its way
>he doesn't know
Skateboarding has always been raped by corporations and branding for years.
Skaters themselves are trend followers that do not think for themselves and hate anyone outside their conformist standards, see the whole rollerblading vs skating thing.
The magazines told skaters 'blading was uncool and this was because it was eating into their profit margins, but like the braindead sheep they are the skaters took the bait hook line and sinker

Anonymous No. 129415

maybe that's why her acne is still so bad

Anonymous No. 129416

blading is lame because they wax the fuck out of metal coping on ramps. i hate bladers.

Anonymous No. 129417

The only one coping here is you

Anonymous No. 129419


Anonymous No. 129420

you only dont care because you cant skate tranny you little faggot

Anonymous No. 129421

Thanks for proving my point about skaters

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Skateboarding X R....jpg

Anonymous No. 129423

Wake up! Skateboarders and Rollerbladers were always friends. Don't believe the media.

Anonymous No. 129424

This is literally what I was saying
The "rivalry" was manufactured by companies and idiots ate it up

Anonymous No. 129426

Just like in every other human activity: gaming, wrestling, music, chess, dancing. You can go on and on. Welcome to earth.

Anonymous No. 129427

this is actually very true and anyone who says otherwise isn't intellectually honest

skateboarding is objectively less "core" than roller blading now, exactly ZERO people on Earth do rollerblading thinking it makes them look cool, and rollerbladers don't try to be rock stars/pouty boys. skaters are some of the biggest trend followers on the planet, and the worst part is somewhere along the line it became cool and "proper" to be a tiny hat loser concerned with "skate politics."

Anonymous No. 129429

>ZERO people on Earth do rollerblading thinking it makes them look cool
I don't know dude lol check this out

Anonymous No. 129430

me in the middle except the complete opposite in every way

Anonymous No. 129431

I grew up skating with bladers since no one else skated. They were into similar street spots as me / would go bigger which pushed me. Also launch ramps were big then and one of them had the perfect kicker in their driveway.
I would try their blades and be like Bambi on ice.

Anonymous No. 129434

theres 3 in his new video

Anonymous No. 129436

I tried to argue against this but in good faith I can't.

Anonymous No. 129438

nelly is my favorite skater

Anonymous No. 129439

he's a kook, he'll always be chasing his own tail trying to come off as profound or edgy. ignore him and other semen-slurpers

Anonymous No. 129440

if only there were some other 4 letter word starting with K we could use to describe grifters...

Anonymous No. 129446


Anonymous No. 129448

Come do a skatepark review of my local and I’ll buy you a beer

Anonymous No. 129450

>be 90s
>be skater
>go to SKATE park
>see fruitbooters waxing the coping and everything else in sight

wtf why would skate companies do that?

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Anonymous No. 129451

>why don't kids go outside anymore
>we even built entire skateparks for them

🗑️ Anonymous No. 129454

if i ever see logan lara irl i will vibe him so hard

Anonymous No. 129460

This wasn't ever an issue where I grew up. It was more they'd fly around and skate different lines to skaters which disrupts the flow of a park. When there was proper hierarchy that type of stuff didn't fly.
>Has shade
Looks like my type of spot desu

Anonymous No. 129463

I once saw aaron loreth at the local before i even knew who he was and he had some limosine t shirt on that looked like an old punk band t shirt and i was like 'yo what band is that?' and he was like 'it's limosine' and he seemed pretty offended haha

Anonymous No. 129468

this is pretty funny. I think it's kind of cringe how limos logo looks like some 90s punk/hxc/metal band yet their edits nor team riders have any of that actual energy outside of Cyrus. A very sick image with an insanely boring team

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skate t shirt.jpg

Anonymous No. 129471

just ordered some new skate merch

gotta let the nazis at the skatepark know they are not welcome

Anonymous No. 129472

yeah nice one faggots thanks for letting us know about your opinion on fashion and what merch you got instead of fucking skating
Stacey Peralta is rolling in his grave

Anonymous No. 129479

>90s punk/hxc/metal
it looks like a Hyundai logo

Anonymous No. 129485

This is a hard thing to phrase, but do you guys catch your board at the top of the arch when you pop a flip trick, or do you do it on the way down? Does that upwards momentum "shoot" the board into your feet, or do you sort of "align" with it on the way down?

Anonymous No. 129486

>ywn watch jump off a building in 1998

Anonymous No. 129489

Trucks and risers don't really matter as long as they are not walmart quality

Anonymous No. 129491

yeah sure if you only skate flatground you fucken kook

Anonymous No. 129492

I'd beat you in skate

Anonymous No. 129493

so what? if all you do is skate flat i dont even think you can call yourself a skateboarder

Anonymous No. 129494

fucken jamie griffin dickriding kooks in this thread

Anonymous No. 129495

I'm sorry i couldn't hear you over your elbow pads and wrist guards

Anonymous No. 129500

getting real kooky in here

Anonymous No. 129503

It literally looks like some 90s buttrock band font come on dude

Anonymous No. 129513

Agreed. It always reminds me of a car manufacturer logo which makes sense (Limousine)

Anonymous No. 129514

Manramp is back

Anonymous No. 129515

worble is like reddit personified.

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Skateboarding X R....webm

Anonymous No. 129516

Anonymous No. 129523

girl is cute AF, wonder if she squirts or creams.

Anonymous No. 129525

Skated in 0C conditions again, mightve catched a cold dammit, also my front foot pinky toe is hurting.
Where do you guys skate in cold weather, are underground parking lots the only solution?

Anonymous No. 129526

doubles vert is so gay, like I don't understand how it's possible for skateboarding to look that gay

Anonymous No. 129527

>Where do you guys skate in cold weather, are underground parking lots the only solution?

I don't, I go snowboarding. Seriously though, if you have some base layers that wick moisture, try those. Problem is we all wear cotton so that shit will get wet fairly quick. Underground parking lots and under a bridge insulate a teeny bit. If there are outlets nearby, and you skate with people, you might try chipping in on a crazy big space heater?

Anonymous No. 129537

I just got back from a snowskate session.

Anonymous No. 129538

i know rollerblading has gotten a lot of shit over the years for being gay and shit, but honestly any sport where you use your body and some wheels to overcome an architectural obstacle while flowing gracefully across it with style and ease is fucking rad

respect to all my wheel riding homies

Anonymous No. 129542

Question, how good are CCS trucks? I never skated them but have a friend who wants to start

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Anonymous No. 129544

ime just as long as you keep moving you don't get too cold.
anon is right about cotton though. if you get a decent layer like some thin down it helps a lot.
my dad got me one of these a few years ago and they look pretty gay but it's great for skating. it was -8 last night and didn't feel bad at all. wet feet are probably the biggest session killer though.
i fucked my shoulder on a front lip somehow but i bombed some hills and skated a barrier spot up in aspen last night & it was pretty fun.

Anonymous No. 129552

If you want budget trucks get bullet brand trucks. They are made in the same factory as independent. It's all chink shit now but the design does matter as it allows you to carve and pivot properly.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 129556

Anonymous No. 129557

um anon what are you doing

Anonymous No. 129569

Yeah. Skate flat ground. Developed flow steez. Make shuv game strong.

>6'6 on deck

You gotta kneel way more, but lean back a little and center yourself.

Anonymous No. 129570

i'm gonna learn back tails this year for real bros

Anonymous No. 129571

Agreed. But to be fair. The hate was pushed because skateboard market was competing with roller blades. Young people will follow any trends.

Anonymous No. 129576

it's because they were niggers who waxed the shit out of everything. also inliners were way bigger jocks than skaters.
now newfags are both jocks and waxfags so they don't understand

Anonymous No. 129584

> Wax beef

This shit needs a documentary. The depth here. I started skating around 12, hate trend started around cky.

Skating older now. It's different, bro. It's welcoming. I see all sorts of people. I was sessing today. Met a dad who was riding his electronic cars off the ramps.

He was cool and we Vibed. I don't care what media says now. Fucking hate media. I love communicating with different people.

For me skating is a work out and a little bit of meeting up with people.

Anonymous No. 129586

Dude, it's like this. If I see a bunch of people roll up with skooters, RV Toys or some shit.

I have a short moment to decide? Can I love this person or will I hate them.

Anonymous No. 129589

>Met a dad who was riding his electronic cars off the ramps.

how have I never seen this before? would cheer on

Anonymous No. 129592

reminder that the most triumphant skate video of all time has a sequel underway

Anonymous No. 129620


>Upside down cross

Yawn. This is tiresome.

Anonymous No. 129623

Met him and some of the Worble guys recently. They're super nice people. Tom Mull gave me a deck.

Anonymous No. 129625

I never got why skaters gave inliners SUCH shit aside from how they hog up a park. Street inline was rad and terrifying as fuck.

Anonymous No. 129626

Because the corporations told them to
Skaters rival the FGC in terms of corporate sheep bandwagoning

Anonymous No. 129628

Probably because it takes like half the skill to do any trick with inline skates and it will never look stylish, it's always fucken goofy. I could put on a pair of inline skates right now, having only used them like 3 times in my life, and I bet I could make it down probably a 4 stair. No way could I have done that on a skateboard after only picking it up 3 times.

Anonymous No. 129629

sure kid :^)

Anonymous No. 129630

It's just true. There is a reason all these roasties at skateparks are rolling around on their rollerskates instead of skateboards

Anonymous No. 129631

>caring about roasties
L+youre american+youre a mindless sheep+you like capcom+you probably think strive is a good game+ratio

Anonymous No. 129632

Shut the FUCK up zoomer i have no idea what you just said, go jerk off jamie griffin like all the other faggot euros in this thread who skate in their basement

Anonymous No. 129633


Anonymous No. 129635

FT10 me in whatever anime kusoge you play faggot

Anonymous No. 129636

I would rape you so hard at Xrd you would have to go into therapy

Anonymous No. 129637

>playing xturd and not +R
lmao even

Anonymous No. 129638

+R is genuinely broken dogshit, like all fighting games, but even more pronounced

Anonymous No. 129639

Yeah and broken dogshit is fun but a xrdbaby wouldn’t know anything about that despite his game having YRC and dangertime
Post steam so I can gape you

Anonymous No. 129640

>play both +R and xrd
>somehow this means I don't play +R because i criticised it
The "intelligence" of skatefags

Anonymous No. 129641

nice dodge pussy
Post steam and see I’m in Xrd or +R or shut the up

Anonymous No. 129642


Anonymous No. 129643

Both games have rollback who gives a fuck

Anonymous No. 129644

>retard thinks rollback is magic
Rollback makes good connections better, it can't save cross-continent

Anonymous No. 129645

>yet another dodge
I’ve played Brazilians on fightcade I don’t care where you are from
post a lobby or fuck off

Anonymous No. 129646

>no region
>no lobby
Another +R "veteran" that doesn't play lmao

Anonymous No. 129647

LMAO you’re the faggot who brought up fighting games in the first place and this is the third time you’re refusing to post a lobby. If you actually played that game you’d know that cross Atlantic play is fine enough as evident by the NA VS JP team tournament. Keep ducking tho you scary ass bitch. You’re probably the same shitter in here who can only heelflip lmao. Thanks for dodging you faggot, don’t reply to me again if you aren’t going to post a steam lobby in either +R or Xrd so i can fuck your poser ass up in either game

Anonymous No. 129648

>+R faggot still has no lobby
Didn't read lol

Anonymous No. 129649

Why did you bring up fighting games when you don’t actually want to play them

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Anonymous No. 129650

>this fanook still ducking out of a body

Anonymous No. 129651

but I do? +Rfags don't, similar to how people that got upset at bladers did neither

Anonymous No. 129652

I've been in ggg long enough to know +R "vets" don't play so why bother

Anonymous No. 129653

I play sol in both games, this is your last chance to post a lobby or fuck off since you brought up Xrd in the first place

Anonymous No. 129654

>STILL no lobby
If you were serious you would've posted a lobby ages ago

Anonymous No. 129655

Thanks for letting me know you’re a pathetic faggot

Anonymous No. 129656

yet another non-playing +Rfag

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Anonymous No. 129657

>to know
Yeah I know you're too much of a finook to play some random anon on this kazakhstanti horse curing forum

Anonymous No. 129658

>STILL no lobby
I'd join instantly if you actually had a lobby, but +Rfags don't play

Anonymous No. 129659

>thinks I'm the same finook he was having a retarded argument with
How weed are you smoking right now n a scale to 1-10?

Anonymous No. 129660


Anonymous No. 129661

back in the late 90s there was a dude that worked at my local video game shop that wore inlines while he worked, he'd skate around putting games out on the shelves and shit lol

Anonymous No. 129662

That was the most consecutive action /xs/ has seen

Anonymous No. 129663

Shut up before I kiss you and beat you at Tony Hawk Pro Skater

Anonymous No. 129664

this is the other part newfags don’t get. your autistic inline shit is not the rollerblading we grew up around. we grew up around kooky fuckers and wine aunts being the bladers because was wayyyyy more widespread and socially accepted than skating and it looked fucking gay
there is no conspiracy. fruitbooters looked like retarded faggots so they were laughed at
the inliners were all mike v tier

Anonymous No. 129665

Suck my dick faggot you brought up fighting games yet refuse to post a lobby. You are the gayest poster in this general and that is truly saying something. Feel free to post FC so I can rape you in anything in that too

Anonymous No. 129666

+Rfag STILL fuming
All you need is a lobby

Anonymous No. 129667

>get in a skatepark fight and challenge the other fag to videogames
you kids would've been fucking sodomized in the pre nike era

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Anonymous No. 129668

Skateboarding needs an exorcism

Anonymous No. 129669

what's our new thing lads? my vote is extreme heelies

Anonymous No. 129671

+1 vote for mountain biking

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Anonymous No. 129678

>getting real kooky in here

Anonymous No. 129683

bladers and roller skaters aren't the same, relating the guys who are going hard in the park to fat women skating backwards is insane.

Anonymous No. 129689

snowboarding is somehow less gay than skateboarding now so that's what I primarily identity with

Anonymous No. 129692

>pick up first sneedboarding magazine in probably a decade
>it has a two page spread on how words are violence and we need to be heckin' inclusive blm faggarinos

Anonymous No. 129696

Figured I should ask here. Any of you know where I can find a pdf of Agents Provocateurs: 100 Subversive Skateboard Graphics?

Anonymous No. 129705

no question that chandler burton fucks kids

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Anonymous No. 129706

what the fuck is actually wrong with chandler burton.
>my sexual identity is putting on makeup that makes me look like a demon
100% got sexually abused as a kid

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Zeus No. 129708

God I wish I knew how to "skate" good

Anonymous No. 129717

>cross Atlantic play is fine
do europeans have a single opinion thats not retarded

Anonymous No. 129718

reminder that aaron kyro has done more for skateboarding in the last 25 than anyone else in north america

Anonymous No. 129719

Maybe go skate instead of acting like a faggot

Anonymous No. 129720

by selling the 'skater lifestyle' image to 10 year olds women and neet losers who don't actually skate? you're even gayer than

Anonymous No. 129721

you fucking wish loser what have you done except calling people kooks and spending all day in the qp doing rock to fakies lmao

Anonymous No. 129722

Anonymous No. 129723

Everything sucks now :(

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it hurts to live ....jpg

Anonymous No. 129733

I'm going to go to a physio, but have any of you had the kind of hip problem where you're 100% totally fine for almost the entire day, then towards the end of a sesh you suddenly turn it in a weird way and white hot pain shoots up it?

I did the splits like 6 months ago, sprained my groin muscle, but was fine to the degree I could walk home. Rested it, seemed to have recovered fully, no reduced range of motion, but this weird short burst of pain won't go away and it happens on a different part of my hip. What the fuck did I do to myself?

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Anonymous No. 129734

I like how manramp got super ripped just to wife up this disgusting hamplanet

Anonymous No. 129739

enjoy surgery anon

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Anonymous No. 129745

I'm off work for Christmas vacation, I'm going to the skatepark early tomorrow you guys can come. I'm maybe even going to buy coffee and donuts for everyone but you can only take one from the box you can't take more.

Anonymous No. 129755

Sherman oaks bro do you have a holiday over christmas this year?

I got a bunch of time off, i'm currently pretty sick but once i get better let's skate

love from ventura anon

Anonymous No. 129792

what if you buy an box of 12 but only 3 people turn up? can we take more than 1 or are you being hungry horace and take them home wiht you?

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Anonymous No. 129801

What would you guys recommend for pool/bowl skating for someone who skates an 8.5" deck?

I have some soft Orbz wheels and the one 9" deck I stood on felt comfy, but I'm tempted to try a shape deck. What do you guys like?

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Anonymous No. 129802

>this is a hamplanet to you

You are gay. You like men. You think you have "high standards" for women, but in reality you'd much rather kiss males. You watched a video of a guy with big muscles, commented postively on him, but somehow saw a woman in a bikini and thought "ew, gross". The sooner you admit it to yourself, the happier you will be.

Anonymous No. 129803

Nice projection. Bitch looks like a chubby mexican teenage boy. If you're attracted to this shit in any way you might as well be a faggot in the closet. Nastyass hoe.

Anonymous No. 129809

I work Monday - Friday this week but I've got the weekend and Monday off, same for the new years week as well. I keep getting fucked up every time go skate (hipper last week, swellbow this week) so hopefully when we skate i'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 129815

too bad about new balances ugly ass giant N logos

Anonymous No. 129818

you’re a faggot not because you clearly like men but because you gossip like a woman in a thread about skateboarding. God damn shut the fuck up. no one cares about some random dudes wife, hes literally just some guy who gives a fuck.

Anonymous No. 129820

same bro let’s do it. My friend recently learned them and he said learning fs tails helped a lot.

Anonymous No. 129821

>t. fat mexican

Anonymous No. 129824

>how have I never seen this before? would cheer on
that shit is honestly the worst and those fucking cars get in the way

Anonymous No. 129826

I liked a modern shaped deck around 8.75, Indy 159s and 56mm spitfire f4 conical fulls. I am tempted to say the wheels are the most important part, you want something that will help you maintain speed instead of having to work for it all the time. Bearings are important too but really as long as they roll they are fine

Anonymous No. 129827

That wasn't my post so looks like you're the faggot and you also care.

Anonymous No. 129829

it's fine if they're doing it where nobody is skating like in the big bowls when the heshers aren't around. it's actually terrible everywhere else because the gay little toys get in the way while the driver just stands on top of one of the ledges and also gets in the way.

Anonymous No. 129831

is this supposed to be a hot picture?
>zero titties
>loose as fuck swimsuit
>hiding her feet
>no camel toe whatsoever
What is the point of this picture? to see her legs?

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Anonymous No. 129834

fiyah emoji

Anonymous No. 129835

lol that's the worst butt of all time

Anonymous No. 129836

Socal bros while we're all making holiday plans , next monday morning the 26th i'm going to skate at the north hollywood skatepark i don't think there's any transition apart from a small quarter pipe though. but if anyone is down i'll be there

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Anonymous No. 129837

Hey /esg/, today I was finally able to get a few good frontside grinds. I didn't grow up skating transition at all, so I'm trying to make up for lost time.

Backside isn't that hard but frontside is so uncomfortable for me. It feels like trying to write with my left hand. On one try I got a nice fs grind, and then the very next try I ate shit. It was amazing. After a few more goes I was able to land a few more. I managed to hold on and really went into into the coping, it's a very addicting feeling.

Thank you for liking and subscribing

Anonymous No. 129841

Nyjah has a better ass than this

Anonymous No. 129842

Man ass. Gorilla hands. Ashy elbows. Breathing through the mouth. Holding board with grip on the inside. Ugly tats. 2/10 would not bang.

Anonymous No. 129846

well of course you'd say that you are homosexual and not attracted to woman

Anonymous No. 129861

>set up brand new zero deck on friday
>bbs deck, should be good?
>skated it on saturday, nice pop, feels nice
>went out today cracked the tail landing a heelflip too far back on the board

so lame. this has happened to me once before. some decks i can't ever fucking break, and some decks just die on me in a few sessions. RIP

Anonymous No. 129862

i dont think zero is bbs?

Anonymous No. 129863

i'm in the US, they are made from bbs here. it was even shrinkwrapped with the holographic bbs logo

Anonymous No. 129864

They are. I just got one, I can also confirm like the previous anon they have the shiny sticker.
Unless you're a yuro lmao

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Anonymous No. 129866

new roger video is pretty neat

Anonymous No. 129872

i don't know what's up with bbs lately, but i had an anti-hero deck that warped on me before i got a chance to skate it.

Anonymous No. 129874

Nice. I've been trying to get my backside ones better today.

🗑️ Frog !o1nxRv.R7k No. 129875


Anonymous No. 129877

They actually had two small QPs at NoHo but just recently they got removed/destroyed. Kind of sucks to be honest, that park is kind of my "local" and those two things were basically all I skated because I suck. the park had a cool DIY kind of vibe going for a second because of all the random shit people would bring/build at the park. and desu if you're going to NoHo, i'd do a little tour of the rest of the parks in the area, you'd have a handful to choose from and they're all kinda fun in their own ways (Sheldon, Pedlow, Hansen Dam)

Anonymous No. 129878

Pedlow is pretty fun and has good tranny

Anonymous No. 129881

how the fuck do people watch the nine club

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Anonymous No. 129883


nine club is really only ever as good as the guest. if you get someone like dill or mj who can pretty much run a conversation by themselves and is just generally interesting it's good.
[spoiler]the oblow episode was good and only sneeding whipped faggots will pretend otherwise[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 129884

There is nothing wrong with the nine club. Too many shit guests no one cares about is all.
Hawk v Wolf is good too.

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Anonymous No. 129885

You really googled that

Anonymous No. 129890

Thanks. Good stuff

Anonymous No. 129898

What do we think of Andy Anderson? Is he based?

Anonymous No. 129899

He's reddit's assigned autist. Our assigned autist is Jeff Decheesy.

Anonymous No. 129900

ya know what that's what everyone says but i'm not quite buying it.
>looks weird
>collects rocks
>wears multiple watches
>always wearing helmet
>with a brim
>does illegal tricks
>rides weird shaped deck
>acts canadian
that seems pretty chan to me, only reason he's gotten away with just being 'quarky' in the public eye is because he's so fucking good at what he does, which is also more chan than reddit. I vote andy for /ourguy/ and give reddit some youtube fag like george poulos or maybe john hill. decheez-it's too normal.

Anonymous No. 129903

i should curate a skateboard team made of only autists and neckbeards to be the antithesis of ironic broskater culture

Anonymous No. 129919

Based DeChesare
Agreed. I like him but Andy appeared in too many mainstream clickbait influencer youtube channels

Anonymous No. 129920

Do you accept sponsor me tapes?

Anonymous No. 129922

any tips for Ollie into manual?

Anonymous No. 129924

No we're talking strictly autists here, and there's only two. Andy and Jeff. George is just a faggot new yorker, he's reddit by default, just like any other "core NYC" skater. Andy is just cringe, where as Jeff is based. Andy is reddit, Jeff is 4chan.

Anonymous No. 129927

I like Hawk v Wolf more, though I think they could do with a producer or someone to keep them on track when they're by themselves and circle around to retelling stories or talking about boring midlife stuff. They have so many amazing road stories that they could just do seasons of that alone.

Anonymous No. 129928

what state

Anonymous No. 129929

jeffwonsong is /our guy/

Anonymous No. 129930

New day with the homies is out.

Anonymous No. 129931

Aaand that shit was trash. Nothing like the old ones. Kookilyahh video.

Anonymous No. 129932

Thats crazy , one of those qps was a memorial.
I'm in palmdale , the 26th is my brother's birthday so we're skating in the valley that day. Since its his day he chose Noho.
Sheldon is cursed because he broke his wrist there in the summer. It'll be our first time skating in the valley since then

Anonymous No. 129933

That's basically FancyLad

Anonymous No. 129936

they are trying way too hard to be cool

Anonymous No. 129943

Can kooks post here?

Anonymous No. 129944

kooks only

Anonymous No. 129945

Emerica/Soletech put up a bunch of shoes on sale. again.

Anonymous No. 129947

they are ironic tryhards

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Anonymous No. 129948

please bring me shoes and some clothes

Anonymous No. 129949

have you seen their house? it looks like a crack den. actually trying would be good for them.

Anonymous No. 129951


>Sucker punch

Good shit. Damn he got smacked. Stays calm. What a G

Anonymous No. 129969

yeah it's pretty fucked, I have no idea why the city would destroy something like that when it's clearly a memorial piece. they also had some slabs of concrete going to that random square block in the corner of the park near the euro gap so it made for fun manny pad situations.
Shame about your bro, I hope the mental damage isn't real. I'm actually headed up to the AV for the holidays but I'll probably be back by Monday morning to skate with you guys. Maybe Venturabro can tag along if he is free. what time do you skate in the "morning"? I know you hit up the parks pretty early in the AV but factoring the drive up to the valley, I'd imagine you're leaving at the crack of dawn

Anonymous No. 129974

Imma be that D.C. shoe wearin' ghetto G slice soon. Never thought I'd see tha day.

Anonymous No. 129978

I'm voting 1 '540 nollie inward heel down a 7 stair' to jeffwonson

Anonymous No. 129979

Looks like biege is in

Anonymous No. 130005

7-9ish is what we usually do probably no later than 10. I wake up at 5 everyday so its not really a big deal.
>Shame about your bro, I hope the mental damage isn't real
Nah he's fine we joke about it, but we had talked about going to noho or westchester for a while.
The kingpin broke on my Grindkings this past weekend, so im probably going to suck more than usual. I got some Ace AF1s so i gotta find a little time this weekend to break them in

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Anonymous No. 130021

>The kingpin broke on my Grindkings this past weekend
grindking bros not like this...

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Anonymous No. 130035

Happy Yule, /esg/. You made it. The days are getting brighter now.

Anonymous No. 130037

I bought them almost two years ago so they did last a good while. I would just buy the kingpins if i could

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Anonymous No. 130039

new balance will never make a good looking shoe

Anonymous No. 130043

the only real issue with New Balances is the gigantic N that plagues all of their models, but it's pretty easy to de-stitch and take off. They make the best colorways in skateboarding right now, and thats enough for me to get their shoes.

Anonymous No. 130044

The amount of fucking corporate cocksucking ITT rivals that of the FGC
Christ wasn't skating about freedom? Not about fucking brands

Anonymous No. 130045

im 6'2 and a size 13-14 in us shoes

what size deck should i buy

Anonymous No. 130046


Anonymous No. 130048

Depends what type of skating you want to do. 8.25-8.75 range is fine.

Anonymous No. 130050


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Anonymous No. 130051

stop bringing up fighting games while you continue to duck me in Guilty Gear

Anonymous No. 130052

I told you continually to post a lobby and you've yet to do so

Anonymous No. 130053


Anonymous No. 130054

>talk shit
>gets told to post a lobby
lol. lmao

Anonymous No. 130055

All he has to do is post a lobby

Anonymous No. 130056

post fightcade i'll merk any of you tards

Anonymous No. 130058

>STILL no lobby
As soon as you post a lobby I'll join, but +Rfags don't play

Anonymous No. 130059

post 30 seconds of you playing Xrd

Anonymous No. 130060

>ask +Rfag for lobby
>he has all the time in the world to reply to the thread
>can't make a lobby
They don't play.
Hell I'm not even good at +R, but I'll join his lobby
But there won't be a lobby to join

Anonymous No. 130061

you already exposed yourself as a ducker when you brought up FGs unrelated out of nowhere, said you will fuck anyone up in the thread, and dodged when I told you to post the lobby since you're the one popping off about how good you are at video games in a thread about skateboarding. sorry but i've been on /v/, /ggg/, /fgg/, /afgg/ etc long enough to spot a shitposting dodger when I see one. because if you were actually willing to play we would have already ran the FT10 on Saturday. you missed your chance, and I have nothing to prove because i'm not the one bringing up off topic shit in this thread

Anonymous No. 130062

Didn't read, where's the lobby?

Anonymous No. 130063

why am i supposed to make the lobby when you challenged me

Anonymous No. 130064

Because like I said, I've been around far too long to know not to make lobbies that'll never fill. You make the lobby and I'll join instantly

Anonymous No. 130065

I told you to make a lobby on the spot saturday night when I was actually free and you dodged me multiple posts in a row. why should I give you the benefit of the doubt right now?

Anonymous No. 130066

See >>130064

Anonymous No. 130067


Anonymous No. 130068

my fightcade tag is BlackBradPitt
see me on fightcade RIGHT NOW
neither of you shitposters will play me in anything because you rather wank about playing tranime games instead

Anonymous No. 130069

I actually play, +Rfags literally and demonstrably do not play

Anonymous No. 130070

see >>130059

Anonymous No. 130071

I don't use fightcade though

Anonymous No. 130072

>Xrd is a fightcade game

Anonymous No. 130073

You have genuinely lost the plot

Anonymous No. 130074

post 30 seconds of yourself playing Xrd against a real opponent.

Anonymous No. 130075

Literally just finished playing against a friend. All I'm asking is for a lobby from the +Rfag, notice how it STILL hasn't arrived

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Anonymous No. 130076

stop dodging me

Anonymous No. 130077

I already said I don't use fightcade, and I'm just waiting for the +Rfag

Anonymous No. 130078

post 30 seconds

Anonymous No. 130079


Anonymous No. 130093

You still on lil bro? I just woke up and I have some work to do, but when I'm done I can whoop that ass in VSAV.

Anonymous No. 130095

vsav jojo and +r, the posers trinity
no wonder you care more about shoes, youtubers and brands than skating
you think stacey peralta cared about that fucking shit when he was illegally tearing up pools

Anonymous No. 130098

if sneedboarding is skateboarding here, link said article

Anonymous No. 130101

>this boomer trying to name drop stacy peralta

Anonymous No. 130107

NEW THREAD: >>130102

Anonymous No. 132489

Im in love with her thanks anon.