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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 132593

old thread >>131241

Thread question:::: what is the perfect slappy set up?

Anonymous No. 132594

That photo is doctored, it is impossible to do slappies on wheels that small

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Anonymous No. 132596

good morning

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Anonymous No. 132597

how do u get a cute sk8r tomboy gf (who isn't a tiktok fraud) please i need to know

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Anonymous No. 132598

I said i would learn fs ollies for my new years resolution so here i am, practicing on my friend's mini ramp. I can literally barely ollie on flat btw.

Also i only slo-mo'd it because it was hard to see, not because i think it's super sick or anything.

Anonymous No. 132601

youre doing well so far. if your goal is to eventually fly above the coping though you will have to put your front foot further back and ollie higher on a ramp like this that has no vert. You basically need to ollie far out enough that you don't clip the coping on the way back down. doing higher ollies on flat will help too

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Anonymous No. 132603

He's gonna kill himself isn't he?

Anonymous No. 132604

Ok sick. Yeah my goal is to be able to do big ones over hips and in mini ramps so you're definitely right that i will need to start ollieing out further. Weirdly enough it feels way more natural to me to do them in transition than it does on flat. Right now i could ollie up a curb but that's about it.

I also like the old school vert ollies people do where they don't really pop and they just scoop it out of the ramp, like jason jesse style

Anonymous No. 132606

Whats the hardest part about skating?

Anonymous No. 132607

>the hardest part
The concrete.

Anonymous No. 132608

Children being better than you

Anonymous No. 132614


Anonymous No. 132615

back in the day, there was this one chick that would come to the skatepark every once in awhile. it was the only chick that ever actually came there and skated. she could do basic shit like 180s and kickflips. the thing was... she had these MASSIVE tits. I'm not even joking. She had a normal build, but MASSIVE tits. this honestly made it hard for her to skate. you could tell that she had a very high center of gravity, and it made he fall a lot. simple shit like ollies over the hip, she would just fall forward when she landed, about every other try. naturally, all the boys would watch her and laugh amongst themselves because of her comically large tits. the second she would slam hard, right on those jugs, the place would erupt in laughter. I'm honestly surprised she kept coming back. nobody ever had the nuts to talk to her for some reason, I guess the jugs were intimidating to young teen boys. I often wonder what she's doing these days, if she still skates. nobody was really ever laughing at her skating, just her tits. poor girl had a genetic handicap when it came to skating.

Anonymous No. 132617

fuck that was depressing to read you really took the joy out of thinking about giant tits

Anonymous No. 132636

Man, there's this one girl who skates at my local. She doesn't have comedically large tits, but she's pretty skinny otherwise so they look big in comparison. But the main thing is that she skates in a sort of bra tanktop thing with no support and every time she pops a trick her boobs jiggle around like she's a video game character. It's so hard not to stare.

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Anonymous No. 132637

Do you think skating will ever reach this level of mainstream popularity again? It seems to be much more "lifestyle"y and social media focused now.

Anonymous No. 132638

What's going on with him now? I'm not arsed watching an HOUR long video for what should probably only last 5 minutes.

Anonymous No. 132640

i was about 9 when this happened. wish my parents were more involved to get me into sports instead or neglecting me video games.

Anonymous No. 132641

giant tits are awesome until you have friends with some & they explain the horrors such as terrible back pain & not being able to wear the cute shit they wanna wear

Anonymous No. 132647

you must be gay

Anonymous No. 132648

Not my problem

Imagine being a female and being genetically gifted with something that will make any man attracted to you, regardless of all other features, but complaining that 'owww my back hurts'

Do some fucking deadlifts you dumb bitch

Hate women

Anonymous No. 132649

Fucks sake, I ended up watching that video in the end while I worked.

>"The Hyphenate" a general media guy who does videos and music and whatnot with a channel were he posts games and streams and blah blah, connects with Berra during the pandemic and gets friendly with him
>Berra says "yeah man, we should totally do a podcast/videos/lots of stuff together....but look dude, the Berrics doesn't really make any money *hint hint*"
>guy goes off and spends $10k of his own money on this project, later gets sponsors to help further fund it.
>sponsors want X amount of videos on Y days, runs this past Berra, Berra says "that sounds great lets do it!"
>wants to do a gaming show, Berra says he can get some veteran pros like Hawk of Thomas on as a guest, fails to actually do that, gets mad when the guy tries to do it himself, pushes fucking SkateGoat on him instead
>guy goes ahead with things, uploads videos to the Berrics channel, Berra flips out "WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THIS"
>misses deadlines, sponsors mad
>Berra is basically being a flip floppy bitch the entire time, constantly pretending he didn't see emails, say the things he said, makes constant childish excuses as to why he's not doing his part in organising or paying for shit

I will say that buddy was dumb to do ANYTHING without a contract in the beginning, but Jesus Christ I will never stop finding new things to hate Berra for. He's such a fucking cheap, lazy, childish liar who acts like a parasite to the naïve good will of his fans.

Also, insider news here because fuck it, I know for a fact that the reason last years BatB took so long was because he refused to pay for Jaime Griffin and Jonny Giger's flights to LA but wouldn't outright say it definitively for months and wouldn't respond to them when they chased him on it. Jaime's sponsors ended up paying (at least some of it) out of their own pocket, and I can imagine a lot of other people dropped out of the contest because of this kind of attitude.

Anonymous No. 132660

>I will say that buddy was dumb to do ANYTHING without a contract
Basically this.
Never meet your heroes, especially if they're borderline-sociopathic, narcissists, let alone attempt to do business with them.
Homie got played thats for sure, but in the eyes of the law it means very little without words written down on paper.

Anonymous No. 132661

>Jaime Griffin
They hated that he won it seems. He got no love from anyone. Don't even think the nine club mentioned him winning.

Anonymous No. 132663

Jamie Griffin is cringe as fuck. Skates slow, shit style, only does goofy flip tricks and stuff on inconsequential obstacles. Cringe fits and attitude. His instagram profile pic is him doing a looksmax facial expression. There's that sob story about how he couldn't skate in Ireland due to the weather so he just did flip tricks in his garage or whatever yet people in the PNW, New England and the UK deal with similar weather yet still actually learn to skate parks and street.

Pretty obvious why the broader skate community ignores him.

Anonymous No. 132667

look at this cool Romero footage.

Anonymous No. 132669

Why would anyone even look up to Berra? Has he EVER been well liked?

It's honestly weird how little impact it's had on his career beyond a couple small sponsors. I think how they streamed the finale was a big part of it. Honestly the whole BatB was a dragged out mess that went on so long it killed its own hype.
I think he (and the rest of the Hop guys) need an actual video part this year.

Jamie skates street in London now, you're talking shit. And no, PNW and the UK at large are not the same as Donnegal, Ireland. London had nice infrastructure and months of hot, dry summer. Donnegal isn't just rain 99% of the time, it's also a severely weather beaten, remote, rural part of Ireland largely forgotten by the rest of the country when it comes to shit like so much as repaving roads. Americans really just can't conceive of not having fresh roads and curbs everywhere they go.

Anonymous No. 132670

>Jamie skates street in London
50% of his part was like tricks down 2 stairs lmao.

They have a pre-fab skatepark in Donnegal that has everything you would need to get good at skateboarding but oohhh no Jamie needs to do triple 720 flips on the carpet in his shed.

And yeah when your country isn't a welfare state like NI you can actually have things like curbs... crazy innit

Anonymous No. 132672

>his career
he makes youtube videos rofl

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Anonymous No. 132675


Anonymous No. 132676

What i need is someone with a gun pointed at my head saying that if you don't fucking commit to this trick they're going to shoot me

Anonymous No. 132677

His part sucked but he has undeniable skill. Arguably best in the world at flatground. You can't enjoy that? Get hung up because he lacks in other disciplines? Because you think he isn't core?
That's literally what all pros do now.

Anonymous No. 132679

>50% of his part was like tricks down 2 stairs lmao.
Aside from the fact that was all shot during covid and well before BatB even started and he's levelled up since then, and that he hits many a larger set in that video, so what? The tricks he's doing down those small sets are techy and clean as fuck.

>They have a pre-fab skatepark in Donnegal
No they don't. There is no skatepark there at all. The nearest one is in Derry.
>oohhh no Jamie needs to do triple 720 flips on the carpet in his shed.
Yes. Even if there was a park, why is this an issue? That's what he likes to do. It's why he's been the first person to land a tonne of weird flip tricks. That's his thing.

>a welfare state like NI
Donegal isn't in NI you fuckwit, it's part of the Republic. And again, so what if it was a "welfare state"? "Hurr durr your country is poor that's why you're bad".

>he makes youtube videos rofl
Yes. And Instagram. He lives off it. People buy his deck and the clothes he promos because they see him with them in his videos. He won a huge international tournament. That's being pro.

Look man, if you just don't like whacky flatground flip tricks that's fine, it's not my favourite type of skating either. But you've been factually wrong multiple times already and you clearly don't know what you're talking about. I see him skate in person every few weeks and I know for a fact he's only getting better and more diverse each time. I don't understand how people can be so retarded to see someone do a specific style of skating to a degree literally no one else does, watch that skater sweat fucking buckets in the process, and think "well it's not this other kind of skating I like so it's shit actually".

🗑️ Anonymous No. 132684

G's street part was shit because, while the skating was undeniably impressive, the production and editing was so fucking boring. The spots were kind of lame as well, it all felt a bit sterile.
>I don't understand how people can be so retarded to see someone do a specific style of skating to a degree literally no one else does, watch that skater sweat fucking buckets in the process, and think "well it's not this other kind of skating I like so it's shit actually"
It's called being a jealous, petty child and it's very common among fragile normalfags with something to prove.

Anonymous No. 132685

Jamie Griffin's street part was shit because, while the skating was undeniably impressive, the production and editing was so fucking boring. The spots were kind of lame as well, it all felt a bit sterile.
>I don't understand how people can be so retarded to see someone do a specific style of skating to a degree literally no one else does, watch that skater sweat fucking buckets in the process, and think "well it's not this other kind of skating I like so it's shit actually"
It's called being a jealous, petty child and it's very common among fragile normalfags with something to prove.

Anonymous No. 132688

Tryna figure out which one of you were saving their post for the new thread, loved both good shit lads

Only a cunt who tucks their ears into their hat would put down 10k without a contract lmao

Anonymous No. 132689

What happened to instablast? Loved those comps

Anonymous No. 132699

Shut up Jamie we know it's you.

Anonymous No. 132711

Jamie, you will NEVER be core

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Anonymous No. 132717

Calibros I recently heard about this skatepark in La Crescenta - maybe you guys have heard about it, but it looks fucking sick and it looks like a nice blend of street and tranny and its not too far from us I think this would be the best place for a bigger /esg/ meetup when the weather gets better. it does look like it gets crowded with scooter kids from what ive seen on youtube but maybe it would be best to do a morning anyways since it would probably be less crowded and I know some of you like Dadbro prefer mornings and its basically equidistant from all of us.

Anonymous No. 132718

there's no way anyone is coming to that meetup
no sovl left on this site

Anonymous No. 132720

We are not even the same person. You don't skate. Stop posting here.

Anonymous No. 132721

im not even american and i see this image and i immediatly envision teenagers listening to trap music while trying to 360 flip flat to flat the fucking coping for 2h while screaming loud and obnixously.


Anonymous No. 132723

i'd be down for a socal meetup but not la crescenta man, that's too out of the way

Anonymous No. 132726

why are you so emotionally invested in Jamie Griffin? are you in love with him? is he your boyfriend? you poofter.

Anonymous No. 132734

I saw this park in a video and wanted to know what it was, thanks ! I'm down for a morning session but i don't want to drive an hour to Glendale to meet with you guys and end up being alone

Anonymous No. 132736

La Crescenta is probably too far from Ventura for me to drive unfortunately but I am definitely down to meet some more of you guys at a different park, Santa Clarita seems fun and has something for everyone

Although i'm pretty broke at the moment and about to take a vacation so it will be a while before i can do that, probably after winter

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 132737

Don't tell me this was the five reply post

Anonymous No. 132738

It would actually be sick to do like a legit /esg/ socal meetup though and we could have a bbq and shit. Valleybro is chill as fuck and i'm pretty well adjusted too so it could be a good time.

Just gotta pick a good park and a time. I can bring my grill like a true park boomer.

Anonymous No. 132741

>/california/ general

god i hate americans so much

Anonymous No. 132742

Movie stars, beaches, daisy dukes and bikinis on top.
don't hate us cuz you aint us

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Anonymous No. 132743


nigga i live in souther brazil beach town, is like non-pozzed california and 100x more beautiful and lush with 1000000x more prettier woman. and seeing you guys "possing up" on 4chan is so cringe holy shit kys

Anonymous No. 132744

Brazil is cool but California is cool too. Why can't they both just be cool?

Anonymous No. 132745

california is literally the birthplace of skateboarding, hence why a skate thread is full of californians...

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Anonymous No. 132746

I wish i could live your life thirdie bro. I unironically mean that. What is skating like near you? Seems like there are some sick bowls and old concrete vert ramps in brazil.

Anonymous No. 132747

Actually the nazis invented skateboarding

Anonymous No. 132748

California is such a chill and cool place we don't even want to argue about who is better. Remember the Euro vs New York fight a few months back?
That aint us pal

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Anonymous No. 132749

>you poofter
hehe, found the ausbro

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Anonymous No. 132750

yeah, if this was an american only forum i would agree, but it isn't, and also is 4chan, so its always cringe when you start talking about "meet ups and shit". sorry i just dislike americans for some reason, but its not your fault.

ngl, here is pretty chill. the city lack proper skateparks (a new one is being built, props to the olympics), but we have a lot of private/semi-private bowls here. Pedro Barros lives here and he does a lot of the local scene, he and his families are really "og" when it comes to skate culture here. Also a place full of hills, so downhill skate was huge in the 80s/90s around here. street scene is very lacking but growing, can't blame them, really hard to even find a decent flat ground here to skate, other brazilian capitals are MUCH better in that aspect (thats why the only great skaters to came out of my city are park/vert/downhill ones, not a single street).

Anonymous No. 132751

>sorry i just dislike americans for some reason, but its not your fault.

holy based thirdie

Anonymous No. 132752

why is it cringe to do meetups? we're all just channer autists here and it's nice to meet likeminded people who also skate

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Anonymous No. 132753

and here is the old skatepark that got destroyed last year for a new one to be built on the place. god i used to skate this shit a lot, broke my left arm here also. good times

idk, i think im just too old for this shit. and i really dont want this thread to become /california/ general. add each other on discord or some shit.

Anonymous No. 132754

Looks like a super fun park and 100 times better than the shit i grew up with in rural australia lol

Anonymous No. 132755

>i really dont want this thread to become /california/ general
That's pretty much what skateboarding is, though. At any rate there's like 5 of us and one of you so you don't really have a say.

Anonymous No. 132756

the left "park" area sucks, absolutely built like shit, ramps are too steep and space in between is awkward, 892891 gorillion cracks on the floor. the right side, the "street" area, is where the fun is at: wallies, that little box in the middle, the little delta, all super fun to screw around.

>That's pretty much what skateboarding is, though

lol, now thats REALLY cringe and a very californian thing to say. anyway, hope you guys are having fun up there at least.

Anonymous No. 132757

basically you're upset that you don't have a community around you that shares the same interest, but it's understandable.
there's plenty of things in the world that not everyone gets to experience, simply because of geolocation.
it hurts to think that we're deprived of certain things just because of where we exist on this planet.
you still get to share your thoughts and opinions with people online, and live vicariously through their alternative realities.
you have many interesting things in your area that we don't have as well.
it is what it is, man.

Anonymous No. 132758

>the production and editing was so fucking boring. The spots were kind of lame as well, it all felt a bit sterile.
Agreed. It also drove me insane that a lot of it is him skating at night wearing black. It's not like there's a lack of spots in London either.

Anonymous No. 132760

I was going to ask why Brazil was such a powerhouse of skating but then you answered my question. Guess it was all downhill shit the begin with? Kinda nuts how a third world country has so many sick as fuck transition and park skaters but not the pavement for street shit.

I've been watching old Gigantic Skatepark Tour videos recently, and I kinda feel bad for Ellis because you can see with hindsight how hard he was trying to be a "character".

Anonymous No. 132762

in cities like São Paulo and Brasilia, street scene dates back to the late 70's. And we also have surfing in a huge-ass litoral since the 70's, this for sure influenced a lot in the growth of skateboarding itself here.

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Anonymous No. 132763

>sorry i just dislike americans for some reason,
The reason is that you are 100 percent based

Anonymous No. 132767

damn that fucking sucks, she would benefit from a breast reduction she's probably going to develop back problems one day

Anonymous No. 132768

Kys homosexual

Anonymous No. 132775

I'd be down, this isn't that out of the way for me and it looks like a pretty cool park. pretty sure i've seen a lot of clips of this place and assumed it was somewhere towards SD

Anonymous No. 132777

I thought the hardest part was telling your parent's you're gay

Anonymous No. 132804
my gf at 5:20
say something nice about her

Anonymous No. 132807

Doesn't pass

Anonymous No. 132809

shes really cute :3

Anonymous No. 132812

Eww a tranny

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 132815

has this been done in skateboarding?

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Anonymous No. 132816


Anonymous No. 132817


Anonymous No. 132818

Looks like Richard Ramirez.

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Anonymous No. 132819

not clicking that shit


Anonymous No. 132821

To be fair, Richard Ramirez did have nice cheekbones

Anonymous No. 132826

anybody in here watch the 40 minute long 700k video? i remember arguing with some retards in here that it was going to be lame and guess what it is. couldnt make it past 4 minutes

Anonymous No. 132830

whenever i see one of these gay video parts i always go to Slap so i can get myself worked up and in a bad mood.
How in any way are straight dudes excited about this shit? Is it an act? Are they all gays?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 132831

That Brazilian faggot is the perfect example of why Brazil is a shithole. Their people are dumb, violent and quick to murder.

Anonymous No. 132832

>Are they all gays?

Anonymous No. 132833

The problem with slap is that, like reddit, you get upvoted for saying how good troon skaters are and banned when you say anything bad about them. There are plenty of people on slap with normal views of the world but they just don't participate in those conversations because they have nothing good to say, especially not about some serial killer lookalike troon

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Anonymous No. 132834

I get Efron confused with that gay guy that wears the crop tops GH always skates with.

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Anonymous No. 132835

>Jake Brown
>freefalls from 45ft, a travel height higher than most human beings will ever experience outside of an airplane
>hits the solid ground with such force that his shoes just fucking yeet off his feet
>knocks himself out, fractures bones, lacerates organs, but walks off the ramp
>is smoking and drinking while mixing sick tunes in his hotel that same night
>back skating mere weeks later

>this manlet
>falls, what, 4 foot?
>onto big soft padding so safe that there aren't even harnesses on that wall
>probably profoundly crippled for life, reduced to Long John Silver status
>never mind climbing, he won't even walk normally again

Fucking life man. It just does what it wants.

Anonymous No. 132836

i've never seen a foot break off like that , i question it's authenticity

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Anonymous No. 132848


🗑️ Anonymous No. 132851

How much to fuck your bussy?

Anonymous No. 132852


Anonymous No. 132857

hey I saw that post

Anonymous No. 132862


Anonymous No. 132865

Lmao i'm 3:37 in and i came in here to post about how terrible the music is. Skating is pretty gnarly but i dont think i can make it through the whole thing

Anonymous No. 132872

Decided to give it at least 3.37 and I'm enjoying it.
And usually I hate zoomies with their roll on grinds, illegal bonelesses and wallrides.
Music is better than some rap shit.

Anonymous No. 132873

I ended up watching the whole thing. After about 15 minutes in it gets pretty damn bad. You'll see. The future of America looks bleak

Anonymous No. 132874

All it takes is a little kid to ask "are you a boy or a girl" to fuck up their whole week lol

Anonymous No. 132875

The patronizing cheers from the white chicks, he was loving it

Anonymous No. 132878

>You'll see
I put it on my tv for background shit while I work out. I had to mute it and came to post you're right kek

Anonymous No. 132886

how about you get on that thing, anon, it looks sad and unused.

Anonymous No. 132912

>sorry i just dislike americans for some reason
>Latin American
>SOME reason

There are lots of reasons to be fair.

Also, role call of non-Americans please.

Anonymous No. 132913

lots of Brits, although too many pikeys around here for my liking

Anonymous No. 132915

>socal skateshop still hasnt shipped my order 3 days after i placed it

Not ordering from these deranged boomers ever again. I live 2 hours from them. I should have had my shit the next day.

Anonymous No. 132917

i've used them a few times in the past , sometimes they ship fast - sometimes you gotta call the shop and check the status. It might just be because of the sale they're a little behind.
I'm a pretty polite dude so i say things like "I'll be going out of town so i need to know if i'll have my brother keep an eye out" so they know you're not just being impatient.

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Anonymous No. 132919

Yeah the issue is i literally am going out of town next weekend haha.
Surely it won't take that long though.

Anyway check this AH had where they were using the 'chad' meme like 2 decades ago lol

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Anonymous No. 132920

Was so fucking grateful he only had one trick in the supreme vid, makes it much more rewatchable. Thank you Lord Strobeck

Anonymous No. 132921

Watching that 'butterfly' video makes me think Strobeck must be such a fucking faggot though. Like how can you look at efron danzig and film him in that sexual way and not be a flaming homosexual. It's so bad. Also efron isn't even a good skater, if he wasnt a troon no one would give a shit

Anonymous No. 132923

strobeck has always been a weird pervert. dont forget when he would invite the supreme kids to his apartment to take shirtless pictures.

Anonymous No. 132926

New Eastern Yurop skate video. Title means collapse.

Anonymous No. 132974

>trying kickflips forever
>can only ever land them sketchy, rocketed, mostly stationary, with my back hell just barely on
>randomly decide to go for front shuvs on Wednesday
>actually not hard at all, land a couple rolling
>catching the board behind my heels somewhat blind is the only tricky part
>suddenly I can catch kickflips clean as fuck, evenly footed, not rocketed

Fucking hell why did I skip learning front shuvs?

Anonymous No. 132987

fuck bros...that art skatehoe at 6:58 is what i crave so bad. it's not fair

Anonymous No. 132989

How do i get the kids at the local skatepark to stop bullying me about my accent?

Anonymous No. 132991

By not caring if they make fun of your accent

Anonymous No. 132995

> be mediocre skater
> become trans
> get featured amongst great skaters
is this the new meta or some shit?

Anonymous No. 132999

Looks like a fuckin yid to me

Anonymous No. 133029

Bring a lead pipe and kneecap one of them where the rest can see it.

Anonymous No. 133043

Front shovs have nothing really to do with kickflips. Most likely a mental thing and learning a different new trick helped your confidence.

Anonymous No. 133065

Pretty excellent if you ask me.

All it takes is speed and will to mount the curb.

Anonymous No. 133069

>during the pandemic

during the what??

Anonymous No. 133070

Ok dwindle/DLX/Tum Yeto intern

Anonymous No. 133071

It's because you are responding to a flamer
There are no rules to skateboarding. Jamie reached where he is solely on his skill. Not because he lived right next door to Mark Gonzalez or across the street from Birdhouse.

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Anonymous No. 133073

Euro here

Anonymous No. 133082

well yeah, thats why she is so sexy

Anonymous No. 133084

Yeah it is. It's the mental game of having the confidence to catch something behind your heel where you can see it. Which is a sort of "skill" you pick up.

Anonymous No. 133085

Irish, living in Bongland.

Anonymous No. 133087

>behind your heel
>where you can see it
as opposed to in front of you..where, you somehow can't see it?

Anonymous No. 133094

Sorry, typo. Meant to say "behind your heel where you CAN'T see it". I had a habit of putting my back foot down too soon and either just clipping the side of the board and not landing it, or BARELY getting my heel on, usually with a toe drag.
Landing like normal shuvs, ollies, or 180s was fine because I can always see where my feet are going to land, but a front shuv and kickflip is a bit blind.

Anyway, point is that learning different tricks informs how to land that one you've been struggling with. I tend to get a lot of tips from really experienced skaters who have fundamental shit like this so down pat that they don't really think about it, and they say useless shit like like "full send" or "just commit" when my balance and comfort is still way off.

Anonymous No. 133097

Ha, that's Elise. She's from Seatle but moved to NYC in like 2020, works at Labor skate shop. shes been skating since 2018 and still sucks lmao somehow she gets boxes from converse and knows a lot of people in the industry because she's good friends with troy gibson who rides for supreme and violet.

Anonymous No. 133100

how do you know this?

Anonymous No. 133102

>tips from really experienced skaters who have fundamental shit like this so down pat that they don't really think about it, and they say useless shit like like "full send" or "just commit"

So true, you gotta ask average dudes for tips or people who look like they only just learn it
I've had kids ask me how to do basic shit in transition like 5-0s or 50-50s and I basically can't help them other than saying loosen your trucks. On the other side of this I've asked the local park ripper for tips on more complicated tricks like back smiths and it's just like 'bro just lean back into it', like yeah thanks lol

Anonymous No. 133109

been following her on instagram for a while

Anonymous No. 133110

That and getting tips from someone who can look at your attempts and spot what you're doing wrong rather than just telling you what the trick basically is. And/or someone that gives you the steps you should build upon to get the feeling of different tricks down (someone showed me how to do backside reverts by having me nudge the board heelside -> nudge a manual heelside -> do a kickturn -> do both together) and it took all of 5 minutes to get it. People like that are invaluable.

If someone asks me for tips I ask them to give me a couple of attempts so I can spot where the issue is first. Sometimes it's a something like "hang your arm forward so your weight is more over the nose" and sometimes it's telling them to try an easier, related trick first.

Anonymous No. 133112

Sick, what tricks can you do backside reverts out of? I'm assuming you mean in transition, right? I like doing front tail to back revert, but i can't do it on anything over than a 3ft ramp. I don't get how people do back reverts on big ramps, it's insane. Once there is over a foot of vert it stops making sense to me how it would be possible to land it

Anonymous No. 133116

elise can get it big time. she obviously sucks but i don't even mind clips like that in videos desu. i guess it's fine with me if they occasionally get free product from knowing X person in the industry but to actually be flow at that kind of skill level would be lmao.

Anonymous No. 133117

Why are you tards so obsessed with a 5/10 tattooed roastie?

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Anonymous No. 133120

Not as beautiful, not as talented as Meg

Anonymous No. 133127

imagine the post session sex

Anonymous No. 133132

>I often wonder what she's doing these days,


Anonymous No. 133133

>wear the cute shit they wanna wear

Cute? Who cares...they look sexy in everything. Why they worried to look cute?

Anonymous No. 133134

why do girl skaters NEVER look good skating?

Anonymous No. 133135

I've always hated this company

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Anonymous No. 133138

What brand board is this? Love the design but can't find anything about it.

Anonymous No. 133139

look at how massive that board she is skating is. if she sized down she'd probably look 10 times better doing that kickflip

Anonymous No. 133141

I've only just got them so I normally use them as a setup for tail stalls (or getting into fakie on flat) or instead of regular kickturns. Though I might actually try doing one OUT of a tail stall today.

Anonymous No. 133142

This. I know smaller wheelbase boards are harder to come by, but the amount of times I'll see girls (and kids) hoof a man-sized board around make me wonder why so few deck companies think to capitalise on it.

Anonymous No. 133147

What's a good setup for slappies? I imagine something transition-y (9" wide, big soft wheels) would make sense, right?

Anonymous No. 133149

It says cosmic and it's cringe.

Anonymous No. 133150

yeah honestly, i think she seems cool just a bit disappointed that she hasn't really progressed much over the years...but she also never shuts up about how her mom died in 2020 so i think maybe she's just sad and doesn't skate as much now idk but she had a lil part in the geneis vid that was okay

Anonymous No. 133151

i watched gifted haters entire 45min video about this dumb shit and while it was entertaining 20mins in he's kinda just saying the same shit and i don't get how he doesn't feel like a massive dork deep diving into some dumbass drama with some literal who retard and berra. dude is severely lacking material for content. we need a real skate drama scandal STAT!

Anonymous No. 133165

koston really is the only person berra hasn't burned
>Americans really just can't conceive of not having fresh roads and curbs everywhere they go.
roads in america are pretty fucked anon. i was like 9 years old the first time i ever saw asphalt
idk about soft wheels for slappies, you need somthing you can push into the curb

Anonymous No. 133180

People say you can do slappies on any board if you know how to do them properly, although when people talk about slappy setups they usually have a wide board, wide, loose trucks and small or medium sized regular wheels (like classic spitfires)

This summer i will force myself to learn to properly do slappies

Anonymous No. 133194

Because you like guys so obviously they always look better to you.

Anonymous No. 133206


Anonymous No. 133210

That anon to whom you are replying is correct anon. He even mentioned the self-confidence factor

Anonymous No. 133216

Hey, that's the girl from jenkemm, she interviews gifted hater! Yeah, she's cute.

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Anonymous No. 133217

will skating with a mirror in front like a dance studio student help me with stationary tricks?

Anonymous No. 133219

>koston really is the only person berra hasn't burned
He's probably scared of him. Koston's a real bastard when he wants to be.

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Anonymous No. 133220

seent this while watching the new fucking almost hour long GH video. skate drama is cancer i need chemo please

Anonymous No. 133222

That video is not drama at all

Anonymous No. 133224

How are tits a handicap? She's built for making babies and feeding them. That's what she is designed to do.

Anonymous No. 133231

you actually watched it? faggot

Anonymous No. 133232

Is building a custom board for 3x the price of an Amazon board worth it? Parts are expensive were I live, is there a huge difference?

Anonymous No. 133234

just think about what your asking for 3 fucking seconds

>custom board

Anonymous No. 133235

Yeah that's how grant Taylor did it

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Anonymous No. 133236

What's the Amazon board?

And yeah, most likely. A complete from a decent skate brand (just look at any random skateshop's website for options) is a good option too. You can just replace the parts piece by piece over time. Anything like pic related is pure dogshit and would be like trying to learn to drive a car without seats and the wheels might fall off and it can only turn part of the way and there are no mirrors.

In general a board that's under $100 is going to be shit, probably make you hate skating, and will break in a matter of days, forcing you to now spend even more money.

Anonymous No. 133237

Where do you live?

Anonymous No. 133239

56mm hard wheels, and big risers(makes the angle steeper when you put the tail on the ground)

Anonymous No. 133240

I can get an element board at a decent price, seems to be the only recognizable brand selling completes in my country.


Anonymous No. 133241

same reason they rarely look fluid when fighting. they are built different.

Anonymous No. 133242

you can't get something shipped from the US? most of the big boardshop warehouses are in southern california.

Anonymous No. 133243

and the big wood shops are literally in mexico lol

you guys down there have a trillion skate shops and a large number of local board brands. even footwear companies. please do not buy a board from amazon. go here

Anonymous No. 133246

They charge 50 bucks shipping for some fucking reason. Zumies has the best shipping rates at 27 dolars but even then their prices aren't that good and a board ends up being 200.
I'm probably just poor desu.

Had been searching local sites and didn't find this one, TYSM this has really good prices and !blanks!.
Any Mexican brand boards are probably good too huh? We have good woodshops here.

Anonymous No. 133254

The key is to wait for sitewide sales. places like skatewarehouse often have really heavy discounts (up to 20% off) and you can snag a custom built complete for right at $100. deck doesn't matter as much honestly because that's what wears out eventually anyways. getting a good set of wheels like some formula 4s in 54mm will last a long time, so even though they can be more expensive, they last long.

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Anonymous No. 133259

i've heard of Deza skateboards before, they have cool designs
i think most of the boards should be perfectly ok really.
i believe in you little mexican anon!

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Anonymous No. 133260

Thanks! I went for this toy machine complete that was up for 50 bucks. I was actually riding an Amazon board in my flavela for commute beforehand but it got run over by a truck really bad. Will stick to the toy machine and eventually swap around it's guts. Just eager to get back to ridin'.

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Anonymous No. 133266

Pls help, I’m retarded
What is the name of a front foot impossible but instead of the board flipping nose up and over, it flips nose under and tail over end

Anonymous No. 133281

back foot possible

Anonymous No. 133283

Scoop de loop

Anonymous No. 133289

I saw someone post a pic here of him livestreaming and he had furry games anyone have it still?? was it real?? dude looks the part lol

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Yiffted Hater.jpg

Anonymous No. 133290


Anonymous No. 133292

thank you may you never land primo

Anonymous No. 133296

Pole living in Poland

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Anonymous No. 133301

I think I'm gonna get an electric skateboard because I mostly just move from A to B and I've given up tricks completely.

Any good ones out there? I dont want to end up buying some makeshift Chinese crap that dies on me instantly.
I basically want the ride to feel good, bonus points if you can carve on it like a snowboard.

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Anonymous No. 133302

Dare I say based Ben?

Anonymous No. 133305

Don’t buy yourself a shitty bike instead

Anonymous No. 133309

when it wraps around your heel? I wish there was some sort of obscure flip trick encyclopedia for archival purposes.

Anonymous No. 133315

I already have a decent mountain byke but I want the extreme + cool factor to.
I'm a snowboarder and I'm wondering if there's a board out there that would get me from A to B so that it feels like snowboarding on pavement
That's what I wanna do
Just carve all over the street and bump into bikers

Anonymous No. 133316

>want the extreme + cool factor
>electric skateboard

Anonymous No. 133317

Anonymous No. 133319

Look, the guy is delusional and cringe, but Berra's still a fuckwit.

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Anonymous No. 133320

Post some music you discovered from skate videos. This banger's from Zero's "Cold War":

Anonymous No. 133329

zoomer moment

Anonymous No. 133333


In what will be completely unsurprising news to anyone, they now made it clear Phelps overdosed.

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Anonymous No. 133342

question for all you goofy goobers out there

What do you do when it snows?

Anonymous No. 133344


Anonymous No. 133347

snowskating is fun if you have the correct type of spot to do it in. unfortunately theres almost always either rocks everywhere or the snow is too deep to skate on, at least thats the case in finland.

Anonymous No. 133351

At work moment, won’t use company’s puter to post on Vietnamese gardening forum

Anonymous No. 133355

>I want the extreme + cool factor to
lmao faggot

Anonymous No. 133360

get a longboard with really good bearings.

Anonymous No. 133363

First time doing real work after like 2 months of being a neet. Fml. I hate construction. I got duped by the hellriders into thinking this is a good way to live

Anonymous No. 133367

How do y'all brake?

Anonymous No. 133368

There are no brakes on the skaterape train

Anonymous No. 133377

Are used skate shoe fetishists still a thing? Have any of you ever sold to one?

Anonymous No. 133382

They're probably still a big thing in Germany.

Anonymous No. 133390
This year I'm quitting puffy shoes

Anonymous No. 133397

Lol ouch! that's a sick park.
Why change shoes though? I was thinking about trying out the Accel OGs. Should I stick to Emericas?

Anonymous No. 133444

no the Accels are fine. I just want to try something different - to see how it affects the way i skate. So far my flip tricks are still fine but I don't have as good of control on ollies especially getting on for grinds like in the video- but i think I just need to get used to the shoes and hopefully i get them back

Anonymous No. 133447

Skateboarding is not a video game. Don't be faggots and say you've "unlocked" a trick please.

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Anonymous No. 133471

Zoomers don't know who this is.

Anonymous No. 133472

The kid from home alone.

Anonymous No. 133473

a twin from the suite life of zach and cody

Anonymous No. 133474

Still waiting on this socal skateshop order, i bought it like 9 days ago and i only live 2 hours away

Should have bought from the local

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Anonymous No. 133476

lmao. those guys always take a while to ship out for some reason.

Anonymous No. 133482

skatewarehouse in california gets my shit to me in like 5 days with standard free shipping, and I'm on the east coast.

Anonymous No. 133484

did you call them?

Anonymous No. 133504

Guys wake up

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Anonymous No. 133509

andy anderson has a couple of photos in the newest Thrasher. i wasn't expecting that.

Anonymous No. 133514


Anonymous No. 133570

New Real video has some neat stuff, that Patrick guy is really good.

Anonymous No. 133619

I am at a point in life where all I want is 10 square meters of dry, smooth, sheltered concrete. I fucking hate living in London.

Anonymous No. 133622

Why don't you get cruisers? Or dragon wheels?

Anonymous No. 133624

>15 mins
Fuck off with these bitch edits. You're a fucking board company release a full length or go fuck yourself.

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Anonymous No. 133627

I got a new deck and also cut my old deck into a cruiser board for my girl to mess around on and put some OJ wheels on.

The old deck was the exact same shape as the new one. I cut about 2.5 inches off the nose, made the tail a little narrower and moved the front trucks back about 1.5 inches. I took it for a cruise on the street earlier and it's super fun.

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Anonymous No. 133628


Anonymous No. 133651

nobody gives a fuck about a full length anymore dude, and only a select handful of filmers/editors can actually make a digestible full length in todays world.

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Freddy Francesco.png

Anonymous No. 133670

These shits cost £150 EACH in the UK.

Anonymous No. 133673

Wallmart board graphics tier.

Anonymous No. 133674

Our guy Bevup fixed his teeth!!!

Anonymous No. 133677


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Anonymous No. 133681

Anonymous No. 133690

Our guy Bevup. Reddit's guy Dan Corrigan should fix his next.

Anonymous No. 133694


Anonymous No. 133701

No idea who the fuck 'bevup' is. Does he ride for a legacy brand? If not dont even bother replying because i won't read it

Anonymous No. 133703


Anonymous No. 133709

Go back

Anonymous No. 133717


Anonymous No. 133719


Just skate heroin

Anonymous No. 133726


Anonymous No. 133736

I know that is the perception but I think it's maybe wrong. Quite a few of the full lengths of the last few years have easy over 500k views. You would have to assume that those are mostly core skaters too. Compare that to a quick edit and sure some get a quick million, but how many of those views are core skaters vs casual fans. And how many casual fans actually spend money on skate gear? I know a guy who skates the same board he bought 6 years ago. And I can only assume he is the type of person who these shorter vids are targetted for.
Even nowz that real vid is on 75k. 3 days is old in YouTube land, it might double that over the next few months, but I doubt it's going to get over 500k. But I reckon if they released a full length it would.
Maybe I'm talking out my ass tho

Anonymous No. 133737

>I know a guy who skates the same board he bought 6 years ago.
was this an /esg/ joke? very clever anon.

Anonymous No. 133742

He's into surfing same way people here are into skating. Can ollie and skate transition, the skills somewhat carry over. Has a passing interest in skate culture at best.

Anonymous No. 133753

Anonymous No. 133755

Agreed. I think full lengths are a real craft that goes beyond just putting a bunch of standalone parts into one big sequence. It's like how a purpose made album where all of the songs are written and ordered in a way where they flow and counterpoint with each other compares to a Greatest Hits selection of singles across the bands entire career feels.

People blame zoomers for not having an attention span but I'd say that skate video editors are as much (if not more) to blame for not knowing how to keep people's attention. And yeah, the good ones DO get views. Problem is that some full lengths are just plain tiring to watch and are bloated beyond fuck with either b-side skating, too much of the same shit, or antics that go on way too long.

Anonymous No. 133756

>Problem is that some full lengths are just plain tiring to watch and are bloated beyond fuck with either b-side skating, too much of the same shit, or antics that go on way too long.
I never finished that GangGreen Creature video...

Anonymous No. 133795

White people aren't allowed in china.

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Anonymous No. 133800

i compiled a playlist for all your personal skate part needs. the concept is mentally ill 4chan addict+filler

Anonymous No. 133815

>so that it feels like snowboarding on pavement
A freeride longboard

Anonymous No. 133819

fresh Ben Degros footage

Anonymous No. 133821

jeez ben looks awful

Anonymous No. 133824

Damn. Nice.

Anonymous No. 133826

ITV news just showed Tyre Nichols' skate footage.

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Anonymous No. 133828

ben degros has a better hairline than me

Anonymous No. 133831

all the powell team is so wack aha that fucking kid with the afro is so goofy

Anonymous No. 133836

That Haily bitch looking jacked. She does powerlifting or some shit now? Look at those arms.

Anonymous No. 133840

imagine her putting you in a headlock haha

Anonymous No. 133843

Hey waifu poster Nelly has an interview in the newest issue of Closer mag.

Anonymous No. 133845

Don't care about that pizza face bitch

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Anonymous No. 133864

can't wait for this to get here

Anonymous No. 133872

Why? It's cringe as fuck.

Anonymous No. 133878

This is something you'd either see on a teenage girls backpack keychain or on the back of a boomer's truck.

Anonymous No. 133885

lets talk woodshops
i like ps stix and the shop that crailtap uses, the boards are a bit flimsy and have nice flex. i dislike bbs, those boards are durable, but are too stiff for my liking. i havent used other woodshops enough to have an opinion, and ps stix is my favorite for sure.

Anonymous No. 133889

Yeah? Well, fuck how you feel

Anonymous No. 133892

Ok zoomie

Anonymous No. 133895

I think I agree, I have owned the most BBS but they are never my favorite, kinda thick, heavy and dead feeling. PS shapes are hit and miss, I had one with this super short tail. I liked the Enjoi, I have a couple from the sale and a Girl waiting, going to see if China number one.

Anonymous No. 133915

Riding a BBS deck now and it feels flimsy compared to my last board. I swear I've almost snapped it doing flatground. Heard a big crack from the tail on an Ollie over a hip.
Idk if it's shorter wheelbase or the wood.

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Anonymous No. 133917

for me they feel like this
BBS, tough and durable, they feel like a classic skateboard, they wear out evenly and exactly like you would expect them to. but for whatever reason sometimes their plies are thicc so your deck is kind of heavy and clunky. i don't like those. picking through at a shop is best. i swear there are some crummy decks that go out that maybe shouldn't

PS, boards start out amazing, but then after a couple weeks they seem to feel a tad soft and flexy. i feel like they wear out faster, or at least it seems that way, because when they're new they feel so great.

Dwindle, these boards are extremely stiff, and strangely enough they continue to feel stiff. light feeling too. i guess its that super epoxy they use. these boards almost feel unnatural, people either love or hate them. my friend said their decks feel "synthetic" which is a great way to put it. they unironically have a great warranty in place if anything weird happens to them.

Clutch, these are so stinky, i'd rather not ride them. they are noticeably not very good.

the Chinese thing Girl/Chocolate uses, i really like these. i think it's called Dulong or some shit.

there's a bunch of other smaller woodshops and those range from bretty gud or just so-so

Anonymous No. 133922

I didn't even know this was a thing but it's my fetish, so I guess so.

Anonymous No. 133925

>Clutch, these are so stinky, i'd rather not ride them. they are noticeably not very good.
That sucks to hear. I just did some research and saw my old favourite decks were chapman wood which shit down and now gets Kutch wood. Haven't tried personally since but am curious.
I think I went from dwindle to BBS, I preferred the dwindle deck.

Anonymous No. 133928

Chapman boards used to be so sick. We had an old skateshop around here years ago that would use them for their shop boards. I hope they come back one day.

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Anonymous No. 133930

I have no idea what Adult Inc is and not buying a $400 supreme deck kek, so looks like I'll try find a Zoo York and see if it's similar.
I saw he has a website and is advertising you can get blanks / even does printing. Or 5x blanks for $130US. But I'd need to ship internationally.

Anonymous No. 133942

hey Dan
New Ben video very good, he is so consistant right.
Also Knee Over Toes gigabased advice looks not only make him make it but also improved, he also theach me a couple of thing with his videos.
Also I want to see benihanas, maddonas and judos, where are those?

Anonymous No. 133951

I don't know any of your autistic opinions on woodshops but my creature deck was the best one I've ever had.

Anonymous No. 133957

Well fuck you I'm really liking my Toy Machine

Anonymous No. 133958

>tfw never had a toy machine

Anonymous No. 133959

thinking about getting a toy machine for my next board

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Anonymous No. 133996

Just let the dude enjoy his fuckin wheelie board.

Anonymous No. 134001


Anonymous No. 134002

what is this I don't even

Anonymous No. 134003

Reminder that Nora is the resident waifu of /esg/.

Anonymous No. 134005

Reminder that no matter how much you force your reddit skate "waifu" she will never be it.

Anonymous No. 134023

I thought it was Marisa Dal Santo. She was so good.

Anonymous No. 134040

decent sale for cheap decks on this bougie site for canadians

Anonymous No. 134043

Toy Machine/Tum Yeto decks are great IMO, but be warned, they are extremely flat. if thats something that throws you off, you'll have your board, but if you want a board with mellow concave/kicks, Toy Machines are fantastic.

Anonymous No. 134044

nora is a post-wall roastie

Anonymous No. 134045

She looks really haggard these days.

Anonymous No. 134057

I wear skateboarding brands all the time and never have a board, or even skateboard. No one calls me out.

Anonymous No. 134066

I like Lizzie more.

Unfortunately you have to choose between "objectively hot" and "good at skating", but imo "good at skating" adds more points than being "objectively hot" can make up for. Notice how no one ever lusts after Leticia here?

Anonymous No. 134070

Skaters look at your shoes and know you're a phony

Anonymous No. 134071

I wear chucks

Anonymous No. 134080

Why would i call you out? It's not my problem that you don't skate, that's your problem

Anonymous No. 134081

That's not a skate brand and you don't understand my point because you don't skate, but it's 2023 and that is OK

Anonymous No. 134083

Your point is that you can spot a phony cause they don’t were shoes that are used for skating, but you can skate in chucks. But skaters are pussies and act tough but wouldn’t dare say anything.

Anonymous No. 134084

>But skaters are pussies and act tough but wouldn’t dare say anything
Yeh but I will online.
>you can spot a phony cause they don’t were shoes that are used for skating
You're wrong again

Anonymous No. 134086

So then why? I’m looking at decks right now, I should just skate to fucking mog you bums. Most of you don’t shower and are not that impressive.

Anonymous No. 134088

I'll let you wonder. Just know that we know.

Anonymous No. 134094

(you) aren’t a professional, so whatever you know doesn’t matter. And I’ll send harder than any of you. In whatever I want to wear, only women care about what others are wearing hahahah

Anonymous No. 134095

I only would get 3 or 4 and that wouldnt get me to free shipping. With what they're charging I could get the same thing at a skate shops clearance.
If I had more to spend I totally would.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 134096

I don't mind and am just teasing. Please buy skater owned brands instead of corporate white tho.

Anonymous No. 134100

rain rain go away come again another day

Anonymous No. 134101

>only women care about what others are wearing hahahah

are you not the fag who gloated that he wears skate clothes and doesn't skate? I could give a shit what people wear, 50% of zoomers wear skater clothing and are completely oblivious to it. You will always be a poser, so you can wear whatever you want, it doesn't matter

Anonymous No. 134134

shipping only came up to $8 for me

Anonymous No. 134163


Anonymous No. 134165

its 14 for me. i checked with 1 item in the cart when i made this post
but i checked after i added another board and some Orbs wheels and Modus bearings and it didn't change. I just freaked out after seeing the shipping for one thing. Thanks for making me look again.

Anonymous No. 134202

the full length is all but dead because companies and film makers don't have an actual vision or idea of what they want their brand/videos to look like. and if they "do" have an "image" they beat into the ground so hard and do the same thing they've been doing for X years and it makes a video unwatchable. a great example being that creature video that someone already mentioned. shit sucks lmao

Anonymous No. 134205

speaking of FULL LENGTHS, independent video gold just released

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Anonymous No. 134217

Valleybro, I finally set up the Indys you gave me. Thanks again for that my man. I'll probably get a full year out of these and they were the perfect size for me (149s)

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Anonymous No. 134218

Here's the old bullet trucks I was riding, they actually did fairly well despite being like $20

Anonymous No. 134242

Down to the axle, very nice.

Anonymous No. 134253

Same- and new.

There's no objectivity when it comes to what rocks your boat and Leticia isn't even THAT hot.

Anonymous No. 134264

>Won't stop raining

Anonymous No. 134273

That’s Justin Bieber.

Anonymous No. 134298

no problem! Hope you enjoy them. I've been having a truck crisis and honestly think I might just go back to Ventures and stop pretending I need trucks that turn lmao

Anonymous No. 134314

NC? That's why skateboarding died here after they closed down most of the indoor parks.

Anonymous No. 134377

'Daddy' Degros x 'Meth-mouth' Corrigan vid

I don't usually like Dan much, but this is a comfy watch.

Anonymous No. 134435

guys wake up...

Anonymous No. 134443

London here (different Anon) but they're really coming for the indoor parks here. House of Vans closed in December, an indoor one across town is on the chopping block, and it seems like Barking might eventually close too.

It's so fucking hard to keep indoor parks open. I would think that one like Barking that's attached to a gym/sports facility would be able to do it, but nope.

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Anonymous No. 134514

Good morning frens. My ankles feel like they are made out of glass. I'm going to rest today. Tomorrow I'm going to the park, you guys are all invited.

Anonymous No. 134522

in places with lots of rain, indoor parks are the only thing that keep skating popular. I know that they have to pay rent on the building because it's usually privately owned, but if they can build outdoor city parks, I don't understand why they can't make indoor city parks, or atleast build shelters over the outdoor parks. there is nothing but outdoor parks here now, and it rains all the time so they're useless unless if you don't live close enough to sakte them when it's dry. we had three different indoor parks in the early 2000s, and they stayed busy on the weekends, but eventually closed down. I basically grew up in one like a daycare.

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Anonymous No. 134539

my shit still hasn't shipped

Anonymous No. 134585

Did you call them?

Anonymous No. 134587

Lakais are the new Nike SB.

Anonymous No. 134596

I think building shelter for outdoor parks is just too expensive and probably has some zoning balls tied to it that make it technically illegal. The best are parks build beneath overpasses because it's really undesirable land for most purposes and is a way to keep them clean/free from criminal activity.

What's really annoying is that there's one "outdoor" park near Tower Bridge called White Ground, but despite being entirely sheltered by a trainline above it, all of the drainage for that line leaks in there and it's unskatable even in light rain.

Anonymous No. 134604

Fuck man I desperately need to learn some new tricks that aren't 50-50, 5-0 or Smith. What's another good trick to do in transition that's easy and flowy?

Anonymous No. 134606


Anonymous No. 134617

I like to do long grinds though and long feebles are only really doable on pool coping

I feel like i need to get tailslides down or something of that nature

Anonymous No. 134631

rock/boardslides, disaster/lipslide, and tailslides

Anonymous No. 134658

rain and snow is so fucking cool oh my god i love it so much i love how it never fucking stops holy shit rain is fucking cool i hope it never stops raining hahahahaha so fucking epic and based rain is super fucking epic i'd be so mad if it stops hahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous No. 134661

I'm getting cabin fever. I can't handle this weather anymore.

Anonymous No. 134685

>started learning to skate
>for some reason I go really slow even if I'm constantly pushing off
>keep losing my balance like a spastic retard
I assume the last one will get better with practice. But why am I rolling so slow? Everyone else zooms past me and if I get both feet on the board I can barely ride that far before it slows down a lot. Does it need to wear in or something?

Anonymous No. 134686

i just did and they said they're behind and trying their best and hopefully it'll ship next week.

Anonymous No. 134690

are you using a board you got from a place like Walmart or Target?

Anonymous No. 134692

it's a cheapo Element board I got on sale, which to my understanding is kinda shitty but not walmart tier. if it's the board that's fine, I'll just keep practicing

Anonymous No. 134693

if you got those element bearings they should still be ok. You do kinda gotta wear them in a little but also if you're skating at a skatepark you gotta learn how to ride the ramps and transitions. If you're not flowing with those ramps and just standing straight up with your arms out , you're not gonna get any speed on those.

Anonymous No. 134697

>if you got those element bearings they should still be ok.
okay, that's good to know, thanks dude. I've only ridden it a couple times so I guess they'll wear in a bit. I haven't been to the skate park, I'm straight up just trying to get comfortable riding it around first. I took it to my campus a couple times cause I'm in college right now, I kinda feel retarded compared to everyone else though but I'll keep at it and hopefully throw some tricks in in the next few weeks

Anonymous No. 134701

Try tighten the trucks if it's hard to balance

Anonymous No. 134746

It depends what terrain you're riding on and what wheels you're using. Maybe the board needs maintenance? If you bought it on sale, maybe it's been sitting in a shop for years?
I started skating recently as well. Finding it hard to get over that self concious feeling. Usually go out at night when no one is about.

Anonymous No. 134760

Another weekend, another round of strong storms.

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Anonymous No. 134770

New bevup (our guy) part is up.

Anonymous No. 134779

The trucks were really loose when I first got it and people told me to tighten them, so I did, but frankly, it makes it harder to turn. When they were loose I had a hard time balancing but I stayed on the board. With them tightened, I actually end up having to step off the board when I lose balance. Am I retard or what? I kinda want to loosen them back up honestly.

my campus has a lot of brick and shit in some places so that doesn't help, I still feel slow on flat concrete paving though. What kinda maintenance do you think it needs?
> Finding it hard to get over that self concious feeling
yeah, I feel totally retarded trying to learn while in public. I'd try practicing at home but I'm broke and live in an apartment complex with fucked up asphalt and dirt paths and shit so there's nowhere to skate so the only times I can practice are when I'm on campus for school so people are always there. I kinda wish I could tape a page to my back that says new skater so people realize that he looks like a retard cause he just started and not cause he's just a clumsy idiot

Anonymous No. 134810

grats on the PowelPeralta join Nat

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Anonymous No. 134821

I wish I was bevup because that would mean I can skate.

Anonymous No. 134835

yeah loosen them until you can ride comfortably

Anonymous No. 134841

She doesnt have the tomboy thing going on tho which is like 99 percent of the reason skate girls are hot

Anonymous No. 134842

i wouldnt pull out of hailey

Anonymous No. 134844

why would i care about some ugly zoomer chink

Anonymous No. 134851

Because you like skateboarding and he's good.

Anonymous No. 134859

Alright this thread is too old and dead
move on over guys
