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🧵 /HEMA/ General

Anonymous No. 138271

/HEMA/ General - Nudism Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting -
Back to the source -
Martin Fabian Sparring -

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?


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Anonymous No. 138283

Everyone knows nude fighters are the most bold

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Anonymous No. 138288

First for Sword & Shield being the only weapon set I care about and it having virtually no actual historical documentation.

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Anonymous No. 138295

Read the bolognese sources dumbass
>but that’s not muh medieval knight’s sword n’ board
Do you want to fence or do you want to LARP?

Anonymous No. 138297

I’m good

Anonymous No. 138303

So you’re a LARPer then? Got it.

Anonymous No. 138341

>Not taking advices from people who've been at war with each other for several generations

Anonymous No. 138345

>muh vikangz sword an' shieeet

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Anonymous No. 138346

>Being this assblasted by the superiority of German fencing systems
Sorry Italians, but white men actually solved the problem of sword fighting years ago

Anonymous No. 138349

>superiority of German systems
But there isn’t a German sword and shield system to draw reference from. You’re fucking retarded not doing the “only weapon set you care about” because you think some hypothetical German system would be better than an existing bolognese system.
>ur mad tho
My club is primarily a German longsword club. Quit larping and start fencing.

Anonymous No. 138420

If you're so assblasted about it not being German, then study the bolognese and then attempt to apply the german principles (single time counters, moving opponents off line into your own) in it. It's not historic, but you're not gonna get that, so do it anyways faggot. If it's martial and works pressure tested then it's good, imo.

Anonymous No. 138524

>checks the thread after winning local tournament.
>the /xs/pecial needs kids are flaming about historical sources again.
>closes the thread and reads Revelations of Rapier again.

why are you guys like this?

Anonymous No. 138525

>dividing German and Italian when it all had roots Holy Roman Empire

This is why we have blacks in Europe.

Anonymous No. 138539

Because it’s 4chan you stupid faggot. That’s what you’re supposed to come here for.

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Eat that.jpg

Anonymous No. 138547

>and hooked

Anonymous No. 138563

>cock sucker
>and cum swallower

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Anonymous No. 138630

Late to the party, but is cane fighting HEMA Recently found a facsimile of picrel in a bookstore and seems legit enough to give you a basis, it even gives instructions on how to fabricate a rudimentary dummy.

I want to learn beginner woodworking and make myself a cane to practice this. I trust the manuscript, but I don’t know yet if it’s reliable.

Anonymous No. 138631

Yes it’s HEMA. No idea if that book is good or not though

Anonymous No. 138720

What's a good source for information on axe techniques? Two handed, hand axe and shield, dual axes and throwing axes.

I want to know how these things were really used.

Anonymous No. 138738

Can you show the page about the dummy? interesting shit!

Anonymous No. 138739

Hatchet was a back up weapon if you lost your spear, those two were carried side by side plus a tool to cut down wood if you had to.

Anonymous No. 138744

The only axe thing we have sources for are the pollaxe, a type of late medieval two-handed axe that is designed to be used in armored fighting. There's plenty of sources for it though, "Le Jeu de la Hache", Fiore and many german masters like Kal shows stuff for it. But you won't have stuff like early medieval viking or frankish stuff.

Maybe there's stuff about boarding axes in the late 17th, early 18th century.

>dual axes
Most certainly not a thing in practical terms.

Anonymous No. 138758

There are manuals for Hungarian fokos (shepherds axe) fighting as well. I’m surprised we don’t have any sources for boarding axes. We have drill manuals for cutlass.

Anonymous No. 138790

I was figuring that was more often the case, so throwing it out there to see if someone would prove otherwise.

Thanks, I'll be looking into that one to see what I can find. Probably close enough to a Dane Ax to answer some of those questions too.

I'll have a look at those too, thanks.

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Anonymous No. 138904

Upon revisiting the instructions, turns out to be a bit vague. I was excited about my first HEMA book and oversold it a bit. Nonetheless:

>This dummy is indispensable in an exercising room. It is composed of an oak board coated with leather or wool and stuffed with [horse] mane or cotton stuffing, giving it the shape of a round and tight body. It also features two strong staples to fix in the most convenient spot of the room.

>The shape of the dummy is oblong: 130 centimeters long and 40 wide in its higher area, gradually slimming down with a final width of 30 centimeters. [...] Furthermore, it is provided with springs on the inside which give it the necessary pliancy to bend and return to place when hit.

Anonymous No. 138914

>Probably close enough to a Dane Ax to answer some of those questions too.
Nah it's probably not close in its wielding. First of all, there's almost half a millenia separating the dane axe from the pollaxe. The pollaxe is a complicated construction with various bits (usually four or five weapons in one package), but mostly the use of the spike on top and the spike at the bottom is pretty essential in a vast selection of techniques, weapons that are absent in the dane axe. If you focus on striking with the axe bit maybe, but it always takes into consideration the rest so...
The Dane axe and the Pollaxe are quite different weapons. The Halberd might be closer to the dane axe as it is.

Anonymous No. 139065


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Anonymous No. 139159

Anyone have sources for sword and pistol fighting? both flintlock and revolver. Seems like it was the standard equipment of officers for like the whole early modern period, 1600s to 1800s, but its rarely discussed. Of course, I dont expect there to be a full on dualing system given the nature of it and of officer's roles, but do we know what where the common methods of engagement with it? would sword be held out and the pistol up like when pistols are at the ready by themselves? in close range? or would the pistol be held at the hip and forward in a quickdraw position so it wouldn't be in the way of their sword arm or close to the opponent?

Anonymous No. 139179

Michael Hundt has a gloss where his solution for beating a better swordsman was to just cap a motherfucker. There’s also a naval treatise by a guy who I can’t remember the name of who, despite contemporary naval training at the time, said the best way to engage the enemy was to draw your sword first invade you need to defend yourself, then draw and fire your pistol, then hang on to your pistol to use as a defensive tool by bracing it against your forearm (almost like karate Tonfa). Apparently at the time the British navy was teaching sailors to draw their pistol first, fire, dispense of their pistol, and then draw their cutlass. I wish I could remember who wrote this treatise.

Anonymous No. 139241

feel like his name was a food name, bacon or something. also, I think it was les the british navy "taught" them to draw first, and more that it was just more common for people to do as such naturally.

Anonymous No. 139316

Some of Fiore's pollaxe techniques are very applicable and effective to a dane axe, chiefly beating an opponents weapon up with the back of the head to follow with a descending cut.

Works even better with a dane axe due to how much lighter and faster it is

Anonymous No. 139495

Found this, thought the first quarter hour was relevant

Anonymous No. 139511

>chiefly beating an opponents weapon up with the back of the head to follow with a descending cut.
I mean you're not wrong then again this technique you can learn to do it with a sword as well so...

Anonymous No. 139527

Pistols were designed with a heavy handle once you fired it you could use it as a club

Anonymous No. 139636


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Anonymous No. 139641

I knew it was a food name.

Anonymous No. 139800

what do you think about the ronin euro #5?
i got it not too long ago and i still cant make my mind on it

Anonymous No. 139802

You should train Judo for the close quarters combat. Just parry a strike and you can throw people with ease.

Anonymous No. 139897

Ringen is very similar to Judo but better because no pyjamas

Anonymous No. 139914

I'm wanting to learn German longsword and right now I'm using videos on Youtube to learn grip, stance, guards, etc. Should I buy a book or is there a good website that offers guidance for beginners? My only issue with books is that I'm more of a visual learner and learn best through demonstration. Sadly, there's no club near me.

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Anonymous No. 139921

This is a good fundamentals book on how to cut properly. For historical manuals you can wiktenhauer for free.

Anonymous No. 139961

Can someone give me a quick explanation of the difference between Johannes Liechtenauer and Joachim Meyer? I know that Meyer followed Liechtenauer's teachings, but do the two have different methodology and technique? If you're wanting to learn German longsword, do you have to decide whether you want to study one or the other, or do the two go hand in hand?

Anonymous No. 139997

explain this HEMAfags

Anonymous No. 140029

learn fiore instead
german longsword is just the wrong choice

Anonymous No. 140032

>This is a good fundamentals book on how to cut properly.
How the fuck is this even necessary? Every time I've done test cutting, regardless if it's against bottles or tatami or whatever, it's been piss-easy, even the "hard" stuff like Zwerchs and rising false edge cuts.
Just throw cuts like you would in sparring and you'll be fine if your form isn't shit

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Anonymous No. 140036

The original Liechtenauer tradition is a lot older than Meyer and largely seems to focus on a few core tenants that people have misinterpreted in a lot of funny ways.
When people do Liechtenauer they mostly mean longsword, though there are some other weapons as well, or at least adjacent sources that cover other weapons decently.
Meyer has a fuckload of content, and is from later in history. While he shares a lot of terminology with the original Liechtenauer Tradition, a lot of the meanings have changed. He's also got a lot of proven Italian - or rather, Bolognese - influence.
These days, Meyerists tend to be much more likely to practice shit other than longsword, such as dussack, sidesword/rappppier, polearms, and so on.

Anonymous No. 140042

is bae

Anonymous No. 140051

Swordsmanship is very heard to teach and learn just through books, doing and personal instruction is so much better. So you not being a book learner is fine, the lack of a club is a more severe issue. Finding a training partner is pretty much an absolute requirement here.

Meh. The man might be good at cutting (I've never seen him in action nor heard about any exploits of his so I just don't have a clue) but I found his ability to explain to be decidedly lackluster. He goes on and on about how you mustn't add power as the sword is cutting, until finally remembering that helping things along with your wrists te-no-uchi style is a thing. Should you hit near the tip or near the hilt? Depends on which page you're looking at. And it all seemed so very heavily focused on just optimising cutting, with any fencing that may be going on being some silly nonsense you'd best stop caring about.
So follow >>140032 instead and use the cutting to test if what you do in sparring are proper cuts.

Same idea as a judogi. Something to grab on to when training the techniques where you grab on to the opponent's jacket, and hopefully sturdy enough that it won't just get ripped apart during said practice.

Anonymous No. 140070

Based on what

Anonymous No. 140263

based on my opinion, which is the best

🗑️ Anonymous No. 140977

Covid killed this """sport""" right?

Anonymous No. 140981

Nope. Seethe about it, fag.

Anonymous No. 141236

Am I gonna get cancer from using Rem Oil to clean my longsword? Alternatively, should I just ditch the gun oil entirely and buy a tub of Renaissance Wax?

Anonymous No. 141245

Why would rem oil give you cancer?

In any case I just use wd40 and that seems to work fine.

Anonymous No. 141251

My bad, it's Hoppes Elite Gun Oil. Anyway, it says it "can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm."

Anonymous No. 141253

That’s on near every product that’s sold in California because California’s safe water act is way too broad and even having trace amounts of (potentially) cancer causing chemicals requires companies to put that on their products. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Anonymous No. 141260

Alright then. I figure it's a legal thing. I also saw some other forums and whatnot with people saying similar things, that the warning can likely be disregarded because it's too generalized.

Anonymous No. 141281


Pretty much. It shouldn't be a problem unless you're eating it, huffing it, cleaning your contact lenses in it, or using it as massage oil. Sure as fuck don't do those things, but otherwise I wouldn't worry.

My buddy had one of those "known in the state of California to cause cancer" warnings on his trampoline. My suggestion is to not eat the trampoline, either.

Anonymous No. 141414

if humans had suddenly become considerably stronger and their armor considerably thicker, which existing weapons would have best suited new demands? basically, among existing weapons, which ones would best have adapted to a higher penetrative requirement AND a higher exerted force? I figure shorter weapons like chunky untapered daggers are up there. maces would fucking suck they already bend easily, longer tapered swords would suck, polearms would probably suck. I'm asking because I'm going to fight the lizard people

Anonymous No. 141415

those guys are using rapier not training epee

Anonymous No. 141421

Poleaxes still or warhammers

Anonymous No. 141696

anyone else disappointed about the lack of athleticism in their study groups/clubs? Why is it so hard to find people who want to train instead of people who like talking about training. It feels like its always one cosplay away from just a LARP session.

Anonymous No. 141700

You don't generally smash melee weapon right through armour as it is, so nothing much would change on that front.

>AND a higher exerted force?
Force is not a property that any item can have on its own, it's a measure of how two objects interact with each other. So the exerted force here will depend as much on the target as on the weapon, and is basically worthless as far as predicting the outcome of the hit goes unless you're doing a full computer simulation. It's simply so complex to calculate that you're more likely to use the outcome to determine what the forces involved were than the other way around.

Anonymous No. 141703

>anyone else disappointed about the lack of athleticism in their study groups/clubs?
>Why is it so hard to find people who want to train instead of people who like talking about training.
Industrial society and its consequences have rendered the bulk of the population extremely physically unfit and training is hard. On top of that, HEMA at its core is arguably more of an academic hobby than an athletic hobby.
>It feels like its always one cosplay away from just a LARP session.
Training in period costume is as valid as training with period weapons. You're Live-Action Role Playing as a martial artist from a time long gone with reconstructed techniques nearly forgotten rather than training the martial arts which are utilitarian today. If you're not embracing the nerd side as hard as you want the fat nerds to brace the athletic side you're as wrong as they are.

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Anonymous No. 141871

A lot of guys, especially older ones, for some reason can't wrap their heads around the fact that fighting with melee weaponry is an athletic endeavour.
There are a few arguments and assertions that you can try to convince people to fence/spar more, assuming they're the bookish types who mull over interpretations all the time without really testing them:
>Any interpretation must be pressure tested to see if it has any validity, this is only possible through sparring
>The better the fencers, the better you can validate if an interpretation works. You must be a good fencer in general in order to properly study the sources.
>Combat is inherently physical, YOU MUST BE PHYSICAL
>If you think that these things only work when fencing slowly, then you're just too slow
>"Skill vs. physicality" is not a dichotomy, the two hand-in-hand. (How obvious this is depends on the source, as some will outright tell you this)
I've had success getting lazy GenXers off their asses with that line of argumentation.
Other than that, if you know any athletic people, try to get them to join your club.

Anonymous No. 142225

A rapier won't go through a skull like that, especially if you're doing a weak thrust like an inquartata.

Anonymous No. 142232

The force doesn’t come from the thrust it comes from the opponent running himself through on your sword dumbass. Also aldo nadi describes an Italian saber duel in which one fencer ran himself into a saber that went through his mouth and out the back of his head. It’s entirely possible.

Anonymous No. 142289

What's a good book to start after learning the four main guards in German longsword? I'm thinking about going with Fighting with the German Longsword by Christian Tobler, but I'm also wondering if I should just go for a straight translation of Meyer's treatises.

Anonymous No. 142308

Just use a YouTube video or just go

Anonymous No. 142309

Youtube is how I'm learning right now, but I'm pretty sure there's more than just one or two cuts you can do from each guard. I want to eventually graduate from beginner to intermediate techniques, it's just hard considering there aren't any clubs near me. I'll check out the link, though.

Anonymous No. 142311

Watch this whole thing
As for the different cuts you can just try out with your sword what comes to mind and what comes naturally
A lot of the cuts except some of the meisterhaw are straight forward and intuitive
But if you want to be good at longsword fighting you need to spar at some point

Anonymous No. 142314

>Training in period costume
Where can I find period clothing like this guy?
It looks so comfortable.
I've been using this playlist so far and I'm not all the way finished with it, but this playlist looks very good as well and I'll definitely take a look at it.
>just try out with your sword what comes to mind and what comes naturally
I kinda figured that the way you fight comes from techniques already created, but of course, actual fighting is going to require improvised attacks and whatnot. I'm dumb.
>But if you want to be good at longsword fighting you need to spar at some point
Hopefully I'll be able to do that at some point. At the moment, I'm just glad to have found something physically demanding for me to do, drilling in my backyard is great exercise and it's fun to learn all the history as well.

Anonymous No. 142368

>I kinda figured that the way you fight comes from techniques already created, but of course, actual fighting is going to require improvised attacks and whatnot. I'm dumb.
Yes and no, from most guards there are a few directions or cuts you can take an attack but there will be about as many variations of those attacks as there are longsword users since not everyone throws them the same way.
Learn the basic attacks from Vom Tag, Ochs, Pflug and Alber - you can also do Meyer's square as a drill for different directions for the swings
Since it's hard for you to drill working from the bind without a partner maybe you just watch the YouTube videos for those or go for the meisterhaws (although those also usually involve displacing the opponents sword)

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Anonymous No. 142605


Extremely based bolognese poster

Anonymous No. 142614

>Where can I find period clothing like this guy? [Embed]
>It looks so comfortable.

I think the pants are from Bloss, but you can find similar pants by Arcem.

>On top of that, HEMA at its core is arguably more of an academic hobby than an athletic hobby.

Yes and no, theres been a massive shift in HEMA because most of the reconstruction work has been done, its time to just focus on athleticism. In my local scene a lot of people are getting filtered because they dont go to the gym.

>A lot of guys, especially older ones, for some reason can't wrap their heads around the fact that fighting with melee weaponry is an athletic endeavour.

A lot are also from TMA backgrounds where you can get away with being a lazy shit as long as you memorize all the techniques.

Thankfully as ive said above, its changing now, a lot more athletic people are joining the sport and a lot of current people are forced to get fit.

The problem is that HEMA never advertises itself properly and with the strong crossover with reenactment, LARP, and SCA, you're bound to get people who join who really should just be doing reenactment or LARP. Mind you, those people tend to just stick to longsword or they start at longsword then embrace the sportspill and move onto other weapons.

Ive had lots of rants about this shit to my local HEMAists and a lot are in agreeance about HEMA having issues with its image.

Anonymous No. 142628

How much of a problem are the SCA guys for you, and in what part of the country? I've met some really strong heavy weapons fighters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Upstate New York, but I've heard that some regions out west don't hit as hard or aren't as competitive in general. Haven't done SCA in six or seven years, however.

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Anonymous No. 142657

> it having virtually no actual historical documentation.

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Anonymous No. 142658

>Hey portugal, do you have a cool historic martial art?

Anonymous No. 142661


My personal experience it feels like a lot of SCA people are super salty that HEMA became the more popular sport out of the reenactment branches. There was some old people at a LARP i used to go to (before they closed down) that still called HEMA reenactment.

In other parts of the world ive noticed theres more crossover between SCA heavies and Bohurt/HMB. But overall i think SCA is just dying down in my country.


Medievaltards somehow always ignore the entire renaissance which had some of the more cooler shit. Sadly i feel like landsknechts are becoming the "new samurai" and theyre going to get ruined.

Reminds me of this

Anonymous No. 142677

There’s a super old sca guy at my club who refuses to let people drill correctly and will intentionally fuck it up “to make it more realistic”. He’s been given several talkings to about this and also having zero control when he’s the one doing the drill and bruising people because “sorry I’m just used to doing it tougher” despite the fact that he’s not doing it “tougher” he’s just missing his intended target and hitting people where they’re not padded. I wish they’d just kick this retard out already, he’s a liability.

We also have a different sca guy who’s closer to middle age and does HEMA specifically to improve his sca technique. He’s fine to be around.

Anonymous No. 142706

These guys lasted for like a few decades and barely saw any action. It seems pretty clear to me that they weren't effective.

Anonymous No. 142708

They killed a lot of Mexicans

Anonymous No. 142709

Not particularly impressive.

Anonymous No. 142730

Been working out again for about a month and my friend has invited me to a HEMA practice thing tomorrow. What should I expect?

Anonymous No. 142875

Idk lol

Anonymous No. 142890

>in my country
May I ask which country? In my aforementioned part of the United States as of roughly six years ago there was way more SCA than HEMA and much of the HEMA scene was derivative of the SCA scene.

Tell the tard guy to think of it as SCA fencing rather than heavy weapons. If that doesn't work, hit him at least as hard as he's hitting other people in the same unprotected areas and say you're matching his hit calibration. If that doesn't work, hit him harder.

Anonymous No. 142891

What should you have expected?

Anonymous No. 142895

>What should I expect?
I guess swords were involved?

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Anonymous No. 142945

I unironically heard someone use "chud" in my club today...

Anonymous No. 142948

Did you beat them up?

Anonymous No. 142950

it was on the app group, he's a sort of junior instructor and one of the board members is pretty much on board with this shit

Anonymous No. 142951

Sounds like a gay (literally) club. Is this junior instructor actually any good?

Anonymous No. 142952

the entire club is pretty young, he's a teacher for a living so he's alright.
There's other clubs but I don't really have a means of transportation to attend them

Anonymous No. 143063

Can you oil a sword too often?

Anonymous No. 143071

I mean, you probably won’t damage it but you also don’t want to have a greasy ass sword all the time

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Anonymous No. 143177

German sources tend to skimp on the importance of the threat, which is exposed a little better by the Italians. Gentle reminder that on any stance you assume (think Pflug, Ochs, Langort and variations), your blade is meant to be both a shield covering a specific set of approach quadrants and a threat. You get into any stance, do it with the intent to be covered and threatening. Fiore put this elephant with a castle howdah in his manual to symbolize the fencer. Tusks are a threat and the outer wall for the castle, which is you.
Whatever video you see, remember to be covered and hard to reach, while posing a threat to the adversary. Tip of your sword to his eyes and all that.

Anonymous No. 143188

Also flips, japs etc.

Anonymous No. 143189

Jogo do pau is supposedly based of the whole montante stuff from the renaissance, people who know both say the parallels are too big to be coincidence.

Anonymous No. 143190


>Medievaltards somehow always ignore the entire renaissance
Huh? 99% of HEMA is renaissance. We have little to none actually medieval sources.

Anonymous No. 143191

You need to keep in mind that HEMA started as and in many aspects still is nerd shit. Nerds don't like sports, they don't like training and they don't want to be jocks.

There are so many fields in HEMA that are simply ignored because the resident dorks want to larp as big bad Fechtschul fighters.

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Anonymous No. 143282

Ok, you got me interested. What fields are ignored? HEMA prouds itself on testing the niche of the niche. People try epee vs Longsword, train the oscurest weapons, test what influence a sword being sharp has on techniques... what fields are being ignored?

Anonymous No. 143315

Ironically, I bought my longsword years ago because I'm a nerd, but I'm a nerd with standards so I got one that was made of real high carbon steel and wasn't just a wall hanger. Only recently have I decided to actually teach myself how to use it and it's progressively gotten easier. The whole being a nerd but also learn the athletic elements go hand in hand, because now I feel like I have better respect for a piece of media when they actually get footwork and swordsmanship right.

Anonymous No. 143625

How the fuck do I deal with a guy that's a lot springier on his feet than I can manage, able to take longer steps etc.? I feel like he can come in and try to attack, and then back away, and I can very rarely capitalize on anything as he has the range to play very safely. Similarly if I try to aggro in he can just escape and choose positions of counter attack much more readily.
>inb4 work out
obviously, but there will always be people even more fit, with longer legs, etc.

Anonymous No. 143635

>hey guys I wanna do sword and shield, what are some good sources
>>try the bolognese school
>but that doesn't conform to my larpy fantasies

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Anonymous No. 143637

Manlet here, I’m going to assume you’re fighting longsword. timing and footwork is going to be key. Use prepatory steps to draw the attack and then seize the center from him. If you have to chase that’s fine so long as you maintain control of the center. Be prepared to take shots shallow targets if he’s too quick to strike a blow at his head or chest. It’s understandable you feel frustrated fighting a taller opponent who is also defensive rather than aggressive. One trick I take advantage of is to simply sit in your guard and wait. This is a much tougher exercise than people give it credit for, but if you maintain a good distance, only move to change guards based on where you suspect he’s going to attack, and wait, the tension will often lead people to attack in an unsafe way just for the sake of it. To quote my own coach
>have patience enough to parry
I will add also that you opponent being “springier” than you is no excuse, work on your footwork, fag.

Anonymous No. 143645

>sit in your guard and wait
Yeah. I've been thinking to be more patient. It's really weird since I'm usually one the most aggressive people in our group, and it usually works pretty well. Except with this guy.

Anonymous No. 143653

> I've been thinking to be more patient. It's really weird since I'm usually one the most aggressive people in our group
Learn how to turn it on and off on a whim. Fight aggressively but only when your sure you’re target is open

Anonymous No. 143807

HEMA looks fun but it looks super cringe. Time would be better spent in like any other hobby if you don’t want to be a virgin forever. Sword shit is pussy repellent

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Anonymous No. 143810

>HEMA looks fun but it looks super cringe
Accurate assesment
>Time would be better spent in like any other hobby if you don’t want to be a virgin forever
Are you 15? Your time is best spent doing the things you like and not caring what other peoples opinions of it are.
>Sword shit is pussy repellent
This is only true if your fat and unattractive. No one will believe me but I showed off my feder while naked to a girl I was hooking up with a few years back and seemed to be into the whole Viking warrior image.

Anonymous No. 143813

Lol my girlfriend comes with me to practice

Anonymous No. 143956

Rodeleros as a "unit" in Spain have existed since the fucking middle ages. The equipment varied as time advanced, but it was always dudes using round shields and a one handed cut and thrust sword. They even took part in the Reconquista.
My cock is bigger than yours so it evens out. Your dagger will never outreach my rapier.

Anonymous No. 143958

Neck yourself iPhone user, Verdadera Destreza owns your ass.

Anonymous No. 143959

Do you know anything about Spanish rapier (Destreza)? I’m interested in it but don’t know where to start looking at resources.

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Anonymous No. 143962

After 3 years of procastrination I recently got into a club that teaches Rapier, Montante (2 handed sword), Sword and Buckler, Military Saber and Rapier and Dagger. I am Spanish and yes, we are taught Verdadera Destreza. My instructors send me videos with stuff to practice and sometimes I even look up the actual shit on Wiktenauer. We aren't scared of sparring either, and after every class, we throw blades.
What you have to know about Verdadera Destreza compared to Italian style, is that it values defense and safety way more, introduces non-linear movement that goes beyond going back and forth, and "disavows" the use of feints as they are risky as fuck (your opponent must fall for the trick, and that's away from your control).
Destreza also has a long as fuck part in it about, I shit you not, being a Proper Catholic and not being a villain. It considers the best fight as that one which causes no deaths, and Destreza has a good amount of techniques that consist on disarming or just maiming your opponent rather than killing him. You need to be aware that this specific Martial Art was born during the Catholic Reform, when Lutheranism was on the rise.
It also has a big philosophical element to it, as it's inspired by the Rationalist movement as opposed to the Empiricist one. That's why the books are full of geometry and such seemingly autismal mathematical elements.
I am fairly new to actually swinging a sword (been doing it for 4 weeks now), I used to be the more historical reading shit type of nerd. The club I'm in is based and there's absolutely no faggot or faggot-tier behavior, unlike some cases I have seen ITT.

Anonymous No. 143965

My club is primarily German Longsword, but we also have a small group that dabbles in British military saber. I want to introduce rapier to the club, but for some reason Destreza is much more interesting to me than Italian styles, maybe it’s the movement, I’m not sure. I’ll have to do some more research on it but it’s definitely something I’d like to pursue in my club.

Anonymous No. 143983

This post pretty much sums up the reply I was going to make. An hobby is only as cringe as the man who has it.

Anonymous No. 144071

Hello lads. I'd like to learn some drills and tricks to impress people with. I've been watching some shao lin sword twirling and escrima videos. I'm having trouble with my wrists' range of motion, especially when I have to keep my grip tight with two fingers. Are there any exercises for wrist mobility? Weapon trick tutorials are also welcome.

Anonymous No. 144077

I don’t know much about sword twirling but I’ve learned that one of the most useful tricks for not injuring your wrists is to remember to activate your fingers when you cut. Doing so not only takes a lot of pressure off your wrist but also makes an incoming attack much harder to see.

Remember, the sword is held primarily between the thumb and forefinger and squeezing the rest of your fingers while pushing down with your thumb will initiate the cut without any movement of the arm or wrist.

Anonymous No. 144112

Are you not supposed to hold the pommel with your nondominant hand? I don't understand, leveraging the sword with that grip makes it so much easier to swing, why aren't you supposed to grip the pommel?

Anonymous No. 144116

How are you gripping the pommel? Are you cupping it with your palm is your hand holding the pommel partially with the majority of your hand on the grip like normal? The latter is no big deal the former may give you a better sense of point control but you lose a lot of power in the bind and cut which is why you shouldn’t do it.

Anonymous No. 144119

>you lose a lot of power in the bind and cut
Oh, that makes sense. It gave me a lot more control when just starting out, but now that I've gotten stronger and can actually hold the sword properly, I may not need to do that anymore.

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Anonymous No. 144176

>why aren't you supposed to grip the pommel?
Says who?
Rule of thumb for longsword is "hold it however the fuck you want as long as it works", you see all sorts of grips in the sources and with fencers today.

Anonymous No. 144181

The grip is also not glued to the longsword you are supposed to or at least be able to change it depending on what you are doing with the sword

Anonymous No. 144196

>Says who?
This is where I first heard it:

Anonymous No. 144290

what sword do you own anon?

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spoon imp.jpg

Anonymous No. 144910

I'm feeling a bit devilish. Should we go "Dojobusting" on JSAfag dojos? Maybe that way we can finally get them to spar with us for once.

Anonymous No. 145023

This is not devilish, just "cringe", what do you have to prove exactly?

Anonymous No. 145029

Not him, but white supremacy I presume. It's either that, or he's seething that they actually have a living tradition while we have to spend hours reading when reading is just so hard :(

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Anonymous No. 145073

Nothing to prove, but JSA people really don't want to spar for some reason and I
want to spar with them. Thought maybe if we pose "as a threat" they will finally be willing to spar with us.
If anything I just want to pull a Goro Majima on them. Quit it with the MUH WACISM accusations faggot.

Anonymous No. 145085

>but JSA people really don't want to spar for some reason and I want to spar with them.
You can't always get what you want. People in JSA for the most part don't care about HEMA as a discipline.
>Thought maybe if we pose "as a threat" they will finally be willing to spar with us.
Have you checked the society we live in, they'll just call the cops, as said, this is just cringe, not threatening or devilish, ask politely, go take JSA class and be interested in their stuff and you'll see that it should work much better.
You have nothing to prove but you'd rather be seen as an anime villain than someone interested so yeah, massive cringe.

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Anonymous No. 145086

I'm not gonna attack them with a sharp blade numbnuts, the point is to politely challenge the dojo to a non-lethal simulated duel right in their face for the sake of honing both the fighter's skills/prove what you are made of. What makes you think I want to murder/hospitaliza people?

Anonymous No. 145087

>If anything I just want to pull a Goro Majima on them.
Oh and I'm the faggot here? Lmao

Anonymous No. 145090

>politely challenge the dojo to a non-lethal simulated duel right in their face
They don't share your retarded ideas of what sparring should be. You'll be politely asked to leave. On the other hand the fact that you replied with
>I'm not gonna attack them with a sharp blade numbnuts
to the other Anon just cements for me that you can't read. Go hone your reading comprehension, instead of arguing with us here and those poor JSAfags on their thread. They didn't deserve this.
I opted to assume you were racist because that would've been more respectable than being just this retarded.

Anonymous No. 145093

>non-lethal simulated duel
Oh and I'm the faggot here? Lmao

>Honing the fighter's skill
That's not how it's done over there, so yeah you have to prove your methods are better, they aren't, now go get more anime images.

Anonymous No. 145128

Not that anon. Meds now.

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Anonymous No. 145132

I didn't see a scanned copy on LibGen or Internet Archive, you should make a copy for us.

With a camera, a sheet of glass, and and some minor effort, you can get a pretty good book scanning setup.
or if you want to be fancy:
and if you really want to be fancy, there are various grades of commercial book scanners. You're better off using a book scanning setup versus a standard paper scanner because it's easier on the binding of your antique books and takes less time to operate. The above links talk about software and processing, so give them a look even if you already know how to cut a box in half.

Anonymous No. 145135


Anonymous No. 145137


Anonymous No. 145827

Redpill me on John Clements and the strong of the flat.

Anonymous No. 145830

He’s retarded and there’s no reason to believe that people only parried with the flat other than “John clements said so”. He also gives people concussions to make sure braining a motherfucker with a piece of steel “works”.

Anonymous No. 145833

Also despite this video where he full force hits a guy in the head with the pommel j can’t find a single video of clements actually putting on a mask and fencing for real

Anonymous No. 145835

>muh violence
This is why people think HEMA is for unfit sissy nerds, Grow up.

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Anonymous No. 145838

His article on two handed sword weights lists the weight of a number of two handers in the Royal Armoury in Stockholm, some labelled as ceremonial and some not. He then claims this shows no fighting sword was heavier than whatever it was, despite one of the not-ceremonial swords he just listed being way above that weight. No analysis, no discussion of why that sword perhaps shouldn't count, not acknowledging of the clash, he just straight up pretends the data supported the conclusion he was going for seemingly without even having read it.
(And yes, I've checked, he didn't mistype the weight in the article or anything like that.)
As for stopping incoming strikes, well, would you strike the flat or edge of a plank if you wanted to break it off with a minimum of effort? When hammering or doing anything that requires you to exert force with your arms, which direction will you push with your arms and will that correspond to the edge or flat of a sword? Does Meyer very clearly state that you defend yourself with your cuts, or with flat slaps? What happens if both fencers follow Ringeck's advice and go with in an oberhau from the right?

Anonymous No. 145847

The problem isn’t that he hit someone it’s that he hit someone who’s not allowed to hit him back you retard. Wanna have a boxing match where only I’m allowed to punch you?

Anonymous No. 145850

He's just exaggerating for the camera to make it look cool. Again, stop being such a sissy.

Anonymous No. 145852

He's made himself irrelevant long ago, people only reference him when making flatamastrong jokes.
As for the whole "you should parry with the flat of your strong" thing, it's a daft idea that doesn't line up at all with what any source says, hence why it became a meme.

Anonymous No. 145853

>stop being such a sissy bro
>just let me GONK you
Go home clements, your drunk again

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Anonymous No. 146522

Started HEMA a few months back and have really taken to liking to fighting with this particular sword. Any idea what it's called and if it's modeled after any specific historic type of longsword? What are the metal triangles for catching an opponent's blade called?

Anonymous No. 146525

Its a federschwert just retardly designed, retard

Anonymous No. 146531

that schilt looks dangerous

Anonymous No. 146537

Thats a trainings Montante, you noob.

Anonymous No. 146557

How's it dangerous/retarded?

Anonymous No. 146564

Well the maker went and took the bit you'll be smashing into the target, the "edge", and added a pair of pointy bits to it. Hit with those (not what you'd try to do most of the time, but shit happens) and instead of the wide edge designed to spread the impact as much as possible you get it all concentrated in a pretty small point. Great for cracking ribs, crushing fingers and piercing skulls. Not so great if you want your sparring partners to be re-usable.

Anonymous No. 146572

Good point. Thanks for explaining, I'll use something else. It's a shame, the blade catching spars were very useful and bailed me out a couple times.

Anonymous No. 146587


Why are HEMA fags so scared of getting hurt? This is why even among other martial arts and even among other nerdy sports like buhurt or sca people look down upon HEMAfahs. Just use the sword during Harness fencing if that’s a thing in your club if hurting your friends is something you are worried.

Anonymous No. 146588

>bro just get injured or you’re not cool and tough like me
You’re a fucking faggot and should ram your head into a brick wall if you think risking injury for no perceivable benefit is a good thing.
>hurr durr ur just a pussy
Go to the “is fighting sustainable” thread and go read about all the injuries I have from judo. Let me tell you how great it is taking six months off because you broke a rib doing something retarded instead of training.

Anonymous No. 146589

Because the point of a sport, even a martial art isn't getting yourself hurt unless you are paid for it
In hema you are never paid to spar

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Anonymous No. 146590

>>146572 It's a shame, the blade catching spars were very useful and bailed me out a couple times.
A good schilt can still help stop a blade sliding down to your fingers, that's likely the main point of it, and even do some limited amount of binding. But it'll be designed in a not quite so pointy manner.

Anonymous No. 146599

Hitting people with pieces of metal isn't like hitting with fists. One solid blow could give a permanent injury.

Anonymous No. 146647

This. It's Purpleheart armory's Marozzo style two handed trainer made by VB. Lengthwise it's somewhere in between a typical longsword and a montante. I would not use it for longsword work, especially sparring. It's really meant for the two handed sword of the Bolognese texts. If you wanted to spar with it I'd recommend having some serious protection and care, the end of that thing will seriously whip if you swing it at speed. I have the longer montante version made by VB. It's great for the plays of the Iberian montante texts, and is a pretty robust sword, feels good in hand.

Anonymous No. 146682

Wouldn't it be possible to make these side spikes out of polymer for the sake of safety, or simply a material that won't crack bones and is stiff enough for the blade catching techniques? Maybe thick and tapered rubber bars could do the job.
Or instead wearing more adecuate equipment, like a helmet type mask that is rigid all the way around, a rigid chest piece and SPES gloves.

Anonymous No. 146692

Or you could just move them towards the quillions like every other feder. The whole reason you want a schilt is to protect your thumb. It’s not accomplishing that if it’s 6 inches away from where your thumb would be.

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Anonymous No. 146695

Dumbass, then it's not a Montante. It becomes another type of sword, a Feder. The montante is also longer than the Feder. It helps you if you try to "halfsword" it if you get in "armored cqc" type shit.
Fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 146697

Maybe you meant your index finger, cause afaik, I have only seen people put their index finger over the cross. Why exactly would you want to put your thumb over the crossguard?

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Anonymous No. 146700

I take it you’re an Italian guy, I wouldn’t place my index finger over the cross guard without a ricasso to protect it. The German system, however, involves “thumbing” actions in order to execute most of the meisterhau. This is difficult to explain through text but by placing your dominant side thumb on the center of the schilt you can change the angles of your attack and in some cases give your self a stronger position in the bind. Here’s an image of a greasy guy who probably owns a fedora zwerchau’ing a tatami. Notice his thumb on the bottom of the blade.

Anonymous No. 146702

The anon I was responding too said he wanted to use it for sparring and referred to it as a longsword in his first post. You shouldn’t be sparring with properly sized montantes anyways. Maybe read the thread next time before you have an autistic meltdown.

Anonymous No. 146707

>you can't spar with a full size montante
Why not? Couldn't you just wear better protective equipment?
>muh concussions
Football helmets are great at minimizing them and I can assure you that they can cope with a blunted sword, seeing the violence involved in that sport.

Anonymous No. 146709

I didn’t say you can’t, I said you shouldn’t.
>but what about better protective equipment
The guys that do buhurt and HMB and shit still have weight restrictions on their weapons because people are going to get fucked ip with you swing an eight pound hunk of steel at someone even if they’re in full harness.
>football helmets protect against concussions
Is this a joke? Football players suffer more concussions than any other sport except hockey and rugby.

If you and some other moron want to make yourselves retarded beating on each other with montantes be my guest, but just know you’re almost certainly going to be injured in some way by the end of it.

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Anonymous No. 146715

>The guys that do buhurt and HMB and shit still have weight restrictions on their weapons because people are going to get fucked ip with you swing an eight pound hunk of steel at someone even if they’re in full harness.
You know bohurt swords are heavier than realistic/historically accurate ones, right? Their weight limit on weapons is way above something that a HEMA person would use, so your point is moot.
>Football players suffer more concussions than any other sport except hockey and rugby.
Because the sport is incredibly aggressive and violent, that's why they come up with these intricate helmets that absorb as much of the impact as possible. If that's not enough, maybe a bike helmet would suffice, seeing how it can protect someone from hitting their skull into the concrete at 200 miles per hour.
Hell, even well known HEMA personalities spar with spadone/montante without that much of a "heavy protection":
I guess Federico Malagutti is a fucking dumb braindead retard now huh? You must be so much more smart than him.
You need to stop being such a pussy and get out of /xs/ if you legitimately think like this.

Anonymous No. 146724

> You know bohurt swords are heavier than realistic/historically accurate ones, right? Their weight limit on weapons is way above something that a HEMA person would use, so your point is moot.
Their longswords are capped at 2300 grams which is about 5lbs. Most montantes are about 7/8lbs and sometimes even more.
>but muh YouTube personalities
Malgutti is an expert with years of experience and an incredible sense of control. The anon who started this discussion “started HEMA a few months ago.” There’s a big fucking difference. Moreover, we have no idea what he’s using as a trainer in this video and very well may not be full weighted and as you can see aren’t doing the wide swinging types of continuous cuts that are typical of montante training. I still wouldn’t do it just like I wouldn’t spar with sharps as some others have also. Be my fucking guest if you want to get hurt.
>ur a pussy
We all think you’re really tough and cool, don’t worry.

Anonymous No. 146726


Anonymous No. 146728

I never said you can’t do anything. Be my guest anon. It’s quite literally not my problem if you get hurt.

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Anonymous No. 146732

Just wear a rigid layer on top of your jacket to not break your bones. Doesn't need to be full plate armor as this rigid armor only needs to protect against cuts, so you can make it be solid bars that go along your limbs, similar to what many people who couldn't afford plate armor put over their chain mail. Except, because you are not wearing chainmail, you can afford to make them even MORE robust. Make these bars then join into joints armor, like steel elbow and shoulder and knee pads, and add a solid chest piece if you are still not sure. Then get a proper shock absorbing helmet that also covers the face with a high rated mesh like 1350 newtons.
If that's still not enough, instead of a steel or polymer blade, use a rod that's covered in a foam that's in the perfect balance of soft and stiff that makes it ideal for dissipating mechanical energy into heat, absorbing as much of it as possible. Can be incredibly safe while having a weight distribution similar to the real thing. Montante does not have a lot of edge on edge action, no matter what you fight against, so you are not going to lose much in the name of safety.
There you go. Now you can spar without any issues. Worst thing that can happen is that your opponent grapples you into a choke hold and doesn't let go, has the strength of an elephant, or actually brought a live blade and stabs you succesfully somewhere.

Also, don't forget to wear a good cup.

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Anonymous No. 146734

>just build a full harness
Most people aren’t willing to drop that kind of money or put the work in to make it themselves but if you’re a particularly dedicated weirdo then more power to you. As I mentioned before though, a full size montante is going to be close to twice the weight that the buhurt guys would allow because it’s not safe to swing something that heavy at people even when they’re in full harness. I especially wouldn’t trust fencing mask mesh against it ( but if you want to strap on a football helmet and see if you end up concussed or not by a montante swing you’re free to play crash test dummy.
>but what if we don’t use a full size montante or cover it in padding
At that point we’re really not even having the same discussion since all I said in the first place was “you shouldn’t spar with full size montantes anyways” because it’s unsafe. I didn’t think this would be such a controversial opinion.

Anonymous No. 146745

Literally not a full harness though. It certainly doesn't try to even emulate one, I would not bother making it be or look historically accurate at all.
Also bohurtfags are willing to dump that kind of money.
>Noooo I don't wanna spend money on HEMA equipment I gotta spend it on the new iPhone 15 once it comes out!!

Anonymous No. 146751

He said "a football helmet with a strong mesh on the face".
That would only receive thrusts, the skull would be covered by the football helmet.

Anonymous No. 146757

Make one that actually works then. Be the crash test dummy.
>if you don’t want to drop 2k on a suit of armor specifically for a weapon you’re barely invested in then you must be irresponsible with your money when it comes to phones
I have a mortgage. Go build your theoretical montante sparring suit if you think it’s a small worthwhile investment. Don’t let me stop you.

Anonymous No. 146762

>You shouldn’t be sparring with properly sized montantes anyways.
That anon again, is it a matter of safety, too much length to qualify as a longsword or something else? I had been told that to find the right length for longsword training, if the point is touching the ground the pommel is supposed to be level with the bottom of your armpit. Being 6'5 that meant I've been using one significantly longer than the manlets since it was the closest to that criteria. Is that claim about the pommel needing to being level with your armpit the equivalent of bro science bullshit?

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Anonymous No. 146767

I have a VB swordshop hand and a half sword, and I've recently sparred with it for the first time. It had been sitting oiled (chainsaw oil) before that, and after the sparring I didn't oil it for 2 weeks. This week I noticed small black spots at various points along the blade and on the quilons. They're in places where the blade hasn't made any contact. I tried to use some 0000 steel wool to take them off, suspecting rust, but to no avail. Any advice on what these are and how to get rid of them?

Anonymous No. 146770

>That anon again, is it a matter of safety, too much length to qualify as a longsword or something else?
Safety yes when it comes to weight and to a lesser extent length too. Montantes are fucking heavy compared to a feder and a longer blade means more leverage, more leverage means more wallop. While it’s true you should to some degree use an appropriately length sword for your height, Some tournaments set restrictions on how long blades can be and even if they don’t have specific rules a lot of guys are going to tell you to cut the shit if you’re walking in with something >60 inches. Besides, at a certain point shorter swords are going to be more weildy and I tend to believe a more agile sword is better than a longer one.
>Is that claim about the pommel needing to being level with your armpit the equivalent of bro science bullshit?
As it is most feders are a bit longer than historical longswords. a standard regenyei is about 52 inches. That would’ve been on the longer end of a historic weapon. Best advice I can give is try handling some of your club mates swords and make a decision on what you like from there. One thing I hate about shopping for HEMA shit and online retail in general is you can’t get a feel for what you’re buying first.

Anonymous No. 146771

Looks like spot rust. My fencing coach recommends fine grit sandpaper and remoil gun cleaner.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 146779

Bitch slap /rnr/ #1347
Asked /niger/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of retards.


Pre-Installed Game: https:/me/.xml updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

Install Guide:
General FAQ:
Niggerfaggot Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for dumbass(ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/fag/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Anonymous No. 146924

anyone else hold one handed swords with thumb up the side instead of back? I know its a thing in some longsword, but not sure about saber.
I know orthodoxaly there are three standard grips for this sort of sword, hammer fist, thumb up the back, and handshake (something in between the first two).
Its most like handshake, but my thumb is flat against the side rather than wrapped around, with the base of the palm bellow the thum also being on the side instead of on the backstrap.
I have a pretty hefty light cavalry saber, so the thumb up is kinda hard to maintain, but the hammer seems a bit sluggish. this way I feel like I can pinch either side securely while maintaining some finesse. cutting is slightly different, but I feel like i have better follow throughs with mulenettes since the inertia in more in my palm then my fingers or wrists.

Anonymous No. 146954

No and I don’t understand why you would. Hammer grip is stronger, saber grip gives is more agile. Holding it this way seems to be the worst of both worlds.

Anonymous No. 146955

Is there such a thing as spectator hema events in Denmark or Sweden? It doesn't exist where I live but work is sending me to Copenhagen and I've always wanted to see it in person.

Anonymous No. 146959

Just start sparring to gauge it's effectiveness dude.

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Anonymous No. 146970

IdK pretty sure handshake grip is pretty common for military sabers, maybe due to their compromise medium weight cut-thrust design. And this seems mechanically in the same ballpark of that as a median grip.
I would, but im out of college now and dont have anyone to really spare with at the moment. did 2 semesters of foil and was part of the very casual hema club for 1. Just felt good when I was practicing.

Anonymous No. 146985

In Dagorhir (and related games) we call this a modified saber grip and it's considered safer for the thumb than a standard saber grip while allowing the same extension and similar agility.

Anonymous No. 147088

ADHD people, do you find that you fight better medicated or unmedicated? Doing my first tournament this weekend in the morning and my group has practices at night, so I haven't gotten to compare on Adderall versus not on Adderall much.

Anonymous No. 147112

Fighting is my medication. Consider taking your health more seriously and weaning yourself off of amphetamines. ADHD brain comes with higher standards of physical fitness than a normie brain, look into some of the work by Dr. John Ratey or the book he wrote with Dr. Edward Hallowell.

Anonymous No. 147137

Man, if only there were actual stupid pills for you to stop taking.

Anonymous No. 147156

>Meth..... Le bad!
Faggot pervitin gived you vril.

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Anonymous No. 147365

>meth…le good!

Anonymous No. 147475

You will never reach agartha.

Anonymous No. 147479

I have an actual religion instead of meth brain schizo nonsense so I can live with that.

Anonymous No. 147619

Diagnosed moderate ADHD. No amphetamines, occasionally caffeine if I'm not on point with managing my lifestyle. Medication can help but exercise and nutrition helps more. Hallowell and Ratey are two of the biggest names in ADHD treatment and research and Ratey's entire career is built off of the very old idea that mental health follows physical health.

It's probably got its place used in extreme moderation but the people I know in their 30s and 40s who lean on it hard look a lot older and more worn out than they should.

Anonymous No. 147937

With this grip the weakest part of your grip is straight downward and it doesn’t appear you’d have strong resistance upward either. You might be able to apply good pressure towards the right where your fingers are but you’re at serious risk of your sword being beaten downwards out of your hand.

Anonymous No. 148126

Friend of mine got disqualified in a local HEMA tournament because he literally hit a tranny too hard (two red cards in a row for “painful strikes”), at least the tranny was fighting in the men’s category, where he should be.

But as it has become clearer, lot’s of people in the HEMA community are too pain-averse. They want to cosplay as le animu master swordsman but forget they are training and competing in a martial art and all that it entails. Even oly fencing hurts a little, but if a tranny gets a little bruised in a HEMA competition, he is going to be crying “foul play” to the referee.

Anonymous No. 148127

Do you have video of the hit?

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Anonymous No. 148136

Jab Trannies. Uppercut trannies. Suplex trannies. Rear naked choke trannies. Use a live blade against trannies. Shoot rocks with a sling at trannies. Impale trannies with a lance on horseback. Blast trannies with an 18th century cannon. Boil trannies in septic tanks. Break a tranny's spine with a club. Skin trannies.

Anonymous No. 148670

One of the things I like about SCA heavy weapons and Dagorhir is that if the hit is too light it doesn't count. Different regions have different hit calibration standards but hitting "too hard" is only ever a matter of social politeness rather than a rule violation.

Anonymous No. 148687

In competitions here the hit needs to be hard enough but going out of your way to try to hurt someone with excessive force will get you a warning
But we're talking basically trying to cave the other guys skull in or trying to break their hands type of force

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Anonymous No. 148693

>But we're talking basically trying to cave the other guys skull in or trying to break their hands type of force
SCA helmets are made of 16ga or thicker steel and are frequently dented.

Anonymous No. 148705

It happens when steel meets steel, yes.

Anonymous No. 148706


Anonymous No. 148718

SCA heavy uses 1.25" thick rattan sticks as weapons.

That's what they call their chapters, but yes.

Anonymous No. 148754

“Heavy” Sca tards don’t fight with steel

Anonymous No. 148790

Yes, correct. They fight with 1.25" rattan.

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Anonymous No. 149014

Where in EU could I get a comparable smallsword blade replacement to HF Armory's "musketeer" blade?

Length of blade – 900 mm
Width at base – 20 mm
Shape – triangular
Material – high carbon steel 60S2A tempered to 51-53 HRC
Mounting configuration – M6 screw

Anonymous No. 149064

Can anyone recommend a good for value feder sparring longsword? I'm eyeing the Kingston Arms sport fencing feder

Anonymous No. 149085

Regenyei. Everyone has one for a reason.

Anonymous No. 149191

If you can't get a Sigi get a Regenyei

Anonymous No. 149283

It's just the organization of the franchise. Think of SCA Heavy as a sport that (in most parts of the world) is just full contact point sparring with gear that's mostly authentic (outside of the weapons binding).
For some reason the americans are giga larpers though.
Depending on where you are, there's a lot of crossover with bohurt.
In one sport (bohurt) it's not safe to stab, in the other one (SCA Heavy) they decided it wasn't safe to use steel. Simple as. The bohurt group battles are fun, but retarded.

Anonymous No. 149351

Akchually one of the Kölner pflug analogue bindings uses the flat, I think on your left side

Anonymous No. 149352

The term you're after is "spada dua mani", a bit longer than most longswords but a bit too short to be a proper greatsword. It's what the Bolognese sources depict

Anonymous No. 149353

Minimum spend is a Regenyei or VB via Purpleheart depending on where you live

You're not wrong at all but the other anons were talking about beaning people full force with pommel strikes which is totally unnecessary

The way lies somewhere between. People are definitely too soft in general and in the western Europe and Anglo scenes it's getting worse

Anonymous No. 149391

Talhoffer throw trannies into a printing press

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🗑️ Tot4 No. 149395

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 149474

Slice trannies in half with a montante

Anonymous No. 149554
Wanna make some rigid protection (elbows knees and shit) with this but would denim + epoxy be cheaper?

Anonymous No. 149556

use kydex for those desu
There are good alternatives you can already buy though like kneepros

Anonymous No. 149560

Kydes is not stiff enough doe

Anonymous No. 149565

lots of dudes use kydex, it seems to work for them.
I use the styrogum SPES things, but they're annoying me because of how thick they are. Might try the kydex option myself

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Anonymous No. 149571

Thoughts on the mikiri counter?

Anonymous No. 149598

Shitter counter. Thats the kind of shit you pull on someone that doesnt know what they are doing. Only a retard would reach and unbalance themselves like that.

Anonymous No. 149613


Anonymous No. 149627

It's plenty stiff if you have like 3mm kydex

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Anonymous No. 150001

Has anyone used the Black Fencer synthetic 3 bar saber? We use it as our standard training saber and for me it feels like an absolute pig. I've seen reviews that seem to have the same opinion but considering no one else seems to mind and the fact that I'm new to saber and only tried the drills with the BF spadroon before, I might just be being a little bitch. Is it worth getting a different saber for myself or do I just need to get used to it? It's the edge shaped version, if that matters.

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Anonymous No. 150004

Why use dragonly drawings when there are stuff like that in HEMA sources?

Anonymous No. 150006


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Anonymous No. 150103
What the fuck is this slow ass low intensity shit? Why don't these oldhead reenacter wannabes put on a coat and mask and actually try to fight?

Anonymous No. 150140

not real sword fighting

Anonymous No. 150154

Define real sword fighting.

Anonymous No. 150350

I am convinced that there's a bolognese fencer phenotype

Anonymous No. 150454

Which is?

Anonymous No. 150517

Buck Broken kendolet.

🗑️ nma No. 150531
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host


🗑️ .k4 No. 150537

Anonymous No. 150541

living literally rent free

Anonymous No. 150779

Would a 960g rapier be too light? Should it be AT LEAST 1000g or is any lighter basically cheating?

Anonymous No. 150820

There's historical examples that exact weight or lighter, it depends on what kind of rapier and what discipline you're doing. Here's an example:

Anonymous No. 151136

Rapiers are extremely varied weapons. Which sort of rapier is correct depends on the style you practice.

Anonymous No. 151283

I do Italian rapier so idk.

Anonymous No. 151284

I would tend towards a slightly heavier one then, compared to if you were to do something like Rada's Destreza, but then again, Italian rapier is a very broad term and doesn't really say much about whatever style you're actually practising.

Anonymous No. 151296

Why would a heavier one be better for Italian style?

Anonymous No. 151299

It's more that good rapiers for Destreza are light, look at that Wallace Collection example. Many historical examples are a lot lighter than even that
Since most Italian styles don't have you spend long periods of time with your arm almost completely stretched out, you can get away with a heavier sword. Use one for Destreza, and you'll fuck up muscles in your forearm and back almost regardless of how strong you may be.

Anonymous No. 151319

Is it a good idea to temporarily marry a synthetic blade to the hilt of a practical steel sword? Are there such "steel practice sword hilt compatible synthetic blades", or not? I wanna get a synthetic sword but I don't wanna pay full price for a new one if possible, as I have a modular steel practice sword.

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Anonymous No. 151346

I just want to get better at longsword but everybody's an italian ss cuck in my club

Anonymous No. 151385

Wish we could trade. Everyone at my club is a Liechtenauer cuck.

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Anonymous No. 151495

Are there any tournaments that allow sabre coming up in midwest America? I have no idea where to find events for this shit

Anonymous No. 151686

Do HEMA tournaments where you live no typically have a saber event? Where I am all of them have a longsword event and most have a saber event also.

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Anonymous No. 151727

Man I don’t know if I can keep going to my HEMA club. This unironic Norman LARPer joined recently and no one has the balls to call him out over with his ahistorical sword & kite shield/Viking nonsense. The club “leaders” are cucks who are just happy that we have a new body. This dude shows up in his historical costume that he poses in on Instagram and is only interested in people fighting him with shields and arming swords. The club is a German Longsword/Saber club. It’s a level of cringe I’m not interested in tolerating.

Anonymous No. 151747

Straight up ask him directly where did he get the sources for whatever style he is doing. Or even better, defeat him using an established sword and shield style like bolognese and point out his flaws in combat.

Anonymous No. 151803

>no one has the balls to call him out
Di you lose your balls in a German longsword/saber accident?

Anonymous No. 151834

Hemascorecard will list some events, but it's not always comprehensive.

Anonymous No. 151862

Why don’t you just ignore him? It’s literally not your problem

Anonymous No. 151932

Trial by combat.
If you win, you've proven his bullshito is bullshito.
If he wins, he's proven he's better than you are.
It's only a longsword and saber club in all odds because that all people do there. Try some flexibility.

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Anonymous No. 152025

Why do some people's mask make it impossible to see their face through it but not mine? Is it only a difference in the model they bought or is it paint that does that? (even if it's black/grey paint, I mean)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 152029
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 152519


Anonymous No. 152899

I like swords

Anonymous No. 153076

he probably lost his balls to the cancer he got from that Norman autist's bullshit.

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sad knight.jpg

Anonymous No. 153249

I've been doing Zwerchau with shit technique this entire time, now I realise why my arms keep hurting

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looney tunes.webm

Anonymous No. 153562

anons, there is a HEMA club in Ljubljana that I am looking in to joining this september or october when they start recruiting new guys again. how do I know if they are a shit HEMA club or a good one? it is the only one in my area and potentially the only one in Slovenia as far as I know. I really want to get in to this but I don't know enough to know if the trainings are good or if the instructors are quacks. school is called Academia artis dimicatoriae. thanks

Anonymous No. 153604

Racism has no place in Martial Arts. It's the singular most racism dispelling activity. Only a larper is so dedicated to style they wouldn't accept knowledge from outside sources.

Anonymous No. 153609

>Racism has no place in Martial Arts. It's the singular most racism dispelling activity.

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Anonymous No. 153634

>he actually believes this
Go read George silver or Starzewski and get back to me.

Anonymous No. 153637

I am speaking holistically about all martial arts. And if you really dont see martial arts as an equalizer that filters out retarded ideological ideas of racial superiority then you don't train & you sure as fuck don't keep up with any combat sport stats.

Anonymous No. 153681

t. butthurt wog

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Anonymous No. 154223

I once heard about supposedly there being some texts from Hungary that treat fighting with saber and buckler.
Does anyone know where I can find scans of it?

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Anonymous No. 154712

Would something like picrel work for hema sparrings? (ss/longsword)
They're initially designed for working with a brushcutter but they seem rather sturdy enough for HEMA sparrings
The reason I'm questioning this compared to something from a regular hema shop is the price, those are really cheap (15 bucks) compared to something around 40 for legitimate hema gear

Anonymous No. 154851

Yeah it's fine enough. If it's for brushcutting, it can protect you from fast moving sharp blades. If anything, maybe it lacks the padding to withstand constant hits and might hurt your leg a bit, but you can just put some extra padding under it to mitigate that.

Anonymous No. 155135

What wax/oil do you prefer using to keep your practice blades not rusty? Right now I'm using 3 in 1 oil, but I have heard it's not the best as it slowly evaporates, same as WD40.
Thought about either getting hanwei sword oil or rennaissance wax.

Anonymous No. 155458

How's HEMA after the whole Corona shit?
I've quit after 7 years and switched to another sport and I know of a Lot of others who quit during all the lockdowns.
Did that happen in other clubs too?

Anonymous No. 155483

Most of the prominent clubs were proper European good goys so they fell apart during the lockdowns. Except for the slav clubs but those dudes dont give a fuck.

Anonymous No. 155485

Been using renwax for 3 years now, never really had any issues

Anonymous No. 155486

We lost some people but our club is still going strong, I think we have more people now than we did before covid

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Anonymous No. 155506


Anonymous No. 155710

would a double sided katana be better with the blades facing the same or opposite directions?

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Anonymous No. 155711


Anonymous No. 155713

forgot the image

Anonymous No. 155788

Almost definitely the same, unless your usecase is putting it on a motorized axle in some kind of Battlebots-esque scenario.

Anonymous No. 156038

WD40 evaporates quickly tho 3 in 1 oil mogs it.

Anonymous No. 156039

Slavnigger, the one I'm at survived the lockdown with no issues so what's your point?

Anonymous No. 156729

My instructor keeps telling me that the reason my arms gets so tired when we do practice while everyone else does fine is because I'm too stiff and need to loosen up my arm. Problem is I am struggling to loosen up my arm without dropping the point of the sword down and making it hit the floor. I just don't really "get" what he means. This is both in rapier and in sabre practice.
How the fuck do I loosen my arm?

Anonymous No. 156766

To put it bluntly, you're weak. Do solo drills until you're stronger. One-handers rely on muscles that most people never use.

Anonymous No. 156769

Other than that, check how you hold your swords with your gloves on compared to bare-handed. See if the glove interferes in some way due to bulk or slipperiness.
Still though, it's most likely just a matter of strength. You're probably tensing up because basic actions still require a significant amount of effort for you.

Anonymous No. 156770

I have always used mineral oil & it lasts insanely long. So much so I sometimes have to wipe down my stuff before use cause it's still too slick. But go to home depot for it, unless you want to psychologically throw off your opponent by wafting baby scent in their face.

Anonymous No. 156818

What's the best way to learn HEMA after you've found a club and started practicing? The more experienced people at my club showed me basic cuts and footwork but haven't taught me anything else. Now they just spar among themselves and I'm kinda left to myself. There are other new people I could practice with but sparing with them when I don't know anything seems pointless.

Anonymous No. 156819

Spar the experienced people and keep drilling what you've been taught.

Anonymous No. 157119

Learn to activate your lats when holding the sword out. Also hitting the gym will always help with this kind of thing.

Anonymous No. 157124

No matter what you train, don't neglect your conditioning. Physique sets the upper limit for your potential & technique is how you make the most efficient use of your power. Technique will always be limited without sufficient athleticism.

Anonymous No. 157132

I feel tiring only in my biceps tho, everything else feels fine.

Anonymous No. 157136

Generally speaking you will get tired faster if you are relying on mostly your bicep and arm to hold up the sword. Try activating your lat muscle, which is right below your shoulder blade, to hold up your weapon in guard. You have to build the mind-muscle connection, but once you do, your arm won't get tired as quickly. Also, don't squeeze the weapon in your hand, you'll tire out really fast. Instead try and keep your hand as relaxed as you can without losing control of the weapon. This will also make it easier to strike more accurately.

Anonymous No. 157137

100% this

Anonymous No. 157621


Anonymous No. 157633


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I am very Chivalr....gif

Anonymous No. 157841

I'm now in a position to start hema lads, do you know of any good beginners material?

Anonymous No. 157891

I know you’re probably going to start with longsword regardless but just to be sure what weapon specifically are you going to be learning?

Anonymous No. 157942

I'm also new so take this with a grain of salt but I've been enjoying this guy's videos -

Anonymous No. 158029

As far as I can tell, it's to be mainly longsword in regards to the group i'm trying to get into.

Anonymous No. 158030

Have been following him for a while, he does some good stuff.

Anonymous No. 159855

Anon, if you're still looking at this thread I can vouch for the Ljubljana school. I know Roman personally and he's a great guy, I attended more than once the Meyerstag he organises every year and really enjoyed it.
What weapon(s) are you interested in?

Anonymous No. 160089

>>159855Hey man, can't believe it was worth it to keep this thread open for so long in my tabs, just checked for replies tdoay lol. I am mainly interested in longsword and sabre but I am a complete layman so I can't really say what I like most just yet. Right now, having not done any HEMA ever, I want to learn the sabre the most. But yeah I'm down to learn anything, it just seems like a cool sport. They open recruitment come fall, so I think I will sign up.

Anonymous No. 160109

>can't believe it was worth it to keep this thread open for so long
There are threads on this board that have been going for years, like the parkour thread started in 2021 >>76604

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Anonymous No. 160205

Since most HEMA clubs don’t spar with Montantes/Zweihanders for safety reasons, how do you learn about using the larger two-handed swords? Is the extent of learning montante doing solo drilling in your backyard?

Anonymous No. 160213

Unless you have people willing to spar with you yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Anonymous No. 160227

Yeah no one at the club I used to go to was willing to spar Montante, which is true for most clubs. Those guys were twats even beyond that.

Anonymous No. 160305

I spent several years fencing, and several more in kendo. This looks interesting to me, but it looks more like cosplaying. Is there a competitive sport element to it? Is it as in depth as kendo?

Or do I need to bring my robe and wizard cap?

Anonymous No. 160312

Oh what the, you can't thrust? You can't foot sweep?

Anonymous No. 160316

What are you looking at that you think HEMA looks more larp-y than kendo? Different competition formats allow for different rules and some definitely allow grappling but I don't personally know much about this anymore. If you want to wear a robe and wizard hat while stabbing and foot-sweeping you should check out some of the full contact boffer sports like Dagorhir and Darkon which allow for grappling.

Anonymous No. 160317

I'm talking about the people who I see doing hema. They all look like they play dungeons and dragons. Also I don't see a standard rule set.

Anonymous No. 160324

Kendo nerds are barefoot weebs in samurai cosplay and I've never met a fencer who wasn't some kind of weirdo. There isn't a standard ruleset for HEMA, partially for the same reason épée, sabre, and foil don't share a ruleset and partially because of the different approaches to the balance between academic and athletic HEMA sparring.

Anonymous No. 160339

What is the largest number sided die that you own?

Anonymous No. 160354

Why don’t you retards ever just use google
>is there a competitive sport element
Gee I fucking wonder

Anonymous No. 160504

Absolutely go ahead, you'll have tons of fun!
Alen is a monster with the longsword, he's just good and it shows. I don't know about their sabre because I don't practice it, but I don't think it will be bad at all either.

Anonymous No. 160665

Why are you surprised that people interested in history and/or fantasy, that also like it enough to hit each other with plastic/blunt weapons in public, are nerds?

Also, in comparison to Olympic fencing or kendo, it gives you a lot more options and technics to try, so there's that as well.

Anonymous No. 160903

>paint a red dot between the eyebrows
>capture a legendary turtle in the ocean depths
>tiger crouches at the front door
Why doesn’t HEMA have more fun autism names for techniques, like the Chinese did?

Anonymous No. 161155

>anger hat [Zornhut]
>iron gate [Eisenpfort]
>midget strike [Zwerchhau]

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Anonymous No. 161310

>Narrow Wild Boar Iron Gate

Anonymous No. 161413

>muh rulez
quit being such a literal rulecuck

Anonymous No. 161414

You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry, you have no citizenship, you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you. You are a shut-in self-hating white man twisted by delusions of Japanese superiority and exposure to Japanese media into a disgusting mockery of nature’s perfection. All 'validation' you get from other people in this position couldn't be worse in making you believe that spending years of your life learning a globally useless language to a first-grader's level was a worthwhile use of your time. Actual Japanese are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of linguistic evolution have allowed natives to identify frauds from mannerisms and vocabulary alone. Even if your written text of self-hatred and attention begging somehow passes as normal (it won't), any Japanese person will immediately cut all ties when they hear the voice of someone who is not only a basic Japanese speaker at best, but worth no more than garbage in skills and accomplishments. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile and laugh to yourself believing that watching a content creator that you understand 20% of is somehow superior than watching your own kind. However, deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight, and you know that. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear, you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Western man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Caucasian. This is your fate. This is what you chose.

Anonymous No. 161526

Is the Angus Trim I-Beam Longsword Trainer worth it?

Anonymous No. 161865

Sprechfenster (The Speaking Window)
Schaittelhaw (The Scalp Cut)

Anonymous No. 162384

should HEMA go mainstream?
Dare I say, appeal to normies?
I believe nerds will keep it alive, but due to their nature, it will never thrive.
I'm afraid that if it gets popular, it might do so through outside investors without any passion for the skill.
This is an opportunity of a lifetime in terms of developing HEMA into a sport, but one that should reward sportsmanship, honor, and spectacle and not boring meta point win counting leader board style of sport.

Anonymous No. 162493

I feel that if HEMA were made a popular sports, it would become a shitty scoring sports like karate, taekwondo are.
People would argue this is already the case to some extent but I'm positive it would be way worse than it already is and would lose its core appeal.

Anonymous No. 162885

thinking of painting a stylized raccoon face on my mask, very low detail. will people think im a furry?

Anonymous No. 162966

That sounds lame.
Mask painting sounds lame. At least draw something kewl like a skull.

Anonymous No. 162967

Gatekeeping is good idiot.
>muh meta
Skill issue^

Anonymous No. 163025

my gloves have perished, fortunately my hands are ok but the gloves are beyond repair. looking at a new pair, currently stuck between the HF Black Knight and Kvetun Xiphosura 2.0. Currently leaning a bit towards black knights due to cuff shape and lack of exposed bands for minimal maintenance. Anybody use these?

Anonymous No. 163169

>had to literally explain to a HEMAfag why exercise and breathing control is important for swordsmanship
you fuckers really are fat, aren't you?

Anonymous No. 163215

After a few sparring sessions the quilons on my VB steeltechniques feder have begun to rattle quite seriously. The pommel is riveted. Fuck do I do now? I assume I can't just ignore it. Also the quilions got chewed up like fuck. Starting to doubt VB's reputation

Anonymous No. 163304

page 9

new thread

Anonymous No. 163420

No you didn’t