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🗑️ 🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 147993

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
No Steroids Allowed edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: What's your weakest area, and what are you doing to improve it?

Anonymous No. 148006

God I hate the ruotolo twins.

Anonymous No. 148074

I wouldn't say I hate them, but the steroid thing really makes them look silly while being under Galvao. I get that everyone just wants to promo like pro wrestlers, but maybe pick a different gimmick.

Anonymous No. 148079

gordons gonna die

Anonymous No. 148100

What's the coroner's report gonna say?

Anonymous No. 148105

tummy ache ft. george floyd (he couldn’t breathe) tampon nose syndrome

Anonymous No. 148130

Fucking staph infections, man. Lots of ACL surgeries that should fix things turn into lifelong issues for that.

Anonymous No. 148131

>Even beat Jones to dying

Anonymous No. 148135

This is what happens when you take a body builder stack year round for 5 years straight

Anonymous No. 148138

I don't get it - you have the highest-level room in the world and can't afford to hire someone to clean the mats? Bet there are enough fans to even do it for free.

Anonymous No. 148139

Like, EC stack? Or eat-clen-and-tren-hard stack? Either way though, how often do those have negative side effects on the digestive track instead of just fucking up the endocrine system.

Anonymous No. 148140

MSRA don't give a shit how much Lysol you used outside the body once just a little bit you missed gets in a cut.

Anonymous No. 148141

Good thing there's no bodybuilders on higher doses and more compounds for longer time periods eh?

Anonymous No. 148148

Competition in gi THIS WEEKEND

Anonymous No. 148149

and they die when they're 50. He's 27 and already over the hill. Plus the cycle matters, body builders typically cycle off during the off season, gordon doesn't do that and walks around with <5% body fat and an 8 pack at all times
well if you haven't seen the leak, he started using SARMS when he was 22 and completely wrecked his bodies own ability to produce T, so he's been on medical TRT since then along with everything else he would've been taking.
I don't doubt that the multiple rounds of antibiotics used to fight his staph infection played a role but the truth is steroids will also rot your gut also and give you stomach ulcers. Both of these things combined are likely what caused his chronic illness.
brazilians take pride in how filthy their gyms get, it's that same attitude as how they don't drain their cauliflower ears. Which personally I always found that ironic, cauliflower ear is basically just advertising to everybody you don't know how to escape headlocks properly.
seems to me like only white belts get them and then they're just prone to keep getting it because the tissue has separated. I've never seen anyone for example that's a purple belt or above get cauliflower ear for the first time.
either you got it as a noob or you'll never get it. Or if you do it was a freak accident like a rogue knee or something like that.

Anonymous No. 148154

Even if he has a full recovery, who is even left for him to face?
If his health issues persist, I could see him retiring and focusing on teaching and building a school/brand. He would probably make more money and could relax with the steroids (if his ego allows it).
Good luck anon. Don't death grip and burn out your arms

Anonymous No. 148159

everyone will say he retired because nicky rod was nipping at his heels and he was worried he would lose, so he retired before he got surpassed in order to duck him

and if I was nicky rod that's exactly the angle I would be playing

Anonymous No. 148181

I was rolling with a yellow belt kid, probably like 15~16yo, and got him in a lapel choke but he defended with his chin. I kept pressing but he refused to tap and eventually his jaw popped. We had to stop the roll and he sat there looking concerned.
Was it a dick move by me? I just get annoyed when people think that's a proper defense but I should probably have let go because he's a kid

Anonymous No. 148182

>he goes for submissions on kids
Are you stupid? You're supposed to flow roll and trade positions with women and children you idiot.
You're gonna be looked at like a retard by all the other gym members now.

Anonymous No. 148183

yes, don't allow people to be idiots and hurt themselves
what you need to do is let it go and then afterwards tell them politely but sternly "listen, you need to tap, I let you go so you wouldn't get hurt"

Anonymous No. 148185

I do that with women, but thought teen boys were fair game desu

Anonymous No. 148187

teen boys basically are women

Anonymous No. 148215

Everything below the nose is a choke. It's good that he'll learn early to tap, nap or snap.

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Anonymous No. 148231

i would like to announce that i made blue shortly after this post
just bee yourselves anons

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Anonymous No. 148235

this is exciting news, now you can quit!

Anonymous No. 148236

thank god

Anonymous No. 148269

Got whatchuweight'd by a black belt today. I'm riding this high at least until my blue belt.

Anonymous No. 148291

congrats. I use a nogi baseball choke from knee on belly as one of my main submissions.

Anonymous No. 148293

Only in Brazil

Anonymous No. 148296

my favorite is baiting the guard pass from closed guard
probably gonna try to start doing it from side control as well

Anonymous No. 148426


Please remember to take care of your hygiene before going into practice! Please trim both your finger and toe nails, clean underneath both, wash your body (especially your hands, butt, groin, and mouth, and feet). Your Uki or Tori will be much happier to practice with you!

I speaking from personal experience, nobody wants to roll with someone who looks and reeks like a literal hobo.

Respectfully, anon

Anonymous No. 148431

There used to be a guy that smelled like piss
An actual piss rag, like he never washed them
Once I went to class and he was the only available partner, I actually left and went home

Anonymous No. 148432

I just had to roll with a hippie guy who had some of the dirtiest feet and fingertips I've ever seen, literally looked like he was digging through dirt for an hour before showing up and just brushed them off on his pants. Nice guy, but he just was just a fucking pigpen. He started bleeding midway through and I finally just took a break and waited for a new guy to open up for sparring.

Anonymous No. 148439

In the not too distant future it seems like it's becoming more and more likely I'm going to be opening a gym myself because I don't seem to have any other skills or prospects
I will be keeping a pretty tight ship around there, when people sign up they will be agreeing to a lengthy terms of membership and the hygiene policy will be part of it
Any unreasonable smells you will be told to leave and correct the issue before returning

Anonymous No. 148476

Have fun telling anybody who isn't White that. Why do you think we can't tell people to shave before coming to work?

Anonymous No. 148508

got any good HIV defense instructionals?

Anonymous No. 148524

That I don't care so much about, But I'll tell you what I am absolutely terrified about
I would like to have a women only class one time a week, and I worry that a she/her is going to come and when I deny it service in the women's class it will then try to cry bully me and ruin my business publicly

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Anonymous No. 148527


Anonymous No. 148540

do you like to dismount (inc. transitioning to knee-on, etc) for your arm triangle?
why/why not?

i've been experimenting but my training partners don't really seem to be able to articulate what feels tighter when i apply it kek + i see pros and cons and costs and benefits to all the different styles of finishing

Anonymous No. 148545

if your mechanics are good there's no reason to ever dismount. going off to the side is an antiquated way to do it and all it does is give him escape options, it's the same tier as falling off an S mount to finish your armbar instead of just finishing it while sitting on him. Does nothing for you, but in the previous dark ages before everyone started getting technical in the last 8 years or so that's how it was done.

going knee on chest is a somewhat different story because I don't see the end goal really being a choke when you do that, with that one you're trying to be as much of a twat as possible and cooking him a bit

Anonymous No. 148546

right, i'm going to focus on sharpening my mechanics then; i can definitely rationalise the importance of staying mounted (and prefer to do so) but everyone around me + all 3 of the coaches + the gym owner perform/teach it dismounted with slight variations between them

for the knee on style, they're emphasising its benefits as dropping more of my weight on their neck and relying less on the squeeze. i can see the logic but the difference either feels negligible or overkill for an effective constriction.

for the armbar, are you talking about something like this?
armbars are something i want to improve on too but find myself often losing it when i fall back for it

Anonymous No. 148548

>something like this?
yes that's exactly the idea
so if your armbar fails you're still in the mount. f you sit back and your armbar fails he's on top of you. you think about it, you worked so hard to get to this dominant position and then decide to jump off to the side. If you end up on your back it should be because he managed to put you there as part of his escape, don't do the work for him.

>but everyone around me + all 3 of the coaches + the gym owner
let me ask you this. When they teach an arm or collar drag from seated butterfly, do they remove one of their butterfly hooks and put their leg to the outside before they do the drag?
if so (and this is not meant to be a knock against them because a lot of people are like this) they're operating with outdated software so to speak and aren't keeping their skills up to date.
which is common for older black belts, hey I got my belt I know everything now and wont change.
but it changes and there's a better way to do it now. There's no need to remove that hook, you can do all your drags from double butterfly just fine and you're not telegraphing to your partner HEY IM GONNA ARM DRAG YOU OK!?? before you do it

Anonymous No. 148549

The head and arm triangle is my favourite submission and I've been spending a lot of time on it recently. My coach who's a headlock specialist also taught me a method that is really effective and combines some of the security and knee pressure that you're looking for: you do a windshield-wipe as you would if you were dismounting, but stop half way so you have a sort of pseudo knee on belly with your shin running across their pelvis like a belt - this way they can't catch your leg and force you back into half guard.. You finish by sprawling onto your outside hip.

Craig Jones has a great video here illustrating a similar technique here: No the anon you're replying to, but in regards to the head and arm triangle Craig Jones made a good video on it a while ago here:

Anonymous No. 148569

I lost to points in the first fucking round. It wasn't even advantageous positioning or anything just a lot of stalling on my opponents part damn it.

Anonymous No. 148572

Thanks for your $100 kid, smell ya later

Tournaments are a racket. I only compete for charity and do super fights

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Anonymous No. 148588

WHY I can't hit any submissions WHY I always get crushed in side control and can't do shit WHY I never win I always lose WHY WHY WHY

Anonymous No. 148597

How long have you been training? Side control is a tough one, if the guy is way heavier than you and squeezing tight then sometimes there isn't much you can do except wait for him to move or attempt a submission so that you can escape.

Anonymous No. 148605

lachy's escapes instructional helped me out a lot

Anonymous No. 148608

thanks for the pointers guys

yeah that makes a lot of sense, i will be working more armbars and arm triangles in this way in the future. in line with your software analogy, these tweaks definitely feel like a 2.0 upgrade and plenty of people are still running the old stuff out of habit
yup, fortunately i wouldn't say they're too dogmatic about it and actually say stuff like "this is how i do it and feel most comfortable teaching, others do it differently, you need to find the way that works best for you" (including with the arm triangle). i've never been pulled aside when i do a move differently to how it was taught as long as i understand the underlying concepts. apparently some gyms will do this which is crazy

yeah i feel the arm triangle is a great submission to be great at and also want to dedicate more time towards it. those are some great tips and thanks for the link too!

seconding lachlan's escapes

Anonymous No. 148609

>WHY I can't hit any submissions
you suck and you're going to be like this for the next year at least
>WHY I always get crushed in side control and can't do shit
just spazz out and move a lot and they'll transition into some other position or even lose the side control
>WHY I never win I always lose WHY WHY WHY
you suck

Anonymous No. 148618

This is fascinating, what are your sources of cutting-edge information? I would guess anything from B-Team and Lachlan. I see Daisy Fresh has a white belt instructional series now.
>t. beginner looking to learn it right the first time

Anonymous No. 148620

>I always get crushed in side control and can't do shit WHY
just shrimp out bro

Anonymous No. 148631

>Interleaving is a process where students mix, or interleave, multiple subjects or topics while they study in order to improve their learning. Blocked practice, on the other hand, involves studying one topic very thoroughly before moving to another topic.

How do you guys approach learning? The implication here is that besides whatever you're learning in class which is out of your control, you also have stuff you might be independently working on at open mats, with friends, etc

Anonymous No. 148634

I have a hard time with too much in either direction if those are the poles. I need multiple viewpoints/avenues of attack on any particular subject. But I also don't wanna jump around subjects unless I'm just so burnt out or frustrated with the one I'm on. Like if I'm just trying to learn something from one instructor in one format, I'm probably not going to get it, no matter how amazing the teacher. But I'm also gonna forget or also not figure anything out if I'm jumping between positions/techniques/etc. Wallet aside, I'm lucky that there's so many videos/styles/formats/gyms/instructors these days so I can hear a ton of viewpoints and explanations.

Anonymous No. 148648

The one prevailing thread of commonality in Judo and BJJ is using timing and leverage to make the most of your strength. The day 1 white belt escape from side control is getting your inside knee between you and the guy squishing you, because with one weird trick, you can leverage your entire posterior chain against his one arm behind your head.

You know this. He knows this. He's not going to just let you slide your knee under him. You're going to have to outsmart him. Distract him by asking what detergent leaves his gi smelling so fresh and pleasant so you can create space and wedge your knee in there.

Anonymous No. 148685

I encourage watching instructions from proven currently active people. Avoid anything gracie related or brazilians all together for that matter. As gordon said, brazilians can't afford to buy instructionals. They're stuck in their ways doing 2005 era bjj
stick with people that are having current competition success that aren't the ruotolos. They aren't actually good at jiujitsu from
a technical point of view, they're just 19 and are squirrely but have a lot of unnecessary wasted movements. you can see when they teach they aren't really detailed in what they're saying, They've just been training since they were very young so it's all instinct and probably they don't even know why they do certain things they do. They will fade with age when they can't keep that pace up unless they adjust their style.

stay away from random youtubers teaching techniques too like that zombie proof faggot, he teaches meme techniques that don't work at all. Good instructional can be found on youtube but they should be covering systems and principles. Anyone that's doing an online lesson "hey check out this cool submission" is a waste of your time. A submission without all the adjacent techniques to set it up is worthless. That's why aikido sucks, sure you can totally throw someone by the wrist, but what about all the stuff you had to do to get to that specific position? doesn't teach that part

the main thing as a beginner is to make your defense as impenetrable as possible, be patient with that part of it. once your defense is "annoying" then you start incorporating attacks with confidence that if your attacks fail you will not be put in danger

Anonymous No. 148749

Just stand up bro

Anonymous No. 148779

instructor is retarded and refuses to publish what we’ll go over at upcoming sessions so I’m just not going to train since there’s a 50% chance it’s some shit where I’ll just waste time going there and finding out I have to sit everything out because I have a herniated disc in my neck and this mf’er is going over choked and inversions

what the fuck is wrong with boomer retards not being able to plan their shit a day or two ahead of holding a session and announcing it online like any normal person would

Anonymous No. 148781

Have you actually asked them about this? I don't ever publish exactly what I teach because sometimes my students pick things up faster/slower than I expect, and if we need to spend an extra class or two on something, then I've got the flexibility to do so. Same with if someone asks me if we can work a specific technique/position, or if I notice everyone doing something wrong in rolling or if someone has a comp coming up, I can change the class up on the fly. Though I do usually tell everyone what we'll go over the next week at the end of every class (side control escapes, attacks from closed guard, ect...) but won't say the exact technique.

That being said though, if someone came in and they weren't able to do something, I'd be able to come up with a variation for them to do on the fly, or at least another technique. We used to have a few guys with cerebral palsy in my classes, so I'd have variations of every technique we'd go through that they couldn't do planned. I'd hope if you just said "hey I can't do certain things because of my neck, do you know if I could do something else" that they'd be able to accommodate.

Anonymous No. 148784

I’ve asked multiple times but been ignored. His answer is always that we have ”weekly themes” on Mondays and Wednesdays so at least I’ll know what we’re doing on Wesnesday if I show up Monday. He doesn’t come up with any variations for people when someone is injured, just goes on with the class while people either just stay and watch or leave.

He even told me the other week that I should come in even though I’m injured and we’d be able to adjust training, but when I showed up he just ignored me and went on doing a session I couldn’t partake in. On the flip side no other members ever drill or want to drill, God knows why, so I’m only able to improve during sessions with the instructor and during sparring (applying stuff from instructionals)

Drives me crazy how somebody can be like this while running a business. It’s such a simple thing to do that would make lots of members happier.

Anonymous No. 148804

that's gonna be a yikes from me
total meme jiujitsu instagram shit, a complete waste of time for 85% of people. Unless you're a super bendy featherweight there's very few times you should find yourself needing to invert. Inverting is a concept that doesn't need to be taught more than once. show people what it is an how to do it, give them some drills to practice it if they want to incorporate it, then move on to actual techniques that and don't require you to be able to suck your own balls to use effectively.
if you have someone built like a celery stalk with a spine made out of rubber bands you can give them privates for inversion techniques. The general population has no need for them though.

I had a teacher that had that cancerous bolo style of jiujitsu and I was walking around with chronic pain and vertigo for nearly 2 years. Then he fucked off back to brazil and I got a new teacher and one day I thought to myself "wow, I haven't had any vertigo or pain in a while" and never any since. And that's when I made the connection and realized the source of all my ailments was that little faggot making me spin this 215lbs beef slab of a body I have on my neck every night.

Anonymous No. 148805

>Drives me crazy how somebody can be like this while running a business
the demand for instructors is greater than the supply, as of this year the ibjjf has less than 7500 black belts registered with them in the world
what percentage of them even have any interest in teaching? I don't know
but basically any retard can run a successful bjj business and joe rogan does all the marketing for free

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Anonymous No. 148820

>open mat
>everyone is better then me
>1 hour of getting pinned
5 minute rounds, divided into 0.5-1 minute of me trying, and failing, to pass guard and then defending from sidecontrol/mount until the clock rings or i get submitted.
Going to shit on all these lightweights when I get better.

Anonymous No. 148826

seriously though just stand up
it isn't just a meme, jiujitsu literally doesn't work if you just stand up. They don't know how to hold pins

Anonymous No. 148845

>They don't know how to hold pins
So the shitty gyms I keep hearing about that won't honor taps from a constricting pin are just urban legends? That's a relief.

Anonymous No. 148851

I'm only a couple of minutes in but great instructor, never heard of the guy

Anonymous No. 148997

>last day to register to tournament
>central asian guy from a top gym joins your bracket
fucking hell

Anonymous No. 149015

>central asian
does this mean korean? are they the ones in the middle?

Anonymous No. 149020

Left right, not up down

Anonymous No. 149025

>inverting on your neck

Ngmi, lrn2stretch fatty

Anonymous No. 149033

alternatively don't do stupid meme shit
would you rather fight like ryan hall or khabib

bottom position is for bitch bois

Anonymous No. 149058

Never have I never had this issue
>Get uncomfortable partner
>They ask if we can work something else
>Sure no problem
>We both get our reps of some kind in, no machismo bullshit to develop into a lifelong injury
>Instructor asks us why we deviating
>Say reason
>Oh ok carry on

Anonymous No. 149069

>thinks he's a cool wrestler
>cant do a granby roll

Anonymous No. 149070

What's the minimum level of competency one should attain before teaching BJJ? How long would you expect it to take for a judo black belt with a wrestling background to achieve this? Thinking about picking up BJJ when I get my judo 1st dan because a judo+BJJ school sounds more commercially viable than a judo school with the limited set of modern judo ne waza and I'd like to run a judo school in ~10 years or so.

Anonymous No. 149073

Depends on the venue. Once upon a time, blues sometimes had their own school. These days, you probably won't see a blue running anything but the beginner/kids class at an MMA place, or doing a guest class at a karate dojo or something. With your other credentials, purple seems like it would be a reasonable minimum if you're teaching it in a "for judo" mindset. And would certainly be attainable in that time frame.

Anonymous No. 149096

First degree black, as in black for 3 years
That's the minimum
You're not even allowed to officially promote people until you're a black belt

As for judo you need to be I believe at least 3rd degree to before you're officially allowed to be called a sensei
Any promotions you give without those minimum credentials is illegitimate

Anonymous No. 149182

What belt and age are you? If you have been there a while you need to get a grip on yourself and insecurities, that's a kid and you know you could of had him so let it go and flow and lok for other things

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Anonymous No. 149189
How does Craig get this footlock without even clinching the opponents leg? Did the black guy tap early?
white belt btw

Anonymous No. 149199

It's a bit weird because his grip was really shallow too
My best guess is his leg being over the hip was enough to stop it from moving and the floor completed the wedge
So instead of 2 legs it was 1 leg and the floor

But also that may be in combination with Brazilians being complete cowards with leg locks because they still employ them as they were in the 1891 judo curriculum

Ah no!! Hes touching my foot! Tap tap tap!!!

Anonymous No. 149200

Brazilians are still on that coward babalu and soccer diving gay shit.They would rather tap like bitches hoping to win on a technicality. Or their signature phantom tap.

Anonymous No. 149203

>phantom tap
Well look at the seconds prior to the footlock, craig stops and asks if they're still going

Brazil has so many shemales because they completely fail as men
Imagine being part of a society where your country has it's own genre of tranny porn

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Anonymous No. 149217

Gordon Ryan bros...

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Anonymous No. 149218

Anonymous No. 149222

3rd degree bb gere. You're a faggot and dont know bjj so fuck off. Teach judo so you can go out of business asap.

Anonymous No. 149223

>reddit bros...

Anonymous No. 149224

This just in, white belts are retards

How will bjj ever recover

Anonymous No. 149225

Why would he even post that

Anonymous No. 149241

Maybe just to show he survived, maybe so his fans can have realistic expectations for his long term health.

Anonymous No. 149250

He will never compete again
He flew too close to the sun and his legacy will be "yeah he was great but owed it mostly to steroids"

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Anonymous No. 149254

>really out of shape cardio-wise
>started bjj
>been to half a dozen classes
>threw up only once so far
>smart enough to follow the techniques and learn what I'm supposed to do quickly.
>don't have the coordination/endurance/competence to actually do it when resisted.
it feels like a bi-weekly humiliation ritual.

I rented the few john danaher dvd's that were on ipt but can't find too many, and none that are 'so you're terrible and pinned the whole time here's wat do'. how do I make the most progress in the shortest amount of time?

Anonymous No. 149257

>letting new white belts roll live
total oof from me
new white belts need to be segregated from the general population and given simple basic instructions, and the only time they should be rolling is with a black or brown belt to guide them through it until they've shown a grasp of the basics

I don't understand why bjj is so retarded, we are the only assholes that take novices and throw them into spar without fucking teaching them anything
go to any boxing class you're gonna spend at least 3 maybe up to 6 months practicing the basics before you ever spar someone live and there's literally only 4 fucking moves
the only person a beginner should ever be standing across from in training is the teacher

Anonymous No. 149258

we're just doing a scenario. last class we learned two ways to pass closed guard to side control. drilled both. then the practical portion was someone starting in closed guard and trying to get to side control while the other person tried to maintain guard or flip them and get top position. not live rolling at all. and its only two stripe white belts and lower. everyone else gets to go play in the deep end of the pool.

Anonymous No. 149259

>I don't understand why bjj is so retarded, we are the only assholes that take novices and throw them into spar without fucking teaching them anything

My Judo club does thing, and the coach absolutely slams the fuck out of them after teaching them breakfalls and like an osoto gari on the first class. I'm surprised people even come back to train. I've never actually been to a gym where you can't spar on the first day though. The MMA and Muay Thai gyms I've been to would let you spar, but everybody knew to go easy on you, and the "idea" behind the sparring is that you practice your footwork and maybe checking kicks while moving around. Nobody should be going hard on a new person like my Judo club.

I let new people roll on their first day, but only with me or my assistant instructors, and we pretty much tell them to try and take mount while we just play light guard/guard recovery to get them used to the feeling, and usually run them through fundamentals behind guard passing/control for the first few rounds of rolling.

Anonymous No. 149263

>how do I make the most progress in the shortest amount of time?
Started BJJ even older, so I feel your pain. One thing I can tell you is don't let rolling be the highest intensity cardio training you do. HIIT is a fucking misery, but it will then be a greater misery than class.

Maybe focus on the escapes from all major positions in the beginning. You'll get the opportunity often. Also pick one throw/takedown, one attack from your favorite guard (sweep, choke, submission) and one pass before practice, and try to focus on those in free play.

Stay process focused, not outcome focused. If you don't learn to enjoy randori, you're more likely to quit. Eventually you're going to roll with a new guy and realize how much of a spaz you were in the beginning and how much progress you've made. Don't bomb him in stand up and let him work escapes after you get dominant positions on ground. And then right after a color belt is going to score a submission with some bullshit, yet again, because that's the circle of life.

Anonymous No. 149265

but what you're describing isn't really sparring, that's closer to just movement exercises
I consider it sparring when the partner is adversarial in their intent
and that's the way it was for me when I started, it was sink or swim, just went in and got fucked up every night, and it was all trial and error until I figured out where to put my body parts so they wouldn't get pulled off.

it was the opposite of what you're describing with judo where the only thing I did on my first day was learn how to move around. lapel sleeve and basically waltzed for an hour
then the second day when it was time for randori I got partnered with a brown belt and he was told to just move around with me and then he threw me like he was trying out for the olympics. I didn't even know what was happening, it was one second I was standing and in a blink I see the floor coming up at me where the only thing that saved me from being completely spiked was I flinched and tucked my chin. The mat grazed the hair on top of my head and I landed mostly on my upper shoulders and neck instead of directly on top of my head, and I'm just looking up at the ceiling with my head kind of rattled. The teacher had a vesuvius tier eruption and kicked that guy out of the club on the spot never to be seen again for that stunt

Anonymous No. 149268

Which part isn't sparring? The striking part is basically just sparring, but you're going easy on them. I'm still throwing punches, still getting them to throw punches, but I'm not trying to knock them out. How I teach the BJJ guys, obviously I'm not ripping their heads off, but I'll still be sweeping them, locking them up, stopping them from getting mount. Sometimes I'll sweep them and play top game for about 30-60 seconds and sort of guide them through an escape, but that's the same shit I do to white belts and blue belts who are low-level as well. I just see it as how I'd roll with shitters.

Yeah the guys at not only my Judo gym, but the 7 Judo dojos I've been to in my country I've witnessed decimate people on their first day. I don't know why they do it. We've had coral belts and state presidents watch on as it happens and not say anything as sandans are slamming people hard. Maybe it's supposed to be some kind of immersion tactic so they don't get scared of being thrown with high impact, as they can do it "safely" as they land on their back, but I've seen many new people sit off after and not come back, might be why Judo is pretty much dying in my country. It seems counter-productive to me though. Like I said earlier, at every other style I've been at, they allow sparring for newer people on their first lesson, but nobody's retarded enough to go hard on them, except the Judo dojos I've been to.

Anonymous No. 149271

Why would you throw new judokas with high-intensity throws when getting them to trip with a simple sasae feels doubly rewarding, looks funny and won't cause serious injury?
I love practicing my ashi-waza on new people, because they're practically the only ones I can hit any foot sweeps on.

Anonymous No. 149273

Not sure, because I love ashi-waza and like it because it's so low-intensive. The only other reason I can think of is that the coaches/sandans I see throwing newer people are all like 77kg or lower, so maybe they see it as "look I'm showing these guys a small person can throw people as well", since I remember one very specific instance where one of our 60kg Olympic guys threw a 130kg first lesson guy with a massive ura nage. But I feel like you can demonstrate that idea without killing people.

Anonymous No. 149277

>blow out my ankle rock climbing
>finish PT
>feeling confident to not have a sleeve on it 24/7
>head to a judo class
>immediately get chopped at the ankle by a big fat guy

Anonymous No. 149278

>doesn't tell his partner to watch out for his injuries

Anonymous No. 149298

Listen can "rent" pretty much anything you want and then decide if you want to purchase it or not
>none that are 'so you're terrible and pinned the whole time here's wat do'
Pin escapes are the #1 skill Danaher thinks beginners should learn. Some don't agree and think having a guard is more important - after all, why are you escaping if you have nowhere to escape to?
New Wave Positional Escapes is what you're looking for if you want Danaher. New Wave series in general are the latest and greatest of what he has to offer.

I'm a beginner as well and I found better success with:
>Garry Tonon - a cliffnotes version of Danaher, Exit the System is his escape instructional
>Lachlan Giles - Submeta might be all you need, but he also has full instructionals out
Danaher will go back and explain the essence of human consciousness and meaning of life before returning to demonstrate a leg lock. It's great if you want to know the WHY behind what you're doing, but you'll never make use of it at this point. Just the runtime is demotivating enough. Trust me, I've been there.
>don't have the coordination/endurance/competence to actually do it when resisted.
That's just being a white belt. I felt like a million dollars the first time I did a sweep we did in class once, and it took me forever.

Anonymous No. 149364

Gordon Ryan's pin escapes series is infinitely superior, if for no other reason that it's concise.

Anonymous No. 149409

Doesnt it say something about the state of jiujitsu that instructors are so bad at their jobs theres an entire industry dedicated to making instructionals
And at the end of the day people are just renting mat space and partners from the teacher and paying little mind to his lessons

Anonymous No. 149412

Salty monkeys getting left in the dust

Anonymous No. 149415

Jiu jitsu is too young. It doesnt know if it wants to be a sport or a martial art. Most instructors teach it like a martial art, and they're blown away by the very few (like Danaher) that teach it as a sport

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Anonymous No. 149416

hues mad

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Basically Just Judo.jpg

Anonymous No. 149423

Anonymous No. 149426

Do you know if judo had multiple rule sets in its early days?

Anonymous No. 149435

kosen is a thing

Anonymous No. 149436

People want to compartmentalize things so bad
>is x metal or not
>is Hawaiian pizza a pizza
And I get it, sometimes you have to gatekeep your culture, knowledge, or taste.

The thing that nobody wants to say in this documentary is that associating with "Brazillian" jiu-jitsu is embarrassing today, especially with people who follow combat sports on a casual basis. It became McDojofied, and Kron Gracie's last performance is a testament to how the most powerful family in BJJ dug its head into the sand.

"American" jiu-jitsu kills the stereotypes of:
>shit stand-up game
>unathletic practitioners
>bad instructors
>money grab (get your blue belt online!)
I don't know what to say when people ask me "what do you train?", "submission grappling" doesn't have much of a ring to it.

Anonymous No. 149438


Anonymous No. 149446

It's a problem in anything combative. People got themselves so convinced it was a traditional vs sport thing, with no understanding that almost everyone who's a good teacher or coach...went into things that make real money and don't have much potential to destroy their body. Look at how many absolute dogshit professional boxers and gyms there are. That isn't just corruption. Most adults don't seek out fighting of any kind, let alone actively trying to be great at it. That leaves a very, very small pool of people who are not only great at performing it, but also great at getting other people to be.

Anonymous No. 149447

if you're on 4chan and posting frogs i'll assume you know how to pirate your shit
focus on one escapes instructional at a time for now. some people are recommending danaher's new wave escapes but the leg lock entries might overcomplicate things for you if you don't even have a sense of the fundamentals like framing, over/underhook management, grips, etc
i'd recommend Lachlan's fundamental BJJ escapes first. if you have limited time, prioritise escapes from mount, the back, and side control (the dvd isn't organised in that order so just look at the contents page)
also if you're doing open mat, ask to do more positional sparring and spam your escapes repeatedly and with different skill levels/builds, etc

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Anonymous No. 149453

What are some good positions to finish wrist locks from? Just found one from the gift wrap the other day:
>Closed guard
>Pull arm across for gift wrap
>Pendulum sweep
>Lay on top of the gift wrapped hand and apply pressure on the wrist

I get that you can often threaten wrist locks from the guard and elsewhere, but I feel like those positions don't give you enough control over the wrist to actually finish them. Standing wrist locks especially so.

Anonymous No. 149457

How do I finish an ezekiel from mount without getting reversed?

Anonymous No. 149458

being mindful of
>your head position (which will usually affect your weight distribution which in itself is also something to bear in mind)
>the direction their head is pointing
>hiding your foot/anticipating them trying to trap it

Anonymous No. 149467

99% of this shit is branding and the mistaken belief that there's a permanently fixed size of pie and every instructor is fighting over the same slice.

Anonymous No. 149480

For me, the ones I have the most success with are from triangles and arm triangles. I mostly just try to finish the strangle unless I'm trolling my training partner. Wristlocks are fun but not the most reliable attack.
The arm triangle one is particularly rage inducing for some people lol a few variations but basically something like this:

Anonymous No. 149487

I don't finish them, but I catch a lot of them from top side control where they'll base with their hand against your shoulder or hip. You can either use your body positioning to move they're elbow so you can pressure straight into the ground, or cup the back of their elbow with both your hands, and squeeze it that way. Like I said though, I usually don't finish them, as generally when someone realises they're getting wristlocked, they instinctively explode their arm straight, and it's pretty easy to catch a kimura/armbar off of that, which I find more secure.

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Anonymous No. 149491

I refuse to roll with fat people. It's to gross

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Anonymous No. 149513

>competing tomorrow
>my weight/belt bracket doesn't have enough competitors
>get bumped to higher belt bracket instead of higher weight bracket at my belt level
>first opponent was on Fight to Win
I mean, I'm gonna go for it, but I can't help but feel I was set up for failure.

Anonymous No. 149514

Losing to a name > Standing alone on a 3 person podium

Anonymous No. 149516

doesn't matter, competitions are gay
just a distraction. Jiujitsu is about fighting and the person that can score 2 points first then stall the clock for the next 9 minutes doesn't prove they are a better fighter

"you have to compete to get better!" false, you need to roll against a variety of different people to get better. Go pay the $20 and drop in on an open mat somewhere else instead of paying $100 to waste your whole day sitting around and MAYBE get 3-4 matches

Anonymous No. 149517

>Losing to a name > Standing alone on a 3 person podium
Good point, anon. Thanks.
This is actually a submission only tournament without points. I like your idea about paying the drop in fee though

Anonymous No. 149524

>submission only tournament without points
Ebi rules with overtime?
If so just stall out regulation time and try to win at position escapes in OT

Anonymous No. 149543

There was a roll I did against someone pushing 500 for sure
I couldn't even frame, my arms just sunk into his flesh

Anonymous No. 149545

>get completely controlled for 10 minutes
>b-b-b-but i wouldve won on da streetz!

No you wouldn't loser, your ego is just too fragile to compete.

Anonymous No. 149546

tell me again why passing the guard is a good idea in a fight
I'll wait

nobody in MMA does it, they just sit there and drop bombs
why does it score points in bjj competitions? because they need to give some kind of reason to drive action otherwise people just sit there and do nothing
its a ridiculous sport that doesn't resemble actually fighting at all

Anonymous No. 149552

Not him.

>some kind of reason to drive action otherwise people just sit there and do nothing
Hanging out where your opponent can leverage all four limbs instead of you cross facing the shit out of him has it's benefits too. I'm not sure it's just the equivalent of a shido in Judo for not being aggressive enough.

> its a ridiculous sport that doesn't resemble actually fighting at all
Sure. Never wore 16 ouncers to a bar either, and a good solid right hook is going to leave me with a boxer's fracture anyway, so in a way, that makes boxing a ridiculous sport too.

I'm fine with both just being silly sports, relative to MMA. Sometimes we can train in an less than realistic manner if it provides us some extra safety, longevity, and fun. Maybe that last one is enough to get you to compete in one of those ridiculous sports just to do it with training partners.

Either way, stay safe, and good luck with your MMA tourneys too, anon.

Anonymous No. 149572

>Never wore 16 ouncers to a bar

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Anonymous No. 149586

Why do I feel so aggressive and horny after BJJ?
I trained for 2 hours yesterday for the first time as a white belt, and I've suddenly become so much more assertive and mentally strong

I've even looked up Yennefer Rape porn by Sabu to get myself off

Anonymous No. 149588

>tell me again why passing the guard is a good idea in a fight

Passing from the feet? Because now I'm in position to stomp/kick your head, which I can do from standing. I can also pop straight up from side control into a soccer kick. Check out Pride. I think UFC passing would look different if upkicks to an opponent on the knees was allowed.

I will agree passing from the knees is an abomination.

Anonymous No. 149594

Most of us just don't have that level of swagger.

Anonymous No. 149595

Physical training and competition with other men raises testosterone

Anonymous No. 149602

Separating the inherent intimacy of long term physical contact from the stimulation of more traditional sexual intimacy can be difficult if you're anywhere near the age of strong hormone production. Or maybe you're half gay.

Anonymous No. 149609

>half gay
One drop rule applies here my friend

I didn't make the rule, the rainbow people did, and if you've ever even just looked at a penis and though "you know I dont hate this" you're part of the gay community now

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Anonymous No. 149644

Update on this post. I won my division and entered the higher wait division for my belt and won that too! I won $500

Anonymous No. 149646

Standing in the center of two podiums of 3 people > Losing to a name > Standing alone on a 3 person podium

Anonymous No. 149656

Good work dude. Competing is hard, proud of you.

Anonymous No. 149669

winning bronze in a 3 man over 40 blue belt tournament after years of professional training like CM punk did is the ultimate tier

pretty sure he still hasn't won a bjj match

Anonymous No. 149698

>tell me again why passing the guard is a good idea in a fight
You get to an extremely dominant position and dont have to worry about counter attacks or eating elbows and punches from below
>nobody in MMA does it
This isnt true at all, people will punch as a part of passing guard together with wrestling pins and other shit to completely fuck the opponent over. Khabib for instance.
Also staying safe from someones guard while punching is a thing in of itself.

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Anonymous No. 149702

Is Brazilian jiu jitsu racist?

Anonymous No. 149703

I liked the part where she didn't do anything to collapse the far side post and he just moved his arm for no reason so they could roll over

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he doesn&#039;t k....gif

Anonymous No. 149734

Don't know the rules yet?
>The virgin "you need to break my structure to take me to the mat"
>the chad "yes dear, you got a great tap, we should smash to celebrate your victory ;)
Simple as.

Anonymous No. 149755

Hey I was there today. Nice folks

Anonymous No. 149780

Beat up girls, give them no quarter, grab their boobs with reckless abandon

Anonymous No. 149782

Congratulations anon.

Anonymous No. 149798

*imanari rolls you*

Anonymous No. 149814

Rape women. Thats what your sensei is doing anyway. You pay that nigger good money to groom underage bitches.

Anonymous No. 149815

I did that today during kickboxing class, I had a few good dumps when I got close but I was getting beat up so when 10 seconds were left I just imanaried and heel hooked him

Never take an L, do something illegal instead

Anonymous No. 150089

My judo club prioritizes ukemi, safety first, and in general newbies should be paired up with experts who aren't assholes
But that's just my opinion as someone who doesn't get paid to judo

Anonymous No. 150091

We tell kids, adults, and whoever that they should tap early, 100% on them, in fact they got promoted too early because it's a stain on the belt whenever someone didn't tap when they should have
Also you won't know with a choke because some people really can defend it, and it's a low key Brazilian tap if you tell them to tap, so don't fucking do it because it's a bad habit
Joint locks are a different story as kids have Gumby joints and you should feel obligated to hold it securely if you can until they give up because imo a secure grip (not even cranked) hurts in a weird, concerning way

Anonymous No. 150159

Watch this video of George Floyd in Japan being MOLESTED by Japanese JUDO PLAYERS and tell me how exactly they are hurting him

Anonymous No. 150160

1. pirate shit unless you're rich and want to donate money to other rich people
2. start with FUNDAMENTALS not systematic approaches to various positions and techniques, just get an overview of shit and practice the most basic shit and concepts like frames, levers, inertia, circling, off-balancing, posture
3. don't be in a rush, trust the process

Anonymous No. 150214

I can’t see to find a torrent for “Limber Grappling: Stretching For Health And Better BJJ By Andrew Wiltse” I’ve looked everywhere for the last couple hours. Where shall a retardfag find a torrent for that instructional?

Anonymous No. 150216

forget about what bjj people are telling you to do and look at all the free information about nerve flossing and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

they might be flexible themselves but its probably out of their scope to be telling other people how to achieve it too
athletes have different coaches for skills and fitness and you should as well

Anonymous No. 150218

Has anyone here trained at Renzo Gracie Austin or New Wave? What was it like? How does one go about getting into the Roka gym?

Anonymous No. 150255

I train at a different gym in Austin, but I've been to their open mats and I'm friends with some people who train there
>What was it like?
Quality of instruction is great, but mat space is limited. They had to implement a reservation app and the New Wave classes are usually full (except the 10am class). I believe drop in is $50
>getting into Roka gym?
You don't. It's a comp class, invite only.

Anonymous No. 150265

Is it too bad if I don't wash my new Gi before using it?
I'll wash my other Gi now and it won't dry in time for my next class.

Anonymous No. 150267

just do it

Anonymous No. 150269

Do you know what the membership fees are at Renzos? What does it take to be invited to Roma gym?

Anonymous No. 150270

I think it's around $180/month.
To be invited to Roka you would need to be a damn good blue belt or above and an active (successful) competitor. Those guys are not fucking around. Lots of pros on the mats

Anonymous No. 150275

I'm just not really having fun anymore, I've gotten too good

Anonymous No. 150287

I guess I will, and I'll go to classes tomorrow with a half dry gi.
I really don't want to miss classes.

Anonymous No. 150292

I wonder if these crazy girls who are into erotic asphyxiation ever date jiu jitsu guys.
They can be choked in so many different ways, and the guy would get free practice.

Anonymous No. 150293

I mean wear the new one
I work in "the industry"

...not fashion, I'm a delivery boy for a clothing store
Garments are usually washed before they're sent out

Anonymous No. 150298

Yeah but I'm not sure if that's the case for most stores.
It's a Kingz Gi by the way.
It's fine though, I think I can dry my other gi putting it near my heater, that shouldn't shrink it or anything.

Anonymous No. 150321

Nope, Buzzsaw Passing is all I can find even with Jackett (200+ sites)
I'm on the hunt for their white belt series.
By the time I can:
>rationalize a 700$ purchase as no big deal
>see it on discount
I won't even be a white belt anymore

Anonymous No. 150322

My wife hates jiu-jitsu (and me, for that matter) but still finds it hot

Anonymous No. 150324

I never learned the notion that you shouldn't stretch cold, it's what we always did in PE class. I was happy with my flexibility progress, but now I'm in this paralysis-by-analysis mode of thinking I'm doing more damage than good (and therefore not doing anything).

Anonymous No. 150325


Anonymous No. 150332

Filthy halfbreed judoguy here.

Would adding no gi be of benefit to my training volume? I'm already doing gi bjj in addition to my regular judo sessions during the week.

Anonymous No. 150335

Would adding more training volume be a benefit to your training volume?
I suppose so if you can handle it, but it looks like you're doing a ton

Anonymous No. 150344

You have 4 stripes? Also, look into John Danahers Go Further Faster sequence and New Wave sequence too, you’ll probably get largely the same stuff, and it’ll be easier to find as it’s older and more popular. I think there’s torrents for some of the Go Further Faster and New Wave on /t/

Anonymous No. 150347

Hell yeah , I may not forget a 10 step pretzel folding sequence but bringing arms in and fucking under shit is lit

Anonymous No. 150349

>paying someone to teach you jiujitsu
>need to do a huge amount of your learning outside of the gym with video tutorials
Many such cases. SAD!

Anonymous No. 150352

MMA guys really do enjoy framing on necks dont they

Anonymous No. 150364

I wish I'd had the spread of instructors offering supplementary material back in the day compared to what's available now.

As for knocking people looking into supplementary material, we can't all have the top coaches. People misunderstand the two biggest values a gym with a good (not world class, but simply capable will do) instructor provides: a safe learning environment and hands on instruction. That's going to be plenty for a 80% or more of players.

Anonymous No. 150366

If you don't do any learning outside of the technique shown in class, you probably suck

Anonymous No. 150367

And judging by how fast Wrestling Fanatic and Dynamic Striking are adding material, I'd guess there's still a ton of untapped viewers out there for things that aren't jiu jitsu. Hell the fucking speedbag bible is up there now and that got filmed on a 90s camcorder.

Anonymous No. 150368

This, after mat lingerers and workshoppers get more clout from everyone

Anonymous No. 150369

Meant ducking*

Anonymous No. 150370

You'll learn the value of no gi grips, which throws translate the best with no pajamas
It'll prolly feed well if you have chest contact issues, since the closeness required to make most throws good in judo I suddenly nonnegotiable in nogi grappling

Anonymous No. 150379

That's exactly the problem
Imagine if doctors needed to use webmd to fill in the gaps of their education because the teacher at medical school wasnt up to date or didnt structure the learning progressively

"Some of the younger guys are trying to use chemicals to get rid of disease, but the way I've always done it is just open a vein and let the bad blood come out on it's own. Its old school because it's what works"

People in jiujitsu class are paying for an education, they should be receiving an education

Anonymous No. 150382

I am absolutely dog shit at side control. I suck at holding it from the top and escaping from the bottom. When we do mount, back, butterfly or whatever the fuck position I'm usually slightly better than 50/50 with my training partners of equivalent experience (<1 year white belt). But, side control, I lose the position or get held 90% of the time or more. This "feels" like a bad position for my body type, but I'm not sure. I'm 6'3" more legs than torso and 215lbs, taller than everyone else in class by at least 5 inches. Is there any video out there of a lanky motherfucker explaining this position?

Anonymous No. 150384

Check out Jon Thomas BJJ. He's not quite as tall as you, but still pretty lanky. And he's a freaky genius.

Anonymous No. 150388

Retarded analogy. I train at a high level gym with great instruction, but it might not always be relevant to the problems I'm currently trying to solve. Once you get near purple or above, you have to navigate your training on your own to some degree.

The alternative is to train full time and always be on the mat asking questions, but that's unrealistic for most.

Anonymous No. 150390

>doctors only have one professor
>doctors aren't required to do continuing education

Anonymous No. 150394

Fuck Brazil and Brazilians!

Hes deploying post-irony masterfully

Anonymous No. 150395

Thanks bro

Anonymous No. 150397

Does anyone here currently or has trained full time? How did you make it work?

Anonymous No. 150404

>Imagine if doctors needed to use webmd to fill in the gaps of their education because the teacher at medical school wasnt up to date or didnt structure the learning progressively
Medical professionals cannot keep up with the volume of medical research hitting every week and still practice anything resembling actual medicine. When people talk about how Watson is going to improve medical diagnosis, they're referring to it supplementing gaps in your GP's hueristic analysis, not replacing it.

Anonymous No. 150410

The main question is why would you want to? Theres no money in this shit

You're gonna spend your 20s flat fucking broke chasing championships nobody gives a shit about (including most BJJ practitioners) Bumming rides from people to get around, sleeping on mats in the locker room, cleaning in exchange for training time, Any food you buy is going To be marked down for quick sale because it's about to go bad, your dishes will just be plastic containers you stole from the deli at the grocery store, any prize money you win probably wont even cover the travel it took to get to the event.
And then when you're about 32 years old, the injuries will have accumulated a bit, you'll feel your body just starting to slow down a little, recovery isnt what it used to be, and realize you maybe only have one good run left in you before you aren't able to compete with that level anymore
And there you are, close to middle aged with no money, education, or useful skills of any kind. Maybe you can run a school, if only you knew anything about business

So in short there are 2 kinds of people that train full time
Those of us that have rich parents and are able to be man children because they'll give us money any time we ask for it
Or those (such as Brazilians) who are so poor that living on a dirty crash mat in a locker room is an upgrade

But hey, don't let me stop you from living your dreams

Anonymous No. 150415

The basis of Craig Jones' Power Ride instructional is that we value side control because of the ruleset that gives points for it - not because it's an end-all-be-all position to control somebody.

Anonymous No. 150416

What does he suggest is better? The old lore is that mount is best for ground and pound, but side control is best for pinning someone and holding them down, right? So what does he think is better for holding an opponent down?

Anonymous No. 150417

it's not better for pinning though, it's actually exactly the opposite
it's a hold over from judo where you can win by pinning someone if you're passed their legs. The reason that wins is because it's really difficult to do so if you're able to do that it shows dominance
brazilians completely smooth brained the situation and just started doing it without knowing why they were doing it

if someone is in half guard or full guard they are pinned more securely than in side control
in fact they are pinning themselves, they have willingly put their body under yours
so the only reason in bjj people pass the guard is because it scores points. In MMA they stay in the guard and just drop strikes from there because theres no reason to go any further

Anonymous No. 150418

Craig is just copying khabib really

Anonymous No. 150419

> The old lore
Technically, the old lore was that yoko shiho gatame counted as osaekomi, same as kesa/kata/kami-shiho, and you could transition between all four while maintaining constant pressure on uke, avoiding his legs, and while hunting for submissions or reaching 20 seconds. Side control as far as I can tell is simply a modified yoko-shiho to apply more cross face and fully entrap the far shoulder, and I've seen strong newaza guys in Japan hit something pretty close to it, with a leg out instead of just a knee in uke's close armpit.

Or maybe Maeda purposely trained the gaijin wrong, as a joke.

Anonymous No. 150421

OK, Khabib did a ton of work from half guard, but he always smashed his opponent's posture flat first. I am very skeptical of the claim that the guard, open or closed, is a safe place to hang out in an MMA fight.

I mean, being on bottom is always worse than being on top, but if I had to be on bottom I'd rather have the guy in my closed guard than be stuck in bottom side control.

Judoka-sama, I am but an ignorant American and do not know the proper nip words for things. I shall google harder!

Anonymous No. 150422

I just got through the first few volumes of the instructional so I can't talk in-depth, but he's using various moves like spiral rides (hence the name), claws, turks, half nelsons...

Big emphasis on controlling the legs, because that greatly diminishes their ability to explode out of position. Try holding a monster like Nicky Rod in side control.
It definitely looks like training with Volk and having to keep MMA in mind was a big breakthrough for his game (and therefore B-Team). He realized pure BJJ is operating within old and scattered rulesets.

Anonymous No. 150424

Controlling legs makes a lot of sense, I thought that was the whole point of passing: neutralize his legs.

Is he basically saying controlling the guy's legs is more important than holding his shoulders down? Or is that a grotesque oversimplification?

Anonymous No. 150425

The premise is: to fight Nicky Rod, you'll have to think outside the box. Holding his shoulders down? The guy escapes RNC's by vaulting 360 degrees backwards
After he neutralizes the legs and gets into a position he wants to be in, the second goal is to tire out his opponent by riding this position out and adapting to what happens.
>why fight fire with fire? why would you want to arm triangle a GORILLA like Nicky Rod? no matter how good my technique is he will be hard to control

Anonymous No. 150426

And then go for subs once your opponent's tired as shit
Just watch part 1, it's fascinating and only 27 minutes

Anonymous No. 150430

>stuck in bottom side control
that's the thing, nobody is stuck in bottom side control that's a very mobile position to work from, you have side to side movement as well as bridges. This is even why in bjj the moment you get your 3 points you move on to a different position. Beginners get stuck down there because they don't know how to escape, but once you know how to escape you can escape at will and just stand up if you really want to

Anonymous No. 150431

>The reason that wins is because it's really difficult to do so if you're able to do that it shows dominance
I say this with kindness, but that just ain't so. Kano developed Judo alongside jujitsu teams from the emerging Tokyo police in the Meiji era of the late 1800s. There was considerable pressure to highlight techniques suitable for arresting suspects. Hence 20s of osaekomi. That is not to say that the pins cannot be modified to cut your wind. I've had crusty old Japanese instructors who would not respect a tap from a pin, even if you were staring to see the wizard. Shit practice, in my opinion.

> the only reason in bjj [and logically Judo] people pass the guard is because it scores points
I can't speak to MMA, as I do not play that game. But it is much more difficult in pure grappling to stand, control the legs, or just smash an opponent if they have the leg version of wrapping your arms around the waist. Granted, you need a plan besides wrapping and holding on for dear life, but plenty of sweeps, submissions, and routes to taking the back available from that position. It's just not the end all be all that it was back in the 90s.

Anonymous No. 150433

>Beginners get stuck down there because they don't know how to escape
>but once you know how to escape you can escape at will
Oof, I just exposed myself as a dumbass white belt. My perception is colored by my experience: I spend a godawful amount of time stuck in side control.

Anonymous No. 150434

>I spend a godawful amount of time stuck in side control
and that's ok, sucking at something is the first step towards being kinda good at something

I spent many an hour stuck in side control, but now it has become a joke where I let people pass to side control and then yell JUST STAND UP and go right to my feet, an usually they curse and call my a motherfucker

Anonymous No. 150435

"You can escape at will", and how much time and energy you will spend doing so, is unironically heavily dependent on the guy pinning you.

Anonymous No. 150466

If someone is really huge like in excess of 260 it may take a few more bumps to get going
But I cant be held down, my frames are too good

I got this way by conceding side control in every single roll for months
And then conceding turtle in every single roll
It has left me with an ability to wrestle up and just stand and nobody has managed to stop it yet
The gi makes it more challenging because of the handles, so it takes longer with there being grip breaks needing to be done
but that's fake grappling using a crutch anyway

If you need a heavy jacket and rope tied around a person's waist to hold them down then you can't really hold them down, know what I mean?

Anonymous No. 150492

How would you guys approach training on your own to always be able to escape from the different positions? Don’t have anyone to drill with btw.

Anonymous No. 150497

If you practice wearing any clothes at all, you're doing fake grappling.

Anonymous No. 150499

Arguably true, if you've never tried to wrestle an oiled up guy wearing a European style swimsuit in the sand you really dont know what you're in for
It's the true test of your technique, all your holds slip off and all your drives bleed their power into the ground

Anonymous No. 150515

How do we stop them? Wait for them to inevitably injure themselves?
I get nothing out of those kill-or-be-killed rolls

Anonymous No. 150533

Ok Plato.

Anonymous No. 150536

Leg locks

Anonymous No. 150538

Most instructors have 90 iq and are barely able to form coherent sentences let alone use effective pedagogy, it’s a sport for dumbass people

Anonymous No. 150576

How should I go about watching instructionals? Of course I should be drilling them, but beyond that, what can I do to maximize my knowledge retention and applying acquired knowledge effectively?

Anonymous No. 150588

Keep watching the same one for awhile. Watch it actively, and passively in the background while doing other things. When you feel like you've really milked it, move on. Then come back to it in a few weeks/months, and you'll often find you didn't come close to milking it. Repeat until you really aren't seeing anything new, then make those months into years and try again. The major benefit to a lesson video never changing is that you'll really get to see what you've picked up over time.

🗑️ AA2 Nigger mod is Mad loser lol permbanned No. 150593

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread
>>>/vg/432320786 lol so you do read pls ban more. war is coming

Anonymous No. 150594

where is a good place to acquire instructional videos. I'm tired of being horrible and want to go full nerd.

Anonymous No. 150595

>that's the thing, nobody is stuck in bottom side control that's a very mobile position to work from, you have side to side movement as well as bridges
Side control is a very good position, but I find its advantages are neutered by a lot of the current rulesets and skillsets.

One of the biggest advantages of side control is that while it's not the best for holding someone down to run out the clock, it's great for your own safety. There aren't too many attacks people can do from bottom side control, especially compared to something like half guard, and the only control the person on bottom has over you is really if they body lock you, other than that though, if you ever feel like you're in danger, you can Just Stand Up™. The reason that people like Craig Jones will call this useless though (and I say this as a big fan of him) is that he's shit at takedowns and is a guard puller. For him, and most BJJ players that don't train takedowns, you're giving up side control to go to a position you're weak in (standing), though if you're good at takedowns, especially in BJJ comps, I'll happily stand and either take them back down, or usually standing guard pass again as they'll stay down.But if you're inside half guard or inside guard, you're letting them control you, and it's a lot more complicated to Just Stand Up™. I compete in 100kg+ at 115kg so I'm on the smaller scale, but if I'm against the 170kg+ monsters that sometimes show up, I'm not letting them get any control over me as any sweep they land I'm probably fucked on bottom. In side control, if I feel them trying to roll, I'll either let them roll and take a top turtle (back control is useless against guys this size as you can't get your legs around) or just stand back up and tire them out.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 150597

>I compete in 100kg+ at 115kg so I'm on the smaller scale
I'm guessing you mean relative to open, because 250lbs is fucking D1 tight end territory.

Anonymous No. 150600


In self-defence I would advocate never going to the ground, but if you do, side control (or my preferred neon belly) is the only place I'd go as it's the safest position to stand up from in my opinion. You'll always have to watch out for their dickhead friends running at you from behind. With back control or half guard/guard, you're entangling them with your legs, which you have to unwrap to stand up. With side control, at best they can body lock you, while their mate runs up to soccer kick you in the head, but all you have to do is break that grip to get up. Realistically, I don't think anyone will hold on like that, so you can usually stand up pretty instantly if you see someone coming. Again, I'd go neon belly if anything as you can get to your feet in like 0.5 seconds, if that, if you see/hear someone running up.

In MMA though, half guard is better for control, but the best attacks from side control would be knees to the head or transitioning to north south for the same, which is banned. Really the only decent attacks you can do from side control is move to a mounted crucifix, which is still a bit iffy in itself. Again, you can't really get swept from side control, so if someone were to roll to turtle, you can follow up with keeping top turtle and land knees to the head, if they were allowed. But in the current ruleset, mounted crucifix is all you really have.

TL;DR: Side control is good because it's safe from bottom attacks and easy to stand up from if you feel in danger. This doesn't help in BJJ comps if you're not confident in your standing takedowns or guard passing. It's second only to neon belly in self-defence as it's one of the quickest to stand up from in case of multiple attackers, and is honestly pretty shit in MMA since knees to the head are banned.

Anonymous No. 150603

Oh yeah I'm on the smaller scale relative to the rest of the people in the 100kg+ division, as most people walking around at about 105kg will just cut. But there's about 6 brown and black belts in my country that walk around between 140kg (310lbs) -170kg (375lbs) so I avoid any kind of position where they have any kind of control with their legs like the plague, since it's a struggle to get out from under them. My gameplan against them is just tire them out standing before going for trips/legs, get side control and let them roll to turtle if they want while hunting for chokes, and if they stand obviously make it hard, but don't attach myself too hard as they'll usually be tired by then and a lot easier to take back down.

Anonymous No. 150604

>most BJJ players that don't train takedowns
this is a problem with bjj in general operating under the lie that 90% of fights go to the ground and then it's reinforced by the rules

consider this, new rule: if you sit or pull guard your opponent gains 3 points

why? well let me explain
if you're pulling guard you're doing it for one reason only, because you believe if you stand up with your opponent he'll win the exchange and put you in a disadvantageous position. You don't sit on the floor if you're confident you can take the other person down, so by doing that you're conceding a takedown
you're saying lets skip the dog and pony show, I know I can't win there so lets just get straight to business. He effectively took you down without even laying a hand on you.

but a takedown is only worth 2 points, so why does he get 3?
its an additional penalty for doing something so cowardly and because a sweep is worth 2 points. So get the idea out of your head of "oh I'll just give up the 2 and then take them back with a sweep to reset it and I'm still where I want to be"
nope, even with that sweep you're still down 1

Anonymous No. 150608

Sounds like BJJ just isn't the sport for you buddy. I'm the guy before who was posting about how I'll just stand up if I feel in danger because I am confident in my takedowns, but that's also just me "cowardly" leaving the position where my opponent can start leglocking me. Everyone is going to disengage from disadvantageous positions and re-engage where they have the advantage. I won't teach guard pulling because I don't like the style, but people should be able to grapple how they want. If you find guard pulling annoying, you're probably the person just getting stuck in guard instead of just passing and taking the 3 points. Otherwise I can't see why you'd be complaining the opponent putting you in a position where you can just gain your 3 points for the pass.
If you want a sport where takedowns are guaranteed, then you can do judo or wrestling, but just keep in mind they'll start screaming to the referee as soon as you look at their ankle the wrong way.

Anonymous No. 150611

bjj isn't the sport for anybody, even the people who do it don't watch it
hell, even the world class competitors don't watch it

when the people making a living off of it aren't even a fan of it there's a fundamental problem with the sport

Anonymous No. 150613

Is that why you're in here posting in the BJJ thread instead of the non-existent wrestling thread or the Judo thread halfway down the board? I'm sure the people making a living off the sport aren't fans, they just train 3 times a day every day right? Why would anyone care what a casual who just watches thinks? I care about actually doing the sport, and it seems people are still doing the sport, so it's fine. You think the world class competitors are against guard pulling? Most of them are the ones doing it. If they wanted to penalise it, there's nothing stopping them or anybody from running their own competitions where guard pulling is penalised.

If you want to penalise guard pulling, then go rent a high school gym, set up a competition on Smoothcomp and make your own tournament and get people to join advertising that guard pulling is penalised. There's no dictatorship like the IJF overseeing every tournament, so be the change you want to see, because crying about it online in an anonymous forum isn't doing anything. Make a submission wrestling thread or bump that dead catch wrestling thread and get people interested about grappling with submissions and takedowns. Otherwise it's about as useful (and repetitive) as me going into the Judo thread and complaining about how leg grabs being banned killed the sport.

Anonymous No. 150616

ya know most people are using jiujitsu for fighting, not for playing grab ass and paying $100 to win a gold plated piece of tin

it's a martial art with a sport component and the sport is the least engaged with part of it. Most people will never step foot even in a local tournament and even less people have a flo subscription or can name more than 3 pros off the top of their head
I had to explain to a blue belt who craig jones was the other day. Nobody gives a shit about sport bjj

Anonymous No. 150617

Then why do you want to penalise guard pulling? As you said, the sport is the part people are least engaged with, so how would adding rules to the sport make any difference? Just don't teach guard pulls in your gym, which is exactly what I do. I've been training for over a decade and looking through the ADCC 2022 athlete list, I can name Geo Martinez, Garry Tonon, Lachlan Giles, Rafael Lovato Jr, Craig Jones, Gordon Ryan and Gabi Garcia as the only names I recognised before that competition. And half of those are because I've trained with them in real life. I don't see that as a problem, we don't need BJJ athletes to become celebrities like McGregor.

I don't know what problem you think penalising guard pulling in the sport is going to fix. Judo went and made changes to its sport to make it "spectator-friendly" but I doubt someone who's never trained can name any Judoka outside of maybe Ronda Rousey, who's famous for MMA anyway. Hell I've competed in Judo for the last 5 twins and I can think of maybe the Abe twins and Teddy Riner. I'd prefer if the gyms just catered to teaching the techniques the gyms want to teach, and the tournaments catered their rules to the people who actually compete, not some random who's never going to step foot on the mats themselves. And if you just care about people not pulling guard in the gym since you don't care about competitions, then literally just ask your partner not to, or get better training partners. It seems like this is a problem you can fix yourself rather than trying to enforce a rule on everyone in the world.

Anonymous No. 150618

Because the entire scoring convention is supposedly based on the superior position in an actual fight and if you pull guard you need to be punished for doing something absolutely retarded like that in a real fight

Takedowns are the most important part of grappling full stop, in fact the ability to dictate where the fight takes place is actually the most important skill in fighting all together
But the sport doesn't reward it and even actively encourages people to not do it so as a result bjj practitioners are so legendarily awful at takedowns it's even a meme in the normiesphere

Anonymous No. 150619

bjj nerds write too long and don’t format their posts for readability

Anonymous No. 150622

>Because the entire scoring convention is supposedly based on the superior position in an actual fight and if you pull guard you need to be punished for doing something absolutely retarded like that in a real fight
But as you said, scoring will hardly affect those? Supposedly hardly anyone competes so why would they care about it? In a real fight, training any art that doesn't combine both striking and grappling is absolutely retarded. Judoka don't walk in protecting their face, amateur wrestlers walk at you with a squat with their hands down. If you want realistic grappling, go to an MMA class, you can use slams there as well. Anyone who only does one art, especially a grappling art, is kidding themselves if they think it prepares you completely for a "real fight".

>it's even a meme in the normiesphere
Why do you care about what normies think? The only people who's opinions you care about should be the people that train, and more importantly, the people you train with. They're the people paying to train and actually participating in the sport. Before I started teaching, the last coach didn't teach takedowns. I took over and my students wanted to learn takedowns, so now we do takedowns as a part of every class. If they all came to me and said they don't want to do takedowns any more, then I'd consider it, because they're the opinions that actually matter.

And like I said, why are you even mad about this? Do you compete and hate the rules? Go make your own tournament with your own rules, BJJ is probably the easiest art to make your own tournament in, I've even run my own tournament in a local gym with 350 people, because they said they liked our ruleset. If it's people in your gym pulling guard then tell them not to do it against you or train with other people. Like I said before, I like takedowns and have never and won't ever pull guard, but why does what other people do affect you?

Anonymous No. 150650

Lol a judo sacrifice throw then gets you -1 points instead of +2

God i hate white belts

Anonymous No. 150651

All these people wanting to reformat bjj sport rules to make it more fighting applicable...

...why don't you just train MMA? Other than the fact you're a pussy I suppose. You're basically just larping in bjj class.

Anonymous No. 150652

Shhhh, us whitebelts take Craig Jones' opinions as gospel despite the fact he always loses in competition and has never once fought in MMA. He also coached an MMA fighter to lose once, so clearly knows what he's talking about!

🗑️ o No. 150664

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread
>>>/vg/432320786 come on permban all of them kek
yo mad over that discord link post ha what a noob you are loser nigger aa2 fag mod you mad asf lmfao

Anonymous No. 150667

>Supposedly hardly anyone competes so why would they care about it?
Because like it or not the ibjjf sets the standards because people think it's a regulatory body

Guard pulling isn't a sacrifice throw
You're missing the "throw" part of the equation
There are 2 outcomes, either the opponent leans forward slightly when you do it and an ippon gets called in his favor, or you get penalties and ultimately disqualified for false attacking/stalling

All I'm hearing is you're ok spending all this time learning a martial art that's completely useless in a fight
Might as well start doing shotokan, it's way easier

Anonymous No. 150671

BJJ will never be fighting without punches. Take up MMA you pansy.

Anonymous No. 150673

As long as you're willing to admit bjj isnt effective for fighting we have no problem here
You're agreeing with me

Anonymous No. 150681

As I said before, no martial art that doesn't combine striking and grappling is effective for fighting. The LARP that because you can win a 1 on 1 match with a referee between you means you can win IN DA STREETZ where Tyrone and is nigger friends jump you from behind is ridiculous. The only effective martial art is using a pipe bomb.

Anonymous No. 150682

He doesn't train anything at all, that's why he thinks people still care about what the IBJJF thinks. It's the easiest litmus test to tell the difference between who actually trains and who is some dude that got bullied in school by a grappler.

Anonymous No. 150692

Pretty tough talk from a buttscooter

Keep clinging on to your irrelevant "martial art" you fucking dinosaur
You're clearly the type that gargled gracie nuts in the 00s and are just wrapped up in so much sunken cost you actually defend this retarded sport

Anonymous No. 150698

So you don't actually train. Got it.

Anonymous No. 150699

This never made sense to me how there's some people who sell their interest in the sport in hypothetical self defense shit
If you let that crap bother you get a gun or a knife
That said the Gracie desire to ban or have such poor understanding of leg work is embarrassing, and all white belts should know the stuff, not wait till fucking late blue just to learn wrist and leg shit

Anonymous No. 150704

Train for what exactly?
Training implies theres an end game in mind
Training for an exam for example

Do you mean practice? Certainly you're not training for anything

Anonymous No. 150706

Who ordered rashguards off Aliexpress? Any decent sellers? Does Asian XXXL equate to European S?

Anonymous No. 150707

Everybody wanna be a fighter, don't nobody wanna take no heavy ass hits

Anonymous No. 150787

When did the Gracies stop being cool?
Were the online blue belts the straw that broke the camel's back?

Anonymous No. 150788

Matt Hughes putting a stomping on Royce did a lot of it for the more casual/ UFC only types.

Anonymous No. 150791

When people started doing their own shit better than them and they refused to adapt with the times

Anonymous No. 150795

They were always liars and charlatans, normalfags ate up their propaganda but like all liars eventually the times caught up with them and they were exposed

Anonymous No. 150801

when people realized gi is hella gay but also that it’s homo and faggy

Anonymous No. 150814

Practice typically refers to what the team does as a whole when they aren't playing in competition. Each individual player is absolutely training for improvement in specific areas every practice, whether it's skill or performance based.

In baseball, the short stop may be focusing to hit a curve ball. A juijitsu guy may be focusing on a specific attack from a position. A receiver could be improving his execution of a given play.

If you aren't seeking improvement in a specific area, I have to ask why you're even going. If you just want to highlight training as focusing on physical capabilities like speed, strength, endurance, or flexibility as seperate from the practice of the technical fundamentals of the game, I guess that works too.

Anonymous No. 150816

>I have to ask why you're even going
clout mostly

the black belt is forever. Just want to walk into a room and have strangers immediately respect me.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 150870

Day of the lapel for lapelshitters when? Stop fucking stalling me.

Anonymous No. 150872

Meanwhile, the best no-gi escape for both me and my opponents is being a sweaty pig

Anonymous No. 150877

I've been calling it dishonest since day 1, its really stupid and a total crutch

My suggestion? If people insist on defending the gi then change it to a pull over style instead of jacket style
No more ridiculous flaps to grab

Anonymous No. 150878

Can't get clout without knowing how to pass some guards or how to score a juji here and there. Even clout chasers have to embrace deliberate practice if they want to get more clout.

Anonymous No. 150879

Not me, I'm not a weakling
Just follow these simple rules
1. get on top stay on top
2. grab kimura grips and never let go
3. when in doubt, underhook

Follow these simple rules and you'll basically beat anyone at jiujitsu. The only way it can go wrong for you is if you get impatient and are baited into "playing the game"

Anonymous No. 150896

>get on top stay on top
Thanks, coach. Good to know the entire game boils down to YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!!

Anonymous No. 150901

But really, guys in bjj make a habit of conceding positions because they drank the meme and think the guard is desirable
They put themselves willingly on the bottom
When's the last time you've seen someone that wasnt a beginner get armbarred from the bottom?
"Breaking someone down" from bottom is fiction
Maybe you can sometimes send up a cheeky triangle if you're a bean pole lanklet
But otherwise ever do that, guard attacks are bullshit, get on top

And the worst part of it is beginners are taught to launch offense from their back instead of trying to get off it

Anonymous No. 150908

I thought inside bottom pants grip was illegal because you'd break all your fingers like popsicle sticks, or something.

Anonymous No. 150909

Fake lore
Its because the grip is too powerful, everyone grabs it any time the referee wont be able to see it
Think about it. When you make a pocket grip on the cuff and then twist it you're actuallly locking your fingers in there, it's way more potentially dangerous

Anonymous No. 150910

I might try gi in the dead of the winter, but not looking forward to it

Anonymous No. 150913

>t. 1 stripe white belt who watches BJJ-meta youtube vids

Anonymous No. 150925

>all white belts should know the stuff, not wait till fucking late blue just to learn wrist and leg shit
Bad idea, it's like handing untrained 4 year olds real loaded guns. There's a time and place to teach people moves capable of causing grievous injury, and it's not during white belt when someone still doesn't know what a closed guard is or can't roll for more than 2 minutes without gassing out.

Anonymous No. 150928

>Train for what exactly?
You're doing the "based on what" meme but unironically, seek help. People use train interchangeably with practice constantly in martial arts discussions.

Anonymous No. 150929

Just like how they use the word fight when talking about bjj
Both are cringe, guys trying to make what they're doing sound way more tough and manly

Anonymous No. 150933

Colored belts move on. /xs/ is a white belt neighborhood.

Anonymous No. 150935

Okay guys, you heard the language hall monitor. Let's call tourneys "matches" so he can feel like he's helping.

Anonymous No. 150936

You can call it a tournament, just dont call it a fight
It's as pathetic as people calling chess or cheer leading sports

Anonymous No. 150955

I'd call cheer leading a sport, but not a sporting competition, just like 100m sprint. Chess doesn't rely on athletic ability like cheerleading does, so I wouldn't call it a sport, but it is a competition in that you can negatively effect your opponents. Whereas as cheerleading, 100m sprint, figure skating and other sports like that I wouldn't call competition. It's not like I can push the person next to me or affect them in any way in a sprint, you might as well just have everyone run individually and there's no difference, just like cheerleaders don't all perform at the same time.

Anonymous No. 150957

My definition is in order to be a sport there needs to be an objective scoring system where completing a task nets you a predetermined number of points for doing so
Do thing = get points
If judges are the ones giving out points based on their subjective opinion then it's an exhibition, not a sport
I do thing, you do thing, people vote who did better

To draw a further distinction now between sport and game. If you play it on a table it's a game
If you're not playing on a table then ask yourself this
can you play it with a beer in your hand? If yes you're playing a game not a sport

Anonymous No. 150958

I hate training, anyone else actually kinda hate this gay sport? I only keep coming back because i like the idea of knowing some bjj :/

Anonymous No. 150959

Congrats bro, I had my first tournament about two weeks ago and I lost my first match to points.

Anonymous No. 150960

I love training. I love the concept of chasing progression and making friends in the gym. I can't go around town anymore without being recognized by someone.

Anonymous No. 150961

yup, especially the more you do it the worse it gets, you realize it's not as magical as you thought it was when you started
not to mention the toll it takes slowly wearing down your joints and the risk of strokes caused my dissection of the arteries in the neck

"getting choked is totally safe guys" no it fucking isn't
I wont even participate in drills if it's a class about chokes. Shit isn't safe

Anonymous No. 150962

Just stop going. If you feel the need to go back, then you can always go back, if you don't feel like it ever again, that's fine too.

>/xs/ Extreme Sports
>Shit isn't safe

Anonymous No. 150973

Phewww, having autism looks like torture

Anonymous No. 150975

>someone will give a shit if you have a bjj black belt


t. 3rd degree black belt

Anonymous No. 150984

/r/bjj is locked to private now
How will I get my fix of laughing at people unable to navigate basic social situations

Anonymous No. 150985

Not him but they definitely do, it's usually the white/blue belts in the honeymoon phase where they make their entire identity BJJ because they're really excited about it at the start. I think they seem to see us as like some super human beings since they idolise the skill level/belt, but don't see the person behind it. It really hit me one long weekend I was drinking at home and walked to the local bottle shop at like 3pm in my trackies and crocs, and one of my students saw me there. He seemed really surprised and asked me why I was looking at the bottom-shelf vodka and I was like "idk, it's cheap and gets me drunkest, what else should I drink", and he replied "I thought you'd only be drinking like scotch or something fancy, you're a black belt", like I can't be a grub in life because I know how to choke good.

It's not a BJJ-exclusive thing though, it's like how people care about Cardi B's political opinion or listen to some basketball player's ideas on how society runs. People will idolise one aspect of a person and in turn, idolise everything about them.

Anonymous No. 150989

You're totally right, I forget the "BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU" in a fancy font tatted up white belt guys exist. I think I'm just dead inside.

Shout out to a fellow alcoholic black belt tho lol

Anonymous No. 150990

Irish whiskey exists, and for now, many of the under 3 years are still cheap. Like $25 a bottle cheap. I got nothing against a clean vodka, but life can be sweeter than just boring ass Tito's and coke or whatever.

Anonymous No. 150993

> dissection of arteries
> shit isn't safe
Neither is weight training, running, or particularly watersking.

Anonymous No. 150994

Thanks, copy/paste. Bang up job.

Anonymous No. 150996

>I wont even participate in drills if it's a class about chokes
>t. 1 stripe white belt who trains once a week

Anonymous No. 150997

>CeAD can occur during the wide variety of daily life situations other than sport activities.
>This includes CeAD after delivery, sexual intercourse, dancing, or playing music, as a consequence of a roller-coaster ride, after a visit to a dentist or the hairdresser, or even after a neurological examination.
>The onset of CeAD during daily activities or common sports (such as running, walking bicycling) does not necessarily prove causality, but may be pure coincidence.

Anonymous No. 151003

>t. 3rd degree black belt
I'm not sure this is the flex you think it is
I'd just say black belt, thats the last belt you actually earned
when you start getting into degrees the idea of a boomer that just sits off to the side for the entire class and does one roll at the end after everybody is already tires comes to mind

Anonymous No. 151006

>responds to a guy who says his black belt doesn't impress people by saying his 3 stripes aren't impressive
Invert less. It's cutting off your oxygen.

Anonymous No. 151007

>does not necessarily prove causality
are you trying to deny an obvious causal link between getting strangled and strokes caused by damages to arteries in the neck?

don't be one of those "trust the science" faggots unable to use critical thinking and your own damn eyes to see what's happening

Anonymous No. 151010

Then why even mention them if not to elevate status?

Anonymous No. 151012

Yea yea yea

If you ever met me on the mat you'd ask for side control escapes. Shut up faggot.

To illustrate that a point that training for black belt is retarded, even being higher than black belt. I get promotions that award nearly a decade of post black belt training, means jack shit. Training for rank is fucking retarded.

You are a faggot though, and would never say anything like this in the gym, if you even train.

Anonymous No. 151016

>implying you would ever be able to pass my guard with your 2006 era matt serra jiujitsu

Get with the times grandpa

Anonymous No. 151017

Clearly meant to respond to this guy but 20+ years of being choked have made me retarded.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 151019

Ya got me kid. I'm sure your faggot jitsu is super effective against me. You're the first person who thought to use novel ideas against an old guy. Please post your rank or (and) fuck off.

Anonymous No. 151020

I do BJJ 10 hours a week and do weightlifting for about 4 hours each week. I want to maximize my training time to become a better BJJ practitioner and eventually compete. I already have a good training mentality, avoid overtraining, and maintain a healthy diet. What are the best tips you have for optimizing my training and improving my BJJ skills? Give me some tips you wished someone told you from the start.

Anonymous No. 151021

> Give me some tips you wished someone told you from the start.
Get yourself to a real comp school if you want to win.

Find a different sport if you want a future.

Anonymous No. 151024

I got my brown belt in 5 years, on track for black in under 7 but time in grade is a thing and lockdowns threw a curve ball into my ascension
I had to find a new gym where the instructor wasnt a fool and actually had people worth training with

So basically the way it works is like this, I'd let you pick starting positions and if you're under 40 I'd give you the sauce and if you're over 40 I'd let you work so the younger belts still have someone to look up to
But as gentlemen we'd both realize what happened, because you have to know if you're getting a little older a feisty brown belt 15+ years your junior is a hard day at the office

Anonymous No. 151031

God i wish i was young enough to be this stupid again

I train in NYC with some of the best athletes in the country. A fucking brown belt means damn near nothing, unless you're being groomed to be a world champ. And i can tell by the fact you have to brag about how cool you aren't.

Anonymous No. 151033

If you're at unity I'll see you on Saturday

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Anonymous No. 151035

It's fucking weird how much shit people talk on this board. This place used to run ads for onaholes, but here you have grown ass men furious over posts probably made by bored middle schooler, trying to win the internet if only that can piss someone off.

Anonymous No. 151036

They're just paying respect to the Brazilian heritage of the art.

Anonymous No. 151045

Us grandpas are used to forums like bullshido, where you had to back up your shit talk or get banned/humiliated for being a fag.

I forget people like >>151033 exist that fag without consequence.

Anonymous No. 151051

my guy, you're local, I told you where I'd be
lmao I'm not trying to fight you or something, just saying if you have nothing better to do you can shut me up :^)

I'm not gonna call you out and say you're a coward or something because you don't want to meet with a random person on the internet. I don't care either way

Anonymous No. 151057

>Us grandpas are used to forums like bullshido
Come on, man. That place was exhausting. I couldn't see the forest for the trees, but I see it now. The boxing and wrestling dudes saw that place for exactly what it was, a forum for guys more obsessed with having other people think they were hard than gettin' gud.

Remember, how many posters made blue belt and disappeared off that place?

Anonymous No. 151059

>Unity BJJ
>look up athletes
>the gym the Miyao brothers left and is only famous for the one guy that actually tried to use BJJ in the streets (Leandro Lo) and got killed by some untrained noob

Anonymous No. 151062

Come on now, don't act like unity isnt a top academy. It's an international destination.

Also the reason the miyaos "left" was personal, more like they were removed
Paulo was married to one of the females there and cheated on her, and murilo found out about it and beat him up

Anonymous No. 151071

Give me a code word or something to know who you are. I will push your stupid dick in the ground. Then we can get burgers after and be cool.

All i know is you never got a fist

Shh, unity sucks balls, but we all pretend they matter

Anonymous No. 151120

Kek murilo really is the most based man in the sport

Anonymous No. 151150

You new? Just survive. Do Hawking, Friends close elbows closer, watch your ashi and fuckin survive. Next chapter, escape...

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Anonymous No. 151155

>Leandro Lo's BJJ killed him
Remind me what martial art, be it grappling, striking, or wrestling, you think wins the "in the streets" fight he specifically was having,
>being in a nightclub and someone walks up out of sight and ices you.

Anonymous No. 151160

Migrate when ready

Anonymous No. 151174

Let's be frank. Leandro lo was an asshole. He didn't get iced for no reason.

>y-y-y-you're local!
>I'm really cool though!
Shut up bitch, you're not even a has been, you're a never was.

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Anonymous No. 151176

At which point does it become weird to NOT compete in the master bracket?
>pic related

Anonymous No. 151181

>>Let's be frank. Leandro lo was an asshole. He didn't get iced for no reason.
Yeah but lots of fighters are assholes, so what? It's not BJJ's fault that in a bar-fight the cop initiated, Lo gets control and wins, lets the cop go, and the cop was a sore loser anyways, who surprise shoots him in the face before repeatedly kicking his dead body on the ground.

I don't care what martial art you train, if that's your version of a "streetfight", no martial art works in a streetfight, and even if you win you lose.

Anonymous No. 151192

> Lieutenant in military police
> Changed jobs 6 times in 10 years
> Instagram is mostly pics of posing with guns and partying
Cop sounds like a douche, and probably committed at least manslaughter, but it also appears police leaked his instragram account login info and completed a 2fa request with his confiscated phone, which would be a big deal in a defense trail here in the US.

Anonymous No. 151207

Cop is most of the whitebelts in this thread.

Anonymous No. 151209

>while leandro died, at least he was #winning!

Anonymous No. 151212

>I'm one of the anonymous brown belts
Fuck you, faggot. Not even brave enough to let me know who you are. I'm JP. Tell me you're from 4chan and we can at least get food after i beat your dumbass dick down.

Anonymous No. 151216

Let's just ignore the fact that Brazilians are by far and wide, immature and have a machismo culture that fosters sore losers

Anonymous No. 151262

Hypothetically speaking, what is the best takedown for a white belt manlet in an enclosed jail setting? A single leg and some sort of body lock trip seem the best at first glance.

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boss cat.png

Anonymous No. 151265

what did you do anon

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Anonymous No. 151277

What went wrong?

Anonymous No. 151278

wasn't he bedridden for a long time?

Anonymous No. 151332

I invoke my fifth amendment right to avoid self incrimination and respectfully decline to answer your question.

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Anonymous No. 151339

Pull guard into remove pants into turtle into mating press guard.

Works every time, and you've got lots of time to start dilating before you get there to reduce tearing.

Anonymous No. 151347

>getting raped in closed guard
>clench butthole to lock dick in place
>break posture and set up triangle
>larger rapist cannot pick me up to slam during the triangle because his dick is stuck

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Anonymous No. 151350

John Danaher's really putting out some good instructionals these days

Anonymous No. 151522

>Imagine if doctors needed to use webmd to fill in the gaps of their education
I have have known fair number of doctors personally and professionally and I assure you they absolutely do this.

Anonymous No. 151528

Are you on a phone or do you just have unmanaged ADHD?

Anonymous No. 151529

>If you let that crap bother you get a gun or a knife
Still need to learn to fight and there are instances where being able to control someone who may or may not be dangerous with grappling long enough for them to calm down is better than escalating into killing.

Anonymous No. 151941

Been feeling like shit for the past few weeks, just keep getting smashed.