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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 153389

Are rare submissions worth learning or is it better to know just a few and be good at them?

Anonymous No. 153392

No submission is worth learning.

Anonymous No. 153394

Of course theyre worth learning if you take the judo approach of threathening with a rare throw/submission to scare the faggot then getting an easy kuzushi and ippon.

Anonymous No. 153401


I'm not sure i understand the diffrence between some
"martial arts"
and gay porn.

I see 2 men "wrestling" often half naked, grabbing, holding, squeezing almost hugging each other, their legs sometimes (often?) get wrapped around the other guy.
They often get their legs spread, cause i guess this makes them more vulnerable.
And thats good for gay sex i mean fighting, right? fighting?

Aside from lack of clothes in porn.
Is that the only diffrence?
Maybe i need to ask lgbt?

Anonymous No. 153403

your latent homosexuality is showing if you see any physical contact between men and immediately your mind goes to sex

Anonymous No. 153404

There is nothing sexual in grappling.

Anonymous No. 153405

If you a manly strait man, can't you knock out a guy from a distance of like 2-3 feet with 1 or 5(quick) hits?

Why would you hug them and rub your flesh against theirs, and wrap legs around?
How is that not gay?

Anonymous No. 153406

>How is that not gay?
because I'm not getting sexual arousal or gratification from it?

Anonymous No. 153793

Fpbp, the only grappling worth learning is escapes & that which supports escaping. But what do you expect. Martial arts have become combat sports. Now the most "pressure tested" of styles is filled with homoerotic faggots that ironically unironically mock any proponents of any vision of Martial Arts that doesn't fall within their gay for pay model. Like everything else, industry has ruined martial arts.

Anonymous No. 153797

Combat sports are better than martial arts

Anonymous No. 153799

Learning how they work, knowing their names and mechanics, yes. You really don't get to control which one inspires better understanding of the entire idea. Actually using them, actively seeking an avenue to win with them, less so if you're not a full time fighter or grappler. There's no reason to learn anything new if you're content to work on what you already have, but almost everyone can benefit from occasionally seeing another way something works.

Anonymous No. 153802

Better at what?

Anonymous No. 153804

Take whatever the fuck your opponent gives you to win. This isn't a video game where you max out your submission stats or something. Learn everything you can. Winning is winning.

I have never seen someone so thoroughly ass blasted by jits. Lol. BJJ wins again.

Anonymous No. 153806

>troon logic

Anonymous No. 153808

At hurting people who are hurting you

Anonymous No. 153810

>hurr durr I'm a dumb nigger anyone who disagrees with me is a troon

This is your brain when you post on 4chan instead of training.

Anonymous No. 153822

Fucking math disagrees with you LOL

Anonymous No. 153824

Unlike you I'm an AMMA fighter. I don't have the luxury of theory crafting a min maxxed paladin that does mantis boxing and senegalese wrestling. I need to win, or I lose. It's that simple. Learning jiu jitsu is mandatory to win. Get over it dude.

Anonymous No. 153829

Not even arguing that you shouldn't know submission grappling, but saying you NEED it to win is a load of bullshit, get over it dude. I get it, you've spent a bunch of time, money, & effort getting them BJJ dicks all up on you and you feel the need to instinctively defend it, you're suffering from Stockholm-Syndrome, it's ok. The gimmick has been great for marketing a sport, but at the end of the day that's all it is. A gimmick sport.

Anonymous No. 153831

Post your fight record or lower your tone when you speak to me.

Anonymous No. 153833

>LARP harder than me or lower your tone.

Anonymous No. 153834

You'll never know the joy I feel in my heart for being authentic. You will always only think about or opine on what I actually do. All you can do is watch as I actually engage with something you're passionate about but to weak to be involved in.

You're a fightcuck, and that's ok.

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Anonymous No. 153836

>tough words make me legit
Mmkay troon. It's a good thing you're being so authentic in the process of making so many claims about yourself. Truth be told I have never competed, so I don't have any record to give you, assuming you mean some sort of Am/Pro circuit. But if you're about to just throw out some ?/?/? format number and pretend I am just supposed to believe you, pic related.

Anonymous No. 153858

>that shitty boomer meme you made
>the statistics that don't really argue anything
>multiple mentions of gay, troon, etc.
Is this an autism thing or what? This (sexual?) aversion to BJJ is really strange.
The threat of a broken limb or strangle is really powerful in MMA. Just like the threat of a take down, repeated leg kicks, a miserable Khabib pin, etc...
The whole "only learn enough to survive" thing is retarded and lazy. A few more hours spent on kimuras/front headlock could win a fight but you're obsessed about homoerotic scenarios.

Anonymous No. 153860

>ad hominem
>denying facts
>not a denial
The jew of martial arts.

Anonymous No. 153862

>not taking meds
>doesn't train
>making bad memes

Anonymous No. 153864

>Keep seething!
>BJJ wins bigly
>Creates whole other thread to bitch about how legit he is.
Thats cringe, even by this boards standards.

Anonymous No. 153868

It depend what you want
>Surviving a fight in self defense
>Gaining more PPV when you fight an MMA championship

Anonymous No. 153869

Far as submission moves go you only really need front/rear naked, armbar, legbar, and triangle. It's the same as striking where retards take the same basic movements and reinvent them over and over again, when all they really did was change the angles & slap a new name on it. Like when you look at the chart of judo throws and how many of them are just repeats with tiny changes that aren't really significant & come about naturally through practice. But one retard once upon a time wanted credit for naming something so... here we are.

Anonymous No. 153871

Yes and no
The mix of bjj, wrestling, boxing and muay thai or another kicky art is considered a golden standard but if you removed 1 of the 4, you would probably still be good enough with the other 3.

Anonymous No. 153876

You actually exercise and the approach it's a lot more practical, six months of combat sports it's better than six years of martial arts

Anonymous No. 153879

What in fucks name is a leg bar

Anonymous No. 153890

Probably kneebar. The "front naked" is more mysterious for me but I guess he's talking about the guillotine or ezekiel choke.

Anonymous No. 154386

It's such a bizarre approach to even end up with a question like that.

If you are doing a grappling art for years as a hobby there is no good reason to avoid learning less common techniques.
One of the things I love about grappling is there is always something to learn, modify, or refine.
While with striking there are only so many ways to effectively throw a punch and you can get pretty good at throwing them all in a few months.