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๐Ÿงต /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 155986

Make esg great again edition

previous thread >>152542

Anonymous No. 155997

>>155901 #
There was before the /wwe/ invasion in /asp/. Have you searched the archive for threads circa 2014,2015?

Anonymous No. 156000

Fucking contribute something if you don't like the content or fuck off. Fucking hell you newfaggots seem to think there was a point this site wasn't 99.9% shitposting.

Anonymous No. 156005


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Anonymous No. 156044

thanks for making the new thread


since you guys want to talk about skate stuff, DLX is going to make boards in China now. it got mentioned at my local shop. i don't know where you guys live but here boards are getting way too expensive, and apparently some DLX boards are going to cost EVEN MORE or something?? so they're going to have Chinese boards to keep some boards at regular price. the owner of the shop was freaking out. now that i think about it he's been stress and worried for the past 3 years lol.

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Anonymous No. 156047

you think this thread has good discussion about skateboarding? there's nothing in here. it's a desert. there's no discussion of current skateboarding events, skateboard history, skateboard gear, nothing... occassional trick tips on rudimentary tricks like ollies and 50s in transition but otherwise it's just petty squabbling. i love 4chan, i've probably been coming here for a decade longer than you, but this thread is probably the worst general i've ever seen on this whole website and i say that with no exaggeration. i don't even know why i come think this thread has good discussion about skateboarding? there's nothing in here. it's a desert. there's no discussion of current skateboarding events, skateboard history, skateboard gear, nothing... occassional trick tips on rudimentary tricks like ollies and 50s in transition but otherwise it's just petty squabbling. i love 4chan, i've probably been coming here for a decade longer than you, but this thread is probably the worst general i've ever seen on this whole website and i say that with no exaggeration. i don't even know why i come here.

Anonymous No. 156049

It's the price point ones they're switching to china, eagles will still be BBS

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sad mask (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 156055

>....send in the riot squad with batons and sometimes-lethal guns...

What a bunch of fucking oinkers.

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Anonymous No. 156056

>The Deluxe Mafia is being strong armed by the Generator cartel

Anonymous No. 156061

See people don't know the golden standard thay actually replaced goldand by which every price is measured, isn't oil. It's deck prices.

Anonymous No. 156062

They are a mafia aren't they? But they were making good boards. Was dlx the last of the big distributors to switch?

Anonymous No. 156067

i got ollies down broes
you will see less how do i ollie posts and more how do i pick up 18yos at the skatepark as a 35yo henceforthwith

Anonymous No. 156077

Post ollie clip.

Anonymous No. 156078

i got an element deck that was made in china recently and it's sick. it's not the same type of wood as the other chinese decks though. if dlx use that company it'll be fine and i'll keep buying their decks.

plenty of other brands other than dlx make bbs decks anyway. you can actually buy bbs blanks super cheap at

fuck dlx anyway. they're a bunch of tranny lovers.

Anonymous No. 156080

what an absolutely crazy deal

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Anonymous No. 156082

>Baker boards are $80 at the shop

Anonymous No. 156089


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 156093

Go back plebbitor

Anonymous No. 156096

You guys ever returned a snapped deck? I did once and got vibed hard kek. I snapped a brand new board doing a flatground kickflip. Was pissed so I drove straight to the shop and demanded they replace it and they refused. Eventually gave me one half off then charged me for grip.

Anonymous No. 156099

Usually it's easier to do it directly with the company. The shop owner shouldn't have gotten mad desu they could easily just warranty it themselves but you know how they are lmao

Anonymous No. 156101

i think its nice of them to offer you half off but like the other guy said definitely should have dmed the company on instagram or something instead and they would probbaly help you out, i know a guy who kroooked did that for, sent him a brand new deck after snapping the tail same day he got a board on a flatground kickflip. personally unless you are friendly with the shop i think its a kooky thing to do, like its not the shops fault your fat lol

Anonymous No. 156103

Heh, reminds me.
>go to a halloween jam dressed as Satan
>get pissed drunk, have to come home by myself on the tube
>"Hey Satan, do a kickflip"
>actually manage to do one while the train is moving, hand on the pole
>random dudes weren't even impressed


Anonymous No. 156105

Man I hate faggots like that. If you ask someone to do thing you cheer them on after even if they did it the shittiest possible way.

Anonymous No. 156111

I hope that one day I can do kickflips on command under any conditions so that randos can't help but cheer.

Anonymous No. 156120

land on bolts, they shouldn't be held responsible for your poor form

I basically went to my local and picked a shoe, they said they didn't have it in the color way I wanted and I essentially burned through every colorway. I like last resorts, I've been skating the VM001 and 3's, so basically the same shoe with padding pretty much exclusively for a year now. I strayed away to a low top shoe only once and rolled my ankle running down transition in the pool. Since then I've sort of stuck with the added security of the high tops. I honestly preferred the no padding when I was just skating transition but never wore the nose of the shoe nearly enough. I typically almost exclusively burned through the big toe, toe pad patch on the shoe. That's more of a me thing and happens with every shoe I use. That being said, I pass off the burned hole ones too another (skater who wanted the shoe for everything else it's good) I gave it him at no cost. The only other shoe I ended up trying was the nike sb blazer high which was about 100ish dollars as well. Only premature failure I'd say was due to how I slid down the concrete and stripped a portion of the stitching that holds the lacing panel to the lower panel. The newer model with the padding works although I never really bothered with a ton of flatground. I went through all the colorways, and there were some pretty wacky white and teal ones, but the bone/white, black/black, black/white, red/white, red/blue were all relatively stylish, not a disgusting shoe if a bit loud with some colorways

Anonymous No. 156121

Most of this post was in response to >>152686 but I am a mistake maker. Also >>152687 is right, I don't really see many other people wearing them but I enjoy the shoe. So I don't really care what people think in that sense. Plus it's as consistent in feel as the jessup on my board.

Anonymous No. 156122

>shouldn't be held responsible for your poor form
I don't disagree with you hence why I was unsure if I was in wrong. It happened like the guy whose friend snapped his creature board, back tail snapped off. I didn't stomp or anything though and am not a consistent board breaker. I've landed that way hundreds of times before so I'm convinced it was a defective product, in which they should have followed consumer law imo.

Anonymous No. 156123

>they should have followed consumer law imo.
lol yeah thats why you hit up the company and dont go acting like a karen in your local shop

Anonymous No. 156124

Oh damn
> It happened like the guy whose friend snapped his creature board, back tail snapped off. I didn't stomp or anything though and am not a consistent board breaker. I've landed that way hundreds of times before so I'm convinced it was a defective product

Sounds defective

Aside, what commonly available board ?manufacturer? do I cop if I don't want chinesium? I mean my trucks already are right?

Anonymous No. 156126

I don't want to name the brand because it's a local company that I've ridden many boards that were fine. Don't want someone googling them and seeing negative stuff. I can't find the woodshop on slap so 99% chance you'll never buy the brand.

Anonymous No. 156127

>I don't want to name the brand because it's a local company
this woulda been an even better scenario for you then lol. dm them on instagram a 100% chance youd get a new board instead you just went to your local shop to complain about a local brand which is just going to cause some dumb drama somewhere. i guess we all do stupid shit when were angry but know all this its particularly dumb.

Anonymous No. 156178

Yeah, 100% tell your local company that their boards are defective. They might not even know and would be happy to send you a replacement in order to keep their credibility. Your local shop doesn't know the durability of the things they order unless they were to actually skate them/make the unsellable and it'd be unfair to shelve the cost on them. It's probably good that they at least know something they're selling is garbage, but otherwise it's just bad luck on your behalf.

I mean, I bought Indies from my local only the find out the stock bushings were garbage (which seems to have been the case with a whole run of them), so I just told them and got some Bones so they can at least forewarn people buying the rest. And shit like that is how your local shop will say "hey man, don't buy those wheels/bushing/bearings/whatever, they're pretty low grade" next time you shop with them.

Anonymous No. 156194

The old indy bushings sucked but the new ones are actually pretty good.

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Anonymous No. 156195

>start doing new trick
>not sure what to call it

I'm gunna call it a shuvit-unshuvit

"that's not a trick, that's just two tricks, fucking retard."

Anonymous No. 156196

Yeah that's just a shuv and then a nollie back shuv. You are NOT allowed to call it a "shuvit-unshuvit".

Anonymous No. 156197

Actually a nollie back shuv. Assuming you're goofy, which is the 4chan approved stance.

Anonymous No. 156198


Front*. God I'm tired.

Anonymous No. 156199

I want to get it in quick enough succession that it feels and looks like one trick. Even quicker than in the video.
The idea is to start the "un-shuv" as i'm landing the first shuv.

Also, stance aside, it could be done as a shuv-it, then front shuvit, even though that's not how i did it.

Anonymous No. 156200

It can never be one trick but post more clips.

Anonymous No. 156201

>You are NOT allowed to call it a "shuvit-unshuvit".

i do what i want.

Anonymous No. 156202

Not until I pull up to the spot.

Anonymous No. 156204

oh shit, my bad.

didn't realize i was talking to a badass

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Anonymous No. 156205

You get a pass this one time. Your next assignment is to post a heelflip clip.

Anonymous No. 156209

And hop off to the after party

Anonymous No. 156210

Shuv rewind?

Anonymous No. 156217

are you guys seeing something im not, its a shuv then a fast nollie shuv after. not a new trick, not even some weird trick. literally just two tricks. if i do a bs 180 then a quick fs half cab thats not a bs180-un180 or a bs180 rewind lol

Anonymous No. 156234

Its nollie front shuv, then nollie shuv in quick succession. But that's a mouthful. Easier to call it nollie shuvit-unshuv

Anonymous No. 156235

No that's gay. Easier to not call it anything because anyone can see what you're doing. If you say nollie shuvit-unshuv to my face I will slap the shit out of you.

Anonymous No. 156236

Oh yeah? What else are you going to do to me? Maybe choke me and spit on me?

Anonymous No. 156237

:P you're a cutie pie uwu >.< *Nuzzles your shoulder*

Anonymous No. 156238

nollie bs shuv rolled to a nollie fs shuv

Anonymous No. 156239

The trick is though, I'm trying not to roll, I got to get it down the an immediate execution of the next trick as I'm landing the first.

Anonymous No. 156247

skateboarding isnt supposed to be easy dickhead. maybe if you werent so autistic you wouldnt be skating alone in an empty parking lot thinking your making new tricks up

Anonymous No. 156249

still not a single trick. just fast footwork on back to back shuvs, skate vids have em all the time, how are you being this gay and dumb

Anonymous No. 156253

Zoomer, there are countless "tricks" that are just quick combos of other tricks and manoeuvres.

Anonymous No. 156254

>making fun of someone that's actually skating and also posting OC in the thread

You I would slap the shit out of the most. Take your board, shoes, phone, all that.

It doesn't need to have a name.

Anonymous No. 156256

who cares about some gay ass fucking shit clip. why are you people so desperate to see someone ollie and struggle to do a shuv, its literally the shittiest dumbest parts of these threads and derails any discussion every time. if this were irl i would not interact with a stupid faggot in purple pants who thinks hes making up retarded ass tricks anyway.

Anonymous No. 156258

yeah boomer i know about the bs180un180 thanks

Anonymous No. 156259

Didn't we already tell you that if you don't like the thread you should go back you faggot bitch?

Anonymous No. 156260

slap has way better discussion and content then this place ever will but i cant stop coming on here to call people gay retards

Anonymous No. 156261

wait that beatrice girl got a shoe?

Anonymous No. 156263

she was pro for vans for a while before she got on FA. this isnt even her first shoe lol. biggest joke in skating.

Anonymous No. 156264

i kinda like the obstinate style of the

whats the flip variation is it kickflip, nollie kickflip or kickflip fakie kickflip or is it kickflip heelflip

Anonymous No. 156269

>he goes on slap

You're the most gayest retard itt. The GOAT of gay retards.

Anonymous No. 156271

getting back into skating, havent really since before covid. back then i sprained my right ankle really bad and havent been able to flick or do ollie motion with it since (am goofy footed). should i just start skating switch and learn tricks switch now? I never really had any flip tricks so my goal is to get one down.

Anonymous No. 156275

I'd think kickflip+heelflip. Because you want the board to do the opposite of what it did the first time.

Anonymous No. 156277

went to a skate park for the first time the other day it was a lotta fun learning how to do basic shit
is there anything I should know about going to a skate shop and buying my own board? I am kinda broke at the moment but I could probably spend like 50 bucks on one

Anonymous No. 156282

you cant even get a deck for 50 dollars anymore let alone a complete. a complete will probably cost you 70 - 120 dollars.
skatewarehouse actually has a bunch on sale rn.
all those are on the smaller size id recommend a 8.0 or 8.25

ccs has a bunch too on the cheaper side and you can pick your size too

Anonymous No. 156283

or if you have a friend that has some old parts laying around theres this option. 25 dollar blank deck some other anon posted

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 156301

>a stupid faggot in purple pants

shit... wait till he sees my cringey oversized wallet-chain.

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Anonymous No. 156302

>a stupid faggot in purple pants

shit, wait till he sees my cringey oversized wallet-chain...

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Anonymous No. 156304

tried to squeeze a heelflip in, just didn't have enough time.

Anonymous No. 156306

dis bitch frames video games lmafo

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 156307

>dis bitch frames video games lmafo
makes them too lmfao

Anonymous No. 156308

>putting your video games in a frame
yknow what i think i will go back to slap and stay there. fucking christ

Anonymous No. 156309

punish me, daddy

Anonymous No. 156310

You better stay there because if you come back I'm knocking your ass out.

Bro you could have done a niceass heelflip instead of that gayass bitchass pop shuv body varial.

Anonymous No. 156312

my bad, bro

Anonymous No. 156313

anyone got any trick tips for back 5050s on ledges?

i can do them sometimes, but i usually land in a feeble...

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Anonymous No. 156314

I'm Robert Neal and you're Gifted Hater if you say shuv unshuv.

Anonymous No. 156315

that's like the third pro skate that has threatened his life

Anonymous No. 156316

Steve Berra?

Anonymous No. 156317


ive skated almost every day for the last 5 years and i have no idea who any of these people are. this shit is so fucking whack. fuck people trying to influence skateboarding. fuck social media. just fucking skate faggots put your phone down and send it

Anonymous No. 156326

You are a gay nigger that's for sure

Anonymous No. 156328

Watch this or you're gay in your sleep tonight.

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stuck with a valu....png

Anonymous No. 156331

>be 14
>competitive gymnast
>skate on off days
>skate parks are very rare where I live
>badly injured at gym
>Back fucked up for a couple of years
>Quit gymnastics and skating
>now 29
>Opposite side of the country
>Just moved into new place within walking distance of a skate park
>have driven by dozens of other skate parks since having moved here
>itching to start skating again
>waiting for benefits to kick in at new job so I have health insurance before I start eating shit while knocking the proverbial rust off

Pic related is what I'm planning to order in the near future.
There are a lot of new brands which I do not recognize.
Any obvious substitutions that should be made?

Anonymous No. 156333

Don't get riser pads. Get regular reds bearings. Could get different bushings for your trucks eventually.

Anonymous No. 156338

If you're really skint, ask a friend if they have any old gear they can part with.

Anonymous No. 156341

This is pretty much my set up, would recommend.

What's wrong with 1/8" risers? They add a little bit of shock absorbance without making the board noticeably taller.

Anonymous No. 156343

Thank you both

Anonymous No. 156350

My favourite trucks were silver mids. Anyone know a similar truck now?

Anonymous No. 156352

crazy to buy ceramics/swiss and not have hollow or ti trucks also bushings just get reds it literally is such a scam

t. ceramics user

Anonymous No. 156358

I'd recommend not going top of the on everything for your first board. If you're relearning basics, just get something cheaper and you can upgrade as you need. Leaves room to play with gear if you want to go wider board etc too.

Anonymous No. 156367

until i was probably 17 everything i skated was second hand except my shoes, getting old shit from friends and the older homies and random shit id find at thrift stores and flea markets. i would construct the most frankenstein boards with mismatched wheels and trucks and shit and still find a way to make it work. 8.25 board on 7.75 trucks, one krux one tensor, 2 wheels with one durometer from one company and 2 wheels with a different durometer from a different company but eyeing them up to make sure there about the same size. i didnt give a fuck i just wanted to skate. i probably handicapped myself a little and cant ride a board unless its as loose as the gonz but i was able to skate and learn some shit and would sometimes even manage to do something that would impress my friends who would bust my balls about my frankenstein deck.

Anonymous No. 156368

any heelflip tips anons?

Anonymous No. 156370


fuck this shit

i think slap have IP banned me, whenever i try to make a new account it gets rejected

i'm going to make an account on a proxy

I WILL return to slap and not have to post here again

I WILL keep saying based shit on slap and making new accounts as soon as i get banned

Anonymous No. 156376

No one cares

Anonymous No. 156400

>be carrying my skateboard through tokyo station
>security officer stops me and demands to see inside my backpack
>sees 9cm blade
>asks me what i'm using it for
>tell him i used that to cut my grip tape recently and forgot about it
>tells me it's considered a weapon
>confiscates it
>be photographed, fingerprinted, and held for 4 hours

Anonymous No. 156408

You don't need absorbance and they definitely make the board noticeably taller. You will absolutely feel them and the standards are already high enough. You could get them and see for yourself I guess.

Waste of money unless you're poor and you can't afford a good set up. If you want to change sizes you've already wasted the money, if you want to stick with them, you're stuck with shit gear. The only thing that's keeping you from changing sizes if you wanted to is the trucks, and you can always resell indies or any other good brand you already bought.

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Anonymous No. 156438


Anonymous No. 156462

Thanks, dumb question but is it a bad idea to get a used board off Craigslist or FB marketplace? At the very least I got some wheels off my brother
Thatโ€™s on me for not knowing the price new stuff

Anonymous No. 156468

No, as long as they're not offering you literal shit. I guess post the offers in here and we can tell you if it's dogshit or passable.

Anonymous No. 156483

There is actually lots of good stuff on craigslist if you know what brands are worth getting. I've gotten a bunch of wheels, trucks and even some swiss bearings for super cheap

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Anonymous No. 156486

One time on CL somebody was practically giving away a big box full of spare parts. I ended up with 2 sets of old Indies and resold them on ebay. Boomers eat up that Independent/beer/motorcycle marketing so badly.

Anonymous No. 156494

bakerboys must be one of the biggest

Anonymous No. 156500

light trucks feel like shit

Anonymous No. 156512

I learned how to drop in the other day. After being strictly a street guy my whole life I felt it was time I learned some vert shit. The trick is to commit before your brain talks you out of it.

Anonymous No. 156517

Yeah whats with boomers who dont even skate but are into motorcycles being obsessed with the indy logo

Anonymous No. 156519

You dont know shit retard, swiss bearings are worth every penny

Anonymous No. 156525

>swiss bearings for super cheap
high chance they could be fake

Anonymous No. 156532

High chance they're real actually, 'fake swiss bearings' haven't been a thing for like 2 decades you retard

Anonymous No. 156535

You have absolutely no idea about what you're talking about. Even Bones had to make an announcement on that. Just please stop talking.

Anonymous No. 156536

Just started skateboarding.
Trying to avoid associating with any posers.
so far the signs I've picked up on:
What else are there??

Anonymous No. 156542

Bones bearings that aren't regular reds. Cariuma. Nike. Primitive.

Anonymous No. 156543

>Trying to avoid associating with any posers
buy skateboard. go skateboarding. simple as.

Anonymous No. 156545

You guys remember JP Garcia? He used to be hyped up as a prodigy skater kid years ago on jtube. I wonder what happened to him. He's probably an adult now.

Anonymous No. 156553

Fuck ankle injuries all my homies HATE ankle injuries.

Anonymous No. 156562

looks good, prob dont need the risers. id switch out reds for swiss, formula four instead of bigheads.

Anonymous No. 156565

stop caring about any of this shit. ride an element board. use vans. love thrasher. mall grab. vans is actually my preferred skate shoe i can usually find a decent pair for sale whenever i need.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 156572

I wish there were a website where you could look at every deck released by every company over the years.
Found pic related while searching and it has triggered a deep sense of nostalgia.
First deck was a black and red birdhouse with two golden serpent-like dragons on it. Can't find a pic anywhere.
Was always a huge fan of the blind decks with the reaper mascot. Particularly the one where he's eating a mushroom while there's a giant mushroom cloud behind him.

Anonymous No. 156577

like this?

Anonymous No. 156592

lol wut

Anonymous No. 156597

>Trying to avoid associating with any posers
Probably the most poser thing you can do

Anonymous No. 156598


avoid anyone wearing super baggy jeans

Anonymous No. 156599

element boards in the current year are like a little secret that only true skaters know about, they are cheap as fuck and good quality with all kinds of shapes and sizes

i'm riding a 9.0 element as my bowl deck right now with ace 55s, 58mm spitfire f4s and bones swiss because i'm not a retard who buys 6 pairs of reds a year instead of one pair of swiss

Anonymous No. 156606

ive been riding an 8.38 element i got for 19 dollars for the past month, easily among my boards of all time.

Anonymous No. 156607

Just got an 8.5 element deck today for 30 bucks.
but I AM a poser, so.

Anonymous No. 156610

you should probably do a kick flip or something then

Anonymous No. 156620

where was yours made? mine was chinese made but it's actually sick.

Anonymous No. 156621

avoid looking into any mirrors or reflective surfaces

Anonymous No. 156691

same, gonna be sad when it breaks and might buy a couple more of this exact same deck

Anonymous No. 156704

>Was pissed so I drove straight to the shop and demanded they replace it and they refused

Hahahaha, done the same thing

Anonymous No. 156705

Feeling nostalgic for the shoe reviews

Anonymous No. 156706

I have never ridden indy stock bushings, they are too soft for me

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Anonymous No. 156707

>fs half cab

Anonymous No. 156708

>i would construct the most frankenstein boards with mismatched wheels and trucks and shit and still find a way to make it work

That sounds cool

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Anonymous No. 156710

Again thanks for the help
Found someone selling an element complete board for $50, supposedly brand new with tags. Dunno the size though. Seems like a good deal to me anyways

Anonymous No. 156723

hol up
I heard in California you are allowed to be do stupid shit and be a degenerate.

Anonymous No. 156742

Not bad even though you're getting element brand trucks and wheels which wont resell for a decent price, although they're definitely skatable and not complete trash. This looks like a 7.75 board though. Kind of a baby size even though that's all we skated back in the day.

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Anonymous No. 156743

>fs half cab

Anonymous No. 156745

the guy didnt list the size? cant you ask him to measure it? You dont wanna end up with a 7.5 kids board by accident. 7.75 would still be too small today but its workable.

Anonymous No. 156762

bones big balls spin really good with little maintenance

Anonymous No. 156767

remember to spray wd40 in all your bearings to lube them up

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Anonymous No. 156768

>That guy with size 9 shoes riding an 8.5" board

Anonymous No. 156772

what are you talking about. everyone rides big boards these days, shoe size doesnt matter at all, if it did we woulda had 8+ decks as the standard way sooner.

Anonymous No. 156773

Im just getting into skating, is this a good place to learn?

Anonymous No. 156780

definitely better than any advice youll get on here

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Anonymous No. 156783

>linking to red of dit

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Anonymous No. 156801


Thanks again for the input.
Visited the local shop and ended up with pic related.
Went to the skatepark early this morning so I'd have it to myself.
It was a humbling experience.
I'm 100lbs heavier and nearly a foot taller than I was when I last skated.
I can still ollie / land kickflips if I'm hanging on to a rail or fence for stability, but I'm going to buy a helmet / pads before I attempt to ollie while moving or even go near a ramp.

Anonymous No. 156802


Ew. Those bushings on the ventures will die in a month probably. Especially if you're a fat fuck, considering you're holding onto fences and thinking about buying pads and helmets. I replaced mine with bones hard bushings and they're good.

Anonymous No. 156803

Do you have any alternatives anon

Anonymous No. 156804

Reddit is the alternative. The shitty useless aids infested alternative of 4chan.

Anonymous No. 156807

thread already terrible with this summer poster

Anonymous No. 156808

lol i made the wd40 post as a joke keep up

that FAQ is literally the best your gonna get, its actually really fucking good and Im gonna start posting it at whoever asks "how I ollie/where to buy skateboard." we used to have a "beginners guide" pastebin here but it was always shit, outdated info, nobody could agree on anything and then it was lost as the threads/OPs got worse and worse. not even slap has a comprehensive beginners guide like that, not like beginners are gonna know about slap tho.

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Anonymous No. 156809

the thread was already off to a terrible start when the dude started posting about how nollie shove video. and not because of the autistic fighting or shitposting that followed, but because nobody actually knows the difference between a nollie frontside shove it (it goes in front of you) and a nollie backside shove it (it goes behind you). i'm sure this a very hard concept to grasp for some of you, including this retard (>>156198) who was so confident in being wrong he had to post about it two times.

and thats whats really wrong with /esg/. not the autistic fighting or lack of OC or obvious bait posts or new posters asking how to roll down their driveway. but the posters who are so ready to talk about skateboarding without knowing shit about it. this retarded eurocuck is shitting the bed because someone is saying "frontside halfcab" but nobody actually bothered to tell all the retards in here earlier that they don't even know what variation of a nollie shove they are correctly doing. I hate you faggots so fucking much

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Anonymous No. 156811

>the posters who are so ready to talk about skateboarding without knowing shit about it
This is an interesting point. WHY do you guys do this? Do these posters who have been skating since last Thursday actually believe it themselves? The dumb shit you guys post gets called out in seconds but some of you still think you're experts. What is this phenomenon called?

Anonymous No. 156814

This guy gets it

They have no friends to skate with/talk about skating with.
They have never seen a skate video aside from trick tutorials.
They think that skateboarding isnt supposed to have "rules" or whatever its about "just skating."
They assume everyone in here is just as new and terrible as them.

Anonymous No. 156816

kill yourself slap redditor

Anonymous No. 156825

decent enough set up

Anonymous No. 156829

do you even know what slap is you retard?

Anonymous No. 156834

sometimes it's just trolling
notice how /esg/ always attributes such posts to incompetence but never points out troll posts

t. troll

Anonymous No. 156840

Go back tourist nigger

Anonymous No. 156843

You're all faggots for actually reading and getting involved in all that faggotry after the clip

Anonymous No. 156844

literally one of the first things that come up when you search skateboard beginners shut the FUCK up faggot

Anonymous No. 156846

The place where you should go back to.

Anonymous No. 156851

I think David Gravette is based.

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Anonymous No. 156854

Itโ€™s an 8.0
Went and bought it from him just now, rode it around a bit and it was a bit loose but otherwise pretty good
Hopefully now I can start practicing a lot more when I donโ€™t have to borrow a board

Anonymous No. 156867

seems a bunch of criminals got away scott free while a few innocent bystanders and passerbys were restrained and detained and whatnot
it's a shitshow but maybe that's the norm

Anonymous No. 156871

>seems a bunch of criminals got away scott free while a few innocent bystanders and passerbys were restrained and detained
Typical isn't it...

Anonymous No. 156872

The "go back to slap" shit is hilarious cause its pretty much saying
>Hey this place is for kooks and noobs only, if your good or knowledgeable go over there to actually talk about skateboarding
The lack of self awareness is astounding, what does this guy actually think he's saying?

Anonymous No. 156873

i would go back to slap in a heartbeat if i wasnt permabanned for racism

Anonymous No. 156874

This place is for people who use 4chan to talk about skateboarding. Not for tourist newfags to come and shit up. Go back slap = gtfo you are not wanted here

Anyway, x-games street comp:

Anonymous No. 156876

if all the people who disagree with you actually left and went to slap you'd be left with literally 0 actual skaters in this thread and the rest would be 'what should be my first board' noobs

Anonymous No. 156877

Nobody here is a tourist dude, nobody here came from slap or reddit to talk about skateboarding, thats literally the biggest downgrade you could make. Like going from banging a instagram model to banging some obese ogre.

>x-game street comp
Actually the gayest shit you could have posted after you said the most retarded thing in the world. Congrats on being a huge gay retard.

Anonymous No. 156878

>wahhhh you don't talk about skating
>wahhhh im going to slap
>wahhhh skate comps are gay
>wahhhh your conversations about skating aren't cool
>wahhhh those shoes are hipster
>wahhhh he did a shuv it and posted it
>wahhhh you guys are all bad at skating
>wahhhh he posted his board
>wahhhh fucking wahhh
Go back you absolute faggots

Anonymous No. 156881

You need help lil bro.

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Anonymous No. 156884

My board broke this weekend. 10 years old so it was gonna happen soon. What should my next deck be?

Anonymous No. 156885

And you need to take your passive aggressive bitch attitude back to plebbit

Anonymous No. 156886

who fucking cares what your next board will be you dumb fag, if you skate infrequently enough to have a board last 10 years then it literally does not matter

Anonymous No. 156889

>wahhhh he asked what board to buy next!

Anonymous No. 156892

You are actually the biggest fag, wild. Actual drain on society

Anonymous No. 156893

if this isnt the same poster ill kms

Anonymous No. 156894

the waahhhh poster is making fun of the doucheposter

Anonymous No. 156895

what the fuck are you talking about retard

Anonymous No. 156897

Here's what you gotta do
>1. Go to skateshop
>2. pick up and inspect deck
>3. Ask yourself if it matches your preferences in regards to its dimensions (width, length, curvature)
>4. If the answer is no, repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 until the answer is yes
>5. When you find a suitable board, put it back on the shelf and instead buy the deck you've been eyeing since you walked in
You now have a blind or zero deck with a spooky ass skelington on it

Anonymous No. 156898

back in the day we used to have real posters like gutbro and jesusbro and the diy guy and many others now we have the wahh poster and the douche poster wow i love /esg/

Anonymous No. 156900

i'll take that over the female pro skater media spammers

Anonymous No. 156902

we used to have those too! nora was queen

Anonymous No. 156905

I'm old occasional lurker but never really posted much, what are the threads lacking nowadays?

Anonymous No. 156906

I like all the youtube videos he pops up in. Seems like a cool guy and skates nice.

Anonymous No. 156909

It's actually saying that you're an annoying butthurt zoomer newfaggot with zero contribution to the thread and you should leave.

Anonymous No. 156912

>skating in the garage
>motorcycles in background
>multicoloured wheels
>gay deck graphic
>rocket ollie
>skating in boots
>skating in shorts
>skating in shorts and boots
>claiming his board is 10 years old
>asking the no-no beginner questions about new boards
This is the /esg/ I know and love.

Anonymous No. 156948
why did we turn out like this

Anonymous No. 156950

I'm so salty butthurt resentful and jealous that god allowed this dude to skateboard whereas I was cursed with my knee injury that also happened in the most retarded way possible. Bro can't even 180 properly.

Anonymous No. 156952

I too am cursed with an injury that happened in the most retarded way possible. I can't even backside steer properly.
Why am I even here?

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Anonymous No. 156954

had fun hitting some spots the other day

Anonymous No. 156957


Are we back in 2009?

Anonymous No. 156959


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Anonymous No. 156960

which schizo here was this?

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Anonymous No. 156978

Why are there so many crazy people now?

Anonymous No. 156989

I almost died in 2009.

Anonymous No. 156990

Truly iconic

Anonymous No. 156992

>see old skateboard In garage
>Pop a couple of Ollies
>Dominant knee hurts the next day
Who /tendonitis/ here?

Anonymous No. 157036

Basic looking skate shoe
Good board feel
Good shock absorbant insoles
Does it exist?

Anonymous No. 157063


Anonymous No. 157064

>Basic looking skate shoe
theres a million
>Good board feel
vulc shoes
>Good shock absorbant insoles
buy your own insoles
>Does it exist?

Anonymous No. 157099


Anonymous No. 157104

If you skate in dunks you're cringe.

Anonymous No. 157106

you have brain damage, anon, but at least you answered the actual question right at the end.

Anonymous No. 157111

>donโ€™t focus on โ€œhanging your foot off the boardโ€ it helps but not totally necessary to learn them
>try turning your ankle so your foot you flick with is more in duck stance/diagonal before you pop
>flick mainly with your pinky toe at the height of your ollie. Helps even it out for me
>tighten your trucks if they keep flying behind you.
>try to distribute your weight more โ€œbackseatโ€ before you pop.
>learning how to distribute your weight correctly before the trick helps more than u think

Anonymous No. 157117

what will happen if i use machine bearings instead of skate rated ones

Anonymous No. 157118

switch bussy flip

Anonymous No. 157121

You will get the same bearings more or less for cheap.

Anonymous No. 157206

explain how im wrong. every company has at least 2 basic looking shoes. if you want good board feel you go vulc. no stock insole is gonna be as good as some 10 - 15 dollar dr scholls.

Anonymous No. 157221

The time of Nora and the other old hags is over. We are entering the age of cute slav girls making silly videos

Anonymous No. 157223

That was surprizingly sick. Didn't expect that at all. They dress like retards and fuck that autist in the overalls and his autistic 4 panel hat that put the bread on the dirty concrete, but overall I enjoyed this video.

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Anonymous No. 157228

I found some old childhood clips and I'm cringing hard. Why did I film this lmao?

Anonymous No. 157238

i tried doing the blunt stall thing and my board went flying and i hit my shin on the coping :|

Anonymous No. 157240

Went cruising around town at 3am the other night for the first time, I was planning on hitting up a parking garage to practice, but a cop car stopped me
kept asking me for my name and address so i just gave him fake ones after some back and forth, said something about "making sure i wasnt out stealing stuff"
skaters truly are oppressed

shows how far you've come i guess?

Anonymous No. 157249

Skate mafia full length was sick. My type of skating.

Anonymous No. 157251

I'm jealous me and my friends filmed for years and the guy with the camera left town one day and we never saw the footage.
I guarantee there was footy was worse than that.

Anonymous No. 157255

Are you black?

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Anonymous No. 157282

kill all skateboard collectors

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Anonymous No. 157291

I almost understand buying an old graphic you liked when you were young, but those guys are all insane.

Anonymous No. 157314

What do you guys listen to while skating?

Anonymous No. 157315

what's wrong with this?
its cool?

Anonymous No. 157316

It's a flatground ollie over a 1.5l plastic water bottle...

Anonymous No. 157317

That's pretty advanced for these parts.

Anonymous No. 157318

where is the line drawn where filming skating is cool?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 157324

nollie heelflip to fs nosegrind 3-shuv out.

Anonymous No. 157328


Anonymous No. 157331


Anonymous No. 157336

At the heelflip stage.

Anonymous No. 157339

why is filming a flatground heelflip ok, but a flatground ollie not?
>inb4 difficulty
you can't film skating at a lower difficulty than a heelflip? why? says who?

Anonymous No. 157343

Filming and posting an Ollie online over the age of 12 is gay and cringe and I don't think anyone except the people who started skating in there 20s/30s is gonna disagree.

Anonymous No. 157344

so it's gay and cringe because you say so?
is a 12 year old uploading a video of him playing basketball gay and cringe?

Anonymous No. 157345

Toto slaps
ive been really into prog rock lately

Anonymous No. 157346


Anonymous No. 157347

forgot to mention i listen to this on cassette while riding my penny board.

Anonymous No. 157351

It's gay and cringe because everyone thinks so except for the 34 year olds who just started skating like you. Idk what a 12 yo playing basketball has to do with anything, were talking about grown adults here. If I just started playing guitar at 29 I'm not gonna post a video of myself playing smoke on the water online.

Anonymous No. 157352

so if everyone thinks something is gay and cringe, as long as they're not 34 and just started skating, it must be true?
I think I've seen chris cole like a post of an older dude doing an ollie on instagram, is he just an exception to eh rule or is that a valid contradiction to your condition for something being gay and cringe?

Anonymous No. 157353

the online today has so much media that nobody cares what you post. it is different from the 90s/00s where your 240p switch heelflip on a pyramid getting sub 4 digit was the equivalent of going viral in your flyover

Anonymous No. 157355

>If I just started playing guitar at 29 I'm not gonna post a video of myself playing smoke on the water online
If a beginner posts a guitar vid they'll get advice. If a kook posts a skate clip they get heckled. I don't really care if it's right or have much of an opinion on it. Seems there is a community of older guys on YouTube uploading their terrible skating progression. It doesn't hurt me.. Each to their own.

Anonymous No. 157356

all the old fuckers at my local wear FULL pads and helmet lol

Anonymous No. 157357

What happened to the chunky skate shoes of the early 2000s?
I know some zoomers have started wearing them due to 90s clothing being trendy again, but I only ever see actual skatboarders irl wearing low profile vulcanized shoes

Anonymous No. 157358

your gay and should get your brain checked. you asked why posting an ollie is gay and cringe and i answered.
>I think I've seen chris cole like a post
gay and cringe kys

Anonymous No. 157359

meant for >>157352
im not going to continue this convo because i learned how to ollie when i was a kid like a normal person

Anonymous No. 157360

Anon why do you hate fun so much?

Anonymous No. 157361

i dont enjoy participating in online circle jerks of retards patting each other on the back. i encourage people I know irl but i still think its gay when one of my friends sets up their phone to record a slappy fs 50-50 to post to instagram.

Anonymous No. 157362

i accept your concession
it's raining and i can't skate today
my other hobby is weeding out retarded unexamined ideas so i kill time doing this sometimes

Anonymous No. 157363

Yeah don't skate in the rain. That's how THAT happened and it's now over for me.

Anonymous No. 157384

these both always have the right pace for me to loosen up to at the start of a session

Anonymous No. 157392

hey guys, how can i get a skater gf? i am hispanic and turbomanlet.

Anonymous No. 157398

im not conceding, you just dont have a valid argument against my claim that posting an ollie in your 20s/30s is cringe and gay. maybe when your like 50 you can ride that wave of old guy skaters making progress but besides that it just looks like a bunch of retards trying to recapture their wasted youth.

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Anonymous No. 157400

Anonymous No. 157401

now this is podracing

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Anonymous No. 157408

>chunky skate shoes of the early 2000s
These with cupsole are objectively better for skateboarding than other shoes.
The reason people no longer wear them is the same reason no one wears a helmet.
Skateboarding is about style.

Anonymous No. 157409

damn you an old ass nigga fr. grandpa in the cut

Anonymous No. 157410

have you ever been called an incel at the park?

Anonymous No. 157411

falling is part of the fun, just be careful anon

Anonymous No. 157414

>sister moving away
>gives back old longboard i let her borrow a long time ago
>has bones swiss bearings
hell yes, i can't wait to clean/lube them, then put them shits on my board. i'm gonna roll for so long, someone stop me

Anonymous No. 157415

>someone stop me
why, i'd rather see my /esg/ bros shred into the sunset

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Anonymous No. 157417

Pretty obvious what happened. Your weight was too far back before you started the trick. Centre your hips more with the green line

Anonymous No. 157418

>Calling people incels irl
I suspect you're a virgin zoomie too

Anonymous No. 157423

>can't wait
friendly reminder that bearing shields get mashed when fastening the axle nuts due to slop between the socket and nut combined with light turning with the handle
don't be one of those guys

Anonymous No. 157429

So you have deck rails on I'm expecting a clip of a boardslide then. Redditass board too. Cool clip though.

Anonymous No. 157436

we die alone

Anonymous No. 157449

In not so surprising news, Darkroom has now officially gone out of business :\

Anonymous No. 157455

i do not know what you said, but i will still try to not be one of those guys...

Anonymous No. 157461

just make sure the skate tool or whatever is not touching the bearing when turning it clockwise

Anonymous No. 157474

>try turning your ankle so your foot you flick with is more in duck stance/diagonal before you pop
This is making it happen for me thanks bro, only issue now is that I keep kicking them a bit forward and I wanna break that habit before it gets bad

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Anonymous No. 157476

>Deck snapped
>Want to skate today
>Want a zero deck
>local shop doesn't carry any
>zumies has it
This post was brought to you by analysis paralysis

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Anonymous No. 157481

Couldn't justify giving money to zumies.
Got pic related

Anonymous No. 157486

Jamie Thomas weeps

Anonymous No. 157500

only time you should be buying shit from zumies is when they have sales. other than that your a dickhead. needing a specific deck so bad you buy it from zumiez is pathetic asf.

also you guys know that webm of the fat middle age guy is like 2 years old from r/newskaters right, youre all just trolling haha

Anonymous No. 157543

>also you guys know that webm of the fat middle age guy is like 2 years old from r/newskaters right,
I wouldn't know, I don't go there.

Anonymous No. 157544

t. redditor zoomer

Anonymous No. 157546

its been posted here multiple times newfag

Anonymous No. 157555

Why did you include my post in your reply?

Anonymous No. 157568

I remember when I moved to a new city and I went to the skatepark for the first time, the park OG came up and straight up asked me what my opinion on faggots was. I'm sitting there like lmao is he trying to fight me because I hate gays or is he testing me to see if I'm a faggot.

Anonymous No. 157569

so what was your beta response

Anonymous No. 157570

I said I don't think about them.

Anonymous No. 157571

You need to be careful anon, it sounds like he was going to molest you.

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Anonymous No. 157586

I'd agree you shouldn't go out of your way to shop from there, but if it's convenient or you just happen to find something you kinda want theres no harm, it's just a fuckin shop man. Gonna get mad I buy beer from time to time at a gas station instead of specifically going to a liquor shop?

Anonymous No. 157589

Support your local core liquor store.

Anonymous No. 157614

Do you guys tip your local skate shop? Is a 15% tip enough?

Anonymous No. 157615

I always pay in cash because for card payments they have a tablet on a stand which they spin around for you to put in your PIN. At the end there's a prompt for you to tip with buttons for 15, 25, and 30%.
I guess it makes sense if you're having them assemble a board for you, but I'll be damned if I have to feel guilted into paying an extra 5-10 bucks just because a guy reached under the display case to retrieve a set of wheels for me.

Anonymous No. 157620

I tip 20 percent and make sure to leave a little extra like a meal to make sure I cover the local shop tax.
I don't want to save any money and buy online.

Anonymous No. 157630

>but if it's convenient or you just happen to find something you kinda want theres no harm
zumiez should only be used in case of sale or desperate need. "gosh i really want to suck jamie thomas's dick" is not either of those cases

this 100% happened definitely true story, everytime i go to a new park someone comes up to me and asks me about gay people. i hate skateboarding because of this.

Anonymous No. 157632

>t. doesn't tip

Anonymous No. 157653

>everytime i go to a new park someone comes up to me and asks me about gay people
>t. gay looking

Anonymous No. 157661

>this 100% happened definitely true story

Yes it did happen you weak faggot. I live in eastern yurop, not in your nice and cucked upper class suburb.

Anonymous No. 157662

I live a block away from my local but i havent been in there in like 3 months

Anonymous No. 157666

>like this?
Like that, with every deck ever made from every company.
None of the websites like that seem to have more than 5 or 6 from any given brand. What's the point?

Anonymous No. 157671

lol why?

Anonymous No. 157673

This is actually a pretty blessed image

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Anonymous No. 157689

>looking at skate parks on google maps
>Checking to see if there's anything worth making a day trip for
>click on one
>Blurry picture of a scooter kid in the parking lot
>Park in the background looks like it might be decent
>13 other photos
>sunsets and sunrises
>actual skatepark isn't visible in any of them

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Anonymous No. 157690

>If only you knew how bad things really are

Anonymous No. 157691

Can you use satellite images or like street view on Google maps?

I live in Philly

Anonymous No. 157699

i made a new slap account. this time i will just post over-the-top liberal shit and see how long i last.

Anonymous No. 157700

is reese nelson a trans?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 157712

That's cool and all but have you decided if you will stay there and never come back here yet?

Anonymous No. 157731

>I live in an alphabet city

Point proven.

Anonymous No. 157744

how long does it take to ride down 58mm 99 wheels to 50

Anonymous No. 157758

Literally 4 years.

Anonymous No. 157773

You've got at least a year on those.

Anonymous No. 157793

Anyone skate this weekend?

Anonymous No. 157797

if anyone cares the x-games is on rn

Anonymous No. 157829

New guy here. I'm not a poser. I take my board outside regularly and practice riding it and doing tricks. What's wrong with vans? That's what I'm wearing because I can find them everywhere. Do they not work as well or are you just being a faggot?

Anonymous No. 157843

The people wearing vans are being faggots.

Anonymous No. 157848

That's not true because I wear them and I'm not a faggot and you don't wear them and you're into fashion.

Anonymous No. 157849

The post is a joke.
The whole idea of "poser" vs "not a poser" is childish.
It makes sense from the perspective of schoolyard social hierarchies, but this is a website for 30 year old boomers.

Anonymous No. 157851

It's true because I don't wear them because faggots wear them and I'm not a faggot and I don't wear them so if you wear them you're a faggot and if you're not a faggot you should stop wearing them.

Anonymous No. 157861

It's not even about a hierarchy. Gatekeeping is about keeping out invaders who aren't like you. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm like you or if the skating community is for /fa/ggots. And if vans are good shoes or not.

Anonymous No. 157866

>New guy here. I'm not a poser.
Nobody talks like this in real life. Where do you guys come from? Is this still a debate in the Midwest or something?

Anonymous No. 157875

I am from the midwest but I'm not a representation of how they talk. I'm an autist on 4chan who's getting into skating as an adult.

Anonymous No. 157898

>if vans are good shoes or not.
They're popular for a reason.
The biggest complaint with them seems to be how quickly they can wear out from skating.
Obviously, this depends on which style you are wearing.
In general, I consider them to be good shoes.

Anonymous No. 157908

Post a clip. Let's see how vans wearers skate.

Anonymous No. 157931

How about literally anyone post a clip

Anonymous No. 157962

nobody wants to post anything because that little sperg is saving everyones photo in some sort of archive. he probably jerks off to it or something weird and gay.

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Anonymous No. 157965

support your local costco

Anonymous No. 157969

Yeh I had a stinker, been a couple weeks off my board and my legs were wobbly. Tried about 10 kickflips off a bump and missed every flick and gave up..

Anonymous No. 157972

>alphabet city
tf does this even mean? yuropoors stay mad i guess

>i bet you wear vans
used to be a meme on /esg/ making fun of kiddos who cop a fresh pair of vans and a baker board as babbys first skateboarder experience.

yeah lets see some more awful nollie shuvs thatll improve the thread quality

Anonymous No. 157977

Didn't you make a new slap account?

Anonymous No. 157980

Post something then. Or are you trying to say all you can do is a nollie shuv?

Anonymous No. 157983

im not that guy

no im saying shitty clips dont make the thread better and begging people to post shitty clips is retarded

Anonymous No. 158000

ok post something good then, i literally just want to talk about skateboarding with people who skateboard this whining shit is gay

Anonymous No. 158002

check out the gx1000 dudes ripping up crusty mexico streets they are insane and one of my favorite crews. gx1000 and fancy lad are the two crews ill click on their vids instantly i think its a good best of both worlds type of thing for me. kooky skating and core ass street skating

Anonymous No. 158004

nice i watched that a couple days ago and fancy lad basically got me back into skating, i wish theyd release a new video soon

Anonymous No. 158008

i think its been a few years since their last full length so we might get something new within the year. tom mattasello is in my personal top 3 skaters. not really sure how i feel about that guy who was handboarding or whatever the fuck you wanna call it.

Anonymous No. 158013

orange man? or gnardo? i find alot of the silly shit impressive anyway just because they took the time to do it, theyre editing just does it for me though i forget which video but its just skating spliced with some dude smoking people with an ar 15 in a park

Anonymous No. 158014

orange man is fine he does his thing he cant flip his board just like me. idk what the dudes name is but he was just doing hand skating in the last vid, kinda wack unless hes injured. felt like might as well be finger boarding. you wouldnt put that shit in the middle of a vid.

Anonymous No. 158016

in secrets of the clown box? or am i missing one? idk im just rewatching gnardos part and theres a bunch of joke shit in there but the double blunt is legtimately impressive

Anonymous No. 158017

its some fat dude idk im watching zane timpson parts rn ill go back and find it in the morning

Anonymous No. 158023

>original xbox
holy fuck, kinda scuffed, but based

Anonymous No. 158025

you do so much crazy shit you wouldnt do otherwise playing skate, some how the confidence and commitment just comes out

Anonymous No. 158044

It means that you're gay basically.

Anonymous No. 158075

no answer? stay mad europoor

Anonymous No. 158077

I think that was the answer and by alphabet he means lgbtn.

Anonymous No. 158079

But that's the actual answer. Are you dumb?

Anonymous No. 158086

what the fuck is an alphabet city faggot

i live in a lgbtq city? arent all cities full of gays

Anonymous No. 158088

>oh you live someplace where theres other skaters with multiple skate parks and plenty of street spots? HAHA YOUR GAY, OWNED!!

why are you guys like this?

Anonymous No. 158092

Why are you so lame bro? Took a harmless joke to an autistic 20 post reply chain. Yes I called philly gay. That's the whole joke. You wouldn't get pressed by gay haters at a philly skatepark if it's a gay city.

Anonymous No. 158093

lol you dumb g**k, no one wants to post because you always spam the thread with shit whenever someone posts OC. no one else has ever been doxxed but you gavin

Anonymous No. 158095

Those spots are completely nuts. I'm not even sure if you can call them spots damn

Anonymous No. 158097

you seem like you got some issues. im not going to be gaslighted by some europoor faggot.

definitely not spots lol just wall rides into huge hill bombs shits nuts.

schizo retard

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Anonymous No. 158099

Hi cali-friends ,
I took two of my kids to the swap meet yesterday and I found an abandoned picnic spot on Boquet Canyon in Santa Clarita. I used to commute there through this road but my wife gets sick with the curves on the road so I haven't taken it in years. What used to be a man made pond is now dried up and I think the area-with extensive clean up- would be so skateable. I had my 2yo with me and there's no way I couldn't get out and take pics without just chasing that one around.
This picture is from Google Earth.

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Anonymous No. 158101

They don't have great pictures but I showed my brother and he's down to take his kid and I could take my 12 yo . We just had our 5th kid on the 8th so I can't spend too much time on it I'd probably have to go section by section or clean up a little bit here and there.
My main concern is that it's right on the side of the road and in the national forest so idk if skateboarding on federal land is going to end up fucking me. It's full of graffiti and I bet people fuck in that gazebo all the time so maybe it'll be fine.
One day I'm going to get a better look at it before I put the effort in because if the concrete is shit or the ground is too crusty it may not be worth the trouble. I found a YouTube with drone footage but it doesn't really focus on the dry pond.
I'm leaving the address in case any other anons want to check it out as well. Idk when I'll have time to go back , but I'll post more pics when I do. If not this week probably the next week.

Anonymous No. 158105


Learn English.

Anonymous No. 158107

its only the jealous europoors mad that their best spot is a cobblestone horse pen

Anonymous No. 158117


Anonymous No. 158131

>We just had our 5th kid
Dadbro? Holy shit dude pull out or cum in her mouth or something. Don't go exploring there bro, you'll get raped by mountain men

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Bowie refreshed.gif

Anonymous No. 158142

>core liqour store
>ran throughout prohibition and hard times
>guy running it is a lifelong drinker of taste, only hires people like him
>has their own shop brews that are perfectly serviceable-to-good
>is a nice place to hang out for a single pint, shooting the shit with the clerks
>occasionally has other drinkers, whiskey masters, brewers, etc come around to the shop to hang out and meet the local customers
>hosts piss ups in the nearby parks during the summer where people play drinking games for prizes
>flows the local prospect competitive drinkers free booze so they can promote the shop around town

That sounds fucking sweet.

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Anonymous No. 158144

I fucking hate these guys. I would love a Cab shape deck for pools, but they cost twice a normal board because of fucking collectors. I wish skate companies would just make 2 ply or shit wood decks made for hanging to keep these guys happy and keep the actual decks afforadable.


Anonymous No. 158153

It's actually fucking crazy how Beatrice domond is genuinely stupid but the whole industry just ignores it because of political correctness. I'm fucking tired of acting like black people are equal when they're objectively not.

Anonymous No. 158169

>I would love a Cab shape deck for
i got one at my local for like 80 bucks, not really that much more desu

Anonymous No. 158174

There's potential here but you'd need a whole crew to make it work. Keep us posted would love to see more pics to see if it's worth the trip

Anonymous No. 158233

>you'd need a whole crew to make it work
all you need is a shovel a broom and the desire to skate

Anonymous No. 158252

Make it buttery smooth and faster

Anonymous No. 158254

would still look like shit

Anonymous No. 158255

Just like your mom

Anonymous No. 158256


Anonymous No. 158260

she's also a huge asshole irl so the whole thing is even more bizarre.

Anonymous No. 158262


Anonymous No. 158280

How do you know? Did you meet her?

Anonymous No. 158283

They're well over ยฃ110 here if you can even find one new. A regular deck is usually around ยฃ60, ยฃ45 if you go for a cheap shop, blank or Death deck. I have no idea why, but all Powell decks are more expensive in the UK than in the US.

Anonymous No. 158319

I still rewatch black ninja's parts from time to time. They're peak soul and 4chan.

Anonymous No. 158405

its crazy cause even the consensus on slap is that shes a charity pick
many people have said shes a asshole. at this point you cant say its just people on the internet making shit up. if regular nyc skaters are saying shes a piece of shit you gotta kinda believe it

Anonymous No. 158411

Unfortunately yes. Our city has a popular skatepark and she's showed up more than once.

Anonymous No. 158437

Did she do front 50 front shuv out?

Anonymous No. 158446

Who's this bitch and what did she do?

Anonymous No. 158448

token esg score booster and cant skate

Anonymous No. 158449

Score booster?

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Anonymous No. 158453

Yeah she plays a lot of video games.

Anonymous No. 158455

you don't know who beatrice domond is? why are you here dude?

Anonymous No. 158458

Shut the fuck up ugly slapfaggot.

Anonymous No. 158463

How do you know anon is ugly? Did you meet xsheirm?

Anonymous No. 158464

That first hill bomb made me so uncomfortable holy shit

Anonymous No. 158466

>you have to be a slap faggot to know about pro skaterboarders
im backing up the other guy and asking why the fuck your even here if you dont know shit

Anonymous No. 158467

>try to have a conversation about skateboarding
>some 33 year old retard whos been skating for 6 months tells you to go back to the most popular skateboarding website

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Anonymous No. 158472

The future is now, old man.
For me, it's Aaron Kyro and Andy Schrock

Anonymous No. 158474

how do i tune out others? i swear it feels like everyone's staring at me like i did something wrong, and it breaks my confidence because it makes me question myself. maybe it's just all me for expecting quiet, rather than this type of confrontational energy. makes me sad regardless. at least i have another spot after this.

Anonymous No. 158476

Get over yourself. You neurotic weirdos need to cut this shit out right now.

Anonymous No. 158477

stare at them back

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Anonymous No. 158479

transition skaters rise up

Anonymous No. 158480

you're right. i was sitting and thinking to myself and realized no one really cares. thank god for that.

Anonymous No. 158482

Don't go where others are, obviously dumb ass

Anonymous No. 158502

isnt it interesting how the best skaters in the world are all pro skaters for powell peralta

Anonymous No. 158506

Ehh. . . The only one I recognize is Buckeye Lasik.
He was in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.
I don't know anyone who wasn't in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 or 2.

Anonymous No. 158507

i meant like recent pro skaters, and none of that gay street shit actual vert action and bowls

Anonymous No. 158518

Does skating switch make you better at skating regular?

Anonymous No. 158519

who the fuck even skates for pp, only one i know is && and hes the biggest faggot out there

Anonymous No. 158521

skating switch makes you better at skating

Anonymous No. 158522

This is like when Kanye West collaborated with Paul McCartney and people were posting screenshot montages of people commenting shit like "this Paul McCartney guy is about to blow tf UP thanks to Kanye giving him exposure"

Anonymous No. 158523

I mean I know it's as important as your regular stance when you're gud but I'm wondering if I can use it now as like a micro progression. I can't do jack and nothing is getting better. If I go like two steps back in the progression I've set up and do it switch, that would help? Or do I just worry about skating switch later if I ever get competent?

Anonymous No. 158525

idk what your talking about but i agree with you i think
>the future is now while talking about some 50 year old retard

Anonymous No. 158526

read the comments

Anonymous No. 158527

Alright I guess this is the way. Thanks. I just tried it and I can't even rock back and forth from 4 wheels to the tail in switch so this should be the wake up call my retarded little feet need.

Anonymous No. 158528

Skateboarding exists outside your social media obsession, ugly slapfaggot.

Anonymous No. 158529

Does it? I haven't seen a person on a skateboard outside of social media in the past decade.

Anonymous No. 158541

Can't tell if this is ironic or not.

Anonymous No. 158559

>i dont actually care about skateboarding and im just gonna call you names
really kooky dawg. its not impressive to be an out of touch retard

Anonymous No. 158564

Who are you quoting, ugly slapfaggot? Yo do know that skateboarding doesn't exist only in your country and on instagram, right? Why would I care about some ugly as sin bitch that owns a skateboard? Does this subhuman even have a street part?

Anonymous No. 158565

dude if you dont care about skateboarding why are you here?

Anonymous No. 158567

>you know more about skateboarding than me!? you must go on the most popular skateboarding website!
really fucking weirdo shit

Anonymous No. 158568

Are you illiterate?

Anonymous No. 158570

no man you are making it plainly obvious your some europoor retard who knows nothing

Anonymous No. 158571

Care to post a clip of yourself skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 158572

>i dont know anything about skateboarding your illiterate!
fucking weirdo shit

Anonymous No. 158573

>says go back to slap
>still says "post a clip"
fucking absolute weirdo. cop like behavior

Anonymous No. 158575

So you don't skate and you only care about internet personalities? Got it.

Anonymous No. 158576

>accuses me of not skating while accusing me about going on the most popular skateboarding website and also knowing more about skateboarding than him
doesnt make any sense weirdo!

Anonymous No. 158577

>still no clip

You should go back to your favorite and most popular website slap it seems.

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Anonymous No. 158578

you do know
>post a clip
is a slap thing right? to ween out kooks. you would know that if you didnt get into skateboarding in your 30s like a faggot nerd

Anonymous No. 158579

Yeah, a little bit I guess. I have seen two people with a skateboard and one person on one in the past 10 years. The one guy is a friend who has a skateboard in his house and I told him to do a kickflip. He couldn't but he was also wasted. The two were at the local empty skatepark. One was just listening to hip hop on the bench and the other was sitting on the halfpipe making out with a girl.

Anonymous No. 158582

I started skating when I was 14. You're also trash. Why are you obsessed with a black bitch that skates again?

Anonymous No. 158583

hey faggot guess what! your turn to post a clip!

Anonymous No. 158585

Here you go >>157228. Now answer the question, balding skinny beta slapfaggot.

Anonymous No. 158586


Anonymous No. 158588


My thoughts exactly when your skinny crackhead sjw ass showed up itt.

Anonymous No. 158589

you got nothing on me faggot! you cant skate and you dont know shit! keep bragging about how fucking retarded and fat you are!

Anonymous No. 158590


You've also posted that shitty bigspin here before a while ago. You clearly don't skate and are only obsessed with internet personalities when you're not shooting heroin up your rectum.

Anonymous No. 158591

>your an sjw for making fun of the most obvious charity pick in all of skateboarding
>also im fat and you smoke crack
>also i could ollie a water bottle 20 years ago
huge faggot shit

Anonymous No. 158592

>your an

Learn English, crackhead.

Anonymous No. 158593

go ollie a water bottle faggot

Anonymous No. 158595

All I asked is what's up with this random bitch you namedropped in here and you got all butthurt for whatever reason instead of answering the question. Is that part of the withdrawal symptoms?

Anonymous No. 158596

go ollie a water bottle faggot!! stop acting like a lil bitch!

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Anonymous No. 158597

Anonymous No. 158599

gave you everything you wanted and your still acting like a little bitch! grow up and go skate lil faggot

Anonymous No. 158602

>let me show him i could an ollie 20 years ago
>yeah now ill post a epic reaction image
>now ill call him skinny!!!

Anonymous No. 158603

Not sure why you're samefagging and why you refuse to answer why you're so in love with this Beatrice dude.

Anonymous No. 158604

At this point we need to ban all flyover posters.

Anonymous No. 158605

faggot if you could actually read english youd realize were all clowning on her. im just making fun of you for being a retard who doesnt know shit

Anonymous No. 158607

Obviously I wouldn't know about some random American clown, retard. That's why I asked what's up with her. Why are you so autistic?

Anonymous No. 158608

can we ban the europoors too? this shit is getting ridiculous.

>Obviously I wouldn't know about some random American clown
cause you dont care about skateboarding! why are you here! cause you could ollie a water bottle 20 years ago?

Anonymous No. 158609

I care about skateboarding. I don't care about American culture however. Why are you here and not on slap?

Anonymous No. 158610

cause on here i can call you a faggot! you dont care about skateboarding you are a faggot liar weirdo kook and should kill yourself

Anonymous No. 158612

I care about people like Joel Juuso, who you don't know about, poser, not some affirmative action Ameican tranny.

Anonymous No. 158616

You guys are being weird again. Time to move on over.


Anonymous No. 158617

if she was a tranny shed be able to do more than 50 50 shuv out

Anonymous No. 158619

"she" looks like a man.

Anonymous No. 158625

yeah, thats cause your a fucking flaming homo

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Anonymous No. 158633


Anonymous No. 158636

No it's because Americans do be like that.

Anonymous No. 158642

why are you even here?

Anonymous No. 158649

Why are you? You clearly like slap better and fit better on there.

Anonymous No. 158654

How about you ban penis? From your mouth.

Anonymous No. 158656


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Anonymous No. 158663


Anonymous No. 158751


Anonymous No. 160464

is freestyle still gay? i free skate a court by my local park and skater bros always coming up to say whats up wtf is that board. my style is somewhat aggressive and shitty and i get really sweaty doing it.

also theres always these weird loner skater guys who can ollie really well and kinda kickflip, but nothing else. they always come up and try to be friends and get my number but theyre just fucking weird vibes. maybe theyre just gay

Anonymous No. 161019

how do you nose manual then nollie up something with the goal of landing in nose manual