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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 158615

Summer days edition

previously on /esg/ >>155986

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Anonymous No. 158618

Slapfaggots not allowed.

Anonymous No. 158620

get a fucking life dickhead

Anonymous No. 158621

>the guy telling you to go to the most popular skateboarding website could barely ollie a water bottle 20 years ago

Anonymous No. 158626

If you love it so much you should stay there.

Anonymous No. 158627

Also, retarded baldinewfaggot slapfaggot, everyone can tell you're samefagging, because the poster number didn't go up when you made your second butthurt shitpost.

Anonymous No. 158628

you think your so smart for calling me out for samefagging when im not even denying it. your so lost in the sauce its not even worth fucking talking to you. you tell people go back to slap cause you cant fucking hang. you ollied a water bottle 20 years ago, who the fuck even are you.

Anonymous No. 158629

>wow look at this guy samefagging! im so damn fucking smart and good at skateboarding, check out this clip from 20 years ago i used to rip!
shut the fuck up retard

Anonymous No. 158630

>everyone on 4chan is gonna think im so smart for calling out someone for samefagging even though i dont even know what that actually means.

Anonymous No. 158631

This dude really is a crackhead.

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Anonymous No. 158632

Hey, fellas!
Mind if I participate in the eternal skateboarding general?
I used to skate.

Anonymous No. 158634

post a clip that isnt from 20 years ago retard

Anonymous No. 158635

>noo only I can post shitty old clips from years ago
>you can't do that too!

Post crackpipe.

Anonymous No. 158637

you got nothing! you are a fucking retard! eat my ass and suck my dick

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Anonymous No. 158638

>slapfaggot is having a melty because he got called out

Anonymous No. 158639

>post a clip
>post a clip
>post a clip
>posts clip
>umm actually your trash here a clip of me ollieing a water bottle 20 years ago! haha owned!

Anonymous No. 158640

let me see a krook. just one and ill let you be. fuck it do a fucking 5-0 im waiting faggot

Anonymous No. 158643

Why do you keep samefagging? You can include these two shitposts in one.

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Anonymous No. 158650

Friendly reminder, this is called a (nollie front) shuvit un-shuvit.

Anonymous No. 158651

Shut the fuck up no it's not

Anonymous No. 158652

Cool clip but I'm beating your ass and taking your board if we're at the park and you say shuvit unshuvit out loud.

Anonymous No. 158661

stop deflecting and post a clip that isnt 20 years old
jesus christ not this faggot retard again

Anonymous No. 158662

There's no reason to post a clip for this slaggot crackhead. I'm not a black american tranny skater so even if I were to do a nollie inward heel down a 10 flat 10 he'd still talk shit.

Anonymous No. 158664

bitch made

Anonymous No. 158668

Kid is also very clearly a newfaggot that got banned from slap and found about 4chan no more than a few months ago.

Anonymous No. 158672

Skateboarding around the city at night. It’s not like it was 20 years ago. More lights, less danger. The popular kids of the 90’s are all busted up and don’t skate anymore but I’m still out there. That doesn’t matter though and really, that’s just me pretending like I’m cool. The air is cold and my hands freeze at first but once I get going it’s fine. My head is buzzing from the air and the excitement and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to have a normal conversation if I ran into someone...but I won’t.

I’m listening to Miles Davis because it suits the mood and the night and it keeps me focused and relaxed. Also because it’s in one of my favorite video parts and it reminds me of it. It’s perfect for night skating, though it feels faintly pretentious now that I put it in words.

I have soft wheels so you can’t hear me cruising down the street. It feels like gliding on ice through the city and I almost feel invisible until I coast across some crunchy parts of the street. Without even thinking about it, I think I traveled 12 miles tonight.

Anonymous No. 158674

Write a book.

Anonymous No. 158675

I can't skate and I'm from the midwest and I live in europe and I'm 30. I paid 200 euro for a board you guys probably get for 100 bones. The pavement really sucks here just like the memes. It vibrates the hell out of my 99a's and makes my feet go numb immediately. Should I go 78a, softest ricta clouds?

Anonymous No. 158676

>retard thinks we don't buy local brands

Retardedass kid so narrow minded he probably never traveled outside his city. Dude is probably from philly or some dirtyass shit like that.

Anonymous No. 158679

based. thanks for the effort post, this is something i'd do. night lights by gerry mulligan became my soundtrack, not by choice either.

Anonymous No. 158681

Just skating around a city going from A to B is great. I might do it once every couple of months but they're often times better than actual sessions.

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Anonymous No. 158682

>Step 1: Go to
>Step 2: Go to the month you were born and post the cover
>Step 3: ???
>Step 4: PROFIT

Anonymous No. 158685

>data mining bait

I swear I got probably the only cover that's literal shit too.

Anonymous No. 158686

>The popular kids of the 90’s are all busted up and don’t skate anymore but I’m still out there.
lmao fuck off

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Anonymous No. 158687

kinda like that posters in this thread aren't afraid to call each other out on their bullshit, profanity and vulgarity all apart of the package. it can dip into toxic territory at times, which i'm not a fan of, but for the most part, i like it.

Anonymous No. 158688

Spit tablets are the best wheel change my mind before I buy another set. Square edge for superior lock-in and perfect width for weight savings.

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Anonymous No. 158690


Anonymous No. 158692

lmao okay
post yours, boomer

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Anonymous No. 158698

The park near me, has coping that is either slightly wider than usual, or possibly it was installed a bit off center. Anyway, I was trying to come back in on a quarter pipe and the lock ins, locked in too hard and for a second my board actually stuck. I almost fell straight to my face lol.
I like the regular classic shape more

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Anonymous No. 158703

Back in my day a toxic person was called a faggot.

Anonymous No. 158714

>actually got the correct name of his nollie shove it right this time

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Anonymous No. 158716

>you think this thread has good discussion about skateboarding? there's nothing in here. it's a desert. there's no discussion of current skateboarding events, skateboard history, skateboard gear, nothing... occassional trick tips on rudimentary tricks like ollies and 50s in transition but otherwise it's just petty squabbling. i love 4chan, i've probably been coming here for a decade longer than you, but this thread is probably the worst general i've ever seen on this whole website and i say that with no exaggeration. i don't even know why i come here.

Anonymous No. 158717

Bitchass retard replied to a 15 day old post.

Anonymous No. 158718


What the fuck was the last of that thread kek. The Reddit tourists need to go.

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Anonymous No. 158722

I picked the strangest cover from my year just to make you work Thrasher data mining shill

Anonymous No. 158723

>data mining

Damn, you caught me. I wanted you cookies to find out if someone at your IP address likes skateboarding. Forgive me.

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sage No. 158724

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Anonymous No. 158727


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Anonymous No. 158731

it was me. I did it.

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Anonymous No. 158734

How do I know whether my element deck was pressed in China, or Mexico?
The packaging said nothing of the origin.
The deck itself had "100% North American Maple" on it.
Pic related.

Anonymous No. 158745

Good luck I'm behind 7 proxies

Anonymous No. 158749

>North American Maple
That probably means Mexico, no?

Anonymous No. 158750

Where do you guys get cheap decks? I used to buy straight from Zero but their stuff has gone up by 20 bucks in the past couple years.

Anonymous No. 158752

probably canada

Anonymous No. 158753

I buy decks on sale for $70aud usually straight from companies website. Idk if I can get cheaper but I think it's a decent price point.

Anonymous No. 158754

That's pretty good. Who do you buy from and when are sales usually?

Anonymous No. 158755

I've just been buying passport decks recently. Idk when but usually same time as all the other sites do deals. You can subscribe to a companies mail list and they'll spam you to hell so you'll never miss a deal.

Anonymous No. 158762

Fuck it. I'll just buy 78a's and find out. The fun thing about being a yuropoor is that you have spending money to buy American toys because you don't need to be a fat gender bent retard to hold a job and it doesn't need to be in a city that charges 17 foreskins for bread.

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Anonymous No. 158763

Off to a good start with the fresh thread. Thank you to the terminally online anon and the dumb cunts that keep responding to him for making this the best place to discuss skateboarding on the internet. Anyone buy any new shoes recently? I bought some Maranas to try as I've heard good things.

Anonymous No. 158765

That's an actual post from reddit, retard, there was zero effort involved.

Anonymous No. 158766

why not just buy blanks? the graphic will get scratched up anyways, and you can just paint your own if you really wanted something to look at. the only reason i can think of is supporting your local skateshop, but even then, they should have affordable options.

Anonymous No. 158776

I don't know where they ship to, but Death have always been significantly cheaper than most decks. Maybe £45 where others are $65-70

Anonymous No. 158779

you can tell ur from the midwest

Anonymous No. 158784


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Anonymous No. 158788

How old is too old to start skateboarding

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Anonymous No. 158790

That depends on you.
More specifically, how self conscious you are and what your goal is with skateboarding.
You're not going to start at 43 and turn pro.
Doesn't really matter how old you are If you just want to cruise around and pop some ollies onto curbs, etc.

Anonymous No. 158798

Did you grip it already? On the top ply there should be some sort of marker that identifies the wood shop.

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Anonymous No. 158799

Ah California...
Where you get to work 3 jobs to pay your half of the rent.
What do you guys think WKND pays? $500 a month?

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 158801


I figured it out.
If you're looking at a deck on Element's website, and click on the "See Size Guide" Link underneath the size selection buttons, It's split up into two tables: Key 1 and Key 2 (pic related.)

if the deck ISN'T made in china, it'll most likely have
- Feature: Built by BBS.
listed in the details & features section.
But the giveaway is whether it directs you to Key 1 or Key 2 for the sizing dimensions.
Key 1 = BBS (Mexico wood shop)
Key 2 = DSM (Chinese wood shop)

BBS makes the decks for Antihero, Baker, Deathwish, Krooked, Polar, Real, and a number of other brands considered "Premium"

Element BBS decks on sale cost about the same as a BBS blank deck.

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Anonymous No. 158803

Age is mostly irrelevant compared to general fitness level, co-ordination and balance. If you're able to do light exercise and not jeopordise your health in some way, you can start anytime. Just bear in mind that if you're a NEET who sits on his ass all day, you will have to spend the first few months playing catch up while your fitness levels increase as well, especially when it comes to learning ollies and anything involving jumping over and over. Also prepare to look and feel like a ridiculous clown for a while and be willing to take some slams.

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Anonymous No. 158805

>shaking the guy with a concussion

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Anonymous No. 158810


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Anonymous No. 158813

>tuck knee grab
>kicks it up into his hand instead of reaching down and grabbing it with all 4 wheels still on the ground
>tweaks it
>lands it dead on so that he doesn't slow down
>it's high as fuck

Anonymous No. 158833

I did not enjoy watching that webm and I wish you would never post hard skate bails in here ever again.

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sage No. 158840


Anonymous No. 158841

This one was funny. Not sure why your name is sage though.

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sage No. 158842

Anonymous No. 158843

Naaaaaaaaah as soon I saw the thumbnail I knew not to click. I've seen that before. Fuck you.

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Anonymous No. 158844

whoops, leftovers from a toxic thread. thanks for reminding me.

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Anonymous No. 158845

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Anonymous No. 158847


Anonymous No. 158848


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Anonymous No. 158850

I buy ricta wheels because the word “ricta” sounds cool

Anonymous No. 158856

>calls people toxic
>enjoys seeing people fail and suffer injury
I hate faggots and I'm right to do so.

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Anonymous No. 158858

>not taking an opportunity to learn from other's failures.

Anonymous No. 158859

I learned from you being a failure and now I know to never go to slap.

Anonymous No. 158860

Do you have a link to the video?

Anonymous No. 158862

jesus, i'm getting back into skating and i'm starting to realize how little i actually know about skating. my balance is pretty bad at times, and i know how to do ollies, but i never realized you need to put your feet infront of you inorder to clear stuff and maintain your momentum. such a wakeup call.

Anonymous No. 158863

rictas are the worst wheels i ever ridden. i got a set for 12 dollars and deeply regret the purchase.

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Anonymous No. 158865

>tfw someone is talking to me about something I should be doing and they continue to harp on the same point after you've acknowledged what they're saying and you can't get the point across any clearer whilst not trying to be rude but they've already repeated themselves yet again

>"bro you are slashing the coping you should drop in"
yeah, I'm working on it
>"bro you are slashing the coping its easy watch"
>they drop in it's not mint they come up to turn on transition and it's choppy
go do something else
>they leave the pool
enjoy pool


There's a threshold of risk I'm willing to take skating without pads for me comfortable and for me slashing the coping isn't above that. It took me a solid minute to work up to dropping in on the five foot with regular coping; kinda fucking annoying be told I should just do something.

Anonymous No. 158866

Yeah you brits do be like that for some reason. Not sure what's up with you twats.

Anonymous No. 158867

no brits involved

Anonymous No. 158869

You're at the park and for whatever reason this balding skinny jeans and glasses wearing reddit beard having manlet slaggot tries to jump you. What do you do?

Anonymous No. 158871

How did he get the board to pop up off the ground at 18 seconds in without using the tail?

Anonymous No. 158872

I hate these uglyass decks.

Anonymous No. 158875

He's using his front foot to push the board up into the air while taking the weight off his back foot so there is nothing keeping the board on the ground. It's just a weak ass ollie.

Anonymous No. 158876

tania booba

Anonymous No. 158878

if you have tight trucks, you can use them as a sort of spring.

Anonymous No. 158880

>It's just a weak ass ollie
kek don't talk shit kook

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Anonymous No. 158892

If you look closely, he's putting a load of pressure on his back toeside almost as if he's going to roll it up into a rail stand or do a pressure flip. But when he releases the pressure, he just hops into the air and it bounces up via the bushings like this guy means >>158878

If you try to learn heelside rail stands like so (and keep your bushings super tight) you'll start doing them by accident. There are many ways to get your board into the air without pop.

Anonymous No. 158895

stop being a pussy and put your body on the line or gtfo

Anonymous No. 158903

Anyone here struggle with consistency? I'm not talking about kickflips. I'm talking about halfcab flips. I sesh maybe 1 hour or 2. I'll probably land 1 out of every 12 tries. A few days ago I landed 4 in a row. The next day. It was the same old struggle.

Some sesh's I'll absolutely hyper focus on this trick for one hour until I reach that level of approval.

It could be a hard ware issue, but DAMNNNNnn. Getting consistency on any trick above kickflips is a serious thing.

Anonymous No. 158916

>do a 360
>walk away
Guys, I completed 4chan

Anonymous No. 158918

Okay now I'm confused about what pop even is. I thought it was bouncing the tail off the ground. Is it actually just using the wheels as a lever and catapulting the deck into the air? And the bounce off the ground just means you did it hard?

Anonymous No. 158919

This you?
>Not everything is about physical labor in this world. Construction workers get to go home after work and just forget about their work - Beatrice never stops working. Constant mental labor. She's doing incredible work for the poc community and that needs to be recognized. There are a million guys who can hammer in a nail but not many young women out there courageous enough to stand up and be recognized for their effort like Beatrice.

>I'm currently having a small group of very noisy construction workers remodel one of my tenant's upstairs bathrooms so forgive me if I'm a bit peeved about them right now.

Anonymous No. 158923

I only skate once a week at most these days. Keeping all my tricks is enough of a struggle let alone learning new ones. The only solution is skating more.

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Anonymous No. 158927

>Only solution is skating more
Not him, but no can do.
I can skate for 20 mins before getting terrible shin splints and a very swollen pushing ankle. I wait 7-9 weeks for the shin splints to heal and hop right back on the board for another 20-25 min session.
My Ollie is pretty high now and levelled out (no rocket BS) and I land kick flips approximately 1 out of 3 attempts.
With my current schedule I expect to start working on Ollies while moving / over obstacles towards the end of September..

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Anonymous No. 158929

Best I can do.

Anonymous No. 158935

That's not even a land.

Anonymous No. 158943

their hard wheels are kinda shit but the soft ones they make are pretty nice, i honestly prefer their 92a formula clouds to powell dragons for an in between cruiser/park board. less noisy and the softer wheels power through rough patches of pavement a bit better, their alot worse for park wheels though, too grippy.

Anonymous No. 158944

Shit! You have to land it too?

Anonymous No. 158946

dude i fucking club your fucking head in you say that shit to me at my local

Anonymous No. 158951

Damn, that's not very long. How heavy are you? Are your shoes shit? I'd only get mild shin splints after a 5k run on solid ground and they'd heal back up after 2 or 3 days. That sounds pretty horrendous for you.

Anonymous No. 158952

get a dowel of some kind and flatten it
its incredibly painful while you're doing it
it will 100% reduce the frequency of splints

Anonymous No. 158953

God I fucking hate this.

>pick a corner to practice, idk, kickflips
>logically know everything I'm supposed to do, but just need to drill it over and over until it becomes a muscle reaction without thought
>"bro, you need to put your foot here and kick here, look"
>tries to do it, doesn't land it
>"ah you get the idea though"
>continue practicing kickflips
>another guy rolls up
>"bro you should, like, put your weight more on the front foot"
>"bro you should kick the tail BACK instead of down"
>"bro you should catch it in the air"
>"bro bro bro"
Just fuck off, Jesus. And the worst is they'll often sit there and watch you try and say "bro you got this bro" over and fucking over, distracting you.

So fucking happy the shitty park I moved close to seems to be dead most nights. I literally don't progress around other people.

Anonymous No. 158955

Fucking autist I would slap the shit out of you if I saw you at the park.

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Anonymous No. 158957

>I can skate for 20 mins before getting terrible shin splints and a very swollen pushing ankle. I wait 7-9 weeks for the shin splints to heal and hop right back on the board for another 20-25 min session.

Anonymous No. 158958

Are hippy jumps always terrifying or am I just not ready? I can do a body varial at extremely low speed, but even stationary it still scares me. I'm not usually a pussy but it's like once my feet leave that board I don't know what my landing situation is about to be in 0.005 seconds which is just long enough to imagine the board slipping out and taking one of my feet with it slamming me down at double the terminal velocity.

Anonymous No. 158959

Yes hippy jumps are always terrifying. Especially over those parking spot chains.

Anonymous No. 158961

youre too pussy to even drop in youre not doing shit bud lmfao

Anonymous No. 158963


This word pisses me off so much. If someone calls me bud I feel like they literally want me to die almost.

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Anonymous No. 158971

post your locals
a 7 million € park opened nearby

Anonymous No. 158972

Looks kind of like a waste of money. At least from this image the design doens't look that good.

Anonymous No. 158973

it's like fish in a bucket.

Anonymous No. 158996

Are you saying to put pressure onto a wooden dowel with the bottom of my foot as if I'm trying to flatten it?
Or are you thinking of some kind of dowel that can actually be flattened? Because that word brings to mind only wood and steel.

Anonymous No. 158999

>I can skate for 20 mins before getting terrible shin splints and a very swollen pushing ankle.
Are you like 400 pounds or something

Anonymous No. 159005

165 lbs

🗑️ Anonymous No. 159006

can you imagine going from being an incel and lonely to waking up one day and realizing every girl you pass and are near wants you? yea well thats what im dealing with right now, wat do?

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Anonymous No. 159009

That looks damn nice.

Anonymous No. 159010

Wtf, do you not drink water or something???

Anonymous No. 159012

nigga what are you doing with your health that pushing is too strenuous

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Anonymous No. 159019

Plies just split out of nowhere. Why tf does this happen?

Anonymous No. 159023

where pressed?
been reading lots of complaints of shoe soles separating due to poor adhesion only after their manufacturing was outsourced to china

Anonymous No. 159028

Fuck, probably PS Stix since it's a toy machine board and I'm pretty far from Europe

Anonymous No. 159033

huh what does europe have to do with this?

Anonymous No. 159042

A few brands source all of their decks from one wood shop.
Most brands use different wood shops for different deck styles / geographical distribution areas.

Anonymous No. 159043

I've been skating a chinaboard for a month now, the pop is pretty gone at this point but the board is generally holding up well otherwise

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Anonymous No. 159050

This is when it was still nice. The panels are warped to hell now.

Anonymous No. 159062

Are “vx” or “flight” decks worth the extra $25. Supposedly they’re strong

Anonymous No. 159066

Sure if you need a less breakable deck. Flight decks are stronger than the other ones.

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Anonymous No. 159072

Here’s a pic from google images. Fun flow to it but kinda tight. This is on top of the qp, there’s a euro gap and handrail to the left as well as this fun “bank wallride” area.

Killed me that I couldn’t skate there today, ankle fractures fuckin blow to recover from.

Anonymous No. 159087

They don't protect from chip damage and sogging so unless you snap boards often, not really.

Anonymous No. 159133

I think the bigger difference is that they're significantly lighter (and thinner) than a fully wood deck.

Anonymous No. 159143

young rando asked me to film his 360flip, is it ethical to post it without blurring his face?

whaddayawant, it's southern France, where private contractors and municipal councils are good friends :)

it's decent but the street part feels too flat and too steep at the same time

death to plywood parks. I've never seen an uneven mini like that, looks fun

it looks amazing, i've got ideas coming up just looking at that weird bank in the middle

Anonymous No. 159144

also that sketchy kicker throws me back to the 2000s and the grainy blacktop parks we had, i've eaten so much shit on those

Anonymous No. 159146

I'm not a poser. I just suck.

Anonymous No. 159161

my friend has one for a while and has done tons of shit on it and it has yet to break

Anonymous No. 159168

why is everyone such a flake?

Anonymous No. 159171

friends haven't existed for years now

Anonymous No. 159230

Hey did the Quasi video get posted? These guys skate the all those dead dumpster towns across middle America. It's really something.

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Anonymous No. 159234

Snapped my board on an Ollie. Oh well was planning on going up to 8.25 anyway.

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Anonymous No. 159235

this is sick btw good post

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Anonymous No. 159240

Great job on your pgoress and CONGRATS on having an excuse to buy a brand new skrateboard.

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Anonymous No. 159254

Anyone buy / try one of these when they were being shilled?
I like the concept. Maintaining pop / lighter weight seem like good things in general.
However, when I find myself in ownership of a dipped board, I sand the side of the deck and the outer 1.5 inches of the top ply before applying black magic, which is my favorite strain of grip tape.

The color around the nose and tail makes it less desirable.

Anonymous No. 159268

am i over thinking it, or would switching out my 7.5 for something bigger help me progress? i thought a smaller board would've helped with flip tricks, but i don't see the point when i don't even have a pair of shoes to burn through trying to learn them.

Anonymous No. 159278

I found a wider board = more surface to land on
I think it makes catching tricks easier. They rotate slower but it doesn't take much more effort to flip.

Anonymous No. 159285

thanks for the input, anon

my two favourite skaters lately, spencer nuzzi and dan corrigan, both seem to rock 9 inch decks. when my deck eventually wears down, i think i will likely try something in the middle so i don't get stuck between two extremes, then branch out.

Anonymous No. 159288

I thought I was the only fucker that experienced this. How long have you been skating? This happened to me for my first year only, then I took an extended break of about 3-4 months and when I got back on the board the shin splints never came back. Try resting for a few months instead. You need a longer time to fully recover from splints than you think - you might just be reinjuring yourself over and over.

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Anonymous No. 159291

Thoughts on my skate video?

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cantelowes skatep....jpg

Anonymous No. 159293

Hard to get the whole thing in a single picture, but the bowl is the best bit anyway.

Anonymous No. 159294

>I found a wider board = more surface to land on
This. I literally couldn't stick out 90% of landings because of how much of my foot was off the board with the impact. 8.5" is working out for me really well, but I also have a 10" for bowl that feels super secure.

Anonymous No. 159299

It's marketable

Anonymous No. 159307

Is that you for real? I have a few YouTube shorts but nothing too big. I'm going to subscribe. We should form a network of our youtubes and profit of each other at Google's expense.

Anonymous No. 159312

how the hell do you even end up with a 7.5 nowadays. 90% of 7.5s they make are kid sized

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Anonymous No. 159327

I started skating with a knee brace. I'm able to do ollies again- really shitty ones but still at least it's a little less painful.

Anonymous No. 159329

Noice. I wouldn't call clearing a 4 stair that easily "shitty".

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Anonymous No. 159330

>you might just be reinjuring yourself over and over.
That's probably true. Thanks for sharing your experience, man. It's quite encouraging to know that you overcame the same issue.
>How long have you been skating
Skated until I was old enough to drive. Now in my 20s and just picked it back up.
Should've eased into it more. Skateboarding seems to fall under the category of "use it or lose it."
For example, in the past I preferred for my trucks to be as loose as they could be without requiring riser pads.
Fast forward to being an octogenarian in skate years, and trying to cruise in a giant empty parking lot. I've picked up speed and now the board wants to turn while I'm trying to push hard in a straight line. Now the push is cut short and the back leg comes down for a mini, angled push in a reflexive attempt at stabilization.
I think a long session of stationary ollies / kickflips caused the shin splints, and the clumsy pushing exacerbated them.

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Anonymous No. 159338

I don't give a FUCK

Anonymous No. 159344

Word, Post one of your shorts and I’ll give you a like on all your shorts

Anonymous No. 159350

oh ma gah
the graphic is sick
the wheels are hockeypuck tier doe
looks fun regardless, enjoy that thing, anon

Anonymous No. 159362

To stay on theme with the thread.
Pls no bully

Anonymous No. 159366

It's basically an ill advised toy but the wheels are pretty good insofar as inline skate wheels can be good on a skateboard. It zips around but you slide off of it. I wonder if I can cut some grip tape around the snake.

Anonymous No. 159367

>i don't even have a pair of shoes

Anonymous No. 159368

I liked the song choice

Anonymous No. 159372

sick, i was just trying to be funny xd
that sucks though, i thought the graphic was your grip tape. maybe could you save it by just putting the trucks on the other way if it has no tail.

when i get a new complete, i plan to prolly slap some long board wheels on my popsicle, maybe cut some clearance for wheel wells. i love the idea of diy'ing untraditional board shapes.

Anonymous No. 159373

ah fuck it, my wrist is sprained, and i have a chipped popsicle i can do it on. might as well start today, as long as i can figure out how to cut through wood without power tools ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous No. 159378

I've put 62mm longboard wheels on a popsicle. Got some risers but didn't need them if using indy hard or bones med hc bushings.
When I was getting the riser pads, the local shop owner threw in a free set of angled risers. Haven't tried them yet

Do you have any hand tools? Chisel, Saw, etc.
Would be interested to see the finished product. Haven't ever seen a Popsicle deck with wheel wells cut out.

Anonymous No. 159381

beatrice cant skat-

Anonymous No. 159383

Bro wtf

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Anonymous No. 159385


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Anonymous No. 159386

that's fire.
i got chisels, but i'm refraining from using a hammer too much, to not piss off my neighbors. just kinda traced the trucks while the screws were in to get it flush, then peeled the top layer, and kinda twistied till i got to the bottom, then widened that hole with more twisties, and i can now mostly easily plane the sides to get it wider, if that makes sense.

i thought it'd be harder because of how thick the wood is, but being able to chip, twisty, and plane off chunks is making the workload manageable. don't know when i'll finish it, but i'll make sure to post pics of the final result, if all goes well

Anonymous No. 159392

We need more of this and less kookie longboard frankenboards

Anonymous No. 159394

how do you turn though? i get wheelbite on 54mm wheels like crazy.

Anonymous No. 159398

It's fun too bad the culture surrounding it sucks so bad

Anonymous No. 159402

>t. cant hang

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Anonymous No. 159405

It all comes down to the bushings.
Pic related were too tight even at their loosest.
Bones medium hardcore worked out but It's still not ideal. That's what makes >>159386 intriguing.
Would be cool to significantly loosen the trucks without raising the ride height.

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Anonymous No. 159409

i still get wheel bite with 96a bushings on high indys
is 165lbs too fat?

Anonymous No. 159411

i fuck up all the bushings i get quick cause i do a lot of slappys so i never really figured out what works for me but bones hards with trucks loose as hell is what i usually ride.

nah you just ride loose trucks like me probably. i could never ride a tight set up, doesnt feel right i cant balance properly. if i ever set up a cruiser id need a 1/8 inch riser with wheel wells and could probably only go up to 56 mms. i dont see how have to turn wide is any fun when your skating through the streets.

Anonymous No. 159412

also you should be able to ollie/manuerver your cruiser even do a basic trick or two, if you cant your just riding a wanna be long board and thats gay

Anonymous No. 159414

no just noob

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Anonymous No. 159418

i'm fucking stoked, but i am getting wheel bite, even with tight trucks, so i'm gonna eventually get around to sanding down some wheel wells. think i'll take it for a quick spin tho. i never wanna see a chisel again lmao.

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Anonymous No. 159419

people who cant ollie beg for OC in these threads constantly and this is what you end up with. a fucking abomination of a longboard that even a fancy lad dude wouldnt fucking ride.

Anonymous No. 159427

what in gods name have you created, and have you kickflipped it yet...?

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Anonymous No. 159428

oh my lord, just cruised around town, lots of fun. goes so much faster than a skateboard, feels smoother, and curves like a surfboard. manuals on this thing feel like cheating. it still has enough pop to do tricks, and you barely notice the trucks sticking out when the board is mid air, but the landing is sketch. kept getting gnarly wheelbite on landing, pic related, and got sent flying. i think you can get used to it and adjust, but i'm just gonna make wheel wells because i wanna carve deep anyways. way heavier cause of the longboard trucks, but it makes the board a bit slower and more controlled, like you know where it's gonna be. there's a lot of cushion on impact, which makes riding super comfy. the wheels stick out hella, and there's a chance to get wheelbite from your pushing foot, but you learn to get used to it.

gonna just use this as a local commuter, while i wait for my wrist to heal. stoked that i could give life back to a dead board. last post cause i don't want my weird diy fun to derail your guys' serious skating thread. good night, /xs/.

>nooooo you can't just put longboard trucks on a skateboard
i just did.

nope, skill issue :/
i ollie'd it a few times, but only rolled away once because of the crazy wheel bite, pic related.

Anonymous No. 159429

>drop through
>get around to sanding down some wheel wells
sand them until you realize you should have just made cut outs from the start

Anonymous No. 159432

We certainly don't need some more negros acting hood and strutting about like they are the shit followed by mediocre skating. I'm certain that post was a troll.

Anonymous No. 159452

Does a steep kick make it more difficult to control? I've been taking this thing with me everywhere I go and practicing manuals standing and rolling. I still can't hold it for even one second. I also can't brake with the tail at speed without falling backwards. I can lift it up long enough to get over big cracks in the pavement, which is an improvement, but that's all I got. Can I blame the geometry just a little bit? I feel like there's too much range of motion for me.

Anonymous No. 159454

Stop overthinking it. It's just about practice like literally everything else. For tail stops stand on the board stationary and practice putting the tail down so that you can do it without fear of slipping out or whatever. Do this over and over. Then do it with some roll, then increase speed gradually and you've got it. For manuals, stand on the board with most of your weight onthe back foot, then lift up your front foot as slowly and as controlled as possible. You should be able to feel when you hit a sweet spot to hold the manual.

Anonymous No. 159457

What makes you think the post was a troll? ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

Anonymous No. 159458

Dude weed lmao.

Anonymous No. 159459


Anonymous No. 159482

This guy has meth psychosis

No you can't blame the geometry at all. You have no idea what you're even doing. You have no frame of reference and you're already jumping into this autistic nonsense.

Anonymous No. 159483

Anyone has this obsession with perfecting every single new trick they learn? I obsessed over pop shoves so much i can actually do em over a rolled over bin but i havent learned anything in transition in a year.

Anonymous No. 159495

Excuse the fuck out of me, dude. It's a mathematical fact that the board lifts higher and takes more force to do it with a steeper kick. It's also a mathematical fact that I'm making no progress for all my effort. I'm so sorry for wondering if I might not be retarded.

Anonymous No. 159498

>I'm making no progress for all my effort
what effort? you just started and you're already making excuses for quitting

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Anonymous No. 159500

I disagree with the guy you were responding to.
Geometry absolutely factors in.
Your initial post highlights some of the few advantages to learning the fundamentals as an adult.
In addition to speeding up your progress by being able to better analyze what is and is not working, you have the option of tweaking your setup as your preferences get dialed in, rather than having to make due until you can convince your parents to drop more cash.

After getting a job in building maintenance with no prior experience, I found out quickly there would be very little on the job training.

I utilized a handful youtube channels to educate myself.
For anything drywall related, my go to was "Vancouver Carpenter."
The company I was working for conducted performance reviews every 6 months. I was able to negotiate a raise only 2 months in, and got another one when the performance reviews rolled around. This was entirely due to consulting this guy's instructional videos and practicing the techniques.

I was fucking stoked when I got back into skateboarding after many years and found out The same guy had a skateboarding channel.
Here's a video he made that directly addresses your questions

Also, stumbling onto this video helped me to improve my manuals noticeably in 1 day.

Good luck, Anon.

Anonymous No. 159505

Yeah man. I'm sitting here analyzing every little thing and monitoring my progress at the microscopic level so I can make a better post on 4chan asking for permission to quit.
Thanks man. You get it. That is the info I've been looking for.

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Anonymous No. 159507

>move to a new apartment, kinda shitty park walking distance from me
>no transition, no real flow, just some random ass banks and curby stairy things
>second session now, start off hating that it doesn't have a bowl or shit to carve which is 90% of what I did at my last local
>"fuck it, lets try some curb shit that I never touch"
>try the most basic shit: stationary ollie sideways into a 5050 stall
>literally could not figure this out at all the first time I tried, made no physical sense to me that you could move a board sideways like that
>keep just slipping off the board mid air, maybe doing an accidental heelflip thing

>nothing working
>"hmm, what if I just stay in a crouchy position in the air the entire time?"
>focus on getting the board higher and keeping my upper body at around the same level
>suddenly I can move the fucking thing with my feet in ways that I never could
>realise I've been doing ollies wrong the whole time, compensating a well timed tweak with sheer pop power and speed
>realise I've been doing a stupid straight legged Zulu jump because getting my upper body higher made me feel like the ollie itself was higher when all it's been doing is making the board harder to control
>realise being heavier than the average skater means my technique and stance should have been more crouched this entire time

I feel like I've been boxing with one hand this past 2 years. Holy fuck.

Anonymous No. 159508

>getting my upper body higher made me feel like the ollie itself was higher when all it's been doing is making the board harder to control
Never thought about this. Thanks for sharing your epiphany. Great post

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Anonymous No. 159511

I think I took the whole "you can technically ollie as high as you can jump" thing a bit too literally. Launching off a bank or kicker is fine because you have the time to go from that upright position into a crouch mid-air, but it's probably preventing your board from reaching maximum height earlier. And likewise, because you're doing it to flat, you don't need to worry about clearing a ledge or curb or something. If you keep your upper body "lower" and more steady (pic related) and let your knees and hips do all of the work, coming up as high as they can do manipulate the board, you'll probably be doing a higher ollie. Or, even if it's not technically as high, it should hang in the air longer.

I think my other issue is that I get too aware of my surroundings when I'm skating with other people, so I tend to not actually look at my board too much and mostly go by feel, looking towards my landing area for things/people I might crash into.

Anonymous No. 159520

You need to practice more anon. You haven't skated before so what ever you use will be best for you, since you are slowly getting used to it. The more you worry about your gear the less you'll progress. Just keep going, more you skate the quicker you'll git gud.

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Anonymous No. 159525

>analyzing every little thing and monitoring my progress at the microscopic level
Congrats you have autism
imagine bragging about this

Anonymous No. 159559

*insert paragraph about what it feels like to fifty fifty here*

Anonymous No. 159567

>ben degros
this man is absolutely based

Anonymous No. 159568

any clip at all please present

Anonymous No. 159570

this. dont give a fuck about drama

Anonymous No. 159571

A hood nigga acting ignorant and skating like a retard.. Do you really love niggers that much that you couldn't fathom the guy was trolling?

Anonymous No. 159573

i dont know what youre talking about "NIGGA" i just want people to actually skate instead of talking about what its like to ollie for half the thread

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krkd wr.webm

Anonymous No. 159592

Minus being overweight, you could literally be me. Also learned this after 2 years of wondering why I could ollie twice as high as other people who started the same time as me, but couldn't keep any control or balance enough to ollie onto the smallest of curbs or flatboxes. Constantly thinking 'yes, i can ollie, but how do people stay balanced once they ollie onto a rail?' and the answer is pretty much what you described. Infuriating.

Anonymous No. 159599

I'm only technically overweight at 90kg a 6ft, but it's not all fat. Like, I can run 5k in about 27-28 minutes, do a couple sets of 5 pullups and skate for a whole day in a session or over 2 hours by myself, but that's still "overweight" according to BMI statistics. But even so it's enough to effect my balance on my board it seems.

Anonymous No. 159604

Did I fuck up your media aggregator? Sorry bro. I can attach video of my worst and most painful recent ollie attempt every time I want to talk if that would help.

Anonymous No. 159605

>guy attempts starting shit while admitting he cant ollie
lol these are the types of people that actively derail our threads because theyre mad someone might actually be decent at skating and have friends.

Anonymous No. 159606

>bro you're a quitter that's autistic
>bro you're trying hard that's autistic

Anonymous No. 159607

your not rodney mullen dude. just ride your skateboard more youll figure it out

Anonymous No. 159608

I'm not derailing shit. I have questions and someone else here seems to enjoy answering them. You're just REEing out because your 27th media aggregator tab isn't giving you a steady stream of content. I offer to post what content I can and that's not enough? Not my problem. Try

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daddy degroe teac....webm

Anonymous No. 159609

Made this webm from some of the examples from one of Ben's ollie tutorials. With each one, especially the first and second, you can see how his upper body stays level, while his leg do all the lift to keep the board underneath him. Also some examples of him getting up onto obstables.

Anonymous No. 159610

Yeah no shit. If I was Rodney Mullen I would just go triple backside delayed samurai flip a turtle shell. I fucking suck though so if this board keeps shutting down my imperfect attempts and I make no progress then I'm going to get a different one.

Anonymous No. 159611

dawg your a pussy who has no idea what your talking about. please stop posting
>if i cant do it ill buy new thing!
doesnt really work like this

Anonymous No. 159612

im not the guy who posted the vid. you need to shut your bitch ass up.
>im offering to post bull shit where are my upvotes!
nah faggot your the one who needs to go back.

Anonymous No. 159613

>reee your posting OC your looking for clicks and attention. I could post an ollie if I wanted to!
who does this retard think hes fooling

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Anonymous No. 159614


Anonymous No. 159624

>( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)
Look what you've done!

Anonymous No. 159625

>buy new thing
Shut the fuck up. I will skate a 2x4 with desk chair wheels that I pulled out of the dumpster if it has more space between the trucks and tail so I can get good enough to use the board I have. Fuck off about it.

Anonymous No. 159637

Can you post a pic of the problematic board in question?

Anonymous No. 159638

Thanks, I see it now. I think I should have been filming myself ollie to see my timing better.

Anonymous No. 159641

The short annoying answer is "yeah but you can adjust to it". The main thing about a steep tail is that it takes more effort to pop it because you have that much extra distance before it strikes the ground, but that also means your pop will have more power and go higher.

For manuals it shouldn't make much of a difference overall, just that you need to push down less to get the wheels up which might feel a bit sensitive and low. How were your manuals on your older board?

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Anonymous No. 159643

Sure but I already fixed it. I have 56mm wheels and I was using riser pads. I'm guessing that's a retarded rookie mistake. I wanted it to be cruisier. Turns out you can't have it all. I took the pads off and tightened the trucks and it's already a hundred times better. I can actually start doing and then fail a manual unlike before. I can kickturn it around both ways and tail/heel brake without shitting my pants. It's all good. I'm buying 52mm wheels to see how that goes too. The faggot telling me not to buy things can get fucked.

Anonymous No. 159644

came to this conclusion recently, whole industry is corny as fuck and caring about pros and skate companies is gay as fuck. the normies at my local with their rip n dip completes that don't give 2 shits had the right mindset the whole time.

Anonymous No. 159645

no youre probably just a fat fuck that cant flip his board

Anonymous No. 159647

The clearly stated objective of the sport is to sell out and work as a corporate advertisement so that people can buy their counterculture lifestyle at the nearest approved commerce center.

Anonymous No. 159654

hey hey hey my guy, we have posters here that can kickturn BOTH ways on the sidewalk

Anonymous No. 159656

>we have posters here that can kickturn BOTH ways on the sidewalk
Or so they claim.
Haven't seen any evidence, personally.

Anonymous No. 159657

>faggot with a brand new skateboard
>wahhh i cant ollie

>faggot with no friends
>wahhh i hate skateboarding

>faggot who never skateboarded
>wahhh its all about selling out

faggots everyone of you

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Anonymous No. 159658


Anonymous No. 159661

You pierced his sister's meat?

Anonymous No. 159662

I'm at full 180 degree pivots now.

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Anonymous No. 159667

I'm old as fuck.

Anonymous No. 159668

>go to local pick up basketball game
>locals ask me who my favorite players are and what my favorite team is
>say that caring about that shit is for babies and corporate sell outs i only came to ball
>proceed to miss every lay up and free throw

Anonymous No. 159669

>be a faggot
>get mad

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Anonymous No. 159678

For me, It's black magic. The best grip tape.

Anonymous No. 159679

you forgot
>buys 75 different basketballs because i can't score once but a new ball will make make better

Anonymous No. 159682


Anonymous No. 159698

Bond burgered.

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Anonymous No. 159707

Jokes aside, what's everyone's record for 360 pivots? At most I've chanced a 540, so I have no idea how freestyle guys do dozens

Anonymous No. 159710

i really like skating again bros

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Anonymous No. 159716

I like bananas (because they have no bones)

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Anonymous No. 159723


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Anonymous No. 159728

Just take performance enhancing drugs bro, as if you don’t have clinics there where you can just get them online we have them in Australia, inject some peptides and skate a mega ramp

Anonymous No. 159734

>don't change you're board geometry you'll learn basic shit in 186 days
*changes board geometry and learns basic shit today
>haha you can only do basic shit are you joking
I'm starting to dislike sk8rs.

Anonymous No. 159737

>changes board geometry and learns basic shit today
Hell yeah

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 159741

How'd it work out? If you haven't tried it before, the difference between 99a and 78a is going to be surprising. Particularly if the soft wheel is substantially larger than the hard wheels you had.

>I thought it was bouncing the tail off of the ground
It is. Bounce is the key word. That's what people are talking about when they say an old deck feels soggy. New decks are more springy.

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Anonymous No. 159742

How'd it work out? I was surprised at how stark the difference was between 99 and 78a.

>I thought it was bouncing the tail off the ground.
It is. That's why people often describe old decks as feeling soggy. New boards feel springy because, in fact, they are.

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Anonymous No. 159744

what am i doing wrong bros

Anonymous No. 159754

Based 1930s swing and big band appreciator

Anonymous No. 159763

I never got them because I realize I can use my 85a rollerblade wheels with the trucks tight as hell. It's like I'm just levitating to the skatepark. They go over anything with no effort except lifting the nose over particularly big cracks.

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Anonymous No. 159771

Pop = bouncing the tail off the ground so that it makes a "pop" noise. That's all, what the front foot is doing after that fact isn't part of the "pop".
Ghost pop/ghost ollie = the tail doesn't actually bounce off the ground, but the lever motion is strong enough to fling the board into the air anyway.
Chinese ollie/bonking = you ram the wheels into a crack or coping and the wheels bounce up and off it while you jump/deweight, sending the board up into your feet.

You can get your board into the air a lot of different ways. The "ghost pop" is what old school transition skaters used to (and mostly still) do when they do stuff like 180s inside the ramp. Sometimes the tail will scrape off the ramp, but the actual lift is just coming from a levering motion:
An ollie on transition is usually more lever, less pop, but obviously people who primarily skate street will try to get the strong street pop too for extra height, even though it's much harder to do it that way. Pic related is all rotational, lever force without pop.

Do shuvs over and over and you'll see that all 4 wheels will leave the ground just from the spin, no pop required. You can "ghost pop" and ollie (and pretty much any flip trick technically) and get it into the air that way too. You can try it out on grass or some soft surface that absorbs the kinetic energy of a pop, but you'll quickly discover how small they tend to be. They're a handy tool to have in your belt for when you need to get over something super small like a crack or a patch of rough ground and don't have time or energy to give it a big strong pop.

Anonymous No. 159772

do kickflips look better high or low

Anonymous No. 159774

sick slappy on the stairs dawg. i dont recognize this game tho, this definitely isnt the thrasher game I actually have that. is this like EA skateboarding on the PS1 or something?

Anonymous No. 159775

>guy who used to ride a penny board buys a real skateboard
>yeah I think i hate skaters

Anonymous No. 159782

I love you but maybe this wasn't a smart idea

Anonymous No. 159783

blade wheels are so thin, does that make it harder to handle in any way?

Anonymous No. 159786

I can't handle it at all but I think it has more to do with the 80mm diameter of the wheels and the nutsack level deck height and 98.99 degree pop angle they create. When I'm just strolling straightish and don't have to worry about braking it's great. I haven't been stop rocked or anything. I couldn't tell you what they do at high speeds though.

Anonymous No. 159787

It's my first skateboard and I was right about it's setup not working for me. If you could skate anything from day one then that's pretty cool. I'm genuinely happy for you. Why are you being a dick?

Anonymous No. 159794

>80mm wheels
>this guy is trying to give advice

Anonymous No. 159795

That's what rollerblade wheels tend to be and I'm just answering questions that were directed at me. Fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 159800

The higher they're caught, the better it looks.

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Anonymous No. 159801


Anonymous No. 159802

Who are you quoting and learn to read, dumb cunt.

Anonymous No. 159803

my year doesn't exist, oh well

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Anonymous No. 159810

>he was born before 1981

Anonymous No. 159815

It's called riding fakie because you're not a real skater if you give a shit about board orientation.

Anonymous No. 159831

If this was true it would be called 'riding poser', but it's not, that's just what everyone calls you at your local.

Anonymous No. 159835

I pose as a guy who can skate but is mimicking posers for the lulz.

Anonymous No. 159836

tall people have high ollie privilege and im tired of pretending they dont

Anonymous No. 159840

>go to my hometown
>check the main spot out
>kid I bless with a board last summer is doing hardflip down the 8
>last year he hadn't even done ollie on it yet

Zoomers are fucked.

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Anonymous No. 159843

You can't hurt me, I'm behind several layers of irony.

Anonymous No. 159862

Best is when they're caught before the arch of the jump peaks in that super ninja kicky kind of way.

Anonymous No. 159863

I was literally the only person who kinda skated in my hometown. Visited since I picked it back up and there's a kid who I saw blunt stall double kickflip out.

Anonymous No. 159876

lmao I've skated at the same park as you

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Anonymous No. 159878

As a paid ass motherfucker I run through boards hella and I don't even use them to even nearly their full potential, if they get soggy or chipped that shits instantly trash I'm not assuming it's going to make me better or anything I'm not sure what kind of false flag chicanery is going on here but kys if you're mad at my crispy new deck

Anonymous No. 159883

>move foot an inch or so more toward heel side for kick flip
>flip is a bit more effort
>control over board feels flawless, popping much higher and catching easier than ever
Holy fuck I love skateboarding bros

Anonymous No. 159887

i dont like n*ggers

Anonymous No. 159889

It's whatever. It's just wood. It grows on trees. But I honestly don't know whether I should fear the man who has skated ten thousand boards or the man who has skated one board ten thousand times.

Anonymous No. 159890

How do I turn a clip from my phone to a webm to a post?

Anonymous No. 159907

upload to pc
go here and read the 'important to know' at the top of the readme and download then install what's needed
open file in converter
make file size limit 3mb
disable audio

Anonymous No. 159909

i enjoy skating switch

Anonymous No. 159911

I also buy decks when I don't need to, except mine are in a pile in the corner, unused, some still in their plastic wrapping and have been that way for months. My current board still has a few months left in it as well because I only get to skate 1-2 times a week (if that).

Anonymous No. 159912

Me last night. One of my homies who's actually a savage at skating was giving us tips and once he had me move my feet back more the kickflips started coming. I also tried a varial kickflip for the hell of it and by fuck did I actually manage to do the flip cleanly and get one foot on. Turns out putting my front foot further back on the board was the magic I was missing.

It's hard as fuck to balance like that though.

Anonymous No. 159914

What are yous guyses preference for sogginess with your decks?

I just set up a new board and skated it yesterday but it's way more rigid than my usual go to decks. It's been weird getting used to how it turns differently, but landing on it feels kinda nice. It also seems to pop easier, but I don't know if that's just because I wore the tail on the old one down too much.

Anonymous No. 159916

It used to be me and one guy only and now these kids made a legit niceass skate video on their own. I gave two of them skateboards and 1 year later they're already this good. A few months after the video was made, the kid that did the back 180 on the big stair set is doing hardflips on it. That's insane.

Same. I buy new boards I like the graphics of when I feel like it and I give my old ones to the little prodigies.

Anonymous No. 159922

Holy fuck the crust at 4 minutes. Mad respect to people who can skate that shit.

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Anonymous No. 159988

>go to the sesh
>there to have fun, do my usuals, socialise
>one dude is having a full Kerry Getz meltdown because he can't make a super technical flip trick
>someone else also starts to REEE at not making their tricks

Fuckin' hell guys, skating is hard, not every day is good, chill the fuck out. It's a real buzzkill.

Anonymous No. 160011


Anonymous No. 160012

>go skate
>get angry
? how does this even happen, when I skate is the only time I feel happy

Anonymous No. 160023

I get being frustrated when you have one of those sessions where you're not even landing your most basic shit, but throwing a toddler temper tantrum over it is deranged. You shout "fuck" then laugh at yourself for taking it so seriously. It's not even like the guy was getting injured on each fail.

Anonymous No. 160058

How hospital flip?

Anonymous No. 160062

certain dudes feel like they have to show some sort of palpable frustration as to give off the impression that they're typically capable of pulling off that particular trick, but in this instance for whatever reason they're just not managing to do so while you're there watching them

Anonymous No. 160063

This is me every warm up

Anonymous No. 160064

i mean i get it, there's too many haters that'll shit on you if you're out there looking super content with bailing everything
it's all about that street cred baby

Anonymous No. 160079

kek is that the bootleg pro skater by the people who made all those fake disney coloring book games on ps2

Anonymous No. 160102

What tricks are you guys currently working on?

For me, lateshuv and underflip, whichever comes first.

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Anonymous No. 160105

If Andy Anderson wins BATB with a fucking oldschool heelflip, I'll be so happy.

In this case I think all of us there had actually seen him do it many times. He was just genuinely having a freakout.

Anonymous No. 160115

hipster jumps

Anonymous No. 160173

Why's Gifted Hater so quiet these days?

Anonymous No. 160188

Robert Neal jumped him and he's in the hospital now.

Anonymous No. 160284

Is it the Mark Gonzalez drawing of the poser who asks "do I look like a street skater?"?

Anonymous No. 160287

>false flag chicanery

That is racist and against the ethnic group that made skateboarding what itnis today.

Anonymous No. 160288

Some good posting

Anonymous No. 160302

fuck i hate those anklebiting little cunts who threatens to drop in on the pool with your fucking scooter then when I pop out and ask you if you're going to drop it you're little retard brain fires on all cylinders trying to come up with a response and then just scooters off only to start racing around the lip of the pool as soon as you start to skate it

little fucking dumbass would trail me even when I reverted he stayed in my fucking shadow it was annoying as fuck

the old guys just chuckled it up

its not racist im not a racist so

even if its a trick i get consistently sometimes it feels like I'm not trying hard enough even though I'm really trying and that lack of understanding of where the disconnect is can just make me ree out i'll try to keep in mind its hella immature

I will say that little scooter cunt got my blood boiling

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Anonymous No. 160319

can't commit to shuv it bros

also for some reason i can land pop shuv its more consistently

Anonymous No. 160321

whenever faggots hang too close to the edge of the bowl i just bail my board out in their direction

Anonymous No. 160344

if i travel to la for a month will i get skate gains

Anonymous No. 160349

No it's the one with a monkey on the cover instead of a real skater doing some sick trick.

Anonymous No. 160351

At what point is it a slam and not just a whoopsie daisy? I fell yesterday but it was just attempting to manual over a mini curb then hop a couple centimeters up to let the back wheels pop over it. I don't know if I'm a skater now because I drew blood or if I'm just a poser because it wasn't even a trick.

Anonymous No. 160376

fuck guys i slammed good in the bowl a few times yesterday and now when i woke up i cant open my jaw all the way im freaking out what do i do

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Anonymous No. 160377

I got an okay grass ollie I think. I could use a better slide and lift my back foot higher from what I can tell but that should get me up over the curb. Except I can't do it rolling. Not even close. Are there baby steps or something for that?

Anonymous No. 160403

>Are there baby steps or something for that?
My method was to do a few stationary warm up ollies on the concrete and purposefully rocket them, not even attempting a front foot slide, just focusing on keeping good form in my upper body. Then I would do one or two with the front foot slide. Then I would do a few at a slow pace and pick up speed from there. Worked for me anyway. My unsolicited advice would be to stop that grass shit ASAP cause it's only holding only back at this point.

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Anonymous No. 160422

>At what point is it a slam and not just a whoopsie daisy?
Slam could be used interchangeably with "nasty fall" which is a value judgement. It's subjective.

Anonymous No. 160432

This is a joke yeah? And no I'm not about to search and verify if this is some old reddit copy paste post or not.

Anonymous No. 160437

Okay thanks. I'll do them on asphalt now. That makes me shoot the board sideways and slam so I guess it should be the next step.
Why? Are they not okay? It looks like an ollie to me so you'll have to elaborate.

Anonymous No. 160438

>helmet on literal grass
>autistic stationary ollies on grass

No way this is real.

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Anonymous No. 160440

ok since you're all so wise and clever
who wins this shit?

Anonymous No. 160443

there's no names on that picture, so nobody

Anonymous No. 160447

I was also skating in the road outside my yard. It's a comfy helmet so I forgot to take it off and look cool for the video. I don't know how to do a slowed down video. I guess I'll look into it if it would work better.
Is my ollie itself autistic or is it specifically because it's stationary and/or on grass?

Anonymous No. 160450

At the skatepark yesterday some gay guy asked if my friend was gay and then the shop workers started talking about smoking crack and meth

Anonymous No. 160451

Well, is he?

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Anonymous No. 160452

>and look cool for the video

Anonymous No. 160505

too much jumping. kind of like the poster was saying he figured out, suck up with your legs not perform a vertical leap. Squat down maybe half that much, face the direction you're riding, and keep your back foot on the tail.

Anonymous No. 160526

Bro. Are you wearing a helmet in your garden?

Anonymous No. 160527

Try it rolling, go as slow as you need. Make a point to clear a marker you set in your path.

Anonymous No. 160567

they're talking about us over on slap again bros...

Anonymous No. 160574

It's a force of habit, like wearing a seat belt when you drive. I didn't know it would land me in fashion jail.

Anonymous No. 160586

Practice landing with your feet wider apart, aim for your bolts, keep your body weight evenly over both feet. You can't do it on concrete yet because the board will fly out from under you and that helmet will get a nice ding landing how you did in that gif. Bend your knees when you land.

Also fuck off you negative faggots, yes he is a kook, but he is trying to get better. Who gives a fuck? Is this anon meant to just step on a board and shred?

Anonymous No. 160587

>8 anons talking dumb shit
>the rest of the internet rides our nuts
We're used to it

Anonymous No. 160593

You look like that manlet youtuber that does short videos of him running around his bigass house really fast and doing weird shit.

Anonymous No. 160597

This is the price we pay for being at the very forefront of all things relating to skateboarding. Slap loves us, reddit fears us. Skateboard discussion truly peaks right here, lads. Saying that I just landed my first carpet board shuv, but I kinda slipped out cause I was wearing socks and the board is fresh and ungripped so I'll be out for about 3 weeks now. Maybe I'll take this time off to actually put the wheels and trucks on.

Anonymous No. 160598

I looked and didn't see anything. I don't think they think about us at all.

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Anonymous No. 160640

How is blunted tail different from normal tail? In terms of what’s the point besides different shape

Anonymous No. 160668

>less maneuverability / responsiveness but wider, meaning more surface area to land on
>increased stability for stalls / slides

Anonymous No. 160677

Just bought one, all shove trick variations feel a bit different (makes sense)

Anonymous No. 160684

Unironically outside of Barcelona, Zurich and Moscow (when it’s not snowing) europe sucks a massive dick. All pavement in europe is garbage because europoors use asphalt instead of concrete, rarely change it and even sidewalk tiles are usually crap.
Also skateparks are tiny and often wooden.
Outside of a few places mentioned skateboarding in europe is a meme.

Anonymous No. 160733

>Outside of a few places mentioned skateboarding in europe is a meme.
This was the impression I got from watching Geoff Rowley's "Epicly Later'd."
Gave me a new appreciation for Flip's heritage and Rowley.

I've never tried one. Do you like it?

Anonymous No. 160739

I only picked it because the shop offered free bearings if you bought it.
I need to skate it a bit more to be sure. The issue here is that, I also went back from the venture trucks to independent and the whole setup feels completely different to my other board.
The concave, the weight, the width. Takes a while to get used to it.

Anonymous No. 160763

you mean like back foot catch, boned, full extended flick?

Anonymous No. 160779

I feel that.
It's crazy how big of a difference is made by truck geometry.
I tried ventures (5.8) after years of riding indys, and thought I was a convert.
Then I wanted to go back to a smaller board for a while and had to switch to indys because venture 5.8s feel completely different than any of their other sizes.

Anonymous No. 160801

I regret swapping to Indy's and never really got used to em. High trucks feel weird to me.

Anonymous No. 160802

I'm buying some lakais next, all these guys shred

Anonymous No. 160843

Literally everyone on every big brand shreds. I'm so burn out on skate videos. They're all the same.

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Anonymous No. 160844

>7.75 deck
>Low trucks
>Hard, 50mm wheels
>Osiris d3s
Yep. Time to skate.

Anonymous No. 160887

I tried to hint at this earlier, but there's a gulf between a grass/carpet ollie and an ollie while rolling because you're not focused on popping your board more than you're focused on levelling out/waht your front foot is doing. Your early rolling ollies should focus on pop; doesn't matter if they're high or if they're super rocketed.

So my advice is that: just focus on the pop. Roll slow, try to pop the board, land back on it, keep rolling. They mightn't even seem like "real" ollies to you and might feel more like some weird manual or something, but so long as you hear the pop, it's an ollie.

Anonymous No. 160914

the carpet board autism does not translate

Anonymous No. 160915

enjoy this gem

Anonymous No. 160927

I got such a bad shinner yesterday, I knew it was going to hurt today but damn this is something else

Anonymous No. 160928

fuck fedex ground

Anonymous No. 160936

I took the hint. I appreciate it. I'm working on stationary on concrete now and I'm just trying to pop it and land like you said. It hasn't come to me yet. I think I'm just still at the point where my feet leaving the board retards me.
I've been doing jumps from the board to a box to learn to jump off straight up and not shoot the board forward or backwards, and then I jump from the box back to the board to learn to land without shooting it. I can now jump off the board and pop it pretty good and land on the box. But I still can't pop it and land back on it.

Anonymous No. 160947

dont use that twitter word

Anonymous No. 160949

boo hoo child

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the grittiest pla....jpg

Anonymous No. 160950

this place is the best man

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yoshi disgust.jpg

Anonymous No. 160951


Anonymous No. 160958


Anonymous No. 160959

There was a lack of rap music and heelflip clone #5737 which was quite nice.

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Anonymous No. 160963

I just found the best skate park in europe.

Anonymous No. 160964

thats where everyone shares their clips today, slapboomer

Anonymous No. 161017

Practice comfortably putting the tail down quickly without fear in a controlled way. Do it all the time, every session. Roll around and do tail stops (don't worry about tail scraping autism it doesn't matter). Once you can do that and not fear slipping out, it makes the other stuff you are doing much easier. Another thing you can do, and I'm not joking, is if you have a patch of concrete in your garden or somewhere close to your house, put a bunch of padding around you in a circle, like cushions and pillows etc. and do a fully committed jump on your board on the concrete at the centre. If you slip out, you land softly.

Anonymous No. 161021

I'm 22. The website is for kids. I'm surprised posting eenstagwam links isn't a bannable offense under GR2

Anonymous No. 161033

I hate them so much

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Anonymous No. 161038

Ok small update - it feels weird.
Like there’s more material on the tail and nose and in don’t know is it bad? Is it good?
Besides the difference is shoves and general scooping motions there’s really not much difference.
Apparently though this is meant to be some sort of a semi-freestyle board. It’s just usually you’d add plastic thingies on both the tail and nose so that when you do pogos, caspers and various truckstands you don’t smash it up as much.
It was worth trying it but I think I will go back to the normal board when I’m done with this one.

Anonymous No. 161040


Anonymous No. 161060

fuck guise why did you not dm me this dropped

Anonymous No. 161068

Sounds good. Jumping on and off your board is a good step. As are little hippy jumps.

Also, it's worth remembering that people couldn't ollie at all for a few decades in the early days, so there's lots of other shit you can try when ollie drills get annoying, all of which will build up your control and make you less afraid of your board. Just have fun cruising around, kickturning, throwing down, going fast, riding ramps, etc.

Anonymous No. 161090

bump limit esg is best esg

Anonymous No. 161092

>It was worth trying it but I think I will go back to the normal board when I’m done with this one.
yfw it lasts just long enough to get used to, then the normal board feels off

Anonymous No. 161195

anyone ever get laid just scooting around town? you got put in a scenario where you could pick up a conversation with a chick or it gave her an opportunity to hit on you?

that happened to me once when i was young.

Anonymous No. 161196

fucking staircase in the middle of the bowl /facepalm

Anonymous No. 161204

>At least from this image the design doens't look that good.
training course is for bmx, bowl also looks like it had some bmxer input.

I find it really annoying when parks are split up by riding style. you end up losing out on some wild transfers and combo lines and shit.

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Anonymous No. 161256

I bet its meant to be a safety feature
Pic related is like 10ft with no shallow end. only part without coping is the full pipe.
First time I was there in person I immediately wondered how many times some fat dummy has slid down to the bottom and had to call the fire department or someone with a ladder to get them out.

Anonymous No. 161259

is this some custom IRC thing?

Anonymous No. 161260

[quote]is this some custom IRC thing?[/quote]
I think an old forum thing

Anonymous No. 161319

At local park last night, my GF is there hanging out with me
There is a group of fucking annoying ass scooter kids, probably around 18 years old, some of them are wearing skate brand clothing so that makes them even lamer

One of them is on the edge of the bowl getting ready to drop in. I basically just skate around him and roll straight in next to him, snaked him pretty bad.

My gf was like 'that was mean' and then she was pissed off at me for the rest of the time we were there. On the way home I had to explain to her that it was necessary to vibe scooter fags because you can't let them feel comfortable at the park or they'll multiply and take over.

Who was in the wrong here?

Anonymous No. 161323

Love this skatepark, I used to live just two blocks away when it first got built and always skated over to it.

Anonymous No. 161326

How old are you?

Anonymous No. 161332

Late 20s

Anonymous No. 161345

>On the way home I had to explain to her that it was necessary to vibe scooter fags because you can't let them feel comfortable
fucking LMAO some of you guys have hit your head too many times

Anonymous No. 161347

I hope this a joke. Otherwise your gf needs to be disciplined.

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Anonymous No. 161349

>annoying ass scooter kids, probably around 18 years old
I don't think I've ever seen anyone that old riding a scooter (aside from the ones people rent for transport.)
What would someone like that even buy when they get too tall for a razor?
>snaked him pretty bad.
>necessary to vibe scooter fags because you can't let them feel comfortable at the park
>Who was in the wrong here?
I suspect that you're either exaggerating about how old they were, or you bullied a literal retard.

Anonymous No. 161368

>vibe scooter fags
we do that all the time here lol >>161349 is being a fag

Anonymous No. 161370

we should just stay in this thread forever

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Anonymous No. 161387

Anonymous No. 161388

Gee, bill...

Anonymous No. 161399

New Thread

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Anonymous No. 163442
