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🧵 /cg/ - Climbing General

Anonymous No. 174797

~~This Whiteboy Buggin Edition ~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

Route in OP image:

>Where is the old bread?

Anonymous No. 174802

can you please stop making threads you absolute homofag

Anonymous No. 174872

Finally a proper thread.
Any tips for climbing on gritstone in cold weather? Never climbed outside but I wanted to try some boulders not so far out from where I live

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Anonymous No. 174894

this you?

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Anonymous No. 174960

I didn't know climbing forums referenced sneed.

Anonymous No. 174987

The friction on gritstone is really good right now. Just make sure you pack some base layers, a down jacket and try stay warm between tries. Don't get too frustrated if your grade on the grit doesn't match what you climb indoors either. Gritstone is typically quite technical and learning how to move on it takes some time.

Where are you based? I climb in the Staffordshire peak district and got out about a week ago in between the showers and everything felt velcro sticky. I'm hoping to send Tierdrop at Ramshaw this season since I couldn't quite get it last time.

Anonymous No. 175092

One of you guys has experience with LS Mantra? Is climbing in them different to other thin and sensitive shoes?

Anonymous No. 175130

that shit read like a shill post

Anonymous No. 175133

Nah I just want the closest thing to rubber socks.
Skwamas and Instincts feel like being wrapped in concrete, they're hard, 'bulky' and I don't feel a thing in them.
Veloce are nice but I want something thinner, lighter and even more sensitive

Anonymous No. 175143


Have you tried Furia air's or Drago's?

I thought my Skwama's were plenty soft, had no problems smearing or edging. Currently climb in Unparallel TN Pro's cause the heel fits my feet better.

Anonymous No. 175144

>Furia air
Yeah, sadly they don't fit me...
Also don't fit me, dunno about the LV (are they even different in shape?)

With roman feet I only have a 'small' range of shoes that really fit

Anonymous No. 175167

Thanks for the great advice! I went and tried and some boulders and holy hell it was so fun. Leagues better than anything a gym has to offer. And indeed, the rock felt extremely sticky.
However, I was only able to climb two grades lower than what I can in a gym. You were not kidding on how technical it is, but I had to too much fun to care.

I'm on the other side of the channel, having fun in Font. I'll try someday to visit Yorkshire and Staffordshire, there are so many classics to check out.
I wish you all the best regarding Tierdrop, the boulder looks awesome.

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Anonymous No. 175230

am 4/4 on talking to grils in the last month that I am interested in but already have a partner/are not interested
They'll engage with me first, lean in when I space away, and do those small, extra movements I've seen girls do when talking with someone they like
One even took the beginner tour, only to ignore the guide and talk to me after walking by despite climbing there for half a year
Maybe I will never find a climbfu

Anonymous No. 175234

don't stress too much about this, women show affection to guys they like as friends too (even if they know you are atracted to them), so just keep trying and be a bit more sexual i guess, but I didn't succed too

Anonymous No. 175261

nta but im often in the UK during the summers if you wanna climb together in the peak district one day since i dont know anyone else there, im pretty autistic though

Anonymous No. 175304

You're welcome man, I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope you have a great time in font. I lived in Sheffield for 3+ years and climbed a lot in the Peak, but I still prefer Yorkshire grit. It's a little bit more spread out than the crags at the Derbyshire PD but the quality is really high. I've climbed in font quite a bit and maintain that the best 6C/V5 I've ever done is Horror Arete at Bridestones. If you come back, make sure to visit Caley, Slipstones and ofc Brimham rocks.

I am pretty autistic too anon. How would I message you?

Anonymous No. 175315

Just rape them, it's that simple. You think your ancestors overthought matters this much?

Anonymous No. 175322

Try the LS Theory. More sensitive than the Drago, fits my roman foot, great at smearing.

Anonymous No. 175361

Oh that's cool, didn't even think about them!

Anonymous No. 175377

Anonymous No. 175384

I strongly believe in the family guy shipoopi song. Any girl willing to get kissed/raped on the first date is usually a hussy

Anonymous No. 175391

/fit/ immigrant here. I'm tired of bulking, lifting everyday, and making minimal progress on my lifts and I'm ready to cut, climb everyday, and make minimal progress on my projects. When I'm able to climb v6 will I finally be able to convince a non-obese woman to love me?

Anonymous No. 175397

>had the flu again
>haven't climbed in like two weeks
>feel physically weak

Every time I make progress I have to get on a plane and then I get another fucking disease and get reset.

Anonymous No. 175398

If you're a white guy, chicks will dig you at v3-4.
If you're any other ethnicity, you have to be able to flash v8s and v9s before chicks even look at you, then somehow read their mind as to how exactly they wanted to be courted

Anonymous No. 175409

Imagine those animals living around Red Rock canyon. All they've been hearing since the canyon got developed and Sleepwalker got FA'd is skinny white boys screaming "CMON", "Let's FUCKING GOOOOOO" or "YOU GOT THIS DUDE/BRO" between whatever nigger zoomer mumblerap shit playing on these kids' bluetooth speakers.

As hard as these kids climb they seem like just disrespectful self-indulgent faggots.

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Finals Jakarta.png

Anonymous No. 175419

It's insane how much of a gap the big 3 asian countries have on the rest.

Also in qualifiers there were 2 Paki's, one scoring 1.0 total and the other 0.0

I'm pretty sure the kid crushers at my local gym would have gotten one 5 zone or got past 1 point in lead. What an embarassment.

Anonymous No. 175425


Anonymous No. 175437

sukma kok lmao gotem

Anonymous No. 175445

>If you're a white guy, chicks will dig you at v3-4.
v2 at my gym

I just don't get why Indonesia is so good at speedclimbing but ass at everything else. What's up with that?

Anonymous No. 175453

Hows about you tounge my anus, nigger.

Anonymous No. 175474

>What's up with that?
speed """climbing""" isn't real climbing, that's why

Anonymous No. 175475

I'd imagine a high level coaching regime is much cheaper and easier to source for speed than it is for the other disciplines. Any smart running/track cycling/swimming coach can probably adapt to it pretty easily.

Anonymous No. 175476

>japanese and korean women climbers got btfo by china

Anonymous No. 175477

speed "climbing" is basically track.

Anonymous No. 175479

I'm trying to avoid comparing myself to people who go to the same gym as me, yet I can't help but to notice that after less than two months of climbing, I've already surpassed the level of some of the much more experienced climbers. I have to admit that it feels pretty good.

Anonymous No. 175480

The superiority complex climber is real, talking about avoiding comparison and then just shitting on others, instead of saying anything good. This is you, without a doubt:
>someone is worse with less experience
haha better train hard like me kid, then you'll understand what climbing's really about
>someone is better with more experience
well obviously they're good but if I had the same amount of time I'd be better
>someone is worse with more experience
I only started 2 months ago lmao wtf are you even doing I've surpassed your level
>someone is better with less experience
they're just gifted/talented/good genetics they don't work as hard to climb as I do

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Anonymous No. 175482

>muh elite japanese climbers
>muh elite korean climbers

Anonymous No. 175484

She was so cute, she just couldn't believe it <3

Anonymous No. 175485


The setting for the boulder round was still ass though. Paddle dyno's need to gtfo fast, they're not entertaining and esp for women easy to overtune.

But Yuetong Zhang performed the best on lead so she's a deserved winner. I think we'll still see 2 Japanese women in Paris, qualifiers series in 2024 has plenty of slots.

Anonymous No. 175491

japs are overrated with the exception of ai mori.

Anonymous No. 175493


True but there are 10 women's slots left for the OQS in early 2024. Ai, Oriane, Jessie, Zhang, Natalia and Janja already qualified.

Slovenia, US, Austria and France also only have one more spot left. It's still very likely that Japan will get the second slot too (with Miho/Futaba).

Anonymous No. 175494

It's really weird to me that the Olympic countries don't get to just pick whoever they want for their teams. It's just gonna be a fancy world cup instead of an Olympics.

Anonymous No. 175495

Also this M4 boulder looks extremely cringe.

Anonymous No. 175496


Idk why but the setting at all Asian events seems to be of way lower quality than EU/US events.

Anonymous No. 175497

are thirdies qualified to participate in climbing in the olympics? imagine being an elite jap climber not being able to qualify cause you got fierce competition while some shit country gets a free pass

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Anonymous No. 175500


There will be at least 1 male and female climber from Oceania and Africa.

Also 2 slots for the universality principle.

So we'll definitely see some shitters at the Olympics who can't top a boulder and almost deck on the lead route.

Anonymous No. 175501

top kek

Anonymous No. 175507

>With the support ofOlympic Solidarityand participating IFSC Member Federations, we have been running a monthlong Universality Place development programme in Europe for two athletes and one coach each from five of nine eligible countries; Cambodia, El Salvador, Honduras, Iceland and North Macedonia.

I went googling to find out what the "Universality Principle" was and came up kind of blank but I found that. I think it's about getting someone from a country that doesn't have any infrastructure to the games for some reason but surely there are climbers in Iceland.

Anonymous No. 175509

literally diversity quotas

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Women&#039;s Boul....png

Anonymous No. 175511

>seething japanese roasties when the chinese anthem kicked in

Anonymous No. 175512

so china has great climbers. they just weren't able to participate in the ifsc events due to coof and shit.

Anonymous No. 175513


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Svana Bjarnason.jpg

Anonymous No. 175516

The Australian chick isn't too bad. 16th in Combined at Bern and she's made a few Boulder finals through the year, Lead performance seems to drag her down though.
The women's universality place will be taken by pic related. Decent outdoor climber with a couple of 8c's under her belt. She's Icelandic by blood but grew up in France (possibly born in France) and lives in Spain now.

They'll both be better than the speedclimbers in Tokyo, poor fuckers spent 90% of the boulder round brushing holds and looking anxious.

It's more about countries that are underrepresented in the Olympics (less than 8 athletes in the previous games or something).

Anonymous No. 175517

Bro bro bro you gotta watch the latest jonathan sin video bro he does this v6 and he’s saying he wants to be an olympic comp climber bro is soooo goat

Anonymous No. 175523

I kind of understand how you got that impression from my post, but a lot of what you said is bullshit. I deliberately made it clear that I tried to avoid comparing myself to others but failed in doing so. I understand how admitting that might make me sound like an asshole, but at least I'm being honest here.
One thing you got wrong though is that I didn't shit on anyone. In fact, I never even assessed the performance of others in any way. I said that I'm climbing as hard or even harder than some people who seem to be more experienced than me. That implies that I'm progressing quite quickly, which naturally brings me pleasure.
Another thing you got wrong is that I don't belittle others. When someone climbs harder than me, regardless of whether I think they're more or less experienced, I try to check their climbing out in order to learn. When someone doesn't climb as hard as me but I think they're more experienced, I do the same thing.

Anonymous No. 175535

For me the worst climbing content is Magnus new videos since they used to be pretty cool no matter how simple they were
Now it's just another generic fitness youtube clickbait
>The world's most X
>We challenged random people at pullups
>Me (pro climber btw) and other fit celebrities fuck around

Guys buy my merch guys it's a 100% polyester sweater for 200bucks guys buy my online course I swear I put my sweat and blood into it guys buy my book guys please guys

Anonymous No. 175541

>Now it's just another generic fitness youtube clickbait
And God do I hate it, he should go back to simple climbing content and a few 'special' videos every now and then.
Is he even climbing regularly anymore?

Anonymous No. 175548

Hard is Easy makes some of the best climbing content in my humble opinion.

Anonymous No. 175565

tl;dr nigger, I'll tongue your anus

Anonymous No. 175575

The first sentence should have you covered.

Anonymous No. 175636

>IFSC official photographer's gear was stolen at PAN AMERICAN GAMES SANTIAGO
top kek based thirdies

Anonymous No. 175646

I hope a modern day Ted Kaczynski has a massive spergout and mails a bomb to Tension and Kilterboard HQ for their role in creating these V15-climbing perennially-pubescent faggots (in Minecraft)

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red question mark.jpg

Anonymous No. 175703

Noob climber here, only been climbing indoors for a few months. Do you guys do strength training in addition to climbing? If yes, do you do it on climbing days or between climbing days? My climbing gym is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and I don't know if I should lift on those days or between them.

Anonymous No. 175705

Yeah, I climb 2/week and lift 3/week.

You'll want to think about your goals with lifting? Do you want to get bigger, get stronger, look better? Is it about health? Or are you only interested in lifting in order to climb better?

In either case, lifting on non-climbing days is better if you can fit it into your schedule.
If you're lifting to get bigger/stronger overall then you'll definitely want to lift on non-climbing days - most muscles work as part of a chain, if smaller muscles (e.g. your finger flexors or shoulder stabilisers) are tired out from climbing then you're going to struggle to lift enough weight to train the larger muscles in that same chain (e.g. lats or pecs). This is especially relevant to beginner climbers because generally it's those small muscle groups that are be the limiting factor for you - there's a fair chance you'll come off the wall at the end of a session with your forearms tired af but your lats might have plenty left in the tank. You can work around this somewhat using isolation exercises that purely target the larger muscle groups or lifting with straps which take some of the grip work out of the equation but it's not ideal.
If you're lifting to become a better climber then it's less important - you'll probably be focusing on antagonist muscle groups that weren't worked on the wall. You'll still probably be pretty tired generally though and that means the lifting sessions won't be as productive as if you'd done them on a non-climbing day (or the climbing session won't be as productive if you lift first).

Anonymous No. 175706

The type of strength training you do will vary depending on your goals too.

If it's about overall strength or appearance then you'd want to follow a typical lifting program, maybe modified somewhat to account for the muscles already worked adequately during climbing but desu there's not a lot of cross-over at least for most beginner climbs, like I said, small muscle groups are often the limiting factor in climbing.

If you're lifting purely to become a better climber then you'd want a much more tailored lifting program. Getting bigger means more mass to carry up the wall after all so you only want to grow muscles if it's going to be useful to you. If the limiting factor is grip strength as mediated by the forearm muscles then growing bigger lats won't help - no matter how strong your lats are, you can't pull yourself up a wall if you can't hold onto the holds. Obviously the degree to which this is relevant varies depending on the type of climb e.g. crimps vs juggy campus moves. In general though, the way to target the muscles relevant to climbing is just to climb more.
The main way lifting can make you a better climber imo is improving overall health and preventing injury. Climbing tends to target specific muscle groups. If your only exercise is climbing then those muscle groups will grow stronger but the rest of your body won't keep up. This puts your body out of balance and can contribute to injury. For example, one of the contributing factors to climber's elbow (medial epicondylitis) is imbalance between the forearm flexor muscle group (heavily used in climbing) vs the forearm extensor group (not used much at all in climbing). Specifically training antagonist muscle groups (that is, muscle groups that generate the opposite movement to another - extensors vs flexors) can address this imbalance and stop you from having to take 2 months off in the future because you've developed a tendonitis.

Anonymous No. 175729

I can't believe I missed magnus doing his shitty cosplay at my local gym bros... for the record they have like the worst boulder setting in Sydney

Anonymous No. 175752

If you want to get better at climbing, climb more.

Anonymous No. 175755

I'm visiting tokyo. If I'm like a v3 climber in US gyms, probably sandbagged grading, are there good quantity of beginner routes? I know japan is known for hard as fuck routes, and tons of dynamic stuff which I never do

Anonymous No. 175810

Thanks for the detailed reply bro.
>Do you want to get bigger, get stronger, look better? Is it about health? Or are you only interested in lifting in order to climb better?
I want my muscles to be strong and flexible, so that I can be a better climber and a healthier person. Don't really care for big muscles, seems like a real hassle to obtain and maintain. I want to look good of course, but I feel that will come anyway, especially since I've been fat most of my life, so any progress I make will automatically make me look better. My former inactive lifestyle also left me with fucked up shoulders and knees, which I've somewhat mended with physical therapy for the past year, so I'm very into what you write about preventing injury. I'm also stiff as a board, so working some sort of flexibility program into my training would probably do wonders. If I stand with straight legs and try to touch my toes, I can reach to about just below my kneecaps. It's really bad lol.

Anonymous No. 175816

>If I stand with straight legs and try to touch my toes, I can reach to about just below my kneecaps. It's really bad lol.
I can climb v7 and I have the same issue, it's nearly as relevant as you think

Anonymous No. 175824

You'll be fine anon, they basically just have really strict lower grades where western gyms have V4 jug ladders. Their gyms have like 5 grades before the V1 equivalent

Anonymous No. 175828

pete whittaker makes good content
bouldering is just kinda cringe and the trad climbing stuff is more interesting

Anonymous No. 175829

>I never even assessed the performance of others in any way
Why do you lie? You literally say you climb harder than others in the next sentence.
I hope the inevitable plateau hits your ego hard.

Anonymous No. 175830

What's up with their belaying? Those setups with ATCs are the weirdest I've even seen. And look quite uncomfortable.

Anonymous No. 175841

Yeah, Pete seems like a real stand-up guy. Gotta say that Bosi and Ondra both have good videos too, although the latter is sometimes a little too sentimental for my taste.

Anonymous No. 175843

The way they're tethered to the ground? (I didn't watch the video). Every gym in Australia that I've been to is like that. I always assumed it was insurance company overreach following some accident decades ago but I don't actually know shit.

Anonymous No. 175845

Oh but that’s not an assessment of their performance, it’s rather an observation that implies that I’m making nice progress. I’d understand your point if I had belittled them, but that’s simply not the case. In fact, I said that I’m trying to learn from them even though I’m able to send routes that they can’t because I acknowledge that they’re more technically skilled than me.
I don’t think an inevitable plateau will affect me the way you’re hoping it will. I know from other hobbies that when you get to a higher level and the returns seem to be diminishing, pushing yourself further will feel all the more significant and satisfying.

Anonymous No. 175848

Weightlifting is not gunna help you stop cutting feet on a v1, gumby. Just fucking climb for a year straight before even thinking about weightlifting

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Anonymous No. 175855

anyone got more of these?

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Anonymous No. 175860

even better if they are actually funny

Anonymous No. 175895

Should combined be split into lead and boulder for future olympic games?
Ai Mori would destroy Janja in lead but has no chance in combined.
Orianne could win bouldering but is fucked in combined.
I wanna see more specialists instead of olympic climbers being forced into combined

Anonymous No. 175896

>Ai Mori would destroy Janja in lead
Hardly. They've gone head to head 4 times this year and both have two wins apiece.

At least it's not boulder+lead+speed. That was grim.
Ideally it'd be 4 medals per gender, one for each of the three disciplines and another for boulder+lead combined. I like the endurance element of having climbers do 4 boulders and a lead route in one afternoon.

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Anonymous No. 175897

Fresh of the presses, no humblebragging like that other one (that doesn't even have someone climbing in the image, tf)

Anonymous No. 175918

how is it to rock climb outdoors in below freezing? will be the first time doing it in these temps, got great weather coming up during the weekend after a week of rain here

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Anonymous No. 175925

use less words, you need to hit harder
good effort though

Anonymous No. 175935

Shut the fuck up, bugpsammer

Anonymous No. 175958

Anons I have a problem with my rappels. They are never smooth, I go down in hiccups.
I tried two different friction hitches (french autoblock and prusik) with the same result. I’m using a Beal Jammy for the hitch and a reverso on a 10 mm dynamic rope.
What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous No. 175959

this one is literally me, but I usually strike up a conversation with a group of people whenever I go and we're all trying out a hard v6 or something

Anonymous No. 175981

>Belay certified
At all the gyms I've been to, demonstrating that you can belay (or having one of the staff spend a few minutes teaching you if you say you haven't done it before) is just part of the first visit induction.

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Anonymous No. 175990

Anonymous No. 176003

Probably some US or Aussie thing

Anonymous No. 176006

At my (Australian) gym you need to do a little course before they let you touch the lead wall. Top rope they just tell you "v to knee one two three" and let you go.

Anonymous No. 176012

>climbing alone
i thought it would own, but it sucks

Anonymous No. 176015

I like it but only bouldering and system board climbing.
Lead/TR probably sucks alone (never tried it though)

Anonymous No. 176024

at my eurotrash gyms you only sign a form to confirm you know what you do and that you do it on your own risk

Anonymous No. 176028

Same (also euro)

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Anonymous No. 176041

Hannah bros, it's so over...

Anonymous No. 176076

she's a vegan anon she wasn't worth it anyway
really surprising that a vegan spends 75% of the season with various "random" injuries btw

Anonymous No. 176077


Anonymous No. 176078

>vegan lefty whore
>it's over
certainly for you

Anonymous No. 176097

This is literally me down to every point
>tfw already plateaued

Anonymous No. 176116

>tfw plateaued at V5 and got one move away from finishing a P O W E R F U L V6 but then the walls were reset and I didn't get it in time

Anonymous No. 176162

my gym doesnt even use the international grading system so i can't partake in the dick measuring contest

Anonymous No. 176163

Australian? I've been 5 gyms across two states and none of them have used numbered grades as opposed to gym-specific colour grades.

Anonymous No. 176179

>gym ''''v6''''

Yeah, it wasn't a V6.

Anonymous No. 176188

it was a V2

Anonymous No. 176195


Anonymous No. 176226

9degrees is the only one I've seen with V grades, except each colour covers 3 grades so it's pretty pointless anyway

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Anonymous No. 176231

he just like me fr

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Anonymous No. 176241

Anonymous No. 176244

It’s a good thing you can’t get any special ’Murica points or be favoured by special ’Murica refereeing in climbing, so the mutts stand no chance against the superior Europeans and East-Asians.

Anonymous No. 176250

This sport attracts the biggest losers imaginable

Anonymous No. 176252

Damn she looks really cute there

Anonymous No. 176265

anon, there are so many better gyms than off...

Anonymous No. 176266

Is this Brooke? Looks stunning if so

Anonymous No. 176271

it is pretty comfy and also is the closest to me
also pretty cheap
what would you recommend? my friends once went to the outdoor boulder at holesovice and they said it was some pretty hardcore shit
best i can do so far is climb about half of reds in off so i'm not sure if i am at a high enough level yet for something more challenging

Anonymous No. 176276

What happened anon? Did you get injured? I am also back to my local wall after 6 months. I am out of condition without a doubt.

Anonymous No. 176315

first, gym specific grades are better anyways because the "universal" scales never match across different gyms.
second, even in the single local grading i always see a lot of variance. so our dick measuring is even more pointless.

i've found that different gyms have different styles and feeling of the routes, regardless the difficulty. so trying another one might still be worthwhile

Anonymous No. 176331

>i'm not sure if i am at a high enough level yet for something more challenging
Just keep trying different boulders to find your limit, don't chase grades

Anonymous No. 176332

Yeah I prefer non-standard grading because it is all in effect non-standard anyway. We have a perfectly good standardised dick measurement tool in the moonboard if you really need to have an international benchmark. Granted it can't measure slab or parkour ability but like lol and lmao. If you want comp boulder dick measuring enter a comp.

Anonymous No. 176350

i hate slab boulders so much

Anonymous No. 176351

i love outdoor slab but fuck indoor slab

Anonymous No. 176352


Anonymous No. 176354

outdoor slab has better friction for smearing, indoor slabs will use large black volumes for that friction but when they use those its often not steep enough and then it too easy. also falling on indoor slab is scarier because the holds stick out.
i like slab because its not pumpy and you can stop to rest at any time between moves, when i do outdoor slab its mostly on lead so its nice to be able to do that, also i really like bad and tiny holds on slab which is rare indoors
my old gym used to make good slab problems though but i dont live in the area anymore

Anonymous No. 176375

What the fuck bros there were some deaf mute dudes at my gym today. They share beta with sign language it was absolutely kino. They also can't spray beta to normies and clap every time you send. I need to find a mutie gym now...

Anonymous No. 176392

>also falling on indoor slab is scarier because the holds stick out.
it's this
fuck slab problems where failing by sliding off a bad foothold puts your falling trajectory right onto some weird shaped hold 4 feet below you. maybe better setting can mitigate this, but it also doesn't change the likelihood of you getting cheese gratered on the gym wall if you fall
every fucking time I scrape my knee or leg badly while climbing, it's on a fucking slab

Anonymous No. 176394

reds at off are pretty tough, are you sure you didn't mean pink?

anyways hudy boulder karlin is pretty nice, but expensive and overcrowded at peak times. i like ultraant, but it's definitely an oldschool gym with routes focused on strength and technique, not dynos. jeremi sport (trinactka) has a nice boulder but with inconsistent difficulties. jungle letnany and bigwall also have nice boulders, but you should mgo there mainly for climbing

the outdoor boulder at holesovice was nice, but somewhat difficult, yeah. it basically didn't have the lowest grade of boulders.

anyways if you have off nearby, then why not, it's not a bad gym. it just has a lot of dyno boulders deeper into grades and is overcrowded a lot.

Anonymous No. 176440

>LS Mantra
lovin' it, literally the thinnest and modt sensitive shoe I've ever worn
no edge is bae

Anonymous No. 176446

That's why you need to push yourself away from the wall every time you lose balance or slip, slab boulder or not

Anonymous No. 176526

I am begging my fellow white men who climb at TRC to stop climbing with the most dysgenic asian “women” imaginable.

Anonymous No. 176557

lol no
i climbed a bunch of pinks during my first time ever
i can do about half of reds right now and that's where i really plateaued
the blues and yellows im not even touching (except for one blue i almost managed to clear) because it is a pure freakshow territory for mutants with sticky fingers and pumped cores
also i'm pretty fond of dynos and i like how they've been putting at least one dyno on almost every wall in the latest iterations
thanks for recommendations though, ill try them out, trinactka also seems to be close enough to me

Anonymous No. 176560

I hate these kind of shit. At least he’s using a rope

Anonymous No. 176741

Indoor climbing is for onions fags and isn't even real. Harden the fuck up and learn to climb. Go outside and climb highballs sans pads at easy grades until you're no longer a massive pussy.

UFCK No. 176747

Alternative U.K. based climbing zine:

sage No. 176786

why do you care? why should others care?

Anonymous No. 176789

Nah, indoor climbing is really fun and often more convenient than going to a crag.

Anonymous No. 176806

Bros how the fuck do I fix my terrible upper body strength.

I think it's because I'm tall 6'3) and used to be fat (lost weight by eating 1500 kcal a day for 8 months, weigh 160 lb now).

I can barely do 2 pullups, and I can't even hang in half crimp on the largest edge at the hangboards. Should I roid?

I climb 6b+ on lead so it's not like I'm completely useless.

Anonymous No. 176807

Lmaooooo skelly. Seriously, if you can’t even do two pullups why the fuck are you even using a hangboard? You’re going to injure yourself. Stop following these retarded grifters like “coach” Louise who get paid to promote hangboarding. You’re going to destroy your pulleys

Anonymous No. 176809

You fix it by working on it.
For pullups, there's many options. You can do pullups with resistance band to help you build up to the point you don't need it. Or you can just do 2 pullups, rest and do 2 more for total of like 20 reps. You can also throw in some negative pull ups. Do 2 pullups, jump to the top and do one mire negative rep. Rest and repeat. Once you can easily do 8 to 12 pullups, I'd consider adding weight.
And for finger strength you could try climbing more overhang stuff. Also submaximal weight hangs. So you stand on your toes and hang from an edge. Slowly build up finger strength by helping your fingers less and less with your legs until you can hang.
I would also recommend doing some shoulder strength exercises. For this I personally like to hop onto the 45° spray wall and reach for the next hold as slowly as possible and when I'm in the position, hover over the next hold for like 3 seconds more. The is probably the most climbing specific exercise for shoulder strength I can think of.You can also do facepulls.
And don't forget to train push strength of the upper body for general health and fitness reasons.

Anonymous No. 176810

Lmao some dyel on /fit/ says climbing is purely a gear queer sport like cycling where gear makes you a better climber/cyclist. Those new $200 shoe aren’t going to make you a better climber

Anonymous No. 176811

>Climbing is like biking in that it’s a rich fag sport and a lot of your “skill” is dictated by gear

Anonymous No. 176816

Half crimp and open hand on large edges should be able to fuck up anyone's hands. As long as he isn't full crimping like a retard

Anonymous No. 176823

post bread

Anonymous No. 176824

its almost the opposite in a way... spend 500 usd on trad gear only to use it on routes several grades below your max sports grade

Anonymous No. 176827


Anonymous No. 176828

I want to start lifting again to look better (be stronger too I guess)

I originally followed Greyskull's for awhile before getting into climbing. Anyone lift and have suggestions on a plan? Otherwise I was just gonna bench/OHP, squat/deadlift to start and think about adding other shit as I go along

Anonymous No. 176831

> Otherwise I was just gonna bench/OHP, squat/deadlift to start and think about adding other shit as I go along
That’s what I do. I also do an intense KB workout once a week. I just lift and climb. My body is weird where I can lift and climb the same day without much detriment and I am 31. So I try to climb minimum twice a week, and lift 2-3 times a week. Will climb more if I can get my wife to the gym on the weekends when she is not working

Anonymous No. 176833

Thanks that's real helpful, cheers

Anonymous No. 176860

thanks, mister

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 176861

Reg Park’s beginner routine will get you started.

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Anonymous No. 176879

some elite climbers must be seething.
she's going to the olympics and i can't even remember if she ever made an ifsc podium finish before kek. these "universality" rules are shit. literally affirmative action lmao.

Anonymous No. 176880

she's made (boulder) finals multiple times though

at least it's not like alannah yip (who thankfully didn't make it) who has made a single final in her entire career and that's 6 years ago

Anonymous No. 176891

>oceania qualifier won by oceania mackenzie
what did ifsc mean by this?

Anonymous No. 176954

Aren’t you a bit old to be on 4chan Dan

Anonymous No. 177033

What does "spraying beta" mean?

Anonymous No. 177036

>an oldschool gym with routes focused on strength and technique, not dynos
How I wish we got this here.

Anonymous No. 177109

Telling (but also showing?) others the solution to boulder problems without them asking for it

Anonymous No. 177129

3rd month climber posting. Went for my first evening session (usually I go before lunch). It made a massive difference. Barely anything felt possible, even stuff I've sent before. Doesn't help that I'm a fat bastard. Climbing's been the most fun I've had doing anything physical.

Anonymous No. 177138

I see, I don't like these motherfuckers.
I want to try going in the morning, in the evening I'm sometimes pretty exhausted mentally and it's hard to gather motivation.

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Anonymous No. 177189

Bros, share some of your favourite climbs in the V0 to V6 range for the 25° moonboard. I offer you a cutie smile in exchange.

Anonymous No. 177247

How accurate are the grades on moon/tension/kilter boards?
I've only ever climbed indoors at places with colour grades and I'd like to know what level I'm at before I go climbing on rock.

Anonymous No. 177248

>25° moonboard
I've never seen one before, do they actually exist?
t. 40° V4 shitter

Anonymous No. 177249

Yea, they exist. It is actually the only standardised board in the entire city. But there's a pretty big 45° spray wall next to it so it's not all that bad when it comes to board climbing.

Anonymous No. 177285

probably not the best season to post this in

Anonymous No. 177287


What are you talking about? Just bring a snow shovel and tarp and you're good to go bouldering year round. The snow will help break any falls you take, too.

Anonymous No. 177289

i did go bouldering last weekend but it started snowing an hour after i got there and topouts got too slippery, it was 30f then but now its ~15f which is a bit too cold for me tbdesu even in sunny facing crags

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Anonymous No. 177296

i recall hearing that the conditions are actually the best in winter on our local boulders. but i prefer to be warm and cozy

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Anonymous No. 177335

>be new to area
>find climbing group
>mix of girls and guys, do like some of the girls
>day after day, climb with them, things seem cool
>this tuesday, it was just me and a gril I liked
>thought It'd be nice to climb with her, maybe even ask her out
>catch her on a phone call while going to the water fountain
>she's talking about how she can't even standing being next to me and she just wants to go home
>retreat to the men's room for an hour, flip through my phone
>she's gone when I leave
it's happened before, but it still hurts

Anonymous No. 177375

Don’t think this happened, m8:

Anonymous No. 177399

Have you tried climbing with your shirt off? Chicks love that shit.

Anonymous No. 177412

Well there's your problem. You gotta go bouldering before or after the snow happens. 15f is cold though. I'd probably also drive elsewhere to climb if it's below 20. Having lots of good winter clothing and gear like hand/foot warmers and a hot thermos helps a lot but sub-freezing is sub-freezing

I hate warm temps tho. I prefer 30-40 degrees more than 70+ no contest. 45 is optimal.

Anonymous No. 177447

just become trans

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Anonymous No. 177496

>just now starting climbing at 26
>projected being able to climb v5 in 2 years
I should have started sooner

Anonymous No. 177497

How did you project that?

Anonymous No. 177512

I saw it on a youtube video for beginning climbers

Anonymous No. 177525

>saw it on youtube
Kek stopped reading right there

Anonymous No. 177532

Link to the vid? I'm really interested how did they come up with that, so I can laugh.

Anonymous No. 177578

You have a date or something?

Anonymous No. 177582

watching reels or clips of people doing """"V8+"""" in indoor gyms that look like V4/V5 at my gym is hilarious. I'm not even trying to say that my gym is the best, it's just that I can't believe people think what they are doing is truly that grade. at least people in the comments usually roast these clout chasers

Anonymous No. 177596

the difference just between gyms in the same city is nuts
In nyc, cliffs at lic seems to have fair grading but cliffs at harlem and cliffs at gowanus are inflated as fuck and set more dynamic bullshit

Anonymous No. 177647

Outdoor season is over here in MN. Looking for advice on how to identify weaknesses/low hanging fruit that I can train during the long winter

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Anonymous No. 177675

What is a normal progression? What might I be expected to climb after 1 year of climbing? After 2 years?

Anonymous No. 177685

It depends. Wait and see.

Anonymous No. 177693

somewhere between V1 and V7 depending on starting fitness and genetics

Anonymous No. 177697

I don't know what's normal anymore. I am untalented, uncoordinated and have weak fingers for my grade and managed V4 outside (indoors is totally meaningless) in 2 years.

On a side note, I personally know people who managed V9 in a couple of years - meanwhile I scraped up some soft local V8s with close to ten years of climbing experience. Then there are people like Aidan Roberts who did V13 in their third year of climbing. If you compare yourself to people like this and see climbing as a purely athletic and number-chasing pursuit, you're genuinely going to feel inadequate and have a miserable time as someone with average genetics for climbing.

Anonymous No. 177703

don't forget effort put in

Anonymous No. 177706

what's up with the french team? seems like they hate fanny gibert. fanny is still ranked higher than zelia and wasn't allowed to compete in laval? that's incredibly frustrating. knowing that their coach is zelia's mother must make it all the more frustrating.

Anonymous No. 177717

all I know is that starting out as a /fit/cel is not ideal for climbing since you'll probably have way too much nonspecific to climbing muscle mass
ideally you'd want to start out as a skinny twink and build up from there
you definitely want to be on the lower end of the BMI scale unless you want to be like emil abrahamsson and just do dynos on massive jugs

Anonymous No. 177721

>all I know is that starting out as a /fit/cel is not ideal for climbing since you'll probably have way too much nonspecific to climbing muscle mass
Yeah, I'm 120kg and any crimpy climb makes my fingers start spitting curses. I can do pull-ups until the cows come home and that helps with powering through flashy campus-heavy climbs but, man, fuck crimps.

sage No. 177734

I'm "too heavy" for climbing (80kg at 177cm) but I did around 6A+ or 6B in my gym after a bit more than a year and a few 6A+ on the moonboard.
Now after two years I'm around 6C(+) in my gym and can do most 6B on the moonboard.
My plan is 7A or higher and 6C moonboard after my third year.
With 10-15kg less I'd have a much easier time I guess, but I'll never know because training makes me hungry as fuck and I'd rather train more than eat less

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Anonymous No. 178036

did a v4 today bros lets gooooo

Anonymous No. 178066

Good job, bro

Anonymous No. 178077

Keep going anon and soon you'll crush V4 like it's nothing!

Anonymous No. 178087

Good job bro, I am glad you're progressing. But there is a harsh truth especially at these lower grades: unless it's an established boulder problem outdoors it was probably very soft.

Anonymous No. 178088

I was sick when I my gym switched from v grades to whatever they're doing now and then really weak for a while after so I have absolutely no idea how the new grades compare to the old ones.

Anonymous No. 178090

Under-grade them about 2 V points or 2-3 Font grades (i.e. 6C becomes 6A+ or 6B) and you're probably somewhere close.

Anonymous No. 178144

thinking of taking my gf bouldering tonight

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Anonymous No. 178161

Yes. Take her with you so she can go home with me after I completely mog you on that V4 project you've been stuck on for a month, Jason.

Anonymous No. 178176

>try and mog a guy next to me by slamming that v7 I've been projecting
>check out his gf's reaction
>she's too busy pretending to sit on his lap to notice
haha yeah grils like strong climbers they said

Anonymous No. 178210

last time I took her was the first time I had ever goneamd she complately mogged me. was hot as fuck . also, my name isn't jason

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Anonymous No. 178215

What grade can I climb with this physique?

Anonymous No. 178222

Should be fine for vertical stuff that doesn't require high feet. So probably not much for you on the bouldering wall but if you have a friend you'll probably have a decent time top roping.

Anonymous No. 178234

the queen of /fit/ tried climbing

Anonymous No. 178240

you sound like a dyel pussy

Anonymous No. 178241

Shut the fuck up, retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 178242

Looks like >>178090 is completely right after watching this video.
Those V3's looked like 5A+ or 5B boulders but apparently that's 6A or 6A+???

Anonymous No. 178243

She allegedly climbed a V5 in the video. It doesn’t even look like it approaches a 6B. Super soft shitty gym

Anonymous No. 178244

I had forgotten how fun it is to create boulder problems. the kilterboard is a very nice tool.

Anonymous No. 178247

Nah she falls off all the 5s. The setting in that gym seems whack though idk what they're doing with the clusters of a million similar holds.

Anonymous No. 178250

This is the 1st time I heard her speak. Really didn't think she would sound like a minion.

Anonymous No. 178251

So she fell on the actual V2s? Interesting

Anonymous No. 178276

>recovered from finger injury after 3 months
>ankle injury after a week of climbing
i can't take it no more guys....

Anonymous No. 178293

this bitch is retarded

Anonymous No. 178301

She has some naturally strong fingers. Those edges at 7:05 are pretty mean and she manages to cross over on them solidly while she's only got sloping volumes to stand on. I would imagine that she's capable of crushing quite hard if she dropped the boring as fuck lifting and started climbing more.

On a side note, haters gonna hate. You can't blame a hoe for hustling simp-ass coomer niggas in this economy

Anonymous No. 178319

Bros... I got triceps tendonitis... What are some rehab exercises?

Anonymous No. 178354

What's up with the setting? Why are there clusters of a dozen holds?

Anonymous No. 178355

Damn that sucks, man. Wish you a speedy recovery.

Anonymous No. 178362

Tape that shit up bro. Shit happens

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Anonymous No. 178516

>here's your african olympians bro
what did ifsc mean by this?

Anonymous No. 178537

What a fine upstanding bunch of Africans. These are some Nigerian princes that I would totally loan money to. It's practically free money!

Anonymous No. 178582

white people live in africa bro

Anonymous No. 178601

anyone know if bouldering in 20+ mph winds is more trouble than it's worth? don't wanna show up to a crag 2 hours away and realize I'm a bigger dumb fuck than I thought

Anonymous No. 178604

Probably depends on the direction of the winds and the facing of the rock you want to climb.

Anonymous No. 178617

literally the whole field is south africans
there's one mauritian and two ugandans, all the rest are south african lol

Anonymous No. 178644

it annoys me that 27crags has a crag bookmarking feature on the mobile app but the bookmarking system dosent exist on the pc website

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Anonymous No. 178694

post your water bottle

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Anonymous No. 178725

A route with some fist jam shenanigans was added to the local gym. It’s fun as hell.
Also, here’s my bottle.

Anonymous No. 178737

Anyone else watch La Sportiva Legends Only?

I'm not normally one for watching comps but this was on the screen at my gym and I enjoyed it enough to pull it up when I got home.
None of the parkour shit IFSC comps seem to focus on. The wooden crimps in the beastmaker climb (pic rel) and the tiny holds on the slab looked savage, and seeing the athletes react to the reveal of last climb was great.

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La Sportiva Legen....jpg

Anonymous No. 178739

pic rel

Anonymous No. 178799

As a fellow tall climber, this resonates with me. I started climbing at 6'1 160lbs just the same as you. 6'3 and 160 is skelly mode. If you want to train pullups, do more of them

>reeee you're gonna get injured
Ignore people like that. You can hangboard if you want, but you don't need to do intensities outside of your range.

Regardless of what exercise you do, you're going to have to progressively overload it. Want to get better at pullups? Do more pullups. Want to get stronger fingers? Hangboard at a moderate intensity.

A good pullup program would be doing as many reps as you can in a training day. If you can barely do 2, great, just do 2 then rest for 5-10 minutes and try and do 2 more. Then repeat. Getting your pullups to 5-10 reps is literally just about doing more pullups, there's no strategy.

A good beginning hangboarding program is just to start on the 20mm edge and put some weight on your fingers without taking your feet of the ground. Just load them enough so that it feels somewhat difficult, but not so much that it's like, "Holy fuck if I stay on i'm gonna die". Do repeaters - 7 seconds on, 3 seconds off is one rep. Do 5 "reps", then rest for 5 minutes before doing it again. In total, do 3 sets of 5 reps. If you're climbing 6b on lead, it's really unlikely you're gonna get a pulley injury just from fucking around. You'd have to be climbing nonstop for days while overloading your fingers all the damn time without ANY rests in between. I'm really sick of climbers telling people not to hangboard bc of an unwarranted fear of injuries.

Btw, don't be afraid to gain weight. I'm climbing harder and with stronger fingers at 190 than I did at 160.

Anonymous No. 178911

>None of the parkour shit IFSC comps seem to focus on
I will now watch your video.

Anonymous No. 178952

is Emil going to be the new international face of climbing because he's a tall slightly autistic hot guy

Anonymous No. 178978

that's...not heavy?

Am 85kg at 175 cm, climb 7A on moon/tension board. I see plenty of people this around this weight climb way harder, I climb for fun (no climbing specific training, I weightlift) so don't really progress much, have been bouldering 5 years.

Anonymous No. 178996

anyone here have experience with kouba/rock empire axel cams? considering picking up 2 of the larger sizes since they are half the price of the other brands in my country, should i get a hex set instead?

Anonymous No. 179037

It is heavy for a climber. You genuinely have a good power/weight ratio and must be climbing well in general.

All the guys climbing anything about 7C here tend to be sub 65kg twinks who are perpetually built like 16 year olds.

Anonymous No. 179087

>climbs for fun
>uses the moonboard
No you don't you just use that as an excuse for why you climb like shit

Anonymous No. 179097

board climbing is fun you sperg

Anonymous No. 179104

Why does every reddit post on climbing tell people to avoid using kilterboards for fear of injury? Most of the people who post there say, "I got injured blah doing 3-4 sessions a week limit kiltering" okay that makes... some sense? I mean even that wouldn't guarantee an injury, but nobody is saying to train that exclusively. But the weird thing is how people on that cringe site are often apt to tell people NOT to train. DON'T hangboard. DON'T kilterboard until X number of years, which is ridiculous to me.

Anonymous No. 179118

>that's...not heavy?
No but as >>179037 said it's heavy for a climber.
There are guys in my gym climbing 8a or higher on the kilter board that are either my height at 55kg or 15-20cm taller and still 10kg lighter.
But yeah, it won't stop me from progressing atm

Anonymous No. 179124

5'10 and 180lbs is NOT "heavy for a climber". At best you could argue that it's in the upper quartile, but most climbers are twinks. Below 7c, weight is not the reason you'd ever plateau, and above 8a it's not the primary reason.

>No but as >>179037 said it's heavy for a climber
So one guy on the internet said it? Not super relevant. Just get stronger fingers/body. It'll happen with time and training.
>There are guys in my gym climbing 8a or higher on the kilter board that are either my height at 55kg or 15-20cm taller and still 10kg lighter.
That's because they're skeletons. You don't need that phenotype to climb that hard, and you certainly don't need to lose more than 15kg. Emil abrahamson made a pretty good video about weight and performance. As someone who comes from a background of lifting, climbers need to learn that carrying a little extra weight isn't a bad thing. I've seen 6'3 climbers weighing close to 100kg send V13 projects outdoors. Y'all are good lol.

Anonymous No. 179137

Weight does make a difference as to what style of climbs you'll tend to be better at.
A big strong dude might be great at campusing big jugs but will often struggle crimping tiny edges.

Anonymous No. 179142

>tell people NOT to train
the idea behind that is to not climb finger-heavy dependent climbs if you are new (1-2 years) to climbing cuz tendons and fingers arent developed enough or used to that kind of load, therefore leading to injuries.
tl;dr: dont ego climb on moonboards/fingerboards etc

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Anonymous No. 179158

Nobody is saying that heavy climbers can't climb hard. There are outliers everywhere. There's even a guy around these ends called Sam (pictured) who is a big fellow who juggles weights and climbing and does incredibly well. But it's very uncanny seeing somebody of this size climbing anything over 7B, let alone 8B like he does. Who knows, maybe he'd be climbing 8C+ if he dropped the lifting and eating.

I have no idea why this is beyond just saying 'genetics'. Some people are just really strong for their size, similar to how you've got 60 kilo lifters benching 3 plates out there while much heavier unathletic dorks like me still can't bench 2 plates after a year of consistent training.

Anonymous No. 179159

>muh genetics
Because fatty mcfatfat needs an excuse for why he sucks at climbing, and wants to pretend he could be a pro climber if he wanted to, it's just genetics

Anonymous No. 179160

The current generation of newcomer climbers will either adapt to hard board climbing and get really strong or get really injured. Saying you can't climb on a steep board until X amount of hours /days/years is arbitrary and silly. I wish I started board climbing sooner, I would've done a lot more of my projects instead of just spinning my wheels on easy problems in the gym for years

Anonymous No. 179161

I don't need an excuse for being a shitty climber. I was barely pushing 7th grade problems when I was 10kg lighter lmao

And you're a retard to downplay genetics. There are a bunch of kids out there climbing 9a routes in their first 5 years of climbing. I guess Wolfgang Gullich and Moffatt were just too lazy to train since they never climbed any harder than that

Anonymous No. 179168

Maybe you should have stopped being a mentally weak bitch who exclusively climbed indoors for years and actually climbed hard outside.

Anonymous No. 179169

Calm down, gumby. You always screech about Gullich in /fit/

Anonymous No. 179182

i want to put anime stickers on my helmet but i also want to have belayers in the future... what do i do

Anonymous No. 179186

I did climb hard things outside retard, I'm saying board climbing would've got me there soon. Your reading comprehension is terrible

Anonymous No. 179209

How did you get started board climbing? The spray wall at my gym seems very hard (50 degrees) and I have no access to any other board. Highest climb outdoors is v4 for reference.

Anonymous No. 179224

There's lots of people responding to my hot takes so I'll address them all at once:
Yeah but the same could be said about anything. Truthfully I never saw getting used to crimps as a heavier climber as a bad thing. It just seems like a naive perspective to assume that big'uns can't crimp.

The 1-2 year benchmark thing is completely made up and arbitrary. Why is it okay to allow "just climbing" to let fingers adapt, but not okay to allow climbers to adapt using the safest and most controlled setting imaginable? Does this mean that newbies should be doing 20 second max hangs with 10kg attached? Fuck no, but generally it's a good idea to load the fingers lightly once a week on the hangboard. When I got back into climbing, my finger strength was terrible. I went from being completely unable to crimp v3s to being able to hang off the 20mm edge with just my bodyweight in 8ish weeks, and that was with modest hangboarding. Tendons and fingers need to be exposed to stimulus to grow rapidly and efficiently, and the general fear of hangboarding stems from newbies who tried to max out and do programs that obviously weren't meant for them. Sort of like watching a guy try to bench 2 plates his first day at the gym, just because he can't do that doesn't mean he shouldn't bench at ALL.

>Year of training
>Can't bench 2plates
I hit 2 plates bench within 3 months of training. What this tells me is that either: 1) your program was shit, 2) - You have no idea what the fuck you're doing, 3) - your diet is shit, 4) - you're lying. Probably some combination of 2 & 4. Also,
>muh genetics
Unless you've been seriously climbing hard for 5+ years, don't bring up that bullshit. Given your input about how you can't bench lmao2pl8 kinda proves my point that the reason you're not climbing harder has less to do with
>muh genetics
and more to do with the fact that you don't know your body or what you're doing to train.

He's not fat at that weight LMFAO

Anonymous No. 179264

I've never been able to bench more than 1.5pl8 because I'm built like Luigi

Anonymous No. 179271

>Muh genetics
>I'm built like luigi
My guy you undersell yourself. I feel like you'd benefit from a change in perspective on life and on training. You come off as someone who hyperfixates on the small irrelevant details. You're a defeatest. Let go of the things you think are holding you back and grab onto the possibility that you can be better, you can improve. The goals of losing weight and improving your climbing grade are separate and independent. Focus on one, and the other will come at its own time. If you want to get your bench up, get your bench up (you can get shitty advice on /fit/ or just follow Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength), but you have to believe that change will happen if you commit the effort.

Anonymous No. 179272

The easiest way to start board climbing is to start board climbing. 50 degrees is steep though. Identify the biggest, easiest jugs on the spray wall that you can and climb exclusively on those. Ignore harder holds. You'll likely be climbing things that get graded V0/V1 for a few weeks until you're more accustomed to steep terrain. That's fine. Grades are retarded anyways.

Once you're comfortably climbing the jugs (can repeat all the jug problems with 0 or very few falls) you can make them harder by taking one or two jug holds per problem and switching it out for a smaller hold. Climb these updated problems until you're comfortable.

From there, you can start picking moves and holds that interest you, and then start linking them up with appropriate holds/moves to build a problem that's hard but doable in ~5 attempts.

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Anonymous No. 179376


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Anonymous No. 179380

>you will never have a climbing cutie like this
Why even live bros?

Anonymous No. 179401


Anonymous No. 179409

Was a Magnus fan since before he was a youtuber. I just appreciated the fact that he was a climber that was obsessed with being super fit and strong which was kind of unpopular for a long time. Now his content is pretty generic but he's making money hand over fist so I can't fault him for selling out to normies. I won't be watching him anymore.

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Bertone and Meul.webm

Anonymous No. 179421

it hurts

Anonymous No. 179451

Tfw pain and tenderness over my left 4th digit MCP, exacerbated by resisted flexion and and crimping.

Give it to me straight bros, how fucked am I?
How long do I need to take off? How long before I'm back to 100%
Is it worth getting an MRI or dynamic ultrasound to assess degree of injury?

Anonymous No. 179453

Is it just me or people who use word project in the climbing context are total fags

Anonymous No. 179456

The first anon addressed your point really well. I'd honestly prefer a spray wall to a Moonboard, you've got much more variety of holds and movement so don't worry. 50 degrees is going to take some getting use to, but you're going to get strong in the process. Board climbing is fun af as well when you get into the swing of things.

All I would add is to approach board climbing with not so much the idea of getting loads of finishes or total volume of moves. You're creating hard problems that test you in a multitude of ways. Or you're trying hard problems that others have created for you (see if your gym has Stokt or a book of problems). Don't fall down the rabbithole of creating problems that suit your strengths all the time.

You're trying to create projects which contain really hard individual moves that start off feeling very difficult and gradually work towards doing them over days/weeks/months. What really helped me was something that David Fitzgerald said in a film a few years ago where he described having a collection of projects of increasing difficulty that he'd have that season and board climbs that resembled these in some way. What you're aiming to do is get to the point where you can do four of these in one session - that's when you know you've made massive tangible progress.

Anonymous No. 179457

You're just a contrarian. It's a common climbing term and fit for purpose.

Anonymous No. 179458

Is this the most wmaf hobby of all time?

Anonymous No. 179459

Easily. Climbing is THE techbro hobby

Anonymous No. 179462

Climbing is full of fags so it fits

Anonymous No. 179469

Only in the last three or so years. Before the bugs infested the gyms and the dyel tech losers who ruin everything, it was just cool white men

Anonymous No. 179470

Dilate your neovagina

Anonymous No. 179471

>talks about reading comprehension
>does not even mention outdoor climbing
>muh projects
Retards use project to describe the 5.10 toprope route or some shitty pink v3 boulder
You are hardly literate

Anonymous No. 179472

So many people think that minor tweaks demand nothing but rest. That's retarded. Tissues heal under load. Therefore you should climb as much as feasibly possible. If the injury isn't getting worse it's getting better. With that said:
>exacerbated by resisted flexion
So you can flex it normally without resistance. Awesome. Just load it until it hurts mildly. Do the emil abrahamson 2x hanging a day routine to gently load it. If you can climb without pissing it off, tape it, then for the love of god do it.

>and crimping
Do a submax hang on it twice daily. When I say submax, I mean submax - feet on the ground. gently load.

>Give it to me straight bros, how fucked am I?
Hardly fucked, it just sounds like a minor tweak.
>How long do I need to take off?
Don't take off. Fuck that noise. Just do what you can. If you can climb V0s even, just do it, because it'll heal faster that way via active recovery.

Can't even do V0s? Then do pullups. Do bench press. Do something. Don't stop training like these fags just because you have pain on the smallest portion of your body. Could you imagine roman soldiers telling their commander, "Aye but my pinky hurts, can't fight..." Nah man. Just do what you can.
>How long before I'm back to 100%
Don't know. No clue what you even did to get to that point. Did you climb several days in a row without rest? Whatever the case, gently load the tissue. If you feel an unbearable pain, stop. But load it enough that you can feel it loaded or such that it's only slightly uncomfortable.

>Is it worth getting an MRI or dynamic
kek, no.
>ultrasound to assess degree of injury?
kek. Dude. It's a pinky tweak. Relax. You're good.

Anonymous No. 179477

it had a much bigger crossover with ski/snowboard whites but the asians want to harvest all of our seed and then a bunch of soft spics and trannies all decided to take up the sport too and now it's gay.

Anonymous No. 179481

But the Roman Empire fell....

Anonymous No. 179482

Aw shit. Guess he should kill himself then.
>but seriously
Imagine the most minor bitch injuries causing someone to spiral into despair. I've been there. then I realized you can still train around it. What pisses me off more than any other fucking thing in fitness, is when people tell you to STOP. REST. RELAX. Well some of us fuckers don't WANT to stop, climbing is FUN, why would you tell us to STOP HAVING FUN? When the dreaded "i" word comes into play, it makes people sperg and be like, "well now you have to sit in a bed as if you were comatose for months on end and hope it doesn't come back". If the injury is severe enough then sure but 2+ weeks rest is the most shit you'd need. People wonder why they get finger pain after 2 months off after 3 sessions and it's bc they're not fully healed. Tissues heal under tension. The trick is to be able to keep training around the injury. Even if he can't climb, the mere act of gripping a barbell to do squats, deadlifts, overhead pressing, etc. Will do much more to help him recover than bitching online ever will. Plus you'll develop full-body strength.

Listen, if you get injured, you don't put life on pause. You start training other avenues. Do pullups, weighted chin ups, barbell exercises, there's lots of things you can do if crimping is out of the question. But then again, if holding onto jugs and slopers is fine, well guess what? Now you're gonna be a sloper climber until that bitch feels better.

Then maybe begin a hangboarding routine to strengthen the tendon and make sure shit like that doesn't happen.

Anonymous No. 179500

I have no idea what you're blathering on about now dude. Take your meds

Anonymous No. 179563


Anonymous No. 179587

Just throw some chalk in his direction, it's like sea salt for japanese ghosts
(I have no clue if he still doesn't use chalk, did Magnus break him back then?)

Anonymous No. 179590

my belayers try not to oversleep challenge (difficulty impossible) FUCK OFF

Anonymous No. 179593

lmao you do like v5 at best

Anonymous No. 179607

I bet there's some starvin' marvin skinny maasai motherfucker who could send 8's on his first outdoor session but has never even heard of rock climbing. Apparently those guys have legendary pound-for-pound strenght.

Anonymous No. 179612

Why are you sperging out? Did a Roman soldier fuck you in the ass when you were a child or something? The guy is giving some sage advice about connective tissue injuries.

So many buck broken paranoid lunatics in this thread attacking people over imaginary slights.

Anonymous No. 179657

It's because most of these people probably go on reddit, so all they know how to do is bitch and moan. It's sad that /r/climbhard has so many people going on it for advice without knowing what reddit is, then get dissuaded from training.
>Take a deload every 2 days
>If you didn't get 10+ hours of sleep, you're overtraining
>If your back feels stiff, back off for a few years, try again in your next life
Every time I go on a thread on there, 90% of the responses don't answer the question and everyone gives anecdotes about injuries they got that nobody asked to hear about. Just ignore the cringe, and try to help people where you can. We're all gonna make it.

Anonymous No. 179669

>some guy bitches and moans to staff that one of the benches is wobbly
>proceed to say "great bench" when I walk by him
>climb the hard shit next to him while he struggles on v2s
>flip him off by scratching the back of my head with my middle finger when he's looking
>put on a smug face and look at him like he's trash when I pass him
>make a point of hopping on the bench every time I pass it because it's fine
>he leaves less than half an hour later
Fuck you

Anonymous No. 179670

Who hurt you?

Anonymous No. 179688

Just picked up my first cams and aided a short crack near my house. Feels good man. Fuck clipping bolts; bouldering and trad is where it's at.

Anonymous No. 179700

Refer to this:
>Why are you sperging out?
>So many buck broken paranoid lunatics in this thread attacking people over imaginary slights.
Funny thing is that guy's probably happier than you. Seethe.

That's fucking sick. How high was it?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179713

>some guy bitches and moans to staff that one of the benches is wobbly
>do nothing
>can’t sleep the next night
>start thinking about what you should’ve done earlier
>proceed to say "great bench" when I walk by him
>climb the hard shit next to him while he struggles on v2s
>flip him off by scratching the back of my head with my middle finger when he's looking
>put on a smug face and look at him like he's trash when I pass him
>make a point of hopping on the bench every time I pass it because it's fine
>he leaves less than half an hour later
>but alas, I was bullied in school and I can only imagine being a tough guy

Anonymous No. 179714

>some guy bitches and moans to staff that one of the benches is wobbly
>do nothing
>can’t sleep the next night
>start thinking about what I should’ve done earlier
>proceed to say "great bench" when I walk by him
>climb the hard shit next to him while he struggles on v2s
>flip him off by scratching the back of my head with my middle finger when he's looking
>put on a smug face and look at him like he's trash when I pass him
>make a point of hopping on the bench every time I pass it because it's fine
>he leaves less than half an hour later
>but alas, I was bullied in school and I can only imagine being a tough guy

Anonymous No. 179720

people like you are the reason why the world is going to shit

Anonymous No. 179731

did you do it on trs? thinking of trying something similar since i have nothing else to do this winter

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Anonymous No. 179742

A couple of friends who have never climbed outside a gym before organized a climbing trip and it's been going great. They were just going to boulder but I brought gear and they're psyched to learn new things. Today I'm taking them up some multi pitch trad (5.2 into 5.6) wish me luck.

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Anonymous No. 179753


Anonymous No. 179809

nice anon, good luck and stay safe out there

Anonymous No. 179810

I'm not sure what even was the point of this creative writing assignment

Anonymous No. 179832

The whole area was closed due to rockfall so we went bouldering instead. I was pretty disappointed but they enjoyed it. Tomorrow we're going to a different spot with a 3p 5.5. I have high hopes.

Anonymous No. 179844

Very based anon. Wish I had a friend that does trad. Really want to try trad crack climbing. But alas, I will have to be happy with sport climbs or bolted multipitches because God knows I don't have money for my own trad gear.

Anonymous No. 179866


It was like 15 feet, maybe just under. Not the smartest idea since I only have nuts and two metolius master cams. No TRS or even rope, just literally stood in some slings and placed about 8 pieces of gear on the way up. Yesterday I built some anchors and rapped in on a short cliff band a few times.

I should get some C4s from 0.75-3 but the ulmcs were 30% off so I got those to start; and I have enough gear to properly TRS going forward I think.

Anonymous No. 179872


Anonymous No. 179873

You don't need to drop $1000 on a rack all at once to get started. First thing is to get a set of nuts and some tubular webbing for homemade runners. Get a new cam every time you've got enough money. Get small cams first and then go bigger from there. I feel like I place small cams 3 or 4 times for every big cam I place. There's a lot of routes that you can climb with a set of nuts and a couple of cams.

Anonymous No. 179883

Do you actually trust nuts though? I've never taken a lead fall, but it just seems to arouse my tiny monkey brain how those tiny ass things could withstand the weight of your fall. I had a trad dad tell me to use 2 at once around the same area if I do end up using them.

It's gonna be awhile until I ever do trad again bc I'm in illinois (a state flatter than my ex gf) but when I do buy my first rack, I want to buy nothing but CAMs. Is this a bad idea?

Anonymous No. 179884

Yea I know. But I'm a uni student that doesn't make that much money. So even a rack of nuts is expensive to me. But it would still be nice to find someone to teach me the basics of trad.
But I want to ask, so people have multiples of the same size nuts and cams in their racks? Or is one of each usually enough?

Anonymous No. 179897

consider buying everything used, you can find a set of larger sized hexes usually at ~50usd, then a set of good nuts for 70-90 usd, use your sports draws or take some apart to make alpine draws if you need them for your area. The mountainproject For Sale forum is really good for buying used gear, still pretty expensive though but buying used gear will very quickly save you hundreds of dollars

Anonymous No. 179929

Not that anon but I trust nuts more than cams in some placements. I've fallen on a no. 3 and a no. 5 nut and both held fine. The 3 was hard to get out after. These were similar cracks to what I had a cam slip on.

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Anonymous No. 179935

We pitched out P1 into two pitches and then friends bailed midway through P2. Fortunately escaping the route was as easy as traversing 10ft to the right into a gully, so it was no stress. We had a great time!

Yes sir. That's Flying Salamander and this pic is from the multi; Cloudbeams I believe. My first time climbing at Index since I'm from Idaho.

Anonymous No. 179943

Thanks for reassurance. There's a lot of doom and gloom online when it comes to tendon/ligament injuries to so hearing "dude, relax, stop being a pussy" was what I needed to hear.

I ended watching a couple of videos from Hooper's Beta then went deep into the topic on pubmed, reading a few of the paper from Schöffl and others.
This article provided a pretty good summery of the current evidence as far as medical literature goes.

It was still pretty sore on Sunday so I did end up seeing a GP and getting sent for an ultrasound. Turns out it's a mild tear or severe sprain - the sonographer couldn't identify a clear tear but given the amount of fluid around the ligament they were suspicious that there might be one there regardless. I've been advised to treat it as a Grade 2 injury until we have the specialist's report, so that's a few more days of rest, gradual introduction of various rehab exercises then gradual introduction of climbing.
Actually, I'm going climbing tomorrow but I'll take it real easy. Probably stick to footwork-heavy slabs and see if there's any easy shit I can do with my right hand only.

The ultrasound was cool as hell. The sonographer was a real qt and walked me through all the anatomy as she did the scan. Got to see the tendon pull away from the bone as I flexed my finger (within normal limits for a rockclimber) and she compared everything to the other side so could see what normal looked like. 10/10; would recommend if you have a suspected pulley injury and don't have to pay for it.

>Can't even do V0s? Then do pullups. Do bench press.
That's the worst part man, any sort of gripping activity is fucking painful. Same for anything that puts pressure over the MCP. Pullups, deadlifts and rows are all out. Even dumbbell-based pushing exercises are out because of the pain while lifting the dumbbells up into position.
Lots of bench, overhead press and machine work.

Anonymous No. 179951

Did you get her to ultrasound your dick?

Anonymous No. 179959

>There's a lot of doom and gloom online when it comes to tendon/ligament injuries to so hearing "dude, relax, stop being a pussy" was what I needed to hear
Glad to help. Personally I hate hooper's beta because he's part of it. It's part of the new-age culture of know it all twinks who cite "science" with every breath they take. They need a fucking research paper to justify why it's okay to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Unfortunately his videos provide as much good advice as they do fear mongering.

Hopefully you'll be able to grip things like dumbbells soon enough. Mind asking how you got it? I don't know your training schedule well enough. In the future you can try:
>Taking at least 1 rest day between climbs
>Start a mild hangboarding routine to ensure that fingers don't get reinjured. Strong fingers are resilient fingers
>If fingers feel tweaky, don't do crimpy climbs that day.
>gradual introduction of various rehab exercises
Because loading assists injury.

>That's the worst part man, any sort of gripping activity is fucking painful.
As soon as it becomes UNpainful or at least TOLERABLE to pick something weighted up, do it. There's no reason not to. Hell, I'd advise to at least gently stretch the finger that hurts just so some loading takes place on it.

Can you do push-ups? Even ones against the wall. Literally ANYTHING will speed up recovery. Also, get a heated pad. No, I don't have a fucking research paper to justify why you should get one (but c'mon) it'll at least help sooth it.

Anyways, good luck with recovery, and don't let redditors convince you never to try hard again, or act smug. Sometimes shit happens. But as soon as you can grip things again, do it. That'll speed up recovery more than anything else. In the meantime, maybe pick up running. Hell, try swimming if it doesn't piss it off.

Anonymous No. 179964

>Did you get her to ultrasound your dick?
Nah, I'm in a relationship.
Also my dick is like 4", I'm not whipping that out until it's too late for the chick to change her mind.

>Mind asking how you got it?
Trying to send a problem that was right at my limit (but felt so doable). Involved a dynamic catch around an overhang into a sequence of (honestly pretty generous) crimps.
Always left a rest day or two after every session but was pushing myself harder than usual during each session because I knew that wall was next to be reset (and the dyno sequence felt badass). Doesn't help that I'm a fairly new climber and bigger than most (192cm, 115kg). And I'm cutting atm, a calorie deficit makes injuries more likely.
I thought I was being appropriately cautious of the climb, I knew it was at my limit and I knew there was risk to the moves, but I guess my ego got the better of me.

>Can you do push-ups?
On my knuckles? Sure. On my palms? Nah, too much pressure over the MCP.
For now I'm just working around it. Most pushing exercises are fine so long as I can get the load over my wrist rather than up near the fingers. Bench press for example, I can push my usual weight just fine but then I failed a rep at the end of the set and had to completely empty the bar before I could pull it up off the safety rails.

Don't worry about the injury scaring me off climbing hard in the future though, this shit is too much fun.

Anonymous No. 179977

guy at the gym today gave me a banana after i said i barely had anything for breakfast C=

Anonymous No. 179978

>Trying to send a problem that was right at my limit (but felt so doable)
It honestly sounds to me like it's just bad luck.

>Involved a dynamic catch around an overhang into a sequence of (honestly pretty generous) crimps.
Was the dyno ONTO a crimp? Was there a pop after, or did it hurt in the morning? What was the gym's grade of the climb?

>Doesn't help that I'm a fairly new climber
How new? Did your fingers feel achy at ALL before the climb? Had you projected it before? Were you climbing mainly crimps that week? When was your last session before this climb, and what style climbing did you do?

>and bigger than most (192cm, 115kg).
>Admittedly this sounds like it COULD be a contributor, but again - if you felt fine before the climb, I'm interested in what factors would be the most important.

>And I'm cutting atm, a calorie deficit makes injuries more likely.
Sure, but it depends on a VARIETY of factors. Like how big a calorie deficit are we talking? I'm technically also "cutting" but I have days where I bulk, and days where I don't eat. Generally after a hard climbing session, I make sure I get the protein I need to recover. I'm not opposed to gaining weight, but I limit myself to 4kg. I'm 185cm and currently weigh 86kg (cut down from 93). Also, how long was the session? Did the crimp climb end it? (Sometimes people get hurt and still climb after, idk what you did). How many crimp climbs did you do IN that session BEFOREhand?

Until I get more information here's my general theory - You're a fairly new climber (guessing between 6 months and a year) who's quite a bit heavier (115kg is quite a LOT of weight to put on crimps) who had a VERY unfortunate accident on a dynamic style move ONTO a crimp because of incomplete recovery due to caloric deficit (which was sustained for awhile).

Anonymous No. 179979

Thankfully only your pinky is affected. Let me just tell you how there have been climbers who had complete tears of the A2/A3 of their middle/rings/indexes who made complete recoveries and later climbed harder than ever. The fact that its your pinky means it's something to take away from this.

Last question - were you FULL crimping (thumb over fingers to lock it in)? Not even on the move you dyno'd to, just IN GENERAL? Give me as much detail as possible, because this shit helps me and others who'll read it.

My prognosis - You're a fucking man for trying to lose weight and do ROCK climbing as your sport. 115kg climbing is insane. Like, props to you. Also, when you do cut down the weight, you're gonna have fingers that're mainly adapted to climbing with an extra fuck ton of kg. Your fingers are strong to be climbing WHATEVER grade you're c

Anonymous No. 179993

is there any shoe i can use for both gym climbing (preferably soft) and crack climbing? do i just have to suck it up and buy two separate ones? need some new shoes but wont be able to use them outside till spring

Anonymous No. 180003

This, nuts work almost too good and it can be a real bitch to get then out after a fall.

Anonymous No. 180074

Whatever replaced the Five Ten Moccasym these days

Anonymous No. 180104

I need to watch that movie again. Been few decades since I last saw it.

Anonymous No. 180269

I grew up climbing in Index. Your pictures are pretty nostalgic for me.

Anonymous No. 180301

Mag dust vs Black diamond's white gold chalk. Does it really matter?

Anonymous No. 180315

Mag dust is better and sometimes it matters.

Anonymous No. 180590

What shoes to buy? Climbed indoors for the first time yesterday. I have an athletic background and don’t mind my feet hurting.

Anonymous No. 180609

Whatever fits the best. For indoors softer shoes are generally better and shoes for outdoors really depends on the area and style

Anonymous No. 180632

I wouldn't go super aggressive for your first pair either. Get either flat or moderates. It's not about being a bitch and enduring pain, it's about not torturing yourself for 0 benefit. Shoes will not be the difference between grades when starting out, so get a pair that's comfy.

Anonymous No. 180669

climbing stuff do you browse here
I don't care for dynos all that much but thanks for bringing some american testosterone back to the youtube climbing world. we need to defeat the soft boi pastel colored britbong/asian twink aesthetic at all costs

Anonymous No. 180728

Your first pair should be cheap and comfortable. Unlined shoes will stretch significantly, synthetic lined shoes won't stretch much at all. Climb until there are holes in them and then think about getting something fancy and/or specialized.

Anonymous No. 180729

>Do you trust nuts?
>I want to buy nothing but cams
That's fine if the routes you are climbing have ample placements for cams. If there are placements that are appropriate for nuts but not for cams then you won't be able to safely lead those routes because you won't be able to place your cams. A parallel crack is a perfect spot for a cam that you will never be able to place a nut in. A bottle neck shaped crack will be a good place for a nut but will not be a safe placement for a cam.

Anonymous No. 180733

I carry whatever I need to protect the route that I'm climbing. Sometimes that just a single set of nuts, sometimes that's a double set of nuts and a double set of cams. If you're climbing in Indian creek then sometimes you'll just carry a bunch of cams that are the exact same size.

Anonymous No. 180737

>A bottle neck shaped crack will be a good place for a nut but will not be a safe placement for a cam
that's actually a really good point. Thanks, appreciate the input!

Anonymous No. 180781

Tarantulas are durable and comfy.

Anonymous No. 180788

>What shoes to buy?
>Climbed indoors for the first time yesterday
Can't go wrong with La Sportiva Tarantula as your first shoes.
Scarpa Veloce are also fucking great but very soft

Anonymous No. 180803

I just got some Evolv Kronos and the performance has been insane. What're people's thoughts on those? Thing is, day 1 I wore them nonstop for 3 hours and got horrible blisters on my big toe and heel so had to deal with that for awhile. It's been about a month and I still feel some residual pain in those areas. With my TS pros, usually it was my right foot that got bothered by the shoe. Anyone else experience this?

Anonymous No. 180837

i got a grigri for christmas :3c

Anonymous No. 180884

From whom?

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Anonymous No. 180886

New trip report fellas yesterday I climbed rooster rock with my brother

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Anonymous No. 180887

It rained overnight so the first pitch was slick as fuck. The rock was okay but the lichen patches had zero traction. Fortunately it was 5.6, and bolted.

Props to my brother for following on this; it's only his second time climbing outside but he had no hesitation.

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Anonymous No. 180888

It doesn't look like much, but the second pitch was a dream. The rock was dry and littered with cracks that ate up pro. Every hold was a jug. I'm used to climbing columns--I had no idea basalt could be this friendly. It was also much less weathered than the stuff in vantage or black cliffs. Younger rock I guess? Anyway it was pure fun.

Anonymous No. 180889

The view at the top is stunning. You can reportedly see multnomah falls from the summit, on a clear day. This pic is the first thing you see after clearing the summit ridge.

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Anonymous No. 180890

Err, forgot the photo

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Anonymous No. 180891

Looking down from the ridge

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Anonymous No. 180892

As I built an anchor at the summit, a drone came up from the parking lot and started buzzing around. It was watching me for probably 10 minutes while I belayed, circling and zooming away and back, and sometimes just hovering. It got to be pretty obnoxious.

Anyway that's the report. If you're ever climbing in the columbia gorge definitely check it out. The second pitch is only 5.4, and a new trad climber could easily protect it with just nuts. My mom even said she wants to try it next year when the weather improves.

Hope you guys are getting some winter climbing in. Things are about to get wet here and stay that way for a while.

Anonymous No. 180894

Looks terrific, anon! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous No. 180895

I also got one anon :3c

Anonymous No. 180897

sick, fucking love spires

Anonymous No. 180920

Wow this picture turned out awesome.

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Anonymous No. 180956

>first shoe
right of passage shoes right here lil bro.

Anonymous No. 180958

best youtube content for bouldering?

Anonymous No. 180959

you mean besides mellow?

Anonymous No. 181000

is there any famous examples of assholes ruining famous climbs by breaking pieces of the holds or whatever

Anonymous No. 181003

Sometimes pieces just break off, it's bound to happen with enough sends. Doesn't necessarily ruin a climb. Might make it easier, might make it harder. Rarely do people intentionally damage a route, and it's usually because sport climbers want to install anchors, it's an unintended side effect.

Anonymous No. 181020

go watch magnus climb trees with some brain damaged spanish guy

Anonymous No. 181024

A few years ago a guy chipped a hold on Power Prow in Chattanooga. His gf posted a video after he cheated on her:

Anonymous No. 181065

thoughts on offset nuts? think it would be worth buying a used set of 7-11 dmm alloy offsets for 40usd?

Anonymous No. 181070

Just checked my order history and I've been shredding shoes in under 6 months going 2-3 times a week. I hope the veloce will let me flash v3s and get a gf soon...

Anonymous No. 181095

They are pretty sweet. Buy.

Anonymous No. 181096

Maybe 15-20 years ago some really cool dude went to fountainbleu with a hammer and chisel and wrecked a bunch of classic boulders.

Anonymous No. 181126

that guy's cool but you're embarrassing

Anonymous No. 181131

Looks beautiful anon. Also fuck drones. Seems like you can't get away from them nowadays unless you go somewhere extremely remote

Anonymous No. 181134

Same bro. My pythons last around 4 months climbing 3 times a week on average. I even try to be as gentle as I can with my footwork to not wear them out. Have to send them for a resole again...

Anonymous No. 181152

>I hope the veloce will let me flash v3s and get a gf soon...
Veloce are so fucking good you'll flash V5 and get a wife (or two gfs)

Anonymous No. 181153

do you trust autobelaying

Anonymous No. 181156

A fuck ton more than your average lead belayer.

Anonymous No. 181199

I've seen how some people belay, so >>181156 is absolutely right.
It still feels strange to let go for me though

Anonymous No. 181203

The only accidents on autobelays I heard about was when the people clipped in improperly or didn't clip at all. So why would I not trust them if they work 99.99999% of the time? Nothing in climbing is ever 100%.

Anonymous No. 181242

Climb up 5 feet, then let go. Then climb up 10 feet, let go. Repeat this until you feel confident letting go.

Also - I just successfully completed a 18mm hang for 5 seconds. Was fucking hard, but tremendous progress considering that a month ago I could only hang on the 22mm for 5 seconds. Anyone else who likes training fingerstrength methodically?

I keep trying to find people who keep logs of their progress and they're far and few between. Reddit is such a shitty place to ask questions, it's LITERALLY nothing but people whining over injuries and telling people
>don't train
Is there a better forum for serious climbers looking to step their game up that isn't on the internet's capital for retards?

Anonymous No. 181293

I found out today I can hang from 10mm with open hand grip.

Anonymous No. 181315

idk I'm just a fatty working out hard and dieting so I can finally get started

I'm 225 right now and am going to start heading to a climbing gym at 190-200 (While still losing weight)

I realize I can start going now but i'm in zero shape and it wouldn't be effective use of my time at my cardio and weight

Anonymous No. 181316

have you tried the climbharder subreddit?

I think that's your best bet

Anonymous No. 181438

Reddit is all about fat gumbies like you to jumping on the training board and hangboard within three months of regular climbing when you struggle to do V2s

Anonymous No. 181500

Tfw been bingewatching bouldering videos for the past week

Anonymous No. 181501

Found the schizo

Anonymous No. 181502

That's fucking nuts. Good job anon.

Love it when you trigger fatties who can't climb V1's making fun of the chads climbing V2s. It's okay anon, you'll get your max hangs down eventually.

Anonymous No. 181505

What min boulder rating do you need to be better than like 95% of your average climbing gym goers

Anonymous No. 181523


Anonymous No. 181528


Anonymous No. 181541

V6, most gym climbers seem to struggle on V5 and give up or just never try to get better.

Anonymous No. 181542

most people who go often for a year are gonna plateau at v5/v6 unless they're spooky skeletons who just train different grips all day

Anonymous No. 181543

so the best way to avoid that plateue is just be skinny and fingertrain?

Anonymous No. 181546

Yeah and do more lifting but not as much as a /fit/cel. You see lots of normies at climbing gyms who hit that plateau based on good technique but they have zero power because they never really lifted heavy and just did lame low weight kettlebell shit. Watch some of the Emil Abrahamsson videos about it; he's the one climbing guy who just flat out says that if you're not progressing past a certain point, perfecting your technique isn't going to help and you need to just get stronger

Anonymous No. 181547

thanks anon

Anonymous No. 181661

>most people give up or just never try to get better
Basically this. I think true "plateuing" isn't as common as people just not trying to push the grades. Eventually people just get comfortable climbing a certain grade then stop trying hard as frequently. Just imagine how when you can barely climb V3, every gym problem seems hard so you get used to struggling and adapt and get stronger. But once you're V5-V6, most gym problems become pure "fun" and you can just enjoy your time more, rather than focus on putting in effort. People get used to the joy of flashing V4's and V5s and so they just forget what it was like to struggle.

/fit/bro here. Anon's right, you're going to need to lift and get stronger at some point, but most climbing twinks are afraid to do this because
>Burr, climbing be light sport, need be light to climb
Okay sure, but nobody's telling you to gain 50lbs. Getting stronger will require a slight bulk, and a strength phase can help tremendously on the wall. For faggots who're to afraid to get this - I went from 160lbs to 205lbs in a 1.5 year bulk where I vowed to get as strong as physically possible. After getting back into climbing, I dropped to 185. I'm climbing much harder than ever. Even at 200lbs I felt stronger on the wall carrying around giant ass legs capable of squatting 400.

You. Do. Not. Need. To. Be. That. Excessive. But it illustrates a point - gaining weight makes you stronger, and that will more than compensate for the weight gain. Emil Abrahamson made a video about why climbers shouldn't be afraid to bulk.

The best exercises I'd recommend are Overhead Presses done with a hip thrust, Squats, and Weighted Chin ups, with benching time to time. Avoid dumbbells. Do you need to gain 30lbs and get a 500lb squat? no. But getting your squat to the 250lb for reps is something most people can do without bloat-maxing.

tl;dr - Just keep going outside your comfort zone while climbing while gaining strength in the background.

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Anonymous No. 181694

Have you ever lost the stoke and then got it back? I can't see myself going back to my local gym, and I think that's because the people are lame. Or I am. Either way even the staff are a group of gossipy bitches. When I do go it's hard for me to separate the climb from the social aspects, but if I visit another gym it's hard to make friends. i fucking hate being autistic

Anonymous No. 181729

All right. I'm reaching the despair point at 34 years ikd, I'm thinking about trying going to a climbing gym like twice a month to try and get a girl. I do not look /fit/ at all but I do work out, realistically speaking there will be better looking and performing males all the time.

How stupid of an idea is this?

Anonymous No. 181737

Tom Randall also has some really good advice regarding this. He talked how lots of people interpret and use the phrase ”just climb” incorrectly. It’s meant to hammer home the fact that for most beginner climbers, technique is the most important limiting factor. However, it should by no means be used to discourage people from training for climbing. Essentially, there’s no reason not to aspire to be a well conditioned and fit climber even if you’re not able to climb very hard.

Anonymous No. 181744

Pretty weird advice, especially the bit about squats, chin ups and dumbells.

Anonymous No. 181745

>reaching the despair point at 34 years
>going to a climbing gym like twice a month
barely counts
>I do not look /fit/ at all
>there will be better looking and performing males all the time

Anonymous No. 181746

The two times a month was a poor attempt at a joke.

How often should I do, realistically, while also being able to go to the gym and running

Anonymous No. 181763

>Pretty weird advice, especially the bit about squats, chin ups and dumbells.
I've only ever seen squatting help people climb. It's just an assistance thing, makes your core stronger, helps with back strength too. Here's how I'd prioritize lifts for climbing:

1) Weighted chin ups (works both biceps AND back)
>b-b-but... pullups ISOLATE the back
Yeah but you can train your arms AND your back. Also, you can pull heavier.
>b-b-but... pullups are...
I get it. Either will make you stronger regardless of what program you do, but chin ups train both arms and back. Is one better than the other? In terms of on the wall strength - yes. Chin ups give you stronger arms. Doing pull ups won't do that. Enough said.

2) Overhead Press
3) Bench Press
4) Deadlift.
5) Squat.
99) Dumbbells. These don't make you stronger. They're toys. Like kettlebells, they make you think you're activating muscles, but they don't provide enough stress to make you stronger. Want stronger biceps and triceps? Do bench press/overhead press with weighted chins. Don't fuck around because no, you're not going to be that guy doing curls with the 50lb dumbbells.

>Caring about what others think
Found your problem. wagmi.

Anonymous No. 181770

Squatting is a great. Getting your weight up in order to squat harder won't be helpful in regard to your climbing, though.

>pullups ISOLATE the back
They don't. They work your shoulders and forearms too. The motion you get with your palms facing away from you is much more relevant to climbing.

Arnold presses, lat raises, shrugs, external rotations, pull overs, and low rows are all great dumbbell exercises for climbing.

Anonymous No. 181835

I'm glad I'm actually getting some discussion going on this. Finally a conversation can be had.

>Squatting is a great. Getting your weight up in order to squat harder won't be helpful in regard to your climbing, though.
Partially agree, partially disagree. I said most people don't need to gain 30lbs to up their squat, but I'm also an advocate for a slight weight gain for all around strength development. Far too often do climbers refuse to gain weight, and the end result is that they're unde-recovered, and wonder why their strength plateaus. They certainly won't build muscle (efficiently). Muscle growth requires energy, where's it going to come from? Air? Vegan foods? People need to learn that weight gain should never be out of the question. A slow bulk with a caloric excess of 3-500 calories over weeks for a minor weight gain of 3-5% bw will help people's climbing infinitely more than without it. Assuming they're actually training, and not just eating sugar.

>(Pullups) don't (only isolate the back). They work your shoulders and forearms too.
And chin ups don't do that? How does transitioning from a pronated (pull up) grip to a supinated (chin-up) grip suddenly stop activating the forearms and shoulders? Chins do everything pull ups do, but also train biceps. That's why I recommend them over pullups.

>The motion you get with your palms facing away from you is much more relevant to climbing
This is something I hear alot. But think about it - does how your pullup form looks actually affect your climbing? No. Pullups are a strength exercise performed to train strength. How achieving that strength looks like compared to the original movement pattern is irrelevant. If you wanted climbing training to resemble climbing, then the only climber exercise would be weighted vest climbing, which is a stupid idea. Your grip, forearms, and biceps, all muscles relevant for climbing, will be trained with chins. That strength works for climbing. That's why you do it

Anonymous No. 181836

>Arnold presses, lat raises, shrugs, external rotations, pull overs, and low rows are all great dumbbell exercises for climbing.
No they're not. What they do is activate the same muscles used during climbing. What makes an exercise good? Measurable progress that's correlated with an increase in performance. Dumbbell do not provide that. They are exercises which utilize the same muscles, but they're not making those muscles any stronger. Tiring the muscles out =/= increase in strength. When someone gets their bench from 150 - 200lbs I can say without a shadow of a doubt that they're stronger. But have you seen someone train with dumbbells exclusively and somehow getting to the 50lb ones? Probably not. Compound movements train multiple muscle groups in a way that's sustainable and has measurable progress. The jacked climbers you see with huge chests and backs didn't get them from using dumbbells. They got them through weighted exercises, either with pullups/chinsup and bench pressing/deadlifting (which is alot rarer to see in climbing).

Anonymous No. 181837

I saw a pretty gnarly rappelling accident go down last month and it's been really fucking with me since. Even gym stuff I can't find the try hard in me

Still workin on it, wagmi anon

Anonymous No. 181838

>99) Dumbbells. These don't make you stronger. They're toys. Like kettlebells, they make you think you're activating muscles, but they don't provide enough stress to make you stronger.
wouldnt dumbells be better for climbing related strength because it makes you use more stabilizers and it uses a larger range of motion? i dont see what the advantage of doing barbell bench presses when you would likely benefit from working the stabilizers for climbing. (altough im looking at exrx which says both exercises use the same stabilizers, so might be a misconception that theyre different? in that case i can see what you're saying)
either way i'd need a spotter for any real barbell training but not for dumbbell so the choice is obvious for me.

Anonymous No. 181849

>wouldnt dumbells be better for climbing related strength because it makes you use more stabilizers

As you rightly point out, compound movements involve the same types of muscles as dumbbell isolations, only they target multiple groups at the same time and are easier to progess. But let's assume that weren't the case. Let's also assume you have 50lb dumbbells (heavy ones nobody uses except for experirenced lifters/fitcels) How would that use more "stabilizers" than a 200lb overhead press? I've pressed more than 200lbs, and even I think the 50lb dumbbells are a waste of time.

2. Even if it did, using dumbbell exercises isn't great programming bc they don't allow for adequate progressive overload, unlike the compound movements.

>and it uses a larger range of motion?
At best, the range of motion is the same.

>either way i'd need a spotter for any real barbell training
That's exactly why I'm trying to erase the stigma around barbell exercises. People think they need to be afraid of them. But in the right hands, they will be your most powerful tool, and the time it takes to learn to use them and benefit from using them is far less than the time spent wasted doing nonsense movements before finally relenting. As long as you're careful about form and do things properly, there is nothing to fear. And even IF you have the worst form in the world, it's only a problem if you never try to correct it.

>the choice is obvious for me.
>Bro literally just ask anyone to spot you.
Tbh, a spotter is only required for bench. Overhead pressing, deadlifting, and squatting do not require spotting (because you're not powerlifting). If you fail an overhead press, you don't just drop the bar to the ground (and if you did, the bar is being held up by plates... so if the bar falls, the plates hit the ground ABOVE your feet). Failing a deadlift means you just don't get it off the ground to begin with. Failing a squat means you just fall on the safeties.

Anonymous No. 181852

Bros my fat ass (100kg) is having problems with endurance climbing. I can lead climb 6b routes, but I can barely repeat 4 times 5b routes without ending up with a gnarly pump and forearm cramps...
What kind of climbing session should I do to train endurance?

Anonymous No. 181859

Not that anon you replied to.
I agree with you, that barbell is overall superior to dumbells. But you can hit bigger ROM with dumbells on some exercises. For example dumbell bench press or shoulder press. The center of dumbells aligns with my pecs when I do dumbell bench. ROM. of barbell bench press ends above the pecs. But they are great accessory exercise. You can use them to hit the muscle more precisely after you already hit it with the main compound lift or on rest days for active recovery. Because the difference in weight of dumbells is much more precise than with barbell. They usually differ by 1 or 2 kgs from each the next lower/higher one. And spending money on 0.5kg microplates to achieve the same with barbells is useless for 99% of people. And 99% of gyms don't have such small microplates.
Hell, lu raises with dumbells fixed my shoulder pain. If stop doing them for 2 weeks, my shoulder starts hurting from climbing. And there is not a similar barbell exercise. I cannot raise barbel with my shoulders in a lateral motion.
Basically, dumbells can be a great supplementary tool, but not as a main strength gainer. Although if you only have dumbells, it's still better than nothing not training strength at all.

Anonymous No. 181860

Forgot to add, they can fix imbalances when one side of your body is stronger, something you can't do with a barbell. But then again, this should be supplementary to the barbell exercises.

Anonymous No. 181872

Honestly, you're right on every point. As a supplementary tool, they can be outstanding, and you're not the only one who found benefits for joint pain using dumbbells.

Anonymous No. 181879

imo dumbbell incline bench is way better than barbell bench

Anonymous No. 181903

yeah there were way too many kids at the gym near me, even during normal after work hours from like 7-9

Anonymous No. 181908

Just keep repeating it and pushing through. There's something called ARC training that you can look up. The idea of training climbing for endurance is to edge your forearms close to the pump. Try to climb as much as you can without FULLY getting pumped. If you feel like you're getting pumped, take a brief rest, even if you think you can complete the route. As your body acclimates to this "fatigued" state, it allows you to endure it more. Endurance is also stupidly easy to train, it just takes awhile.

Anonymous No. 181911

i bought new shoes today but they are so fucking painful on the achilles tendon, wish i took some more time in the store to look at how they were built :(
hoping they will break in or else ill probably cut up the fabric in the back, also they are a bit too big maybe but the heel fits so good
thanks for reading my blog

Anonymous No. 181919

I'm not really qualified to form an informed opinion all by myself, so I'm going to have to go with whatever coaches of elite climbers recommend.

Anonymous No. 181974

Does the coach of an elite climber really determine their performance? After all, the climber's elite performance is probably what got them paired with that coach to begin with. Everybody has an in-born direction of talent and potential, and some people are just genetic freaks who grow faster. The best coaches are people who can get the best out of anyone, not just talented freaks. I'm more impressed by the old fart coach who got an old woman to deadlift 200lbs than I am by the college-grad high school coach who got the 250lb line backer deadlifting 500lbs. In the first case, the person is frail, training them is hard, and their feat of strength is impressive. In the latter, training them was easy, they're already ridiculously filled with hormones, and their lift is average compared to others.

All this to say - do what works best for you. Just copying top coaches' programs isn't the best idea, because not everything they recommend is for everyone. It's like when beginner's who want to bodybuild to get Arnold schwarzenegger's physique try copying his advanced workout program - Was a 6-7 day 4 hour split REALLY designed for beginners? No. It was designed for a professional who's had years of exeprience. The training needs of a beginner/intermediate are very different from the needs of a pro. Just incorporating a few, distinct movements is all you really need. Not some workout split with 5/6 different lifts per day. The climber just sticking to weighted chins or bench press and NOTHING else is going to make loads more improvements than the climber doing 50 different exercises to "confuse the muscles dude".

Anonymous No. 181982

I communicated my point pretty badly, apolocheese for that. What I meant is that coaches of elite climbers, who are often elite climbers themselves, know what they’re doing. Much more so than me or most regular chaps who like to climb and exercise. That’s why I think it’s generally a good idea to listen to what they’re saying, especially when they’re giving training tips to recreational climbers.
I’m definitely not following a training plan tailored for a professional, and I probably wouldn’t even be able to do so.

Anonymous No. 182056

I only have experience with the Kilter board & 2016 Moonboard (which is stuck @ 40 and starts at V4/6b). It kinda depends. I think the lower grade stuff on Kilter is way too inflated, but the higher grade stuff seems just a little bit inflated; it also depends on how many ascents boulders have since the grades are (sorta) determined by the community. The Moonboard is WAY harder than the Kilter board. I've sent many V5/6c+ on the Kilter board but have yet to send a single 2016 Moonboard climb.

Anonymous No. 182112

Only dyel asians use the kilter board. White men use the moonboard

Anonymous No. 182122

Thanks anon! I'll try that tomorrow and give a look at ARC training

Anonymous No. 182164

Absolutely hilarious how this loser ITT always gives lifting advice yet has always refused to post his body. Lifting advice straight copied from the /fit/ retards.

Anonymous No. 182167

I recall a couple of dudes trying to one-up one another by posting their naked bodies in a previous thread.

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Anonymous No. 182168

bro i ohp more than you squat dyel kid

Anonymous No. 182174

I have noticed this

Anonymous No. 182191

Since when? Enjoy being a skelly.

No you don't. Btw has my chickenleg maxxing caught on yet?

Anonymous No. 182205

why the fuck does la sportiva put so much dye inside of their shoes.. especially annoying with the red dye since it makes your foot look like its getting sore in them

Anonymous No. 182213

>too cold and wet to climb outside for another 2 months
>gym doesn't have heating and is also wet cause the roof leaks
I can't take it

Anonymous No. 182293

>gym doesn't have heating
I always see this as a plus because once I get warmed up the indoor temperature isn't unbearable or anything and my fingers WILL NOT SWEAT if it's cool indoors. I've chalked up many times and ended the session 2 hours later with that chalk still on my fingertips. Meanwhile when it's warm indoors I usually have to chalk up every 5 minutes

Anonymous No. 182294

depends what temperature they keep it at, 10C is nice, if it's below zero the holds are so cold you loose all feeling in your fingertips

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Anonymous No. 182300

Should've moved to cali brah

Anonymous No. 182319

can we get a new general already

Anonymous No. 182336

>page 8
No, wait another week

Anonymous No. 182339

the position of this thread in the catalogue is directly related to how much I care about climbing

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Anonymous No. 182380

our cutie has cancer ;-;

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Anonymous No. 182386

for me? masters of stone 2.

Anonymous No. 182467

Go back to /r9k/

Anonymous No. 182476


Anonymous No. 182484

Lucka Rakovec

Anonymous No. 182530

I've been browsing 4chan on and off since 2010 and I've never posted on /r9k/ in that time

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Anonymous No. 182581

Some gyms are too crimpy. Good route setting requires a diversity of routes including slopers, overhangs, powermoves, and dynos. I hate it when gyms take random v2 climbs, replace every handhold with a crimp, and call it V5. It's retarded and it needs to be stopped. Also, I feel like it's the reason lots of climbers plateau. Think about it-
>every climb is crimpy
>Fingers are tired, hands are tired
>Go home
I drive 45 minutes away to go to a gym that has quality setting in every style of climbing. If I can't do any more crimps for the day, there's lots of sloper climbs I can try. Can't do slopers? Guess I'll try overhang cave climbing. Maybe my back's a little tired? So I can try slab. Not feeling slab today? I can try some mini dynos.

My friends' gym is closer, only 20 minutes away but it's just crimps, all the way up. And it's not even the good style of crimp, where you feel like you're dancing on the wall. It's the style of crimp where it's like
>why the fuck did they put that there
>oh, just to make it harder for no real reason
Good route-setters are rare, and if you ever plan to do it, please do us all a favor and leave crimps out until you know how to make them fun. After all, if it's not fun, why bother?

Anonymous No. 182609

I went to a gym once where every route was just a vertical zigzag shape of evenly spaced horizontal crimps, smaller with the grade. You could have zero technique but if you can hang on a tiny edge you can do V10

Anonymous No. 182616

Yeah that's exactly my point. There's no fluidity, it's just "have strong fingers". Good route setting usually has AMAZING holds and the route is hard bc of positional shit.

Anonymous No. 182620

this. I'm ok with a token route of every grade that's predominantly just crimps, but pinches, huecos, slopers, underclings, and weird holds that don't have names as far as I know (like those tusk-shaped ones) will always be way more fun than CRIMP LADDERS.

there's no lazier route setting than CRIMP LADDERS.

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Anonymous No. 182623

Why aren't hold manufacturers more adventurous in their color choices? most of the common colors you find in gyms are really quite ugly (really dark purples reds and greens and other murky colors, or hideous bright-pink, bright-yellow etc.) and it seems like more-nuanced colors aren't even attempted.
>b-but if softer colors are chosen then they show rubber and dirt faster
if gyms or setters actually cared about this then they would never use white. the average hold unironically looked better a decade ago. unironically what have gyms even improved in the last decade beyond using volumes more often and pretty much always having some brand of standardized spray wall?

Anonymous No. 182643

False. A strong climber will just campus your route with AMAZING holds.

Anonymous No. 182657

Some moves can't be campused. Just because you have amazing holds doesn't mean they're going to be oriented properly. Example - there was this V5 at my gym that involved a BUNCH of power moves and toe hooks. Campusing it would have been impossible, because without the toe hook you'd barn door after every single move. The holds weren't jugs, but they were FAR better than crimps.

This other V5 was entirely overhung, you basically had to swing from hold to hold using toe hooks/compression to not fall off.

Point being - You can have amazing holds/pinches and make it so that you need proper technique to ascend.
>a strong climber wouldn't barndoor off
If a climber is strong enough to not barndoor off this shit, then it's because they're climbing much tougher grades. The orange V5 overhang was actually campused... by a V10 climber. Even he said it was hard. The V5's at my gym are limited in crimps, using only 2 in a 7 move boulder. The other gyms are closer to a 5/8 ratio

Anonymous No. 182667

Based af.

Anonymous No. 182681

unbelievably retarded post, I hope for your sake you've only been climbing a month or less. fyi, campus rungs are crimps. you couldn't understand this sport less.

Anonymous No. 182754

For smaller bouldering gyms it makes sense to use highly contrasting colors because they have overlapping routes so you need to properly see what holds are part of the route. I know my local gym sometimes screw that up by having lets say a boulder problem with red holds overlap with one made with pink ones. Once those small pink footholds get enough rubber it becomes quite hard to say wether it's pink or red. But at the end of the day it's just indoor bouldering, not the end of the world.

Anonymous No. 182758

almost all gyms in america have awful setting, the average setter here can't set with slopers at all
you really notice the difference when you climb in eu/asia, one of my fingers was mildly tweaked and i could still climb for hours there, but back in america there's like three climbs total at the gym you can do without crimping

Anonymous No. 182780

Holy shit that's actually really good to know. Thank you anon! My climber friend from Thailand also prefers the setting there, the routes are far more technical. Do you have a tierlist of your favorite gyms? Going to like 10 different gyms in america, I've only found 2 whose route setting I like. One was in massachusetts, about 15 minutes from Boston, the other 40 minutes from my place.

Anonymous No. 182790

>buy 6 slings and 12 same color carabiners for alpine draws
>they all come with their own A2 sized instruction sheet and plastic for store display
i wish stores didnt only sell the carabiner packs that has 6 different colour for racking cams what a fucking waste

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Anonymous No. 182906

did my first red today, feels good lads

Anonymous No. 182907

dawg if you cant do V4, stay off the fingerboard. Its a total waste of time. Train pullups and try to maximize efficiency/technique. Youre not being held back by crimp strength till at least V5

Anonymous No. 182908

The strongest climber I know (V11 outdoors) has never lifted even close to seriously. He's also never weighed more than 125lb

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Anonymous No. 182909


Anonymous No. 182914

climbing is a completely different sport for manlets vs lanklets

Anonymous No. 182916

Good job anon! Keep it up.

Anonymous No. 182929

my knee feels a bit funny after bouldering hard. not necessarily in pain but it feels "loose" when going up or down stairs 24 hours later. anyone have experience with this? solutions for this other than always downclimbing / walking backwards for knee strength?

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Anonymous No. 182963

cutie-bros... she's retarded...

Anonymous No. 182985

I flash V4's regularly.
>stay off the fingerboard. Its a total waste of time
No it's not. I tell beginner climbers to do it once a week. If "just climbing random stuff" is allowed to develop fingerstrength, then there's no reason not to do something regular, controlled, and periodic.
>Train pullups
I do chins for biceps, and I tell other beginner climbers to do this.
>and try to maximize efficiency/technique.
Based take.
>Youre not being held back by crimp strength till at least V5
I wasn't complaining about being unable to do the crimps, I'm complaining about it being annoying. Crimp ladders aren't fun to climb, they're just finger workouts.

>some tiny stick flies up the wall
That's cool. Don't see why it means other people shouldn't lift though.
You're probably fine. Sometimes shit feels weird for no reason. If it persists for awhile or interferes with daily life, then look into it.

Anonymous No. 183015

>woman is retarded leftie

Anonymous No. 183023

How many pro climbers are on some kind of PED?
Some/most/all of them?

Anonymous No. 183024

Mickaël Mawem and his brother for sure are. Dudes are in their late 30's and still competing at comp climbs, still peaking their performance. A part of me wants to believe they're natty, but something about their performance peaking at such a late age (not to mention insane physiques) makes me think they're doping. Their performance is just so unnatural and unheard of. Especially in terms of their speed climbing progression.

Whether Adam Ondra is on something remains to be seen. I doubt Alex Honnold was too, just doesn't seem like them.

If climbers are on PEDs, it's probably something related to endurance like erythropoietin or something. Just taking test/d-bol/DECA that bodybuilders use would barely enhance their performance in climbing. They're already lean enough, being on those types of anabolics would result in hard to miss changes.

I think doping in climbing is gonna be alot rarer than in other sports because it's not nearly as competitive.

Anonymous No. 183039

>but something about their performance peaking at such a late age
wait till you hear about all the climbers in their mid 40s still sending 9a's

Anonymous No. 183114

see >>183015
unfortunately it is the way it is

Anonymous No. 183115

i only trained on the 2016 moonboard @40 so i have no idea how a kilter board compares, but from what i've heard their grades are very inflated, like
V4 moon = V5/6 kilter
basically they are marketed at indoor bouldering gyms in the US to boost the ego of the average asian twink that goes there

Anonymous No. 183148

I can believe people in their mid 40's getting 9as, it happens with relative frequency so it's not unbelievable. But olympic climbing is completely different - to send never before seen projects with a bunch of coordinated power moves all within a stringent time limit, while having to perform (at least in 2021) speed climbing AND lead, it all just screams "on PEDs" to me. None of the old farts doing 9as are olympic level athletes. They have all the time in the world to work on those projects, not a strict time limit

Anonymous No. 183158

Can finally do 10 pull-ups with 35 pounds added. Feels good brahs WAGMI

Mark Rippetoe No. 183175

Fuck yeah man.

Anonymous No. 183205

what about white twinks what about us

Anonymous No. 183240

nobody likes being around queers. peak climbers have a 19-20 bmi average and never look "twinky," that's a you problem. get stronger and suck fewer cocks

Anonymous No. 183243

>peak climbers have a 19-20 bmi average
slightly below 25 reporting in...
>and never look "twinky"
I never looked twinky in my life and never will ;_;

Anonymous No. 183405

Have gym fags lost their damn mind? Went to the gym recently cause it got too cold to climb outside and these retards are walking under people climbing and not paying attention to their surroundings. Gym climbing is hell

Naruto No. 183419

My friend just broke his ankle because some re/tard/ walked under him while doing his bouldering project. Sucks man

Anonymous No. 183454

damn that's crazy dude

Anonymous No. 183457

Are you guys that autistic that you can't approach people and let newfucks know not to do that shit

>but they should just know

yes they should, just tell them anyway. fuck you people are more fragile than you think the gumbys are

I&#039;m not Trans I swear No. 183464

I got yelled at by a gym staff for taking my shirt off with a friend and flexing in the mirror with him. He said, "shirts on please". I regret actually doing that. It's a fucking gym, what policy is there against being shirtless? Now that I think of it, alot of the climbing gym rules they have are ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 183466

lots and lots of good gyms in japan, base camp/rocky/bpump ogikubo are all good and in/around tokyo. best base camps are the ones further out nw of tokyo in saitama, best rocky is shinagawa
if you're in japan but don't want modern indoor setting project down in yokohama has an amazing spraywall, base camp in shinjuku also has a good one if you want to stay in tokyo
there's lot of other small gyms that are also good (walrus, rocklands, etc), if you're going to japan and gonna be outside of tokyo i can recommend ones for other cities also

korean gyms are unfortunately basically spots for instagram shots, setting isn't bad but the feel is weird, everyone filming and basically just there for ig posting
the only redeeming factor is bbloc songdo in incheon that has a good spraywall

Anonymous No. 183468

Based knower. I spent a while in Korea watching the youth world cup and hitting up a bunch of the gyms within walking distance. It was sureal watching the line of camera stands infront of the walls, they actually had rules that you aren't allowed to sit on the mats, presumably so people can film. I found the setting pretty poor in half the gyms, and there was only one I actually liked.

Also found that being 6'2 made it possible to reach through a lot of problems that should have been much harder to do and I could usually static the dynos. I found the setting only compensated for height outliers in one or two gyms and only at the higher end of the setting. But I guess thats reasonable for an asian country

Anonymous No. 183469

Why are you implying I didn’t say shit to these retarded gumbies, you fucking loser? That’s not relevant ro my fucking post, you v2-exclusive loser

Anonymous No. 183482

nevermind my bad dude you're right. don't wanna hurt your feelings

Anonymous No. 183498

>Gumby falls, stays laying on the ground, directly in my dropzone
>wait for him to realize what he's doing
>he backs out of the way, apologizes
>fall down, wave him over
>give him a fistbump and say good climb
Yeah man, bet they were real scared of your fatass trying to yell at them for not paying attention

Tom No. 183516

Looking for a Joshua Tree and Tahquitz partner. Beginner climber, leads Josh 5.8, follows 5.9. Safety conscious. If I ever injure a partner through negligence I will never climb again.

949 six four eight 0594

Anonymous No. 183518

>tfw christmas season weight gain put me above a BMI of 25 for the first time in a decade
idk bros

Anonymous No. 183519

there are kids around you dude stop being a pedo fag

Anonymous No. 183535

Stop projecting (in both ways)

Anonymous No. 183544

Stop climbing V0s, bud

Faggot OP here No. 183552

>Bring climbing grades into insults
>Literally worse than insulting their mother
4chan is a wonderful place

It's a public gym for a sport meant for adults. If the pussy twink manager as your dumb ass is afraid to see someone with a fucking six pack, they shouldn't have selected the most filtered sport there is. Talk to me when you send V negative 3 you fucker

Anonymous No. 183555

bros it just started raining so the snow should be gone in a couple of weeks now... cant fucking wait

Anonymous No. 183581

>oh fuck I can moonboard and climb V12s and I'm hot as fuck everyone is secretly jealous of me
>meanwhile some fat high fuck in an anime shirt and pajama pants outclimbs you without needing to take his shirt off for ego
What's your next move, to post half-nude pics in the climbing general like a /fit/fag?

Anonymous No. 183585

i hate sports climbers

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Anonymous No. 183587

Yesterday it was -20 degrees centigrade over here.

Anonymous No. 183590

>i hate climbers

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Anonymous No. 183595

Keep seething. I'm proud of my body, unlike you.
>meanwhile some fat high fuck in an anime shirt and pajama pants outclimbs you
Any fat fuck in an anime shirt flashing V12s on a moonboard has my absolute respect.
>without needing to take his shirt off for ego
>for ego
Right, like I'm doing it to impress anyone. You jealous that nobody's miring you anon? Go back to /fit/ and check back in 3 years when you stop seething every time you see a hot guy without a shirt.
>inb4 AITA redditor thread where OP asks, "Is ego-climbing bad? I thought it was"
>Thank you kind stranger

Anonymous No. 183600

jfc you sound insecure

Anonymous No. 183601

When fat fucks in anime shirts are in every gym sending my moonboard projects, you bet your ass I would be.

Anonymous No. 183608

Y'all lied to me. You told me bouldering gyms were good places to meet chicks. Went first time today, every single person in that shithole was with their SO or in a friend group. Fuck this shit.

Also my hands hurt but I did all the tutorial climbs and a couple of the not tutorial but still easy shit. Maybe I can do this even if I remain forever alone

Anonymous No. 183609

make friends with those chicks and then date their single friends. or just climb. it's fun.

Anonymous No. 183612

My favorite part of rock climbing is introducing new people to the sport, but my success rate is only like 50/50. My typical approach is to take the newbie to the crag and top-rope them on a 5.5/5.6. This grade is almost always achievable even for new climbers, but quite often they'll get stuck on a move and then give up really fast and ask to be lowered. Sometimes they'll go up for another try and it works out, but a lot of the time they'll just decide right then that climbing is not for them. Is there something I can do to reduce this last outcome, or are some people just not cut out for climbing? Is it best to introduce people to climbing in a gym first?

Anonymous No. 183638

You're supposed to mog the guys and steal their gfs.

Anonymous No. 183650

so anyone here do any ice climbing or is it still solely gym fags in /xs/

Anonymous No. 183659

ask me again in a week

Anonymous No. 183666

stick with it bud, compared to lots of other typically social things, it's easier to find a way in to socialize and make friends.

also because climbing attracts autists too the barrier to entry is lower because you can get away with just talking beta and shit as an icebreaker

>beta small talk with a number of people
>learn climber talk
>eventually make friends
>friends know other friends
>friends can be girls
>even if you don't find gf, rinse and repeat because more friends/interactions = higher chance of gf

not saying it's easy, but you can do it

Anonymous No. 183680

Well, you could always refuse to lower them and just force them to try as many time as they need to succeed.

Anonymous No. 183685

Not as fun as it sounds. In one instance my friend got a bit off-route while on top rope, such that she would take a small swing if she let go. No amount of encouragement would convince her to let go, or to move sideways or downwards. She stayed there for at least 10 minutes before she finally lost her grip and took the 3 foot swing, crying and screaming bloody murder the entire time. Raw, ear-piercing shrieks at the top of her lungs. I've never heard anything like that come out of a human before. It really shook me. Luckily this was out in the woods, but if anyone heard they would have to assume they were listening to someone dying in agony.

Bizarrely this was one of the success stories and we still climb together every once in a while.

Anonymous No. 183686

This was easily my worst climbing experience ever, by the way. I heard those screams in my nightmares for weeks.

Anonymous No. 183699

Not to mention it was my go to entry date. How many guys out there are asking to take girls fucking climbing? It sounds so exciting to normies, and it always led to at least a make-out session afterwards.

Anonymous No. 183703

Jesus Christ, that must’ve been a pretty terrible situation. Glad to hear that it didn’t kill her interest in climbing, though. I suppose some people do have some quite serious trust issues with the gear at first. Maybe it’d be easier to let them ease into climbing by going to gyms for the first couple times?

Anonymous No. 183714

how do i get into climbing wide chimneys when so many of them are unprotectable? just practice in some walkway with a bouldering pad?

Anonymous No. 183715

nevermind im retarded i forgot toproping existed for a second

Anonymous No. 183722

Do you bring people to your main gym?

Mark &#039;ripped my ass back in highschool&#039; rippetoe No. 183746

At the time, yeah, since my gym offered a referral service which let new climbers have free rentals and their first session completely free. So not only was it a perfect fun date spot, it literally cost me nothing.

Anonymous No. 183770

the purpose of getting into climbing is to have fun getting a workout. keep it up brah, you probably won't meet a girl climbing but girls you meet elsewhere will be impressed if you become even just an intermediate climber (this is fully doable in 6 months assuming you're not fat)

Anonymous No. 183771

>Is it best to introduce people to climbing in a gym first?
yes, pretty colorful rocks. there's no reason to assume people will immediately be infatuated with the prospect of outdoor climbing when they know nothing about climbing itself and progression in the sport.

Anonymous No. 183773

Do any of you actually do 4x4s and if so did you feel like they were a great method of training? idk if 4x4s are actually preferable to just "edging" how pumped my arms are.

Anonymous No. 183780

Haven't done 4x4's but I've heard alot of things about them. I've never heard complaints from someone doing them, but the advantage is mainly for bouldering. you can also do 3x3s or 2x2s. All of them work relatively fine.

Anonymous No. 183825


>the purpose of getting into climbing is to have fun getting a workout

I've never had fun with exercise in my whole life and I find it unlikely this will be do the one I actually "like" and not simply tolerate. If I do stuff I have "fun" with I never leave home again.

>this is fully doable in 6 months assuming you're not fat

I'm not fat but kinda old at 34. That said I have horrible flexibility and coordination. I would fully expect myself to be below average progression wise (like bottom 40%) but who knows.

>girls you meet elsewhere

The entire point is that I don't meet girls anywhere. If this is another place where I won't get any chance it's kinda of a bummer, not gonna lie. Not sure if I can spend more time and effort in another hobby that will leave me alone, at that point might as well just continue playing games at home. I'm being fully honest here, as cringe and sad as it is, a large part of my intention on this meeting girls. Not bothering them or anything (realistically no matter what I won't be talking with anyone even a year in. I don't know the name of any person that goes to the gym I go for years)

I will probably stick with it a bit tho. At least enough to tell people that I gave it a reasonable try and found no success or fun again. Probably gonna get a 10 session bundle and go twice a week for the next month at least.

Anonymous No. 183826

You can meet girls if you are lucky. Bouldering gyms are pretty social. I made some friends without even trying to. If you meet enough people, there's a good chance some of them are girls. And the guys can introduce you to their female friends they climb with.

Tough Love No. 183832

Are you a redditor? You sound like the pathetic, beaten, old sack of shit complaining on your typical fucking reddit post
>Thank you kind stranger
Either go back to /r9k/ or stop being a fucking pussy because I'm so sick of faggots like you bitching about everything.
>I've never had fun with exercise in my whole life
Who the fuck asked you what you found fun. Nobody gives a shit. People here are tryna be suppostive of your bitch ass and all you look for is excuses. This is hint #1 that makes me think you're a reddit/ard/. Wanna improve your life? Stop bitching about something nobody asked about
>Wanna go to a party with me
>I've never enjoyed parties in my life
Bitch, answer the damn question. If you have nothing positive to say, keep it in your fat, drooling, retarded mouth

>If I do stuff I have "fun" with I never leave home again
This is clue #2 that you're a redditor.
> I have horrible flexibility and coordination
Then fucking improve it. Do you not know what self improvement is retard? Doing something more and more makes you better. So you can either bitch and whine about it until you're 50, or you can do something about it now. Pussy.
>The entire point is that I don't meet girls anywhere.
If you want to stop being a 34 year old virgin, then go outside of your fucking comfort zone. If you want some shit, you gotta work for it. Get used to being uncomfortable, then you can man the fuck up and find something you can enjoy. Doesn't have to be climbing but know what? Nah man, you're sticking to it. You're gonna get your shit together, or you're gonna post on /r9k/ as an incel. you better fucking improve yourself faggot

Anonymous No. 183841

>oh he makes some good point-
shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of this thread, you piece of shit. I swear to fucking god if you adopt a tripcode and post lame-ass selfies imma go double nigger on your mom.
That goes for any of you faggots trying to be a namefag or tripfag retard

Anonymous No. 183860

this guy almost has a point except he's mostly just a cunt

Sounds like you have a hard time meeting people and girls, and climbing (gyms) are a good way to do it I guarantee you. I know it's hard, I'm also in my early 30s and trying to catch up in the social circle game at this age is undeniably hard. But you can do it, anon.

Meeting girls is gonna come with meeting more people and making friends in general, I'd try to focus a bit more on that because women can absolutely sense when you ONLY want to talk to them/pick them up.

Not saying having the ultimate goal of gf is bad, but girls (the ones worth dating anyway) don't like desperate single dudes. Climb, make friends, hide power level, wow now you're a cool dude people like being around and also girls like that

Anonymous No. 183861

if you were to ask an actual normie between a 4chan user or a reddit user, who's more likely to never leave their house and hate exercise, what do you think the answer would be

Anonymous No. 183862

just scored a whole set of used rockcentric hexes for 30 bucks, feels like i robbed the guy

Anonymous No. 183864

I've climbed plenty of bolted chimneys.

Anonymous No. 183866

why'd he only sell for 30

Anonymous No. 183896

they were reslung with cord so probably why
none of those in my area, chimneys are pretty rare here sadly but theres one in my local crag that i wanna try

Namefag til the day I die No. 183906

Read name. I'm going to post every lame ass selfy on this fucking planet to inspire you.
>he's mostly just a cunt
Once you've tried to help people like
hundreds of times over, you realize that most of the time, trying to be supportive just doesn't work. People like complaining. People like bitching. People want to view themselves as the victim. Letting them play the victim card allows them to rebut your advice with excuses. It's happened time and time again.
>I know it's hard, I'm also in my early 30s and trying to catch up in the social circle game
See, you have the healthy attitude. You know something's hard, but you do it anyways. Other people won't do that shit until you roast them to show them how fragile they are. Tough love works anon.
>if you were to ask an actual normie between a 4chan user or a reddit user, who's more likely to never leave their house and hate exercise, what do you think the answer would be
Probably a tie. Before I become a /fit/poster for the memes, I always viewed redditors as the most anti-social fucks on the planet. They literally had an incel subreddit. I knew 4chan was degen, but ffs imagine having an entire section of your website devoted to inceldom and its derivatives

Anonymous No. 183921

this is what a failed normalfag looks like, everyone

Anonymous No. 183929

I'd climb with him

Anonymous No. 183931

tenaya my beloved

Anonymous No. 183940

good shit to your gym, I absolutely despise those fags like you that climb or walk around shirtless indoors

Namefag til the day I die No. 183944

Let people do whatever they want. There's no shame in being proud of your body. When it gets you mad, you come off as insecure. You gonna keep seething or get your shit together?

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Anonymous No. 183945

>you MUST be insecure!

kys bro

Anonymous No. 183948

Thanks for the meme. Keep seething.

Anonymous No. 183957

my left foot is half a size smaller than my right foot, do you guys think i should size my shoes after my left foot and then just deal with pain in the right one or size after right and have a slightly too big shoe on the left foot?

Anonymous No. 183967

>they were reslung
you're going to fucking die.

Anonymous No. 183968

opt for no pain, my climbing shoes are the same size as my tennis shoes and I never feel like my foot is sliding around in them. though maybe it helps that mine have actual laces?

Anonymous No. 183969

Went there second time today. Gym was nearly completely empty, which is both good and bad. My hands, however, got completely fucked up by V1s. Does that magnesium shit really help?

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Anonymous No. 183970

your hands will likely go through bad tearing ONLY ONCE and then stay calloused indefinitely unless you stop climbing for months. important steps to take:
1) cut off any torn skin that's handing loose
2) use O'Keefe's Working Hands
3) before climbing, tape over any opened cuts (reapply tape during session if tape starts to slip)
4) clean cuts super well after session
5) some holds in the gym are way way rougher than others and are truly like sandpaper. avoid these routes altogether until your cuts heal (usually the super rough holds are just brand new)
>Does that magnesium shit really help?
no. one additional thing to keep in mind is that every beginner overgrips holds excessively. spend an entire session focusing on gripping with less and less force so long as you remain stable on the wall.

Anonymous No. 183972

>one additional thing to keep in mind is that every beginner overgrips holds excessively. spend an entire session focusing on gripping with less and less force so long as you remain stable on the wall.

Yeah, I've already noticed I'm pretty much brute forcing everything. My right arm also hurt a lot during climbing, at least that stopped hurting already, probably because i put too much strain.

Going again saturday, hopefully it's not as bad. Found a bit weird how much my hands got fucked up today, first time it didn't hurt at all.

Anonymous No. 183977

Similar foot problem, though think mine's more like a "quarter size" difference. Enough to be noticeable at least

I started with just dealing with the pain, but decided to size my last pair of shoes more comfy. 0 regrets, would do comfy(ish) fits again. I'm not a super high performance athlete or competitor or anything, so getting into the weeds of aggressively tight shoes while climbing single digit V grades seems kinda pointless. I'd go for whatever makes you more likely to keep climbing and feels good for now.

If you really like the feeling of "high performance" fit and it gives you the confidence to send shit, go for it. More likely than not a non-painful fit will be fine though.

Or just try it one way for one pair of shoe, then try the other with your next pair.

Anonymous No. 183985

as a 34 year old you're absolutely going to need to be deliberate about dynamic stretching before climbing and static stretching sometime after. there's a thousand guides on stretches for climbers but also if you have persistent pain somewhere (shoulders, elbows, knees, hips, neck, etc.) look into specialized stretches for the afflicted area.

Anonymous No. 184007

I think today’s society promotes immodesty and self-centered behaviour to an undesireable degree. It’s a good thing many climbing establishments keep people looking for a quick ego boost in check.

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Anonymous No. 184014

>I think
>society promotes immodesty
>I think society promotes
>Self-centered behavior
>Fuck people looking for
Nobody cares what you think. Cope. I Didn't get yelled at last Tuesday, which was a good start, I think that one employee was just pissed that day and wanted to take it out on me. Oopsie, guess I got an ego boost unchecked. Go seethe about it on reddit.

Anonymous No. 184015

I would recommend that you take a look in the mirror, after a post like that, but apparently you've already tried and it hasn't helped.

Anonymous No. 184016

Definitely go for less pain. I deal with a similar problem, and I lowkey want to save money to buy the same shoe in two different sizes so I get the perfect fit.

Anonymous No. 184017

What's funny is that people get so fixated on others behavior. If seeing others climb shirtless bothers you, don't look. Simple. No seething required.
>B-b-but... immodesty and capitalism are ruining-
Nobody cares what you think. Which is why it's so weird that you care about what others do. It's a fucked up asymmetry. Next time we climb at the gym together, how about you just shut the fuck up, focus on yourself, and quit thinking that the world needs to revolve around what you think is acceptable. We share the gym. It's a public space. Get over yourself.

Anonymous No. 184019

I'm not the anon you've been arguing with. I don't care what you do in your gym. I enjoy this general thread though, and cope-and-seethe wojak posting is low-effort schlock.

I miss the climbing general that used to exist on /out/ because there was more climbing and less talking. I would contribute, but I haven't been outside in a month. Next week I'm traveling to France and Wales and I've got a 40m & qds in my carry-on, so hopefully I'll have something to share.

Anonymous No. 184020

>cope-and-seethe wojak posting is low-effort schlock.
Fair enough. I'll stop doing it.
>I miss the climbing general that used to exist on /out/ because there was more climbing and less talking.
Why the hell did it even move to /xs/? I remember that it used to be in /out/ years ago, only bouldering and gymrat shit was discussed in this thread. Jealous of you for going to Europe to climb, I'm in a place where the nearest outdoor climb is 2.5 hours away and the routes suck, and it's frigid and cold. Is it gonna be your first time travelling to France/Wales specifically to climb or have you been there before? Looking forward to seeing you post some good shit.

Anonymous No. 184022

alright thanks, decided to go for the more comfortable size, its probably easier to trade for a smaller shoe than the opposite if i really dont like it anyways
just hoping the left shoe dosent stretch too much now but its microfiber so it should be fine

Anonymous No. 184023

Yes, I think that immodesty and being self-centered is bad. Yes, I think it’s good that some people keep people in line for manifesting those characteristics. Nice job picking that ambiguous message up from my post and repeating it.

Anonymous No. 184024

>I think that immodesty and being self-centered is bad
Nobody cares. Who says it's up to you to decide what's immodest? You're insecure. It's plain as day. The only people concerned about what others do can only care because they're empty inside.
>keep people in line
Imagine being so egocentric that you think others have to be kept "in-line". I see why you think others climbing without a shirt is an "Ego" thing, you're projecting. I haven't heard the phrase "kept in line" used unironically by anyone until today. What are you, a movie prison guard? How about you grow up, focus on yourself, maybe work on your body-image issues, then maybe you'll live a happier existence.

Anonymous No. 184030

I don't care if fags want to go around shirtless to try and flex on people. they only embarrass themselves.
But if you climb shirtless in summer and smear your sweaty back on the mats when falling you can go fuck yourself. even gym bros are more hygienic than you.

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Anonymous No. 184031

The /out/ climbing general was always slow and would periodically die and be resurrected. I've done it myself more than a few times. With the introduction of /xs/ it just didn't feel necessary to keep it on life support. I might try to resurrect it again in the spring when more people are outdoors.

I'm mostly just sightseeing this trip, so there won't be anything too adventurous. My travel partner is not that interested in climbing. I do have a day of guided ice climbing in Chamonix and I'm eyeing some easy sport routes in Wales that my friend would be able to enjoy. If I was traveling specifically to climb I'd probably go to El Potrero Chico.

Having no outdoor options is a real bummer and I definitely know the feeling. I'm moving to OR/WA in a few months and trying to end up as close to Smith or Index as I possibly can.

Anonymous No. 184036

Immodesty isn’t a term invented by me. The definition is quite clear and showing off your unclothed body fits it perfectly. I don’t have a problem with people climbing shirtless, I have a problem with people showing off their bodies for an ego boost.

Anonymous No. 184043

That looks absolutely stunning. Thanks for the pic, that's really awesome.
>I'm moving to OR/WA in a few months and trying to end up as close to Smith or Index as I possibly can.
I know the feeling! I'm gonna be moving out of state pretty soon, so I'm trying to land a gig in states known for climbing (Utah, upstate NY, California, Washington). I just want to live by a crag so I can go whenever the hell I want, no gym membership necessary. I grew up very close to the shawangunks mountains in NY, and the views there were stunning.
>But if you climb shirtless in summer and smear your sweaty back on the mats when falling you can go fuck yourself
Ew, who the fuck does that? That's disgusting.
>The definition is quite clear and showing off your unclothed body fits it perfectly.
Merriam Webster's dictionary defines it as, "behavior that doesn't conform to sexual mores", mores could be defined as "right versus wrong". Saying something is immodest by your logic is saying something is sexually wrong. Which it clearly isn't, especially when you go on to say
>I don’t have a problem with people climbing shirtless, I have a problem with people showing off their bodies for an ego boost.
So the problem isn't that it's sexually deviant, but that it bothers you since you think people want attention. Even assuming that 100% of climbers did that solely to grab people's attention, why do you care? You can simply - not care. But no, you feel the need not only to be bothered by it, but believe that people ought to take action to protect you from it. That's pathetic, which Merriam webster defines as, "Sad, pitifully inferior, or inadequate". Seems to fit you just perfectly. Bugger off.

Anonymous No. 184059

>he doesn't know r/braincels was a joke sub
imagine not realizing that that majority of "incels" are just single men and most of the stuff is just bants
anyone who gets into the PUA shit seriously is spiritually Indian or closeted homosexual

Anonymous No. 184119

Page 10, I know at least one of you has been itching to make a new thread, now's the time

Anonymous No. 184122

The GOAT doesn't do weight lifting

Anonymous No. 184170

I heard that Ondra doesn’t do that either. I think I read it in a YouTube comment so take it with a grain of salt.

Anonymous No. 184175

climb on boys

Anonymous No. 184667

How tf do you make a /cg/ thread and you forget the /cg/