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šŸ§µ /cg/ - Climbing General

Anonymous No. 167855

~~Highball Edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is also a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power. But it certainly helps.

>Where can I acquire petite 110lb Asian climbing gf.
Same place as always: within the darkest annals of your mind.

>I can deadlift 500lbs if I really wanted to. Here's a timestamped shirtless pic of me for proof.
You are gay.

>Where is the old bread?

Anonymous No. 167857

Tuck your balls up high

Anonymous No. 167870

Iā€™ve been to a local gym with my girlfriend and his brother a few times now and Iā€™ve really enjoyed climbing (mostly with autobelays, a tiny bit of bouldering). I feel like Iā€™ve finally found a sport that I want to do because itā€™s genuinely enjoyable and not just because itā€™s good for me. Going to pick up a pair of shoes this week and buy a membership to the gym. This place is also located very conveniently a few kilometers away from my aparment and the uni I go to so Iā€™ll get to commute by foot.

Anonymous No. 167886

>with my girlfriend and his brother
Sounds pretty gay

Anonymous No. 167897

I try to be nice and friendly to rookies and experts. I try not to hog routes, and ask before giving beta.
But sometimes, I try and be friendly, and the cold shoulder is intense, man. The fuck am I doing wrong? I forget names but lots of people have that issue

Anonymous No. 167903

>The fuck am I doing wrong?
Nothing (I guess), some people just want to be left alone

Anonymous No. 167911


Anonymous No. 167913

Your girlfriend is a ā€˜heā€™?

Anonymous No. 167919

oh shit didnā€™t notice that lol

Anonymous No. 167921

If I've learned anything about today's society, it's to never trust a stranger. You're always better off going it alone.

Anonymous No. 167929

Maybe it's just your gym? There's two gyms near my house and there's a big difference between the two when it comes to atmosphere, people are a lot friendlier at one than the other.

Good for you anon. I've only just got into climbing myself and I wish I'd started years ago. It's so much fun.

>>Where can I acquire petite 110lb Asian climbing gf.
Tfw one of the petite 110lb climbing girls at my gym approached me last week, asking for my Facebook or insta so she could send through the video she'd been taking of me climbing.
Now, I don't have a problem with the thought of some qt secretly filming me but, holy shit, I can only imagine the result if our roles were reversed.

Anonymous No. 167931

Looks like Jim Pope, what climb is this?

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Anonymous No. 167953

>Where can I acquire petite 110lb Asian climbing gf

Anonymous No. 167956


Anonymous No. 167994

You'll notice on sexy night.

And then it'll be too late...

Anonymous No. 167997

Did you tell her you don't do that social media shit?

Anonymous No. 168082

>giving people encouragement, checking before giving beta and saying hi to people I recognize somehow makes me an asshole
Okay fine I'll just become the biggest asshole of all by doing that day after day in the gym

Anonymous No. 168104

not everyone wants to small talk at the gym anon, some people just wanna be left alone to climb

Anonymous No. 168237

why do you wanna fall that far lmao

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Anonymous No. 168268


Anonymous No. 168346

Anon maybe you're a social energy vampire and everyone else can pick up on it. Just keep to yourself, get strong physically and in your technique (and in your mental). If your gym has autobelays use them and maybe you'll become a crusher people will want to be around. If your gym has a community board you post a looking for partner poster with your skill level, your schedule etc. If that doesn't work I guess you'll just have to die alone.

Anonymous No. 168380

as a beginner, how do I avoid not progressing at a good pace?

Anonymous No. 168383

just fucking climb nigga
Start at v1s, work your way up till you can't no more
If you feel like you've plateaued, just reclimb old shit that pushed you before
Getting good at climbing is dead simple, but too many people inject other shit to deceive themselves, like those faggots posting about lifts last thread.
just fucking climb. Maybe you'll have a period where all you can do is v4s. Put your head down and get through it faggot you'll be a better climber than some guy who insists he needs to work on his curls or squats or some shit
Also shoes don't fucking matter as long as they're basic bitch climbing shoes and fit your feet well the amount of faggots wearing top-end la sportivas or scarpas who can barely tackle 5s are ridiculous

Anonymous No. 168405

climb and pay attention to what you're doing

Anonymous No. 168421

>and ask before giving beta.
Nothing wrong then, I wish people did this here. Also lots of autists with no social skills at the gym might make it feel like you are the problem maybe.

Anonymous No. 168433

I don't think it's lack of social skills that is the problem. I think it's social apathy. People just want to be left alone.

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šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 168451

>no dj playing bops to hype up the crowd
why are chinese so soulless

Anonymous No. 168457

Climb mindfully. Try to be cognizant of where your body is in space when you climb, rather than throwing yourself at holds. Watch people who are good at climbing and study how they move.

As a beginner, the most stark gains you can make are adjustments to your technique.

Anonymous No. 168458

Fat white woman in crocs and track pants at the bottom of the crag: "Don't worry, Tyrone just wants to give you a kiss. He's friendly"

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Anonymous No. 168480

I love those shitboxes, they are my 3rd pair, they smell are uncomfortable and of poor quality but man I love them so much.
They also cost 35$ in my local currency

Anonymous No. 168535

Based. Getting shoes that fit and work is that matters. Went to a climbing gym in Durham, NC, and it was filled with Asians with $200+ shoes struggling on V1s and 5.8s

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Anonymous No. 168597

Based. I really like my Solutions and Anasazis, but dudes in the 70s and 80s were doing my dream routes in shitty Boreal Fires (pic related) or EBs which are similar tech-wise to these cheap Decathlon boots. These classic routes from that era that I still can't touch clock in at 5.13 or V9.

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Anonymous No. 168626

Climbing isn't the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear 'extreme sports', I guess because unlike most it doesn't involve high speeds. My only experience with climbing was on the walls at fairs, and I don't remember it being that scary. But I was like 12, so it's been a while ago.

Does climbing actually give you a big rush? I've been thinking about getting into it. I guess it depends on your fear of heights, the route, and indoor/outdoor?

Anonymous No. 168683

Been climbing for over a decade now, and been on here for even longer. I think I'm entitled to a blogpost. If you don't believe me, just remember:
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Here we go.
>started climbing in college to get a gril
>never fucking worked, had a few that tagged along but no climbfu
>got damn good at competitions tho
>we're talking I beat entire teams good
>coach is another student, his gf is a white liberal savior
>gets the idea stuck in her bf's head I shouldn't consider myself good because I'm not a pro
>fuckyou.jpg it's the one thing I'm good at in life
>other people try and make me out to be some rival of theirs for some reason, I just want friends
>rivalry bullshit reaches a point where a roommate I just moved in with goes climbing with me once, tells me he's going to crush me at climbing one day
>none of them ever fucking do
>get a little disillusioned with the sport because of all these dicks, take a break for a few years
>gym gets a tension board, meet the guy who got it installed
>he's from another state, whips my ass on day 1
>despite that, we become good friends, go on lots of outdoor trips
>move states for work, go to a new gym
>start making some pals
>then the stupid rivalry bullshit starts up again
>guy I barely know changes his entire climbing schedule because of me
>a random guy I gave props to apparently already heard of me because I'm gaining a "reputation"
>am currently giving myself the challenge to talk to at least one new person a day at the gym
>meeting lots of cool people
>falling back in love with the sport despite getting older
I really enjoy climbing, and when people are having fun with it. I don't get why I draw contempt, I got good at climbing because I suck ass socially.
Thanks for reading, don't to not waste your money on expensive shoes or chalk when starting and ask me anything. Or call me a nigger I guess

Anonymous No. 168711

Losers who take it seriously to develop a pseudo rivalry are mentally weak losers. Thereā€™s nothing better than having friends who push each other, but fucking being a dick because someone is better than is such gumbie behavior. Too many numales have started climbing because of numale Magnus. Wish I had bros who could push and climb hard but were chill like Shawn Rab and Sean Bailey

Anonymous No. 168712

Decathlon? Their shoes were never cheap when they still had stores here. But then laces are a no-go for me.>>168626

Climbing was in Alt Sports when it still existed, but got overran with wrastling. So they nuked the board, gave wrastling its own board, and everything else dropped into EXTREEEEEEEME Sports. I don't know whey they didn't just keep Alt Sports because the first thing people always say is "I don't consider XXXXX 'extreme' etc...."

Ur probably giving off anti-social vibes and stylin' on people without even knowing it. Trust me, I'm a climbing psychologist, PhD.

Anonymous No. 168719

Nothing wrong with Fires, but EBs were hard and slick and scary to climb in.

Anonymous No. 168782

A new guy approached me yesterday to ask how to learn climbing and if classes were worth it. I told him to just hang out with stronger climbers and watch them, discuss problems with them. What do you think?
I remember my first ones from Decathlon, $60 but they lasted me two years. I loved the first two generations of Solution but then they changed the heel and the Skwama fit me better. I hate how expensive they are nowadays. Solutions sell for almost $170 in some store here it's insane.

Anonymous No. 168783

That rivalry bullshit is usually not mean-spirited here, even among younger climbers. I went to quite a few gyms for long periods of time and have never once met someone calling another a loser just because he couldn't top. And I had the best time climbing with guys stronger than me and getting pushed like the other anon said. I also find it harder to meet interesting people these days.

Anonymous No. 168788

To be fair he would get better results with just classes and supplementary hang outs with strong climbers, but where is the fun in that? You learn the most when you dick around on something way beyond your skill. Like imagine ā€œstrongā€ guys trying some hard climbs and you just try with them, do 3 or 4 moves and then step on different holds when it gets to hard, but you still are trying something with them

Anonymous No. 168833

i ended up buying a new harness in a size smaller and now im realizing how oversized my old one was kek

Anonymous No. 168858

Congratulations to China for putting on the most soulless world cup i have ever seen

Anonymous No. 168880

i think classes can be really great if the teacher is good, and also very fun and you can learn and experiment a lot with the different weird exercises and training tricks the teacher can teach you.

but the best reason for him would be to meet new people. so it's probably worth it for him to try the classes for a couple months or something like that, get to know people who are more or less at his skill level and then go climbing with them. and then drop the classes. it's sad because this method makes it so that doing classes is not a good way of getting customers for the gym (because they end up losing all their pupils) but they still gain gym memberships i guess. and happy even though temporary customers. and it can be very helpful for new climbers

Anonymous No. 168895

That was helpful, thanks a bunch.

Anonymous No. 169251

One of you retards is spamming climbing posts on /fit/ and making those fags considering bouldering since ā€œhow hard can it be, I squat 3, press 1, and bench 2ā€

Anonymous No. 169261

lead climber complemented my belaying but in truth my belaying was dogshit and i let go of the break hand multiple times :( im too fidgety with my device i should really get my shit together before i kill someone

Anonymous No. 169290

Simply stopped bouldering indoors and only train indoors on lead and top. My gymā€™s bouldering has turned into these retarded parkour dynos and comp style problems. I will now exclusively boulder outside even if I can only go once a week

Anonymous No. 169295

i'm so fucking sick of parkour dynos
i'm not trying to -ACK my ankle every time I go to the gym

Anonymous No. 169298

they just want to see powerlifter blow their pulleys

Anonymous No. 169315

That's cool but I think writing off indoor bouldering completely will work to your detriment if you want to get stronger. The main pitfall of indoor bouldering imo is people use it for fun, not training; they try to tick off circuits and aim to do problems that maybe take you 1-2 sessions. In other words, they're doing problems they're already capable of without too much effort and just accumulating months and months of junk mileage.

I have a story if you care to listen. I started a job working odd shifts so out of necessity, I picked up a membership at a small 24hr members-only gym and it was easily the best thing that happened to my climbing. The gym was spartan af: it had a 50 degree board in the corner, a moon board, a huge splatterboard and some weights/rings. There were no 'fun' problems, no circuits, no feel good grades.

The first few months I felt like a fraud and faggot because I was projecting the V3-4s here. When I went to my commercial hellhole gym, I thought I was a big nigga going through their V5-6 circuit and sending the odd soft one outdoors. Here it took me a whole month to climb the easiest problem on the 50 degree board. I'd even make sure I'd go when nobody else was there because I was embarrassed at the rift between myself and the other members. I'd project the real nigga members' warm-ups on stokt and work through the easy moonboard problems, do my s&c and go home. I would supplement training with hangboarding but my bread and butter was just steep, hard problems.


Anonymous No. 169319

Every month, I'd make tangible progress on the projects indoors and out. Multi session projects on the moonboard and splatterboard became doable in a couple of goes and I would aim to do 4 in a single session. I knew I was getting stronger because unlike at a commercial gym, the problems were the same but instead I had changed. There was no hiding behind circuits that ebbed and flowed in softness and were by default undergraded to give members the illusion of progress.

When I went and tested myself on projects outside regularly. I would find myself in such excess of strength and power that I would lap projects from last season, feeling like holds had grown and that my body felt floaty and light. It was a very based feeling.

I am embarrassed to say, but it took 5 years to break out of the plateau of V5 properly (doing the odd soft V6 didn't count imo). I changed my approach and within one year, I was climbing V9. Ofc gyms like this do not exist in every city, but where there are a core group of psyched climbers there are steep boards. Use them liberally. Do not be a moth to the flame to gay comp style boulders. Take heed guys, especially if you're new to climbing. It is an easy trap to fall into

Anonymous No. 169362

i donā€™t want to see anyone suffer
i just want to see people get real & fulfilling fitness instead of the gym scam

Anonymous No. 169377

>My gymā€™s bouldering has turned into these retarded parkour dynos and comp style problems
Same, please kill me (or all the dyno and comp fags)

Anonymous No. 169386

literally every comp climber can flash your lifetime project

Anonymous No. 169395

I'm sure they reached that level training on comp boulders and it's not that comp boulders are that way because it's the only way to even out the field for the competitors

Anonymous No. 169398

>the "no you're a weak faggot I can do v12s and v13s, easy" posting has begun
Oh dear god it's like plebbit where half the people brag about getting to 5.13s within their first year
Next we'll have tripfags. Fuck tripfags

Anonymous No. 169405

>pro climber would shit all over your projects with consummate ease

So, what are you getting at? I trained with pro and semi pro climbers at my gym and they all at least climbed V14 (a couple of them V16). The stronger ones also climb in IFSC lead and boulder events and do very well. If youā€™re making the assumption that they got this strong training comp style boulders, you are a pea brain retard.

They train in phases, developing high levels of strength and power through board climbing/fingerboard/campusing/etc, then power endurance, then maybe if they have a competition coming up they will integrate these style of problems for 2-3 months before a major competition.

Anonymous No. 169407

bros please tell me the vid of the guy's whole foot falling off while bouldering is fake

Anonymous No. 169413

Fuck off back to /fit/, downie. Itā€™s real. How would anyone fake that?

Anonymous No. 169424

CGI, Mr. Angry

Anonymous No. 169429

Ah yes the favela monkey is going to go out his way to use cgi on a 13 second tiktok video. Fucking retard

Anonymous No. 169430

What clip?
I think I am out of the loop

Anonymous No. 169439

Thereā€™s no reason to be a cunt. Besides I think the video the anon was referring to was of Chinese people not Brazilian

Anonymous No. 169448

it's real bro it happened at my gym and I'm the one who posted it here

Anonymous No. 169450

his ig name is waxbeta and he has a whole reel of his rehab process

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Anonymous No. 169502

>according to my *snort* calculationsth, the video is only 13 secondsth! divide that by the favela monkey printhiple and carry the five, and we have a 7.4 perthent likelihood that CGI was usthed! conclusion: you are a wetawd!

Anonymous No. 169503

>/fit/fag mad a bunch of dumb rock monkeys know their sport is more lethal than weightlifting
the NYC /fit/ meetup is all I need to see to know y'all are faggots

Anonymous No. 169512

Iā€™m not from /fit/ schizo and I donā€™t even know what you are so angry about. You are mentally ill

Anonymous No. 169518

Every tiktok clip uses CGI if it uses filters.

Anonymous No. 169551

I accept your concession

Anonymous No. 169640

bros i haven't cloombed in over a week because i've been busy and now it's raining so hard that all the subways are shut down and I can't get to the gym

Anonymous No. 169784

go back to /fit/ you fuckin transphobic faggot im sick of you /fit/fags coming in here and acting like their lifts arenā€™t has dangerous as climbing. i already told you here >>169503 and here >>169413 to get lost but you keep bringing your bigoted chud ass back here to shit up the place and disrespect poc emotional labour

Anonymous No. 169795

Get on a bike and ride there puzzazz bitchazz thinkin-bout-booty-azz KY Jelly-packinazz NIGGA

Anonymous No. 169831


Anonymous No. 169873

why do people recommend hexes for winter climbing? whats so different about summer vs winter for pro? do they actually mean for ice climbing or dry tooling or do cams not work as well in colder temps?

Anonymous No. 169876

fuck your life

Anonymous No. 169889

Cams tend to slip around in icy cracks, nigga. Feeling like spicy blacks, nigga. Finna be bop mo gub layin down dem tracks nigga

Anonymous No. 169945

I'm in the market for a rope. What are some good brands for ropes? Preferably on the cheaper side.

Anonymous No. 169976

Depends where you live. Where I live Beal is the cheaper brand. Only thing cheaper I found are the ropes from Decathlon. But it doesn't matter which brand you buy. Even if it is the cheapest rope, as long as it is certified properly it will be super good enough. It has to be to pass the certification. So just look online for what stores are selling.

Anonymous No. 169991

Honestly you can't go wrong with ropes as long as they're not Chink aliexpress shit. Go online and check for sales.

I've owned BD, Tendon, Beal and DMM ropes and they've all been bretty good. The real question is what are you using it for. If you just want a rope for general sport climbing/single pitch stuff, just get a nice hardy ~9.8mm rope

Anonymous No. 170002

I'm going to use it for sport climbing/single pitch. What length should I buy?

Anonymous No. 170003

What kind of certifications should I look for?

Anonymous No. 170007

CE or UIAA are the most used standards.

Depends on the length of the pitches. It should be at least double the lenght of the pitch. So for 30 meter long pitches you should have at least a 60 meter long rope, but ideally at least a 70 meter rope for a 30 meter long climb. And as the other anon said, 9,8mm rope is good for sport climbing. Also, if you are going to climb in a humid environment or in wet weather, consider getting a dry treated rope.

Anonymous No. 170091

for vertical cracks do i need alpine draws? i got a set of used nuts as my first pro because i found them at a really good price but should i also get a set of alpine draws before using with them?

Anonymous No. 170109

why would you need alpine draws, what is your reasoning?

Anonymous No. 170156

The nicest thing happened, me and a guy were trying the same problem, I had headphones in(the music they play is terrible ambient rainforest music) so didn't chat, but after a bit he gets up brushes the holds and leaves. I saw him before leaving and thanked him for the gesture. Good sesh today

Anonymous No. 170162

dont want to pull out the nuts when i go above them with my short sports draws

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Anonymous No. 170174

>A3 pulley of left middle finger is sore as hell
what can I do about it other than resting and avoiding crimps?

Anonymous No. 170178

Vit C 1 g + MSM

Anonymous No. 170190

I had sex with him first

Anonymous No. 170193

>Switch training to high volume low intensity
>2 isometric low intensity rehab per day

Anonymous No. 170194

Today I taped my fingers before all my skin fell off. I am getting better at this sport.

Anonymous No. 170321

Ondraā€™s new video with Will Bosi and Pete Whittaker is good. Interesting to see Will expand into Trad Crack and away from bouldering. Also, interesting to see Pete Whittakerā€™s pain tolerance as he is a monster

Anonymous No. 170330

say have a 240cm sling. i can double it and it will be 120cm only, but it doubles it strength, is this correct? it will hold falls twice as hard.

on the other hand: say i have a 240 cordelette. in other words, this is a piece of rope 480 cm long with both ends tied to each other with a double fishermans. its strength is diminished by 30-50% because of the knot, is this correct? so it doesn't matter if i double it so it's 120cm long, or triple or quadruple it, because no matter how much strands there are holding to the anchor, the knot will break at exactly the same force. is this correct?

Anonymous No. 170333

In terms of the sling, yes, but not necessarily. Some slings like dyneema behave unusually when doubled over. And with dyneema, if you tie it to a point with a knot or even a basic hitch, it can reduce its strength by at least 50%.

With your cordalette, yes. It's only ever going to be as strong as the knot.

If you're interested in the mechanical side of climbing gear, this channel is an absolute goldmine even though it is run by a guy who sounds like a gay Spongebob. There a video here where they test all the different configurations of slings, one of the tests being a doubled over sling:

Anonymous No. 170366

i love slabs, its like having a rest day but still climbing

Anonymous No. 170505

>the sling
basically yes

>the cordelette
no. it is the same as the sling. the knot breaks at some constant force, but as you multiply the strands, you divide the force acting on any single strand, including the knot.

Anonymous No. 170523

I don't live anywhere near good outdoor spots and it sucks

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paper hat.png

Anonymous No. 170542

>be me
>start indoor climbing in august
>never climbed in my life, terrified of heights
>slowly progress higher and higher on the wall
>got to the top of the wall for the first time today, only 10 meters, but still a huge achievement for me
>immediately after send (redpoint? still learning the terminology lol) my first 4b
I will continue to improve my indoor climbing, and next year I'm gonna learn actual mountain climbing outdoors. We're all gonna make it bros

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Anonymous No. 170566

hell yeah anon

Anonymous No. 170581

Based anon, keep going strong!
Soon you'll climb 7a and higher

Anonymous No. 170605

Thanks anon :)
>Soon you'll climb 7a and higher
Thanks for the motivation. And yeah, that's the plan. Next project is a 5b/5c route that's apparently the second easiest route at the gym, they also have a 14 meter wall with an incline, I hope to get started on that soon as well.

Anonymous No. 170638

My favorite thing about climbing is ā€œgenerallyā€ how friendly everyone is. Nothing is better than working on your project and working on the crux and hearing randos in the back cheer you on, even if it is a problem they can do in their sleep

Anonymous No. 170640

>top roping

Not bussin'

Anonymous No. 170644

It's literally his first time climbing. I led the route.

Anonymous No. 170645

Nice! Top rope outside is a great beginner intro to outdoor climbing. How did he like it?

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Anonymous No. 170659

He liked it well enough. He's kind of a hard one to read, honestly. His main takeaway seemed to be that he was lacking proper technique and was disappointed in his performance. My impression is that he would do it again if I invited him but wouldn't pursue it on his own.

I think something like a taller and easier route would have been better (we climbed two 5.10s, which were the easiest routes at that rock).

Anonymous No. 170705

MP link?

Anonymous No. 170712


Not much in there, which is probably a good thing. Climbing here is legal; bolting is not.

Anonymous No. 170721

thanks. also your friend shouldn't be so hard on himself

Anonymous No. 170734

i twisted my ankle while walking AAAAAAGGGGHHH

Anonymous No. 170742

>been climbing for a while
>every gril I've tried to talk to at the wall has disappeared and I've never seen them again or gives me the coldest of shoulders
Norhing makes me feel uglier than the fact I have somehow scared people off just by opening my mouth

Anonymous No. 170766

You are definitely, without question, the reason that those girls left the gym. The world revolves around you, after all.

Anonymous No. 170773

anyone recommend certain athletic tape? I don't want to buy some meme shit that is overpriced but looking to see if there are recommendations for quality product that gets the job done (and doesn't fall out due to chalk/moisture)

Anonymous No. 170790

Found a gym that has a 10m long straight crack in the wall. The width of it is changing all the time. This was my 1st time crack climbing and that shit is fun af. Need to get better technique. The main part I struggled with was when the crack was too wide to jam my foot in it. What is the proper foot technique in this case? I don't think it was wide enough to fit my knee into it.

Anonymous No. 170874

The ability to clear people off with just a few words is a gift you should cherish.

Anonymous No. 170898

i'm a 340lb fat man and i miss when i used to be 140lb because i felt so nimble and flexible

Anonymous No. 170915

Now you are twice the man you once were. Two and a half times even. Girls cream themselves when you walk in the door.

Anonymous No. 170925

Lol at the retards at /fit/ saying they didn't V6/V7 their first time bouldering

Anonymous No. 170930

Only reddshitters say and believe shit like "gais I flashed v7 my first day and sent v8/9 in a few attempts"
People used to do it here too, but the threads in /asp/ died quick one everyone realised they set the bar to high and no one could post shit because they weren't flashing 5.13s all day everyday and would look weak

Anonymous No. 170946

>did v6 my first time, on top rope

Anonymous No. 170970

The gym Iā€™m at charges $96 a month for a standard membership. To be fair, they have an amazing space with a huge lifting/cardio area on the side, yoga studio with free yoga and lifting classes, and a like 5 different walls that all have good V degrees and rotating problems.

What bothers is me that I overheard some roastie boasting about only paying $12 a month. I remember reading on here that minorities are giving huge discounts. Itā€™s just disheartening that they actually do that and I feel almost played by their Jewish system. I can obviously afford it and itā€™s not like I see that many non white/ non Asians at the gym anyways but still

Anonymous No. 170975

Do they advertise lower rates for women? Never heard of anything like that

Anonymous No. 170981

Sounds like bullshit to me. 96 $/month is a ridiculous price to pay no matter how good the facilities are.

Anonymous No. 170982

Sounds like a lie to make her seem more important than she is to the person sheā€™s talking to. I know some gyms family members of employees can get discounts, but not a discount as big as that. No way a gym would charge $96 then give someone $12 ā€” maybe $40.

Anonymous No. 170983

96 (kangaroo) dollars a month is pretty close to my gym. Then if she's climbing once a week and leeching off three friends' "bring a friend once a month" and she's a student she's paying like $19 a month. Every time this shit comes up it sounds more and more made up. I bet she was talking about her phone plan or something.

Anonymous No. 171041

Epic thread from /fit/ as usual, literal parody posts. Even worse than lying about grades is the fact that they're clearly all hateful little rat men with a persecution complex. People at climbing gyms are ridiculously nice, literally the easiest place to socialize, make friends, and get a gf. The only problem is that all of the above distracts you from touching plastic

Anonymous No. 171065

oh fuckin TRC. Yeah they all have shiny new gear tho. whatever helps them feel stronger.

Anonymous No. 171074

>get a gf
It's been 10 fucking years
I've never pulled a girl at the wall
What the fuck am I doing wrong

Anonymous No. 171082

Prob nothing bro. You wanted to climb hard more than you wanted a qt gf, so that's what happened.

Anonymous No. 171098

Could also be low income pricing. When I was unemployed/poor, I qualified for lots of benefits for low income folks ie: museum admissions for $1, 90% off memberships/rentals, etc... Now I make 6 figures, but I still pay $1 admissions because I still have my valid state benefits card. I love America!

Anonymous No. 171207

where are you that gyms aren't ~$90-100/month? seems pretty standard everywhere i've been, even looking at random gyms monthly rates when i was abroad

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Anonymous No. 171224

just want you guys to to know today is the first day I went climbing and I had so much fun!

Anonymous No. 171225

Boise ID has a gym that's $35/mo if you buy a year's subscription. Not a bad gym either, although it's mostly bouldering.

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Anonymous No. 171226

keep it up king

Anonymous No. 171250

any krauts around here? how do you get the balls to climb in sachsen?
do you just climb way below your grade? the routes i've seen here have like 2 rings for a 30m wall and the first one is way above a height i'd want to fall from

Anonymous No. 171254

you probably heard wrong. and if not it's retarded, just sue the gym

Anonymous No. 171258

awesome, keep it bro

Anonymous No. 171260

I hope youā€™re talking AUDā€¦

Anonymous No. 171267

One of the great things about this sport is how tangible the feeling of progressing is. Just managed to send my first white-plus labeled route (should be around 6b-6c, probably closer to 6b).
Also it feels great to notice how much more energy efficient you get when you practice something over and over.

Anonymous No. 171277

>Also it feels great to notice how much more energy efficient you get when you practice something over and over.
Yeah, there's a boulder I've been projecting for a few weeks now and while I'm not any closer to sticking the finish (managed to get one hand on the finish by the end of my first session, just don't have the grip strength to hold on long enough to match) I've got the rest of the climb drilled. Hitting every hold right on the sweet spot and damn near flying up the rock until that last fucking cunt of a sloper.

Anonymous No. 171317

Iktf bro. Ranks up there with the following:

>Experiencing some inexplicable quantum leap in strength/climbing ability and floating up everything in a day.
>Putting in loads of hard work and making the gains to send a multi season project.
>Flashing/on-sighting something hard by a tiny margin (e.g. deadpointing to the crux hold and latching on by some miracle; fighting to the chains with only 1% of your energy left; etc...).
>Sending a route that you've wanted to do for years and it being just as good as you imagined.

And last but not least:
>Having a great trip, crushing all your projects and getting a sloppy blowjob from Cindie in the back of your converted van the night before you ride home.

I don't actually know what the last one feels like, but I can only assume it would be pretty good sirs.

Anonymous No. 171319

I was really depressed on the start of day. Kind of like emotional hangover from feeling bad yesterday or something. My old reflex to this was to just smoke weed or drink alcohol to pass time until I can go to sleep, but I don't want to do that anymore, so I just gathered strength for few hours to leave home and go climbing at gym.

I warmed up feeling pretty bad, but then destroyed four old projects. The dread was there, but I were at some kind of flow state still. I climbed for three or so hours, but weren't that exhausted or experience mindbreak at the wall, so I lifted weights for a while after that.

Was pretty good actually.
Climbing overall has improved my life quality a lot. It gives me a solid reason to eat well, sleep well and not drink.

Anonymous No. 171329

Thanks for the advice. I ended up going with a 70m Sterling 9.8mm Dry core.

Anonymous No. 171330


They have that at my gym. If you cancel for monetary reasons they'll send you an email asking what you can afford, essentially name your price for the next 6 months.

Anonymous No. 171331

Is that to access to a single gym? I pay $100 a month to access three different gyms throughout my city. All of them have bouldering and gyms. One has top rope and lead climbing.

Anonymous No. 171380

I want to FUCK hannahmorrisclimbing

Anonymous No. 171389

She could lose some weight

I wanna fuck Laura Rogora and Ai Mori

Anonymous No. 171390

Hannah Meul is the superior climbfu

Anonymous No. 171393

Her bmi is too high to make me hard

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Bertone and Meul.webm

Anonymous No. 171400

But she's got such a nice smile

Anonymous No. 171417

>first time climbing at a small gym
>have a great time, lots of fun, cool routes, great social atmosphere, sore muscles for a week

>second time climbing at a different, larger gym
>every route including beginner ones are overly complex and awkward, not fun at all, all the routes are excessively overlapping so you have to wait for 10 people to go before you can go

iā€™m still seething about that gym, itā€™s not just me who thinks that shit is gay and ruins the experience right

Anonymous No. 171418

I donā€™t understand of what relevance is it to you what others think. The solution to your problem is to go to the smaller gym in the future.

Anonymous No. 171421

simply curiousity melvin

Anonymous No. 171449

yearly membership for local gym is 675 ā‚¬
so if i go a little bit more than once a week there, it is cheaper than buying 10x cards
but a lot more cheaper than just drinking my problems away

good deal imo

Anonymous No. 171450

I prefer smaller gyms too. I doubt anyone likes waiting in line.

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Anonymous No. 171483

anyone up for some indoor trad climbing?

Anonymous No. 171512

Can I get stronger only though top roping I don't like bouldering and my gym has 60ft walls that simulate outdoor climbs (no holds)
I live an hour away and I can only make it once a week, I don't want to blow my one climbing session a week on the kilter board

Also how do I learn to lead without paying a month's worth of membership to my gym

Anonymous No. 171515

>Can I get stronger only though top roping
> I can only make it once a week
okay, then maybe not

>Also how do I learn to lead
you pay the gym for a lead course, or risk injuring yourself or others by learning dangerous habits from other climbers who are not qualified, or you misunderstand something from youtube.

Anonymous No. 171518

Chicks dig huge gyms. Your tiny gym could never satisfy a woman. Coop and seth.

Anonymous No. 171528

>Also how do I learn to lead without paying a month's worth of membership to my gym
as the other anon said, you learn from other climbers, you learn from online materials. you crosscheck both, you think about stuff, you clear any doubts. you learn how and when to clip, that is easy enough. you learn feeding and taking the rope, keeping your hand at the rope at all times. standing at a good spot and moving as needed. you practice falling, you practice catching a fall, both from a safe height.

>you pay the gym for a lead course
i don't get how 4chan is so edgy and contrarian overall, yet it insists on stuff like taking certified climbing courses and downclimbing boulders

Anonymous No. 171531

someone asks advice on a korean basket weaving forum about a potentially fatal sport, and you wonder why i recommend to pay for a course?

ok anon, i hope your belayers didn't learn their trad anchors on 4chan

Anonymous No. 171532

hannah morris is characteristically british (ugly)

Anonymous No. 171539

Youā€™re right. Spending less than a hundred bucks will have no effect on your life. A serious injury or death will.

Anonymous No. 171542

>i don't get how 4chan is so edgy and contrarian overall, yet it insists on stuff like taking certified climbing courses and downclimbing boulders
okay anon, watch a yt video on lead belay
go lead belay with some retard who's done the same things
post gore results here
You wont niggerfaggot

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Anonymous No. 171546

>go lead belay with some retard who's done the same things

yeah I went with this guy and he kept taking his hands off the brake rope, can't believe he didn't pay for a course, what a noob

Anonymous No. 171551

perfect example right here of a kid who admires someone so fanatically, he can't even see the idols flaws.

Adam ondras belaying technique and habits might kill someone some day.

Or not. But it is an unnecessary risk, and statistics show that belaying like this increases the occurrence of injuries/fatalities. Do not confuse great athleticism for knowledge about safety & techniques.

Anonymous No. 171553

2 guys nearly died from dropping to the ground from ~10m heigh because their belayers were retards like that, no proper course and only a short introduction from their friends.
I've seen more than enough people with shitty belaying technique that could injure or kill someone one day

Anonymous No. 171554

>2 guys nearly died
*in my local gym

Anonymous No. 171557

My point isn't that ondra is perfect, I wouldn't let him belay me technique like that. My point is that bad belaying doesn't come from being a retard who just watches youtube videos and didn't pay for a course, as evidenced by a guy who's got plenty more experience than watching videos.

Personally the worst belaying I see at the gym is from really good climbers who have gotten complacent, not beginners, they will have weird and awkward technique, but they aren't acing unsafe as a rule.

Anonymous No. 171561

Most gyms donā€™t let people belay without having them first show proof of competence.

Anonymous No. 171567

I never have to re-test. But I have to fill out a new waiver each year.

Anonymous No. 171596

being able to pass a test and what you actually do in practice don't really correlate

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Anonymous No. 171600

on the topic of safety, my favourite cautionary story is the fate of little Tito Traversa. in the end, you are never safe from retards. you always have to rely on yourself. an instructor going to jail won't help you one bit

i recall coming to my gym once to see an ambulance and a crying girl who failed to belay a guy properly. climbing is not only fun, you have to actually do it right

i've always just signed a waiver and no one cared

Anonymous No. 171608

saw some dude in my gym decking yesterday from a shitty belayer, he was only on the 2nd bolt luckily but it couldve been much worse

Anonymous No. 171615

well, that settles it. spray wall laps only for endurance unless i personally know the belayer
i always thought the little belayer meetup boards were sketchy

Anonymous No. 171626

Just make sure he has a grigri, asks if he knows how to give a soft catch (analyze behavior there, don't just take his word for it), check if he stays close to the wall at the start and have a rope that does not completely slip through the grigri without triggering the cam
It actually takes talent to deck someone indoor with a grigri and a rope that has a lot of friction
Do watch out for hard catches though, this is where I had the most issues looking for partners

Anonymous No. 171634

Had to unfollow and block Terri Corti on all social media. She looks almost exactly like my ex-wife.

Anonymous No. 171637

A big thing to watch out for is how they belay on the first two draws, all the time I see people giving miles of slack and it's obvious the rope is gonna do literally nothing to catch a fall there.

Anonymous No. 171642

you should've just said the epictv whore, no one knows her by name
but the real question is, why are you following climbing ig thots?

Anonymous No. 171643

Additional free test boost at the crag or gym.

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Anonymous No. 171646

This is factually correct.

Anonymous No. 171653

>4channer with a youtube video is somehow equivalent to adam ondra
and you were climbing 5.13s your first year like all them redditors, amirite?

Anonymous No. 171659

that's the appeal
she's an ugly slag but I still need it

Anonymous No. 171695

is cordelette safe to use for rappelling? how thin can it be, or how many KN must it be rated for?

the reason i ask is because i want to get 50 or 60m not for climbing, but for rappels only and i want it to be as light as possible. it's to use in alpine routes where there is scrambling that doesn't require belaying or anything on the way up (less than IV grade), but it kinda does on the way down, and also just for safety if i get stuck on a ledge or something. my understanding is that this is a normal practice in alpinism

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Anonymous No. 171699

Ueli Steck, My Life in Climbing (on Dames Anglaises, Alps):
>I had adjusted my entire rappelling system to the 6-millimeter cord I used to save weight. Using such a thin rope requires a special rappelling device with sufficient braking resistance, otherwise you gather too much speed or get hot fingers. I was using an old Petzl Reversino. This small and light rappelling device was no longer available on the market but still worked perfectly well. It is not really suitable for normal ropes, but it was ideal for my purpose. I had also adjusted my safety system using a Prusik loop, which had a diameter of only 4 millimeters and was also attached to the cord. My rappelling system looked more like a childrenā€™s toy than a safety device, but it worked fine and weighed next to nothing.

Anonymous No. 171704

a locked grigri won't unlock on a tensioned rope
it's not like ondra will ever be belaying you and nobody will be learning how to belay from a couple seconds worth of frames interspersed through a 20min vlog
just go back to plebbit m8

Anonymous No. 171705

Yeah, but what if you start climbing again, making the grigri unlock, and them immediately fall again before your belayer grabs the rope? And yeah, it'll probably lock again anyway, but why risk it? In that image he's also giving slack while pressing on the cam and not holding a rope, in that situation it just won't lock at all.

Anonymous No. 171715

m8 grigris are used for solo roping
it's fine, even in the first pic, he's not clawing it, just paid out slack
it's just the beginners, gym rats and couch climbers that are so anal about these things
dude has more time belaying on grigri than this whole thread combined and you redditards think you can give advice to him, lmao
it's not an instructional vid, it's a vlog, everyone with a bit of experience on grigri belays like this, if you don't want to see it stay in the gym
also don't forget your helmet, because it's safety protocol
and don't come to yuropoor you might get a stroke because here, safety protocol when atc belaying is not hand-over-hand so you will see even beginners tunneling

Anonymous No. 171716

That is how you feed the rope with grigri. You press down on it. And he's only pressing down with the thumb. The rest of his fingers are just gently holding the grigri like when you fondle your boyfriends balls. If the climber falls it'll just yank it out of his hand. That is how you are supposed to do it with grigri.

Anonymous No. 171728

you're supposed to press down on the cam with your right hand while still holding onto the rope

Anonymous No. 171730

>m8 grigris are used for solo roping
yeah and everyone who does it has a backup below the grigri because they acknowledge it can fail sometimes

how many pro climbers have died rappelling because they couldn't be bothered to tie knots at the end of their rope? it doesn't matter how much mileage you have there's no reason to not do things properly on the off chance something happens

Anonymous No. 171733

Holy fuck, how can people be so wrong even with hardiseasy and plenty of others making videos about the subject all the time and this is grigri usage 101. please do not spread false information. you are definately NOT supposed to feed rope like that.

Anonymous No. 171747

can't hear you shouting from your gym/couch, sorry
you do you

Anonymous No. 171766

>not yanking on your todger to those two plain English roses Kitty and Arona from Wedge climbing videos

I shiggy diggy my niggy

Anonymous No. 171769

Tummy at 4:50 got a nigga all bricked up

Anonymous No. 171771

degenerate post

Anonymous No. 171867

are these the fat lesbians or someone else?

Anonymous No. 171885

>t. mommy issues

Anonymous No. 171918

anyone else avoid "easy" routes if they're just lazy or annoying ?

much rather spend a session on a v6 that has some creativity than a retard v4 with a terrible start and crimpy holds into dyno

Anonymous No. 171923

>first female "v16"

Anonymous No. 171964


Brooke must be the strongest female boulder in the US right? Katie Lamb has a bigger tick list of hard boulders outside but that must be because Brooke is spending most of her time on comps.

Anonymous No. 171975

>water is wet

Terrific observation sir.

Anonymous No. 171981

probably, natalia is a better comp boulderer but think brooke is better on rock (or at least has more experience)

Anonymous No. 171983

following up on this, what if the route is mostly grade II and III but there is a IV section where i want to be belayed (say i take 2 or 3 friends and a small set of nuts for this purpose) and to belay my friends from the top, in that section? is the cordelette still enough? or do i need to take a twin 60m rope? or worse than that, do i need to take a set of 2 twin 60m ropes, and use both of them at the same time as in normal trad climbing

Anonymous No. 172017

uhhh, what? are you saying you're going to belay someone with cordelette?
please do not take advice from 4chan and go get some common sense

Anonymous No. 172018

>going clibming for the first time, placing trust in your friend who has experience about climbing

<Okay lads, this here is cordelette. It SHOULD hold your weight! i got advice on this from a chinese imageboard

Anonymous No. 172021

Listen to >>172017 Anon.

Cordelettes are not climbing ropes, they are not dynamic.
And their diameter is way too small, they are out of spec. for most belaying devices.
And the thinner rope is, the harder it is to control.
And you canā€™t have a good third hand with such small diameters.

You can see where Iā€™m going with all those Ā«AndsĀ»

You are better off getting a 60m single/triple rope with a tag line to retrieve after rappels

Cordelettes in that context should be used to build monolithic anchors. Youā€™ll leave them behind instead of your nuts and friends.

Anonymous No. 172023

about that video, i was surprised he used a figure 8 to plug the quicklinks instead of just a clove hitch on a carabiner. also, that he used a dynema string as recovery line instead of just paracord, which is cheaper and less slippery (and not as strong as dynema probably, but that doesn't matter for this application)

Anonymous No. 172030

I guess it might be safer to use a big knot that blocks the system than a clove hitch for rappeling. Maybe a clove hitch slips with cycling loading?
And for the dyneema, Ryan loves the stuff. And it could be lighter than paracord

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Anonymous No. 172069

>3rd week into bouldering
>not even close to completing V4s

it's joever

Anonymous No. 172077

no knot will ever block the system better than a carabiner though. as for the clove hitch slipping, i used to think that was the case but it isn't, i was surprised to see that climbers use it to anchor themselves when they finish a climb for example, and trust it as much as a a locking carabiner on a sling for example

this channel is great if you want to learn:

Anonymous No. 172078

congratulations your gym is actually graded properly

Anonymous No. 172089

based truth chad

Anonymous No. 172101

>People at climbing gyms are ridiculously nice
eh it's 50/50 nice people and huge douchebags with superiority complexes

Anonymous No. 172102

>2nd bolt
desu probably not the belayer's fault unless you're in a gym that puts up way too many bolts

Anonymous No. 172203

Which are the softest and comfiest shoes out there?
As close to a rubber sock as it gets.
Furia Air or Veloce? Mantra? Isn't there a super soft Butora shoe?

Anonymous No. 172213

Bros, if you havenā€™t started training triceps, Iā€™d recommend it if you are prone to tennis elbow like I am. After training triceps for the last month (just started with dips in my home, then moved on to other exercises), my resistance to tendonitis has gone down and I feel more comfortable doing my crimpy holds without worry

Anonymous No. 172215

i saw it out of the corner of my eye so i didnt fully see what happened but i dont remember him being very high above the bolt or clipping, in my gym the 2nd bolt is around ~4m from the ground

Anonymous No. 172216

So I know if you have a friction blister you should leave it unpopped and let it heal on its own, but what if it's on your index finger and you can't stop playing with it?

Anonymous No. 172218

Climbed with socks for the first time and I actually preferred it. Gunna keep doing it

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Anonymous No. 172221

want to get into leading trad so was thinking i could use one end of the rope for toprope and the other end for leading, then having my belayer belay me on both strands with an atc like picrel.
this way i could practice falling on the gear but without needing a 2nd rope and belayer for the toprope in case the gear pops.
does anyone see an issue with this?

Anonymous No. 172223

imagine how hard it will be for the belayer to give slack on the lead rope, whilst simultaneously taking rope in on the top rope.

Just simplify the setup, and leave the lead rope out from the ATC, and just let it simulate being a lead rope. When you are ready, just lead trad normally. Just place 2x the trad gear for every bolt if it was a sport route. I didn't practice trad climbing on top rope at all, straight away to leading and i'm fine. You should practice trad on easy grades, and leave grade-pushing to sport routes for now.

Anonymous No. 172231

>imagine how hard it will be for the belayer to give slack on the lead rope, whilst simultaneously taking rope in on the top rope.
was kinda thinking the same but not sure if it would be a problem if i climb slowly enough.
Even if its an easy climb im mostly scared of falling from fucking up crack technique but i guess ill toprope while placing gear first then lead it on a 5.6, thanks.

Anonymous No. 172243

t. Future trad trad dad in the making

Anonymous No. 172269

Am I the only beginner setting up solo top ropes on local crags because there isn't a gym for miles?

Anonymous No. 172280

"Ideal" healing is leave it alone, it goes away in a few days.

But if it's somewhere where I can't leave it alone, such as a spot that constantly aggravates it to the point where it gets worse, I drain it. Wash everything, sterilize a needle, make the absolute minimal number of pokes to drain it, then put a bandage on it and leave it alone. The worry is that opening up the blister will introduce an infection. I usually have to drain my various blisters, but I've never had an infection. I'm also not a filthy animal. I climb with my pinky extended.

Anonymous No. 172319

Hey guys, it's me again, just wanted to say that I climbed that 5b route yesterday for the first time as well. It's amazing to experience those feelings of progression and success, and everyone at the gym are very supportive and fist bumps me when I do a route they can probably do blindfolded. God I fucking love climbing bros.

Anonymous No. 172397

V2 in my gym.

Anonymous No. 172418

>climbing alone in gym
>grils walk up and start climbing some of the stuff I am
>they stick around for a bit, we're all climbing they same stuff, but we never talk
>think I'm somehow impressing them
>smile at one
>she just frowns at me
>after an hour, start packing to leave
>they're leaving too
>one of them sees me, hear them whisper "let's hold off, I don't want to walk out with that creep"
Fuck me and my autistic ways I guess

Anonymous No. 172454

this never happened

Anonymous No. 172456

Great stuff!
Don't get discouraged after half a year or year, you'll probably plateau "hard" after that time.
Maybe try bouldering or climbing outdoors once it gets 'boring' or 'tedious'.

But meanwhile keep going, climbing is fun as fuck!

Anonymous No. 172499

curious what the other exercises are as I do no tricep work. Personally found hammer curls to be beneficial in 'fixing' elbow issues

Anonymous No. 172526

sorry for gearfagging but theres a deal at a local store for new wild country friends sizes 0.4-3 for 370usd, worth it? sounds like a crazy deal to me but im kinda new to trad not sure if its worth it for me right now

Anonymous No. 172534

Do you need more cams? Do you like how the cams feel? Can you not afford totems?

If yes to all above: Go ahead, buy em!

Anonymous No. 172540

i dont have any cams just nuts right now, have used my friends dmm dragons though but i think i would want the thumb loop on the friends since i want to do aid climbing eventually, ill probably get them then thanks
>Can you not afford totems?
Theres only granite here so im not sure if totems would be any better, also it would be like double the price compared to this kek

Anonymous No. 172558

You're probably average-looking, or even handsome.
I can't even begin to tell you what life is like looking like the nigger from a hentai manga

Anonymous No. 172597

I seriously doubt anyone would react like that to a smile regardless of how ugly you are.

Anonymous No. 172606

Yeah, I see guys at my gym who's been climbing for years who struggle with grade 6's, I also tried a 5c route and had no chance lol. Winter is coming here now, so I plan to move on to outdoor climbing and maybe bouldering next year, when the snow melts.

Anonymous No. 172625

As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating

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Anonymous No. 172626


Anonymous No. 172633

brehs i got some climbing shoes when i was a noob like 2 years ago. I think theyre starting to slip on me. Any shoe recs for an intermediate indoor bouldering dude?

Anonymous No. 172664

How tf have you had shoes last for two years Nigga, do you just campus everything?

Anonymous No. 172676

Imagine being Alannah Yip and thinking you are going to do well at panam

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Anonymous No. 172680

brah idk, the last year ive been going like once a week so maybe its that. but i do have dogshit leg technique and rely on upper body more help a homie out, whats a nice pair of shoes

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Anonymous No. 172702

>"hey, you looked pretty good in those yoga pants on that v3. I would be honored if I got to touch those holds, too."

Anonymous No. 172703

tell me the brand of your current shoes

Anonymous No. 172706

this pair of scarpa shoes, maybe an older model

Anonymous No. 172709

Do you climb v5 or higher? If not, just get a new pair of the same shoes, they'll be familiar.
Maybe look into Scarpa Instinct VS if you want to be like every other guy who needs UPGRADED SHOES FOR UPGRADED POWER but I'll be honest, most niggas with expensive shoes in the gym nowadays are using them as crutches

Anonymous No. 172710

ive kinda plateau'd at a v4 level but ive decided its time to get out of this rut and im tryna go at least twice a week. my goal was to get to comfy v5 by the end of the year. my shoes definitely aren't what is holding me back but I would like to avoid the occasional slip. If I actually get good I might get a good pair. thanks for the advice

Anonymous No. 172735

Is it worth to resole shoes?
Realized today that both shoes have been worn down on the toe to fabric showing.

Found a place near me but it's 14 weeks backlog, gotta buy new shoes anyway so is it even worth?

Anonymous No. 172738

If you're only climbing indoors I'd recommend the Scarpa Veloce, they're comfy as fuck but still good for bouldering.
Once you reach around V7 you could (should?) switch to Drago, they're probably the best shoes that exist for indoor climbing

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Anonymous No. 172739

It's worth it if it's cheaper than a new pair of shoes. But repair costs depends on level of wear. Wearing to the cloth probably means more extensive repairs than just a simple resole. Most people wait too long to get it resoled for whatever reason. I used to have 2 -3 pairs on rotation so when it's time to resole, I move onto the next pair.

But ever since the local place near me went out of business, there's no place local to do it, and with shipping, I might as well get a new pair of shoes (less than $100). So that's my current strategy. Wear my shoes til they die, then toss them and open a new box.

Anonymous No. 172741

You could buy more aggressive shoes, but it's cope. I did it, and honestly, I'm not failing because my shoes aren't curved enough. So I'm considering going back to my old "newbie" shoes cuz they're comfy.

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Pepe mountain cli....jpg

Anonymous No. 172751

Noob here, I started indoor climbing this year and will start outdoor climbing next year. With Christmas coming up I figure I finally have something to put on my wishlist, but since I'm new, I don't really know what I need, lol. I rent a harness, shoes and a Grigri at the climbing gym, and I figure I need a helmet for outdoor climbing, otherwise I'm pretty green. What's some equipment an aspiring climber and mountaineer will need?

Anonymous No. 172754

in the descending order of priority
indoor: shoes, a chalk bag, a harness, HMS carabiner + belaying device, a rope
then outdoor: quickdraws, a helmet, slings and/or cordelette loops, more locking carabiners
then more stuff for traditional climbing

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Anonymous No. 172756

I might try resole anyway so I can have two pairs on rotation, hopefully I didn't wait too long. Thanks for the info fren

Anonymous No. 172757

>I like the look of your slopers

Anonymous No. 172758

>Imagine being Alannah Yip and thinking you are going to do well at panam
I'm glad Brooke, Annie and Natalia choked at Bern purely because it absolutely crushed whatever already slim chance Yip might've had at getting an olympic place at the Panams.

Anonymous No. 172762

Iā€™m totally out of the loop. Why do you dislike her?

Anonymous No. 172782

this is a really good point
it's not just about the rubber being worn down, for those shoes shape doesn't matter much

however, if you have downturned shoes and are climbing at a grade where shape actually matters, chances are if the rubber is gone the shoe shape is toast also. then you should just get a new pair at that point

Anonymous No. 172827

>qt celebrity
>not letting anon shoot little pepes into her bouldering chute
That's literally it

Anonymous No. 172845

Can't speak for that anon but I found her constant whining about how she was disadvantaged by the IFSC's failure to crack down athletes with a low BMI extremely obnoxious. Seemed like she realised she wasn't good enough to get anywhere competing so she found some other pet issue to get publicity.

Nah, too Asian for me famalam.
I'd take literally any of the (female) Slovenes over her.

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Anonymous No. 172859


Best eyes, best body, just have to wait for best climbing.

Anonymous No. 172862

>waaah waaah celebrity has opinions waaah
wow the horror

Anonymous No. 172877

I have a pair of furia airs, they are so soft I can fold them into thirds, you'll want to go a half size smaller than usual otherwise the heel will slip. Also the rubber on top of the toes is basically useless for any real toe hooking

Anonymous No. 172878

There seems to be a comeback of crack in bouldering gyms even in the more modern ones probs due to pete.

Anonymous No. 172879

was thinking of finally getting a top rope kit to finally get out from the boulder gym to the real world

>screw gates
>slings for anchor
>dynamic 60m rope
>static ~30m rope for rappelling to the anchor
>cows tail
>friends to climb outside with
anything else? I presume advancing from top rope to sport won't need much else than quickdraws

Anonymous No. 172891

Not even team Canada wants her to represent them but they have to reluctantly concede since she can only qualify for team Canada since sheā€™s basically their only climber

Anonymous No. 172898


Helmet you donkey

Anonymous No. 172901

yeah, I thought of that like 2 minutes after posting but didn't feel like pointing it out.

Anonymous No. 172902

>What's some equipment an aspiring climber and mountaineer will need?
lots of money and/or prodeals

Anonymous No. 172936

>implying I give a shit
women say and do dumb things all the time retard

Anonymous No. 172958

ask her out, you faggot

Anonymous No. 172965

pill me on clip stick soloing, to me it just seems like lead solo but way safer and less finicky with the gear

Anonymous No. 172975

Pretty good for safely setting up for top rope solo if you can't access the anchor from the top of the route. But beyond that it seems just too impractical. It's nothing like lead climbing. It's more like aid climbing on sport routes since you have to anchor yourself at every bolt to clip the next one

Anonymous No. 173092

Goad my gym has a strict t-shirt policy. Nothing is worse than watching some skinny fat struggle on a v1-v2 shirtless

Anonymous No. 173115

>gym has a strict t-shirt policy
good, fuck these vile creatures getting their sweat all over the mats

Anonymous No. 173168

worst upper arm muscle cramps in my life after just a few minutes of climbing. 4th time i ever went, has never happened before. what is this

Anonymous No. 173169

>what is this
Weakness leaving the body.
(probably climbed too hard and overworked the biceps)

Anonymous No. 173173

>He took the vax
It's over

Anonymous No. 173183

Itā€™s weird how my fear of heights only affects my bouldering. Time to start working on it.

Anonymous No. 173189

My wife and son have the same problem, they're scared as hell in the top half of higher boulders but have no problem when on the rope.
I'm the exact opposite

Anonymous No. 173198

Massage it and rest. It will go away. Honestly, had the same issue until I started watching the hard climbers at the gym and youtube videos of hard climbers to learn technique and technique has saved me so much energy (granted there will be problems that require mostly power). Around my fifth-sixth time bouldering in the gym, to prevent getting pumped, I started forcing myself 5-7 minutes between each attempt (even if I am not pumped) and will only climb again once the alarm goes off. Has definitely allowed me to climb longer and harder as I now take regular breaks so instead of a hour session, I can do 3 hours while doing more problems and more attempts

Anonymous No. 173209

Don't worry about it too much, as >>173169
said, maybe just take it easier next time. It happened a lot with me when I started

Anonymous No. 173233

there's a V5 problem at my gym right now that I refuse to top out on and do the last move because the top part is a slab that requires commitment to a really bad foothold with no way to bail out safely
just wondering but how tall/heavy are you? I see smaller/lighter people taking falls from the top of a bouldering wall onto the mats and being fine, but I'm way too afraid that doing that will fuck up my knees and hips so I always downclimb
>tfw old

Anonymous No. 173237

>tfw old
I know that feel...

Anonymous No. 173238

182 cm and 80 kg. But I'm still young so I'm not afraid of the falls. Never had an injury from that.

Anonymous No. 173242

Iā€™m 175cm/65kg. Iā€™m also young, 20 years old to be precise. Itā€™s not a rational fear, I know. I suppose Iā€™m just scared of twisting my ankle or falling on my arm in a bad way.

Anonymous No. 173249

It is a rational fear though and injuries happen in climbing gyms pretty often
i'm 6'1" 185lbs (185cm 84kg) and I sprained my right ankle from falling off a boulder (that was in a cave feature so not even high off the ground, but I took a lot of sideways rotation in my fall) and it took months for my ankle flexibility to get 100% back to normal. Injuries suck and you definitely want to avoid them at all costs.

Anonymous No. 173267

Does anyone in southern california need an autistic climbing partner?

Anonymous No. 173269

>my girlfriend
>and his brother

Anonymous No. 173348

Bring a regular fucking climbing rope. JFC don't make this into rocket surgery.

Anonymous No. 173393

Felt completely off in the gym today. Technique sucked. My route reading sucked. So instead of getting frustrated and leaving early, just played around on the spraywall for an hour

Anonymous No. 173439

Took my gf to the local bouldering gym. It was my first time and she had gone once a few years back. Shit was fun. She completely mogged me too, which was kinda hot

Anonymous No. 173447

pardon my eslness

Anonymous No. 173453

>She completely mogged me too, which was kinda hot

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Anonymous No. 173457

>reinjure ankle after returning to my project
it's really over bros..

Anonymous No. 173477

what kind of content can I make that's not retarded or gay? I work at a gym so I get full access before opening/ closing and I climb fairly hard(v9/v11).

Anonymous No. 173479

Just quality beta breakdown videos (too many retards force their own shitty ego and performative positivity and disingenuous timidity like hannah morris who has climbed for 10 years and can hardly do a v6) and maybe content specifically on types of technique (viz., how to properly toe/heel hook).

Anonymous No. 173489

Fashion blog on what's hip and trendy so I can pick up hot azn grils. I would hate to just smile at them and make them feel all creeped out and shit.

Anonymous No. 173492

i fell in my gym several years ago right on my fucking ankle. It was fucking stuck in place, like jammed. I had to pull it out and it shot back into place. The pain was horrific, but i didnt break anything, just a really bad fucking sprain. I stopped climbing for like 3 years after that my ankle was so unstable. Shit would roll on flat ground basically, it ruined me. About 3 years ago when I moved to a new city, I said fuck it and gave climbing a try again at the local gym. I am better than ever now, but I don't take risks anymore like I used to. I only make a move if im 100% sure I can do it. That hasn't stopped my progress.

Anonymous No. 173493

>hannah morris who has climbed for 10 years and can hardly do a v6
Wtf how?? I climbed that after 2 years and that was 'slow'

Anonymous No. 173494

Every video in which she attempts a v6 and v7, she blames it on her ā€œtimidityā€ and she ā€œnever wants to be a pro climberā€

Anonymous No. 173540

>climbing v6 after two years is slow
You're either in a gym that exaggerates difficulties, or surrounded by redditfags who lie about doing 5.13 and similar shit after a year. Or both.

Anonymous No. 173563

This. This plebbit thread ( is indicative of everything wrong with the climbing community: pseudo-intellectual grandstanding through positive-oriented condescension
>soft grading is actually good
>Gym problems are there for such a short time that proper grading is irrelevant
> What? No. You're basically saying your subjective idea about a grade is better than theirs. It really doesn't matter. The only grading systems that matters are these

Anonymous No. 173564

>Gym problems are there for such a short time that proper grading is irrelevant
I don't disagree with this one, though with the corollary that in that case you shouldn't put a specific grade on it. Have some benchmark problems on the spray wall with specific grades but all the stuff that's up for a couple of weeks tops is just going to be numbered based on how the route setter feels on the day anyway.

Anonymous No. 173569

>The 5 or so gyms I go to each have a unique color system, it dosent bother me. I'll climb a few routes until I figure out what color is about my range, then go find a fun looking boukder.
>If a gym wants to use a standardisd method then it needs to meet it standard, not to hard or soft. Otherwise wtf is the point in a standard system.
voice of reason ova hea

Anonymous No. 173575

for me its bpump
miho nonaka made a post a year or two ago where she did her first v8 in bpump

Anonymous No. 173673

where in socal are you bro? I'm in OC

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Anonymous No. 173681

cutie bros we are so back

Anonymous No. 173682

Speaking of sandbagged/soft grades has anyone spent any time on the Kilterboard? I had my first session on it yesterday and figured I'd try some very steep 60-degree board climbing. Though I really liked the board I was completely dismayed at how much I had to drop my grade, even compared to the Moonboard which is supposedly very sandbagged. I appreciate it's a training tool, but I got shut down on grades I was flashing on the MB.

Great board though and surprisingly kind on the skin especially considering it uses all resin holds. I would imagine you'd get monstrously strong if you used this a couple times a week. 9/10 would recommend.

Anonymous No. 173683

Megos rawdogs her

Anonymous No. 173684

kilterboard grades seem more fair than the moonboard
however i think some people get their angles reversed (for example there is a lot of (almost) impossible 4s on 70 degrees, which most certainly have to be 20 degrees)

Anonymous No. 173686

>climbed a training board at 60 degrees
>shocked when his ā€œgradeā€ dropped
No shit bro. Hardly anyone climbs at 60 degrees unless you have been climbing for years and trying to crush v10s outside

Anonymous No. 173697

i think kilter grades are pretty fair, and this anon >>173686 is spot on
climbing at 60 degrees requires very different muscles and technique from vert-slight overhangs, even from 40-60 degrees is a jump
good at building climbing core strength though, stick with it

Anonymous No. 173700

I used to climb a lot on steep boards (40-50 degrees) back in the day bros so I am no stranger to this style. I'm sure there's a lack of strength for sure and I'm a much heavier guy now after a long lay-off from serious climbing and training but I didn't expect such a spanking. Although I have DOMS right now from pushing so hard through my toes so I am evidently poorly conditioned.

Ah, I might've fucked up the search function somewhat if this is the case. I am a retard though and remember doing this on the Moonboard for a while before someone pointed out that I was climbing V4s that were supposed to be for the 20-degree board - I was climbing on a 40 lmao. On the KB I started at 30 degrees, loaded the problem list up, eventually changed the angle (on the app too) and continued working through the list of problems. It did change the grades when I did that but I thought were pretty mean (e.g. adding less than one 1 V point for making a problem 20 degrees steeper?!).

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Anonymous No. 173716

I wonder when a male Alannah Yip is gonna start squeaking about BMI.

Toby Roberts is looking very dry this comp, could see striations of the muscle during movement

Anonymous No. 173749

Forget eating disorders, I've seen the GB comp team a few times at the gym and I don't think they're natty. They look like they're playing with HGH

Anonymous No. 173753

how autistic we talking

Anonymous No. 173764

As someone who climbs around 5.11 outside and only been climbing a year, I've been through a bunch of brands and my favorite shoe is Unparallel's 100$ speed climbing shoe-the Up Duels. They are essentially mocs without a toe patch and I use them for everything outside and indoor cave leading

Anonymous No. 173784

Woke up today after a long session in the gym yesterday with pretty bad pain in the last joint of my pinky. Any clue what that could be ?

Anonymous No. 173787

it's over

Anonymous No. 173806

Jonathan Sin is such an annoying faggot

Anonymous No. 173816

>I don't think they're natty
isn't that literally every sport on a professional or semi-professional level?

Anonymous No. 173820

Climbing seems absolutely chock full of narcissists now, some of whom can (unfortunately) climb reasonably well. I love watching people climb hard stuff, but now my feed is clogged with utter slop like this:

>Watch me document my training process and mental battles I took to send my first V12!!!
>Watch me and hot Czech Eurosluts crush crazy highballs in Switzerland SHIRTLESS.
>Crazy gym flashes featuring Erik Niggerson (YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS).
>My ten year journey with eating disorders and serious debilitating mental illness that I overcame to crush this plateau.
>Can this average skinny Chinese climber with aspergers climb V6 whilst watching his girlfriend have sex with a Cameroonian mandingo (NSFW CRINGE!!!)

It's all so tiresome. This new generation of zoomers seem to have a fetish for old analogue technology (or at least emulating it) and the style of 2000s-era climbing films which is promising. I just want to go back to these days:

Anonymous No. 173821

>Watch me and hot Czech Eurosluts crush crazy highballs in Switzerland SHIRTLESS
if this is a thing then i shamlessly request a link

Anonymous No. 173823

I think half of Emil Abrahamsons videos follow this format brother

Anonymous No. 173832

>Watch me and hot Czech Eurosluts crush crazy highballs in Switzerland SHIRTLESS.
Anon, why don't you want to watch czech eurosluts?

Anonymous No. 173836

Because half the European continent has ran through them

Anonymous No. 173838

so you're saying I have a chance

Anonymous No. 173850

Yes anon, you're more than capable

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Anonymous No. 173857

Noice nips, ukr-bros.

I want a hannah-wife so bad...

Anonymous No. 173868

tamy and toby roberts are the only non-send vids climbing content worth watching
everything else gets sent to never recommend again

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Anonymous No. 173895

Well that was an exciting Oriane Bertone exhibition. She looked excellent at this comp, especially in boulder. Lead was a little... well it was good enough to stack on top of her boulder points. I have put a lot of thought in to her underwear choices in this one. I cannot tell if she does no-pan or very small thong under those shorts. I see no lines!
pretty much
I'm sure Yip is drafting a lengthy paper about Laura Rogora, again, as well speak.

Anonymous No. 173896

pretty much the reason why comps are pointless, who cares what junkies can do
now that junkies entered climbing, it's just a matter of time until they start bringing needles to karakoram
olympic games is the death certificate of a sport

Anonymous No. 173898

Climbing wasn't clean before. It's not clean now. Every single sport is dirty. All WADA does is catch the sloppy and slapdash.

Anonymous No. 173903

what kind of peds do I to have stronger skin

Anonymous No. 173906


Tyler Karow's vids are very comfy imo, and show some outdoor big-wall content that doesn't have much representation on YT.

Anonymous No. 173907

Damn bros I wish I wasn't so fearful every time I put a rope on nowadays. I like bouldering but a good day out route climbing nourishes the soul in a way that small climbs can't. Whenever I climb trad (or even sport) I get to a move that I can't comfortably reverse, I freak out. I have become so neurotic with avoiding falling that I am asking friends to lower me off 5.10s some days and even get scared top roping stuff.

Anonymous No. 173909

before comps, there was just acetazolamide and germans on speed, not a whole stack of juices that transforms your body into something it never could have been (<10% bf without atrophy)
look what crap the obvious junkies eat while keeping lean and compare it to the diets the clean climbers have to do all year long

Anonymous No. 173916

Antihydral or rhino products

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sorato anraku SLC.jpg

Anonymous No. 173941

that's true, i forgot about his stuff
kyrgyzstan video/writeup is kino

what's sorato's stack?

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Anonymous No. 173954


The only stack climbers need is a stack of McDonald's burger patties

Anonymous No. 173958

First Matthew Perry, and now this guy. Is there no end in sight???

Anonymous No. 173959

>>Can this average skinny Chinese climber with aspergers climb V6 whilst watching his girlfriend have sex with a Cameroonian mandingo (NSFW CRINGE!!!)

Anonymous No. 173991

Anyone has a good experience with ortovoxā€™s backpacks? Iā€™m eyeing the trad dry 22 for single day alpine climbs.
Or do you recommend any other bags/volumes

Anonymous No. 173993

>indoor trad climbing
please elaborate

Anonymous No. 173994

what timidity?
she is just fat and built like a fridge

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as fridge as it g....jpg

Anonymous No. 173995

>built like a fridge
I like some of her videos but yeah, she's literally a fridge...

Anonymous No. 174034

Natalia, Brooke, and Anastasia in the Panam finals. I missed this as I thought it would be on ISFC channel.

Anonymous No. 174069

Holy fuck, I hate elbow tendonitis. GOOOOO THE FUCK AWAY REEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous No. 174101

Which one of you degenerate fucks threatened to shoot up Touchstone gyms.

Anonymous No. 174106

What's the point of the 30m rope if you have a 60m rope? Use the 60m to rappell to the anchor.

Anonymous No. 174108

I can say that it's a royal pain in the ass and not that much fun

Anonymous No. 174126

The squeakers have won :(

Your Grace, Your Grace No. 174128

Doesnā€™t even say the statutes

Anonymous No. 174131

this shits at the bump limit

Anonymous No. 174140

>bump limit
/xs/ is so fucking slow this thread will still be alive in a week.
a mod will probably remove your thread (and that's a good thing)

Anonymous No. 174208

>walk in to gym
>gril at the wall was excited to see me

Anonymous No. 174219

I don't believe you!
(but still hope it's true <3)

Anonymous No. 174225

> The company management read these warnings from a member who claimed ā€œgod has spokenā€ to him and he ā€œalready has a kill order.ā€ They saw the messages that this member ā€œcould use the help,ā€ because ā€œit would save [him] from getting chewed out for hospitalizing everyone.ā€ They read the message in which the member verified his intentions, stating that he will ā€œtake out the Koreans first so yā€™all take things more seriously.
Doing Godā€™s work

Anonymous No. 174240

Third ascent of Floatin' by Ryohei Kameyama:

Still one of the sickest lines I've seen.

Anonymous No. 174261

Why socal be like this?

Anonymous No. 174285

new thread

Anonymous No. 174304

Can you retards start a new thread at 400, fucking morons

Anonymous No. 174384

shit thread >>174130 stays but less shit thread >>174285 has to go?

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Anonymous No. 174397

i hope someone can advise me in whether i have an injury or not. i've lost mobility on my middle finger of my left hand (also the ring finger, but not so much)

with the hand fully extended, i can't bend the PIP joint (where the A3 pulley is) to the point where my fingertip touches my hand. unlike with my right hand, where i can do it easily. so i've lost mobility on that specific finger, it gets to a point where the PIP joint won't bend further, it feels like the finger is fat or something. i can push it down but it takes effort and it's uncomfortable, idk what's going on. if you want i can make a drawing to explain better

i don't think it's a pulley injury because it doesn't hurt, although unconsciously i'm using it less when i climb lately, i know because there's barely any blister on that finger. is this something usual among climbers? how can i fix it? it's been like this for more than a month i think

Anonymous No. 174437


P.S. fuck you janny for deleting my new fixed /cg/ thread and leaving the broken one. Retard nigger

Anonymous No. 174495

i don't know because i feel no pain at all, but i just thought of asking chatgpt and it agrees with you.

i gues i will give it even more time to fix by itself. it sucks to not be able to trust the finger though, i can't climb like before

Anonymous No. 174508

friend hurt his fingers on a spraywall project i made i feel bad now :(

Anonymous No. 174610

So was the Smith Rock shooter a part of these threads?

Anonymous No. 174649

Can we have a proper new /cg/ thread? The broken one is turboAIDS

Anonymous No. 174650

Pretty sure it was just a cucked ex of someone climbing. This is the first I've seen it mentioned here.

Anonymous No. 174697

dave mcleod rules but i never watch any of his 40 minute long videos

Anonymous No. 174868

Is it better to get shoes that are a little bit too tight or a little bit too loose? I'm a size 8.5 and I have to choose between size 8 or 9 fml

Anonymous No. 174903

Depends on the specific shoe. Some shoes will stretch a lot, so the size 8 would definitely be better. Some don't stretch at all so maybe the size 9 would be more comfortable, but the size 8 might not be so bad. Have you tried them on? Which felt better? If not, you should really try them out before buying.
People say you should downsize for performance, but that makes them really uncomfortable to wear. I'm guessing this is your 1st pair, so I would recommend going for comfort. Whether you're gonna send your climbs isn't gonna be determined by how tight your shoe is at the start.

Anonymous No. 175059

Too loose is better. There's a chance the shoes will stretch naturally, or your feet will grow accustomed to THE PAIN. But if not, then you're stuck with PAIN.

If you're only half size off, then it probably won't be that loose anyway. But there is also socks. None of this will likely influence your performance.

If you still go the too small route, there are shoe stretchers available. I actually have a pair and use them to stretch out some really tight aggressive shoes over the course of weeks.

Anonymous No. 175205

Based cheapskate simond enjoyer.

They are cheap but they put a lot of pressure on the side of my big toes.

Anonymous No. 175226

outed self as non climbers
you never wore a pair of climbing shoes or climber anything harder than what your local playground has if you are telling someone to buy bigger shoes than their feet

Anonymous No. 175265

No, the real advice is to go try them on and figure out the comfort from there because every manufacturer and even the models can vary from "true" shoe sizing. It's why every product review has buyers saying they bought their normal size, but had to size up/down because it ran small/large.

If he's buying them online, then his best bet is to order both and return the rejected ones.

Anonymous No. 175627

unironically me. I drank a lot, didn't do drugs though. Had shitty food, went to the gym occasionally but didnt get enjoyment from it. Work mate introduced me to bouldering and through that, I have lost 13 kg with plans to lose more, and despite being in a wobbly patch, life is definitely on the uptick. Bouldering changed my life.

Anonymous No. 175630

Bros I can't stomach autobelays anymore after taking a 6 month break
What happened to me

Anonymous No. 177254

Nothing wrong from what you say unless you're creepy, but as others have said, I'm personally not keen to speak with anyone