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๐Ÿงต /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 184292

Greco back tail edition

Anonymous No. 184293

What happened to the other thread

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Anonymous No. 184298

we're not sure. there was no real reason to delete it. maybe the other guy got banned?

Anonymous No. 184317

blader jannies

Anonymous No. 184328

kinda bored of doing slappies desu

Anonymous No. 184347

I got bored of skating period, imagine 25 years of the same bullshit tricks

Anonymous No. 184354

Why the fuck is elissa on the cover but there's no interview or anything inside wtf

Anonymous No. 184356

Crazy how much Aaron Kyro has done for skateboarding and skateboarders

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Anonymous No. 184357

The video was weird. Lacked Taylor Kirby, Pedro, Julian, Jake Hayes, Tfunk etc..

Anonymous No. 184358

It was worth it for Casper, Dickson, and Foy's parts alone

Anonymous No. 184365

>learn scoopy bs 180s
>think I'm keeping up with the zoomies
>elissa steamer does 16 of them in her part

Anonymous No. 184368

well if you can't keep up with zoomers, you can keep up with old ladies :D

Anonymous No. 184375

Grecs BS 360 is all time

Anonymous No. 184423

Sounds like a you problem mang


Anonymous No. 184469

Anonymous No. 184483

>bought first board like 3 years ago
>got standing ollies down
>was only just starting to try ollieing down stuff
>quit because life went to shit
>watched the new baker deathwish vid
>getting the itch to try again
does anyone skate at ungodly hours?
I got fucked up sleeping habits and usually wake up at like 3am so I'm thinking of using skating as pre-workout cardio at like 4-5am
I dunno if cops and wagies are gonna give me shit in parking lots though
I'd go to a park or something but I'm too self conscious to practice moving ollies in a park as a grown ass man

Anonymous No. 184486

>does anyone skate at ungodly hours?
Yeah, no one is going to bother you. Get out there player

Anonymous No. 184487

midnight-5am is the best time to skate.
cops really vary a lot by area ime but you can also find spots that don't get patrolled pretty easily.

Anonymous No. 184489

The skatepark near me has lights on all night I used to smoke meth and skate all fuckin night

I wonder how Brian wenning is doing someone should write him a letter

Anonymous No. 184490

everyone else's toenails are fucked up right?
i'm not a freak?

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Anonymous No. 184496

Does anyone have examples of GOOD skaters that didn't skate as a kid? I started at 17, rarely skated, and now at 27 I'm going all out and really progressing.

Every local I see that DESTROY parks or has an amateur skate part on youtube started skating at like 5 years old everyday consistently for 20 years.

Are there youtube parts of someone you know that started after their 20s?

Anonymous No. 184497


Honestly, no. What kind of socks are you skating in?

Anonymous No. 184514

I like how that kid in the pic only had to do an ollie and not even land it and he still fucked it up royally.

Also, now that you mention it, I don't think there are many people that started skating later in life and went anywhere. There's a few reasons, though:

-Little kids can usually slam all day and be fine bc they don't weigh anything, so they can get the fundamentals without much fear. It's also proven below the age of 25 people have poorer risk assessment so don't envision that hucking down a handrail might cripple them. I think a lot of what ends skateboarder careers isn't lack of ability, it's the inescapable ability to foresee what might happen if a trick goes wrong.

-Sponsors like people that can grow with the company and build a name, if you're already pushing 30 you're too old to build a name before you'll age out of being competitive. They also tend to market most heavily to middle/high schoolers and 20 somethings and you come off as too old if you're 30+. In fact, some of the most sponsored skateboarders (of their era) tend to look younger than they are likely for this reason: Malto, Sheckler, Jaws, P-Rod, etc.

-Older people tend to have less free time and don't have full summers off to just skate endlessly like kids do, so it can be tough to progress if you aren't already a full-time skateboarding professional. Add in a physical labor job and forget it.

-People that weren't some kind of athletic as kids rarely blossom into athletic types as adults, they usually just get fatter and less athletic. If they were athletic as kids, they likely played some other sport and will just keep playing that sport either professionally or in recreational leagues.

Anonymous No. 184516

i forget his name but there was a guy in one of my old transworlds that started at like 21 and got on blueprint.
starting in late teens isn't that uncommon either. i've seen late starters get really good at snowboarding so i don't see why that couldn't happen with skating. you need to approach it differently though

Anonymous No. 184517

There's no rules to skateboarding you can start whenever it doesn't matter nothing matters all that matters is style

Anonymous No. 184520

Snowboarding is a much smaller world because of the cost barrier to entry. You can learn to skateboard in a parking lot or driveway, learning to snowboard starts at about $1000 just to go down a bunny hill the first time on rented equipment unless you already happen to live near a resort and get hand-me-down equipment so you only need a lift ticket. I'd bet that snowboarder also either learned to ski or skateboard first so there were transferable skills. The 90's were also a different time for both as street skating and snowboarding (in its modern form) were both fairly new.

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Anonymous No. 184527

Because the Baker video needed to come out first. Plus, idk, Elissa is hard to interview sometimes. People don't know what to ask her beyond "so, uh, you're a girl, that's cool, anyone ever been sexist to you?"
I'd love in Nine Club got her and some of the old Toy Machine guys on together some time.

Kareem Campbell started at 19 apparently. I know there's a few guys who were on King of the Road that started in their late teens. There's some people I follow who started anywhere from their 20s to 40s who might never be pro but you'd happily watch them in the park.

Anonymous No. 184528

max palmer said in some interview he didnt start taking skating seriously until he was like 30. doesnt mean he started at 30 he was probably already pro level just not putting in the work

Anonymous No. 184533


Anonymous No. 184576

Anonymous No. 184578

it's crazy how much more personality the original baker crew had

there was more personality in TKs part than the whole new baker vid

Anonymous No. 184580

does anyone know why lizard king wasnt in the new baker vid? when i was in my teens skating lizard king was basically the face of deathwish

Anonymous No. 184592

Lizard King quit Deathwish in 2020. he rides for some random no name brand now

Anonymous No. 184609

Haven't been able to skate since before christmas. Done some mild stationary practice in the house to keep my muscle memory, but the weather has been shit for so long. Then when it's dry, it's too cold so the park is frozen (or damp from melt). I wanna land the kickflip so badly bros, I'm crying right now typing this. Does anyone else cry over skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 184628

Antwuan isn't on deathwish either but he was still in the vid

Anonymous No. 184634

wanna skate but clips like this genuinely terrify the fuck out of me
is this like a freak accident type thing where you have to go out of your way for it to happen?

Anonymous No. 184643

Stuff like that is pretty rare, yes, but it can happen to anyone. Just something you have to accept. This guy didn't go out of his way to rearrange his mouth, it was just an unfortunate accident and there's not a lot you can do about it. You can mitigate the risk by being good, but you have to get past the beginner stage to get there, which is also the time you are most likely to slam. All you can do is wear pads/helment and take things slowly.

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Anonymous No. 184648

Guys the Baker video got deleted from youtube????

Anonymous No. 184658

You are most likely to get hurt if you hesitate in your execution of a trick. Look at how slow he's moving. he barely clears the set. He also doesn't look ready to catch the board and ride away. He like half heartedly kicks out with his arms flailing. his back foot launched his board into his mouth and crowbarred his teeth. That's the freak accident part. he should have gone slightly faster and just committed.

Anonymous No. 184659

Copyright claims for the music most likely

Anonymous No. 184661

What baker video?

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skater girl.gif

Anonymous No. 184685

this poped on my recomendations

Anonymous No. 184692

Nice, I went ahead and downloaded it. I hope they don't change the music before reuploading it.

Anonymous No. 184693

that stu guy is a very likeable skater for the over 25s crowd

Anonymous No. 184718

Anyone know any other pro skaters who have a similar style to Brent Atchley? Watching him skate is inspiring

Anonymous No. 184722

That guy was something else. His best part I think. Also he skated a 7.5 back then which is completely nuts. I remember this specifically because he detailed his setup in some old magazine.
It starts at 16:40

Anonymous No. 184728

that's pretty crazy - I started skating transition to be more like him, and so I bought a wider deck lol

I think he's one of the best if not the best at just cruising on his board. There's this video of him skating literal rocks and boulders:

Anonymous No. 184762

When doing a fakie ollie (say you ride up a bank and come back down to do a fakie ollie on flat) do you pop down and forward rather than straight down for a normal ollie?

Anonymous No. 184763


Anonymous No. 184765

congrats on your first 4chan post, little guy. Also you need to be 18+ to post here, so go back from where you came from.

Anonymous No. 184776

Baker video back online

Anonymous No. 184813

>do you pop down and forward rather than straight down for a normal ollie?
Yes. Straight down and the nose is likely to come up. Same rules for nollie.

Anonymous No. 184817

Bros I'm such a neet I haven't worked since 2018 I'm In my 30s what should I do? Skate? Kill myself?

Anonymous No. 184819

my kick flips were getting decent and consistent then I got a new board and the front likes to turn away from my front foot now. This shit gonna take for ever to learn.

Anonymous No. 184825

just skate

Anonymous No. 184826

I think I messed myself up trying to learn heel flips too fast. I feel like I have success with just popping and flicking for a kick flip and a heel flip feels a bit more delayed

Anonymous No. 184864

Your shoes are probably too big and or not tied tight enough

Anonymous No. 184901

>Skate? Kill myself?
combine these

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Anonymous No. 184950

I was watching some (garbage) skate vlog and apparently in Cali there are signs in mexican? The fuck?

Anonymous No. 184967

if you think that's bad, don't ever go to miami

Anonymous No. 184969

I thought Miami was based though. Maybe I should go to Orlando instead.

Anonymous No. 184970

there are parts of miami where you will be refused service if you don't speak spanish
t. used to live in soflo

Anonymous No. 184973

thats based and redpilled

Anonymous No. 184974

Not sure if I should laugh or cry lmao. Aint no way.

Anonymous No. 184996

Carhartt vid dropped today. Kind of a weird artsy vibe. Some cool skating in there though.

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Anonymous No. 184999

That video is everything that is shit in modern skating

Anonymous No. 185001

lol at that pic

Anonymous No. 185030

In this country we believe in democracy (as long as it agrees with what Jews want).

Anonymous No. 185041

i have a cruiser but want a normal skateboard too, but have no idea what specs i'd want, i'm pretty bad, is it best to just go into a skate shop and get whatever the guy reckons is good? how much would i expect to pay? (ausfag dollars)

Anonymous No. 185045

I went to the skate shop and the guy told me soft skateboarding wheels do not exist.

Anonymous No. 185047

I don't give advice to cruiserfags.

Anonymous No. 185063

I like carhartt and the clothes but i dont want to watch a carhartt skating vid. Same with dickies

Anonymous No. 185068

That drug addict song almost ruined it for me. I want a new Creature video though. Creature is the best bros.

Anonymous No. 185072

get lost cruiser bitch

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Anonymous No. 185074

I clicked on this video because I saw Chad Muska's name, but had to close the tab right away. Should have known not to open a Vice video.

Anonymous No. 185078

lol cant watch a video cause of this?

Anonymous No. 185083

I can retard. I just don't want to. Eat shit bitch.

Anonymous No. 185087

cry more nerd

Anonymous No. 185088

I skipped to the Richie Jackson parts. First KOTR I've watched on Vice, it's fucking lame and made for faggots like this >>185078

Anonymous No. 185089


Anonymous No. 185109

>I skipped to the Richie Jackson parts.
and yet you call me a faggot?

Anonymous No. 185112

I'm certain he is an oldfag

Anonymous No. 185114

Don't forget to link threads

>>183850 #
I think Curren Caples is stiff as fuck.

Anonymous No. 185115

I agree on the Dickson and Foy parts, I also want to know who Max is. That guy has potential. Late shove-its? Boardslide to blunstslide? PASS THE KOOL-AID.

Anonymous No. 185116


Anonymous No. 185117

I think there are rules and whilst they are to be broken, you should only do so once you're competent to do so. It's the same with any art form. Too many violations today.

Anonymous No. 185118

Ok, officer

Anonymous No. 185120

I did just post Richie Jackson, but then there is >>183917

Anonymous No. 185122

>retarded clothes
>guy faux max
this guy walked so andy anderson could run

what are the rules of skateboarding that dont fall under style choice. obviously dont do ABDs or use songs previously used in famous videos are two

Anonymous No. 185132

Richie has substance, Andy is shallow.

As for rules it depends which avenue but I feel there are lots, depends how fickle you want to get. Toe drags, touching on manuals, hand drag is ok sometimes but using your hand to stay on isn't etc.. all types of rules with filmers that become almost moralistic. Ambiguous ones like stealing angles or filming style. Skate parks in street parts. Fake spots. I am pretty sure if I filmed a trick regular, mirrored the footy, that isn't cool.. and so on.

Anonymous No. 185133

Maybe etiquette is a better word

Anonymous No. 185134

>Richie has substance

but thats a good list I dont think theres anything wrong with any of that

Anonymous No. 185137

The man can defend himself but I'll say irl he is a genuinely good guy and not cringe at all

Anonymous No. 185140

Louie Barletta is the only wacko circus skater that I respect

Anonymous No. 185148

laban was cool, william spencer at least had the deceny to do actual circus tricks instead of just being a tech skater with a gimmick

Anonymous No. 185162

meh i wouldnt consider him a wacko circus skater hes pretty normal and just good
hate that william spencer shit

Anonymous No. 185167

I was just watching some old Richie Jackson clips, the tricks are not even that circusy anymore. Wallrides, polejams, hippyflips etc seem in now.
Also this popped up, wtf lol watching now -

Anonymous No. 185168

>Also this popped up, wtf lol watching now
more reason not to give a shit about a kook ass richie jackson

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 185172

go back to discord tranny

Anonymous No. 185173

>this guy walked so andy anderson could run
Well I stand corrected kek

Anonymous No. 185179
go rewatch louie footage and it basically the same. youtube and insta killed the joke trick. fat bill should also be held responsible

Anonymous No. 185186

It's still not objective. What, you never did an experimentation like that? Or do you think Rodney Mullen just did tricks first try?

Anonymous No. 185188

>obviously dont do ABDs or use songs previously used in famous videos are two

That's industry rules. We are obviously referring to style rules and whether they exist. My opinion is, everybody's got their own style. As long as you pursue skateboarding and aren't using it as an excuse for mom's barbecue party, grab between the legs what do I give a fuck?

Anonymous No. 185189

>Toe drags, touching on manuals

That has to do with the definition of a trick. For example, you can flip your board with the backfoot, it will be a backfoot kickflip, not just a kickflip.

>hand drag is sometimes ok

Case in point, style is subjective

Anonymous No. 185190

Yeah, Invisible, that was such a cool skate video! And the follow up, I forgot its title. Who is William Spencer?

Anonymous No. 185211

>aren't using it as an excuse for mom's barbecue party
what does this mean?

>That has to do with the definition of a trick. For example, you can flip your board with the backfoot, it will be a backfoot kickflip, not just a kickflip
do you not know what the fuck a lateflip is? you shouldnt be talking about style if you dont even know tricks lol

Anonymous No. 185218

It's Skateshop Day on February 17th. You guys should go and hang out. Maybe you could make friends. It's really just a little party.
My local is going to have free coffee and donuts all day lol.

Anonymous No. 185224

>My local is going to have free coffee and donuts all day
faggot shit. skateshops have gone soft. should be free beer and bong rips.
skateshops have either become gay pussified safe spaces for moms to bring their 8 year old or spots for big ego cool guys to look at instagram all day. this is actually why skate shops are failing.

Anonymous No. 185231

the remark about making friends always sets off aggro poster

Anonymous No. 185233

stop worry about that shit. you skate for fun. a lot of people started skating at 5 then quit in their 20s because they lose that part of skating, and instead it became a grind and felt like a chore instead of a stress-reliever.
a little bit yeah, but it's more about keeping your shoulders centered over the board, not thinking about the pop.

Anonymous No. 185234

Baker, and especially the latter Deathwish was one of the worst things to happen to skateboarding. It made "dude weed" mainstream and had 10-year-olds smoking pot behind the skatepark instead of actually skating. I know so many good skaters who barely even skated much after Deathwish was a thing. It also made people think absolute ghetto retards like Dixon were cool. This guy would show up to demos completely drunk/puking and start fights with 15-year-olds. He got his ass whooped at my skatepark by a 16-year-old.

Anonymous No. 185238

ive seen this copypasta before. cant imagine how lame the original anon who wrote it was/is

Anonymous No. 185243

>My local is going to have free coffee and donuts all day
sounds comfy

Anonymous No. 185244


Anonymous No. 185248

I didn't realise she was the chick who complained about the tranny competing, no wonder you got triggered lel
Hand drag can be a make or not depending. I listed a bunch of unwritten rules and could keep going. I don't really care enough though.

Anonymous No. 185249

watching tim pool is cringe enough. going on tim pool for any reason and not ripping his beanie off is just about the kookiest thing you can do

Anonymous No. 185250

>Is cringe
I'm not 14 I don't care. He seemed alright. I couldn't imagine being being invested in eceleb drama.

Anonymous No. 185252

not that anon but backfoot flips and late flips are two very different tricks my little dude

Anonymous No. 185253

it's not a copypasta. it's real. I'm guessing you're a triggered dudeweedhead

Anonymous No. 185254

the average pro tranny is at the same skill level as the average 10-year-old park rat who's only been skating for 2 years..

Anonymous No. 185255

This thread is especially negative today

Anonymous No. 185258


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guy fieri manga.jpg

Anonymous No. 185260

Another day of failing to do a basic trick cleanly, smashing myself against my limitations for hours until my legs don't want to work, wondering what the fuck is wrong with me on a spiritual level. Yet I don't feel bad because I was exercising at the very least.

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Anonymous No. 185261

>i-i dont actually know who tim pool is, im not 14!!
nerd ass, shouldnt of posted it then and you wouldnt have to defend yourself like this

lol you mustve made a similiar post before. i bet you're a triggered straight edge faggot that nobody wanted to hang out with lmao. blaming skate rat shit on baker and deathwish is the most retarded thing in the whole world

Anonymous No. 185264

Just to be clear I wasn't trying to defend myself. You're a retarded faggot, I feel no need to.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 185265

What is lame is you're obviously a kid who did go through that era yet are trying to act like the most hardcore of all heshers kek

Anonymous No. 185266

What is cringe is you're obviously a kid who didn't live through that era yet are trying to act like the most hardcore of all heshers kek

Anonymous No. 185268

>he seemed alright
he was a decent skater at one point though

Anonymous No. 185269

First vid I didn't watch, I don't really have the energy to hate someone because they did something lame.
Second vid made me a fan. He said he was a skater but I assumed he was some kook who did it for two summers.

Anonymous No. 185270

im 30 years old retard, been skating since age 5

>wasnt trying to defend himself
>ends up doing it anyway

>doesnt know what kook means
>fan of doing that retarded hardflip

some real bozos in these threads Ill tell ya

Anonymous No. 185271

I'm older, skated longer, blah blah. I lived that shit. It was eh, it did fuck up lots of people's lives. I don't regret having fun because I got out fine. Congratulations on being the most 14 yr old 30 yr old on the internet.

Anonymous No. 185273


Anonymous No. 185274

i was there too retard. putting the blame on baker/deathwish for skaters fucking around and partying is exactly what a 14 year old would do.

Anonymous No. 185275

Yeh I misread and got a bit retarded there. I thought you were some young kid hyped up on the new baker vid desu. My bad.

Anonymous No. 185276

I got a deathwish tattoo and I used to smoke fentanyl and meth

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Anonymous No. 185282

webms?! I'm needing a new truck an shape shieet

Anonymous No. 185292

i will not be going to my local because my local is unironically just a spot for big ego cool guys to look at instagram all day

the dudes there are cool to me when i walk in and there is no one else there but if there is some local cool guys there they kinda act like they don't know me, i just shop for sales on the internet now and only go there in emergencies

Anonymous No. 185294

I havn't skated in like 15 years. At least there are 3+ skate parks near me to check out on a week day when the weather permits. I don't want to be around anyone when I go and die trying the first board slide after more than a decade. I quit because I didn't make skate friends and couldn't learn tricks, now the internet has all kinds of info.

Anonymous No. 185295

yeah drugs and dumb shit definitely existed in skateboarding before baker but the baker flavor of it seemed particularly in your face or something and i remember there was a big shift in the activities of my friend group when baker has a deathwish came out in 2008

but that was when we were all getting to the age of like 14-16 so maybe that shift would have happened anyway. who knows.

Anonymous No. 185334

post a video of a backfoot flip

Anonymous No. 185341


Anonymous No. 185344

the people that run my local shop do not like when people hang around the shop, i stopped going there and just buy whats cheap online preferably from other skate shops

Anonymous No. 185346

i miss paradeworld bros

Anonymous No. 185350

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Anonymous No. 185355


The Carhartt video was ass. I love Max Palmer but it was Artsy in a weird / unflattering way. Don't get me wrong, I like artsy skate videos but I don't like how they did it.

Also I rolled my eyes when they used Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) as a song. I mean talk about overplayed. It didn't even fit the vibes.

Anonymous No. 185356


Anonymous No. 185357

i haven't popped my board in almost a month. im basically a longboarder now

Anonymous No. 185358

>but that was when we were all getting to the age of like 14-16 so maybe that shift would have happened anyway
lmao fucking duhh dude, thats why this argument is so fucking dumb. and nobody who makes this argument against baker/deathwish ever brings up Flip which was the same shit so I gotta assume the people who believe this were either lame-o posers/kooks who didnt really skate anyway or kids since kids dont know Flip. wanna blame something for skaters not skating? Blame jackass. "yo guys wanna go skate? nah lets push each other around in shopping carts and into bushes!" middle/high schoolers making lil "skate" vids where the majority of it is hijinx.

this was a great video. i love a good well made chill homie vid thats full of various pros from different companies. Mcslappys has the same kinda vibe.

Anonymous No. 185359

was thinking about how the corey kennedy and terry kennedys crimes are perceived wildly different with people being more forgiving too corey imo. ik it's not a competition but is it worst to drive drunk and kill a man or to punch a man dead? thoughts? drunk driving is the most retarded shit ever, you have to be a real piece of shit to do it and risk other peoples lives on the road vs singly out one man and being strong enough to punch him dead by accident yet tk was villainized while corey just "made a mistake" ...

Anonymous No. 185361

i think they are both shitheads btw, am not saying one is better than the other i just dont get why CK gets a pass and is welcomed back with open arms and tk will probably not be given the same grace

Anonymous No. 185365

cause everyone drives drunk, not everyone goes around beating the shit outta people while drunk.
it would be hypocritical for a community known for its drunkeness, fuck the rules, hell ride bull shit to shun the one guy who royally fucked up doing what everyone else does.

Anonymous No. 185367

>cause everyone drives drunk
a lot of dudes get in fights too though...skateboarding has it's fair share of agro dick heads

Anonymous No. 185369

There is a clear difference between taking someones life with your hands and a car crash.
Corey never intended to hurt someone and Terry did.

Anonymous No. 185370

Same with Ali and Shane Cross situation.

Anonymous No. 185374

I bought an 8" deck. Will be putting together a new complete. In my head I bought a big board to go fast and ride ramps but I'm reality I've been skating the same manual pad for 6 months. I'm going to become a boomer with two set ups.

Anonymous No. 185377

terry didn't mean to kill the dude, he died from a punch.

Anonymous No. 185378

>wake up and don't feel like skating
>chilly and overcast outside
>watch Shrimp Blunt and smoke a spliff
>decide I have to skate today
>skate local for 3 hours
>great session
>feel energized and happy
>get home and it's full on snowing
>realize I timed my session perfectly

Damn, I'm good

Anonymous No. 185385

nobody means to kill anyone while driving drunk lol but people in fights do intend to hurt the other person

see above, also far far more people drive drunk than get into fights. driving drunk is something everyone does but 3/4 of those people will still look down on you if you get into a fight especially if your an agro dickhead

8" is the smallest size 95% of people ride these days.

Anonymous No. 185386

8 isnt big at all. like not even a little bit, thats considered quite small these days.

Anonymous No. 185388

I'm meant moving down to an 8" board. I have a bigger set up now but wanted something smaller to pop around on. My legs tire so quickly flipping the bigger board.

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Anonymous No. 185389

~4 years ago now during peak covid I did up my first curb with a rub brick and lacquer, thing turned out beautifully for a first time job. Was basically the only thing you could sesh in my small hometown. Recently had to move back home to help take care of my gramama for a while and this is what it looks like. The lacquer is completely worn off and theres chips all down it. Fucking scooter kids, I know it was these 2 little brats Id run into from time to time at some of my spots. I waxed it the fuck up, waxed my tail, nose, trucks, fucking nothing, its unskakeable. its sticky and chunky. its a 5 minute skate from my house tho in a well paved "alley" in between a parking garage and parking lot, perfect location, theres a small bank up the curb you can trick into and manny, a bench nearby you can boardslide, 2 liqour stores and a smoke shop within 5 minutes. I need to fix this shit.

What would you guys do? Rub brick it again and re laquer, just give it a heavy coat of lacquer, or start a whole new curb next to it? Im no stranger to skating crusty shit so Im thinking just heavy lacquer job but I also know the joys of skating a perfectly smooth curb. The problem is theres way more people out and about now both lots are typically full and the town cop shop is less than a quarter mile away when the cops pull out and make a right they see clearly into the alley. And the cops in this town are huge bored dickheads they pulled up on me and stopped me to talk to me cause I jaywalked a few weeks ago. I think a heavy coat of lacquer is my best bet.

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Anonymous No. 185390

this shows you the lil bank and the curb next to it I could possibly do up. sorry bout the quality i have a 30 dollar android phone

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Anonymous No. 185392

this is from probably from the first sesh I had at it ;_;
the parking lot is hardly that empty any more

Anonymous No. 185395

Isnโ€™t that dude a Scientologist?

Anonymous No. 185406

he told you baker was gonna bang yall over the head

Anonymous No. 185412

Yeh fair idk the details of the tk stuff. If it was a fair fight and freak accident or he king hit him sort of thing..

Anonymous No. 185413

Corporate art slop from vaccinated cattle

Anonymous No. 185415

I'm the anon that posted the vid and I agree

Anonymous No. 185416

You should rub brick the curbs on both ends of it to triple the length and then lacquer the entire length of it.

Anonymous No. 185419

i really wish i could trust me im just really not tryna deal with the popo.

Anonymous No. 185421


Anonymous No. 185445

Crazy how much space skateboarding can take up in one's mind. I went on three long sessions this week and today I would have gone skating despite the bruises and painful joints if it weren't raining. A new street-oriented park opened near me and I keep thinking of new stuff that I could try. Lately I've been really into nollie and fakie stuff, much less concerned with landing stuff that looks good and digging more into the motions and sensations. Can't get enough of chinese nollies. Trying slappys for the first time, it's very new to me that you can just nudge yourself into a noseslide and get away with it. It's not the first time that after getting stuck for a while I just let go of expectations and progress. Hope you're finding ways to keep it fun out there /esg/

Anonymous No. 185456

I didn't like it either. Well I liked the skating, but that Carhartt of all companies put it all together in such an edit was

Anonymous No. 185462

I felt this post.

Anonymous No. 185481

>wake up and really feel like skating
>chilly but sunny and dry outside
>watch Boardslide Hood and eat food
>remember my knee situation
>remember I can't skate today
>remember I can't skate ever
>awful day
>feel tired and sad
>stay home on 4chan all day
>realize it's all over

Damn, I'm not good.

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look at lil bro.webm

Anonymous No. 185483

Music is ass but this is my favorite type of skating.

Anonymous No. 185484

The cranberries are not ass

Anonymous No. 185485

Yes they are. And gay.

Anonymous No. 185491

alright just got back from relaquering the curb, it was quite the thrill as there were tons of people around, one guy turned his brights on me for 30 seconds.

Anonymous No. 185500

Damn bro, I'm sorry its like that. Is knee replacement out of the question? A lot of athletes can return to their activity if they rehabilitate it right. Pretty sure Brandon Turner has had both knees replaced and he switch hardflipped wallenburg in 2020 at almost 40.

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Anonymous No. 185505

[spoiler]frontside[/spoiler] slash

Anonymous No. 185512

goodjob glad it worked out... someone in another thread recommended some other thing they use instead so it doesnt look like you're doing graffiti

Anonymous No. 185533

concrete sealer, i was probably the anon who posted that lol. I had 2 cans of lacquer already and Im broke asf from being back home and not working so had to work with what I got.

Anonymous No. 185547

Neat anon. I prepared a curb on Saturday night. I felt pretty sneaky. I was able to skate it last night and the difference is like night and night.

Anonymous No. 185573

I got a board from my brother in law and I'm so damn afraid of falling now. I haven't boarded in years not I'm old and fragile. Falling would kill me. Once when I was younger I was going full speed down the street and hit a peeble, sent me flying off of my board and I just rolled back onto my feet. Now? I can't even sit in a chair and bend forward to tie my shoes without breathing heavy and back pain.

Anonymous No. 185582

>Now? I can't even sit in a chair and bend forward to tie my shoes without breathing heavy and back pain.

Anonymous No. 185584

lol, bro you should just push around and get comfy on your board. You can lose weight and get more flexible skating. Wear a helmet and pads if you are that scared.

Anonymous No. 185586

I don't wanna do knee replacement...

Anonymous No. 185588

>one guy turned his brights on me for 30 seconds

Faggotass bitch. I remember one time when I was a teen some larping faggot flashed his flashlight straight into my eyes and kept it there. Like why? Mind your own business bitch. I called him a faggot bitch and walked away though, because I wasn't gonna fight an adult as a scrawny skater teen.

Anonymous No. 185601

nice, I honestly probably woulda been better off doing it this morning it was dead lol, I went to check it out and its not perfect since I did it in the dark but its definitely gonna be better especially after a couple slappy 50s smooths all the chips out.

small town/suburban people are nosy asf. another spot I have around here is 2 ledges in a loading dock behind an abandoned grocery store. It has lights tho. If I skate there at night its not uncommon for someone driving by to stop for 30 seconds and stare at me. The older Ive gotten the less scared of confrontation I've gotten. I care less and tell people to fuck off way more frequently. The only person Im hurting is myself, no, im not gonna sue the property owners if I get hurt, leave me alone.

Anonymous No. 185615

If the choice was never skate again or go through knee replacement I would get the knee replaced.

Anonymous No. 185618

>about to buy my first board because I need to give myself a reason to get out and active more, it looks like fun, and I've been getting into paddle boarding as well and I suck at standing up on it so I figure there might be some transferable skills there
>mention it offhand when talking to my folks
>they make fun of me for it and accuse me of having a quarter life crisis (I'm 27)
I haven't even got a skateboard yet and it's already off to a bad start, fuck.

Anonymous No. 185621

I'm too blackpileld on the situation. Feel like it will become even worse.

Anonymous No. 185622

Wouldn't see why that bothers you unless you're living with your parents, but even then if you want to (and can) skate then skate.

Anonymous No. 185627

this 100% id get the surgery even if there was a chance i was gonna die and Im not even good.

if your too bitch made to get the surgery then stop whining and bitching and moaning about how you cant skate. every thread you post the same bull shit about how you cant skate like an attention starved ho. you are no longer a skater and are harshing the vibes of these threads.

maybe you should focus on moving out of your parents house first my dude.

Anonymous No. 185628

dw anon im learning to surf for my quarter life crisis. skateboarding will keep you young. you can be the youngest 45 year old with no knees

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Anonymous No. 185631

unironically find stuff you can work on with your skating that doesn't aggravate it. i got one of those jib bars and just do stanionary mannys and boardslides in my room when my joints are too fucked to really skate. i also criuse around the neighborhood switch with my dog. none of that stuff is really skating but it has helped my improve at stuff that has made me better when i can actually skate if that makes sense and it helps me not feel rusty. you could also get really into slappies.

Anonymous No. 185634

I just put an order in for the board and a set of protection, fingers crossed I'll be able to get started this weekend.

Anonymous No. 185635

first time youve ever had to buy protection in your life im guessing

Anonymous No. 185636

anytime I drink too much to do tricks I just try to ride around switch.

Anonymous No. 185637

Yeah, your mom prefers it raw.

Anonymous No. 185644

you L posted about your parents laughing at you lil bro you cant be making your mom jokes here.

Anonymous No. 185647

lol is skating really bad for your knees if your not doing stair sets and big drops and shit? isn't just pushing and jumping around skating flatground and ledges good for your knees?

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Bowie refreshed.gif

Anonymous No. 185648

>struggling to have my axel stalls and 5050s be proper standup things I can hold indefinitely
>get sick of not making progress, decide to try a related move
>go for feebles, have never landed one
>kick into them, extend the front foot but can keep enough weight on them so that they actually grind, but upper body is leaned back in the transition and only the side one one wheel is touching the deck
>looks good, feels good, took me all of 3 tries before they were consistent

5050s can get fucked, feeble is the new best grind.

Anonymous No. 185651

I just ate 10 gabapentin

Anonymous No. 185652

Is that even fun?

Anonymous No. 185656

dumb ass kid

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Anonymous No. 185665

What do you think, should I pull the trigger?

Anonymous No. 185669

I would never skate something that thin

Anonymous No. 185678

yes but you should also buy that deck

Anonymous No. 185680

>if your

Shut your 15 year old brown ass up little bitch.

Anonymous No. 185704

15 year old brown kids are skating circles around you saying "dusty old bones, full of green dust"

Anonymous No. 185710

Not true because I live in a white country.

Anonymous No. 185711

sir this is eternal skateboarding general, if you cant skate and are only here to be racist please leave

Anonymous No. 185736

No thanks plus I can still at least do a shuv and a 180 so there's a 90% chance I'm better than you even at this low point of my existence.

Anonymous No. 185749

>wah wah wah my knee hurts i cant skate feel bad for me
go get the surgery
>nooo Im scurrreeed
ok then stop being a whiny bitch or stop posting
>Ummm your brown and a child and IM WHITE!
not skateboarding
>Actually I can still skate I can do the two easiest tricks Im probably better than you!

you are one pathetic faggot

Anonymous No. 185751

I'm not reading all this gay seethe written by you (gay).

Anonymous No. 185758

>cant skate
>cant read
>no bants besides "ur not white" "ur child"
>can only cry and whine

truly a worthless individual.

Anonymous No. 185760

Guys I stopped neeting and put on my shoes and skated in the garage, I did a kickflip and some shove it's, I know this doesn't really count as a session but it's the first time I've been in the board in 10 months since I quit, the kickflip felt good

Knee guy is a faggot but he is a part of esg

Anonymous No. 185765

I find his negativity more annoying than the guy who talks about killing himself
based anon. Keep it up.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 185766

I hung up on an axle stall and totally ate shit today. Worst slam I've had in a while. I made sure to do two more successfully just so I didn't let the fear take hold. Kept skating for another 45 minutes. I really need to get better at transition.

Anonymous No. 185767

I decided it was too silly and didn't get it, it's a 7.75 36" long 18" wheelbase in case you didn't know

Anonymous No. 185769

i havent been thinking about skating at all, and thats how i know im doing very bad mentally. thanks tho.

Anonymous No. 185778

my mental wellbeing relies way too heavily on whether or not i got to skate today
get yourself a flatbar garagebro

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Anonymous No. 185784

> I can still at least do a shuv and a 180

Have to break out the fine vintage for this one. Next you'll say you can manual for an entire 5 feet!

Anonymous No. 185786

theres a lot of whiny bitches in here but its just the fact that he posts every thread the same shit and also that he can get the problem fixed but wont.

in other news I skated my re-lacquered curb for the first time today and that shit was still rough. the chinks are really bad, I waxed the shit out of it and was going fast and was still getting stuck. it will smooth out after a bunch of 50s, desperately need new trucks im almost hitting my kingpins. still managed to do a couple of tricks, almost managed a slappy hurricane fakie big spin out which Ive never even thought to try before. gonna hit it again tomorrow and get that shit and a slappy bs 180 switch 50 fakie big spin out.

Anonymous No. 185795

I'm off on wednesdays and I'm going to try to make sure I go to a skate park next wednesday weather permitting. Tomorrow I have an excuse.

Anonymous No. 185796

and maybe on the weekend hit up a tennis court at a school when schools out. I just want to be alone to try some shit since I haven't skated in so long.

Anonymous No. 185806

2am parking lot session brother. schoolyards are good too

Anonymous No. 185810

post clip

Anonymous No. 185846

>doesnt want to skate
>demands other people post clips

Anonymous No. 185848

>no clip

So I guess you're a bitch pretty much.

Anonymous No. 185849

>still no bants

Anonymous No. 185854

>too silly

Anonymous No. 185855

no clip no yous

Anonymous No. 185856

I got clips from like 2013 dawg

Anonymous No. 185887

Stop feeding the troll.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 185925

here you go

Anonymous No. 185928

They have lights on at the skatepark near me, I want to go for a night sesh so there's not as many people but I go to bed at 9 nowadays, I don't know what to do

Anonymous No. 185934

>I want to go for a night sesh so there's not as many people
Every park near me that has lights is more crowded at night than during the day. Especially in the summer there will be people that are smoking and drinking all night until the lights turn off.

Anonymous No. 185938

>still no clip by none of these non skating hoes
yeah that's what I thought

Anonymous No. 185945

gotta go in the morning if you dont want anyone to be there. like the other anon said there will be more people there at night if theres lights

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Anonymous No. 185965

Here. Now go get knee surgery.

Anonymous No. 185967

I have 3 skateparks right near me, but I won't go til next wednesday. No valentines day plans lol.
One is new and that olympic style , one apparently has like no flow, but it might be empty and be a good spot to practice, have to check it out and the other is just some pools which I've never skated.
All I did today was like a 5 minute warm up and landed 1 and a half kick flips which is progress. I havn't even skated since Sunday. Fucking excited.

Anonymous No. 185972

You look like a gay faggot bitch.

Anonymous No. 185988

I'm sure your overweight ass looks much better

Anonymous No. 185990

Knee guys mad now that everyone turned on him lol

Anonymous No. 185991

Yeah especially considering I'm the exact opposite of overweight and I don't look like I eat triple decker sandwiches in one gulp and I'm best friends with a great dane.

Anonymous No. 185992

Fucking faggots stop bitching like skate park kids

Anonymous No. 185995

I eat triple deckers because I'm 6'2. Opposite of overweight is underweight. Are you frail? Are you saying you'd hide behind your dog if you were confronted irl?

Anonymous No. 186001

I'm 6'3 and the opposite you're looking for is fit. Are you saying you have a receeding hairline with your ugly beanie and ipa beard?

Anonymous No. 186003

Nigger you don't even have a functioning knee

Anonymous No. 186004

My hairline is fine and I'm sorry you can't grow a beard. 6'3 and "fit" but has a non functioning knee and can't skate? Why do you even come to these threads? Your just a sad sack of shit that cries and moans, and when people tell you to stop you get all aggro and throw a tantrum

Anonymous No. 186007

>Your just a

A high school dropout to top it off.

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Anonymous No. 186008

lol I saw that coming. Still can't skate.

Anonymous No. 186009

well anyway it is a good clip.

Anonymous No. 186010

bs flip dude I saw that clip that was nice
this is also nice
hopefully one of those parks isnt full of zoomers on skate dates with their push around gfs. pool park is probably your best bet or it could be full of dudes trying to teach their date how to drop in. praying for you my dude.
i just realized this thread knee guy is also the guy whos constantly telling people to post clips and then insults anyone who does and is also the guy whos always accusing people of being minority children and bragging how hes in a white country.
only one dudes bitching, the rest of us are laughing at him.

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Anonymous No. 186013

Thanks, I mainly made it because I wanted to show slappy anon my spot. The angle is way too low in retrospect.
lol the BS flip is also me. It's just an older clip on a spot that's no longer there, so I opted for a more recent one. I'll post it again.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 186014

That's not a minor spelling mistake. That's a clear grammatical error because you're a dumb NPC retard.
post a clip brownie

Anonymous No. 186017

I feel like the park that is all random obstacles is probably the best bet not seeing anyone. The olympic style park has pools too, but I guarentee itll be kind of populated. Idk why it matters, but for day 1 of going back to a skate park after almost 20 years I just want to go in and think for myself. I used to have a mega skatepark when I was 12 and went there with some like 20' halfpipe that of course I tried because no one else was trying it and a street section that I cruised around and flung my board around pretending to try something... No one bothered to stop to teach me a damn thing so I'm adamant about relying on myself and the internet.

Anonymous No. 186019

also its crazy I never tried a pool before. Even before tony hawks games I wanted to skate because of pool skating shit with the shaped boards that I saw on TV.

Anonymous No. 186021


thats the only skatepark I was at except it was owned by vans before and I only stuck to the concrete section.

Anonymous No. 186022

and even in that video its entirely different from how I remember it.

Anonymous No. 186025

Poastin my clips again from 2010 for old times sake

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Anonymous No. 186026

Take me baaaaaaaackkkkk

Anonymous No. 186027

ruh roh!

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Anonymous No. 186030

looks like a nice ass curb, ive never skated a painted curb in the wild, only at parks and diys.
pulled up to my spot today to this, tried slappying around it but couldnt really do it without getting frustrated about the truck, luckily it left after an hour so i still got to skate the curb for an hour and was forced to practice some flatground.
thats crazy I used to go to the franklin mills mall a couple times a year as a kid and they had a skatepark in there that was owned by that Black Diamond company, apparently both have long since closed. my parents always said theyd bring me there to skate but never did I would just watch through the window until they pulled me away. you should definitely try skating bowls, its fucking fun and you sound like youre the right age to be a proper bowl boomer.

Anonymous No. 186031

>proper bowl boomer.
I just want to do some stairs, flat ground and rails, ledges. I stopped for almost 20 years and just learned kickflips in december. I actually don't know how far I want to go, but I want to learn heel flips next or any other flip trick really, but still working on getting some higher kick flips and ollies.

Anonymous No. 186032

I'll have to try a bowl tho. I don't want to get a wider board like what seems common now. I have a 7.75 and a 8" set up which I barely touch but it might be cool to try in a pool once I get a flow going in a regular park setting.

Anonymous No. 186033

I also don't know what truck brand I want yet. I bought new hollow 8" indies, but I don't like them much. I'm riding old krux on my 7.75 and theyre alright, could be a tad lower because I can feel a huge difference in 50mm wheels vs 52mm.

Anonymous No. 186046

>was forced to practice some flatground
That's been me on snowy days. Skating underground trying to get my switch heelflips back

Anonymous No. 186050

ventures are miniramp gods but idk if people like them as much for full park tranny.

Anonymous No. 186057

I have some old ones but the pivot cup is smashed in making the king pin stick out a bit. For a low truck I'm looking at ventures or mini logo.

Anonymous No. 186146

Hell yeah brother.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 186157

>Seems like too much just to try and see if I can kickflip it, I'm not going to pay for shipping again anyway. I bought a couple other things but they haven't shipped because Chico Brenes sold out and had to check with me on a substitution.

Anonymous No. 186161

Seems like too much just to try and see if I can kickflip it, I'm not going to pay for shipping again anyway. I bought a couple other things but they haven't shipped because Chico Brenes sold out and had to check with me on a substitution.

Anonymous No. 186170

>skate dates
on of the benefits of tranny being uncool in the 000s was that you basically never saw anyone under 40 skating the bowls

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Anonymous No. 186171

>take gf to empty park
>convince her to go down ramp
>"I'll catch you if you fall"
>she rolls in slowly and instantly slips backwards
>she gets instawet
>we go home and fuck
Man.. I used to be cool

Anonymous No. 186175

this was sick. cool shifty ollie thing down the stairs

Anonymous No. 186176

>been skateboarding on/off for 5 years
>still can't kickflip
fuck bros. got any tips? i can flip the board but can never catch with my back foot. my back foot always hits the ground first

Anonymous No. 186181

you have to pull your back leg up. I just started learning again and at first was catching only with the front, now when I'm not certain I'll get the rotation I always land with the back foot. I never fall unless I land primo when I commit so I'm just committing more and more as I keep practicing.

Anonymous No. 186182

also your back foot lands first. As I'm practicing, I'll try a switch ollie or ollie to get ready to commit landing with both feet, then go for it. Assuming you know your flick is consistent. I'm still experimenting where to flick off the board and how to set up my front foot, but I try to not think too hard into it because intuition seems to work best.

Anonymous No. 186187

I have been ghost flicking my kickflips a lot lately and it was driving me mad
Of course, Mitchie Brusco saved me again

Anonymous No. 186192

kickflip mannys helped me a lot. kickflip tailigrabs are also good

Anonymous No. 186200

He can't kickflip, so you recommend doing kickflip into other tricks and variations. What's your reasoning here?

Anonymous No. 186203

idk he says he's flipping the board but chickenfooting the catch. kf manny forces you to slow down but also really focus on the back foot. grabs get people to pull their knees up

Anonymous No. 186204

my first kick flip, I landed in a manny. by now I can level out the flips, just trying to get height.

Anonymous No. 186205

Do hellflips instead.

Anonymous No. 186207

doing them slower helps a lot. like you want to really let your foot drag through the board and put more power into it but not flicking down hard if that makes any sense

Anonymous No. 186211

man ive been skating a lot longer than you and i still cant flip my board. i get 1 in 100 kickflips. 1 in 50 fakie flips. most of the time ill have a perfect flip but my front foot lands off the board or half flip with both feet on.

Anonymous No. 186235

if your back foot is not getting back on, you're not jumping UP and committing completely to the trick

if your front foot is not getting back on the board, you must readjust your flicking technique

Anonymous No. 186250

niggas really out here building bad habits with tricks over the span of years. If you can flip the board all the way you can kickflip. You just have to put both feet on the board. You've trained yourself to pussy foot it. As soon as you break that habit you'll probably be able to do it almost every try.

Anonymous No. 186251

NTA, but I keep struggling to get my back foot on for my kickflips too. I don't know why because getting it up for ollies and shuvs is no issue at all. Have any of you had to break that habit before?

Anonymous No. 186285

Its just a mental block. If you know it flips, just go for it. You can't really fall that bad. I was slipping out, but that doesn't happen anymore.

I'll have to try. I know when I was trying to learn heel flips I can drag it out like an ollie then flick, but I went back to focusing on kickflips.

Anonymous No. 186291

so I'm too exhausted to try much after a 10 hour work day, but in my warm up I managed to land 4 kick flips out of like 20 tries which is still progress for me. When I do get it to flip and go high, I guess I have to land with my legs still tucked in or else my feet hit the board upside down.

Anonymous No. 186292

Also when I do little cheeky kickflips a lot of the time the board wants to rotate. I guess because when I start the flip my weight is turning the board to the left and when I start the flip the left side of the tail hits first and makes it want to rotate right? All I know is I started trying to learn 2 months ago so I'm proud of what I can do.

Anonymous No. 186293

one other thing I have to consider is I'm a size 10.5 shoe trying to ride a 7.75 because my old board was a 7.6 when I was like 15 years old. I might have to just admit to try to move up in size.

Anonymous No. 186297

Guys just go watch the mitchie brusco video he covers the foot off the back thing at the end, focus on floating above the board

Anonymous No. 186298

Also personal note if I lean too far forward my front foot lands in front of my board, too far back and my back foot lands behind the board. You need to keep your weight over the top of your board as you pop.

Anonymous No. 186305

I'm just gonna work with what I have for a while. I just wonder if I can be more precise with my flicks if I have a wider board. And of course, landing might be a lot easier.

Anonymous No. 186306

reviewing my practice from today, its definitely my weight distribution. If my board is leaning the kickflips rotate. I'm used to a tight truck and just tictaking all over.

Anonymous No. 186310

I think I'm gonna commit to going to a park tomorrow and not care if there are a shit load of people there. Its time to stop being a pussy.

Anonymous No. 186311

Man... I miss the days before skateparks

Anonymous No. 186312

I never made any friends just riding around tho and skate spots were limited to parking lots and tennis courts. Every rail and stairs just leads to grass.

Anonymous No. 186323

it was cool when we just had an abandoned warehouse full of rails and ramps and shit people would just bring in there but a kid died so they shut it down

Anonymous No. 186342

>mitchie brusco
I signed up to the SkateIQ patreon to see what the street/vert foundation videos are like. A lot of the snippets they post on YT are from these and they are some of the most helpful videos in a way. They aren't the be all end all of tutorial videos, but almost every video has at least one tidbit of info that can help you work things out quicker, rather than giving exact breakdowns on everything. I'm currently working through downloading them all so I can cancel the sub. Maybe I'll package them into a torrent or something.

Anonymous No. 186356

>almost every video has at least one tidbit of info that can help you work things out quicker
chris cole's tricktips were pretty godlike for that too but they got scrubbed from the internet. i could never do proper tres before watching those

Anonymous No. 186358

I'm gonna throw my board in my car and see where I end up. Probably won't film because my phones battery sucks but I've got a go pro to sit down maybe. 2 skateparks to look at, I'll skate around which ever one looks more empty. Trying to hit rails and check list is 5050s, board slide and nose grind or slide or 5-0 grinds if those go well. Havn't tried this shit in like 20 years.

Anonymous No. 186372

I wussed out. plus it rained a bit. I'll stick to flat ground practice and go on a weekday.

Anonymous No. 186390

what did cole say about his tres?

Anonymous No. 186397

>32, mid life crisis hits
>get back into skating after 20 years
>enjoy relearning some tricks, can do them higher and faster now
>4 months in, relearning is over
>learning new tricks is Sisyphean struggle
>get frustrated, quit again
>spent $500 on boards because I watched Ben Degros and went full 'tism

feels bad bros. how do I make skating fun again?

Anonymous No. 186398

>spent $500 on boards
What board size did you end up with? Bro same shit is happening to me, but I'm only 2 months in. I initially wanted to join a fighting gym, but thats way more expensive.
Maybe try filming and making edits to make it fun.

Anonymous No. 186400

have you tried to learn switch yet? Thats something that made me curious to start skating again.

Anonymous No. 186403

>learning new tricks is Sisyphean struggle
I know it can feel that way but I've been learning new stuff at 29. Just gotta work on it every session a little bit. Been back skating for 7ish months
>how do I make skating fun again?
Go to new spots/parks and push yourself harder

Anonymous No. 186404

>came back to skating
>got all my old tricks back
>started learning new ones
>all was going great
>skated bigger stairs than before
>skated obstacles I've never skated before
>actually feeling happy in life once again
>whatever annoys me, skating is still my happy place
>made new friends
>got new clips
>was about to hit it up with a skater cougar
>one day THAT happens
>it's all over all of a sudden and forever

I want to die.

Anonymous No. 186405

??? idgi

Anonymous No. 186406

>spent $500 on boards
>how do I make skating fun again?

you already ruined it for yourself by being a retarded gear fag. now skateboarding will never be fun for you ever again. its what you deserve t b h

Anonymous No. 186407

He had a gender swap surgery that went wrong. Now xhe can't skate.

Anonymous No. 186409

Exploded my knee on an unlucky bail and I can't skate for real anymore. I hope >>186407 get's cancer for thinking that's funny.

Anonymous No. 186410

it is funny. Are you that guy that keeps bitching about his knee?

Anonymous No. 186411

after my bottom surgery I asked the doctor how long until I could skate again and he just laughed at me and said that I probably cant even kickflip

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Anonymous No. 186412

Anonymous No. 186413

If that's funny to you then you clearly don't skate. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 186415

I don't care much for it, but I'm trying to get into it again. Learn to laugh at yourself man.

Anonymous No. 186416

Yes it's so funny not being able to do one of the few things that brings joy to your life. Haha! Lmao! Rofl!

Anonymous No. 186417

were not doing this again. get the surgery or gtfo

Anonymous No. 186418

Lol he was joking that you got your dick removed and became a woman and can't skate anymore its funny as fuck. I have a 3 legged cat btw. She is more man than you.

Anonymous No. 186419

Lol that is pretty funny. Could you imagine?

Anonymous No. 186420

This isn't a video game retard. You don't just click a button and it becomes good.
Don't forget that karma exists. :)

Anonymous No. 186421

Post hand.

Anonymous No. 186422

My nigga, life cant get worse for me. Quit complaining. If you want to skate, skate, if you want to be a pussy then be a pussy

Anonymous No. 186425

>life cant get worse for me

Then shut the fuck up dirty bitch.

Anonymous No. 186427

>Don't forget that karma exists
>being an overall negative doom poster in every /esg/ thread

Wheelchair incoming for you

Anonymous No. 186429

>Don't forget that karma exists. :)
yes, and you're a huge jerk everyday in this thread so now your other knee is going to explode

Anonymous No. 186430

>muh positivity

Take a look at this andy schrocker over here.

Anonymous No. 186431

>and you're a huge jerk everyday in this thread

This is cap.

Anonymous No. 186433

>muh knee

Take a look at this can't skate ever again over here.

Anonymous No. 186436

>muh butthurt

Take a look at this never even skated to begin with over here.

Anonymous No. 186449

>I used to be a skateboarder like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

Anonymous No. 186455

>like you

Nah you don't skate.

Anonymous No. 186456

I used to skate but then I got sober, I just don't want to skate unless I'm high on drugs

Anonymous No. 186457

I'm the guy that posted 2010 footy

Anonymous No. 186459

I'm the guy that posted 2007 footy.

Anonymous No. 186463

I went skating today actually :)

Anonymous No. 186465

yeah i'd probably be a bitter asshole too if skating was taken away from me

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Anonymous No. 186468

Why is it bad for me to kick mongo, but when Stevie Williams does it, it's good?

Anonymous No. 186470

that was 30 years ago nigga

Anonymous No. 186471

I saw him do it literally today

Anonymous No. 186473

so? you gonna get pissy about the gonz skating weirdo boards next?

Anonymous No. 186480

less control and balance than pushing reg.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 186481

I just got back from a session, why?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 186482

I just got back from skating. Wbu? Manage to get outside and stand on a board today? Or that 7 year old injury still holding you back champ?

Anonymous No. 186492

It was gross when he did it, too.

Anonymous No. 186508


Anonymous No. 186511

i didnt skate yesterday and now the skate gods are cursing me with 4 days of rain/snow

Anonymous No. 186512

oh that was you? thanks for not skating bro keep the snow coming

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Anonymous No. 186543

>one day THAT happens

Anonymous No. 186545

It's Slappy Sunday /esg/

Anonymous No. 186546

Cursed webm. Do not open.

Anonymous No. 186552

Someone else should make a new thread I've made the last two esg and I don't even skate

Anonymous No. 186569

I've been so stubborn about board size since I just started to skate again, but I think I want to move up. 7.75 to 8.38 and brand new trucks. My feet stick out so much when I skate and 31" long board does feel short. So 8.38x 32". I';ll try it out.

Anonymous No. 186570

Now it's raining here D:

Anonymous No. 186579

That size jump will be very noticeable. I switch sizes between decks pretty often. I tend to stay between 8.25 - 8.6 though, so I find that it has minimal effect on my skating. My tre flips suffer on wider boards.
RIP It was snowing here on friday and I ended up going to couple different parking garages. Suns out today though.

I landed my first frontside slappy and slappy backside boardslide today :)

Anonymous No. 186580

The people who actually skate prefer bump limit /esg/

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Anonymous No. 186608

>how do I make skating fun again?
Focus on visiting new parks and trying new obstacles than learning new tricks. Being an adult is fun because you have the ability to travel more easily now. I don't think you ever stop learning a given trick. There's always some new thing to do them off/on/over/into. And sometimes just going to a park and trying to get a single trick on every obstacle is a fun challenge. As is trying to find lines in bowls.

Anonymous No. 186609

It's not. People who hate mongo can fuck off. The ONLY downside is it adds a step into getting your foot in ollie position, but then it inversely gets you straight into nollie so who cares. People are literally just repeating something they heard somewhere else but never actually thought about or tried themselves.

Anonymous No. 186612

>wah wah I cant skate switch wah wah

Anonymous No. 186622

I skated flat ground for 2 hours yesterday because the park was filled with scooter kids and didn't get bored. Just practice manuals or do some revert shit or practice switch stuff and look like a tard. I have the most fun just fucking around.

Anonymous No. 186630

>defending pushing mongo

Anonymous No. 186693

new thread: >>186692