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🧵 /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 201064

Booty warrior edition

Anonymous No. 201066

Do you think BA gives or receives?

Anonymous No. 201069

Combat rolled out of a bail and fucked up my phone, where do you keep your phone on you when street skating so that doesn't happen?

Anonymous No. 201071

I keep it in my car or in my backpack. Can't skate with shit in my pockets

Anonymous No. 201072

get better pants and dont land on your phone, prahblem salved brah

Anonymous No. 201081

I typed nigger into the searchbar on slap and there were a couple funny threads

Anonymous No. 201087

slap tranny detected

i keep my phone in my pocket, but you fell and bailed and the worst thing that got fucked was your phone than no big deal

Anonymous No. 201091

Same, generally speaking. I finally had to make a concession though and start skating periodically with an old LG G5 in my pocket just for music. I still don't like how in some pants it feels like it inhibits movement a little bit.
No one makes a normal damn MP3 anymore besides chink eBay companies that don't work right.

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Anonymous No. 201092

How would you describe my style?

Anonymous No. 201093

Backpack or in the car. Sometimes I don't even take desu.

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Anonymous No. 201094

i am incapable of doing frontside feeble grinds
photo: unrelated

Anonymous No. 201114

zumiez core

Anonymous No. 201147


Anonymous No. 201148

In my hip pocket, but I have a fairly hefty protector case on it. Haven't so much as scratched it.

Anonymous No. 201149

I'd hold her hand and skip through the woods with her. Yeah baby!

Anonymous No. 201158

This >>201071

Anonymous No. 201159

same shes a girl can confirm

Anonymous No. 201182

SEX with nat

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Anonymous No. 201184

>lets go skate after this, anon

Anonymous No. 201243

She'd be a great girl to start with if you're doing an STD speedrun

Anonymous No. 201245

I fucking love skateboarding bros

Anonymous No. 201250

Me too
but it's raining D:

Anonymous No. 201251

did you guys see this little japanese dude? he's really good

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Anonymous No. 201256

Post (You)r setup.

Toy Machine 8.0 Deck
Pig Griptape & Allen Hardware
Venture 5.2 V-Light Hi's
Spitfire 52mm 101a Tablets
Spitfire Burner Bearings

Fallen 7.5 Goat Shoes

Really digging this setup, I experimented with some different shapes and sizes on stuff before settling into this. The deck has a very full shape with square kicks, extremely mellow concave. I have short but wide hobbit feet, so I can't really justify going much larger than an 8.0 board and this size/shape feels perfect for me.
I never skate street these days, there's no good local spots so I'm always at the park.

Anonymous No. 201257

Element logo 7.5"
Black magic grip
Shorty's Silverados
Tensor trucks
50mm shop wheels worn down to 40mm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 201258


get 5000 free grass network ownership points for signing up to the beta, we're epoch 6 already so this won't last long

Anonymous No. 201259

Proper old school setup

Anonymous No. 201278

real 8.06 oval
jessup grip
mini logo trucks
spitfire 101a 52mm conicals
emerica slip ons

Since I returned to skating I keep trying to find what works and I guess around 8 inch deck and 14.25-14.38 wheel base is the way to go. Im just curious about trying softer wheels since I don't like the skateparks near me much. I can find spots but I cant imagine being able to spend much time with out getting kicked out. Still searching for a private place to set up some slappy curbs and maybe more.

Anonymous No. 201279

Im also curious about more expensive bearings like I was thinking buying 53mm 97a classic shape wheels next time and bronson raws.

Anonymous No. 201284

Personally it's been a long time since I've bought into bearing marketing. Unless a bearing is actually choked up/broken, I don't normally see a huge difference between a $18 set of bearings and a $40 set of bearings.
I also don't agree with this trend of not using shields on bearings. Debris isn't just going to "fall out" of a bearing, and if you use lubricant on exposed bearings it's going to cause all that dirt and shit to stick to the balls/cage. But if you don't use lube, they're going to roll like shit quick.

I've used Bronson G3's before and they were fine, but IMO I don't agree with the marketing with the Raws.

Anonymous No. 201288

I like the appeal of raws in that im not going to need to maintain it at all, just hill bomb and all the dirt should fly right out.

Anonymous No. 201291

I've seen some other people post that they've liked the RAWs, so iunno man. Go for it if they interest you.

Anonymous No. 201294

8.0 deck
DKL Rubber grip
Ace classic 33
Spitfire 53mm 99a formula four
Bones reds

Rubber grip is the weirdest part, loved it at first then hated it but it eventually grew on me.
I just bought a new sheet for the new deck, planning on doing normal grip on the back and rubber on the front since my biggest issue with it is the lack of grip on the tail.

Anonymous No. 201295

Ive got to wait til next time I break a bearing. Same with my wheels, I cant justify new wheels when mine are still in good shape.

I tried the rubber grip and the first time it lost grip, I took it off instead of cleaning it. Id rather just keep using shoe goo on my shoes, and honestly I can keep my shoe for pretty much a year. Plus Im still tweaking my flip tricks to get them how I want so I want consistency.

Anonymous No. 201297

If you skate a lot of street I'd actually keep the conical shape and get the 97a, or even try the new 93a.
Similar to a softer durometer, a wider riding surface will also give a smoother ride on rough terrain.

Or they have the radial shape and classic OG and all that stuff too. Lots of good options.

Anonymous No. 201300

Seen a lot of people say the same thing, they try rubber grip once then never again haha. At least for me i always got bothered with how i was wasting my shoes away with every flick, rubber grip kinda solved that. I haven't used shoe goo, the stuff i used to put on my shoes to make them last longer as a kid were always too hard and messed up the flick, gotta try it sometime

Anonymous No. 201302

Im scared of going too soft like 92a ricta clouds, but it might work. I dont want separate set ups, but when im cruising around the vibrations kill my feet.

shoe goo is great if you dont care how shitty your shoes look.

Anonymous No. 201303

Since we're talking about tearing through shoes -
Fallen is having a big season-end sale on their website right now. They do this every few months so if you're trying to scoop up shoes cheap it's worth checking out every so often.
Ordered two pairs of Bombers for $35 each.

Anonymous No. 201305

No thanks anon I like getting pussy

Anonymous No. 201362

Damn bros I just remembered when I was like 18 we went to a skatepark another town over and found this dude with weed that was down to smoke with us for free, he got in the back of my van and started rolling then my friend in the back decked him and pushed him out and we rolled away with his gram of weed lol we were such retards

I think I've hit devious licks like 7 times from a skateshop

Anonymous No. 201363

Your friend was a real bastard for that.

Anonymous No. 201364


Anonymous No. 201366

man you're a dirty bitch to the bro

Anonymous No. 201367

Yea no shit but that's what we would do is drive around drunk and high all day looking for licks but that one was extra devious. I had a friend that would go Mexican bashing, aka beating the fuck out of Mexicans outside the check cashing place friday night and robbing them lol even though he was Dominican. Then I got into drugs I'm not supposed to be alive right now. I was a bigger piece of shit than you've ever seen. It was also a different era, I think this was around early death wish

Summer tour vid a must see for zoomers to get a vibe of what shit was like right before pc tranny gayness took over the world, what you were able to get away with in skateboarding was awesome

I sold this kid weed at 35:44 he was a total weirdo lol

Anonymous No. 201368

Bro we thought thought we were cool gangsters doin that shit lol

Anonymous No. 201369

dont slime up skateboarding with your coon antics

Anonymous No. 201372

It was coon on coon violence

I don't skateboard anymore anyway, imagine flipping a toy for other boys lol I could still out skate anyone on this board. I'm so steezy one ollie over the hip youll know I'm him

But shit is fucking gay now plus my ankle hurts seriously what company would you even want to support nowadays. I would probably wear a independent shirt for aesthetics but they cucked so that doesn't even exist just Nike SBs for me

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Anonymous No. 201401


Anonymous No. 201402

Local brand (Dark Arts) 8.5" twin tail deck
Indy hardware
Indy Hollows
Bones bushings, hard/black
1/4" risers
Spitfire 53mm 101a tablets
Bronson bearings
Mob grip

DC Pensford high tops for my giant clown feet

I was skating a 8.65" creature board with a nose before this and I liked it, but I missed being able to skate either side without thinking. I like being able to do a shuv or a hand varial or whatever and have it feel exactly the same for the next trick.

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Anonymous No. 201403

Why would someone admit to such blatant faggotry on a Tibetan basket weaving forum? Did you think that story would be funny or something?

Anonymous No. 201412

Thought from watching vert alert: what a joke that female street was put in the Olympics.

Anonymous No. 201421

>DC Pensford high tops
>hand varial

Damn I have to hang out here with 4chan autists doing hand varials or hang with slap trannies watching bbc hypno why is there not just a place for actual cool skaters, how much does it cost to host a website for a year?

Anonymous No. 201422

What's the worse thing you've ever done anon, were all anonymous here

Anonymous No. 201431

calm down gaston if you dont like it dont watch em

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Anonymous No. 201433

Don't get me started bud

Anonymous No. 201434

I always wanted a methany to blow a huge cloud on my dick while she's suckin

Anonymous No. 201435

if you have a park within 20 miles youre a privileged faggot. FUCK you
if theres an actual skateshop within 20 miles FUCK you privileged boy

Anonymous No. 201439

go swallow some junkies nut you fucking bitch I have hella parks and two shops within twenty minutes of me so FUCK you man

Anonymous No. 201452

wow u guys suck lol
please stand up kings... u deserve better

Anonymous No. 201453

>It was also a different era
you guys still suck but honestly this explains a lot, people were way more prone to being gigantic pieces of shit when you could get away with stuff before everyone had a smart phone that could instantly record u or call the cops

anyways, everyone should reply to this with the most fucked up thing u ever did, i wont tell i promise

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Anonymous No. 201456

>homie texts the park is empty
30 yr old boomer take over time!

Anonymous No. 201458

When I was young a bunch of kids similar to the anon above snatched my bros brand new alien workshop 7.5 and bolted, another group stole my friends bag and made him pay them to tell him where it was. There was plenty of other run ins. You'd go to some sketchy places and deal with sketchy people. No one got hurt in the end and there was many positives that outweighed the negatives. And I wouldn't trade those negative experiences for the surveillance state we live in now, where everyone is the secret police. Because most the good times wouldn't have happened too.

Anonymous No. 201460

true anon, that other dude is probably an outlier plus 4chan tends to attract the worst kind of people too ...all my friends that skated growing up were pretty chill. our skate shop got robbed and had to close down but it was also an indoor park that was already struggling to stay open so i think getting robbed was the last nail in the coffin for it. rip... that was probably the most fucked thing to happen i can think of

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Anonymous No. 201470

I mean I'm not really a outlier since the last two posts are familiar with getting robbed I was just the bad guy in those scenarios, I'm actually a good guy I stopped stealing at like age 20 I was just a dumb kid I was honestly dumb untill I turned 31 n got sober

The worst thing I done is almost kill random people and my own mother in meth psychosis cause I thought I was in a cia truman show gangstalking program and thought they were in on it, the only reason I didnt is I thought cia were trying to finesse me to kill someone to end up in jail cause i was a bad society member

Anonymous No. 201471

The ol' insurance job kek

Anonymous No. 201472

This is why I hold no ill will, the people doing the evil deeds I am certain had far worse evil come their way. I wasn't a saint either but there are certainly levels. Glad you're doing better anon.

Anonymous No. 201474

Actually the wallet I use to this day I invoked a 'finders keepers' law on about two decades ago after a skate. No idea why I kept it this long but it reminds me not to do that shit again.

Anonymous No. 201476

man this thread is really adding up, this junkie just posts nasty whores
then meth whores

and then talks about his meth smoking days and the good old psychosis

atleast they stopped bullying that swedish schizo I hope they aren't posting mean things in that guys comments or anything

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Anonymous No. 201477

Nah I didn't post the whores

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Anonymous No. 201484

Well something went wrong with my photo review. I almost died going head first into a quarter getting stuck on a gum nut. I've also never skated a park so slippery.

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Anonymous No. 201509

>varials are kook tricks now

Fuck this gay earth.

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Anonymous No. 201511

>please stand up kings... u deserve better
I just want a cockicidal manic with a tight petite body to ride me like a red faced demon as she chokes me and hate cries at the intensity then slams down hard as I nut my very fucking soul into the deepest reach of her soaking pink pussy and the feeling of my lava-like load sends her over the edge into a quivering orgasm where she fails to hold back a scream before collapsing back onto the bed and calling me a fucking asshole. Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous No. 201512

it's 9am dude

Anonymous No. 201513

god damn this thread has been fucking hilarious

Anonymous No. 201514

Varials are gay on street and vert buddy. Just look at the photo you posted, gross no style hawk there's no style on that trick at all

Anonymous No. 201517

Just like the rest of this website, there's so much dumb shit posted on a regular basis that I'm no longer able to tell the difference between trolling and authentic retardation.

Anonymous No. 201524

This reminds me of when I finessed, fucked, cucked niggers, then saved this drug slut. 20 yo blonde petite big butt big tits elf ears, tightest warmest pretty pussy. I sold her drugs once before then she told me her dad was on a business trip n I was like bet I'll let you in on something, I'll sell you a half g of this drug for $70 dollars and show you how to drop it on candy, it's 500 doses. She was like come over now lol. A whole gram only cost me $50. So I of course weasel my way into staying at her house the whole week her dad's gone and end up doing copious amounts of drugs with her slaying her pussy with my straight man cock. She invited her girl friend over but also guy friends too turns out they're all niggers trying to do what I'm doing but they can't cause my drugs and fucking style are superior, she just calls me "the plug" to them lol it made them so mad, one nigger even punched a hole in her door and stormed out after I cucked him so bad. She said she fucked all of em, but they couldn't get to her that week that was my domicile. So at the end I sat her down and told her she needs to move away to her mom's and get sober and stop fucking with niggers. She did all that cause I was the smartest person she ever came across. Like 6 months later she sent me a message begging me to start a onlyfans with her and let me manage her money. Deleted my insta soon after tho. If you want young drug sluts anons all you need is good drugs

Anonymous No. 201528

legendary thread so far

Anonymous No. 201530

big fan of this sean ryan guy, love a nerdy chris millic cooper winterson gifted hater lookin mfer

Anonymous No. 201582

>atleast they stopped bullying that swedish schizo I hope they aren't posting mean things in that guys comments or anything

Aapo has had his comments off on every video for a few months. He needs to turn them back on if he wants me to watch his schizo vlogs

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Anonymous No. 201585

>been skating for 3 years
>oldfag so not really ambitious with it, just skate every day I can for as long as I can
>do a dozen or so tricks, none of which I'm particularly good at
>for reason I can't remember, I start changing my general stance, making sure my legs are bent at all times and my back heel is up, basically doing a "surfer" pose more often than not
>suddenly I'm way more fucking stable and confident
>slapping into tricks with precision and balance
>they all now somehow feel amazing
>lock in to a proper stand up 5050 on a qp where I'd normally have my weight in the ramp
>do another one of these and bork it, but manage to shuffle the shit back into position mid grind on purpose

Muh dick, I love skateboarding. Fuck I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd stay out until sun up otherwise. Shit just clicks some times and suddenly ALL of your tricks get better.

Anonymous No. 201587

I wish this was me, Im an oldfag but I've been skating 25 years and I'm over it, I can do all the tricks and make the park my bitch, it's gotten boring, there's nothing else to do, and I've grown jaded. Enjoy your learning anon

Anonymous No. 201589

are you bullying appu
i like appu when he isnt totally off his rocker
how do we get him the help he needs his tricks are steezy

Anonymous No. 201590

man joa wishes he had that facial structure :^)

kid and everything was sick but I almost wish they kid that fucked up flip at 12:38 from me the shit like seared into my mind over the rest of his part which was remarkably fast skated, good steeze on his tricks - they shouldve cut that one though kinda burned into my retinas or somethin

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Anonymous No. 201591

theres no worse feeling than riding in front of normies and failing to pop the board in your hand. i did this 4 times in the span of an hour of riding.

Anonymous No. 201593

fake and gay

Anonymous No. 201594

this happens and its a shit feeling when it does happen

were you using the off pop foot and wrong hand or old reliable was just failing ya

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Anonymous No. 201598

Nah anon I have endless stories of being a based nigger in my teens and twenties when I can figure out how to retire to SEA I'll write a book about my life and give anons free e copies

Anonymous No. 201612

No, I've only ever commented on his skating. I relate to him in some ways

Anonymous No. 201616
which one do i pick

Anonymous No. 201618

I find most NBs ugly and Last Resorts seem flimsy. I would get the CONS. Only ever had one pair but I liked them.

Anonymous No. 201623

I had a pair of converse as a kid and they were the worst skateshoe, but I guess they were just regular sneakers? like 0 protection and the cloth ripped right through after like 2 ollies.

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Anonymous No. 201625

Thanks. Sometimes I'll get bored like that and actually stop and learn a new trick, but mostly I just like doing the same shit on different ramps in different ways. That's the fun of only getting properly active in your 30s I guess.

>try to do cool guy nose pop pickup
>completely fuck it up and send it off some annoying sideways direction
>have to turn around to see where it went
>try again
>...and again
>just pick the fucking thing off the ground
>virginity regrows in front of a crowd of people

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Anonymous No. 201628

>lock in to a proper stand up 5050 on a qp where I'd normally have my weight in the ramp

Anonymous No. 201649

need new skate shoes don’t recommend me no visual novel rape victim vans bullshit

Anonymous No. 201651

Osiris D3

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Anonymous No. 201654

>visual novel rape victim vans bullshit
oh this thing? they said their "inspiration" came from hanging out in the red light district with prostitutes. what a weird thing to make.

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Anonymous No. 201656

Bombette Martin skates for Embassy and is now legal

Anonymous No. 201659

what were those fucking wild balenciaga looking shoes from like three threads ago, those

okay relax assclown, stand up 50s are a legitimate trick

bro you gotta fucking stop, go outside, touch some fucking grass or something, sure shes a cute looking chick but you gotta phrase it like
>and is now legal

like you did some fucking olsen twin countdown shit my guy wtf

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Anonymous No. 201661

>Anon says he started doing a trick properly
>this is apparently cringe

Anonymous No. 201667

>only skate passport boards
Pls don't do a bud light on me

Anonymous No. 201674

I'm going to hunt down some fallens next shoe

Anonymous No. 201677

I'm a blazer main. Sometimes I'll grab soletech stuff when its really cheap too.

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Anonymous No. 201678

>try again
>...and again
>just pick the fucking thing off the ground

Anonymous No. 201681

canvas last resorts aren't gonna last long, go with the converse, new balances were good to me fresh out the box for like 2 weeks then the flick got weird plus those new balances don't even look like skate shoes..

Anonymous No. 201682

do not engage with the pedos from these threads, they like to fuck little girls and will say anything to justify it

Anonymous No. 201683

>Buy corporate shit
Know yourself

Anonymous No. 201684

Dr Pizza levels of projection

Anonymous No. 201685

roping on notcheetos’ neotenous chest ass and navel

Anonymous No. 201687

who gives a fuck, just buy what is cheap and doesn't look terrible with good performance

Anonymous No. 201690

very punk rawk anon

Anonymous No. 201691

I do. Skating is fucking gay with all these corporate whores.

Anonymous No. 201692

So a shop deck

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Anonymous No. 201695

alright bros im going to see if ace trucks are worth the hype

also got some of those reynolds spitfire wheels for some ditch skating this summer.

Anonymous No. 201696


Anonymous No. 201697

The love child of Braydon Szafranski and Leo Baker

Anonymous No. 201698

i need a name

Anonymous No. 201707

I looked them up and one site says they are 43mm high lol. But a review says its actually 49mm which makes more sense.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 201711

Anonymous No. 201721

nah, fuck a shop deck. i like full/shovel nose shapes and will buy them for cheap any place i can find them. shop decks are always popsicle shapes here

Anonymous No. 201753

im just gonna assume they're jits too or younger than me cause at a certain point you're like meh, but these guys are just fuckin canines

also last resorts are cool but canvas ones defeat the purpose when you make a shoe out of canvas its effectively for the normies

Anonymous No. 201754

Im doing an experiment. Ive always rode bones reds or cheaper. I took a really old set of fkd abec 3 bearings with shields that arent supposed to come off, popped the shields off with a center punch and a hook and I want to try them raw because my current reds probably could use a cleaning soon.

Anonymous No. 201756

i have reds on my 8.5 and ceramics on my 8 having ridden both pretty extensively I think my wheel diameter makes more of a difference provided their both formula fours specifically having even wheels all around as I have a tendency to wear my heelside rear foot wheel more cause I powerslide too much

Anonymous No. 201759

I just dont like the idea of maintenance. These took hits from a center punch and a 2lb ball peen hammer and everything's in place and spinning despite being like 20 years old. Just going to let them soak in dish soap and water, maybe use brake clean and a heat gun later and idk what wheels Ill put them in, but Im only skating 52-54mm for technical skating. I have 2 long board set ups that I have no idea what wheel sizes I have or bearings since I last used them over 10 years ago before I quit skating. They were supposed to be my rain board set up wheels and bearings, but now the shields are off, I just want to see how they do.

Anonymous No. 201764

only thing is I should find a way to put shields on the inside of the bearing, they are uniform in the place holders for the balls. or I can imagine dirt just building up inside the wheel between the 2 bearings, but that would take a long time to build up and maintenance would be just taking them out and putting them back in I guess

Anonymous No. 201775

Be honest with me guys, is popping shields just a meme? Does it actually improve anything beyond aesthetics?

Anonymous No. 201778

the homie behind the counter encouraged me to pop my bearings to increase the noise

I questioned the validity of allowing more dirt in

Anonymous No. 201779

I just like the sound

Anonymous No. 201784

i used to have to clean and relube my bearings whenever they'd seize up when i had shields on them. decided to go without and can't remember the last time i had to do maintenance. there's been no noticeable negative impact on them. in the long term they may not last as long, but i'd rather have shorter lived, less fuss than longer lasting, constant needing to be tended to bearings

Anonymous No. 201788

idk thats why I want to try. The shields were supposed to be on these permanently anyway.

Anonymous No. 201828

ace trucks are naturally the loosest trucks and most prone to axel slippage.

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Anonymous No. 201845

Let's say I was a crypto millionaire and wanted to a fund a /esg/ meetup at a skatepark. I would fly you all out at my expense. Are you going? What skatepark we hittin? What would it look like?

Anonymous No. 201846

>Are you going?
hell yea
>What skatepark we hittin?
>What would it look like?
everybody standing around on the deck

Anonymous No. 201852

Are you gonna fly me out from eastern yurop because I'm down.

Anonymous No. 201855

>Are you going?
>What skatepark we hittin?
world tour
>What would it look like?
skate, drugs, sex and rave

Anonymous No. 201865

woodward but its just us
depends on the vibe of the clique i guess but itd be pretty sweet to have a big ass skate compound with wood and concrete and no kids im kind of square but booze and kush are cool

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Anonymous No. 201870

Hell yes
Somewhere with lots of flatground so we can teach these guys how to ollie once and for all

Anonymous No. 201871

/fa/ meet?

Anonymous No. 201874

>fucking giraffe boner neck, pants too tight wide hipped having ass
>manlet in the high heels
>clown shoes
>lanky hater with a missmatch belt and slav gear
>juul user
>normal guy who made a mistake
>the guy for which this meet was a mistake (the reason)

Anonymous No. 201898

anyone has some experience with etnies marana? just bought a pair, and it feels like my heel is keep slipping out of it, although the size is perfect and fits my feet

can I break it in somehow?

Anonymous No. 201907

Are you going?
What skatepark we hittin?
the closest one to 9/11 ground zero
What would it look like?
everyone doing rocketed ollies with one hesh boomer ranting about car batteries while i have premarital hand holding with notcheetos

Anonymous No. 201923

>woodward but its just us
what a dream I could slam on wood all day, one slam in concrete and I'm broken

Anonymous No. 201927

It's nostalgic reading about your life. I forgot how retarded everyone was in the 90s.

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Anonymous No. 201936

hope everyone had a good sesh for skate day today

Anonymous No. 201938

I did. I just started skating again and learned a kickflip in my moms basement last december. I took it outside in 95+ degree weather and went to a tennis court for the first time to skate. I like the limits of my moms basement in a way because with all the space and head room I have outside on smooth ground and assuming someones going to be watching, I land the shit I practiced. I know limits of skateboarding have been pushed, but finding unique spots and getting a sexy kickflip at least will make me happy.

On the topic of kickflips, Ive always skated tight trucks and as a kid I didnt have any weight anyway. So I am forcing myself to ride loose trucks and of course am heavy now. When I pop my kickflips I have a tendency to have the board start to turn backside like its going to varial kickflip, but not enough to where I cant land. I think its from putting my weight down to unintentionally make it turn left before I pop, but idk still learning.

Also if I can ollie 3ft over the middle of the tennis court net doesnt seem like a farfetched goal, but it would be cool if I had some up high ledges to practice getting on to first. I didnt even attempt it, but I know I can do it.

Anonymous No. 201939

today was a huge confidence boost to say the least. I already know I can do a lot, its just skateparks are shit anymore and I dont have skatespots unless I make them alone. Ive noted a few spots to go to, but trying to save them for when I am confident enough.

Anonymous No. 201943

>skateparks are shit anymore
what happened?

Anonymous No. 201950

prob my favorite skate youtuber desu

Anonymous No. 201953

idk they tore down the good ones from the 90s and the new ones are smaller parks with shit flow.

Anonymous No. 201954

someone got stabbed for go skate day and then everyone jumped him and like 200 people skated in the streets and jammed traffic lol

Anonymous No. 201961

jumped the guy that got stabbed or the guyy that did the stabbing? Sounds hectic

Did any of you chuckle fucks watch the new polar video?

Anonymous No. 201967

Are red dragons much better than globe wheels

Anonymous No. 201976

post it ill watch, it's stupid just to say "did you see" but not link it - it's alot easier to engage with your post about the thing you want to talk about is linked

Anonymous No. 201986

sounds like a you problem

Anonymous No. 201987

Ok bros I got a board now how do I actually stand on it and then move without falling

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Anonymous No. 201988

burnside or smp in china

Anonymous No. 201991

listen you little cocksmoking gen alpha faggot. back in my day we watched vids TOGETHER at someone house or at a shop. there was no fucking "yo did you see the latest" NO there was only "yo bro come over and watch the newest 411 tape." learn how to no be a lil bitch, itll take you far in life

Anonymous No. 201995


Anonymous No. 201996

learn ballet

Anonymous No. 201997

When I went to Burnside in 2014 as soon as I rolled up these guys said locals only and to get the fuck out

Anonymous No. 201998

burnt out boomers stuck in the 90s are cringe

Anonymous No. 201999

Find somehwere flat, place the board own and stand on it. Lean a bit forward, a bit back, lean the best balance point.
Then go bomb a hill, shit yourself, bail and chase the unaway board down 95% of the hill.
Basically JUST DO IT!

Anonymous No. 202000

How do you guys actually carry your boards when not riding them?

Anonymous No. 202004

did you faggots see the video of the frenchman kicking that nigger tyshawn jones off his bike lmao

Anonymous No. 202005

>you faggots
>posts reddit link

Anonymous No. 202007


fucking coward frogs

Anonymous No. 202008

he fucking falcon kicked the shit out of him with the swiftness too

also fuck that frog

Anonymous No. 202009

>Need Reddit account to view this video
Fucking faggots, all of you. Even ifmits to see a nigger get kicked. Leave this site.

Anonymous No. 202025

I always regretted not getting into skateboard when I was young, I'm 31 now is it too late?

Anonymous No. 202028

you dumb mobile using nigger, reddit doesnt require an acc to watch videos I certainly saw it without

no, but injury will set you back and if being behind dudes who have trained since age 7 bothers you, don't come crying to us

Anonymous No. 202029


Anonymous No. 202031

also im sure a lot of you dickheads have never lived or been someplace with bike lanes but people use that shit to actually get places and get to work and stuff, you shouldnt be going fucking 3mph acting euphoric while your buttbuddy behind you films for an IG story. you should at least be maintaining a decent speed. its like taking the family out on a sunday cruise but you decide to drive 25 mph on the highway instead of taking some backroads or some shit. not saying the frog was in the right but I have felt his rage and anger before.

Anonymous No. 202032

a yell is sufficient, the kick demands retribution

Anonymous No. 202033

yeah thats what im saying I woulda just yelled at him to fuck off to a park or trail. frenchie coulda done that we dont know what happened before the video. a lot of americans in any situation love to inconvenience people even more when theyre told off tho,

Anonymous No. 202034

imagine being a frenchman just trying to get to work and there's some retarded american negro swerving in the bike lane thinking he's a rockstar

TJ is probably one of the most arrogant skateboarders to have ever existed, i'm so glad that dumb fuck got knocked down a peg

Anonymous No. 202035

i must admit i am mostly happy that TJ got kicked off his bike because i dislike black people

Anonymous No. 202037

Fuck you bikecuck suck my dick lil hoe

Anonymous No. 202041

I usually just strap it to my backpack.
No. But every day you don't get stated is another day for you to regret. So just do it. Take it easy, do your warmups, wea your pads, whateve it takes to feel comfortable, oesn't matter as long as you do it.

Anonymous No. 202042

you're smarter therefore less likely to get injured

Anonymous No. 202043

summed up my thoughts perfectly

ill take my bikelock to your head fat american fuck

Anonymous No. 202053

>strap it to my backpack
Post your setup bro

Anonymous No. 202060

You'll take your throat to my dick little gay biketwink.,

Anonymous No. 202061

fuck outta here fat faggot. i fucking hate fat anti exercise people more than anyone in the world. yall are like junkies to me, cause you are, addicted to corn products and sugar like good little piggies, getting mad at anyone does anything besides sit in air conditioning all day.

not him but bungee cords work good

Anonymous No. 202064

anyone else local ""skate scene"" and shop a bunch of cliquey coolguy faggots? having two pros ride for the shop
made everything even worse. im glad i stopped caring about trying to make friends and will always be a loser faggot that doesn't mind skating alone

Anonymous No. 202065

Im trying to learn a pressure flip or a tre flip, which ever one clicks with me first. I have no idea how they work when its almost all back foot scooping. Im guessing pressure flip, back foot is closer to being over the wheel and it scoops back and forward and a tre flip has a back foot farther away from the wheel and its almost entirely just a backward scoop with all the weight down on your back toes.

Anonymous No. 202066
this dude is actually helpful for newfags but the shit is paywalled >>202025

Anonymous No. 202067

Any non paypig options for newdags?

Anonymous No. 202070

youll best learn by experience and stepping on a board and maybe finding youtube videos for specific questions. Honestly sometimes tutorials mess me up more than they help because everyone does something a little different. You cant rush the process though. Like you might land a kickflip in a few days once youre at the level to start learning them, like you can do ollies and 180s and shoves, but itll take another year or more to get them good.

Anonymous No. 202072

all you need is ben degros and ride channel tutorials

>anyone else local ""skate scene"" and shop a bunch of cliquey coolguy faggots? having two pros ride for the shop
this is one of my locals to the T. the other is the nice guy shop thats cool with everyone and puts on lots of people. they got a small but decent indoor park they also have roller skater shit for the women and lots of zines and other shit and shoes from companies that arent nike/NB/addidas/vans. The bummer is that like 90% of skate shit that happens in the city is through the dick head shop, I went to a premier there and was getting vibed just standing outside waiting for it to start so I finished my tall can and just left. Feel bad for you guys that only have one local and its trash.

Anonymous No. 202073

lol absolutely

Anonymous No. 202074

Not with skating but I know the feeling from fighting games, yeah it's ass

Anonymous No. 202076

the cool guys in the fighting game scene are fucking hilarious like bro youve been wearing unwashed stained grey sweatpants and a DBZ sweatshirt for a week, you smell like shit, your ashy asf and your holding a gamecube controller, you spend all your free time playing a video game to maybe win $100 at a small ass event here and there, you are not cool, you're a loser.

Anonymous No. 202077

I used to play fighting games, but only SF and tekken are the ones I was cool with and have the better communities. SF a little more salty.

Anonymous No. 202078

that's a thing?? someone link me these higurashi shoes

Anonymous No. 202082


kys bikecuck

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Anonymous No. 202083

rate my local

Anonymous No. 202084

8/10 I love it it's just small.

Anonymous No. 202085

that sucks if it gets crowded, but if its just you thats pretty neat. 5/10 assuming you arent waiting your turn. Im tempted to get slightly softer wheels and just go for street skating even if I get kicked out of locations. Its not like my locals are bad, but no one street skates and the skateparks are crowded any day anytime.

Anonymous No. 202086

hell even look at this ground. I havnt been here yet cause it is a slight drive for me

and this is near to me and new
I dont like the flow at all and it gets crowded. Feels bad for learning shit.

Anonymous No. 202087

>americans dont exercise and get upset over words
truly a fragile nation

Anonymous No. 202089

Your inferiority complex is too severe. I think you're beyond saving bikecuck.

Anonymous No. 202095

Yeah people who dont see locals for their hobbies like this as nice places to meet with people and just enjoy your hobby together are fucking retarded regardless of the genre . I have no idea why some faggots keep trying to be this weird personality that hangs around with a clique in such circumstances

Anonymous No. 202097

i dont need to be saved faggot I can ride a bike without training wheels, unlike you

Anonymous No. 202099

>no transition

Anonymous No. 202100

the guys who skate and are at my local are cool so I can't relate, also the guys who I met who skate and also like fighting games are cool too

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Anonymous No. 202102

Looks fun. 8/10. Rate mine.

Anonymous No. 202104

i dont get skate fashion

Anonymous No. 202106

What's to get? Just wear something comfortable and easy to move in. Ideally also something you don't mind getting a bit shredded up.

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Anonymous No. 202110

Ventura probably has the worst local scene in the whole fucking country. It's bizarre how bad it is. I am not involved with any of it though, I just skate by myself. I'm a big lurker and I am acquaintances with a lot of people here though so I kinda know what's going on. There are a lot of pros that have come out of this city relative to its size eg Diego Todd, Curren Caples, Jake Anderson, Aaron Loreth, the list could go on...

The first thing to understand is that about a year ago a new skate shop opened in town. It was a partnership between Mike Anderson and another local guy I will call A. Because of the location of Mike and A's shop it has a sort of 'hoodrat' thing going on where a lot of the people in that scene are a bit questionable. FWIW from what I've seen Mike Anderson is a good dude, I've never had a conversation with him but he's the kind of guy that will say what's up to everyone at the park and just bring a good vibe to a session.

In this city there are three skateparks which are all really bad. They were apparently built by a regular concrete company in the 90s that had no experience with skateparks. See pic related for an example. All three of the parks are basically the same; weird, steep flow bowls that you can't grind and the concrete is super bumpy and slippery due to years of being painted over. Some small street obstacles around the perimeter of the park. Two out of three have these weird vert wall obstacles. If you've followed Limosine or Frog as brands you've probably seen videos of the park in the picture being skated. There is a small group of local guys who love it and can actually rip that vert wall. Keyword here is small. These parks all basically go unskated 95% of the time. I live about 10 minutes from this park yet I'll drive 30 minutes 2-3 times a week to go skate a decent one instead.

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Anonymous No. 202111

Some of the locals here have been trying to get the city to build a new skatepark in place of West park for about a decade. A lot of them wanted to keep the original park and just expand it, which IMO is stupid but whatever, not really a big deal. In the past couple of years they ended up securing funding from the city to build a new skatepark and locked in Grindline as the builders. 2 million dollars for a new park.

The Grindline reps came to the town and basically said they couldn't keep the original park and build around it because the original park was falling apart and it would be a liability for them. No big deal, it's a shitty outdated old park that barely anyone skates, right? Nope. The locals to this park got all shitty to the point there were literally yelling at the Grindline rep in the community meeting. I was there. Jake Anderson and Curren Caples, pros which get to skate the whole world, were saying that if Grindline was going to knock down the old park to build a new one then they didn't want any new park at all. Insane. They don't even fucking live here anymore. It's worth noting this park is in the 'poor' part of town, and there are a tone of kids in this area who would really benefit from having something to do other than get into gang shit and do drugs. The Grindline rep at the meeting was kinda dumbfounded. Probably the first time he's ever had anything other than a positive reception when going to a new town.

So some time passes and I'm not sure of the details to this but basically A didn't want to (or couldn't) be a partner in the skate shop anymore and Mike Anderson bought out his part of it. I don't know whether there were hard feelings or not. Well part of the reason that Mike Anderson opened this shop in the location was because it is close to where the new park is going to be built which would have been great for business and the local skate community because it's within skating distance of the park.

Anonymous No. 202112

dang that park does look like shit. no reason to keep it really.

its a shame there used to be basically a mega park, a mini pipe, a full halfpipe, beginner section, street section and wood section and it was taken down in favor of more movie theatre screens like 10 years ago.

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Anonymous No. 202113

The funding for the new park will end in 2025. If that park hasn't been built by that time then Ventura won't get a new park and the decade-long effort to get a new one will have been worthless.

So now, 6 months before that funding will be reallocated to something else, A has started a petition to stop the new construction so they can keep the old park. It's the most ridiculous shit ever. They are saying that getting a new park is just an attempt to gentrify the area. These guys are saying that this shitty park that was built in the late 90s is some important part of skateboarding and Ventura history akin to Derby park or something in Santa Cruz. It seems like A is just doing it to spite Mike Anderson and the new shop. I don't even know, it's the most bizarre fucking thing ever. And a lot of other retards in the scene are just going along with it and supporting it because most skateboarders are just braindead normies who will follow authority rather than think for themselves.

If they lose funding for the new park and we miss out on having pic related instead of the previous pictures I'm going to be so bummed.

Anonymous No. 202114

Sorry if I rambled i just needed to rant about how retarded the skate scene in Ventura is for a minute. I feel like anywhere else in the world would be so fucking excited to have a brand new grindline park in their town but people in this city are just spastics.

Anonymous No. 202118

I've skated here before. Fun park

Anonymous No. 202120

no you need to dress like an extra from a 2002 teen movie

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Anonymous No. 202125


Anonymous No. 202126

Yes you do, bikecuck. You instantly got triggered and jumped on the assumption that I'm American, when I'm not, and that wasn't implied anywhere. You are an angry little brain rotten bikecuck. You hallucinate Americans everywhere. The most literal definition of insecurity.

Anonymous No. 202136

I think we can all agree yall is a word reserved for southern rednecks and gay men.

Anonymous No. 202143

thats cause your gay

Anonymous No. 202144

>The locals to this park got all shitty to the point there were literally yelling at the Grindline rep in the community meeting. I was there. Jake Anderson and Curren Caples, pros which get to skate the whole world, were saying that if Grindline was going to knock down the old park to build a new one then they didn't want any new park at all.
every californian needs to be shot. if it were an evergreen park Id understand but thats just shit fucking behavior, how many of those locals have ever even built anything themselves.

Anonymous No. 202151

That's a meme. Skaters at Burnside periodically yell "PARK'S CLOSED" when it gets busy. Just a running inside joke.

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Anonymous No. 202157

Do you have any board recommendations for fatties? 210 lbs here, trying to manage my weight, but I feel like no matter what skateboard I buy, I'd just snap it in half by standing on it

Anonymous No. 202158

there's a fat skater who posts vids of himself regularly snapping boards who iirc recommended santa cruz vx decks and venture trucks

Anonymous No. 202159

lose weight fatty.

Anonymous No. 202160

Powell flight deck
t. 240 lbs and snap everything else

Anonymous No. 202163

Get two decks, get some extra long hardware, bolt them together!
This is also probably terrible advice and should be discarded.

Anonymous No. 202168

180 pound guy here, will I snap the average board too

Anonymous No. 202169

I thought that was some kind of oxymoron
>steep flow bowl

but holy shit thats awful, have you thought about vocalizing what you said here, especially like bro you dont even fucking live here you globetrotting cunt i actually have to skate this dogshit

Anonymous No. 202171

look right here troon. if he can skate so can you

Anonymous No. 202176

Deluxe boards feel strongest to me. Get an 8.5+. That should be enough wood. Hell I am 195 apparently and I've never worried about this. Actually clean snapped 1 deck in 15 years.

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Anonymous No. 202178

anyone else keep seeing the climbing skateboard twink pop up on their yt?

Anonymous No. 202180

I'm dumb how do I know which way I'm supposed to be standing/which leg is my main one

Anonymous No. 202186

deluxe does feel solid. I just bought a real board. I bought a krooked board before too. I will stick with the deluxe boards.

Anonymous No. 202188

idk if you feel stronger standing on one leg or another, or being able to do a one legged jump easier on one or the other, but the stronger leg should be your front leg. If it makes no difference, just go regular.

Anonymous No. 202190

>you dont even fucking live here you globetrotting cunt i actually have to skate this dogshit
seriously, some dickhead pro shouldnt have say in an argument about a skatepark just because they once were a local or whatever. stick up for your community, tell these kooks to fuck off

Anonymous No. 202191

Honestly due to the sketchiness of some of the people involved in the skate scene here I just kept my mouth shut during the meeting. It's a weird mix of rich hipster kids (like Curren Caples) and legitimate gang-banger types. These people would hold grudges and recognise me at the skatepark if they saw me. I'm also not from here and there is a heavy local element so basically anything I say is just going to be written off as a white blow-in trying to gentrify the town or something.

Luckily there are enough local dudes that have their heads screwed on straight that there is some backlash against this retardation but my God it's frustrating.

Anonymous No. 202192

>tried to get into skating at 23
>tweaked my back in a parking lot at 4am trying to ollie off a curb
>laid there in pain for 5 minutes before waddling home
>stopped skating because life happened
>26 now
>bought a pair of fruitboots because I figured they were safer
>haven't even used them yet
>just the thought of using them makes me want to skateboard instead
faggotry aside, which one would you say is safer?
I just care about optimizing longevity while still having fun at this point

Anonymous No. 202196

So you tried skating and then realized you were homosexual? I'd go with fruitbooting.

Seriously though if you want something safe go play golf or some shit.

Anonymous No. 202197

not safe, I'm just scared of fucking my back again so I guess which one is gentler on that as far as jumping shit

Anonymous No. 202198

I wouldn't know I've never wanted to fruitboot in my life. I imagine skating is probably safer just because you can bail out of tricks

Anonymous No. 202199

I am 29 years old you have no excuse anon. Get in the gym and build some muscle if you are afraid of snapping your shit. Drink milk. You are not too old to skate/slam. There are 50 year olds learning this shit for the first time and making progress. I notice so many young people wasting their youth assuming they are too old. Don't be one of them anon.

Anonymous No. 202200

true but I also remember stomping on my tail being what fucked my back up which would not happen with rollerblades

>build some muscle if you are afraid of snapping your shit
I lift daily and have hit 1/2/3/4 at my "peak"
I haven't tweaked my back since but I was also regularly lifting when it happened
I've just been scared to skateboard in specific since but I'm gonna do one of them

Anonymous No. 202204

What was your biggest hurdle when first starting out, anons?

Anonymous No. 202211

never seen him

Anonymous No. 202212

>the stronger leg should be your front leg
Not necessarily true.
Getting money for a board.

Anonymous No. 202219

I think its true. I can barely ride switch, but I can balance 1 foot on the board regular.

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Anonymous No. 202220

>after work
>get in and notice glass shards everywhere inside
>realize car got broken into
>two of my boards that were in the passenger seat got jacked
>left everything else alone including the actual expensive stuff I was hauling around
I'm pissed. I had some quality hardware on those two.
Smashing someone's car window just to steal a couple of skateboards is fucking stupid though.

Anonymous No. 202222

>I can barely ride switch

Then you don't skate and your opinion is irrelevant. Respectfully. If you've done multiple sports you'd know. When I dunk for example I have a preference which foot to have forward when doing a 2 foot jump. When I do flips I have a different preference which foot to jump form. Could be different for skating for different people. Easiest way to know is whichever foot naturally goes front when you're about to slide on ice.

Anonymous No. 202225

between my thumb and index, pinky out

Anonymous No. 202226

standing leg how forward put foot front poot froot boot

Anonymous No. 202227

getting my mom to let me skate in the street instead of just our tiny shitty driveway.

>>tweaked my back in a parking lot at 4am trying to ollie off a curb
>>laid there in pain for 5 minutes before waddling home
jesus christ what a faggot you are. skateboarding is not for you

Anonymous No. 202228

>legitimate gang-banger types
the only people you should be legitimately scared of. what are the rich fags gonna do when the new park is built and is dope and everyone loves it? cool guy you? big fucking deal, tell em to eat a dick and skate the skreets if they dont like it.

Anonymous No. 202229

yeah, he seems nice, i would be his friend. wish he's posted more skating though

Anonymous No. 202230

>faggot for getting hurt because I didn't warm up
I am unironically stronger than you will ever be (which is not impressive, you're just THAT weak) and would cave your head in a heartbeat, twink

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Anonymous No. 202235

Anyone decent on miniramps/qp's got advice for getting onto the coping/doing fly-outs when the transition is steep/higher? I'm OK at babby heights, but anything over 4ft starts making me feel like I'm going to slip out as I approach the coping, which makes me unconciously kill my speed before I can even get to it. I'd like to just do a fly-out or something on a ramp like pic related, something that has no coping so the fear of that isn't there, but I just can't get my balance right and I always lose all my speed and end up getting no air as I go over. Sometimes it's so bad I go over doing a fucking manual cause my weight is all over the place. I think it's the fear, but not sure what I can do to get over it.

Anonymous No. 202236

That's grim. I had a homeless skeleton bitch rummaging through my backpack yesterday while my back was turned at a street spot. I hate thieves.

Anonymous No. 202243

>this response
lol faggot

Anonymous No. 202248

Just stop over thinking it. If you can ride smol mini, then you can ride bigger mini. It's a head game. Try mediation or marijuana.

Anonymous No. 202264

I guess you are right, it's all in my head, skateboarding is 99.9999999% mental, just send it, stop being a faggot, just commit and, of course, ride away clean.

Anonymous No. 202265

Gain all of your speed on the run up, stay crouched the whole way through, don't pump, start off with rock-outs then work towards rock outs where you bonk the back wheel over, start with the smallest airs you can manage.

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Anonymous No. 202268

Newfag blogpost incoming, I just tried to skate for the first time.
There's a tennis close to me so I went there to practice a bit, just tried to move and stay on the board basically. Fell once early on
Haven't managed to go on a straight line for over 3-4 seconds yet, I always end up turning a bit towards left (found it more natural to ride with my right foot forward). I also managed to turn towards the said side intentionally when I am riding straight but with small increments but for the hell of me I couldn't ever manage to go the other side.
I think it's because I can't move my damn front foot properly so it says like pic rel and I'm not sure exactly how my other foot should stay on the board ( if either my toes or sole's supposed to stick out and if it's supposed to be at an angle or just sideways)
Thanks for reading my blogpost I'll try to be better next time

Anonymous No. 202269

>There's a tennis close to me
Tennis court*, damn I can't even post correctly

Anonymous No. 202270

Are you on the spectrum?

Anonymous No. 202273

Have you been making sure to drop your hips and bend your knees a bit? I find that usually helps maintain my centre of balance, not full on slav-squat on the board of course(unless going for some style points), just a few centimetes lower.
Either way, keep it up!
You can read all the theory you want but ultimately the only way to improve is by doing., you can do it, Anon!

Anonymous No. 202275

post clips loser braille channel viewer.

Anonymous No. 202277

Post pics of your mom naked.

Anonymous No. 202282

conspiracy theory time: there is one single anon who continuously larps and posts as tho they are a noob/how do I skate fag to derail these threads.

Anonymous No. 202285

I can't really skate switch either mostly enjoy transition but rolling fakie just feels un-natural

t. surf enjoyer

Anonymous No. 202287

I think it's just the passing interest of attention-deficit technology kids
they see some skate clips or watch a video, think skating looks cool and easy, want to try it (but don't want to actually bother googling how to get into it), get put off when it requires effort, and then move on to the next thing

Anonymous No. 202289

Pretty plausible. Hell, one of my cousin's kids wants to learn about gardening but can't even keep a potted basil alive indoos because it's too much effort to water every other day

Anonymous No. 202290

what if all the anons replying to that single anon are larping as well
what if you are that single anon
what if there is one single anon who continuously larps and posts as tho they are a noob posing as an expert fag

Anonymous No. 202305

fyi lots of ppl say they prefer them with ace hard bushings

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learning to skate....png

Anonymous No. 202308

hi anon, i also stepped on a skateboard for the first time today and I have several theories and logical breakdowns about why I couldn't stand on it for more than 5 seconds, and what I should apply to my approach and mindset for the next time I try to step on, all of which should improve the time I am able to reliably stand on it (i predict I can double the time). Pic related is just one of the samples of how I documented the best way to begin my journey to becoming a skater, and I think i've theory crafted the basics to a decent standard, but the part i found hardest was the practice. I didn't try to step on it it for second time today as i felt the one session was enough for now to give me a sensible taste for what it's like and to make sure I don't overdo it. It will also give my brain a chance to process what happened so that when i come back tomorrow I will be more mentally prepared (also gives me time to study how to step off safely instead of falling off and hitting the ground face down like I did!). honestly, I was terrified to try, but enjoyed it alot in the end, but at this stage the only thing is that I spent more time putting on and take off all my pads and helmet and driving to my spot than I did on that actual session, but I know that's probably typical in the beginning and will balance out over time. anyway good luck, you seem to also have ideas about how to improve, i'm honestly impressed you managed to roll on your first ever time, keep it up.

Anonymous No. 202310

this is too funny

Anonymous No. 202317

nobody who started skating when they were a kid ever thought about 95% of the shit you nerds do.

Anonymous No. 202318

Run and slide along the ground (like you would with socks and floorboards). Which ever foot is naturally going forward is your stance. This is the only scientifically tested method I know of to accurately find out someone's correct stance.

Anonymous No. 202319

>Run and slide along the ground (like you would with socks and floorboards). Which ever foot is naturally going forward is your stance
can you make a ms paint of this I cant picture it in my head

Anonymous No. 202322


Anonymous No. 202326

This man is scientifically goofy

Anonymous No. 202328

your telling me skaters do this gay shit to learn how to skateboard? what a fag sport, I dont wanna skate anymore.

Anonymous No. 202330

this x100. These older dudes trying to learn want to learn how to skate by doing anything other than actually skating

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Anonymous No. 202339

bros a skater liked a right leaning political meme that I personally dont agree with so im going to expose him and tell everyone not to support him despite how super talented he is

Anonymous No. 202340

Who's the skater

Anonymous No. 202346

no, only retards that can't tell what their lead foot is do that to figure it out
it's built for you

Anonymous No. 202348

like you aren't too fat and old to start anyways LOL

Anonymous No. 202369

>spends an hour skating, can barely go a foot let alone balance on the thing
>spends 5 hours online researching how to improve
pretty pathetic. 6 year old me put the board down and knew what to do just from playing thps.

look at 4 year old nora get on her first skateboard

god damn some real retards itt

Anonymous No. 202370

>start relearning this summer
>group of random teens call me poser
>not even jokingly, just purely aggro
i wish i was schizophrenic enough to go on a normalfag genocide
why are these normalniggers even using this word

Anonymous No. 202380

>i felt the one session was enough for now to give me a sensible taste for what it's like and to make sure I don't overdo it.
>It will also give my brain a chance to process what happened so that when i come back tomorrow I will be more mentally prepared

I know this is a mockery post, but I ironically wish I had a inner voice that was this positive about my efforts given

"shut up little faggot kill yourself"

headphones inserted and slam away at will

🗑️ Anonymous No. 202383

Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place,then Three days later, Rose him from the dead. By Jesus Christ God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you. If you believe in your heart and ask Him to forgive of your sins , He'll give you eternal life.

Anonymous No. 202385

>why are these normalniggers even using this word
wtf are you talking about faggot, poser is a universal term used by tons of people. stop trying to act like you arent just starting out.

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Anonymous No. 202389

Can someone help me find a skate video?

I saw this on Youtube years ago. It was some teenagers skating on some abandoned mall, I think it was on paris or something. The edit was cool, there was some hip hop music playing on the background
I'm searching for this shit for about an hour and I can't find it. It got me back into skateboarding some years ago
Thanks for the help

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Anonymous No. 202410

Anonymous No. 202423

for the anon who kept spamming about Lenz 3 many many threads ago.

>Five Favorite Parts with Ryuhei Kitazume

Anonymous No. 202430

Similar thing happened to me anon

>some drunk dipshit rear ended my car so my trunk is fucked up
>leave my real 8.5 with the thrasher Indy trucks
>go to skate one day
>realize all my change is stolen and they took my board
>realize somebody must have pried open my trunk

Only thing that pisses me off is that I really liked how those trucks felt. Been chasing that feeling forever

Anonymous No. 202435

fucking tweakers man. they'll probably get $5 for your board and if they dont they'll just trash it.

Anonymous No. 202436

thats a good collection of footage desu

Anonymous No. 202449

Me. I did that.

Anonymous No. 202457

>Boyfriend ASMR
uhh, desu wouldn't be surprised

Anonymous No. 202462

I remember being scared of dropping in and slamming a few times trying but that was a while ago so hard to remember really. Honestly the first few years of skating are the funnest. You progress so slowly. It's harder being around 30 and learning one new trick every 6 months (while losing two others)

Just gotta get your weight forward and lift your back leg up as soon as you get out of the ramp. It ain't nothing son.

AF1s feel great but classics are just like a shittier indy to me.

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Anonymous No. 202463

If your trucks don't look like this I will cool guy you

Anonymous No. 202481

>Just gotta get your weight forward and lift your back leg up as soon as you get out of the ramp.
Guess I gotta work on my timing then, cuase putting my weight forward is what kills my speed. I'm probably gonna slam hard working this out, but no pain no gain and all that.

Anonymous No. 202483

Too late, I've cool guyed you before you even get the chance to look at my trucks. I'm cool guying you right now.

Anonymous No. 202490

You need new trucks at this point.

Anonymous No. 202524

hardware too long

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Anonymous No. 202533

Mine are still truckin'. I have a fresh pair ready to go, but I want to see how long I can stretch these out

Anonymous No. 202535

wear pads and a helmet the first few times then once you got it take them off, dont be stupid keep it fun

Anonymous No. 202536

Nah bro don't risk these exploding under your feet and you doing a triple flip and falling on your neck and ankles at the same time, ruining your life. Change your trucks asshole.

Anonymous No. 202537


I remember it having more meat a few threads ago, what are you fucking grinding my gun

Anonymous No. 202538

my guy*

Anonymous No. 202539

probably all curbs lol. The exposed pivot cup cracks me the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 202540

Those are absolutely haggard. You'll be eating concrete before long with those.

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Anonymous No. 202558

Hello…based department?

Anonymous No. 202559

Cringe, gay and bluepilled

Anonymous No. 202560

I keep going up and down in deck width. Im at 8.06, I think I wanna go up to 8.38-8.5 next board, but I want a shorter wheel base than 14.5

Anonymous No. 202561

I went from 7.75 to 8.25 and it felt like a different beast
Got used to it after a couple of months and like it even better
I feel more stable

Anonymous No. 202567

I returned to skateboarding last december on a old 7.6 I had. Ive skated boards from 7.6-8.38. I can flip the 8.38 just fine, but a 14.5 inch wheel base is a little long. The nose sometimes hits my shin when Im ollieing. I thought ~8 inch was going to be perfect, but I still feel like its small. I have to accept the future of skating is fatter boards and give up on really low trucks too because nothing has a short tail and nose like I want to compliment low trucks.

Anonymous No. 202568

I also dont want to go away from deluxe boards now that I tried 1 real board and 1 krooked board and they feel so solid and have nice concave and shape for me, but Im curious about a 8.5 twin tip girl board or twin tip chocolate board. Never tried those brands.

Anonymous No. 202569

I too watched Professor Schmidt on the nine club and second guessed everything I have.
I went through gear autism for what dragged on to be a few years, settled on a larger set up and accepted I'm not flipping my board much anymore. Had to actively resist that part of my brain firing again.
I think any board will work for you once you get used to it. It's just taking the time to make the adjustments needed to get it working. After many changes my staple tricks were always there and a handful of others got harder or easier. But if I had them on lock like the others in don't think it'd matter as much.
*According to Schmidt I should have a 15"+ wheelbase but I found it too hard to tre flip anything above 14.75.

Anonymous No. 202570

I cant even imagine a 15 inch wheel base lol. I need like 14.25-.38 and I think the reason I want to ride wider is when I was a kid I always rode my trucks tight as fuck and now that Im trying to not tiktak out of my landings anymore I have loose trucks and 8.06 even seems too unstable for me.

Anonymous No. 202571

this is a perfect example of why these threads are so shit. you cant have your trucks end up like this without being a complete and total retard

Anonymous No. 202572

Yeh I think the 'you are x so must use y' scale breaks a little. 15" seems wild.
Try some bones bushings maybe to help with that, I can't use any other.
What are you on about? He has shredded those completely down, it's based.

Anonymous No. 202575

I have 8.0 hollow indies with bones 97a top bushing and stock bottom bushing, but I dont like indies it turns out. Too high and heavy even hollows. My venture 7.6 trucks have 101a dohdohs and I have 2 sets of fresh ones because I thought that was what I was going to ride for ever, but idk anymore. I have 8.38 mini logo trucks on my 8.38 with stock bushings and they turn like indies, but theyre low, cheap and lighter than indie hollows and dont shorten the wheel base as much and so far my favorite trucks. I would like to experiment with the bushings on mini logo trucks, but havnt yet.

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Anonymous No. 202582

>>>202571 (You)
>What are you on about? He has shredded those completely down, it's based.
lmao another great example of why these threads are shit. dudes never done a crook in his life.

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Anonymous No. 202584

Anonymous No. 202588

i will get new trucks when these ones crack. when the grooves are worn in like this it is so easy to lock into grinds that you don't wanna stop riding them.

you must really like nose/tail slides
as you can see i get literally no wear on the pivot cup becuse i just do 50s everywhere basically.

crooked grinds are unironically for homosexuals. when i see a guy at a park just roll up and start doing crooked grinds i leave immediately because i know he's signalling to the other fags that he's ready to be buttfucked and i don't want to catch airborne HIV. just say no to the crooked fags, homies

Anonymous No. 202589

my dick is too long for your mom fuccboi

Anonymous No. 202591

what are your preferred grinds anon

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Anonymous No. 202594

front and backside 50-50 grinds done at a slightly impressive speed and length to fool people into thinking i can do anything else

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Anonymous No. 202595

I think I just got cool guyed.
I think it does look like he has crook grinds tho >>202533

Anonymous No. 202597

Bit on the nose with the message, but I get it.

Anonymous No. 202602

Are you blind? You can't see the massive crook groove that I have down to the axle?

Anonymous No. 202603

I probably just skate more than you do and/or am not as picky about when I switch my trucks out

Anonymous No. 202605

Mostly too many noseslides on crusty ledges. My crook groove has def seen some slappy action though

Anonymous No. 202650

>I probably just skate more than you do

Anonymous No. 202659

Yes, its not odd for someone to have exposed axles on their trucks from skating so much. You'll get there one day

Anonymous No. 202660

bear in mind Paul Schmidt has never done a tre flip, and he's not even a real professor

Anonymous No. 202661

>its not odd for someone to have exposed axles on their trucks from skating so much
its actually incredibly odd lmao

Anonymous No. 202668

It's not odd at all. Most people I know skate their trucks down to the axle and sometimes longer. My busted baseplate is definitely more odd.

I'll keep posting my truck gore, or my shattered knee when my hanger finally slips.

Anonymous No. 202690

I literally have no one to skate with and it's extremely depressing

Anonymous No. 202691

True lol. It's all with a pinch of salt. Guys like him, I wonder if they just decided one day 'this is who I am' and stuck with the gimmick/larp ever since. Seems weird.
It's not.

Anonymous No. 202694

I had one for about a month when I convinced my friend to get back into it. He couldn't handle the injuries and was way too self conscious about his skill level. It's like he thought he would just get all his tricks back in a month. Shame too because he used to have a mean hard flip and he could have gotten it back with time. I hope he comes back, but he ignores me everytime I invite him to skate. He would always complain about back pain and shit. He's also putting on weight.

Anonymous No. 202696

I gave up inviting skaters to skate and I gave up on the skate parks for now just because they get so crowded, but I bet I could make some friends. I just returned to the hobby so Im focused on me and learning flat ground, but anyone I know that skates or skated, doesnt seem to want to skate or even talk about it. I used to be solid at riding transition and doing grinds/slides, but Im exploring flat ground now that I understand flip tricks. I had no idea how to do a kickflip when I was a kid.

Anonymous No. 202698

stop fucking RAINING on JUNE 29TH

Anonymous No. 202699

where do you live

Anonymous No. 202701

not that anon but NJ. Idk where Id rather live.

Anonymous No. 202704

sigh im from california and moved to washington for some reason and its always fucking raining

Anonymous No. 202716

>It's not.
>It's not odd at all
lmao you retards keep backing yourselves into a corner

jersey anon lets hit up ann vann

Anonymous No. 202717

>ann vann
oh shit I didnt even know about that park. Im in south jersey, thats an hour away, not bad.

Anonymous No. 202724

maybe odd was the wrong word, because it has a negative connotation to it -

is it rare? yes, not to many dudes posting HERE are grinding curbs to the pivot cup

is it a negative? no its fucking sick

but also bro thats your pivot cup stop also it's getting time for a new thread we're past bump limit make sure to backlink the last thread dont kook it too hard when you make it

Anonymous No. 202729

>he doesn't skate his trucks to the axle
>he can't change a car battery
>he can't heelflip

Anonymous No. 202735

I wish i could skate like Grant taylor

Anonymous No. 202737

my homie got the hookup and he's getting me a few pairs of nike blazer mids for $50 each

Anonymous No. 202742

based, I love blazers

Anonymous No. 202747

Im having like a 6th though about these trucks and even tho its hilarious the pivot cup is exposed, I shoe goo my shoes and I can make a pair last 1-2 years. Aint no problem with this. That was always my original opinion, but once it starts turning on its own, its time for new trucks. Shoes? I only replace them when I have places I cant shoe goo no more. But I rebuild the ollie and kickflips area easily.

Anonymous No. 202749

I hate how the laces panel is single stitched to the side panel of the shoe. I think I got one session and I fucked it up, and the shoe feels looser around that the fucked laces part now.

Anonymous No. 202755

anyone else hate this nyc tompkins crew

Anonymous No. 202762

Any one of you guys with completely shredded trucks have tips on grinds more advanced than 50-50/5-0/nosegrind? I seem pretty hard locked here. I feel they are easy to ollie into and just sit in but everything else seems to have some sort of leverage point I don't understand.

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Anonymous No. 202763

Smith grinds? Feeble grinds? I can't do anything off the nose except a crooked grind but a lot of it is just finding the right pinch point, ie whether you are going to lock in on the heel side or toe side

Anonymous No. 202764

Crooks too. I can get in stationary but can't grind. Maybe I need to go faster, but I end up hitting the ledge twice as fast as I would to 50-50 the whole thing, to still stick half the time.

Anonymous No. 202775

>tim pool buys diy from under tranny loving sõyboarders

Anonymous No. 202777

every NYC skater has been insufferable for a long time now

Anonymous No. 202778

meh i dont mind people like shawn powers, max palmer, etc.. this kyota kid and company are the worst though

🗑️ Anonymous No. 202779

what you are close to so many fucking cities and parks up there. try having no one to skate with AND living in a shithole flyover tier shit college """"""""city"""""""" in the south

Anonymous No. 202782

lol sux 2b u extravert

Anonymous No. 202801

>tim pool

Anonymous No. 202802

>>he doesn't skate
You could have left it at that.

Anonymous No. 202814

>>he doesn't skate

Anonymous No. 202849

Anonymous No. 202850

Don't post this kooks videos. I'd rather read a post defending pushing mongo again than click on that garbage

Anonymous No. 202854

>tim pool
gay fag retard bald

Anonymous No. 202860

I'm not watching that, I'm going to just assume everyone involved is a cunt.

Anonymous No. 202865

Based Tim Pool making the Nike shoe rocking, 666 in Hebrew drinking, Nixon time keeping, Supreme jacket wearing faggots of mainstream skating seethe.
Where was your rainbow corporation putting up the money he did? Oh wait.. they just use you to sell products to people who don't even skate.. LOL!

Anonymous No. 202867

How much do you guys think shoes matter anyways? Are you one of those I don't even care if they're not cupsole or vulcanized kinda person or I can't skate without muh skate shoes kinda person

Anonymous No. 202868

As long as they're grippy, have a good insole and don't screw up the range of movement it doesn't really matter too much IMO.
Though, say someone's skating in, like, dress shoes or combat boots or high heels, something silly like that then yeah they really probably shouldn't be doing that. I mean, just be pragmatic really.

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Anonymous No. 202869


Anonymous No. 202872

Zero steez, belongs at the glorhole on his knees.

Anonymous No. 202873


Anonymous No. 202874

also he probably skates better than everyone in this thread

Anonymous No. 202875

for certain

Anonymous No. 202876

Please exclude me from the census, I suck ass and would be bringing the average down bad.

Anonymous No. 202888

For sure

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Anonymous No. 202910

Anonymous No. 202913

>hangten hardflips
major cringe. Take the beanie off baldy

Anonymous No. 202916

sad when cuck shabbos pool is less cringe than the average nu-skater

Anonymous No. 202919

bro no shot you got ANYTHING in timbs

nah, but I can still have a preference ya-know.

it's fucked because I really like how the suede last resorts break in, theres a sweet spot after you wear them where they feel like a glove

skates better is an interesting take, because can he perform tricks the average skater cannot, sure -
but I would argue that steeze doing the trick is a little more important than the trick / but then again im a simple tricks done well kinda guy and he does have a few tricks on lock

i for sure can skate transition better than tim even in his own park, but on flatground he prolly destroy me in a game of skate

tim needs to fucking bend his knee, work on 5-0s, loosen his trucks, and actually build some tranny in his park no disrespect

Anonymous No. 202920

if you have the monk cap you gotta shave the sides, just be actually bald with a beanie so it doesnt look like you're hiding something the sideburns leading up into the baldspot is just a rough one

Anonymous No. 202930

I like nike blazers because

>they last forever
>have good grip
>not too bulky
>they come in a high-top which i like because i have bad ankles

I like vans sk8-his too but they don't last long enough. I also like shoes to look simple so blazers fit that box

Anonymous No. 202947

Can you guys help me identify a deck I used to have? I had a peralta/bones brigade deck from the late 90s. It had an urban camo design with a bines brigade play on the special forces skull and bones "mess with the best dies like the rest" type deal. I'm pretty sure I had it ordered out of a CCS catalog. My brother snapped it in half within a couple months kek.

Anonymous No. 202954

>don't skate
>don't even use /xs/
>just happen to be in /esg/ just because
I'll go :) Also, I don't have a skateboard.

Anonymous No. 203009

for those of you who ride wider boards like 8.5, do you still kickflip off the nose? between my 8.0 and 8.38 set up, the 8.38 has a longer wheelbase so idk if thats why or I just get a faster flip, but I flick mostly off the pocket and my 8.0 I mostly flick off the nose.

Anonymous No. 203019

I'm trying to get the feeling of having time with my foot tucked into the pocket and then flick, but by the time my foot feels in the pocket life is already happening (if that makes any sense) and I don't want to just slide my foot off the side and rocket the fuck out of it

Anonymous No. 203023

Ah took me a second to see what youre saying. I can time my heel flips like that where I pretty much ollie then flick, but my kickflips happen a little more faster. I pretty much only work on kickflips because I want them to pop high and level out well, but ever since I started skating again and riding looser trucks that I used to and kind of holding myself to some standards, its a lot to learn. Like if I try to kickflip like I used to with tight trucks, I turn too much so Im trying to get my front foot more centered. I think im done on sessions for today, but I have to think about that next time Im on a board. Ill try to stick with my 8.38 and see if my next board will be 8.38-8.5. I just want a shorter wheel base than 14.5

Anonymous No. 203026

I most want to do tech and street and 8.38 is probably about right, but for tight flip tricks into or out of grinds, Ill probably always flick slightly down off the pocket. A high popped flat ground kickflip, I can probably go off the nose with a shorter board.

Anonymous No. 203027

way better than their last big video, the team has some actual rippers now.

Anonymous No. 203028

i really like troy gipson but that is about it. nyc is cringe, he should go back to seattle

Anonymous No. 203037

are they all amateur?

Anonymous No. 203038

I cant take it. celebrating so hard after a ride on 50-50 huge ass jam pole. Shit spots, almost no creativity. So many ride on grinds. OMG a tranny did an ollie down a 5 stair. Look as us being gay in france now! Skipping ahead another tranny doing a ollie down a 5 stair. Awful skate video. 2/10 does not motivate me to skate.

Anonymous No. 203040

i liked chandler, poes and haydens footage. poe especially got me stoked to skate.
no i believe chandler, marbie and another person is pro but i think a lot of footage is of friends and people on flow maybe

Anonymous No. 203045

This. All that was missing was BA in bondage gear.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203056

trying to join ben raemers desu

Anonymous No. 203057

crazy how if you dont like this there are actually people out there that will try to cancel you

Anonymous No. 203060

imagine telling some skater from the good ol days (early 2000s) that in the future there will be a skate team entirely made up of faggots and troons and their skating will be really mid yet people will still act like it's good

Anonymous No. 203077

Anyone watched poserz0 channel? Dude looks familiar...

Anonymous No. 203093

Lmfao, yeah the dudes behind the counter at the park were like "Yo check GH has a channel where he just talks shit about Penguinz0", like I get it, charlie is a fucking kook (i'm not subbed and i'm not consuming his content - his listless delivery of everything rubs me the wrong way) - that being said I can't really stand the way GH bashes him for being a kook.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203098

you have to look at the bigger picture of gifted haters agenda with that channel as a youtuber, if charlie ever actually sees the channel and chooses to engage with him and responds he's going to blow up on normie youtube. a beef with penguinz0 resulting in hundredds of thousands of views would make him bank probably. skate youtube cant pay the bills for ever.
crazy how anyone actually thinks this, literally no one cares or will come for you if you dress fucking normal and are a normal ass

Anonymous No. 203099

you have to look at the bigger picture of gifted haters agenda with that channel as a youtuber, if charlie ever actually sees the channel and chooses to engage with him and responds he's going to blow up on normie youtube. a beef with penguinz0 resulting in hundreds of thousands of views would make him bank probably. skate youtube cant pay the bills for ever.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203101

true, i'm a midwit; provoke tim pool too then idk if hes clouted or rich but it would be fun to see

Anonymous No. 203102

true, forgive me for being a midwit poke fun at tim pool too idk if its worth the clout but it'll be humorous

Anonymous No. 203103

that because people like you can never just dislike something without sounding like >>203060
sure the skating is mid and theres only a couple good skaters, thats the only valid point you made though. then you have all those cool guy brands with their ride on grinds and no comply bullshit, pros suck more than ever now anyways

Anonymous No. 203105

it's not a sin to be inclusive guys

there's nothing forcing me to watch it, and I think the other poster brings up a pretty solid point of the prestige teams being "elite", but lacking any real substance

on the flip - not to be a disrespectful prick or anything but I know plenty of dudes who should most certainly be out here getting paid for how hard they rip - and are likely dwindle into obscurity as they age out of flow (and these guys average clip would slap any of these out of the water)

that being said: that's also some crabs in a bucket mentality shit like if these (other people) have a lane where they can skate and get paid and have fun; then like who am i to be like
>there will be a skate team entirely made up of faggots and troons and their skating will be really mid yet people will still act like it's good

>a team
like yeah bro there is one team that represents a portion of the world outside of my personal experience - damn, lmao imagine?

Anonymous No. 203109

With all due respect, when will you learn? These people will infiltrate, subvert, and dictate. They don't just want to exist within your sport. And they will receive institutional support over better skaters eventually, if it isn't happening already. You see it in plenty of other areas if you don't believe me.

Anonymous No. 203110

use your dollars to support what you like and want to see more of, that is what the gays are doing and youre mad? we are always having this conversation
>wahh why won't my local ripper with no charisma or appeal outside of pure skill get any recognition
cause nobody gives a fuck, thats why. and your local ripper is already getting mogged skill wise by small asian children atp

Anonymous No. 203116

>we are always having this conversation
That's the conversation you are having. not me. I don't think you understand what I was saying.

Anonymous No. 203130

even if the skating was really good i would still dislike it because i'm very homophobic.

nigger why did you type all this shit

Anonymous No. 203140

you sound like you love to suck COCK

Anonymous No. 203141

no bro he understands exactly what you're saying
> they will receive institutional support over better skaters eventually, if it isn't happening already.
this is true, but >>203110
is saying
>use your dollars to support what you like and want to see more of, that is what the gays are doing

of course fags are gonna get alot of support for the fag team (to put it in terms your brain understands)

My local rippers have charisma and appeal, kys you make me want to slur asians rn for no reason and i fuck with asians

Anonymous No. 203158

>use your dollars to support what you like
The problem is this doesn't work against the corporation's that don't give a fuck what skaters buy or support because their audience is not skaters. But they are now in a position to dictate the skate culture. Force tranny and gay shit. Decide who gets a career and who doesn't.
Skating went from by skaters for skaters to what ever the fuck this shit is.

Anonymous No. 203159

He should get on Tim Pools payroll and run the boonies for him

Anonymous No. 203161

not all the brand will be globalhomo bro relax just dont support shit you dont fuck with theyre not gonna take over or infect you with the queer

Anonymous No. 203165

>just shut up and accept it
>don't have an opinion

Anonymous No. 203171

One time a focused a troon's board at the skatepark because 'she' (he) dropped into a halfpipe at the same time i was doing a front D

Anonymous No. 203178

No you didn't, that was the concussion dream you had when you tried to do a stationary ollie in your garage, slipped out and smashed your head on the floor.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203195

>slap now trying to cancel dustin dollin
worst place on the internet. its like a combo of the very worst of woke/troon/leftist twitter + reddit

photo/video section. show me another place where skate vids are shared that arent on trasher and ill go there

Anonymous No. 203206

you wish anyone cared

Anonymous No. 203210

i guess troons and sõys want to cancel dustin dollin now?

Anonymous No. 203224

lmao what for?

Anonymous No. 203237

I researched. Still the Chris Coles psycho ex stuff. Dollin told some skate news gossip page to take the story down. Slap fags are enabling her mental breakdown. Dollin is apparently evil for thinking it shouldn't be speculated on. All seems very fake and gay.

Anonymous No. 203248

Your board is next you sick troon freak

Anonymous No. 203249

Just got back from the spot. Was with a few of my boys. A couple of weirdo zoomer troons were there. Focused both their boards and told them to split. Felt good

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203351

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203353

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Anonymous No. 203358

new part by one of the most hated

Anonymous No. 203370

>12 mins of andy anderson
thank you skate gods

Anonymous No. 203372

haha what's up with the big rail halfway through, he puts some shit on it that slows him down so he won't go too fast? that rail is gnarly but that's kinda wack.. idk man i like watching andy anderson for the comedic/novelty but that crossed too many lines for me

Anonymous No. 203373


Anonymous No. 203375

9:16 was legitimately sick though. if max palmer or the other bald guy on limosine did that every slapoid would be cumming in their pants

Anonymous No. 203377

fuck you, pushing mongo and mongo switch is sick and you are gay
being able to push switch can and will save you from breaking something when you inevitably fall on your ass

Anonymous No. 203384

britbongs, thoughts on death wheels?

Anonymous No. 203398

yesterday was crazy
i met fucking jamie foy andrew reynolds tiago n them

Anonymous No. 203404

Any reccs for round bars? I want to buy one so I can practice 50’s.

Element is sold out of em

Anonymous No. 203407

I bought this one because its cheap, but Its not terribly stable on its own and I dont like that it uses 4 screws to hold the 2 pieces together instead of the press and release buttons I used to have on my old rail, which was a kink rail. Miss that thing.

and this one looks good, even though it looks like its for BMX, it goes high. Its kind of flat though.

Anonymous No. 203411

so good
red bull also posted a video with him

Anonymous No. 203414

When I first got back to skateboarding I bought indies and I hated them. Felt heavy, too turny, too high. Well now that ive been at it for over half a year I tried them out again and even though theyre like 8mm higher than my other trucks, I like them now. I feel stable and in control of turning. Have to get used to timing my pop on higher trucks now, but I think Ill stick with them.

Anonymous No. 203415

The extra stability might be because I have a top bones hard bushings. My other trucks just have medium bushings.

Anonymous No. 203418

what were they like?

Anonymous No. 203419

indys really are the best there's just no way around it

Anonymous No. 203420

I was so stubborn about riding higher trucks. These are 55mm, just felt weird first time trying it, but I feel better about it now. Id like to try some other brands and go for something like 53mm, but I can get used to what I have. I was riding mini logos which are 47.5mm high no matter how wide you go and they are light, cheap, turn well, but when you have wider boards, the tails arent as short and you have to really snap the board to get a good pop, but all that effort now translates to some really satisfying pop. My kickflips felt so controlled and I was stomping them, but I do kind of think its because I have hard bushings in there. I have to try some grinds.

Anonymous No. 203429

the quirky shit is a bit annoying but do people actually hate him?

Anonymous No. 203435

hes not considered cool by the elitist circlejerk that is skateboarders. if their leader Gifted Faggot liked andy, everyone would jump on andys nuts,

also these same fags talked shit on the xgames for being corny yet have no problem with the olympics

Anonymous No. 203461

lmao see andy has some fans (see above)
explain the appeal of trucks that aren't indies for someone who hasn't ever not skated indies

Anonymous No. 203462

theyre all super chill and cool jamie was letting people borrow his grinder, felt like any other local desu except they completely ate the spot up doing crazy shit.

Anonymous No. 203490

have you tried mini logo trucks? I probably like my indies better now just because I have hard bushings in them.

Anonymous No. 203504

Thunder are lower. I didn't like how I would sit on grinds or my pop was delayed with indys.

Anonymous No. 203518

why didnt anyone link the new thread?


Anonymous No. 203519

mexican troon

Anonymous No. 203528

Why didn't you?

Anonymous No. 203559

Just rolled my ankle trying to kickflip :(

Anonymous No. 203570

no on both counts

Anonymous No. 203577

Thats why I didnt like my indys, they were the first like regular size truck I tried and I immediately wanted low trucks again, but now I want to give it a try.

Anonymous No. 203581

I picked up some Silver M Class because they were on sale. I think though they’re out of production. I skated Thunders for a long time but they have thin hangers and wear out fast. Also Venture, Thunder and Indy are made in the same factory and I want to give other companies a try.

There’s often Tensor Maglites on sale, apparently the magnesium makes them good for grinding as it is soft. Though there’s other truck brands coming out like Paris and one from Europe called Film but I have never seen them in stores, Krux is around but they often are the same price as Independent. Not sure about mini logos, but the price is right and a truck usually is based around the bushing and how it feels.

Anonymous No. 203583

Krux are about as high as indys, but that was what I had on my last skateboard before I quit. Theyre light, but I wouldnt buy them over indys if they arent cheaper because theyre supposed to be cheap also they really arent great at turning. I honestly like the mini logos, theyre light, cheap and do turn well, but I guess I could swap out the bushings and even with a 1/8 riser pad they are still lower than indys. I just want to see if having a higher truck helps my pop. Ive only skated ventures, krux and since coming back to skating, mini logos and now im going to go on my indys for a while. I really wanted to give thunders a try, but no rush.

Anonymous No. 203584

For street I would suggest mids. You want something with enough clearance to not get wheel bite but not too high where it starts to affect your balance and the turn pivot of the truck. I would advise trying some smaller, lesser known brands and just swap bushings/risers until comfy. I don’t get the hate for some brands but also avoid hollow axels, kingpins are fine but hollow axels are whack as they always bend. As for independents if I really wanted to be an old man rolling around the skate park bowl I would just buy Aces. Ace are a much better Indy.

Anonymous No. 203588

Maybe. Its so hard to judge trucks til youve spent the time to break them in yourself and give them an honest try.

Anonymous No. 203602

aces turn real good

Anonymous No. 203622

Bummer, make sure to rest it up properly and do any necessary physio dilligently.

Anonymous No. 203627

>Silver M Class
I used to love these

Anonymous No. 203630

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