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🧵 /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 203629

Andy Anderson Edition

Basic brand info for beginners

Shoe reviews:

Submit a shoe review:

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.

Last Thread: >>201064

Anonymous No. 203631

you make a good point but style matters...

Anonymous No. 203632

>Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.
Bullshit. If you're just getting started, it's more like 70/30 with 70 being body, until you build the correct muscles and muscle memory, then it's transposed. Most good skaters have no fucking mind to speak of, they don't fucking think. They are, however, physcially fit and... wait. They have no minds, but they are good? Maybe it is 90% mental, but they have that aspect removed, like the equivalent of retard strength, but for skating? If you have a brain you cannot skate well. No, Mark Suicune is not smart and autismo powers like Andy Autison and Rowdy Rodney Mullers is cheating.

Anonymous No. 203634

i agree, mark suciu is a massive pseud

Anonymous No. 203635

>but they have that aspect removed, like the equivalent of retard strength
yes fear and being self conscious are the biggest gains goblin
>it's more like 70/30 with 70 being body
maybe if you are a fat retard with no coordination

Anonymous No. 203641

if I hawk tuah and spit on this thing will I grind better?

Anonymous No. 203643

you need to go back

Anonymous No. 203649

simbly ebic :D

Anonymous No. 203656

Apparently andy used some sort of "cheat" in this part that has people butt hurt. Can anyone time stamp it in the part because I watched it and couldn't find it?

Anonymous No. 203660

>Apparently andy used some sort of "cheat"
>autismo powers

Anonymous No. 203663

that part where he pushes standing on the rail while doing some 90 degrees, I supose

Anonymous No. 203676

i agree... its more like 90% body 10% mind.. its all balance and being comfortable on your board. grinding those hours in... the 90% mind shit is the biggest bullshit ever. The onlything mind comes in for is being creative and standing out(inventing new tricks. skating new spots, old spots in new ways etc). but it has nothing to do with skill

Anonymous No. 203677

on the big handrail the first section he put wrapped yoga matts and waxed them so he wouldn't grind too fast

Anonymous No. 203697

His part was good but I'll also never watch it again

Anonymous No. 203713

new gh where he subverts expectation (see >>203435 ) and compliments Andy despite having a break in the mask when Andy starts using his heel to slow down a grind and make 90 degree turns on some Lenz type shit

Anonymous No. 203716

the pushing on the rail for the corner grinds made sense cuz what else can you actually do but using shit to slow you down is just corny
just don't hit the rail then

Anonymous No. 203717

i dont want gh on principle because """influencers""" and """content creators""" are faggots

Anonymous No. 203719

every once in a while gh pretends he's into the kind of skating he'd usually shit on just to be contrarian cause his viewers can't form their own opinions

Anonymous No. 203720

omg daddy made a new video? i will now change all my opinions about andy

Anonymous No. 203722

but i do think some of the tricks would be infinitely cooler if max palmer or mango did them which is a point i think he made during the stream so maybe he really did fw the skating idk i just noticed his contrarian nature sometimes...

Anonymous No. 203723

devils advocacy is a good stance to take when you're a contrarian ( well played gh)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203725

i thought it was the stuff he put on the rail to slow it down @7:18

Anonymous No. 203728

Grinded my first backyard pool this afternoon

Anonymous No. 203729

pics of pool?

Anonymous No. 203731

you can tell that the overton window is shifting in regards to andy anderson because the critique around his new video is no longer 'this guy is a fucking helmet wearing kook' but instead it's 'the filming and editing sucks'

like people are realising he's actually objectively talented and they can't really hate on his skating ability anymore

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Anonymous No. 203735

It's 8ft deep end with a weird acute angle but it's fun to skate, I only got a backside slash but I didn't get a good one on camera, the vid I screenshotted this from I just got wheels on coping but no truck so I don't have any proof I actually grinded it unfortunately

I wanna go back and get frontside grind

Anonymous No. 203737

more like /psg/ piss & shit general

Anonymous No. 203739

i wanna know who the fuck nigel alexander actually is, does he have any history in skateboarding? dude just seems like a fuckin weirdo and not even a skateboarder

Anonymous No. 203755

what do you expect, skateboarding is over. learn to blade before it's too late.

Anonymous No. 203756


Anonymous No. 203757

Hi newfag zoomer little bitchass kid. Cringel Cringexander's bitchass goes way back with Cringe Rodrigues and his crew when they were little to keep it short.

Anonymous No. 203762

he exploits children on youtube for clicks

Anonymous No. 203763

andy anderson is one of the most popular skaters ever

Anonymous No. 203772

more like /gsg/ gay sex general

Anonymous No. 203817

I think I finally figured out how I want my kickflips. My feet were too close together and front foot too much off the side. Also I was popping the tail too much toe side to try to balance myself from not turning when setting up. Basically, front foot 45 degree angle, just behind the front bolts, back foot right on the tip of the center, shoulders straight and weight kind of leaning forward. Im just not used to the hang time and the tail coming up so high when I get a good pop yet.

Anonymous No. 203825

wheels over coping is "grinding" but we all know grinding makes the noise

sick tho to even get tiling

also brokenknee, stop false flagging fruit booter with
are you drunk...again?

Anonymous No. 203837

yeah but only with people who quit skating 15 years ago

the core crowd is finally warming up to him

Anonymous No. 203934

found some cheap braille skateboards on marketplace
How are those boards?

Anonymous No. 203938

more like /tsg/ transexuals general

>buying used braille boards
what are you a trailer trash 12 year old.

Anonymous No. 203939

It says on the Woodshop directory they're PS Stix boards. There's only so many major woodshops producing boards and it's more about shape and press preference over anything else. I like Chapman boards personally though many people prefer smaller brands like Pennswood that is made in the USA or else DSM Resin 7 who make a solid, long lasting shape.

Anonymous No. 203943

boycotting my shop, heard the owner who is also a landlord of multiple properties, just bought a boat.

Anonymous No. 203945

This has to be cap, unless it's his 5th side business.

Anonymous No. 203946

more like /ksg/ knee shattering general
what's wrong with buying a boat?

Anonymous No. 203947

The surf/skate shop near me used to be a drug front. Its still there though, but I have a few shops I can go to and never bought anything there.

Anonymous No. 203949

GTFO commie

Anonymous No. 203950

>Chapman boards
I thought they stopped? Any international selling brands use them?

Anonymous No. 203951

do you own a boat?

Anonymous No. 203953

these chapmans or pennswood retail for ?

Anonymous No. 203966

anyone watches x games or the lolympics skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 203975

Yeah they did. Clutch produce boards for the companies that were on Chapman. The Clutch shapes are good too.

Here's the woodshop directory:

I'm mostly skating Mexican made Clutch boards these days, never tried a Pennswood but wouldn't mind a 5Boro.

Anonymous No. 203981

Doesn’t count if he did this imo

Anonymous No. 204000

I have never and probably will never care about contest skating

Anonymous No. 204005

>x games
sls/tampa for normies.
ill watch it again since its only like 3 hours and only happens every 4 years. gonna not be a retard and put money down on yuto this year.

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Anonymous No. 204007


Anonymous No. 204013

guys - i've been stuck on tre's for a while... i don't really practice them much but was wondering if anyone had the same issue as i or tips..

I can spin the board 360 perfectly under me but I always land upside down. the kickflip never finishes and I always land basically perfectly on the bottom of the board. everytime i try to kind of "kick" harder the board flies away or something else. i keep hearing its all in the back foot but I'm RARELY able to land on the board right side up.

Anonymous No. 204014

It is all in the back foot, but your front foot still guides the flip. Simply adjust your front foot position. Don't try to flick harder keep focusing on the scoop. When I'm under flipping them I find its because I'm pointing my toes too much on my front foot.

Anonymous No. 204016

so point it less forward? i do kind of point it forward (towards the nose) and my actual feet are close together when i pop.

Anonymous No. 204020

skate shops are way more lucrative than people think. we shouldn't feel pressure to support them.

Anonymous No. 204023

I think that's only in certain areas. I'm sure my local is starving.

Anonymous No. 204026

First time poster here. Almost all my life I enjoyed watching people skate, I played all of the games but never gotten into doing it myself. Now I am 38 and I need a hobby where I don't sit on my ass al day. Is it too late to start skating?

Anonymous No. 204029

no. how fat are you though? you should try to be in at least "decent" shape or you're slams are going to suck and you are likely to get injured if you are just beginning to learn

Anonymous No. 204031

I'm 6 feet, 230 lbs. I can move around and don't break down after small movements.

Anonymous No. 204032

>heard the owner who is also a landlord of multiple properties

fucking esls in here cant read

Anonymous No. 204033

not bad. just practice falling in grass. what i mean is ride around a place where you can ride into grass and practice your falls off the board if that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 204034

why are you against boat owners?

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Anonymous No. 204039

I had this dumb idea that since my warm up sessions always have terrible timing, id just force a warm up immediately after I got out of my car from work and immediately fell and rocketed my board on my first ollie, then my second I destroyed my ankle with the tail of my board somehow. Like the grip stuck to my front foot and my back foot ended up under the tail, I have no idea. The pain is settling now, but it is radiating all the way to my knee.

Anonymous No. 204040

At least you have a knee still. Today I had to go outside and since the weather was bussin I saw street skaters everywhere. I want to skate so bad bro...

Anonymous No. 204041

True. The pain is subsiding and Ill crack up if I try to do a warm up sesh again and my timing is perfect despite only slamming on 2 ollies.

It just seems like my first session of the day never improves until I take a break and come back to it.

Anonymous No. 204045

might go to the park in covina tomorrow. so yeah, if anyone's in the area, don't go so i can have to park all to myself

Anonymous No. 204047

yeah my real warm up, my timing is all fucked and painful. Idk if its in my head, but the extra humidity today makes my grip tape feel extra grippy.

Anonymous No. 204048

my friend that never properly warms up spends 60% of every session getting bodied.

Anonymous No. 204052

I always hit a stone in the first 10 minutes of warm up

Anonymous No. 204056

do you own a boat?

Anonymous No. 204057


bro what kinda fuckin thought was that
>id just force a warm up

Anonymous No. 204058

lol Ill never do it again. When i get done work I guess i have to chill for like 30 minutes at least. But idk how to end a warm up. If I go to a skatepark first thing, I cannot warm up and get into my groove until i take some time off and come back. Idk why.

Anonymous No. 204060


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Anonymous No. 204062

Its swollen by now. Im icing it, but it is just a really bad bruise. Probably bruised skin, muscle and bone.

Anonymous No. 204064

sorry for being such a pussy, but I tried experimenting with my routine. Didnt work and probably ruined my weekend when it comes to trying to do anything but cruise. Im trying so hard to learn as many tricks as possible since Im already 33. i cant believe I got wrecked on ollies, but to be fair to myself im trying to work up to ollieing a tennis net so I go hard on them.

Anonymous No. 204065

then why do you care faggot

Anonymous No. 204068

I had a friend like that. He would show up after I had been skating for awhile and try and back me up on shit right out the car. He ate so much shit. He quit skating recently.

Anonymous No. 204069

I own a small boat cause I like going fishing
Are you a boatophobe?

Anonymous No. 204070

Not him but it is because you are a clueless zoomie money illiterate faggot spouting commie bullshit, crying because a guy bought a boat and stating you will stop supporting the local skate shop because of such a bitch ass faggy reason.

Anonymous No. 204072

kek i feel like you'd just stick

Anonymous No. 204075

the new park?

Anonymous No. 204084

yeah, looks like pawnshop's gonna have an event there at 5 with free food

Anonymous No. 204103

lmao stay mad retard

hurr i hate boat owners lmao

Anonymous No. 204116

boat owners stay mad

🗑️ Anonymous No. 204134

Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Three days later. Rose him from the dead. Now.only By Jesus Christ alone. God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. He'll give you eternal life

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Anonymous No. 204145

>go skating at 7am
>its 85 degrees already

Anonymous No. 204151

Disgusting boatophobe

Anonymous No. 204173

boats fucking are awesome, but boat in an acronym for

remember guys the three f's you gotta pay

Anonymous No. 204180

you need to get your front foot out of the way faster as weird as it seems.. flick earlier and earlier. basically you are flicking too late like a kickflip. you want to flick right away. it also helps to put ur front foot lower and lower on the board. the more ur foot is closer to the bolts the more it will interfere. let me know if this helps.. flick super early and/or bring ur foot lower than the middle of the board

Anonymous No. 204182

lol i remember watching the loliboarding olympics back on /sp/ man it was hilarious all the pedos were going crazy and thought it was the greatest thing ever even though they hated skating

🗑️ Anonymous No. 204242

>go to skatepark
>retards want to talk about trump

i dont go to skate to talk about politics just leave me alone and stop assuming everyone you meet has the same political opinions as you

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Anonymous No. 204253

making a curb. will post finished pics in a couple of days.

Anonymous No. 204262

very cool anon, are you going to paint it?

Anonymous No. 204274

I don't think so, I have a bunch of laquer so I will probably just use that rather than paint

Anonymous No. 204275

He's a fool for having done that because some is immediately going to do it without the yoga mats and completely overshadow him.

Anonymous No. 204276

the skateboard industry is embarrassing

Anonymous No. 204277

>skateboarding is embarrassing

Anonymous No. 204280

I don't think that rail is possible at full speed. That's why he did the way he did it. Was it worth it? idk

Anonymous No. 204291

agreed, too much glazing and dick eating. i hate it so much.

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Anonymous No. 204301

what happened to nora :\

Anonymous No. 204303

she looks the same as she ever did, thriving even.

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Anonymous No. 204308

>I don't think that rail is possible at full speed.

Anonymous No. 204309

hit the wall at 200mph

Anonymous No. 204310

snowboarding's better

Anonymous No. 204311


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Anonymous No. 204312

>meet new guy at skatepark
>seems cool
>starts talking to me about feminism and how bad trump is


Anonymous No. 204313

>need snow
>have to drive up a mountain
>have to share space with skiers

Anonymous No. 204314

she looks exactly how she lives. alcohol, expensive goyslop, SSRIs, benzos, and weed

Anonymous No. 204315

also even active erica is being canceled? i remember thinking that slut was so hot when i was in high school

Anonymous No. 204316


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Anonymous No. 204361

Anonymous No. 204369

ugly ass dyke

Anonymous No. 204384

why are kickflips so much more popular than heelflips? the heelflip actually makes your flick foot kick out much more than kickflips. Do you (personally) use your heel for heelflips? I haven't learned them yet but the trick tutorials I see say to use the upper outside part to flick like in a kickflip.

Anonymous No. 204385

For heelflips you just kick out and the flip is easier than a kickflip but the landing is harder as it has a tendency for the board to end up behind you. The heel is the last part to make contact with the board but you use most of the sole for the flick.

Anonymous No. 204387

lol why does skateboarding look so lame in photos

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Anonymous No. 204388

>also even active erica is being canceled?
>erica yary
>Instantly find it
no, she isn't being cancelled. A bunch of morons in slap don't have any sway in skateboarding. God forbid one of your exes gets an internet board of retards egging on her delusions.
Because it's a female

Anonymous No. 204399

>block dan webz on youtube
>instagram starts showing me his videos
fuck this guy

Anonymous No. 204405

Normies can’t differentiate between the two desu

I use my pinky toe to guide and flick out. I found it’s not so much about the heel that completes the flick desu that just helps with the follow through. I land them more consistently when I put more pressure on the heel side back pocket of the tail

Anonymous No. 204408

He must have paid for some algorithm pushes or some shit, cause he's popping up all over my YT recs as well recently and fucking up my carefully curated algorithm. I can't tell if he's in his 20's or his 40's. He's always got loads of dumb spelling errors and typos in his write ups as well, and he covers the same tricks over and over and over (hoping to catch new starters every year, I guess). The way he dresses is like 'what if Timmy Mallet skated?'

Anonymous No. 204410

idk how he keeps coming up either. I dont like him for no really good reason I can think of, I just dont care. Like go away.

Anonymous No. 204432

>'what if Timmy Mallet skated?'
>I dont like him for no really good reason I can think of
he tried to start some stupid beef with some braille guys (of all people) and even his own "fans" told him it was lame so he deleted the videos

Anonymous No. 204438

anyone have a tapeless capture device recommendation for SD filming? looking to make a camera rig soon.

Anonymous No. 204462


Anonymous No. 204481

gifted hater fucking murdered tim pool

Anonymous No. 204483

I saw some black dude pushing mongo and then watched him wipe out on the sidewalk

Anonymous No. 204484

literally who

Anonymous No. 204485

tim pool kooks in shambles

Anonymous No. 204498

gifted hater is going to single-handedly defeat the far-right by shitposting on youtube

Anonymous No. 204500

>grifted shitter
buy an ad

Anonymous No. 204507

>some tim pool lacky fag: hehe based
>gifted soi redditors: they can't use based that's our word
I couldn't care less about they drama this but those faggots trying to police the word based really triggered me. At least Richie adhears to rules 1 & 2..

Anonymous No. 204508

Low hanging fruit

Anonymous No. 204510

anyone saying based IRL is cringe

Anonymous No. 204514

Gifted made a good point. Tim self inserted himself and buying the land from under their feet wasn't the way to go about it. Tim needs to hear that from a non tranny emotional faggot pov. I still think they should colab. Tim can support YSL or some shit. But gifted needed 40 minutes of content and his patreon paycheck so 40 minutes of rambling plebbit takes is what you get.
Kids these days, I don't talk to my best friend about this site.

Anonymous No. 204515

I should add the biggest loser is me for having payed attention to this shit.

Anonymous No. 204516

I just saw that the girl that used to be dating Dan Corrigan is now a Fireman, has a boy haircut and is dating a chick.
Her bf before Dan was sketchy too. She mentioned a restraining order against him in a video once.

Anonymous No. 204525

hey, there's some channel street in that video.

Anonymous No. 204526

>You can't just buy this land and then build an actual skatepark while letting the people who complain about it still keep their DIY off to the side because... you just can't, okay!?
I say good riddance to those retarded commie faggots, desu

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Anonymous No. 204532

>Grifted Trannylover
>tim poolstein
skateboarding is so cool!

Anonymous No. 204538

good for her, she should have dated her cute friend chad instead of dan, chad was way hotter taller and younger.

Anonymous No. 204539

whoops, his name was connor not chad lol whatever. she looks happy with her girlfriend. im glad she got away from dan and stopped grinding out youtube videos for money like a bum.

Anonymous No. 204543

Its about the principle of it. If bald timmy owns the land then it ceases to belong to the community. Tim has also stated that he is actively using skateboarding to push his worldview. If he met no resistance we'd be dealing with a new wave of kooked out kids that think hangten hardflips are cool and worth learning.

Anonymous No. 204547

Sounds better than these gay zoomies desu

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Anonymous No. 204560

Fireman seems like a really good job. Kinda jelly of that.

Anonymous No. 204571

>these gay zoomies
who literally werent doing or bothering anyone unlike tim pool

Anonymous No. 204593

No I mean all zoomies

Anonymous No. 204597

*sees you skating past and throws a rock at you*
haha fag
*runs up to you and wraps his arms around your waist*
ready to fly fagboy?? hahahaha
*picks you up and suplexes you on your head on the concrete*
lololol everyone look at this idiot
*grabs your board and does a kickflip over you*
later dork!
*skates away as the ambulance wheels in and unload*
*ems checks your body and feels no pulse*

Anonymous No. 204598

>wakes up in Skate character creator

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Anonymous No. 204605

hey i bought this board today, i know it's a cruiser but is there a specific name for it?

Anonymous No. 204610


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Anonymous No. 204613

imagine the miles of skater cocks shes taken over the past 15 years

Anonymous No. 204619

Imagine (You) never gleamed the cube

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Anonymous No. 204626

On a level of 1-10, how dangerous is it to use a board that you're pretty sure is getting on in it's years?
I think the thing is like 6(?) years old (excluding how old it was back when I got it second hand) (dug it out in a cleanout a month or so back), and while it feels stable enough, I'm just concerned about putting my foot through it.

Anonymous No. 204628

1? its not that dangerous. I have 2 old boards and they arent very flexible but they seem hardened as fuck.

Anonymous No. 204642

Just buy a new one wtf? What is it with you guys? Why do so many posters here do this?

Anonymous No. 204643

I am so afraid to slam because if I hurt my ankles or wrists I can't work. (FedEx driver). I am not afraid of the pain it's about being able to pay my rent so it's so hard to overcome the fear and commit to new tricks. I regret not skating when I was younger and people didn't depend on me.

Anonymous No. 204645

>that think hangten hardflips are cool and worth learning.
lmao you're a faggot, the trick is cool regardless of who's doing it. if you think x shouldn't y because of z you're just as bad as you seem to think some internet faggot is, go skate jesus christ

Anonymous No. 204646

theres nothing cool about a trick thats slow asf, takes 5 seconds to set up and can only be done on flatground

Anonymous No. 204647

>the trick is cool regardless of who's doing it
No. It's a heinous and hideous trick, and it does nothing to help you progress in any other facet of skating. It's a circus trick that is only impressive to normies. Learn how to actually hardflip.

Also, I just got back from skating. It was a good session.

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Anonymous No. 204659

Finished curb

Anonymous No. 204660

That's a curb!

Anonymous No. 204662

hopefully of theyll dump Chud Cole's fallens on ross and walmart and sell them for $15. im poor

Anonymous No. 204663

This is the most cursed game of skate video on youtube.

Tim Pool doing the kookiest one foot tricks imaginable, some dumb bitch talking the whole time in the background, a completely wasted richie jackson yelling like a retard, and to top it off a fucking "no step on snek" flag on the wall.

You know things are bad when ricky glaser is the best thing about a video.

Anonymous No. 204664

lmao I watched it yesterday because the thread was bringing up tim pools skating and he is a goofy fucker. Ive never watched anything related to him and never will.

Anonymous No. 204671

you guys sure are obsessed with cuck pool and other grifting subhumans

Anonymous No. 204676

Nice, the dimensions look good

Anonymous No. 204677

I'm obsessed with my shattered knee and nothing else

Anonymous No. 204679

are you an idiot? why would he date her ugly ass he obviously friendzoned her

Anonymous No. 204684

Tim Pool needs to start doing the one man punch workout, you can't take anyone with that body type seriously

Anonymous No. 204696

Braille going full Scientology and literally blocking all of their previous skaters, lmao
Hope Aaron crashes and burns hard

Anonymous No. 204698

is it possible as a 30yo boomer to learn to properly ollie? i could probably ollie 2 decks at most when i was 16 and i kinda just gave up on ollies and only really skated transition since then. i'm a decent skater, like i'm not a 'how do i ollie' poster, i just never really mastered that trick. at most i think i could ollie up a curb now. i think i should just spend like half an hour a day doing nothing but ollies. i want to be able to pop fat ollies like grant taylor

Anonymous No. 204700

started at 25, 31 now can ollie and didn't practice it at all just stick to pumping back and fourth on the half pipe part of the local bowl and eventually you'll have the muscles to just do it, you jump as if it were just a flat floor beneath you and on your way up you tap the tail to pop it up and then lean forward to level it out
on flat practice pushing forward and backward for both regular, switch and regular mongo and switch mongo and you'll never fall again

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Anonymous No. 204710


Anonymous No. 204711

it depends how high you can jump with just your legs. Also I think a lot of people mess up thinking they have to slide their front foot. It does slide on the grip tape to level up, but first your front foot actually goes straight up, then forward and down.

Anonymous No. 204713

It was bound to happen the Co$ always liquidates their assets eventually.
It's no coincidence that this came about so shortly after Kyro's "Business School", it's a straight up indoctrination camp. Their MO hasn't changed in the least since the Chanology days.
Except maybe the shoving cameras in people's faces thing, but that just happens all the time so it's a bit less distinguishable.
Yes. Just go through the steps, put in the time. Maybe consider some light stretches/yoga/taichi beforehand to warm up. But just go through the stages, trust the process.

Anonymous No. 204723

i went to watch a skate competition and it was pretty nice. i didnt know any pros though except the guy with no calves

Anonymous No. 204724

Holy fuck bros i practiced ollies for 20 mins in an empty carpark and got damn my legs were shaking after that. this shit is hard

Anonymous No. 204725

Like anything, it gets easier with time. Do your dilligence, go through the motions and they'll be muscle memory before you know it. That shaking is just the weakness leaving your body.

Anonymous No. 204744

I miss skateboard team commercials

Anonymous No. 204762

i learned ollies so young. I quit for so many years and just came back to it this year. I started practicing nollies and its so satsifying when they start to take shape. I never thought I could do it. Granted I still only get like 2 inches of ground clearance, but still. More practice coming.

Anonymous No. 204763


Anonymous No. 204764

I went batshit trying to perfect my ollies when I first started. Would literally do them non-stop for half hour, daily until I had to take week-long breaks because I was fucking myself up too much. It is easy to start getting the motion, but to have the balance to do nicely popped and controlled ollies takes fucking ages. I would recommend doing them fakie as well. I ignored fakie ollies entirely, then started doing some this weekend and realised it's not as intimidating as I thought and much easier to get them to feel nice and floaty.

Anonymous No. 204765

>go to ER
>discharged after 4 days
>walking out
>see a young homie from my hometown
>wtf why is bro here
>he had broken his arm and he came to get some metal shit out

Damn I feel bad for lil bro.

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Anonymous No. 204767

Who is the most stylish skater any why is it Jim Greco? Also what video parts is everyone watching???
Just out of curiosity, how where you fucking yourself up practicing flat ground ollies??? For me personally when I was starting out going really low through your knees helped me a lot. Practicing pop shuv its helps a lot for your pop too. Practice daily, but don't forget to switch it up a little as well. Also standing next to a stair or ledge or anything to land on to helps a ton.

Anonymous No. 204773

>Just out of curiosity, how where you fucking yourself up practicing flat ground ollies
Here's a few reasons: being out of shape, not having any of the muscles developed for/from skating a lot, being in my mid 30's, not resting enough in between sessions, going too hard for my physical fitness level each session, doing this stuff on top of weight lifting/cardio. That probably covers it. When I say 'fucking myself up', I just mean getting physcially exhuasted and having to take longer breaks from over-doing it, which is expected. This shit is hard unless you have been doing it a lot from a young age.

Anonymous No. 204775

Same. My back would get pretty damn sore from repeated impact.

Anonymous No. 204778

oh, and just to be clear, when i say practicing for half hour each session, I mean doing them constantly without much breaking because I was fucking obsessed. So doing 10 odd attempts in a minute, maybe stopping for 30s, then doing another 10, and repeat for a good half hour solid. I think that's physcially taxing for most people. I would also do this on top of doing 2-3 hour skate sessions twice a week. Real dumb shit stuff, but hey, I would say I have a nice ollie now at least.
It was my ankles and shins for me.

Anonymous No. 204779

Actually I learned all my basics when I was 11 and 12 waaay back in the day and haven't really learned that much new flatground stuff over the years. A lot of my homies who started skating at a later age can only really do tranny stuff and suck anything street, can barely pop an ollie or a 180. So I commend you for learning the basics at a later age. Gonna try to commit to learning some new flip tricks myself. first time I will really obsessively practice flatground stuff since the 2000's probably.
>I would say I have a nice ollie now at least.
And that's all that matters! being able to consistently ollie up and down stuff when riding the streets is so satisfying.

Anonymous No. 204780

It's all I got. I have a well popped and fairly floaty ollie, decent height, nice and levelled, but literally can't do any other flatground trick and refuse to commit when I do try. Working on it, though. Got the foundations set to land fs 180, pop shove and a kickflip, but I just gotta get the balls to commit to them moving. All it takes is one cunt to encourage me, but I don't get to skate much these days and when I do it's usually alone.

Anonymous No. 204786

Anyone got a tl;dr on thrifted baiter's video on that guy that wears a beanie all the time? Can never remember his name. I really don't feel like watching it, it's too long for no reason.

Anonymous No. 204787

mmm, you'll get there. A kickflip is definitely a step above a pop shuv and a 180 those shouldn't be that hard. Actually you could try doing fakie 180's I think they come easier for some people. Think of fakie 360s on flatground a lot of people can do them but regular ones are pretty fucking hard.

Anonymous No. 204792

just 45 minutes of gifted hater calling tim pool a faggot

Anonymous No. 204793

For what reason?

Anonymous No. 204800

>My back would get pretty damn sore from repeated impact
ayo pause bruh thats gay

🗑️ Anonymous No. 204805

for trying to bring politics into his local skateboarding diy community. tim pool offered prize money to his local DIY but they didn't want it so tim pool decided to buy the land the DIY was on and claims he has no plans to retaliate towards the locals that rejected him offer of the prize money but then goes on to say that he does have an agenda to get kids into right wing politics through spaces provided in skateboarding. idk it's all really stupid. tim pool is trying to act like he doesn't have any ulterior motives with buying the land the diy was on but obviously has an agenda and is not welcomed by the locals at the his local diy

Anonymous No. 204806

For trying to bring politics into his local skateboarding diy community. tim pool offered prize money to his local DIY but they didn't want it. After that tim pool decided to buy the land the DIY was on and claims he has no plans to retaliate towards the locals that rejected his offer of prize money but then goes on to say that he does have an agenda to get kids into right wing politics through the spaces provided in skateboarding. idk it's all really stupid. tim pool is trying to act like he doesn't have an ulterior motive with buying the land the diy was on but obviously has an agenda and is not welcomed by the locals at the his local diy. Plus the DIY already has an agreement with their City that it was fine for them to be there and build stuff before tim pool bought it.

Anonymous No. 204807

Can anyone give me a qrd on Chris cole
I m not reading a 44 page slap thread on it

Anonymous No. 204808

>Plus the DIY already has an agreement with their City that it was fine for them to be there and build stuff
To be fair, this would only extend until ANYBODY bought the land. If Baldybeanie conserves the park, doesn't go changing it all up(as he is now entitled to do) or throwing his weight around about X.Y,Z then it's probably far safe in his ownership than if, say, McDonalds bought the land.
Only time will tell, can only hope he's less of a cunt than far too many of the politic zombies.

Anonymous No. 204809

It's ancient news. He's a total psycho and would beat his wife. I'm surprised they're freaking out about it now.
This was a few years ago, but when he stopped riding for Plan B and DC shoes, my local shop owner was even mentioning how NOBODY was ever going to give him boards or shoes. Nobody wanted to go near him. And he was right. He didn't have a board sponsor for a while until he got back on Zero, and he rides(rode) for some weird South American reboot of Fallen footwear. It was like some sort of open secret that he was a piece of shit. So he wasn't going to get any big contracts after that.

tl;dr wife beater and lots of people knew

Anonymous No. 204817

i agree for the most part but the way he went about it was lame as fuck and obviously out of spite then he wonders why the locals want nothing to do with him and part of me even thinks it's lame that the locals rejected his prize money like yeah tim pool sucks but money is money that 12k, 6k and 2k cash prizes could have really helped people out in the community. i'd be pissed if i was a local ripper that actually stood a chance to catch a bag like that but some fuck from the diy said no

Anonymous No. 204821

>For what reason?
nigga if you dont know dont care why you asking so many questions

Anonymous No. 204822

>wife beater
Any evidence?

Anonymous No. 204823

If only there was a political theory behind giving poor people free stuff and them resenting you and demanding more..

Anonymous No. 204826

>faggot comes onto playground and demands other people play with him
>gets told to fuck off
>buys the playground

why is this so hard to understand

Anonymous No. 204829

if tim jewool was a leftoid that rioted with BLM and was a loud supporter of LGBTQIA++++ on this podcast and had a promo for There and Glue skateboards on his shillcast, none of this would have ever happened. Even Grifter Baiter would suddenly ignore or like his skating

Anonymous No. 204836

I don't blame him, it would feel good to beat a pretty woman I bet

Anonymous No. 204837

i listened to a 9 club with him a while back and he definitely sounded like the type of guy to beat his wife

it's weird man i grew up with zero new blood being my favorite video ever but now at age 30 it's hard to look back on it and think about how chris and jamie t were such pieces of shit and a lot of the rest of the guys just got chewed up and spit out after that vid

Anonymous No. 204839

everyones a piece of shit in their own way

Anonymous No. 204846

I think you mistyped no, you fucking faggots will try ruin someone's life all because yours sucks.

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Anonymous No. 204849

His own son already confirmed it all. Apparently he's getting attacked by Zero worshippers on his social media so he openly confirmed Cole being a nutjob just so everyone would leave him alone

>I grew up seeing my own dad beating my mom half to death :\
>Nah uh not true
>It's ok if he did because he 360 flipped wallenberg


Anonymous No. 204865

Shut up ape.
>For trying to bring politics into his local skateboarding diy community
I ended up wasting my time watching the video and the truth is somewhere in the middle. As usual reddit lover is your typical leftycuck with his shitty non arguments. He was shilling for nike in the video in fact. On the other hand the people on his podcast don't skate and have no idea about anything. Tim sucks ass from watching his clips although he does in fact skate so he's part of the """community""" either way. The take away I got from this is that probably in the past he was being excluded due to his political views because the skaters there are cringecucks, as evident by some IG post that was shared, and also by common sense, and now he has a grudge or some shit. If I was him I'm destroying the DIY. Since he's not though these little hoes should stop crying. Also his board in the background is cringe. Looks like some revive shit.

Anonymous No. 204866

>If I was him I'm destroying the DIY.
Would be kinda based kek

Anonymous No. 204867

That is a fox, not evidence.

Anonymous No. 204879

>early morning skating
>serene and quiet
>dog walker girl compliments my shoes
>feeling on point with my tricks
>riding high
>homeless looking guy appears
>has a skateboard
>sits down and starts blasting the most ghetto rap imaginable
>stumbles around
>clearly fucked up on something
>good vibes diminish

Anonymous No. 204880

i don't know about you guys but I'm getting tired of homeless lunatics. the vibe is continuing to deteriorate. our DIY spot is a homeless camp now. i sure am mad.

Anonymous No. 204886

that sucks, i leave the skatepark for way less regularly though. the vibe is essential.

Anonymous No. 204887

ill take homeless dudes over airpod zoomers desu

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Anonymous No. 204888

I need your advice. It may be possible that I am retarded.

I just started to learn skating and I am still trying to figure out wether I should go regular or goofy.
My dominant foot is the right one. It's also the one where I can keep my balance better. My brain tells me to use the right foot at the front, so goofy.

But as soon as I would try to ollie (not that I can already) my brain tells me that my right foot should be at the back to pop the board.

When I use the left foot at the front, It feels much unsafer and everything becomes hard.

What should I do? Should I force my self to go regular but have the right feeling for tricks or should I go goofy and pop with the left foot which feels bad?

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Anonymous No. 204890

Fuck Mike vallely and fuck black flag

Anonymous No. 204892

skate goofy

Anonymous No. 204893

Do you have the same "problem" or what makes you think goofy suits me better. Just interested.

Anonymous No. 204894

skate mongo

Anonymous No. 204895

Stop thinking about ollies and learn to just ride around. Ride up and down banks. Ride in mellow transition. Go as fast as you possibly can comfortably. Your stance will naturally reveal itself.

Anonymous No. 204896

It's out of control. I've been attacked at this one street plaza spot before and had homeless rifling through my bag when my back is turned.
Yeah, usually I don't have to worry about them that early in the morning. This dude showed up at 8am. I even saw a park worker talking to him like he knew him because he probably lives somewhere in the surrounding park. I had been there since 6 so at least I got a solid session in before he appeared.

Anonymous No. 204897

I am afraid that it works like learning guitar. A bad technique is imprinted fast and hard to get rid off. I didn't want to make the same mistake again.

Anonymous No. 204900

For the longest time I thought it was Valley and not Vallely

Anonymous No. 204903

It can be once you start actually doing tricks, but it won't matter until you have a solid foundation of being comfortable on your board. Seriously, learn to tic tac, learn to revert, learn to manual on flat, get comfortable lifting your board by the tail to turn, bend your knees, carve around. If you can already ride comfortably when you begin to ollie it will be easy as hell to learn.

Doing stationary ollies on grass or carpet is what will build bad habits in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 204905

I think you're right. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 204913

i think goofy is the objectively stronger stance cause you are using your right and dominant foot to flick the board. any foot can pop the tail. popping the tail is simple compared to the precision required to flick a bunch of different ways to do flatground tricks

Anonymous No. 204915

agree with other anons to go goofy. I have better balance on my left leg so I ride regular. The pop for ollies comes mostly from the ankle and most of the jump happens on your stronger leg. It just takes time and practice.

Anonymous No. 204917

You cant really learn wrong in skateboarding. What ever works, works. I learned a kickflip, didnt like how it looked so I had to learn how to do it better, but now I can just kickflip 2 different ways.

Anonymous No. 204942

trips of truth
>It may be possible that I am retarded.

conventional wisdom was

Anonymous No. 204945

i typed more than that, but conventional wisdom was - if you are standing square with both toes lined up and take a step forward, whichever foot comes forward in that step is the lead foot.

Anonymous No. 204951

as someone who practices boxing and skateboarding i fight south paw and skate regular. It doesnt matter just get good by trying.

Anonymous No. 204955

Only one true way to know your stance

Anonymous No. 204956

that's not true though. examples include pushing mongo and mall grabbing

Anonymous No. 204963

Yeah I don't know how some people are just naturally regular. Like when you play basketball you jump off your left foot mostly. Divegrass you plant your left to kick. Baseball you plant your left when pitching, etc. It makes so much more sense for your left foot to be doing the popping.

Anonymous No. 204964


Anonymous No. 204965

True >>204905

Anonymous No. 204984

>went to the same park this morning
>having a decent session
>homeless man appears
>sits down and starts playing acoustic guitar
>its actually pretty good
>he sees me land a trick
>"man, you make that look too easy!"
>rare positive homeless interaction
>keep skating
>homeless man leaves
>group of boomers show up
>they take turns going glacially slow at the obstacle I was already skating
>have been skating for a couple hours at this point with the entire park to myself
>decide to leave so the boomers can get a good session in

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Anonymous No. 204992

based. why did he block you?

Anonymous No. 204997

>you go faster
>cruise down the side of one of gods greatest creations
>skier part is true desu

Anonymous No. 204999


Anonymous No. 205005

Wow I can tell you have been shredding in the streets. I am actually a mongo pusher and have been a competent skateboarder for uhhh 2 decades. don't care, I'm not a pro. I don't need style and steaze points.
I get what you're saying as someone who learned skateboarding young and started at guitar later and picked up some sloppy habits in my playing. (which I embrace) Outside of the mongo pushing which you really do get used to and is hard to get rid off. Like the other anon said, you learn everything sloppy then it gets better then it becomes clean just with practice so don't overthink it just practice a lot and be consistent. And most importantly don't be a pussy. Don't chicken to drop in, ollie the 5 stair. Technique is overrated, fearlessness and confidence is where it is at.

The stance thing, apparently Ali Boulala learned how to skate regular even though he is left footed so then he switched and then he became like really good at skating switch. So even if you learn it wrong you will need to learn nollies and switch stuff so it really doesn't matter. You need to put in the hours and not be a pussy.

Anonymous No. 205009

>I am actually a mongo pusher
disregard everything this anon says
>have been a competent skateboarder for uhhh 2 decades
this is cap

Anonymous No. 205014

Yeah ok noob using Tiktok slang zzzzzzz

Anonymous No. 205019

theres nothing wrong with pushing mongo
my boy pushes mongo and he rips

Anonymous No. 205032

I bet you skate slow as fuck. There is no way to skate in the streets going fast and push mongo

Anonymous No. 205033

>nothing wrong with pushing mongo
Yeah it just looks like shit
And makes it awkward to push when you already moving at speed
And outs you as someone who probably likes tim pool and other niggerjewfaggots

but yeah nothing wrong with it bud

Anonymous No. 205069

any time I've been to France I've noticed that the majority of skaters there push mongo lmao

🗑️ Anonymous No. 205074

i've witness a few okay skaters that push mongo but they are never technical skaters they are just dumb enough to jump off big stuff. what kind of skating does you buddy do? i imagined skating mongo to make things harder than it need to be like >>205032 said

Anonymous No. 205078

Is 20 too old to learn how to skateboard and talk to cute girls at skateparks?

Anonymous No. 205079

You people are fucking retarded. try doing it, push mongo. look at your foot how much further you can put your foot on the ground. mongo = more speed when pushing this is a fact. The only reason why regular pushing is preferable is because you can get in to your stance easier/quicker. which yes when having a short run up to say a long stair or something can be tricky. I am known to skate insanely fast actually. People have called me the local John Cardiel.

Anonymous No. 205080

I'm 30 and still talk to cute zoomer girls at the skatepark, I'm married though so I don't flirt or anything. I always see the spark in their eyes go out when I mention 'my wife'. But by God if I wasn't married I would be swimming in zoomer skate park pussy

Anonymous No. 205081

>People have called me the local John Cardiel.
Because you skate like you're disabled?

Anonymous No. 205082

Oh wow you win the award for most original joke you fucking poser. Go make your google search, I bet you didn't even know who John Cardiel was you fucking cretin.

Anonymous No. 205083

Things are heating up in /esg/.....

Anonymous No. 205085

this guy is at least 50 and earnestly argues in the youtube comments section

Anonymous No. 205089

I don't believe you. Post a clip

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Anonymous No. 205091

>mongo = more speed when pushing this is a fact

Anonymous No. 205118

sick video, a real shame that asics look like complete dog shit though.

Anonymous No. 205121

I pushed mongo for maybe 3 years before some older person told me not to. I am capable of both and when my legs are tired on long skates I alternate. I thought you were full of shit but reading this it makes sense. You can full open your hips and get a bigger push from mongo. The downside being the readjustment you probably lose some speed vs the efficiency of normal pushing.
Also maybe your dominant leg matters, I skate regular and my right foot is stronger so, I feel I get a better push off it than my left.
Corporate art slop makes me want to tear my eyes out.

Anonymous No. 205124

They have a pretty cool team

Anonymous No. 205125

they all look like they smell really bad

Anonymous No. 205128

guaranteed they don't smell as bad as the mongo pushers and tim pool fans in these threads

Anonymous No. 205130


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Anonymous No. 205145

>tfw need to wait 5 years for my child to grow up so I can skateboard with them (try their board) without looking like a cringe adult grown man noob skater


Anonymous No. 205148

the fact you are not already grinding out learning how to skate so you can teach them the basics in 5 years concerns me....

Anonymous No. 205151

it's going to look even more cringe if you end up getting shown up by your 5 year old kid, dumbass

Anonymous No. 205160

Get out there and get that head start in, nobody will give you shit for it.

Anonymous No. 205167

Why are you calling your child "them" you retarded faggot?

Anonymous No. 205171
>More and more sponsors dropping Braille and coming out against Scientology
>Only the botted views and subs remain
>Videos getting less and less views despite not skipping a beat with those uploads, with videos featuring now blacklisted members
Is it unironically over?
How long until the entire brand/company liquidates and vanishes overnight?

Anonymous No. 205173

I jump with my right and everything else you said feels left foot forward

Anonymous No. 205174
Oh no no no no....

Anonymous No. 205175

The death of braille can't happen soon enough

Anonymous No. 205177

You're a queer.

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Anonymous No. 205178

is this u lol xD

Anonymous No. 205179

crazy to me that anyone even cares about this

Anonymous No. 205181

No that's you.

Anonymous No. 205184

I watch both but it’s the Olympics that’s caught my attention

Anonymous No. 205185

It's actually incredible that anyone would try to call the motion of kicking with your right foot goofy footed

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Anonymous No. 205195

Anonymous No. 205200

maybe they can get chris cole now that hes kicked off of zero and canceled. actually maybe cole can ride for cuck pool

Anonymous No. 205202

hey fuck you

Anonymous No. 205206

lmao same
braille is like some abstract idea to me, i've never seen anything related to it in person

Anonymous No. 205215

speaking of cool teams

🗑️ Anonymous No. 205216

toby ryan rips, but you can tell he's just another skatepark rat

Anonymous No. 205218

and wow all the spots in this vid are almost too perfect but the rail at 3:07 is fucked ...should have been filmed from a better angle though

Anonymous No. 205229

i liked it, i thought the editing captured the 2000s tony hawk pro skater vibe a lot better than most attempts

Anonymous No. 205241

That was sick, I like how they just did 7 minutes of straight skating with minimal b-side nonsense.

Anonymous No. 205242

It's ok, his bro will reply back once he's done watching the Baker video with his gf.

Anonymous No. 205250

Shut up incel

Anonymous No. 205251

Dad falling and breaking his arm is funny and cute when he's messing around skating with his kid

Dad falling and breaking his arm is cringe if he's skating by himself

Anonymous No. 205265

To be fair, it was probably one of the biggest skateboading channels on YT, and had a whole lot of eyes on it. Stands to reason people are going to comment about it when all the shit went down.

Anonymous No. 205272

>tfw no skater gf

Anonymous No. 205276

Do you guys think the chris cole stuff is actually going to end his career? or is it just slap sensationalism. i'm wondering if the general skate public knows or cares about it.

Anonymous No. 205280

You're being waaay too self-conscious, Anon.
A broken arm fucking sucks regardless who's about and will, if it happens be a far bigger issue to you than how you look to anyone else. BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING ARM WILL BE BROKEN!
Stop behaving like a preening catamite and get out there and skate.

Anonymous No. 205283

Just because you take it up the ass doesn't mean you aren't an incel. Stop projecting bitch.

Anonymous No. 205295

i thought sponsors already weren't going near him with a 10 foot pole for a while now?
broken arms look bad ass

Anonymous No. 205296

>broken arms look bad ass
Fuckin octopus here trying to cripple the humans.

Anonymous No. 205302

>actually going to end his career
his what? he's 42 anon. it was over a long time ago.

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steve caballero p....jpg

Anonymous No. 205307

goofy, then learn nollies
keep in mind with an ollie though, you actually gotta move your front foot away first then pop with the spot under your big toe in the back. gaining pop really wont be an issue once your just used to the spot on your foot you gotta aim at, the bigger issue is more catching the board and landing, (aka whichever foot your more balanced on, the front ya dig)

tldr your goofy dumbass. go ride forward for 4 hours straight down some trails and stop worrying about what will happen when you try learning tricks, if you cant push comfy and naturally everything that follows is moot.

Anonymous No. 205316

what a cutie

Anonymous No. 205317

that moan at 16:04 hnggg

Anonymous No. 205319

babe wake up new ishod footy

Anonymous No. 205320

nelly is cuter

Anonymous No. 205321

proofs now

Anonymous No. 205339

I hate the music DJ uses in all his vids, but the skating is always pretty great

Anonymous No. 205342
360 flips have been more consistent

Anonymous No. 205343

>Self conscious grown man calling things cringe
Pls don't reproduce.
Go follow TMZ or something. Your trying to ruin someones life for something from 20+ years ago. Just bizarre to dedicate months of your life to this.
Penis in vagina

Anonymous No. 205346

nice line.

I hurt myself during a warm up 2 weeks ago and now Im slightly scared of skating, but Im easing back into it. One school near me is doing construction and I want to take some of the shit they have laying around and make some temporary obstacles with just the junk.

Anonymous No. 205349

hell yeah

Anonymous No. 205362

Heelflips look way worse

Anonymous No. 205365

Any podcasts that talk about the mid-late 90's to early 2000's skate culture and business?

Anonymous No. 205369

plenty of nine club episodes

Anonymous No. 205370

I'll check it out, thanks

Anonymous No. 205371

i'm not dedicating months of my life lol, i made a single post here. but i do think chris cole is a piece of shit and i'm happy he's getting removed from the skate industry

Anonymous No. 205372

you just have to find the interviews with skaters from that time period

also some other good podcasts are the bunt and i also like talkinschmit, both of them will have various interviews that talk about 90s/2000s skate culture if you find the right skaters

Anonymous No. 205381

every nublack skater has the same style

Anonymous No. 205385

>Do you guys think the chris cole stuff is actually going to end his career?

Every single skater during the golden era was a piece of garbage.
Who cares?
Everyone is soft now

Anonymous No. 205386

I don't watch skate youtubers yet my recommended is full of "the braille situation got worse" videos like I fucking care or even know what's going on there. This dude Kyro made a scheme to get rich off of little kids and funneled all of his millions into scientology to rise up the ranks. Now that he got it he blew it up.

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Anonymous No. 205387

Who remembers captain and casey?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 205403

besides ishod they all definitely do the same tricks which i find annoying. none of them seem to like skating rails, transition or doing anything super tech on ledges (besides ishod who is a well rounded skater) they are mostly jumping down stairs, gaps and over stuff which is boring. even their flat ground is all the same handful of tricks, tre flip, half cab flip/heel, nollie heel, big spin...yawn. nak and his big ass pop shuv was actually kind of refreshing since everyone else is doing the same shit and he's over there skating like an 8th grader kek

🗑️ Anonymous No. 205404

also noticed this with my local cool guy locals, they all do the same tricks. we are in a shortage of jefwongsong mfers who do nightmare flips and shit, im starting to miss them. tired of all this "tasteful" skating, 2025, illegal tricks are BACK

Anonymous No. 205405

also noticed this with my local cool guy rippers, they all do the same tricks. we have a shortage of jefwongsong mfers who do nightmare flips and shit, im starting to miss them. tired of all this "tasteful" skating... 2025, illegal tricks are BACK

Anonymous No. 205406

how do I watch the olympic skateboarding shit

Anonymous No. 205407

they all definitely do the same tricks which i find annoying. none of them seem to like skating rails, transition or doing anything super tech on ledges they are mostly jumping down stairs, gaps and over stuff which is boring. even their flat ground is all the same handful of tricks, tre flip, half cab flip/heel, nollie heel, big spin...yawn. nak and his big ass pop shuv was actually kind of refreshing since everyone else is doing the same shit and he's over there skating like an 8th grader kek

Anonymous No. 205408

heard it's on peaCOCK, a

Anonymous No. 205411


Anonymous No. 205417

Nice to see some new tech, even if it's not a ton. Full-cab lip from Leal and the switch smith (I think that's new?) from Heyn. Hating this complete disregard of the run if you hit three better-scored tricks, though.

Sucks Yumeka didn't make it, she probably had some tech. Anyone catch her heat? I read she just bombed hard.

Bright side is Liz is showing the fuck up, and Poe throwing some bangers down with style.

Anonymous No. 205418

that post reads like AI

Anonymous No. 205419

Yeah I saw a single Olympics post and assumed people were talking about it here without bothering to read the rest of the thread MY BAD.

Anonymous No. 205420

I just found a twitch stream of it.

Anonymous No. 205421

Is the US just barren for streams? I just went to CBC for Canada, has a stream. Doesn't NBC have a stream? Is Europe cucked for some reason or are you SA?

Anonymous No. 205422

I just found some german lady that is streaming it. Its best single trick runs all the girls are falling.

Anonymous No. 205423

Yeah everyone has omega jitters. Coco threw a bigflip front board down though to jump into first so it's kinda on Liz to get a fucking crazy score.

Anonymous No. 205425


Another kinda underwhelming Women's, two events in a row where nobody can contain their spaghetti. Men's was the same last year, hopefully that event is better this year.

Anonymous No. 205426

(No shade though winner deserves it she obliterated everyone with Men's-level tricks towards the end.)

Anonymous No. 205429

i love poe

Anonymous No. 205430

why are girls so bad

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Anonymous No. 205431

Current generation are actually pretty fucking sick

Anonymous No. 205433

ginwoo would wipe the floor with her

Anonymous No. 205438

you can't do pic rel >>205431

Anonymous No. 205439

that was literally the only good trick the whole event

Anonymous No. 205441

I saw a braille video for the first time the other day just browsing youtube, and then his channel exploded. It was my fault.

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Anonymous No. 205442

cab back lip
flip back lip
hurricane big rail
giganto gap salad
front feeb frontside revert big rail
switch smith handrail (almost land but did in practice)

Actually Liz Akama's usual bag is low-key a bunch of solid hard shit and that's all just run stuff, and Chloe's finally making her grom stuff decidedly less grom-like. Then there's all the good shit that actually got landed in prelims.

Anonymous No. 205443

damn I wish my super-power was destroying scientology at a glance

Anonymous No. 205451

Nine Club are woke faggots

Anonymous No. 205471


Anonymous No. 205472

youve been crying about it for like three threads now bro I might go buy me a cole deck

Anonymous No. 205475

They are woke faggots because they're not pandering to a bunch of toxic faggots trying to cancel someone?

Anonymous No. 205488

I bought a skateboard.

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Anonymous No. 205497


Anonymous No. 205500

Don't be a pussy, but also pace yourself slowly. You HAVE to do shit, but don't get ahead of yourself. Proper control is key. If I catch you bombing a hill sidewalk without being able to put your foot down to slow, I'll Cory Kennedy you.

Anonymous No. 205501

The best skaterboarders are females from Japan/China.

Anonymous No. 205513


Anonymous No. 205517

this image was created with AI using the following prompt:
>70's Jonah Hill and Andre the Giant hybrid makes a podcast with the clone created from Tom Hanks and Keanu Reeves DNA.

Anonymous No. 205518

I had some 85A wheels laying around and decided to put them on an old board to cruise around on. Pretty amazed at how they basically float on rough pavement. Still easy to pop ollie's and I was a bit worried about wheel bite but had no issues. Anyone skate soft wheels on their regular set up? I quite like them but they are pretty big. Never really thought about the hardness of my wheels before.
I completely forgot about those guys until now. I can't even remember if they were good.

Anonymous No. 205519

Not sure why they would affect your pop, unless you just mean the extra height from how much bigger they are? I used to have softer wheels because my local (and all pavements and roads everywhere around me) is crusty as fuck, but I revert way too much to warrant keeping them on my regular set up, even though it was so much smoother and easier to gain speed. I think they were 85a clouds. I have some 60mm 78a OJ's on a 8.25 that I use for the rare occasion I cruise around the streets and that shit is so smooth and fast even on the fucking bombsite condition roads around me.

Anonymous No. 205520

the problem with soft wheels is either power slides or nose slides etc. I want to get a hybrid or at least 97a next time I buy wheels. 101a is pretty hard on my feet when I just cruise long distance.

Anonymous No. 205521

>I want to get a hybrid or at least 97a next time I buy wheels
I have the 54mm 97a spitfires and they are great. Still slide fine, but takes the edge off rougher ground. It's not a massive difference, but enough if you switch skate spots enough and can't be fucked changing the wheels all the time or carrying around extra set ups.

Anonymous No. 205522

>Not sure why they would affect your pop
They're bigger and feel spongy I guess. Idk thought it might throw me off.
>crusty as fuck
I bought them for one specific shitty bowl that's always deserted and the day I went there it was demolished lel
I did look up those dragon wheels etc but they are so expensive here

Anonymous No. 205529

>Giraud puts 2 hands down
>Still given 88 for the trick

This guy always gets so much special privilege man. The French literally breaking the rules to save him face. Not even his fault it's just Paris being cringe with Aurelian again.

Anonymous No. 205539

beginner question: when you do rolling shoves/pop shoves, do you push the board forward with you slightly to keep it under you if that makes sense?

Anonymous No. 205543

Yep, just a bit. Just grind 'em out and adjust as you go, you'll find the sweet spot where it doesn't get away from you. It's a bit more side scoop than pushing it forward; get that diagonal.

Anonymous No. 205548

>38 years old watching olympic skateboarding while wishing this was a thing back in the 90s
x-games was rad but this is next level

Anonymous No. 205549

It's been a good competition. Cordano almost locking that switch front feeb was fucking insane. I think Tury is getting fucked though, poor guy hella underscored.

Anonymous No. 205553

That Slovakian guy was actually really good

Anonymous No. 205555

Tury got under-scored to hell which sucks because he's been slowly getting more consistent with his shit over the last year and finally nailing everything like this makes his runs actually really fucking high-level. You saw it at previous tournaments where he was starting to nail his complete runs, too. Like how the fuck do you do runs with heel front lip and big-heel board on the big rail as well as a bunch of other variety with flip back lips and trading it out next run for crook nollie flip, and get an 89? Then dude does a heel noseblunt and gets a 92 like huh what?

Still, happy he showed-up at least, he's in the Cordano section of Still-Showing-the-Fuck-Up at least.

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Anonymous No. 205556

Can you guys believe Andy Macdonald is competing for Bongland in Park? He will be 51 years old.

This is a guy who teamed up with Tony Hawk in the 90s in vert.

Anonymous No. 205557

>tfw like the idea of others skateboarding competitively but too introverted to care enough to follow those skateboarders

Anonymous No. 205558

Man I wanted to hate that yuto win but he put that shit down.

Props to the slovak guy too. Dude looked hesh as hell

Anonymous No. 205563

I know lots of people don't like Jagger but lemme remind:

he did a nollie 360 cab front blunt on the hubba.

I think in the end Yuto does deserve Gold, but the single-trick scores were definitely wonky comparing both their 360 blunt tricks.

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Anonymous No. 205568

younger edgier me would have never started skateboarding if it was an olympic sport

Anonymous No. 205569

kek the olympic skate area the is trans flag colors

Anonymous No. 205572

If it's mere coincidence then it's better than the standard graffiti trash IMO.

Anonymous No. 205573

that was not a 97.01 lel

Anonymous No. 205579

light pink, blue and white is easy on the eyes

Anonymous No. 205580

anywhere to watch a replay of the olympics?i couldn't bother waking up at 6am for that shit

Anonymous No. 205584

youtube has highlights

Anonymous No. 205589

just found this and its cropped to shit

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Anonymous No. 205592

bikeseat got snatched after i left it locked one day. thinking of skateboarding to commute instead but not bothered buying a longboard, currently have 56mil 92a rictas on them but thinking of getting super juice minis cause every fucking road where i live is chipsealed. anons, do i cope with my current wheels or go with the ojs?

Anonymous No. 205596

commuting on a skateboard sucks ass just get a new bike seat

Anonymous No. 205598

The cbc has it in full with no ads. The only good thing the canadian government has ever done. Commentators are shit tho.

Anonymous No. 205600

That specific one isn't wonky. Yuto does his blind sided to nose blunt. Jaggers isn't close on difficulty. And I like Jagger, he seemed chill on Hawk v Wolf.

Anonymous No. 205605

I used to make miles of distance on my longboard when I was into it, but I could imagine getting a fat popsicle shape or at least something with a kicktail and doing the same so I could at least ollie and have better leverage for powerslides. I have a car though so its not really important.

Anonymous No. 205606


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Anonymous No. 205621

Anonymous No. 205635

Nah, being a front blunt on top of a ledge makes turning into it and balancing while retaining proper momentum harder IMO. In a vacuum Yuto's trick is harder, but a big thing is the fear factor of fucking-up when not having it down, and the difference in obstacle swings it. Yuto's is a lot more "auto" when you're going through the motions, IMO.

Still, his two tricks on top of his run were worth Gold. That nollie back 180 5-0 was mint.

Anonymous No. 205636

But older, wiser you knows that skateboarding as a form of protest is fucking stupid because it requires the hard work of society to work in any fashion anyway, so who cares.

Anonymous No. 205641

Yeh true. Tbh I think 270s need to stop being scored so fucking high. Give a kickflip board as much love.. feels like almost two decades of 270 slide variations winning comps

Anonymous No. 205642

Was curb stuff/slappys always a thing? I know there's street and transitions, and you could just roll up and grind a curb. but I'm seeing a bunch of videos talking specifically about curb stuff.

Anonymous No. 205668

older than the ollie?

Anonymous No. 205685

>Was curb stuff/slappys always a thing?
zoomer please go

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Anonymous No. 205686

>50 year old enters thread
>complete beginner
>does not know every 'historical' tibit or milestone in skateboarding
>asks a simple, harmless question to gain some insight
How do I know that they are 50? Well, pic related.

Anonymous No. 205692

My brain never lets me fall backwards without sticking my arm out trying to catch

Anonymous No. 205693

When I was teenager back in the early 2010s not a single person I skated with talked about or did slappies. I basically lived at my local too, and there were no curbs there. Nowadays that very same local has parking blocks that someone moved into the park and other parks near me that have curbs are completely blackened when back then they were untouched. I think they've grown in popularity for oldheads as they are a very low impact trick that you can get pretty creative with. They also seem trendy enough that younger skaters are doing them too.

Anonymous No. 205694

tell your brain to stop thinking so much. this is why so many pros are complete drug addicts.

Anonymous No. 205716

I didnt do slappys back in early 2000s, but I did wax my moms front curb. I ollied on to it though.

Anonymous No. 205732

This. We even had a 6 inch concrete ledge at my local waxed to shit that barely grinded and I don't remember a single slappy going down.
I guess slappy noseslides actually but that was just how you learnt to nose slide.

Anonymous No. 205734

I just remembered I think pat duffy slappys a curb after a rail. I think Americans were slappy grinding those red curbs way back maybe.

Anonymous No. 205740

slappys were super popular in the 80s. in the mid 90s skating started getting gay and cool and gangster (see the movie mid 90s) and a lot of 80s tricks got out of fashion. Oldschool tricks regained popularity in the late 2000s with indie youtube skaters etc

Anonymous No. 205760

Yeah you’re right. There was even a bunch of tech built back then like lappers for navigating curbs and slappies.,_Not_Forgotten

Anonymous No. 205761

They were always a thing but they were definitely not popular during the 90s/00s. I remember a resurgence of popularity in the early 10s and it sorta took off from there. In about 2010 I saw Callum Paul doing them in a video and that was probably the first time I'd ever heard of them in Australia. Australia doesn't really have curbs that are good for slappies so it never really took off there.

Anonymous No. 205764

Thanks, fellas. That was exactly what I was wondering.

same. kinda why I was a bit confused as to what it is now.

Anonymous No. 205765

Forgot to (you) you as well. Thank you :)

Anonymous No. 205785

i 'member

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Anonymous No. 205788

I haven't gotten better in 20 years, only maintained. This is my life as a 35-year-old boomer skater who always wonders where the time went.

Anonymous No. 205797

Hey, you guys. At the timestamp in this video, the address is 1234; and the rail has four segments (that also get shorter with each segment). Do you think Mr. Anderson did that on purpose?
timestamp 8:44 incase the link doesn't work.

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Anonymous No. 205818

>Mr. Anderson

Anonymous No. 205839

Is Andy actually in the matrix?

Anonymous No. 205846


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Anonymous No. 205868

One of the coolest places in Helsinki imo, too bad they're going to demolish it to build some office/arena thing. They were allowed to build this thing temporarily, but now it's been there for like fifteen years so it'll be a shame to see it go

Anonymous No. 205883

how do lots of people in shittier climates even skate? indoor parks started dying off around 2010 because lots of places got outdoor parks built. people used to bitch about lack of town parks so that's why they started building all of the outdoor ones, but it came at the consequence of payed indoor parks losing business. now if you live somewhere that has rain every other week, you don't even get to skate that much. I miss indoor parks, even if they were overpriced.

Anonymous No. 205885

Find a parking garage, but I miss indoor parks too. Why the fuck are they so hard to find. The only skateparks I like near me are the community made ones, but still outdoors.

Anonymous No. 205887

he knows

Anonymous No. 205893

>watching olimpic skateboarding

Yikes. Where’s Nijah Houston?

Anonymous No. 205928

rigth there with snoop dog

Anonymous No. 205933

I feel lucky to have one within half hour drive of where I live, but also feels like a slight monkey paw. It's usually busy on the days you want to use it most (like when it's rainy, which is constantly here) and then you spend 10mins standing next to about 10 other guys waiting for your turn on a small obstable where your run will last about 30 seconds. There's no where to wait that isn't in the way of someone else without losing your place and getting snaked constantly, either. The layout is decent if the park is fairly quiet, otherwise I'd rather just not skate.

Anonymous No. 205980

in the early 2010s my friend has a shirt that said be happy do slappys

Anonymous No. 205986


Anonymous No. 205987

My city recently built an indoor park and honestly i rather just not skate during the winter kek they charge out the ass for membership, the people that run it suck and the layout is retarded, on top of being too small and getting packed when more than 4 people are there. i rather just snowboard in the winter.

Anonymous No. 205989

yup, same here. can't even enjoy it during rainy summer day cause all the zoomers out of school will be there.