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🧵 /sumo/ - Zak edition

Anonymous No. 213766



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

previous thread >>208824

Zak Defeats Onosato to win Meiji Jingu Autumn Grand Festival Sumo Title
The sport of sumo, which holds such an eminent place in traditional Japanese culture, also has a strong connection to Shintoism.

On the day before the start of a grand tournament, the head referee, dressed in the robes of a Shinto priest, conducts a Shinto ritual. The yokozuna performs his entrance ceremony wearing a thick, braided rope around his waist that resembles the sacred “shimenawa” rope displayed during the New Year holidays and on other occasions.

Against such a historic background, ritual matches known as “hono sumo” are held nationwide in cooperation with major shrines.

Tokyo’s Meiji Jingu shrine has a particularly deep relationship with the Japan Sumo Association. When a wrestler achieves promotion to the elite rank of yokozuna, it is Meiji Jingu where a special ceremony is held to mark the occasion. Later, the new yokozuna famously performs his first ring-entering ceremony in the plaza in front of the shrine’s main hall.

Every year after the Autumn Grand Tournament, an event called the “All-Japan Sumo Wrestlers Competition” is held at Tokyo’s Ryogoku Kokugikan in celebration of the Meiji Jingu Autumn Grand Festival. The event has a long history, earning the title of sumo’s oldest tournament in Japan.

Anonymous No. 213767

The event was launched in 1925 during the Taisho era (1912-1926). It has been canceled a number of times due to war or other reasons, so this year’s tournament on Sept. 30 was the 81st. Although translated as “competition,” the title in Japanese uses the character for “samurai” (which is also the “shi” in “rikishi,” or sumo wrestler) to imply that the participants are more than just ordinary athletes, giving it a deeper meaning.

At the inaugural tournament, the 27th yokozuna Tochigiyama, who had just retired, made a special appearance. It is said that he defeated the active yokozuna to win the title, adding an anecdote to sumo history that would seem unthinkable today.

Looking at a list of past champions, we see some of the biggest names in the sport’s history, from Futabayama to Taiho, from Kitanoumi to Chiyonofuji. Adding his name to such prestigious company was the champion of this year’s tournament, ozeki Kotozakura. With the absence of injured yokozuna Terunofuji, Kotozakura was the highest-ranked wrestler in the field, and lived up to the billing by defeating newly promoted ozeki Onosato in the final.

Ironically, Kotozakura’s grandfather — a yokozuna who was the original Kotozakura — never won the tournament. As the current Kotozakura sported the armlet with a chrysanthemum crest awarded to the champion on his right bicep, he gleefully commented, “I’m happy I could add the name of Kotozakura [to the champions’ list].”

The win came in the wake of a mediocre 8-7 record at the Autumn tourney. “I hope this will lead to success at the next grand tournament,” he said.

I hope Kotozakura gained a sense of the sacredness created by the long history of the event, and comes back strong at the Kyushu Grand Tournament.

Anonymous No. 213775


Anonymous No. 213776

Congratulations [spoiler]on those GREAT new york boobs![/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 213783

>At the inaugural tournament, the 27th yokozuna Tochigiyama, who had just retired, made a special appearance. It is said that he defeated the active yokozuna to win the title, adding an anecdote to sumo history that would seem unthinkable today.
He did this again in an equivalent tournament 6 years later. Man was a monster.

Anonymous No. 213785

The gods are on kotozakura's side

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Anonymous No. 213801

look who i met /b/

Anonymous No. 213802

I need her to crush me.

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Anonymous No. 213803

I wonder how Hakuho is holding up after all the shit he's been through recently.

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Anonymous No. 213807

Would/will Hakuho be able to hypothetically beat the top-ranked ozeki/yokozuna 7 years after his retirement? Do we see him beating Onosato or Takerufuji in 2028?

Anonymous No. 213809

she should stop with the chanko for a while...

Anonymous No. 213819

just stumbled upon this 2009 documentary

Anonymous No. 213822

>stops wearing dresses
>still carries a purse

Anonymous No. 213826

They're not dresses, they're aprons.

Anonymous No. 213833

thats a $4000 wearable wallet

Anonymous No. 213837

You should work in marketing.

Anonymous No. 213843

Hokuseihou begins sweating.

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Anonymous No. 213844

Cheers. That was definitely worth a watch. Crazy how he says he can't do it for ten years like his elders, but now it's 16 years later and he's still going.

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Takanohana vs Asa....webm

Anonymous No. 213846

Anonymous No. 213848

The wrestlers of Futagoyama stable are being closely covered on TV

Anonymous No. 213860

At the end of this it says he quit but he is still wrestling how did this work.

Anonymous No. 213861

His stablemaster didn't officially submit retirement paperwork and he was convinced into coming back. Happens often with newcomers.

Anonymous No. 213866

This >>213861 He didn't even miss a tournament.

Anonymous No. 213871

Akiseyama sleeping through sex ed dreaming about food.

Anonymous No. 213874

did the jsa take down their youtube?

Anonymous No. 213887


Anonymous No. 213898

Weird energy in the latest Futagoyama video
compared to Kise, who were all having a good time
all Kise needs to do now is add proper subtitles

Anonymous No. 213903

Something's going down at Futagoyama-beya. There have been too many strange occurrences of late, none of which would be significant on their own, but all of them together is deeply suspicious. I'm expecting poor performance at the November basho and then an announcement of some kind afterwards.

Anonymous No. 213907

>strange occurrences
Like what? Missing karaage? Mysterious wallet gluings in the night?

Anonymous No. 213909

/sumo/ - Parasocial Conspiracy Theorists

Anonymous No. 213913

They had one of their best basho last time. I think you guys are reading into things that aren’t there. I expect another good basho.

Anonymous No. 213918

>Removal of the comment section on the videos
>Multiple members of the stable getting severely reduced camera time
>Unexplained change to the length of the delay in video releases, after a year or more of regular schedule
If I had to guess, I'd say that Futagoyama is getting an official documentary on Japanese TV soon, and it's been quite a distraction as they try to keep it a surprise.

Anonymous No. 213922

I could not find this shit for the life of me thank you

Anonymous No. 213928

Boss Futagoyama might've done something pretty smart making them all famous on joutube, puts a lot of added pressure on them to perform in the ring. I wonder if that was intentional or just lucky

Anonymous No. 213929

I have noticed tsukioka, keiga and souga haven’t gotten that much airtime lately … especially tsukioka.

Anonymous No. 213936

It's pretty common for japanese companies to not allow youtube comments, you see this especially in the gaming industry where even their music has comments disabled. I'd say it's more of an outlier for them to even allow them to begin with.

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Anonymous No. 213939

Anonymous No. 213945

Futagoyama IG always posts a pic related to the latest video and people keep commenting on it.

Anonymous No. 213947

The cameraman for Futagoyama's channel also does camera work for Masahiro Higashide, who I gather is a relatively famous actor in Japan. Masahiro lives on a mountain and hunts bears and boars and the like, and then cooks them for Youtube in a similar format to Futagoyama's channel. A while back he came to the stable and cooked a meal for the boys in a crossover episode. Anyway, Masahiro's channel "Japanese hunter's meal" has just as many subscribers, a similar release schedule, and it still has the comments enabled as of the most recent video. This means that the decision to allow comments and community engagement was deliberate, which makes it odd that it should suddenly be removed. I'm not aware of any specific incident that sparked the change, so I must assume that the choice to do so is a result of something we (as viewers) haven't been made aware of.

Anonymous No. 213953

There have always been at least a few "wow, koga sucks" comments in english on their videos so I doubt that's the reason. It's probably because japanese comments keep telling oyakata to lose weight or he's going to die.

Anonymous No. 213958

>japanese comments keep telling oyakata to lose weight or he's going to die

Anonymous No. 213960

I would just like to say that I want to plap Futagoyama Okami. No way oyakata can satisfy her.

Anonymous No. 213973

She's got a whole stable full of high-test professional athletes, I'm sure she's satisfied.

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Anonymous No. 213974

Manlet gods, he won again

Anonymous No. 213979

1 in 5 japanese cheated in their life, so she's probably having some on the side as well lol

Anonymous No. 213980

I can see Koga and Kikuchi as prime affair material.
That someone, me.

Anonymous No. 213982

>Onosato coming into the next basho on the back of Ozeki partying and now an illness as well


Anonymous No. 213983

How long until the banzuke again?

Anonymous No. 213984

sure, but who is his competition? ozekis who deliver 8-7s, diabetic yokozuna who can't walk, fragile chicken legged sissies who skip leg day…

Anonymous No. 213989

It's time for another stupid yusho where the san'yaku get humiliated by a ranker.

Anonymous No. 213991

Wakatakakage is going to yusho. Screenshot this.

Anonymous No. 213993

i hope that ranker will be Takerufuji...that is if he gets bumped back into makuuchi.


Anonymous No. 213994

he was the beneficiary of a weak, outside the joi schedule last time, he has no chance this time

Anonymous No. 213996

Do you think Wakatakakage is new or something? He's already proven he can hang with the joi and he shit on Onosato already.

All the guys who beat him back in July I guess, the last time he had his little "B-BUT HE JUST WON A YUSHO" excuse all prepped.

Anonymous No. 213997

I'd have more belief in Wakamotoharu

Anonymous No. 214000


Anonymous No. 214008

He's a pretty smart fighter but he'd get knocked tf out in rizin

Anonymous No. 214017

Kirishima yusho and return to ozeki.

Anonymous No. 214024

Roga yusho
playoff vs Ura

Anonymous No. 214029

someone not appearing in youtube videos as often as they used to is not a topic within the scope of "sumo"

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Anonymous No. 214040

Anonymous No. 214042

I like Roga but he has a long way to go before he is sniffing a yusho. If he can’t get the belt he gets blown out.

Anonymous No. 214049

I'll have to find out who this was. Can't recognize the face.

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Anonymous No. 214050

Wonder who it is.

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Anonymous No. 214051


Anonymous No. 214055

Okay, this looks to have been an ad campaign which ran exclusively in the Philippines, so there's only one online source which has these images: a Philippine advertising history facebook group which can't be accessed without an account. If that's where you got these, I have to assume the people in that group scanned them in.
I can't find a fucking thing in Japanese sources, not even a passing mention.

Anonymous No. 214058

the aerodynamic shape bit really gets me good

Anonymous No. 214074

You’re right the former sekiwake who beat onosucko without henkaing like a bitch is just a flash in the pan rank and filer.

Anonymous No. 214075

I don't have a dog in this race, nor do I hate Wankatakakage or Onoshitto, but it's worth remembering that some rikishi just have terrible matchups with each other. Dominating one man, however good he is, doesn't automatically translate to an overall domination of the division. Personally, I think WTK's career will peak at sekiwake, but I'm always happy to see someone exceed my expectations.

Anonymous No. 214083

I wouldnt look for a repeat of that. Wakatakakage held on for dear life in that Onosato bout and his tenacity won out. It's not a match he wins even 3 times out of 10. Once, maybe.

Anonymous No. 214086

>Once, maybe.
No "maybe", I can tell you it definitely happened. Abi beat him too.

Anonymous No. 214091

Yes, I know it happened. That's why I said it would be a repeat if it happened again- because, incredibly, I know that it happened and I phrased my language to contain an obvious implication of that fact, because I knew it happened.

And saying Wakatakakage would win 1 in 10 matches means exactly that. That if he faced Onosato 10 times, he would lose 9 of them. That was my point. You saw the one. I said don't look for a repeat of that. Because, again, I know that it happened.

God damn dude.

Anonymous No. 214111

God, I love this phase of the between-basho period. You just don't get arguments like this in week 2 or week 5.

Anonymous No. 214117

Wakatakakage will beat onosucko again this basho and yusho. When this happens I expect you to post an apology to WTK and admit you are a gayboy for doubting him.

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Anonymous No. 214126

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Anonymous No. 214128

Nah, it's another Kiribayama yusho

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Anonymous No. 214130

Post yer poses

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Anonymous No. 214131

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Anonymous No. 214132

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Anonymous No. 214133

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Anonymous No. 214135

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Anonymous No. 214136


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Anonymous No. 214140

Anonymous No. 214159

Do tokoyama in stables without sekitori still practice the oichomage on them or is that forbidden by the JSA?

Anonymous No. 214194

I would assume they practice. It's not like there are many rules of decorum to what goes on inside a heya.

Anonymous No. 214197

They still go to other stables and do the hair of sekitori, the stable is just where they live.