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June 20.gif

๐Ÿงต pixel art with 3D

Anonymous No. 948876

I've mastered now both 32x32 sprites and 100x100 sprites being made with pixel art made from a 3D model.

Anonymous No. 948886

then why has this "master" made exactly 0$ so far?

Anonymous No. 948891

Go ahead and master my balls OP

Anonymous No. 948893

How do you get the jagged look?

Anonymous No. 948896


Anonymous No. 948900

Cris why do you have to keep making new threads? Why not just have one thread for all your progress so you don't shit up the board constantly. Make /cris/ general already

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Anonymous No. 948930

good idea.

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Anonymous No. 948932

ok, since anon told me to make a /cris/ general.

I will use this thread.

Started working on a fireplace.

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Anonymous No. 948934

ok, new tree.

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Anonymous No. 948941

a fireplace now.

Anonymous No. 948950

>watch one 4 minute tutorial

Anonymous No. 948960

Have you ever seen a tree before?

Anonymous No. 948972

I need some quick shitters to be at the background.

Anonymous No. 948974

you've been trying to make 3d happen for a fucking decade now. when are you going to move past the "taking shortcuts" bullshit?

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Anonymous No. 948975

what do you mean?

I've developed an unique style.

Isn't that good enough?

Anonymous No. 948977

nigga why the fuck do you keep developping styles or new techniques just make a fucking actual game or project and finish it instead of shitting up this already dying board with your bullshit

Anonymous No. 948978

do you think a single person will make a commercial game like Pokemon alone?

Are u insane?

>dying board
Have you tried like make a single post more than once per week?

Why the fuck is my fault for actually using the board?

Anonymous No. 948996

Nobody said it had to be a commercial game like pokemon



Finish a SINGLE project

It could be a mine sweeper clone that flashes that girl's low poly panties every time you clear a mine

Or you could make some short animations


Anonymous No. 948997

The thumbnail of that gif doesn't look too bad

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Anonymous No. 949001

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 949019

why not planes? or sculpting? that looks terrible

Anonymous No. 949021


Anonymous No. 949594

will start now a real project, chud.

Anonymous No. 949596


Anonymous No. 949605

Ahha, I knew that thread on /ic/ about painting foliage was you

Anonymous No. 949971

your girls are not low poly enough.

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Anonymous No. 950157

Started working with some dobarro workflow using subdivision surfaces.

Anonymous No. 950162

How has Cris not been permabanned yet? He shits up who knows how many boards with his garbage, and even other ESLs tell him to fuck off.

Anonymous No. 950164

Because the jannies hate us. The cultivate him so he can torment everybody else while they laugh behind our back.
Because fuck jannies. That's why.

Anonymous No. 950166

Because he's not technically breaking any rules, at least not ones the jannies care about. He's likely not a troll considering how long he's been doing this, and the fact he's done this on other websites tells me he has no shame for what he does. His posts could be considered spam or low-quality, put posting "progress" every week or two or once every few days isn't spamming, and the jannies across this entire site don't seem to care about quality.

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Anonymous No. 950170

Well, for a first day experiment, using subdivision surface, is like pretty neat to realize this is how all the nice patreon fan art 3D waifus are made.

Not that bad for like the first day attempt.
Need to like practice more I think.

But too expensive to make a game like this, I would pretty much need an entire team to make anything.

Still cool for like fan art renders to put on pixiv or something.

Anonymous No. 950171

there's literall infamous child porn spammers on this site for years, do you think they give a fuck about cris?

Anonymous No. 950176

>Because he's not technically breaking any rules, at least not ones the jannies care about. He's likely not a troll
He intentionally posts low quality garbage, flamewars and bait, and gets called out for it every time.

Anonymous No. 950177

>he's been at it for a literal decade and this is what he produces

It's impressive how much someone can NOT progress after this much time

Anonymous No. 950178

he has progressed a lot. If he were on fiverr, he could be hirable.

Anonymous No. 950180

>he's not technically breaking any rules
>>950052 >>950107 >>949852 >>949288 >>949987 >>946836 >>949101
Half the catalog basically. And these threads are posted on regular rotation. I'm not saying there all from a single person. But the style is very similar and somehow they're ignored by the jannies.

Because see... When you're a janny and you're insecure about even the most simple pf things such as your own gender, then you lack the ability to create, so you want to take it away from anybody else. And you do that for free.

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Anonymous No. 950181

not cris threads.

t. cris

Anonymous No. 950182

I believe you. In my opinion >>948975 is good content. But there is so much garbage around this board looks like Paris.

the chair nerd No. 950188

Yeah those are not Christ threads. Chris has a special kind of stench to it. It's like distilled vomit on a turd.

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Anonymous No. 950697

I've reached a newer more advanced level in my pursuit for optimization.

It took me 10 years to reach the point where I've literally optimized to impossible levels my workflow.

Anonymous No. 950701

So 10 more years to loose the chamfers?

Anonymous No. 950777

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 950779

>wasting time on bevels

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Anonymous No. 950921

going for crappy chink 1 usd toy aesthetic.

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Anonymous No. 950922

Posting some pixel art masterpiece.

Anonymous No. 950923

is that the girl from >>949001 (2013)?

Anonymous No. 951324


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Anonymous No. 951642

Starting to develop a new 2D HD animation workflow chuds.

Anonymous No. 951649

Now make her bend over

Anonymous No. 951951

who even are these anime characters? he sure as hell didn't design them himself, so where did he steal them from?

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Anonymous No. 952023

Pacifica and Rosa were born in mid 2005.

Pretty sure they're old enough to do porn or something.

As for her spiritual parents.

Basically caska from beserk and the young girl that is adopted early in scrapped princess.

Her sister has the rosalina haircut.

Anonymous No. 952037

>mid 2005
>old enough to do porn
They're little kids, you sick fu-
>it's now 2023

Anonymous No. 952038

yes anon.

you've become old.

Anonymous No. 952624

I think you are genuinely medically autistic and not in a "hyperfocused genius" kind of way.