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๐Ÿงต /beg/ - Beginner's General

Anonymous No. 960431

You are a beg for at least 2 years, depending on software. Post beg related issues, concerns, and work. If you are med, or adv, remember what it was like to be a beg and DONT confuse the needy begs.

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Anonymous No. 960567

fucked up my dough Principle BSDF but I think its okay. Learned more about bezier keyframes than I did with premiere .

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Anonymous No. 960568

i love doing 3d autism

Anonymous No. 960570


Anonymous No. 960586

ty ty i gotta keep it real

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Anonymous No. 960780

What causes the jittering in rendered mode?

Anonymous No. 960790


Anonymous No. 960796

This didn't work unfortunately
>increased spline resolution
>subdivided the curve (12 levels)
>made an empty and parent the camera

Anonymous No. 960797

try the second answer here

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Anonymous No. 960798

This is what I did earlier.. subdivided to hell until my viewport is in 4 fps, still the jitter persists. What I did change was to use Eevee instead of Cycles, the jitter goes away. Is this a problem with cycles?

Anonymous No. 960799

Are you using geometry nodes?

Anonymous No. 960800

none, I just used a bezier circle and object constraints

Anonymous No. 960801

try 4.0 beta and also scaling up the size of the overall animation so it covers greater area

Anonymous No. 960802

Will try. thank you anon

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Anonymous No. 960864

>benchmarking my pc
>open up porn scene with animation
>hit play
>2 fps viewport in solid mode
>60% cpu util, <20% gpu util
where is the bottleneck?

Anonymous No. 960865

You can visit Anime Nyan's discord nsfw blender server. It's packed with a lotta stuff, you have support text and voice channels as well

Anonymous No. 960871

I'm working in Blender and I wanna do a quick fix up in ZBrush, is there a way to export/import so that it keeps the creases?

Anonymous No. 960874

Nevermind, looks like you need to have a subdivision modifier on it and export it for it to keep the creases (even if you're not subdividing)

Anonymous No. 960890

>creasing in zbrush

Anonymous No. 960891

Not creasing in ZBrush, I'm just planning on importing back to blender afterwards so I just didn't want to lose it

Anonymous No. 960897

it sounds like you are trying to sculpt on a creased, hard surface asset. What are you doing?

Anonymous No. 960925

I was trying to fix up a messy mesh I exported from a game that had clipping from animation so I thought running the smooth directional brush over it a couple of times would help, but I ended up just having to move the points around manually and figure out what's what

Anonymous No. 960926

you ripped from a game?

Anonymous No. 960927

Yes, Blue Archive, I wanna 3D print the cute chibis

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Anonymous No. 960928

I made a gob

How do people learn hand painting textures, I've been trying to learn 3dcoat but it's hard :(

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Anonymous No. 960961

Please give me a modeling tutorial for stylized game assets that goes deep into painting (with Painter preferably).
I want to make low poly assets japanese style (lots of details on textures and stuff).

Anonymous No. 960962

Actually seconding, is there an easy way to be able to draw in Clipstudio and see the updates on the model right away?

Anonymous No. 960967

search for dota2 guides

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Anonymous No. 960997

rock :)

Anonymous No. 961032

nice, do more

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Anonymous No. 961039

box spin

Anonymous No. 961054

>is there an easy way to be able to draw in Clipstudio and see the updates on the model right away?
Unfortunately no but you can press alt+r when mousing over the image in blender's image editor, so you ctrl+s in clip, then alt+r in blender, it's not instant but quite quick once you commit this reflex to memory

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Anonymous No. 961055

How do you smooth out shit like picrel in OP's image? Just add support loops / more geometry to smooth it out?

Goal is to have smoother shading in the arrowed area without the 'seam'.

Anonymous No. 961090

This is actually good advice

Anonymous No. 961106

Bumoing this >>960961 and here's actual models to illustrate what "style" of painting I'm trying to replicate

Anonymous No. 961120

Im a unity junior dev and want to learn a new software to improve my cv.
What do you recommend me? Blender, Maya, Zbrush, etc?

Anonymous No. 961124

auto smooth

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Anonymous No. 961211

So I know the grey stuff are bones cuz I tried replicating the CSGO icon pose (i couldnt get past on fingers holding the gun properly)

But what are these? I played with it, they work the same as bones but it seems to me they are easier to work with. What are they called? How do you add them?

Anonymous No. 961212

That's just bones using bone shapes that use drivers & other shit to control parts of the skeleton in an intuitive way.

These bones using fancy shapes is what you'd call a 'rig', aka the bones animators actually use to pose the character.
A good rig would basically never have need for you to fuck with other bones.
You can generate a rig like that with riggify addon (included in blender), though it's pretty janky and if you have no idea what you're doing will probably still be pretty frustrating + usually needs manual fixing, but it does get you ~75% of the way there.

sage No. 961214

I see. thanks

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Anonymous No. 961245

I'm trying to learn blender, so fair I can block stuff out of primitives and edit them into other shapes, and I'm starting to understand parenting and a few of the modifiers. still sometimes struggling with the 3d cursor and hotkeys.

I want to learn rigging next, and how to make tubes and shit, hopefully with some kind of 3d splines that I can move around.

Ultimately I'd like to make stls. Can those have lots of overlapping individual parts that are manifold, or do they have to be one solid manifold mesh?

Anonymous No. 961246

Oh, and panel lines. I did the top one by making a cookie cutter shape and boolean subtracting it from the panel, but there must be a better way.

Anonymous No. 961247

What would cause black hair to look grey under lights in blender? Is it just overexposure? Iโ€™m using the principled bdsf hair shader and Iโ€™ve tried both direct coloring and melanin concentration.

Anonymous No. 961269

your slicer can sort it out or you can join them all together before exporting as stl.
The splines are bezier curves you can turn them into mesh for cables.
For panel lines in the mesh for 3d printing you do need to Boolean or just extrude faces along normals. Addons can help with the panel lines and tubes.

Anonymous No. 961288

OK, but like how do I get uniform depth, especially on curved surfaces? My intuition says to do something like make a slightly smaller copy of the item getting cut, or like an offset surface somehow and use that to boolean the object that's going to cut the panel line shape, but I'm not sure if that's the right idea.

Anonymous No. 961335

Can go in with the knife tool and cut the panel lines into faces and extrude along normals alt + e. Or can make duplicate, boolean the main one all the way through, do intersect boolean with the same cutt on erthe 2nd and scale it down slightly. I would go into the pirate thread and get boxcutter / hard ops, mesh machine and maybe look for some panel lines addon.

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Anonymous No. 961704

How do I replicate this without using booleans? Im trying to make the edges uniform

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Anonymous No. 961727

how do i paint transluceny correctly

Anonymous No. 961733

>2 years
>that model
give up

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Anonymous No. 962619

I'm making models for a game but UV design seems like pure hell, how do I deal with this? This model isn't too complex but it is going to be on the player's face at all times so I tried making it somewhat detailed but I'm completely lost on how to start the UV unwrapping so I can not have to spend weeks texturing it, and also on how to do it on other models

thunder thighs No. 962636

break that into multiple objects anon. Texturing that will be a pain in the ass to match vertices. Aso, dragging around so many vertices on a singular UV map will lag like hell if you don't have a pretty beefy rig. ALSO, if you like to change textures for a singular piece in that scene, it'll be much easier to edit smaller textures than to edit 9800x9800 files

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Anonymous No. 962640

here I did some stuff but

hmm. Some of the model's parts are different objects already (like the joysticks, pedals and even part of the hull since those are supposed to all move separately in animations) but should I separate them more? And also, should I have different images for each object? Or should I just try simplifying the model even more and reducing complexity further?

Anonymous No. 962642

separate that into individual objects

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Anonymous No. 964310

Noob started saturday evening reporting in.

Anonymous No. 964345

Any tips on learning sculpting? I wanna make a video game and I'm interested in sculpting humanoid faces for starters.

Anonymous No. 964346

Sculpt 100 heads, doesn't matter if they suck, it's all part of learning
Every head you sculpt will teach you something you can do better
By the end of 100 heads you should likely have an adequate enough grasp of the process to make something decent

Anonymous No. 964347


dont listen to this guy. You just need to study anatomy and read books on anatomy

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 964349

fuck off senpai

Anonymous No. 964353

Watch speedchar videos on sculpting the head, he gives a lot of good advise, and it is helpful to observe his workflow

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Anonymous No. 964813

First ever rendered model. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 965093

great work, now just keep on working and getting better, if youre struggling with it or keeping up the habit try making things youre most interested in

Anonymous No. 965095

blender, maya, 3d max or c4d are good to know as generalist software, for games id say blender or 3dmax are good, maya is more used for animations, zbrush is also great to know, also substance painter and designer, these are kinda fundamentals 3d programs for gamedev

Anonymous No. 965096

both of these

Anonymous No. 965104

Just started Blender a few days ago and wanted to ask something, I did the whole donuts tutorial and all,but I wanted to know if there's any creators of vids in particular about character modeling toons,low poly,anime,etc,saw a few vids but the time was like a year or 2 ago so wasn't sure if anything from them was stil optimal to use and don;t to get into bad habits early on,

Anonymous No. 965105

Old tutorials are fine. You'll have lots of hands-on time with whichever editor version you're using, but not a lot of hands-on time with well-made models, UVs or rigs. If you end up doing something really tedious all the time, there's probably an automated solution to it that you just have to google correctly to learn about.
Reading Blender's changelog also helps if some tutorial looks different to yours.

Anonymous No. 965136

Thanks king

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Anonymous No. 965221

I started messing with 3d modelling a few weeks now. (See >>964173 )
Found "Le donut man" and messed about with a torus for an hour. Then found
Reminds me of a school teacher in 80's uk so i enjoy his vids, also been watching lately for low poly tips.
It is all down to a teaching personality that doesn't grate on you i guess.

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Anonymous No. 965222

still struggling with topology

Anonymous No. 965313

When it comes to character modelling, can Maya and 3DSM videos be used interchangeably?

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Anonymous No. 965314

started blender back on oct of 2022. i used to be a damned purist back then, i didnt want to use assets i only used stuff i modeled myself. been tinkering w blender since then on and off (i still consider myself to be a beg) and ive learned some very important things like

1.) dont be precluded from using pre-made assets
2.) commissions are such a pain in the ass and
3.) volumetric fog is god

picrel my last art piece

Anonymous No. 965316

Really great effects, man! I'm just imagining it animated with the ambiance of waves

Anonymous No. 965317

thanks!! i wish i could animate it, but cycles and animating dont really work well together xd

Anonymous No. 965318


Anonymous No. 965440

Updated to Blender 4.0 from 2.9umthin, and a lot of the shortcut hotkeys are bound to the Z axis when pressed, Extrude being the most egregious. All the forums say to just hit Z to unbind it, but is there a way to get the old unbound behavior back? The forums also seem to be gaslighting me and saying that it has ALWAYS been bound to normals, but the unbound behavior is even in a lot of tutorials I've been following...

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Anonymous No. 965505

Blender tech support needed.
Lag when dealing with rigs outside the original blend file of the rig :(

Anonymous No. 965516

Art discord with a 3d channel, mainly community focused, we do a lot of vying. Pretty welcoming and we will try to help crit your stuff

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Anonymous No. 965830

Hello, I have a favour to ask. I want to learn Blender. I watched the classic donut beginners guide. Personally, however, I want to try making low poly creatures like picrel. It seems to be kind of a specific task so I was wondering what features and tools of blender should I master to achieve this. Something that can do sharp edges and generally low detail, but pretty complex shapes. Any advice or guides you could provide? Thank you.

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Anonymous No. 965834

The Donut is more about familiarizing yourself with the controls and functions of Blender. Making the Donut establishes fundamental understanding of what the program allows you to do, and creates a space for you to practice basic tasks like navigating the 3D viewport. It's really worth your time to learn some of the more complex stuff, even if your aim is lower.

That said, super-low poly is best accomplished with a reference or concept image, a handful of primitive shapes, and the Modeling workspace. Familiarize yourself with moving vertecies and edges, merging and cutting new vertecies, and studying the models you want to emulate. I'd reckon old-school modding resources may have a tutorial or two that would suit your needs.

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Anonymous No. 965848

I made this creature today. It's my first 3d model besides the donut. I had to disguise the lack of detail with pixels, but the end result looks pretty cool and i like the idea i had. Kind of inspired by the half life stalker. What do you think, bros?

Anonymous No. 965853

I like the silhouette but overall it doesn't demonstrate a lot of skill.

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Anonymous No. 965856

Anyone know which setting I fucked up? I appended the meshes to a different file and the sculpting tools work fine there. So I think I might have screwed something up when I hit the wrong shortcut keys.

Anonymous No. 965857

pajeet made globo homo goyslop commercial

There is nothing wrong with your topology

pirate some addons for hard surface, tubes/cables and panels.

Just pirate some stuff that people recommend

did you cache the animations?

Anonymous No. 965864

Did you check if you have a texture applied to your brush?
This is also a common problem when sculpting meshes that consist of distorted quads.
To get rid of that in this case you need dyntopo or remesh.

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Anonymous No. 965930

Ok, second 3D model of mine. I tried going for the low poly aesthetic. I now need to learn how to apply some low res lizard scale textures and draw a face for it and it will be pretty neat. What do you think?
I used this guide which was really helpful for the sort of thing i wanted to do.

Anonymous No. 965935

Do the models have a gajillion drivers and shape keys?

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Anonymous No. 966299

has anybody incorporated AI to their workflow?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 966312

How do I make this in 3D

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Anonymous No. 966509

Yep, nice start. You'll want to look at its center of mass to make it a believable creature. I've roughly marked points on the torso and head to show it's a bit front-heavy. Look at other peoples' depictions of naga and the fix you'll usually see is to make it lean back a bit.

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Anonymous No. 966852

is this the correct topology for intersecting bevels?

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Anonymous No. 967048

The low poly thread is about to die so I rather post here
I decided to follow the blockbench tutorial on how to make a truck and made this.
I know it's ugly but I'm surprised that in so little time I made so much and that I didn't struggle with the project or the program, I even think making more models will be fun.
Sadly I don't have any interest in undertaking more 3d art, what drove me here is an interest in making a 3d game and I'm far away from doing that project but now I know making it 3d won't be as painful as I imagined.
Either way, I'm happy and I hope you guys are doing well, keep it up

Anonymous No. 967093

Handpainting is bevels. Learn them, love them.
Once you understand them, you'll realize you can get pretty much everything done with bevels.

Also, there are a few free youtube tutorials to get you started on getting more interesting information into your texture. Stylized Station comes to mind .

Anonymous No. 967094

Pinching like that might appear when some edges are too close to one another, in an area where the rest of the edges are actually some distance apart. Check the edgeflow and make sure you have even edge distribution across the surface.
Also check for loose vertices.

Anonymous No. 967097

In a metallic-roughness workflow, tweak the alpha for transparency (but never go to 0) and the roughness.
You'll probably need some kind of texture for the transparency and for roughness because it's hard to notice stuff when everything is flat in your texture.

For example: create a square texture and create a circular gradient in it for transparency (similar to a dirty window - clear in the center, opaque on the edges). Then create some Render Clouds and use that for roughness.

You'll have to tweak everything but it should get you started to understand how to get transparent but reflective surfaces, with interesting smudges on it. glhf

Anonymous No. 967098

That's nice and clean. Love it. Keep at it.

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Anonymous No. 967099

Looks OK to me. Save your scene and try removing the highlighted edges. That should turn everything into quads in yer intersection.

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Anonymous No. 967236

>pajeet made globo homo goyslop commercial
Maybe that's what he was going for, as a critique.

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Anonymous No. 967735

Hey guys. Just started working with Blender for gamedev. This is the second real thing I've made and I think it came out pretty well. To be fair I have a lot of experience with Tinkercad.

Anonymous No. 967965

is cgtrader legit? i want to make a kind of christmas card for a friend but i dont have the skill to model everything

Anonymous No. 968009

My friend doesn't know how to blockout or understand why it's helpful, and I've only drawn some 2D stuff and never 3D, what's a good way to explain or help? They want to just directly make the thing they have a 2D reference of.

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Anonymous No. 968166

im learning to love quads and not just obsess over triangles everywhere

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Anonymous No. 968384

>struggling with texel density and UVs in general
>get the Texel Density Checker
>use 256x256 texture for 3 different objects
>apply textures
>make them all the same texel density
>it resizes the UVs and ruins it
>pic related
fuck this. UV stuff is an absolute nightmare

Anonymous No. 968385


best vid I've seen on low poly modelling. goes over the basics and introduces new stuff at a very reasonable pace

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Anonymous No. 968398

alright I think I got a hold of it. maybe someone could check if the texel density is consistent in this? here's the file

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Anonymous No. 968441

someone put me out of my misery. been using Texel Density Checker to try and keep a consistent TD, but it's making texturing a nightmare
I just want to be able to make different sized objects with the same texel density, but without the bigger or smaller ones becoming a mess due to no UV space [either outside of the UV bounds or far too big for it]
I'm applying scale before attempting to texture, for what it's worth

Anonymous No. 968446

I'm probably misunderstanding your issue here because I'm a tard, but are you sure it's not doing exactly what it's meant to be doing?
"Make texel density consistent for these meshes" literally means "resize these uv islands so the scale of the meshes they're mapping relative to each other is roughly reflected in their new scaling". If you have a really big object and a really small object and "make their texel density consistent" and pack them so they fit in the rectangle, it's obvious that the big one will cover almost the entire 0..1 uv rectangle and the smaller one will be tiny. Because it matches the amount of pixels you're mapping to the area. That's what texel density IS.
Also honestly I wouldn't bother with that shit at all. Keeping it consistent may sound like a good idea in theory, but it's really a waste of time. Just roughly eyeball the scale of each island and you shouldn't have problems. You don't even HAVE to keep it consistent most of the time. It's really only important if you're using tiling textures mapped to uvs in your materials. Feel free to have bigger islands for more important parts otherwise. Also you can't keep the density consistent if you reuse any areas on the texture, like with trimsheets.

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Anonymous No. 968565

I downloaded blender yesterday and half the /faq/ links don't fucking work.
What do you folks think of link related? will I learn anythin by just copying this?

Anonymous No. 968628

So Iโ€™m new to modeling but Iโ€™ve been working with wood for a long time.
Are there any 3D tools that replicate the types of things you do with wood tools? Iโ€™m especially looking for a lathe type radial sculpting tool. I have no idea how I would model something like a table leg.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ the chair nerd No. 968629

Literally the 'lathe' tool is ubiquitous in almost every cg program.

If you are into woodworking and also 3d I'd reccomend sketchup wich has a fucking huge woodworking community.

Anonymous No. 968633

My fault for using blender, the spin tool sucks ass, maybe I can find an add on that works better.

Anonymous No. 968764

This. We're all eyeballing it.
Use a checker texture with some numbers on it to make sure the texture resolution is somehow consistent across all meshes in the scene and you're good to go. It doesn't have to be pixel perfect. glhf

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fuck this.png

Anonymous No. 968811

maybe I'm simply retarded, but I still don't fully understand how to maintain consistency across meshes
if I make a load of objects I have to take the largest one, get its TD and then set the smaller objects to it, which keeps everything consistent, but if I make anything larger it will ruin the whole thing due to the UVs now going outside the UV box [unless the larger object is a seamless texture, since UVs outside of the box don't matter when seamless]
how the fuck can I make a scene or anything consistent at all unless I know what my largest object is going to be beforehand, and why would I want to base an entire scene around lucking out on said object and getting the TD behind the scenes bullshit to work right by seemingly pure luck?
I made 4 objects and didn't even bother with the TD shit, I just manually seamed and unwrapped everything and textured them all using 128x128 textures, but that resulted in pretty obvious texel messiness with the smaller objects being more detailed
it becomes even more of a disaster as soon as I try to introduce textures with different resolutions
the whole thing is a complete mess and I'm convinced it's borderline impossible to keep texel density consistent across meshes
even when I create a default cube, set the texture size at the top of TDChecker to 128x128 (my textures) and set the TD it immediately fucks the UVs (see bottom pic)
FUCK IT ALL. no wonder people stick to 2D pixelshit instead, where a pixel is actually a pixel. I would love to know what the proper workflow for this shit is

>top image is assets made with no regard for TD, just 256x256 textures
>2nd is after applying the TD of the basket to the other objects, fucks them up, no surprise there
>3rd is how big the UVs become after I set the texture size to 128x128 in Texel Density Checker
>bottom is the default cube with a 128x128 texel density, with fucked UV space

Anonymous No. 968839

What do you guys think of Plasticity

Anonymous No. 968900

I'm not sure if this is really a /3/ question at all, but are there any resources on making skyboxes from scratch?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 968980

Here's a beg art/3d server.

Anonymous No. 968986

From scratch how?
Painting them? Taking photos? Rendering a 3d scene to use as a skybox? AI generation?
There's a bunch of different avenues you can take and all of them have pretty different workflows.

Anonymous No. 969261

I am erect

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Anonymous No. 969323

am I fucking up with seams or UV mapping somewhere, besides spacing? this all feels rather tedious and time consuming
I was hoping if I seamed it all properly the unwrap would take care of itself, but no. made a lot of UVs overlap if they can share the same texture, pretty sure that's okay
fucked up on the model in some places by making unnecessary faces but whatever
also when should I triangulate, and do I just let blender do the whole thing automatically with Ctrl + T?

Anonymous No. 969326

You have some unnecessary seams in some places, like the neck area (I don't know what it is, so I'm just giving it human terms), and the weird skirt thing, but for the most part your seams aren't too bad. You're clearly picking up how to lay out seams for the most part. Overlapping islands is perfectly fine, with the exception of things like baking normals and AO, but if you're not doing that it's fine. Your actual layout could probably use a good bit of work to maximize space (you're giving a lot of space between islands), and if you wanted to you can size up the bits that are larger on the model to give it a bit more even texel density.

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Anonymous No. 969329

here's the UVs spaced a little more nicely, hopefully that's better. top two stretched out blobs are the torso and head, so the most important parts get some decent space
I need to find a way to match faces to the same UV exactly rather than just stacking them on top of each other manually; the exported UV looks like death at 128x128 or 256x256
seems like you can copy UVs but idk

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Anonymous No. 969333

Greetings, what is the best way to go about making a convincing effect of pulled down clothes? These are the results I have so far using Sculpt mode's Grab + Nudge tools, but the results look quite shite. :\

Anonymous No. 969343

>I need to find a way to match faces to the same UV exactly
If they're the same islands essentially, you can just use ctrl while moving it to snap it and overlap them that way. You can change the snapping mode in the UV layout from increment (which just snaps things to set values), to something like vertex, and just grab an island and align it to the top left vertex of another similar island. The snapping dropdown it found in the center of the bar at the top of your UV in >>969323, right next to the magnet icon (though when it's off it looks like a tilted "U") that toggles snapping on/off all the time instead of just when you press ctrl.
If they still don't align perfectly, but they're really close, you can also just select a point and the ones you want to overlap with it, and just scale them to zero to get them all in the exact same place. Or just snap them vertex by vertex.

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Anonymous No. 969348

Started Blender a few days ago, I have this tiny issue: whenever I change some value to default when creating a mesh, the options disappear and I have to create the same mesh again if I want to change the rest. I don't know what's causing it, I haven't touched the preferences other than having select on RMB.

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Anonymous No. 969349

I have some questions over here
Managed to do something, but it feels like a dumb way to do it

Anonymous No. 969362

That's definitely not normal. I just tried it with 4.0.2 by adding a cylinder, changing the vertices, then right clicking the vertices option to reset to default value and the options stay open and usable. Not even switching to right click select makes it mess up. Sounds like you're somehow deselecting the object or selecting something else, which closes the options. Save your keymap, reset to default, and try again to make sure.

Anonymous No. 969364

that's not a dumb way to do it; if it's a seamless texture it can extend beyond the UV space and should tile without issue
as for the rest, I'm only a novice myself but if those are planes you're using to build the environment, you might find that the texture appears on the other side
also if they're planes, you might run into issues with normals. go in object mode, hit the viewport overlays in the dropdown menu at the top-right and select Face Orientation, anything that's red is bad
as far as texturing is concerned it's up to you, there's no problem with having multiple materials on a single model. I'd recommend going to File at the top left, then External Data and Automatically Pack Resources, so that if you delete or move the image files used in the textures it won't matter and make your model all pink and textureless when opened in the future
as for the stacking UVs, the Anon two posts above you answered it. hope that helped

Anonymous No. 969368

>Save your keymap, reset to default, and try again to make sure.
I tried that but it didn't work, even hitting backspace closes the options. For the moment it doesn't really bother me but it's weird regardless.

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Anonymous No. 969413

thanks, wanted to export to check how it looks outside of Blender and I get this now, guess something's wrong in there

Anonymous No. 969459

Why is it so dark when the sun is in the sky

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Anonymous No. 969505

giving up on this little project. my workflow is absolute shit
model it all > mark seams > unwrap > UV map > export UV map > apply textures in photoshop > import
it takes absolutely ages and there's almost definitely better ways to do it. would be far quicker if ReSprytile didn't suck. I spend so much time just maximizing UV space, it's crazy
I'm thinking I should create texture atlases and just manually move UVs over the master texture, even if it means breaking the way PS1 textures were handled
wanna try vertex painting too but already been filtered by it once before

Anonymous No. 969568

First, check out this guy's post on artstation. That explanation is pretty good and it made TD pretty clear to me:

Especially make sure you check the bit about the "usual" texel density that's used depending on the camera type: first person, third person, strategic.

Second, I didn't fully understand all of that wall of text of yours (lol, sorry) but I will try to post my workflow and see if you can extract something from it.

Let's say you give me those items from your image and I need to do them:
- yellow bucket
- that blue box of tools (?)
- that diamond
- that plastic lotion bottle

I'll decide, for example, that 128x128 = 1 meter2 in real life and in my scene. I will use an external checkered texture, for example this one, and use one of those squares as a benchmark for comparison:

The image above is 1024x1024 and I'll use it going forward in my examples.

The smallest square should be 128x128. You can now resize all of your UV islands (eyeballing) by comparing them to the small square.

For example, if your yellow barrel is 1m high, the highest part of the barrel UV island should be approx. the height of one of the small squares. Same for the other objects. That blue box looks like 0.4 m. Resize the islands accordingly.

Try not to use any "tools" for this.
I use this method because it is independent from any software and, for me, it's fool-proof.
If you say that in your scene, 1 m2 = 512x512px, I can adapt to that immediately.

You can also be flexible with these values, if you want: 128x128px can mean 1m2 or 5m2, depending on your scene.

If you have too much empty space, you can group several objects in the same texture space (like an atlas) or you can crop the texture to the smallest power of 2 size that includes all your UV islands.

Anonymous No. 969570

Really nice for quick hard surface non-organic highpoly, in my opinion.
I did one trial month. I'm going to do another one then I'll probably buy it.

Anonymous No. 969572

For personal projects, don't worry that much about maximizing UV space. Try to do it right, of course, but don't obsess over it.

UV work is tedious and time consuming, there is no way around it. Some tools speed up the process, but it's still there.

Making a master atlas is a good idea if you plan ahead and know exactly what you'll need in the scene. Once you've finished the atlas and you start mapping objects to it, you'll get really limited really fast. As in, you won't be able to add new stuff to it and you need to be careful when fixing stuff in the atlas as to not go over the already established boundries.

The only workaround is to create a second master atlas for the rest of the objects that you forget to add to the first one.

I had a project where I started from day one with the following planning:
- 1 atlas: road textures (tileable up-down)
- 1 atlas: walls, windows and doors
- 1 atlas: transparent things (fences mostly)

Always try to keep the transparent shit separate from all the other textures and confined to a single atlas.

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character tutorial.png

Anonymous No. 969705

idk man. how do i mouth? the tutorial I followed just had me draw a line and I kinda hate it

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skyrim belongs to....png

Anonymous No. 969718

gave it another try, this time carved out a mouth and tried my best with teeth and a tongue. tried to replicate what I've seen in disneyland animatronics but idk. should work on improving hair too i think

Anonymous No. 969746

late reply but thanks for this Anon

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Anonymous No. 969816

is there a way to change how seams work, so that I can avoid this color / tone difference even when faces are right next to each other? the seam sticks out like a sore thumb
I had to mark the seam to unwrap it properly, but doing so means said two faces are far apart in wrapping terms, despite being so close
you can see the problem on the UV on the left with the two selected faces

Anonymous No. 969817

i heckin love recreating movie scenes in blender

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Anonymous No. 969863

what are these random ass lines? they don't show up when I do a render and I can't really interact with them much but they're still kinda annoying me. when I click the curved ones it highlights the legs and when I click the straight one it highlights the torso. other than that they don't seem to do anything

Anonymous No. 969912

These look like rig helpers. They're basically handles for the armature bones with shapes that make animating easier.

Anonymous No. 969914

don't recall doing anything with a rig or bones yet. gonna ignore it for now then I guess. thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 970121

first time attempting a face could use some critique, how bad is it lads

Anonymous No. 970138

Easiest way to identify this would be clicking one of them in object mode and looking at the outliner in the upper right. It should show you what you selected.
eyes too large (looks like the black bitch with the bulging eyes used in all the games recently - you know, THAT one). cheek shouldn't be this concave - there should be a slight protrusion around the lower corner of the eye. jaw line looks crooked, but that might be the perspective. mouth looks goofy as well, but that could be the style you want.

Anonymous No. 970158

yeah the lips are fucking atrocious, struggled a lot with those. gonna be practicing those a lot in the future i think. went back this morning and fixed some shit, added a little more to the cheek and adjusted the jaw a little and tightened the area around the eyes and nose. going off a more stylized reference from a youtube tutorial so it's not gonna be perfect anatomy but still want to do my best with it here. appreciate the advice

Anonymous No. 970160

Check the rotation of the uv islands

Anonymous No. 970175

Your problem here is the texture/image region you placed the uv on. They're obviously very different in brightness and thus the threshold between the two islands is visible when directly placed next to each other. Try moving around the UV's that make up the seam to a more similar coloration and it shouldn't be this obvious anymore. You could als try manually texture painting on the unwrapped object to make the difference less obvious.

Anonymous No. 970208

Probably just the parenting struggling to update.
Try rendering a short video. It probably won't jitter.

Anonymous No. 970210

Crease only affects subdivision. What the fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 970213

Blender is much more versatile than fucking sketchup.
Don't listen to that guy.
What you're looking for is the simple "bevel" function. You can set a custom curve in the live options when you bevel an edge.
If you want circular sculpting you have to use radial symmetry (set in the N menu). Keep in mind that you'll need a pretty dense mesh, or turn on dyntopo if your pc is beefy enough.

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Anonymous No. 970214

It also affects the Shade Smooth without adding subdivisions

Anonymous No. 970215

You can flip half the uv tube onto itself and merge the verts that make up the ends. That will make a seamless mirrored loop.

Anonymous No. 970216

Use sharpen edges (Ctrl+E) for that, not crease.
Also, you can smooth shit in blender in a myriad of ways. Why are you switching to zbrush??

Anonymous No. 970217

Oh it's an old question so I forgot what I meant
I exported lowpoly models from a game and wanted to use the smooth brush to fix up the topology since I'm used to it
I ended up figuring it out another way

Anonymous No. 970225

>thigh and belly handles
Why is 3d modeling so... erotic...

Anonymous No. 970706

is there a way to view my mesh in triangles without triangulating the whole thing? I need it for vertex painting
if I need to edit a mesh later but I've triangulated it, that would be a pain

Anonymous No. 970720

There's a triangulate modifier you can use. Then you can just turn it on in edit mode and you should be able to do shit without committing to actually changing the geometry.

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Anonymous No. 970850

testing vertex coloring on monochrome textures. pic is untextured

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Anonymous No. 970851

and this is just with the dirty vertex color tool, just letting it do its thing and moving the sliders a bit
this is for low poly stuff, seems really powerful, also similar to how Vagrant Story did their environments. not sure why more people don't do this for their retro throwback stuff

Anonymous No. 970853

also fuck it while I'm here; is there a way to use dirty vertex colors on specific parts of a mesh only?
I tried selecting only the faces in the gap, inverting selection and hiding the rest, then using dirty vertex color on it, but the rest of the geometry was also affected by it
when I hide stuff and then unhide it they're still selected. wondering if there's a way around this

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Anonymous No. 970895

I started practicing 3D modeling with Blender yesterday, and here is today's result. Next, probably to practice modeling of the body parts.

It looks pretty dumb but you gotta start somewhere I guess

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Anonymous No. 970922

I've a question. I've done some modeling, but I've never animated before. I want to learn how to make game animations by practicing making a simple game which will have quite a few animations, so I've quickly made this admittedly shoddy model. It's this bare because I want to make modular equipment, and I also want the game to work on lower end mobile so I tried to make it on the low polygon side and with limited materials (the whole thing uses a single material with one 1024 texture) and as few bones as I could (I ended up using 73, though I'll have to make some for equippable objects too). Now I need to make the actual animations, and I don't know how to approach it. Is it fine to learn animation by only using FK? Or should I make like, a proxy armature (so I wouldn't have to clutter the main rig with useless bones) with arm IK, leg IK and what I think is called "reverse foot rigs", and then bake the animations to the main one? And should I get an animation course or something? Or is learning solely by doing (how I learned to model) realistic enough for animation? I'm at a complete loss on how to tackle this. I'm guessing the sensible answer would be "depends on how good you want it". Well, I don't care how shit this project will turn out, I know it will be pretty bad regardless, I mainly want to learn to animate for games with this project so I just want to get some good experience.

Anonymous No. 970924

Don't worry if you're a beginner. There are experts on this board who will teach how to turn your shoddy model into this >>969395 in no time.

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Anonymous No. 970928

trying to replicate the vertex colored enemies of FF7, really love the style
messed the wings up but it's cool

is this intentionally supposed to look like claymation work? if so good job

Anonymous No. 970929

The first time I've looking at >>970895 I was like: "WTF this looks bad". But looking at it again I don't think it's that bad anymore. It's kind-of growing on me.

Anonymous No. 970996

On export you can opt to only export deformation bones, so you don't need a proxy skeleton at all. All your IK motions are baked into quantized FK motions and the control bones are removed.

Anonymous No. 971002

Oh, that's great! I didn't realize it was an option, but I see it now in both the fbx and gltf exporters. I'm guessing I just need to untoggle "deform" in the bone settings and it'll be ignored, right? Thanks!

Anonymous No. 971114

Based FF7 enjoyer. I fucking love this, anon. Although, the thumbnail made me think is was a Zubat. Have you done any human characters in this style?

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Anonymous No. 971302

thanks man. that's all I've done so far but this is a current work in progress, just need to finish the coloring
I'm really loving this whole vertex coloring thing

Anonymous No. 971382

where do I go to download ripped 3d models for vidya. models resource sucks ass oh and something fbx, I'd like to learn how to take a obj and add bones to that too I Guess so if there's tutorials on that I'l try

Anonymous No. 971384

get the game files from a game's CD / ROM or whatever using IsoBuster, then you can view the files in Noesis
I did this recently with Vagrant Story and it was easy. can convert them to fbx and other file types within noesis so you can view them in blender too
if that doesn't work then just try to look it up on a game by game basis

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collage 1.png

Anonymous No. 971405


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Anonymous No. 971420

I've never modeled before but I started messing around with Bryce 7 and I'm really enjoying it

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Anonymous No. 971481

Sharing my first 3d model done from a drawing i made. I'm learning rigging right now

Anonymous No. 971483

Good workflow
Nice, Show you your workflow Anon

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Anonymous No. 971503

why does this always seem to happen with grid snap? just trying to line it up to the opposite side and it extrudes diagonally
only way I can keep it straight is by pressing the corresponding axis key but it's still pissing me off

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Anonymous No. 971507

first animation, not using bones just manipulating positions of separate components of the head (top/main head, topmouth/nose jowl, and bottom jaw

Anonymous No. 971510


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Anonymous No. 971518

here it is without the shading (only using for blending the mesh pieces)

Anonymous No. 971713

swear I'm going fucking insane trying to figure out the absolute hellscape that is texel density, UV unwrapping, scale etc
I could make a model with a 256x256 texture, then make another model a few days later with the same texture size but they'd look totally different because the scale / texel density might be totally different
the only semi-solution I found for making environments is using a texture atlas, but that forces you to make everything grid-like and very square
3D is a nightmare for autists that want consistency

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Anonymous No. 972053

Well, I did it, any criticism or recs?

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Anonymous No. 972055

You need to try a lot harder. You don't even have the bare minimum going on to resemble a donut that has been fried. You don't have texture variations on various parameters

Here is my donut I made in 2022, for reference.

Anonymous No. 972057

and even I can admit that mine is plasticy - i didn't put enough variation on the spec roughness

Anonymous No. 972059

Good job anon, try making whatever you want next
Not the purpose of the excercise retardo

Anonymous No. 972060

>Not the purpose of the excercise retardo
what? He was axing for crits

Anonymous No. 972102

That icing looks like my tarry ass diarrhea. 10/10 would eat

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Anonymous No. 972107

not finished yet but I have a question regarding vertex coloring
left is solid, right is material preview, smooth shading on. which should I be using to show off these kinda models?
the right looks a bit better, but it also adds a lot of information that isn't actually painted on the model, it adds in shadows and such even with scene lights and and scene world turned off which is kind of annoying
also, did devs in the PS1 and N64 days have the ability to mark certain edges as sharp?

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Anonymous No. 972109

Made an entirely new model, and i guess I'm an animator now(?)

Anonymous No. 972112

is this real

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Anonymous No. 972119

Does anyone have suggestions or ideas on what's making this look so bad in render? as in material/lighting. its supposed to be the interior computer of a spaceship looked at from the front. (screens are placeholders) and I don't know what to do

Anonymous No. 972131

I always snap to vertex for that rather than grid. Seems to work better.

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Anonymous No. 972183

I just weight painted it and it wasn't that bad. Evertone makes it out to be so hard. I found uv unwrapping way harder

Anonymous No. 972192

Define bad. What did you expect?
Some generic things that would help: No background (scene) or HDRI means very artifical looking lighting. Nothing looks real under these circumstances, if that was what you aimed for. It's specially hard to image how the object fits into the rest of the scene.
Some of the geometry looks way too round for a machine, especially the screen. Add some more details around edges, rather than beveling it all to death. You need some smaller details anyways, as the object looks way too simple, even with your added "clutter".
Why does it have panels in front below the waistline? If anyone were to use this, what kind of info would display on those? How to control the space ship from this thing? Come to think of it... this thing reminds me of Stargate Atlantis consoles and tech; All artsy, but hardly any substance or usability for the details shown.
Oh and some of the smaller panels on the front vertically are misaligned. Unless you were aiming for that, just use a mirror modifier with something at the center of the console (an empty, another object, whatever) so you don't have to edit stuff twice.

Anonymous No. 972207

Hey, im new here. Why does this board hate blender and shill maya?

Anonymous No. 972214

Maya is industry standard. But to be honest 90% of what you learn (the other 10% is just stupid stuff you can get used to in a couple weeks at worst like ui and hotkeys) while 3d modeling works on every program so it doesn't fucking matter what you use unless your work needs you to use an especific program

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Anonymous No. 972215

so I was playing around with the boolean modifier and somehow I accidentally an anime eye. Do I just go all in and start making anime porn like the rest of you retards? Or should I send my application to work on family guy ASAP? AITA? (3d btw in blender, it's free)

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Anonymous No. 972244

thanks, the less round screen does look better but I'm going to keep all the boxes the same size roughly because I just modelled them around the reference image and it will have ui things inside them. what do you mean by detailing the edges, making them sharper or?

I changed the lighting. Discovered there was a rendering tab and it made it look much better, the way it looked totally smooth and in an undefined environment was disturbing.

Anonymous No. 972245

Maya isnt meant for 3d modeling. Thats like saying a 7 foot 2 nba center should be the point guard. Technically they can do it for a play or two, but its not their purpose

Anonymous No. 972246


Anonymous No. 972378

Is there a way to toggle the UI for individual models? Like if I open the blend file for one character it has the menu on the right with settings to toggle for outfits and expressions. I append the collection for another model and everything shows up fine, but I don't know how to see the menu for that model.

Apologies if this is a dumb question, I'm super new to this and I'm mostly using it to pose figures for drawing reference.

Anonymous No. 972397

The panel on the right of the viewport?
You press "N". There's also a little tiny arrow sticking out that you can press. It's minuscule though, so it's easy to miss.

Anonymous No. 972421

For practicing character sculpting and modeling, what do you guys use for reference sheets? Is there a good place to get lots of generic ones online without having to use fucking pinterest? Trying to find anything on Google is giving me infinite pinterest pages or straight up furry porn.
>just draw them yourself
If I could draw 2D I wouldn't be using a computer program to draw things using math tbqh.

Anonymous No. 972423

buy a bunch of books, read them, then buy a half life sized skeleton model from amazon then buy anatomical muscle models used for medical students. Dont use a 2d piece of paper as your only reference ffs

Anonymous No. 972424

Yeah, I've got that panel open, but it only has the stuff for the first model in the file I initially opened. When I add a second character model, none of the options for the second model show up in there. Even if I select the second model, it still only shows the options for the first one.

Anonymous No. 972425

I'm talking about a reference image I can put into Blender and scale everything off of for blocking out

Anonymous No. 972434

Are you selecting the mesh, or the actual armature?
Custom properties like that would be on the armature, I'd wager.

Anonymous No. 972435

That's it, thanks for the help. Think I was selecting the whole thing before, but it does come up when I just select the armature.

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Anonymous No. 972525

Can you guys explain to me why I can't have a proper UV unwrap? I've seen very straight forward UVs that are a just a face stretched out in a 2D plane, like when you turn the Earth globe into a map.
Instead, what I get is this stretched out monstruosity. I don't really get if it's good or bad UV unwrapping, but it seems off to be like this. Does it even matter? It seems to me that the option that I want will allow me for better texturing.

Anonymous No. 972531

Show your model with the seams.

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Anonymous No. 972532

Here you go. Thanks on advance.

Anonymous No. 972547

nobody uvs a head like that. Absolute cringe

Anonymous No. 972548

Sorry mate, I'm just an artist that went into 3D modelling and followed youtube videos and tutorials.
Maybe you could give some pointers instead of just mocking me.

Anonymous No. 972549

learn how to uv properly

Anonymous No. 972550

Nice quality, speaking as a layman

Anonymous No. 972551

While you provided areas of improvement which is good you were also belittling to the not insignificant effort that went into the basic implementation he's already done.

Constructive criticism plz

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Anonymous No. 972634

Fixed it without changing the seams. It was ez pz, pseud.

Anonymous No. 972636


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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 972645

In Blender, I get awful artifacting when I subdivide a model if I cut an edge loop down the center line of my model and then duplicate > merge vertices (which I've been doing for hard surface modeling off of reference images). It's like the center line edge loop just breaks the subdivision and I get ugly peaking on vertices all along the center line.
Is there any way to avoid this or do I have to work off of a mirror modifier instead of duplicating and joining vertices to stop it?
Also dissolving the center loop fixes the peaking on one side of the model and transfers it all to the other side, try and explain that.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 972646

Pic rel is what happens if I dissolve that center loop

Anonymous No. 972649

>duplicate > merge vertices
That mesh definitely isn't complete and you most likely messed up merging. First of all, enable scene statistics via right clicking your status bar at the bottom. Then go into x-ray, and box/lasso select only one of those vertices that is behaving weird with subdiv. Check the status bar to see how many vertices you actually selected; bet it's not just one. To fix this, select all vertices in edit mode, merge and SLOWLY increase merge radius until it unfucks your mesh.

Anonymous No. 972651

It's not a problem with unmerged vertices, I've checked the center loop and a few edge loops where it artifacts badly. all verts are single verts.

Anonymous No. 972652

Upload your file somewhere ( Can't imagine such a simple thing fails, and I've seen deformation like this with subdiv before. It's usually edges not merged with the rest of the mesh.

Anonymous No. 972655


Anonymous No. 972660

recalculate normals?

Anonymous No. 972670

you don't have a op with links or a pastebin?
give me a modern blender tutorial. I don't know shit

Anonymous No. 972671

Yeah, your normals are fucked, preventing subdiv to work correctly. The topo itself is clean and you did indeed not mess up any duplicate vertices. Just go into edit mode -> A -> Shift-N and it fixed it for your mesh. I think when you duplicated geometry and moved it around, you confused the normals.

Anonymous No. 972676

Ah okay, good to know. Have never needed to fuck with the normals during modeling before.

Anonymous No. 972678

Btw, this gun grip is a prime example of why "working smart with the mirror modifier" would be a good idea. You would have just modeled one half of the grip and the other one would have been mirrored over to the other side, making it look the same, without the problem of messing up normals.

Anonymous No. 972680

Well that's what I was doing, I worked off one side and then put in a loop cut, deleted the side I hadn't worked on, duplicated all and mirrored it before recombining. Didn't know that would fuck up the normals, never had that problem before until now. But I'll just use a mirror modifier from now on.

Anonymous No. 972682

Uh.. not sure you're doing it correctly here, but maybe I'm just misunderstanding; Yes, you (ideally) loop cut through the middle and delete the side you don't want or haven't worked on, but you don't duplicate anything or recombine. Once you put the mirror modifier on it, you just select the correct axis to mirror on, and the modifier should automatically create the mesh on the other side. The only thing you need to make sure is proper is the object origin, enabling clipping, and nudging the middle loop cut so it actually connects (sometimes this fails).

Anonymous No. 972684

What I'm saying is I've been doing it manually instead of making a mirror modifier, and apparently Blender doesn't handle that well.

Anonymous No. 972817

In Blender, is there a tool or shortcut to arrange verts/lines/faces in line between two reference points?
Like if I have 2 verts on a diagonal and want to arrange any verts between them on a straight line.

Anonymous No. 972823

You mean loop cuts?
Ctrl+R should do what you're saying.

Anonymous No. 972832

I don't know how you even arrived at thinking loop cuts are what I'm talking about.

Anonymous No. 972835

>I have 2 verts on a diagonal
You have a diagonal edge and you want a bunch of verts between them.

If not, seems easy enough to just add an edge between those two points, loopcut or subdivide to add points, then remove the edges leaving the points. Any two points you select and add an edge between will be a straight line.

Anonymous No. 972836

You can flatten loops (it doesn't have to be an entire loop) by selecting what you wanna flatten then press S to scale x,y or z to set what axis you wanna flatten them against then press 0 and it'll flatten. Or get the looptools add on (it's on the settings)

Anonymous No. 973004

Do sets and scenes sell better than individual items?

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Anonymous No. 973027

how exactly do i learn to "practice"? it feels like ive gone through the motions of learning to make bodies, faces hair, etc over and over for the past few weeks but it doesnt feel like ive gotten anymore consistent beyond getting things to look human shaped

Anonymous No. 973029

>how exactly do i learn to "practice"?
You pick a reference and try to get as close as possible to it, learning how to reach a realistic copy you created. And you put what you make online so others can rip it apart and tell you how bad you are until you've eliminated all, or at least most problems. <- This part is essential. Oh, and don't feel bad about that part, this is normal.
Here's my 2 cents: If you're aiming for realism, you have to put whatever you create into a realistic environment or you'll never notice how "bad" your model is and what it lacks. Start by either finding a good scene online and paste your model into it, or at least use an HDRI background with realistic lighting. Simply adding lights in blender with a non-existant background where materials change the color and angle of the light will never get you good results.
Some feedback on what I can see: Your model looks like you've smeared vaseline all over it - roughness/glossy is too uniform. Research what material roughness you need for your clothes and skin, then give the skin more detail to wash that filthy grease off. It's unrealistic to see skin and clothes shine like they're made from the same material. [spoiler]Also, brown is a bad color. ngmi[/spoiler]
The hands look like they're from a bear - way too big. The eyes look dead, that's where your glossy/roughness settings could shine.
Make the lower part of the hair not simply hang down but bend it a bit at the end (unless you were aiming for your reference). Also natural, clean, hair usually has shine to it, depending on the angle, unless it's really damaged.
IOR tables
Free HDRIs

Anonymous No. 973069

Theres a million and one tutorials, guides and textbooks out there, which ones are actually worth a damn to the beginner who intends to do everything themselves?
>It's me, I'm the beginner game dev

Anonymous No. 973070

>How do I do everything?
Question unclear, dick stuck in ceiling fan.
Dude, you're not even sure what you want or need to do and what this would entail. First of all define this "everything" and form a meaningful question. Once you narrow that down, you already have leads on the topics you need to brush up on, and someone might even be able to recommend something to you.

Anonymous No. 973071

Thanks for the help

Anonymous No. 973119

>be aspiring smith in ye olden days
>dream of furnishing knights with masterwork armor and swords
>first day of apprenticeship
>make fucking nails all day
>do this for years before finally being trusted to make horseshoes
what's blender's equivalent of the nail?

Anonymous No. 973120

and dont say the fucking donut

Anonymous No. 973121

>What's 2+2, and don't you say 4.

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Anonymous No. 973161

where can i download a bunch of varied low poly 3d models to use in blender? I don't really care for quality, i need this for a 2d project that i'm gonna draw over >:D

Anonymous No. 973199

Check the pastebin in the /wip/ OP. There should be a list of a fuckload of shit that could come in handy.

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Anonymous No. 973278


Anonymous No. 973305

every time I try to import a Magica Voxel .ply file into blender it crashes instantly, and the file size is only 1.53 MB
here's the file, if someone could test it out on theirs that'd be great

Anonymous No. 973306

is it possible to pause and resume a render? like if I don't want to melt my pc overnight.

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how to.png

Anonymous No. 973310

how to do picrel? like elastic fabric on an object. idk how to describe it.

Anonymous No. 973311

Hard surface modeling from reference. Doesn't require even the slightest bit of creative thought, you just have to learn to think in terms of 3D topology and learn how a lot of Blender's basic 3d layout and sculpting tools work. Then you can move into texturing, materials, non-deforming animation, etc.

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Anonymous No. 973316

I'm making a mecha moth now

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Anonymous No. 973319

First time texturing anything, thought I'd try it out on this unfinished (slightly jank) WIP.
Is the swirling and stretching in the texture something I can do anything about, or just a byproduct of using materials in place of actual textures?

Anonymous No. 973330

Oh, it's the handle guy. Hey there. The stretching on the model is determined by your UVs. You need to either unwrap differently, or at least manually adjust if you want a different outcome. Or play around with the automatic unwrap options, but those usually don't work well (projection could help, though). Also make sure scale is applied on everything. The distortion around the the cock is most likely due to uneven topology - too many vertices around a specific place make the subdiv modifier warp the normals a bit. The distortion around the barrel is most likely due to ngons, anything that isn't just tris or quads, but something where a lot of edges merge together.

Anonymous No. 973387

>it's the handle guy

Anonymous No. 973532

Ditch the rgb shit, will make your model automatically twice better

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Anonymous No. 973686

Any idea why some of these materials end up with broken lighting when rendering? Gives the same problems on Cycles and EEVEE. I assume it's where I've fucked up the material shader somewhere, but the walls and towers have the same materials and some are broken and some aren't.

Anonymous No. 973690

Normals are probably inverted on those sections.
I'd go into it, select everything and press ctrl+n to recalculate normals.

Anonymous No. 973691

I've tried recalculating normals, seems to have no effect

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Anonymous No. 973692

Any feedback or critique? It's my second sculpt/character I've made in blender.

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Anonymous No. 973694

This is probably a stupid question but I've found no way to phrase it in google that didn't give me nothing but unrelated garbage.
This is one face, I want it to be 9 seperate faces (including the vertices inside the face that aren't a part of it), is there any automatised way to do this? I'd have expected Split Edges & Faces to do it, but it doesn't. All vertices are parallel.

Anonymous No. 973695

who is that supposed to be kek

Anonymous No. 973697

Didn't use any reference, just some random dude lol

Anonymous No. 973699

Biggest protip is to get some references then. Either a specific character or just general anatomy references.

Anonymous No. 973700

Why is it bad to use imagination?

Anonymous No. 973701

What even is that question? References teach you to account for elements of anatomy like form and proportion that you wouldn't otherwise actively think about because we imagine people as pretty much monoliths unless trained otherwise. Learning to account for finer details of anatomy will allow you to not just make more realistic and believable sculpts, but also give you real touchpoints to jump off of for stylizing your sculpts.
You can't imagine your way into a more complete sculpt, your imagination doesn't store data more accurately than real life.

Anonymous No. 973708

I cant find good tutorials for feet.

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Normals view.jpg

Anonymous No. 973718

Hmmm. Not sure then. Maybe it's something stupid like you have vertex colors or something on it.
What does your material nodes look like? You probably don't have anything wild going on, but it might help to look.
It might also help to look at one of the fucked up towers in edit mode with the normals overlay on. Just in case they ARE inverted, but recalculating didn't fix it.

It's not "bad" to use your imagination, but using reference helps reinforce your imagination. It fills in those blank spots where your mind is just like "I'm imagining a face", and makes it more concrete and tangible. Like sure, you know what a face looks like, but do you really? It's that kinda thing.
Knowing and seeing are two different things. It's the difference between feeling things out in a sculpt/drawing until it starts to resemble what you want to make, and actually making the thing you're wanting to make.

Anonymous No. 973722

>Just in case they ARE inverted, but recalculating didn't fix it.
Yup this is it, figured it out with the normals overlay. Thanks.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 973723

Wait, actually, I spoke too soon. Fixed all the janked normals but that isn't fixing the actual lighting problems so I assume it's a problem with the materials themselves. Pic rel is an example of one of the borked mats.

Anonymous No. 973728

Get rid of the displacement texture.
If you don't have adaptive subdiv on, I can guarantee you that's what's causing your issues.
If you want to use the disp texture, plug it into a bump node, and plug that into the normal of your BSDF. There'll be an input on the bump node that you can plug your normal map into to use both.

Anonymous No. 973729

I don't think you can directly plug the normal map into the normal node and get correct results, you put it through a normal map node first (unless they changed it since I last tried it)

Anonymous No. 973730

I'll look into both of these tomorrow. I think it is the missing normal map node bugging it because I suddenly remember that being a thing I need to. Cheers.

Anonymous No. 973731

Good luck.
I just checked to confirm, and in Blender 4.0, if you plug a tangent space normal map directly into the normal socket then it won't be correctly transformed to the surface's tangent space, essentially it will be like every face has the same normals.
Putting it through a normal map node fixes it

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Anonymous No. 973791

Help a newfag please, so I've run a cloth simulation to the point where I like, how do I save the object with the new shape, I've not found any guide on how to do this

Anonymous No. 973792

Ideally you duplicate the object to keep the simulation, in case you still need to adjust it later on, then just apply the cloth simulation modifer on the duplicated object. Or if that somehow fails, you just go into edit mode, duplicate the whole mesh and separate it into a new object.

Anonymous No. 973794

Thanks anon, good advice

Anonymous No. 973809

Do they have normal maps?

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file feb 12 2024,....png

Anonymous No. 973815

Did I capture my wife

Anonymous No. 973818

I think you're almost there. She has very sharp facial features but yours seem much more soft, especially the lips

Anonymous No. 973819

I unironically can't follow the donut tutorial it's too hard. I will look elsewhere

Anonymous No. 973820

I'm trying to have the glare node only apply to an object in the foreground in Blender, is there any way to do this?

Anonymous No. 973841

Hope she lives long and prospers.

Anonymous No. 973842

Look in to how to use the cryptomatte. Once you figure it out, it'll be your new compositor best friend.

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visualizer lab.png

Anonymous No. 973845

3rd project ever besides THE DONUT and a glass of liquid with ice.
its a lab with geometry-node visualizers and FL studio gameviz exports im making on the screens/monitors.
ANY advice???

Anonymous No. 973847

>ANY advice???
Do more with your screens than a texture you made in MS paint (though I'm guessing that's where you're putting the visualizers). Some glossiness and reflections on them wouldn't hurt either.

I won't comment too much on your modelling skill, since you're new at it and will improve, but the whole scene just seems very flat and without lighting. Even though there *is* lighting/shadows.
You could also think about composing your shot a little better. Attention is pulled between the tube in the center, and the big screen.
Pick one important subject that you want your viewer's attention to focus on, and compose your shot around that. So that when someone looks at it, their eye is immediately drawn towards it. Then use composition tricks like leading lines, contrast, color, etc. to lead the viewer's eye from that initial subject to other things in the scene you find important. From there, you can keep guiding the viewer's eye anywhere you want.

Obviously you don't have to go all out since you're just starting, but good composition is something to keep in mind and strive for in the future. Composition puts you in control of what the viewer looks at, and keeps them from getting lost, trapped in busy sections of your image/scene, and lets you decide how and in what order the viewer engages with elements of your scene.

Anonymous No. 973881

Learn what emission is and apply that to your screens. Then make sure they actually emit light, either by adding lights where the panels/screens are, or fixing your texture to emit light for you.
Your main screen has a reflection on it which makes it look like there's light shining ONTO it, but not FROM it. It should be the other way around, mainly because there's no light emitter visible.
tldr fix your lighting/add more lights.

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Anonymous No. 973989

thanks i was trying to figure out a lighting source on those planes, Ill look into that thank you

yes the random colors are placeholders for the vizualizers im making or some textures that will be responsive in geometry-node/graph timeline automation. I havent figure out the lighting i want but the room is setup to be viewed towards the large wall monitor and the camera track is left/right swaying to give a simple scope of the room, I will research how to composite the scene and techniques thanks

here is my 2nd ever thing for the /beg posts

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gay italian knife.webm

Anonymous No. 974055

first attempt modeling something purely from reference instead of just following a yt vid. still followed some vids for the textures though, really need to sit down and learn nodes for textures because that shit is pretty cool.
r8 it and h8 it, would love feedback of any kind.

Anonymous No. 974065

>really need to sit down and learn nodes for textures
Unless you're going for procedural materials, it's not too big a deal to just learn the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to nodes. Learning how to apply PBR textures, some basic masks, and you're pretty much set.

That being said, learning the extra stuff is pretty handy. Either for when you don't want to use textures to save on VRAM, or situations where a procedural material makes more sense. Not to mention throwing on some noise and stuff onto existing textures is a great way to break up tiling and repetition.

Still, nice knife. Modelling isn't half bad. Good job, keep it up!

Anonymous No. 974102

hey thanks man I'll keep that in mind. i do like the procedural shit, I think it makes it a bit more SOVLful rather than just downloading something and slapping it in. but i'm a retard so what do I know kek

unrelated but do you know how to adjust perspective or turn it off or whatever the word is for it? want to do an optical illusion for the next one but no idea how to go about it

Anonymous No. 974203

Personally, I think bad procedurals just look bad, rather than "soul", but you do you.
For your other thing, in your camera's settings, you can change between perspective, panoramic, and orthographic. Orthographic is the one you're looking for. Use the scale value that shows up to adjust how much of the camera the scene takes up.

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Anonymous No. 974227

thanks fren
gonna take a stab at this, always loved mc escher shit and the creative ways people have made it into sculptures using tricky perspective and all that. idk if orthographic will be helpful for this but I'll give it a shot as well as with normal perspective. still have some other ideas in mind. gonna try to animate the water flow somehow, a fun challenge for sure

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Anonymous No. 974236

Yeah no problemo. I was pretty obsessed with optical illusions and shit too when I was younger. I used to have all kinds of books and stuff with them.
If orthographic mode doesn't work out, you'll probably do well to know about "forced perspective" techniques and how to pull them off. They can be done in-camera IRL (the LotR films are a great example of this in action), but they're easy enough to pull off in 3d, and even easier since you can cheat geometry to make a shot look exactly how you want (kinda like pic related).
It's not only handy for optical illusions, but has a bunch of practical uses when composing shots in 3d as well.

Anonymous No. 974394

Can I get a reality check over here?
I just got into 3D because I want to make game assets for my envisioned boomer shooter. The idea is to make a low-poly game in vein of Quake I or Dusk, so I checked what needs to be done to do it. Because I'm a freetard on Linux I first checked if it is possible to use open source programs to do it and to my surprise "it appears" to be possible, Blender seems to be better than I remember 10 years ago, Krita also seems fine, for texture painting I found ArmorPaint, TrenchBroom for level design and for game engine there is Godot. Thankfully I'm not starting from zero because I'm a software developer and I do drawing/painting as hobby, but still I have almost no idea what I need to learn and how much effort will it take me. For game assets I know I need to:
- model
- texture the model
- animate the characters
- design the maps
Then I can actually import all that in Godot, compose it and start actually coding. How much time would it take for me to learn and produce something usable assuming I regularly devote time? A year or two, more?

Very useful thanks!

Anonymous No. 974400

honest reality check? probably longer if you're holding down a job as well, 90s id would have had maybe 20 people on the games and it took them a couple of years to get them out. things are quicker now with better tools and faster pcs but you're trying to do the job of 20 people and these full 3d games do take some doing

if i were you as a lone gunman, i would design the levels and code the game first. worry about the art last, i think if you are experienced at dev but not an artist then you might find yourself burning out because you get stuck sometimes on the hard part (the art) and want to keep revising what you did at the start as you get better. that is a recipe for getting in a cycle that means an unifinished game, very common with hobbyists

on the plus side, if you think about it in the 90s most 3d artists would have only had six months or a years experience before they got to making the games since the technology was brand new. so once you get to that point you'll make headway faster

if you want to sell the game at some point you will have to start the art though, cos the horrible thing about games is it's the game that really matters, but the look catches peoples attention lol

Anonymous No. 974403

>i would design the levels and code the game first. worry about the art last,
this wont work

Anonymous No. 974404

just use placeholder assets

Anonymous No. 974405

it doesnt work that have to know what exactly assets you are using that will give you the performance that you need, and on what system cant just design for example Street Fighter 7 with static image planes and no animations and expect yourself to be able to write and figure out the logic just by looking at static image planes, its just not going to work. Same with any other game. Hell, I can guarantee this just produces slop that loses a lot of money

Anonymous No. 974406

no dude he's making an indie boomer shooter. it would run on a toaster anyway.
anyway sorry to pull rank but i've been making games for ten years in small teams, this is how it's done. you set your coders off using placeholder assets while the artists are going along side doing what you described. but if you're only one dude and you can't do art yet, remember your game is more important than your art.

Anonymous No. 974407

go ahead and school me on how you can completely finish the code and create Tekken 9 or Street Fighter 7 with the code first with zero artwork

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Anonymous No. 974423

idk much about fluids yet, i get the impression it's too big to make a simulation for the whole thing because it won't give me anything unless I scale the domain down. would it be better to scale the whole model down to fit in a smaller area? or should I just abandon the animation idea and make it a still shot

Anonymous No. 974435

Thanks for advice, but I think I'll stick to learning Blender, because I'm already on it and I think it's actually the most useful thing right now. I don't know any 3D so it would be difficult to create good levels or code if I don't have any "feel" for it.
I do think the organization of your company makes sense, but that's because people are specialized and have necessary experience.
Anyway, I think I'll take it slow and steady.

On related note, can do you recommend any book/video/article for 3D fundamentals? Something that isn't needlessly detailed and explains the concepts. The doughnut tutorial is cool, but the BlenderGuru is not really explaining the fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 974442

is there anything to model with beyond polygon mesh, nurbs, and bezier curves

Anonymous No. 974453


Anonymous No. 974462

Don't even bother with fluid sims. They're a broken mess and a good way to waste several hours with zero results.

Just fake the waterfall. This is one of those cases where procedurals shines. Make a vaguely waterfall shaped plane, take a noise texture, and use that with a bump node to distort it to look like water, and then just animate the mapping node's location (X Y or Z depending on how things are set up), to make it flow. Throw in some mist or something with another cube with volume scatter with some noise driving the density as well.
If you really wanna go with fluids though, you're just gonna have to up the resolution, not the domain. Then fuck around with it for hours until you maybe arrive with what you need.
Really, I just don't think sims are worth it. Smoke sims are alright on occasion, but fluid is half-baked in Blender.

Anonymous No. 974464

thats actually really smart, fuck
thanks again I'll get to work on it.

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waterfall test.webm

Anonymous No. 974493

gonna move the 'seam' to the bend so I can hide it with a pillar and fuck with the waterfall itself some more tomorrow. also just noticed the camera is slightly off center, need to fix that so the illusion doesn't fall apart. cool shit though, loving this program.

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Anonymous No. 974496

Lookin good.
You can get the water to follow the stream by doing something similar to this. Where you lay out all of the bends flat on a UV, and do the same thing you did with the waterfall. So that when you animate the noise on one axis, it'll go down all of the turns since in the UV they're all flat.
There's some weird bulging sections on my UV layout, as I did a little bit to ease the transition around the corners.

Anonymous No. 974499

ahh shit you keep blowing my mind with new things anon
>and do the same thing you did with the waterfall
what did I do with the waterfall? it looks like shit imo, the texture is all stretched out. although I suppose I can excuse all jank by saying it's a work in progress kek

Anonymous No. 974502

>what did I do with the waterfall?
You animated one of the XYZ coordinates of the mapping node, yeah? This is the same thing, just on the scale of your whole stream. Only difference is you have to unwrap it into a straight line.
You can also adjust the stretching in the UV layout and fix things as needed.

>I suppose I can excuse all jank by saying it's a work in progress kek
Well you're also just starting out, so it's all good in the sake of learning.

Anonymous No. 974550

did that, can't make the texture follow the path though, still looks like it did before. copied your bulges and all that. never fucked with uv shit before, what am I missing?

Anonymous No. 974560

nvm i think i figured it out

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Anonymous No. 974575

not really a beg but i want help with toon shading for the character. currently using the basic diffuse toon shader but it does not really fit with the rest of the scene. any tutorials or color advice? guy is a post man hence brown/khaki colors

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Anonymous No. 974577

forgot to change from agx to standard color

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Anonymous No. 974580

pillars really bring it all together imo
the water is still fucky around the corners I need to tinker with it some more to look like >>974496

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Water 2.webm

Anonymous No. 974597

Are you using the "UV" socket from the texture coordinate node? It won't use it if you have something like "object" or "generated".
You also have to figure out which axis to animate. Depending on how your UV layout is rotated, it'll either be the X or Y value of the location you have to anim.

Yeah the pillars are really starting to get that illusion going.
>the water is still fucky around the corners
Yeah I had that issue too, webm related is how I solved it. Make your 90 degree corners like usual, but add a bit of a curve inside it for the water to follow. Then unwrap, select one of the square faces in the UV view, select all, then unwrap using "follow active quads". It should lay it out flat like this (though you may have to adjust the little pointy bit by hand).
After that, you can use a subsurf modifier to smooth out the transition (that's what really gets it working), and then hide the bend inside the walls of the channel.

For the record, I don't have the start and end points split into tris, they're just regular quads, but the wireframe shader splits them into tris.

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shitty water.jpg

Anonymous No. 974599

Pic related is how I had the water set up btw. It's pretty shitty, but it's for demo purposes. The "value" node just has "#frame" written inside of it, which matches the value to the current frame for ez animation. Throw in a multiply after that to adjust the speed.

Might help to adjust the X or Y size of the mapping node to stretch the water a bit to make it look more like it's flowing. And you can also change the noise to 4d, and animate the "W" value using the same method above with the "#frame" and multiply. To give the water a bit of slow change.

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mce waterfall cyc....webm

Anonymous No. 974602

ah wish I saw this earlier kek
definitely gonna try copying the frame thing, would definitely make it easier.
as far as the fuckyness goes, the pillars and camera angle actually hide it really well. gonna see if I can get a good screenshot of it to post because it's kinda weird and not like what you posted. idk how to explain it

need to put decorations on top of the pillars to complete the look and fuck with the lighting now. the waterfall looks a little weird because it's just kinda floating there and doesn't have the channel to affect the lighting like the rest of the stream. then add splashes and pretty it all up and I've got myself a neat little illusion. something so satisfying about this, I enjoy it quite a bit. more productive than rotting my brain out with vidya all day at least

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Anonymous No. 974604

the water:
just weirdly distorted along those two lines, idk what's happening there. I'm assuming I fucked up somewhere doing uv stuff

Anonymous No. 974606

Sorry if this is the wrong thread in advance
I've been using Blender for a bit of time now and I think I have a unique personal style and decent technical skill, how do I get more people to see my work? I do a lot of abstract ish motion graphics/stills with typographical elements and would love to work with artists/musicians/etc.

Anonymous No. 974615

You can visualize the UVs with a color ramp, there should be a smoothly increasing gradient along the path.
If there isn't, your uvs are broken

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Anonymous No. 974622

Yeah it's gettin there. It might just be the res, but the corners aren't too bad in yours.
Another tip I can offer is to adjust the UV for the waterfall section. Depending on how you stretch/shrink it you can make the water move faster or slower. Might be neat to also adjust the UVs for the section leading up to it, so you can make it look like the water is speeding up for the waterfall.

If you look at this example, the selected faces is the downward section of the waterfall. I've shrunk it and brought it up to stretch the UVs to make the ripples flow faster in that section (I also stretched it a bit on the X axis to even it out a bit). Using proportional editing, I also nudged up the other areas so the change is more gradual. So it's slower at the start, but looks like the water is speeding up a bit.

I'm assuming you already post on Instagram and Twitter? If not, start there. Be aware, I think you can only use 4 tags on Twitter before a post gets silently buried to where it shows up less often in people's feeds. Instagram I think is 30, but I don't think it has any impact on visibility there.
Might also drum up some interest posting on R*ddit using faggy titles and stuff.

Anonymous No. 974624

I post on instagram a few times a week, might give twitter and r*ddit a shot

Anonymous No. 974625

retard question but how do people record those timelapse vids on youtube? is it just sped up obs footage or is there a specialized program for that

Anonymous No. 974632

I record my screen and speed it up after, not sure if there's a better way but it works

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waterfall v1 final.webm

Anonymous No. 974713

lighting still isn't exactly where I want it but I'll fuck with it before putting it on the socials. too dark in the back did a sphere with a displace modifier and voronoi texture that follows an empty to make the splash.
overall this the most fun project I've done thus far and I learned a lot. big thanks to the kind anon who shared their wisdom, I owe ya one

Anonymous No. 974715

also realizing splash is way too fast, the speed of the empty got doubled for some reason but fixed it

Anonymous No. 974719

I'm not terribly experienced so take what I say with a grain of salt, but your light source seems to be at a bit of a shallow angle considering the time of day, and I think the absence of shadows in the rest of the piece plus the shading of the flowers is making him look out of place. That and he doesn't appear to be casting shadows on the ground, although that could just be the angle.

Anonymous No. 974724

Hey not bad! The illusion works really well!
The splash at the bottom is a nice touch, props for going on your own to do that.

I think your stream is a bit inconsistent with it's speed, however. It's fast at the start near the pool, but slows down as it gets closer to the waterfall. I think it should be the other way around. As mentioned previously, you can adjust the speed of the different parts of the stream by changing the size of those sections on your UV layout. In your case, assuming you have the UVs arranged vertically, to make the parts slower, you'd make them longer on the UV view to cover more area (and optionally wider if the water gets too stretched). If you have them horizontally, it'd just be the opposite: wider/narrower to make faster/slower, taller/shorter to fix stretching.

But yeah, good project to learn from! Happy to help.

Anonymous No. 974728

yeah UV stuff is by far the most difficult thing for me to understand so far and eventually I just kinda gave up and accepted what I already had. gonna mess with it some more on my own and come up with another project that specifically forces me to learn more about them. maybe a nice normal river this time that follows the laws of physics lol. gonna keep the waterfall in the back pocket though, this is definitely something that I'm gonna come back to and refine as I learn more over time. thanks again man really appreciate your help. definitely gonna lurk and post here again, probably the first time in my 15 years in this hellhole of a site that an anon was actually helpful for once kek

Anonymous No. 974731

any recommendations for youtube shit to check out to learn basic sculpting in blender?

Anonymous No. 974761

Yeah once you get a handle on UVs there's all kinds of cool shit you can do with them. Like shit that's different than basic texturing. It's just something you'll pick up naturally (should, anyway) by doing different projects. I think a lot of how I learned it was just trying to find ways to make effects "cheaper", since I didn't have a powerful computer at the time, so I learned a lot of fakery and tricks to try and pull things off.

But yeah, doing a river might be a good fluid sim exercise if you're set on learning that. A quick trick for fluid sims is to just sim like the upper part of the sim, since it's just gonna be assumed that the bottom has water in it anyway. So you'd just make the bottom of the domain a few feet deep, into the "river" and then sim that.

And if you run into trouble that you can't find a solution for elsewhere, just ask here. That's what the thread's for after all.

Anonymous No. 974770

oh i meant a river with texture water to get better with the uvs to control speed and flow and all that i dont really give a shit about fluid sim lol it was just my initial idea with the waterfall because I didn't realize you could animate textures like that. looking back on my previous experiments with fluids it definitely saved me a lot of time and grief here

>I think a lot of how I learned it was just trying to find ways to make effects "cheaper", since I didn't have a powerful computer at the time, so I learned a lot of fakery and tricks to try and pull things off.
that's how I've learned with other things and it truly is an effective strat. it may seem counterintuitive at a glance but in many cases learning shortcuts often provides a deeper understanding of the system itself and allows you to approach problems with a different perspective.

Anonymous No. 974777

yeah i tried to figure out the reason but getting shadows on the grass is confusing as hell. i assume there is some option that i turned on or the shader itself is in a wrong order

Anonymous No. 974778

the water is bending in the angle because you plugged the uv information from the tex coord node?

Anonymous No. 974782

Ah, carry on then.
>learning shortcuts often provides a deeper understanding
Definitely makes you think harder than "brute forcing" it with powerful hardware.

>the water is bending in the angle because you plugged the uv information from the tex coord node?
More or less, yeah. The bit at the bottom shows how the UV is laid out. Instead of it copying the bend of the actual mesh, it's flattened out into a straight line. What this means is that when you animate the texture (in my case, animating the X loc of the mapping node), it'll follow that straight line. But since the actual mesh is curved, it'll just follow the curve.
If I had used Object or Generated coordinates, the water would just be a flat texture moving in one direction uniformly. The exact same as if you had just unwrapped the mesh and kept the 90 degree bend.

Anonymous No. 974976

ok one last thing and I'll stop pestering you
is there a way to make it cleanly loop?

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tile repeat.jpg

Anonymous No. 974986

>is there a way to make it cleanly loop?
I have a node group that I made a few years ago that does it. I've got no memory of how it works under the hood mathwise though.
Here's a catbox link with a .blend of the nodegroup.

Just toss it after your mapping node, and before your texture.
Tile count controls whereabouts the texture is repeated
XYZ are the controls to animate it. As the labels say, they loop at the tile count. So once the value matches the number of the tile count, it loops. So for example, if you set the tile count to "2", every interval of 2 would be a repeat/loop (2,4,6,8,10...).
If you were to animate the X axis for example (tile count at 2), you'd set a keyframe with a value of zero on your start frame, and another keyframe with a value of 2 (or some interval of 2) on your end frame.

Lastly, a little looping tip, is to set up your start and end frames (let's say frame 100-200), and then render out one frame less. So instead of rendering frames 100-200, you'd render 100-199. This will make the loop perfectly seamless, since if you did 100-200, the start and end frames would be the exact same. So you'd have 2 duplicate frames in the anim that causes a little hitch. Chopping off a frame at the start or end fixes that.

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wtf am i looking at.png

Anonymous No. 975241

why is google being retarded

what color should I be aiming for here? far as I can tell green = bad and stretched? idk.

Anonymous No. 975242

actually further testing tells me I may be wrong. just trying to clean out the weird edges as seen in >>974604 because they've made a return (although less pronounced) and pretty sure I fucked up unwrapping it somewhere. I'll be 100% honest with you bros I'm completely lost

Anonymous No. 975255

Don't worry too much about stretching. Unless it's like how it looks at the very edges of your mesh where it's clearly stretched, people aren't gonna know, notice, or care.
I'd just unwrap that whole thing using follow active quads. Just square off one of the UV faces, select it, select all, and unwrap in UV view with the follow active quads to square the rest of them up.
That should get everything pretty uniform.

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Anonymous No. 975342

i've been relearning blender since not using it for years and rigged this bionicle model for a personal project. just did a run cycle test, still learning shaders and how to properly light scenes but im just glad my janky ass rig seems to work for what i'll need it to do kek

Anonymous No. 975359

that did it, thanks. why did it come out all fucky last time I tried to follow active quads? everything came out distorted I guess I have to make it a square first? this was just a plane (more or less), does that apply to more complex objects?

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Anonymous No. 975379

idk if it will come through with the webm quality... way less pronounced than before but can still kinda see where the edges are. should I subdivide or add more edges or something? maybe I'll just put a rock or branch or something there to hide it

Anonymous No. 975389

Yeah for active quads to work it has to be squared off. You're kinda telling Blender "look at this face, I want all the rest of the faces to be unwrapped like this". If the face you select is fucky, then the rest will follow suit.
>does that apply to more complex objects?
Abso-fuckin-lutely. Follow active quads is magic when you need UVs to be "human readable". For organic shapes, you might get some stretching issues if you're really pushing it, but for blocky shapes it's great. Works in a pinch when you don't wanna bother with seams. Though using seams is obviously better for complex objects. Still, it's a good trick for when the unwrap is a bit wonky even when you're using seams, and you'd like them squared off for ez texturing.

>still kinda see where the edges are
Yeah it's probably because you're using a lower poly mesh, and the faces are being split into tris. Something I noticed happening in the last little project when I was sending webms.
You can see it in >>974496 if you look at the corners.
I fixed it by just giving it more geo to work with by subdividing. Which is what the second example shows in >>974597 There's some pinching on the inside corner, but there's gonna be something when you're making a texture go around a right angle bend like that. For your river though, subdiv should fix the issue completely.

Anonymous No. 975391

yeah that fixed it. god it's so obvious looking back at it sorry for the retard question. at least we're in bump limit so I'm not spamming the board kek

Anonymous No. 975399

Good to hear that fixed it.
>sorry for the retard question
No worries. It's the beginner thread after all. As long as you learn something from it, there's no retarded questions.

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slime rancher.webm

Anonymous No. 975504

oh yeah it's all coming together now, shit aint so bad
looks way better. wish I subdivided the waterfall shit too but oh well. I'll go back to it sometime later.

Anonymous No. 975505

S0VL !!!

Anonymous No. 975510

am i gonna get shit for posting my trash on artstation or is that only for actually good artists

Anonymous No. 975525

also to build off of this, the river slime is on an empty that follows a curve, how can I make only the rotation of the other slime to follow that same empty such that it looks like he's turning to watch him float along. does that make sense? I've tried explaining this in multiple ways to google but I can't quite seem to get what I'm looking for. if all else fails it's easy enough to just do it manually i guess

Anonymous No. 975529

if you post to artstation the only thing that is going to happen is you will get scraped by multiple AIs.

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Anonymous No. 975530

nvm figured it out

Anonymous No. 975536

Literally nobody interacts on Artstation. You're fine. Everybody there is in it for themselves, it's an extremely selfish place.
Not in the sense that people are going to tear you down to get rid of competition, but simply because the people posting there aren't looking to engage with other artists they're just there to further their own (minuscule) chances of getting hired, or jerk themselves off if they've already been hired.

If that ain't a big deal though, go for it. If you're looking for feedback though, AS isn't really the place to post.

Anonymous No. 975538

>If you're looking for feedback though, AS isn't really the place to post.
where then? already on yt and twitter, that good enough?

dont really give a shit lol, if some techbro wants to use my slop to train their slop then it would probably be worse for them than it would be for me

Anonymous No. 975540

>where then? already on yt and twitter, that good enough?
post on discord.

Anonymous No. 975556

any good ones?

Anonymous No. 975557

just look around

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Anonymous No. 975579

i try to learn low poly

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Anonymous No. 975586

trying to make grass, not 100% sold on this method with the hair stuff. is there a way to randomize the height? slid every slider I could find and got nothing. looks weird. also is there a way to only make it show up on certain parts of the plane? it's in the mud and it looks wrong. maybe I'll rewatch the donut video with the sprinkles tomorrow, i recall something similar to that

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Hair Particles.jpg

Anonymous No. 975592

>where then? already on yt and twitter, that good enough?
For feedback? Fuck if I know. There's a reason I'm still here. This is the only place for feedback that won't just be people trying to jerk you off or trying to be critical without hurting your feelings.
I guess you could also post on the site you can't post here that begins with "R" (and ends with "eddit"), or somewhere like Blender Artists, but they're a bit more likely to pull punches. Mentioning Discord here is bound to attract schizos that lose their shit any time it's mentioned, but like the other anon said, I guess it could be an alright place for it if you can find one.

I think people have moved onto Geo Nodes for that shit, but that might be a bit of a nightmare for you to tackle right now.
>is there a way to randomize the height?
If you go into the texture settings for the particles, and add a new one, you should be able to use a cloud texture or similar to influence the velocity of the hair particles (which should change their height). Just make sure you have the "advanced" checkbox ticked.

>is there a way to only make it show up on certain parts of the plane?
That's what the vertex groups section is for (the density one specifically). You can use that to say where to put them. Either by doing an "on/off" type deal by weighting them 0 or 1, or by weight painting them to be a smooth gradient. Then using that same group to influence the length of the hair particles. The little <==> icon near the groups will invert the selection if it's wrong.

Anonymous No. 975629

eh, I'll deal with it later. think I bit off a bit more than I can chew with this one, animation is tough and the whole thing looks like ass. gonna start something new. I feel like I accomplished the original goal of making better water at least, gonna go back sometime and apply that to the waterfall.

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Anonymous No. 975661

intuitively im sure this is bad topology. but I don't know why it's bad topology.

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Anonymous No. 975701

Looks like you applied subdivision.
If you haven't, and you're not using subdivision, there's a pretty obvious reason why it's bad topology. You've got loopcuts out the ass that look like they do fuck all. Good topo should be able to pull this off with a sizeable fraction of what you've got currently. Especially given how symmetrical it is.
Pic related is something I quickly whipped up. Start with the most very basic shape of it, with as little geo as possible, and then work your way up.
I don't think I used a single loopcut making the base shape (though I did use the knife tool). Best way I manage to do it is vertex by vertex. Start with the outline, make it a single face, turn it into quads using the knife tool, then inset and move one of the faces to make the area for the hole and delete that face. Or just cut a hole with the knife tool. Then use crease or reinfocement loops to get the shape you need when you subdivide. Using mirror is a real help.

Overall, it's just one of those things you start to intuit via practice. I'm by no means an expert though.

Anonymous No. 975704

how do i move on from tutorials? i can follow them along but whenever i try to make something original i fail miserably, get frustrated, and give up.

Anonymous No. 975706

>how do i move on from tutorials?
Stop treating tutorials like a step-by-step Lego instruction booklet. Don't use a tutorial as a means of regurgitating the result, but instead use the tutorial for the concepts within to make something on your own. To re-use the Lego motif, instead of seeing the tut as an entire Lego set that you follow instructions to build, see it as solutions to problems and modular parts you use to make your own Lego build.

By taking initiative and adapting the various "solutions" found in tuts to your own problems, you learn them better since you're applying it to something real and tangible, rather than just some project another person made up. For obvious reasons, a tut isn't made with problem solving in mind. You've got the road smoothly paved before you. The only problems you're going to run up against following a tut is following instructions, or some issue brought on by different issues in program versions. Problems that you really won't be learning much from, except for adding to your frustrations and headaches, possibly leading you to quit altogether.

Learn by doing, not by following.

Anonymous No. 975713

Thank you brotha

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Anonymous No. 975723

Babby's first (pre-GameBoy/donut) mug.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 975768

how do I get my matcap to look like his? idk how to explain it, it has like darker shadows or some shit. I can get the brownish clay color but can't figure out the rest. is it an addon, an option, or some post-processing magic? looks cool either way.
from this vid:

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Anonymous No. 975805


Anonymous No. 975864

yeah, don't think I did a subdivision modifier but im pretty sure I did it via edit mode because I wanted more geometry to sculpt in some inlays. later realized I could do that with some curves instead but the subdivision remained. fortunately I have the original plane somewhere, I'll just remake it and do way fewer polygons.

Anonymous No. 975866

trying out booleans, should I apply it when it's all good to go? this stuff is pretty laggy but I don't want to permanently fuck my shit up

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Anonymous No. 975884

>first model
Is this shit? Must I retopologize it? Should have I kept the horizontal edges strictly horizontal, like parallel to the ground ? I just moved the vertices diagonally without thinking, I thought it didn't matter. Is there too many edges in some areas, like around the knee and above the foot? Should I retopologize the knee to make a real knee shape instead of that band, or will this step get done by sculpting?
When should I start sculpting? As soon as I have a basic model?
I plan to make hyperrealistic models, possibly animated later.

Anonymous No. 975911

OE !

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Anonymous No. 975955

making katana, texturing blade. going for that classic folded look. is there a way to make the circled transitions slightly more uneven/organic, maybe with some noise or something? I've messed with it a little bit but can't figure out how to do it without killing the overall look.

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Break up transiti....jpg

Anonymous No. 975966

You can break up the transitions of gradients and the like by using a Color Mix node set to color burn. The bottom input being what texture you use to break up the transition.

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Anonymous No. 976052

Please roast my rat. He won't mind. (My first proper render.)

Anonymous No. 976053

can I pet?

Anonymous No. 976056

Go ahead, but it is a rat you know

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976060

What the fuck, answer me faggot.

Anonymous No. 976088

I was formulating a response that would have helped pointed you in the right direction, but after that attitude, I don't think I will.
Just know that your first model is, in fact, shit. Have fun wading through it.

issa good rat

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Anonymous No. 976148

ctrl+j fucks up some of my textures. what's the deal? is it a uv thing? please don't say its a uv thing. it's a uv thing isnt it. goddamn it

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gaijins could never.png

Anonymous No. 976152

not finished but it's time to r8 it and h8 it. gonna add a stand and put it on display all fancy like.

Anonymous No. 976157

I learned how to illuminate surfaces in both EEVEE and Cycles, im working on image composition and lighting now when i have free time between music work, thanks dudes ill show the finished project here idk when itll be done tho im doing a lot of FL studio stuff too

Anonymous No. 976160

Fuck you piece of shit
And fuck you too

Anonymous No. 976178

Cry more, faggot. It won't help you get any better at modelling.
Best part is everyone ignoring your spam post everywhere else.
What the fuck kind of validation do you want? A pat on the back, a "good job", and cookie and warm milk?
Just look at other models and see how their loops are set up. If you're sculpting, you don't even need to do that, geo doesn't matter when you're sculpting, just get a rough shape modelling then sculpt using dyntopo or some shit.

In the time you spent whining like a bitch and posting it in every thread you could have figured this shit out by now.
Good fucking luck making "hyperrealistic models" if you can't even be bothered to look at something on your own. God forbid you look at reference.

Anonymous No. 976179

It shouldn't be a UV thing, if you're using 2 different materials and joined the objects.
If they're the same material, even then I don't think it's a UV thing. The joined mesh should have the same layouts if you unwrapped them before you joined them.
What kind of texture coordinates are you using in your shader nodes? You might not even be using UV coordinates in the first place.

Anonymous No. 976232

I found a way around it but yeah it was 2 different materials. just using whatever the default texture coordinates were. didn't unwrap anything, maybe that was it

Anonymous No. 976237

I think by default (if you don't put down a tex coordinate node) it uses generated coordinates unless there's a UV map in the mesh data, in which case it'll default to UV. If you joined objects without an existing UV, it might have just fucked up the generated coordinates, or maybe one object had a UV and the other didn't and it defaulted to using the UV when you joined because of the logic stated above.
Even if you don't unwrap anything, the primitves have unwraps set up automatically by default when you add them.
Good to hear you got it all worked out though.

Anonymous No. 976239

slowly learning that all roads lead to UVs when it comes to my fuckups, thanks anon.

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Anonymous No. 976247

I know nothing. and yet I feel it's a better use of time than everything else in the library. 100 hrs since jan, on pace to become my most 'played' in my library by the end of the year kek

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Anonymous No. 976248

i need to figure out ligting and cameras... is there an easy way to do 2 or more cameras at once, then pick and choose which one will go into the final render?

Anonymous No. 976325

>all the threads
>I won't help you
Like I give a shit, fucker. When I say "fuck you" I don't mean "plz help me I'm lost D': ", it really just means "fuck you".
Also you didโ€ฆ so thank you I guess?โ€ฆ
>you want validation and a cookie and warm milk?
lmao there you're exposing yourself as the edgy troll saying nonsense you are. I literally posted my work with tons of questions in order to understand and improve, I even humbly ask if it's shit and why, yet you accuse me of compleance and seeking for validation. What a bad faith motherfucker.
>you never used reference
Oh yeah? You checked on my hdd? Stop inventing things, anon.
>believes I'm stuck because he didn't help me
I planned to watch tutorials anyway, just didn't have the time to.
>you will never be good
Yeah say whatever you want, I don't give a shit about your salty foul mouth, but it's funny how this kind of guy will tell you that yet call you toxic over a single "answer me faggot" lol.
Be coherent 5sec.

Anonymous No. 976405

That anon was helping all kinds of people but you just got butthurt he didn't give you a basic critique.
I think that says a lot more about you than him.

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Shit + Piss.png

Anonymous No. 976428

First attempt at a model from scratch, no sculpting yet so I know that's something to improve on, also my first-ever rig, I'm assuming the arms are so munted from not properly aligning and rotating the bones before applying it to the geometry, any other crits /3/?

Anonymous No. 976429

Why are you using blender when its not industry standard? Why are your proportions so off?

Anonymous No. 976447

any1 willing to recommend some resources/tutorials for sculpting/modeling humanoids?

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Anonymous No. 976467

i hope the pic can show it decently, but why is left bad and right good?

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Anonymous No. 976495

Both can be fine, depending on the context. If it's a model that doesn't move, and you're not looking to subsurf (or having a continuous subsurf), then having the flat faces is fine. If you're looking for a continuous mesh, then trying to make things flow cleanly will help later on if you decide to subsurf or bevel.
Hopefully the pic helps out a bit to show the differences and similarities of the approaches (assuming the object on the left of your image is 2 non-continuous meshes stacked). The biggest difference is how the models interact at the junction point. The continuous mesh provides a smooth transition, while the separated one does not. This can be preferable depending on your use case.

Anonymous No. 976539

thanks fren, saved.
>use case
I'm assuming you mean things like animation vs still image vs game asset, yeah? what happens if you use it in the wrong context, dose it just look janky?

Anonymous No. 976590

is there a modern version of old sketch up experience or is it still the simplest shit there is?
I don't like blender UI
I just need to model a room and some furniture

Anonymous No. 976592

>you mean things like animation vs still image vs game asset, yeah? what happens if you use it in the wrong context, dose it just look janky?
Technically there isn't a wrong context. They're just two different methods.
I guess if you used it in something that bends, like a character, it'll probably look janky. But then again, you could also be making a model that's made up of separate parts, like a robot, or an N64/PS1-like character made up of floating objects and stuff and not a continuous mesh.

Honestly, the only mesh in that image that is a problem, is the regular subsurf one on the right. Where it turns into an unconnected sphere and nub. Everything else there should be fine, even for hard surface.

Anonymous No. 976605

cool I'll keep that in mind, thanks again

Anonymous No. 976609

I have made a sort of mobius strip and would like to make a little car or something drive around it. what would be the best way to go about that?

Anonymous No. 976615

This might be useful to ya.

Anonymous No. 976797

two lighting questions:

first, how can I make it so one object is lit by an individual light source unique to that object? ie object A and B are lit by a common very bright sunlight source, but object C is lit by a different dimmer light source and remains completely unaffected by the brighter one and vice versa. if that makes sense, idk how to explain it.

second (somewhat related to the first) i want to make the sun as it is seen in orbit, how would one replicate the corona and massive glare that it would have. my first thought goes to the compositor but idk how to make the glare node just affect one object instead of the entire scene.

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Sun Material.jpg

Anonymous No. 976810

>how can I make it so one object is lit by an individual light source unique to that object?
Light linking is the term you're looking for, I think. Should be default in stuff like Max/Maya, and was recently added to Blender. You're essentially just telling the light to "only shine on this one object/group and nothing else".

>how would one replicate the corona and massive glare
If you're using Blender, you can take a volumetric shader, use a spherical gradient to turn it into a sphere, and then use masking techniques to do the little tendrils and shit.
For the glare/glow, you can use a cryptomatte layer in the compositor to select which objects get used for the glow.
Or just turn bloom on if you're using Eevee.

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Anonymous No. 976858

I rigged the rat and made him a little environment. Made the campfire effect by following some random tutorial I found and tried to prefire the effects (blender) but it didn't work for some reason. Lots of other details I think might be wrong but I just wanted to get the render done and do better on the next one. Is this the correct attitude for a /beg/?

Anonymous No. 976865

>tried to prefire the effects
You mean like have it go before your anim starts?
Could have just set the start point before your anim (most things in blender can accept negative frame times), or just adjust the start/end of your anim to work with a section.

>I just wanted to get the render done and do better on the next one. Is this the correct attitude for a /beg/?
I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I usually won't move on until I'm either satisfied with it, or I can't make it look any better. If there's a problem I'm having though, I won't move on until I've found a solution.

Anonymous No. 976871

i love this rat so much its unreal, please do more
im a /beg/ too, i tend to want to finish up quick and jump over to the next thing but that's definitely not a good idea. you don't need to be an absolute perfectionist but you should slow down a bit and put in some time to clean things up at least. (i will not be following my own advice)

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Anonymous No. 976881

it's helpful just knowing what to google.

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Anonymous No. 976955

After anon talked some sense to me, I did some cleaning up and took the chance to dip my feet into keyframe animation. Managed to do the campfire properly now, turns out starting the particle animation 24 frames earlier just wasn't enough. But we learn from mistakes, another one being that rendering this in cycles was never a good idea I think. I was running into an issue during rendering where the particle animation would keep resetting every frame. The more I thought about the amount of shit I was trying to make Cycles calculate with the added campfire lightsource and the particles being rendered as solid objects, I'm surprised the issues weren't more violent and explosive. Might also be that it just bugged out. Either way, switching to EEVEE fixed that without losing too much detail. Now it looks more like a finished render (I think). Thanks for the help and tips guys

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Anonymous No. 976973

probably a stupid question, but how do i just like make colors and textures on a model? i want to make it look like this. i'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how to make something go from the shitty looking standard gray model, to something that actually looks cool / beautiful. how do i dive into this?

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Anonymous No. 976975

Kinda want to try my hand at lipsyncing/animating a face for my next thing. im not good enough to make my own face, but I've seen some cool free rigs floating around. problem is they all seem to be made for Maya, and I'm only using blender at the moment. will these work in blender or do I have to find a blender-specific one? if so, do you have a recommendation for a good blender one?

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Anonymous No. 976982

ok really need feedback, this shit is like 2000 frames and I don't want to waste days rendering it only to find I fucked up lol

the reference: - i will be adding the text and MGM intro thing in davinci resolve later.
picrel is 3 frames throughout the entire thing. (had to crop slightly to fit the file limit so it might look a little off center)
I've more or less synced everything up to the music and it has the same key moments as far as the reference goes. I'd love any feed back or advice, the harsher the better. the programs I have access to: blender and davinci resolve and anything else that is free.

main things that I am curious about and would like an fresh unbiased eye to look at:
>is the sun too big
>is the glare too much/too little
>is the starry background too much/too little

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Anonymous No. 976993

Lookin good anon. The dancin rat makes it all the better. Good work! Now I'll let you move on to another project :^)
>turns out starting the particle animation 24 frames earlier just wasn't enough
I usually take the lifetime of my particles, and start them about 1.5x-2x the length of them before. So if you have a lifetime of 30 frames, set the start point for the particles 45 frames before the start of your animation, and adjust the count a little bit. Gives them a chance to die out and should get rid of weird particle anim "starting" artifacts.
>I was running into an issue...
Did you bake your particle sim? If you didn't that might have been the issue.
>trying to make Cycles calculate with the added campfire lightsource and the particles being rendered as solid objects,
I don't think it should have shit the bed too hard, unless you're rendering on a potato. For what it's worth, Cycles operates slower than Eevee because it's path tracing.

Add a material to an object, change the color.

I think what makes the original work is the contrast. There's so much of it that the forms except for the rim lighting are pretty much black. The low density of the background stars is also an important thing that doesn't reveal the shapes of things until the light is shone on them. I also think that the falloff of your sun is a bit too much, since the one in the video is kind of a crisp disk with only the very edge of it being feathered. Blowing out the bloom a bit more should help too. There's also some nice color shift n the bloom like chromatic abberation that might be nice to add after a glare node.
Pic related is just 2 spheres (and a sun lamp), one emissive, one with a principled shader. I'm just showing it from the viewport, but you'd probably just plug in the emissive or a cryptomatte to isolate just the sun. There's also a nifty sunbeam node that you might want to take a look at. It's a pain to animate though.

Anonymous No. 977005

I didn't know about baking but now I do and it solved all the issues. Thanks king

Anonymous No. 977023

>anon accomplishes exactly what im looking for with a simple node setup, meanwhile the tangled mess I've spend hours on looks like hot garbage
it's encouraging actually, got a long way to go kek. are you in eevee or cycles? I tried eevee but it would turn off the light linking so my foreground moon was unbearably bright. adjusted some stuff per your advice but still can't quite get that big corona. gonna fuck with it some more I guess. considering finding a .png of what im looking for and adding it in somehow, idk

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first Basemesh.png

Anonymous No. 977047

Well, this is my first basemesh, after 3 blind attempts I caved and used a tutorial, but it was a good learning experience, next, I'm gonna dick about with sculpting before trying to learn to make a proper sculpt, also retopo is probably gonna be what I try to learn this week as the topo on the joined mesh ain't great.

Anonymous No. 977053

I don't love it

Anonymous No. 977068

>I didn't know about baking but now I do and it solved all the issues.
Ah well there ya go! Learnin more every day!

I was using Cycles, actually. As for getting the glare to be fuckhuge, just turn up the emission value of your sun object. Going past one might not make a difference in how it looks on your screen, but the values absolutely mean something to Blender. Turning it up will tell Blender "this is really fucking bright, so blow it out plz". My scene was small, so I think I had my sun object at like 15 for emit. Depending on your scene's size, you might have to go higher. Should be easy enough to tweak with the realtime compositor. I don't think cryptomatte works in the viewport compositor (light linking might not either, I haven't tried), but you shouldn't really need it if you're just trying to fuck with the glare size.

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Anonymous No. 977075

>emission can go beyond 1
ok thanks anon I'm regrettably too deep into rendering to stop it now but uh I'll try it again tomorrow I guess :)))

Anonymous No. 977088

>Add a material to an object, change the color.
Thank you bro

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Anonymous No. 977103

yeah I would have needed to redo it anyways because the chromatic abberation is a little too much. in my defense I have astigmatism so everything looks like it has fog glow already applied to it especially when i've been staring at a screen for several hours lol. that shit is already fixed, gonna mess with the sun emission now then hopefully be done tomorrow. gonna give the gpu a rest for the night

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Anonymous No. 977110

How do I go about modeling this pauldron piece in a way which can be subdivided and used for sculpting? I'm having a particular issue with this inside corner, it's supposed to be sharp, but creasing/bevelling just makes it look awful (bottom left is creased, bottom right is bevelled)

Anonymous No. 977113

Probably boring environmental renders with downloaded assets. That's where most people peak -- they will never make a character, they will never make an animation, they will never make anything that's remembered three seconds after you scroll away.

Anonymous No. 977122

>can be subdivided and used for sculpting?
Does it actually matter then if you're going to sculpt it afterwards? Geo that you're gonna sculpt on doesn't need to be perfect. I'd just get it as close as possible, remesh it with a suitably high value and smooth out any shitty areas, then go back with a crease brush if necessary.
On the low poly it shouldn't really matter, since you'll be grabbing the normals from the high poly that you, presumably, fixed the issue on.

Anonymous No. 977124

I've tried that in the past but remesh just gives smooth thin meshes like this weird shading/distortions and ruins the hard edges, and the clean up never looks as good as it would if it were properly 3d/subdivision modelled. That's why I was rather hoping for a subdivision solution which could produce a clean base from the start.

Anonymous No. 977141

>remesh just gives smooth thin meshes
Sounds like it wasn't high enough. When I say high, I'm talkin high. Like, no change in shape whatsoever high.

Anonymous No. 977182

Even when I put it so high that my PC begins to make groaning noises, it still ends up with this weird faceted look. I don't suppose you have any idea how I could get the shape without sculpting?

Anonymous No. 977261
i am happy with how it turned out. the emission stuff was rough but I know a bit more about it when I need it in the future

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Anonymous No. 977344

i'm this guy. how do i make the colors not look so blocky and weird.. fuck bros this is so hard.

Anonymous No. 977349

By using a texture instead of picking the faces you want to be a certain color.
If you're set on doing it that way though, you might have luck using a subdivision surface modifier to give the flower a fuckload of more geometry to make the curves smoother, just don't forget to turn on smooth shading for the object.
It won't make the transition between colors any smoother (like blending them with a gradient), but it'll be less blocky.

Barring that, yeah, use a texture. Though you'll have to unwrap it I'd think. Which might be a little much for you with something like this at this stage.

Anonymous No. 977350

Thank you. Yeah I might try to do the texture thing just to try to wrap my mind around the concept a bit more.

When I was changing the colors face by face it keeps changing the outside of the flower to the inside color (like toward the bottom of the "bell" when the inside of the tube is orange, and the outside is red, when I change the color of the face it changes the inside half of the face and the outside facing half, which I guess is probably normal but I thought the different sides of the face were being selected individually)

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Double sided face.webm

Anonymous No. 977355

>I thought the different sides of the face were being selected individually
Nah, 3d faces are single sided (kinda) and infinitely thin. Technically, the faces do have a backface that you can access (though it's really just like the inverted normal), but you'd have to do some shader stuff to tell Blender "hey, shade the backface a different color".
If you don't want to do that though, you could just add some thickness with a solidify modifier.

Anonymous No. 977357

to build off of this, what's the difference between reinforcing something with a loop cut and using a crease? does it even matter? looks almost the same to me. is it a poly count thing?

Anonymous No. 977385

I mean ideally the results should be the same, yeah. It's a shitty answer, but again it depends.
It's a poly count thing for sure, but if you're putting subsurf on it anyway, poly count isn't really the issue.
I'd say it boils down to how you prefer working and what you see as too much visual noise to work with. Creases make things easier to look at when you're modelling, but can have strange ways of working where you can't crease an edge without some extra random vert, loops tend to clutter things up but work in a more easy to grasp way.
You can kinda see that in the example, where the crease version retains the same original geometry and thus looks cleaner to work with, while the loops add extra edges and stuff that might be hard to really see what's going on in a complex model.
There's probably other pros/cons that make more sense, but I mainly use whatever works best for me in a given situation.
Really, there's no reason why you can't use both.

Anonymous No. 977386

I should also mention that creases might not export to different file formats, which is also something to keep in mind.

Anonymous No. 977470

>character tutorial in english
>sculpt and then retopologize
>character tutorial in some moon rune chink language
>just straight up poly modeling, rarely using sculpt tools except for broad shaping/refining
not making any commentary on it, just fascinating that it's always like that. anyways which is the best way to go for a beginner? don't care too much about hyper realism, should I go with the modeling in that case?

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Anonymous No. 977486

imported image as a plane, used subdiv and shrinkwrap to stick it on the end of this cylinder, to create the effect of a decal or sticker or whatever. is there an easy way to repeat it over the entire cylinder? making a slot machine. also it looks kinda distorted after the shrinkwrap, is there a way to fix that?

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 977507

thanks anon. i think it looks better. i'm getting kinda sick of working on this model though so i think im gonna move onto something else. i don't really know what else to do with it to make it look better / i think it's beyond the scope of my abilities.

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Slot Machine.jpg

Anonymous No. 977516

>easy way to repeat it over the entire cylinder?
Add an empty at the center of rotation for the cylinder, add an array modifier to your plane (set the number of objects however you want), set it to object offset (turn off relative offset). Set the object offset object to the empty, rotate the empty until you get it even (360 divided by the number of array objects you have). Your plane's origin should also be at the same place as the empty.
As for the distortion with shrinkwrap, I'd set it to project, turn on the negative checkbox so it gets projected backwards, and additionally subdivide the plane in edit mode to give it some more geo if it doesn't have it already.

Once you're happy with everything, apply the modifiers and parent the sticker to the slot roller thingy so you can rotate it, or just parent both the empty and the sticker to the cylinder if you don't want to apply anything.

Anonymous No. 977547

general question. how long does it take you guys to make something, from initial idea to final product? (like hours in blender)

Anonymous No. 977584

What counts as "something"?
A single model, an entire scene, an animation? These things can vary wildly.
You spend however long you spend on them.

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Anonymous No. 977603

something happened

Anonymous No. 977604

nvm lol i figured it out, I think I needed to apply some shit. why doesn't that just happen automatically, fucks me up every time. is there an option somewhere for that? shits annoying

Anonymous No. 977613

Yeah you probably had to apply rotation/scale. I forgot to mention that.
Doesn't do it automatically since there's more instances where you want that relative loc/rot/scale rather than having it baked in.

Anonymous No. 977615

yeah that's fair, just gotta remember it when it happens again. thanks anon

Anonymous No. 977627

>A single model, an entire scene, an animation?
hmm any of the above. i just don't know when i should be "done" with something cus everything i make looks like shit lol. and at a certain point the more time on it just feels like polishing a piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 977695

The answer is "it depends". Some models are quick to make, others slow, same with scenes or animations.
Detailed anims+scenes might take me a few weeks, hero objects (that are the main focus) a good 10 hours or more modelling and texturing, background shit might just be a few mins to a few hours. That's not even taking into account shit like compositing, sims (if you have any), gathering reference material, solving problems, and all sorts of other shit.

You're "done" when you feel done, when you feel like you've reached a logical end to a project and you can't really think of something else to add (or don't feel like revamping the entire things to fix 1 issue), I'd say that's done. Though I don't count getting frustrated and quitting due to lack of skill "done". Just keep working on stuff, time really doesn't matter unless you're working for a client and have a deadline.
Also don't be one of those faggots that act proud of how quickly you've done a model that looks like shit ("I finished this sculpt in an hour!"). Take your time, do it right. No one cares about time. Especially if you're a /beg/. Only thing that should matter to you is learning. Do that by going out of your comfort zone and implementing things into your projects that you haven't learned.

Anonymous No. 977710

>image limit

Anonymous No. 977726

That's really nice anon. Good job.

Anonymous No. 977729


Anonymous No. 979353

>blender tutorial on making a landscape
>"plane, noise, displacement"
okay but what I already had the broad strokes of a specific landscape (shape of coastline, location of geographic features, etc) and just want to get a similar level of randomized detail?