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Money for Nothing.jpg

🧵 /beg/ - Beginner's General

Anonymous No. 977728

/beg/ - Beginner's General -
Free chicks edition
Previous thread: >>960431

Last thread was a success and reached img limit, guess it'll be helpful to continue.

Beginners, feel free to post any questions, issues, projects, or anything you want looked at here. There's no stupid questions, we were all beginners once.
Other anons that are willing to try and help out (if you want), explain things as simply as you can, and try to be patient with the people just getting started.
Going by the OP of the last thread,
>You are a beg for at least 2 years, depending on software.

This also might be helpful for anons just starting out and want to know some different places to get textures and other resources.
List of free resources:

Feel free to check out some of the other generals as well
Works in Progress: >>977313
Questions Thread: >>966806
3dsMax General: >>976654
Blender General: >>973562

Let's get this party started.

Anonymous No. 977732

maybe a dumbass question but is there a way to make your settings default and persist every time you open a new project in blender? for example I like having the gizmo out, for several reasons. I'd like being able to just have it out by default instead of having to enable it every time I start a new file, among other small options I like. tried rooting around the preferences menu but that place is a mess honestly

Anonymous No. 977739

Set up Blender how you want it, then go to File>Defaults>"Save Startup File"
I also recommend saving that file as its own "Startup.blend" file, just in case shit goes fucky when you update or something. That way if your defaults don't get loaded in the future you can just load up the startup file, and set the defaults again the same way. Just you know, make sure to start a new file after you load that startup.blend, so you don't start working on that file and accidentally save your project over it.
I may or may not have done that a few times.

Anonymous No. 977754

Why did you choose this awful OP image that doesn't reflect beginner work?

Anonymous No. 977758

Based reply, those models were excellently stylized, especially considering the technology at the time and the limited expertise people had.

Anonymous No. 977759

its not beginners work. When we want a op pic for /beg/ you want a beginners model.

Its tradition.

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Anonymous No. 977762

In blender: How do I mark some areas like a hand or torso with a color. I saw that in some videos.

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flying nimbus.png

Anonymous No. 977778

thanks that relieves a lot of pressure. i was asking cus i feel like it took me an extremely long time to make this cloud so i just didn't know if there was something wrong with me

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Anonymous No. 977784

r8 my ear
I don't like being super strict with following tutorials, added an extra loop cut indicated by the arrows to give it a little more definition but idk if that's gonna do anything in the long run. characters hair is gonna cover it regardless.

Anonymous No. 977793

I'm not a beginner, so I didn't have beginner art, and didn't want to single someone out from the last thread.
Instead, I chose something close to the "beginning" of 3d. I don't think they were beginners by any means (in fact they were experts in their fields), but early 3d did have that same kind of pioneering spirit that beginners tend to have, where they try new things in novel ways and see what sticks. Simply because the path isn't laid out in front of them.

Anonymous No. 977795

>When we want a op pic for /beg/ you want a beginners model.
>Its tradition.
Hard to say it's "tradition" as well, when the previous thread was the first instance of a /beg/ thread on /3/. Not much of a "tradition" to pick up from. There's been beginner threads before, but never a full on general that's continued in perpetuity like other threads.

Anonymous No. 977799

How do I finish stuff.

Anonymous No. 977800

You say "eh, good enough" and then start something else.

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armored core 3 in....png

Anonymous No. 977866

I'm interested in learning blender with intent to make ps2 style cinematics like pic related. Is there a tutorial for achieving that weird, grainy muddy look? Maybe I just don't know the right keywords but I tried searching PS2 cinematic tutorials on youtube but all I'm getting are vids about low poly retro style gameplay models.

Vid related is the look and feel I'm trying to achieve.

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Anonymous No. 977882

anyone know how I can get dimetric projection renders set up?
I can get isometric (or at least think it's isometric), but dimetric was more commonly used in games which is what I need it for
you'd think it'd be as easy as entering the angles in the camera values, but it doesn't seem that way. watching videos on it and researching it really didn't help much

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Anonymous No. 977892

Orthographic camera plus this camera rotation is isometric.
If you change the X rotation, it becomes dimetric.
If you also change the z rotation, it becomes trimetric.

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Anonymous No. 977896

Anonymous No. 977897

crazy, I was actually just watching a vid that mentioned this. about 1:45 in he talks about dimetric perspective and provides the exact numbers he used for it.

Anonymous No. 977910

If you haven't started using the program and have no clue how it works, showing you a tutorial on this exact style won't help you.
Spend a few months learning, then come back and give it a go.

Anonymous No. 977928

Can't you just give it to me now so I can save it and revolve my studies around it?

Anonymous No. 977930

>is there a tutorial on how to make industry products with no experience?
No. You need years of experience. There are no shortcuts. If you want it, you need to put in the actual work.

"Cris", a namefag troll, has been looking for shortcuts for various things for over ten years, and is still at a beginner level.

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Anonymous No. 977951

Looked through the sticky, couldn’t find specifics regarding premade assets
Are there any good websites besides cgtraders and turbosquid for premade assets? Specifically sci fi vehicles?
I’m working on retexturing stuff to see how to render out unlit textures,

Anonymous No. 977964

>This also might be helpful for anons just starting out and want to know some different places to get textures and other resources.
>List of free resources:
Did you just not read the OP or what?

Anonymous No. 977998

As far as I'm aware, most PS2 games used Softimage for their assets, which would have included the prerendered video clips. What you're really looking for isn't the PS2 cinematic style, but the Softimage style from the PS2 era. You could decide to be hipster-y and just use an old version of Softimage inside a virtual machine to make whatever it is you want to make, or you could do some research on how Softimage and old programs worked, like their shaders, lighting systems, etc. so you can replicate the look in Blender. I may recommend the latter, because as someone who occasionally likes to mess around with old programs, I can say firsthand that they can be a pain to work with, though I don't know about Softimage specifically. Of course, there would also be other things like the actual design decisions that were made, like the color choices, shape designs, and whatever else. All of these reasons in general are why the other anons are telling you that you may want more experience first.

Anonymous No. 978031

can I make significant changes to a character after rigging it? or would I have to go back to my base mesh and make the changes and then re-rig.

by significant changes I mean like completely overhauling it to the point that its a different character.

Anonymous No. 978032

>can I make significant changes to a character after rigging it?
Yes. Making significant changes like heavily deforming bodyparts only really ruins your textures. Anything else is quite easy to change accordingly.
>base mesh
Use multires. Avoid multiple body meshes.

Anonymous No. 978033

yeah, you'll have to commission someone to redo the weights

Anonymous No. 978034

>Use multires. Avoid multiple body meshes.
sorry im sure this would be sound advice if I knew what multires actually was.

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Anonymous No. 978140

How come the lighting isn't right on the front of the table? My normals are fine and I don't see any clipping geometry. It's only like this in cycles, it renders completely fine both in cycles render view and in Eevee.

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Anonymous No. 978142

>money for nothing
based i love that style

Anonymous No. 978144

Might have a normal map that's completely fucked.

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Anonymous No. 978171

amazed at own ability to make soulless things

Anonymous No. 978210

That ain't workin, that's the way you do it.

Anonymous No. 978225

am i just not getting it or are uvs just difficult as fuck to figure out. seems like no matter what I do it comes out as an eldrich abomination, even if it's cuboid in nature.

Anonymous No. 978232

Just gotta take the time to sit down and think about it logically. I've mentioned it a few times in different threads, but if you can unwrap a cube, cylinder, and sphere, you can unwrap anything. It's all variations on those shapes.
It kinda helps to think about seams not as seams (retarded terminology), but cuts. Where would you cut an object to make it lay flat on a table?
If you post what you're working on, I could give you some pointers with an explanation.

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Anonymous No. 978233

idk, i resolved the original issue by just manually editing shit with the nodes until it looked passable. my main issue is sometimes when I try to unwrap something, some parts will overlap or get scaled down super small for some reason. should I be trying to do seams in this case?

Anonymous No. 978245

change your render settings, you modeled it perfectly it's just your lighting that's too realistic, making it look soulless.

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Anonymous No. 978251

i tried, i don't know how to actually replicate it and trying to redo the shaders fucked everything how are you actually supposed to flat shade things?

Anonymous No. 978368

retard (me) question gonna link here as well

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Anonymous No. 978370

r8 my friend! (he is a sinner)

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Anonymous No. 978479

Is there a better way to animate holes aside from shapekeys? It's so tedious.

I'm thinking of setting up motion constraints or using IK but I have no idea where to start

Anonymous No. 978482

clever rigging and weighting plus softbody sim seems to be the fastest way

Anonymous No. 978490

Thanks anon. I'll look into it

Anonymous No. 978506

this looks so cool ngl

Anonymous No. 978508

Thanks. I spent a whole day just trying to figure out the shapekeys.

Anonymous No. 978542

I don't know anything about UE5, but turning images into meshes in blender is simple enough.

>Images as planes addon
>Shift+a > images as planes > find your png
>Right click > subdivide
>Alternatively just put a bunch of loopcuts on it
>Either works to get the cross-crossed quads I think you're talking about

Anonymous No. 978546

that doesnt work

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Anonymous No. 978549

Got burned out with the tutorial I was following and wanted to call it a day for 3d, while browsing the Gondola thread on /gif/ I was inspired to make this abomination on the quick (8 mins), fucked up the remesh though

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Anonymous No. 978642

am i able to have two materials on one object? like in picrel, if I wanted the highlighted part to be white and the rest to be black, how would I go about accomplishing that?

Anonymous No. 978644

Just add another material slot and assign those faces to it.

Anonymous No. 978666

I'm just an animator, but only now after like a decade, I realize it isn't one or the other with quads/tris, you can use them together.

I think it was some autists reeing of which one was the better one, when I got into this business, that made me think like that.

Anonymous No. 978673

>Select Faces
>New Material
>Make white material
>Assign Material
>Inverse selection
>New Material
>Make black material
>Assign Material

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Anonymous No. 978698

I downloaded a model off twitter to mess with but the armature is all weird. When I deal with armatures their usually easy to manipulate in pose mode but this armature is clusterfuck. It's like the guy is made of jelly. Anyone know what type of armature this is and how to move it? I can't even bend the guys legs without it deforming insanely.

I'm not sure if I should just delete the armature and make one from scratch. Pic related is how it appears. Pic at the right is how it looks in edit mode. It doesn't look the bones I'm used to seeing. For what it is, the model came as a .blend file so it's not some other format I don't think.

Anonymous No. 978702

You can change the bone type to the regular bones you are used to in the Bone Properties Menu

What do you mean by it's made of jelly? could you upload a short video of it in action?

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Anonymous No. 978706

I mean it's really stiff. I'm not sure how to explain it. On other models I should be able to just bend the leg but here it wont work.

Here's a vid. First model is how it functions, second part is how I'm expecting and used to posing models. Also worth mentioning that second model is by the same guy too. I have the same issue with the first model's arms.

I think it might have something to do with IK but I'm not sure. This is the only model I've ever used with this weird deformities.

frickolas No. 978708

you might be able to get a similar look by using older shading techniques where you blend a bunch of different shaders together instead of using a principled BSDF. There are also a handful of rendering engines available for Blender (Luxcore, POVray, a few others), so toy around with those if neither eevee or cycles do what you want.

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Anonymous No. 978716

fuck hair I cannot wrap my brain around it

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Anonymous No. 978723

The yellow bone has the IK constraint on it, so its position is fully derived from where the bone it points to is. That's probably the bone pointing backwards from the ankle or the toe bone, it's listed in the respective bone constraint of the yellow bone.
You can disable the constraints with the eye icon, but you should really be using actual rigs yourself.

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Anonymous No. 978724

Most based if I do say so myself.

Anonymous No. 978728

You're grabbin the wrong bones, dude.
Looks like it has IK, so you grab those bones pointing backwards behind the feet. That's it. Adjust the floating ones in front of the knee if you're doing a pose like a squat, or you accidentally bend the knee backwards.
Basically, only fuck with the white bones. The green and yellow ones are gonna do shit automatically.

Anonymous No. 978791

that already looks very close, go into render settings change Color Management > View Transform to sRGB and drop the Film > Filter Size to 0. you already have it flat shaded, maybe add some specularity/gloss to the dudes shader.

Anonymous No. 978792

too big

Anonymous No. 978794

This should explain everything

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Anonymous No. 978802

Thanks, I had a feeling it was IK but I don't know enough about that to be sure. I only vaguely know about IK/FK but never really looked deeper into it. Messing around more with it this is just painful. Yeah, I think I'm going to make my own rig for this because this model is such a clusterfuck. Messing with the contraint properties helped but I need a more permanent solution to that.

That helped a lot. I'm just going to probably re-do the whole armature since this just seems awful to work with. It's not what I'm used to working with in posing. Hell just making him take a seat is turning into a massive pain in the ass. Thanks for helping.

Oh okay, so you effectively control movements via those 'handle's instead of just moving the foot on it's own then the leg, etc. I'm not used to it but it shouldn't be that hard to learn. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 978819

ok watched a couple of vids on uvs and there's one more that I'm gonna watch one more later that looks to be a big comprehensive course from an actual professional...

but I still can't really wrap (pun intended) my mind around it. what's the actual purpose? if it's for textures, why can't I just draw my shit directly on my character? I don't care about photorealism or gaming shit. I feel like im missing the link that ties all this together. starting to wonder if there's a genetic factor to understanding this and I'm getting filtered

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Anonymous No. 978830

ball :)

Anonymous No. 978832

that pic looks like whoever did they weightpainting for this model fucked up and just applied a generic gradient weightpaint for the knee joint

Anonymous No. 978835

I think the ball hangs on the ground a bit too long making it look sticky, but other than that great job.

Anonymous No. 978838

nah, exactly as big as she needs to be. my other gals will be in slightly more reasonable ranges

Anonymous No. 978845

What's she for?

Anonymous No. 978846

I don't think following video tutorials is working for me. The information just goes in one ear and out the other.
Any ideas? I'm just trying to make a Vtuber model for myself first, then assets for gamedev.
Just learning what each tool does isn't enough, I guess I just need to learn how to apply them properly.

Anonymous No. 978853

would that just be a graph adjustment thing?

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Maria gaming.jpg

Anonymous No. 978855

Hey I'm trying to sort of capture the look of the bottom left image I have here. Specifically I seem to have a hard time trying to make my topology smooth.
Part of it is probably normals, but I can't seem to get weird shading artifacts out of my models. And it's driving me nuts.
(There's heaps of other issues too, like not really knowing how to make the topology more consistently smooth, or not knowing how to make eyelids.)
(Model will be below)

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Anonymous No. 978856

Anyway I'm trying to avoid just conventional anime style, but more sort of just stylized. With a touch of abstraction. (This is sort of for like cutscene models. Ingame models are a touch lower poly since I want my battles to run well)
Any advice on this?

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Anonymous No. 978858

Wow. Adding a rig was not as janky and difficult as I was expecting. I used the the human meta-rig and while it's still imperfect it's far better. I just gotta keep tweaking it.

Is it better to just use rigify or make your own rig like in this video:

Does the rigify armatures have any issues?

The guy did post the model with a "don't bother me about the issues" note so probably.

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Anonymous No. 978869

Tends to get more jank with more complicated characters. Though seems you got good results. Any tips?
I suppose this is better. Anything I should change here?
I assume there's alot, such as the length of the chin and other specific details. But anything else (Oh also the nose is fucked, how do I fix that?)

Anonymous No. 978874

I'm not a pro, but here's my quick-ish attempt at tackling it. More of the bottom right though, because frontal references tell very little. Maybe you can use it as reference or something.
Although I did model for not-subdivision as I'm assuming you feel stingy with your polycount and want to adhere to that, I personally wouldn't be so greedy because modern gpus (even mobile gpus) can push a LOT of geometry and most of the rendering time is eaten by post processing/geometry effects anyway (things like ssao/sssss/bloom/shadowmap processing/geometry shader sorcery/etc), so I'd model such a thing for one subdivision, at least in the case of hero assets.

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Anonymous No. 978875

Can anyone give me some critiques please?

I've been drawing for awhile but I'm trying to make the switch over to sculpting. About two weeks in at the moment, slowly working my way through those Michael Pavlovich videos. Not sure where my weak points are and what I need to be working on

Anonymous No. 978876

Might even just be as simple as making the ball start hopping 1-2 frames earlier.

I don't know how to tell you this anon, but the metahuman rig operates the exact same way under the hood as the previous rig. It's just that you're grabbing "pretty" bones with graphics and the rest are hidden. You might have had better auto weight painting from it, but that largely doesn't have anything to do with the rig itself in terms of how it's laid out (since you'd ideally be weight painting manually).

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Anonymous No. 978881

My main advice for you would be to make a PureRef moodboard for all limbs at all angles like pic related. Right now your anatomy is a little wonky / lazy but on the right track if you focus more on sculpting to ref (right now all 3 necks you sculpted are wrong in a different way so ref is needed).

I like the exaggerated bone structure on the top right, maybe try that for the whole body before going realistic.

Anonymous No. 978883

nothing at the moment. just using my OCs to practice 3d modeling and low poly. I've thought about making a game around them, but I don't wanna do porn shit and I can't really think of anything in a modern day setting

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Anonymous No. 978884

You did that rather quickly. Good topology too. I can definitely learn from this.
How did you do the placement of the lip colors and the generally better color set? My colors were fucking godawful. And I hadn't gotten around to texturing yet, but if I can do some "temporary" sort of thing like it seems you have here, it'd be much better for prototyping.
Wait, I see color attribute vertex? Is this some vertex group shenanigans?
Anyway, this is better than/ closer to what I'm doing in some ways, so I'll study this and apply what I've learnt here. Thanks.
(Also yeah I'm being stingy to some extent with my poly count, because I don't want my game being like fucking 100gb. Though, I want my game to be quite strongly stylized. I'm basically making Tim Burton Live Action meets Noire Casino lord, with a touch of Alice bullshit. Just think goofy ass absurd undead everywhere, all cracked out. Hence why I really gotta do faces properly.)

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Anonymous No. 978885

Sort of like this sort of bullshit.

Anonymous No. 978886

Weakpoints? Good sir you're doing rather well from the looks of it. The only major issue I see is some face detail could be smoothed out, and your ears are consistently too far back. Oh and the cleft is a bit too wide, it's very small even in rater wide people. You have good knowledge on the muscles of the face relatively speaking.
Keep up the good fucking work.
Also how did you get the sculpting so clean?
Another thing to ask, is there a version of the node shader that really takes in color well while being a bit more limited in shading akin to a soft cel shade? It's important that colors like green, red and blue are able to show up on the character's face.

Anonymous No. 978897

Damn. I can't believe I put this off for so long. Weight painting isn't that bad either! It's definitely not good but I'm learning a lot with it. Next up is to add proper driver bones, though I don't need them for this project.

Something is definitely off about the original model but I don't know enough to figure it out. It's probably the weight painting is all fucked up per what the other anon said. Ah well, this is giving me a lot of practice so it's good.

It's clear Blender and SFM have different ways of posing things. I don't know why but this just never occurred to me.

Nah, nothing for tips. I just followed a couple youtube videos and made notes.

Anonymous No. 978898

how exactly do i practice modeling heads/faces? obviously i can just do it like 100 times but its hard to tell where im messing up before i can get to the endpoint half the time and i get frustrated then start again from scratch

Anonymous No. 978904

rigged something with rigify. it's acting weird. moving the hand for example causes the eyebrow and parts of the hair to move around with it, and other things like that. checked the weight painting interface and as far as I can tell they're not weighted to be doing that. I think it's likely a bigger issue on my end. I just ctrl j'd everything together when I was ready to start rigging, should I have not done that?

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Vertex Weights.jpg

Anonymous No. 978916

>It's clear Blender and SFM have different ways of posing things.
I know fuck all about SFM, but doesn't it pretty much use IK? Like you grab the hand and move it around and the rest of the arm follows suit like GMod? If so, they're the exact same principles.
But yeah, the weight painting before on that model was beyond fucked. Legs shouldn't turn into jelly when you bend them.

Make SURE they're not weighted at all. Just because weight pain view shows up blue, doesn't mean that they're not weighted.
Go into edit mode, select the verts, and look on the tool panel (the "N" side panel). There will be a little section labelled "Vertex Weights" that'll show up and tell you what (if any) groups a vert is part of, pic related. Then just delete the weights for offending groups.
I guarantee that the bits that are moving are part of some group that's not showing up on weight paint view, since that view is completely fucked when it comes to tiny values.

Anonymous No. 978924

Blender has tonemapping set to filmic by default, which is very desaturated and I overall hate it. Switch the color space to srgb/standard in the render/color management tab to get what people usually use basically everywhere. I use vertex colors for temporary texturing. They're good for delimiting areas in actual texturing too, just gotta bake the result in the end. Sadly you can't bake in eevee so you'll have to switch to cycles for baking.
>node shader that really takes in color well while being a bit more limited in shading akin to a soft cel shade
The easiest way to get colored cel shading going on in blender is to have some basic lighting and a white diffuse shader connected to a "shader to rgb" node and then to a color ramp with the black/white colors flipped around, which you can use to control the sharpness, and then to the influence of a "mixrgb" node set to "multiply" and with the first color input being your material diffuse and second color being the color you want to shade with. Then you just connect that to an emission shader node and then to the output.

Anonymous No. 978927

Got it, I'll experiment with the results later today once I get a coffee.
Idk how the actual fuck I'm going to get any of this into Godot visually lmao.
(It's a playable game character so some of this work is for naught. But some of it is to really get the vision going so I can tweak the settings ingame.
If needed, I'll just render the cutscenes in blender later)

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Anonymous No. 978967

I think I messed up.

Anonymous No. 978970

how do i go about making a wet cloth texture
ie: wet swimsuit with parts that stick to the body being semi transparent

Anonymous No. 978974

Do you guys have any tips for making clouds?

Anonymous No. 978975

never mind, i deleted everything and started over

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 978977

how we looking now

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Anonymous No. 978978

how we lookin now

Anonymous No. 978979

looks good

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Anonymous No. 978985

I could use some crits on this sculpt. This is my first time attempting a "realistic" sculpt rather than just using beveled boxes for everything.

I also have another problem: I can't sculpt with any finer detail than what's shown in this pic because attempting a smaller remesh size causes my computer to crash. Is there a solution to this or do I just have to learn to make do with this LOD?

If the answer is no, I think I'll go back to trying to learn box modeling. It runs way better on my machine

Anonymous No. 978990

amiga deez balls hahah

Anonymous No. 978992

MUCH better. Might even shave off another frame, but that's extremely nitpicky and kinda pointless since you've pretty much nailed the exercise.
Great work.

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Anonymous No. 978994

I don't get what I did wrong. I'm on the stage where I'm checking my mesh before sculpting details, but there is this. Any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 978997

been a while since my donut but iirc you're expected to use either snapping or the shrink wrap filter for this. if you reenable whatever you were asked to use and slightly move some of the points around the center to resnap them you should be able to realign everything without too much issue, although i remember there was some solidify step too and i'm not sure how that might play into it. either way this is a common problem, don't get discouraged

Anonymous No. 979003

Hey how did you do that? I want to create similar sort of squash and stretch for quite a few animations.
So any advice would be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 979013

looks like a stupid cow, no sense of aesthetics

Anonymous No. 979019

Have you tried dynamic topology? You can make relatively smaller detail in localised areas that way. As for critique, I think the face is fine, but neck seems "over defined"
And the upper elements of the torso are too high up from the section with the breasts. Creates this weird look. Pull it all down.
Still, good job so far.

Anonymous No. 979026

Hair would look better with a more muted higlight, right now the overly bright red clashes with the more calm brown

Anonymous No. 979045

This is my first head topology. I was watching a video for reference, but I wasn't following it one to one.
Anything that sticks out as blatantly incorrect here? or just general "make it look more human" stuff?

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Anonymous No. 979047

head is as empty as this fucker's.
Here's the screenshot.

Anonymous No. 979063

In this instance he just scaled the bone. It works well enough for squash/stretch, but for obvious reasons it won't work too well for smears.

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Anonymous No. 979073

Thanks. I tried what you said and it worked, but it didn't work like it was supposed to. Deleting the icing twice and starting from later, this is the final result. Still not like how it's supposed to be, but I throwing in the towel and just moving on to sculpting. Thanks for the help. As you can see, it really did help.

Anonymous No. 979077

two questions, both relating to rigs.

for the first one, I try appending blenders rain rig and this happens to her eyes. I read their thing about appending her and the option they want me to click seems to be greyed out so idk what to do to deal with this.

the second one, the trident guy from p2 design, came with a couple .py files. what do I do with those? I'm assuming they're important

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Anonymous No. 979078

whoops... I am also as empty as this fucker I guess >>979047

Anonymous No. 979080

Eyeballs just look like the wrong texture was applied for some reason.
If the textures came as a separate file, you should be able to use the "File>External Data>Find Missing Files" option to link everything back. It might be able to search into .blend files as well, but I'm not totally sure.
As for your .py files, they might be important for the rig, but I'd also check the readme included to see what's up. From a quick look at the P2 website, the dude looks on the up-and-up, at least enough to include a readme with his models. If not that, at least they should be commented in the scripts.

Anonymous No. 979083

yeah checked the readme and there was nothing there. standard "you may use this for x and not y" type of thing. I'll ckeck the scripts ty.

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Autism lmao.png

Anonymous No. 979088

Eh, I reckon I can fake smears then with just seperate model vfx overtop.
Probably with a refraction texture.
Anyway, I suppose I had done something like that a while back, but my results were rather jank due to a very low poly model.
I'll try it again once I get bootleg "The Mask" modelled up. Since a specific boss is going to have animations that require an elastic sort of feeling.

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Anonymous No. 979090

Now that I've been practicing, there's some notable issues. Mainly not defining the the general flow of the face enough.
The face isn't flat like that. it begins with some angled definition already, and then builds up from there. (Aka you're adding the details before correctly defining the shape. I did that too earlier)
Try to use this as a reference, to get you started. And then smooth out the details.

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Anonymous No. 979092

got this effect by making two separate renders then mashing them together in davinci resolve. curious if there's a way to do that in just one single render within blender. also if anyone has advice to hide the slight seam that would be cool. have a few ideas to try both in and outside blender but I'm always down to try any suggestion

Anonymous No. 979094

I reckon you can, but that's real trippy. In Blender there is a seemless texture feature, so you could use that. But this is a rather abstract specialized render you got here, so it's gonna require a good deal of work.

Anonymous No. 979110

It'd probably be as easy as just feathering the transition between the two clips to make the seam go away. Making the transition blend instead of just cut off would go a long way in making it look like a single clip.
Then again, that might not actually work, since the spot where they meet is the one tiny place where the illusion doesn't break. I guess the best advice I can really say is to match up the lighting better.

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Anonymous No. 979111

I have a question about some hard surface texture stuff. I have been making some mecha, and got to the point where Im gonna start doing the uvs, and then started to think, how do you approach texturing a detailed hard surface with many objects. Do you texture all the objects separately or do you group them together into an object and then texture that? The former makes more sense to me but I guess you could do it either way?

Anonymous No. 979114

Part of the issue might have also been what I was using as a reference.
I was trying to model Qrow Branwen from RWBY.
They don't really have a lot of facial detail in that show.
I was going to include a pic of the model with the reference behind it, but turns out I didn't save before closing this morning. oops. Learning experience I guess.

Anonymous No. 979124

Thanks anon! I'll work on it.

I'll check out dynamic topology as well

Anonymous No. 979144

Good luck mate. Show us the results later.
Yeah there's your first mistake. Their models are pretty attrotious for 3D anime.
Hunt around for like uh, idk Trigger's Trigun, or Guilty Gear Xrd?
Take a variety of samples so you got more room to work with.

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Anonymous No. 979152

I smoothed out the neck a bit and lowered everything.

The dynamic topology thing is great.

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Anonymous No. 979171

adjusted lighting, textures, and added just a tiny bit of feathering. it's definitely less noticeable but still kinda there. need to fuck with the colors now though, this shit is ugly

Anonymous No. 979174

Yeah that's much better. Now I'd just ease up on the face's harsher details and clean up some various bits of roughness.
(Also mid torso is slightly too long)
The speed up slowdown on the compression of the detail at the creese makes it a bit more obvious. Like you have shorter compressed detail features right next to wider ones with an obvious cut off. Maybe make that more seemless?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 979179

I made this sword, now how do I create and add a texture for it?

Anonymous No. 979180

honestly I'm not sure if the compression thing can be avoided, and if it can, it's way beyond my skill level. I looked up a few examples from other people who actually know what they're doing and it's still there. like any optical illusion, it's gonna fall apart eventually no matter how hard you try to hide it.

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Anonymous No. 979184

I'm trying for some basic, ps1/n64 type low poly models for my first projects and I made this sword in blender. How do I create and add a texture to it?

Anonymous No. 979188

Go to edit mode and select everything with A. Then press U to UV unwrap the mesh. The automatic unwraps usually work well enough for simple objects. Add a Material with a texture. That texture can either be hand painted in an external program or you can use the, rather limited, ability to directly paint on the texture/object in Blender. See if you want a video.

Anonymous No. 979191

I'd probably use an atlas or something. A good sized texture that handles colors, decals (if you have em), and maybe some other details. Then just use seamless materials for the general surfaces, and detail with the atlas.

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ball bounce 2.webm

Anonymous No. 979203

now it moves. looks kinda weird though, idk. a little gelatinous maybe? following this time around, makes a bit more sense than the first ball bounce tutorial I followed, and the method used definitely makes it easier to go back and edit things as needed. plus the ball file he provided is a lot better than making it myself lol. though I suppose I should learn to do it myself at some point. rigging is intimidating.

Anonymous No. 979206

Somehow, it doesn't appear to be moving horizontally as much as it should be. Maybe there's too much emphasis on vertical stretching.

Anonymous No. 979208

like should it be moving further forward each bounce?

Anonymous No. 979209

Possibly. When I play it at normal speed, it feels like horizontal movement is stilted. Almost as if it's moving forward, then skipping back a frame before moving forward again. Playing the video back slowly reveals that's not the case. So then I guess it's a trick of perception, where my mind is predicting it should be more forward, but then it comes shy of the prediction. I suspect that the vertical stretching on the down parts is the reason it has that odd stilted effect. But perhaps moving forward more per bounce would fix it as well. There could be two solutions to the same problem.
But personally, I'm not a fan of overly cartoony stretching, so my first instinct is to lesson the down stretch

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cool swoard.jpg

Anonymous No. 979210

Thanks anon, I was able to make a simple texture for my sword. Maybe next weekend I'll start on a person to swing it.

Anonymous No. 979211

I'll give it a shot, thanks. I don't like excessive stretching either and lowered it pretty significantly compared to the example provided in the tutorial but I'll crank it down a little bit more.

the prediction thing you mention is interesting. it reminds me of when I played the violin a lot. for a lot of older 'classical' pieces (and with a lot of experience) you can predict what the next couple notes will be even if you've never ever heard the song before. I used to wonder if that was an intentional thing on behalf of the composers or if that was some tricks in my brain. never considered how something like that could apply to animation but it will definitely be something I consider moving forward.

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Anonymous No. 979234

I'm decently happy with this head, but that might just be because I'm still pretty new, and spent like four hours trying to get it right.
I'm going for a slightly mummified look to this. I'll obviously add in eyes and hair later.
The mouth and eye holes are going to be animated. Just wanted to get some critiques on my anatomy or techniques. something feels a bit off about it, but that might be because I keep envisioning the character in my head with hair, eyes, and a more expressive mouth.

robowaifutechnician No. 979251

disregard the sound quality. Not to toot my own horn but I think this is the best beginner tutorial ever made.

Anonymous No. 979277

i have 6 more subs and 15x more views than you.

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Anonymous No. 979300

babbys first rig :)

on a related note is it possible to make the handles more visible? like thicker or brighter or something? eyes are very astigmatic so its hard to see those tiny ass wires sometimes even if im wearing my glasses

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robowaifutechnician No. 979301

My main goal is not to be a YouTuber. It is very competitive either way. It is to raise interest and ultimately sell some waifus. I think youtubers are also like a catch 22 they want to listen to already successful people.

Anonymous No. 979317

So I'm getting towards the end/mid point of the tutorial and I'm noticing a lot of math. Do you have to be good at math for this? It's my worst subject.

Anonymous No. 979322

I'm throwing in the towel. I'm done. I gave up on scaling. I got pretty far, so that's something.

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Completed Doughnu....png

Anonymous No. 979323

Forgot image

Anonymous No. 979324

Wow, look at you. Very nice. That's the way to do it.
>is it possible to make the handles more visible? like thicker or brighter or something?
I fuckin wish. That shit gets on my nerves too.

>Do you have to be good at math for this?
Yes and no? It depends on what you're doing. Math helps, but I'll be honest, I was pretty good with math in school/college but it's hard for me to really contextualize the shit in a way that helps me with 3d stuff. That might just be on me though. I don't think my brain works that way I guess.
That being said, you do kind of pick up some mathy concepts through osmosis if you stick with 3d for a while. Shit like calculating render times, frame rates, basic stuff like angles and the like, and node math. Though for the node math, I know what should work to do what I need, and it usually works, but it's not like I know exactly why it does under the hood in a way for me to actually plan shit out. It's more kinda going with the flow and feeling it out in my case.
That being said, you can get pretty far without having a good grasp on math.

At least shade smooth the icing dude.

Anonymous No. 979331

Tee bee aich, you can offload all the math to AI and just ask them how to solve your problems

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ball course 2 res....webm

Anonymous No. 979337

that's a shame. I'll sit down later and mess with the custom colors to see if I can at least get some high contrast stuff going on. really not a fan of the default colors, way too easy to lose track of them

anyways how we looking bros.

Anonymous No. 979343

c4dfag here, feeling limited
can i/how do I mod the UI for blender? I can't stand the default layout or UX

Anonymous No. 979351

>anyways how we looking bros.
I like it. Might be fun to kinda have the ball pull back a bit before jumping off like it's hesitating or something. Maybe hesitating isn't quite the right word, but kinda like stopping its inertia before committing to the second jump like someone doing parkour.

Anonymous No. 979356

Nice goblin, look at topology reference.

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Anonymous No. 979358

I went back and did it
Ill just get good
i've been meaning to brush up on math

Anonymous No. 979361

I was loosely following a guide on topology. What can I improve on?
I can't tell if it'll look more normal once I add hair and eye features or if it's just going to keep looking that scuffed.

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Anonymous No. 979392

any idea how I can stop rotations using the scatter object add-on? the rotation set to 0 seems okay before I apply it, then it goes to shit anyway
I've applied all transforms on the original and new object, can't figure it out

Anonymous No. 979393

ignore, got it working

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Anonymous No. 979403
How does this guy achieve the look of tendons, bones, and muscles moving under the "skin" of such a low poly hand mesh? Is it some kind of dynamic bump map?

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of what I need to study to replicate this cool effect

Anonymous No. 979413

Could be edge creasing (Shift E) or something related to multires.

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Anonymous No. 979415


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Doughnut 2.png

Anonymous No. 979424

Finished my second donut. I figured out how to move the camera around independent of the axes this time around.

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he will never be ....webm

Anonymous No. 979445

tried to add a bit of slowdown and wiggle while preparing for the second jump, then made it roll back a bit at the end like a real ball would 'settle' if that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 979458

want to slap a tail on this little shit. how would I go about that? would it be in the same armature but just a different layer? then how would I attach the tail mesh to the ball itself? ctrl+j, or do I like extrude some geometry from the ball? Can't find any instructons on this online at all. the best I can find is a low quality vid that's impossible to tell what's happening and why it's happening because it's completely silent and like 360p in an ancient version of blender. everything else ive found is either shit for maya or just a rig download with no guidance on how to make it in the first place.

Anonymous No. 979476

thanks anons

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Ball Tail.jpg

Anonymous No. 979479

He might not ever be ballin, but he cute now.

Yeah I'd just use the same armature so the bones can be parented to the rolling bone so it rotates (assuming you want the tail to rotate with the ball). You'd probably have to animate the tail curling up around the ball when it rolls if you go that route. Though that'd probably be pretty simple if you change the mode to "individual origins" change the transform type to "normals" and then just select all the tail bones and rotate them all at once. They should naturally curl up.
As for the tail itself, I guess you could extrude it out from the ball, might help to enable the loop tools addon, and select the verts you want to extrude out from, and go w>Loop tools>circle, to arrange those verts into a circle before you extrude it. I'd also inset it a little bit to isolate it a bit.

Anonymous No. 979519

Can someone explain to a retard how the polygons are curved?

Anonymous No. 979520

Subd modelling
What you see it's the box and it has the subdivisions surface modifier on

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tailor made.webm

Anonymous No. 979544

ended up reverse engineering the original rig I downloaded for this >>979203, because it has a toggleable tail. It's definitely not perfect nor as polished as the original but it will get the job done I hope. the rotating on individual origins tip is pretty neat. decided to make the tail it's own thing instead of extruding from the ball.

Anonymous No. 979555

Nice. I'm not sure about the tail flattening out when you squash it though. It makes sense for the ball, but not really for the tail. At least in that direction.

Anonymous No. 979557

blender stopped working right after i moved a ton of blend files to a diferrent local disc(D) what should i do?

Anonymous No. 979558

it works for a couple minutes but if i switch modes to fast it freezes up and i have no choice but to shut everything down,is it struggling to access some file or something?

Anonymous No. 979597

>CUDA binary kernel for this graphics card compute capability (8.6) not found.
>using an older version of Blender
Is there a way to add CUDA shit to older Blender versions? I don't exactly want to updoot, the nu-blender is too different from what I am used to and I don't have time to re-learn everything for simple shit. I did a bit of deep diving into Blender like 10 years ago and haven't seen a reason to update, and once they redid the whole UI, I know nothing in the new one.

If I can updoot the CUDA shit to let me use this for a while I can do what I'm trying to do easier than CPU rendering and learn the new one later, if this can't be done, I can't learn the new one. I'll just stick to CPU shit or install an older GPU. I will not updoot - yet. I can either patch this somehow or I will lose performance. Updooting blender is something for future me, not today.

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deselecting GPU g....jpg

Anonymous No. 979598


>Blender User Preferences -> System tab
De-selecting my 3070 Ti (Display) under the Cycles Compute Device set to CUDA makes it work somehow, renders work, I guess this works for now but what am I losing by having my GPU deselected? Anything? or can I just live on and assume now it just works?

Anonymous No. 979599

spoke too soon
the preview render window started rendering fine but I checked and that seems to be falling back to CPU rendering now
can't GPU render a real render

doesn't work

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did this in obs b....webm

Anonymous No. 979622

made a new tail, didnt like the old one. under relations > inherit scale, I set it to average and that seems to prevent it from squashing while also keeping its relative size if I decide to scale the main bone if that makes sense. idk if that's the best way to go about it, I just clicked on things until something worked kek

now the rig I was looking at to learn this shit has this neat thing where you can toggle a switch in pose mode and it will toggle the tail on and off, as well as some other things like cartoony eyes, etc. is that something I can easily set up for myself? or would it require programming. I can't code to save my life. I have no issue switching it on and off in the outliner so not a big deal, just curious.

Anonymous No. 979633

Try this:
There's a version for Blender 2.79

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Custom Property.jpg

Anonymous No. 979640

>toggle the tail on and off, as well as some other things like cartoony eyes, etc. is that something I can easily set up for myself?
That can be easily pulled off with custom properties + drivers. Essentially, you're creating a custom property (on the rig or something easily accessible) to create that toggle, and then you use that toggle as a driver for an object's render/viewport visibility. Essentially automating switching it on and off in the outliner.

So first, make a custom property on your rig (it's on the object panel), set the type to Boolean if you want it to be a simple on/off checkbox.
Then on your tail object, in the object panel, go down to visibility, and add a driver for the render visibility (we start with render since if we disable viewport then it's not selected anymore because blender is retarded). By default, it's a transform channel, so you click the dropdown that looks like "(x)" (it's next to the variable name), change it to single property. This will give you an object to input, so we choose whatever object you placed that property on. After that, another DNA looking thing comes up, and you input the name of your property like ["propertyname"], in my case it was ["Tail Toggle"] (if you don't want to do that, you can just right click the custom property and hit "copy data path" and you can paste it in the box instead). After that you're good to go and you can just copy+paste the driver to the viewport visibility as well. Depending on how you want the checkbox to work, you might have to go into the driver's graph and scale it by -1 on the y axis. I'd do that before copying the driver to the viewport vis because as mentioned, blender is fucked.

Sounds complicated when you write it out, but it's not really.

Lastly, if you wanna really take that tail to the next level, try putting a copy rot constraint on your tail segments, that copy the first. You'd only need to rotate the first segment and the rest would follow.

Anonymous No. 979642

I should also mention that you could also just make that custom property onto any of the bones. Just in case you wanted like a global control bone to fuck around with while inside pose mode. The process of getting it to work with the object vis is still the same, though you'd need the full data path of the property (so just right click it and copy it).

Anonymous No. 979690

cannot figure out the rotation constraint thing at all, just gonna do it individually at this point. at best, it won't let me select anything, at worst it makes the entire rig shit the bed. also it won't let me put anything in the path field, it just turns red no matter what. no biggie, I'm fine doing it normally was just curious

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Tail Rig.webm

Anonymous No. 979695

You just put a copy rotation constraint on all of the tail segments (except the one closest to the body), and have them copy the rotation of the one you didn't put the constraint on (the one close to the body). I forgot to mention that you need to set them to "add".
What it does, is makes it so where if you rotate the first segment, the rest will follow suit and curl up. It's pretty nice for stuff like tails, or fingers since you only need to animate one bone instead of a whole chain. The less bones you have to animate the better and simpler it is.

As for your driver/property issue, I did mention to fuck with the viewport visibility last because it fucks shit up with selections.
Ideally, you'd put the custom property on a "settings" bone that handles stuff like that. Then right click the value of the property, and hit "copy full data path".
On whatever object you want to change with that property, you simply add a driver, change the type to "single property" (you have to make sure to do this), set the object as the armature object that contains the setting bone, then paste the full path.
If you show me a screenshot of what it looks like when it's red, I might be able to help you figure out what's wrong.

Anonymous No. 979702

Forgot to mention as well, you can also just right click the property and hit "copy as driver" and paste it wherever you want (you can do that with a ton of things, shapekeys are a good one too).
That's probably a fuckload easier than the process I mentioned, though it's good to know the process anyway. I kinda forgot to mention it because I never use it because it's not something I remember to do until after I just did the long way.

Anonymous No. 979703

What kind of drive did you move the files to? Blender is fairly lightweight and I've never heard of this sort of thing being a problem before

Anonymous No. 979716

should i do weight painting or parenting to bone when setting up rigs?
are you on linux? i have that same issue on intel integrated graphics

Anonymous No. 979740

Weight painting is telling the part of the mesh to be associated with a certain bone(s). Parenting a bone is just putting it to 100%. You don't want to do that unless you're doing something like making a robot with joints instead of flesh. Even then, you'd just weight the parts fully to a single bone. So yeah, never parent per bone, parent the armature and use auto weights or empty weights (so you can make the weights manually).

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Anonymous No. 979745

i was trying to do this in the constraint tab, blissfully unaware that there is also a bone constraint tab despite it being right in front of me. I apologize for my actual mental retardation, it won't happen again (it will)

as for the driver thing, picrel is what I'm getting. I can't select anything from that field and it turns red when I try to type in the name of the thing. tried using brackets and quotes like yours too and still red.

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Anonymous No. 979748

anyways, here's what I've done so far. kinda flying blind here without a tutorial but gotta learn somehow. tail looks fucked of course, not really certain how to make it bounce with the ball in a way that looks natural. also looks like more of a stinger than a tail now that I look at it

Anonymous No. 979762

its a KINGSTON SA400S37240G nfts local disc with a st2000dm008 HDD i tried uninstalling blender and reinstalling it but nothing it still dosent work

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Custom properties....jpg

Anonymous No. 979764

>I apologize for my actual mental retardation
You're excused, you're in the /beg/ thread.

>that field and it turns red
Yeah, that's weird. Obviously "test" is the wrong syntax. And ["Test"] would only work if the property is on an object. If you put the custom property on a bone itself (not the armature object), then the path would be different. You're even able to put custom properties on the mesh level as well (the panel with the green triangle).
As said before, Right clicking the value and hitting "Copy data path" and pasting that in the box that's red should do it. I think I might have fucked up by saying the "full data path" before, but I often get them confused, and if one doesn't work I try the other. So in the case of bones the regular data path should work.
Or, you could right click the custom property value you just made, and simply copy it as a driver and paste the driver wherever you need it.
You wouldn't need the "+ false" in there, and you could also change it from "scripted expression" to "averaged value" (which pasting as a driver does automatically).

Pic related should hopefully clear things up. Top half is about the difference between Object level custom props, and bone level.
Bottom half is the whole copy path bit, or the copy as driver bit. Copying as driver would probably be the simplest.

As for your anim. For the tail I'd probably disable the copy rotation constraints in this instance (I realize the irony in saying that after I just recommended it), so you can have the tail kind of flow behind and copy the arc of the ball jumping like a ribbon. Then add a keyframe to switch the constraints back on for the high jump and flutter.
Kind of makes a perfect excuse to figure out those custom properties on a settings bone, so you can just flip a switch when you want to animate individual segments of the tail, or the tail all at once. It'd be just like doing the viewport vis toggle, just on the constraint's visibility.

Anonymous No. 979802

is it possible to work on blender with a trackpad instead of a mouse

Anonymous No. 979807

Are there any 3D sculpting teachers that focus on the fundamentals?

I worry that I will fall into /beg/ traps without even realizing it. Youtube seems to be full of them from what I can see.
>12 quick trips to sculpt hyperreal wrinkles!
>8 brushes you NEED TO HAVE

I stumbled upon one video that talked about the importance of primary, secondary, and tertiary forms, and that makes a lot of sense to me and sounds like the kind of fundamentals-focused teaching you would get in an actual art class, but there must be many more pearls of wisdom that I'm missing out on.

I wish I could find one teacher who I could trust taught sculpting in a more traditional way and not in a hacky way.

Anonymous No. 979810

in that case should I treat each individual segment as its own bouncing ball then? maybe hide all but the base one, animate that, unhide the second one, animate it, etc? maybe I should have done fewer segments lmao. thanks anon, you've helped me more than I think you realize. for the record what you're seeing there has no constraints or drivers yet, it's its own separate file that I've been working on over the last few days while also messing with the rig stuff in a different file. know it's not ideal but I like to bounce around between projects. work on one while thinking about the other, sometimes you get some neat insights. not just a 3d thing for me, just how I approach things sometimes. figure I'll just make a new animation with the new rig if I ever figure that driver stuff out lol. I'll mess with it a little more later today. also eyeing a couple courses that would cover rigging in addition to a few other things but we'll get there when we get there.

Anonymous No. 979834

It's horrible, but yes. Turn on the "emulate 3 button mouse" option, so you can press "alt" to rotate the camera. Even with a mouse that shit is useful because pressing MMB for hours on end is awful.

>in that case should I treat each individual segment as its own bouncing ball then?
Nah, I'd still animate it with a rig. Just rotate each tail bone individually when you're making the tail follow like a ribbon (so you can see the whole curve/arc of the tail).

>it's its own separate file that I've been working on over the last few days while also messing with the rig stuff in a different file
That's usually how you'd go about it. You'd make the character+rig in one file, and bring it into another file where you animate with the full scene and all that. I'm pretty sure most people actually link the char+rig into their file so that if you change the character or rig in that file it's updated in every project it's linked in, but I'll be honest I fucking hate Blender's linking system and the bullshit overrides. So I just append them.

But yeah, if you've got any questions, I'm here to help out where I can.

Anonymous No. 979838

ah didn't mean dropping them from the rig, meant just animating it one segment at a time and hiding the rest for clarity, which is what I think you are saying now? that's a cool tip about linking, didn't know that was a thing. just been appending things as needed thus far, or just saving it as a different file and building the environment around it. what's wrong with blender's linking shit though? if it's bad i'll just keep ignoring it i guess

Anonymous No. 979851

>meant just animating it one segment at a time and hiding the rest for clarity,
Ah, I see what you mean. But nah, I'd still keep all the segments visible, personally, so you can see the entire curve they make and you're not flying blind. Ultimately it's up to you whichever is easier.

>what's wrong with blender's linking shit though?
I haven't fucked around with it extensively, but when you link something you can't change anything at all with it unless you add an override. I mean AT ALL. You link a character+rig, and you can't even move it until you add an override. It's just needlessly convoluted because their linking system is fucked, and without overrides it'd work both ways instead of one way. So in the existing system, without overrides if you changed a linked object it'd change it in your link's source and whatever you linked it to (because that's how it's set up), so the devs essentially lock everything and you override it so it doesn't happen. Instead of you know, just linking something, and the project knowing that what you're linking isn't the source and just setting up a one-way thing where you can fuck around with the linked object in your project without issue.

Granted, I haven't fucked around with Blender's linking system, but I ran up against the library overrides and just couldn't be bothered with the hassle. Don't get me wrong, having an asset from a different file update whenever you change it is really fuckin nifty, but they made the system needlessly complex. Appending is quick and easy.

Anonymous No. 979852

Not sure if here or blender general is better but I got a fully rigged model into blender I downloaded and starting to play around with it and running into two things.

Thing 1, is there an easy was to have clothing scale along with the body?

Thing 2, is there a way to have boundry and squish easily in a model so like two hands push together instead of clip into them if they get too close?

Anonymous No. 979853

Anyone ITT know how to make it so that when you use a reference image in Blender you can make it so that it always follows the viewport? I have some references that are from above slightly at an angle and I want to keep the image reference at that angle while I work on it, but I'm pretty new so I only know how to drop images in the background.

Anonymous No. 979854

Might be a super retarded solution, but maybe set it as a camera background image, and work while in camera view. You can have the camera follow your view by going to the "View" tab on the right toolbar that pops up when you press "N", and going down to "view lock" and selecting "lock camera to view" (and obviously enter camera view for it to take effect).
Personally, I tend to use that a lot for moving the camera, so I put that toggle on my quick favorites.
I'd also go into the camera settings and disable any overlays like thirds and the passpartout. You'll still have a little frame around everything, but it's better than nothing. If you hold ctrl+alt and click+drag you can smoothly zoom in the view in the camera before you lock it so the frame is out of the way, again just make sure to do that before you lock the camera to the view or you'll move the camera also.

If the background image on your camera isn't what you want though, you can add a "track to" constraint to your reference image, and have it track the camera, so the image stays in place but always points to the camera (as best it can anyway). You'd still have to lock the camera to view and work from the camera though.

Anonymous No. 979856

Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a shot. And hey, if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.

Anonymous No. 979871

Genuine question: why is this board so dead? Is there a NSFW version of this board?

Anonymous No. 979874

There's an NSFW section. It's right here >>976254

Anonymous No. 979896

Is there a "good" place to start for specifically texture painting? It looks fun

Anonymous No. 979910

Pick up (pirate) substance painter and give it a go.
I really can't recommend anything else. Nor can I recommend giving Adobe your money. They're thieves, and stealing from thieves is A-OK.

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rain walk.webm

Anonymous No. 979926

had it up to here with that fucking ball. gonna rebuild it from the ground up and try again later. tried my hand at the walk cycle, how we lookin? think I want to add some asymmetry to it just to give her a little bit of character. a hand on one hip or something, idk. also did blender ever make a movie with this character or is she just there for people to practice with.

Anonymous No. 979932

It's a bit stiff and some poses kinda "lock" into place, but you're doing really good and picking things up pretty quickly.
As for the character, I don't think it was used in anything. My gut wants to say Sprite Fight, but I'm 90% sure she wasn't in that, but came out around the same time.

Anonymous No. 979983

Yes, but you should really just get a mouse. I use one from I got for under ten USD from Amazon.

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Anonymous No. 979987

I'm not gonna work on it right now because I'm deathly sick but I'll come back to this later

I have this rifle I made and I want to know how should I handle topology for it in order to make the best texture mapping. Are there any tutorials that are good for these kinds of a bit more than low poly models? I was thinking of making the textures first and then applying the UVmapping to the textures.
What's the recommendation for learning UVmapping? Youtube tutorials rarely seem to help sometimes

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Anonymous No. 979991

>What's the recommendation for learning UVmapping? Youtube tutorials rarely seem to help sometimes
Just unwrap a cube, cylinder, and sphere bro. It's all combinations of that.
Even your rifle, it's just cube unwraps. Go section by section, think about what areas you want flat, and add a seam. Anywhere you add a seam, the unwrap is going to cut like scissors. You can actually get away by making relatively few cuts if you think about how it'll lay flat and how the faces are connected. Like you really don't have to add rings around everything, adding a few snips here and there is usually enough.

Anonymous No. 979992

will using a mirror modifier help? that way I would only need to map one side

Anonymous No. 979995

Smart UV project is good like 80% of the time.

Anonymous No. 979998

Yes, especially if you're going to overlap the UV islands anyway.
Though if you're using substance painter, it doesn't like overlapped UVs when baking, so just export the mesh unmirrored (so it's one side), bake, and then import the mirrored mesh using the same bake.

I've never had decent success that actually made things usable with smart project. If you're using SP, it doesn't matter since it does all the heavy lifting, but if you're painting by hand in something like Photoshop, smart project is trash.

Anonymous No. 980004

$80 -
$89 -
$495 -

what's the general consensus on these?

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rain walk 2.webm

Anonymous No. 980006

adjusted the height of the feet such that her legs won't get quite so straight since that looked to be the source of the aforementioned locking. of course she's floating slightly off the ground now but that's easy enough to fix i guess. but the toes look weird now. idk if that's caused by the adjustment or something I'm just noticing now.

Anonymous No. 980008

Might as well just get Max/Maya for that money. Or even take a course at a community college for way cheaper.
Paying for courses is retarded. Paying for a tutorial by that Frenchie, is even more retarded. Not because he doesn't know his shit (he does), but because it's impossible to understand anything he's fucking saying. He's gotten a little more understandable, but not much. Don't get me wrong, the dude is like one of 5 people making tutorials for Blender that actually has industry experience and he really does know his shit, but he's not really that great a teacher for newfags unless you have some experience of your own under your belt. Judging from the YT stuff he puts out at least.
If you wanted to drop money on something, I'd do his because it's cheaper. That $500 one is just fucking robbery.

Anonymous No. 980009

disregard that toe remark, I figured out i think

Anonymous No. 980026

Anyone have a torrent or download for the Quad Remesher add-on for Blender? I'm just getting into 3D modeling and it seems like the clear winner in terms of retopology tech, and I'd like to use it, but $60 is a bit much for something I'm still not sure if I'm going to commit to. I know there are free alternatives but it does seem like the clear winner, and from my experience manual retopology is a huge pain.

Anonymous No. 980035

She's not shifting weight enough. Most of the problem seems to stem from stiff hips. Loosen the hips up.
There should be a small twist as one leg comes forward, and one goes back.
When the back foot lifts, the hip teeters down on that side, as it's no longer supported.
When the foot reestablishes contact with the ground in the front, the hip the hip teeters back up on that side.
When the legs are at full extension, that's when the whole body bobs downward, because that's just how lines and angles work. If you hold a broom up straight, that's as tall as it can be relative to the ground. If you tilt that broom at any angle, it will be relatively closer to the ground. Same with with legs, the more they're extended, the less perpendicular they are, the closer everything comes to the ground. So you have to bob the whole body down a little on extension. And then bob it back up again, as the foot crosses under the body. extend down, cross up, extend down, cross up.
Actually, I'm kind of framing it wrong. Because in truth, the majority of the walk cycle is spent on the down. As the legs and hips are constantly at some odd angle, and then there's a small up window of time was the leg crosses. So you should think about the bobbing motion as more down than up. Long valleys, short peaks.
(no 3D animating experience here. But I studied some 2D animation briefly)

btw, stock images are typically annoying and flood search engines with their spammy bullshit. But they do have a decent collection of walking videos you can study. This girl might have a walk similar to the one you're going for:

Notice the slight bobs, the slight twist to the hips, the slight teeter to the hips, the way her arms sway in and out, as well as forward and back. The site has more examples, search around.

Anonymous No. 980036

Personally, I like this girl's walk. She's a lot more relaxed:
Just out smelling the flowers. No obligations, no worries. Just enjoying the walk.

This one is relatively less relaxed, but still pretty good.

Anonymous No. 980063

The pacing looks a bit too fast also for the stride she takes. For a short stride like that, and a long leg, the swing should be a bit slower and more relaxed. That's also why it looks a bit off imo

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Anonymous No. 980075

How do I make something like this?

Anonymous No. 980079

With the right workflow you could do much better than that.

Anonymous No. 980080

But I want to go for the lowpoly, early 2000s CGI look. I haven't found anything good for lowpoly stuff yet. Blender Guru's dougnut tutorial was highpoly.

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Anonymous No. 980083

I've re-targeted some of the facial animation and it's cool, but that also where it it ends as far as my Blender skills go.
I've tried several times but with FBX animations, I can't simply sway action datablocks in and out, even if the names of the bones match, even if as in this case they're especially made to be interchangeable.
That makes it impossible to use the NLA editor at all and on top of that there are also all the orientation issues I was talking about in the other thread with the CMU dataset.

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Anonymous No. 980084

And then there's this model in particular where facial animation doesn't work at all. I have no idea why but I suppose it's another bug in Blender. Anyway, if you have any knowledge in these topics and would like to help or discuss I would be interested.

Anonymous No. 980092

Who the fuck cares?
Learn the software, learn how to use it and model, and the super gay "SOVL low poly" fad shit will be easy as fuck because you'll know what you're doing in general. There's nothing about that image or any other low poly sovl shit that you can't do with a basic understanding of the software. If you have a basic understanding of 3d, you can just look at the image and know what to do.
There's no magic workflow that skips learning it. Nor is there some magic tutorial that'll tell you exactly how to do it.

Anonymous No. 980095

is a zoetrope possible in blender?

well yes obviously it's possible, but is it possible the traditional way? ie with a simulated strobe/slat type of setup. or would one have to pull some tricks with it? the few 3dcg zoetropes I've been able to found appear to fake the effect in one way or another so im wondering if i should even try the real way or just fake it myself.

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rain walk 2.webm

Anonymous No. 980105

started over from scratch. i started with the pelvis first and made it a lot lower, instead of starting with the feet first and adjusting everything else to fit them. i think that was a point of fuckery in the first attempt because i believe it ended up limiting the stride a little bit by being too high throughout the whole process? idk. the hips swing and up and down motion on the entire body is increased a bit. also I tilted her forward slightly. My work sees a shitload of foot traffic so I was able to watch people walk around today and they all seem to lean forward just a tiny bit when walking. didnt fuck with the arms at all though, just copy pasted them from the first attempt. want to get the lower body as good as I can first.
anyways are the knees too bent now? idk having a rough time with that. as it is now either they get to be bent with smoother animation, or they can be a little straighter but start snapping around. is there a way to compromise? long way to go.

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walk frame.png

Anonymous No. 980108

Yeah, the legs are too bent. Where is your straight leg frame? She's all bends, no straights. Sorry I can't help you with whatever "snapping" issue you're having. I've still yet to learn 3D animation. But a walk cycle is a walk cycle, bet it 2D or 3D. And at some point, the leg should come straight while the foot is down. Everyone's a little different. Some people go straight legged as their heel touches the ground. Others take a bended step, then straighten as they make the pass from front to back. But the leg always inevitably goes straight when it's crossing from front to back.

Also, I think you got the bobbing motion backwards. She's going up on extension, when she should be going up on cross. This might just be a byproduct of the lack of a straight leg. idk. But regardless. When the legs are the widest, she should be at her lowest. And then during the cross frame she should be at the highest, where the leg is straight and under her.

Hips are looking better.

Anonymous No. 980109

>Also, I think you got the bobbing motion backwards
holy shit you're right wtf am i doing. simple enough fixt, gonna mes with it more tomorrow to see about the straighter legs ty for your help

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Anonymous No. 980111

Am I doing it right?

Anonymous No. 980112


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Anonymous No. 980117

Let me show you how the concept of high and low point in walk cycles work. You have to study years of anatomy to be able to do this.

Anonymous No. 980144

what youtube tutorials/channels do you recommend? i don't want to be stuck in tutorial hell
>t. want to model characters and basic environments and objects

Anonymous No. 980150

Say my primary motivation is short videos of obscure fetishes using original characters, preferably ones that don't look like dogshit (although I imagine they will for a while). What would be the best way of going about learning this for someone who is new to the field? Is it a case of choose maya/blender etc, learn sculpting, build the characters from scratch, learn composition/lighting/animation/all the other fundamentals and then just build everything myself from scratch?
Just wondering what the process is like for the bigger video creators, and if there's a bunch of shortcuts they use, because it seems like a mammoth task doing all this from scratch and they pump out their content monthly or even quicker.

Anonymous No. 980151

>obscure fetishes
acompañamiento psicologico

Anonymous No. 980168

I haven't started weight painting yet, but I'm about to start rigging. How would you recommend learning weight painting and what do you wish you'd known before starting?

Anonymous No. 980171

CG Cookie's Human course if you can afford of course, unfortunately it doesn't go over the entire human body just the head, but you could probably learn enough to apply to the rest of the body too

Anonymous No. 980176

my personal tierlist/opinions, im more interested in animation so it's kinda biased towards that but yeah

S Tier:
Pierrick Picaut / p2design - animation/rigging
Grant Abbit - general/modeling/sculpting, the “Bob Ross” of 3d
AlexOnStory - animation, industry pro just giving away absurdly good advice for free
AM/AS educational uploads - animation
Blender talks - varies in subject and quality, but overall very good.

A Tier:
Alien Soup - general, good voice, extremely experienced and has basically been doing 3d since it was a thing, only flaw is he doesn’t upload very often
Dikko - modeling/animation
TomCAT - modeling
Ryan King Art - materials/modeling
SpeedChar - sculpting
Martin Klekner - general
RoyalSkies - general/game stuff
Aryan - product design/animation
AlaskanFX - procedural node stuff in blender

B Tier:
BranSculpts - sculpting/modeling basically just regurgitates other tutorials in a more digestible format
NhijQuang - modeling/npr
2AM - modeling/npr
Doodley - animation
Joey Carlino - general/animation
YanSculpts - sculpting
Ducky 3D - general
DannyMac - sculpting
JL Mussi - hard surface and maya, comes off as kinda scammy and wants you to buy his stuff but very knowledgeable regardless
BrianKouhi - animation

C Tier:
SouthernShotty - general
Dillongoo - animation/npr
Donut guy - donuts (based!)
Sir Wade Neistadt - animation

Gutter Tier:
InspirationTuts - slop, stolen content, ai
Smeaf - product design, slop, zoomer brainrot
Kaizen - smeaf but somehow worse

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Anonymous No. 980178

anons, guess the sex of this character based on the head/face i need an opinion that isnt my own.

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Anonymous No. 980180

brought my shitty laptop into work and got this one going. forgot to bring rain on my usb and i couldnt get internet so we're stuck with akali this time. i feel like it's getting a little easier, but at the same time it's also getting worse.

Anonymous No. 980181

Based on chin, lips, nose, brow ridge, head height, and neck to head width ratio I'd say male.

Anonymous No. 980190

thanks for your help

Anonymous No. 980196

is it possible to sculpt something with the subdivision modifier turned up but not applied, and then to turn the subdivision down when you're done? or will just just not work?

Anonymous No. 980197

Entirely, 100% male. The fact that you're even asking, makes me concerned.

Are you this anon? >>980105 If so, then I think this new walk cycle is your best one yet. Still a little stiff, but it's a lot harder for my critical eye to pick up on what exactly is wrong. So I'm going to say it's a tangible improvement. You probably just need to make some small adjustments to timing here and there.

Anonymous No. 980201

I assume you're talking about blender. If so, you basically just described the multires modifier.

Anonymous No. 980202

yeah that is me. where do I begin with addressing stiffness? is that just more graph editor tweaking? probably need to do something with the arms too I guess, they're definitely causing a stiff look. i basically ignored them again opting to spend most of my trying to stop the legs from snapping all over the place instead.

Anonymous No. 980203

sorry, i should have specified. i am talking about blender. so that modifier would let me sculpt at a higher level then turn the complexity down afterwards without it being totally destructive?

Anonymous No. 980204

Yeah, you can throw it on, press subdivide in the modifier, sculpt or collapse modifiers into it, then reshape the original mesh from the modifier to match the sculpted/modified shape - or modify the original unsubdivided mesh with the sculpted changes preserved, and so on. You can also bake normals from the higher subdivision levels of the multires directly using a checkbox in the bake settings, just be aware that, I think, there's still a bug where if you smooth the uvs in the modifier and try to bake normals using that particular checkbox, the uv padding will have issues, so just choose "none" for uv smoothing if you intend to use that box. Multires is also the intended way of sculpting clothing using the cloth brush and pose/boundary brushes set to cloth simulation. You see, the fold scale using those brushes is entirely dependent on mesh density, so you need a quick way to control that to easily define large and small folds.

Anonymous No. 980205

clothing was my aim for this so I'm glad my thought was on the right track. thanks

Anonymous No. 980266

Is there a way to move the horizon line in Blender's sky texture node?

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kali walk hips co....webm

Anonymous No. 980281

sorry for the shitty editing, but what's the correct approach for hips? I watched a few other animated walk cycles today and I saw both types...

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kali legs compari....webm

Anonymous No. 980282

also running into this issue with the legs, adjusting the curve slightly makes it look a little better but I know that would likely fuck things up down the line when it comes to moving her forward.

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kali walk day 2.webm

Anonymous No. 980283

ok last one sorry for the spam. todays progress.

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Anonymous No. 980290

I don't know if you're going to hate me for this and I do like both >>980105 and >>980283 and I'm fascinated by hand made things but this:
is an AI-assisted walk cycle generator if you want to try it. You can set the expression and then download an FBX file similar to Mixamo.

Anonymous No. 980295

don't hate you or ai or anything. more interested in learning the process than the final result honestly. like the actual skill/art of animation. even if its shitty I derive great satisfaction from sitting back and watching my animation and knowing that I made it. learning purely for the sake of learning is a luxury I can finally have in my life and ai doesn't really fulfill that.

Anonymous No. 980310


Right looks better, for hips I try to make them travel positionally in a rhythmic figure 8 pattern
and rotationally you want them to ba-donk-a-donk with a slight loading up of the weight and a noticeable 'moving hold' on each side
thruout the step rather than a super fluid sine wave type motion, they should move much like a double bladed paddle of a canoe
with slight but noticeable punctuation on each step. Female's have more sway than males but it's still quite subtle if meant as naturalistic for traverse.

Left is a very exaggerated walk like a fashion models strut down the catwalk, few will walk anything like that for distances as it's wasting energy.
Use a walk like that if there is a scene where your character is trying riss herself up, It looks to thirsty for my tastes if it's used everywhere.


That is a type of 'IK pop', increase the solvers accuracy make sure your roll-off follows a smooth curve at lift off and don't do any sharp accelerations to lessen it. To completely eliminating it you would transition to FK as soon as the leg isn't loaded so you can swing the limb freely along a natural double pendulum path.

Anonymous No. 980314

Has anyone used the ACES OCIO config in Blender? The look transform works fine but I can't use the color pickers without them messing up the colors. I don't want to use the built-in AgX or Filmic looks since I don't like the way they desaturate bright monochromatic colors.

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Anonymous No. 980316

what about now?

also is there a place to ask for anonymous opinions on this kind of stuff i dont want to clutter up this thread

Anonymous No. 980317

Not bad. It's improving. Now what are you going to do about that arms swaying? Make the arms more in sync with the opposite leg. right arms syncs with left leg. Left farm syncs with right leg. It doesn't have to be *exact*, but it should be near enough that you feel the two elements counterbalancing. I suspect that the arm needs to move from back position to the front position a lot quicker.

I would also bring her feet in a lot closer to center. The should almost be getting in the way of each other, but just barely avoiding touching when they cross.

Anonymous No. 980318

you got a thing for big square features huh? Well, I'm not going to judge you. A lot of women have blocky features. For those kinds of women, they can look fairly androgynous when sculpted on a featureless bald surface. A lot of their femininity coming from subtle features of the skin, and brows, and lashes, and smile and stuff like that. I'm trying hard to imagine your sculpt as a woman, and I can kind of see it.

If you're working from reference, then all you can do is try to be as accurate as possible and trust the process. If you sculpted that from imagination, well... I don't know.

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Anonymous No. 980319

yes its from reference, shes got thin lips and square features, i picked it because her face is nice and symmetrical so i wouldn't have to worry about asymmetry when learning the process.

i was worried about it looking too manly at first, good thing i asked to confirm it, whenever i went to make it look more stereotypically female i started to lose resemblance so its a bit frustrating to work with. thank you for your help

Anonymous No. 980322

Is that particular photo your only reference? I think I see some inconsistencies, but it's difficult to compare when she's at such an angle. Do you have a straight head shot?

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Anonymous No. 980323

biggest one right now is that they eyes are a little big i think, i keep doing that with my sculpts so far, but when i make em smaller the face starts losing similarity

Anonymous No. 980324

>also is there a place to ask for anonymous opinions on this kind of stuff
It's literally the point of the thread. Or /wip/.

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1712911418853401 ....jpg

Anonymous No. 980332

Here, this is what I would change. Take it as a *suggestion*. Not a guide. It's just easier to convey what I mean with images rather than words.
I tossed it into photoshop, moved some bits around with the liquify tool, and painted on top a little. So it's a 2D cheat. It might not be totally applicable in 3d.

But my thinking is that the eyes need to be considerably smaller. And her jaw isn't wuite as large as you made it. To my eyes, it appears her jaw is slimmer than her cranium. But your image seems to make her jaw as large, if not a little larger than her cranium. That could just be a perspective thing though.
I painted in a tiiiiny bit more padding around the mouth and corner of lips, and then shaded her cheeks to make them slightly more pronounces. Very light touches there.
Her nose could be a little slimmer too. Again, maybe just a perspective thing, but I made it slimmer anyway.
She has more than one fold above her eyes, I didn't bother with that, but you should.

I hope that helps. If you're as accurate as you can be, then the pieces will fall into place, and she'll look very feminine in the end. She's a good model.

Anonymous No. 980333

In Blender, is there a command/plugin/script that can correctly fuse all submesh of a rigged model, and atlas the textures properly?
It's to export to a game engine, and just Ctrl+J doesn't cut it.

Anonymous No. 980370
what kind of techniques were used to make something like this, like how was the lighting done and green tint and crisp aliasing, ect

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akali day 3.webm

Anonymous No. 980380

They already are in sync with the opposite leg though? or am I misunderstanding? I tweaked them a bit more today though, now they rotate forward a little more. Observed tons of people walking today. noticed a lot of the arm motion comes from the elbow and below so lowered the upper arm motion slightly and increased the lower arm slightly. moved the feet closer together but noticed a new problem while doing that. gonna see about fixing it myself but I'll post it here if I can't figure it out.

>To completely eliminating it you would transition to FK as soon as the leg isn't loaded so you can swing the limb freely along a natural double pendulum path.
would I accomplish that by keying the ik/fk toggle in the rig ui? seems like a bit much considering I barely know what i'm doing in the first place kek

thanks both of you for the help and feedback it is greatly appreciated

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Anonymous No. 980388

moved a little in that direction, still feel the eyes need more adjusting

Anonymous No. 980391

What do you mean? Just model an escalator. Lighting is probably just diegetic (i.e. shit in the scene like ceiling lamps). Green tint is just color grading, "crisp aliasing" I've got no fucking clue what you're talking about. Just render it. Subpixels exist and get anti-aliasing for free.

Anonymous No. 980394

I got Nyl models, but blender dies when I'm trying to do partial soft body. Is it over for my potato-pc, or I'm doing something very wrong?
I'm trying to apply soft body to 1.5k vertices while fixing rest 14k with "goal". How else can I simulate body physics for posing?

Anonymous No. 980395

just gonna head on forward from here with the rest of the body, will come back for another look at the face this is close enough for now i think wouldnt want to get booged down so early

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Anonymous No. 980437

This clip didn't come out right because I didn't spend much time matching the rest poses. I just wanted to show you that women do funny stuff with their legs when they walk.

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Anonymous No. 980440

I'll re-do it better when I have time but maybe this exceptionally non-perverted angle can illustrate my point.

Anonymous No. 980443

Get out. You already spam your shit enough on the rest of the board.

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Anonymous No. 980454

>trying to duplicate an object and rotate it around an empty
>works with an unedited cube
>breaks the second I try to change the cube in any way
any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?

The origin and 3d cursor are already on the empty object's center.

Anonymous No. 980455

forgot to mention, I'm using an array modifier with object offset

Anonymous No. 980457

oh shit i can actually help for once
something very similar happened to me last thread, turned out I needed to apply my scale iirc. if that doesn't fix it then i have no clue though kek

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walk day 4.webm

Anonymous No. 980462

added in a bunch of smaller details. the hair had some toggles that gave it physics but it looked janky when it came to looping the video so I disabled them and tired to do it manually.

i tried to set up the floor in such a way that you could tell she's moving forward now but idk if it's really that obvious. maybe I need to texture it.

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Anonymous No. 980463

>They already are in sync with the opposite leg though? or am I misunderstanding?
Not close enough. More closer in sync. Hell, from my observations, it appears that the hand starts pulling back slightly faster than the leg does. So maybe time the hand to pull back slightly sooner, and then sort of even out when the hand is all the way back.

Everything feels mistimed. But I can't tell if it's "everything", or just the mistimed arms creating the illusion that everything is mistimed. So I think you should definitely address the arm timing.(or at least, I would, if I had the reigns) After that? We'll see. I have more thoughts. But I don't want to bog you down with too many things at once.

Anonymous No. 980464

ah i see what you mean now, my bad. I'll fiddle with it, thanks

and by all means bog me down, roast me, be brutal idgaf. if I didn't want criticism I wouldn't post to 4chan.

Anonymous No. 980472

>and by all means bog me down, roast me, be brutal idgaf. if I didn't want criticism I wouldn't post to 4chan.
I'll be honest with my opinions. But I don't want to give you a checklist of half a dozen things to "fix". At least not at this juncture. I really want to see the the arm time changed first. So I can be more certain of other aspects.

For now, I'll just say, I'm still not feeling the full weight of her stride. The parts are all moving. But they don't feel interconnected. I'm not feeling the counterbalancing.

Also, it would help if you didn't spin the camera around. I liked how you set it up here: >>980105

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kali 3 ways.webm

Anonymous No. 980478

fair nuff, here ya go. I think her left arm here is gonna look a little different than the right because I'm still messing with it.

For whatever reason I can't just shift+d this model like I could with the rain model, it distorts her legs and messes up her top and all that shit. do you know if there's a way to fix that? would definitely be a bit easier to do than making 3 different renders then mashing them together in resolve

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walking minutia.jpg

Anonymous No. 980498

>do you know if there's a way to fix that?
Me? No. Maybe someone else knows how to do that.

>I think her left arm here is gonna look a little different than the right because I'm still messing with it.
Do both of them before posting again. Because one arm moving kinda-sorta-not-really properly isn't doing enough.

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Anonymous No. 980529

something more in this direction then?

Anonymous No. 980616

Better. Do you see the difference? Do you *feel* the difference? It's taken a while, but I think you finally arrived at the basic mechanical starting point. There's still more to do. You're going to have to get help from someone else to fix whatever the IK snapping issue is going on with her legs. It's subtle but still noticeably jittery.

But for everything else, here's what I would do:
-She's walking rather fast, so I would slow her down a little. Unless you like the speed. In which case, keep it.
-Give her hands/arms a longer arc. Perhaps bend more forward at the elbow at peak. And actually bring the shoulder forward too, to assist. And rotate back at the shoulder to bring the hand a little more back during the backward peak.
Arm swings can be variable depending on what the person is doing. Speeding up, slowing down, steady, lollygagging, or just deliberately flopping their arms for effect. So there isn't an exact science to how much the arms should be swinging. I just think it's appropriate to hive her a longer front to back arc. It will sell the motion more.

-I think a subtle twist to her hips would really help too. When the leg is forward, so should the hip come forward on the same side. When the leg is back, so should the hip come back on that side. Thus, creating a sort of twist to the hip.
Again, this is variable. I like everyone's hips move this way to some small degree, but women seem to twist more than men. So you can really play into as a feminine affectation.

-Curl the fingers of her hand slightly. her middle and index are too straight.
-As the arm is swinging from back to front, bring the wrist and elbow in toward the body. As the arm is swinging from front to back, allow it to float away a little bit. As you have her currently, her arms are already away from the body. So you need to bring them closer, during the appropriate time of her swing.

Anonymous No. 980617

Also, I hope you're checking the things I said. I don't want you just following my word, and not understanding. I'm looking up like a dozen references over here, just to double and triple check my own knowledge. You should do that too. You should read what I say, look for yourself. And confirm the validity of the statement. I showed you where to look for references already. You can get views of women walking from the front, side, back. In heels, in sneakers, in other kinds of shoes.(shoes affect one's gait) Walking on treadmill, or walking on pavement, or hiking on uneven ground.
Find some suitable references. Confirm what I say, so you can feel confident that you're getting it right, and not just blindly following the guidance of some anon.
I know you say your work allows you to observe a lot of walkers. But you don't get to freeze them, and check their movement frame by frame.

Anonymous No. 980622

yeah i think so. i was definitely offsetting them too much looking back, but hey, mistakes are where knowledge is made. I'm gonna adjust the arms a little bit more and then start over again. Something happened along the process where the stuff is extremely fucked up in the graph editor. frankly it's a miracle that it's still semi-coherent at this point. there are keyframes in random places that I swear I never added and apparently they are integral to the animation because if I try to delete them then everything shits the bed. deleting all keyframes on the arms and starting over has helped, but the problem has still persisted. I'm assuming i fatfingered a hotkey that I wasn't supposed to at some point because this never happened with the other character. it's definitely not autokeying either if that's what you're thinking, already ruled that out.

>walking speed
it's a 24 frame cycle purely because the first tutorial I watched on this topic recommended 24. while I kinda like the speed, if i wanted to slow it down I would just increase the frames by an even number, yeah? 26, 28, 30, etc?

i looked at and some other 3d animated walk cycles as well as your links a lot. I will be first to admit im shit at looking at references though, something to work on. probably should have downloaded it and brought it directly into blender to look at.

>blindly following the guidance of some anon
nah i've been on this shithole website longer than I would care to admit and like to think I know better than that. if I blindly listened to advice here I would have probably deleted system32 or made mustard gas at some point over the years kek. next plan is to start completely from scratch with a new rig, no tutorials, no /beg/ging, and try to apply everything I've learned thus far. from there probably gonna try a run or lipsyncing something, idk. or maybe go back and redo the damn ball lmao

Anonymous No. 980629

You chose a weird references. Because she's beginning her walk, and your animation is already mid walk. And she's got an imbalanced arm swing. Your character has an even one. Her pelvis also comes very far forward, with shoulders back.

Well in an case, about frames. There are two different times. 1, is the time the animation is running at. 2, is the time your character is moving. They're strung together, but separate. Increasing your character's walk cycle is 24 frames, and the timeline is set at 24 frames, then that means your character is stepping twice per second. Which is a little fast. So yes, increasing the walk cycle up a few frames by even numbers will effectively slow it down.

But what if the timeline is set to 12 frames a second, and the walk cycle remains 24 frames? Well each step will take a whole second, which is very slow. That's why it's important to determine what time your timeline is going to run at, and stick with it. If you decide you want to change it later, then it might effect the timing of your animations.(Blender might auto adjust that, idk)

But because these two times need to maintain a steady relationship between each other, I think it's useful to think of them in terms of decimals. If a second is represented by 1, and your walk cycle is even with the second, then it's also a 1. A 1:1 ratio.
In order to slow down the walk cycle, you need to increase the length of the walk cycle. Say you increase it to 30 frames. Well 30/24=1.25 Therefore, it's a 1:1.25 ratio.

Thinking of it as 1 to 1.25 will be easier translate when setting up your frames. Because you know that no matter what the second is, your cycle has to be about 25% longer than the second.

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Anonymous No. 980680

>working on blender file
>for some reason I have two files with the same name I'm working on
>save wrong file and close
>all progress on the one is completely gone
I will actually off myself.

Anonymous No. 980689

Happens to me like once a month. Genuinely don't understand why the fuck don't overwritten files just go the trash bin instead of getting poofed out of existence forever

Anonymous No. 980691

not that anon, could you suggest good resources for 3d animation references?

Anonymous No. 980692

Blender saves a fuckload of recovery files.
Check the folder. "File>Recover>Auto Save". You'd be surprised how much shit is in there. If you've got the auto save interval at 5mins or so, you'll never lose anything important if something goes catastrophically wrong like you losing power or Blender crashes.

Because that's not how computers work. That'd be retarded. The recycle bin isn't some magical folder that removes a file's space on the drive while it's in there. It's still taking up space until its empty.
Factor that in with how many times (you should) compulsively save, and simple projects would get real bloated real quick.

Anonymous No. 980704

>project is 24 fps
>animating on twos
>effectively 12 fps
>so why don't they just do the project at 12 fps
someone explain it in a way that a retard (me) can understand

Anonymous No. 980718

Camera is still 24.

Anonymous No. 980721


Anonymous No. 980722

i have like 92GB of temporary blender files there (you can find these with WinDirStat)

Anonymous No. 980725

No, sorry. I'm not a 3D animator. I've only dabbled with 2D animation.

So you can animated on 1s, when it's suitable. When you want it to look extra sweet for specific moments.

Anonymous No. 980735

Say I'm designing minis to print.
Do I need to go out of my way to make sure the smallest detail is about the size of the resolution of the printer? Or is no one ever going to notice one way or the other so it doesn't matter?

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old setup.jpg

Anonymous No. 980819

this is gonna sound retarded, but I dont remember how I did this chainmail coif Geometry node project and Blender 4.1 changed the "rotate Euler" node and it no longer works, how would I do this in 4.1? The first rotate euler makes the Z axis face out with the normals of the curves, then it gives it a little random rotation on its Z axis so it doesn't look so uniform, and then tilts the individual pieces a bit for a bit of extra randomness.

I had no idea how geometry nodes worked and just pieced together bits of info from old tutorials that are no longer relevant

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Anonymous No. 980820

the end result

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Anonymous No. 980821


Anonymous No. 980830

level with me bros, can one be too old to get into this industry (specifically animation)
im 30 soon and just now getting into this

Anonymous No. 980831

No I don’t think so as long as you have the free time, there’s tutorials for almost everything even a monkey could do it

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Anonymous No. 980834

want to connect these two keyframes such that there's a nice smooth curve between them. Problem is there's some other keyframes in the way. is there an easy way to make that happen?

Anonymous No. 980847

Delete the keyframes in between? If you're afraid of fucking up the other channels, just lock them.

Anonymous No. 980858

Anyone have any tips for doing a low poly fat ass? I can do tits okay but asses are difficult. I'm fine with segmented models

Anonymous No. 980896

What's an ass but tits you can sit on?

Anonymous No. 980911

trying the maya 30 day trial... and man the navigation and WER tools are brutal to figure out coming from blender. is there any secret tip to make it more similar to blender's thing where I can move it around without having to interact with a gizmo or do I just have to git gud. i do think it's probably more intuitive their way but I'm just too ingrained with blender's stuff at the moment. i just really like being able to type xyz for an axis and move from there instead of having to click on a tiny ass arrow.

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Anonymous No. 981002

trying to make her walk angy... how we lookin so far?

Anonymous No. 981003

Not enough impact on the torso from the heavy foot steps. A bit of sway or unilateral shoulder movement on time with the steps might help

Anonymous No. 981004

like shoulder kinda comes down-ish with the impact of the foot?

Anonymous No. 981016

Yeah, leg motion feels disconnected fron torso motion

Anonymous No. 981023

We talkin seriously pissed?
Needs a bit more hunch. Bend the arms a bit more to make it look a bit more like a march, and clench them fists up nice and tight.
Also the movement is extremely robotic. I'd probably say because you're using linear interpolation for all of it.
But yeah, angry walk is just a march where you're leaning forward a bit more than usual.

Anonymous No. 981058

Really fucking dumb question here, but do I have to have a background in artistry to learn modelling and other 3d stuff? I'm thinking of all the stylized stuff I would want to eventually create but I keep feeling like I need to reel myself back in to reality, because I've only started simple beginner tutorials.

Anonymous No. 981081

No. You don't need art experience.
Plenty of shit, like modelling or UVs, doesn't require it and it's autistic as hell. Now if you're interested in animation and making scenes and the like (that actually look pleasing to the eye), then yeah art experience will help, but you can also pick those up as you go along. 3d is kind of a combination of a bunch of art disciplines.
Of course, it should go without saying that some people pick up those art skills better than others, and there's some that are permanently stuck in mediocrity trying to find that one "super secrit" technique to lift them out of it (AKA Cris).

Anonymous No. 981085

im still confused with hips when walking
>right hip goes up when right foot impacts
>left hip goes up when right foot impacts
i swear I've seen it both ways irl, in references, and in animation. am i blind, retarded, or all of the above? which way is it? why are we built like this? what cruel god would design us to be so complex?

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Anonymous No. 981091

How do I make animateable 3d models in blender that evoke an art style from the 80s? Something like early Pixar pre-Toy Story.
Note that I want to make models in this style not for animated shorts or some shit, but for some games I plan to make. Said games I might make software renderers for, so it is of importance that these kinds of graphics would have to be simplified.

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Anonymous No. 981092

>>981091 (me)
Alternatively, I'd be fine with making 3D models more in line with early 90s real time 3D games (such as Virtua Racing or Virtua Fighter).

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Anonymous No. 981096

> looking for low poly shirt because unity cloth
> found one w sub 500 poly
> $10
> "ill just do it myself!"
> result
Why do i suck so bad?

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Anonymous No. 981097

This is what im trying to replicate

Anonymous No. 981098

Looks better than whatever I can make.

Anonymous No. 981099

i mean im not an expert but isn't low poly mostly texturing? you won't really know until you texture it i guess.

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Anonymous No. 981100

yeah. everything is set to bezier with a few exceptions. made some tweals, tried to give torso some more involvement

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Anonymous No. 981101

I feel like the hips and shoulders should move a little towards each other on the side of the body that pressure is placed

Anonymous No. 981102

i see what you mean. coincidentally I discovered some bones earlier that were hiding from me, looking at this I suspect they may be what I will need to do that.

Anonymous No. 981119

also the feet maybe pointing out but also swinging in a little

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Bush did Nine Ele....png

Anonymous No. 981133

Terrible drawing skills + bad modelling ones = EXCELLNECE, need to make the face chunkier more "babyfat" specially at the bottom, but expanding it down and to the sides is rather tricky for me since it ends up too squareish much of the time.

Anonymous No. 981135


Anonymous No. 981153

do you guys think its retarded to do a "Blender Donut Any%" to start my session every few days? I want to learn to sclupt, but i still find myself forgetting shortcuts or what certain things do when i try doing a bigger project (ie i modeled the thing but how do i mess with the surface and textures) i know it can be looked up, but i find myself wrestling with it all over again and it slows me down.

Anonymous No. 981154


youre looking for guides on low poly modeling (it can actually be quite hard). the knick knack short reminds me of phong shading like this video states but im not an expert myself. another anon has a thread asking about low poly, maybe that can help you!

Anonymous No. 981168

definitely looks better

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Anonymous No. 981172

a good way to check for the stuff >>981016 said is to watch the torso by itself and asking yourself "While only being able to see the torso moving, what does it seem the legs should be doing?

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Anonymous No. 981173


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Anonymous No. 981174


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Anonymous No. 981181

default cube steals the show once again. now I feel like almost too much upper body movement? or am i just seeing things differently now the legs are gone... I have one of the spine bones rotating opposite the hips now. maybe tone it down a little bit? feels almost masculine now idk.

Anonymous No. 981200

The entire motion is too swaying. It needs to be more stompy. The front foot should crash down, and everything else should react from the impact. Where's the tension? Like the push and pull of muscle.

Anonymous No. 981209

is it possible to use blender to create textures from a shader graph? nothing ive tried seems to work as when using the shader output on a plane i get a nice continuous output, but when trying to render it to a texture i get multiple seams and it looks nothing like id expect it to
sorry if this is worded horribly

Anonymous No. 981229

If the preview on the plane looks okay and you are baking it to the plane it should work, I've baked procedural blender textures that way many times

Trying to imagine what could be going wrong, it's possible that the material is using object space coordinates and the plane is not actually UV unwrapped correctly. Make sure the UVs on the plane are correct

Anonymous No. 981270

is rigging in blender a difficult task? like learning how to actually do it, not just using ARP or rigify.

Anonymous No. 981284

so like sharper then? snap down quicker, snap up.

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Anonymous No. 981330

My first totally self-directed modeling project, now I just need to work on texturing and learn more about the hair FX, not too pleased with how wiry and spaced out they are, anyone got any good resources for that?
Also modeling the razor blades and the razor itself were good exercises in heuristics, for the former I initially got hung up on using loop cuts and fucking about with verts, nah fuck that just booleans and mirrors, for the knurling on the razor I spent the whole day trying to get the geometry nodes to work using a tiny pyramid until I said fuck it and looked up a youtube guide and in less than 20 seconds some Ranjeet made me feel stupid by telling me just poke faces and extend the new verts

Anonymous No. 981444

Do I need to apply mirror modifier before I begin working on uv/texturing?

Anonymous No. 981451

> blend1? did i messed up naming files?
> search
> its a backup
are the blender devs early teens? even MS backed up previous OS (when upgrading to windows 10) with a better name (windows.old)

Anonymous No. 981612

Probably, yeah. I'm still a noob. But I'm finding that it's very difficult to move backward after you moved forward. After doing UVs, if you want to go back to modify your mesh, you can cause your UVs to get all fucked up, and it's a hassle to fix. So it's best to make sure you're don't with the mesh entirely before moving on. If you're confident with your final mesh, then go ahead and apply the mirror.

Technically, you don't need to apply the mirror modifier. When it's on, and you unwrap your model, all the mirrored UVs are on top of the half that actually exists. Essentially your UVs are folded in half like a piece of paper. You don't want that if you plan on making your texture asymmetrical. I think you can change some options to to unfold the UVs. But I'm not 100% on that. It's probably best to just apply the mirror so you don't have to bother taking extra steps to fix mirrored UVs.

Anonymous No. 981634

so what's the deal with splining? is it more or less skippable if I want a more jittery look?

Anonymous No. 981637
how did i do brehs

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Anonymous No. 981647

I'm guessing there's an easier way to do this than I'm not aware of? Have a staircase in a level that has a flat roof?

Anonymous No. 981669

maybe delete the side faces and do ctrl+R and add edges to the top as many as you have vertices on the stairs and then connect them that way. But maybe the stairs should be their own separate thing? idk… I haven’t done environmental stuff yet.

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Anonymous No. 981681

What would be wrong with making stairs their own thing? I don't know. Just guessing.
I figured a concern may be light bleeding through, but it appears not bleed, as long as the stairs and wall are flush.

Anonymous No. 981691

What would be the best way to make sure the two separate meshes are completely flush?

Anonymous No. 981700

Where by the noodles did on the left?
Empty bowl?

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3d cursor pivot p....jpg

Anonymous No. 981702

I don't know about the "best" way. There are a few ways. This is one of them, and probably the best solution for your case:

First, go up to the pivot point menu, and select 3D cursor
Select the face of the wall.(and only the face, make sure nothing else is selected)
Move the 3D cursor to the face.(shift+S > cursor to selected)
Clear selection.(alt+A)
Select all the vertices you want to be flush with the wall. This is up to your discretion.
Now here's where it gets fucky: you probably want to move the vertices with G. But in fact, you want to scale them to do this properly. So press S
You should notice that the points you selected are all converging to the 3D cursor. But you're going to tell them to only move along 1 axis. So press either X, Y, or Z. Now the points should be moving mostly independently. Not all converging to the cursor. Their movement will still pretty random until you do one last thing: press the number 0. They should all snap evenly to the cursor. And because the cursor is set to the face, they should all be snapped to the face as well. If they're not snapped to the face, then don't worry, you probably just selected the wrong axis. So press either Y, Z, or X until it snaps properly.

There are also snapping methods. So look into snapping too.

Anonymous No. 981704

Thanks anon, I'll try these out

Anonymous No. 981824

I’m sad you didn’t get a reply
I also don’t know how

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Anonymous No. 981999

how am i doing

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Anonymous No. 982080

I’m new to sculpting and I bought a course by speedchar for head anatomy
Im trying to make a head everyday, but I’m failing alot
what could I work on to improve and understand my mistakes and correct them?

Anonymous No. 982099

Where do I pirate ZBrush from

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handmade tex.jpg

Anonymous No. 982128

What do you guys think of hand 'painting' heightmaps for tileable environmental textures? I've been experimenting with it a bit - making the heightmaps in GIMP with gradients and copy/pasting straight into Materialize to see how it looks. I can then get AO and edge maps from Materialize to use as masks for edgeware and dirt.

Obviously this isn't going to be the most scalable or 'professional' approach, but I am finding it a lot more straightforward and convenient in various ways.

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Project part 2+.jpg

Anonymous No. 982201

I want some direction on where to go from where I'm at. I've made a complete animation (before learning how to 3d model) and then took a 3d modeling course. I've mainly used cinema 4d and blender. My goals are to make anime styled animations in 3d.

I'm not sure where to go from here. There's a bunch of stuff I still need to learn and I'm not sure which one I should do first. Should I learn more about textures? Sculpting? Should I try and tackle making humans and rigging them? I'll post some examples of my work so you can get a rough Idea of where I'm at. I don't want to be spoon fed stuff I just want to know what I should go learn. (I have ADD and get overwhelmed when I got too many tasks.)

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 982202


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Anonymous No. 982203


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Anonymous No. 982204


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 982205


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John Anonymous No. 982256

I made this plugsuit inspired model in vroid and when I tried to rig it with a seperate rig used for source I realized the body suit thing Im using doesn't play nice with it, how do I fix this?

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Anonymous No. 982390

while involving myself with UVs, is it necessary to mark this as a seam when it's already come to an end there? does blender take care of it automatically? already know this unwrap is gonna be a butchery but should probably mitigate it if I can.

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Anonymous No. 982739

retard here.
I can model but I can't texture. I keep seeing things about "handpainting" but it's all flat texture-less colors.
I want to hand paint textures because it's more intuitive to me but how can I go about adding basic materials/textures to my brushes?
I literally want to paint muh models

Anonymous No. 982743

noob question: low poly also works for character sculpting?

Anonymous No. 983535

Is there a reliable source for Adobe Creative Cloud 2024 or just Substance Painter 3D torrents in general? And which version should I be looking for?

Beginner trying to get into texturing.

Anonymous No. 983705

>getting a job is hard
>most people quit
Is getting a job in 3d modeling/animation really that bad? Is it just over saturation atm due to covid? I see a lot of schools hiring professors for 3D these days and it makes me feel like going in now might be stupid

Anonymous No. 983824

Very nice

Anonymous No. 984334

I'm trying to learn to animate while also messing around with MMD and mo-cap stuff in blender. Why is simple shit like retargetting BVH files to MHX rigs so inaccurate and borderline unusable at the best of times? I've already scaled the source and target rigs to be similar in height, both in T-pose, but post retargetting, limbs are flying all over the fucking place

Anonymous No. 984346

you dont need to mark this seam
unless you are going to connect this mesh to something.
but if you are still modeling it then dont mark seams yet.