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🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 993050

Hopefullymodswontfatfingerthisone Edition
Previous thread: >>992490

Anonymous No. 993051

I wish they'd keep the video editor in a stable shape. It's a total gamble if it works or not since 4.1. The retiming keys are basically unusable too, shit's buggy as hell.

Anonymous No. 993055

They should remove it just like they did with the game engine, you have better free alternatives like Resolve or Lightworks.

Anonymous No. 993059

Blender video editor is perfect for really quick and dirty video edits, especially when you just want to make a webm for a reply on a board.
The program itself fires up in like 1 second, the workflow is quick and you can just throw whatever media into the timeline and it will work. It's like Notepad.exe for video editing. Most others require converting all the time and most especially hate webm since it's not a professional video editing format.

Anonymous No. 993060

>especially when you just want to make a webm for a reply on a board.
you can do that shit in a online video editor, I rather have decent texturing inside blender than the video editor.

Anonymous No. 993064

>you can do that shit in a online video editor,
fucking disgusting

Anonymous No. 993067

>fucking disgusting
So is texturing in blender.

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Anonymous No. 993109

Is there no better way to align this ring around this half circle? Maybe Ryan is drip feeding me knowledge so I don't get overwhelmed, but it feels like I shouldn't have to manually rotate and check every angle until I get it just right. Photoshop, illustrator and just about any visual editing software all have alignment tools, surely blender has it right?

Anonymous No. 993113

Face-snapping with "align rotation to target" enabled, make sure the origin of the object is on the base and not volume

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Anonymous No. 993114

Bros is there any way I can manually mask out lines from a grease pencil line art modifier?

Anonymous No. 993115

Snap with face project and align rotation to target, after that you can use the shrinkwrap modifier with a vertex group in the exterior loop

Anonymous No. 993118

Can you give me a quick list of steps? Doesn't need to be descriptive, just what tabs to check, what settings to tick, and so on.

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Anonymous No. 993120

a picture should help, if you can't understand then just keep going with the learning, it's alright if you don't understand it yet

Anonymous No. 993121

That's more than I hoped to get, thanks for the diagram.

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SketchUp axis.webm

Anonymous No. 993126

In Google Sketchup you can enclose an object within another object. You can then orientate the outer object whichever way you want. But then you can enter the outer object and the inner object will have retained it's initial orientation. Is there a similar function in Blender?

Anonymous No. 993151

>you can do that shit in a online video editor
I just threw up

Anonymous No. 993191


Anonymous No. 993195

I thought this was a troll at first because of how dumb it is, but you realize you're describing transformations in object mode?
if you really want to have it look like Sketchup then you can use the transform gizmo and go in Object Properties>Viewport Display>Bounds and tick it on

Anonymous No. 993240

We may have had our differences, but on that, agreed.

Anonymous No. 993245

guess mods nuked my last response before you could see it but this is basically blender's local axis. every object has a local axis. you can choose which axis you want to follow from a drop down menu at the top of the screen. if you want it to follow something like in your webm, you can parent it.

Anonymous No. 993249

is there a way to merge two bones into one? like i subdivided a bone and made 2 bones from it, but then later changed my mind and want to go back to 1 bone. already just deleted it and replaced it but would be nice to be able to just reverse that process if I can.

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Anonymous No. 993254

does Substance Painter work well with low poly models and creating low resolution textures, as low as 32x32 up to 256x256?
I find triplanar mapping easier a lot of the time, but since I'm going for a retro style I have to get all the texture detail into a single image
the method I'm using in blender feels slightly elaborate
>create the model
>triplanar map with PBR material/s
>light it evenly with area lights
>bake in Cycles at a low resolution
>apply baked texture to the model
just looking for something slightly quicker and potentially better

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Anonymous No. 993260

course went from 0 to 100 real fuckin quick

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Anonymous No. 993306

>Open File
>takes 13GB of ram
>Browse internet to see how to reduce Blender ram usage
>Come back to Blender
>do nothing
What the actual fuck? I literally haven't touched the file in half an hour and it uses less ram?? I'm beyond confused

Anonymous No. 993321

It's what it's. :^)

Anonymous No. 993417

Blender flood the temp folder with copies of the files, it could be related to that.

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Anonymous No. 993421

I'm watching the art of effective rigging 2 and I don't understand why the "isolation mechanism" would be the "most important mechanism." Is it not exactly equivalent to a combination of copy transform constraints with mix set to "before original"? I don't see what's so unpredictable about using constraints directly.

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Anonymous No. 993451

made donut

Anonymous No. 993459

Temp files affect the RAM? Aren't these stored on my SSD?
Nice, now try adding an HDRI background, play with the focal length and add a bit of noise/bump on the dough. These are relatively simple stuff to learn but they will take you a long way.

Anonymous No. 993464

because if you fuck up your MCH, TGT, etc layers. your DEF layer will be fine.

Anonymous No. 993472

>ram peaking after opening and then going to normal
Sounds to me like some behind the scenes processing (textures? material nodes? complex geometry? idk) that takes lots of ram and frees it up once done

Anonymous No. 993553

>join a blender discord for animation feedback
>feedback is ass but other resources are good so I've stuck around
>faggot randomly posts nasty ass bbc porn in the feedback channel
>someone tells him minors are in the server
>justifies it by saying everyone has been exposed to porn even when they are young and it's better sooner than later
currently deciding whether telling this EPI fetishist faggot to kill himself is worth the ban. fucking discord makes degenerates way too comfortable. anyways where do I get actual good feedback? do I really have to pay a professional for that shit?
>just ask here!
i have before and no offense yalls feedback is ass too. too much of a crab bucket mentality around here it's rare to get something other than >just use references bro. like nigga of course im using fucking references

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Anonymous No. 993559

i am making an isopod girl

Anonymous No. 993571


Anonymous No. 993604

freestyle face mark filtering set to "inverted"

Anonymous No. 993607

Then fuckin leave? There's a site that begins with R that sounds more your speed.

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Anonymous No. 993608

By robot's bevel isn't functioning in the same way as Ryan's I've noticed it when doing the robot's booster grill but it wasn't that noticeable so I let it go, but now that I've tried to do the arm and it looks like the top parts are getting more bevel while there's barely any bevel action going on the sides. Help please!

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Anonymous No. 993609

Okay so I figured out my issue, you're correct. I had several arrays with hundreds circles using solidify and subsurf. I was trying to do some small LED screen with them but I forgot about it. Deleted them and it went back to normal.
Also pro tip: instead of hiding collections you don't use anymore, hiding them by un-ticking the box actually frees up your RAM.

Anonymous No. 993610

Cancel your bevel, go to object mode, select your object, hit CTRL+A and apply scale. Also that's not the case for you here but for bevels you need to check the Face Orientation from times to times (in the Viewport Overlay menu in object mode)

Anonymous No. 993611

BlenderArtist is what you want then. An actual forum where answers last for decades instead a discord full of retards. People there are pretty reactive too when you have an issue.

Anonymous No. 993624

can you put up a torrent or something with the uncompressed files? i´m 4 chapters into the animation course and i´d like to go trough the rigging one once im done. i tried to download both back then but had issues only with the rigging course files

Anonymous No. 993638

Thanks Anon, can you explain how this issue happened and how I can avoid it? While I'm learning I may as well figure out how issues occur so I can avoid or troubleshoot them.

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Anonymous No. 993639

It happened because you changed the size of your object in Object mode, and not in Edit mode. Here in the Item panel you can see if your object has a weird scaling. I'm not sure but I think it exists because each object keeps its own scale/rotation/location data (which can be useful when you want to move something on the object's local axes). Applying these re-aligns your object to the default World axes I believe. Otherwise yeah if your bevel are unequal it's almost always a scale issue.
So for the next time you can skip this whole problem by changing your object's scale in edit mode.

Anonymous No. 993677

Just use the viewport toggle. It does the same thing while also not fucking your render passes (which is what the checkbox is for).
Hiding is temporary "lemme get this out of the way real quick", viewport toggle is for longer stints "I'm done with this, so let me put it aside and out of the way for a while until I need it", render toggle is to keep it out of the render "I need this for utility purposes, but I don't need it in my final output", and render layer toggle is for render layers "I WANT this to render, but not in this pass".

Anonymous No. 993699

I see, its probably that, I probably tried to touch it up without switching. I hope I'm understanding this correctly, but I take it that the scale xyz values should always be the same for all three. Is that correct?

Also, would it be possible to un bevel an object in case I want to go back to other elements, or is it going to need a full do over?

Anonymous No. 993707

I am building a new PC with gaming, 3D modelling, and [spoiler]Linux[/spoiler] in mind.
How are AMD graphics cards for Blender, and 3D in general?

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Anonymous No. 993712

finished donut tutorial and made donut better. I wonder what I should do now in blender...

Anonymous No. 993713

what made you want to learn 3D?

Anonymous No. 993731

I've always wanted to make cinematic scenes I've seen in my head. I have the main idea of how they will play out but I need to learn how to build or use assets and animations. One scene will involve a futuristic train moving through a tunnel... no idea how I will make that happen but I'm taking the starter steps on hopefully getting there

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Anonymous No. 993744

My lil bot is coming along :')

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Anonymous No. 993765

My first animation. What's the consensus?

Anonymous No. 993767

holy kino

Anonymous No. 993770


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Anonymous No. 993774

How do I downgrade the Eevee render settings to mimic the render quality of the Source Filmmaker? Or is it all in the models that get ported to that game engine?
I tried to learn Source Filmmaker for making renderings using video game assets but that software is a busted up piece of spaghetti coded shit so I am switching to Blender.

pic related is an example of Source Filmmaker rendering done right.

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Anonymous No. 993829

>go to blender discord to ask a question
>see niggas like this responding to messages with furry avatar images of "Hello!" and "Yes!" baked into them

Anonymous No. 993831

I can't imagine being such a cowardly faggot you have to take your grievances with a discord troon to 4chan, that's crazy though anon

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Anonymous No. 993832

I don't think you know what that word means. you sound like a tranny

Anonymous No. 993833

Stay mad

Anonymous No. 993853

>go to blender discord

already stopped reading there

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Anonymous No. 993857

>software is a busted up piece of spaghetti coded shit so I am switching to Blender.
oh my sweet summer child

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Blint !!dFi9y8xX0lX No. 993876

linux is pretty decent with amd rendering, much better than windows amd since it's practically unusable unless you have one of the super high end gpu's. but beware that it still lacks in performance compared to nvidia, and i've experienced alot of crashes rendering scenes (though i have an rx6600xt, so it's to be expected ig) so if you have it in mind, go for something a bit better than mine.

Anonymous No. 993878

What's the alternative?

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Anonymous No. 993882

>download a coomer rig for a non-coomer project (trust me bro)
>has the most bizarre setup I've ever seen
>weird ui setup with bones and drivers instead of a sidebar ui
>completely fucked foot controls, with some schizo ik setup on the toes for some godforsaken reason, which also fucks the already incorrect foot roll setup
>hundreds of corrective bones for some reason
>no chest controller
>unhide everything to go find it
>there literally isn't a chest bone

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Anonymous No. 993897

...Think I'm just gonna learn Substance Painter/Ucupaint, nodes are very overwhelming

Anonymous No. 993932

Thanks guys.

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Anonymous No. 993934

ignoring the bad texture, is this the right way to bake base color and AO?
I've tried baking with all the other stuff like roughness, glossiness, height, normal etc but AO is the only one that seems to make a difference for diffuse baking
adding the AO image in photoshop and setting it to Multiply over the base color seems to have the same effect, but maybe I'm missing something still

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Anonymous No. 993938

while I'm here, how do I get my triplanar mapping to look like they do on the material previews?
it wraps around evenly and up to the top of the sphere, but for me it's always a bit of a mess
I applied the scale on the object, messing with the rotation, blending etc doesn't change anything. even when I do the 'cube > unwrap > subdivide into sphere' method it doesn't help

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Anonymous No. 993948

I know its my fault for painting the robot darth vader black, but I can't see shit while I'm trying to paint this stencil on top of it.
Is there an easily accessible way to increase the brightness somehow?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 993949

I'm an idiot, I added a light source my work is horrible.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 993950

I'm an idiot, I added a light source in front of it and now I know my shit looks like ass.

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Anonymous No. 993951

I'm an idiot, I added a light source in front of it and now I know my shit looks like ass.

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Anonymous No. 993953

probably just me being retarded but i dont know what´s the problem here.i guess i could just render the animation twice with different materials then put it all together, but i´d like to have control over it trough bones just like the rest of the node stup not shown in the screencap

Anonymous No. 993954

While we're on the topic of texturing, what's a good alternative to substance painter? I have it pirated but I've never enjoyed texturing in substance, it's like how I would rather use Clip than Photoshop for drawing

Anonymous No. 993960

Armor Paint and Quixel Mixer seem to be the other biggest competitors, also 3DCoat but idk much about it

Anonymous No. 993962

>what's a good alternative to substance painter?
Free? You can get Mari non-commercial and Quixel (needs xnormal to bake and it hasn't been updated in 2 years) and you have ucupaint as addon/extension to paint with layers inside blender, it has bake and all that too.

Anonymous No. 993967

Lets say I am using subdivide to insert a bone between two bones without breaking any of my animations, etc.
When I do this, the bone closer to the Base ends up inheriting all the properties and the one closer to the original tip is treated as the blank slate. Is there any way to inverse this so that the one on the base is the new bone?

Anonymous No. 993981

Cute bot. Nice details, anon

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Anonymous No. 993986

>just realized Quixel doesn't even let you fucking bake / export out created textures after downloading for ages
what's the point? piece of actual shit

Anonymous No. 993988

I think there's marmoset too, but I've never used it

Anonymous No. 993996

when using the breakdowner tool is there a way to isolate channels so you can for example, only use the breakdowner on the rotation of a bone while ignoring the location?

Anonymous No. 994009

asked before we got nuked but does anyone have any good resources for learning cloudrig?

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Anonymous No. 994018

I'm about to finish Ryan's robot tutorial, and it looks like the next one is another robot, which is cool. But I'm also interested in learning to render and animate living things. Can you guys recommend any tutorials that are equally easy that covers rendering, rigging and animating people, maybe animals? It doesn't need to be photorealistic, in fact some cartoony style tutorials would probably be more accessible and not as time intensive.

Anonymous No. 994029

CGBoost's Robotic Planet by Louis du Mont is probably exactly what you're looking for. You can torrent it if you don't want to pay the price of the course. IMO one of the best hard-surface tutorials out there

Anonymous No. 994036

I'm actually looking for beginner friendly lessons that covered the creation and animation of living things like people and animals. But thanks anyway, I pirated that course anyways, just because it looks useful.

Anonymous No. 994043

mb I misread your post, thought you were looking for more robot material. gl

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Anonymous No. 994048

How do I get rid of these UI things? I don't think I've been ever been taught on their purpose, so they don't seem to be particularly useful.

Anonymous No. 994058

>he scale xyz values should always be the same for all three
Yes, it should. be 1.000
> would it be possible to un bevel an object
You can't as far as I know, but in most case deleting the bevel's edges and re-aligning all the vertex in order to restart the bevel isn't too difficult

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Anonymous No. 994083

I may have fucked up and I don't know how to fix it. I rendered the torso and moved it around a bit, probably accidentally in the wrong mode and now I removed the excess torso on the left side and applied a mirror modifier after the limbs but now there's a gap. How do I set the origin to appear on the center of the body?

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Anonymous No. 994100

Click that

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Anonymous No. 994101

Do you want to move the origin or the mesh? If I were you I'd do that: Select snapping to Grid and Transform Pivot Point to "Active" (meaning it will be on the last vertex/edge/face you select, which appears in white) like pic related. In Edit Mode select the whole mesh, and then shift click a vertex or edge that would be at the center of your character to mark it as Active.Then drag the whole thing until it reaches the mirrored side.
Bonus tip: you can manually move the origin of your mesh in Object mode by selecting "Origin" in the Option dropdown menu under the Shading (top right of the 3D viewport), that's really useful when dealing with the Mirror modifier.

Anonymous No. 994102

How do you model breasts?
[spoiler]any guides?[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 994151

Picrel from the sticky, in my (limited) experience, a subdivided cube is sufficient to start.
>Take the top most verts and move them backwards into the upper chest and rotate on the x axis to cause a slope
>Pull down the bottom verts to desired sag
>Scale up the front verts to desired size
>Move top verts to centre line of chest to cause the outward shape
>Adjust the front, bottom, outer vert to desired extent off the chest on the x and y axies
>Apply subdivision, add and apply mirror, attach to chest mesh in desired method (I prefer Boolean Unions, but you could also CTRL+J and then remesh)
>Remesh to desired level of detail and sculpt to desired result then retopo
On a related note, does anyone have a saved image of the wireframe of one anon's low poly girl from before janny spilt his hotpocket, had pink hair and had done some anims, I wanted to use his as a reference for boob retopo for my own low poly model.

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Anonymous No. 994156

I am losing my mind here. I'm on Blender 4.1 and for some reason my model's clothing mask is completely fucked.

Edit: I was about to post a big fucking rant, and then I realized the collection that actually holds the clothes has been disabled for renders, even though the clothes themselves were enabled. It's kind of weird the clothes collection is disabled by default even if the individual clothes objects are enabled. So tl;dr I'm absolutely fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 994227

turn on clipping in the mirror modifier options then move the half back to the center. if you already applied the modifier then delete one half and make a new mirror modifier before doing this.

Anonymous No. 994233

How to create a hole on existing human models ?

Anonymous No. 994234

This kind of thing usually is easier in 2D views. I don't know why 3D guys eschew the 2D views, it makes things literally a snap.

Anonymous No. 994235

Does Blender not have construction lines?

Anonymous No. 994237

My donuts are at level 7/14.

Anonymous No. 994245

That did it, thanks for the advice.
Mostly because I barely understand the software yet. Its weird for sure, but I just need more time familiarizing myself until I can 'think' in 3d.

Anonymous No. 994260

what do you mean by construction lines?

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Anonymous No. 994263

closest you can get to construction lines is wireframe mode, just press Z and move over to it, or you can turn on the x-ray to see through it a bit

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my robot (progress).png

Anonymous No. 994297

it's coming along, it's coming aloooong

Anonymous No. 994300

in 2D. red infinitely long CAD lines (but there are also construction circles) you add that you can snap to, but are not kept for long, you erase them.

The command is (I had forgotten) XL(ine). so you hit xl<enter> in Autocad and then it prompts you.

But it's gotten fancier, lots of cool construction lines now:

Anonymous No. 994301

I sure hope you didn't use any TRIANGLES.

Anonymous No. 994305

makes sense. (hover) z,4 is the speedy way.

The hovering rule for lots of Blender things makes me wonder if I might need a trackpad in addition to a mouse, for quick inputs.

I found this amazing tip, from 11 years ago on Reddit:
>i remapped 'q' to flip to quad view and back. Im used to Maya working that way.
Presently, Q brings up Quick Favorites I remapped that to ctrl+shift+q, because this quad flip is crazy handy. You can check in one second if your stuff is floating, or badly misaligned. Blender is deep and hiding secrets.

Anonymous No. 994308

actually I chose to put quick favorites in ctrl+q, and I deleted quit blender (because alt+f4 does that already)

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Anonymous No. 994310

Anyone have any insight on making 360 degree animations look sharper? I tried rendering at 3840x1920 with 4096 samples with (Optix) denoising and it looked okay, but not good enough. It probably didn't help that the scene was at night, so there were more darker parts than lighter parts. There was a sort of jagged-flickering effect around the edges of the moving parts of the animation. Also it looked a bit blurry. I'm going to try and double the resolution, halve the samples, change the denoise to OpenImage, then scale it back down to 4K with Davinci Resolve. I'll let people know how that goes. But if anyone has managed to make their 360 animations (not stills) look crisp, please let me know how you achieved it.

Anonymous No. 994326

Any stereoscopic image/video you render will have the resolution essentially halved. Maybe not exactly halved, but you're gonna have some lost if you're doing sbs/overunder. Not to mention that if your convergence is fucked that might contribute, and if your hmd is shit that will definitely contribute.

Anonymous No. 994329

>Maybe not exactly halved, but you're gonna have some lost if you're doing sbs/overunder.
Wouldn't that make it sharper, not blurrier, though? Isn't it taking a single 3840x1920 frame, squashing it in half, then displaying it side-by-side? I would've thought that'd hide some noise, not enhance it. I'll try to set up a basic scene later today and render it overnight to illustrate the "flickering" problem. I don't mind a bit of noise, but the edges of the model had these weird trailing notches on the edge of the model (the parts that were moving). If I can get rid of that, I can live with some noise.

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Anonymous No. 994331


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Anonymous No. 994335

trying to make a drunk walk. having a rough time making it look drunk enough. any feedback?

Anonymous No. 994339

Make him hunched over perhaps, give him a stagger when walking also?

Anonymous No. 994341

agree with the other anon, chest hunched forward at the passing pose (and as-is at the extended pose) so you can see he's losing his balance and catching it.
since it's a cycle you could even try having chest hunched forward on the left foot lead and tipping backward on the right foot lead.

Anonymous No. 994342

so like a forward and backward sway then? reference had him leaned back the whole time but that would be cooler 2bh. what to do with the arms then? maybe make them droopy/floppy? thanks

Anonymous No. 994354

What are your references?

Anonymous No. 994355


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Anonymous No. 994356

got me intrigued, it was a combination of moving the hips back in global space and reversing the curve of the spine at the passing frame to get what i was trying to describe

Anonymous No. 994357

There's no one drunk walk, but you should use a real drunk person for reference.

Some kind of lean to one side, others kind of lean back. Generally, there's a leaning tendency. Also, there seems to be sort of a double step thing every so often, not sure what it's called.

There are various videos. drunk people usually falling.

Anonymous No. 994358


Also, I meant to say they mostly wander side to side. But some kind of go in a circle.

Anonymous No. 994366

I think the legs look good, but I'd make his upper half "floppier". Right now he's just walking while bending backwards. His spine should be contracting forward with one foot's contact frame, then catching himself and flopping backwards. That'd be pretty exaggerated. If you want something a bit more realistic, you're gonna need to make the arms flop around instead. He's drunk, so some of his body will be very relaxed and thus loose.

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Anonymous No. 994367

Imagine sculpting in Blender before Remesh was introduced.

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Anonymous No. 994370

could've swore I posted this last night but check this out. also this course and the Alive! animation course from P2design

Anonymous No. 994374

Imagine sculpting in Blender

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Anonymous No. 994375

I'm a complete and total noob to Blender, please don't crucify me. My models imported to Blender through Fortnite Porting are showing up with a bunch of scratches and artifacts, and this is the case for both real time previewing and final rendering. I've tried finding a solution by googling and searching on YouTube but I haven't found a direct answer to this issue. Is there anything that I can change in the settings or do I just have a shitty graphics card and I'm SOL?

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Anonymous No. 994384

I downloaded a model rip in a blend file and it has this rigify rigging I haven't seen before (I am noob). When I rotate her chest bone it does this. When I rotate her neck it just kinda rotates in place with her head still looking forward. I guess this is IK? How do I pose it like a normal skeleton?
Can I rotate other bones? It seems I am restricted to just a few

Anonymous No. 994386

I assume somewhere on you materials for the model a bumpmap is being applied. If you removed that, you'll lose some detail, but those bumps and scratches will go away.

Anonymous No. 994388

Oh I see, I'll have to look further into that. Thank you so much!

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Anonymous No. 994390

I figured this out I guess, moving the hands and feet to rotate joints with IK and changing Head + Neck follow.
But now I am wondering how to enable and simulate these physics objects (never touched physics before). They look like they should work

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Anonymous No. 994392

>>994310 here. After performing multiple tests and re-renders, the problem still persists. When I send the EXRs to Davinci and render the video out, it produces this weird ghosting/notching effect. Pic related. If I view the individual EXRs in Djv, the frames look fine. I have no idea what's causing this and would like some help. The blend file has a 30 FPS framerate, and so does the Davinci file (and the Davinci output file), so I'm at a complete loss.

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interlaced video.webm

Anonymous No. 994395

isn't that just interlacing? Try using deinterlacing when exporting the video from Davinci

Anonymous No. 994409

off reddit:

DaVinci did not let me export in 30fps, only in 30 (3:2), which is actually a conversion mode from 24fps with intelacing.

The reason was DaVinci identified my static png in the bin as 24fps. But that wouldn't affect the export.

However, when I was importing media into the bin for the first time, based on that assumption, DaVinci asked me if I wanted to change the project framerate to correspond to imported media framerate.I knew I had everything in 30fps, so I said yes, obviously, and the whole timeline was irreversibly converted into 24fps.

I tried exporting the timeline and importing it into a new project with framerate correctly set, but that did not help, the interlacing persisted on the timeline.

So the only solution was to redo the whole project again and never trust DaVinci automated prompts! I hope my post will help another lost soul.

Anonymous No. 994412

You made the smuggest motherfucker on the planet. And also a good vampire if he had pointy ears.

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Anonymous No. 994413

ok i redid it how we feelin
gonna add some of the random side to side swaying when it's all done but just want to get the base blocking figured out for now

Anonymous No. 994420

Looks pretty decent. I think you could rotate the hips more as it lurches forward, instead of only "rotating" the spine.

Anonymous No. 994429

The kicking the leg out thing should be slower. They're not pretending to lose balance, they are basically having drift. Some say it's like spinning.

Anonymous No. 994433

I'm having trouble giving a shit about donuts.

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Anonymous No. 994434

I'm late in seeing this challenge and still new to 3D but I'm mind blown at seeing these people's works as I'm assuming it's by one person for each submission. Is it possible to get on this level without prior 3D experience? Some of the backgrounds and just overall presentation is unreal

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Anonymous No. 994437

So it turns out, after I did hours of re-exports and forum diving, the solution was similar to >>994409. None of my searches turned out any useful forums, until I thought "Wait, I'm not working with interlaced video, I'm working with EXR stills, and they're not interlaced at all." So after searching for EXRs that got interlaced after exporting, I found a reddit thread of a guy who made a minigun animation with the same problem as me. The solution was to, at the very start of making a new project, go to File > Project Settings > Master Settings > set timeline frame rate to the EXR frame rate AND the frame rate you want to export to. If your timeline setting is 24 fps, but you export at 30, shit gets all fucked up. Whatever the frame rate you're exporting at, you have to set the timeline frame rate to that exact same frame rate. Also under Image Scaling in the project settings, I set deinterlace to the neural engine, but because my EXR sequence is not interlaced to start with, I don't think that did anything. But in case my future self comes trawling through the /3/ archives looking for a solution to this problem, I wanted it to be here.

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UV editing.png

Anonymous No. 994444

Ok, how did I fuck up this time? Why does mine look so different?

Anonymous No. 994448

no manual unwrap? this is just smart UV project
if you want to color it you just move the UVs over the colors

Anonymous No. 994449

>Is it possible to get on this level without prior 3D experience?
Lel re-read your own question, these people weren't born knowing 3D. They just all focused on doing it for years on end. But I wouldn't be surprised a good chunk of these guys started not that long ago. You know what, even if the challenge is finished, you should still try to make your own animation like this, you'll learn plenty of things, faster than you think.

Anonymous No. 994456

anybody? Is there some mode I have to turn on to get physics running in the viewport?

Anonymous No. 994464

On smutbase there are two models (ciri and anna henrietta) that were originaly by niodreth. One of the models (ciri) was updated by someone that added things like sweat and wetness sliders. Would it be possible to copy these new things over to the Anna model since they have many things in common? Or would it be better to add wetness/sweat sliders to the Anna model from scratch?

Here are the model links:

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Anonymous No. 994481

bought some courses, thought I'd upload this for anyone that wants it
key is Hb07GTalP5qlVD2DLeYTBw if it doesn't open. use VLC media player if you can't play the .ts filetype

Anonymous No. 994489

good shit king, thanks

Anonymous No. 994514

>.ts filetype
kek. no. kill yourself

Anonymous No. 994515

this dude is a grifter but thanks though

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Anonymous No. 994580

>Open vid
>cmd window flashes for a fraction of a second

Anonymous No. 994584

Fucking retard

Anonymous No. 994625

Is there like a piracy site for blender ad ons? A tutorial I'm watching recommends the final topology add on, but I'm a poverty stricken cheapskate.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 994627

Can someone help me troubleshoot? I created a dupe of my model and hid it while I'm getting ready to rig it. I turned the backup invisible but now the colors are fucked up after I turned it on briefly to compare the before and after.

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color bug.png

Anonymous No. 994628

Can someone help me troubleshoot? I created a dupe of my model and hid it while I'm getting ready to rig it. I turned the backup invisible but now the colors are fucked up after I turned it on briefly to compare the before and after.

Anonymous No. 994629

looks like z-fighting
hold shift while toggling visibility in the outliner to do it recursively and check that the duplicate is in the right collection

Anonymous No. 994632

I went to color editing, its still in teh right place, I'm not sure why my guy got vitiligo but its driving me nuts.

Anonymous No. 994633

Good catch, I checked the collection and it looks like there was an extra pair for some reason.

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jokarv2 arms10001....webm

Anonymous No. 994638

is there an easy way to flip my poses for making the cycle? shits a pain in the ass honestly. currently using ctrl+shift+v and making adjustments as needed but its tedious and annoying. maybe an addon?

Anonymous No. 994655

is gfxfather safe?
I don't want someone from Kazakhstan mining bitcoin on my pc

Anonymous No. 994702

I want to do something like scale up an arm bone to make the arm longer without also scaling up bones down the chain. So the arm gets longer, but the hand stays the same size.

Is there some sort of inverse-scale formula I'm supposed to be using for this? Like if BoneA is multiplied by 2, I multiply BoneB by 0.5 to get it back to its normal size.

Anonymous No. 994707

Am I a retard or do these 30 minute beginner tutorial actually takes like 4x as long to complete?

Anonymous No. 994709

If it's taking you that long, repeat it until you're faster than the tutorial. Literally repeat it, having the video playing. You want to get so used to the interface and basically what to do that some things don't require thinking.

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Anonymous No. 994710

is manual retopo necessary for posing when I can just use something like quad remesher and then rigify?
I watched some sculpting stuff and it doesn't seem necessary, and even in some animated walk cycles I saw on sketchfab all that seemingly mattered was that there were enough loops around deforming areas like knees and elbows
pic related's course preview just set up a basic rig and moved the arms out of the t-pose, and the course here >>994481 does the same
all I care about is making still concept art / 3D illustrations, for what it's worth, not animations

Anonymous No. 994711

You're right. Really, I don't think I fully understand things the first time around because I don't really know what the final goal is so a second or third pass wouldn't hurt.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 994716

Ok what am I doing wrong here? I followed the guide to the letter and the legs are fucked up whenever I try to pose them. I thought it was me so I loaded a previous file and did it again, and I'm pretty sure there's a missing step here that got skipped through during the editing since this video just skips steps. The arms and torso seem to move fine so I don't know.

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rigging fail.png

Anonymous No. 994717

Ok what am I doing wrong here? I followed the guide to the letter and the legs are fucked up whenever I try to pose them. I thought it was me so I loaded a previous file and did it again, and I'm pretty sure there's a missing step here that got skipped through during the editing since this video just skips steps. The arms and torso seem to move fine so I don't know.

Video for reference. It starts to work on the leg bones at 14:24.

Anonymous No. 994718

best guess would be a mirror or symmetry issue, not having applied the location / scale of objects, or not having objects joined together. hard to say

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rig fail 2.png

Anonymous No. 994719

I tried reapplying location, rotation and scale and I also applied the mirror modifier but it still gets weird when I try to pose the legs.
I undid it back so that mirror is still in the list of modifiers just so people can have a look at my settings. Honestly I'm pretty stumped and I don't know how to progress. What I do know is that it'll end up with twister legs if i continue with the rest of the tutorial without fixing it.

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Anonymous No. 994720

Newbie here still mostly following tutorials and trying to figure things out by tinkering. I just followed this ( tutorial on adding geometry nodes for a paintbrush like effect and its pretty good but Im having trouble getting the effect to properly work on nontrivial geometry with image textures.

The tutorial itself covers doing it for a cube with a base color and it translates well to other basic shapes. I want to now do it with a clothing mesh and an image texture.
picrel shows the image texture and how it looks on the clothes, cube and a sphere for reference. Then I enable the geometry nodes and you can see how the paintbrush effect is there, but the colors do not carry over to the clothing and I'm struggling to understand why.
I assume it has something to do with uv maps or something like that but I'll be honest it is not something I understand very well (at all). nodes in next post

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Anonymous No. 994721

geometry and shader nodes.
any idea where I may be making a mistake? I saw a few other comments asking about this under the video but they had no responses

Anonymous No. 994723

if I had to guess maybe it's a weighting issue? if you used automatic weights it can be fucky sometimes.

Anonymous No. 994726

I should probably mention that for the shader nodes, the upper image texture input is the image texture for the clothes and the lower one is the brushstroke texture

Anonymous No. 994727

Maybe you need to realize the instances (using the realize instances) before setting the attribute.

Anonymous No. 994749

doesn't seem to be the solution but I'll keep playing around with it. thanks.

Anonymous No. 994753

looks like either envelope is enabled in the armature modifier, or you've got some vertices weighted to the .R groups, which should be empty

Anonymous No. 994755

Could you explain how I could fix it?
I'm still starting out so I still can't troubleshoot problems on my own.

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Anonymous No. 994756

presuming the mesh is on the left as usual, go into edit mode -> select all verts -> select each .R vertex group one by one and hit "remove".
"bone envelopes" is a checkbox in the armature modifier, just make sure it's unchecked.

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rig success.png

Anonymous No. 994767

>presuming the mesh is on the left as usual, go into edit mode -> select all verts -> select each .R vertex group one by one and hit "remove".
Yup, looks like that fixed it. There's less bones on this one because I rushed through it on my second try but it looks to be moving as intended.

So what happened here? I assume I fucked up hard while I was making the mesh because the legs and shoes are the only ones that tangle up when I try to pose their bones

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rig fail part 2.png

Anonymous No. 994776

>Fix issue
>Decide to continue the rest of the tutorial
>Add inverse kinematics to legs
>It self destructs again
>Try the same fix
>Nope, probably need a completely different fix and then a fix after the step after that and a step after that
I give up, time to start over from scratch with a different tutorial

Anonymous No. 994777

the automatic weighting operator has been neglected by devs and you can't limit it to selected bones or anything. the algorithm it uses is called "bone heat" and it probably assigned some weights from the .R bones to the mesh because the "heat" reached the other side. there's probably some free/piratable addons that do it better, idk.
to use the stock automatic weighting on a mirrored mesh maybe you build the left side of the armature only (with .L naming convention) -> assign automatic weights -> then go into edit mode on the armature, select only the .L bones and search for the operator "symmetrize" and it'll create the .R bones. you might have to then make the empty .R vertex groups by hand, i can't remember.
second one looks like the right side IK constraint is targeting the left side IK target.
seems like the tut has some stuff out of order, or is leaving steps out. if it says to use "copy constraints to selected bones" it should tell you that you have to manually correct the targets afterward.

Anonymous No. 994783

how to make old school quake2 textures?

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rig fail ryan kin....png

Anonymous No. 994796

>to use the stock automatic weighting on a mirrored mesh maybe you build the left side of the armature only
I remember getting some uh oh moments while building the mesh, i didn't think it was an issue, but it did generate some parts of the leg in the wrong side as the tutorial, I didn't think it would be an issue but in retrospect it does look like the wrong side of the mesh is trying to follow the armature. Pic related is another one I made based on Ryans rigging tutorial in between your first reply, for sure its a mesh issue that I hoped would be fixed by applying the mirror modifier
>seems like the tut has some stuff out of order,
Oh definitely, I think the tutorial was good but the editing really killed it. The errors snowballed hard when I worked on rigging the waist down because it looks like it skipped a few steps. Shame, I really liked the artstyle.
>free/piratable addons
any suggestions for that? I know some addons are paywalled, but I dont want to accidentally get a bitcoin miner so I didn't want to try my luck with just google-fu my way to free stuff

Anonymous No. 994797

check >>994481 for a similar sort of thing and style

Anonymous No. 994813

Yeah, that one looks good. I'll give it a go.

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Anonymous No. 994849

>tfw went complete course autist mode
there's no fucking way I won't be where I want to be as long as I finish all of this. the idea is to pinball between 2D and 3D so I don't burn out
now that I've got it all lined up, all that's left is to fuckin do it

Anonymous No. 994867

Materials can be a trap. diy projects are the main way forward. But also, somehow often some certain underlying "way" is unteachable sometimes. You see this with people who amass drawing books - still can't draw, did all the exercises in all of them.

Anonymous No. 994872

Is there ever a point where things being out of scale is a benefit? It feels its just best practice to randomly select all and apply scale every now and then to make sure things are ok.

Anonymous No. 994880

So this guy is really comprehensive and I'm learning a ton of basics, but my brain is shutting out the math stuff like engongs needing like 4 edges or something. Is this important shit later down the line?

Anonymous No. 994881

Relative scale is nice to have sometimes. Mostly when you have something parented.
I can't really give specific examples, since I can't really think of any off the top of my head, but there's definitely been times for me where having the scale be whatever value was beneficial. When the situation arises for you, you'll probably know whether you want applied scale or something else.
I know it's a bit of a non-answer, but it's what it's :^)

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Anonymous No. 994884

n-gons? they're not really important, they're just something that's generally to be avoided
since everything is divided into triangles at the end, an n-gon will still work fine, but it means you could run into an unexpected rendering result if you don't manually triangulate the face
with the n-gon on the right, you'd just have to select the bottom-right and top-left vertex and press J

Anonymous No. 994898

Fellow /agdg/ dev reporting in.
I'll have a few days off to train my game assets making skills with Blender. I'm especially interested in making detailed game assets (so not low poly + with texture baking) + animating skills. What's the easiest to set up in an offline environment and low tier laptop?
+ Any course to recommend I can download. Asking all that cause I'll be in a secluded village with no internet connection.

Anonymous No. 994901


for animating there's these guys who both have courses on animating. they're on skillshare, although skillshare is free for 30 days:

if you haven't got it already, I'd suggest getting Internet Download Manager. I'm using it right now to grab a load of stuff off skillshare before my trial runs out

Anonymous No. 994902

The one on the right is 4 points, but not planar? And that is by definition what?

Anonymous No. 994904

Thanks a lot dude, appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 994905

That makes sense, time to just write it down in case something happens. Not that I won't come running here when it does.

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Anonymous No. 994906

you sure about that?

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Anonymous No. 994907

an n-gon

very sure

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Anonymous No. 994908

good morning saar

Anonymous No. 994911

How can you be sure that it's not the same as:
and only apparently fixed?

Anonymous No. 994913

n-gons by definition are 4 points that are nonplanar (thus reduce to 2 triangles)?

Anonymous No. 994914

trying to figure it out.

>There is a term for polygons that have more edges than quads: they’re called N-Gons, and really should be avoided because they are more likely to cause artifacts in your textures and materials.

that doesn't make sense to me yet.

Anonymous No. 994915

>more edges than quads
I find this specifically confusing. I thought 4 planar vertices made a quad.

Anonymous No. 994916

they do, but only if they're flat like a piece of paper. if you raise one edge of a piece of paper it's no longer flat, so it needs the extra edge to properly adapt

Anonymous No. 994917

Why doesn't it change color or something?

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diaster sculpt.png

Anonymous No. 994928

Why does this happen when sculpting?

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Anonymous No. 994929

Why are these named like this? Why 2-1? What's it mean?

Anonymous No. 994930

Do I need to tick both my gpu and cpu for system>cycles render revices?

Anonymous No. 994933

You are sculpting on an icosphere which is made out of triangles, sculpting should be done on quads, google how to remesh to turn it into quads

Anonymous No. 994935

Why doesn't it work?

Anonymous No. 994936


Anonymous No. 994937

not enough mesh geometry, probably. I'd watch this

Anonymous No. 994961

the virtues of packing textures vs not packing them? explain it like I am a retard

Anonymous No. 994981

Packing textures includes the images INSIDE the .blend file (think of the .blend like a zip file and you're adding the images to it), not packing them just has the .blend file reference them on your computer.
Packing is useful for when you want to send a .blend as one complete unit that "Just Works" without any missing images.
Referencing textures from a texture library is useful since you just have the files on your computer and can use them in whatever project, saving space over packing since when you pack, you're basically copying those images and saving them into the blend. Why bother doing that if they're already on your computer somewhere?

That being said, I tend to use both. Referencing for generic textures for scenes, and packing textures that I make specifically for that scene (like say you made a graphic for a sign). If anything happens (and you lose your textures, but your .blend folder is fine), theoretically a texture library would be easy to replace (just download em from where you got them), but custom textures can be a bit more difficult to replace, hence packing them in the .blend.
I keep my texture library on my HDD, but my projects get synced to the cloud, so this has happened before. Lost my textures in a HDD crash, project files were fine, custom textures were packed in the files, and I got most of the generic textures I needed off the internet, so I didn't skip a beat.

Obviously I could backup the textures too, but generally places have a download history you can use, and if you're using Megascans, then you have them in your account.
Barring that, most textures also have the site name in the name for them (assuming you didn't rename them), so it's pretty simple to find them again.

Anonymous No. 994983

...because that's the flow of x to y edges? 2 edges to 1 for 2-1, 5 edges to 3 for 5-3, am I missing something in the question?

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Screenshot (675).png

Anonymous No. 994989

any idea how I can make it so the moss is only at the bottom of the object with a gradual fade as it travels up?

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Anonymous No. 994990

Z coordinates as the mask

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Anonymous No. 994991

worked, thanks. is there a way to plug some noise into it too for a bit of variety?
I really need to learn Substance Painter, relying on blender nodes is a bit of a pain

Anonymous No. 994992

You can combine that mask with your previous noise mask. If you use some critical thinking you should be able to figure it out (hint: Math node)

Anonymous No. 995000

cool. i bounce between two computers a lot so probably should be packing then? and also if i decide to publish stuff online, but otherwise don't bother i guess. thanks

Anonymous No. 995009

Ah, it's the faces, 2 faces on top, 1 on the bottom.

Anonymous No. 995019

Is there a way to smoothly rewind .ts videos on mpc? I'm willing to switch to a different viewer if mpc's the problem because it can get a little hard to follow when I rewind back one step and the video freezes for a few seconds while the audio and the rest of the video keeps playing.

Anonymous No. 995023

how viable would it be to make a "modelthread" here?

Anonymous No. 995026

try VLC media player, never even heard of MPC but it looks old

Anonymous No. 995032

Still the same issue. The video just freezes for a few seconds when I rewind by a bit. I guess its tolerable since its a really good tutorial but it does make backtracking a tad more time consuming specially since I do a lot of that for tutorials.

Anonymous No. 995039

Yeah either pack or just bring your textures with you. If you post online, I'd pack.
>otherwise don't bother i guess.
I gave you a specific use-case that would be a pretty good thing to do in general. There's other ones as well, but you'll hopefully know when you want to do it when you reach the problems where that is a solution.

Anonymous No. 995040

Not at all. Wip already exists. Post there.

Anonymous No. 995047

how would i assign random values to a vertex group? i need something like normal edit or displacement but it applies the noise to the vertex weight values

Anonymous No. 995048

Definitely a script.
Also definitely something ChatGPT should handle pretty easily.
Just tell it something like
"Write a Blender script that assigns random weights to the current vertex group on the selected vertices"
And it should do it.
I'm fuckin trash at scripting, but havin something like this whipped up is pretty nifty. Probably could also do it with geometry nodes, but I think a script is simpler.

Anonymous No. 995050


Anonymous No. 995059

have you experimented at all with chatgpt writing rig scripts? I use a super simple template that just does show/hide layers and a snapping utility but would be nice to get something a bit more complex

Anonymous No. 995066

I don't do much rigging unfortunately, so no. If I need a rig, I mostly just do the basic rigify rig and call it a day.
So yeah, can't really comment much on if it's viable to generate a script, but with rigging being as complicated as it is, I'm thinking you might run up against issues generating one. I tried to get it to make an addon from a script and it couldn't manage it. Probably because it's trained on older versions of Blender, and the api changes more than the devs change underwear.

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proportional edit....png

Anonymous No. 995071

Can someone help me out please? The tutorial's version of proportional editing shows a circle which can change size with the scroll wheel. I'm trying to do the same but its not giving me the circle.

Anonymous No. 995074

You have to start moving things first. I'm sure you've figured that out by now though.

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Anonymous No. 995079

Anyone know how I can achieve this kind of lighting effect on a texture? I thought I could just use emission + glare node in composite but I can't get the light spread to work that way. The third and fourth image is how it looks in texture mode. You can still faintly see a glow there.

I also tried using a principled bsdf and the emission but I can't get the glow to work and it just makes color completely white.

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Anonymous No. 995081

Point out more clearly what specific light spread you want (I can't tell if the first 2 images are your renders, or if the final image is the result you want to achieve). Picrel is just a yellow emission material with a fairly high value (8.5) and the compositor values are shown there.

Anonymous No. 995083

Sometimes the circle starts incredibly large or small, depending on the scale of your model, scroll for a while in both directions until you see it

Anonymous No. 995090

None of those images are my renders. They're just screenshots from some animator.

I'm not sure why it wasn't working before but it's working now. I tried Principled BSDF + the Emission setting. Now that i've tried the emission material + glare node it's lighting up now. And there's a way to get the glare node to appear in the render preview so this should work. Thanks!

Anonymous No. 995093

nta, but in his last example, you can see that the glow source is also emitting light that lights its surrounding

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Anonymous No. 995094

In that case you have to crank the emission up

Anonymous No. 995096

Yeah, turns out it was gigantic for some reason. It took a while but it eventually appeared on my screen after enough scrolling.

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Anonymous No. 995102

Will people notice if I use Auschwitz HDRI for my renders?

Anonymous No. 995108


Anonymous No. 995109

top lmao

Anonymous No. 995148

I want to use shape keys to animate some stylized eyes. Ideally, I would use one key for Horizontal and one for Vertical. 0 would be looking all the way in one direction, 1 would be looking in the opposite direction. Neutral eyes looking forward would be 0.5.

I'm not really sure how to do that without creating 4 different keys for positive and negative direction on the x and z axis. I'd rather not use -1 to 1 either.

Anonymous No. 995149

Is there a way to symmetrize weight paint?

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Anonymous No. 995150

How do I disable trackball rotation for the gizmo? I don't like it, I want to use the lines but they're hard to click on.

Anonymous No. 995152

Then just have your basis have the eyes pointing all the way left and all the way up.
On your shapekey, make the 1.0 value be the other extreme. 0.5 would be the center.
That being said, going -1-1 really is the most painless way of doing it.

Anonymous No. 995153

Why not press r -> the axis you want to rotate it around (x,y,z)

Anonymous No. 995157

I could, but I like the pie visuals that rotating by mouse gives you

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Anonymous No. 995165

Her name is Annie.

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Anonymous No. 995173

Posting this question here from another thread:
Is increasing the resolution of the sculpt the best way to combat these jagged seams from deep creases? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous No. 995186

show the wireframe

Anonymous No. 995189

Blenderbros, I'm trying to render a characters animations into sprites, but I can't get results that look good and readable.
To make stop them from coming out blurry I lower the film to .01, but there are too many colors and noise.
How do I lower the number of colors used in a render? Or do I need to render them blurry and high quality and then process the images in another program?
Any renderchads know how to get good results?

Anonymous No. 995190

Nikokado avocado's asshole.

Anonymous No. 995194

okay this is definitely out of my scope, I'll come back to this in a year maybe

Anonymous No. 995195

LOL no it's fucked, but looking at it now I know how to fix it
Thankfully it's just an underboob

Anonymous No. 995198

Total noob here: After mostly finishing my first sculpture of a figure, I'm getting the impression that blender's not meant for raw dogging sculpts like one would when working with clay; building shapes up and adding material to create limbs, etc. and that you're mostly supposed to be creating separate meshes for sections like upper arm, forearm, hand, etc. Am I understanding it right?
Looking at tutorials online, I haven't seen anyone do the former

Anonymous No. 995204

usually people create separate parts for body parts at the start by blocking out the basic shapes, then join it together with a remesh modifier and smooth it out

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Anonymous No. 995214

I fuckin COOKED with this one fr. when's the last time you cooked like this? have you ever even cooked like this? im like gordon ramsey with this shit

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Anonymous No. 995216

Idk dude, I think I cooked with this big ol' milf ass
[spoiler]Ignore the nightmarish hands I don't know what I'm doing[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 995217

ok jokes aside, is there a way to add a normal image texture to this, while also keeping the fun light/shadow effects?

coomer-sama, I kneel

Anonymous No. 995226

>nightmarish hands

hands toot in Maya, but somewhat applies:

Anonymous No. 995246

Hand looks like it came out well regardless

Anonymous No. 995247

You can switch to face select if you really want to, but visually it's fairly obvious

Anonymous No. 995277

I, a complete retard, needs help with a map

Anonymous No. 995295

what's the great filter of blender?

Anonymous No. 995303

Rigging. Shit UV unwrapping. Limited as fuck shaders.

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cooked so hard.webm

Anonymous No. 995305

this goes unimaginably hard. I can't stop fucking cooking. Someone stop me. You can't stop me.

Anonymous No. 995307


Anonymous No. 995310

Up close, yeah. When you have hundreds of faces, not always obvious.

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Anonymous No. 995311

A complete noob here. So, I’ve been tinkering with modeling by myself, trying to figure out things after the donut tutorial and few others. Now I want to get into texturing, nodes and animation more. Any YouTube channels you’d recommend?

Oh, and there’s a Blender tutorial bundle sold on Humble Bundle right now. Is it worth buying?

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Anonymous No. 995337

Anyone knows, how to get a proper Top Down projection in Blender? Ive found some guides, and, while it works for some objects, it is clear that the method is wrong, if you render a sphere.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 995344

How about you attach a picture of the problem nerd?

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Anonymous No. 995347

Before looking at pic, read this:
what you posted is just a orto view. Proper top down has it like this - for a cube, its a proper square from the front, and from the top, so it would take 2 cells in a grid. But, with a sphere, its uh....

Anonymous No. 995372

If pic related is yours, don't use any tutorials and keep doing whatever the fuck it is you're doing. It's working.
Learning how to do things "properly" will only ruin this look in this case.

Anonymous No. 995380

blessed sovl
never buy courses or addoms, they are almost always overpriced or a scam. people post free shit on this board all the time, just ask around if something interests you.

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Anonymous No. 995425

How can I get these converging lines like pic related, but in all 3 axes (XYZ) instead of just 2? I'm trying to make a shader that has lines that converge at a designated point. End goal is to kinda fake volumetrics like you'd see from a movie projector, lines coming from the screen back to the projection source. Ideally, I want this source to be able to move separately to the destination, and the lines still converge at that point.
Not really interested in GN solutions, trying to keep it shader based.

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Anonymous No. 995427


Anonymous No. 995429

I still don't know why modeling clay is so easy, but "sculpting" virtually is so hard.

Anonymous No. 995431

Because you can "do more" with your fingers and hands than you can with a pen. That tactile nature of a physical medium is still something missing from digital sculpting.
People can do great things digitally, don't get me wrong, but for some people that barrier between digital and reality is hard to overcome. Kinda the same how someone can draw on paper really well, but struggles a bit when drawing on a digital tablet. There's a bit more nuance of paper and pencil that digital still hasn't quite gotten past. Or maybe they have, I haven't gotten a new tablet in years, so maybe there's some really great feeling ones now.

Anonymous No. 995438

the exact opposite for me. clay is a pain just with how you can try to flatten one side but it will make the other side larger, and how you need an armature for anything bigger than a walnut
plus it gets covered in dust and hair, it's expensive (or at least more expensive than being free like blender), hard to color, have to have a good camera and lighting setup for pictures, the list goes on

Anonymous No. 995440

NTA but iPad Pros with the apple pencil is insanely good for drawing. It's weird because the screen is a perfectly smooth glass surface, but for some reason it feels just as easy as drawing on paper.

Anonymous No. 995496

I mean that's nice, but I'm a bit wary about spending several grand on a piece of Apple tech just for a digital pen experience that may or may not actually feel better.
Rather just draw on paper and scan it at that point. Or spend the money buying a fuckhuge Cintiq.

Anonymous No. 995501

Is there a way to convert mesh/curves into bones? would make certain rigging needs a lot easier. if not I'm sure I can pay a coder to figure a script out for it

Anonymous No. 995506

Yeah, if it's just an edge (i.e. a line of verts), you can create an armature from that using the skin modifier (there's a handy button for it).
Obviously it'll probably shit the bed if you have faces and the like, but connected verts are no issue.

Anonymous No. 995514

is it possible to make an hdri in eevee? camera option isn't there unless i go to cycles, do i need an addon or something. 4.2

Anonymous No. 995519

Eevee can't do equirectangular camera projections. Use Cycles, or do some retarded setup in Eevee where you rotate the camera and render a bunch of images to stitch together a panorama.

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Anonymous No. 995573

For some reason, my guy's gloves do are not visible when I switch to rendered view. How can I fix this?

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Anonymous No. 995579

try these toggles

Anonymous No. 995581

Why is Blender so fucking slow compared to something like a game engine? I mean you can import a textured stage + characters from a game and it will take multiple seconds to load after posing one of those character's bones or doing any other little thing. If the characters are all animated (say you're ripping a cutscene) it bloats up to 16+GB RAM usage and plays their anims at like 0.1FPS in the viewport. Even if I use viewport shading it's not much faster.

How does the same scene run at 100+ frames per SECOND in the game while every character is running full body animations with may more light sources (plus all these VFX, SFX and physics blender's not even using) and it's still visually better looking than EEVEE? Is this the power of Python?

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Anonymous No. 995582

Had a bad day at work? Somebody shitting on you irl and you couldn't fight back?
But nah, wrong guess whoreson, turns out the hands were rendering fine, I just couldn't see them in render mode because they were dark grey in a grey background.

Anonymous No. 995585

that's why modeling in blender then exporting to unreal to render is the superior workflow

Anonymous No. 995587

You know, the weird thing to me is how rendering an animated blend gives you 1 million pages that you need to feed back into video editing rather than just give you an mp4 or whatever out of the box.
Like what is the benefit? You can just as easily go frame by frame off the video player or just choose to render one specific frame.

Anonymous No. 995614

anon... have you ever looked at the render output tab? you can... control these things...

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Anonymous No. 995616

I imported this skeletal mesh(.fbx) i made like 8 years ago in maya because i wanted to move the root bone. When I import it the bones are all disconnected, after going through 1 by 1 clicking connect they look like they have been in a horrible accident... But in unreal engine they are connected and look totally fine

Am I just retarded or is it fucked beyond repair, is there something I can do?

Anonymous No. 995628

Does anyone know if the cgcookie updated CORE (that uses 4.1) course pack has been pirated?
I liked the original set of courses because it was a succinct yet in-depth explanation of all of blender tools (from the basics to shading and rigging), but the old version of the course pack is seriously outdated. They use 2.8 which lacks lots of the new features of 4.1 has and has options that were already removed.
I don't have a cgpeers account and can't find a single torrent of it in any public tracker.

Anonymous No. 995633

I see barely anything new about Blender online.
Was it just the WFH Coromeme bubble that burst?
Lots was happening and now for almost a year it's like radio silence

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Anonymous No. 995634

hello. i started using blender yesterday. how do you guys start your sculpts? i started with a sphere. also when making bodies, do use a different mesh for each body part? thanks!

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Anonymous No. 995636

more of my work. ive never tried making 3d before so anything helps.

Anonymous No. 995638

i'm still a beginner and learning and wanted to know if the bottom navigation key is useful? My key died because of some water droplets and was wondering if it would impact anything?

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Anonymous No. 995651

I fixed it, had to check connect and arrange bones boxes when importing lol

Anonymous No. 995653

you can't use the compositor inside blender's video edior?
lmao even

Anonymous No. 995660

As in live? Or in general?
The compositor absolutely works when you render via the VSE.
Live, no.

Anonymous No. 995662

yeah I completely forgot that up until recently you needed to render/update the composite view if you wanted to see the result and apparently the video editor is still not hooked up to the new realtime compositor.

I simply wanted to chroma key something over another video strip. in the end I achieved this by importing the green screen video as movie clip, composited it, rendered it and then piped that in as scene strip into a different scene where I did the actual video editing. in the future I'll probably use resolve for that. it felt like a real ugly hackjob.

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Anonymous No. 995743

I love cats.

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Anonymous No. 995747

>the fuck did you just say about me bitch

Anonymous No. 995748

clay is volumetric and has an infinite "surface" down to the molecular level, but 3d models are like balloons

Anonymous No. 995751

i genuinely want to kill myself

Anonymous No. 995754

Yep, Blender'll do that to a man.

Anonymous No. 995757

it's not easy to sexualize that cat

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Anonymous No. 995788

Anons i have a question:
Is it possible for my mesh to look different depending the blender version if i replicate the EXACT SAME STEPTS? (Don't answer without read the rest of the post, it adds important context).
I am following a tutorial and i and pretty much copying every single action, even moving vertices by the numbers in the tutorial.
My mesh is, if i had to make up a estimate, 95% the same as the tutorial.
The only different parts of the mesh are the edges marked sharp.
The tutorial blender version is probably 2.8-3.x and i am using 4.x. When i use subdivision modifier and shade smooth some of my edges are marked sharp, and look different than in the tutorial. If i remove the marked sharp the mesh doesn't resemble the tutorial.

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Anonymous No. 995828

mark sharp or edge crease?
iirc these settings didn't used to be hidden in a dropdown panel, maybe the defaults are different

Anonymous No. 995840

In the VSE, I have multiple Text clips on the timeline. I need to transform them on the Y axis, all the same amount. I don't see how to edit multiple clips at once. I can select multiple ones, but the orange outlined ones don't change, just the white outlined one changes.

Anonymous No. 995841

Could you group them into a meta clip (ctrl+G) and move them that way?

Anonymous No. 995850

question, lets say i download a model and that comes with a texture and its set of uv maps right and the model has a coat and i want to steal the coat, so i want just the uv map part of the coat so i uv unwrap it so i get a new uv map for it with, is it possible to have blender update the old image to the new locations? or do i have to redraw it and manually fix it?

Anonymous No. 995855

in a blender discord with this furfag. he posts his slop daily and asks for feedback. animation, modeling, rigging, shading, geo nodes, scripts, you name it and he wants your help with it. most of the time it's just porn though, despite being sfw server. upon receiving feedback, he tries to dispute literally everything. it's a stylistic choice, it's part of my artstyle, but the reference had it that way, sorry I can't post the reference though you just have to believe me. then bitches and moans because his stuff is shit and he's not improving and no one gives him good feedback

don't be like this anons please it's an easy trap to fall into you will never make it like this

Anonymous No. 995857

thanks, it works, with sidebar transform (changing position y to move it down).

g also works in Preview.

Anonymous No. 995859

If I un metastrip them, only one stays where I put it. ofc I'll just keep them grouped, but any idea if I can "bake in" the positions, so they stay after unmetastriping?

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Anonymous No. 995863

Lol, that's basically what one of the reference images looked like.
Why would you do that?

Anonymous No. 995864

>any idea if I can "bake in" the positions, so they stay after unmetastriping?
Aside from moving each into position manually? Nah.
If they all have EXACTLY the same position, you can just select all of em, make sure one is active (and in position) then right click the XY position value and hit "copy to selected" (or enter the text box and hit alt+enter).
Obviously that's only really useful if all the text is in the same position, and not relatively the same area.

Anonymous No. 995962

is it possible to toon shade a volume?

Anonymous No. 995965

any ideas as to why >>995960 is happening?

Anonymous No. 995966

render properties > color management > view transform > standard

Anonymous No. 995967


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Anonymous No. 996066

found this cool script while searching for how to copy constraints with flipped suffixes, its the third one down on the page as the others will copy but with flipped influences although i had to delete some lines to make it work, i dont actually know anything about coding so i cant exactly say why it works with those deleted lines except that the first section seemed unnecessary and the last elif ones were flipping influences for some types of constraints, now it copies exact for all.

helped me save time so i thought id share

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Anonymous No. 996120

My gengar sadly ended up looking like a bogdanoff

Anonymous No. 996122

actually, just found out if you delete the opposite bone and just select it and symmetrize it again, it will copy the constraints with all the flipped suffixes, cool to know guess

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Anonymous No. 996271

I've always wondered, why does blender's Y axis face towards you in front mode while goes to your sides. Is it a 3d modeling standard for axis to go this way?

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Anonymous No. 996275

I'm learning from the course an Anon shared earlier and it looks like the newest version of blender no longer has the preserve face sets option for remesh. Is that a huge problem? I'm always a little wary when a tutorial references a feature that is no longer available or has been implemented differently.

Anonymous No. 996277

It is included with 'Attributes'

Anonymous No. 996327

How important are paid add ons for blender? Can I comfortably achieve good results with just the stuff that comes preinstalled?

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Anonymous No. 996370

A recreation of an accident. so, other than undo, how do i fix BS like this? How do i get that cube to NOT BE IN COLLECTION?

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Anonymous No. 996385

I'm trying to recreate this picture and I'm struggling getting the circle parts a smooth bevel against the wall like it has here

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Anonymous No. 996388

Right click > Unlink works on my machine.
4.2.2 btw

Anonymous No. 996402

Yes, always learn native tools before even considering paid addons. 99% of addons are preset bundles or convenience/speed tools for the functionality that already exists in vanilla.
Explain and show why you are struggling and what is not working if you actually want help

Anonymous No. 996417

Quadremesher is the only paid addon I'd consider essential, but only if you do a lot of sculpting, it's not something you need to concern yourself right now

Anonymous No. 996461

can someone help this brainlet find the lightwrangler addon, i dont wanna pay

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Anonymous No. 996507

is there a way to get a shadeless eevee material to multiply/darken the colors "beneath" it, like an adjustment layer in photoshop?

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Anonymous No. 996573

Transparent BSDF with a color does something similar, make sure you set the render method to blended in the material settings.

Anonymous No. 996655

Paid addons are largely a scam. They make you buy into them for the dev's specific, proprietary workflow, and unless the dev keeps updating it it's gonna be obsolete the moment the next Blender version rolls around.
Not to mention that most of them are just shortcuts to do shit you already could, or complete reworks of the program's workflow that are so retarded why use it in the first place.

Anonymous No. 996682


Anonymous No. 996691

the guitar and diving board examples looked great
god i hate space switching so fucking much

Anonymous No. 996713

That's great insight, just from doing these tutorials, a I've often run into the teacher referencing tools that have been reintegrated in some way by default. This is just from guides a few years old. I can see how my process could fall apart the second an add on gets left behind by the updates.

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Anonymous No. 996825

I finished it anon. I finished all of it.
Thanks for the free education (stolen). Are you going to get the next one where he does the rigify tutorial?

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Anonymous No. 996869

Is there a way to have a blend between the BW and color transition? I tried googling around but Im probably using the wrong words.

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Anonymous No. 996889

Use a Box Mask and blur it.

Anonymous No. 996910

I've done two tutorials that involve robots and both of them use mechanical rigging instead of bones. I can see the benefits, but is this the industry standard?

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Anonymous No. 996928

I know that boolean is blender's equivalent of illustrator's pathfinder tool, but does blender also have an equivalent to the align tool?
not all shapes will always be the same like this example, but I'd like a way to make sure that space is equally distributed between multiple objects.

Anonymous No. 996931

I came back to this and figured it out by creating a Rigid Body World and baking physics. But now its not letting me pose the model with IK anymore and I cant seem to delete the bake with any of the expected buttons. It just keeps showing the physics when I move up the timeline. How the fuck do I delete this stupid physics bake, it's like permanent? Why am I not allowed to move the hand IK anymore in pose mode?

Anonymous No. 996956

It's a fuckin joke that there isn't.
Apparently the Oscuarts plugin has it (comes with Blender I think), but I've never gotten it to work.
That being said, this one actually does work.
It doesn't work in edit mode, but that's an entirely different can of worms when you think about it. Since you're dealing with individual verts and not an entire object that's like a "container" for them.

Anonymous No. 996988


Anonymous No. 997071

is there some fucking retarded hotkey that says "disable move with gizmo" for rigify meshes that I accidentally pressed? This has happened again now, my only solution is to revert from an auto-save. I suddenly can't move my rigify bones and there's nothing that I can think of that I did to break it. They will rotate but not move, they just act like I didn't even try. They will move if I manually type in a new position though. Please help me
I mean rigify like this: >>994384

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Anonymous No. 997074

What causes Models to blow up like that?

Anonymous No. 997075

Never mind, these are giant bones. The models themselves are fine.

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Anonymous No. 997084

working on a toon shader, how do I add noise to the transition areas? followed some shit on youtube and I like it but would be nice to make the transition between colors not quite so sharp

Anonymous No. 997087

late reply but nice one. afaik the rigify tutorial part isn't out yet, but yeah if it releases and this thread is still up I'll upload it

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Anonymous No. 997088

what's going on here? I'm trying to replicate the N64 look but it keeps giving me these white outlines, and the only way to get it to work on a mesh (plane) is with the principled BSDF while in Cycles, and that fucks the colors up and has this weird fuzziness around the border, regardless of blend mode

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Anonymous No. 997091

fiddle with the "multiply" and "screen" color ramps maybe, change constant to ease or cardinal

Anonymous No. 997092

not too sure tho, im a retard

Anonymous No. 997095

figured it out actually, needed a mix node.

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Anonymous No. 997096

forgot pic. thanks anon

Anonymous No. 997104

Overlay blending mode is the fuckin shit for stuff like that.
Use noise or something, set it to overlay and it'll eat away at the transition.
It's the bee's knees.

Anonymous No. 997306

4.3 is looking good, some internal sculpting improvements too

Anonymous No. 997412

how do eeveecucks not want to kill themselves every day

Anonymous No. 997640

Is there a way to move vertices on a mesh only inside a modifier that you can turn on/off? Or delete them?

I have been duplicating the whole mesh then deleting or moving verts on the copy so I can hide/unhide which version I want, but it seems wasteful and cluttered to do that. In 3dsmax I would use the 'Edit Poly' modifier to do this

Anonymous No. 997667

shape keys maybe?

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Anonymous No. 997700

hey guys I made this after a month of using blender for the first time I'm stuck and want to get better any advice also eyes are hard to sculpt

Anonymous No. 997878

I've heard that Blender default matcaps are shit compared to Zbrush, but I don't know what a good matcap looks like

Anonymous No. 997896

what i did to improve was to place a grid over the face, and create a grid object in blender and place it over the face im working on to use as a guide, but this kind of requires a perfect portrait picture and side profile, works for the body too, i will measure the arms and legs and comparing it to the head/torso and use that ratio to make correct length arms/legs/hand sizes/ feet, etc...

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Anonymous No. 997905

woah that sounds like a great exercise could you post a demonstration i never thought about using grids because you have to orbit move and rotate the model constantly

are matcaps in blender accurate i want to study light and form using them but it seems like they don't produce any cast shadows ?

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Anonymous No. 997911

literally just a plane on the front of the face and the side of the head, place the edges where you roughly feel like the edges are. cut the plane in half over and over again and things kind of just fall into their own squares and will line up with something

I also created another transparent grid in another paint type program, and import it into PurRef and just drag it over the faces i was referencing and adjust it as you need, its not perfect but helps a lot. Now that i think about it, you could probably just have a square, it wont fit the face perfectly but as long as its a square in both blender and PurRef and you dont accidentally stretch it into a rectangle it should always show correct ratios, that might be easier than what i did which was to make sure the top and side had the same ratio when divided

the lines in the back is the same thing but for the whole body

Anonymous No. 997940

That Chris Jones guy has some nice rigs and base meshes but everything else he does is really mid despite all the time he puts into it. Just scan some people bro, your textures look like upscaled PS3 shit, your muscle 'sim' is ass and your grasp of anatomy is tenuous

Anonymous No. 997943

You're using proportion guides, that's smart for a beginner

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Anonymous No. 998036

where could i find architecture focused tutos or courses for blender hard surface liek picrel?

Anonymous No. 998037

closest I can think of is this

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Anonymous No. 998106

noob here. Im trying to texture paint the torso so I can have a good idea of where to place tattoos for the final texture. For some reason, blender is letting me texture paint everything BUT the torso
the arms and torso are two different materials but Im still unsure why the torso cant be painted
any ideas?

Anonymous No. 998107

also the arm and torso materials are still functionally the same which is why Im confused. the same shader settings and everything. just different image textures for the diffuse and normals

Anonymous No. 998113

check vertex groups maybe? theres not some sort of locked group preventing that part to be painted?

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Anonymous No. 998153

why does blender keep doing this retarded shit when i just want to connect a simple curved right angle edgeloop? Ive been stuck on this for hours.

Anonymous No. 998167

how do you fuck up this badly? are you using bridge edge loop?

Anonymous No. 998171

>are you using bridge edge loop?
yes. Selecting both edge loops, right click, bridge edgeloops, then increasing the number of cuts. Is this some buggy bullshit exclusive to me or what?

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Anonymous No. 998204

it looks like you fucked with the profile factor? don't do that, change smoothness instead

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Anonymous No. 998332

What is the best way to use Cycles? I want it to be reasonably fast (for cycles) and look good. The renderer denoiser looks like pure shit, it's like an upscaled AI image.

So I've been using a Denoise node in the compositor to blend the denoised image with the noisy one, so there is still some detail.
My problem is the denoise node is so fucking slow, I need to have it always unlinked unless I'm actively saving my render. Otherwise it slows my Blender down like I am at 100% ram usage, viewport chugging at literally 1fps. Is there a better way?

Anonymous No. 998358

has anybody made any addons that actually lets you physically paint vertex normals, similar to what substance painter does with height, ect.
im so fucking tired of manually rotating normals.

Anonymous No. 998373

just in case you want to participate here is the official blender survey 2024, I suppose for the blender conference next week.

Anonymous No. 998392

time to naively believe that your vote matters, please select sculpting as the area they should focus on for development
that multires modifier needs to support vertex colors already

Anonymous No. 998400

They are working on the multires now but no in the color support.
You have that guy in blender artist obsessed with SDF, that will win most likely.

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Anonymous No. 998401

is there some kind of weight painting or vertex modifier voodoo guide out there I can follow to stop puffy shoulders on jackets/shirts from getting fucked up when moving the arms of rigs

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Anonymous No. 998402

preserve volume in the armature modifier + corrective smooth maybe
could use two armature modifiers with vertex groups to mask volume preservation, and a vertex group for the corrective smooth to limit the effect

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Anonymous No. 998407

My fingers are bending sideways in auto rig pro. changing the bone rotation in edit mode doesnt fix it.

Anonymous No. 998416

well, any improvement is welcome
SDF is such a meme though

Anonymous No. 998432

Well think of it this way, if you were wearing such a jacket, would you really lift your arm up that high?
Probably not.
That being said, if you did, it's more likely that the whole jacket would probably shift upwards if the material is stiff enough,

Anonymous No. 998433

>SDF is such a meme though
should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 998456

is there a method or maybe even a paid addon that can customize the weight/influence of a bone before parenting, so that it will have less influence than surrounding bones after parenting?

Anonymous No. 998642

Does anyone have any guides on how to make a game model with mostly just normal maps and diffuse maps look really good in blender materials? I look up lots of guides on how to make good skin shaders and they all start off expecting you have displacement maps and height maps and all these things, or they start off with nothing and show you how to generate all of them

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Anonymous No. 998724

It doesn't matter what I do it just does this same retarded shit. Looking at my search history ive followed about 6 different tutorials about this and for them it all connects as a smooth 90 degree curve. Nobody on stack exchange knows what the fuck is going on. Reddit just removes my post because im not a Redditor and dont have enough cuck karma. It seems to be only me who has this issue. Is it my blender? Is it a bug? Maybe I should reinstall blender. Iv'e been trying to figure this out for 4 days and it's really fucking pissing me off. Thanks for your help though.

Can anyone help with this?

Anonymous No. 998727

is it possible you have some duplicate vertices on top of each other fucking it up? try
>merge by distance
see if it gets rid of any verts

Anonymous No. 998728

before reinstalling blender try doing the operation in a fresh new file, and if it works in the new file append the objects to the new files
that's a common solution if you've accidentally enabled a setting in current file and you can't figure it out

Anonymous No. 998729

after all that I figured out that it's because I didnt apply the scale on the two objects. Many such cases. As you were.

Anonymous No. 998730

well, it happens to everyone a couple times

Anonymous No. 998743

idk if this is a better thread to ask for help but could anyone help me with

Anonymous No. 998746

didnt accidentally turn them off in renders?

Anonymous No. 998748

nah, all enabled

Anonymous No. 998759

can you transfer settings from one light to the other like you can do with objects? maybe theres something turned off? or copy and paste the working one to the locations of the others and delete the others? idk

Anonymous No. 998836
