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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295623

Is the idea of infinity flawed? I feel like saying the universe has always existed or that a black hole has infinite density is similar to saying that things are as they are because God created them. I think assigning infinity as a value to measure something that we can't fully comprehend or have the ability to measure yet is an easy way out for the human brain, similiar to using religion to explain away all the mysteries of the universe and existence.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295522
Outdated teachers that could already be replaced with Youtube videos insist on DEI over merit no matter how much they know they are creating an incompetent workforce and I know exactly why. It is because fraud is everything these people are. They are fake humans and don’t even care a little bit about what is correct or incorrect. It’s only about conforming to the newest fad ideology, which is usually just verbal vomit. At what point do we stop trying to help them think critically and just force them to conform to the truth by manipulating and verbally abusing the shit of out them just as they do to us when they refuse to answer even a single fucking question honestly. We just let these faggots walk all over us, and they make it right to the top of all our schools and universities through intimidation. We are giant pussies when it comes to saying anything about race.
Realistically, can we develop a system using probability and statistics to predict their personalities? Where can I find statistical methods to apply to public figures based on the words they speak? Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds and keep them out of STEM?

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🧵 Psycholinguistics and phonosemantics

Anonymous No. 16295487

>The name "Chad" sounds like "Dad," one of the earliest words we learn, imbued with the highest status of authority and respect. This subconscious link makes Chads naturally socialized better, automatically treated with respect and given opportunities by their peers and superiors. If your parents name you Chad (or any other name ending in the suffix -ad, e.g. Tad, Brad, Shad), you're predestined to have an easy life.
Any other names like this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295469

can y’all tell me how this shit works? i don’t get it
I had a surgery a week ago and i had to go under for about 6 hours.
i remember a them putting a mask thing over my face and then feeling a tingly feeling across my body then …. thats it. i was out. and then i woke up super groggy. how tf does it just turn my brain off??? i didn’t like the tingly feeling it was spicy

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295419

How do I learn logic?

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🧵 I hate p-adic numbers

Anonymous No. 16295400

All the proofs are 3 lines maximum and say the most obtuse shit in existence.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295352

We are about to enter a timeline where mass space exploration is inevitable.

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🗑️ 🧵 uh, science?

Anonymous No. 16295309

You good there, science?

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🗑️ 🧵 You should be able to solve this

Anonymous No. 16295264

>go to /biz/
>Ask chapter 3 tier question >>>/biz/58779170
>Expected these conissuers of finance to have no problem with this question
>Get absolute DOGSHIT feedback
Now's your chance to prove that big brain of yours is worth something real, tangible, and not manifold apples
>Textbook question
Suppose you are Goldman Sachs and are approached by a mining company that wants to sell you a large amount of gold in 1 year at a fixed price. How do you set the price and then hedge your risk?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295258

Do you look like a scientist?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295241

I faked the data on my Master's thesis and got it published.

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WhatsApp Image 20....jpg

🧵 Can you guys help me?

Anonymous No. 16295230

I’ve been wondering how many possible coherent (basically names containing actual words with meanings) steam games names can there possibly be. I’ve heard that the character limit is 32 but I’m not sure and, if possible, do it in every steam compatible language. I would appreciated if you can do it and if you can’t, thanks anyways.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295201


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295196

I wanna learn about electronics what books or courses do u recommend

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295145

Why isn't any country or organization trying to land a person on Mars?

It shouldn't be that much more difficult than landing a person on the moon, right?

Just scaling up that operation, dealing with the longer journey and slightly different physics/gravity requirements. Dealing with a thin atmosphere.

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🧵 Quantum explained by prophet

Anonymous No. 16295114

Next part:
Positrons can easily be seen to be photons. Light is already electromagnetism like gamma rays.

Gamma radiation from fusion is slowed to photon light on its way from the sun to the earth. Gamma radiation is a positron with more spin

Big oversight missed in science.
Everything is kinetics - momentum / charge force are sort of it. Spin is left out of the model.

Water’s adhesions/cohesion comes from having a dipole and spinning on an its horizontal axis to create a magnetic field and so clumping up to make a neutral charge

How to harness light energy:
In a pitch dark room - no light for 3+ hours - activate a strong magnet and light a strong flare. The brighter the better.

Tape a wire to the magnet to flow antivolts into a circuit.

Light escapes into air - wired crystal can amplify or capture.

Light energy is the name because positive electricity / current is confusing due to electric charge and conventions from the past.

Things missing from standard model that make it simple: positrons + spin. Simple stacks.

Radiation/decay is a result of unstable spinning atoms.

@simrnne heaven gets a little easier to crack into too w/ reincarnation on page

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295072

What creates the force that causes cars to turn when their front wheels turn?
Is it because most steering systems rotate the wheels off center which causes the friction force created by the rotated wheels to be offset from it's center of mass, thus making it rotate??? Imagine a tricyle with the axis used to steer perfectly perpendicular to the ground can it steer or will steering merely slow it down (given that the steering axis of this vehicle cannot bend)?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16295071

Any EPFL chads here? I'm coming in September bros

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🧵 mental rotation

Anonymous No. 16295030

why are men better at this than women?
is it biological reasons or because of systemic reasons?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

B00T No. 16295022

Do numbers such as the number 2, have personality or a person. Is there 'thee' 2, whatever concept that may be?

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🧵 Impossible Colours

Anonymous No. 16294990

New impossible colours in the spectrum

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294977

there is so much anti-italian content on this website it just seems completely inorganic. I know that jews have a deep hatred for us because of history thats at least a few thousand years old. is that it? is it just kike shilling? or is it some other butthurt weirdo making all this shit? the world is burning and there are so many groups directly contributing to that way more than italians. I don't get it.

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🧵 Undergraduate Category Theory

Anonymous No. 16294829

Hello does anyone have recommendations to learn mathematics from top to bottom?
I'd like to start with the most abstract stuff first so that I can then distill everything else from it later by adding the details.
I was reading through categories and sheaves but it's kinda hard... Maybe I should start with a proof book?
Thank you /sci/

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294818

Is there hard evidence that we live in a simulation?